#also when I say that the champions abilities are weakened by giving them to link
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gothic-soda · 2 years ago
Accepting help: Tulin and the Champions
For all the problems I have with totk, one thing I love about it is the development of the sages, particularly Tulin.
His arc is about learning how to accept help from others, which is so interesting when compared to Revali, who was very isolated and had to be self reliant. Revali seemingly had no family or anyone else in his life to fall back on, and as a result he had to become the best possible version of himself as a warrior to make up for that. In BotW we see Revali go to EXTREME lengths to be the best warrior he can be.
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A comparison could even be made between Revali and the rest of the Champions. What they all have in common is that they all died alone in their divine beasts. No one came to rescue them. Zelda and Link had each other, and that’s ultimately how they both managed to survive the calamity. The champions had only themselves to rely on in their final moments, and in the end it wasn’t enough.
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But back to Tulin, his arc (and to a lesser extent the other Sages arcs are about this as well) is about accepting help from others. Tulin has his parents, Link and the other Sages to fall back on. Tulin wanted to prove that he was strong enough on his own, but eventually realised that his strength came from those around him. Tulin receives the Great Eagle Bow when he shows that he can be strong AND accept help when he needs it.
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Even the new Sage’s powers are all designed in a way that reinforces this. The Champion’s abilities were all gifts that they honed to use by themselves, they used their powers to fight alongside their allies, but still their powers were never really meant to be used though a second party. In a way, their gifts are weakened when they are given to Link. For example Mipha’s Grace can only be used on Link in BotW, but when she was alive she could heal anyone.
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By contrast, the Sage’s abilities are supposed to be used with the aid of another, they are amplified by Link. Tulin’s gust is more or less useless to Tulin himself, but with another person it had a lot of utility. Yunobo requires someone to aim him to get the most out of his charge. Riju is still learning how to control her lightning and needs someone else to direct it. While Sidon could probably use the water shield on himself, Sidon wants to protect others, so his power manifests as a physical shield to protect his friend.
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This idea of the champions being isolated and not being able to receive much help from others makes a lot of sense. They were the last line of defence for Hyrule, they were the Plan B incase Zelda did not awaken her powers. When they became Champions, all of them were well respected warriors amongst their people, a lot of responsibility fell on them to be the protectors of not only their people, but all of Hyrule. For them to show weakness would mean Hyrule losing faith in their beloved champions.
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The new Sages have a support system that the Champions did not have, they are allowed to have faults and not be perfect, because they have other people to support them and I think that’s beautiful.
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sittingoverheredreaming · 5 years ago
Before Age of Calamity can come and make this a moot point, I want to share my headcanon that along with Ganon’s power being much weaker in BotW than it was a hundred years before (due to Zelda fighting him down for a century), a big part of why the Champions lost to the blights when Link could take them out with relative ease is that the blights were not at all the Champion’s main focus when shit went down.
First, rather than a one-on-one like Link has, I do think that at the very least there were corrupted guardian scouts fighting alongside the blights. More enemies swarming also makes sense! It’s shown that monsters were increasing in number, and Ganon was so calculated in his strike you can’t say it’s out of the realm of possibility that there weren’t Lizalfos climbing up and into every opening, or Lynels taking aim with volley after volley of elemental arrows. 
More than that, though, I think the Champions all had priorities that outranked fighting the blights.
Urbosa I see as singularly focused on getting the hit on Ganon. She fights Thunderblight only so much as she needs to to keep her aim steady and the controls in her grasp. She is willing to die, if she can help take Ganon out. What point it there in fighting for her own life, if the being that would destroy everything is not stopped? She does not let Thunderblight distract her. She attacks it with her powers as she can, uses what movement she can spare to defend against its blows, but she will not let Naboris lose its lock on Ganon. She waits for the signal even as her strength begins to wane, as Thunderblight starts landing hits, as her body begins to fail. It would have been enough, had less gone wrong. Had Link and Zelda been able to make it into the castle. Had Zelda awakened her power just a little sooner. Urbosa would have died, but she would have gotten her shot in, and maybe even just one shot from a divine beast might have weakened Ganon enough for Link to strike him down. But the signal never comes, and by the time she turns to fight Thunderblight properly, she has already lost.
Daruk would have expected to go the same way. He and Urbosa are older than the others, they can hold the line and pray that two beams will be enough and that Mipha and Revali will chose to run. Daruk has always respected their choice and their abilities, but they are children. When Fireblight appears, he knows his duty, and he hopes against all hope that they will forget theirs. 
But unlike Urbosa, he does not find it so easy to be steadfast. Ganon’s stirring alone was enough to cause a rumbling in Death Mountain, and Fireblight takes that further. With Rudania perched on the mouth of the volcano, it has the perfect position to use its power to trigger an eruption, sending lava and rocks careening towards Goron City. Daruk cannot find it in himself to let his people die. He uses nearly all of his strength to erect his Protection around the entire city. He faces Fireblight, in hopes of taking it out in time to still make his strike against Ganon, but maintaining the protective barrier drains him, and he’s so used to fighting with it around himself.
(When he dies, the barrier stays around the city for years. Not a single Goron civilian is harmed in the Calamity.)
Mipha faces a similar situation with Zora’s Domain, but without the ability to protect her home so succinctly. She sees the armies of Guardians and monsters advancing, and she makes a decision. A late shot when the signal comes will surely be alright for the sake of saving her people, her father and little Sidon. She drives Ruta down from her post and holds the line at the mouth of the Zora River. There is a reason only one Guardian ever made it to Zora’s Domain. She faces Waterblight while maneuvering Ruta to fight everything else Ganon has thrown her way. When Zora soldiers come, having used the time she bought them to prepare and strategize, the battle has dragged her to the ends of her healing abilities, and Waterblight strikes its final blow as she tries to return Ruta to her position to strike Ganon.
Revali could have— should have— a much easier go of it. In the air, Windblight is the only real threat to Medoh. The Rito have an evacuation plan, and Ganon has very little that can follow them into the skies, and even less that can keep pace.  By virtue of flight, Medoh has a clear shot of the castle from anywhere, so there is little need to keep her in place. Revali can fight Windblight without worry.
Except. From so high up, Revali can see everything happening in Hyrule field. Before Windblight materializes, he can see Zelda and Link’s path to the castle, and exactly how many enemies are ready to ambush them. Guardians pour from the pillars around the castle, and even if Link were as miraculous as everyone seems to claim, he would not be able to cut through them all. Not that Revali cares about Link himself. It’s their mission, that’s all. Link was chosen, and whether that was the right choice or not, he’d damn well better survive to see it through. And so, for the sake of this mission and this boy he definitely doesn’t care about, he dives off Medoh to help clear the way. It’s a job best suited for and archer, after all. Link can deflect a Guardian beam one at a time, but Revali can shoot three arrows at once and have them all hit, and he can draw another round before he’s even spotted. He takes down Guardian after Guardian. And despite how quickly they fall from the pillars, he seems to be making headway. 
Until he hears the unmistakable sound of a Divine Beast charging its laser beam.
He looks up to see Medoh where he (rashly, foolishly) abandoned her in the sky, a dark figure at her helm, her target set on something on the ground— Link and Zelda, as they approach the castle. Revali takes to the air, berating himself for making such an oversight. Windblight shoots as he approaches, its aim just precise enough to drive him back. Revali realizes that if he is going to board Medoh, he has to take a hit. He flies above Medoh and dives for the controls, descending as fast as he can, and Windblight lands not one but three shots, but Revali manages to hit the controls so that Medoh’s beam fires into the sky instead of at the two figures now fighting Guardians below. He dies knowing he failed, Medoh’s beam will not be ready to fire again if Zelda and Link make it to Ganon and give the signal. (But he also dies knowing that maybe, he also succeeded, because they have a chance to make it.)
