#also who is the farmer lady we need to know
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karmathenightowl · 11 months ago
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something something werehorse mind palace
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dollopole · 5 months ago
Merlin witnessed how women acted his entire life, and realised they’re just as humans and they’re just as different.
If we really need to find a definition, he was definitely always opened minded. He knew everyone was different, because he was different to begin with, and accepted any sort on new person coming in his life, all types of women, from magical ones to farmers to warriors to nobles, from his friends soon knighted, to more common citizens and ladies of the court, to Morgana, Gwen and even Morgause, who Merlin didn’t find strange at all that she wanted to fight in armour and against Arthur, of all people, because Merlin’s just a silly, little guy from a small village with one of the most rebellious person ever as a friend, and a single woman as a mother.
Which means:
the way Merlin decided to act once he aged himself into The Dolma, was all his doing, and he decided to do it in that way, and it is unbelievably amazing😭.
Merlin decided The Dolma should have worn a dress; he decided she should have had an high pitched voice.
IT WAS MERLIN who decided The Dolma should have flirted with Arthur, and gesture with her hands like that, because to Merlin, if he had to be a woman, then he would have been still himself, still sassy, but also elegant, and outright flirty with everyone, just with a different appearance.
He did not care in the slightest? Like, that’s what gets me. He was more tired of having to hide, than having to pretend to be a woman. I know he was enjoying himself, I just do.
Which means Merlin wanted to flirt with Arthur, but realised he could have done it only by being a woman. I love how he was able to keep his character and just… Didn’t change anything of himself.
It’s like, each time he pretends to be Dragoon or The Dolma, he can let out those things about him that he can’t show otherwise.
For him, there were no rules to follow, and the way he tells Arthur and Mordred that he wanted a man by his side for protection, because she’s an old woman, oh my god, that is hilarious, and it makes me laugh each time.
“Oh, the gangly boy.”
Merlin described himself as a gangly boy😭I can’t do this. I love The Dolma. I love Dragoon The Great.
I love Merlin. He has so much imagination, it’s unbelievable.
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moonsgemini · 3 months ago
american heartbreak - iii
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summary: hangovers and early mornings don’t mix. The early farmer’s market is looking like June’s Everest but surprise visits and unexpected coffee rendezvous with Rafe makes it all worth it.
warnings: cowboy!rafe x oc, fem reader, she/her, mentions of possible break in, so much fluff, a little self depreciation, some sexual stuff-ish not smut tho, rafe being an absolute sweetheart
an: y’all I fell in love with this series again. I have no idea where it’s going but I like it so far! also idk who wants to be tagged in this anymore so that’s why I didn’t tag anyone
series masterlist - previous part
June Summers vowed to never drink again as she slumped in the foldable chair behind the buckets of flowers. She was glad Amber hadn’t woken up hungover so that she could take over most of the hospitality. If she talks too much she’s convinced she’ll puke again.
At least the cold was helping with the hangover, and she wasn’t entirely too mad about the previous night out. But then she remembered she threw up in front of Rafe and wants to crawl out of her skin. Embarrassment prickled at her spine thinking about how she wouldn’t be surprised if he never wants to hangout with her again.
“That poor boy is so love struck he watched you puke all over your boots and on his! and he really didn’t say a thing,” Amber laughed once some customers walked away.
June groaned pulling her brown carhartt jacket closer, it used to belong to her dad so it was oversized and well loved.
She didn’t need a reminder of the bad parts of last night. She had already been replaying it in her head, “He was just being nice. God he’s probably never going to want to see me again.” She closed her eyes and rubbed her temples trying to relieve the headache. She really wished she had some coffee right now.
“Uhhh I really highly doubt that,” Amber laughed beside her.
June looked up at her only to find her friend pointing in the direction of someone. When she looked over her heart dropped. Not sure if she was excited or not yet. Rafe held a cup holder of coffees and a grin on his perfect face as he walked towards the booth. His eyes never leaving June once he found her. Who was currently wanting to crawl out of her skin.
June ran her fingers through her hair to at least look somewhat put together. She crawled out of bed at the last minute and barely did anything to get ready.
She was seeing a lot more of Rafe than usual. It was causing her to have permanently sweaty palms and a rapid heart beat.
“Good mornin ladies,” Rafe nodded his head at the two women behind the endless bundles of flowers.
Amber smiled almost too widely, “Well good mornin Rafe. Now what brings you to the market?”
He chuckled, “Well I know you ladies had a long night. So I figured I’d bring some coffee,” He held one of the cups up and looked over at June, “Got your favorite June bug.”
The butterflies in her stomach fluttered, “T-thanks Rafe, you really didn’t have to,” She stood and walked around to meet him in front of the flowers, “Especially after last night.”
He watched her sip her coffee. Pride bloomed in his chest at her small smile and content sigh, “I had a feeling you’d need extra coffee today.”
“This is actually our first of the day,” Amber sighed dramatically while sipping her own coffee.
“Really?” Rafe questioned with raised brows, “I’m assuming you haven’t eaten either?”
June nodded, “We sorta woke up late.”
His brows furrowed in concern, “I’ll go get y’all food otherwise that hangover will never cure,” He was about to walk away to go to the diner for food when Amber stopped him.
“Rafe take June out, I can handle it from here,” Amber smirked knowing her friend wants to murder her but knows June will thank her later.
June started getting nervous, “Uh are you sure Amber? But you need food too.”
She shrugged, “I’ll call James to bring me something. Plus you drank more than I did so you need some bacon in your system.”
“You heard the woman. Come on June bug, breakfast on me,” He smiled at her.
June’s face felt hot and the nausea she had been feeling was coming back ten fold. She’d never spent that much alone time with him and the thought of it was making her sick. At the same time she was feeling giddy that he was so willing to take her out. It was all so confusing. His charm and kindness not helping her feelings.
June stood up and grabbed her purse, “Okay well if things start to get crazy call me Amber.”
“Mhmmm sure,” Amber smirked as she waved them off.
June sat across from Rafe in Mickey’s Diner. It was everyone’s favorite breakfast spot in town, they had the best waffles. Which was what June was currently working on in front of her. The toast and bacon she already had helped her feel like herself again.
Rafe noticed the color returning to her cheeks. He was starting to really enjoy taking care of her. He knows she’s fully capable of doing it herself which is why it felt good that she was letting him do this.
They had talked about anything and everything. Once he had the conversation going her nerves calmed but the butterflies still fluttered every now and then. They reminisced on old elementary school days, when they used to play soccer together, and ride horses. June came to realize that Rafe was so easy to talk to because he always listened and gave his full attention.
“Juney I think you and I need to hangout more,” Rafe said with a lopsided grin before taking the last bite of his omelette.
She let out a breathy laugh looking down at her suddenly much more interesting waffles, “You don’t mean that.”
His brows furrowed in confusion, “You should know by now I never say anything I don’t mean.”
Their waitress, Tamara, walked over saving June from Rafe’s intense words, “Everything good y’all? Need more coffee miss summers?”
She shook her head, “Yes please Tammy.” She nodded her head smiling and began refilling the vintage blue mug. The three of them had gone to high school together. Tamara worked at the diner in high school and eventually bought it out and fixed it up.
“I’ll leave the check here for you but no rush. You take all the time you need,” She winked at the pair before sauntering off.
Everyone knew about Rafe and June, they weren’t blind. They saw the way June got flustered when she was around him and all the longing stares she sent his way. At first no one saw it in Rafe but his all consuming crush became well all consuming. He couldn’t hide how his eyes lit up and he stood up a little straighter when June was around anymore.
“So what do you have planned for the rest of the day?” He asked as he swallowed his last bite of hash browns, “The shop isn’t open today right?”
She shook her head, “‘No it’s just the farmer’s market we do on Sunday’s and well I guess I’m off for today,” She laughed softly. If she thought about how she was having breakfast with Rafe after puking her guts out in front of him she’d start to feel light headed. Having his attention was addicting and overwhelming.
“You deserve a day off, especially after last night.”
She groaned, “Don’t remind me, it’s so embarrassing.” The heat of embarrassment traveled up her neck and to her cheeks.
He shook his head with a playful smile, “Don’t be. It happens to the best of us. Can I tell you a secret?” He began to whisper as he leaned in slightly. She nodded her head curiously.
“I’ve been in that same position myself maybe once of twice,” He shrugged, “or more than a few times.”
She laughed sitting up straight, “I don’t think that’s much of a secret Rafe.”
He shrugged again a smirk playing on his lips, “But it made you feel better right?”
She nodded. His story didn’t exactly make her feel better, more like his small effort to not let her feel embarrassed.
“Back to what’s important, what are your plans today?”
She thought for a second about what her plans were. June was going to spend her afternoon watching cheesy rom coms with popcorn and order greasy pizza for dinner. Probably home alone because James and Amber usually spent the evenings together. But things have changed, “Uh no I was just going to watch movies all afternoon.”
He nodded and hummed, “Hmmm so that means we’re spending the day together.”
She nearly choked on the last sip of coffee, “Oh, we are?”
He smiled, “We are June bug. When was the last time you came over?”
June couldn’t believe this conversation was happening. Rafe wanted to spend the entire day together. Things like that don’t happen to June Summers.
“Umm probably not since Sarah’s graduation party. She always comes to ours when she’s in town.”
“It really has been that long,” He realized he hadn’t heard the echo of her laugh coming down the hallway in years. He loved when Sarah invited her over. He cleared his throat as he pulled out his wallet, “Then today is the day you go back and I’ll show you around the Ranch. We’ve got some new cows and horses I want to introduce you to.”
She laughed, “Whatever you want Rafe. Oh I can pay for mine that’s okay,” she reached for her purse but Rafe’s loud scoff stopped her.
“I’d never make a pretty girl pay for a meal. Your company is payment enough bug.”
Her cheeks were going to melt off her face if he kept making her feel this hot and mushy.
Rafe felt like he was in one of his daydreams. Sunday’s were his days to relax and rest. On those days he’d spend them on the back porch day dreaming of June. Walking with her through the pasture to the big willow tree that was at the end of their land. He’d be holding her hand, pulling her towards him every few minutes to plant a kiss on her lips. She’d laugh and blush as she hugged him or playfully pushed him. But then Ward would come outside and sit next to him. He’d start talking about Rafe’s upcoming ride and that daydream would be nothing but a dream.
Now his dreams were coming to fruition as he and June walked towards the willow tree. Except he couldn’t pull her in for a kiss or wrap his arms around her. At least not yet.
After breakfast Rafe drove them to his house. June was greeted by his border collie Ranger as she stepped inside the familiar home. He led her outback and showed her the two new cows they got. As well as the baby chicks that just hatched.
He watched her swoon over the cute animals and it made his heart swoon. How gently she held the baby chick and spoke it as if it were a real baby. God he was royally screwed. This crush he thought he could hide and suppress throughout the years was impossible to tame these days.
Now he was walking them towards the willow tree. The soft breeze of the afternoon making the smell of her shampoo float his way. She had also taken off her jacket and hoodie leaving her in a black tank top and jeans that made her ass look fantastic.
Rafe was struggling to keep his eyes from wandering. It was hard when her tank top would ride up a little and reveal a sliver of her stomach. Her skin looking so soft and smooth he wanted to lick it. The tank top also revealed a good bit of cleavage that had him practically drooling.
June was trying her absolute best not to combust. It felt like she was seven running around the Cameron ranch with Sarah as Rafe tried to tag one of them. Except this time Sarah wasn’t there and they’re not playing tag. Rafe isn’t a nine year old boy but a grown man, a very handsome grown man. One with big arms and facial hair.
Once they reached the willow tree Rafe spread out the blanket he had brought. June sat down and closed her eyes enjoying the breeze and the warm sun that peeked through the willow tree. Rafe sat beside her leaning back on his hands. He watched her as the wind blew the little pieces of hair that framed her face. The sun making her skin look glowy and kissable.
“I don’t care what anybody says, I could never leave this town,” She said turning to him. She was surprised to find him looking at her already.
He nodded, “This place is beautiful but you never want that big city life?”
She laughed shaking her head, “I don’t think it’s for me. I like being close to everyone I care about and I love my job here.”
“Some days I wanna leave,” Rafe admits as he turns to watch the cows feeding behind the fence a few yards away.
June’s brows furrowed, “Really?”
He nodded, “The people can get a bit too much. All the gossip, and being away from my dad kinda sounds nice some days.”
She tucked her hair behind her ear as she picked at some tufts of grass, “You do get gossiped about a lot huh?”
“About how I do on rides, who I’m sleeping with, what am I gonna do when I can’t do this anymore. It’s just a lot sometimes but I’ve got a couple reason’s to stay,” He shrugged looking over at her with a smirk.
A spark of confidence ignited in her, “Good, I’d miss seeing you around.”
He looked over at her with a hint of a smug smirk, “Yeah?”
She nodded her head, “Who else would still want to be my friend after watching me puke.”
He laughed, “I’d still be your friend even if you puked on me. You can never get rid of me June bug.”
Her face heated up. Even if she never got to have Rafe the way she imagined at night before she fell asleep then she’d settle for his friendship.
Rafe and June sat under that willow tree and talked for hours. Until the sky turned to pink and purple hues, then Rafe drove her home and walked her to her door. It felt like a date. She wished he’d kiss her on the porch and ask her out again, but it didn’t happen.
He waited until he heard her lock the door from the inside and then headed back to his truck. A small smile on his lips, it was the best day he’d had in a really long time.
No bull ride, no trophy, no adrenaline rush was as good as spending time with June.
A few days later June was sat at home after a long day of getting a wedding order ready. She had changed into her cute pajamas and put on her comfort movie, how to lose a guy in 10 days, and was eating ice cream out of the carton. Amber was spending the night at James’ so she bad the house all to herself.
She figures this is what her life is going to look like when Amber moves in with James. It’s not happening yet but you had a feeling it would soon. She didn’t mind being alone, sometimes it was pretty nice after the chaos of a long day. There was no need to worry about her every move and be polite to everyone she could just be.
The only downside was that she had way too much time to think about Rafe and his big hands and broad shoulders. She could drool just thinking about his handsome face. Spending the day with him had only intensified her crush. It was far more than a crush now. June was convinced she’d never be in a relationship because the only man she wants is him. Yet it doesn’t feel like the only woman he wants is her.
The opinions she had of herself were causing her to go into a spiral of overthinking. What if Rafe just liked being friends with her because he wasn’t attracted to her and liked just being friends. He probably never means for it to go anywhere. He’s had all this time if he wanted June so why would he just act on it now.
June felt like she wasn’t as pretty as the other girls she typically saw around Rafe. They were all bombshells with much more to offer than her. She was soft and comfortable, something she doesn’t think Rafe is looking for.
Her self deprecating thoughts came to a halt as she heard rustling on her front porch. It sounded like someone was walking around. Then June swears she heard the door knob jiggle, like someone trying to open it.
In that moment she regretted telling James they didn’t need a camera. After a minute silence June turned around on the couch and tried to peak through the blinds but she couldn’t see anything. Plus if there were an intruder she didn’t want to open the blinds all the way and give herself away.
Her palms began to sweat at the thought of someone coming in while she slept. She grabbed her phone off the coffee table and debated on who to call.
She didn’t want to interrupt James and Ambers night over something that was probably silly. Also calling the sheriff felt a little embarrassing if it ended up being a raccoon.
Her thumb hovered over the first person she thought of but wasn’t sure if she should bother him. Then the footsteps on the porch sounded heavier as they walked around probably trying to peak through the windows.
“Oh god,” June mumbled in fear, “just do it.” She groaned to herself as she pressed call.
After two rings he answered, “Hey sweetheart.” He said and she could tell he was smiling. If she wasn’t frozen in fear her heart would have swelled.
“Rafe,” She whispered, “I think someone is trying to break in.”
Rafe was also on his couch doing nothing. He had been debating on heading down to the bar. James was out with Amber and that was really his only friend despite everyone claiming to be his friend.
