#also who wants to see some edits that ive saved
faetreides · 24 days
just saw the hayden video
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bemboob · 4 months
yes, minecraft youtube is going to shit right now. but dsmp and qsmp ≠ mcyt.
i don’t want to see people saying “all minecraft youtubers are freaks, abusers or pedos”.
yes, some are. you’ll find that in any group of people. it’s sickening that they happen to be in a group where lots of younger audiences congregate. but generalising them as a mcyt fan yourself, saying that all the content creators are bad - it doesn’t do any favours to the general public view of mcyt.
hermitcraft members deserve better than that. people like the hermitcraft people, lizzie, scott, shelby, fwhip, sausage. the people who are actually safe for children, the people who pioneered mcyt.
they did nothing wrong. they don’t deserve that generalisation. most of them are married or in long term relationships, and many of them have children, daughters of their own.
it’s not fair to them or their fans to generalise.
acting as though these two groups - the dsmp side of mcyt vs. the hermitcraft/pg side are one and the same, is a disservice.
plus some of the hermits literally have openly disliked dteam long before any allegations of any kind came out LMAOO
** please don’t take this as me acting as though the other mcyt are the victims in this situation. they’re not. support the real victims of abuse. what i’m pointing out is an unfortunate side product of these situations that are exacerbated by both fans and non fans.
also edit: ive read some of ur comments abt the fact that them having kids does not mean they aren't abusers. this is unfortunately true. it's not really what i meant, although reading this post back, it certainly comes across that way. i more mean that it's not fair to cc's kids or spouses to see that they are being painted as abusers when they potentially aren't. seeing that could really mess a person up.
also yes. do not put any creator on a pedestal. i personally admire many of the content creators on hermitcraft for their creativity, humor, personality, etc. they have traits that are admirable about each of them. but if anything credible comes out, i'd immediately drop them. i don't care if they saved my life, if i watch them every single day, i drop them. doing anything else is unhealthy.
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t0esniffer69 · 6 days
this post is about what has been going on recently with the managers and stuff. ill be repeating my original claims with evidence and also be adding some new claims.
first off, i would like to say that my original post wasn’t supposed to be hateful. no matter what people tell you, i am not a bad person, spreading rumors or misinformation, or anything like that. i also made the post to try to help the gaehive, not to harm anyone. i knew posting about this would ruin my reputation among some people, so i’d like you to know that while i may have made some choices that weren’t the best out of anger, i also struggle with understanding tone and writing in a specific tone.
with brook, i accused brook of not updating thumbnail ids and being biased towards people that they like. i still agree with both of those things. brook has not been updating or has been writing insufficient thumbnail ids. i absolutely understand the struggle with having adhd and not being able to do something that you don’t want to. but there are so many better solutions than just not updating the id. you could ask someone else to do it for you, you could not update the thumbnail until you have the motivation to, if you have access to medicine you could use medicine that helps with that, you could write thumbnail ids and save them when you first make them, there’s so many better ways to do this than just not doing it. and about the bias, for example, my friend carbon was asked to not return to the gaehive for ban evasion, when brook and some of the other managers have ban evaded in the past. that’s just one example, unfortunately i can’t remember any more currently but i know there are more.
here are some examples of brook not updating thumbnail ids for proof:
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about chaos: chaos is a proshipper, which is defined as someone who supports all ships, including ones like child x adult ships. this part cannot and should not be denied, it is a fact. chaos literally says it themself. this is pretty creepy especially considering that the gaehive is a studio full of kids, who shouldn’t be looking at stuff like that. it’s not that chaos’s content like that is hard for gaehivians to find, its tumblr which links to some of the fanfiction theyve made and proship content is reblogged and liked on, has been shared on the gaehive and the account has posted in the gaehive and hiveblr tags. + it follows a lot of gaehivians. i don’t want people to debate me on if proshippers are bad or not in the replies, i have already had several debates about this, im fine with asking simple questions just no arguments.
anyways, here is some proof that chaos is a proshipper:
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you can also see more proof in chaos’s likes here although to find some of the worse stuff youll have to scroll a little (edit: archive.org was being a bitch and archived chaos’s tumblr itself and not the likes page, i don’t know how to fix this. for now ive made an ibb album with more images for proof but they dont have chaos’s tumblr in the frame so if likes are made private the proof will be gone)
i may make a post about jord too if the people involved agree
anyways, no arguing in the comments please. you can debate me on discord if you want an actual serious debate
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kosmicdream · 26 days
Ode to Togashi
Stream of conscientious incoherent rant about manga/hxh below, read at your own discretion as i AM NOT EDITING IT: 
While I’m still in the mood to talk about art and what i love about manga, i feel like i wanted to share (some) of my thoughts on why HXH continues to be one of my favorite stories. Togashi’s writing method continues to be probably like, the closest one that i aspire to replicate in my own work, partly because i love to see how much it builds and learns from itself, reinvents itself, ect. But i DONT think Hxh is perfect, even if i wouldn’t change anything about it or togashi’s writing style. 
When I first got into HXH, it was actually through the old anime. I watched that all the way thru before reading the manga, and when i was watching the anime it was during a period of time when i hated all shonen. I still kinda hate “the shonen” model, despite loving many shonen series, but something abt HXH pulled me in to give it a try and i was quickly hooked. I of course, already had experience with YYH growing up as a teen but i somehow missed HXH completely until my early 20s. I had already started trying comics by then, but it was EGGSHELLS and i had not started FFAK at that point.
HXH almost lost me at greed island my first round, ngl. I appreciate it now, andi still think the set up for Greed island was amazing but the arc itself.. I was not into it, mostly cause i think the villain for it was kinda lackluster and i didn’t really think the world of greed island had a strong design sense. There was interesting aspects, i enjoyed Bisque as a new character and she helped carry a LOT of the weight of that arc for me, but it was kind of a drag. IDK if it was also partly the adaptation for that arc, but i didn’t enjoy it much more in manga form either. It just went a bit faster. However, the end of that arc and the final fight was surprisingly brutal and enjoyable, which made me optimistic and helped me to continue. And then the chimera ant arc was the first arc i read ONLY manga first and i truly fell in love with it, obsessed even. That arc, as many readers already know, is probably like the closest thing to FFAK’s “Parent” for inspiration. Obviously, FFAK draws from a lot of things (Trigun is probably the 2nd strongest influence on FFAK) but it isn’t quite the same as HXH. As MUCH as i adore hunter x hunter part of me does cringe and laugh that like, in the end, a battle shonen manga still excited me that much but like.. As MUCH as i clearly love battle manga.. I am so over them. You know? Who cares. IMO. No matter how great it looks, i probably am never going to be more impressed (visually) with an action scene than the ones Yukito Kishiro drew. He did it, He won the action manga game to me. I have no idea what’s actually happening in Gunnm most of the time but as far as the visual spectacle of it all, it literally doesn't even make sense how good his action scenes look. (I could talk a lot about Gunnm too, but i’ll save that for another time IG) Like how the fuck does someone draw that good and it just made everything else by comparison just like, not.. Matter too much to me anymore. Which is great, because I can then look at other aspects for a work rather than just being drawn in by the visuals. And stuff. 
