#also yes winry played a big role in it too
caesurables · 6 years
I remember reading this really long post shambala royai fanfic...i cant remember the author or the name anymore.
i think it started sometime after ed and al left to live in that other world..
then roy got this woman pregers and had to live with her in risembool (coincidentally right next door to winry’s o.o also, pinako’s dead by that time) and he has liek 5 kids?
anyways, time skip there was this 2nd ishvalan war thingy that happened then riza gets promoted to some higher rank (i cant remember lol she moved on anyways) then i cant remember why but she went to risembool to visit winry??
then she meets roy, they get into kind of an argument? then just before she leaves, they fuck. yeah you read that right.
then skip 9 months later, she goes back to investigate a case and lo and behold its about roy’s family!
so apparently she meets roy at winry’s house bc his got blown away...and she asks him for the details n shit and finds out that his kids weren’t actually his and he had an argument with his ‘wife’ before storming out of the house only to return and see it blown to bits...
well after that, she starts asking at the prime suspect (roy mentions the actual father of those kids and yeah he’s still brooding at that point i can never forget thathaha..lthats so 03 roy like)...anyways, the suspect is this blacksmith guy and she finds evidence of stuff in his house after an inspection and was gonna have him arrested n shit but otw back to her hotel (ikr a hotel? in rise,bool? lol but it was just like that so...yeah) so the hotel blew up right before her and she ended up hospitalized n shit
oh did i mention that the 9 month skip actually had a purpose? yeah she had a kid. (roy’s kid to be specific...and she wanted so badly to tell him while asking about the case n shit but..stuff happened and all) anyways, so she ends up in the hospital, roy (again) feels guilty, and he stays with her all day
okay so heres where it ends happy. so apparently gracia was babysitting for riza at the time and went woth her...(why didn’t she get caught up in the blast? well) she was out on a stroll with the baby and heard what happened.
so she goes in riza’s hospital room and sees roy asleep...and being frustrated with whats been going on with the two, she and winry came up with a plan
so just as roy was waking up, he sees gracia and the baby and was about to ask when gracia says its not hers and pointedly looks at riza’s sleeping form then says she’ll just go get some milk and asks roy to look after the kid while she’s away
anyways..thsi n that happens, then he realizes ‘hey this kid is mine’ after doing the math n all and then hears the door open only to see a bottle left by the door and goe to get it
then riza wakes, they talk, yaddiyadda then make up n stuff
time skip (but not really?) they find out the culprit was the dad of the blacksmith who didnt want his son to go away so he killed his mistress n kids by blowing up the house then upon realizing the military was gonna arrest his son as the prime suspect, he decided to blow up the hotel where riza was staying at since she was the one in charge of the case.
so yeah he gets arrested, roy gets together with riza, they marry, and happy ending!
p.s. the actual fic was wayyy better than this poor excuse of a summary btw but it was written years ago on ffnet and probably already deleted *sad love the drama though...
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zetalial · 6 years
FMA 03: Mothers
Ed and Al’s mother is very important to them and I really like how this show explores themes of motherhood in the show. Therefore I thought I’d write a post about it and the very different types of mothers we see. So, Edward and Alphonse loved their mother. But she dies. They try to bring her back with alchemy. It’s the premise of the story. 
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The story begins in Episode 3, aptly titled Mother. Trisha Elric is a lovely person,  taking care of the two boys alone because her husband has left. We see her as caring and encouraging, there to comfort the boys and their worries - she also lets them study alchemy. Trisha also clearly misses her husband but she never lets her fears show to her sons and indeed hides her illness from them. But first Winry’s parents both die, then Trisha falls deathly ill. Her death scene always hits me so hard. Ed and Al are left alone (save for Winry and Pinako who aren’t nearly enough for them). They can never get back what they’ve lost.
The brothers travel to Central and we meet Nina, who’s mother is also dead. She feels lonely in a big house with no other family save for her dad and they immediately connect with her. We also meet Gracia (and Hughes), a very positive example of a mother (and family in general). Ed, Al and Nina even get to watch her give birth. They’re still kids so they panic while Gracia is very patient and gracious with them, and she gives birth to Elysia. Ed says mothers are amazing, more incredible than alchemists - he sounds very sincere about it all. Overall Gracia seems very loving towards the brothers. But Gracia is one of the only (somewhat) happy stories we get.   
