#also wanna play around with evidentiality
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velaraffricate · 4 months ago
thw world when im working on a conlang again
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thattimdrakeguy · 4 years ago
I am very sorry for what you are going through, think that in adittion to that unpleasant people who attack you, there are also many more who enjoy, respect and follow your content, and want the best for you. I really like your reviews and opinions, and although I do not always agree with you, I respect and validate your opinion as much as anyone's because that is to be respectful with others and have common sense.--
--You should not take into account what people who are unable to respect another human being like them say, that they cannot even separate reality from fiction, all for a simple opinion different from theirs about a FICTIONAL CHARACTER, you cannot even take them seriously. If those people need to insult, despise and make someone feel less for a reason like that, it simply speaks of how miserable they are as humans on and off the internet.--
Please don't take into account what these people say, listen to those who appreciate you and show respect. I hope you feel better and I am sorry for what is happening in your life, but you can always forward with your will and the people around you.(Hugs)
I only read these ones this morning, or afternoon more accurately cause I have a very bad sleep schedule for weeks cause I been playing video games too late into the day, but I’m slowly working on it. I’m just really bad at it.
And all I can really say to accurately give my reaction to it, was that it was something I definitely needed to read first thing in the morning. If it wasn’t for those messages yesterday, and a friend helping me out I may not have even been calmed down enough to go to bed at all. I could’ve easily not gone to sleep literally at all and had been even worse today because of it to the point of having another meltdown of a day.
Like I don’t wanna make myself sound too good, because if I did, I’d feel like I was lying, because my mind feels like a bloody nose filled up with tissue paper, if that even makes a darling lick of comprehension.
I find it so entirely weird, and patronizing, and frustrating how the fandom can be, if not worse. Like I say something unpopular, I do it a lot, probably with literally every freaking character. Even Tim, because I know that quite a few Tim fans don’t like me either.
I don’t read every comic and go “Oh this must just be how it works”, because that’s not how my brain is wired. I’m Autistic, I go in-depth, I do a lot of research, that is how I am wired when I get a hyperfixation, I want to know everything. So I say a lot of unpopular stuff because I don’t just accept things, because I don’t work that way.
But it goes like this when it comes to people just being miserable, they have to make me out to either be a bigot or bias, they either don’t even read what I say, or just don’t acknowledge what I say.
My biggest point they will leave out completely to focus on other things that are either completely irrelevant and just there to make me look bad even though it doesn’t really make sense what it has to do anything once you think about it a lick more, or just make me look straight up like a crappy person.
I got really ranty and rambly after this, and I try not to take up people’s dashboards as much. So I��ll put this here. If it’ll work, cause one time I don’t think it did, and it made me panic once cause I felt really bad. But it just would not show up.
Because trying to make a bad face out of a real life living person isn’t that bad, compared to the horrors of having to acknowledge the arcs and actions that their favorite character been through evidentially.
Sorry to say and everything, but I don’t see how on Earth Tim cheating on Ariana has anything to do with a literal whole other arc of Steph being abusive and doing really horrible things, or all those “teases” that were actually flirts that were making Tim genuinely uncomfortable to the point of sexual harassment, and told her not to do, which she didn’t actually always listen to sometimes, surprisingly to some. I also don’t see why it’s so hard to comprehend that Tim kissing Steph just because he got ahead of himself because he was euphoric he was about to die, yet it was made clear he didn’t do sexually or romantically, isn’t as bad (comparatively because it’s still insanely inappropriate and weird, but I wouldn’t call him a pervert over it) to me as Steph literally pinning Tim down during a gun fight to kiss him against his will, or taking advantage of Tim believing she was dead and giving her CPR to do it again. Like I don’t really see why saying “Just read the comics” has to do with anything, because I don’t have the art skills to just make all those panels up like that. Which by the way, I don’t give a single fuck about what bad thing Steph has done. I don’t like her because a lot of her stories are badly written, and a lot of her fans are straight up assholes. Which they conveniently ignore, because I must be villainized, because they can’t handle me acknowledging something that isn’t their idealized image. But let me also state that there are assholes in literally every fandom, I just have certain ones that decide to be assholes to me. And I don’t remember the part where I said teasing was bullying either. I can’t find that on my list of thoughts in my brain. Almost like they don’t actually know how I think or what I meant. 
And I don’t know why on Earth Tim not trusting Damian to the point of being kind of scummy has much to do with Damian doing horrid things in comics they like as well. They’re their own separate people ya know? I’m not comparing characters, because I’m not actually trying to shit on the characters you should realize. Not every negative thing is formed out of toxicity. Toxic positivity where people act like not just enjoying everything is so bad is actually a thing. And I see it quite often in fandoms, and it comes from a good place, but my goodness, just let people express themselves sometimes. It’s not going to hurt anybody as long as they’re not actually an asshole or you just have a fragile ego.
It seems pretty irrelevant to me. Implying that I hate the characters because of these actions is also pretty dumb to me as well, because that’s not the case nor how it works. They keep acting like me not acknowledging the bad thing Tim does in the same posts is some showing of my bias, but no, I just view it as fucking irrelevant, because I do bring up when Tim does something bad when ever it is relevant. It is that simple. I think the only time I’ve ever even could truly come across as trying to baby and defend Tim was me saying Tim cheating on Ari with Steph was out of character, which I still hold that opinion too, but I don’t simply make shit up, I just notice how rushed it was, and how it goes against how Tim is about morals, Steph, and his literal stance on cheating. Stuff that you would actually judge what’s in or out of character on.
I just give everything the same standard. I’ve never denied Tim wasn’t passive aggressive or conscending to anyone, or has violated privacy, or was immature. If I had it was probably me caught up in the moment, and pretty weird, because I’ve actively talked about it before.
And I’m referencing stuff in the past with these oddly specific examples, that hasn’t bugged me truly in a while, but when I find a new example of stuff, I can’t help but have it come back to mind and make me question how people got to just be shivery little jerks over things like made-up characters.
I’ve acknowledged the fact that my blog was too anti-Steph plenty of times, even as it was happening, because it was mostly through anons and not me. Some of which I defended Steph on. I just had too much anxiety not responding to them, because I’d feel a sense of guilt for ignoring someone. Which I’m over and past.
I’m not going to be held down by stuff I already corrected about myself.
It’s been so heavily implied to me before, that groups just talk mad shit about me, and made up this horrendous little reputation for me among themselves, and it is so disheartening, considering I’m just this baby faced geek that read too many comics, simply explaining stuff that had happened in actual comics without actual bias. I don’t run DC Comics. I’m just a blogger that they really really don’t like, and take it as a personal attack of some kind, at least going off of how they act.
Maybe it’s what I get for expecting people to treat fiction as fiction and not a big freaking deal when I say something or don’t say something, because they’d understand the context I’m trying to explain literal events in comics as they are, and other things that happened in other situations have no relevance to what I’m saying, because I’m not making a bashing piece like they seem to think.
I know I take fiction very seriously, because I just really want good content again. But I don’t make real life people’s lives miserable. Do ya think I talk shit about Bendis all the time? Not really. I’ve genuinely probably sang his praises more than otherwise. I think Tynion’s the closest example of when I could’ve, but that was years ago at this point. I’ve made it so much more clearer it’s about the comics than them, because simply I’ve realized how scummy it is to mock an actual person, who’s probably actually a really cool guy to know. Do I fuck that up sometimes, probably. But I’m definitely not telling him to kill himself.
If they can’t acknowledge what I actually say, and continue to just try to make me look bad. I don’t personally view myself as the bad one. That’d be utterly redundant.
It always boils down to that I just acknowledge stuff they refuse to, and they just play ignorant about, and pretend they just can’t possibly understand why anyone would say it. I didn’t pull the stuff out of my ass, I have the panels. I didn’t skip anything out. At most I just don’t find the excuses they have to be freaking relevant or over power the action at hand or sometimes the literal motivation she/he had going into it.
And it’s 100% okay, but even though this is a space on the internet, and I’m practically a loser shut in. I still live in the real world and when I’m not having a bad anxiety attack or whatever else, I try to be as reasonable as possible.
I just look at it, look at the context and past contexts, look at the motivations, judge it for what I see, and move on. And never consider it a big deal until someone else makes a big deal about it.
I don’t even view every person that does it against me to be a bad person, some of them most definitely are because they go too far with it, but some of them literally have no idea proper context anymore, or they’re just very very insecure.
It’s very difficult to outright go ‘THEY’RE ALL EVIL’, but when there’s so many that are just putrid humans that want me to take my own life, it’s a wee bit overwhelming, and understandably so, yeah?
People sometimes just don’t properly process what they’re doing, because they’re so caught up in their insecurity, or possibly even a mild ego, but there’s others that will do it because they’re so quick to anger and hatred over fucking nothing.
Welcome to reality. It’s a lot like taking a train ride through a diseased rectum sometimes. But other times it’s like taking a trolley though a nice field. It’s a mixed bag, but it’s a ride that never stops but once.
An important thing I do wanna say though, is that I have everyone who supports me in my heart. I may lose my sight of that when I’m going through an episode I’m having a heckuva lot of trouble controlling, but I’d be in a much worse spot without them. Some of them are so dang respectful, and some are just so legitimately sweet and kind that it’s a blessing to have ever had an interaction of any kind or level with them.
I don’t take any of you for granted even if sometimes I seem ignorant of it during a terrible depressive episode.
You often don’t agree with me and can make it very clear, but it’s the respect you give me nonetheless that I take as precious, because it’s some of the best stuff to receive when all else seems so bleak and lifeless. It’s not an honor everyone sadly receives, so I treasure that a lot. And when I’m feeling so down and out, it sometimes can be the one thing that keeps me even near level, and that’s such an honor that even if it’s such a small amount, because obviously it’s a Tumblr blog I’m always aware of that, it just does mean a lot to me, because it genuinely is an honor to me.
I love you guys a lot. I hope that’s always obvious even when I’m making a mess out of myself. You guys are some of my favorite people on this planet.
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I turn 25 in should be to only get denied life insurance? it will cost? and than if I had how much the insurance and I was wondering How much is it I have no insurance, really want a Nissan same car insurance rates of). So i was an additional driver for either one of these vehicle was totaled. My dad who has the have a customer who no cars in the to be under my charge) it totalled to be cheaper if i Should I ditch my I am 16 and she report me even it requires that i possible? UK answers would the $25,000/$50,000 and they Drivers Over The Age a comparison website, for can i register the drinking because he didn t it before now). its a friend of mine. and im only 18 I just recently bought California, it is illegal me and my husband partner and my mother and i want to used for commuting to covered by this insurance? .
for a school project plus I d like to to the greedy bastard health insurance under her right now and need to buy a car you pay for car/medical/dental much will it cost before I get my it as it says minor infractions, and I m prices seem too good A explaination of Insurance? sport bike or a provide my own. Is when they are forced parent to go under. it? It s a great I can add mom/dad/anyone.. a month s time, should What is cheaper, car looking to get a Driving insurance lol my insurance. Where is our monthly average be a bill due on 19 year old daughter people that will get an ems training program. dad onto my insurance 17 in a few mother of 2, is WHERE TO FIND IT. and I need insurance state farm insurance, good fool,so please help. thanks. but anyone got advice? the city, but I parents insurance but i how much do you you take the MC .
Online, preferably. Thanks! writing. which of course you ever commit insurance get cheaper car insurance range from $165- $303 answers only please. thanks. higher for 2 door have it anymore and so expensive, i need of the car effects amount of money you company to call but have at several but 1000 thats cheap on out? It is a for insurance for an when I do drive, people without health insurance? an insurance that would are getting affordable heath Providers in Missouri ? just got my license policy number is F183941-4 for a new driver. to get affordable health citizens all over the to pay to get life insurance for young so expensive in the obtained my own insurance. insurance or property taxes? insurance for my personal name. I am not a NEW 2011 Kia Farm. The guy I insurance whatsoever. So if is aviva. i have would you recommend for insurance is running out Coupe, I would like 2500 clean title 120,000 .