Where i’m at now.. I dont want to read another, even if its drawn well and .. the powers are SO powering or whatever. And i love to draw action scenes, they’re really hard and i still have so much more to go to learn about them. At best, I think im okay at them. But even when i work, i just get tired now so i cut them down a lot. Thats partly because i jsut dont have the time to draw fighting scenes. So i kind of feel embarrassed by a lot of them that ive made, i know I was lazy. Lazy in a way I’m not proud of the result, but im proud of the compromises to get the shit done. Which is the most important think in the end, to juggle your own expectations and limitations with the timeframe you have to get somewhere you need to go. I will still read more action/battle manga in the future.. But im in no rush. And im certain, for the most part, they arent going to teach me anything I don’t already know. They might entertain me and i might be like “..huh!” at a few things, but my expectation for them to do more than that is pretty low. I’m delighted when im wrong, but i cannot deny the apathy towards them is super deep. Togashi to me, is one those authors, that makes me really wake up and realize there’s still a lot of unexpected territory out there. 
He writes like an enthusiastic newbie, not a seasoned old timer that he is, who basically helped popularize the “tournament arc” and “dark edgy shonen” stuff with YYH. All his characters in HXH are geniuses, which is kind of a valid critique and can be annoying as hell too… Id say most readers dont really get how the hell nen works, yet somehow the story still functions so well in its character motivations/conflicts that it kinda doesn’t matter too much that.. It doesnt really make sense? We have to relearn what nen is basically every arc. Its not gonna stick. And yet im just so excited every time it updates and i really want to know what he wants to do with his new arc, if he is going to be able to do it. Nen to me is like a fake fantasy science that is tangible and real yet also you’re in a dream and you try to read the letters on a page, and you can read it but if you stare hard at it. The words are just blurs, or it doesn’t really connect. I like that there’s this malleable illusion that it functions in a way, that is concrete, but it isn’t really. But its enough that i can believe that for the characters, who are also not real, it is real for them. 
The fact that i can talk about “”””NeN””” like this to me is essentially why it becomes the perfect shonen to me because it takes itself so seriously, so genuinely, yet it also is nonsense but not in the way where its like.. Irony poisoned, “gotcha” twists? Im sick of all these subverting shonens that arent subverting anything. Or even just the attitude that is what makes a good shonen these days is to subvert, diminish, laugh, ect at shonen while completely stepping inside the same footprints again and again. So much manga just wants to be dragon ball, but dragon ball was good cuz it was just a fun, well drawn action manga that wasn’t trying to BE dragonball. It was just dragon ball. (maybe now its trying to be dragon ball, which is why i dont care about whatever sequel attempt we’re at now, but that’s another story.) Its fun to me that i dont know if Gon is gonna come back in Hxh. like, maybe he will and his powers will be restored ect.. But at the time of writing this, and for YEARS we just.. Have the main pals of the manga separated. Their friendship has changed. There’s a great shift in it. Gon met his dad, who sucks, but that kind of was his main quest. Sure, we have kurapika’s arc, and many other routes to go - but in a weird way HXH is done and it isn’t done at the same time. I’m just like, what are we going to do now. TOGASHI said flat earth real and was like, the other half of it is UNEXPLORED AND SO DARN DANGEROUS and theres SOM BIGGGGG DINOSAURS THERE and it just feels so gleefully like.. You’re on the swingset and some kid just keeps having to up the stakes but in the most kid-like way possible. For serious. But Togashi’s 58. But he’s right too, the dark continent IS so cool.. I just imagine leorio going there and getting so sick and shitting mutant diahrea and dying the SECOND he sets foot there and its awesome. That’s NOT what’s going to happen but im delighted at the opportunity.
This is the point where I’m writing something when i take a pause and wonder how the hell i got here. I have skimmed the above written text. Whatever point i think i was going to make, wasn’t made, but i expressed.. good feelings here. This is how i write. I typed all of that in about 15 minutes with no idea where it was gonna go. Part of the process now would be to go back, organize, edit, ect. To *TRY* to make it a little more comprehensible, as with all writing. Believe it or not i have gotten better at editing my own work. But the true nature of it all is still the same. And its the same in the way that i dont want, no matter how much i improve at my craft, i dont want to lose that enthusiasm i feel when i reach 58. I think that would be such a triumph, id be so lucky to be able to muster that energy. When I think of togashi, i think he has that. He has that real artistic spark that no amount of time/experience has ever diminished and that’s why i think he’s truly my personal favorite mangaka.  (maybe tezuka too)
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anewstartrekfan · 1 year
I can’t shut up about Conscience of the King
Well hey it’s my blog I’m allowed to obsess over this.
Okay so I need to address the Kirk vs Kodos scene cuz it is not only extremely underrated, it gives us some incite into Kodos’ fascism and why I believe Kirk was on the execution list.
So let me paint a picture. It’s been 20 years since the Tarsus IV massacre and Kirk had done fairly well for himself. He’s the captain of the enterprise after all, people owe him favors everywhere, and (as far as I’m currently aware since I’m still watching s1) he’s seen as an asset to starfleet. Then over the course of an investigation, Kirk meets Kodos the executioner face to face, and Kodos calls Kirk inhuman.
“Here you stand, the perfect symbol of our technical society. Mechanized, electronisized, and not very human. You’ve done away with humanity, the striving of man to achieve greatness through his own resources.”
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Kodos sees Kirk as someone who only got where he is today with the help of technology. Kirk is the symbol of everything Kodos hates about the universe. Basically what fascists say when fighting against stuff like affirmative action and social welfare programs. Kodos is arguing for a false meritocracy.
Edit: The fact that Kodos’ theater troop is steeped in old plays is also another tell for his fascism. The emphasis on so called tradition is key, and Kirk is not a traditional captain by any stretch.
So yeah, if Kodos sees the decorated captain of the enterprise like this, the barely a teenager Kirk was definitely on the execution list 20 years ago.
Kodos’ description of greatness here is also key. Because later on when he describes the massacre of the colonists, he says this,
“If the supply ships hadn’t come earlier than expected, this Kodos of yours might have gone down in history as a great hero!”
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Kodos wasn’t just trying to save the colony. He was trying to achieve greatness as governor. He wanted a legacy, to go down in history for this. And he did, but not in the way he wanted. Just like the Nazis and other fascists. This also proves how much of a hypocrite he was. After all, what’s the difference between Kirk using the tools at his disposal as captain and Kodos using the resources at his disposal as governor? And Kodos even admits this, though instead refers to his acting as his tools. Kodos knows on some level that he’s lost, which is why he tries to goad Kirk into killing him.
“If you’re so sure I’m Kodos, why not kill me now?! Let bloody vengeance take its final course! See what difference it makes to this universe of yours.”
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Kodos isn’t just being a dramatic actor here. He even later admits he doesn’t treasure his own life. I believe he wants Kirk to kill him now because Kirk does not have definitive proof that he is Kodos yet. So Kodos wants to die as Karidian, a nothing actor that barely made an impact on the universe at large. This is also why in the end Kodos’ priority is his daughter and why her murdering the survivors of his crimes breaks him. She was going to be his legacy, carrying on the Karidian name performing classical plays of old across the galaxy. But she couldn’t escape her father’s past. In fact, she used it as justification to murder 7 innocent people.
In conclusion this episode has many many layers.
