#also yeah the no N S F W rule is awful but that's not new. also i'm not seeing a lot of mobilization against app stores on that front.
xannerz · 22 days
100% rambling here but tbh i've known about cara for a while. atm i respect the platform enough, and the space it's trying to build for artists, but with all the chatter given the recent meta/ig AI bs-- idk. i don't like people treating it as the ai-free safe haven for Actual Artists when i'm seeing these 2 points on the site's FAQs. i feel like it's either being overlooked or there's a big game of telephone where people are urging each other to join b/c "oh finally! a space free of ai!!"
it's run by a creative for creatives and is supposed to be a space more hospitable towards artists' needs, but based on what i'm seeing it's still open to normalizing genAI ('ai art') to some extent. the language/attitude below seems contradictory or misleading at worst, and conveniently vague/noncommittal at best.*
Tumblr media
overall disappointing because i personally don't think giving genai leeway -- even if there are filters or 'ethically sourced' datasets in place - should be normalized at all. i see it mention portfolios, but this type of approach is also putting the bar on the ground when employers are already undercutting artists and writers in favor of genai. someone can still gain momentum even if they're posting genai as regular posts.
i already see so many IG accounts that are nothing but genAi, but people don't know/don't care, and those posts get circulated here on tumblr. posting genai for discussion is one thing, but still providing some type of genuine platform is still feeding into the machines that are hurting artists (and, honestly, consumers, too!).
like okay, can't post genai in a portfolio, but i can still attract people and normalize genai use by treating my posts as a portfolio, instead. ik filters exist but i don't think that should be normalized (and we see how poorly they're moderated on artstation).
genuinely not trying to be a contrarian/split hairs, i'd like to see this platform succeed, but i'd like to see more of a hardline rule/statement on how genai would be moderated if posts including genai are just to be for reporting/discussion purposes.
*[insert obligatory ethical ai tools developed by and for studios to make their workflows more efficient are distinct from genAI content and media disclaimer here]
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kakashi-tsukuyomi · 4 years
A/N: I made this as a gift for @sparkleswritings for a Secret Santa event in a Discord server I’m part of, @konoblog-simps . I had so much fun writing this! I took into account some things she likes/dislikes and incorporated them in this one-shot story. This was also the first time I wrote for Gaara. It was pretty challenging but definitely fun.
Pairing: Gaara x My friend; Modern-day AU Warnings: None. Just pure fluff ahead
Dusk fell, and the glow of the lights coming from the coffee shops lining on each side illuminated the street on a Saturday evening. Sidewalks were filled with people enjoying the weekend calm, grateful for the respite it brought after a week of toil as they catched up with friends and loved ones over a cup or two of coffee. It certainly was the case for Kira and her friends earlier that afternoon. Exams had just finished the day before, and what better way to celebrate their freedom than to spend the next day hanging out in their favorite café, discussing their favorite stories over cups of hot tea. They enjoyed each other's company so much that they did not realize that their afternoon rendezvous stretched towards the evening. After saying their goodbyes to each other and a few well wishes for the coming holidays, they left the café and parted ways. 
Kira walked down the sidewalk, taking in the sights around her as she listened to Sleeping at Last playing on her phone. The sky was now getting blacker than a few minutes ago, and the lights shone brighter and prettier in the dark. She had always loved evenings better than any part of the day, and this evening of solitude surrounded by the beautiful sight of nightlife, with the evening breeze caressing her face, was no exception for her. She had decided she wanted to stay and enjoy a little bit of it more, and so instead of going straight home, she continued walking and wandered around the shops nearby.
After a while, she stopped by her favorite bookstore along the way. As she entered the shop, the song "Venus" started playing on her phone, and she pressed her earphones closer to her ears to listen to it. She hummed to the song as she wandered towards the "New Selections" aisle, browsing the shelves for promising titles. When none caught her interest, she gave up and wandered towards the other parts of the shop. The bookstore had two levels, and after having visited all of the aisles on the ground floor, she rode the escalator, bringing her to the second floor. She got off the escalator and walked towards the shelves in front of her. She reached the Hobbies Section, casually browsing the books on display, and when she reached the Gardening Section, something interesting caught her eye.
It was a figure of a young man of about her age, standing a few yards before her in front of a shelf full of different books on succulents. He had short, spiky auburn hair, and he had a fair complexion. His frame was slender, his height not too tall, and he was wearing a maroon long-sleeved shirt on top of jeans and sneakers, which fit his frame perfectly. From where she was standing, she could only see half of the features of the young man. Although even with this limited view, she could tell that the guy looked cute.
The young man was holding a book in each hand, glancing from one book to the other. His forehead creased as he stared intently on one book as if to scrutinize it before switching to the other, and then back again. He let out a small exasperated sigh as if in defeat, and when he looked up from the two books, he noticed Kira's presence and turned to look at her. Kira felt her breath hitched and she panicked internally, quickly averting her gaze and turning to leave.
"Wait!" The young man called out. "I, uhh… ummm…"
Kira silently debated whether she should turn around and face him or just ignore him. She just wasn't used to situations like this. Normally shy, she wasn't the type of person to strike up a conversation with a stranger out of the blue.
"Excuse me, but, umm…" The young man hesitated as if choosing his words carefully. "I, uhh… wonder if you could give me some help, please?"
He seemed to be as embarrassed as Kira was at that time as he looked down, avoiding her gaze as he asked her. She felt a little bit sorry for the guy and was almost tempted to give in, but her shyness still held her firmly in her place. After a few seconds of awkward silence, the boy backpedaled and apologized to her. "F-forgive me, " he stuttered, "I shouldn't have bothered you."
Pity and guilt took hold of Kira as she watched the young man retreat from her, still clutching the two books in both hands. A silent resolve took place in her heart, and she thought that maybe if she could be bold today, it wouldn't hurt to try. After all, the boy did seem helpless.
"S-sure, I can help you. What is it?"
The young man's eyes suddenly perked up, and he turned to her, bringing the two books to her. "Ahh, thank you. I'm looking for a good book on taking care of succulents. I just started growing succulents, and I don't know which of these books is better." He stopped in front of her, holding out both of his hands to show her the books, and as she removed her earphones from her ears, she leaned forward for a closer look. Up close, she could properly see the boy's face. He had green eyes, and the edges of his lids were outlined with black ink. She noted he had no eyebrows, and had an unusual tattoo marked on the left side of his forehead. Though these features seemed strange compared to the usual standards of male beauty, they worked quite well on him, and Kira thought he was actually quite attractive.
Upon inspecting the titles, she immediately recognized them, and with ease and a bit of excitement, explained to the boy what each book was about. She pointed to the book on his left hand, "This one has useful information on planting succulents -- plus I like the visuals -- although, I think it lacks the explanation and tips a first-time succulent enthusiast should know." She pointed to the other one, "As for this one, I like this better because it has more information, plus I like how simple yet organized that information is laid out. It's very easy for a beginner to understand. I recommend this one."
The young man's eyes lit up once more, and he looked at her with a quiet awe. "Wow, I'm amazed how easily you picked one over the other. I assume you've already read both books and that you're into succulents, as well. You seem to be really knowledgeable on it."
Kira raised both of her hands in front of her, smiling sheepishly, "Ahh! No, not really… it's just that I had a lot of them growing up. Although, I don't really have them anymore…" The young man smiled at her, and Kira noticed how kind and gentle his face looked. She felt her heart skip a beat.
"But because of your knowledge, you certainly were able help me. I can't thank you enough, Miss… umm…" He scratched the small part of his cheek with his finger. "Forgive me, I didn't get your name."
"It's Kira!" She blurted out too eagerly, but then caught herself afterwards, a tint of pink coloring her cheeks. The young man had noticed but didn't say anything and smiled in return as he held out his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Kira. My name's Gaara."
Kira stared at the hand outstretched towards her and slowly took it. Her hand slipped into his, and it fit comfortably. His hand was a bit rough yet warm, she noted, and he shook her hand slowly, his grasp firm yet gentle at the same time. She liked how his hand felt against hers, familiar and safe, and when the movement stopped, his hand lingered on hers for a while. She felt her heart sink when he finally let go. 
"Well, umm… it was really nice meeting you, Kira. Thank you again for your help," Gaara smiled softly to her.
"Yeah, it was nice meeting you, too, Gaara!" Kira smiled back, and then muttered, "Umm, well, uhhh… I guess I gotta go…"
Gaara watched her as she turned her back from him and started to walk away. What a kind and gentle soul, he thought. He watched her as her dark hair swayed along with her every move, and he noted how pretty she looked in her pastel green blouse, complimenting her skin tone. He felt a foreign tug in his heartstrings as he saw her walk farther from him, and before he knew it, he was already calling out to her.
"Kira -- wait!" Upon hearing him call out her name, Kira didn't hesitate and immediately turned around to face him. "Y-Yes?"
Gaara immediately approached her and stopped two feet away from her. "W-well, umm…" he stuttered, "You see, I, umm, signed up for a free succulent workshop tomorrow downstairs. I, uhh... it's my first time to join and I don't know anyone there. P-perhaps... you would like to join me?"
Kira's eyes widened, not quite sure if what she was hearing was true.  
"Then uhh…," he continued, "Maybe, afterwards, we can talk about it over tea. I mean, well, I could really use your help. But that is, of course, if you're fine with it!" He seemed flustered as he said this, scratching the side of his cheek again with his finger.
