#also yosano and lucy???? my heart cannot
asingleflyingfuck · 10 months
Random BSD Headcanons bc I have thoughts and don’t feel like sorting them
I’m probably not going to elaborate in this post but probably in another or let me know if there are specific ones you want me to elaborate on
I’m starting with my trans headcanons bc of a tiktok and it’s all that’s been on my mind
Transfem Sigma is great and I love it but I raise you
Intersex Sigma
Thank you @/skyj80 on tiktok for this one
Also from video: Transmasc Kunikida
He gives off strong he/they energy
You know who else gives off he/they energy?
Also enby Ranpo
Specifically amab
Will probably elaborate on that one at some point
Also transfem Lucy and Kouyou
Transmasc Chuuya has my heart
Also genderfluid Dazai
Wouldn’t give a fuck about pronouns
I know I said I wouldn’t elaborate but I have to for one part of this
It’s like kind of related but could also not be
Dazai in dresses but can’t wear heels for shit
He’s like a baby deer trying to walk
Y’all see how he’s built
Chuuya on the other hand
Walks like a fucking pro
Moving on
I have it so they must have it
Kunikida (obvi)
Ranpo and Poe (tism4tism but opposite parts of the spectrum)
Speaking of Ranpo
I think Fukuzawa is allistic OR undiagnosed
Super supportive tho and does tons of research and asking Ranpo questions and for his opinion on things
Akutagawa but he masks
Like this man masks so fucking hard
Def elaborating later
Speaking of masking
Will also be elaborating
Probably won’t elaborate
Louisa. May. Alcott.
I cant think of any others rn but if I do they’ll be in an elaborated post
Moving on once again to just some general headcanons
Tecchou has ageusia aka loss of taste
You can’t tell me that man tastes the food combos he makes
Doesn’t explain the way he eats hard boiled eggs tho
Dazai has alexithymia
And chronic pain after Meursault
ALSO uses some sort of mobility aid and is really fucking stubborn about it
Chuuya has chronic pain from using corruption
Kunikida has chronic pain in his hands after getting them back
(psst. can you tell I have chronic pain?)
Fukuzawa acts like a dad to everyone but mainly in small ways
Hirotsu is like a dad to Black Lizard
Fukuzawa feeds the local stray cats
They’ll follow him around parts of the city if he’s nearby
Dazai sometimes feeds the cats with him but they don’t tend to follow him
Kunikida helps with ADA budgeting
He also gives math lessons to Kenji & Kyouka
He’ll tutor anyone who needs help, mainly Atsushi
Speaking of Atsushi
I think he likes Pokémon
Please don’t ask me to elaborate for I simply cannot give an explanation of any sort
Ranpo has 2 snack drawers in his desk
One that anyone can take out of with his permission (mainly Kenji, Kyouka, Atsushi, & Yosano. Fukuzawa can as well he just doesn’t)
The second is for him and him only
Dazai knows a shit ton of languages bc he got bored one day and decided to learn
Going off of this, Chuuya knows French so Dazai never bothered to learn it & just had Chuuya translate if it ever came up
Kyouka loves Sanrio & has assigned everyone in the agency a character
She also has everyone’s crepe orders memorized
Dazai & Ranpo do puzzle races to see who can complete them the fastest
Dazai & Junichiro teach Kenji, Atsushi, & Kyouka their favorite video games
That’s all for now bc it’s like 2am and I can’t think of anymore rn. Tho I’ll probably post another one like this when I do think of more.
I will most likely elaborate on the autistic headcanons and fukudad but let me know if there are any others I should elaborate on!!
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awkward-kouyou-blog · 5 years
Has anyone else seen the GORGEOUS pic of Queen Kouyou from the 3rd official anthology??? Because I did and I want to cry of my God she's so beautiful *sobs*. I love her so much ffs! 💜💜💜 - Bex 🌸
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linkspooky · 5 years
Who are your top five BSD characters?
I love to talk about  how much I love my faves. If you ever ask want to ask me who my faves are for a series feel free to send me an ask.
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1. Human Failure - Dazai Osamu
I like that he’s a bad person. I know I say this a lot, but I really do think stories are at their best when they allow characters to be bad people.. The narration itself never tries to make excuses for who Dazai is, or gloss over what he’s done in the name of making him look good. It just allows him to exist as is. Dazai is a total failure of a human being, but at the same time he’s more human than any of us. 
You get the sense that Dazai is an overgrown kid who just, never learned to deal with any of the things that adults learn to deal with as a result of growing up as a person. He views himself as this non-human thing and at first when he’s much younger means he thinks he can do whatever he want. 
There’s a lot of works in ficiton that attempt to correct the misery in “No Longer Human” Osamu Dazai’s final work, which to me is really a disrespectful response to the work itself. Like, Dazai wasn’t trying to comment on society, and he didn’t think he was more right than anybody else or saw through the lies of society. Dazai wasn’t trying to be miserable on purpose or like, meditate on human nature. 
I am writing a tired story for young readers,
not because I want to be different,
or because I am unconcerned with young readers’ tastes.