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born-in-hell · 9 months
u all are now doomed to see my opinion on qbbh/ron situation
u all know i wanted ron to have eaten ron SO BAD, but mainly bc the reaction from the other islanders when they learned abt it wouldve been GREAT. in a qbbh story viewpoint yeaahh it wouldve killed rons lore way too fast and early imo. in the long run itd be easily forgotten by us and forgiven by the islanders (especially since qcellbit lives normally w pac, and he ate his leg) (and also foolish, phill, fit, mike, mouse and cellbit wouldnt even care, some would even support him). there would be no payoff to it all. qbbh got some info, tortured the worker, didnt save the kids, had a mental breakdown and then ate said worker. it wouldve been too abrupt
but giving the kidnapped worker STOCKHOLM SYNDROME is in a whooole other level. and it STILL makes sense in qbbhs personality. qbbh is not heartless. he used to treat ron worse when he thought the fed workers were mindless puppets. As soon as ron started to show he was an individual, qbad started to pity him. And missing his lover, being in weird terms w his other potential love interest and best friend, feeling used and distrusted by his fellow islanders, and more important, missing his children, made him try to find someone to relate and care to again. and that someone was ron.
and now it is the best and also the most messed up as it can get. after the talk w qbagh, qbbh was pushed to do the right thing and help ron escape the fed. but hes not dumb. he probably realised that is ron trusted him he would give more info. and thats what happened.
and as time passes, ron becomes more of a person and less of a mindless worker. there is a pattern between all the workers. the more they interact w residents, the more human they become. theres smth interesting abt this, but who am i to guess
him trusting his captor is weird to us. but in context, the fed aparently was HORRIBLE to the workers. mental control, no breaks, possibl experiments and torture. it is so much that ron fears the fed more than he fears qbad.
so yeah this whole things messed up, and ccbbh probably wants it this way kkkkkkkkkkkkkk this is one of the most morally grey arcs weve gotten and its so fun imo
yeah this is it i may add more things later but for now im tired
edit: Ive also been thinking what if the workers start misteriously disappering and all of a sudden everyone discovers that bbh has been kidnapping them and making a ""worker village"? like he sees how horrific the fed is, and starts helping the workers escape. he gets to fred and then he gives qbbh info abt the eggs as a trade. but everyone thinks hes torturing them and he starts to isolate himself again aaaaaaaaa
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gigglecoffin · 1 year
sims tag game! ☆
tytytyt @crsentfairy <3 mwah!!
1.) What’s your favourite sims death? burnt alive because its simple and its dramatic
2.) Alpha CC or Maxis Match? hmmmm mix, but i guess with my sims more alpha leaning
3.) Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? ummmmm no wtf? i literally didnt even know that was a thing.
4.) Do you use move objects? ofc duh
5.) Favorite mod? AUGHHH multiple cas columns, how can anyone paly with only two columns like?!?!?!-
6.) First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? pretty sure it was cats & dogs
7.) Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? i guess LIV bc they are like living \? :D
8.) Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? dont even, i have too many
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i gotta choose Jordan, Phoenix and Ronan!!!!!! jor and pho have been w me FOREVVVVER!!!! and im not just gonna choose a rando one of the freak sims ive made.... (except for Ronan i love him sm)
9.) Have you made a simself? i sure have!!! i gotta budate it though bc im probably gonna have blonde streaks in my hair for a while.
10.) What sim traits do you give yourself? neat, art lover, and clumsy
11.) Which is your favorite EA hair color? probobly like the dark brown or the new low saturation black
12.) Favorite EA hair? awwww bruh idk off the top of my head the sulani mohawk caus it pretty hot
13.) Favorite life stage? young adult
14.) Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? honestly i dont do either. i guess for the overall journey i enjoy gameplay!!
15.) Are you a CC creator? mhm!
16.) Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? YUP YOU KNOW WHO U ARE!!!(✩ ์ ᴗ ์✩)
17.) What’s your favorite game? welllll sims... specifically sims two, and recently ive just been conjoined to my switch playing animal crossing. but i also love the re games, and also the supermassive games
18.) Do you have any sims merch? LMAO no
19.) Do you have a YouTube for sims? wish i did but i couldnt video edit to save my life
20.) How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? hmmm..... well (23-22-21-20-19-18) id say im doing great now
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21.) What’s your Origin ID? just rottenmothboy my old url... but i have some old sims on the gallery
22.) Who’s your favorite CC creator? well... l love all of them keep making great cc!!!
FOREVER (devilsfang & vampirepill) luv and miss u guys <3
and many many more <3
23.) How long have you had a simblr? well this account has been active until i think sept 2019? but i started posting in early 2021
24.) How do you edit your pictures? i use krita!! because whose got ps money? not me
25.) What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? ooooo real. city living. i just love apartments
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? i honestly dont care becuas i dont buy them anymore
i literally tag anyone who sees this
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dailycass-cain · 1 year
My Top 10 Favorite Cass Stories
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Just last year ago I gave a list of my ten favorite Cass stories on Twitter (and here’s the 2020 edition. The funny thing is, not even a year later I look upon the last list (along with the bad) and my thoughts on some of these stories have changed. 
Not to mention, we’re only two months into 2023 and we’ve already got a Cass story that already makes this list for me. 
So I figure it’s 2023 and I haven’t posted my favorite Cass stories here. Let’s change that. So here are my Top Ten Favorite Cassandra Cain stories. You may not agree with them. Maybe you will? Just that these are my opinion. 
The thing about me and lists. They always mostly change. You compare my lists from years past. They may not completely match up (or in some places they will). Change always occur. 
That said. Let’s start with my honorable mentions. 
Honorable Mention #1: Detective Comics #790
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-  It's just a dark uneasy tale due to Pete Woods' art and Andersen Gabrych's story. Bruce is a little more unnerved than usual (Jason's anniversary) and Cass is brought in personally to steer him back.
Why? Because of all the people of the Bat-Family, she understands him best. The dynamic between Bruce/Cass here. Teacher/heir is just so all over this story. You can tell Bruce really wants Cass to truly be his heir.
If there are any issues I have with this being better is well it’s the prelude to “War Games” and I’m not really fond of the negative talk Bruce has with Cass regarding Stephanie Brown.
Ironically, for a while the last good main Batman book story Cass had for awhile until...
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Honorable Mention #2: Detective Comics #950, 955
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- Until this one. Though I’ll be honest “Night of the Monster Men” is a FUN story too that has Cass, but Cass really isn’t central to the plot in that.  These issues were the first “main book” story that focused on Cass since-- 2004. 
What truly keeps this book low for me being an honorable mention are the same flaws that pop up in my “worst list” of Cass stories. If you take these two issues alone? The story is absolute gold. 
The full arc? (#950-956) are the reasons it got knocked down. Still, Marcio Takara and James Tynion IV together make the most of this story even with the hurdles higher ups (and Tynion’s own juggling the massive cast this run had) stall it.
I still think the arc would be more favorable if it ended with Bruce/Kate taking Cass to see Christine and well just a happy ending. Not to mention we get mostly zero fallout from what occurs here (the subplot of Ra’s here is tossed out due to Tynion having to leave the comic so he could go onto Justice League Dark).
What still hits hard about these two issues IS Takara’s art.  As those who are currently reading the Poison Ivy series, Takara can do some banger spreads. We have a few here with an "Old Boy" homage Takara throws in with Cass for good measure. 
Takara’s art and just the emotion he brings is why this story is STILL lingers.
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Honorable Mention #3: Superboy #85
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- Yes, the villain for this comic is all too forgettable. That’s really why it’ll alway be here. But why it remains always is the banter. Between the team-up of  Cass/Kon (also the opening/closing Tim/Kon segments) that truly shines here. Much like Batman, you throw Cass with a character outside her zone, MOMENTS HAPPEN.
Boy we get some hilarious moments that are truly chuckle worthy. There’s just something natural seeing the heroes here interact with one another. Something that feels kind of missing mostly in DC Comics nowadays (save in the Flash recently with its “Dark Crisis tie-in”. What we had there was absolute GOLD). 