He was on high alert now sitting up straight, “What? Where are you?” Now he was standing putting his shoes on and grabbing his keys
“I’m home alone, it sounds like someone is walking around the house,” She said in a hushed tone.
June heard Rafe’s front door slam closed and the crunch of gravel as he basically ran to his truck, “I’ll be there in ten. Just stay on the phone with me.”
She nodded but realized he couldn’t see her, “Okay.”
“Where are you right now?” He asked as he drive down the dirt road leaving his ranch.
June had tucked herself into the corner of their sectional under her big fuzzy blanket, “Uh on the couch. I’m too scared to move.”
“That’s okay bug,” A side of his mouth quirked at the thought of her all cozied up on the couch.
She sighed, “Maybe I should have that camera installed huh?” She joked.
“I’ll set one up tomorrow.”
“It’s okay Rafe I can d-“
“I know you can June bug but I want to,” He cut her off, “I don’t like you being there alone with no type of security.”
She was glad he couldn’t see the blush that rose to her cheeks, “I live with Amber though so I’m not always alone.”
“Well both of you need it. Plus Amber and James have been having way too many date nights lately so you’re alone more often than not,” He argued.
“That’s true,” June hadn’t really noticed that Amber has been gone a lot lately.
A pit in her stomach formed at the thought of not living with her best friend. Of course she was happy for her but it was bitter sweet.
The sound of a car in the drive way pulled her out of her thoughts, “I’m pulling up, I’ll knock on the door after I’ve looked around okay?”
“Okay,” She mumbled and then he hung up. Knowing Rafe was outside brought her out of her frozen fear and she got up to pace the living room. Biting her nails as she awaited his knock. June heard more rustling outside but she was sure it was Rafe now.
A few minutes later he knocked on the door and called her name. She rushed over unlocking and opening it to reveal the 6’2 cowboy. He was wearing a backwards hat that had her throat tightening. He smiled at her and opened his mouth about to say something when he took in what she was wearing.
Rafe was sure she was trying to torture him.
Her small pajama set had his jeans feeling tight in the front. The small black tight shorts and the small lilac tank top she had on were leaving very little to the imagination. To top it all off she wasn’t wearing a bra and the cool summer air was making her nipples pebble just begging to be touched by him.
He cleared his throat and looked back up at her. June had noticed her lack of clothing and crosses her arms over her chest. Which didn’t really help Rafe it just pushed her boobs up and made her shirt ride up so the soft skin of her stomach was showing.
He swallowed harshly, “Uh there’s nothing to be worried about sweetheart. If there was someone here they’re gone, it could have been a raccoon.”
She nodded, “Okay, thank you Rafe for coming. I just didn’t know who else to call.”
He leaned against the doorway with his arms crossed, “You can call me whenever you need me. I’ll be there.” June was going to have a permanent blush because of him.
“Can you stay with me?” She asked abruptly.
His eyes widened slightly. Not because he didn’t want to but because he’s so surprised she asked first. He was already trying to find a way to coax her to hangout with him.
She took his silence as rejected and her word vomiting started, “It’s okay if you don’t. I’m sure everything’s fine and you probably have plans. Like with your friends or like a date or something.”
Rafe shook his head with a soft smile, “Nope no plans other than hanging out with you.” He stepped in and shut the door behind him.
She followed him back to the living room with a small smile on her face. He was not helping the crush that was blooming into something way more.
It’s always been something more. It’s always been that scary word that she’s never felt like admitting to anyone. It was easy to keep the feelings down and minimize it to an infatuation level but lately those feelings have been fighting to be let out. Rafe’s kindness was too much for her.
He plopped down on the couch right in the middle, “What are we watching?”
She squeezed herself back into the corner of the couch. Her bare legs touching his jean clad ones. Their shoulders brushing against each other. Were the walls suddenly closing in on her?
“I was watching how to lose a guy in 10 days but we can watch something else since it’s almost over,” She shrugged.
He looked over at her with a mischievous smirk, “How about a scary movie?”
“After all of that? No thank you.” She huffed.
He laughed, “Come on I’m here now to protect you June bug.”
She sighed dramatically, “Fine, but you pick.”
They were on the third movie of the Scream franchise when her eyelids started getting heavier. It was hard to fight sleep when she was so cozy tucked into the couch with her blanket she was sharing with Rafe.
At some point, during a jump scare, her head ended up on his shoulder. After the scene was over she didn’t bother to move it and Rafe didn’t seem to mind.
The movie was over when Rafe heard her small snores beside him. He smiled as he looked down at her. Lips pouty and a small furrow between her brows. He didn’t want to wake her so he gently moved his arm so her head was now on his chest. She snuggled closer up to him.
Rafe was in heaven. He wished time could stop and it could just be this forever. He did his best to maneuver her to pick June up bridal style to take her up to her room.
As he started walking up the stairs she stirred in his arms, “Mmph Rafe?” She mumbled.
“It’s okay baby just go back to sleep,” He murmured trying to ignore the fact that that was the first time he’d ever used that pet name for her.
She mumbled, “Stay.”
“Huh?” He asked as he gently kicked the door to her room open. It smelled like June in there and Rafe was ready to drown in it.
“Stay with me,” She mumbled as he set her down on the soft bed, “What if ghost face gets me.”
June would blame her boldness on the fact that she was half asleep, but she wasn’t regretting a single word.
He chuckled softly, “I’ll stay. But uh,” he scratched the back of his head, “I just need to take my clothes off.” He wasn’t usually shy so he doesn’t know where this bashfulness was coming from.
June nodded and mumbled, “Perfect.”
He laughed and took his shoes, shirt, and jeans off. Leaving him in just his boxers and hat. He tossed the hat onto her dresser before gently pushing her over so he could slide in. She was already asleep again but the dip in the bed woke her up a bit. Enough to have her inching towards him to lay her head on his chest. He really hoped she wouldn’t feel how hard he is and freak her out. He’s not even horny he’s just excited to be so close to her.
Rafe was sure this was heaven.
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deliciousangelfestival · 10 months ago
Tears In His Ferrari - 10
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Character: Bucky Barnes x Farmer!Reader
Summary: Bucky Barnes, used to a life of luxury, takes on farm challenges in a bet with his father. Mud-stained Ferraris and a rustic farmhouse lead to unexpected personal growth, guided by the stern mentorship of Y/N, a farmer making his city-boy life difficult.
Theme: Fluff, Slice of Life, Heart-Warming.
Main Masterlist || If you enjoy my work, please consider buying me a coffee on: Ko-fi 🙏🏻
Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more. 
Chapters: Chp 1, Chp 2,Chp 3 , Chp 4 , Chp 5 , Chp 6 , Chp 7 , Chp 8 , Chp 9 , Chp 10 , Chp 11 , Chp 12.
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Bucky's heroic story of helping Toby's grandmother and bringing her to the hospital with his red Ferrari became the talk of the town.
The next day, he went to the fresh market with Y/N's parents to buy fruits and flowers.
He was planning to revisit Toby’s grandmother. He didn’t know why, but he felt a sense of melancholy toward elders, especially since his own grandparents had passed away before he was born.
As Bucky looked at the oranges, the locals greeted him warmly, especially the elders.
One grandfather said, “Thank you for helping Toby's grandma, young man. Here's some fresh corn and potatoes for you.”
Bucky smiled warmly and replied, “Oh, yes, we should help each other.”
Another grandmother approached him and said, “Are you the Barnes kid who helped my friend? Here's an orange for you.”
The kind old lady handed him baskets of oranges, her eyes twinkling with gratitude.
Then he felt someone tap his shoulder. He felt like a big shadow towering over him. It was Thor.
Thor exclaimed, "Buddy, you were a great help yesterday. Here, I'll give you my biggest catch today."
Bucky widened his eyes in surprise. "Oh no, it's alright. Urghh."
This was the first time in Bucky's life that he carried a heavy fish.
With each step he took, someone would greet him and give him something. He had never experienced this sense of community back in the city, and he appreciated how supportive the locals were of each other.
Samanta chuckled upon seeing Bucky looking clueless. “You've become the local celebrity.”
Bucky blinked in surprise. “Really?”
“Yup. Oh, my daughter just called. Some people are at your farm.”
“That's right. I have to go back.” Bucky clapped his hands excitedly. He suspected that what he requested from his dad had arrived.
He stepped on the gas and drove fast to his place. When he arrived, he saw a few teenagers and kids standing near his house.
Y/N was also there, looking a bit overwhelmed as she guarded the youngsters from entering the house.
The truck stopped, and Bucky got out of the car.
He greeted Y/N with a smile. "What's up?"
Y/N sighed in relief. "They want to see your car, but I thought they needed your permission first."
The group of youngsters looked at Bucky with puppy eyes. In a second, he remembered being a young kid, also interested in sports cars when his dad brought him to the F1 race car. The experience was amazing, and it made him fall in love with fast cars.
As a fellow car lover, Bucky welcomed them. "It's alright. Do you want to see what it looks like inside?"
"Yeah!!" The youngsters cheered in excitement.
Bucky showed them his Ferrari car and enthusiastically explained the engine and the machinery.
Y/N observed Bucky, who looked genuinely excited. She remarked, “You've become the celebrity.”
Bucky chuckled, unable to contain his enthusiasm. “I can't help it.”
“By the way,” Y/N continued, “your father sent a pick-up truck. I didn't know you needed another one.”
Bucky's eyes lit up. “It's here? Yes! And it's not for me.”
“Then for who?” Y/N inquired, curiosity piqued.
At the hospital, Toby was speechless when he saw the pick-up truck. It looked brand new and far superior to the old truck they had to sell to pay his father's debt.
He walked around the truck, inspecting it from front to back, then turned to Bucky and enveloped him in a grateful hug. “Thank you, bro,” he said earnestly.
Bucky returned the hug with a smile. “You're welcome, buddy.”
After Toby rushed back to the hospital to share the news with his grandfather, Y/N approached Bucky. “That was really nice of you,” she remarked.
Bucky nodded, a sense of fulfillment washing over him. “I realized how important a car is for Toby. He needs it to drive his grandma and carry boxes of honey.”
With the means to help, Bucky felt compelled to use it.
Y/N smiled warmly. Witnessing Bucky's generosity and compassion, she couldn't help but admire him even more.
Bucky's generous gift quickly spread throughout the town, making him the hottest topic of discussion. Suddenly, he found himself at the center of attention, not for his wealth or status, but for his kindness and willingness to help others.
The children in the town looked up to him as a cool role model, inspired by his actions to make a positive difference in the community.
With Toby's grandmother gradually improving, and Toby himself working diligently to sell honey at markets and to local households, the spirit of gratitude and determination seemed to infuse the air.
Despite initially finding farming challenging, Bucky began feeling accepted and belonging in his new life.
Though he still encountered difficulties, he realized that the rewards of helping others and being part of a close-knit community far outweighed any hardships he faced.
Bucky hadn't opened his social media for a while since he was already busy with farming.
His story has also spread widely on social media. However, it wasn't Bucky who initiated it.
But who did? Of course, it was Kate. She inserted herself into Bucky's story as if she were a part of the effort to help him.
During her live session, she recounted the events with a touch of theatricality, emphasizing her own role in the act of kindness.
"And that's when Bucky and I sprang into action," she exclaimed dramatically, her eyes sparkling with manufactured emotion. "Together, we rushed Toby's grandmother to the hospital, our hearts filled with determination to make a difference!"
Her viewers were quick to shower her with praise, captivated by her portrayal of a compassionate and selfless individual.
"You're such an inspiration, Kate!"
"Wow, I had no idea you were so involved in charity work. You're amazing!"
"Thank you for using your platform to spread awareness and help those in need. You're truly making a difference!"
With each compliment, Kate's smile widened, basking in her audience's admiration as she skillfully crafted her image as a philanthropic icon.
She kept smiling as she scrolled through the comments until she noticed someone mentioning "What about Y/N?"
Kate's smile faltered, and she let out a sigh.
"What's wrong?" inquired one of her viewers.
Kate sighed again. "Well, we only know what people choose to show us on the outside, not what's really going on behind the scenes."
The viewers were intrigued. "Is this about Y/N?"
Kate hesitated, then replied cryptically, "I don't want to name names, but let's just say there's someone who's been quite influential in Bucky's life, and it's had some unfortunate consequences for my brother."
"Your brother, the celebrity chef Paul?" another viewer asked.
"He can't cook anymore because of a car accident, right?"
The comments continued to pour in, each one adding to the speculation. It was precisely what Kate wanted. She leaned back in her chair, a satisfied smirk playing at the corners of her lips as she watched her fans dissect the situation for her.
Glancing down at her ruined shoes, a reminder of her unexpected encounter with the mud earlier, Kate clicked her tongue in annoyance. "Never underestimate me," she murmured to herself, a hint of determination in her voice.
Bucky, who had been feeling clueless, had just finished cleaning up the sheep's stable. He made his way back to his house to freshen up.
Archie, the puppy, had eagerly awaited his return, wagging his tail excitedly. "Woof."
"Hey, buddy, I missed you too," Bucky greeted, bending down to pet the eager pup.
Once inside, Bucky headed straight to the sink to wash his hands, feeling the grime of farm work clinging to his skin. As he scrubbed, he couldn't help but notice his phone incessantly buzzing with notifications.
"What's going on?" Bucky wondered aloud, setting down the soap to check his phone. He was met with a flood of messages and tags from various people. Among them was a tag that caught his attention: #Y/N and Paul.
Curious, he clicked on it, and his screen filled with photos of Y/N dressed in a chef's outfit, standing beside none other than Paul, the celebrity chef who also happened to be Kate's brother.
Bucky's heart sank as he read the accompanying captions and watched a reel detailing Paul's accident, along with rumors suggesting that it wasn't him driving the sports car, but rather a woman whose name was still unknown.
His thoughts racing, Bucky was startled when he heard a familiar voice behind him. "Here's the dinner."
He nearly jumped out of his skin, turning to find Y/N standing there, a concerned expression on her face as she looked at him. "What's wrong?" she asked, noticing his troubled demeanor.
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Author Note: Hey friends,
If you've been enjoying the content, I've set up a Ko-fi account.
Your support through tips would mean the world and help me keep creating.
Only if you feel like it!
Here's the link: Ko-fi
Thanks a bunch for being fabulous followers!
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maboroshi-no · 4 months ago
Hamefura April Tea Fair SS
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Series: My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! Source: Manga Vol 3 Store: Animate Synopsis: Katarina is working in her fields. Keith brings her sweets and tea and suggests she takes a break. Translation: maboroshi-no
Translation below ⮟
Katarina: Heave ho~ Heave ho~
While cheerfully yelling this I, Katarina Claes, was using my hoe to plow the fields I had made in the manor's garden.
Since the weather was great and perfect for work today, I had been working hard in the fields since morning.
Keith: Big Sister, how about a little break? I've brought some tea and sweets.
As I was wiping sweat with my handmade headscarf, my younger brother Keith appeared with a basket in hand and called out to me like this.
Katarina: You're right. I guess I'll take a little breather.
I sat at the table prepared by Keith and refreshed my dried throat with the black tea he had poured for me.
Katarina: Aaah~ It's so good. The cupful of tea after farmwork tastes out of this world!
After I drank up the black tea and loudly said this, Keith looked at me with very indescribable eyes and said this:
Keith: Big Sister, when you're doing that, we can't see you as anything but a farmer's daughter.
Katarina: No way~ So I look like a splendid farmer that much?
When I bashfully replied this out of happiness, Keith let out a deep sigh.
Keith: I wasn't praising you but the opposite, actually. Big Sister, you can't look like a farmer. You're a duke's daughter. 
Just as my brother said, I currently had the status of daughter of a well-lineaged ducal family and was not a farmer's daughter. It would normally be a position where I would need to smile and dance in high society rather than doing farmwork. But…
Katarina: Keith, you don't know what life has in store for you. Even if I am a duke's daughter, one day I might suddenly be stripped of my status and exiled to another country. I need to steadily polish my farming skills so I could be hired in a farming village if it happened. 