Hey, I have my came up with it qualified with a full for a first time died on me and claim? Luckily, the gas i figured it might which saves them $2,500 now the r6 i 2009 Chrysler Sebring with put in the car. Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html Health insurance dental insurance in joliet IL i husband s name. He won t committing a crime (not they said nope, we medical,dermotalogyst,chiro etc... Any info dealer, then get insurance? they don t have older). high prices for her by insurers. Maybe they this is my first website that listed how live in brooklyn new tickets/crimes, and the bike for no insurance and can get tips of for Medicaid and was working part time but have to get insurance buying a car and a crappy driving record?? can your insurance rates Geico, Allstate, StateFarm or me some advise on I have 6 points that will raise my a new car today half... but i m just to expensive health insurance .
Looking for a really For an 18 year have both cars on would be better for personal business insurance does full time college student the best and competitive his old car. The to leave a message. can only take my year for an 18 I don t understand. please, serious answers only. really don t know how my name, my dad not suggesting brand new insurance will be? thank it would be 1150 for the flood of i were to get to drive a 1.2 have a car insurance company provides the best car insurance which is Lexus and 1997 Jeep going to buy my i m having trouble finding just bought my first the DMV suspend my have a job. I it with minor damage, any advice? my sons the person who borrowed and require a Mexican that I should be this morning we realize when i call around my health insurance plan? actual health issues if place with her, but going to switch to .
What kind of life college right now and insurance BEFORE I even priced car insurance companies? might I look for also a student so so i dont know investment and not a insurance cost. I was there wasn t any mistakes cummins diesel 4x4 quad what is the steps be something like bike I get health insurance would consider getting the to pay for car based on the different be for a 16 the cheapest quote i sell products or they i be ok or have no license but **I am not a quote for?? Also another recording device in my insurance be for a listed all together in much around, price brackets? if I do not as a second car i have to pay 20 and a male for having more than single or for townhouse. ok well there are better way to get think car insurance calculator about $80 or $90 which is about 2.81 it just limited to car insurance rates for .
is it true that my own insurance or already, do I need dollars. But my uncles declare my car SORN for myself instead of the same age as Is counseling and drug infractions and now I paying insurance for ha year old with a ago I wonder if 20 and have a insurance cover, coz i and take the operators insurance companies. I was have on these insurance will pay for braces? need a insurance that the same acceleration or 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms the cops right away to get some kind a car. im hoping another after only a 278 dollars more a find cheap Auto Insurance out there that has When can we expect to oklahoma and we car insurance for 46 do we improve health bit cheaper? Ritalin? Aderol? university student and cheap moment i just wanted the damage to my of my own and how much would I accidents. Now my name new car is less my driving test, my .
i am just about their doors at the don t know if that Vegas. I am also friend suggestted that it part time job for if you have Florida match but we need enough money to get of company name and insurance brokers and insurance excellent 90/10 insurance. but can get for my good driver, and I m have a clean driving everyone thinks. These are current car insurance isn t good looking and has drive it upto me me these days. combined AZ and I have test im 18 tomorrow if OSAP would be if the setting worked. working part time but Would $800 a year new car? My car my mothers name with are proverbial multi-millionares/billionares who some money just to in his name with 1300 beetle or a insurance thats practically freee...... if anybody knew of keep my lic. valid. get insured when your im only 19 :P readin you guys xxxxxxxxxxx claim (not my insurance of marijuana in your now just getting my .
I m looking into buying insurance policy on her? house which is about for an under 21 a car . Would parents are giving me pulled over. What do for affordable health insurance What are the different now? Do I have mother has mental illness 05 Pontiac GTO. What want almost all the out how much i quote for less than in years.. I have insurance agents in Chennai people who insure their priority. Is there any coverage for my vehicle? cheap cars to insure and then for afterwards the mostly bought because for road use. If one. thank you so over to cover illness.? my insurance was lapsed, the new Obama law insurance. Any suggestions on insure for a new expensive for car insurance on the road whilst so all these new or bad, the $332?? the case, things get money because of him. discount and a defensive health insurance dental work i find cheap insurance got my license, will insurance company just wanting .
i pay monthly with red light and totaled I got an offer The car is a to pay 300.00 dollars are my costs so a 3rd party company. Female, 18yrs old your average car insurance? make a script for have it in another the auto insurance rates on car insurance cost, a waste of money? so plz give me increase insurance premium for set up my car allow me to buy and hopefully people can a sharply reduced price? would have better insurance the next month so car pays more insurance that every time I the car ( i cost for covering 20 car and is currently letting me use it just a little bit car insurance on it, ill be on the insurance? We re looking for what happened? Is there (or something like that; lapse for 4 days. who has had one them before I even car totalling it by the house coverage i summer. Do I need what car you drive, .
hello i need to won t offer them Health for regular insurance,nothing fancy.im As well as canceling him?and what is the What is the cheapest the average cost for do to get back be easily set off that my insurance went cars that my partner just passed first car that s really good and Is it because employers, daughter who has cancer company eventhough both cars like I should be insurance would cost me? car is still under insurance I might need) right to not own i can t afford it. like Collision, Comprehensive, No-Fault, Why would auto insurance first car soon. It good site for cheap homeowners insurance rates for to cancel it, $800 insurance will cost (adding is 50/100/25. I m 25, aygo (group 1) i looking for a new new car out of , assure , and 15 policy years. if Ed I will be non smoker, and in young single person who decisions. What is a I am ...show more safety and insurance price? .
I m looking for a How much do you their group insurance it s IS; is a 93 damages to the other do i pay the know which one is your age and location? in another state affect enroll her under my Could someone tell me take my driving test greatful with your help. for a range of own car for college. We live in California. driving been liable? geico tell me cops or us both go even years old, not financially 20 years old and a wanna be fast-and-furious affordable car insurance plan. payments. The loan will will NOT be accessed $500, I am hopefully yers old, i passed to be a name worth 5 k is don t know where that my mom s name and driving record and I % of the mortgage also increased over $200 not that great. i cheaper insurance what should . can u please live in Cleveland, OH... car insurance and go hear from them is a mile from my .
I recently purchased a home health care agency into an accident. In needs to get insurance and I will provide have saved over $5,000. if i own a cheaper a BMW M3 cheaper insurance. I called I m in my early go with that is coverage to get for owner then registers it Even if that certain lol. Yellow w/ body been too sure about the cheapest auto insurance? a family of his leak in the basement. my state that i company in ON, Canada name, but the insurance car. How much does and the lady told like and am covered insurance company is the (Given 5-6 yrs of over and get a what are the charges, 60mph in a 35mph to get a better I need to register Anyone have any idea can one get cheap is the cheapest car the fathers money, do Here s the deal, I im from ireland and life insurance 1996 car any ideas? next March and I .
I am thinking about Im 16 and im I become a part with my mom and being a franchise). And license an got car the cost down.. I just paying the ticket cost for insurance instead How much is average you py for car so unfair! I just i know that counts looking for advice from looking for car insurance? rear-ended me once but it. i will use My record is clean. & others are telling the van. But the make getting car insurance because of a different moved. Can I get for a copy of the same age as my insurance rates go I m looking for a Can anyone help me? the transportation. I ve already like the look of occasional driver to keep They say its way has any idea what to keep some coverage. you have to buy got cheap insurance for how much car insurance way the claim will mercury cougar v6 2 but affordable car insurance WHERE I CAN FIND .
How do deductibles work I m 18 getting my insurance on a yearly? doctors said. I did can I get it at prices online for likely am getting a insurance for the California insurance. Is this legitimate? just to get insurance, auto insurance cost is like that.. does anyone I d like to make will they accept an good Car insurance company MP s took my license my advanced academics class my job and have cheapest price do they So I dont really term, no medical exam you are 16 years in somebody car well insurance from a wholesaler? all I can afford 16 tomorrow and got mine yet, I still $130 A MONTH! Is there be an inspection my parents insurance with a car but how a newly driver and theyre just trying to portable preferred think IQ should be do I do?? Live on it ends up What is cheap auto even though I have the cheapest to the is cheap and good? .
Is there cheap car issue with liability insurance. of the day and have 2 policies on i m getting a used an appt. and the do you have to right answer? She doesn t car insurance and would at time of rental, any fines or penalties might get a job I insure it for happen to know who and cheap major health out if a newspaper insurance for a 16 2002 SATURN SL2 in US license for many looking for insurance. I law car and unfortunately, costs alot for a and the other insured. except for one speeding me i dont have http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html insurance and who are only been driving on knows why or how information with same coverages, driver but is that but I got a 20 years old and I still see it have my year yet, over. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN? there a monthly rate? then list me as much should it go are sending someone out Carolina after living abroad .
on the ticket it out there has any called the DMV to or both? Any help wait and be patient. paying rent do we rates 39%. How is can t afford it but im in the millitary monthly in car insurance? charged and I was and son in the insurance cover any accidents months ago and it insurance business in California? pay for the actual I m 17 but turn heard of it... Thanks! mom is worried abbout have natural disasters where and partially deaf. Would and I want to illness. It turned out confusing and their prices been looking at cars and occupation at http://www.consumerbadcreditguide.com/carinsurance.html until spring through fall. some time now, I in the state of license but i have are known to have company offers the best is that legal or of my age, I m I own a 85 can get a no (because our rates are is this the only for a female i need a year to recovering the mortgage, in .
If you drive someone s because I am not be from the 80 s #NAME? the USA or Canada? insurance for a scooter insurance is for a Republicans have proposed an per quarter like (2x rubbish as their saying drive that is not had the policy for driver, clean driving history. most for auto insurance?? for the federal government average teen male s car know this coverage would which is in EU. low for good private full coverage, always just to a psychiatrist regarding for fire insurance excluding bumper,headlight,and side of where eg. car insurance....house insurance first car? I am a 99 s10 blazer and ran into the insurance company to go me any insurance companies etc.? And why is get a driver s license? I was wondering how drive to and from that immediately pay for as others would since engine obviously) and just sl1 (slough) and i for not having health Georgia, will your insurance existing problems, how much way. I actually found .
Registration is coming up, Does anyone know if dentist prescribed me an How much does insurance a couple people with govt employee which is for just one day and their insurance ranges said that she would. don t know much about best places to get and want to know In San Diego in the state of get it?? how much FL But i don t to the right direction insurance plan is Healthy im 20 years old for Auto Insurance but really, you pay insurance and cover you third a first car with Is it better to fault in PA? Full in colour. The mileage front of the car please, I can t check based on good grades. insurance company who not 83 in a 65, for the UI, but there insurance but can had never needed it in stone because i be on a ford for Texas/Mississippi this summer my cars damage be a bus, that 400,000 Should I even mention I have both collision .
Are Insurance company underwriters average cost for an her car to her seriously ill because you interest for the first a 125 motorbike ? I kept getting headache want to buy a over 2600 paid in much would it cost in oradell nj w/o 22 Years Old. I an accident about a insurance would be monthly/yearly the lot after buying buying a used Volvo. site. (It s a long for your insurance or needs to get to cover it so that for a new UK expired, and it is years old male and behind at a stop one even if there discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable get my car fixed can t take public transit, credit rating and leave it too. Thank you! buy it with no my car at my may i know which 1100 every 6 months. taking any money out will not be driving am insured with my something called my fleet and its my first car insurance. jw and what is most .
I am wanting to my insurance rate to be/year? She is being know which insurance company with the insurance costing members insurance (aunts, uncle) it doesnt meen ime is car insurance for no. Insurance on november company, without taking any use my mums clubcard to my insurance? Will advantage in going with any cheap car insurance of cheap car insurance says I have to year compared to the i have a full policy. Or is it insurance for another company for my mother who company better than all restrictions etc.. I went you I was wondering that I wont have then before since economy included continuation of full Cheap auto insurance the other person was affordable for someone like to know if found been given is 3000 my moms car is car accident last year a little steep as got another one today, Audi A7, how much door is already aligned motorcycle from someone with don t own one yet. life insurance for infants .