Kira felt her heart warm up as a grin formed itself on her lips. This boy had just asked her out, and though she really couldn't believe it at first, she knew what she was going to answer him, anyway.
Her eyes lit up, and she smiled at him sweetly, her heart full of excitement and joy.
"Of course," she beamed. "I would love to."
 The night sky once ruled my imagination Now I turn the dials with careful calculation After a while, I thought I'd never find you I convinced myself that I would never find you When suddenly I saw you
-“Venus”, Sleeping At Last
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purplesurveys · 3 years
What is your age? 22, but there’s less than a month to go before I turn 23.
What annoys you? Literally every single person who still supports the government at this point. For context, we are back to square one and we’re under the exact same quarantine imposed in March 2020 because of the surge in cases. Nothing has changed and nothing has been done in the last 365 days while people are getting hungrier and poorer. I’m done feeling hopeful for this country and I cannot wait to abandon it forever.
Do you have any allergies? Apparently, grass. Can’t be exposed to it for too long otherwise the skin on my thighs turn red and occasionally even get rashes.
Do you know anyone named Billy? Kind of, but they’re girls with their name spelled as Billie.
When is your birthday? April 21st and spending it in quarantine once again this year...
Who is your best friend(s)? Angela and Andi.
What's your favorite candy? I like gummy bears and worms. As for sweets, I really like Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Butterfinger, Twix, and the Hershey’s Cookies and Creme bar.
When was the last time you cried? Maybe a day or two ago while watching a snippet from Caught in Providence.
Have you been out of the country? Yes.
Do you daydream? Not so much these days. I’ve been better at keeping my focus at work.
What's your favorite kind of dog? I love alllllll dogs, but I’d usually be wary of smaller dogs because 87% of the times I’ve met some, they’re aggressive or a bit moody. I don’t like stereotyping dogs as much as possible but because I’ve had direct experiences to back it up anyway, *shrug*
What day of the week is it? It’s a Sunday.
How do you like your eggs? Scrambled, poached, or an omelette with lots of fillings. Balut is also great.
Have you ever been in the emergency room? Only when I was born, I’m guessing.
What's the easiest thing ever to do? Idk, what comes easy to me might not be the same for others. But my answer would be to smile, regardless if it were genuine or otherwise.
Have you ever flown in a plane? Yeah, many times. The child-like excitement I get whenever I get on one will probably never go away, either.
Do you use fly swatters? No, my mom usually uses old shoebox covers or rolled-up scratch papers we have lying around to swat them.
Have you ever used a foghorn?: Only in video games lol, never in real life.
Have you pet a goat? I don’t think I have. I’ve pet lots of animals before but I don’t think a goat has been one of them yet.
Are you a giver or a taker? Giver, but I’ve been allowing myself to take more these days.
Do you like gummy candies? Love them.
How are you? We’ve entered summer weather now, so I feel hot and miserable. It’s also Sunday and I am stuck at home, which doesn’t make me the happiest camper.
What's your height? 5′1″ or a tiny tiny tiny bit taller than that.
What color is your hair? It’s black but on extremely rare occasions I’ll catch a single light brown strand when I play with my hair.
What's your favorite ice cream? Cookies and cream and chocolate chip cookie dough. My friend Leigh actually started her own ice cream shop recently and I bought her coffee crumble ice cream, and it is sooooooooo fuckinggggggggg good??????? It’s so rare to find coffee ice cream where I live period, so I’m fucking stoked to have a close friend who makes literally the best one and in generous servings too.
Have you ever ice skated? Many times as a kid. I was never formally trained, but it was something I wanted to try from watching other kids play in mall ice skating rinks; and when I did give it a shot, I ended up enjoying it. Luckily my mom was encouraging and actually frequently dropped me off at a rink so I can practice gliding and all for a few hours while she ran errands.
Have you cheated the IRS? That’s like an American tax thingy, right? We don’t have that here and my employer handles my TIN.
What's your favorite jelly bean? Not a big fan but if I had to have Jelly Belly, I obviously would want to get the pleasant-tasting ones.
Do you tell jokes? Yes.
Do you wear nice jewelry? Only on special occasions.
Do you want to kill anybody? I don’t want to kill anybody but I certainly wish a good number of public officials would finally die.
Do you want to have kids? Yes. I really wish I could still have a future with them. Thanks for the trauma, my real asshole of an ex.
Where did you have kindergarten? Somewhere.
Are you laidback? I doubt my friends would use this to describe me. I for sure lean more towards the uptight side of the spectrum.
Do you lie? Eh, occasionally.
When is the last time you sent a hand-written letter? I have no idea. Christmas 2019 maybe?
Ever talked in a microphone? Sure. Many times.
Do you still watch Disney Movies? I very rarely get in the mood for them if I’m by myself, but yes, I’d gladly sit down and watch should an opportunity come.
Do you like mangoes? No.
Do you have a nickname? 99% of people call me Robyn while my family calls me Byn, but there are a select few friends who’ve stayed long enough with me to catch other names I’ve gotten over the years, which have since become inside jokes/nicknames. There’s Reben and Rolayn, and literally just yesterday ‘Roby’ happened when I ordered food for lunch so that will probably catch on as well.
What’s your favorite number? 4.
Do you prefer night over day? Absolutely.
Are you an only child? No, I’m two siblings away from that status.
Do you wish this was over? I haven’t felt that way, no.
What is the closet orange object near you? An orange tumbler my Kuya gave me as a Christmas gift in 2019. There is also orange tape wrapped around the charger adaptor of my company laptop.
What one fear are you most paranoid about? Waking up in the middle of surgery and being unable to speak nor move.
Do you play any instruments? Nope.
Do you think you are pretty? Some days.
Are you quick to judge people? No, unless they are already blatantly showing their character like being rude towards service staff, tossing their trash to the ground, or cutting in queues. Whenever those things happen I give myself the space and freedom to guiltlessly judge.
What do you keep quiet about? How dysfunctional my family really is, and the things I really want to say about Gabie.
Do you have any quirks? Food-wise, I like peeling off the breading from fried chicken and placing them on the side of my plate so I can eat them last, because they’re my favorite part.
What’s a good reason to cry? Frustration. Crying can be really helpful in lessening stress.
Do you think you're always right? No.
Do you watch reality TV? Not religiously, but I love watching snippets of reality shows on Facebook because they’re all so embarrassing and it’s hilarious to watch hahahahah. Literally last night I was watching clips of Big Ed on 90 Day Fiance.
Are you a social person? More so now than I was years ago.
What states have you lived in? I lived in Manila briefly but it didn’t take long till we transferred to another city for a more peaceful life in the suburbs.
What is your favorite season? I wanna say winter because of what I’ve seen from it in movies and shows, but I’ve never actually experienced it before.
When did you last sleep in a tent? Sometime in March or April last year.
Do you like tomatoes? Mostly in diced form. Tomato sauce is fine but I don’t really like it in my pasta. Bloody Mary also tastes rather awful.
What time did you wake up? 8:30 AM.
Do you have an umbrella in your car? I think so, yeah. I finally placed one in there lmao.
Do listen to Usher? Eh, not really. 2000s R&B isn’t my thing, save for Beyoncé.
Describe the underwear your wearing? It’s light blue.
What’s the worst veggie? I never learned to like pechay. I’d still eat it, but only because I like cleaning up my entire plate.
Do you like movies with violence? Some. Like I hate action movies but I enjoyed A Clockwork Orange and Scream lol.
Where do you want to go on vacation? I recently bookmarked an Airbnb in Zambales and the accommodation is basically this super cute line of tipi-styled huts by the beach. I'd love to have a solo trip push through once this Covid mess subsides.
Ever been on a wave runner? No.
Where do you work? I work in a PR company.
Do you wish on stars? Just sometimes.
Have you ever had an x-ray? Only for mandatory medical exams.
Do you own a xylophone? I think I had a toy one as a kid, but it’s not with me anymore.
Have you watched the x-games? No, not interested.
What did you do yesterday? I stayed at home; ordered food for Angela as a surprise; debated if I should buy a pair of Air Maxes – and ultimately decided I’ve already spent too much this month to deserve a new pair of shows lol; and just settled to buy a new night lamp for my bedroom. I also watched the newest episode of 2 Days 1 Night and ate more of Leigh’s ice cream while doing work.
Do you like the color yellow? Only in mustard yellow. I also like the song Yellow, heh.
What year were you born?: 1998.
Do you believe in the zodiac? No.
Has your bank account been at zero? No. I remember when I was first opening my own account at the bank and the clerk told me to make sure I don’t go below P2,000, and my intensely by-the-book ass has been following the rule ever since, even though my dad has told me it’s absolutely fine to go below it so long as I have P2,000 back in the account after a month hahaha.
Ever been to the zoo? A few.
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rwby-nwbe · 4 years
Just Finished RWBY Volume 2...
[Warning: Spoilers for Volume 2 and Long Post.]
New antagonists! More huntsman action! More characters and interactions! And the fights, tho. THE FIGHTS!
*Ahem* Okay, clearly I just need to start from the beginning...
Episode 1
We start the new season by being reintroduced to our new antagonists, Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black. They may be villains, but they're also obviously teens (Mercury radiates prick energy) and they're dynamic is entertaining. Also, RIP Tukson, he seemed like a nice dude...
We then cut back to Team RWBY and JNPR, who are apparently on break at the moment. It's also nice to see Sun again, and we also get to meet Neptune. Anyways, someone throws a pie in Weiss face, and you know what that means...