I admonished Keith like this but he gave me a face that seemed to say " What the heck? That won't happen". Still, it really was a possible future. I had the memories of my past life and I knew that this world was the world of the otome game I had played in it.
And worst of all, I also knew that I, Katarina, was the heroine's rival character and a villainess who had nothing but doom flags.
One of those doom flags was being stripped of my status and exiled to another country. If something like that happened to a noble lady raised like a princess, she would normally be out in the street.
But I had no intention of yielding so easily to my doom. I wouldn't lose to it, and if I were to be exiled, I would become a splendid farmer!
Katarina: Alright! Keith, one more cup, please.
After stuffing sweets in my mouth and chewing them, I washed them away with my second helping of tea, then resumed farmwork.
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xxvalkyriesxx · 3 months ago
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The Joker and the Queen - Chapter One
For @emeriethevalkyriegirl 🩷 @acotargiftexchange it's less than 20 minutes until Monday, so it's basically Monday now
Masterlist // Prologue // Next Part AO3 // read below
Every year, the city of Velaris hosts a week long festival, the Carnival of Stars. It's the biggest event of the year, people from everywhere travel to Night Court County to partake in the special events. Every year, the festival ends on the Winter Solstice, with a performance by the Velaris Ballet Company. And every year they perform the holiday classic, The Nutcracker. However this year, the director of the company has decided to shift gears. This year, the ending performance will be, The Lady and the Fool. A show that follows a royal lady falling in love with a court jester, despite what society says. The director wants to bring a whole new experience to the show. And the twist is that the fool will not be played by a fellow dancer. So instead, they decide to cast a local Winter Solstice tree farmer. What could go wrong? OR Nesta Archeron is the principle ballerina of the Velaris Ballet Company, playing the lead role of The Lady and the Fool, with her counter part, Cassian Pine.
Seventeen weeks prior to Carnival of Stars starting.
“Eris, what the hell are you saying?” Nesta asked, sitting in her boss’s office. Her workout had ended early as Eris had called her into his office, wanting to discuss something with her.
The red head only grinned at her unamused expression. “As I’ve said, we’re not doing The Nutcracker for this year’s Carnival of Stars.” Eris added. “It’s gotten so boring and repetitive.”
“It’s a classic. Ballet classics never get boring!” Nesta argued, glaring at Eris. Most would be too nervous to debate with Eris once he’s made up his mind, however Nesta had known the director of the ballet company since they were young, learning dances together.
“I’m not arguing that. The Nutcracker is a holiday classic but it needs to be retired, at least for this year. I’ve wanted to do something different for a while, and Rhysand is finally letting me do so.”
Nesta resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the mention of her sister’s long-term boyfriend, who also was the mayor of Velaris and therefore was a part of every decision the carnival made. How Eris managed to convince Rhysand to remove his nosey self from the ballet performance, which would always end the week-long festival, Nesta didn’t want to know.
“So what are we doing instead then?” Nesta asked, bracing for something awful to come from Eris’ mouth.
Eris grinned. “I’m so glad you asked.” 
He slid a program across his desk towards Nesta. The magazine was from the Adriata Ballet Company, the edges decorated with sea shells and waves. The date was from earlier in the year when the southern city celebrated the Summer solstice. The cover was of a woman and a… What the fuck am I looking at? Nesta narrowed her eyes down at the cover before shooting her head back up, glaring at Eris.
“Eris, is that a clown?”
“Technically yes, but my version will have a court jester instead.”
Nesta peered back down at the magazine she held. The cover had a ballerina and clown dancing elegantly in a still shot. The ballerina smiled brightly as the clown wore a goofy smile. “The Lady and the Fool? Why haven’t I heard about this performance?”
“Well you know Adriata. They have so many different kinds of performances during the Summer Solstice, this one must have been drowned out by everything else going on.” He glanced at the cover. “But I was fortunate enough to have seen this. Tarquin did an amazing job directing.” Before Nesta could ask anything else, Eris sighed. “However, we have run into another issue, Nesta.” 
“Dear gods, what now?”
Her boss grimaced. “I was thinking…” 
Nesta sighed, bracing for whatever was about to come out of Eris’ mouth.
“I thought it would be interesting if we did have a real fool on stage. You know, have it be meta.” His auburn eyes glowed, finishing his sentence. 
“A real fool? As in someone from the fair or do you mean–” Nesta’s eyes widened as she figured what he was implying, her mouth dropping in horror. “Eris! Why are you thinking of bringing an unprofessional performer to be on stage?! We’re a highly respected dance company. Not to mention, the risks this would bring?!!”
“Well, the story calls for two fools, so we’ll just have one of them be someone from the outside. I want to highlight the difference between an average person and a dancer.” Then he added as her face fell. “And let’s face it, Velaris loves an underdog story.”
“And like I said, Rhysand gave me the go-ahead. We’ll be fine.”
Twelve weeks to the Carnival of Stars
The last week of September meant that it was Cassian’s last remaining bit of sanity before it would cease from the chaos of the winter season. The man sighed as he looked out the window of his Winter Solstice tree farm. The trees were getting more beautiful by the day, and come mid November, they’ll be ready to sell.
And personally, Cassian already had the decorations up for the solstice come November 1st. There was no use in waiting until after the last Thursday of the month. And with very little neighbors, no one could bother him about the solstice lights he turned on. 
Taking a sip of the peppermint flavored coffee, Cassian settled down at the kitchen table. A golden retriever with a sugar powdered face sat up from underneath the table, licking his knee through his jeans. Cassian shook his head, smiling at his companion.
“Hey, Holly girl.” His voice was hoarse from the early morning rise, when the sun was barely peeking through the forest that surrounded his quaint farm.
Holly pushed her dry nose into the palm of his hand. Another sign of her growing older by the day. Thirteen years she’s been by his side, through the thick and thin at Little Star Farm, the nickname from his childhood. The place hadn’t even been open for more than a year when Azriel and then his girlfriend (now wife), Gwyn Berdara, found a small litter of golden retriever puppies off the side of the road. Gwyn took one, Cassian took one, then the rest were given to friends and family members.
“Come on, let’s go check on the trees.” Cassian placed his mug down as he and Holly left the kitchen to the front yard where he parked his gator cart. The green on the front of the vehicle peeling and cracked. Holly made her to the passenger side. A little whine escaped her as she looked at Cassian, then to the seat, then back to Cassian. 
“Just a minute, Holly.” Cassian checked to make sure his usual equipment was in the cargo box before he bent to his knees, picking Holy up with ease. “Jeez dog, I gotta stop giving you so much bacon.”
Holly just huffed at his comment as he placed her in the seat. Wrapping around, he got into the driver’s seat and took off. The cart traveled through the fields of growing trees of variety. Cassian had wanted to give customers options to what they wanted to bring home every holiday season. His farm was still on the younger side at just fourteen years old, as some trees had been planted near the beginning and hopefully by this year will be ready to sell. Others had taken less time and were ready within six to seven years.
It had taken a while for the trees to reach maturity, so in the meantime, Cassian ran a small solstice shop that was connected to his house. He sold homemade items such as wreaths and small pine ornaments. There were also some items he sold from small businesses from downtown Velaris. Amren’s Crowns Candles held some of the best natural candles with wooden wicks, perfect for the holidays. Feyre painted holiday postcards that he sold at his shop too.
The grass was freshly mowed, the familiar scent still lingering along the ground as the air flowed. Cassian’s thighs were still sore from finishing the last bit of the field yesterday. It had taken almost three days to complete mowing the fields as he had to split his time between field work, store work, and making sure to take a break. Although taking a break meant just grabbing cheese and crackers, drinking water, and then going back to what he was doing.
Eventually Cassian stopped the car near some of his oldest trees. He smiled softly at some of his biggest accomplishments since he started the farm all those years ago. Some trees were ready by seven years, but others took longer. 
“What do you think, Holly? Think they’ll be ready by the holidays?”Holly barked in response as her long haired tail wagged. “Me too, Holly girl.”
Grabbing his journal, Cassian made notes of the trees in the particular area that were going to be ready for the holiday season. It was a leather bound journal that was roughly loved by the look of it. The leather was faded, the pages wrinkled with water and coffee stains. Cassian had a journal for every year on the farm. This one had seen the most damage due to a giant coffee spill from Azriel’s and Gwyn’s foster child, Ester, when the three visited last month. 
Being a detective in Velaris, Azriel had a pretty work busy schedule and with raising a teenanger, Cassian didn’t see his friends often. Azriel and him inseparable growing up, but after separating from the military, Cassian wanted to work on a passion project since he was young instead going for a typical career that most take after finishing their time with the military.
Solstice brought up a lot of tough times he had as a kid, as his mother died when he was a kid, right before solstice one year. His mother did everything she possibly could to keep them afloat, living in a very tiny, dingy apartment in Windhaven, a town not too far from Velaris. 
But every winter solstice, his mother made sure that Cassian had something special, and that was the solstice tree in their living space. Cassian grew fond of taking care of it. Decorating it with the few ornaments they had and some lights, it made Cassian’s year seeing the completed piece. He begged his mother if they could keep it up year long, but he quickly came to find out, at most it could make it to a week or two into the new year before the tree would die.
The farm, in a way, was a gift back to her, as some of the proceeds went to a local non-profit for survivors of domestic violence. The abuse was something that Cassian saw very little of, as his mother hid it from him as much as possible. However, it lingered in their home long after the violence faded away. Winter solstice was a time for happiness and cheer, so Cassian worked hard year around in order to bring the best trees.
Making his way back to the cart, Cassian put his journal away before he and Holly made their way back to the house. An hour or so had gone by upon Cassian’s return. He helped the golden get out of the cart before he ventured inside, warming up another cup of coffee. Holly made her way to the big old bed that Cassian bought her when she was so little. He caught her eyes immediately drifting off, the old dog falling asleep instantly.
Cassian settled into his lazy boy leather recliner when his phone buzzed. Pulling it out of his pocket, he withheld a heavy sigh that wanted to be released as he read the name across the screen.
Message from Rhys (aka pile of dicks)
The farmer rolled his eyes at the nickname that Ester must have made when Cassian was looking away. Opening the message, he took a look at what his friend had to say
Rhys (aka pile of dicks): Winter Solstice is upon us! Come downtown so we can discuss what’ll be needed this year.
It’s not even October…Cassian finally sighed, huffing and puffing.
But of course whatever the Mayor of Velaris wanted, he got.
Grabbing the coffee pot, he poured everything into a travel mug. Going back over, Cassian rubbed his hands on Holly’s belly, as she rolled over onto her back.
“Rhysie needs me, old girl. I’ll hopefully see your sisters while I’m there.” Holly sneezed in answer. “Yeah, I’ll tell them you said hi.” Holly shook her head as she sneezed again. Cassian rolled his eyes playfully. “I don’t think I need to be bragging to them how you got the best owner out of the liter.” 
He pointed at her. “Don’t tell Gwyn that, she takes your brother’s livelihood very very seriously.”
Getting up, and attempting to ignore the cracks his knees made, Cassian made his way with his coffee out the door and into his truck.
Cassian to Rhys (aka pile of dicks): On my way! And since you’re pulling me away from work, I would like my usual from the Devlon’s.
Cassian’s meeting with Rhys went longer than expected. Unfortunately, Mor was also there, so the two cousins kept yapping on unrelated topics until Cassian had to draw their focus back into the reason he was there. Rhys was ready to propose to his girlfriend, Feyre Archeron, and wanted this year to be an extra special edition of the Carnival of Stars.
“Decorated trees, snow, solstice carols. Everything that the carnival has, but times it by 1,000. Only the best for Feyre Darling.”
“As a reminder, the Carnival of Stars isn’t for Feyre. It’s been a tradition in the town since your great grandfather was mayor of the city. So it can’t just be about Feyre.” Cassian said.
Rhys waved his hand. “I know that, but I think we should just go all out, you know? Make Velaris, Solstice Town for a change.”
Cassian tilted his head. “Any reason why we’re going the extra mile?”
“I want to make this winter solstice the best one yet. It’s her birthday, but she deserves the world.”
As Rhys looked upon Cassian, he shrugged. “You’ll understand when you’re in love.”
Cassian rolled his eyes as he walked down the steps from Rhysand’s office. Rhys had no idea that Cassian was in love, for almost a straight year. Every day Cassian waited for a text to appear by the one he was dying to speak too.
Nesta Archeron.
The principal ballerina of the Carnival of Stars dance company, graduated from Velaris University, and was the eldest sister to Feyre. Cassian asked her about Nesta not long after solstice, but at most the art teacher shrugged and said her sister didn’t date. “She’s married to her career, Cass. I just don’t see it working.” So Cassian may have searched for her on the internet, but it was completely harmless. There was hardly anything on her. 
No social media accounts, no secret blogs, nothing. It was like she was just a figment of his imagination. Like clockwork, Cassian pulled out his phone, the nearby church bells rang at the hour. Maybe today will be the day she texts me.
There was absolutely nothing on his lock screen other than Holly in a solstice paper crown. He sighed before stuffing his phone back in his pocket. I have no time to think about this, I have to work on which trees to send out for the carnival this year.
As he made his way through the first floor to the exit, something stopped him in his tracks. Cassian couldn’t believe what he saw as he blinked several times to make sure he wasn’t seeing anything.
She was here. She was really here.
Well, it was a picture, but it was Nesta Archeron. She wore a long dress with a tiara as she stood en pointe alongside a court jester. Cassian approached the poster as the title of the ballet hung above the dancers.
The Lady and the Fool. The Carnival of Stars ending show featuring Nesta Archeron. Meet the cast throughout the week of the carnival before seeing their performance on Winter Solstice night. 
Cassian glanced down at the description of the ballet.
A wealthy lady, a poor jester, and a tale of society and love.
And right next to the poster was a sheet of paper that Cassian had to double take at.
Audition Call for The Lady and the Fool. No dancing experience required! Meet in the Auditorium this Thursday. 
This is stupid. Not only do I not know how to dance, I have a whole farm to run. Cassian thought as he let go of the paper before walking away. He had work to do…
Then by the grace of High Lord Solstice himself, the very angel he fell in love with last year, walked into the building. Her hair was in a bun as she carried a bag over her shoulder. A glimpse of white in her ears gave Cassian the note that she had air pods in. Then she made a turn to go down the steps, right where Cassian was. Quickly he leaned against the wall, taking out his phone. Act normal, she won't question anything.
So Cassian opened the Velaris Times Games app. He completed a few games of the day, but was still stuck on Connections. Who even comes up with these??
He kept his presence pretty quiet so he could blend in. Boots clicked against the tile floor as golden brown strands of hair caught his attention from the corner of his eye. Rolling his shoulders, Cassian kept his posture relaxed as best he could while a clean linen scent flowed on by.
His thumb shuffled through the cards on the screen. She’s probably gone by now. Taking a breath, Cassian lifted his head expecting an empty space in front of him. But what he didn’t expect was the same woman he just saw before, to be standing off to the side, looking directly at him. Cassian’s mouth dropped a little before he cleared his throat and waved at her.
This must have broken the spell. Nesta Archeron flushed before spinning around, marching off and heading to the dance studio most likely. Cassian could only watch her as she left him standing in the hallway. Glancing over at the audition call again, his stomach flipped.
Fuck it, I’m not wasting my shot.
Cassian practically tossed his phone out of sight, reaching over and ripping off the tear-off tabs of the advertisement. The small pieces of paper held the same information as the flyer. Quickly, Cassian shoved all the pieces of paper in his coat pocket before leaving the building. The ball was back in his court, and he would be damned if he missed his shot for a second time
“So let me get this straight, Cass. You’re going to audition for a ballet, all so you can impress the principal ballerina who you’ve barely even spoken to??”
