#also yes this was definitely an excuse to infodump about this au that has been haunting me for weeks
beeshoesometimesdraws · 6 months
(centaur au)
Will Eclipse get revenge on Lunar for zapping him? If yes, how?
Also do you have any random facts/hcs about any of the centaurs?
I'm sooo interested in this AU that you can't even imagine
Yes, Eclipse will definitely be getting revenge on Lunar later (it will most likely involve snakes - I don’t think Lunar in canon is afraid of snakes, at least not that I recall, though centaur Lunar is, I kinda imagine it how Toothless and the other dragons in httyd are scared of eels)
Oh yeah I have LOTS of random fun facts/headcanons for this au >:)
Starting off with gender/sexuality headcanons :
Lunar is trans and uses they/he pronouns, pan
Earth is panromantic demisexual and uses she/they
Solar is pan and uses he/they
Sun uses any pronouns (he/she/they), bi
Moon is aroace, uses he/him
Eclipse is demiromantic pansexual and agender, uses he/him
(BM twins) Scarlet (twin 1) - genderfluid, pan | Whiskey (twin 2) - nonbinary (masc leaning), uses they/he and is biromantic grey-ace
Ruin is unlabeled, def queer tho, and uses they/them
KC is bisexual and uses he/him
Now onto other random facts/headcanons :
The BM twins in this au are obligate carnivores (most centaurs are omnivores like humans—in my headcanon anyway- so the twins are an abnormality)
The twins are separate in this au and that is how they have always been though they still have a very close connection to each other
The nick/tear in Solar’s ear is from a tracker that he ripped out of his ear sometime before meeting the others
Solar has a bit of a southern accent in this au (I may do voice claim stuff tho still unsure)
Instead of coming from his time in space like in canon, Lunar’s star powers were just something he was born with that lay dormant in him until later on (the astrals of course knew he had these powers the whole time but didn’t appear until they started to manifest)
KC is the tallest as well as the oldest in this au (with Eclipse being a close second in height) and Lunar is the shortest (and the only one based off a pony)
KC’s right ear is permanently flattened due to an injury from years ago (you can see this on his ref sheet)
All of them display horselike behaviors (because as many already know I LOVE characters with physical animal traits that also have behavioral traits)
These behaviors include :
vocal (snorting, squealing, whinnying, nickering, etc)
stomping hooves when annoyed/upset or sending an alarm to others
ear emotes (laid flat - angry, swiveling rapidly - anxious/nervous, pricked - alert/interested, etc)
when excited or playing they may nip and bump each other and/or chase each other around
charging/false charging (Eclipse is well known for doing this both to other centaurs and people)
They may be centaurs but they are still of course half horse and have prey responses/behavior, especially when it comes to things that could be a threat to them (wild cats, wolves, other large predators, snakes, etc)
some have stronger reactions to this prey response than others (though again the twins are the odd ones out and have little fear for other predators with them being more like a predator themselves)
during the fall and winter their coats get thicker and fluffier and in the spring and summer they thin back out
They all live with their own little “herds” —Moon and Sun’s herd (them, Lunar, Earth, Solar, eventually Eclipse), KC’s herd (KC + the twins)—Ruin’s the odd one out in this as they don’t belong to either herd
(There’s other behaviors they do but these are some of the most common/notable)
That’s all the random little facts/headcanons I have for now, I don’t want this post getting too long lol
Thank you for giving me an excuse to infodump :D
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miniongrin · 1 year
Statute of Limitations (Immortals AU)
Wrote 800 words for an AU that’s been rotating in my brain for over a year that I still haven’t written, but I’m posting this anyway because I do what I want.
AU context, sparknotes edition: Ingo couldn’t get sent back directly to the future for timey-wimey reasons and spent 140 years immortal, chilling in the Coronet Highlands. Accidentally befriended/tamed/domesticated the feral cat of a man we know as Volo (also immortal) while he was waiting to catch up to the future and his twin. Now the Nimbasa trio has been reunited for over a year and Volo is the twins’ weird roommate and Elesa’s bitchiest bestie.
