#also watch sao abridged guys season 2 is so fucking fire for doing this
kiwinatorwaffles · 8 months
one thing that has always been a slight pet peeve of mine is people calling characters sibling-coded Just because of their banter. i know a lot of people have healthy relationships with their siblings but i’m sure a lot of people with complicated relationships to their siblings might agree with this sentiment
most of the time, being siblings isn’t just silly banter. it's a complicated relationship with a lot of pain. i cant stand you but i cant imagine a life without you. i dont even know if we'd be friends if we weren't forced to live together. do i truly love you or is it just the blood in our veins. you know me better than most people in the world but you don’t truly know who i am. i miss you so much from the time we were so close and i don’t know what i can do to bring that back. do you think about me like i think about you?
but yeah maybe the sibling coding is right sometimes they do just stand outside your room, say “penis,” and then leave without explanation
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