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Here’s a little boy crying over his dead mother’s corpse. (Thank you Hughes for taking Ed with you to this gruesome scene, it’s just what he needed...) And we’ve got the military here who are just too cold and impersonal to be caring and nurturing. After Nina’s death, Roy is especially cold and blunt (and unable to show how he cares about them). Ed is only 12 here and he doesn’t get to interact with any motherly figures for a while. Riza’s in the above scene of course, but she’s very definitely a soldier. Who else do they meet in their travels? Like Ed and Al, the Tringham brother have no parents, Psyren is a fake who pretends to play motherly figures for her own selfish ends.
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But then we meet Maria Ross! Unlike other soldiers, she doesn’t see Ed as a powerful prodigy, she’s sees him and Al as children caught up in a mess that’s far too big for them. She takes her duty of protecting them very seriously and is able to help Ed through his despair upon finding out the secrets of the philosopher’s stone. It’s clear she goes above and beyond her job for them, for instance arguing with both Ed and Hughes about getting the boys more protection - she’s doing her best to take care of them.
Hughes talks to Maria about the brothers; he notes that she doesn’t have kids of her own and how these kids may be young but they have the State’s future in their hands. As the Elrics are too stubborn to give up on their goals, he recommends protecting them as best as the can while still enabling them. Maria takes this message to heart. She rescues Ed in the Lab 5, at great personal risk. (Edward is out of control due to absorbing alchemical energy from the red stones and she calms him down with a hug.) It’s easy to miss but Ed actually mutters ‘mom?’ before he blacks out. It might well be the first hug he’s gotten in a long time. 
Now episode 24 tells this story of a pair of Ishvalan brothers whose mother died. The older brother is pretty angry and in denial about, finding it easier to believe she never loved them. Then when he’s presented with truth to the contrary, he breaks down crying, realising that she did love them, that she’d wanted to protect them but couldn’t and that she’s dead. It an interesting parallel with Ed who was also in denial about his mother’s death - not crying at her funeral but coldly declaring that they were going to bring her back. Even years later, Ed is still feeling her loss.
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Teacher Izumi. She trained Ed and Al after their mother died and she clearly cares deeply for them. She was very much a substitute mother to them. She’s anything but perfect though. Her methods of teaching are harsh, very harsh. She fails to convince them not to go through with human transmutation and they’ve been actively avoiding her for years. They do know she cares about them, but they’re also scared of her.
Izumi desperately wants to be a mother but her only child was stillborn and in her anger and despair, Izumi commits human transmutation. The creature she creates appears to be an abomination so she gives the child to the Gate. Upon Wrath’s introduction though, we see her caring, gentle side. But yet again, she decides Wrath is a monster and very nearly tries to kill him again. Wrath is angry and confused and finds a replacement mother figure in Sloth. Sloth is of course, the homunculus created by Ed and Al, which is fitting given that Wrath wants to steal Ed’s life. 
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Sloth completely rejects the idea of being a mother. She’s cold and apathetic. She hates the fact that she’s a homunculus with a false identity thrust upon her. She hates Ed and Al for creating her and wants to kill them to prove once and for all that she is not Trisha Elric. From there she can embrace who she actually is. Sloth was created from Ed’s inability to get over his mother’s death and she helps him to realise that Trisha is indeed gone for good, that Sloth can never be what he may have secretly wished her to be. Ed ultimately defeats her; Sloth demanded nothing less from them.
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Rose. She didn’t choose to be a mother. Ironically the people of Lior call her the Holy Mother and she became a symbol to them. She’s a strong person, horrifically violated but she moves on anyway, past the travesties inflicted on her. In the end, we see her living with Al and Winry in Risembool, raising her son. It’s a hopeful end.