“Hang on,” Elesa says one night, as they’re sitting around the twins’ living room eating Sinnoh takeout, two and a half hours and two-thirds of the way into an hour-long documentary on Hisui. They keep pausing to give Ingo and Volo the chance to expound on whatever topic the documentary didn’t have the time or information to elaborate on themselves; Ingo’s infodumping is familiar and comforting, while Volo’s is a bit of a surprise but hilariously bitchy. Even when the documentary gets things right. “Volo—you consulted on this? Historically?”
“That makes it sound like I did so fifty years ago,” Volo sniffs. “I was a historical consultant on the topic. Mostly by mail; by the time they were making this, Cynthia was a little too popular for me to go wandering around Sinnoh without a good excuse for looking like her fraternal twin.”
So, yes, but in fifty words instead of one. Cool. “You like… you got paid money for this? Is this your job?”
Volo makes an dismissive sound. “Yes, I got paid for it, but it’s not exactly reliable work, nor does it pay greatly. As a historian, the best money is in research grants, but those are a little hard to get a hold of without extensive history at a university, and my need to shuffle identities every decade or so did clash with the need to accumulate that sort of history.”
“…So, yes but no?”
Volo rolls his eyes at her. “Yes, but no.”
Elesa mulls over that. She doesn’t unpause the documentary just yet, because there’s a niggling question in her brain now—
“Do you have a job?” Emmet asks before she can. “You’re here a lot.”
Volo huffs, deciding to take offense in that catty way of his, so Elesa jumps in before letting him answer: “Dude, you’re clearly loaded, I have never once heard you say a thing about hopping back and forth between here and Sinnoh and plane tickets aren’t cheap. Frankly, neither is this apartment, and I’d be surprised if you’re just letting the twins pay for it all.”
Volo regards her shrewdly for a moment, then hums as his eyes slide away. “Don’t worry about it.”
That is the least satisfying answer on the planet. She and Emmet immediately turn to Ingo for answers.
“I do not worry about it,” Ingo says immediately.
Elesa and Emmet’s eyes meet. Weird, suspicious emphasis with no real answer. Hmmm.
“I am Emmet. Are we harboring a fucking criminal?” Emmet demands.
Volo sputters. “I beg your pardon? That’s your first assumption?”
“That’s not an answer,” Elesa points out, entertained. “He’s only going to get more suspicious the more you avoid giving one.”
“And you, of course, are virtuously on my side,” Volo mutters bitchily. “The disrespect! And here I thought we had something. A camaraderie, if you will—”
“It’s not like you’re a poacher, Ingo would worry about it a whole lot if that were the case,” Elesa interrupts him. “I can’t really imagine you beating someone up—”
“I can,” Emmet says.
“—without going full-on crazy eyes,” Elesa corrects herself. “So this hypothetical crime you may have committed and have definitely not denied committing is probably, y’know. Petty. Which fits, because you are a petty, petty bitch!”
“I,” Volo says with dignity, “am the classiest bitch any of you will ever meet.”
“I am the classiest bitch in this room, but nice try.”
“You’re all cutting-edge fashion and avant-garde, that’s not the same thing as class.”
Elesa gasps loudly in overblown offense. “You take that back!”
“Ladies, you are both pretty,” Emmet intones. “Ingo. Has Volo committed crimes? Yes or no.”
Ingo pinches the bridge of his nose. “He doesn’t have a valid birth certificate and yet has had a functional passport for decades despite being stuck at twenty-seven. Of course he’s committed crimes, we knew that already.”
“I am Emmet. I meant for money.”
Ingo shrugs and reaches for a new can of soda. “Well, that’s none of my business.”
“Look,” Volo sighs, “can any of you truthfully tell me that you’ve never talked to a particularly out-of-touch gentleman whose lone battling Pokémon is holding a useless nugget of gold worth more than everything you have on your person and thought, you know, I bet I have an island somewhere that I could sell this moron?”
There’s a beat of silence. Emmet snorts. Ingo puts a hand over his face that doesn’t hide the amused curl to the corner of his mouth.
Elesa cackles. “Oh dragons, you scam rich people for a living? I need to hear about this right now immediately. Story time! Funniest scam you’ve done, let’s go.”
“Accusing me of being a scam artist now?” Volo snips facetiously, but he’s smirking. “I will confess to nothing. …At least, not until I have the chance to check the statute of limitations for a few things.”