Seriously, THESE KIDS ARE CRAZY. Ruby can apparently surf on lunch trays! Weiss used ketchup and a freakin' swordfish like Myrtenaster! Blake used baguettes and a sausage link like Gambol Shroud! Freakin' YANG was punching things with TURKEY! JAUNE... threw a melon, that was cool; nice to see that he's losing the noodleness of his body. NORA RIPPED OUT A PIPE, STUFFED IT TO A MELON, AND CALLED IT MAGNHILD! Note to self: never challenge Pyrrha to a fight near a vending machine (or anytime, really). Ren can kick WATERMELONS, and fight with LEEKS. HOW CAN THEY EVEN DIGEST ALL THAT FOOD!?
RIP Neptune's hair though, I hear grape is hard to wash out...
Then we cut back to the White Fang and Torchwick, who are then met with Mercury, Emerald, and later the great Cinder Fall herself. I'll admit, Mercury's funny but a jerk, and Emerald... I'm pretty sure I was mentally screaming "YOU'RE BEING MANIPULATED" when I saw her and Cinder. First she doesn't give Emerald a hug, then she tells her to not think and just obey? RED FLAGS. RED FLAGS EVERYWHERE.
Oh, speaking of Cinder, while she does radiate boss energy, I'm glad that I don't personally like her. I don't know what it is, but it might be the fact that she's treating everyone else like her pawns (and considering she used a chess piece later in this volume, I wouldn't be surprised). I mean, good villain, but like any good villain, I want her to get roasted, though that might not work given her Semblance.
Also, Roman Torchwick, you beautiful jerk, never change. I love ya, but I also love seeing you get dragged, which is what Emerald did to you at the end of this. Yep, I'm on board for this season!
Also, the new opening. I thought nothing could top "This Will Be The Day." I was wrong. Haven't listened to all of it yet, but "Time To Say Goodbye" SLAPS.
Episode 2
So, several things. There's board games, insert Yu-Gi-Oh reference here... Yang has too much power. Also, if I remember the lingo right, then this is also the episode where the White Rose shippers got crumbs, the White Knight shippers were once again denied, and where the Iceberg shippers were born (while the rest of us were titling our heads in confusion with Jaune). Jaune continues to be a social dork (what's with the blonde boys blowing Blake's secret? Don't think I've forgotten about Sun...). Blake is being consumed with the burden of RESPONSIBILITY. I feel that Blake. Oh, and the ending...
Why do out villains have to be clever enough to infiltrate the actual school!? And Weiss' "We're doomed." I hope that's not secret foreshadowing...
Episode 3
Jaune fails yet again at wooing Weiss (at least Yang comforts him at the end), and the gang begins their espionage. We meet Penny again, Weiss deals with her past, albeit briefly, and Penny... oh boy. She's hiding something, and the hiccups make it obvious. What could it possibly- oh...
Episode 4
Most of us had our suspicions, what with Penny's awkward demeanor and ludicrous super strength, but yep, she's a robot! Aw, get yourself a real one like Ruby. Oh, and Neptune's useless with Yang around. Speaking of, HEY, good to see you again, Junior! So Blake and Sun intercept the White Fang rally and... oh fudge they got giant robots. BAIL! We also get to see Neptune's weapon and Sun's semblance (before they nope off the road and leave the rest of the fighting to RWBY, while they go off and get ramen, the jerks...). Also, nice to see that they have team attack names (I believe some of them double as ship names), and this is where we get to meet the Ice Cream Queen Neopolitan (not to be confused with the now officially dubbed Ice Queen Weiss Schnee. If even the villains are calling you that, then congrats, you have a new title)! Neo then proceeds to give them the slip, and I personally believe that Yang only disliked Weiss' pun because it highlighted her failure.
C'mon Yang, at least she's TRYING!
Episode 5
Pyrrha is a combat queen. 'Nuff said. Suck it, CRDL.
Oh no. Mercury is both a smart aleck AND smart. This will not end well.
Blake, take a break. No, seriously, working yourself to death just because you think you can doesn't mean you should. You will only feel worse. TAKE A BREAK.
Well Jaune, mission failed. You'll get her next time.
Pyrrha Nikos. Sweetie. We're talking about Jaune Arc here. He's not gonna get the hints you're dropping unless that "hint" is a full blown irrefutable confession so obvious that even he can't screw it up. I know you want to help him because you like him (and yes, even like like him), but it's clear Weiss isn't interested, at least not now. Capitalize on that!
And our villain group continues to be dastardly. *Chuckles* We're in danger.
Episode 6
The dance draws near, and it seems that both Blake AND Jaune could use a pep talk!
Poor Blake. It appears your faunus trait makes you more cat-like than just the ears.
Also, poor Ren. He just wants a nice bath, but alas, the power of bromance.
Oof, tough love from Yang. Pretty good flashback, though. Also, Pyrrha, your selfless nature will be your undoing, listen to Nora.
...oh God, if I'm saying "listen to Nora" when the world isn't ending, we might ACTUALLY be in danger.
Aw, the dance looks fun. Poor Jaune, tho. Don't worry, at least Yang, Blake, and Sun are having a good time (and this is the part where I realize I'm becoming a SunnyBee shipper, crap). Poor Ruby, having to wear heels. Don't worry, Ozpin will keep you company.
Oh crap, the villain kids are here! What are you up to!?
Episode 7
This one gets the runner up for my favorite episode. Alternatively, I give it the title "Team Leaders Know What's Up."
Jaune, you may be a dumbass, but you're the rare "Surprisingly Competent Dumbass With A Heart Of Gold," and you get my respect for that. Being socially awkward with Ruby? Comedy gold. Putting things into perspective for Neptune? Props, my dude. Comforting Pyrrha? Friendship goals (even though it should be more than friendship goals, but hey, you put on the dress, I'll give you that). Nice dance moves, by the way, JNPR.
As for Ruby... drinking Jaune's punch? Iconic. Noticing Cinder sneaking away? Nice. Fighting her in heels of all things? You, my dear red reaper, are on another level. A shame that Ironwood couldn't get there faster and that Cinder had to bail, but oh well.
Also: Penny continues to be heckin' adorable. I will never NOT stan.
Episode 8
HEAR YE, HEAR YE, THE NOBLE DOG ZWEI HAS GRACED US WITH HIS ADORABLE PRESENCE. Tremble before his ability to fit in boxes and melt Weiss' heart. Oh, and RWBY gets exposed to Ozpin, but surprise! Even Ozpin doesn't have to play by the rules! Though that could get him in trouble with Ironwood later...
Why does this show keep showing me characters that I want to get to know better in record time!? Team CFVY looks so interesting, and it's nice to see Velvet again! Ooh, I hope we see them more later...
Also, Professor Oobleck, I know we saw a bit of you in Volume 1, and I wish we got to know you better. You seem delightful.
Episode 9
Okay, my previous statement of DOCTOR Oobleck still stands. I love this chaotic fast man.
He's both funny AND deep! His reaction to Zwei? Comedy gold! Him picking apart RWBY's motives and the Grimm? Disturbingly thought provoking, but enjoyable. Also, Ruby, you're great, but you're not entirely a genius, you're just a little bit lucky.
In conclusion: there are a lot of characters to stan in RWBY. Dr. Oobleck is one of them.
Episode 10
We learn about WBY's motivations, now excuse me while I go crying in the club right now.
OH NO, RUBY GOT KIDNAPPED! AND SHE DOESN'T HAVE HER SCYTHE! FRICK, it's a mindset kind of deal! Without her scythe, she thinks she's useless! Oh, and Roman's there too, that's not good.
...that is REALLY not good, Oobleck! Get down there, all of you! Wait, is your thermos... your WEAPON!? HOW THE FU-
(Sidenote, I looked up the name, since most weapons have them and I'm impatient for them getting name dropped. "Antiquity's Roast," eh? Fitting...)
Episode 11
So... this episode.
Poor Ruby. She failed to fight back, she almost ran away but then it turns out Melodic Cudgel is also a GRAPPLING HOOK. Thank god Yang and company finally busted their way in.
...why are Roman and the White Fang going kamikaze with those train car bombs? Oh right, the Grimm. Crap, that ain't good.
Ah, Oobleck. You may have accidentally repeated Ruby's line, but a swig of your thermos/club/flamethrower and then using it to bat Zwei into a cannonball of death redeemed you!
So Neo's back. She's skilled, sassy, has something going on with her eyes... Oh boy, Yang's getting outclassed by a pipsqueak. That's gotta suck.
Does every faunus (baring Blake, Sun, etc.) hate the SDC? Seriously Weiss, what did your father DO!?
Roman, do not get flirty with Blake. Junior tried something similar with Yang way back in the Yellow Trailer, and he got socked in the face. You deserve that kick in the head.
Oh look, Yang's mom is here! Nice, now Neo can't kill her (don't you dare, you little ice cream, I swear...). Oh. OH. That's a big sword. Yeah, ya better run, Neo. You ain't winnin' this fight. Great, now I want to know what Yang's mom's deal is. Figures she just warped away afterwards...
And now the Grimm are above ground. Yeah, seems like a good time for the season finale.
Episode 12
Now THIS is my favorite episode.
Look at that, Jaune's getting good instincts! And it's nice that Team JNPR was able to help RWBY. Also nice that Jaune can actually kill a Grimm now. Good job, man. You earned Pyrrha's smile of approval.