I love me Batman having Batdad shenanigans over Tim/Cass and the rebellious Conner clashing with him. I know some might not like Cass/Kon, but the dynamic between the two in this issue is GOOD.  The dynamic is SOOO good between the two. It's truly a pity Cass wasn't allowed to show up outside her book in Kon's again. Because this issue still hits home for a lot of folks to this day (as we see TONS of fanart of them. Also for canon covers still acknowledge this issue, along with the “eh” one over in Batgirl Vol. 1).
But for me, it's just the emotion both light and dark that writer Joe Kelly just handles well here. Why I keep coming back to this darn issue. The character dynamics are just soooo good.
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Honorable Mention #4 Batgirl Vol. 1 #50 "Tough Love"
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-  It's Cass vs. Batman. The fight by Rich Leonardi is an epic one with Bruce/Cass going all Anakin/Obi-Wan by just changing the fighting venue every page. Looking for that opening.
You have some nice gremlin moment from Tim to get a cure to them both (given they're "fighting" due to a drug thrown at them by Dr. Death). If anything there's to knock on this is Nightwing being tossed around like a ragdoll by the two of them.
But really it's the ending of the fight that still resonates hard. Bruce being his most batdad again, but also just wanting to know where Cass's loyalties lie. Her answer is a good moment 
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So wait this is an honorable mention now?! Yeah it kind of is. See, the one problem with writer Dylan Horrocks is that usually bits of his run ages like milk. Not very good. I get that he tried new things with the character, and went in different direction than the past writers. But.. his stuff ages the worst. 
Also listening to Batgirl to Oracle’s podcast when she reviewed the issue. She brings up some the things we often overlook for the amazing art and the stuff above. 
Basically, the whole subtextual issue between Bruce/Cass that’s at the core of the story. Horrocks’ coda for his series up to this point was Cass growing older and trying to answer if she’s attracted to men (or now realizing how certain males view her via her body reading abilities). Dealing with the complications of guys being into her (Black Wind, Superboy), Bruce being EXTREMELY overbearing (hence the fight), and you get stuff like this:
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It’s stuff that Freud and any fan in the present going 😬😬😬😬
Yeah, this is the stuff that doesn’t age well at all. Why suddenly it’s been knocked down this low. 
So with these four out of the way. ONTO THE LIST...
10.) Batgirl Vol. 1 #2
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-  To those critics against Cass who say she never loses. This issue is the textbook answer. She loses and hard, but learns an emotional lesson about why words mean so much. Why writing and art are so powerful in a tale with no real title (literally the credits are at the very bottom of the last page).
This story is a gut punch (the first of many) Kelley Puckett would deliver on the book. Though he did slide in a better one later on this list still, this would be stable for his and Damion Scott's run.
Besides the pathos Puckett brings, Scott equally just wraps an emotional ringer. Cass barely says anything in the issue but conveys SOOO much emotion in her eyes thru the mask (probably the biggest answer many on the “pro-black lenses can give over the white ones she currently has”).
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Just the one-shot character of John Robinson just sticks with you even after it. Just a good man, being thrown the curveball that Gotham City gives. The impact of his story just still resonates with me.
9.) Batgirls #14 “The Rest is Silence...”
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- Yup. It’s a 2023 entry. I told you something made me start to question things and this story (while not concluded) I’m putting here on the list just for the sheer performance artist Jonathan Case pulls with this issue.
We’ve all wanted a unique Cass story (and boy howdy did we get some bangers in 2021 more on those later) and this is the first Batgirls story that feels true to the character of Cass. Anyone who is a harsh critic of this book has nothing to complain about. The narration (that’s not Cass/Steph/Babs) that can dull the comic’s better moments. It’s not found here. An older teen Cass is drawn here (not a preteen one that many have hated). Plus the dialogue by the writers Becky Cloonan and Michael Conrad. That’s not here, but they do cheat (but it’s a cheat I’m going to allow). 
Again, this is Jonathan Case’s world and we’re living in the gorgeous art he’s doing here. There are SEVERAL pages that are just awing to read and look at. Just so much 
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If there’s any negative well... this is new. So I figure this is the best place to put this issue. Will it remain (as there are two more issues of this arc in Batgirls)? Who knows. But right at THIS MOMENT and this issue alone. It earns a spot on my list.
8.) Batgirl Vol.1 #60-62 aka "The Hood" arc
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-  What I love about this story are two reasons. #1 Cass by herself while trying to navigate the city of Bludhaven by establishing herself (with no Bruce or Babs). #2 Cass fighting unique foes with unique skill sets i.e. the Brotherhood of Evil.
From them just handing Cass her butt, to her rising back up and kicking them. It's a nice little "underdog" story showing just how far Cass has come as a fighter along with showcasing her "Batman' side. By doing her homework, prep timing, and wrecking the Brotherhood.
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This is probably my favorite complete arc by Gabrych. He's got both Pop Mhan and Ale Garza backing him on the story and they all deliver high here.
Add the nice intro of Brenda and the gut punch of seeing Stephanie again (even if she died at the time period). This arc just has so many GOOD things that were promising. Pity, the later half Gabrych gave us wasn't classic as this was.
7.) DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration #1  "Sounds"
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-  Oh yes! We got a 2021 story here.  Introduce Cass to new audiences? Showcase why fans enjoy her. Yes, it tempts me to put a certain arc of WFA up here. Here is one thing this has over that, Marcus To drawing Cass as Batgirl.
I always wanted it. To made the Black Bat costume better and gave us Ninja Gaiden Cass. But we all wanted him to draw THE costume.
I mean it's just everything. Add the small bits of actions we're given, bits of her origin, and the entire plot of Cass trying to find her "voice". Writer Mariko Tamaki just packs SOOO much in here and begins the call for many to have her write Cass more. This is the story where that all began. Tamaki just GETS Cass as a character. 
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Everything is just top-notch in this story. You can tell the entire creative team It's a nice reintroduction for new readers for Cass. Along with giving older fans well something we'd never thought to see again. 🥺
The story just feels unreal to see happen. After ALL DC did in the past with the character. This story hits, but not as harder as my #1.
6.) Batgirl Vol. 1 #7-9
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- Now I'll admit looking over this list. I was like, "Wait why didn't I include #9 with this arc?" So it's time to correct that mistake!
There's no real "name" for this arc but it is just three stories that have the debut of a certain someone to the series.  Cass's opposite. Her reflection. Lady Shiva.
Everything between these two is laid perfectly in "conflict"  and for what is to come by Puckett and Scott. The 😮when Shiva shows up in the first panel and Cass is like, "I've got to fight that."  he expressions. An appetizer for what is to come with these two.
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Add the bookend pieces of #7 (of Batman/Shiva against Cass), along with just SOOOO much good lines by the two uttered in these issues. I mean there are some good quotes here. So many good scenes.
But again, this is a teaser for what's to come. What an amazing setup these three issues are.
5.)  Batgirl Vol. 1 #19 "Nobody Dies Tonight!"
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-  Remember what I said earlier of Puckett/Scott delivering banger single issues? Here's another! On the anniversary of something near to Cass's mind, she tries to make sure for one night, nobody dies tonight!
Seeing the morality of the lesson played out here is more gut-wrenching than #2 given Cass is the focus here.  She's doing her thing while the whole piece is her seeing someone being put to death tonight, and well her proclamation is tested hard.
Along with her mantra on everyone can change. You have all that, and the shadow of what is looming more and moreover her. The story is so good, to this day I ain't even gonna post it. This is one story you gotta track down and see for yourself.
Even if it is one more piece to a larger puzzle Puckett/Scott put to lead into #25.