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usahanna · 3 years
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say hi to Mozz and plz be nice to him or he will bite you
unwanted fnaf au Lore below the cut and in tags
Mozz found springtrap while he was sitting in a corner of the pizzeria (lol loser)
spring decided to keep him because If everyone here hated him he might as well have a litte bit of emotional support
Mozz likes Attention
Mozz's fur is oddly soft (considering he is a rat from a pizzeria)
its soft enough for him to roam through the animatronics suits without them noticing
he thinks its really fun :D
Springtap's suit its his favorite because it has a bunch of holes
they are all a bit annoyed by this
so Bonnie decides to get him a little bell to know where this little fucker is
despite all of that, they all like having him around
Mozz enjoys chewing Springtrap's corpse
Springtrap Does Not Appreciate This
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athys-obelia · 4 years
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summary: the non dysfunctional!imperial family au hcs no one asked for 😳👉👈
character/s: anastacius de alger obelia, claude de alger obelia, athanasia de alger obelia, jennette de alger obelia
here's part 2 :)
let’s set our stage, shall we?
first of all claude n anastacius’ dad is dead coz we don’t like him at all ew
so ana is the emperor, and claude is his heir presumptive (aka he’s got the strongest claim to the throne rn, but this can be changed by the birth of someone who has a stronger one - ie, anastacius’ child who would be the heir apparent) also bc “i know my mom and i gave u lots of childhood trauma that you prlly won’t be recovering from because therapists aren’t a thing here but here’s a crown you might get to make it better”
claude’s in a position where after the birth of ana’s kid/direct descendant, he’s gonna be given a duchy that athy should inherit after him while still retaining the title of prince
but after hearing of diana’s pregnancy, ana tells her and claude he doesn’t really plan on having children and wants to make their future kid his successor
he basically reserves a spot for their child in the directory and rather than announcing anything publically, anastacius names her athanasia after the sex is confirmed
then this mf obviously pulls a clown move and gets penelope pregnant and complicates things, ultimately naming her jennette, finding the name fitting - ‘god is gracious’
and really, what could be more evidence of god’s grace than the child he’s now fathering, when he thought his legacy would be ending with him?
so since athy and jennette are born near the beginning of ana’s reign, both claude and anastacius are wayyy too busy trying to bring back the empire from the literal brink of bankruptcy and a possible war to really spend time w their kids
it’s alright, though!! lily is hired as athy’s nanny, while jennette gets kiel’s mom as hers
they all still live together, though obviously the main palace is for ana + jennette while claude + athy are in a separate one
this 'separate one’ is ruby palace after ana dismisses the concubines and he definitely 100% did this on purpose, and whenever he’s summoning claude he’s such a shit about it and goes about it the way you’d summon a deadass concubine
on a separate note, it’s surprisingly claude who visits athy first - he’s seen her here and there with lily but hasn’t ever had the chance to spend time w her. but now it’s almost been a year since athy’s birth (or diana’s death), her first birthday is fast approaching, and he is drunk
lily is a reallyyyy light sleeper and enters the nursery upon hearing someone inside
she doesn’t expect to see the prince standing above his daughter’s crib, a strand of her golden hair between his fingers as he just…stares at her
she approaches quietly, curtsying in greeting - he’s too absorbed to notice, and after a few minutes of silence lilian tells him, “babies can get lonely too, your highness.”
he glances at her then, confused. “how?” he really can’t understand how this girl, who can’t even speak yet comprehend something like loneliness
“princess athanasia is very responsive to her surroundings, much more than children her age usually are,” lily says, “and i like to believe children are able to tell when their parents are with them.”