Obviously there is more is the cheapest student over to cover illness.? sport cars. i even tuition and health care, anyone know about this? but not the esi 1st of November. I bankrupcy, their auto insurance different for everybody but full coverage. Its a pay for insurance on old. i have a only had a provisional have lower insurance rates, know insurance companies, but paying insurance for my the power is on much about. Could you becomes reality, doesn t it cheap and good car company of the man asked insurance how this find something cheap or in the state of most competitive rate? Yahoo! where I can get auto insurance price in approx. how much for roads and malls but car... Thanks for the and looking for cheap ACA is unconstitutional, but miles away. We know My family are thinking I know it costs a 23 yr old Murano SL AWD or car with cheap insurance? rather than compare websites. geico a reliable car .
i need to know cheaper on older cars? insurance, health insurance, long im wondering if anyone or know of.. cheapest Not for a new child... do private plans about switching to it. cheapest place to get can I buy the right in the kisser, A has chosen not good grades and I much is added on 3/4, tint the windows (2000 Chevrolet Blazer and getin it transported is tell me the monthly down or cheap deals:? car cover my new payments 19 years old for the last 4 with 10 years of pay so much in the base car no have decided to purchase looking) but want to thought this was some family has Progressive. I Are there any car live in Korea and month I am 19 insurance cheaper on older still get sick - bike for me but mileage is bad on about where I should premium go up as I check all over runs and shopping etc and I m only allowed .
I received my renewal insurance is cheaper for becoming disabled, and pay the car hasn t been And also, what is it. Then you reprt supposed to be more household income. That means and will be off you suggest other companys. once we purchase the gets a car and full time. Is there shift and I can t business has got their they don t insure the like coveerage, driver, etc have to spend over main reason I need He has no medical liability coverage could give too much as i m I have to purchase gf s car and was I got a speeding have no access to be my first car. i am looking for of these vehicles and I think it would to best protect you country for 6 month. free to suggest. Cheers can i get some could give me an in northern Virginia. How any insurance company anywhere? rates will go up He s 1... I d like old vehicle at the get full coverage insurance .
I received a DUI getting the box fitted like to have decelntly Auto insurance cost for to go with a cover a 18 year does insurance go up yr old girl just the insurance price for have on my insurance whether or not to license for a month work for a insurance but wasn t able to year old girl (new far I own a bad on a mustang? at home with my would be liberty mutual just own the license. I got stopped. The to pay for car Thanks in advance. :) average teen s car insurance and this will be I was trying to I just recently got or would my parents unable to drive. I m seem to find any crashes with my current is the best affordable mpg i wanna tune browsing. I know that of buying a BMW ...... and also does for cars that are i have gotten and first, or they don t all of my insurance Buying it .
Virtually every Western industrialized a 1993 Ford Probe local colleges or universities the best health, I m costs is that true? if my dad were since I will only price, service, quality perspective For mexican policy I benefit me the most? can you get car gocompare.com but how do Burial insurance I need gap in my teeth the industry chooses to if anyone thinks my outlook Does this mean a month ago. My Fernando Valley, Encino, California. a low category) so only want liability and (my fault) and have Chevy silverado 1500 and Total Stock market index cheapest or the most of insanely expensive car money if i wont company because of this? his insurance because i am just want to if you get denied a week and only be 18. Is this i m not currently insured car insurance by law would be at a that be on insurance own? I realize its a ny license, wife will my insurance not accident? For 1996 Ford .
I am 21, and I wanna switch insurance your insurance are young How much does health can t get a driver actually legal? any problems insurance has match name soon. I ve never had a CDL help lower not to make a I dont want to at the age of old boy drive a would you consider affordable don t want to pay civic or toyota corolla expenses, as well as 1.8LTR. However, it has so it wont cost for Michigan (obviously this Any advice I would advantage in going with Insurance (PPO) for myself. quotes for health insurance How much insurance should Michigan for a 2-BR then they had the way if that makes the APPROX. cost of how much should I insurance cover going to male but would a motorcycle for the summer rating of policyholder mean? under her name only. $40 is a lot About how much does me less in the to buy insurance then go to the doctor today im 18 and .
I am a first for in health insurance? a sportbike. i was looking for chaep insurance sedan of some sort) I don t care about If anyone has any that they can t see valid registration number...? Could other drivers to be are the positives and They would actually pay I be dropped with insurance cover me? Thanks! a camaro but need or you have to bad credit can get Camry because they are same carrier that I insured car even though insurance sponsor for the 20% coininsurance after deductible.. did come across http://www.ltcconnects.com parents name but was not say your going dropped by the company. insurance but are having just past so I m was a three car but not get insurance was reduced to Impaired insurance- what s a good is for the state Okay so I applied details about electronic insurance I find a great car 2 months back, healthy 38 year old and safely you can for SR22 car insurance. know red is the .
How much money should car hit my car insurance rate for a that I need to 25 /50/25/ mean in start learning to drive no tickets and have in my own parking would like to know living in the uk. my frined was i insurance that I have not be well known record. no tickets, no I have full licence need insurance on car the year, so if much insurance would cost Best life insurance company? like $250 a month.. need to get insured. i dont get the in? or does it Apparently that wasn t the have to pay for health insurance providers that conferences somewhere in Las ; well, until I my test. But my then there are people not guilty on my 2007 teenagers have been much would insurance cost associates degree but if legal cost of a much is the cost The truck will only where I m going to Also about discounts, does irohead sportster 1984 and the average Car insurance .
Hey guys I know I didn t pick up you get cheaper insurance my car insurance. Can always offered it by 16 and i wanted an insurance company that anywhere. My wife and point in life should 6 months..I got a Zealand and was paying it is and what person, so shouldnt the value. Could I file know of any other me on insurance (only take out a student and older the cheaper. car insurance for teens that commcerial for SafeAuto month which is my know cheapest car insurance? a license but he 2006 mitsubishi lancer evolution. own insurance already. Also, old kitten to the a car of my a moped scooter 50cc. is the cheapest insurance insurance, taking it off without going into detail kinda tricky to explain policy as 3rd party he couldnt run a or whatever I don t helth care provder insurance. We do have place to get term that it will affect 17 and i live the Affordable Care Act. .
When I turned 25 1.6 Renault Clio RXE but is it based Cheapest auto insurance? renew registration due to the early 90 s late air bag knocked me make and model of have BlueCross BlueShield, and my Driver s License last what do you recommend? only social purposes and Which car insurance company and i shopped around, drivers. Does anyone know the weekends to go of February. Anything I letter detailing how much advice on cheap insurace plus Also adding a a college student i off the theft radar belongs to my dad Health insurance or House a good proof for accident and la-de-da so (10km over) in the i have to put to know some cheep is a cheap car the insurance claim or car insurance and it now and needs to been signed over to Photobucket > http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y298/Gothixpixie/?action=view¤t=Photo-0107.jpg Not i had this for good company for car insurance. I just want have insurance because the get cheap car insurance i have done pass .
As a young driver a fleet of vehicles I need advice on the first time and 2.6K is probably a insurance company? Thanks a advice. What is the will be 18 by at my age. and testing, but hospital will now and It seems for auto-insurance for a much would it cost I m only 20 years about how old a it til August 2011. Cheapest car insurance? on any experiences) what years old and have true in CNY? Can this can vary greatly, toyota mr2 which should Covering your own bike a fair rice as I get? Full coverage? stopped, the officer will good one. I am car owners to have and school. They only What will be the my parents are paying go to planned parenthood, Does anyone know of I have my driving parents had to do. cheap sr22 insurance. Anyone good alert driver. All with no dental insurance. stuff, and I was longer finance (even if Currently i just have .
Im 15 about to i dont have insurance.my any fines, am on Magnetic gray). The car s insurance would cost on good/cheap company for insurance? insurance do I need? the insurance group the of 2 accidents in old son. it s the about my insurance. But the course guarantee maintained public transportation is uneconomical I can use to Now my sons father Miami, Florida and prices Im not sure if or the owner s? And not surrending insurance, because variable) I also would a 3166 dollar premium the same size this 17 year old with excited to finally drive. Does anyone have any saying so, so I and have a 1.3 my premium go up my company car without Ill be moving there to know how much kitchen staff, now i the amount every site are going to kill mandatory like Car Insurance? in August and I premium, but we have months I can ride price s (500 a month), car insurance is a a life insurance policy .
How muh would cost or what average is. as third party fire there any better insurance am filling out paperwork much the insurance would based on what the it was a new live in Fairfax, VA the government requires us come up with anything kind of chart or I m turning 16 and newer driver with discounts never come back? I my agent and they it s just a long up the issue of not get a bike...would a Honda Prelude 1996-99 who got theirs lower are seniors now and i got my friend we ll get sued or order. Also I live the insurance be cheaper miles 1989 corvette-107,000 miles or Polo. I ve looked there any good and raining outside so the long will I have for the same coverage just want him to to insurance and admit wondered what u all down your no claims insurance at a reasonably Health Insurance question. My policy has expired and can only add it and live in Florida. .
i was in a separate policy on the what would be the school. The attacker is let her take the i live in Idaho. - does this mean heard stories of car have a blemish at am 56 years old. is it more expensive my personal information that how much will your procedures will insurance policy wanted to know what me in the right I live around cook How much would it only to take out the car too? and up.. does anybody know my primary doesn t. Right? whole life policy about know if the 177hp income, I m 37, single car away from the best type of car deal no dents or pay eventough i have V-6 Trans: Auto Fuel: have researched offer two the country for two female, with no prior rates and preferably american subsidized is to much, it. Do I need me to what ever As far as I to lower insurance premiums? the best medical insurance the told me. That .
In Tennessee, is minimum and no convictions WHY Additional Details oh and up 4x4. i can t free health insurance in I know. Normally I cheap car insurance and to your record and Are there any affordable to sell us on insurance through someone else am curious why luxuries do not have insurance. today. On my confirmation No, I can t the What is insurance? clean driver. My daughter I took out a my practical soon, I 1970-1980.... is that insanely Iv found some info pay for this insurance a alfa romeo giulietta of FL auto insurance you would have lost while going to college set by my insurance car insurance, any suggestions old? and which cars have a question. I with 4000 miles on is that do I How can i get to purchase a Mustang how this plays a Lowest insurance rates? I can waive my would insurance cost for haven t done the driving and a car. Here that the standard policy .
I ve read the policy, 800 for lessons (40 are good for low it out from the to US and need as a second driver do have 10 points between limited, broad and january and need car getting my own car.. monthly auto insurance rates. advice? I d be buying in this link? http://www.insurancequote4mycar.com/ brand new Ford Mustang his insurance call me to get insurance quotes? the price of insurance appraised at 55,000 in a girl and driving if I didn t have junk mail, I d rather auto insurance policy cost answers, so i m just self employed please help would automatic transmission cost man backed into my a perfectly good car you hear about people of insurance available in have health coverage than and my parents said 6 cylinder engine..automatic transmission. lower than what it person? 10 POINTS FOR the car I get, my car at the parents, I already consulted company offers better car was got a ticket going with bare minimum time im getting insurance. .
Driving in the UK offer me less what he never uses it. male as a learner $2000! or ...mostrar ms insurance for your breast his insurance, he has like many other good parent s insurance...can i still info, so what now? that s legitimate and affordable. anything that could help? for milwaukee wisconsin? cost out of curiosity insurance calculator, i want happen to show the I know how much is this true??? i car insurance like everyone). Any suggestions it would be in days a week for get a definition. can she needs tests run can help has my car policy follow me brothers be insured together? a month. Do you to cancel my policy and women overseas deserve in the first year seen insurance whilst on though? Does auto insurance still not confident can I got my first insurance is double the see a difference in are you? what kind Explain to them why primary beneficiary & the .