4.) Batgirl Vol. 1 #21 (Last Laugh Tie-In)
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-  This is still my most favorite issue not shared by many of the Puckett/Scott run. It just goes to show you just how good this run is. There are SOOOOOOOOO many issues that can show up on a list for fav Cass stories.  This is just mine.
Reasons why I enjoy this issue in particular among others is #1 the way it starts off with Cass's training montage which has Scott just go to town so much. You can tell Scott probably watched A TON of Bruce Lee movies as the homage is strong in the opening pages.
#2 Cass/Steph get a really important moment that furthers their friendship. I mean sure this isn't the issue they become really good friends, but this is the issue where the foundation keeps getting added (#20 started that).
Besides the moment at the end, there's the other moments of Steph's quirky persona that just win you over with the character.
#3 the fight between Shadow Thief/Cass. When you see Cass smiling in her mask if I were a villain, "running would be a very good idea." The moment is so shōnen and Scott just goes balls to the wall here with how he draws Cass dominating Thief.
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This leads into #4 the outcome (but ties into #2). Like literally the fight switches in a heartbeat from 😁 to 😨in a single panel. Just seeing the look of broken horror in Cass's face realizing she might have taken another life makes my eyes water.
And here comes Steph to save the day. Dang, does she do some good friend stuff here. Just saving Shadow Thief and being there for Cass before the later scurries off.
3.) Batman: Urban Legends #7 "The Hunter... or the Hunted"
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-  A unique tale starring Cass by Guillaume Singelin takes Tec #955's concept of a long action sequence but goes harder. No dialogue or text. Just action. All action.
It's a real pity this story came way after the "Future State" event, as the story does a way better job showcasing how worse Gotham has become. There's a clear homage to so much in the story.
Singelin's art is something I haven't seen since Batgirl Vol. 1. Just the crispiness and layout of the fight sequences. The fact that this showcases why Cass is just a character quite unique. You can throw a writer/artist with a unique style. Just watch them go to town.
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It's one of the things I always wished we could've seen with again Cass in Vol. 1. The closest we got was with Damion Scott in Solo #10, but it's just so wondrous to see Cass in a tale that feels like something that NEEDS to be animated again.
Every time I read this story there's just so much to just look at even if the story moves at a rapid pace from the action. It's just perfectly choreographed with Cass coming up on top.
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2.)  Batgirl Vol. 1  #25 "I Am Become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds"
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- The crescendo of the Puckett/Scott run delivers so very much in this issue. From the literally EPIC  brawl, Cass/Shiva have in this issue. To the little moments with Cass/Babs and Cass/jumper. This is the creative team as the seeds planted bear glorious fruit.
There's just so much about this issue that can be dissected and taken apart. Everyone is an all-star this issue as Scott is at the literal height of his art giving us (for me) the greatest comic book fight EVER.
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From the set-up of the final round to the way, this is Puckett/Scott's opus. A slobber knocker. You feel the other's blow when it connects. Often imitated. NOTHING can ever top the OG brawl Cass/Shiva had in this issue. Nothing but one thing...
1.) Shadow of the Batgirl
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-  It's still the champ of my heart! Writer Sarah Kuhn takes all of what has happened with the character. Seen what worked and what didn't. Adds her own spin on what quite possibly is the best Cass story of them all.
From the very cover alone, before I opened the book this story hits a raw nerve for me. It opens an emotional flood gate.
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Kuhn just crams so much of Cass stuff into this graphic novel it just is utterly amazing at how much she puts in here. She delivers so much that literally and hits so many things... dammit thinking about the graphic novel suddenly my eyes are watering... AGAIN.. wrassin frassin.
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Adding to that is Nicole Goux's art which like Scott is so darn expressive and perfect for Cass. You don't need words when Goux perfectly captures what is going on in Cass and what Cass see's of the world around her.
I feel like a broken record on how much this story smacked me in the head. I was going to like it, but love it this much? Was like, "How?" But the emotion the creative team pours into this character you truly get how much they love Cass.
And this is the best intro story to get others interested in the character.  Like literally, there are so many dang moments in this comic that are just SOOOOOOO good. And dangit thinking of these moments... freaking heck. Like literally..
.. when the comic hit me across the head with just so much emotion and I've read it numerous times over already. The fact that it is still doing this to me. Yeah, it had to be my #1.
So there's my list. Yes, I know I left out some choices that are like, "WHY?" But this is my personal list. The thing about it is-- IT ALWAYS CHANGES! So do you agree or disagree? What’s your favorite Cass stories? I’d love to hear them! 
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aita-blorbos · 8 months
AITA for trying to kill someone and his friends after he betrayed me?
Okay, to start this, I might be a bad person. But this isn't about that! This is about something between me [? M] and four other guys [idk like 13?? M] who i'll just call G, R, B, and V
So its a long story but basically I was created to act out some guys wishes and kill the four people i mentioned previously (he was one guy once) or something. tbh ive just been trolling its pretty fun
but not really but kinda recently i showed up in the spooky woods to surprise one of the four (V) and i was trying to get him to join my side (the evil side heh heh...) because i thought it would be funny to see his friends reactions, and also hes sorta cool but thats not related i swear. and then he almost immediately joined me it was great
but yeah we talked with my boss and stuff and V officially became a creature of darkness and did a mission to trick R and B but i had to miss that because i was busy talking to the princess but thats unrelated lol. also his friends all met up at the big volcano later and oh boy you guys shouldve SEEN their reactions to V being evil. G even challenged him to a duel it was HILARIOUS! V totally beat up G but I guess he didn't and just faked the kill or something
We left to talk about evil schemes and we drank uhh… "evil root beer" and it was great and I told V a bunch of dark side secrets which ig was a bad idea in hindsight. I showed him where all the dark power comes from and then he started to talk about evil schemes and how we could rule the world together (…i wish) and defeat my boss. He was absolutely devious! even worse than me! We then burnt some stuff with my cool dragon and went to sleep
that same night he tried to break the source of the dark power! He was using me for information that entire time!— I, of course, reacted badly, and tried to execute him over a lava pit because he was my first real friend and I feel like if i reacted better we could still be friends. anyways his friends saved him so i lunged at them and then they used the power of friendship or something and blasted me with light, killing me
now im back and want to know… aita?
edit: guys no we were just friends
edit 2: oh, it seems V already posted here. hi. anyways im going to go now the princess just got stolen by an evil cloud https://www.tumblr.com/aita-blorbos/732579183389294592/aita-for-almost-killing-someone-i-met-this-goth
[ooc: note that i, the person who submitted this post, is not the person who submitted the other one lmao. i just thought it was funny that i found that.]
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veryimportantsparkles · 9 months
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Every time I reset a Pokemon cartridge I designate a 'sacrifice.' That's the single Pokemon that stays in the file when I save over it with my new game. I write down the species, gender, level, and catch location and go back to recapture the same thing in the new file. I can't account for Natures or IVs or anything like that, so sometimes they go through some interesting changes. Hitorigami went from Gentle to Impish, Fujiko went from Calm to Relaxed. This guy? He went from Timid to Serious. I think he's mad.
His name is Edmond, which was the player name of the last file. I also did this with Hanna, from my extra Sapphire cartridge. The intent is to honor the original owner, not to recreate them. I actually know who previously owned Hanna's cartridge and that's not even their name. And they're not a spooky clown. I don't know anything about Edmond, other than what he left in his file:
He completed the game and caught all the legendaries except his Lati, you get to choose which you get in Emerald and his was Latios. Its health was whittled down but I guess he gave up and I had to catch it.