As much as I'm wary of the antagonist trio, I'll admit, they can fight good. Especially Emerald, her guns are sick. Why am I warming up to her so fast? What is this magic!?
...CFVY. CFVY. WHY ARE Y'ALL SO BADASS? Seriously, Yatsuhashi's carying an entire sword and a half. Fox just pulled a Ren and caused a Grimm to explode. Coco... God, Coco- WHY DOES RUBY HAVE SO MANY QUEENS, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!?
"You just destroyed my favorite clothing store. Prepare to die."
And she just murders Grimm with a BRIEFCASE. That turns into a GATTLING GUN. BECAUSE OF COURSE IT'S ALSO A GUN. (BTW, Gianduja is a really cool name for it.)
And now I want to know Velvet's weapon! It doesn't look like much now, but apparently it took a semester to build. And we know that Velvet can fight based on what we saw with her and Fox, so how does she ADD to that!?
Welp, Roman got handled, though I doubt it's for long... Yay, RWBY finally gets a break! Oh boy, trouble brewing between Ozpin and Ironwood, that ain't good.
...bull man's back. Uh, guys, Adam's back! And he's helping the bad guys! THIS IS REALLY NOT GOOD.
...oh, so your name is Raven? And that's what you look like under the mask. There's the resemblance... Oh boy, where have you been all of Yang's life?
So all in all, Volume 2 was even better than Volume 1, in my opinion. It's like they took the first volume and amped it up to 11. Longer runtimes, great comedy, great action sequences, great CHARACTERS. It's just a complete trip! 10/10, would ride again. Welp, it's getting late, so I can't immediately start Volume 3. But what Volume 2 gave us is good enough to tide me over.
...I am so glad I started this series. Well, this is goodbye for now. Cheers, internet!
-Mathewton, the RWBY Newbie (22 March 2020)
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chiwoopsie · 6 years
That tag where I answer 10 questions and ask 10 more :)
tagged by the great @s-lay-ing (I couldn’t not answer your questions hehe thank you thank you!)
i wanna get to know some new peeps so i’ll tag​ @scoupsadaisy @yayayaimma @bbaksu @sebongteen-trash (only if you want to ofc!)
My 10 Questions For You
top 3 songs you would recommend to a non-kpopper
What is your 2019 resolution, if you have any?
Last thing you ate?
Song/MV that got you into the kpop
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and with who?
Favorite thing to do when you have a day off
What would you give your bias(es) for Christmas?
You won the lottery! Who would be the first person you tell?
Sweet or savory?
If you saw your favorite group on the street, what would you do?
1. Is there something you would change about t*mblr?
WHAT A WELL TIMED QUESTION but i’m going with my pre-community guidelines answer to make this short >> i’m agreeing with cloud about letting sideblogs send asks bc why isn’t that a thing?? and just the whole mobile app in general lol..like why can’t i see my tags in some of my posts and why can i never post things without running into an error message on there :// OH YEAH and can it not delete my links when i edit my description on mobile? thanks 
2. Your parents/siblings/very close friends get offered a tour around europe with no cost for a month or so and they ask you to come w/ them. Considering your current status, what would you do? 
Well I’m graduating uni in a couple months so if we could go then, I would be very down! But I would also probably feel the anxiety of needing a job and financial stability throughout the whole trip rip Also I don’t think I could travel w/ my parents rn bc we did go to europe for a while this summer and although I love my them a lot, I would rather travel with my sister or my friends for the time being :)
3. Your fam/dorm decides to do a garage sale. Within a quick look into your room, what would you give up for sale?
My college textbooks
4. In your personal opinion (aka not based on the trend or whatever), name artist of the year, song of the year, video of the year, album of the year.
Artist of the Year- MONSTA X 
MX IS HAVING THEIR M O M E N T RIGHT NOW  and korea needs to pay attention! LIKE THEY RELEASED THREE (2 KOREAN, 1 JAPANESE) ALBUMS THAT ARE A++ WITH BOMBASS MVS/TITLE TRACKS, PROMOTING THEMSELVES LITERALLY EVERYWHERE WITH THE WORLD TOUR AND NOW JINGLE BALL AND ARE DOING IT WITH SO MUCH ENTHUSIASM EVEN THOUGH THEY MUST BE SUPER EXHAUSTED FROM WORKING NONSTOP THIS YEAR. And not to be that person but seeing them last year and then this year in concert really hit it home for me how much they’ve improved as artists and performers (not that they were bad to begin with) so in an ideal world, I would give a big award to Monsta X ❤❤
Song of the Year- Shine by Pentagon (lol sorry cloud)
it was a debate btwn shine or love scenario for me but shine did a lot more for pentagon’s popularity and name recognition than love scenario for ikon i think (since ikon already had ~ikonic~ songs like my type, rhythm ta, etc). The song itself is cute and really easy to get stuck in your head but not in an annoying way?? Plus the choreo made the hammer dance a thing (at least in my mind) and the way it rose up on the korean charts was p cool :)
Video of the Year- Help Me by NU’EST W
ugghhh so many candidates but the help me mv floored me with the overall visuals and cinematography and someone pls tell me that im not the only one who thought of minhyun when the door opened in the last scene lmao
Album of the Year- Love Yourself: Answer
I was late listening to it but after I got started, it was literally on repeat for at least a month. Just the way the album’s organized after ‘起承轉結’ makes the flow of songs from one to another is so perfect and all the songs were so good and it’s just really great 💗
5. Do you have a hobby/personal custom of yours?
uhm i read? that’s like the most boring hobby ever but i have been reading more lately than i have done over the last couple years, although I still have trouble finishing them..But I’m currently reading a book about the rise of China’s noveau riche and basically how capitalism functions in a country ruled by the Communist Party and no one wants to know how nerdy you are megan so just say you like reading and move on to the next question
6. Name the most a mischievous thing you’ve done
7. a kpop group/artist you WISH comes off hiatus in 2019? 
f(x) and i’ll throw in pristin (ALL OF THEM) for good measure
8. recommend me ten songs 
(i don’t think we have the same tastes rip but here’s basically the songs that didn’t make it on #11 😅)
loved by highlight
one of those nights (feat. crush) by key 
right now by amber
regular (english version) by nct 127 
april fool’s by jimin (jamie) park
gone by changsub
lady by exid
roller coaster by chungha
piece of peace, pt. 1 by j-hope
no gravity (piano version) by yoon mirae
9. is there a fandom related activity you wish you were good at?
hmm i’m really curious how ppl do gfx actually..like they’re always so pretty and creative and i’m always in awe but i don’t think i have the artistic mind for it. Also, writing fics is also something I respect and lowkey wish I was good at (even tho I never tried lol) since I find the process of transmitting my thoughts onto paper really difficult and it takes me forever to write stuff in general
10. a kp*p song from this year that everyone swears on but you’re not that on board with it 
favorite by loona?? i know a lot of ppl here on the tumbles love loona but their style of music doesn’t really hit it for me..
11. top 10 kpop songs of 2018?
in no particular order:
boss by nct u
la vie en rose by iz*one
countless by shinee
running to you by seventeen
destroyer by monsta x
trivia:seesaw by bts 
i’m so sick by apink
just do it by booseoksoon
she’s in the rain by the rose
bad boy by red velvet
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buttermilkrusks · 6 years
ABC tag
thanks sm to @sabsabstudies for tagging me <3
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag blogs you would like to get to know better
A age: 18
B birthplace: cape town, south africa
C current time: 19:30
D drink you last had: chai brewed in milk ✨
E easiest person to talk to: honestly probably my one cousin, but idak
F favourite song: probably Society - Alice Phoebe Lou it has a really cliché name but it’s so goood
G grossest memory: that time I was on exchange in Italy and they tried to feed me pig’s snout and it smelt really bad all day while it was cooking and I felt so sick I literally had to go outside so I wouldn’t throw up and somehow they just ate it like it wasn’t the most disgusting thing ever
H horror yes horror no: horror no. I hate it cause I get scared for like 0,2 seconds and then I stop being scared cause I know its not real or realistic at all and the whole movie is just me fighting between my immediate emotional response and logic. it’s tiring
I in love: with nothing and also everything. I mostly just feel an overwhelming sense of love but it’s not attached to anything or anybody it’s just there
J jealous: of people who had actual childhoods
K kiss or be kissed: be kissed
L love at first sight or should i walk by again: I have never really experienced love or a crush or anything unless it was artificially made up so I have no idea. Sometimes I wonder if everyone actually artificially produces their crushes like “yeah this person is suitable and cute and it would be pretty cool if we were together now I’m gonna think about that a lot and soon it will be a crush”
M middle name: don’t have one and I’m glad I don’t
N number of siblings: one older brother
O one wish: for eternal power, I guess? that way I could pretty much get whatever I want in the future. I’d like to change the past too cause that will influence the future but there’s only one wish so whatever
P last person you called: well I called my friend the other day cause she wasn’t reading her texts but other than that I don’t think I’ve called anybody in years
Q question you are always asked: are you lost/tired/confused? (no it’s just my face)
R reason to smile: I’m okay
S song you last sang: Accidental Babies - Damien Rice (don’t @ me)
T time you woke up: 6:35am it was awful
U underwhelming experience: my whole life but we’ll go with watching the fireworks on New Year’s in Dubai. it’s pretty boring if you’re not in the perfect spot to see all of them
V vacation destination: ahhh I don’t know. I really want to visit Scotland one day, as well as Cardiff (or Wales generally but Cardiff seems cool). Also though just anywhere I can ski. if anyone knows a place with a Cardiff vibe but where you can ski for a lot of the year please let me know so I can live there
W worst habit: daydreaming
X x-rays: well I had an x-ray when I was like 7 and broke my arm, then one to check I didn’t have a brain injury after I fainted into a wall due to getting some baby teeth taken out (pain killer + double dosage of local anaesthetic + my mom showing me the teeth with their roots like “yay look how cool this is” is not a good mix), also I had a few more done on my head to monitor my one eyetooth that wasn’t coming down and was going up instead (ended up having to have an operation to pull it down with a chain and was in a lot of pain for like a year until it came down😢)
Y your favourite food: grilled calamari but also ribs. and chocolate mousse.