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thehomebrood · 7 years ago
Episode 1 - “Death’s Wings” Text Recap
Endless thanks to the amazing @stellar-stag​ (@stellarstag on Twitter) for writing up this text recap of the episode! I am so so grateful!! 01 - Episode 1 - Death’s Wings: [YouTube] [Soundcloud] 
Spoiler warning ahead! This recap encompasses the important parts of the entire episode, so if you would rather experience it through the episode itself, there are links above! 
Also, just like in the regular episode, you have to listen to the recap episode first to understand what is going on!
Having returned from their expedition to Holy Xantambe, the party enjoys some downtime in Nantambu. While everyone else watches Skreeach repeatedly injure himself attempting to build a deck, Olur receives a notice from a guard: the cure they made to undo Magdalene's infection is ready. Olur quickly fetches Alagon, and together they go to the house of the Chieftain, who confirms that they've produced twenty crates worth of vials of the cure, which can be deployed in mist form against anyone infected. The cure is given to the party and the Pathfinder Society, and Alagon and Olur agree that they can't afford to wait: they've got to take care of Magdalene as quickly as possible.
Before Olur can return and tell the others, however, he's approached by another guard, who tells them a man is attempting to enter the city, saying he knows the party. Following the guard, he sees the man is Lupum, the ancient gunslinger who they released from stasis in Holy Xantambe. Having nowhere else to go in a world eleven thousand years after he last saw it, Lupum decided to meet up with the party in Nantambu. After some brief confusion, Olur agrees and brings him to the guild hall. Lupum formally meets Alagon and Skreeach, the latter of whom expresses bewilderment at Lupum's guns which don't shoot magic.
Together, the party forms a battle plan: The Pathfinder Society forces will march to Blood Cove and engage Magdalene's army of thralls directly, using the cure to free or neutralize them. The party, meanwhile, will burrow underneath the city with Zathune, bypassing the citizens to engage the black dragon directly. As this is being detailed, Olur uses the speakstone Dryle gave Rin to contact him and ask for help. Dryle, still hanging about Freestation, has briefly fought/annoyed Magdalene, but has no interest in doing so further, and demands half of her hoard in payment for his help. Olur, having already promised a quarter of the hoard to Zathune and wanting to give half to Blood Cove to aid in rebuilding, barters with Dryle. Dryle eventually agrees to help in return for Willrender, a dagger that Skreeach found beneath Nantambu. When asked about his interest in the weapon, Dryle only replies that it has ties to his past.
Olur also sends a letter to Grant, giving a brief status update as well as their plans for engaging Magdalene. He receives a reply, saying that Grant tried and failed to defeat the dragon, wishing them luck in their endeavor.
The party gears up, purchasing a magic bowstring for Rin, potions and provisions for the party, and inadvertently reintroducing mundane firearms to Golarion, before setting out. When they arrive at Blood Cove, Olur readies to call Zathune, but is approached by Lupum, who needs help on a religious matter. He reveals a mark of Pharasma, the Goddess of Death, and explains that he has a complex history with her and wants to contact her. Olur knows that Pharasma is motivated by self-sacrifice and shares the domain of water with Gozreh, and so the two travel to a nearby stream. Lupum submerges himself in the water and sees a vision of Pharasma, in the center of Holy Xantambe, pristine yet utterly empty. Lupum confronts the Goddess, demanding answers why she took the lives of those dear to him. Pharasma, in turn, tells Lupum that he meets the requirements to be her champion. Although still upset with her, he agrees, and is given altered weapons and armor, as well as his first task: kill Magdalene, whose infection that animates the dead is an affront to the natural process of death. He awakens in the stream, half drowned and unable to remember the Goddess's parting words.
Olur then prays, and sees a vision of his father, who reassures Olur that he was always meant for great things, and that he will win in the upcoming fight. Zathune, who witnessed this exchange, opens the tunnel for the party and Dryle. As dark clouds descend, the party begins making their way under the city towards Magdalene, and the battle for Blood Cove begins.
The Pathfinder Society engages the army, while the party emerges near Magdelene, who is in her full draconic form, wreathed in black smoke and shadow. They quickly begin their assault, using healing magic and fire both to pierce her scales and weaken her defenses. The dragon quickly retreats to the skies, hoping to rain destructive magic on the party from above, and Olur calls Zathune, giving chase on dragonback. As the party members on the ground continue to injure her, Magdalene, too weak to flee, attempts a desperate move to crush the party. Before she can manage, however, Olur leaps from Zathune and plunges his weapon into the back of her skull, killing her.
The clouds vanish and the city erupts in cheers, as Magdalene's body crumbles to dust. However, Alagon notices a rune of Soul Transferral beneath her body. Remembering seeing a similar rune in the wreckage off the coast of Blood Cove, the party fears the worst and pursues. When they arrive, they find only black feathers, in a trail leading away from Blood Cove and the continent. Using divination, they are only able to discern that the being who left is some form of beast between wolf and raven. Deciding that their prey has escaped, they return to Blood Cove, where the entire city is in celebration at being freed from the scourge of the black dragon. Our heroes bask in the praise, and when questioned on what our noble party calls themselves, they decide on a name that conveys at once their diversity and unity: the Juxtaposition.
Travelling to Magdalene's hoard, they find none other than Grant, who is examining the pile of treasure. Amongst the various gold and wondrous items, Olur finds the second of Gozreh's divine instruments: Anchorus, an incredibly powerful anchor which can be used to command the seas themselves. Excited at the prospect, he quickly takes Steele outside and demonstrates this ability by parting the ocean waters, and after a bit of convincing, they dance on the seafloor in the moonlight.
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theskella · 8 years ago
SO, I finished the main quest line for Zelda Breath of the Wild, and I want to talk about it now. There’s gonna be spoilers.
I really liked Breath of the Wild, it never stopped being fun, sure it got maybe a little monotonous after many many hours, but that is to be expected, and also, if your monotonous tone is still a fun tone, then funk it.
A lot of people complain about the weapon degradation system and that’s fucking lame. I think it was a nice way to put some thought and suspense into fighting. The weapons breaking causes a minor panic attack if the fight is big enough, and it’s nice, it gives a sense of urgency. It also breaks the flow of the fight being��“ just hit the attack button a lot.” and introduces the ability to throw the weapon for a critical hit. 
There are legitimate things to complain about, and I feel like I haven’t seen any of them in what I’ve seen from the internet. The motion control puzzles can be pretty fun, and while they’re frustrating it feels like people at large are confused as to what they want in a game. They want difficulty but when it’s introduced they complain. The motion controls aren’t perfect, I agree, but it’s part of the difficulty. There are smaller things I’d change about some of the puzzles, like the puzzle resetting to it’s initial position when you stop influencing it with motion controls in the tilt-a-maze puzzle.
My legit complaints, mainly pertain to the character interactions? Like the big actors I mean. None of the champions really like, said anything or tried to get a message to the people they left behind, Daruk came the closest, and I appreciate him for it. 
My other complaint is about Ganon.
The fight was not hard at all. I understand that like, you spent the whole game weakening Ganon by returning the control of the Divine Beasts to their rightful owners. But he didn’t even come close to killing me, not once. I was geared up to the nines, but still. I feel like the open world games I’ve played have all suffered for the end game. Like, you NEED to introduce a REASON for the player to think that the end game boss is actually a challenge. Like that’s when you put the unfair things in, make the final boss absolutely devastating. They’re the final boss! Dark Beast Ganon was really underwhelming. The design relied far too much on the motif of the blight. It made the design weak. I would’ve liked to see a more solid, actual design for him rather than a silhouette with blight textures on it.
The cutscene happened, and I got excited when I saw the horse, because “Oh man, is this going to be a countryside horseback battle?” And no, no it wasn’t, it was me circling him until the circles came up and he fired attacks at where I was a straight up minute ago. It was a let down. The games where Ganon was a human and gave him dialogue were far better and more investing. I can dig making it kind of alien, and just terrifyingly mysterious as to what he is and why he’s like that, but like, I liked Ganon from Windwaker and Twilight Princess, he spoke, he had character, he wasn’t JUST the final boss.
