felxnefxne · 9 months
Indefinite Hiatus
My mental health has, in all honesty, taken a huge nosedive in the past few weeks, to the point where I've had several mental breakdowns, and it's affected my writing to a noticeable degree.
Because of that, and despite how hard it is for me to do, I'm going to take a step back from writing on Tumblr.
I don't know when I'll be back. I may come around and respond to things every once in a while, but I'm seriously trying to limit my time on here, because as much as I enjoy being on here, I don't think it's really helping me mentally.
I will still be open to writing on Discord, if anyone wants to do that; it's easier (portable via mobile) and I can write with people one on one (less stressful). I'll be putting my username under a Read More for those interested.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and more importantly, thank you for being kind, patient, and understanding. It really means a lot to me. I hope to see you guys on Discord.
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felxnefxne · 10 months
Indefinite Hiatus
My mental health has, in all honesty, taken a huge nosedive in the past few weeks, to the point where I've had several mental breakdowns, and it's affected my writing to a noticeable degree.
Because of that, and despite how hard it is for me to do, I'm going to take a step back from writing on Tumblr.
I don't know when I'll be back. I may come around and respond to things every once in a while, but I'm seriously trying to limit my time on here, because as much as I enjoy being on here, I don't think it's really helping me mentally.
I will still be open to writing on Discord, if anyone wants to do that; it's easier (portable via mobile) and I can write with people one on one (less stressful). I'll be putting my username under a Read More for those interested.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and more importantly, thank you for being kind, patient, and understanding. It really means a lot to me. I hope to see you guys on Discord.
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felxnefxne · 10 months
"I'm here," she repeats, having reached the bar and is now leaning her forearms on it while her tail slowly sways from side to side behind her with its tail glowing a soft green. Her voice is quiet and lacking its usual irritated tone. "Focus on me."
She's on her way up to her room when Boo looks over at the bar and notices the tender...choking? She blinks, glances at the stairs...then sighs through her nose and wanders over. "Husk? Look at me and focus, alright? Focus on me, not whatever you're remembering. I'm here. I'm real."
his ears turn and flick in different directions as if sounds are coming from every creaking corner of the hotel. her voice is distant but it’s pulling him a little out of his haze.
his claws are digging into his neck like he’s trying to get himself some air by puncturing through black fur. when she says “i’m here,” the frantic feline’s eyes lock on her.
“wh— what?”
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felxnefxne · 10 months
“Are you shittin’ me?”
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“I ain’t your fuckin’ house pet.”
Independent portrayal of Husker from Hazbin Hotel. Writer is Mad, 22, and uses They/Them. NSFW themes are present, so follow with caution.
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felxnefxne · 11 months
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felxnefxne · 11 months
                take my hand 
                             show me what it means to be 
                                                l o v e d
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felxnefxne · 11 months
Of course someone had jumped her on her way home from work. That's just her luck. On a positive note, Boo had managed to defend herself. She usually does; those sharp claws, which can be extended far longer than usually seen, do come in handy during these types of situations, and she's recently finished slashing her would-be attackers to ribbons.
Now, with both sinners dead on either side of the alleyway and blood everywhere, those bright orange eyes are turned towards Alastor as he approaches from the entry point.
She knows who he is. Her boss talks about him far too much for her liking. And she knows that tone: sweet on the surface, but with an undertone that indicates he's about to take the place of the two sinners she'd just dispatched.
He's more powerful than she is by a long shot. She knows this, too. That doesn't keep her from standing her ground, though. If she's going to be the one to die tonight, she's going to do it fighting.
For now, though, she'll play his game. She'll be polite. The darkness is shrouding her, at least, with only those big eyes visible against her dark silhouette as she stands up straighter. "I was on my way home when these two decided to interrupt me. Hopefully, when they come back from Limbo, they'll have learned a thing or two."
[ @felxnefxne LIKED For A Starter ]
[ Alastor ]
The night was growing old before his eyes as Alastor walked the streets of Pentagram City with his hands folded behind his back. While he couldn't say the night air was particularly chilly, being in Hell, it was remarkably cooler than it was during the day. A light breeze rustled his hair and his ear flicked, an absentminded motion.
Turning a corner, he walked down a familiar alleyway with the hum of static and a distorted song playing around him inexplicably.
Hey everybody, did the news get around about a guy named Butcher Pete?
Surprised to find someone at the end of the dead end, Alastor blinked, his fingers waving absently in thought.
"What are you doing out here by yourself?" He questioned, his voice a pleasant, staticy chirp, "It is quite late, my dear. Awful dangerous on these streets this late."
It was him, he was the danger tonight.
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felxnefxne · 11 months
"Fine. You had it under control. Obviously. Next time, I won't stop and help you out." Boo tugs her extended claws free from a sinner's neck and starts walking away, flicking blood off herself as she goes. She mutters to herself along the way. "Ungrateful little..."
❝ yeah. looked like you had it all under control. ❞
The Boys || @felxnefxne
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“It was- I mean, I did. It was fine. Seriously, don’t worry about it.” Sticking a kitty cat nose in his bullshit- there’s a reason Curiosity Killed The Cat was a warning.
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felxnefxne · 11 months
"My apartment is a bit far off," she contemplates out loud, before nodding. "If you don't mind. I mean...I'm not cold, but that's only because you gave me this coat. I wouldn't want you to be cold any longer than you need to be..."
@felxnefxne || x
"You're welcome, I ah.. I-I thought you could use it." The chubby cat blushed, but she also had another idea. "If you want.. uh.. w-we could go to my place? It's uh.. just a Hotel room, but it's better than being out here in the cold."
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felxnefxne · 11 months
"If I passed by that many military trucks, going that fast, I'd be spooked." from Wretch @king-of-wrath
Stuff my friends and I have said during Movie Night
"I can see why. Maybe their power's out," Boo comments idly while sipping from her to-go coffee cup from Hellbuck's and watching the movie currently playing on its television.
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felxnefxne · 11 months
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Closeup of her dash icon
(art © @a-hazbin-spider)
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felxnefxne · 11 months
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How Boo Feels During Work vs How Boo Feels After Work
(art © @a-hazbin-spider )
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felxnefxne · 11 months
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"You have to take a deep breath, and allow the music to flow through you. Revel in it, allow yourself to awe. When you play, allow the music to break your heart with its beauty."
-- Kelly White
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(art © @a-hazbin-spider)
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felxnefxne · 11 months
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Stay Spooky 🎃
( art © @a-hazbin-spider )
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felxnefxne · 11 months
[Autumn/Halloween sentence meme] "It's starting to rain..." Even if it was full of holes, Matt still pulled out his umbrella for some protection for the rain... as much as the wire frame could provide. This sucks. (@helluvadrummer)
Autumn/Halloween Sentence Starters!
"So much for the weatherman being right."
Boo mutters this before curling her tail to be underneath the hole-filled umbrella. Some cover is better than no cover. She looks left, then right, then down at the slightly shorter imp next to her.
"My place isn't that far off. You're welcome to stay there with me until this blows over if you want."
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felxnefxne · 11 months
“Put your glad rags on and join me, hon!” (Following for this blog and my side blog, @helluvadrummer.)
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felxnefxne · 11 months
Send me  “DOWNPOUR”  for my muse to show up on your muse’s doorstep during a rainstorm, drenched and shaking from the cold. 
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