I write it rather because I know it will please them.
Young readers are tired and old themselves these days,
and my story can bring them no discomfort and no surprises.
It is a story for those who have lost hope.
No Longer Human is just this deeply honest and brutal work of his that stands on his own. People feel the need to make miserable things happy and correct them, but sometimes things are beautiful because they are miserable. Dazai himself as a character is like one of the only responses to No Longer Human that I’ve ever been able to digest, because it’s not trying to correct anything. 
Dazai is a bad person, but he’s still undeniably human he’s not something lesser or greater than human, and in his own way he is trying to live too. A lot of people forget the humanity of the work. 
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2. Old Sport - F Scott Fitzgerald
He shares the name with the author, but Fitzgerald is so obivously based off the main character of the author’s most famous work, the Great Gatsby. Gatsby is at the same time, a scathing critique of the false dreams we spend our entire lives working towards, but at the same time instead of condemning us for dreaming in the first place like a lot of critiques do, it instead reaffirms that humans wants to dream, that they live because they want to strive for something and that there’s still worth in that even if it ends up entirely in failure. 
Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter—tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther… . And then one fine morning—So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.
Gatsby sailed against the current, and it ended with him drowning and yet his efforts in life were not worthless. The book portrays that kind of complexity, that there are two sides to everything. 
“You can’t repeat the past.”“Why of course you can!”
And as a character Fitz embodies that complexity just as well. His goals are good, what else but family can you burn everything for? Yet at the same time, you see he goes the extra mile in trying to destroy everything around him for the sake of his goals. Just like Gatsby, his goals are inherently one impossible to achieve and two, self destructive. Yet, there’s something brilliant in watching how this man will not give up and will continually break himself against the currents trying to reach just a little bit farther.
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3. Ugly Girl - Lucy Maud Montgomery
Lucy is a character I like because she’s the introduction of how victims can be more grotesque and violent. They are not always people who beg to be saved the way Atsushi and Kyouka do. As the story advances, it becomes deeper and deeper in complexity especially when it comes to the issue of saving the orphans, and being on the side of helping people. It’s not always so noble a thing as Atsushi makes it seem to be, it is sometimes messy and even harmful.
What I likea bout Lucy is that nothing about her is straightforward. Trauma has made it possible that she cannot be straightforward or forthcoming with her own emotions in any way. Not only that but you can still see just like Atsushi the effects of being raised as an unwanted child in an orphanage have not worn off. She gets mad when Atsushi ignores her, because she feels at any moment he might abandon her. Her assumption is that people will not care, that they will fail her and Atsushi has to work against these assumptions. 
Ultimately what I like is that Lucy does not get saved, but rather starts to save herself. The reason that she’s on this list instead of characters I like for the same reasons is that she’s started to show the growth that Akutagawa really has the potential to show and I myself cannot wait until he hits. She’s started to grow for the sake of one boy who inspired her and related to her, and in the end it’s more like she was the one who saved Atsushi which led to one of the most beautiful moments in the second arc of the manga. 
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4. A Monster Without a Heart - Nikolai Goggol
Goggol is one of my favorite characters despite being only around for a few chapters at most. The ideas behind his character are so interesting and thematically rich. He’s a character who decides to live and die entirely based around the concept of freedom.
Due to that fact he’s far more insightful and clever than most of the characters in the manga. He’s the only person who can be on equal terms with Dostoevsky, rather than just being either a total sycophant, or someone mind controlled like the rest of his compatriots. That’s because Goggol as terrible as he is completely owns who he is as a person. 
His lines are some of the best in the series. The moment where he takes off his mask and reveals to Atsushi he’s not the villain of the story, but a human being completely aware of the harm he’s causing others just completely smashes Atsushi’s simple black and white values of good and evil he has been fighting with so far. It reminds the audience once more that this is a story about human beings. 
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5. Just a Normal Person- Edogawa Ranpo
Ranpo is here for two reasons. One my love of detective novels, and Ranpo exists as a tribute to those same novels so every plot he is involved in reads as a love letter to my favorite genre. The second is that Ranpo himself is so interesting a person, because he’s so clearly coded as someone neurodivergent and not able to fit in with a lot of society.
Yet, he’s the only case of such a character where I’ve seen them so humanized. Nobody ever treats Ranpo’s quirks as a burden, or pities him for them. It’s even right in Ranpo’s backstory that he was constantly targetted and taken advantage of because he was only specifically really smart at one thing and couldn’t fit into society otherwise, and the detective agency was made to give him a place to fit in. 
Ranpo is valued for who he is. Because of that he’s able to be completely self confident and know his worth. His cocky attitude comes from the fact that he’s somewhere where he’s accepted by others. Not only that but Ranpo is also the person who helps accept other people into the detective agency, as shown in the empathy he showed Yosano. Rampo’s on my faves not because he’s treated like an eccentric super genius, but how much the story empathizes that underneath his layers he really is just a normal person the same as everybody else.
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It’s one of my favorite quotes in the manga and it shows why I love humanizing work and human misery above all else. 
Your ability doesn’t matter. That sorrow has value. 
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