The cutscenes were all really nice, I love how the memories painted a scene beyond what it showed. I know that everyone would shit their fucking pants over it, but if ever there was a time to give Link speaking lines, it was this. I do feel like the emotion suffered because all these characters were acting to a brick wall. Like, Mipha and Zelda, all bearing their hearts to him only for him to not react at all, not saying anything, it sorta made it feel bad in retrospect.
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biofunmy · 5 years ago
Elizabeth Warren Vows to Expand Health Coverage in First 100 Days
WASHINGTON — Senator Elizabeth Warren vowed on Friday to pass major health care legislation in her first 100 days as president, unveiling a new, detailed plan to significantly expand public health insurance coverage as a first step, and promising to pass a “Medicare for all” system by the end of her third year in office that would cover all Americans.
The initial bill she would seek to pass if elected would be a step short of the broader Medicare for all plan she has championed. But it would substantially expand the reach and generosity of public health insurance, creating a government plan that would offer free coverage to all American children and people earning less than double the federal poverty rate, or about $50,000 for a family of four, and that could be purchased by other Americans who want it.
Ms. Warren has long endorsed a Medicare for all bill sponsored by one of her rivals for the Democratic nomination, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. But until now, she has not specified how quickly she would move to enact a health care plan. Friday’s proposal amounts to a detailed road map for eventually establishing Medicare for all, a single government-run health insurance program under which private coverage would be eliminated.
That goal — a wholesale transformation of how Americans receive health insurance — is a big political gamble, particularly given that many of them would have to give up the coverage they get through their employers. Ms. Warren’s proposal for Medicare for all would require an estimated $20.5 trillion in new federal spending over a decade, according to a financing plan she released two weeks ago. To provide funding for it, she would impose new taxes on businesses and the richest Americans.
But under the plan she presented on Friday, she would not seek passage of a single-payer system early in her presidency. The proposal would instead move people into that system gradually — in a way she hopes would build public support for full-fledged Medicare for all — while temporarily preserving the employer-based insurance system that covers most working-age adults today.
“I believe the next president must do everything she can within one presidential term to complete the transition to Medicare for all,” Ms. Warren, of Massachusetts, wrote in her plan. “My plan will reduce the financial and political power of the insurance companies — as well as their ability to frighten the American people — by implementing reforms immediately and demonstrating at each phase that true Medicare for all coverage is better than their private options. I believe this approach gives us our best chance to succeed.”
Though the details differ, Ms. Warren’s transition plan shares many features with health care proposals from her more moderate rivals for the nomination, including Joseph R. Biden Jr., the former vice president, and Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Ind. For example, it would allow higher-income adults to voluntarily sign up for a new public plan. Ms. Warren’s proposal, however, would make the optional government plan more generous than those proposed by her rivals, and would allow more Americans to get it free. It would also let anyone over 50 buy Medicare coverage, with more benefits than the program offers now.
With her interim plan, Ms. Warren is attempting to offer something attractive to both sides of the Democratic health care debate: preserving her commitment to the single-payer vision that energizes voters on the left, while offering a less disruptive set of proposals in the short term to those who may be reluctant to give up their existing coverage.
But her choice to put off seeking passage of a full-scale Medicare for all plan until as late as her third year in office could draw criticism from liberals eager to put in place a single-payer system as quickly as possible.
“Now, some people say we should delay that fight for a few more years,” Mr. Sanders said on Friday as he discussed Medicare for all and the opponents who would try to stop it. “I don’t think so. We’re ready to take them on right now, and we’re going to take them on on Day 1.”
And on Twitter, he offered his own pledge about the beginning of his presidency: “In my first week as president, we will introduce Medicare for All legislation.”
Representative Pramila Jayapal, Democrat of Washington, who has introduced Medicare for all legislation in the House, praised Ms. Warren’s plan as “one smart approach” that “gets us to Medicare for all that covers everyone with comprehensive care in four years.”
Ms. Warren’s plan reflects a sense of pragmatism about the politics and logistics of passing a major health bill through a closely divided Congress. Ms. Warren said she would pass the transition plan using special procedures that would require only a simple majority in the Senate, rather than the 60 votes needed to overcome a filibuster.
But she would still rely on Democrats winning control of the Senate, where Republicans currently hold a slim majority. And she is laying out ambitious details for getting to a single-payer system even as voter support for the idea is narrowing; polls suggest substantially more Americans prefer the “public option” type of plans that Mr. Biden and Mr. Buttigieg have proposed.
Kate Bedingfield, a deputy campaign manager for Mr. Biden, said Ms. Warren was “trying to muddy the waters even further” after “having discovered how problematic her embrace of Medicare for all has become.”
“What started out as ‘mathematical gymnastics’ have been replaced by a full program of flips and twists covering every element of her plan,” she said, adding that the transition plan “doesn’t change the reality that Medicare for all will deny Americans the right to choose their insurance by eliminating employer-sponsored insurance.”
Passing a health bill could crowd out other legislative priorities. President Trump’s efforts to repeal and replace major parts of the Affordable Care Act in 2017 stretched well beyond his first 100 days and ultimately failed. And given the unpredictable nature of politics, a pledge to pass comprehensive Medicare for all legislation by the end of 2023 represents a somewhat distant goal.
“I think that it’s really unnecessary and potentially dangerous to try to split up something like Medicare for all into multiple bills,” said Dr. Adam Gaffney, the president of Physicians for a National Health Program, a group of doctors that supports a single-payer health care system. But he said he was pleased Ms. Warren was still advocating Medicare for all.
When Ms. Warren laid out her plan to finance a Medicare for all system earlier this month, she said that she would not increase taxes on middle-class families by “one penny.” Among other revenue sources, Ms. Warren would require employers to pay an amount similar to what they are currently spending on their employees’ health care, and she would raise taxes on the richest Americans, including by steepening her proposed wealth tax for billionaires.
Her transition plan did not come with its own detailed financing proposal, but it said the interim program would cost the federal government less than an eventual Medicare for all system and would be funded using some mix of the revenue sources she has already identified.
The plan also spells out a long list of administrative actions Ms. Warren would take to change the health care system, even if Democrats do not retake the Senate. She would roll back Trump administration regulations that have weakened the Affordable Care Act and broaden benefits in the existing Medicare program. She would also use executive authority to allow new generic versions of expensive drugs — such as insulins taken by patients with diabetes, treatments for hepatitis C and the overdose reversal drug Naloxone — in an effort to lower their prices.
As Ms. Warren has established herself as a leading candidate for the Democratic nomination, her opponents have frequently attacked her over health care, a top issue in the primary. For much of the fall, her refusal to say whether she would raise taxes on the middle class provided an opening for some of her rivals to paint her as cagey on a key issue.
Mr. Biden and Mr. Buttigieg have also argued their public option proposals are far more realistic than Ms. Warren’s plan for Medicare for all, emphasizing that her plan would take away people’s private health coverage.
Lis Smith, a senior adviser for Mr. Buttigieg’s campaign, described Ms. Warren’s transition plan as “a transparently political attempt to paper over a very serious policy problem, which is that she wants to force 150 million people off their private insurance — whether they like it or not.”
In the longer term, Ms. Warren’s embrace of Medicare for all would provide ammunition to Mr. Trump and his Republican allies if she became the Democratic nominee. Mr. Trump is already fond of equating Democratic approaches to health care with socialism.
Ms. Warren is a co-sponsor of Mr. Sanders’s Medicare for all legislation, which includes a four-year transition. Though his legislation is best known for its endpoint, it includes a detailed plan for moving from the current health care system to that final goal.
But Mr. Sanders’s transition relies on passing his entire plan. Ms. Warren, by contrast, has suggested splitting the process in two: starting with the transition plan and only later passing a full Medicare for all bill. And Mr. Sanders, unlike Ms. Warren, has declined to specify a detailed financing plan for his proposal.
