#also you KNOW rhaella is a proud granny and makes all her friends read rhaes books at book club
tweedfrog · 2 years
I saw you mention gsnk and Rhaenys in the tags of a post and now I’m thinking about a modern au where she’s a mystery/thriller writer whose editor tells her she needs to improve on her romance. Given her parents fraught marriage Rhaenys doesn’t have much faith in love (even though Elia is happily married to Baelor now she still can’t shake she still can’t shake the negative feelings because almost every other relationship she’s been witness to has been a mess—Rhaegar and Lyanna, Aerys and Rhaella, even Doran and Mellario). However experience is the best teacher so she very pragmatically decides to try dating for convenience.
Insert character of choice (personally I lean towards Willas but Robb is excellent as well) who is a big fan (of Rhaenys’s pseudonym). Both of them run in the same society circles and are getting pressure from family or society to date/settle down.
Other fun tidbits— love interest’s sister is a huge fan and does not believe their brother scored THAT well, Rhaenys always includes a Viserys like character who dies gruesomely in every book because he finds that exceptionally amusing, Aegon and Jon’s friends love Rhaenys’s writing for its dark and bloody quality while also crushing hard on Rhaenys for being the epitome of feminine grace, Dany is basically a devil on her shoulder always chanting “more blood more blood more blood,” Baelor has no idea Rhaenys is a writer so is always staring at that section of Elia’s library full of books where bad husbands die horrifically and wondering if he made Elia mad recently, Rhaenys is forever calling up Oberyn with her “is this scientifically possible” questions, Rhaegar also doesn’t know Rhaenys is an author and never makes the connections between the bad husbands and himself.
LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! Write it anon!!!!
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