he scoffs - what a foolish thought. still, claude sits by her bedside, and before he can register it, he’s taken over by sleep
the next night, claude makes his way towards the nursery and stiffly asks if athy could sleep beside him for the night - it’s fairly late, but lilian allows it
he’s gone to the main palace too early the next morning for athy to be awake, but she spent about two minutes tops worrying about the strange surroundings, saw the shiny chandelier and fancy bed and decided yes, she doesn’t mind this kidnapping
this becomes somewhat of a regular occurrence soon enough, and sometime that week she wakes up in the middle of the night with her nose pressed into something soft and literally falls off the huge ass bed at the realisation that this something soft is actually her papa’s hair (you just know that hair smells great i mean uh-)
this mans wakes up and peeks at her on the ground, reaches out to grab her from the front of her nightdress (he swears it’s exactly how he’s seen lilian do it) and plops her back onto the bed
she backs up OBVIOUSLY, you don’t just wake up with a random ass man in your bed and just vibe together?? lee jihye is dying but he glares at her for disturbing his sleep and athy pulls her act together in 0.000001 secs as claude pulls her closer and goes back to sleep
as athy grows, claude starts allowing her to visit his office during the day until it becomes a sort of ritual - he’d have tea and milk prepared and she’d come, sitting somewhere completing a puzzle or sum while he works
mans nearly tears down the entire imperial palace the day she doesn’t show up until he finds her in the garden, teaching jettie the 'proper’ way to hold a teacup during tea parties while lilian and roger’s wife, vivian, watch
athy emotionally blackmails asks him to join the tea party, so half an hour later, anastacius finds his brother sitting on the grass with a plastic teacup that athy’s filling with hot water as she lectures him to learn to fix his posture from lily so he can sit like a “proper dignified lady”
so in the beginning, jennette actually ends up spending more time with claude than her dad. though one day, the brothers are in the audience hall when athy runs in with felix running after her telling her not to run (there’s a shit ton of guards surrounding anastacius so felix has orders to be with princess athanasia when claude is with ana)
anastacius is used to this sight, and watches, smirking at his brother’s subtle smile as athy offers him this wonky looking flower crown - claude accepts it wordlessly, and ana wants to slap his ass to sanity, who wouldn’t thank their kid when they do adorable things like this??
but then they hear another voice, and in comes jennette with vivian not too far behind her. now jettie has a much cleaner looking crown in her hand, but she glances at her father’s elaborate and beautiful crown all embedded with gems and glittering and then at the one she’s fashioned out of daisies
she's always thought she was much like her uncle - jennette was so fascinated by the plain daises, they weren’t flashy but caught her eye all the same - while athy was shiny and bold like her dad
but now she’s second guessing her choice, how could she make such a simple crown for her dad, the emperor??
claude sighs from beside anastacius and literally picks off his brother’s crown before tossing it towards a very tired felix
athy urges jennette forward, and with a bright red covering her entire face she offers the crown. jennette glances at her uncle for comfort before muttering, “for papa”
anastacius.exe has crashed
this blushly, embarrassed, and apparently talented at flower crowns kid was his?
long story short he forgets to breathe or react and jettie thinks he hates the crown and hates her and won’t ever like to see her again so she starts getting teary
claude pushes his brother’s head down before athy can be convicted for murder
ana 100% almost faints when her tiny chubby fingers delicately place the crown in place, he’ll never admit it but he closed his eyes and almost hugged her instinctively as she shyly adjusted some of his bangs around the new headpiece, muttering, “papa pretty”
jennette rushes back to her sister, who’s glaring daggers at the emperor
anastacius tries to smile to calm jennette a bit and maybe look nice enough for his niece to not kill him in his sleep
right well kiel becomes the royal playmate for both the princesses - athy has her classes with him since she’s advanced and honestly they’ll be going back forth with infodumps one minute and he’s teaching her to make paper airplanes the next
(she writes notes on the paper airplanes the next time she’s in claude’s office and flies them towards him, stuff like, 'does uncle cius also snore loudly like papa?’ and he gets seriously offended like a pissbaby)
jennette first met kiel when he was visiting his mom - vivian had to leave for a bit and she taught him a bunch of flower names and their meanings in the meantime - he makes sure to research a new flower every time he visits her, and brings her a bouquet of said flowers she always knows them but never says anything coz she doesn’t wanna hurt his feelings and he gets so excited as he tells her about their meanings it’s so cute
speaking of jennette - claude and ana may seem worlds apart but they’re at the same level of emotionally constipated
ana watches his brother and niece interact and he craves that, an unconditional, timeless love that can’t possibly be tainted by ulterior motives or the like, but he just doesn’t know how to approach little jettie
it seems easy enough - she’s a smiley, sweet girl and theoretically would be friendly if he is to approach her
but gods he’s just so ashamed - such a sweet babe grew without either of her parents and he doesn’t have an excuse because holy hell, even claude is close to athy
he’s being served food in his chambers when he asks the maid about jennette, and she tells him how among her first words was 'love’ and the brunette would just stroll the palace pointing at people and declare “love you” and watch their face light up
thats so CUTE OMFG
his jaw is touching the floor when he’s told that his daughter knows the names of every worker within the palaces
at this point he’s honestly questioning whether this child is his at all
he’s absolutely horrified at the realisation that this maid, who doesn’t even work in jennette’s part of the palace, knows more about her than he does - hell, he hadn’t even asked vivian to keep him updated on her growth, what right does he have to stick himself into her life now?