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And finally, our main villain. She had a son long ago and when he died, Envy was created. She’s created other homunculi too and they follow her. But she’s a selfish person who manipulates the homunculi into following her whims, and her goal is to be young and beautiful forever, without regard for others. She could’ve been like a mother to the homunculi, naming them, taking care of them but she rejects this role. She frequently reminds the homunculi that they are not human, they don’t have proper feelings and, yes, she even tells Wrath that homunculi do not have mothers. Envy might be considered her son and he’s an angry hate-filled person who somehow still appears to care about others more than she does. She considers herself above the homunculi and above other mere humans. It is fitting then, that she dies to her own creation, Gluttony, who had lost all ability to care thanks to her.
So there we have it. FMA 03 has good mothers, dead mothers, kids without mothers, motherly figures, people who want to be good mothers, people who are forced into being mothers, people who reject the idea of being mothers. It’s all so very interesting in a story about two brothers who are really only children struggling to grow up and get over the death of their mother. I love all the different variants the show presents us with. None of these characters are perfect people, and pretty much all of them are in some way relateable. 
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sambart93 · 6 years
Fullmetal Alchemist Live Action Movie [Rant]
I finished FMA:B anime like LAST week so I am super sensitive and still on the FMA love boat train thing. And tbh I never had ANY intention of ever watching this movie, but after hearing my friend describe his experience with the movie (he's a NON-FMA-fan and knows absolultey nothing about it) and just not having a good time with it; I had to see it and see for myself just what was wrong with it. And boy-oh-boy, please leave if you were hoping I'd be pleasantly surprised.
It has the bear basics of the character background and the bear basics of the world etc. which is just enough that non-anime/manga fans can just about understand BUT so much is left out. It misses and skips so much of the characters, of the development, of the world. There's just enough missing that also, non-FMA-people will get completely lost and somewhat disengaged with the story too. They really don't establish the childhood-friendness with Winry, Al and Ed, it's super briefed over. The hints about Hommunculus and the reason why they're searching for the Philosopher's Stone is, again, very heavily glossed over compared to the anime. I understand it's only 133 minute film BUT you definitely could've cut some other parts (especially parts that aren't in the anime/manga) in order to flesh out the details and the important parts. Especially in terms of emotional impact.
In the movie version Tucker is protrayed pitiful rather than a bit-shit crazy evil man. So when his dark side comes out, it just looks like a sad, pitiful man and there's no real satisfaction from him being beaten by Ed.
Yamada's emotional performance just doesn't land. The scene about the chimera, you couldn't see much anger or the switch between being happy-to realising what's happened-to getting super fucking angry, and his voice isn't strong enough to portray both his anger and his pain. It just didn't have any emotional impact.
A BIG positive is the setting and the location and such. It's perfect and so nice!
I really hate how heavily CGI'd Al's armour and Ed's arm and leg are. I don't understand why they didn't just build very realistic looking armour, have black clothes underneath so a stuntman/body-actor could wear it as Al and Yamada could've just pwore the armour. I feel like they were actual props BUT you can tell they've put CGI OVER it and it just looked stupid. Japan is well-known for tokusatsu costumes and you could've easily gone 100% realistic with Al's armour and it would've looked GOOD.
They do change the story somewhat but not enough to not be faithful to the original material.
While I do love Atomu, since watching the anime (last week) and actually becoming a fan of FMA, I totally understand and I am now in agreement with my friend that they should've just had the original voice actor for Al in the movie rather than Atomu BUT I do understand in the END GAME why Atomu is needed.
Winry can eff off. I've never liked the actress who plays her and she's in this MORE than she is in the anime. I don't even like the character in the anime so the fact they extended her part somewhat in this just annoyed me.
I don't like Hawkeye's actress or look either. It's clearly a wig. Why couldn't the actress just grow and dye her own hair? It'd look better. But any, recast her please.