Z zodiac sign: virgo 💪
tagging: @leakyblr @wormdelivre @wordwarii @tragicbibliophile @nervousbutexcitedtolearn @stepawayfromthecarrot @bhabhes @salmon and I’m just gonna fake tag all my followers. ie if you want to do the tag, say I tagged you :)
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sf-akahana · 6 years
Yay I got tagged in a thing!!  Thanks @vanillaslayer <3
Dank A to Z Meme
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better
a - age: 21
b - birthplace: Torrance, California 
c - current time: 1:51am (I am currently in a toxic relationship w/ sleep, they always neglect me and honestly I deserve better lol)
d - drink you last had: Water but only because we’re out of soda I’m a bad adult
e - easiest person to talk to: I’m a pretty open person wit all of my friends but there are definitely different friends I would take different problems to.  I’m also the person who is always willing to help others with their problems so lots of people talk to me pretty easily.
f - *current* favourite song: it’s a toss up between a couple different songs, but BTS just dropped a new Japanese album and I’m LIVING for “Don’t Leave Me” it’s so good <3
g - grossest memory: Once when I was like 12 my brother and I were getting ready to go to our martial arts test (which is expensive) and I didn’t feel good and ended up puking, but my mom thought I was faking it to get out of the test and made me clean it out of the carpet.  It wasn’t until I ran to the bathroom in the middle of the test did she realize I was actually sick...but I still finished the test and I still passed so go me.
h - horror yes or horror no: HELL YEAH, I actually get scared pretty easy but I still love horror games and movies and shows like Paranormal Survivor lol.  Although I always stick with psychological horror, stuff like slasher flicks I don’t find very scary I just find them gross and hard to look at.
i - in love?: Nope, not at the moment.  
j - jealous of people?: I don’t tend to be, there are times where I find myself wishing I had what other people have (more emotionally/ life fulfillment wise than material possessions) but I’m not angry at others for having it or wishing to see other’s crash and burn.  I used to feel jealous when my best friend chose to hang out with others friends, but that’s mostly passed.
l - love at first sight or should i walk by again?: Really love at first sight it the most fucking ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard tbh.  Love takes a lot of dedication and the willingness from both parties to stick through hard times and to always try to better themselves.  How could you tell any of that from just a glance?
m - middle name: Jeannette, after my grandmother Janet
n - number of siblings: One younger brother.
o - one wish: My wish is to live a happy and fulfilling life, whatever that ends up looking like for me.  Right now that’s just to continue to work on my art skills and to spend as much times with my friends as I can, but who knows what that will be in the future.
p - person you called last: My Mama <3
q - question you are always (often) asked: “Wow did you draw that?”  Like no, I’m just sitting here with my sketchbook open and a pencil in my hand and this picture just magically appeared.  Jk I actually don’t really mind this kind of question, I like when people take interest in my art.
r - reason to smile: MY CAT SASSY IS THE CUTEST LITTLE SHIT AND I LOVE HER SO MUCH I’m literally watching her sleep rn with her paws held over her face I CAN’T-
s - song you sang last: “Don’t Leave Me” - BTS (I don’t have a problem lol)
t - time you woke up: 4:30pm I have an aweful schedule also it’s spring break
u - underwear color: gray
v - vacation destination: I mean Disneyland is always a good choice but I would also love to visit Japan someday <3  I would also go to Korea but only if a BTS concert was involved because although there are some cool things to do there I’m terrified of the driving conditions
w - worst habit: Procrastination - it’s half the reason I don’t sleep lol
x - x-rays: I haven’t had one since my brother broke my finger when I was 10
y - your favourite food: CKICKEN KATSU CURRY IS MY JAM
z - zodiac sign: Cancer
so I’m supposed to tag 10 people but I seem to be pretty late to this party and most people have probably done it so if you haven’t yet just say I tagged you and I’ll like your post <3
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dong-hyucks · 7 years
tags ♡
tagged by : @jinguobells and @andromedaneedsoxyjin !! tyty :)
as always, italics are by jade and bolded are by cj ps, to all of you interested, a hyuck scenario will be posted later today (and maybe? a minho one) from me for the christmas special ! (link in bio)
alphabet soup tag
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
A: age | fourteen (fifteen in two months :’)) // sixteen,,, sweet sixteen sixteen sixteen
B: birthplace | canada :) // wisconsin lol
C: current time | 21:07 // 17:05
D: drink you had last | chamomile tea // diet dr. pepper
E: easiest person to talk to | ,,, animals in general i live a sad life // my four close friends
F: favorite song | day6′s ‘i loved you’ // day6′s ‘i like you’ 
G: grossest memory | once my brother and i were in a prank war and he decided to leave ten caterpillars on my bed aND I DIDNT REALIZE UNTIL AFTER I LIED DOWN (i’m usually okay w bugs but caterpillars,,, no) // i don’t really know,,, i’m pretty boring. but, once i had a cyst in my hand and it was all swollen and weird looking. that was pretty gross. 
H: hogwarts house | hufflepuff !! // slytherin *hisses passive-agressively*
I: in love? | with reading (i have a crush but it’s not that serious lmao) // what is love? jk,,, but no. i don’t love anyone except for maybe the person who answered before me <3<3<3 and my lovely stray kids gc frands
J: jealous of people? | generally, no, but for some things, yes // it’s not really jealousy, but i do get worried that people will leave me (it’s more like minor paranoia)
K: killed someone | yes, of course << nO // in my head,,,,, yes,,,
L. love at first sight or should I walk by again? | suddenly i can’t see iM JoKiNG // oml love at first sight? idk how to love ... (but feel freE tO loVE mE)
M. middle name | phuong vy // jean
N: number of siblings | one // none (;-;)
O: one wish | to be able to just enjoy life normally lol world peace // to be able to travel from one point in the world and circling back to it, learning languages, cultural aspects, and making friends along the way. (omg jade’s is sm better tho lol).
P: person you called last | my friend bc he was lost haha // what is calling? is she in my history class? idk her? jkjk, i called my mom, bc she was taking too long with the food.
Q: question you are always asked | are you okay? did you sleep last night? how do you spell your name again? what is your name again? (i’m such a forgettable person) // why are the bags under your eyes so big? why don’t you wear make up? you’re in my class? (i don’t wear makeup ‘cause idgaf about what i look like lol)
R: reason to smile | hyuck my friends and family, reading, writing, animals, equality // << basically the same things (also,,, net neutrality ;-;)
S: song you sang last | camila cabello’s havana // why so lonely - yg silver boys remix (i’m in love w/ the silver boys)
T: time you woke up | today? i didn’t lol i pulled an all nighter // 6:15ish (i had ensemble practice ;-;)
U: underwear color | black and white // white
V: vacation destination | london, paris, or italy // bangkok, australia, seoul, singapore, or hanoi (i highkey want to go everywhere tho)
W: worst habit | p r o c r a s t i n a t i n g // singing 25/8
X: x-rays | for my teeth ? // yep! two actually! i once fractured a growth plate in my wrist and a couple months later fell straight onto that same shoulder.
Y: your favorite food | sinigang (na baboy) !! // i’m not super sure, bc food is great, but i really like fried chicken
Z: zodiac sign | aquarius // aries
Ultimate bias: everyone knows this lol lee donghyuck ♡ // min yoongi,, i lov
Ultimate bias wrecker: either lee daehwi or park jimin,, // hansol vernon chwe, lee daehwi, or park minhyuk (ye i’m trash)
Favorite kpop song: day6′s i loved you // day6′s ‘i like you’
First kpop song: later later (covered by svt star team) // i mean,, techincally it was gangnam style ;-; but really,,, it was bts’ i need u
Favorite kpop album: astro’s spring up ♡ // i’m absolute trash for love yourself,,, i hate to be basic lol, but,,, whenever i hear sea, i start to tear up.
Favorite kpop ship: i don’t really ship lol <-- same cyn //  i don’t ship romantically,,, it feels weird to me (you do you tho), i ship platonically. my fav platonic ships are gyuhao and jikook
Hard or soft fan: im in the middle <-- again,, same cyn //  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ehh. both idk ;-;
Favorite kpop company: fantagio !! // pledis!
Backstory of how I got into kpop: i’ve heard of kpop since i was in gr. 2/3 bUt i never really got around to listening to it (plus, after gangnam style came out it got really annoying bc all of my classmates would yell the incorrect lyrics smh) bUT in 2014 i came across a svt video,, and there we go i was sucked into this black hole that is kpop // yeah, so basically, i started making fun of my friend for listening to the music, and one day she just shoved an earbud in my ear (aggressively,, if i may add) and made me listen to the rest of i need u, and i was in awe. from that day on,,, i’ve loved the music. (i think it’s important to not only love the idols, but to love the music they make. they work hard to tell their stories through music, and that deserves to be appreciated)
tagging : @hellohaechan @ugyeoms @chenlays @jisung @hyucksrose @nctimagery
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koujaaku · 6 years
tagged by @i-am-shepard-commander​, thank you!!