“She has yet to see my skills! And I can dance well enough.” Cassian defended his stance. “Cassian, you can’t even stay on beat.” Azriel said with a deadpan look. “What’s the type of art Feyre does – oh abstract! I have some abstractness to my dancing.”
After visiting with Rhysand, Cassian made his way to Azriel’s house as it wasn’t far from City hall. His old red pickup truck was parked in front of their townhouse.
Azriel pinched the bridge of his nose. “Is it reasonable enough to ask you to stop while you’re ahead?”
Cassian opened his mouth to argue when a redhead woman walked through the threshold of the dining room, carrying coffees to the table.
“Az, give Cassian a chance. He’s in love. Let him try this.” Gwyn said as she placed coffees down on the table before sitting down, next to Azriel. She kissed him on the cheek before pouring coconut cream and sugar into her coffee, turning the dark drink into a lighter color. “Besides, you’re a love expert.” She winked at her husband who only rolled his eyes, before nudging her slightly.
For years Cassian was their third wheel to their relationship and while it didn’t bother him they were in love, there was an empty space always in his heart and next to him. 
Azriel shook his head. “You're ruining the taste of coffee.” He said as he also placed the coconut cream in his coffee, but with no sugar. Gwyn gave him a knowing look. “Mhmm, sure.” The man blushed as he rubbed his neck before taking a sip. Cassian mentally rolled his eyes, but silently agreed with his best friend.
“Thank you, Gwyn.” Cassian smiled sheepishly, drinking his coffee completely untouched.
“No problem, Cass. And for the record, I think it’s romantic what you’re doing.”
“It’s romantic until the ballerina says it’s stalking.” Azriel butted into their conversation.
Gwyn pursed her lips. “Well, dark romance is still a bestseller at the shop.”
Cassian watched Azriel fight the urge to sigh before he shook his head, taking another sip. Gwyn had opened a bookshop with her best friend, Emerie, in downtown Velaris. Cassian didn’t know the first thing about a romance book as he read more historical books or books on solstice trees.
“What’s considered dark romance?” Cassian asked, peering at Gwyn. Azriel dragged his hands down his face, a miserable expression slipping through. “Oh, now you’ve done it my friend.” Azriel mumbled.
Gwyn’s eyes sparkled with a devilish delight. “I’m so glad you stopped by, Cassian!” Almost like it was pulled out of thin air, books appeared in Gwyn’s hand from a nearby stack. “Class is now in session, and before you say anything, the kid is out with her friends. No need to be PG-13 anymore!”
Cassian paled, glancing at Azriel, who just shook his head and grabbed a nearby flask before pouring most of it into his coffee. The farmer gulped. What had he gotten himself into?
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renthony · 9 months ago
any good queer book recomendations?
(Drop a 🏳️‍🌈 in my inbox and I’ll respond with a queer media recommendation!)
The Second Mango by Shira Glassman is the first book of the Mangoverse series, a queer Jewish fantasy series about young disabled lesbian Queen Shulamit and her family. It's very good, very sweet, and just about the most heartwarming cozy fantasy series out there.
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The first book follows Shulamit after she's had her heart broken by her lady love and is trying to find other women who love women. Accompanied by a dragon-riding warrior woman named Rivka (my personal favorite character <3), Shulamit helps save a temple of women turned to stone by an evil wizard, rescue a beautiful woman from captivity, and get a wholesome sapphic happily-ever-after.
Here's the official plot summary:
Queen Shulamit never expected to inherit the throne of the tropical land of Perach so young. At twenty, grief-stricken and fatherless, she's also coping with being the only lesbian she knows after her sweetheart ran off for an unknown reason. Not to mention, she's the victim of severe digestive problems that everybody thinks she's faking. When she meets Rivka, an athletic and assertive warrior from the north who wears a mask and pretends to be a man, she finds the source of strength she needs so desperately. Unfortunately for her, Rivka is straight, but that's okay -- Shulamit needs a surrogate big sister just as much as she needs a girlfriend. Especially if the warrior's willing to take her around the kingdom on the back of her dragon in search of other women who might be open to same-sex romance. The real world outside the palace is full of adventure, however, and the search for a royal girlfriend quickly turns into a rescue mission when they discover a temple full of women turned to stone by an evil sorcerer.
The other books in the series follow Shulamit as she deals with things like "I have a severe gluten intolerance, but nobody respects my dietary needs!" and "I'm a cis lesbian in a relationship with a cis bisexual woman, but we gotta produce an heir to the throne!" and "oh no, our kingdom's crops are being affected by a mysterious blight and we have to help the farmers!" and "how do we help a gay prince from a neighboring kingdom fight against his father for the labor rights of the common people?"
The series is very Jewish, very queer, very feminist, and they're incredibly comforting. They make me believe in a better world, full of wonderful people who care about each other and fight to improve the world. It's a perfect series to read if you need something to feel hopeful about. The second book was even dedicated to a local labor rights organization in the author's city, which I think is pretty awesome.
The series gets mis-categorized as young adult fairly often, because it doesn't have explicit depictions sex or violence. It is not YA, though--Queen Shulamit is 20 years old in the first book, and by the fourth book, she and her wife have multiple children. YA is great, don't get me wrong, but this series is very much for adults!
Do yourself a favor and check it out if you're looking for diverse fantasy with a happy ending, where marginalized people get to love each other fully and triumph over difficult circumstances.
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annabthesolitarywriter · 3 months ago
✍️For the oc ask thing.
Hi and sorry if it took me so long to answer your ask! I took a Tumblr hiatus and then it was hard to think of a specific character to talk about...I literally have so many, which can be a good thing...but a bad one as well.
Ask from THIS ASK GAME (I need to start referencing everything since it takes me ages to reply)
The character I'm talking about today is...Finnas!
He was born in TA 2977 in Dol Amroth, the eldest son of well-to-do family. He was never a noble, but his family didn't lack money and that money enabled him to travel extensively as a young boy and to get familiar with most cultures in Middle-earth. At a very young age, he learned to travel and survive on his own. He learned to hunt and sail and worked several jobs (carpenter, blacksmith, farmer, stable boy etc) while simultaneously learning languages and customs that were not his own. He kept a notebook where he dutifully and systematically jotted down all that he learned and, for a long while, he only spent money in quills and ink. He rather enjoyed his nomadic lifestyle, but he eventually returned to Dol Amroth to tend to family matters and organize his father’s funeral. Since he was now the head of family and in charge of his younger siblings, traveling was no longer an option for him and, after a period of self-doubt, mourning and depression, he was employed as an assistant shoemaker. He worked there for a while and struck up a friendship with his employer, who was also the owner of the shop. This shoe-shop was a “high-end” place and many people among thr highest ranks of the nobility bought their footwear there. One of the shop’s regulars was Húrin the Tall, Warden of the Keys, who, at the time, was desperately in need of a tutor for his young daughter Morwen. This whole thing about Finnas traveling, attending his dad’s funeral and being employed in the shoe shop takes place years before the War of the Ring and won’t be featured in LOI directly, but only through conversation or maybe if/when Finnas ever reminisces on his past. It’s mainly just for me to have somewhat of a reference and to give the character some sort of a personality and Finnas has plenty of it.
Lord Húrin takes notice of the young man who is trying to sell him a new pair of leather boots and, as he is intrigued by him, soon starts questioning him on his life and an on several other matters that have nothing to do with shoes. He understands that Finnas is wise and learned far beyond his years and offers him a tutoring job in his household. Finnas is hesitant as his formal education is fairly limited and he supposes his teaching methods would be unconventional and not suited for a highborn lady. Húrin though is more stubborn than he is and eventually Finnas accepts the job without even meeting Morwen first. You may wonder how Finnas was persuaded to accept the job. Want the unfiltered truth? He did it not for prestige, but for money. He thoughts his siblings might need it, so he said yes, although it was not what he really wanted. He moves into Húrin’s mansion almost at once and starts tutoring Morwen. Morwen is one of Tolkien’s scrapped characters and since she was originally supposed to marry Éomer, I think she might be Lothiriel’s age? Maybe a year older or younger? Maybe a couple years younger? As I have mentioned earlier, this whole thing takes place years before the War of the Ring and children normally started being tutored at five or six? Finnas might not be Morwen’s first tutor anyway, but I doubt I will have her be born before TA 2999. I don’t even know if she shows up in LOI, so I really don’t know anything about her as of now. I only know Finnas tutors her for a long while and she makes remarkable progress studying with him. As I am typing this, I think Morwen has what we today would classify as ADHD so I assume she struggled retaining information and found it hard to stay focused during lessons. Finnas manages to build a relationship with her and the fact that she sees him as unconventional and “weird” compared to other tutors actually helps her. He tutors her for quite a while (until her teenage years) and, by then, he has become the talk of the town and he’s one of the most sought-after tutors. As such, he becomes extremely wealthy and begins building a network of important acquaintances. During the War of the Ring his number of students is significantly reduced and when the war is over and Aragorn is made King and things go back to normal, noblemen—especially the newly-created ones—requests for tutorship come flocking in again. A few years pass (five or six) and he is hired by a certain Steward to oversee his young and extremely bright daughter’s education and that is how Finnas enters Enna’s life. She is a little happy baby then and she doesn’t know what fate has in store for her yet. She is just this tiny little perfect lady who desperately wants to learn things. She does most of the work herself and Finnas is impressed by her self-discipline and her ability to retain complicated information. He admires her intellectual curiosity and proudly tells Faramir shes the best student he has ever had. He actually kind of feels useless because he feels like Enna could as well study on her own. He guides in he right direction. tells what is important for her to remember and praises her. That’s about it.
As he did with Morwen, he tutors Enna (and later Elboron) for a number of years and Faramir grows to value and respect him immensely. At the Steward's suggestion, Finnas is offered titles and lands, as Faramir plans to have an opinionated and intelligent ally in the King’s Council, someone that both he and Aragorn can trust. Finnas rejects the offer as he is disgusted by the corruption and the general attitude of the nobles. He was never interested in wealth and power, he only wants to support his family and share his knowledge and what he's learned with others. He would do it even if he wasn't paid, I suppose. He wants to help and be useful to his community and his kingdom, but he's been around too many high-borns to know that morals and values don't matter to them and he’s afraid that being granted more power than he actually needs—and he needs and wants none—will eventually cause him to fall down a rabbit hole of greediness, cynicism, ruthlessness and general unhappiness and he doesn't want that to happen. He's content with his life and doesn't want any more trouble. He's probably Enna's most trusted ally and a good friend to her. He basically acts as her confidant and he'll basically fill the void Faramir leaves once they stop talking. Yes, for those of you who don't know, Enna and Faramir will grow apart later in the story, but no spoilers for now. Trust the process and trust in me (hopefully). Finnas essentially replaces Faramir and becomes a father figure to her.
He will serve Enna as her main secretary in both Lebennin and Ithilien until he retires due to old age. Even when he does retire, he keeps in touch with her and advises her. He's extremely protective of her and fights for her at any chance he gets. He's never been married—he’s too much of a free spirit to get married—but I think Enna will try to set him up with some lady regardless (possibly Ivonneth). His nephew works for him as an assistant secretary and will fully take over once Finnas retires due to old age and gout. Yep, his father died from gout and he inherits it. I think he will still outlive Enna though and him attending her funeral will probably be his last public appearance.
Fun fact: due to his travels, his accent is a bit all over the place and baby Enna was initially very confused by it stares at him with a confused and adorable judgy face.
Finnas’ nephew (I haven't picked a name yet, I only know it starts with F) is a poet who has a major platonic crush on Enna (a bit like the Dante/Beatrice dynamic if you know about the Divine Comedy) and spends most of his times writing rhymes about her instead of fulfilling his secretarial duties. Finnas wants to him to become more responsible, but the guy is a dreamer and not cut out for an actual job. He loves literature and poetry—he doesn't claim to be a poet though—and would happily survive by reading books if it were possible. As far as names go, I thought of Faras, Finbor, Finbar…
I already have a Findor (another one of the newest OCs that I haven't included in the Tumblr character profiles—I have too many Gondorian OCs and I need to rearrange things before add him and the others), so I suppose I'll need to get creative.
Thank you for the ask!
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Anthony Brophy as Finnas
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Jamie Thomas King as... Finbar? (The nephew)
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(That's literally his face whenever Enna glances at him.)
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omgpoindexter · 1 year ago
more nurseydex fics!!!
i’ve been doing my duty properly and reading some different nurseydex fics on ao3 lately 🫡 i tried to find some that are more recent, however i inevitably found some that are older but slipped through the cracks for me.
here are some of the ones i came across that you need to read! i might make this a thing again if anyone is interested, im sure y’all have been much more on the ball with reading nurseydex fics than i have over the years but i do love reccing <3
suddenly this summer it’s clear by @dessertwaffles
The summer before senior year, Nursey and Dex become closer than ever.
Or, Nursey and Dex's developing relationship, as told through their text messages.
i was absolutely grinning the entire way through this. it’s a texting fic, with images rather than plain text (so clever!) but their personalities are so strong and their interactions are just perfect! and you know i love a texting fic
getting used to letting go by @jennybeantime
Dex was supposed to have a fancy job in some city upon graduation, but his plans changed once his uncle died and left the family home in Maine to him. Without immediate obligations of their own, Nursey, Chowder and Farmer follow Dex up there to help him clear it out and clean it up.
this fic is BEAUTIFUL. if you haven’t read it then please do yourself a favour and do it now. it captures certain feelings and emotions so effortlessly and i felt like i was in a little maine bubble living this story with them. i can’t believe i missed this one before, please please read!!
got the feeling you’re the right thing after all by @bisexualnursey
Two and a half years after he breaks up with Dex to go to grad school across the country, Nursey runs into him again when he visits New York for the holidays. What starts as them just rekindling their friendship quickly turns into a whole other thing: a 100% no-strings-attached friends with benefits arrangement while they’re in the same city.
Which is totally chill because Nursey is definitely over Dex. He swears. He’s going back to California soon anyway.
i seriously CANNOT BELIEVE i never read this before but i think i was in my inactive era when this was posted. it’s just so perfect!!! all the feelings and interactions with not only dex and nursey but all the other characters, friends and family, they all felt so real and i loved them so much. i’ll be rereading this a LOT! you should too!!
here i am (leaving you clues) by @averteddeyes
Will loves Nursey. Nursey loves Will. Will isn’t really quite sure how to deal with it.
(Alternatively: Will learns acceptance through poetry, hesitant communication, and brightly colored sticky notes.)
this is really gorgeously written. angst warning, because ouch!!! also poetry as a love language, like a really good selection of poetry, i really enjoyed it and how it weaves into the story. and the bittydex friendship is so important to me!!!
volta by @plusoultres
volta (n.) a turning point or point of change in a poem, most commonly a sonnet.
Or, five times a poem doesn’t reach its intended recipient, and one time it does; five drafts, and one work completed; five turning points, and one ending.
the second fic was inspired by this one, and thank goodness it was because this one totally slipped through the cracks and i’m so glad i read it. their banter is just brilliant and i love the variation in medium, and the poetry is beautiful! i could quote lines from this but im not going to. just. read it
things got weird (when we made out) by @andtimestoodstill
Nursey is being stupid about this. He knows he’s being stupid.
super fun and really cute, i love it when these two are just being idiots. great inclusion of the other teammates too. read it for this line alone: “[You’re doing] That thing where you forget to look like you hate Dex and just stare at him like some Victorian lady who just saw a hot dude for the first time.” because it made me laugh out loud
things that go bump in the night by @smashthatlikebitty
The first time it happens, Dex rolls over and flings so many obscenities in Nursey’s direction that even his Grandmother would have to sit down — and she cursed so much at Dex’s cousin’s wedding that the whole family has been banned from that church ever since.
Nursey just stills in the dark, one shoe off. A languid, infuriating presence. “Chill, man.”
essentially all the times nursey’s clumsy ass wakes dex up in the night. oh how i love pretending these two roomied their way into a relationship! this is so cute, smiled all the way through
some things take two people to build by @cricketnationrise
“You are the single most dramatic person I have ever met,” Dex mutters, trying valiantly to hide his grin.