Casting I AM happy about: Hughes!!! They picked the perfect actor for him! Even without seeing him in costume, I could tell he was a good choice. BUT, and it's a big 'but', the entire casting in general is too old. They've casted everyone 10-20years older than the actual characters ages. And I totally understand WHY. You need these big names in order to get a big budget, in order to get a lot of funding - I KNOW why Yamada was casted; more for the money rather than for him actually suiting the role <<< lets all admit this okay. I get it. We all get how the movie industry works. Especially with this movie being filmed via Warner Brothers, it was definitely more about 'hire the big actors so we get more money to play with' rather than hiring better, more accurate, faithfully-aged actors. So for the most part I am not annoyed with who was casted because this is the business. It happens. Don't get me wrong, Yamada did alright and he does have the voice which is just nice to listen to. When he's explaining or speaking fast, Yamada sounds REALLY damn good. But I can just think of a few other actors who would've suited, looked and acted the role better (COUGH COUGH UEDA KEISUKE FOR STARTERS!). And like, I LOVE KANATA HONGO but NOT as Envy. No no no no no no no not a good choice. Appearance wise; yes he fits Envy; his looks bratty, his skinny and he's somewhat short but the way he plays Envy and his voice; just no. You'd have better look getting a young actress to play Envy. Yes, I did just say actress. Especially because Envy is supposed to be GENDERFLUID!
BUT in general, I do not like MOST of this casting. I can think of a billion other people who would've been better in the role of Ed (no offence Yamada), I can think of so many more people who would've been perfect for Mustang (he is my baby, they ruined him in the movie; wrong casting completely). BUT then my friend said 'but would they haven't wanted to do this movie?' to which I straight away said 'good point, they wouldn't have accepted the role' and in fact they probably weren't even offered the role because; as I keep saying BIG NAMES = MORE MORE.
Ooooohhhh they RUINED Hughes' death! They CHANGED who the hell killed him!! AGAIN how are they going to fix and work around this in the future movie(s)?!
OMG that is HILARIOUS!!! SO the scene right AFTER Hughes' death we get Atomu-ception! We have Atomu playing a soldier arresting Ed while he stands next to Al who he bloody voices AND the soldier himself have BLONDE hair and just omg... what the fuck?! WHY and HOW did you think that was a good idea Warner?! That's gunna fuck people up for the ending for those who DON'T know Atomu
OH! NOT ENOUGH SMALL JOKES! And to be honest, I don't even think Yamada is that short! I don't think we get enough shots with him standing next to or near other people in a wide shot and stuff for us to go 'OH HE SMOL!'.
ALSO; WHERE THE EFF IS SCAR?!?!!?! WHERE IS SCAR?!?!?!!? He's SO important in the story and you didn't bother to introduce him in the first movie?! His first few fights with Ed are AMAZING! WHY is he not here?! WHY is he not in the movie?!
OMMGGG my friend was right about how BAD CGI and stuff is for Gluttony's real mouth. And his WADDLING! OMG his WADDLING was so funny.
They focused WAY to much on making Mustang and Hawkeye a THING. In the anime, they stay VERY professional for the most part. We understand they have romantic feels for each other but in public 99% of the time (and even in private!) they stay completely professional and 'we have police of this country'-type stance.
And I got SO confused when Al started having a go at Ed for 'I'm not real am I' and I'm like 'bitch this part of the story doesn't happen for AGES!!! What the hell?!' Also Lab 5 was just trash in this movie. AND Al goes off only about an hour into the film; we BARELY know these characters. There was no emotional impact at all. Just nothing. We haven't spent enough time getting to know these characters for this scene to work and make people cry at this point.
Okay, kudos to Yamada for his scream acting when the Transmutation circle and the way to create Philosopher Stones are revealed. That was REALLY good.
WAIT WHAT?!?!? They revealed the ENTIRE soul army already?!?!?!!? That's not until like the LAST ten episodes of the anime! WTF.... Ohhh and the CGI for them is NOT good....
I am SO confused.... Mustang took the philosopher's stone out of Lust but that's not how you kill her!! You have to actually DESTROY the stone. If it's not destroyed by FMA RULES she's supposed to be able to reconstruct herself! WTF?! Why are they ignore this very important logic and basic rule?!
Whhhhyyyyyy did Ed use the stone?!?!? WHAT THE ACTUAL?!?! NOOOOO Ed you wtf?!?! That's not even canon!!!! WAAAAAAH?!?!
I wonder who they hired for Al's body... cos that DEFO isn't Atomu! << Again, how is this going to work if voice Al already looked this different to body Al?!