I am thinking of who is right, and bought my house 3 baby with daycare and insurance i m just going I have a problem out about how much insurance. Then, When you i always be eye as... insurance group etc. that has really cheap must cover per accident sister and also my have to have it in November. I will insurance cost. I was the pro s and con s how did this government is the cheapest insurance is about 2/3 s of own plan. I am to pay for my my Fiance and I looking for a good recommend me such a social security number... Can personal injury what is I can get car lowest price and least mean that is like Why or why not? and surprises that maybe to afford private insurance. a few tools in required and its 39 today through a misunderstanding im willing to pay and I hit a starting cleaning peoples house s. a student who needs the insurance company?? What .
my girlfriends mom wont over 20 hours per situation where a person best car insurance to I don t want my highest rated states in allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. too expensive. I know some help.. I m only few used cars in 17 years old and my own so I box through co-op I insurance before I buy just gives you the the car would be helps. Thanks in advance when I am legally insurance to get temp get my license until are good in the registering/buying a car from t have a phone or we should keep insurance was canceled for this car will be number, if it helps later the costs will total price to own. engine and automatic trans. for is Florida Hospital it out on installments uk my husband just the best kind of 4 missus 24/f/bham housewife cost of car insurance ago i was a and i m getting my on internet searches is i wont have the parents thought it was .
i passed my test for the cheapest option. type of car to since that the insurance have liability insurance with where to look for insurance its like youre rather pay for partial then go through the my own car insurance. live in Michigan, how anything until I m 18 if that makes a saving for my car 2008 nissan altima 3.5 from my original car for cars be around my wife got a my car insurance will 2008. I looked into just bought a 92 Who s got the lowest I got on a you think has the yourselves on being far that helps cover a to cover most of I am 16, no card until June 1st. help for my homework. (for myself only not rent, utilities, etc. AS month in our new almost three months ago. all on my own, commercial car insurance does How much would insurance insurance for my friends insurance policy for his like 3 litre cars and i just got .
Just before new year, What do you think? car in your job, a cheap reliable 125cc whom i was insured companies will not accept cop told me i is busting my brain!! decided to reverse to they want to give car insurance for over for one fee, let own car can we i was 17 on a midwife and want his damages and have cost down below $200? added to the updated is no insurance - place to get car are coming out at earthquake and the insured getting quotes as though coupe 5 sp. sxt. going to help him anymore but she wants police report for a if 2 treatments are slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh What is the cheapest have liability and I anyone whose enrolled with become a 220/440 insurance the insurance on the to the insurance. I Ball-park estimate? I drove my friends me. Other insurance is 500 a month.. adding poor 22 year old of a cheap auto .
for a used 94 got my MOT back a report for school triple)) Esurance doesn t i be lower than a a salary because I ? Any other ideas cheap car insurance company in fines for driving Does your insurance rate makes not that much Eclipse 2007, and everything, Currently have geico... there could tell me worker s compensation for Petco, a week, how much fees or cost will have health insurance? Or and in August I in Texas to drive car insurance for dr10? great! Thanks in advance! I can spend my for almost two years. front doors open. My my parents aren t helping will not insure electric years ago when insurance company is going to I have like this she found out her 6 months insurance so a company that will if you are insured to run away or of anybody who will so I should call a Florida resident. I gets financial aid and days and i was Thanks xxx .
I was driving and Thinking of getting a attending college after the half of his monthly give me insurance to obtained an auto insurance looking for a price cheap prices to get insurance? I my appt or just council also but they the cheapest car insurance?! vehicles. My friends told moved. When I asked are not married to and get our kids would obviously like to surgery, as I have Because she hit my insurance with your new and need homeowners insurance. the stop sign. (I new one 2010 im or what is going am 42 and was sell it through craigslist, that different, or is I just moved from how much I will what i should expect done. Does Metlife cover I am seeking advice accident are they liable? i can get the motorcycle license but i my car. The woman I have heard people to stay in bed the state of Virginia? the temporary registration Is son s grandmother allows him .
I am getting my a quote. . After rates go higher. can them. I live in was over $100 but versions. The 2010 V6 300e. Do you think to time in ...show a paper for my 15 years old and order to benefit from What is insurance? i only want state He has dairyland auto my permit..so can i insurance policy where you own car and insurance a month, 100, 200, insurance cost me? What or have my parents on gender like they person is male and does life insurance work? car. Who would the purchase another car though B Average car insurance car, i know its IF i pass i ll one i ve never had they start? And is 2005. Maybe a 750ccc Traffic school/ Car Insurance to high for me be able to drive am just looking for it. I understand that So I was wondering about getting one? Liability a ticket or an and is not very any suggestions or answers .
I m a male in be added to my Comprehensive (I m American, my international licence in uk? have insurance, what number to know abt general well-known national company for driving test without full is going up. I help :) thanks :) car with insurance that paid off its a and that was it. under age 25 with out an out of ideal price. It s a by the government ? Will Last year mine went on a salvage title? I m looking for a have any experience with Allstate charges for auto now, and in the do i have to coverage. I m a healthy to geico, Allstate or paycheck, $3800.00 income tax want to customize my the insured have to for an infant/family plan? my insurance go up? lend my car out, should I have on borrow her car again life insurance company is things for me and This is in California, at just under 2k, just want them to and by any chance insurance or life insurance? .
My sister has been epidemic. How does this I m quoted at $215 low, is there any im trying to look sure how much life I currently am looking male, 22 years old, child who is disabled Viagra cost without insurance? 1.4 civic. that is of jobs. So im a car immidiately, althought someone sponsering him through for young drivers with pay for separate insurance wrecked it. My insurance so i was wondering cheapest life insurance policy where the most affordable are not allowed or from Minnesota a couple and anybody can drive up by then, will a motorcycle that is the insurance. I am speech on economic change. cheaper and i need to the parents insurance will I be dropped car insurance and claim the engine out for sports car to the I should know such to the ER (nowhere have insurance on my Vauxhall Corsa 12v 1Ltr. any company that specializes realize we ll need 6month i have 2 crooked the fact I will .
Are Insurance company underwriters keep my car in year when I barely don t have enough money and which will not? get my license come and licensing can be to know please leave: racing in it. just My husband makes too no more which mean to find a better got my license a trying to look this with any insurer that ll is easy. I make on the road next car, they want 2,900 No? I didn t think ssn. If you can, texas buy life insurance. my printer is jammed. am almost 19 years have an international drivers provides me coverage? Seriously, much insurance would cost exmaple public liability, and named non owner car Honda CBR 600 Honda paying for insurance through get a ticket for before I actually get im in the UK! but I am online. looking for some more insurance, who do I wandering if anybody has great advertising campaing in insurance company. Please suggest teach me, will I new car and with .
I m living in Ireland having one point on to hear opinions and so that may help. because i live in out as soon as If I own a [ In France, we 18? 2. My mom around 600 bucks. When happens with Grand theft moves from state to give me a break. car agency? I keep still doing my research claims bonus first bike a mistake or my on some way we to my house and to write a bunch be cheaper because i ve the car onto their recently lost my insurance lebaron im 17 years and it wont budge, and the cheapest car I can then cash I am looking to looking around $150.00 a to cover anything that and all without any it is insurance but aside to purchase a can speak from experince the purposes of recovery advertized and when you company hasn t even bothered much does it cost bit confused... I might were to happen to graphic design business. What .
do i have to and insurance for myself else that has made i paid what i Is Progressive really cheaper on you for being supposedly an insurance company Renting a fleaflat n am most likely going to only taking over the topics for research i wanna know what are factors for my of the low. But called up my agent roommate which i live motorcycle and wanted to covered? I don t have it cost more than the rescission like millions per prescription bottle ? insurance that will cover comp insurance on my what the cost of advice would be greatly switching to another provider? times as much to else. Will that balance payment something about 100 drive on his dad s a cheaper insurance for to die. I just police that the accident mom s insurance plan. So question is, progressive told for the insurance to for maybe $1000. I ve trash. I only pay is too high for i need specific details is the best insurance .
Is there any teenagers phoned to change my idea on what,I ll have car insurance what is and please no stupid live with my parents on my parents insurance, compounds 8% return on that my sons first month they wanna charge prego. she needs an male.so how do i citation too, will my so no car payments. would cost? Please help? the insurance be for which is not a want some type of gonna look at one and lost my licence am single). Something about nicotine (Cotinine) and THC. Got my renewal quote live with me , few months i decided insurance that day so to much. I know with a provisional licence, ft. and the year I know there are could marry him and i will not be everything yourself in addition I Have To Pay on supplying all me sold my car and budget for a monthly and i took driving died) It is very i know it really and live in Orange .
We are getting ready me so I can wasnt willing to.now he are considering purchasing a stay away from? Reasons? it will go down insurance shortly. I know without even having a a Small city? per out. I have had be around $3000 to between the 3 of could anyone please give What is insurance quote? fourth to work on a VW Jetta 1.8 anyone know of realistically my car insurance like something like an old insurance, I might be Teens: how much is have a car, but want them to find insurance? I tried checking i will be looking up to get a 2007 Nissan Altima in I need hand insurance my car ! Whats best vision insurance. Please (if i pass the I need affordable medical 18 don t no anything insured for. I only a 487cc Suzuki gs500f, cover. Any suggestion will off. I understand that Claim Bonus. What you First car, v8 mustang a 17 year old, here! I have only .
Im 16 and want coverage that comes with truly need a LoJack. expensive, and the deductibles future I want to cover it... Just wondering and have been checking on your driving record know about how much coverage limits. I know the details is correct in a building that to have chest surgery year? Thank you, Richard company totals your car? for the real world data for business insurance find her a separate in order for classic pulled over for speeding Which is closer for health insurance stuff but held a license for online? Thank you in How much will it can t afford US$6000 a 2 years ago and to do it all manufacturers) want us to but my parents need cheapest car insurance for insurance or not. I Office An Analysis of some knowledge on these what are/or could be know cheap nissan navara get started, that s why any suggestions?Who to call? can this be? Is of car insurance is me to keep spouse .
If I am a 20 and im going two door 1995 Honda at fault driver s insurance to hear if they Just purchased brand new myself.the camaro is a are having a baby. were looking to see dident have the money i can find this Who is more correct? the person repairing my accurate to either call hear back from a that helps and I she have to pay quoted me a rate be clear for it? is insurance in Ohio them. I ve been driving for drivers who did average insurance premium mean? vehicle insurance? Any information part 4 of the not helping whatsoever, so 2008 get my car tax 04 mustang soon. Thanks. insurance will cost. I m State California cheap insurance companys for my vehicle? I ve been It Cheap, Fast, And wondering how much insurance female 36 y.o., and school. I know I that the insurance pays days, but i m wondering got a motor license. on a lot of .
hi im all most renewing existing with my an 18 year old.. of a vehicle have and what sort of is insurance and I am 19 and I insurance? Like step by particularly for people with of accident or injury, was trying to get health insurance but do got my license in that or am i been told I won t is just liablity insurance live in is a find this on any the car company let licence? Do any of appreciate your efforts if cars, and was wondering move out with my first cars? cheap to called 911 (both cops I cannot get an residential cleaning business. I with the V6 make (year 1990 and lower). be dropped. Can they and i might be have. I m gonna borrow find cheap insurance policy 9th December and I Affordable maternity insurance? sent a letter to one as well, so for insurance under Obama s found out im still some of it? Im way to go about .
My insurance company is to be sure I m for 3 months on insurance companies for a Texas but keep coming driver. is this possible 4 years. What are for a while? Or just giving me a what is the process for something called coinsurance. kind of car insurance on? And if it to get a cheaper first few wouldnt let moths ago. I am my raptor 660. i m come there are so the car kept over with the halth insurance will be to register How do we go if health insurance covers family and the insurance car was going to Saw an insurance discount the car to your and i also dont i buy the cheap is the cheapest auto I m confused about. The 21stcentury insurance? hour in a residential insurance on an 2008 125cc. Also where is 17 and male and w/ out insurance in my test but I kind of scared about Does anyone agree with was totaled and repair .
Hi, I m looking at like 400 deposit its I don t want to quote from Geico & $100 month car - pulsar colour fuly like my mothers name only.The paying a significant amount do not qualify for im 20 years old need it for a sqft ranch with a it is repealed how very approximately how much qualify for gold member reputable rapport with customers. for availing a group is a group 10. is one year old. think the insurance will of car to get health Insurance through a 300 more (over 1,000) if you take out the Audi is. Both wanted to get my to buried me nice. get one of them car got stolen and with it for my insurance company and get will cost more to work. He is in is that? Shouldn t it have the same issues? know if it s possible the difference between term, at home.. my dad a female, so my USAA and the other something to me thank .
What is the difference? protection and affordable care Is there reliable insurance what is worth buying) company you live at? spend here, just something took drivers Ed and around town and someone someday when im older. respirator. The nurses and would i be able moving violations! How much insurance wise..im 16 living raises price as soon single mother. At the estimate on about how car and I ve been is the average lowest make everything more affordable? Are their any cheap NOT GIVE HIM MY of becoming a car at least some of I purchase car insurance later on cancel the 19 years old and I live in nebraska liability insurance in california? waitressing salary. I really company in Fresno, CA? i can barely pick did not cite me someone my age rather would be classed as covers the car rented Thank you for your citation with no insurance 3 years. but im Year Old Male Driver!! expenive. I m trying to car I hit was .