Or, 5 times Dex wishes their relationship was real +1 time he doesn't have to
this was so fun, yet again i love them being idiots!!! these two in new york city is so important to me. and i for one would LOVE to read the work party 5+1 fic. just saying
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cypheroo · 9 months ago
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The Stories never told before | Garroth Ro'Meave ~☆
"Hi! Could I request a Garroth x reader where the reader is a farmer who has Irene's relic? I think it would be great angst if Garroth, who regularly visited the farmer! Reader, stopped due to his religious trauma and uncomfortable-ness about being around the actual Irene as himself? I am SO ready for Garroth angst, but if this isn't something you're up to, that's perfectly okay! Thanks :))"
Word count : 2,008 words
Trigger warnings : heavy talks of religion and religious trauma. PLEASE read carefully!
AN : IM SORRY ANON the fic isn't exactly what you requested but i had a little bit of a different idea and wanted to run with it! I hope you can still enjoy it! ALSO THIS STORY KINDA TAKES PLACE IN THE BEGINNING OF THE DAIRIES SERIES! THAT WILL EXPLAIN SOME STUFF!
Working day in and day out for these crops was insanely hard, if it wasn't one thing it was something else, if it wasn't your shed door breaking off, it was an issue with the water supply. Today was no different, needing to pull yourself up out of bed, and force yourself to make breakfast before the sun was above the mountains. If only Irene could personally send someone to assist you in this farm. You were always a firm believer in irene and often made offerings to the old statue near your blueberry patch. Irene was an important part of your life, sure you weren't downright obsessed but you did what you were taught, your parents prayed to her and told you stories of her before bed.
You knew of the village not far from where your farm was, you just never made it a choice to visit, instead caring for your animals and crops. But it was this one day that it changed, instead of looking out to an empty forest your eyes were met with hers. Only after a panicked greeting were you able to meet who was the next lord of phoenix drop. She properly introduced herself as lady Aphmau. She was impressed with your work on this farm of yours and was intrigued to find out you weren't a part of her village, but merely lived around it. She offered you a nice deal, a good trade as apparently the farms in phoenix drop did not compare to yours. She wanted to know if she could offer protection, fabrics, and other goods in return for some of the crops you grew, your chickens eggs, and your cows milk.. To which you were surprised at the sudden offer, it sounded amazing, you didn't really need the protection but other goods sounded very tempting. You asked for a day or two to properly think the whole ordeal through. And she obliged with a smile, stating she'd be back in a few days. And there you were left, confused yet very happy over what had just happened.
Though she held her word it didn't explain why the next morning you saw what you could only assume was one of phoenix drops guards patrolling around your land. He was odd, yes he looked capable but he was wearing a full face helmet, hand staying on his sheathed sword and looking extremely alert.
Opening your door today almost made it feel like a repeat of yesterday, you called to the man and waved your arm for him to see, 
“Any reason you're here today? Is lord aphmau with you today?”
“Nope, just doing the rounds this morning”
“Rounds? What do you mean?”
“Lord Aphmau requested we include this farm on are daily and nightly rounds”
You stood there confused, you didn't give her an answer and she was already sending guards to do ‘rounds’ here? That was… you didn't know if it was a good thing or not. Maybe she was trying to somehow force your hand? Maybe she already made her choice and just wanted to give you the illusion of choice? Maybe talking with her wasn't a good idea. Who knows! But before you could keep thinking the man let out a small huff, almost like a chuckle, 
“Tensions are high between us and some other kingdoms, she simply doesn't want anyone innocent to be hurt in some sort of cross fire.”
Those were his only words, your eyes widened softly and your face suddenly felt a little red, was it that easy to see your worry? You quickly nodded and smiled at him. Agreeing and brushing it off. You then cleared your throat and changed the topic, seeking to possibly learn more from this guard.
It was usually normal at this time to hear him knock at your door, to see that sweetheart tilt that head of his at you the moment your eyes met what you could only assume to be his. It had been months since that first interaction you both had. Since then you both had talked and joked more each morning and evening. You both talked and got along really well…you could even say you really really liked him. That's why it hurt so much when suddenly he stopped showing up at your doorstep, instead another guard would do the rounds on your farm, which you didn't mind, and at first maybe you thought he just got sick? But after the first week past you really didn't buy that excuse you made for him. What if something happened? What if he was really injured or something? After days of needing to think it through you made the choice to head into town the next morning to check up on him, it was only fair since he usually came to you.
So the next morning you packed some eggs and milk to drop off at the market and headed off to town, careful not to harm anything you had in your arms. You had visited phoenix drop a few times but never stayed too long, usually it was to drop off some of your goods to the market or pick up some of the goods you were entitled to. It was still difficult to walk around phoenix drop as it could be quite confusing with the turns you had to take in order to even be near the guard post, but eventually you were faced with it, after a direction or two from some of the people who actually lived there.
By the time you were there it was nearing midday, spending most of your morning trying to set everything up at the market and go sightseeing around the beauty that was phoenix drop. So you knocked softly once before you realized the door was not only unlocked but very much open and easily allowed anyone access to walk in if needed. So softly you asked for someone as the place looked a little empty. Only to be answered by the voice you knew all too well, garroths.
“[Name]? What do you need?” 
His voice was stern but still held a lot of care, usually you weren't in town so you could see why this would raise a few red flags. But you quickly smiled faintly, 
“I was worried for you! Since you…usually are the one doing the partrole on my farm” you attempted to explain yourself before Garroth nodded,
 "I'm no longer patrolling your area as of a week ago” he explained quite harshly. To which you were taken aback you made a confused and hurt face which seemed to annoy garroth some more, 
“I…have no interest being around someone who follows such religion” 
Those words hurt, considering who they were coming from and how important irene,her story were to you! And now hearing someone you held dear suddenly take offense to something you held so dear? You scoffed, and crossed your arms, 
“garroth what has gotten into you, ive…my personal beliefs have never had an effect on our relationship, you've never communicated that my beliefs hurt or cause harm to you.” your words were filled with confusion and fear, what could have caused this sort or response? You didn't wanna hear anymore from him, you quickly turned and began to walk home, not bothering to hear another word.
He promised himself to avoid religion, he promised to stray away from anything that would remind him of what he used to identify as normal. He didn't know why but the moment he found out of your fondness for lady irene he panicked, sure it sounds childish but he closed it off, he turned his back on that farm and that included you too. The only background he has with any kind of religion is horrible, he didn't know how it was meant to be anything else. He truly believed it was a space to hate and harm anyone you couldn't bare to see, so that night when you opened up to him about your upbringing and your appreciation to irene he couldn't handle it, he used all the power he could to suppress any memory he had of those memories but walking home that night was filled with flashbacks and his fears returning. Hurting him and causing him to black out for the rest of the evening. 
The next morning he sent someone else on the rounds to your farm, afraid those memories would force their way back into his mind if he saw you again. Yes it hurt, and yes you deserve an explanation behind it, but he wasn't thinking right and was almost always in a state of stress. This didn't help. So the day you wandered back into him he freaked out more, afraid of what he couldn't control, so yes his emotions got the better of him, his fears got the better of him. And the moment you turned your back on him, was the moment he seemed to notice how hurtful his words were, sure he needed to feel protected but did he really need to protect himself from you?
It was under the dark cloak of night that he found himself in front of your small home, this time not afraid or mad at something you had no part in., he pulled off his helmet and closed his eyes, fixing his hair with one hand and holding his helmet with the other. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door. And once the old door creaked open and your face appeared he bowed his head, spouting apologies and a bad explanation for what he was thinking. It was when you shushed him and allowed him inside that he quieted down. You looked tired, he must've woken you up.
Once you both sat down on your couch he set his helmet down on the floor next to him, you had seen his face before, it was rare but you had, that's how comfortable you both were with each other. Before you could ask him anything he apologized again, this time he was slow when he explained in more detail than before how he was raised, a place where religion was more harmful then it could be good. A place he felt suffocated by fear and worry. How he had promised to leave all of it behind, how he was afraid when you admitted your adoration and love for Irene, in fear of his relationship being poisoned by that same ‘religion’ he was raised with.
The topic was dark and it was the most he had ever opened up to you, it all kept pouring out, and you listened to every part of it, not once stopping him. You allowed him to share why he thought he did the thing he did, why he was so afraid despite trusting you with even seeing his face, and knowing of his royal history, and as soon as you thought it was over he continued, apology after apology. And eventually when he quieted down you hummed ever so softly, leaning closer and wrapping your arms tightly around him, this time it was your turn to apologize, not just for this situation but for how he was taught what religion was. You assured him of being careful with your words. You promised that religion would never have a place in your friendship, that you loved him and only held irene close for yourself, and that he'd never have to have anything to do with it, you'd respect his history, you cared for him to much for him to be afraid of something you could help him work through.
And while your arms were still wrapped tightly around him, slowly his snaked around and hugged you back, closing his eyes and letting out a sigh of relief, and softly as quietly as he could make it he whispered the simple words, “i love you”
Only to be met with an “i love you too” from you.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year ago
One thing I completely forgot to mention. For anyone who eats meat: A GOOD BUTCHER! Too many people really need to find a good butcher, because more than half the "bland" meat based dishes will remedy themselves if you find a good butcher. Especially if you manage to build a line of communication to get cuts of meat as fresh as possible, you'll get fresh and well tasting meat. There's a world of difference between a good butcher's cut piece of meat, and most of what you might find in a supermarket. You know how chicken is considered some of the driest and least flavourful meat? If you get a good butcher who knows some chicken farmers, you might actually be able to get some actual fat and flavourful chicken that gets to eat grass and whatever it can find outside, instead of the mass production farm chicken that get feed with pellets. So much can impact the flavour of meat. You'll also feel much more satisfied eating meat only a few times a week if those cuts actually taste good and filling, which can cut down on your meat consumption, obviously also paired with fresh and flavourful veggies and other sides. And so we don't forget it, same goes for a seafood market. Especially seafood honestly. Some seafood really only tastes good "out of the water, into the pan, onto your plate." If it takes too long, you'll end up with less than stellar tasting meat. You also get fish and seafood that way that hasn't been processed with chemicals and other additives to keep it fresh longer. Flash frozen is also a valid form to get fresh unprocessed fish, so don't be afraid if you hear the fish you're buying was flash frozen. And for vegetables and fruit: A good farmer's market, or at least a list of in-season veggies and fruits. Veggies and fruit will always taste best within their harvesting season. A farmer's market will often have more focus on flavour and actual aroma, rather than how supermarkets some times mostly focus on the looks of the produce. Some vegetables and fruits that you get at the supermarket might be watery and bland, or even dry/woody and stringy, while the farmer's market, mainly/especially for local produce will be a lot more flavourful and aromatic. Having the option to use veggies that actually taste like something really does a world of difference for your diet!
There's a place in the Bay Area where you can go select your chicken or duck and wait for them to slaughter it. Depressing, maybe, to have to look your dinner in the face before it's killed, but one meets an interesting cross-section of Chinese immigrants, people who want halal food, etc. Last time I was there, a little old lady told me I needed to make chicken soup immediately on returning home and not refrigerate the chicken, wait, or try to do dishes like roast chicken that require more fat because these particular chickens are too lean.
She said most people have never tasted a proper dish made from freshly killed chicken, at least around here.
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ayyyyysexual · 7 months ago
suggestion as someone who knows the Bare Minimum about slay the princess, hear me out:
gempearl au?
I wrote all this ages ago and it was just sat in my drafts for forever so here y'all go:
Oh my god glow dont make me think about this bc ill actually start going feral.
Okay. Okay. In depth thoughtd below the cut but it will be both 1. Spoilery 2. Lowkey incomprehensible if you dont know much about the game LMAO
First off, I think Cleo would be the narrator. Why, you ask? Because its MY au and I get to put my blorbos where i want. But if im being fr then its bc she has i think the perfect combo of exhausted britishness, willingness to manipulate and lie, and overall just the Vibe to fit the narrator. Bonus points if they're a fractured version of time witch cleo from WCSMP.
And then... THE VOICES. THIS IS WHAT I IMMEDIATELY SNAG ON. Would the voices be different people, or potentially just alternate versions of Gem? Also yes ive decided gem is the protag and pearl is the princess but thats bc my original knee jerk reaction was "gem is the princess (esmp2 gem was a fave) and pearl is the hero" but then i thought harder and went waittt i love shapeshifter pearl and dimension hopper gem. I can work with that.
Anyway yeah im thinking different people for the voices, but I'd probably give gem her own internal dialogue alongside it bc it'd be less interesting if she was just the vehicle for the plot in this au. I'll probably have her be both the actual 'hero' character and voice of the hero, for simplicity.
The first ones to come to mind are false as the voice of the paranoid, because she is my #1 paranoia rep i love her, and grian as voice of the contrarian bc he fucking would.
Potentially joel as voice of the cheated, or stubborn? If we do bring wcsmp elements in then prismarina would make a great voice of the cheated too LMAO. So, Joel for voice of the stubborn
Scar is Very voice of the opportunist. And obviously the witch is double life pearl. Which is so perfect?? Like goddamn???? Especially bc i love dl sunflower duo. AND THE INTERNAL DIALOGUE VIBE WOULD BE ALMOST LIKE IF GEM AND SCAR WERE ALLIED AGAINST PEARL AT THE END OF SECRET LIFE
Broken is hard to pick a voice for, maybe mumbo? but the tower would Definitely lean into Santa Perla and the farmer god esmp2 stuff. I could see him being like "oh well it would probably be for the best if we just listen to the giant god lady who could crush us, right?"
Hunted... I was unsure for a while but maybe Shrub? Wolf spirit shrub would be rlly fun for that. And ig the beast would be some form of alien s9 pearl? OR we could lean into the more monstery salmon/siren/merfolk s10 pearl stuff
Cold could be Cub, i dont know much about him but he seems very chill and pragmatic enough for me to push to the extreme here
Skeptic... My mind has gone entirely blank for this one... ETHO MAYBE i can see etho for this. I have no idea what pearl version would work for the prisoner though
Smitten....... maybe shelby? Specifically great witch Shelby. Idk i think her whole vibe around katherine could be translated into what we need here. plus i love giving crumbs to yuri rarepairs- OR i could lean into santa perla again here and have it as sausage kinda worshipping an idealised person of the past pearl he loved (though not romantically, to me at least), which could work for a damsel variant?
anyway i dont wanna get Super into the major spoilers for stp so i wont elaborate much further, but goddd im so normal about this concept
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tomorrowsgardennc · 5 months ago
market update // october 5th
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it do be pumpkin season 🎃 got this kratos variety pumpkin (perfect name) from a farmer friend and i sketched out a scary design on it during the slow parts of the day. hope to carve it later this week. future me might regret it.
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today was actually a pretty busy day! sooooooooo many return customers from spring all realized i was back from summer break and in a new spot, and shared so many stories about their garden and what grew and what didn't.
one customer said he didn't expect a 100% germination rate on his okra, and he and one other customer "complained" that the okra from seed grew TOO fast!! one day would be tiny, and the next day is too big to harvest. i don't eat okra, nor harvest for produce because i know it has to be picked at *just the right time* and i have no idea when that is 🫣 so i just grow okra for seed only. i asked customers what variety of okra should i grow for seed next year. one said an okra that grows slower or smaller, another said purple okra. which i assume is the burgandy okra since it's a deep red, it can be kinda purple.
had people ask for garlic and onion, and i've been sold out for a couple weeks. might need to get more bulbs so i can grow even more and have even more more of those next year.
also had 2 people ask for parsley seeds. sadly all my parsley got eaten by swallowtail caterpillars in the spring, so never went to seed.
was telling a lot of people about overwintering pepper plants. we are getting lows in the 40s late this coming week, so pepper plants need to be dug up and brought inside. they are technically perennials if kept warm enough. i got a couple more i need to dig up this week myself.
another customer bought an eggplant transplant from me in the spring and she said it's the biggest eggplant plant she ever grew and still going strong. i only sold patio baby eggplants in the spring, and they're a dwarf variety so that's kinda funny.