To be honest, FMA is too loved and too long for it to be a series of movies. If FMA was to get Live-Actioned it should've, right from the start, been a stage series. That's the only way they would've fit everything in and done justice to the story, and been able to do projection mapping and be able to go great action scenes using stunts and stunt equipment, and also in general, better and younger actors for the roles.
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hagarenmovie · 7 years
Paris Japan Expo Press Conference with Ryosuke Yamada, Tsubasa Honda, and Fumihiko Sori
T/N: There were two separate interviews from two different French media that was released after the Press Conference. The two article discussed different questions and answers, but we tried to compile both interviews together so all the information can be put into one post with the same flow of information.There were some new information here that we didn’t get from the Anime Expo press conference. So here you go! 
Present at the Japan Expo to talk about Fullmetal Alchemist, the director and the two main cast of the film answered some of our questions!
At the end of the year, more precisely in December 1st, fans of Fullmetal Alchemist will have the opportunity to rejoice because the live action film based on the phenomenal work of Hiromu Arakawa will be screened in Japanese cinemas. Edward, Alphonse, Winry, Roy Mustang and all the incredible characters that the author had imagined will come to life on the big screen. This film is directed by Fumihiko Sori (Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker), and stars Ryosuke Yamada and Tsubasa Honda who play Edward and Winry. Alphonse of course will be entirely interpreted in CGI. During the press conference, the French media had the chance to interview them about the movie.
Fullmetal Alchemist is a special manga, since there are several stories that can be adapted into a live action film. Was it obvious to follow the story of the manga rather than the first anime?
Yamada: There are many fans of the original story. This is why we were inspired to adapt the scenes from the original manga to film. Especially because this is also an opportunity to introduce the original manga to those who have not read it yet!
Were you aware that Fullmetal Alchemist had met with such great success in the world when you agreed to make the film?
Yamada: There was some film footage that we showed in Los Angeles and here in France, which we have not yet shown in Japan. But after seeing the reaction of French and American fans, we thought that this would definitely work in Japan too. We already knew that the manga was very well known all over the world, but it was only until we really came here and to Los Angeles that we really understood how popular it was.
Mr. Sori, how did you find yourself working on the project?
Sori: There are not many people in Japan who can play roles like Edward Elric, I immediately said that Yamada would be perfect for the role. There really was no complication about this. I discussed it with the author, Hiromu Arakawa, and we  both agreed on the cast. 
What is the biggest challenge in making a live action film about a work that has already been adapted into manga, movies and animated series, even video games? 
Sori: Actually, I thought that it was useless to do the same thing that was already done in the anime, so we tried to introduce a certain originality, not in the story, but in the visual aspect. And that was the most complicated thing to do. 
Mr Yamada and Miss Honda, how do you feel when you have to interpret characters as well-known as Ed and Winry? Was there a pressure in doing it?
Yamada: Oh yes! But neither of us wanted the roles to be given to anyone else, so we accepted it right away!
Honda: Especially, since we were already huge fans of the manga as well. So when we received the offer, we immediately said yes! 
What did you like the most about the manga then?
Yamada: For me, it's mostly the fact that in the manga, we see everyone fighting together to recover the body of Edward's little brother Alphonse, and we return to this subject every time. In other manga, we go directly to the end (of an arc complication), while in Fullmetal Alchemist, there is always, at some point, a trigger that will lead the story to another direction. For me, it's what I really like most about this manga.
Honda: As for me, it is the fact that history really holds the story, and all the characters, even the bad guys, have something good in them. I think that's really nice. And I really like each of the characters in this manga.
Mr Yamada, you seem to be doing a lot of running, jumping, and fighting throughout the course of the film. Your role is obviously very physical. How did you prepare yourself for that?
Yamada: Actually, I have enough confidence in my physical ability, because, with my band, I always sing and dance at the same time and perform other physical acts. So I'm used to doing anything that's physical. On the other hand, Edward is a very muscular person, so I had to do a lot of muscle training and pumped up my muscles to resemble him as close as possible.
You said you did all of your stunts yourself. Which was the most difficult one to perform?