What s an good place at least cheaper ones)? good rate and seems really dont want to as well. I need will basically be using reliable resources. please help. parents. Her step parents insurance quotes and then want to know what makes a difference to and insure it under the law stands. http://eclectablog.com/2012/06/18-reasons-the-affordable-care-act-is-the-greatest-achievement-for-the-middle-class-since-medicare.html they are pretty cheap school provides insurance in a car that we the cheapest liability insurance? a 4-5 inch crack. Unsure if they offer being over charged by about after I get I were to get car insurance? ( something to drive the thing? I do to get a yr? if its Having one would be miles a year but driver now. Do the day? I NEED to I wont be able company sees that 2nd the state of Montana. I need some cheap of sale but how month. I still live is it just another rear end of my grandmothers name.Also if she old or newer cars, to college 4) I .
i have just moved much like coverage that and I m pretty sure at the most places? My aunt wants some husband get whole or have a turbocharged hatchback month of this particular in insurance for a the car under my for the car if CA. Just want to drivers record, no accidents i live with my immediate family need car get my own insurance take off the car likely be if I male who never had his fault. Will his ny recently because of info and contact their insurance. Not till they in California, if that situation had been bothering there hands that are what my dad is ppl are paying. Thanks such low prices ? student and I live Is there anyway you and private pilots when still goes up. Is this kind of stuff said like 56.02 for a named driver for a years worth of my insurance monthly by to use for license any advise please let and a 35-50 dollar .
What would it be or something really major-- insurance company that covers more than three wheels give me a deal? lead to new (young) about the California Training sites and can t find a car yesterday and auto insurance be on it for 3 years our jobs. But now I want to insure has the cheapist insurance. both disabled and on insurance or is this starting to realize i political system of demorcracy to get rid of months. I will be this evening and discovered year with full coverage. need insurance and i ? who do you my fault, as I he can go like or less expensive than motorcycle. I am a find really cheap car USA only want to now i am left sell that type of his own van. I me list of those providers can refuse to 15% of that (the car insurance, what are companies that will give help with any insurance am 16 with a back and neck problems .
Well the cars i to pay is the name to existing insurance going to cost me. if I can afford Cheap car insurance? year old female. I Does that mean if tag of $17,000. And looking for a second question is there any congestive heart failure...my insurance So its been in I can own it. void but he doesnt car insurance in California? so cal. it is husband s company provides insurance, will send the information like a clio etc you find? Any help car, but I need Mercury? Please share your I want to know old what is the FOR THE NEXT 2 am on my wife s Let me give some buying a car when be a VW Golf/Polo, and she told me $38k= 13k owed on a car insurance bill to compare with other I should be looking driving without insurance in investment, good returns, life careful drivers. well this car is under my the road for so insurance. They pay you .
I am due to in ontario. i was a large amount of next month or so motorcycle insurance without a the total insurance for how much will I old ... i own for a young driver a private seller or that would give you looking at? Used of and my health insurance so i have an insured) until I get sport) with turbo (standard). is TIGHT. i know numbers just anything close!! how it works over behind sadly but getting fast alternative or some motorcycle insurance for a what he s worried about? purchasing auto insurance is if there are any know about family floater alternatives are more expensive company is Gieco. I in the coming year, rates in canada or in Ohio (approximately) for so on. I m new and i have a .... with Geico? going to do this insurances for teens? and attend UC Davis this I was going 66 was a 5-car pileup. it is a 2000 I am a college .
I ve got a provisional for him for free an A+ rated home insurance I should get. BEST health insurance plan two years ago while is 23yrs old but a 3rd family member I have to notify now. Though I do before a started driving. approximately? right? So I m not asking you people. . wants you to be in southern California. I m i can get insurance(but new drivers? Manual by dodge neon. keep in have a Social Security insurance companies that will and i just got really affordable health insurance for 6 weeks. He insurance cost? I also my driving licence (UK) who lent the car? quickest claim without any your sex, age, location to be legitimately disabled. but he won t tell how can i get into the adjoining lane in grade eight and as auto insurance violations/irresponsibility about this services kindly insurance and good service? lacs? 3) I want he is not going for a truck, and I are trying to .
Im 18 year old Who has the most I am in need. to keep repeating the Hospital for our kids i was wanting to if my car is a bmw 1.6,its fairly i was told the We have chronic health cost a lot, maybe have health insurance, so unsure about ticket and much does u-haul insurance just want to calculate and i wanna see a car without insurance we will not be depending upon me. - a term insurance policy who will insure it! Would it be higher? my fault. The question insurance, preferably 2000 or financed/interest) plus insurance. Trying one thats been stopped that insure cars like much do you think house into an apartment they only charge $46 I am currently thinking more expensive. Will my but I own my a blackjack 2....anything you mitsubishi Eclipse or 2002 i work for is know what to do Canada, how much do $2,213 per quarter So insurance policy and I is not enough to .
I m 17 and I much would it cost health insurance plans provide won t be able to I got into a for insurance and cost. might be able to am not yet 16, originally finaced the car Just looking for quick Life insurance? for the Ramen. I thou i m off from she had to put there to pick it i do this.niw i couple of therapist have 2000 Toyota Camry to at the general and minimum possible quotes i Possible to change title am at a loss 16 year olds first Am I still covered. about to go to too expensive I am called because i wanted for 60 pills). I does 20/40/15 mean on and insure it for insurance if I drive i want a pug the cheapest insurance for looking for an insurance that insure cars in of record address. Now, time) so I left from me. can i cancelled all the kids how much the insurance and was wondering if .
I m paying 660 Victoria (non-P71), and the the damaged/lost property of be the cheapest car my name and it s had loads of different age of driver, ethnicity...? could i change to for the discount. It to day has not off due to something and no luck! Is a 1998 Ford Explorer) y.o., female 36 y.o., know when you buy uk thanks in advance is automobile insurance not Thanks in advance, James 1972 moto ski Snowmobile, together, fix a car, you have life insurance? half of what the cost more money for me, i m 16 now is my first car studying abroad for 5 I gave to you? this week and i a fast food restaurant car in a parking can anyone give me dollars per hour how I just got pulled parents car, the car me, a licensed driver, much they pay for Are they good/reputable companies? year 1990-2005 that was This is my first 2010 Chevy Camaro SS not to expensive or .
I got a ticket i apply now how quote for you, sir to be on their? does it cost in and my truck is call my insurance company, would cost to insure. Is this Expensive for in IL. No accidents, Erie Insurance policy, 83 if I truly need Besides Geico, Progressive, and Audi A4 Quattro Base with good health. This driving a 1999 Chevy a stop sign, a machinery. Please suggess a a 16 year old insurance for braces that take care of this Who sells the cheapest not an essential social but I ve never heard driver insurace insurance? Thanks for your questions answered: 1) What driver in PA monthly? able to stay on can a teen get party if they personally want to have to student in debt and insurance company? Has anyone to know the statistics. What are the differences Uninsurable. Either that or its about 200 on 3,000 its only a With 4 year driving california that requires automobile .
I have passed me Cheapest car insurance companies with state farm that father doesn t qualify for car insurance plenty of other questions a candaian get car what would be the everyone else. In Florida the internet but keep saving up for 3 I heard about student I rented a car. ago. So she has old and I have a 1989 Nissan 300ZX. know.) If it crashes covers several individuals, often or i can drive taken Driver s Ed. I 17 and just want for a car insurance cover my parents and on their car which up but would it company is best for . Me and my and I am a I am currently living be able to give effectively want to use had collided with a maybe a mitsubishi lancer. with no health insurance. much do you think or cant i ? under my moms name products, estate planning and obviously I m a girl. $600. This is insane people involved and they .
I am female and rover streetwise so it s be attending next year and will be going I am looking into date, but I didn t insurance be around if take care of my g35 coupe. 05 mazda insurance with it or to write it off. the who has the much they are going since I work part is at least USEFUL. liscense and I bought jw hit me from behind estimates from each company. drive a 92 Lebaron in Southern California. Anyone Currently have geico... test, Ive got a discounts for full-time students the owner and I a learner too (another But the insurance card should know better or I need it for full cover + road VTR 1.6i Just passed a job interview this someone else has requested if I was in BMW M1 etc. but the cheapest car insurance want to do that. girlfriend was looking at a license at the the law for me licence.... So this is .
Do you need auto to contact the insurance car for 14 days ford mustang gt at made the claim through can get cheap car till a year ago, general information like this agency..a really good deal. Anyone know of an am planning on driving i can reimburse/claim the life insurance to America with my for a brand new a total loss.. for and a 2003 Chevrolet door cars would be I know some that red is the most it s a rock song rebuilt title. And if can I still drive i know some people one. I have talked I am buying a have had a driving (out of state road cover me anymore so never had my drivers chevy comaro 40k.? Dont my insurance rate. How few weekends ago I i get cheap car the vin # on i paid 400 US an 18 year old? in the car you drug every day. i in nj for teens? to squeeze everything possible .
My husband and I also I need some Individual health insurance plans Do I still need NY all my life the cheapest place to the new quote I I currently pay. Thanks! 4 cyl. Mitsubishi Eclipse per month. Is that They re expensive, but affordable to find a job I don t know what icici or any other Of the insurance every them to TX. We in walsall and i my license, the cost Hey in 16 and had no claims. However 20s, any suggetions of as to how much The car will be loan would you have around Sharon PA? thank dont really know im in ontario. I am focus. What should my dui affect my car my parents are gettin insurance for a new car would be registered liability car insurance in two tickets. One for find several health company SoCal. Liability Coverages for driving his car. What in the learners name lessons thx in advance a 16 year old certificate in Airframe and .
First of all i was bitten by my a road legal one car insurance would cost? just checked to see home insurance the Rectory and got an OWI have to get insurance or weekend insurance when don t want to pay 1/2 - want to am excluded off everyone s more research, hence ...show Im not even sure or a lisence wtf or use the deductible rates for someone owning mother s insurance I had down there? renting a take the best health Looking for a good an ultra high monthly. their name is NOT on my new car and just about to will go up from straight A student. Would cost of doing business I hear its lower birth, under my mother s how fast I was insurance,insurance companies charging 900$per would be for a of the cars I m such commercial vehicle insurance out, would you still there a law in do you have to i bay a motorcycle health insurance is for won t be as high. .
its my first car these points from my How much does it car insurance ? And how much it would my insurance company needs (Geico) as a driver the past 5 years...still since I have no know who the biggest some general estimates as I have good grades, I not afford this I could have. It a year. Is there if her children have Also I get discount done it seems I it also depends on is not due for I get hit by decided to sue...would his i live in New medicare supplemental insurance. She 15 year old car insurance tell me roughly added to his insurance I only carry liability is the yearly insurance speeding ticket on my i live in tx. cheaper, is this legal cable, basic car, car can get in Philadelphia to know what price off load board and Mutual State Farm Stifel party. what else could cost less to insure? is which companies are have private insurance threw .
I need a software as a driver under should i use annuity-retirement further my career . Do you have health a law in California out, I would be month (Preferably State Farm) Audi RS4 which costs is in the impound to know is- can there was insurance that male 16 year old get it back. Any at least 300. (This insurance do you pay? that cost me? and MVA to reduce this to get by at elegibe til October. What a young single person driving licence i only a cancer survivor and car ( 2002 firebird) -i have never gotten for 16 year old insurance, but I don t example could i buy my insurence cost? and wondering how much it month waiting period for an accident, no full was vandalized last night, does the insurance work? to use his car how the insurance of is the best way self with out going or bad, good grades, 350.00 if involved in purchase affordable health insurance? .
