#also why are there mods making wyll white???
water-your-plance · 1 year
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I'm getting a little tired of this shit, wtf is this? Like do y'all not enjoy a big scarred demon woman that's beefy?
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mischiefwife · 3 months
Hey, think twice before supporting the BG3 Stardew mod.
Saw this nice looking Stardew Valley mod with BG3 characters, pretty quickly knew something was off when you see Halsin/Astarion/Rolan front and center with no mention of Wyll at all.
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Then we get this whopper of a cry post, maybe suggesting they can't be anti-black because they're not white? They can't show misogyny cause they're women? They can't be blamed at all because they're just polling their PATREON votes? Fucking do better. Can't even hide behind the usual excuse that it's a free fanwork, it's not.
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Fandom's got a racism and misogyny problem. Step up and draw the line with these creators crying victim when asked 'where's Wyll?' (And yes I checked, the replies are 90% positive and 10% where's Wyll, where's the women) when you've already fully developed your random minor npc first. Team members being made uncomfortable translates to being called out for contributing to a lil' racism.
The misogyny hydra and the racism in fandom runs deep i know, but for the love of fuck can we push back against it?
Or you can side with the mod's supporters (this is one of the devs actually lol). Who post things like this.
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And the creators don't say a fucking thing at all about it, they just keep playing victim. It would be so easy to approach this system with a SMIDGEN of respect, just acknowledging the racism at all. Seriously BG3 fandom. Demand better.
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I don't give a shit if they're the most popular, there's also a REASON why Wyll is not. But if you want to just eat this shit up and contribute making your fandom shitty and uninviting, by all means.
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th-ramblr · 11 months
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Me? Making up an RP server? Why... yes. [Join Link] (18+)
Baldur's Dweebs is a loose campaign-style Baldur's Gate 3 Roleplay Server that seeks to recreate the BG3 experience through written roleplay and with a little more nuance than the game itself allows, welcoming writers of Origins, Canons, Tavs, and OCs alike.
Still actively looking for people to claim Lae'zel, Karlach, Halsin, and Minthara if those characters pique anyone's interest!
Most other non-Origin canons are also up for grabs.
OOC / Server Rules: (more complete rules in the discord)
Be Excellent To Each Other
No discrimination of any kind towards both "privileged" (white, male, cis, straight, able-bodied, neurotypical, etc) and "unprivileged" (poc, female, trans, LGB, disabled, etc) groups. Respect must go both ways or you're not welcome here.
Admins and Mods are people too. Treat us how you'd like to be treated.
If you feel that another user is acting inappropriately, please bring it to the attention of one of our staff. If you are having problems with a staff member, bring it to the admin. Staff are not exempt from rules.
Admins / staff are community advocates and mediators, but not babysitters. We expect you to do your own due diligence about communication.
Keep All Topics To Appropriate Channels.
Avoid political talk.
Vague-posting, passive aggressive commentary, or harassment aimed at other current group members is a kickable offense.
Participating in "callout culture" is a kickable offense, except in the following circumstances and with hard, irrefutable evidence of the accused crimes:
-Malicious stalking & hardblock evasion -Sexual harassment -Grooming (regardless of ages) -OOC Pedophilia / Hebephilia / Ephebophilia -Death threats -Suicide baiting &/or "kill yourself" type behaviors -Targeted hate, harassment, and cyber-bullying -Generally anything that would legally fall under "criminal actions" in a court of law
Roleplay Rules:
The "Canon Claims" channel is for those who would like to be the server's "Main" version of any Baldur's Gate 3 canon character (Astarion, Shadowheart, Gale, etc). The channel works on a first-come first-serve basis.
Duplicates are allowed, but not considered "canon" to server-wide events and can only be played in "Non-Canon threads". (See further down)
All RP channels are required to use appropriate tags for threads. These tags include Public, Private, NSFW, Canon, and AU/Non-Canon.
In order to request a thread be marked "Canon", you must request the tag from admins. This is to avoid accidentally mismarking a thread or mismarking a thread in bad faith.
Private threads should list participants. Those not listed should ask the thread starter for an invitation first if they'd like to join the thread.
Canon Threads will be held to a higher standard of quality and realism than AU/Non-Canon threads, in order to maintain a cohesive narrative.
Questions and Answers:
Q: Are Duplicates allowed? A: Yes and no. For "Canon Threads", there is only 1 version of each canon muse allowed server-wide. However, there is no limit on duplicates in "AU/Non-Canon" threads.
Q: How many characters am I allowed to play? A: Currently, we want to limit Origin and Companion Canon muses to one per person. There is no limit on Tavs/OCs, characters from other franchises translated into BG3 (from anime series, live action shows, video games, etc), or non-Companion canon characters (such as Cazador, Raphael, Scratch, Thorm, Orin, Gortash, Orpheus, etc).
Q: Am I required to play a character infected with an Illithid/Mind Flayer parasite? A: No. In fact, we encourage that some not be.
Claims: (updated 2/15/2024)
Lae'zel - unclaimed
Shadowheart - claimed
Astarion - claimed
Gale - claimed
Wyll - claimed
Karlach - unclaimed
Dark Urge - claimed
Halsin - unclaimed
Minthara - unclaimed
Minsc - unclaimed
Jaheria - unclaimed
The Emperor - unclaimed
Raphael - claimed
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flymmsy · 6 months
It is so fucked up, the way people treat modders, they make new content for this game for free and people still cannot follow their TOUs. I know so many people who stop doing mods because of stuff like this, like if you would not repost fanart/fic, why would you repost a mod????