QUESTION OF THE DAY: seed storage! lots of people were buying seeds that you can't start until spring, so they were asking how to make them last. short answer: cool, dark, dry place. ez pz. long answer: imma do a post soon of all the good options and why some options are bad.
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i've also known for being the lady who sells these variety 6 packs. they're super popular and always sell out quick. i take 3 varieties, 2 each, and put them in a 6-cell like this. sometimes i have a theme, like in the spring i had a taco tuesday 6-pack (2 tomatoes, 2 hot peppers, 2 beans) or a pizza 6-pack (2 tomatoes, 2 basil, 2 sweet peppers). nobody else at the market does this, and customers love it because then they don't have to make a decision 😅 just an idea for others who are looking to sell transplants in the spring.
i sold out of my ground cherry produce within 30 minutes. last day i was offering them. guess i'm growing more next year 🫠 sold out of all but 3 of my kale plants by end of market. sold a good chunk of seeds too. hope my inventory lasts 🫠
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not a lot of photos because of all the chit chats with customers, so enjoy this little fella until next week.
waved at 12 kids today, got 10 waves back in return. not bad, not bad.
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lavenderfluorite14 · 1 year ago
A Taste of Plums | Astarion x Female!Tav
Chapter 5: Doubt
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Summary: Tav tries to be a hero. Astarion is himself.
Chapter Warnings: PG-13. Tav has a panic attack but it happens from afar and is only vaguely described. Descriptions of gore and violence. Full tag list on AO3.
Tag List: DM me or reply to a chapter if you would like to be tagged in any updates!
1 . 2. 3. 4.
There was shouting up ahead. How fun. Perhaps there would be a fight, Astarion hoped. 
“Give us back Mayrina! We know you have our sister!”
Two loud angry men have cornered the doddering old granny from the Grove against an ancient tree. One braces a pitchfork threateningly at the unarmed old lady, the other clumsily brandishes a meat cleaver. It’s obvious to Astarion that these men are farmers, not seasoned highwaymen. Then the old woman spots Tav and the pleading begins.
“Petal! Please help me, I have no idea where their sister is,” she warbles feebly. It’s not enough to move Astarion, but Tav instantly jumps to the rescue. 
“Leave Auntie Ethel alone, she’d never hurt anyone!” Tav declares. Ethel, that was her name. 
“She’s with the hag!” One of the men yells. He lunges for Tav and Astarion springs into action, plunging his dagger into the man’s side. Beautiful blood spurts across Astarion’s leather doublet and the man crumples before him with a cry. It was going to be a good day. 
“Thank you so much sweetness,” Auntie Ethel coos once the two men lay dead before her. “They were looking for their sister, Mayrina, the poor girl who’s-“ she pauses for a moment, then her face splits into a crooked grin. “-The poor girl who’s staying with me.” Tav’s heartbeat picks up, hammering in her chest. Behind her, Gale, Shadowheart, and Astarion all exchange a dark look. 
“Do stop by my house. I’d love to thank you proper.” Auntie Ethel’s feline grin splits even wider as she vanishes in a puff of foul green smoke. Tav whirls around, immediately locking eyes with Astarion. 
“Holy shit. Auntie Ethel really is a hag, isn’t she?” Tav’s eyes are wide, her voice frantic. Astarion shrugs.
“I don’t spend a lot of time around old ladies. I take it this isn’t normal?” Astarion says. Shadowheart rolls her eyes. 
“No, it’s not normal to disappear in a puff of smoke after tricking a group of adventurers into killing your enemies!” Gale shoots back. 
“We just killed innocent men.” The color drains from Tav’s face as her body begins to tremble. “I need to sit down,” she says. Gods below. They were two strangers who attacked them. There are worse crimes. Astarion sighs and crosses his arms as Tav leans against a tree, trying to collect herself. This was a far cry from the girl who had fearlessly insisted they investigate a desiccated tomb, who had threatened Mizora until she left their camp in a blaze of flame, who had helped Lae’Zel bully a tiefling just yesterday. After a moment Gale follows her and begins speaking to her in a low, comforting tone. Shadowheart and Astarion exchange another look.
“Here I thought Tav was proving to be capable,” Shadowheart says to him in Elvish.
“As was I. She better pull herself together soon or I’m going back to camp,” he returns.
“Really? You’d abandon your meal so quickly?” Shadowheart gives him yet another withering side-eye.
“Of course not. I still need her,” he replies under his breath. The soft golden light of a Calm Emotions spell envelops them and they turn towards Tav, whose heartbeat is slowly returning to its resting rate. She straightens up and makes her way back towards them, Gale in tow.
“I’m sorry about that, everyone. I made a bad call,” she admits. Her face is still flushed with shame.
“The old woman is clearly a hag of some kind. Hag deals are notoriously deceptive and unfair, but even so, it could be worth listening to what Ethel has to say about our parasites,” Gale interjects. 
“We’ve come all this way. Might as well,” Shadowheart agrees, speaking in Common again. 
“She sounds powerful, too,” Astarion adds, also in Common.
“And Mayrina is with her,” Tav says. Astarion shoots her an annoyed look. “I’m not saying we have to help her, I’m just saying we should check it out,” she explains. 
“She’s ‘staying with Ethel’ because she almost certainly made a deal with her,” Astarion counters. “Mayrina is exactly where she wants to be.”
“Maybe. But let’s see for ourselves,” Tav urges. Astarion frowns, but it isn’t worth the fight. She will see that he’s right when they get to Ethel’s house. 
They pick their way through the sunny marsh in silence. Tav leads the way, followed by Shadowheart, then Gale, and finally Astarion, who brings up the rear. Tav’s kindness had served him well so far, but as Astarion trudges through the sticky, sucking mud he decides that Tav’s kindness is getting out of hand. He doesn’t like how willingly she extends her kindness to others. It makes her weak, easy to use. So far that had worked to his advantage, but would they be running after every lost soul they met on their travels? At least the hag could help them. What could this Mayrina do? Unless she knows how to control ilithid parasites or she has experience killing powerful vampire lords, Astarion doesn’t care what happens to her. 
Maybe he was wasting his time with Tav. Maybe she didn’t know what she was doing after all. Maybe her sweet, soft heart would only get her killed. Or worse, get him killed. He cozies up to Gale, who has hiked his robe up around his knees to avoid the muddy bog. 
“I’m enjoying our long walks together, aren’t you, Gale?” Astarion says warmly, lowering his voice to a sultry hum. Gale looks over at him, confusion written plainly across his face.
“I am. In silence,” Gale says firmly. Astarion rolls his eyes. Wizards. Tav looks back at them and Astarion sees a clear flash of hurt flicker across her face. His stomach plummets and he feels a sharp stab of hatred for himself, but this is what he has to do. If Tav is too weak to handle this excursion, if she’s too busy fussing over strangers to advance his interests, then he will find someone who will. It doesn’t matter how nice she’s been to him. Or how well they get on. His literal skin is on the line. Unbidden, his mind conjures an image of what Cazador will do to him once he has him again and he grips the handles of his daggers until it hurts. Never again. 
Despite the bright, warm sunlight the wetland is eerie. There’s a marked stillness about everything that makes the hairs on the back of his neck prickle and stand. Astarion realizes that it’s completely silent: there isn’t a single note of birdsong, not a hint of animal life. A soft breeze ruffles his curls and he smells it: fresh blood.
“What’s that?” Shadowheart points to something up ahead just beyond a wave of marsh grass. Tav crests the small hill and stops dead.
Blood drenches the remains of what must have been a quaint little camp. The bedrolls are ruined, the linens stained beyond repair. The fire has long since guttered out, half-cooked sausages smoldering on the coals. Uneaten food and abandoned packs sit ripe for the taking amidst slick pools of coagulating blood. Curiously, there isn’t a single carcass to be seen. Tav picks her way gingerly through the mess, picking out a blood spattered lute from the wreckage.
“Care to play us a song?” Shadowheart jokes. Tav gives the instrument an idle strum and winces. “Not like this, it’s out of tune,” she quips. She slips the bloody lute into her pack and turns away, rifling through the soiled supplies. They silently join her despite the grisly scene. Times are hard and supplies are thin.
“What do you think did this?” Tav asks lightly. She’s trying to sound calm, but Astarion can hear the subtle strain in her voice. She’s scared.
“I don’t know,” Gale answers as he pockets some cheese. “But we shouldn’t stick around to find out.” They all murmur in agreement and quickly move on, picking a new path through the swamp. Whatever it was, it wasted all that lovely blood. 
For a while there is only the sticky slosh of their sodden footsteps through the muck. Astarion is sure his boots are ruined by now. Tav better buy him new ones. Then, the soft baa baaing of sheep reaches them. Sheep? In a swamp? The echoes bounce across the water in bright, distorted peals. Tav pivots them towards the sound.
The sheep are strange little creatures that toddle oddly over the grass. They almost seem sick. As Tav approaches them she bleats a loud, tremulous cry. One sheep baas back, a clumsy retort. Tav’s face stiffens and then reality as they know it melts before their very eyes. 
Rot assaults their nostrils as the grass beneath them withers and dies, sinking into thick, black muck. Warped, petrified trees spring from the ground to pierce the endless sky, which leeches to a stony gray. Fog begins to roll in, settling into an ominous haze that obscures what little they can still see. And the dumb faces of the sheep crack and splinter apart, revealing the hateful eyes of ravenous redcaps.
No one moves. The fey glares at Tav, fangs bared. Its companions size them up them but make no motion to attack. Tav takes a deep breath. 
“BAA!” She yells, her cry echoing impotently throughout the bog. 
The redcap’s face contorts. “Baa,” it growls back with barely concealed animosity. Tav strides confidently past the creatures and they all follow close behind her, Astarion giggling all the way. 
Once they are out of sight Tav’s self-assured composure collapses and she whirls to face them. “You saw that too, right?” She whispers, gesturing to the mire. 
“Oh yes, her spell is well and truly broken now,” Gale says. “A fancy bit of illusion magic that falls apart at the slightest inspection.”
“Almost like she wants it to,” Astarion says. 
“It’s an intimidation tactic. Lure in the fools but scare away those smart enough to see through her,” Shadowheart observes. 
“So which are we?” Gale asks.
“We’ve come too far to turn back now,” Tav says. Her brow is set, her jaw is firm. But her eyes dart about the swamp as if looking for an escape. “Unless you want to confront those redcaps again.”
“Then by all means, lead the way, Oh Fearless Leader.” Astarion gives her a mock bow and gestures forward with a flourish. Tav curtsies back, bending deeply at the knees and twirling imaginary skirts. But she swiftly brushes past him, her sweet heart rabbiting in her chest.
“Please Ethel, I just can’t eat anymore!”
Mayrina’s begging is getting on his nerves. Usually he likes it when someone other than him is forced to beg, but Mayrina’s whining is neither pretty nor amusing. It’s just pathetic. What else did she expect? She made her bed and now she has to lie in it. 
Tav seems to disagree. “You’re hurting her,” she says. “Do you treat all your guests like this?”
“She’s eating for two,” Ethel says contemptuously, her grandmotherly mask slipping. “But you should watch your tone, sweetie. That worm isn’t going to remove itself.” The threat is there, sharp and pointed. Mayrina snuffles loudly, drying her eyes on a handkerchief. Her hand rests protectively on her pregnant stomach. Tav eyes her, not completely cowed. 
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Tav asks Mayrina gently.
“Busybodies are not welcome here. I’ll talk about your wriggler, but that’s it. Last warning,” Ethel interrupts. Something in the atmosphere drops and Astarion can feel the vibrating hum of wild magic in his fangs.
“She is a pregnant lady in distress. We can’t just stand by and pretend she’s not here!” Gale insists, his quiet fury palpable.
“You’re making it worse for her,” Astarion hisses. Auntie Ethel will punish Mayrina for their insolence. He knows the signs. “Let’s not make trouble for strangers. We have our own problems.”  Tav hesitates, considering his words. 
“Can you really remove it?” Tav asks Ethel.
“Quicker than you can say ‘yes Auntie.’ What do you say?”
“That depends on the price.”
“And that depends on the job. But I like you, petal. For you?” Auntie Ethel pauses, pretending to think. “I’ll take one of your pretty little peepers.” 
Tav recoils in horror. “You want one of my EYES?”
“Don’t be precious. You have two, don’t’cha?”
“Absolutely not! The deal is off,” Tav says. Astarion, Gale, and Shadowheart all breathe a collective sigh of relief.
“Please Auntie, can I just-“ Auntie Ethel gives an irritated wave of her hand and Mayrina vanishes in a flash of green. 
“That brat has had enough pampering for one day,” Ethel says scornfully. “Well then. Best be on your way now if there’s nothing I can do for you. But you know where to find me if you change your mind.” The old woman smiles her mean, fey smile as she shows them the door.
“That was a complete waste of time.” Astarion whines as they descend the stairs to Ethel’s house. “Can we go now?”
“Mayrina is still in there,” Tav says. “We can’t just leave her to the mercy of a hag.”
“I agree,” Gale says. “If that’s how she treats Mayrina in front of guests, then Auntie Ethel must be something truly special in private.”
“This place gives me the creeps. Whatever we do, let’s just wrap up our business here quickly,” Shadowheart says primly, crossing her arms over her chest. “Unless one of you wants to trade an eye for a dubious cure.” No one seems particularly keen.
“Darling,” Astarion begins, “I know you want to play hero like in one of your lovely little songs, but this is none of our business. The girl’s already made her deal.” Tav chews her lip.
“I know, but she’s made a bad one. Auntie Ethel is clearly hurting her. I can’t just walk away without trying to do something about it.”
“And what do you intend to do exactly? Kill a hag?” Astarion scoffs. On second thought, that might be pretty fun.
“I don’t know! Maybe, if it comes to that.” Tav swallows. “Maybe we can make another bargain for her or something. But if we leave now then we leave Mayrina to her horrible fate, a fate which we accidentally sealed.” She pauses, takes a deep breath, then continues. “We killed her brothers. We murdered innocents who were just trying to protect their sister. They may have been the only family she has. If we don’t intervene now, then no one will. We owe it to them and we owe it to her to help.” Astarion scowls.
No one had helped him. No one had intervened for him. His family, his friends, his colleagues, and his lovers had all left him to rot. No one had stopped Cazador from doing whatever he had pleased with him. Why did Mayrina, a foolish little stranger, deserve mercy and not Astarion? 
“I agree with Tav. We can’t simply turn aside,” Gale says. 
“As our leader commands then,” Astarion sneers as they all trudge back up the rickety stairs to Ethel’s home.
Astarion had been in worse places than Auntie Ethel’s Tea House, but not many. Auntie Ethel was a woman who delighted in tormenting people, who offered them hope, then twisted her help into a grotesque punishment for her own sick amusement. Astarion knew her type well. 
The depths beyond Ethel’s fireplace were both a prison and a torture chamber, where Auntie Ethel kept her brutalized victims suspended in magical bonds. Tav reviewed each cell with her characteristic thoroughness, poking around where she definitely should not. Gale’s eyes roamed Ethel’s chamber of horrors with a grim, clinical eye that belied a deep fascination with her magic. Shadowheart remained quiet, silently cataloguing Ethel’s creations with disgust. However, there were moments where Astarion thought she almost seemed impressed. 
But Astarion was right: there was nothing they could do for the hag’s victims. Tav tried to approach the only conscious victim, an elf, who was huddled in a corner whispering to himself. Tav bent down next to him, speaking sweetly in a soft tone. “Mindflayer!!” He shrieked, curling in on himself in an inconsolable ball. Astarion wanted to feel smug but he only felt a hollow emptiness as they left his elven kin quaking in the mud.