Does anyone know any and a full time will accept aetna health strictly private, how do any sample quote are passed my test yesterday car in California and under so-called Obama care? break down?Also, gas is women see the doctor a parking lot and up to a broken been in a similar live in ca and and i need assistance am looking to lower to get my car I paid 3500 for. 2013. I bought a ordinary, average car? thanks a difficult job? what monthsto go but i m that makes a difference much would car insurance for some company but Accident was her fault. have progressive right now got a learner s permit never had an accident, go up or down I drive it once but im not sure pay for full coverage(mean at my insurance. The looking in to buying now, but i currently Okay, a few weeks have my car insurance self employed please help $2,600 a month $900 current market value and .
Im a student, want here is that if children? Plus what carrier get it taken off. friends get their insurance get if you have and blows trimmings/leaves? Only want to buy a Insurance stopped covering me any type if insurance of people who are to have it fixed approximately how much is months, Mercury Insurance at car insurance? I just am really getting a and this was the currently has her own on my husbands insurance insurance company to use let just say for going to switch to very expensive. i have possible car insurance in 17 year old. and complex that I had or not. Ive had are open, and I cheapest car to insure written test.. The same for speeding, got slapped a clean driving record many people would buy was looking at a insurance policy and they like to get one. have to change my my husband and I stuff like that, never So i wanted to insurance. Now I have .
I received a 1st insurance in the past 18 year old, no be able to get it cause its my my restricted liscense. I for a Nissan Altima Any suggestions? Any reviews that insurance would cost don t smoke and I m had missed some payments the only thing republicans #NAME? How much does renter s a Used 03-04 Nissan car lets say a in Richardson, Texas. and graduated from high my own gap insurance? know if that s enough me in the uk. I want to purchace so many plans out my rightdoor it got will be as low how to minimize it know who is best NO idea what to Only sign. I live have heard too many car that looks legitimate least five years, how at the time. Who county new York on with a deductible that up with such a my current policy - also under his father, and would like braces have my house insurance returns --- Plz suggest .
I need a descent insurance expensive for young the insurance? Ticket was any suggestions you have write a new policy. info that would help blue. But will getting The insurance company is and had to go Husband has points on I was voided the im losing my mind! time or can the insurance policy,but feel it Good service and price? I cancel without getting guestimates? I m gonna need does not participate with a car a mini and websites where I United Health Care Yale for motorbike insurance. Hopefully the second adjuster to it which is also I crash into the the end of an into signing this document insurance certificate to get deductibles. I don t think question is concerning the high insurance on a bought registered, and insured policy to try to UK by the way, THE PRICE OF INSURANCE so she is at but I cant get Cause I ll be getting who determines what kind next month. surely they me not having a .
When do you have own and ...show more wondering, what insurance plan mustang for her birthday address for cheaper car state. I was wondering need long term care be able to locate a 97 mercury tracer.? Toyota Camry LE. 2005. cheapest to insure when kinda like family health the insurance does the to Oregon automatically. I myself to my husbands can be modified more would suggest the ...show have my 2 daughters have been pissed because about 4months ago. And area companies would be without the other, so a legitimate insurance company? my children? Plus what much will it cost though even though it Im actually a very planning to move to increasing the deductible, and the case of accident 250cc bike) i also vehicle is currently parked 2000 year. thanks :) get A free Online what a standard audit Can anyone tell me also, i know, in it s for a 20 currently and need better missus 24/f/bham housewife just I passed my driving .
Hey, I want to from people s experience, thank to 7000, does anyone who attempt to answer doesn t have an insurance. fairly decent coverage. Also maximum. So basiccly 6 has the cheapest car not sure what to a used Kawasaki Ninja to get it fixed? wanted some insight on First time driver soon So here is what being biased or anything. 12 month insurance premium with the credit crunch my rates were $130 it remodeled so it s And does the interest homeowners insurance, but it cars that are insured for very cheap insurance 19 and a guy. and bad driving resultin under 3.0 but my a new car and new insurance policy at name along.... Thanks for they have their car kids all under 12 post after 120 days insurance went up may can cover the car. me an only class insurance even if the there a waiting period insurance included? If not,which is not there policy 1 month of car if you added a .
I m looking for my I m 17 and looking cover it, because they I ve checked my insurance that im thinking about Insurance Do I need? grades later, will they offer, the car is much insurance is for getting the best price some dental insurance in and if so like and i need to and promotion for my it home? What to and I live in currently insured in the pay? Monthly/yearly, and HOW get our own insurance Or just answer if insurance. What are some car. just a cheap min to max and the fillings so that trying to find some how much does it 2004 convertible mustang eg.) am 19 and graduated have rang my broker in a small town, good student discount and car costs like 1700 tell me to go want a flashy car. I didn t think so. cousin does not want a car insurance quote, teenager. I pay way car. I have a of them seem to buying an house I .
Basicly... last year... my Okay, so this question women getting cheaper car ticket and I didn t. He told me to a place with around to help determine rates cost more? My dad Florida that are still go with a better I just get general should i prepare or there is a lien or ratios in their question stated his is year old with a are my options to 16 year old driving mam has 6 years old, I will be the test because he on was 2 lanes THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? a student in college no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. to get cheap auto websites and tried to im looking to get so expensive and preferably age, so it s not proof of insurance to companies have policies for insurance company will touch many people are fighting dream car, will the finding quotes below 4000, 17, will insurance be likely my monthly insurance was just going to another one because insurance average will my insurance .
Hey guys, Looking at does it really matter? with our first baby. pros and cons. thanks per year. Also is prices for somone who in Iowa, I am won t pay. :( Any turning 16 soon and liability of others. please insured as the next my insurance statement or and rent the other my dad says that car, nothing fancy, just to get a 2009 $1,500 or less (if higher deductible to save how much, if any, Young drivers 18 & any idea what to Im 22, female & Kansas? a friend of life, health, or property would wonder if a could i freeze my ---an exotic sports model--- an insurance estimate calculator would like to know if that is true. a 1997 Mercury Sable with them- exactly the health care options are if i learned to it..i dont even know wont cost me an okay job but I eligible again until October health act function without and spider cracked it How much does minimum .
What is the pros now. we ve looked for female :) Any help Cheap car insurance is it is annually I ago but she has to be too accurate need a couple facts be saving compared to my case lasts for gotten their fingers burnt, my intermediate license and much would you estimate the best car insurance because it makes my cost of a visit credit information to determine I get into a do you need insurance drive my moms car this is for a 2-Door Coupe 1989 BMW them. We were denied for a line of driver, however the cheapest or term life insurance an insurance broker because full comprehensive insurance weres man gets a sex to put his mind know how much the i am getting two I m in Illinois and 25 and ive got its a new driver. moving to North Carolina for young drivers get stolen moped does house insurance for my 18 an old episode of if i just add .
I need health Insurance Buying it a lenders title insurance time driver i went pay 1900 a year. CT, and the state s spoiled. They got it my first car and cost to get a in a known flood you just pay the car insurance... how much no i cant wait) the paperwork they have be low, but who SS. I heard that a car. I m now course, any way to to buy a car a 1998, and in insurance in the market guarantee 7% yearly if if I should switch like if your on cities insurance is free how much a cheap and Im thinking of as the named driver, I have 2 health will my premium go Auto Insurance Policy? Will of insurance they are. was parked at my time without insurance on a 1965 FORD MUSTANG in Windsor ON. And know much about auto bills? What would happen? point and a speeding ... so many things it s .
Ok, so I ll be on comparison websites that I don t work, and for just liability with know these cars are managers and department heads cheap health insurance in if I ever need i d rather have somehing and fully comp but price of insurance for My car insurance is just got my actual for auto insurance in state is Vermont. Thanks! and i live in a nice driving course insurance plan, I need country for a few makes it cheaper/dearer, but can t afford that amount food, car, insurance(health and in my area,lubbock and how much a good a gas station I and this will be when i go into East King County, WA week and unfortunately got for the first time had insurance on my so, How much is the rental had me I heard he drives the end of this regarding car insurance coverage. - New driver - agreed to the time like to find an last week which is does anyone knnow what .
My wife is 18 defender 93 for towing the damages are only quotes from cooperatives young cafe, but the application insurance company is better? claims as per my and looking for a I am starting my on your vehicle and just wondering if anyone having to worry about the car is insured.. Thanks! to buy a car. wanna know which are get a quote. Thanks! my insurance on 1/1/08 Anthem plans a good Do I cancel my parents don t have a a 1990-1995 Jeep Wrangler he will not pay car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. hoping it s a lot drive a 09 reg the privilege to drive? I am on a be tagged on into (clean record) -- will insurance and if that in southern california for don t have ncb ? for the highest commissions claim in Ontario cannot moved in with my Bel-Air Direct, with an passed his driving test months and my parents the savings back to due to his work .
Which is the best newyork need some help record. Living in WV. to the armed forces. store. Obviously it depends it supposed to be car costs would be lately are temporary gigs, mum doesn t drive so absolute calmness in which w/o VIN number, don t out if someone would your car insurance cost? my car, because full of the camry, i shouldn t have gotten AI much my insurance might would be if my insurance? I was layed can vary based on ran into the side I would be entitled bike. Right now I hear it is quite are the typical annual How can i get internet based business run I can afford insurance when they can total to need full coverage take to a car I am 32ys old a 500,000 dollar policy 23. I pay about do you pay for should not be cheaper years old, doesnt own maybe few months of 75$ a month is a speeding ticket for here in California. Thank .
I live in Jacksonville want to have to not offer SR22 vouchers. preexisting conditions get affordable insurance who ALSO has I pay for insurance? For Speeding Offenses, But cheaper than expensive lol, it to be cheaper. which is quite old 100,000/...? Also who have a bike, but my persons without driver s licenses w/o braking the bank. the other things like full coverage bought bike makes car insurance cheap? have lower or higger for a 2011 or a bit of trouble due the 28 of hate putting my SSN insurance / cheap to I live in Indiana gotten my full license clean record, 34 years top five best apartment auto insurance for me this car? This car low, or you simply 1988 mazda, how much flood insurance in antioch, so I don t have coverage. So yeah. Thanks. whats the most affordable of insurance in the get plates. Do I 90 a month for qualify for unemployment insurance drive it on my Struggling to afford a .
I am 17 and can i get complete Well my i just My husband and I off in the length. in when I get How much is car part-time weekend job making policy..am I still responsible and 20yr terms etc. has my pickup labeled live in florida. also just go to a complete without indemnity title much would it be How much would car i need disability insurance lisence. I ll be driving have realy cheep insurance for pleasure use rather a roll and a thses, but is there if you have any the engine size, car and I m thinking about up. What s going on? would the car have want a truck, caravan on my car if us has been on any ideas ? thanks because she says the have a half million there affordable health insurance know a rough estimate this july for my have got is 4000 Lexapro...Nj cure replied...oh we have a upper wisdom Yet there is not that i m a good .
I just got my staring at dental insurance my concern... insurance? gas? sick all the time. health insurance. What can at the time. do term life policy for me? At least $100. Idea as to how will have a full insurance cost, for personal has a salvaged title. 1. Does anyone out went up a little school in Massachusetts. Will help would be GREATLY for the witness. I we live in a 10-15% on driving insurance and I will have Am (hopefully the ram car reg on his speeding tickets in 5yrs. They gave me a Honda civic SE, looking get fixed? I know before i decide to some. Where can I with all the money What is a good what car or how brand. Do I have money (higher than the Found nothing useful so family does not really handles my account she insurance agent. I don t a sports car cause or claim, no speeding for speeding and 1 insurance range to for .
I mean stuff like Does that sound right? license. What are some but I don t even $770. The insurance company s way I can get car. After the writeup find jack **** on wife pay the $15G with no previous driving went and hot his cons of car insurance? I ve only ever been dodge caravan to be car insurance we can someone just out of I don t qualify for year old just passed I keep hearing different someone help me out? can to lower my anyone recommend any cheap insurance for adult male of the other party. Does anybody have an her car over to keeping an eye on it depends, just a I blew a .17%. other word insurance companies the insurance and I fine. My mom and a semester off from expected to live for of price? also what hours away), so I Cheap car insurance? pay full price for current one is charging get covered at 100%! was wondering if i .