Yamada: Actually, it's not really stunt work, but it's a scene where I have to fight Alphonse. In reality I wasn’t hitting anyone who is exactly two meters tall! So not only was it physically difficult but, in addition, I had to imagine the scene as well. It was an unforgettable experience!
Winry is a hyper and energetic character. How did you approach this character, Ms. Honda?
Honda: Well, actually, I am very cheerful and positive in real life, so it was not really complicated for me to build that role. And I think if Winry is not there, the story would have been really dark. So I did everything I could to bring a little optimism and light into the story! 
As for Edward, he’s a character that is very funny and easily gets irritated, but at the same time he’s also suffering. How did you approach those two polar sides of the character, Mr Yamada?
Yamada: Well, I think a character who is hyper expressive, like Edward, is easier to portray than a character whose thoughts are unknown. So I did not have much trouble preparing for this part of the role. 
Fullmetal Alchemist is a very complex work, with philosophical and almost metaphysical themes. What choices, or what sacrifices, did you have to make, Mr. Sori, when you had to make a two-hour film?
Sori: In the film, we put about a third of the original story. We had to take the essential elements of this first one-third of the manga and we tried to include them in the film little by little, scene by scene, the stories that are essential to the main plot. So it's true that it was quite difficult to do, but it was not a really troublesome element in making the film.
How do you tell a manga of more than 50 episodes in a single movie?
Sori: We can’t put everything into the movie. In the film, we put one-third of the main stories of the entire manga. This does not mean that there will be a "to be continued ..." ending, this film is a complete story (that ends with a conclusion). But if it turns out to be successful, we'd love to do more movies and tell the other two-thirds of the manga.
Are live action movies very popular in Japan?
Honda: Yes! Especially live action movies about manga that take place at school or tell stories of high school students.
Mr. Yamada, this is not your first live action movie. You have already starred in the adaptation of Assassination Classroom, another manga that involves special effects...
Yamada: You see the yellow character in Assassination Classroom? When we filmed the scenes with him, there was a mannequin covered with sensors moving around us. It was so much more easier to film than Fullmetal Alchemist! 
What was more difficult in Fullmetal Alchemist? Handling the green screens?
Yamada: Problems with green screens weren’t as much as handling Alphonse! His armor is entirely made with special effects, which made everything very complicated.
Honda: We were only told that Alphonse’s face will be at a certain height with his face as a sign and tells us “He’s here!”. And he was 2.2 meters tall, so we always had to look at an empty air.
Sori: At first I was a little worried for both of you. You had to speak to an empty space throughout the whole film! One of the most difficult scenes was the fight between Edward and Alphonse. The scene demanded a lot of emotion and moreover Yamada had to fight against an invisible opponent.
The author of the manga, Hiromu Arakawa, was impressed by the quality of the rendering of Alphonse, saying: "the surface of the armor reflects the surrounding landscape. To think that the whole film would be made with this quality of special effects really impressed me ... "
Sori: It took more than a year to process Alphonse in CGI, a first of its kind in Japan. It is the longest production period of special effects rendering for a Japanese film.
Did Hiromu Arakawa participate in the development of the script, or help you in any way to make the film?
Sori: No, Hiromu Arakawa was not involved at all in the making of the film. But on the other hand, she saw the film and was very happy about the outcome!
You were greeted by the screams of fans in France. For you, what explains the success of Fullmetal Alchemist?
Honda: The core of the story touches us all. The manga speaks about family, the fraternal bond between the two heroes, the abandonment of their father, and the death of their mother...
Yamada: It speaks about human beings, with so much philosophy behind it. For me, this is what makes Fullmetal Alchemist so unique.
In a manga, the reactions of the characters are often exaggerated, sometimes almost inhuman. How do you render reactions of the characters in the manga to the screen?
Yamada: We can’t recreate all the reactions from a manga character in a live action film. But I always have the manga in my pocket to inspire me for acting as Edward. One example that I try to include, in the manga Edward runs in a very unique way. A normal person doesn’t run like that. But I trained for hours to imitate that comical run of his. I think I succeeded!
You shot a part of the film in Italy. Can you tell me a bit more about how your experience was filming there?