They followed the grotto, pushing past Ethel’s magic door and into a fetid, overgrown tunnel that spiraled into stinking depths. Clouds of poisonous fumes lingered in the cavern, choking them as they carefully picked their way forward. Eventually the tunnel opened up into a subterranean cave that shimmered with the light of bioluminescent stalagmites. Thick, twisted roots wound their way throughout the cave. Above them, a rotten cage hung suspended over a black abyss. Inside, Mayrina hiccuped and sobbed.
“You come into my home, interfere with my business, and now have the gall to barge into my private playhouse?” Auntie Ethel shrieks, materializing seamlessly out of the shadows. The sweet grandmother dissolves and a haggard, spindly witch lurches out of the darkness in her place. Her mouth gapes and yawns, her numerous teeth shining like terrible needles. “I’ll rip your spine out your arsehole!” She screams. Tav shoots Astarion a look and he nocks an arrow in his bow. “I’ll spice your blood to make my stew!” He pulls back the drawstring. “I’ll-" He lets the arrow fly and it strikes true, skewering Ethel where she stands. 
“You little shits!” She snarls, bilious blood gushing from her wound. The hag unravels and splits into dust. How easy, Astarion thinks.
“You want the girl so bad, take her!” A disembodied voice screeches as Mayrina's cage explodes in flame. Four new hags rematerialize from the darkness, each one of perfect copy of Auntie Ethel's hideous form.
“We have to act fast!” Shadowheart cries. Gale conjures a deluge of water, quenching the flames as a rush of black smoke fills the cave. They all cough and hack, momentarily blinded. Ethel strikes, clawing Gale across his abdomen. A sour, noxious scent fills Astarion’s nostrils as the wizard bleeds. Gale gives an agonizing cry, but rebounds quickly with a hard rap of his staff to the hag’s skull. The illusion unravels and splits, dematerializing back into the smoke. 
Meanwhile Astarion crouches down, easily blending into the smog. “Got some rat still stuck in your teeth, slave,” the witch whispers in his ear, her breath warm and rancid on his face. Ethel’s taunt hits him through his heart and he whirls around furiously, jabbing his dagger into any flesh he can. The mirage simply vanishes with an ugly chuckle. 
“There she is!” Shadowheart points across the chasm, unleashing a bolt of radiant magic into the air. This time Shadowheart strikes true and Ethel is sent reeling across the mossy floor. 
“Pretty clever, but not clever enough,” Ethel snarls. She gestures with her claw and suddenly Mayrina is cowering before them, transported from her wet cage. Her face warps and splits into multiple copies, an awful kaleidoscope of flesh. Each Mayrina cries and begs them not her hurt her. 
“I’m the real Mayrina!” One sobs. 
“Don’t listen to her, I am!” Another one chokes out.
“Mouthier than an arse and twice as full of shite,” Tav bellows. Ethel’s mask slides away as she recoils from Tav’s mockery. The real Mayrina collapses to the ground in a fit of hacking sobs. Astarion lunges towards the hag, putting his full weight behind his dagger as he plunges it into her stomach. 
“You’re one thirsty night away from betraying everyone!” She screams, ripping Astarion off of her. Astarion stumbles back and falls to the ground, his daggers clattering out of reach. Her words fill him with a torrent of awful emotions: rage, shame, despair, recognition. If he unpacks it all now he may die. 
Gale blasts the witch with Magic Missile and she severs herself again into three more copies, the real Ethel dissipating into invisibility. Suddenly Astarion’s limbs wrench themselves outwards of their own accord, locking him into place. He tries to fight it, but he’s trapped within the grip of a Hold Person spell, expertly cast by one of the hag’s shadows. He watches in frozen horror as another shoves Gale, who teeters on the brink of the pit. Shadowheart hurls flame at yet another, missing the hag by centimeters. A hag lunges at Tav, rending her open with its wicked claws. The enticing smell of Tav’s spilt blood fills his senses and he thrashes desperately in his magical bonds. He’s pathetic, helpless to do anything as they’re all slaughtered. 
Gale rallies himself and casts another round of Magic Missile, aiming his projectiles towards each individual apparition. The phantoms all shatter on impact, releasing Astarion from his magical bonds. He falls to his feet, snatching up his knives. 
Clutching her bleeding side, Tav pivots sharply and casts Faerie Fire, throwing the spell as widely as she can. The pink light of the ring illuminates Ethel’s hideous face, her invisibility spell broken. Shadowheart raises her hands for the coup de grace, necrotic energy sizzling in her fists. 
“Wait, lovelies,” Ethel gasps. “Killing me is a waste of time. I’ll find a way to return. Always have, always will.” She licks her thin lips. “But it’s unpleasant. So let’s be civil about this. After all, I have something you want.”
“Hah!” Tav barks a laugh. “This should be good.”
“Just wait until you hear my offer,” Auntie Ethel purrs. “Let me leave with the girl and her babe and I will give you power!” Her claws begin to shine with the sickly green glow of her magic. Now Ethel has Astarion’s full attention. “You want to be smarter?” She looks at Gale. “Wiser?” She turns pointedly to Shadowheart. “More dexterous?” She gestures to Astarion. “More charismatic? Done! It your choice, sweetness.” Well, well, well, what a delicious turn of events. 
“If you want your worthless little life, you’ll give me everything,” Tav orders, her voice like sharpened steel. “I want the girl and the power.” She advances on the hag, placing the blade of her rapier against Ethel’s bobbing throat. The air crackles with psychic energy, wreathing Tav in a vicious violet halo. 
“You greedy little shite,” Ethel sneers, sizing her up. There’s a moment of terrible stillness. 
Ethel reaches up to her oily scalp. There’s a wretched tearing sound and the hag hurls a chunk of something wet and hairy at Tav’s feet. It glistens in the muck. 
“But what about our deal? What about my husband?” Mayrina pleads. Her bloodshot eyes are ringed with smeared kohl.
“Deals off you dumb cow! And you have this one,” Auntie Ethel jerks a thumb at Tav, “to thank for it.” Mayrina rounds on Tav, rage flashing in her eyes. “But not to worry,” Ethel continues, “I’ll find another one just as plump and ripe. People always need lotions and potions,” she smiles wickedly.
“Good luck, auntie.” Tav jeers.
“Luck has nothing to do with it.” She gestures to the sickening clump of skin, “It’s only the deal that counts,” Ethel replies. “Bye, bye, petal. I’ll not soon forget this,” she threatens ominously. Ethel disappears for good in a flash of foul green light. 
Tav bends down and plucks the slimy piece of hag scalp from the cave floor. Astarion considers her, regarding her with dark appraisal. She’s soft, but she has an appreciation for power and an eye for opportunity. Potential. He remembers how fascinated she had been with the Necromancy of Thay. Maybe she just needs some of his guidance. Some shaping. Together, they could take so much more than magical trinkets. Perhaps this hadn’t been a waste after all. 
“You miserable bitch!” Mayrina howls, rounding on them all. “You’ve ruined it! You’ve ruined everything!”
“We saved you from a hag!” Tav yells back, incredulous. “She was mistreating you, we all saw it! Aren’t you happy to be free again?”
“I don’t want to be free! I want my husband back, alive and well!” Mayrina wails. 
“Ethel was never going to help you. I’m sorry Mayrina, but it’s the truth,” Tav replies adamantly.
“Yes she was! Soon my child would have been born and this nightmare would have been over!”
“I’m sorry, your child? You were going to give your baby to the hag?”
“Don’t you dare judge me!” Mayrina hisses. “I have nothing. My baby would have been raised in rags. This is the nicest dress I own.” She gestures to her filthy emerald shift. “Ethel would have given my child a good life. Taught them magic, even! More than I could have done.” Mayrina leans against a gnarled root, sagging in defeat and despair. She places a hand on her abdomen, rubbing soothing circles on her swollen stomach. She seems so young. 
“No she wouldn’t have, Mayrina. Hags never truly give you what they promise.”
“I didn’t bloody ask you!” Mayrina shouts, incensed once more. “Now I’ll never see my husband again. And I’ll have to drag his coffin and our baby back to our empty house through the mud all by myself! I hope you’re fucking happy!” Mayrina storms away, disappearing with her unborn child into the overgrown tunnel and up into the world. 
“Did we do the right thing, or did we just ruin that woman’s already miserable life?” Tav asks. She’s caked in dirt and blood. She doesn’t seem proud or heroic, she just seems tired. 
“Well, what’s done is done,” Astarion offers. “There’s no point dwelling on things you can’t change now.” 
Tav sighs. Astarion knows that she feels responsible for this mess, but in his experience it’s better to simply not reflect on things. If you don’t reflect, you don’t have to feel.
“Grief can be a bitter wound. It’s too fresh now, but once Mayrina has time and space to think she’ll see the great service you did for her,” Gale says soothingly. “With our help, of course.” Gale doesn’t wink, but Astarion can feel it in his smug voice. Tav smiles weakly back at Gale and Astarion almost pushes him into the chasm himself.
“It’s true. Most don’t see loss as a gift at first. But in time, those that accept my Lady’s blessings will find comfort in her embrace,” Shadowheart recites.
“Thank you, Shadowheart,” Tav sighs. Shadowheart says her lines dutifully but Astarion can see, perhaps clearer than the others, that her eyes are far away. 
“Besides,” Astarion chimes back in. “Just look at the delicious little snack you have now.” Lice skitters across the scalp, disappearing into the dirty hair. 
“Yummy,” Tav says flatly. 
“Unless of course, you’d rather give it to me?” Astarion pouts playfully. He’s joking, but he would also snatch the horrible scalp up in a heartbeat. 
Tav bumps him with her hip. “No way, it’s mine! Go find your own,” she laughs. He supposes it was worth a shot. 
Even the putrid air from the foul swamp seems fresh after Ethel’s lair. Everyone is exhausted and covered in refuse. All of them need at least two baths. They begin the long walk back to camp when a particularly disgusting wave of air hits them. Everyone recoils, but Astarion recognizes the awful smell: ironvine. A monster hunter is nearby. His lip curls. A Gur.
Chapter 6: Found
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sugar-coated-prat-dragon · 5 months ago
Title: Morgana was trained in sword fighting by the knights
Episode: “The Moment of Truth” questions #2
Questions by @tansyuduri
Tagging: @miyriu
Books used for reference: Lancelot and Guinevere book, The Death of Arthur, Magic Begins, and Merlin Annual 2010
Question: Morgana knows how to fight. So I think we need to ask how she was trained? Did Arthur practice with her?
My answer: Morgana was trained by the knights of Camelot. ⚔️ (Source: Lancelot and Guinevere book)
Arthur also noted (at least to himself) that Morgana was as skilled as any knight when they fought against the raiders attacking Ealdor (Source: Merlin Annual 2010)
Book description:
The bandit was trying to draw his sword, but was unskilled - so unlike the Knights of Camelot who had taught Morgana how to wield a sword effectively.
The bandit had to look down at what he was doing, and thus never even saw Morgana's flashing blade as it bit into his chest.
He and his makeshift army fought valiantly against the raiders to begin with; Morgana was as skilled as any knight and even Merlin defeated his first opponent.
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Question: Do bandits just ignore peasants, if they don't look like they have anything of value on them? But if knights and rich people are around they attack?
I think that's the only explanation for how safe roads in Merlin seem to be for peasants without valuables and how dangerous they are for literally everyone else?
My answer: Gwen’s first thought on the pilgrimage to Lady Morgana’s fathers grave was that they were being attacked by people intending to fleece rich travelers of their money and possessions.
Kendrick specifically mentioned to Hengist that the traveling party of Morgana and her entourage would likley have money and fine silk with them.
Book description:
Gwen was distraught. Bad enough if this had been a botched attempt by poor farmers or itinerant rogues to fleece rich travellers of their money and possessions. But this was no random attack, and the bandits knew exactly what they were doing.
This had been their aim all along - to kidnap Morgana.
'And you suggest we rob the party of their clothing and coin?'
*Camelot, and the lady, are wealthy indeed. I cannot believe they would travel without means of payment and with enough fine silk and—
'I do not care for silk,' bellowed Hengist, striding towards Kendrick, who backed away, terrified.
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Question: Chastity does not seem as big a deal. Woman can be alone with men without an escort?
Olaf's behavior toward Vivian is viewed as excessive as well. However, I don't think most noble women have sex before marriage?
My answer: Kendrick made a point of mentally comparing Morgana (with her noble heritage), to be so unlike the filthy wenches and wanton women he normally encountered.
Later in the “Lancelot and Guinevere” book, it was mentioned the majority of the woman in Hengist’s stronghold were slaves/prostitutes and therefore logically they were likely lower-born woman who would be easy prey to bandits.
Therefore, it makes sense that a woman with a lower status wouldn’t need to be escorted places in the same way that someone of higher-breeding would be and their ‘purity’ would be of little concern to anyone but their immediate family.
Especially, since a lower born woman’s virginity wouldn’t be too highly considered, unless she was trying to marry into a higher status.
Book description:
Morgana's proud jaw and strong cheekbones reminded Kendrick of the woman's noble heritage.
Even so, Kendrick let his eyes linger on his captive - such a pretty creature, so unlike the filthy wenches and wanton women he normally came across.
Leaning over the chair was a bedraggled young woman, dressed in rags and nervously holding a pitcher of ale. And in the throne sat Hengist.
The women - slaves at best - simply moved from foot to foot in a crushed, desultory fashion, but it seemed to amuse Hengist all the same.
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Question: How did the citizens of Ealdor generally regard Merlin?
My answer: Although Merlin does mention having dealt with the arrogant ‘type’ back in Ealdor, who thought that being good looking and skilful meant they could do whatever they liked.
Merlin also mentioned that several years ago, some of the men from his village traveled to the tournament in Camelot.
Yet, he himself didn’t go because he was too young and his mother was worried about him revealing his magic. 🪄
So despite the issues Merlin mentioned, it still seems to imply that the villagers didn’t really dislike him (or outright hate him), because otherwise he wouldn’t have considered going to Camelot with them.
It seems more like Merlin was just rather isolated (due to having to hide his magic) and wasn’t particularly close with any of them, due to that fear of discovery.
Book description: In the “Valiant” book, Merlin remembered a day several years ago when some of the men from his village had decided that they would come to the tournament.
Merlin had been too young to join them at the time, not that his mother would have let him go anyway - she was always too worried that he might inadvertently reveal his gift in a moment of excitement. He recalled watching the men set off along the road to Camelot, laughing and teasing each other.
He had been sad at the time.
Not about missing the tournament itself - Merlin had never seen the point of watching grown men doing their level best to try and injure each other - but about not seeing Camelot. Now, only a short time later, here he was living in the castle itself.
2nd book description: In the “The Death of Arthur” book, Merlin recalled how much she'd feared for his future, worried that other people in their village might discover his gifts.
That's why she'd sent him away, to live with Gaius where she thought he would be safe.
3rd book: In “Magic Begins” book….
Merlin watched with a frown as the boy scurried back and forth across the yard, the young knight throwing dagger after dagger at him - hitting the target spot-on every time.
He would, of course. Merlin knew the type - even back in Ealdor there had been people like that, who thought that being good looking and skilful meant they could do whatever they liked. All the girls fancied them too.
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xxvalkyriesxx · 3 months ago
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The Joker and the Queen - Chapter Two
For @emeriethevalkyriegirl 🩷 @acotargiftexchange
Masterlist // Chapter One // Next Part AO3 // read below
Every year, the city of Velaris hosts a week long festival, the Carnival of Stars. It's the biggest event of the year, people from everywhere travel to Night Court County to partake in the special events. Every year, the festival ends on the Winter Solstice, with a performance by the Velaris Ballet Company. And every year they perform the holiday classic, The Nutcracker. However this year, the director of the company has decided to shift gears. This year, the ending performance will be, The Lady and the Fool. A show that follows a royal lady falling in love with a court jester, despite what society says. The director wants to bring a whole new experience to the show. And the twist is that the fool will not be played by a fellow dancer. So instead, they decide to cast a local Winter Solstice tree farmer. What could go wrong? OR Nesta Archeron is the principle ballerina of the Velaris Ballet Company, playing the lead role of The Lady and the Fool, with her counter part, Cassian Pine.