Sahred From Source link Health
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allcheatscodes · 8 years ago
pokemon diamond nintendo ds
pokemon diamond nintendo ds
Pokemon Diamond cheats & more for Nintendo DS (DS)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Pokemon Diamond cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Nintendo DS (DS). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Nintendo DS cheats we have available for Pokemon Diamond.
Genre: Role-Playing, Third-Person 2D RPG Developer: Game Freak, Inc Publisher: Nintendo ESRB Rating: Everyone Release Date: April 22, 2007
First off, before I start, you need Oak’s Letter before you can do any of this. I’m not sure how to get it, so that’s up to you to figure it out. You can only catch Shaymin after you have beaten the Elite Four and the Champion. Once you have Oak’s Letter, go to the Pokemon League and enter the cave of Victory road. Make your way to the hole on the right of the first area. Navigate your way through the path and climb up the stairs and it will eventually lead you outside on Route 224. Go all the way north and you will find Professor Oak in front of a large rock. He will talk to you and ask you a question. Say his name, and he will say some more things. Then something similar to an earthquake happens and there will be a flash. Then you will see Shaymin and a new path that is covered with flowers that wasnt there before. Plus, the area you were standing becomes covered in flowers as well. Shaymin will run down that path. It is named Spring Path, and it is extremely long, but it is just a straight line, so I suggest you use your bike to get to the end quicker. Once you get to the end, which is known as flower paradise, you will see Shaymin. You should probably want to save your game. If you don’t have a Master Ball, stock up on Ultra Balls or Dusk Balls (for the night). Note: Shaymin will be at Level 30, so don’t bring all pokemon that are over level 60. Shaymin is a Grass pokemon, so try not to use really strong Ice or Fire attacks on it. It will not evolve, but it can change forms, but I think that’s only for in Platinum Version. Shaymin will be an awesome addition to your team.
To get Arceus, you first need to recieve an Azure Flute in a gift from the man with the green hair in any poke mart. Then, go up to Spear Pillar, walk one step forward, then play the Azure Flute. It will play a song, and then a secret staircase will appear in front of you. Save the game. Make sure that you have a LOT of ultra balls/ Dusk balls (if at night), because Arceus is the strongest pokemon that you can catch in ANY of the pokemon games, at a staggering level 80. One of its moves is Recover, which can be really annoying, so you will need good pokemon to keep weakening it without letting it die. At level 100, Areus learns a move called Judgment, which is an EXTREMELY powerful move. Also, Arceus’ Type can change depending on which plate you give it. For example: If you put a toxic plate or splash plate on Arceus, its type will change into poison or water type. This will work for any plate. Arceus will be a very strong asset to your team if you catch it.
Jirachi In Diamond
Here’s how to get jirachi, first requirement get the nt pokedex then beat elite 4 ten times then go to canalve city ride the boat to iron island defeat one hundred pokemon, then go to the right hand side look around and you will find jirachi bring lots of ultraballs and stuff.
Old Chateau
There is 5 things creepy about the old chateau, go there to see them (bring a pokemon with the move cut with you). If I where you, get some repels to help you get around. Let me start with the least creepiest. 1 . When you enter go straight, you should see a statue like the ones in gyms, click on it, it should say it is glaring. 2 . Got to the room upstairs in the door just above the statue, go to the first door to you left, there is a tv and when you click on it, it should say it it is staring ( beat the game and go to the tv at night, there’s a surprise, and brings some pokeballs too). 3 . Now from the room with the tv go out and go left twice, go in that room and there is a painting that is purple and blue, go near it, it is just colors, but if you walk away, there is red dot just like eyes. 4 . Ready to see ghosts? In the same rome with the painting go out and in and there might me a little girl from the rome to the right, she walk out and into the hallway, go out and she is not there, is she is not there, go in and out, in and out until she is there. 5 . Go to the room closest to the statue. There might be an old man that go towards the left and when you go to the left, he is not there. If he is not there, do the same as the little girl, in and out (there is a better chance you will see the girl then the man I heard). How you can tell there a ghost is if you look at there feet, they’re not moving. That all I found in there.
Gloom can be found on Routes 224, 229, and 230.
Catching VERY RARE Pokemon
Their is some pokemon that you wouldn’t believethere in the game of Diamond/Pearl. The 3 regis-after you beat the game and catchRegigigas, the 3 regis will appear randomly in thewild. The 3 birds-can be found randomly in the wild. Shaymin-Can only be given by going to TOYS-R-USfor the special event. Can also be caught by usingAction replay. Darkrai-can only be caught by getting the specialWI-FI event which allows you to get the to unlockthe vent, then going to the hotels at route 213. the lady will ask you to sleep. You will fall asleep. You will wake up at Fullmoon island. Their, you find Darkrai. Darkrai can also be found usingaction replay. The Origin Pokemon, Arceus-first of all, I wouldlike to say that I adore Arceus for being thestrongest legendary and being able to switch toany kind of pokemon type. But, sad;y, the onlyknown way to catch Arceus is to use Acton Replay. Giratina-Giratina can be found in Turnback Cave, in the Spring Path. Palkia-Palkia can be acquired from PearlManaphy-can be acquired from Pokemon Ranger. Phione-can be acquired from Pokemon Ranger. Heatran-Heatran can be found at Stark Mountain. Dialga-Can be found during the stary line ofPokemon Diamond Raqyuaza, Groudon, and Kyogre-Can e acquired fromMigrating pokemon from Ruby, Saphire, And Emerald. The 3 dogs-can be acquired from Fire Red, LeafGreen, Ruby, Saphire, and Emerald though the gamePokemon Colliseum. Lugia-can be acquired from Fire red, Leaf green, Ruby, Saphire, and Emerald through the game ofPokemon:XD Gale Of Darkness. Mewtwo-can be acquired from Fire Red and Leaf Green. These are all the known Pokemon that are very rarethat you can get from the game Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Rby, Saphire, Fire red, and Leef green. Thepokemons Mew and Deoxys. These are also all the Known pokemon that are rare.
Origin Giratina
You first need to catch Giratina in the Spring Path’s cave. Go back to the place where you caught Giratina (keep going forward until you get to the third pillar, then the place should be in the room behind that third pillar) There will be a dark portal. Click A in front of it and it will warp you into some place that I think is called Torn World. Walk along the path (which by the way makes you jump onto different angles of land) and keep going until you see a poke ball. That pokeball will have an item in it. This item will be called the Platinum Orb, I don’t know why though, because it isn’t shaped like an orb. Go back the way you came and warp back to the cave. If you go down 2 times from inside the rooms, it should lead you back to outside where you entered. Then, give the Platinum Orb to Giratina, and it will change into Origin Giratina. Origin Giratina is different from the regular Giratina because the Attack and Defense are switched as well as the Sp. Attack and Sp. Defense, and It’s ability will be changed from Pressure to Levitate. It’s Speed and HP do not change, though.
Get Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, and Hitmontop
To get Hitmonlee your Trougue’s attack has to be stronger than its defense. To get Hitmonchan your Trougue’s defense has to be stronger than its attack. To get Hitmontop your Trougue’s attack and defense have to be equal.
Find Drapion And Toxicroak
After you beat the elite four, you can catch Drapion and Toxicroak in the Great Marsh.
Note: You do not need Action Replay for this. To get to Darkrai, you need a lot of skill for this. First, go to Canalave and rapidly left and right alternately while holding up and your game will get a void that you can walk through, so go to Fullmoon Island and head east for a while and you will get to New Moon Island. Darkrai will be there waiting for you. Good luck, because Darkrai loves to put you to sleep.
Togepi can be found on route 230 using the pokeradar.
Elekid can be found on route 204, and Valley Windworks.
How To Find Giratrina The Legendary Pokemon
To find Giratrina you have to get the Nat. Pokedex. After that go to spring path south of Veilstone. Climb up the rocks and go to the other side then climb down the to the water. there should be a cave entrance go in. After that go up the stairs and go to the door to the south. Just keep going through the south doors until you get to Giratrina.