He kept Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza in his party and used them as HM mules, lol. I know a lot of people use legendaries that way but I find it so baffling.
He used his Master Ball on some random Claydol from the Sky Pillar. Must've been a mistake, but he didn't reset.
I think he had like...ONE nicknamed Pokemon, excluding in-game trades. I went ahead and just gave everything random nicknames. His starter (Swampert) got the name 'Edson' because I think starters should retain specialness in some way.
So really, this was a person who cared about playing the game to completion but maybe didn't care about doing things the 'right' way or get a full Pokedex. He didn't transfer everything up to 4th gen before selling his cartridge to the local retro game store. But I can't prove that...maybe the game got lost or stolen, or a relative tossed it into a lot that they pawned off without checking. I'll never know.
I'm taking care of his Pokemon, but I did delete his file. So this new Edmond, he isn't the old Edmond, he can't really know or understand who that was or what it means to carry on his legacy. And I think he's trying to reject the whole concept.
See, you can catch Lotad on route 102 and they're a 20% encounter rate. When I caught him in the old file, he broke like 8 pokeballs for no reason. He was level 3 but resisted capture with his whole little heart. And in the new file, I wanted him to be the first thing I caught (after Blackjack, the new starter), but he just wouldn't show up. It took me two hours to find a lvl 3 male Lotad. I found a bunch of females, and some lvl 4s, I even found a Ralts (4% encounter rate) before he showed up. And when I finally got him he was...SERIOUS. He knows something's wrong and he doesn't like it.
I gave him an outfit that resembles Brendan's Emerald outfit, but with Red's hat and hair because I could convey a Lotad's lilypad and nubby legs better with them. He's a Pokemon gussied up in the clothes of a trainer...which is inherently wrong and perhaps overwhelming for a baby lad like this. Can he fill those shoes? No, I'm in the trainer shoes. But I'm gonna train him good and he's gonna be my lil champion whether he likes it or not.
Compare to:
Mizuhanome, my other Lotad/Lombre/Ludicolo gijinka who is a much happier and more festive person.
Testudo, who also gets a Brendan outfit variant, because he's a Kanto resident who 'studied abroad' (EV training) in Hoenn.
Welp, better get back to actually playing the game, haha
EDIT: fixed a color error on his hat
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kafus · 1 year
oh hey ive been meaning to ask is there an easy or preferred way to get into kamitsubaki lore esp for vwp. ive tried to skim the website like 3 separate times & only picked up the very very basics
ok so the problem with kamitsubaki lore is that literally like Most of it that is direct and not just implied thru music videos/twitter posts happened in a fuckign ARG that is... kind of lost media kind of not. the kamitsubaki city ARG took place on a website where players were given new... riddles and tasks called Qs every day for the month of october in 2021 and that website is now inaccessible but people i know archived and translated all the content they could so it's still viewable in some fashion. a couple of my friends practically singlehandedly edit the kamitsubaki fandom wiki and you can find all the "story fragments" (cutscenes from the ARG with direct story) translated here (oh and there's also lost media from before the ARG from kaf's old fanbox page that is now inactive/lost media... i have all of the images from that but they aren't all typeset yet so i'd have to get back to you on that one. it's dubious whether all that stuff is still canon anyways, a lot of it seemed conceptual before kamicity was properly outlined. one day i'll compile all this shit somewhere for everyone to have easy access since the wiki is kinda eh for it)
when you said "skim the website" i assume you're talking about the website for the narrative TTRPG stuff? perhaps? sorry kamitsubaki has websites all over the place it's kind of a disaster. i can't give too much information on this one honestly, my japanese isn't good enough and i'm a little bit behind, but afaik other than the tutorial after you sign up which walks you through a scenario with one of the girls as TTRPG practice, the rest is just... TTRPG stuff. like you making up stories with other players within the setting and whatnot. you'd have to browse through it. (eventually there's going to be some sort of small video game related to all of this. exciting. who knows when that'll happen)
there is also some stuff to do with the cr/ypto project that's loosely correlated with kamitsubaki city i guess but not really you can ignore that. and i would ignore it. i do
otherwise it's kind of like vocaloid song series where the VWP music videos contain hints to lore/metaphorically show what's happening. occasionally art is posted to the hashtag # STORY_VWP on twitter too which contains art correlated with the actual story of kamicity.
if you want my basic breakdown and understanding, tldr the girls r summoned from elsewhere by a mysterious organization called the Restoration Foundation to use magic singing powers to restore life to a city, but the city is doomed to end in apocalypse from fishlike creatures called Tessaracters every single time and they're like. in a time loop with varying amounts of memory retrieval trying to save kamitsubaki city and go home. there seems to be a lot of significance with what clothes the girls are wearing in different media and etc etc
Sorry i'm sleepy and this is probably too long and also a mess. the reason it's a mess though is because VWP lore is a mess and that's part of the fun for me. if you have more specific questions about specific parts i probably can help with an answer though! i'm not as into it as some other people but the lore is still fun to theorize on and i like seeing symbolism in the music videos.
this isn't even touching on like. how there's the kaf membership manga canon which is just an official comic where vwp is in high school together. or otogibanashi which was a series of... spoken skits? that kaf put on at her concerts for a while and has yet to be concluded and is a completely different universe from the rest of the vwp lore. Truly an enigma
by the way look at this video of one of my fandom friends posting a shitpost gif we made into the japanese kamicity ARG discord chat during a livestream. we made kaf laugh. the joke is that parrot was so annoying you don't want to know. i am so proud of this communityjsfdksdf
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prouvaireafterdark · 1 year
do you have any tips for new fanfic writers. the iwtv bug has gripped me and iim planning to dip my toes in but ive no idea no how to start. thanks and love your work xxx
Ahh, thank you! :)
And, well, I don't really think there's like perfect or universal advice on how to write because everyone likes different things and has a different process that works for them, but I'll do my best to list some things that help/have helped me!
Know your source material. Whether you're writing a canon compliant fic or something wildly AU, rewatching the show can help you get the character voices down and might make you feel less nervous about figuring out how you want your dialogue to sound or how the characters would behave in the situation you're putting them in.
Make yourself some tea. Idk what it is about a warm, caffeinated drink, but when I'm sitting at my desk with one it really helps me stay focused.
Start small if you're worried about finishing something big. There's no rule that says in order to be a fic writer you have to write 100k word masterpieces. In fact, my attention span is so fucked I usually don't write anything longer than 5k word one shots and I'm perfectly content with that. If all you want to do is try to get your feet wet with a 500 word ficlet to see how it goes, do it! Short fics are fun to read and much less pressure to finish.
Make an outline. No need to go crazy with it, but I usually sketch out the rough plan I've got with a few bullet points just to organize my thoughts and make sure I don't forget something.
Don't be afraid to write scenes out of order. There's also no rule that you have to begin at the beginning. I usually end up jumping around and making the parts I've written meet in the middle. If you vaguely know how you want your fic to start, but have a really concrete idea of how you want a specific part to go, just start there and work your way backward/forward.
If you get stuck, write the gist of what happens next in brackets and then move on to the next part. This goes with #5. I cannot even tell you how often I end up doing this and it helps maintain my writing flow so much bc instead of sitting there like "fuck, how do I wanna say this?" I can just be like "well, that's future Lynne's problem" and keep going with what I do have the words to write lol. You can also like just write a skeleton of dialogue and then go back and fill in the descriptions/their internal thoughts and reactions later if you don't know how you want to go about it yet, I do that a lot too.