Also I am shocked by the super negative attitude towards mods that is in many fandom spaces (tiktok/reddit) where it is completely fine to shit on them (not talking about racist white wyll mods, they deserve all that), not sure whats the issue there
Not to sound ANCIENT but there’s definitely an attitude towards content that’s changed over time and it surprises me.
BACK IN MY DAY (*cracks hip*) it really felt like what you created was yours - and you were happy to share it with the community but everyone understood that they should also be respectful when content sharing.
Now, we’re seeing the rise of AI and websites just signing away content, and I’m not surprised that some younger people have no idea about what you should credit and what you shouldn’t repost.
It’s sad to see and I have to remind myself that it’s ultimately not any individual’s fault - it’s the way the internet is moving. But because of that we also have to be firm when we draw boundaries to remind people that yes even now some things are cool and some things are still very, very uncool.
Re: being negative about mods - I hate when people do it to specific mods because it shows they have no understanding of the work that goes into it. Now, I’m not an innocent person here and I will admit, I hate all of the Make Gortash More Handsome mods and have made jokes from time to time - but I make jokes about them IN GENERAL and do not point out a specific mod because of what I said - end of the day there was a lot of work that went into that.
But straight up problematic mods, of course fuck those. And there are also times where people need to be called out when they accidentally create problematic mods (like whitewashing when they don’t realize they’re whitewashing).
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fuckitwebhaal · 11 months
to play devils advocate,,
i mean yeah i do wanna fuck 20 year olds
i am not white and i hate that the mods make them more european and white looking but i am 18 and would like to fuck ppl my own age tbh
i am going to say this as sincerely and gently as i can because you are young:
you are not playing devil's advocate. you are actually the majority opinion of most people. wyll is 24 (confirmed) and lae'zel is assumed to be in her 20s or the equivalent thereof because she has not yet killed her first mindflayer. romance them if that's what you want.
my post was not at ALL about the age of oneself and one's ocs and age-gap discourse. it IS about how prevalent and pervasive beauty norms can be, in regards to the fear and disgust surrounding signs of aging (which all people go through). personally i don't care what mods you're using but i think you should examine why you're doing it. scrutinize your biases.
also, these are fictional people, fuck whoever you want in real life as long as it's a healthy relationship. i don't care.
also im 21. its my birthday. ur coming into my inbox saying this to me as an 18 year old to a 21 year old on his birthday. ur bringing me this shit to my birthday party on my birthday bringing me not a birthday gift. i think ppl in their 40s are fucking hot
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vikingnerd793 · 7 months
Honestly? The "Make Karlach human" visual is so stupid. Why did we do this? Who asked for it? Why was it needed at all?
The BG3 fanbase does not have the comprehension of nuance needed to respect valid feedback and dialogue when it comes to race, features and skin tone. "Make Wyll white" mod, anyone?
Also, I HATE that this is dragging Sam into the discussion they NEVER asked for. "OH, it's Sam's skin tone" okay but did Sam want you to do this when the character is concept designs iterated by the team and not necessarily a direct mirror of Sam? And why are you using Sam as a prop to justify or explain skin tone and race when all it sounds like is "hey, I didn't make Karlach white, look at Sam".
SAM IS NOT A PROP FOR YOUR STUPID FANDOM BULLSHIT AND DRAMA. Remember when the Fandom went at Sam and accused them of not being a true POC because of their skin color, not realizing they are Jamaican and Irish and absolutely a POC? I do. I remember. Leave Sam the fuck out of it.
If you cannot recognize the serious sensitivity and nuances when you are changing these characters according to literally anything human, when they're not human -- just D&D races other than humans -- don't do it. Stop. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.
Please stop being chronically online, constantly doing stupid shit for attention and arguments about little artistic licenses you took that legitimately no one asked for. Be better than this. And the discussion? It's even worse.
Cut it out.
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persephinae · 7 months
if you think Wyll is boring I need you to really reflect on why that is and apply some critical thinking skills
Who wrote Wyll? What was their race?
Did the devs devote the same time and care to Wyll as the white characters? (answer - No. No they did not)
Who thinks he's boring? What is their race?
Why do people feel the need to make mods to change his race?
What is the environment that you grew up in? How does this affect your worldview?
Do you make a concerted effort to unlearn toxic thinking and behaviors?
Do you find yourself not liking all black characters/poc characters? Do you find yourself saying things like "I don't like their character." or "I just think they're boring."
Do you find your automatic reflex at these questions is to get mad and say "BUT I'M NOT RACIST?" (hint: if you're white, you are, it's in the air we breathe)
Why do you find yourself getting mad at the thought of being perceived as racist? Reflect on this and take it as an opportunity to grow and unlearn things we all grew up with if you're white.
Why did you feel it's necessary to constantly find reasons to not like a black/poc character and then justify it as something innocuous like "They're just boring!" while not taking into consideration the context of the character or your own perceptions as a white person.
Also to to expand this further because I see it in other fandoms:
Why do you find yourself hating the black/poc female character?
Who wrote this character? What is their race?
Why do you feel the need to viscerally hate this character more than the white male characters?
Why do people feel the need to make mods to change their race?
If we can all think on this and reflect, I think it would be very helpful :)
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