#also yes I will make every piece dincobb even if it doesn’t have to be
vvitchering · 3 years
I don’t suppose you’d write 28 for DinCobb?? :3 thank you for taking prompts!!
This is extremely late. I don't even remember when it was that I was taking these prompts but I definitely wanted to get to yours eventually. And it's eventually o'clock right now!
#28 "Mary me?"
Cobb doesn't pretend to understand the unique connection between Mandalorians and their armor. He knows next to nothing, aside from what he's learned firsthand: don't get caught wearing the stuff if you ain't one of them.
Then again, it's thanks to his unknowing armor-related sacrilege that he has the life he has now. The armor helped him save his home and his people. And it brought Din into his life; never mind that it brought him in guns blazing. That fateful day in the cantina and resulting battle against the Krayt feel light years away, now.
He remembers watching Din ride away out of his life as quickly as he had walked into it and feeling a peculiar sense of loss that only had a little bit to do with giving up the armor. Every glint on the horizon from then on set his heart beating faster and disappointment soured his stomach each time it wasn't the twin suns reflecting off polished beskar.
When the mandalorian did eventually return, helmetless and dead-eyed, it hadn't been a hardship to take him in. He's less the legendary mandalorian now and more Din Djarin, all soft brown eyes and shy smiles and dry humor.
He doesn't wear the armor like he used to. Most of it is packed safely away in a padded crate, traded in for proper desert attire. He still wears the piece that functions as a brace for his bum knee, for practical reasons, and the pauldron with the mudhorn signet, for less practical (but no less valid) reasons.
Cobb often wonders if it makes him a selfish asshole that he's the happiest he's been in decades because Din's misfortune lead him back to Tatooine. Back to him. They have a life together now. They're partners, in multiple ways. Din helps out defending and growing the town, providing valuable tactical and weapons knowledge as well as his skill with the Tuskan language.
He also does a damn good job keeping Cobb's bed warm at night.
All in all, things are good. Great, even. But there's still that nagging sense that Cobb is missing something important every time he catches the far away look in Din's eyes as he carefully polishes his few remaining pieces of armor.
Is he missing his previous life? Does he regret settling on this dust ball of a planet? Will Cobb wake up one day to find that Din Djarin has disappeared and the mandalorian has taken to the stars once again?
Cobb would never presume to tie him down. He's grateful for every day he gets to spend with Din, he truly is. He knows that when the day comes that Din packs up his box of beskar and leaves (and its most certainly a "when", not an "if"), more than a little bit of Cobb's tired old heart will go with him.
They're turning in for bed one evening when Din begins acting strangely. He's been fidgety and distracted all day, anxious in a way Cobb has never seen him be before. He keeps opening his mouth as if he wants to say something, then closing it again and turning away. He refuses eye contact and shies away when Cobb tries to touch him. He's constantly reaching up to rub at the mudhorn signit on his shoulder. Cobb suddenly feels like he's standing on the edge of a terrifying precipice. This must be it. This must be the night Din puts the rest of his armor back on and tells him he's leaving in the morning. This is the night the illusion of their happy life together finally shatters.
Cobb feels sick down to his core as he hears the unmistakable sound of beskar chiming as it's clasp is undone. He clenches his fist at his side and squeezes his eyes shut.
Only to snap them open in surprise as he feels Din approach and gently take his arm.
He's not wearing his armor. He's dressed in the same soft familiar sleep clothes he's worn to bed a hundred times. He looks resolved, determined, and only a touch nervous. He's holding his pauldron in one hand, the other still gently grasping Cobb's arm.
"What do you know about beskar?" Din asks, and his voice is quiet but steady.
"Not a lot. Just what you've told me. Mostly that's important to you. To, uh, to your people. Mandalorians." Cobb stutters out, confused by the strange question and unnerved by the entire situation.
Din smiles reassuringly and Cobb takes a breath.
"It is important. It protects us, strengthens us, unites us as a people, even scattered as we are. It binds us together. It's sacred."
The words sound strangely formal, like Din is reciting something.
"Sure," Cobb responds slowly. "'s why folks who ain't sworn your creed have no business wearing it. You made that plenty clear when we met that first time. What are you getting at?"
Din lifts the pauldron and presses it against Cobb's shoulder. It doesn't quite fit, it's made for Din's bulkier more muscular frame, but it feels warm with his residual body heat and Cobb can feel the weight of it through his thin shirt as Din holds it against him. Din is staring at him, a question hiding behind his dark eyes.
It protects us...
He can't be serious.
unites us...
This can't be what he thinks it is.
It binds us together.
"Cobb Vanth," Din says his name so reverently it makes tears spring into his eyes. His heart is beating so loud in his own ears it's a wonder he can hear anything at all over the sound.
"Marry me?"
Cobb feels like he's floating somewhere just above his body. He must be dreaming. He never wants to wake up, in that case. He'll just float here forever, replaying those two words endlessly.
The silence stretches on long enough that Din begins to visibly panic, curling his fingers under the pauldron to pull it back. Cobb snaps back to himself in an instant and slaps his own hand over Din's, stopping him from removing the piece of armor. Din is staring again, mouth slightly open, and Cobb loosens his grip slightly so they're both supporting the pauldron together.
The tears are flowing freely now, rolling down his cheeks in embarrassing streams because it's too much to bear, too much to keep inside. He's fit to burst with happiness.
"Yeah, yes, you son of a bitch. Had me worried sick you were gonna up and leave and here you are, making an honest man out of me."
Din looks a bit weepy himself as his panic morphs into relief and he laughs as he leans forward to press his forehead against Cobb's other shoulder.
"Huh, ol' Cobb Vanth getting hitched. It'll be the talk of the town."
Din's laughter is infectious and soon they're both laughing through their tears.
"Shut up or I'll take it back."
"Nah, see, this is mine now. No take backs. I got this the proper way, Mandalorian blessings and everything, and I'm holding onto it this time."
I wrote this all in one go without stopping so I apologize for any errors. Shout out to @chamomileteainabuttercup for being a good sport and listening to me ramble about dincobb stuff until I had ideas! And to @godtier1, I'm sorry this took 87 years!!!!! I hope you like it!
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