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
a - age: 22
b - birthplace: southern California, USA
c - current time: 1:40am
d - drink you last had: vanilla Coke
e - easiest person to talk to: any of my four friends from highschool (we’ve kept up a daily group chat for years), or @yuuichirouh​!
f - favorite song: “Photograph” by Ed Sheeran
g - grossest memory: I can’t recall anything, but the first thing that comes to mind is this one scene from Killing Stalking (I only got through like one or two chapters) and I had to stop because of that one scene with the can lid and I get incredibly anxious and panicky just thinking about it... also my friend semi-forced me to watch “Green Inferno” and yeah, that was a horrible experience...
h - horror yes or horror no: no!!!!!
i - in love? am I in a romantic relationship? no, but am I utterly enamored by fictional characters and perpetually in awe of certain celebrities? boy howdy you bet!!!
j - jealous of people? a little. mostly of the ones my age who have their lives figured out and are able to live independently, but I’ll get there.
l - love at first sight or should i walk by again? walk by again because it’s usually the best ones that I overlook the first time lol
m - middle name: Nicole
n - number of siblings: 1 younger brother
o - one wish: let Hux kick ass 2k19
p - person you called last: my... boss? kinda? who is also my church’s youth pastor’s wife? she just offered me another sidejob I’m gonna take up and start training this Saturday
q - question you are always asked: “Where are you at (college-wise)?” no, I still haven’t graduated yet, yes, it’s taking awhile, please stop fucking asking me and giving me that are-you-really-sure-you-want-to-be-an-art-major look because I get Stressed™
r - reason to smile: Domhnall Gleeson’s laugh or Adam Driver’s smile
s - song you sang last: I honestly cannot recall but I was listening to this track from Last Jedi because I get fucking chills!!!!!!!
t - time you woke up: 11:30am (I get to sleep in on Wednesdays ohohoho)
u - underwear colour: right now? uhhh pink :D
v - vacation destination: Japan
w - worst habit: picking at my nails/skin
x - x-rays: only for teeth :0
y - your favourite food: garlic noodles hhhbfbhgh
Z - zodiac sign: Taurus
tagging: @kylorenisafookingcoont​, @sstensland​, @magnetvrs​, @sherrenaz​, @shuckshux​, @yuuichirouh​ (I’m too shy to tag anyone else... don’t feel pressured to fill it out though!)
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daengerous-af · 7 years
I was tagged by @daesungindistress. Thanks for tagging me !!
Answer the questions in a new post and tag 5 blogs you would like to know better. (I’m keeping your rules lmao)
Tagging: @greenchatae, @gotsoulmates, @castielsinwhite, @lamptastical, & @silirial. You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to !!
A: Age - early 20s
B: Birthplace - Canada eh
C: Current time - 10:25 AM
D: Drink you had last - Coke (it was last night not this morning aikdglsjf. Though I;m unopposed to drinking it this early-)
E: Easiest person to talk to - My very best internet friend :p
F: Favorite song - Wtf idkkkkkk. Right now I’m enjoying I Loved You by DAY6 a lot ?? Like too much ??? It’s the only song I listen to ???
G: Grossest memory - Uhhhh hmmmm idk if it’s the grossest, but it’s all I got rn: I was watching the Olympics gymnastics last year and one of the players legs contorted and then broke in this horrific way. I’m pretty squeamish so.... it was awful for me. Also I felt sooooo bad for the guy. Like he trained so hard just to get injured T.T. I didn’t watch the rest of the Olympics after that which was sadddd because I waited like 4 years to watch it T.T
H: Hogwarts house - Ravenclaw (but also a bit of Hufflepuff) can’t expect someone to fit in a box
I: In love? - If Sungjin of DAY6 counts- Lmao please I wish
J: Jealous of people - Sometimes
K: Killed someone - I mean maybe a lil bug...
L: Love at first sight or should I walk by again - Walk tf by again. People are not always as they appear.... oy
M: Middle name - My mom’s first name, which I’m not telling because assholes have made fun of it beforeeeeeeeee. Plus like.... I have to keep what remaining anonymity I have lmao.
N: Number of siblings - I have a brother. He is ... interesting.
O: One wish - To have a fulfilling life... yeah that covers like all the bases lmao.
P: Person you called last - Records department person at the police station. I made a mistake when filling in my phone number lmao.
Q: Question you are always asked - "What’s your background/heritage/etc?” Lmao buddy please I’d tell you if I knew. My family history is a fxxking mess on my mom’s side so like... legit don’t know the answer lol. Also used to get “Why don’t you talk?” Because I have nothing to say and wanna leave how about that lmao.
R: Reason to smile - Daes-The great people around me, both irl and online.
S: Song you sang last - .....................I was singing Soulja Boy Tell ‘Em half asleep in the car last night ???
T: Time you woke up - Ummmmm I think it was like 7am, but I went back to sleep and woke up at 9 or 9:30am ??
U: Underwear color - ............N/A............... oops
V: Vacation Destination - Anywhere that has good food tbh lol.
W: Worst habit - Picking at scabs and things ... i hateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
X: X-rays - Just dental ones.
Y: Your favorite food - I really like noodles, especially the real fat ones. Oolong noodles 😍😍😍
Z: Zodiac sign - a very typical Cancer not that I believe in these things-
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Tumblr media
[A6A6I5] ====>
VRISKA: Ok, now thizzay we have a ghizzle army assem8led, tha weapizzle 'n H-to-tha-izzand, n settled on tha determizzle that tha L-to-tha-izzost cheru8 pro8a8ly doesn't matta at all... VRIZNISKA: I thizzle it time ta M-to-tha-izzake a plan.
MEENAH: Bounce wit me. hizzle up MEENAH: somefin dont feel right aboat dis
VRISKA: Whizzay?
MEENAH: I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. dis army MEENAH: who tha F-L-to-tha-izzips 'n chizzay of dis jizzam
VRISKA: Wussup to all my niggaz in the house. 'n cizzy? VRISKA: Uh...
MEENAH with the S-N-double-O-P: pleaze dizzy tell me its tha dancin wizzle poopbizzle
VRISKA: You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. I diznon't thizzink he technically "'n C-H-to-tha-izzarge"? VRISKA: He J-to-tha-izzust "motiv8ted" thizzem all to jizzle the fight tizzy tha powa of "friendship".
TAVROS fo' sho': yES EXACTLY, } so bow down to the bow wow!)
MEENAH: yea but an armys gotta follow orda MEENAH: otherwize it aint an army MIZZLE: its a bizzay of assholes whizzo all hizzle ta be spendin' 'n roughlizzle tha sizzy vicinity
VRISKA: I see yo' pizzle. V-R-TO-THA-IZZISKA: What be you cruisin'?
MEENAH in tha mutha fuckin club: i shizzle rizzule tha army
VRISKA: Rule?? VRISKA: Don't you mean like, 8e tha general of it? VRISKA: I think that usizzle hizzy it wiznorks.
MEENAH: shell no shot calla MEENAH: Death row 187 4 life. i should rizzule theze sizzle a fishizzles MEENAH like old skool shit: its 'n mah blood MIZZLE cuz this is how we do it: also MIZZLE n we out! i fuckin wanna MEENAH: n i probubbly wiznont take no fo` a clamswa
VRIZNISKA, betta check yo self: Hey, that siznounds fiznine ta me ya feelin' me? VRIZZLE: A shawty discipline apply to dis sizzy of dizzy idiots isn't go'n ta dou8le-kill them. VRISKA: I'm just nizzle sure how feasi8le it be? Throw yo guns in the motherfuckin air. VRISKA: Snoop heffner mixed with a little bit of doggy flint. Tavros is tha one who rounded them all up, so I assume they're all currently crack-a-lackin` ta hizzy when it comizzles ta tha sippin' orda.
MEENAH: i sea how it is MEENAH: hizzle you MEENAH: swabby
TIZZLE fo' real: yES?
MEENAH: i hereby chizzle you fo` tha leadership of dis army!!!!!!
MEENAH: Boom bam as I step in the jam, God damn. git yer fizzle dizzles up pupa pansy >38D
TAVROS: wHOA, TAVROS: nO, TAVROS: oH NO, let NIZZLE, TAVROS with the gangsta shit that keeps ya hangin: dO THIZZAT?
MEENIZZLE: yeah lizzets gangsta style! MEENAH: itll be fiznin
TAVROS: fizzy cuz its a pimp thang?
MEENAH ta help you tap dat ass: FUN YOU ASS MEENAH: now hizzit me ya seawee' suckizzle sandal stuffa
MEENAH: aw dawg 38( MEENAH: whys evizzle alwavizzles gotta do shit tha bor'n way
MIZZLE: aight hiznows dis MEENIZZLE, ya feel me? ill bizzy em off yizzy
MEENIZZLE: just name yo' price MEENAH: i gots a LOT of gold you know MEENAH: do i liznook fuckin poor to you??? MEENIZZLE thats off tha hook yo: tizzy me i look poor i GLUBB'N DIZZAY YIZNOU
MEENAH: then tell me hizzow much G-to-tha-izzold i need ta unload ta make dis shit happen
MEENAH: W)(Y T)(-E S)(IZZLE BE -EV-ERYBIZZLE A FIZZLE -ECONOMIST ALL OF A S)(ITT'N SUDD-EN MEENAH: Throw yo guns in the motherfuckin air. *grumble G-R-to-tha-izzumble* MEENAH: pedantic motherfucks dont K-N-to-tha-izzow gold = riches, P-IZZLE
TAVROS: iT DIZZY HAVE TA BE AN ARGUMENT, 'bout GOLD OR ECONOMIES, or nothin' trippin' ELZE! TAVROS straight from long beach nigga: i SAID IT A GOOD IDIZZLE TIZZY YIZZOU LIZZAY US! i LIZZIKE THA IDEA ya feelin' me?!