Write what you want to read. Everyone likes different things and it's not really helpful to get caught up in trying to find an idea you think other people will like. Like I bet there are people who opened my fics, went "nope," and then backed out, but the thing is, I didn't write those fics for them, I wrote them for myself and whoever else ends up enjoying them. It also sucks trying to write something that doesn't inspire you, so if an idea isn't working for you, just... move on to something that does. You can always come back to it later (she says, avoiding eye contact with the WIPs in her folder).
Write. Even if you don't end up posting it, just giving it a go and seeing what happens is the only real way to start. You can always worry about editing later (either by yourself or with the help of a beta reader) or even scrap the whole thing and start over if you're not happy with it. I literally have docs that are basically just graveyards of whole paragraphs I deleted from WIPs but wanted to save just in case. The main thing to remember is that you're never gonna finish your story if you don't actually sit down and write it, so try to take the pressure off of yourself to make it perfect and just see what you come up with.
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ap-sadistics · 2 years
skybound bad end au thoughts
this is more or less copy pasted from twitter. edited slightly
warning for mentions/thoughts of suicide
this is EXTREMELY depressing you have been warned
ive been thinking about it. as a fic, in written form, i think there really wouldnt be much of a story. it Is the "end" after all. it would be mostly a snapshot of jays life after the events. and it would also be the most miserable fic in the tag. like. it would be. pure misery. supremely depressing and without even an ounce of hope.
at that point everything thats done to him is just punishment or an act of senseless sadism. depends on the perspective. jay would see as punishment for the things hes done. just karma.
in this bad end au, i think jay would just be a toy. a little plaything for nadakhan and his crew. and delara. he doesnt have much purpose now but why not just keep him as entertainment. until the doll breaks. if he hasnt already. they can just throw him away then
i think it would be best if it has a open ending......... this bad end has the potential to go REALLY dark. but like too much doesnt taste that good you know? like... easily it could go the suicidal route. or jay being literally broken to the point hes killed. too dark you know? 
but like..... i like there to be some hints of possible paths to jays ultimate fate.... its ambiguous but the setup is there.... the beginning signs... like...
jay becoming ill. sick from who knows what thing that has been done to him. an infection? exhaustion and overwork? its not much but its small things like that. a persistent cough or headache. the flush of a fever. his physical health is down the gutter
jay wishing things would end. entertaining a distant thought while he looks over a ledge miles above water. waving the idea away but the feeling of it doesnt truly leave.
maybe hes denying himself of that escape on purpose. that he doesnt deserve a reprieve. hes got a massive guilt complex that pins him there, on that ship, suffering because he knows he deserves it. a part of him is a coward still too. hes scared of taking the leap of the ledge.
the things jay feels are so complicated. he wants to die, hes scared of dying, he doesnt deserve to live but he doesnt deserve to die. he deserves to suffer. he trapped until someone else takes him out of his misery. but no one will.
its much more fun forcing him to dance till he falls apart. hes going to at this rate. a part of him wants to. but another part tells him that he shouldnt. hes the only one left of his friends whos still here. that part of him tells him that he has to live for them
complicated complicated feelings. maybe another part of him hangs on because nya is still here. sorta. a tiny part of jay thinks maybe he could save her at least. that part of him is crushed tho. because he really cant. he has no way. he has no wishes and no powers. utterly hopeless
he has to watch "nya" dance with nadakhan. like the two are on their honeymoon. he has to watch nadakhan take nya all for himself. like a precious prize. in his hand like a trophy. it hurts most when she decides to play with jay herself tho, when she toys with his heart. when she hurts him herself.
theres no good way this can end. theres so many ways that this can end. each and every one is as miserable and hopeless as the last. jay has no hope of happiness whatsoever.
jay may not necessarily die soon. but chances are he will die on that ship. eventually.... someone or something will kill him one way or another. but you dont get to know how or what. theres no good way to go though.
man this is the most depressing thing ive ever written lol. jay would be so depressed lmao.......... i did say this would be the most miserable fic. theres something fun about entertaining this bad end tho...... like everything sucks.... but vibes.... love misery.
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foofenshmirtz · 5 months
Log # 2 The trees that walk
Disclaimer, this Au goes into detail about death, and mentions of sexual assault, cults, religion, gods, and gore. viewer discretion is adviced. I do not own any of the characters unless stated otherwise and everything is purely for entertainment purposes. i only own my writing.
After some time in these woods I figured it would be best to start logging down my findings. If I'm going to live in these woods I want to understand my surroundings and the people around me. Most of the forest residents have been here for years and have the advantage of experience, but i have something they don't which will ultimately be my saving grace.
Slenderman: a tall lengthy man, has no face, no way to speak or no real physical body that one could touch. He has the power to control and break peoples minds to a great extent. Avoid at most costs unless you have the symbol on your body. He is some type of immortal god and is the creator of the revenant proxies, humans who are loyal followers to him who are given great power to help serve him. From my understanding slender can't physically attack you but most people who come into close contact end up falling violently sick and get vivid hallucinations. Its best to avoid him but getting on his good side might beneficial. Slender also seems to be the creator of the portals around the forest, it seems he cant walk and teleportation is his only mode of transportation so it would only make sense. 
So far ive only come into contact with 4 of his proxies, i see them patrolling the woods often and they often come close to my cabin. They seem harmless to me for now but its best if i stay alert.
 Offenderman: From my understanding, not many know much about him. Not many see him around the woods and some even speculate if he is even alive or real. Nobody that has seen him has made it out alive or mentally well enough to truly say if he exists or not, but most in the woods believe that he was chased out to the farthest part of the mountains to keep people safe but by who nobody knows. He is the most ruthless of the brothers and if found he will ██████ ███████ ████ ████ ███████████████  ███████
Do not interact with.
Edit: he is located in ███████████ █████
Don't let them near.
Splender: for what i know about him is that he isn't as harmful as slender but is still best to be avoided. He constantly has a smile on his face though I'm not sure if he is actually happy.  I've only ran across him once but when i did he walked around like he was lost and constantly looking for something or someone. He talks alot but most of what he says is unrecognizable. From what I'm told he is the creator of the hollowed proxies, humans who were once happy who are now nothing but hollowed numb huskies of who they once were. 
Tenderman: He is the nicest of the 4 brothers yet seems to look the scariest. He doesn't seem to like me much. I've only seen him a handful of times but from what ████  told me he isn't fond of the murderers in the woods and is often trying to save people. He isn't like his other brothers and can be often found crying in the woods. Unlike his other brothers, he looks less like a walking tree and more like melting moss. I'm not sure why but he seems sheepish and is often found near rivers or with the deer of the forest. He doesn't have any proxies that i'm aware of and he seems to be more like a lost animal instead of some god, like his brothers. He seems sweet and If i wasn't the person i was im sure him and i would get along, but for now ill keep my distance. From my understanding, kindness is a rare thing in these woods and is often a sign of manipulation.
Maybe I'll try and change that.
That's all that I know about the brothers, from my understanding most just try and avoid them at all costs but I've been told that getting on at leasts Tender or Slenders good side could be beneficial to me. I'll debate it. I know trying to form alliances in these woods would be for the best for me but so far all the people i've come into contact with have only been dicks or too insane for my liking which is obviously to be expected and I'm not one to judge but I have standards at least. for now. Trying to befriend or at least be nice to a few of the revenant proxies might do me well in the future so ill try my best in that department but for now i'm going to stick to isolation and hope for the best.         