Yamada: When I arrived in Italy, I was really surprised by the fact that the landscapes of the country really look like those from the manga! And when I arrived in Paris, I felt exactly the same thing the first time I came here. So if we have to make another film, I think that Paris could perfectly serve as our filming location.
Is there a moment during the shooting that really impressed you?
Honda: In Italy, there was no culture of having a Bento [lunch]. While in Japan, normally, when you have a shooting, there’s always bentos that are prepared for the actors. So, I was really surprised when I arrived on set in Italy and I saw that there was none! 
And finally, who is your favorite character in Fullmetal Alchemist?
Yamada: For me, it's Winry!                                                                                    
Honda: As for me, it's Edward!                                                                           
Sori: And I love when Winry and Edward are together (laughs)
Source: French media Melty & Le Monde
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nerbert · 8 years
This is like, months late I’m sorry please forgive me
This was a questions tag thing that went around like a month ago, and it’s been sitting in my drafts waiting for me to finish it
I forget the rules, and I think everyone has answered these already, so I’m not going to bother tagging more peoples, but if you haven’t done this yet, and want to, answer any 11 of these questions!
3 people tagged me, so this is long
@thecrazyexfangirl tagged me for these:
1. What are you studying or what is your profession? 
I’m studying economics! I’ll graduate with an honours undergrad degree next year, and then I want to complete a masters in economics, a masters in public policy, and a phD in economics, then spend my career writing macroeconomic policy for governments. Basically I want to run the world 
2. I read a lot of opinion about FMAB and FMA03 Mustang, but what is your opinion about FMAB and FMA03 Edward?
I have opinions, and I am going to start on that essay post soon! 
3. Where are you from? 
I grew up in Victoria BC 
4. What is your favourite film/book and why? 
Across the universe is my favourite movie, because I love Beatles music, and I think the movie is just so well done. and Harry Potter is my favourite book, because, well, why does anyone like Harry Potter? It’s the first book I read all the way through, because it came out when I was a smol, the first book that had enough diverse characters that I could identify with, and rereading it it’s feels like catching up with an old friend❤ 
5. If you get a role in the FMA live action, which role would you play? 
I would love to play Major General Olivier Mira Armstrong, but I think honestly, I would want more of like an extra role, because I’d be too busy fangirling to actually act, plus, acting isn’t really my thing 
 6. FMA03, FMAB or FMA manga? 
Good golly, that’s tough. I haven’t read the manga yet, I have a processing disorder that makes it hard to read black and white manga. Between 03 and brohood, brohood is definitely a better series, but 03 is important to watch. I really love Ed’s character development in 03, and I LOVE satan Tucker’s fate. Death is too merciful for him, I love that he sufffeeeerrrrrrrrrsssssss 
7. If you get an opportunity to meet with an author who would you choose? 
I think Arakawa would be a really cool person to meet. From the little that I’ve read/heard about her, I feel like we’d get along 
 8. Which fictional character would be your best friend? 
I think Mai from atla would be my saltmate for sure 
9. Favourite fandom? 
Definitely fma 
10. When did you join to the tumblr community? 
I think I made a tumblr in like 2012, but didn’t really get into it, then after watching fma, I started looking at fanart, and found royai fanfics that soothed my soul, and then I started using Tumblr, so mid 2016. 
11. Do you make fanarts, fanfictions, amv etc.?
I wish. I am an artist, but I paint impressionist landscapes, so fanart isn’t really my domain. And I’ve never really been a writer.
@queenxolivier tagged me in these:
How did you get into fandom? What was your catalyst to finding the tumblr community?
This was kind of answered with when did I join Tumblr. But I got into fma after my brother nagged me to watch it. I got into fandom back in the days of My Immortal and the Harry Potter fandom, but I didn’t have a tumblr back then, so it was more looking at hp fanart on deviantart and MySpace, and googling fanfics, but I was never part of a fandom community until I found fma
What’s your favourite part about your favourite fandom?
I love that the fma fandom is still thriving, like, brohood ended 6 years ago, and people are still joining the fandom, making new art and fics, it’s awesome!