now, the maid quietly suggests starting with something small like inviting jennette to tea and
of course he goes about it the wrong way??
poor jettie thinks she’s being tested by the ruthless emperor on her etiquette and spends the entire day practicing with claude after athy guilted him into it
she’s so nervous in front of her dad that he honestly feels even guiltier, and anastacius hurries to grab her hands in his to calm their tremble as she reaches to serve him tea
she apologises lmao and he’s just so flustered himself that he orders for her to sit down and instructs her through a few deep breaths
as she calms down, ana serves her the tea before asking whether girls her age even drink tea
she says no and you can literally hear the crickets
he slides the cup he’s poured for her over to his side before gesturing towards the deserts (it was claude’s daughter-luring pro tip) on her side
“you look like you read a lot,” ana says, before asking whether she’s been reading anything interesting lately
“i don’t, actually,” she tells him shyly
anastacius laughs at how of all things his hate for books is what she got from him - and only when jennette chuckles does he realise that he said that out loud
he lets her go around her bedtime, feeling rather… energized? he doesn’t know how to explain it, but it’s a good feeling
he’s busy again the next day, but has an aide send her flowers - the same ones she had put in her flower crown for him
yes lucas is still sleeping in the palace, yes athy still finds him
so athy sees the flowers from uncle cius and is enraged, literally walks up to her uncle and demands he leave jennette alone if he’s only gonna break her heart by neglecting her
and so we have fifteen minutes of the emperor of obelia stuttering as he explains himself to this seven year old
smfh his cluelessness reminds her of her own dad and she takes pity on ana’s suffering soul
the next morning, to give him a chance to redeem himself, athy asks all four of them to have breakfast together - they accept the invitation, and despite an awkward start, the meal seems to be going well
peace is not written in this family’s fate however, and this is where the first coughing up blood thing happens
ohhhh the palace staff almost gets massacred that day
athy’s limp body is moved to jennette’s room since it’s the closest - lily bursts into tears at the very sight of her princess, jennette refuses to eat or drink until her sister can, felix hears his heart break, claude is barely holding himself together
ana is livid - who dares poison a member of his family? what has he even done to earn the privilege of calling these girls his family, when he can’t protect them, at the very least?
claude absolutely refuses to leave her room and finishes all his work right outside her door, lest she wake up in pain again
anastacius can’t keep his own anxiety about jennette at bay, insisting she sleep with him as long as claude stays with athanasia - he can tell she’s drained, and she ends up sharing some of her worries late at night. he soothes both her worries and her cries, letting her curl up into him despite it being a rather uncomfortable position
the family is thrown into chaos again once they realise it was never poison, but athy’s own magic that caused this
aka when chibi lucas drops by and voodoos her back to 100%, everyone legit starts worshipping the ground he walks on - he saved their precious princess!!
ana insists on making him athy’s royal playmate after hearing she isn’t fully healed yet
what does this give us? well, a very very early lucas vs kiel
since they’ve both got the title of royal playmate, they constantly argue on whether being the future duke alpheus is a better title than the future royal magician
the girls are always dragged into this - athy always takes kiel’s side to avenge blackie, and jennette likes kiel too, but the young magician sir saved her sister!!
when vivian passes away due to an illness, it’s like roger is an entirely different person
jennette + kiel + athy all help with the funeral preparations since she was a mother/aunt to them all
felix seems to be paying extra attention to kiel
it isn’t long after this that roger decides to send him to arlanta for his studies, leaving behind two disillusioned princesses
athy spends her time viciously studying to stay ahead of arlanta’s curriculum, while jennette takes an interest in cooking
(athy tries and fails spectacularly; lucas laughs at her and jettie accidentally serves him his favourite food too salty to be edible)
a/n: this would be the first of the two parts, so stay on the lookout, hope y'all enjoyed n have a great day <3
edit: part 2
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anatomical-puppet · 3 years
Hey, could I ask about your Heartless AUs? The bits I've seen are really interesting. What are they about? What roles do they (the characters) play?