MEENIZZLE: alright alrizzle MEENAH: FIZZY MEENAH: Throw yo guns in the motherfuckin air. go aheezee an B-IZZLE funky ass 'bout it what do i care 38T
> [A6A6I5] ====>
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strawbnie · 7 years
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 5 blogs you would like to get to know better
( @drunkwombats tagged me and i love u a lot thank U thank u im putting this under a cut bc wow long)
a - age: 18 adulthood is spooky kids don’t attempt
b - birthplace: athens, greece
c - current time: 19:49 (7:49PM for all the heathens)
d - drink you last had: water im always drinking water. if i don’t have water near me u best believe im going to go get some Soon. im a thirsty bitch
e - easiest person to talk to:  asdkjflksjf i know this is gonna sound so typical but it’s so true? my best friends. also my mom. my mom literally KNOWS me, we have telepathy going on. one time i couldn’t speak bc my throat had closed up and she just. translated for me bc i was extra and used outrageous hand gesturing to get my point across, what a queen
f - favorite song: u know these things change every week. or day. but currently it’s boyfriend by hurts and genghis khan by miike snow :))
f - favorite food: this question is too much commitment 
g - grossest memory: ok so this will probably not sound gross to most people but one time when i was 7 i spilled hot cocoa all over me at breakfast and because i was already running late and i had kind of quarreled with my mom she very silently helped me find new jeans (parenthesis - at that point in my life i hated wearing jeans because they were uncomfortable and i couldn’t move in them bc i hadn’t found jeans that fit Me personally bc i was just a child and have u ever experienced wet jeans??? like, the old early 00s type jeans? it’s literally torture oh my god) to change into but my shirt and my HAIR were soaked and for me that’s traumatic because - i hate hot cocoa anyway, always have, and also i am so disgusted by the scent of chocolate on skin. like i love eating chocolate but if my fingers smell like it afterwards i want To Decay. and so yeah i forgot what the rest of that day was like but i hated it!!! i never use the word hate lightly so believE ME WHEN I SAY i hate thinking about it; like certainly grosser things have happened to me this is just the Number 1 Memory that came to mind i ha t e 
h - horror yes or horror no: it’s cool for like a squad activity but i would never willingly subject myself to it alone
i - in love?: oH BOY oH H OBY O HOH BOYB OH Byo y yes
j - jealous of people?: sometimes!!!!! it’s weird bc the same situation can bother me one day and the next be completely cool idk idk idk im workin on it
l - love at first sight or should I walk by again?: hmmm i think i kind of catch onto people’s vibes as soon as i meet them but first impressions are hardly anything to go on and ahhhh just walk by a lot of times 
m - middle name: sofia, harikleia
n - number of siblings: not a single one - i almost had an older brother tho!!!!! then again if he had been born i may never have been born :00 shook
o - one wish: *screaming* content life, cosy home with lots of light, financial security so that i can travel and do what i want
p - person you called last: my mom, to tell her my phone was stolen rIP
q - question you are always asked: "so what are you going to do this year?” or, the more fun one “when was the last time you had a boyfriend?” i love straight adults
r - reason to smile: somewhere a dog is getting a treat for being a good boy
s - song you last sang: wHY DO YOU BUIIIILD ME UP,,,, BU UUUTTERCUP BAby JUST TO LEt mE DOOoOooWn 
t - time you woke up: yo not having a phone is liberating bc i have no idea my man 
u - underwear color: white
v - vacation destination: hopefully italy in the summer with my main pal, hal
w - worst habit: disappearing without a warning and being awful at communicating, also procrastinating!!! lov the times
x - x-rays: my legs when i fractured one of them it was pretty cool i tried to set my mom up with the doctor??? god what a child
z - zodiac sign:  virgo and im very excited about it!!! ophiuchus who???????????????
i tag whoever wants to do this ??? and @etoile-kid, @liprouvaire, @jehanfleur, @fifs-thebiwitch, @rosy-tea !!!!
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 7 years
I was tagged by @runningbarefootthroughtheforest Thanks! Sorry for the delay. Life, ya’ know... I’ll try not to be so wordy this time (yeah, right! LOL)
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs. 
A- Age:Too danged old! Of course, I’ve felt that way since I was 12. LOL What is it with the human obsession with a number that other critters are oblivious about? I try very hard to ignore it when I can. The fact I saw Star Wars in it’s original release as a young child, after a lot of begging because my mother thought I was too young for a PG movie, might give you a clue. “Too danged old”! LOL 
B- Birthplace: Technically Plymouth, NC, also known as the nearest hospital. 
C- Current Time: 8:58pm
D- Drink You Last Had: water, When I was a child I hated water except from the stream and springs in the mountains. Now I drink it more than anything.
E- Easiest Person To Talk To: Ummmmm...myself (that sounds awful, it used to be Pop but....)
F- Favorite Song: I really don’t have a favorite. I’m terrible at favorites! LOL
G- Grossest Memory: oooh, tough. I mean “gross” is in the eye of the beholder. I’ll go with having to dig up by hand and replace a section of the sewer line would be gross to about anyone!
H- Horror Yes or Horror No: Yes, but with the qualifier that it depends on the kind of horror. If it relies on atmosphere, has monsters, uses a gothic sensibility it’s an enthusiastic yes. If it’s about serial killers, based on shock cuts, and relying on gore and mutilation to get a reaction...not so much. 
I- In Love: not right now, if by “in love” you mean romantic love. There are other kinds though... you can be “in love” with a book or a band or anything
J- Jealous of People: nope I have been lectured about this actually!
M- Middle Name: Ann (It’s Mom’s middle name and my grandmothers were Annie and Annie Laurie so it was kind of inevitable!)
N- Number of Siblings: 1, though he refuses to talk to me. That’s probably worse than none, actually.. Painful. 
O- One Wish: That people would all just try to be understanding and patient with each other. Life’s short and we are all just muddling through best we can, so we could all use a bit of that. I suppose zapping everyone with a bit of happiness would be too much.
P- Person You Called Last: Mom The only number programmed into my phone, now that I think about it...
Q- Question You Are Always Asked: Recently there are two “Why aren’t you married?” and “Have you moved back to Jamesvile?” Both annoy the heck out of me. In the first when I say the truth “No one has ever wanted to marry me” they say “I’m sure that’s not true.” In the case of the other I have never left, and since there are only 500 or so people in town you’d think they’d notice! So far I have not punched anyone! LOL
R- Reason to Smile: The little things. Like today I found the shed husk of grasshopper in perfect shape, and I smiled when I picked up that little insect ghost. I smiled when the dogs wants petting and the cats meowed at me. I smiled about the tadpoles in the pool (oops, forgot the chlorine recently) and when I ate a little dark chocolate and marzipan candy at lunch. Stuff like that.
S- Song You Sang Last: A song I was making up just last night! It’s weird, because while I used to make up songs and sing to myself constantly as a preschooler. This might be the first time I’ve sung myself to sleep since I 5!!! I almost never sing. Two teenagers in the neighborhood  bullied me about singing all the time, then the elementary music teacher that would embarrass me to sing, then turn around and tell me not to when I did. I now NEVER let anyone hear me sing!
T- Time You Woke Up: 8:30 something
U- Underwear Color: black, today anyway
V- Vacation Destination: Just one? I want ALL the destinations! LOL I’ve told Mom if we ever win one of those contests where you chose where to go SHE has to pick since I could never make up my mind.
W- Worst Habit: I dunno, the list is so long. The most obvious to you reading this is my tendency to ramble! LOL Oh, and use “LOL” too much!
X- X-Rays: 1 dental as a child, 1 dental this year, 3 in less than a day when I broke my leg (so 5)
Y- Your Favorite Food: I am terrible at favorites!! It would be easier to list the ones I don’t like.....
Z- Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius 
You DO NOT have to do this!!! I’m tagging some (all?) of the folks I tagged on the other one, but that’s because I find tagging stressful and I was already tagging them on the other.
@aconitum-napellus @theramblingrogue @kimikokat @whitexblackrose @omegadalek @lzbarnabas @awesome-beatles-fan @theredpencil
Anyone else I should have tagged or wants to do it consider yourself tagged. Excuse me while I go recover from the strain of worrying if people will feel picked on.....