How To Get Dilga Twice
If you want to battle Dilga, even if you killed it already, you can come back to the spear pillar and try again. Then save. Then gets lots of poke balls or make him sleep to make it easier to catch him.
Moving While Watering The Plants
When you pour water on the plant just move the other way and you did it but you have to move to the other soile but it really makes it take longer.
To catch Shadinja (which has wonder guard) you have to go to eterna forest (after getting the national pokedex) and use the poke-radar. When you find a Nincada in a grass patch, catch it. Buy 1 poke-ball and leave a spot in your party open. Level Nincada up to level 20 and let it evolve into Ninjask. If you left a spot open in your party and had a pokeball, Shedinja is all yours! (It is a Ghost-bug type)Wonder Guard: Shields the pokemon from any attack except for super-effective moves.
H.M. Locations
H . m . Rock smash:is received from a hiker in a tunnel. h. m . Cut:is received from cynthia in the second CITY. h. m . Fly:is dropped by a galactic grunt AFTER you beat him. h. m . D-fog:is in the great marsh. h. m . Surf:is in celestic town with an old hag. (beat the grunt FIRST). h. m . Strength:is at the TOP of the lost tower with an old lady. (talk to both, it will help you get out). h. m . Rock climb:is by a house on route 216. (it snows here). h. m . Waterfall is given to you by a johto lady on sunnyshore beach AFTER you beat the gym leader. Do this right and you should have EVERY h. m . In the game! Good luck.
Clefairy can be found on Mt. Coronet.
When you look on your pokedex to see where Gibleis, it says it is in Wayward cave. Well, it is, but just not at the entrance that you wouldnormally go through. There is actually a secretpassage under cycling road. Go under cycling roadand go up as far as you can. Make your way toevery possible place at the edges to the cavethere is under the road. There will be an openingand it will go to a secret passage to Waywardcave. It might take a while, but you can be ableto catch a Gible. The Gible in Wayward cave areusually around Level 15, and can knock themselvesout with a move that has recoil damage. Gible willbe great to your team, as it evolves into Gabiteand then into Garchomp, a powerful Dragon pokemon. You can also find useful items in the secretpassage like Earthquake, which you can use onGible to make it an even stronger addition to yourteam.
Meowth can be found in the Prized Garden using thepokeradar.
Oddish can be found on Routes 229 and 230.
Golbat can be found on Mt Coronet, Victory Road, Stark Mountain, Iron Island, the Lost tower, Snowpoint Temple, Spring Path, Route 203 and 204, and Route 227 (Night).
Zubat can be found on Mt. Coronet, Iron Island, Wayward Cave, Oreburgh Coal Mine, Routes 203 and204, and at the Lost Tower.
Rattata can be found on routes 225 and 226.
Fearow can be found on Routes 225, 226, and 227.
Spearow can be found on Routes 225 and 226.
Dugtrio can be found on Route 228.
Exeggcute can be found in the Safari Zone.
Dark Portal
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl said that there is a “Dark Portal” you need to go through to change Giratina. You need to have Giratina with you, I think, and the place where the portal is at this writing where it says (I’ll CAP the place where I got the idea that the portal is here), “This is. That where life sparkles. That where life has faded. A PLACE where TWO WORLDS OVERLAP.”
Dusknoir And Mismagius
You can only get these pokemon by trade. First, you need to give a reaper cloth to either Dusclops or Misdreavus. Trade it, and they will evolve into new pokemon.
Evolutions Of Kirlia
Kirlia can evolve into two different forms. You can level Kirlia up the regular way and evolve it into a Gardevoir. However, if you have a male Kirlia, you have the option to evolve it into Gardevoir or give it a Dawn Stone and evolve it into a Gallade. Gallade is a Psychic and Fighting Type, which makes it a great addition to your team.
You can get a Lickilicky by evolving a Lickitung.
New Pokemon
There are many new pokemon that you can get after recieving the national pokedex. Here are most of them: Lickilicky – Evolves from Lickitung Magmortar – Evolves from Magmar Gliscor – Evolves from Gligar (holding Razor Fang. Lvl up at night) Probopass – Evolves from Nosepass at Mt. Coronet Mamoswine – Evolves from Poliswine Porygon-Z – Evolves from Porygon2 (i think) Dusknoir – Evolves from Dusclops (i think) Leafeon – Evolves in Eterna forest from Eevee near the moss covered rock Glaceon – Evolves from Eevee at the icy rock somewhere south of Snowpoint City Tangworth – Evolves from Tangela after you teach it Ancient Power and Lvl. 33, then lvls. Up one more time Yanmega – same evolution as Tangela except it evolves from Yanma Frosslass – Evolves from a FEMALE Snorunt after you use a DAWN stone on it. Togekiss – Evolves from Togetic (first form of evolution is Togepi) Magnezone – Evolves from Magneton.
You can get a Magmortar by evolving a Magmar.
Evolutions (After Elite Four)
After you have beaten the Elite Four, new pokemon will show up in Sinnoh, in grass, etc. or from new trainers. Here are the evolutions: Pidgey – Pidgeotto – Pidgeot Rattata – Raticate Spearow – Fearow Sandshrew – Sandslash Nidoran (Female) – Nidorina – Nidoqueen Nidoran (Male) – Nidorino – Nidoking Vulpix – Ninetales Oddish – Gloom – Vileplume/Bellossom Mankey – Pimeape Growlithe – Arcanine Poliwag – Poliwhirl – Poliwrath Bellsprout – Weepinbell – Victreebel Slowpoke – Slowbro – Slowking Magnemite – Magneton Doduo – Dodrio Seel – Dewgong Grimer – Muk Voltorb – Electrode Exeggcute – Exeggutor Cubone – Marowak Drowzee – Hypno Koffing – Weezing Rhyhorn – Rhydon Horsea – Seadra – Kingdra Staryu – Starmie Scyther – Scizzor Tyrogue – Hitmonchan/Hitmonlee/Hitmontop Eevee – Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/ Umbreon/Espeon/ Glaceon/Leaveon Dratini – Dragonair – Dragonite Chinchou – Lanturn Natu – Xatu Mareep – Flaafy – Ampharos Yanma – Yanmega Wynaut – Wobbuffet Snubbul – Granbull Teddiursa – Ursurang Slugma – Magcargo Phanpy – Donphan Swinub – Poliswine Larvitar – Pupitar – Tyrannitar Diglet – Dugtrio Treecko – Grovyle – Sceptile Torchic – Combusken – Blaziken Mudkip – Marshtomp – Swampert Venonat – Venomoth Poochyena – Mightyena Zigzagoon – Linoone Lotad – Lombre – Ludicolo Seedot – Nuzleaf – Shiftry Taillow – Swellow Ralts – Kirlia – Gardevoir Togepi – Togetic Shroomiah – Breloom Surskit – Masquerain Slakoth – Vigoroth – Slaking Nincada – Ninjask – Shedinja Whismur – Loudred – Exploud Makuhita – Hariyama Nosepass – Probopass Gligar – Gliscar Skitty – DelcattyvAron – Lairon – Aggron Gulpin – Swalot Wailmer – Wailord Numel – Camerupt Spoink – Grumpig Trapich – Vibrava – Flygon Cacnea – Cacturne Swablu – Altaria Corpish – Crawdaunt Baltoy – Claydol Shuppet – Banette Tangela – Tangworth Snorunt – Glalie/Frosslass Igglybuff – Jigglypuff – Wigglytuff Duskull – Dusclops Spheal – Sealeo – Walrein Clamperl – Huntail/Gorebyss Bagon – Shelgon – Salamence Beldum – Metang – Metagross Also, the new pokemon that don’t evolve: Heatran – Fire/Steel Type Cresselia – Psychic Type Giratina – Dragon/Ghost Type Rotom – Electric/Ghost Type Luvdisc – Water Type Absol – Dark Type Tropius – Grass/Flying Type Keckleon – Normal type Lunatone – Rock/Psychic Type Solrock – Rock/Psychic Type Seviper – Poison Type Spinda – Normal type Torkoal – Fire Type Farfetch’d – Normal/Flying Type Volbeat – Bug Type Illumise – Bug Type Minun – Electric type Plusle – Electric Type Mawile – Steel Type Sableye – Ghost/Dark Type Miltank – Normal Type Stantler – Normal Type Skarmory – Steel/Flying Type Corsola – Rock/Water Type Dunsparce – Normal Type Girafarig – Normal/Psychic Type Tauros – Normal Type Pinsir – Bug Type Kangaskhan – Normal Type Lickitung – Normal Type