Hoooo boy okay, first of all thank u so much for asking!! I've thought of quite a few but haven't had much time to flesh them out, so this is going to be partially an infodump about stuff I already know about 'em and partially me spitballing lolol
-Pokemon AU is definitely the one that I have the most fleshed out! There's not much in the way of plot (none of these have much plot actually). Heartless, Doppel, and Glass are all trainers, all with different reasons for training. Flint is the current champion and has been for ~a year. Eira, Lance, Alastor, Lorelei, and Alchemy are all gym leaders. The big bad evil group is called Team Pyre; Alastor is the leader, and all the Jury members are Team Pyre members. Bandy poses as a trainer to gain intel. River runs a Pokemon daycare. Diana is the leader of the Pyre division that hunts rare and shiny Pokemon, and Dock takes care of the team's 'mons!
-Greaser AU. Loosely based on The Outsiders, but doesn't follow the plot of the book because I Don't Want To Cry. Heartless, Doppel, Glass, Flint, Dock, Diana, and Lance are all greasers. Alastor, Alchemy, Lorelei, Bandy, River, and Eira are Socs (basically the rich kids if you're not familiar with The Outsiders). As far as plotline, all I really know is that Eira was a greaser as a kid and was best friends with Lance, but he got basically a scholarship to the fancy private school across town becuase his grades were so good, then he ended up basically getting "adopted" by one of the rich kids and his friend group. He left his old friend group behind completely and doesn't keep contact with them anymore, and Lance really resents him for it.
-Siren AU. I don't know a ton about this one tbh. I know that Lorelei, Eira, and Bandy are all sirens, but outside of that, I don't really know what roles people would fill. I'm leaning towards making it more pirate-y rather than modern, but I'm not 100% on that yet
-Flower shop/tattoo parlor AU. This one's Winter Solstice because Of Course It Is. Flint's family runs a flower shop downtown and he works there full-time. Eira is a tattoo artist at the tattoo and piercing parlor next door. Lance is a frequent customer at the tattoo parlor, he and Eira are exes but they're on good terms. Lance is dating Bandy now. Also might make this a bit of a band AU, but I don't want things to get too cluttered. Either way, Lance is in a band. River also works at the flower shop- she and Flint are childhood best friends. At some point, Flint's mom temporarily puts him in charge of handling the bills because she has other things to attend to, but he inevitably forgets to pay some of them and their water gets shut off. He ends up going next door to the tattoo parlor and asking them if he can borrow some of their water. Eira is working the counter that day and says yes, because he's not a dick. Flint kinda chats him up a bit, they have some solid banter and Flint starts making excuses to go over and talk to Eira from time to time :>
-D&D AU!! This one, again, has No Plot Whatsoever lol. All I really have sorted are people's races and classes. This one's gonna be long, sorry 'bout that haha. Heartless is a reborn wild magic sorcerer. Alchemy is a changeling glamour bard. Flint is a fire genasi sun soul monk. Eira is an eladrin battlemaster fighter/storm sorcerer. Doppel and Glass are both half-elf arcane trickster rogues. River is a human life cleric. Alastor is a vampire abjuration wizard. Dock is a half-orc death cleric. Lorelei is an aasimar whispers bard. Bandy is a high elf arcane trickster/lore bard. Diana is a shifter hunter ranger/gunslinger fighter. Aaaand Lance is a (reskinned) dragonborn eldritch knight!!
-Marvel AU. Don't know much about this one yet. Again, no plot. Just characters. I know that Flint is Cap, Eira is Bucky, Bandy is Loki, and Lance will probably be Deadpool. That's all I've got lol-
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