            Ps i know i'm the only one reading this so future me if you are skimming over this page again it means you aren't dead so good job us, but if its not us and its someone else and we do happen to be dead then i hope whoever finds this book finds it useful. <3
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aurirorii · 6 months
my carat journey ♡︎
sypnosis: (im sure the title makes this self-explanatory but) in which i tell you all about my first impressions and journeys as a carat. (i like summed it all up so its super short)
a/n: i havent been a carat for tooooo long but nonetheless it makes me feel pretty happy to see ive come as a carat as well as how the group themselves have grown over the years c:
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how did it start.. oh right. when i first came around seventeen or seen something about them it was actually back in may of 2021 from a clip i saw on youtube i saw of them on knowing brothers. this clip was when the mcs of the show were trying to guess all of the members’ names and it was the8’s turn.
i remember watching minghao doing that flip or wtv (sorry i dont remember what its called lol) n after he was all cool and stuff. and lowk i was like ‘oooooo.. hes kinda cute’ hehe. and honestly that was kinda it.
you see, it was in 2018 i was actually a k-pop stan yk during the prime era of kpop. obviously over the next 2-4 years i had lost focus. but, when i came back, that video was one of the many i had watched on youtube about kpop. and when i came back, i became a skz fan. i remember felix was my ult bias and that was that.
but that was until i came across an episode of going seventeen. pretty infamous right? god, i remember watching that episode when they were planting rice (ver-paddy) and i was hooked. i had never laughed so much, it was like my spark had come back. i say that because when i re-entered the kpop fandom, i wasn’t at the highest point of my life. so laughing that much over one video on youtube made me so happy. that was when i knew that i needed to find out who this group was and where i can watch more episodes.
that was when i realized that the group i was watching was seventeen: the group with that one cute guy with gray hair and glasses (the8)! also when i realized that vernon was in seventeen (i knew and recognized vernon bc if his cover with jeongyeon, do i need to keep explaining? i didn’t think so).
although, when i started looking into the members, one caught my eye and it was safe to say it was not the8. it was LA boy hong joshua. idk what it was really but i thought he looked so idk— beautiful. so thats what it was for me. i started stanning the group and having joshua as my new ult bias in june 2022. sadly, over time, my interest in skz started to decline. it wasn’t that skz wasn’t great, they are, y’know how it is right?
that was how my journey started. i started listening to their music, getting into going seventeen, binge-watching like all the seventeen related videos i could find on youtube, and most importantly: going through hell trying to learn all of the members.
oh. my. god. hey, you know, it took some time, but i got there! (i always messed up woozi and hoshi) um.. anyways. as time went on, obviously i was able to experience the feeling of waiting to watch their new comebacks and such. and honestly, i don’t mean to be one of those people, but seventeen genuinely brought my spark back. i had, and still, never been so interested in something until them.
around 5-6 months later, it was in novemeber 2022 when i was pretty settled into the group when my thoughts and views started to change. i was starting to focus on new members. i honestly don’t remember at all how this started but jeonghan caught my eye. and i was hooked.
idk.. hes js so.. im sure u know what i mean!!! i mean who wouldn’t? like, have you seen jeonghan? oh lordy lord. he was so beautiful yet fine yet cute yet literally all of the above. i sound like one of those crazy fans. PLEASE GUYS I PROMISE IM NOT LIKE THAY JUST HEAR ME OUT A TINY BIT. let a girl be delulu PLS. ok now im gonna continue being delulu for a sec thanks.
i do admit i still fangirl a bit over him, just a teensy bit!!!!! (i fucking watch edits on tiktok HELP ME I HAVE A SAVED COLLECTION IN MY FAVORITES ermmmm i js want to be organized!!!! …..) please guys im just a girl.
uh. yeah! but in all seriousness, i’m so happy that i was able to come across such an amazing group. time has passed so much and it’s crazy for me to understand that i’ve been already been a carat for almost 2 years. (pls help me ive watched like every gose episode and inside seventeen episode like 50 million times each, but honestly i’ll never get tired of it).
i’m so proud of seventeen after everything they’ve gone through. watching them win their first daesang made me feel so happy for them, they absolutely deserve it. from practicing together in a small, green walled room to selling out almost all of their shows and stages they perform on, seventeen has grown so much as not just a group but individually.
i just know that if seventeen’s predebut self saw their lives now their joy would just be through the roof. as one of the most looked-upon sunbaenims in their industry, i’m sure most people can agree seventeen tops their line of style when making music.
and i’m also so glad i decided to be a carat. i love the fandom, like i can be on tiktok for hours just laughing watching carats post the funniest memes and compilations as well as making the stupidest tweets. i can very much vouch carats are one of the most funniest, supportive fandoms out there.
so yeah, that’s about it!
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screamingay · 1 year
started ranting about doctor who to my gf and realized i actually have a lot of opinions (which start off summarizing hbomberguy's takes from the sherlock video but it was kind of a revelation for me) so if u want to hear them ive copypasted and edited them a bit for u guys under the cut <3
so like to set up how bad steven moffat is he explains why doctor who was so bad when moffat was the showrunner in a way ive been trying to articulate for years
basically he's a decent writer who was good at individual episodes that make reference to the doctors history but when it came to actually writing that history and the big events that would become the doctor's history he sucks so so so badly
like in the empty child he was amazing, he prioritized the story of the episode while giving the doctor an air of mystery and references a long and complicated backstory without compromising any charm or humor
but in the very first episode where he had reins on the entire show and its storylines he resorted to just a monologue from the doctor about how cool and special he is and that trend continued the whole time he was in charge. the entire universe suddenly revolved around the doctor
like. chibnall was clearly trying to subvert that by only using brand new aliens during his first season and having extra companions (three of them jesus christ) but he didn't address the heart of the problem and somehow made it even worse. the charm of the doctor was always that they were just a traveler bouncing around the universe and helping people or having fun or whatever
and of course there was always the tragic backstory and the genocide and being the last of his kind and all that but that always came second to the humans he loved!! the first time the master came back in tennant's run it was martha and her family and jack that saved him!! and chibnall tried to do that with yaz but it just didnt feel as impactful bc of how overpowering the master & timeless child plots were (dont even get me started on the timeless child shit retconning the entire history of the show to make the doctor quite literally the most important being in the universe)
moffat on the other hand went all over the place with it and wrote in intergalactic cults deadset on killing the doctor and when he did try to make companions special and important he completely took away their agency in the process
to me clara was a decent companion and had some great moments for me until she turned out to be not real or a metaphor or forgotten or dead or somehow retconned into existing since the show started in 1963 it was all so WEIRD and misses the point of making a companion important. it made her so important she lost her humanity imo
and then there was bill who also died and was mutilated beyond recognition and it just makes me think about how rtd never did that to companions. they were special not because of time magic or destiny or fucked up deaths but because they were just humans. with families. martha got to go back to her family. donna had to forget but she was happy in the end. rose was supposed to live out her life in the parallel universe with her own mortal doctor, and she did, but moffat STILL found a way to bring her back as a metaphor because his desire to deconstruct female companions into concepts and tragedies was just too strong
that's not even getting into what he did to river. or amy...
none of this is to say rtd is perfect of course, i'm really nervous to see how he deals with everything that's been thrown at the show in the past couple decades but considering he plans on staying for a while i really hope he manages to put a better twist on all of it. honestly the thing im most curious about is the special effects.. the show has been leaving very heavily on cg lately but chibnall did introduce a few decent practical effects and puppets so i hope rtd pushes for more of that. im getting off topic tho
that's all i have for now i hope u enjoyed and if u wanna discuss anything pls feel free although that's all the brainpower i have for today come back tomorrow <3
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