The evolution of pokemon varies when it happens with different species. Here are the evolutions of the pokemon you see in Sinnoh before you’ve beaten the Elite Four:Chimchar – Monferno – Infernape Turtwig – Grotle – Torterra Piplup – Prinplup – Empoleon Starly – Staravia – Staraptor Bidoof – Bibarel Kricketot – Kricketune Shinx – Luxio – Luxray Abra – Kadabra – Alakazam Magikarp – Gyrados Budew – Roselia – Roserade Zubat – Golbat – Crobat Geodude – Graveler – Golem Onix – Steelix Cranidos – Rampardos Shieldon – Bastiodon Machop – Machoke – Machamp Psyduck – Golduck Burmy – Wormadam – Mothim Wurmple – Silcoon/Cascoon – Beautifly/Dustox Combee – Vespiqueen Buizel – Floatzel Cherubi – Cherrim Shellos – Gastrodon Aipom – Abipom Drifloon – Drifblim Buneary – Lopunny Gastly – Haunter – Gengar Misdreavus – Mismagius Murkrow – Honchkrow Glameow – Purugly Goldeen – Seaking Barboach – Whiscash Stunky – Skuntank Meditite – Medicham Bronzor – Bronzong Ponyta – Rapidash Bonsly – Sudowoodo Mime Jr. – Mr. Mime Happiny – Chansey – Blissey Cleffa – Clefairy – Clefable Pichu – Pikachu – Raichu Hoothoot – Noctowl Gible – Gabite – Garchomp Munchlax – Snorlax Riolu – Lucario Wooper – Quagsire Wingull – Pelipper Hippopotas – Hippowdon Azurill – Marill – Azumarill Skorupi – Drapion Croagunk – Toxicroak Remoraid – Octillery Finneon – Lumineon Tentacool – Tentacruel Feebas – Milotic Mantyke – Mantine Snover – Abomasnow Sneasel – Weavile There are also some pokemon that don’t evolve at all. These pokemon are: Pachirisu – Electric Type Heracross – Bug/Flying Type Chingling – Psychic Type Chimecho – Psychic Type Spiritomb – Ghost Type Unown – Psychic Type Carnivine – Grass Type Uxie – Psychic Type Mesprit – Psychic Type Azelf – Psychic Type Dialga – Dragon/Steel Type Palkia – Dragon/Water Type
Poliwhirl can be found on routes 225, 226, and 228.
Bellsprout And Weepinbell
Bellsprout and Weepinbell can be found on routes 229 and 230. Weepinbell can also be found on route 224.
Use a Dusk Stone on Murkrow and it will evolve.
Go to Canalave City after you have beaten the Elite Four and After you use the ferry to go to the Battle Zone. Go to the house with the little boy that is always ‘hyper’ near the boat that leads to iron island. You will see that he has a fever. Either the mom or dad will ask you to go to FullMoon Island and get the item that will heal their boy’s nightmares. After you go there, you will meet Cresselia, who will flee right away and drop the item needed for the little boy. Like Mesprit, Cresselia will move all around Sinnoh like a hide and seek game. When you enocunter it again, its your chance to catch it. I suggest you transfer a pokemon holding a master ball from pokemon emerald, etc. For you to catch in the pal park so you can use that master ball to ctach Cresselia. Without the Master Ball, it will be extremely difficult to catch Cresselia. If you catch it, it will be a great asset to your team.
Get Eevee
After you finish the game and you get the National Pokedex, go to Bebe’s house in Hearthome City next to the Poffin House and she will give you an Eevee.
Find Pineco
Pineco can be found at route 204 and Eterna Forest using pokemon radar.
Find Tyrogue
Tyrouge can be found at route 208.
Wobbuffet can be found at Vrity lakefront using pokemon radar.
Venomoth can be found at route 229 using pokemon radar.
Mightyena can be found at route 214.
Jigglypuff can be found at trophy garden.
Chimchar evolves into Monferno at lv.14
Gym Statue
To get the Gym statue you must beat all 8 gyms. Then go to hearthome city and go to the guy next to the church. He will give you the item, then it will go to your PC underground.
Use a dawn stone on a female Snrount and it willevolve into Frosslass.
Teach Yanma ancient power on lv 33 (If it’s pastlv 33 and does not know ancient power, go to theman in Pastoria City and give him a heart scalefor it to learn the move). Level it up one moretime and it will evolve.
Teach Tangela Ancient Power at lv 33 (If it’s pastlv 33 and does not know ancient power, give themove tutor in Pastoria City a heart scale). Levelit up one more time and it will evolve.
Attach a magmarizer to Magmar (Evolves from Magbyat lv 30). Trade it and it will evolve immediatelyafter the trade.
Attach an electrilizer to Electabuzz (Evolves fromElekid at lv 30). Trade it and it will evolveimmediately after the trade.
Attach a protector to a Rhydon (can be found on Stark Mountain). Trade it and it will evolve immediately after the trade.
To get Crobat you need to evolve Golbat by friendship between the hours of 4am-6pm. Mine evolved at level 75 so it might take a while
Amity Square Items (Hearthome City)
Every 200 steps you take your Pokemon walking with you will be holding an item. All pokemon get different items. (NOTE: Cute Pokemon you need- Clefairy, Drifloon, Pachirisu, Psyduck, Pikachu, Buneary, and Happiny.
Starly can be found on routes 201, 202, 203, 204,209, 212, and Lake Verity.
Bidoof can be found on routes 201, 202, 203, 204,205, 208, 211, Lake Verity, and in the Safari Game.
Kricketot can be found on routes 202, 203, 204,and 207 (morning and night only).
Shinx can be found on routes 202, 203, 204, andthe Fuego Ironworks.
Budew can be found on routes 204, 212, the EternaForest, and the Safari Game.
Shieldon can be revived from the Armor Fossil.
Burmy can be found from sweet honey trees.
Combee can be found from sweet honey trees.
Pachirusu can be found on route 205, the FuegoIronworks, and the Valley Windworks.
Buizel can be found on routes 205, 213, 214, andthe Valley Windworks.
Cherubi can be found from sweet honey trees.
Shellos can be found on routes 205, 213, 218, 221,224, the Fuego Ironworks, and the ValleyWindworks. Also, in the west of Sinnoh it’s pinkand the east of Sinnoh has blue.
Drifloon can be found at the Valley Windworks (Friday during the daytime only).
Buneary can be found in the Eterna Forest.
Misdreavus can be found in the Eterna Forest and the Lost Tower at night.
Glameow can be found on routes 218 and 212.
Chingling can be found on route 211, Lake Valor, Mt. Coronet, and Lake Acuity.
Bronzor can be found on route 206, Wayward Cave, Turnback Cave, and Mt. Coronet.
Bonsly can be found on routes 209 and 210, and the Pokemon Mansion.
Mime Jr.
Mime Jr. Can be found in the pokemon mansion.
Chatot can be found on routes 222 and 224 (morning and day only).
Yanma can be found in the Safari Zone.
Eevee can be found at The Pokemon Mansion or receive one from Mizuki in Hearthome City.
Gligar can be found on routes 206, 207, 214, 215, and 227, and Stark Mountain.