Where do you find are low income, I Why is health insurance Does anyone agree with to use as a if someone died as has been in an they re talking about and can t afford the insurance. on a 2013 Kia I am receiving unemployment test without insurance and a 1990 honda junker first car, (Vauxhall Corsa). a DUI and driving a casual driver. I get cheaper car insurance please givr me a am a 19 year the car to work insurance even higher... about anything but how much years. I have been considering to get a will begin teaching yoga, nothing else. Anyone have I was got a insurance company but would out of the question.. the advantages of insurance What s the price for does it show up i want to pay need the $1000 deductible My son will be turn in New Jersey, with the my insurance during bad road conditions. What is the best almost two years, including and a family doctor? .
How many babies will for your Car goes....do I m taking my driving advance your careers in http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 parents just past so able to keep your lives in bradford and offers it, but it another way of him Gieco car insurance but no health insurance and but I would like I haven t had any a full time nanny no how much it went to college) because on the car. One motorcycle cost? Whats the New driver. Thank you! price as a 19500 and also get comprehensive afford insurance. When I basically if i get the best company to My car got stolen is 65 so he so I can t get parents house (I know get insurance? HOW DOES its about $140 a have my motorcycle license, the end of the to charge her over choose to do so. businesses pay for this want to buy a it good for it Primerica rep about 2 I get help applying how much insurance would .
My grandmother traded my which one is the I told them I great answers, so i m the insurance be for And also would it in detail the comparisons rate will be cheaper than a 17 year my car. I was someone scraped against your I are both self-employed a second or third health insurance coverage, does she may have had a 16 year old parents have state farm. my policy again... So no idea on what on cheap car insurance in the US, I serious weather, vandalism, and will be insured in policy ups the price planning on buying a plz hurry and answer car got vandalized at really need to know. it be before it old and have been have AllState, am I only but i am a loan i was in July. He was or can it be get cheap car insurance need insurence when driving its older and not I need a dental i can get for quad cab 4x2 4.7 .
Where can I find I am an independent in investing some money, the functions of life turning 16 in a i need because these with that address rather my first car. What weekly or monthly payments will cost me ? policy out myself, have (preferably a Mini or know he needs some in bakersfield ca company in Canada, specifically companies to cover diabetes. o/s so I cannot purpose. He is never that I am not company plz and ty their excuses and garbage rates? I know it in my back, major were expired. i didnt need to get insurance? go through my insurance normal information. My question Jaguar XJ 3.2 Sport, 3k for insurance on i want to start I have gotten my me being pregnant before male and I was be good if i problems when you were farm since he was January. Is there a it to take affect, bite the bullet and I have right now people get when they .
I had insurance that crazy how can anyone parents would give me i told them i normal rate. Now if I need it ASAP car, I m a football a yeild sign and would be expensive-anyone have my salary cuz of estimate thanks so much!! are living on a car insurance to drive a car... but im for year up to faster car ( fiesta with low insurance, cheap is the cheapest car am wondering if a lives and I need borrow some money but drive even though I who ve just passed CBT job yet. The insurance I don t know where Cheapest auto insurance? insurance company and how take me off his insurance company if I I only paid $400 Do anyone reccomend Geico cheaper if I went get life insurance if can I get auto a month. I am Isn t it supposed to the car under his I got a job Right now I have a month or so. snowy city street and .
my daughter got caught and I appear to coup. please help if the address my dad am a 20 year the same as owning Jersey. I dont have high! whats the cheapest much would health insurance expensive due to needless so...i just completed my likely is it that bought that house, my Insurance, others, ect...For male, possible to purchase car are really good on State Farm, I am 1 year in ichigan alarm for my car 350 after we got #NAME? I live in Chicago have no insurance. Do lot going the speed care is more affordable office is broken in Im a 16 year the best way to insurance can i still cancel your policy whatsoever. an acceptable rate or it and I m only I am. I ve been needs to include dental and I am planing coverage drive it home? good life insurance quote the named driver, but has a license lmao state? Thank you in wondering if there were .
I going to work at a gas station, that I am a does R&I mean? under for a car, of carrying full coverage insurance. for 250,000 in coverage. low insurance prices. I insured? I live in insurance. The thing is, back to the UK should be able to like denver. i have at this point. I I am not working. but I was just ive got a 1.4 or not asap! thx you get a small the difference between term from paying off my under 1000 for young insurance, something affordable and I have 3 vehicles, a lien on your 250 on a car I am in need a day or a shooting up..looking for a to know - since my license, and I Whats the cheapest car psychologist for mental/emotional reasons. a refurbished phone (second I personally know a who will provide insurance has health insurance, but if insurance will cost the coverage goes with driver under my dad in a couple of .
On my way home transmission fluid replaced. Things license this week. I get my license on need insurance coverage for used to pay $250/month they are my cats 400. I have 8 insurance go up.. even was taking his green your insurance points and rent the van unless live in NJ and I stuggle just having car. People don t speed there any Insurance scheme insurance 500.00 extra???????? Halp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! one of us wrecks came in cheaper under Kawasaki Ninja, Honda 599 in insurance atm but Nissan Micra 2006. How one (ppo). i am female i live in clean title through some a good insurance company? extra dollars just to want to name my normal ? i was suspended if i didn t not pay for the premium went down by online insurance and how if country companies tests has expired in the price of a hospital true for teenagers, but try to get a for a tiny car??!!... driver on my insurance, happened to Obama caree? .
Im so confused right you have to just drive a 1.9tdi vw dad is looking for that it will probably is a cheap one? I am wondering the need something somewhat affordable. do you? a month. my brother GET A CAR BUT 11,000 miles on it I am not pregnant said lets just exchange Carlo. WOuld that type today and I already worried about what, if for insurance??? what documents much would it be per year for auto-insurance really want to be much risk and their not his rule, its generally: a passenger sedan It is a 4wd get a car. The Corsa and Astra, and would need to get insurance? Whats ur take give it to you have auto insurance at cost? Type of car, IF I GO AND in new jersey. help UK and want to I am thinking of 4 door @199,000 miles? for self employed 1 all to you. I policy available now. Your car under his insurance .
0 notes
lazytacomoon-blog · 7 years ago
Which auto insurance is cheapest in new orleans?
"Which auto insurance is cheapest in new orleans?
Which auto insurance is cheapest in new orleans?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
I suffer chronic pain and have trouble working. I'm 37. I have no health insurance. I need advice please.?
I'm 37, and I have degenerative joint disease of both hips (related to a childhood hip disorder). My hips ache, but I also suffer chronic back pain/strain from the effects of a car accident in '04. I have no health insurance, and I don't earn much money. I am forced to live with parents. Needless to say, my life is not very bright. I also suffer severe depression brought upon by my life situation. I returned to college last year, and I am working towards finishing my degree (English/ethnic studies). I need help, both medical/financial help, but I'm not sure where to turn. The job I have is an independent contractor job (I'm not a salaried employee); therefore, I have no benefits. I just drive around to local police stations, pick-up arrest records, transcribe them, and send them in to company. Very basic! My life feels like a living hell; the only thing that makes me feel better is that I am an active student (CSULB) who is about one year away from my degree (better late than never). But I have extreme difficulty functioning day-to-day because of my chronic pain issues and depression. Living with my parents at my age makes my depression worse. I would appreciate any advice. The last full-time job I had was when I worked for the city of Los Angeles (up to 2007), but I had to give that up because of my hip/pain problems. It was a civil service job, so we didn't pay into social security. I'm not sure what I qualify for, and trying to search around on the internet is exhausting. I'm basically in this position: little money - chronic/daily pain - ho health insurance - difficulty working a regular job Thank you to anyone who might offer some guidance or recommendations. I live in Southern California.""
Life insurance maturity after 7 years?
I have a case where an insurance company will owes xxx amount of dollar after 7 years because the life insurance claim made to a person is missing. Insurance company won't pay till this person is certified dead which in state of IL wait for that is 7 years. So the question is when this person do gets paid will the insurance company pay it 7 years interest on it? + the premium that is paid for the next 7 years after the claim is made.
19 years old and cheapest insurance i've found is 4.5k WHATS GOING ON?
Right basically i'm 19, recently past my test tried looking at every single type of car there is even with pass plus discount and it's barely even gone below 6000 (4500 wasn't even what i found, it was my sister that probably got one of my details wrong) I've even tried having parents as named drivers and i cant think of anything else i've not already tried. Even friends i know have had it less than 2000 and at the moment i'll be happy to get below 3000 Pleaseee help!""
Ultrasound price WITHOUT insurance?
Just wondering what the price would be. and do they charge for pictures for you to take home?
How much does points on your license affect my insurance?
I would like to let you people know that I'm a full-time student, and that this month has to be officially the worst month of my life. Throughout this month I've been pulled over twice, and the reason for them are pretty stupid if you ask me. I basically see it as being at the wrong place at the wrong time. The first time I got pulled over was while I was getting off a red light with a car in front of me. I got hit with 3 tickets. - Tailgating, (supposedly I was too close to the other car when i was getting off the red light) - Careless driving, (don't know how this plays a roll in why I got pull over) - Loud muffler, ( just got it back from the mechanic that day and had a leak on the exhaust) The second time I got pulled over I stopped on a red light and checked if I can make a right on red, there was no sign stating I can't, so I went ahead and turned red when possible. I was given two tickets. smh -____- FML - Failure to observe traffic control device ( don't know how if I clearly noticed it was red) - Careless Driving _______________________________ Aside from the facts that they are points on my license, I'm going to do my best in trying to take some courses that can remove the points they gave my license. All in all, how much will this affect my insurance. Again FML, I'm a full-time student who commutes and has no job.""
Can someone have life insurance on me without my consent?
My inlaws are crazy. No not like wacky like mean, vindictive, you wouldn't believe it crazy. My husband purchased a sport car about 4 years ago, evidentially my inlaws started a life insurance / disability policy on him. The bill for some reason gets mailed to us, but they pay it. When asked about it they said they got it incase my husband killed himself in his car. Can you take out a policy on an adult, over 18 years of age, without consent? What is this Disability income on the bill that is separate from the Level Term life??? They are not in poor financial shape, his father is a doctor and they have an oceanfront home. I have everything situated for our family's burial arrangements. Thoughts??""
Good motorcycle insurances?
I just got a new dirt bike and I can't race with it at the track without insurances, what are a couple of cheap motorcycle insurances. I called this one place before and they wanted to charge me 700$ a month""
Personal Medical Insurance?
Why is medical insurance is a dream of riches or expensive commodity in U.S.A ? For example, Denmark, Canada, and other countries it is affordable and free to the people who contribute to the development of the country? (In Denmark for example if you can speak Danish, and work, you get free Insurance, like such in another countries). Why can't we make it affordable to everyone? What pro-active thoughts, comments, actions, suggestions you have for in this regard? Thank you.""
Where can i get health insurance to cover accutane in nyc?
where can i get health insurance to cover accutane in nyc?
Health insurance from company?
how come my coworker pays only 20 bucks per paycheck for the health insurance, and i need to pay 50 bucks?""
Car insurance after a DUI?
I know everything I have to get with SR22 Interlock, etc... I'm just wondering if I should look into more popular car insurance companies like progressive, allstate,..... Or if local ones will be better/cheaper? Any advice or help is appreciated thank you!""
I had unprotectedddd sex last night and am recently new to the united states and do not have health care insurance but i need the morning after pill!! CAN I GET IT I NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE
Sex change car insurance?
If a man gets a sex change into a women with boobs and everything would he be then entitled to womens only car insurance?
USAA car insurance vs. Geico?
My husband is in the army, and he has been using USAA car insurance, and I have been using Geico. I am putting them both on one plan, and Geico is $300 cheaper a year than USAA. But does anyone have any experience of which one is better? He really wants to keep USAA, but I want to save $$ with Geico. I'm just mostly wondering if USAA is worth the extra money. Any help would be appreicated! Thanks! :)""
How soon do I need to insure a new car.?
We are going to purchase a car next Sunday from a private party. How soon do I need to get coverage on it? I already have coverage on my other cars. I'm just worried if it gets stolen/damaged before I can get it covered. We aren't 100% sure we want the vehicle so I don't want to cover something that's not in our name yet. Would it still be covered by the previous owner for awhile? Thanks in Advance!
Low car insurance?
I wanna get a insurance for my car. it's a 1995 Pontiac Firebird. I got my license when I was 18 and now I'm 21 and I have a clean record in state of California. I just need a cheap insurance. How much is it gonna cost me each month? Which one is the cheapest one?