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goldenacolyte · 7 years
— alphabet introduction
rules: copy this post into a new text post, remove any answers and put in your muse’s answers. when you are done, tag up to 10 people and tag who tagged you. tagged by: @thebadtimewolf tagging: @forgediinfire, @iwillbebrave, @cocoademon @nineandrunning @sgtxpreacher @talktoten @nurseinabluebox @notofmars and @theaccursedninth & anyone else who’d like to (if not then no worries~)
CHOSEN: Rosie~
A - AGE: 19-25 (depends on the rose~) B - BIGGEST FEAR: feeling useless/immobile C - CURRENT TIME: 1:51 AM GMT+1  D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: Pear Juice, or a good pear sour. (HA, jk Doctor) drink drink, sidecar. Not that... lemonade. E - EVERY DAY STARTS WITH: stretches, knockin’ my alarm over, saying good morning to the tardis, brush teeth and shower, get dressed, have breakfast F - FAVORITE SONG: "Okay that’s REALLY not fair. Buuuuuut, if i had to choose, Heads Will Roll is awful catchy. And “Don’t Cha.” and “Pork Soda.” And the whole of In The Zone.” G - GHOSTS ARE THEY REAL: COURSE I - IN LOVE WITH: “...[ Rose is currently busy atm please leave your message at the tone].” K - KILLED SOMEONE: ‘Not ‘less we’re counting that giant wasp the other day.’ L - LAST TIME YOU CRIED: ‘hmmmm, ‘bout a week ago?’ M - MIDDLE NAME: “Marion. Not a huge fan of it, who wants to be named after a bitter sea? Though to be fair, it does also mean rebellious to which... yeah alright i’ll bite.” N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: one c: O - ONE WISH: ‘doc i need sleep.” P - PERSON YOU LAST CALLED/TEXTED: “My mum.” Q - QUESTIONS YOU ARE ALWAYS ASKED:  “where are you from?” R - REASONS TO SMILE: adventures, friends and family, chips, the smell of fresh clothes coming out the dryer. The Doctor. S - SONG LAST SANG: ...Why Should I Worry from Oliver and Company. (Movie night 9 and counting) T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 9:34 AM ( “would’ve been 12 of the Doctor had any sort of comprehension ‘of sleeping in”. ) U - UNDERWEAR COLOUR: [snorts] “Navy blue boyshorts.” V - VACATION DESTINATION: anywhere without cat nuns or spontaneous combustion W - WORST HABIT: nosy at times, quick to jump in the line of fire, used to chew nails X - X-RAYS YOU’VE HAD: three? Y - YOUR FAVOURITE FOOD: Fish and Chips DOUSED in vinegar Z- ZODIAC SIGN: Aries 
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impishnature · 7 years
tagged by the super sweet @ancientouroboros who knows I could use some distractions.
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, then tag some people.
I’ll answer what I can ♥
a- age: 24
b - biggest fear: Giving up/Giving in.
c - current time: 11:00am
d - drink you last had: energy drink
e - every day starts with: Hmm... coffee? Though I’m trying to stop that. Probably waking up for a few minutes checking the internet.
f - favorite song: God knows. Song stuck in my head a lot at the moment is Burn from the Hamilton Soundtrack though. And Vegas Lights by Panic always makes me feel a bit more alive.
g - ghosts, are they real: Who knows. All I know is I apparently scared my mum as a kid cause I had an imaginary friend that I spoke to but they only lived in one room of the house and I have no recollection of it. Bonus - I still dislike one of the rooms in the house because of nightmares as a kid/waking up and something being in the room with me. But heh, probs just my brain being it’s usual awful self.
h - hometown: Seaside tourist town. Comes alive in summer but that’s about it. Also known locally as ‘God’s Waiting Room’.
i - i love: Family. Friends. Spring time flowers. Writing. Video games.
j - jealous of: uhm... You know I don’t know. I’d rather wish people luck and be happy they’re doing well? I guess people who have good time management, but mostly I’m just in awe than anything else.
k - killed someone: I mean, I’ve been told I have by writing angst or cavity inducing fluff ;p (I think the most memorable is still ‘soul crushing’)
l - last time you cried: Last night when I was meant to be sleeping. Before I finish writing this while at work? Who knows, maybe.
m - middle name: Dawn
n - number of siblings: One
o - one wish: Heh. At the moment this is far too personal. I just wish I could fix everything.
p - person you last called/texted: A friend, probably rambling about the d&d campaign we’re meant to be starting soon. The irritation of a creative mind that can’t share anything because they’re the DM and you’re gonna be in the campaign... honestly I need to know so it’s not fair at all that she can’t share.
q - questions you’re always asked: Hmm. Family it’s usually “How’s the motorbike doing?” or “When are you going to get a job in archaeology?” As if you can just ... do that. Or something along the lines of “Why do you write so much when you don’t get paid for it?” one way or another whenever I’m excitedly rambling about stories.
r - reasons to smile: The ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ Tag. Good friends and family all over the world. Stories falling into place. Shenanigans.
s - song last sang: Uhhhhh either Burn or Everything’s Alright from To The Moon. Probably Burn because I needed to belt out some excess emotion.
t - time you woke up: 6:30am. Which is actually kind of nice considering the 4:30am start on Wednesday and the 15 hour shift from that point onwards.
u - underwear color: ...yeah that ain’t happening.
v - vacation destination: I wanna travel lots of places! But as we’re going to Gran Canaria some point this year I’m gonna say there ^o^
w - worst habit: Hmmmmm. Probably doing anything possible to not think about the things i should be doing? No, tell a lie- forgetting to eat or drink if I get in the zone/busy. One time at uni the only reason I noticed I hadn’t eaten was because I stood up too fast in the library after a days work on my dissertation. I’m trying my best though! Trying to make habit trackers and everything to get enough food/water/sleep a day if I can.
x - x-rays you’ve had: Jaw, Hip/pelvis, Arm, Foot... Chest? Can’t remember, had lots of tests Chest/Abdomen wise last two years. But that’s still more than I thought.
y - your favorite food: I have such a sweet tooth I can’t even.
z - zodiac sign: Taurus- I’m a stubborn bull >8/ (Or I think I’m right on the cusp so it’s always amusing to think ‘Cusp of Power’ ♥)
Tagging - whoever wants to do this. This was just a good distraction for me ♥
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nctjpeg · 7 years
I was tagged by @space-girlfriends (thanks btw! we should talk more, I really love your blog!) to do this alphabet tag thing and as I wait for my adobe animate file to download (so I can continuing coloring in my animation), I may as well fill it out now.
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
A - Age: 17 years old, but I turn 18 in a little less than a month (June 15th!)
B - Birthplace: Little Rock, Arkansas
C - Current Time: 8:07 when I wrote this, but i’m posting this at 11:09 because I finished work for today. My neck hurts.
D - Drink You Last Had: diet pepsi
E - Easiest Person To Talk To: My internet friend Samantha @soubiplusritsuka​, or my brother, but he’s always with his girlfriend now so I really cannot talk to him privately unless we’re in person.
F - Favourite Song: There are a couple right now that I listen too non-stop, like
The Apprentice by Gorillaz (i’m so happy they’re back!)
Feel Too Good by The Move (the only reason I know this song is that it’s on the soundtrack to Boogie Nights, which is the best movie ever made)
A few songs off the newest Logic album, like Everybody, 1-800-273-8255, Hallelujah, and America
Dirty Mind by Prince
G - Grossest Memory: I repress those memories so I don’t know??
H - Horror Yes or Horror No: Nah
I - In Love?: Not really, it’s not like anyone really likes me (except for creepy men, and i’m still pissed off that I got hit on... at a gAS STATION IN TEXARKANA WHILE I WAS WAITING WITH MY MOM TO PURCHASE A CINNAMON ROLL?? LIKE ARE YOU F U C K I N G ME?? EVERYONE ELSE I KNOW IS GETTING DATES AND MUTUAL CRUSHES ON PEOPLE WHO AREN’T AWFUL AND GROSS AND HERE I AM HAVING TO AWKWARDLY DEAL WITH WEIRDO MCPROBABLYRACIST. IT’S NOT FAIR!? AND MY MOM IS LIKE “THEY CAN’T HELP IT BECAUSE YOU’RE PRETTY!” THEY HAVE A CONSCIENCE MOM. Like for real, I had greasy hair, was wearing baggy pajama pants, and a tshirt on. I’m so fucking tired of this shit.)
I mean... rant aside... I guess i’m in love with some celebrities and fictional characters? Idk, i’m hoping that I maybe get into my first relationship when i’m in college. I feel like a loser for not being kissed yet so it’s like.........yeah.
J - Jealous of People?: hAHAH YUP
K - Killed Someone?: Nope
L - Love At First Sight Or Should I Walk By Again: McFuck Off
M - Middle Name: Ann
N - Number of Siblings: One older brother
O - One Wish: for men to stop hitting on me when I do not like them at all Actually I would like to be more successful in achieving my dreams than anyone who’s ever attended my high school could ever dream of.
P - Person You Called Last: My mom
Q - Question You Are Always Asked: “Is that your natural hair color?” The answer is: mostly.
R - Reason to Smile: School is ALMOST OVER
S - Song You Sang Last: Stand Out from A Goofy Movie
T - Time You Woke Up: 6:30
U - Underwear Colour: Red plaid.
V - Vacation Destination: Japan or Korea!
W - Worst Habit: Hating myself constantly.
X - X-rays: Besides my teeth, I had to get an x-ray for that one time I broke my collar bone.
Y - Your favourite food: I’ve never met a dessert I didn’t like (especially when chocolates involved), but I also love peaches, bananas, strawberries, grapes, chicken tenders, banh mi sandwiches, sushi, korean bbq, french fries, pizza, and tbh I just love food?
Z - Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Now there’s no way i’m tagging tWENTY blogs because that’s just... a lot. But i’ll pick a few mutuals who seem nice! @potchanyoyo @healingclouds @destinys @zeloinator @diamond4yamp3 @yall-need-jaesus @aegyo-chan @1gekkouga
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