Swinub can be found in a swarm on route 217.
Porygon can be found in the pokemon mansion.
Ralts can be found on routes 203 and 204 using the pokeradar.
Nosepass can be found in a swarm on route 206.
Duskull can be found on route 224 using the pokeradar.
Snorunt can be found on routes 216 and 217 and Lake Aucity Surroundings using the pokeradar.
Rotom can be found in the Old Chateau Tv (at night) There is only 1, so save the game first.
Spiritomb can be found in the Sprit Tower (You must have the odd keystone and talking to 32 people in Sinnoh underground).
Gible can be found in the Wayward cave.
Munchlax can be found from sweet honey trees.
To catch Riolu, you must hatch the egg given to you on Iron Mountain.
Hippopotas can be found in The Ruin Maniac’s cave.
Skorupi can be found in the Safari Zone.
Croagunk can be found in the Safari Zone.
Carnivine can be found in the Safari Zone.
Finneon can be found on routes 205, 218, 219, 220, and 221, the Fuego Ironworks, Iron Mountain, Canalave City, and Valley Windworks (you must have the good rod).
Mantyke can be found on route 223 and Sunshine City (You must have surf).
Snover can be found on routes 216 and 217, at Lake Aucity Surroundings, and Mt. Coronet’s top.
Sneasel can be found on routes 216 and 217, the Snowpoint Temple, and Lake Aucity.
Magnemite can be found in a swarm at the Fuego Ironworks.
Lickitung can be found in a swarm at Lake Valor.
Rhyhorn can be found on route 227 and at Stark Mountain.
Tangela can be found in a swarm at Mt. Coronet’s Top.
Magby can be found on route 227 and Stark Mountain.
The Best Starter
The best starter is probably Turtwig. Why, you ask? Well, when he evolves into Torterra, he is a Grass/Ground Type, making it double super effective against Empoleon (grass kill water, ground kill steel) and super effective against Infernape (ground kill fire).
Starter Breeding
You can breed your starters by placing them in the day-care (in Soleceon Town) with a Ditto. This process also works with Lucario.
Getting The Event
To get the Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl Event to catch rare Pokemon like Arseus, Shaymin, and Darkrai, you’ll need to have three people to connect Mystery gift with you. Then, it should say that you have been given a gift. Next, go to a PokeMart and find the PokeMart with a man in green clothes. Then, once you find him, talk to him and he should give you the Azure Flute, and all the other Events to catch certain Pokemon. Also, at Hearthome city, the route under it where the garden is, they’ll let you in the special door.
How To Shine Your Bages
First you hit the X button. The go to your trainer card. Then click the light blue button on the bottom screen. Now you should see your badges. Now use your stylis by rubbing the badges until they are all shinny and sparkly.
Extra Damage
For extra damage when you attack just press L rapidly.
Riolu Evolution
Riolu evolves into Lucario.
Heatran can be found by going to the place in Stark mountain where the treasure is found. Once there, a person will steal it. Then go to the survival area and talk to the person who stole it. After that, go back to the place where you found the treasure and Heatran will be there.
Easy Large Spheres
If you bury several of the same color sphere in the exact same spot you will get a bigger sphere of that color. I’ve done this and have several blue, green, and red spheres that are 99!
Turtwig Evolution
Turtwig turns into Grotle at level 18.
Riolu’s Evolution
You can evolve Riolu with a friendship evolution between 4am to 6pm.
How To Get HM-Rock Smash
Go to the cave that takes you to Orenburg, talk to the hiker (not a trainer) and he will give you the HM rock smash.
Capture The Flag
At a one point of the story line you will come to a house with a man inside saying he dug up a tunnel. Then he will ask you to link with a friend to play capture the flag.
My Favorite Action Replay Codes
Max Cash (Press L+R)94000130 FCFF0000B21C4D28 00000000B0000004 00000000000002E4 000F423FD2000000 00000000Steal Other Trainer's Pokemon9223B5FA 000021011223b4fa 00002100D2000000 00000000Repels Last 999 Steps94000130 1 Hit Kill (Press Select Before Attack)94000130 000003fb62106fc0 00000000b2106fc0 000000001004868c 00000001d2000000 00000000999 Rare Candies 94000130 FCFF0000B21C4D28 00000000B0000004 0000000000000DAC 03E70032D2000000 00000000999 Master Balls 94000130 fcff0000b21c4d28 00000000b0000004 0000000000000f4c 03e70001d2000000 00000000HAPPY CHEATING! RATE PLEASE!
In-game Reset
Press L+R+start+select.
Some Of My Most Favorite AR Cheats
Here are some of my favorite AR cheats!
All Poketch apps:94000130 fcff0000b21c4d28 00000000 b0000004 00000000200013b8 00000003 200013b9 00000019e00013bb 00000018 01010101 0101010101010101 01010101 01010101 01010101200013d3 00000001 d2000000 00000000-------------------------------------Shiny Pokemon (all pokemon are shiny):12068ac6 000046c0--------------------------------------1 hit kill in battle (press select beforeattack):94000130 000003fb 62106fc0 00000000b2106fc0 00000000 1004868c 00000001 d2000000 00000000-----------------------------------------------------
Awesome Working Pokesav
(tested just copy paste onto ar code manager sorry its so long)94000130 FCFF0000 B21C4D28 00000000 B0000004 00000000 E0000304 000000EC A9B4FAF3 5831206C 0EE0C0D9 FC992254 2E3718F6 7505BA87 0BE5FFC3 2058FD4F 7B2EA1C8 0AA9FE9B 09E05AD5 196D3C2E DD1C8F74 BFEE08F8 837A0A0E 5DB08ABA 278608FA 50B4FE0E 17F606E6 3A71B68C 644A9400 752C0B0E E76680F7 097ADE78 5D31E037 EB3A8D7E 29C68A09 0C1A2356 627AA557 150B8CCB A15E04F8 871DF408 5CAC1C97 05A41ABC CA971177 0BBE403C 67AFC991 0F23C331 841B83BD C547B584 1A1744B7 523CA197 D9B46CB0 3616EC3E 3EBD0C2F 64A42692 AF8BA6B4 29A49602 A1A76ABD 6DD2B573 6914D1B7 0664FF85 53E73D7B 1AA42A00 0E856320 273120F3 23E4CED0 AC75A6AE 4353D7AA 00000000 E00003F0 000000EC E802E801 C3D10000 AB3EC041 772AFF34 B051C616 E30A0469 C15880D0 3A45AD70 0A1AC4E1 78FC1117 2EAC4CD6 64E9BAE1 FFB5483E 500FE168 B5240817 FA9B0C39 5A751EC4 D7666582 0C3D9CF4 9506B38A 571032DA 979AB4B9 43761603 4EA59D71 9CA1408B 9B827DD7 62D34EE4 C3F54336 EF3F50D9 8926722E AEAF4E63 586891FD E2B19D72 60D6CC88 64E25DB3 68684738 BF717ABC F13CCCBE 780A8ED6 BF071A5D AEB40F09 ADA828CE 9D19B616 02E15E6B 0110D4AC D75A714C 0EDD6242 780BBA8F 9BC7418C 7BEE0259 4CE95622 80F6081B DF49505F C43E4B16 DD29538B 0985D720 549DDA3B 85DA19A7 635D7CF8 00000000 E00004DC 000000EC 6BF66BF5 946D0000 C91CA624 4B08B9F1 7A981F53 D1AD999A 24E85A5F A06D895F E164E04F CB903194 F1FBBCB4 0BE173FE D34B924F 6A449DBA 9FD4832B 3E36ABA7 D2D68400 03A20C33 6EE33BB2 