If you could spend the day with any fictional character, who would it be and why?
I’d love to spend a day with Katara, she’s so incredible, and I think I could learn a lot from her, like just how to be a better person in general
What fictional character has had the biggest impact on your life or has inspired you the most?
Hermione was the first character to have an impact on me. And it was because I have gigantic teeth just like her. Seriously, my front teeth are like twice the size of my husbands, and I’ve had these teeth since I was a tiny 8 year old. So I latched onto her character, and started to find more similarities between me and her, and she taught me it’s ok to be smart and a girl
Talk about your favourite book (I KNOW IT’S HARD but if you had to pick one).
Lol hp fo sho. It's just so perfect, like even now, there's still more I'm learning about the Harry Potter universe, and so many more headcanons I can get behind...and more reasons to hate Snape 
Do you have any accomplishments or anything in your life you feel the most proud of?
Ha, way too many. I have a super interesting back story, but that will take to much to talk about here
Tell us about a project you have going on! Or if you don’t have one, maybe something you’ve always wanted to write or draw?
Right now I’m doing an econometric analysis on whether minimum wage increases have impacted the CPI in British Columbia for the last 30 years, and I’m also writing about how Canada’s economy wouldn’t have developed without the help of the Indigenous Peoples
How do you feel about AU’s?
Meh. I like the funny au headcanons, like the one @izumiicurtis proposed, where everyone wears period clothing, except ed still looks like he robbed hot topic in the dark (that is the best joke in the fandom I swear) but I never really got into au's
Do you have any favourite composers or soundtracks?
I really love the Rent soundtrack 
In your opinion, what is the best Disney movie to come out since Disney’s Golden Age?
Wreck it Ralph
Fangirl about something, really go wild.
Major. General. Olivier. Mira. Armstrong. that woman is a goddess and could kill me and I’d be ok with it. She’s so powerful and doesn’t take any crap and she’s so smart and always plans ten steps ahead of everyone and she’s not afraid to admit she doesn’t know everything and she loves her brother so much and does so much to protect her family plus she’s absolutely beautiful like her hair is made of silk I swear and the way she fights with a sword instead of guns I just love swords
@haganenobeato tagged me in these
1. Would you wanted Solf J. Kimblee perish a deserving death on that train? Yes or yes? 
Yes. He should have died RIGHT THERE 
2. Is there fanart or fanfiction you feel needs to be made but doesn’t exist yet or w/e? FMA or otherwise? 
There should be more RizBecca (Riza and Rebecca) fics/ art, and more Marier (Maria Ross and Olivier Mira Armstrong) fics/art. Just more wlw content in general in the fma fandom 
3. What do you think Hayate’s Cream Shiba’s name is? 
well, I think that dog must be Roy’s, and Roy is a nerd, so he probably named her similarly to how Riza named Black Hayate
4. Knowing the FMA baddies masterplan, what would you have tried to do to stop Father? 
lol I’m 5 feet tall and I’ve never been in a fight in my life, If I tried to stop them, I’d somehow trip and accidentally press the big red button that sets the plan in motion (oh there’s no big red button that does that? surprise, when I’m around, there’s suddenly a big red button that does The Bad Thing(tm) )
 5. Which is your favorite AU? 
Idk, I’m not really into AU’s
6. What fictional character would you have a comfortable silence with? 
Riza. I feel like she’s the type who doesn’t do small talk, but when she gets to know you she starts like, making puns and when she has a topic to talk about, she really gets into it. And she doesn’t seem like the type to be awkward with silence
7. Which fictional character would you introduce to your family? 
Riza. I think she’d have a lot of fun with my family, and I think my family would like her. I would say Olivier, but she doesn’t seem like the ‘meet the parents’ type of person to me
8. Which fictional character deserved better? 
Katara in legend of korra, they really did a horrible job with her character 
9. Which FMA character (assuming they don’t know alchemy, even if they do in canon) would you rather be stuck on an island with? 
10. What scene brings a smile to your face each time? 
the EdWin proposal, it’s just so cute, and so awkward, and so appropriate for how Ed/Winry propose to each other
if you read this all, you’re my new best friend
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