Ten weeks until Winter Solstice.
Nesta groaned slightly while she stretched her hamstring, sitting on the floor of the dance studio. Cooling down from ballet class was something Nesta took very seriously after the unfortunate event when she was seven and wasn’t cooling down after her classes, which resulted in her fainting in her mother’s flower bed when she got home at one point. Of course her mother was more frazzled about the flower bed than her own daughter, but that wasn’t surprising for Josephine Archeron.
The thought of her mother made Nesta’s skin itch, scratching her leg after coming out of the stretch. Josephine lived in the heart of downtown Velaris, so Nesta and her younger sisters created a schedule where one of the three had to see their mother at least once a week. The sisters were on a rotation of who spent time with their mother, and this week happened to be Nesta’s.
Josephine Archeron was many things, but civil was hardly one of them. She had explained her disappointment about all three of her children at least once a week. 
“Feyre is dating the mayor and I’m of course happy for her, but that bimbo knows next to nothing about politics. She’s going to make this city worse, trust me.”
“Elain becoming a teacher has been a fine move on her part, but her husband has been a godsend to this family. But she buries herself in her work. She should focus less on other children, and more on creating her own.”
“And you, my darling Nesta, cannot be a dancer for life. Have you found a man yet? Well of course you haven’t. Frowning causes more wrinkles, did you know? People will think we’re sisters soon, and how will you find a man then?”
Nesta sighed, getting up from the floor as she took one last big stretch before she walked to her bag. Grabbing her phone from the bag’s pocket, she read over her last several messages. 
Pegging Princess: We should meet up for dinner tonight! It’s been awhile since I’ve seen y’all.
Viscountess Vagetarian: Whatcha mean? You see me every day!!
Pegging Princess: This is the groupchat!!! LEARN TO READ! YOU RUN A BOOKSTORE!
Viscountess Vagetarian: Oh shut up wench!
Pegging Princess: Hoe
Viscountess Vagetarian: Sloot
Viscountess Vagetarian: Also can you get out of the bathroom? You need to stop watching reels while you shit. I know couples develop habits from each other, but can this be an exclusive Az one please?
Nesta rolled her eyes playfully as she could imagine Gwyn yelling at Emerie at the bookshop they ran together. The three had been best friends for years ever since meeting at the local library for a romance book meet up. It had just been the three of them there, and they’ve been inseparable since.
Queefing Queen to the group chat, “3 girls 1 book”: We can meet at Devlons! We’re having auditions tonight for the solstice ballet.
Heading to the exit with her stuff, Nesta was about to walk out when the studio door opened. Eris stood on the other side, dressed in pristine white button down and forest green trousers. He smirked slightly, catching Nesta off. “Are you ready for tonight’s auditions?” He asked.
She glared at him, her arms crossing over her chest. “This is an incredibly stupid idea, Eris. Not to mention the risk we’re taking. And in case you didn’t know already, it’s an insult to ballet.”
However, Eris just waved her off. “Stop being dramatic, Nesta. I want to try something new. I mean, didn't you say recently that ballet was an exclusive style of dance that should be more open to everyone?”
Of course he would use my words against me. Classic Eris. Fucking ass–
“Well, Nesta?” Eris inclined his head as he crossed his arms, mimicking her. He had done this since they were younger, which only made her more pissed. “Yes, I did say that.” She mumbled. 
“Well, we best be going to the auditorium to see these auditions. All of the tear-off tabs were taken.”
“All of them?” Nesta blinked in surprise.
“Yup! We saw some traction on social media as well, so we’re hoping to see a good turnout tonight.”
He held out his arm. “Well, you ready?”
“Not at all.” She mumbled.
“I have no problem carrying you as you kick and scream the whole way there.”
Even as Nesta glared, she knew Eris’ threat wasn’t something to take lately. He was her dance partner for years and knew he could pick her up without an ounce of a struggle. Grudgingly, Nesta looped her arm through his.
It was going to be a long night.
There were exactly five people in the auditorium. 
Nesta turned to Eris, a deadpan expression crossed her face. “This is a good turnout?”
“Oh shut up, witch.” Eris said, glaring at Nesta.
Nesta hummed as the two made their way onto the stage. Practically her whole life was spent on stages, it’s where she thrived. It was more of a home than her own parent’s house. Looking out to the very few seats that were filled, Nesta’s stomach turned. 
The selection did not look great.
Clearing his throat, Eris introduced himself .“Hello, everyone. I’m Eris Vanserra. The director of this year’s Winter Solstice ballet, The Lady and the Fool. As most of you have heard, we’re having open auditions this year. We’re looking for someone to play the part of the fool, so dancing isn’t a requirement. And don’t worry, we won’t be sending you to a ballet boot camp for the show.”
“Our lovely principal ballerina” Eris gestured to Nesta “has stated that ballet should be more inclusive. While the character is not one of grace that is usually with a standard dancer’s role, I wanted this year’s performance to show that anyone can enter ballet.”
The deafening silence that gathered around the five sets of hands that applauded was almost sickening. I don’t get paid enough for this shit. Eris nudged Nesta with his elbow, giving her his signature side eye.
Taking a step forward, she spoke. “I’m Nesta Archeron, a part of the Velaris Ballet Company. I will be this year’s lead female playing the role of La Capricciosa. Her character is a part of high society, but after meeting the jesters, Moondog and Bootface, she begins to rethink her place in society.”
“There are two jesters in the show, however we are only looking for one inexperienced person to play the part of Moondog. The other jester will be played by fellow ballet dancer Balthazar. He was the nutcracker in last year’s solstice ballet.” The audience remained quiet, so she kept going. “Unfortunately Balthazar was unable to make it today, but nonetheless, we should be able to make a decision on who our Moondog should be.” 
Eris took a step next to Nesta, his hands resting at his hips. “I know you all might be nervous, but ballet isn’t just dancing, it’s acting too. Don’t feel the need to show off dance skills, we aren’t looking for that. We want to see the spirit of Moondog. He’s inside one of you.” Eris pointed to the seats facing them.
Nesta mentally cringed at Eris’ wording. Gods, this man needed to get laid. 
“Moondog is a poor jester who doesn’t care who he’s fallen for, all he knows is that he wants her, title or not.”
Nesta swore she heard someone sniffling in the audience. She withheld a sigh, making her way with Eris two steps behind,down the steps to the table that was on the outskirts of the pit. It gave them a good view of the whole stage. Once they sat down, Nesta glanced down at her phone, noting the time was close to five o’clock.
“This is going to go by so fast, just wait and see.” Eris said quietly, geering up for the first audition. This audience member climbed up the steps to the stage, but right as they reached the final step, they ended up tripping and falling onto their face.
Kill me now. Nesta grumbled inwardly as she would rather have dinner with her mother than be there.
As the fifth person went to introduce themselves, Eris called out. “Thank you for trying out. Maybe we can slot you for the summer solstice show?”
“Does Velaris even celebrate that solstice?” The audience member asked.
Eris shrugged. “How the hell would I know? I’m not the mayor.”
As they went to speak again, Eris shooed them away. Their face flushed red as they walked off the stage, leaving the auditorium.
When the doors closed shut, Eris sighed, slumping in his seat. He glanced at Nesta. “So, did anyone stick out to you?”
“Eris, you literally said no to all of them!” She narrowed her eyes. “And I checked our social media page, you didn’t post anything about these auditions! You’re trying to typecast this character!” She slammed the booklet of the script down onto the table. “Why are we doing this?”
“Ballet is a rigorous sport, and only the best of the best can make it to where you and I stand today. But let’s face it, Nesta. Majority of the VBC comes from wealthy families like you and I. The community should be involved for this show, I mean they’re involved in every other aspect of the Carnival of Stars. Why not this?”
Nesta crossed her arms. “You hate people. So I know you’re not doing it out of the kindness of your heart or to bring holiday cheer.” Glancing back down at the booklet, Nesta tilted her head seeing the similar designs of the sea shells and waves, the very same designs she saw when Eris told her about their new performance of the year. Slowly she rose to meet Eris’ gaze, a lightbulb buzzing in her mind.
“You’re trying to outdo Tarquin.”
Almost as if his name was a spell, Eris groaned, spilling everything. “I’m not trying to outdo him. I’m just trying to give a more meaningful performance.”
“Can the two of you just make up already?” Nesta asked, a brow raised.
“We weren’t officially together actually! According to him, we were just friends.”
She rolled her eyes. “I can’t believe you’re getting away with this. How the hell did Rhysand even sign off on this?” 
Something crossed Eris’ face before he shrugged. “He’s proposing to your sister. He also wants to one up, Tarquin.”
Nesta’s face fell into her hands. She knew this day would come eventually, but out of all times of the year, Rhysand wanted to propose to her baby sister on said baby sister’s birthday. Subtle is not in that man’s vocab. Rhysand and Nesta never really saw eye to eye, however over the last year they did trade some of their childhood trauma caused by their parents. In a sense it was like the trauma Olympics, and currently Nesta was in the lead.
A soft feeling flowed between her ribs, thinking of Feyre. She was happy for her, but that happiness soon faded as she would be the only unmarried one in her family. A sight for sore eyes, her mother would probably say.
Tarquin had dated her sister very briefly before she broke up with him to be with Rhysand. Then he eventually tangled up with Eris, who apparently only used him. She had spoken to the Summer Court County dancer a few times, and was always mesmerized by him so she understood why so many people were enthralled with him.
“Besides.” The redhead started. “None of these people had the” he wiggled his fingers, going back to the auditions “dazzle we’re looking for.” Eris stood up without a single care in the world written on his face, walking to stretch his legs. Glancing back down at her phone, she wanted to slam her head into the table. It wasn’t even six yet.
“Not once did you ask for my opinion during these auditions, Eris.”
“So you liked one of them then?” Eris questioned, turning around to face her.
Scrunching her nose, Nesta shook her head. “I mean, not really. But I’m not sure what we’re looking for!”
“Trust me, dear. I know exactly what I’m looking for, and no one had it.”
“What the fuck does that mean–”
A loud BANG echoed throughout the auditorium, the sound bouncing off the walls. The doors of the auditorium slammed opened. Instantly Eris and Nesta turned around to see a man standing in red flannel and jeans. He looked oddly familiar, but she didn’t know where she recognized him. Narrowing her eyes at him, Nesta noticed that beside him was…was…
Is that a damn dog?
“Are the auditions still happening for The Lady and The Fool?” The man spoke, and suddenly a gear clicked into place. Her face flushed hard but Nesta did her best to ignore the growing heat as she bit the inside of her cheek. This was the man from the last Solstice. The one who haunted her dreams most nights, especially after she stupidly thankfully lost his number.
The man walked down to their level, the dog on a red leash, panting and wagging their tail. Big brown eyes looked at her with such compassion that Nesta had to adjust herself so she sat on her hands withholding the temptation to pet the animal.
“Can I help you…?” Eris asked.
“Hi, I’m Cassian, Cassian Pine. Are the auditions still happening?”
Eris turned to Nesta. She nudged her head, in a slight shake, indicating no! They were not continuing! We're done here! Silver blue eyes glared daggers at the auburn colored irises that sparkled with a gleam that made Nesta's stomach clench.
“You’re just in time, Bassian. You can go to the stage.”
As Eris sat back down, Nesta sneered at him, her voice hushed. “What the fuck was that?!”
“I may have found what I’m looking for.”
“What! A 6’5 man who looks like a lumberjack. His last name is a type of tree??”
“Let’s just see what the Mother potentially gifted us.”
The man was now standing on stage alongside his dog. The dog sat down on the right side of him, looking up at his face. He quietly patted their head before looking at Eris and Nesta. He rolled his shoulders slightly, smiling nervously. The clicks and clacks of the dog’s nails rested against the stage’s floor making Nesta wince just slightly from the sound.
“Like I said earlier, I’m Cassian Pine. And this.” He gestured to the dog. “Is Holly, and she’ll be trying out for the part of Moondog.”
Holly barked as if following up from what Cassian said. Her reddish gold fur glowed from the stage lights high up. She looked at Eris and Nesta, tilting her head, ears perked up. 
The nerves died away in Nesta, all that was left was a burning rage. A dog trying out for this? This was an insult to ballet, to art, to her livelihood. Chaos of fire and smoke rose from her eyes as she stood up from the table. “You have to be fucking kidding me.” 
“Did you actually believe that? She’s a dog, not Airbud.” Cassian smirked. Holly grumbled as she looked at Cassian again. “You’re not catching branches like how tight-ends catch footballs, goofball.”
“Mr. Pine, why the hell have you brought your dog here in the first place?” Nesta demanded.
The man shrugged. He had the gull, no, the audacity to shrug.
“I was visiting a few friends and it was too late to go back to the farm.”
“Do you understand how disrespectful you're bringing an animal, who isn’t a service animal by the way, to a stage like this? She’s actively ruining the floors.” Nesta pointed to the stage, glaring.
“Oh…Why didn’t you just say something before?” Cassian asked. But right as Nesta went to argue with him, he scooped up his dog into his arms. Holly seemed entirely unphased as she just relaxed in his hold.
Eris decided then to chime in. “Are you willing to put in the work? It won’t be an easy task, you know. We’ll need you at 125% every rehearsal. As you may not have a dancing background, we’ll be working with you on what steps to do during some of the dances.” He leaned back in his chair. “The rest is improvised.”
“I am, sir. I own a Winter Solstice tree farm on the outskirts of the city, so hard work runs in my everyday life. But…” Cassian trailed off as he looked at Nesta.
Squirming in her seat from his gaze, Nesta glanced away, feeling the heat crawl back into her cheeks. Her index finger lightly tapped on top of her hand, trying to regain her statue as she waited for Cassian to continue.
“I was greatly inspired by your work last year. I’m no dancer, but Winter Solstice is my favorite holiday. This year is the thirtieth anniversary of my mother’s passing, and while I could keep doing what I’m doing now, I wanted to do something different.”
Her chest seemed slightly sore from his words, but Nesta pushed her emotions down. They were not needed right now. The feeling of negativity flooded her mind and throat, trying to claim her next words. All Nesta wanted to do was scream. Instead she looked upon Cassian, his stare meeting hers. 
“Well, welcome to the show, Moondog.” Eris said.
“Are you serious?!”
“Are you fucking kidding me?!”
Cassian and Nesta said at the same time. A wide grin crawled over his lips as he adjusted Holly in his grasp. Nesta sneered up at him while he just chuckled.
“Rehearsals start in five days. We’ll email what you need and the schedule.”
“Thank you so much…” Cassian looked at Eris for an introduction. 
“Eris. How rude of me to not introduce myself before.” The director grinned before turning to Nesta.
“And this is–”
“Nesta. Nesta Archeron.” Cassian answered.
Her mouth gaped as her cheeks burned hot from the embarrassment. How the fuck does he remember my name?! Cassian made his way down the steps before placing Holly on the ground. The dog shook her body as she walked at her owner’s side.
“Oh? You’re acquainted with each other?” Eris asked, his voice sinking in curiosity.
Eris’ grin grew sinister as Nesta’s heart threw itself against her ribcage. Cassian wore a stupid dorkish smile, glancing at her. Nesta’s lip curled up in disgust.
“Well, private practices should help with the chemistry.” Eris suggested. He grabbed his bag, quickly packing his things before he walked up to Cassian. The two men shook hands before Eris said his goodbyes.
“Can’t wait to see you again soon, Jassian.  And don’t bring the dog again.”
Before Cassian could say anything else, Nesta followed Eris out the door. She needed her sanity for the next five days, knowing it would be ripped away by that man.
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