4E68A4ED FFBE564C D0AADD9F 754298C9 9D01007A 68584DE4 F96D6C3A 77DBD6EC C5FDA44F FB7EE5C7 05C766F4 B005136E B03C1A5D 5F193767 35668ED3 698CC14E EB36D5F0 59576307 48EC60F9 BAF3B0B5 92FD2110 17894885 2E0E83E1 34A5B663 A5779B0A 0007380B 809E9DD7 A6E5B1E3 C7EFE59E B54A7432 31CBA600 4E2CB702 2ABFE56E D0BDF04D 2CF879EE 7F006857 1AF60E1F F9A0B059 9180727A A4FCDF5F 00000000 E00005C8 000000EC 29C429C5 CE3F0000 A777C368 FF891F3C 54C341C4 1B28D3B7 64C5DD26 BFD9D9D1 1A39ACFE 0A23D787 7709C3BB 72A71517 1615E473 2DCD316A FBCB81C9 D1C13DCE 34D82492 7200034B F67269F8 88B9289E 84C3063A D3343CE2 30BD8EF6 FFC6DFA4 26755968 54D470C1 D4D9BF24 7349D3DD CB78D8E1 05294194 AC7A6431 D2E346F0 5280A6CF 191D4E36 C4BEE09E 689ACE01 701AC830 05B307A6 CC22EFD6 CB65D265 48F97FA8 0BEF6D7E D9B3C5E9 345B07A3 F5C13570 41EE3752 13FF37B9 B3BEF720 7F6F5AB5 F4AC6F01 9449C5AA 70900DC5 BA561856 C8B6B6E5 B07E185A DB890880 FD9ED0D6 938EFD9F 9A9F0850 00000000 E00006B4 000000EC D8FCD8FD ABBE0000 FB514791 3163ACD0 4F192B36 E1917CCE 669F2027 91F4AF90 196A4625 7721A50B 09614A1A 85A46750 2AB6FD25 DA17997B B15D8E68 39046A40 7284DC5D 310FCE10 0072E574 B7684FCC 30C4E009 13DB6E47 D2B6D6C0 CC0B6F8D B6006B64 EDA3C71A 1B10DECE 274A6312 BEFE191A 1F0F68C8 3EBC8455 0FAA3E08 D658D963 94F61503 0DD57E73 5756E07D DFBB14FE 861A029F D43A8A9A 9E411618 B9818E9E 7FAED90C BB25EBCB 3B08E82E 713414DE 8F86658E 5A673902 A9ECBEEB 2817192B 91FC5879 6ACFFA7E FB2D1FE4 741D5AEF 6C9A4B94 81A84C2B F43CCA32 858798B8 D95C266B 1FCF175B 00000000 E00007A0 000000EC 1BF51BF1 95740000 BE513919 D51FBB85 21D83262 B8400E42 F4F23BBB 4D04DD45 A6961E65 DC41E431 ACF10921 45AC4918 EF6F76F3 9BDD3404 C73E4D50 559C99A9 BC8605E6 FFFAFA47 12434345 27809179 7EC840FD 9DBA34D6 9AD56EC6 FF557CD5 BF3523BF D819E4CD 97FCB8D0 47B29894 B00A5C8D 424E3ABE 1B4239E4 4948E3CC 3CE322ED 6FD2095C 24576346 5A303B8B 07FEF45C 830966A4 F2262DB5 F2F0A7E1 720F6C41 754792A0 22CD6F4A ACF919C5 BB7177FE F3ED8642 191777A5 2D4A96C0 F04B94F6 3A29C69D F2E2B4BB 058B0138 7F07E8B4 5B8D456B 2B93E8BC FFD9FD58 C5A2FA2A B7600E68 9362E979 00000000 20000300 00000000 E000154C 00000124 FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF 00001FFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF 00001FFF 70000000 00000000 00000000 08050000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00032000 00000000 02000000 00000000 08000000 80000000 00800000 20000000 00000080 7FFFFFFF FFFFFFFC FFFFFFFF 7FFFF9FF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFE7FF FFFFFFFF FEFFFFFF FFFFFFFF EFFFFFFF DFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FBFFFFFF 00FFFFFF 00000000 00000000 03020100 07060504 0B0A0908 0F0E0D0C 13121110 17161514 1B1A1918 00000000 D2000000 00000000.
Ho-oh Slot 6 (Action Replay Code)
94000130 FCFF0000B21C4D28 00000000B0000004 00000000E00007A0 000000EC00000001 507D0000C3CE16AC 72925ACE30F21045 3CEB3BC08D91EE00 8AD3D750F0C917D4 D03F5DD1F98261D9 3D3E97CB8D55675F B7DA623E89C7B877 94753229CC613CBA 7912194A15DF435D 262731986063CB2B 1B2FAD7C8864F980 32342DCE4B0AD8C0 F1EEEF20F4DEBDB8 AA9E0500DB8309A5 37FFC8C5ED061D0C C3760A1BFD31A5DC 7988C3BEAC2141C6 1D0BD28AB4147B5F 35054846DCF50E91 92F95736223B7937 2B1BA63E7DBEC167 006E4E6BC32A2FD8 FD182D541445EF82 D793BB968BD4CE98 A85758D7EC74D431 26D8540968A98C29 C1B333EBD8372D49 062303D5EEB0FDA5 0AB9A8B3474E9945 0000000020000300 00000006D2000000 00000000
Bellossom And Vileplume
If you use a SunStone or a LeafStone on a Gloom it will evolve into a Bellossom or a Vileplume.
To get Giratina (the ghost and dragon legendary)you need a national dex. Then go to return cave.
Attach a Razor Fang to Sneasel level it up to 70and then it evolves.
Pokemon League
You need to get all the badges to get into the Pokemon League.
Drifloon evolves into Drifblim at level 28
Get Cranidos
To get Cranidos, revive it from the Skull Fossil.
Get a gastly and envolve it at level 29.
How To Get Arceus
To get Arceus you have to get an Azure Flute in mystery event and take it up to Spear Pillar step on the block that has a triangle in it and play then stairs will appear and there you go Arceus is lv. 80 be careful
Unlock PalPark
To unlock pal park all you have to do is finish your pokedex.
Get Uxie, Mesprit, And Azelf
After you free the 3 legendaries from team galactic, you must catch Dialga (or Palkia) and battle him. Once he is saved you can revisit the lakes where they are found and they will be there. They are all level 50 and somewhat a tough catch so bring lots of pokeballs (I don’t know if this is true but the way I caught them) I recommend bringing 20 great balls for Uxie, 10 Dusk balls for Azelf, and 1 Master Ball for Mesprit because Mesprit floats away and you have to chase him down. Once you see Mesprit you only get 1 turn before he flees. Uxie and Azelf stay in the caves on the lakes, Mesprit is the only one that doesn’t.
Dread Plate
To obtain the Dread Plate go into one of the rooms in the Old Chateau.
GTS – Global Trading Station
To get into the GTS, you must first get a badge.The GTS is west of Joylife City (city where you get the Poketch). You go through the little tunnel where you get the old rod.
After battling or capture Dialga, go to Lake ValorAzelf will be there. He is at Lv.50. He is PSYCHICtype. Bring lots of balls. Be sure to save.
After battling or capture Dialga, go to Lake Verity he will appear. Once, you battle him, he runs off. His location appears on your PokeTech in the map. He will appear random in the grass. Heis at Lv.50. He is PSYCHIC Type. Bring lots of balls. Be sure to save.
After battling or capture Dialga. Go to Lake Acuity, where Uxie is. You can battle him. First save, if you defeat him. His level is Lv.50. Bring lots of balls.
Go to Mt. Coronet. You have to battle with Team Galaxy grunts then you battle Admins and then you battle the boss. Dialga will be awakened. Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit will be around Dialga. Then you can battle Dialga. His level is Lv.47. This is a straight battle after the Team Galaxys and you don’t have time to heal.
Easter eggs
Eggs In Half The Time
Eggs take a long time to hatch, right? You just want them to hatch. Well, try having a pokemon like Slugma, or Macargo in your party. Any egg you have in your party should hatch in half the time.
Currently we have no glitches for Pokemon Diamond yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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Currently no guide available.
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Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
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