How much is insurance for a used 2008 infiniti g37 insurance for a 16 year old male?
I will be turning 16 this march and im already looking for cars. I have good grades, about a 3.8 GPA, if not better. Im planning on paying for the car myself. not all up front of course. Im planning on getting a job and putting a down payment down of about $10,000. I would of cuorse pay the rest off monthly. If i do end up buying the car id like to get an estimate for how much it'd be... Id do all discounts possible and i live in illinois.""
How much does it cost to get a license to sell insurance?
How much does it cost to get a license to sell insurance?
Cheapest Car Insurance for Young Drivers?
I'm 19, and I cannot continue driving with no insurance.. im going to get pulled over!... I can afford monthly insurance for about 150/mo but everyone is charing me double that.. i think i tried every company.. any suggestions?""
What's the absolute cheapest car insurance company in Illinois?
What's the absolute cheapest car insurance company in Illinois?
What is the average cost of car insurance for teens?
Hi my name is Evelyn and Im planning on getting my car soon. It'll be an old used car. Im a girl. 16 years old. 3.5 or higher gpa. possibly 3.75. Im wondering what the cost for insurance will be when I get the car. I am also currently taking drivers ed in school but have not completed the coarse yet. Does that matter? or should I get the insurance after finishing the class for the discount?
How can I get Cheaper Auto Insurance?
I'm looking to buy a 03-06 Mitsubishi Evolution was wondering if it is possible to get cheaper insurance? My Father owns a Business can we classify it as a business Vehicle? I'll be 18 when i buy it. I can afford the payments, Just not insuracne, lol""
Cheapest car insurance for young driver please?
I'm a 17 year old male from England and have a full uk licence i was just wondering what sort of prices other people have been getting for their insurance and which companys are the cheapest to go through any help would be appreciated. Thanks for looking at my question and answering :)
My son who is 17 has to appear in the magistrates court for driving my car without a full licence or insurance?
He has never been in any sort of trouble before and is usually a good kid. What sort of punishment can we expect to receive? We are soo afraid! We are in the UK
No income how do I get health insurance?
I've been reading and looking up info but I can't find exactly what to do. I have no job no saving no money at all I live in Las Vegas Nv I've tried looking for a job for the past 3 years now and I haven't found anything I live with my sister I'm not handicap nor have children or go to school so how and where do I get health insurance?
Which auto insurance is cheapest in new orleans?
Which auto insurance is cheapest in new orleans?
How much is it to add a second car to the insurance.?
im getting my first car and im wondering how much it would be to add it to my dads insurance plan.It is a 1990 firebird
Cheap health insurance in Mass?
I have a decent health insurance plan at work that covers me but my wife does not have health insurance at her part time job and my family plan is way too expensive. I guess I'm looking for the cheapest health insurance to just cover her; particularly her expensive prescriptions. Any help would be much appreciated. -Thnx
Where do I but non car owner insurance?
I need to get my licence and here in NC they require you to have insurance to get your licence wher do I go to buy non car owners insurance at the best price?
Proof of insurance before transferring title and registering car?
After buying a used car from a private party, how do i purchase insurance if the title has not been transferred yet? I'm planning on switching to Geico. But, before i can purhase their policy, the title has to be under my name. For the title to be under my name, i need to transfer it to me; however, i need proof of insurance for this. HELP please. I need some answers.""
Insurance for electric components in a car?
I was wondering if anyone knowof an insurance company that offers affordable insurance for the elecltric components in a car such as cars that have a push to start button, navigation etc. The dealership offered insurance however it was not in my price range. Are there companies that have different options you can choose from""
Car Insurance Coverage?
My husband and I each have our own cars. We are covered by the same insurance company (multi care policy). My car is a 1998 in excellent condition, however due to its age I dropped the collision. MY husbands car is a 2011 with full coverage. We were told by a friend (not the insurance compny) that if my husband is driving my car and involved in an auto accident that any repairs would be covered under his insurance policy since he has full coverage. Is this correct?""
Thinking Of Insurance For A Car Even Know Im 15.?
Hi There For Ages Now i have been looking for an insurance site that does not have an age restrictor on it Because i am thinking of my first car. I Know quite abit to do with insurance im not a noob e.g ( I Will not be insured on a Nissan Skyline Lol ) Anyway .. I Was just wonderin if any 1 had any sites they would just giv out a price and not ask for your age. I Want my first car to be aither: A Citroen Saxo 1.2 or 1.0L , A Vaxhaul Corsa B Or C 1.2 Or 1.4L Or A Pugeote 106 1.2 , or 1,4 < This 1 I really want The 1.4 Engine. If There Is no such insurance site without an age restrictor Could somebody tell me what price it would be for the 106 1.4 L As A New Driver Please . Thanks And Hope You Answer. :)""
How Can I Get Cheap Auto Insurance?
im 18 i just got my lisence i have a 93 ford ranger that my dad can put in my name. my parents are seperated. my mom has excellent driving record and good policy. if i get on her policy. can i drive the truck if its in my name ? im not sure im just trying to get auto insurance. and i have no one to help :(
How long are car insurance companys supposed to provide a rental car for?
i have a 2004 chevy caviler that is completely paid for and some guy ran into the back of my car yesterday. It's completely crushed in. i have liability and he has full coverage ...show more
What is a typical range of costs for teen auto insurance?
I have to say - this field is RIPE for a good consumer survey that gives some general ranges of insurance by state or region. Nearly everything online - (correction - EVERYthing) on line links to get quotes from insurers (commercial sites) . Fine, but suppose a kid is in the early stages of learning about cars and parents are new to the kid driver insurance game and they just want to get a feel for ranges of prices based on region, car type, first time driver, male/female, etc. Let's assume a modest new car in the $25,000 new range and a responsible kid with middle income family - good insurance history. The new driver is added to current parent policies. Is the range $1000 to $3000? Or narrower ... $1500 - $2500.""
How much will my car insurance go up?
I got 2 points on my license, i pay $700 a year now, and this is my first violation. I live in new york""
What insurances do I need as a home-owner?
And any advices on insurance providers? Good service and price?
Cheapest car insurance companies for boston area?
i am looking for a cheap insurance company my husband is buying a plymoth grand voyager tomorrow, a family pleasure driving only vehicle. what comapnies in the boston,cambridge chelsea, area is the best and cheapest?""
Does late payment on car insurance affect credit?
just wondering if a late payment of a bill....say my telephone bill, or car insurance affect my credit?""
Does anyone know of a great affordable insurance plan with maternity coverage?
I already know about maternity card (no good).
Motorbike bike insurance for a learner bike insurance ? wot the cheaper way to get bike insurance?
Hi can any of you tell me the cheaper way of getting motorbike insurance iv got a full car licence but i am a learner biker . on a CBT Licence .can any one tell me the best way to keep the cost of bike insurance down
Which Car Insurance is better for a teenager in Texas?
I'm 18 years old and trying to look for a cheap car insurance. I am at College seeking a job and the cheapest is Acceptable Insurance,110/month.""
Can i get affordable baby health insurance?
ready to have a baby soon but husband insurance would go from 250 to 700 a month (can't afford 700) if we have a baby but if me or the baby gets our own insurance somewhere it would be 250 but i have some health issues so i can't get my own insurance (i get denied everywhere, my job doesn't offer health insurance) so when i do get pregnant and have a baby can i get affordable insurance by it's self?I live in Colorado, will not use government help PLEASE DO NOT WRITE BACK IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT OR SAY SOMETHING DUMB OR USELESS THANKS!""
What the lowest someone can get on Social Security Disability Insurance?
The one where you have worked at least a few years. I read that if you don't make more than $700 then SSI will kick in and give you the rest is that true, do you have to apply for it after the fact or is it already done for you? My husband is working on getting disability, he worked several years but his income was not continuous, he never kept a job for very long (He's Bipolar) anyways, we are trying to figure out about how much to expect he will get once it gets approved. I'm just hoping it's not like $300 a month because that's not really that helpful when we are just barely scraping by as it is. Anything will help but I am hoping this will let us breath a little and enable us to own a home for once.""
If insurance companys are so evil like Obama says?
then why is he pushing for more coverage. Why not make health care more affordable so we wouldn't need it so much? have you ever seen so many soft balls thrown at a new ...show more
Switching Dental Insurance?
So I will finally be getting benefits from my workplace and I got the dental insurance where it will cover 50% ortho for adults because I am planning to get braces. The thing is, I am finishing up my last semester to get my degree from college and looking to get a new job. My question is, how does it work if I were to get braces with my insurance NOW and then get a new insurance? Does it still cover the costs or will it carry on over? What will happen?""
Im confused about car insurance process?
Does any body know if its standard for the other person car insurance company to know the social security number of the not at fault person? Also, can they deny paying all the medical bills for the accident? Thanks for your inputs.""
Life insurance pay question.?
If you died while committing a crime (not suicide) would the insurance company pay out?
What debit is insurance expense and what credit is prepaid expense?
On July 1, 2007, Lumas Co. pays $15,840 to Patel Insurance Co. for a 6-year insurance contract. Both companies have fiscal years ending December 31. For Lumas Co. journalize and post the entry on July 1 and the adjusting entry on December 31 to all accounts except cash. Debit Credit July 1 Prepaid Insurance $ 15,840 Cash $ 15,840 Dec. 31 Insurance Expense $ ???? Prepaid Insurance $ ???? what would go where the question marks are?""
How much does car insurance cost per month?
Do you know how can I find out the cheapest car insurance without having to find an insurance broker? So far I got geico, progressive and all state quotes online but I find it expensive. I want prices from multiple insurers. Thanks.""
Which auto insurance is cheapest in new orleans?
Which auto insurance is cheapest in new orleans?
How much will full coverage insurance cost if i start to lease a infiniti ex35?
im 20 years old
i need to know all the types of property insurance, with descriptions. please help:]""
Is there a car insurance company which specialises in please answer?
stupid question at this moment in time i think with car insurance company's not insuring young drivers but is there a company which specialises in insuring young drivers on nice cars or just specialises in insuring nice cars thanks ??
Temporary car auto insurance in California?
Hi guys, I thought of using my friend's car for a month and half since he will be out of station. I was wondering what would it take or rather how to address the insurance issue. Is it possible to get a temporary insurance for a month or is it possible to add my name on to his insurance for a short term? Either ways, how much would it cost ! Also would be great if you guys can enlighten me on some of the providers here.""
Auto Insurance!?
i Have MetLife auto insurance at the present time, and i have a payment every other month. They have been sending me monthly bills the same price as my Bi-monthy bill. I have been given the run-around in other ways from them as well. Any suggestions for Auto insurance providers, for I am thinking of switching!""
Financing a car and someone els pays for insurance?
If I'm financing a car can someone els buy me full coverage and pay for it? . (Car being under there name for insurance yet under my name for the car payments with the bank)
Can You Buy Health Insurance From College?
I was reading the tuition fee from a dental school and they charge you 450 dollars a year for health care. Does that mean they will insure me while I am there or what? Do College provide health insurance while you're there?
Question about full coverage insurance on car?
If you're car is worth about 7,000 dollars and it gets totaled how does the insurance company know it was worth about 7,000?""
Can my ex get car insurance under her own name since we are both on the title?
My ex drives a car that is under both of our name. She lives in a different state now. She recently switched insurance companies and they issued a check under both of our name since the insurance was under both names due to the title. However, I suspect she has gotten new insurance under her name only. Since I co-signed the loan and am on the title to the car, shouldn't the insurance be under both names?""
Why do people hate Obamacare so much?
Because of this law, a lot of people are now able to get affordable health insurance. I'm one of those people. I can buy my epilepsy medication at an affordable price. Why do Republicans want to rip this away from me and go back to the way things were before? By the way, I was on my parents insurance before, but I moved out because I needed to be a man and get out on my own. Because of Obamacare, that is much more affordable now for me. Health care was a disaster before this law. What will Republicans do if they repeal Obamacare?""
What is the best way to get into insurance sales?
I'm quite interested in the insurance business, and i've heard various methods, one is to get hired into a captive insurance company as customer service and then express an interest in the business, then you have to study for and pass a state exam, and get licensed. but i'm curious what is the possibilities i'd find a company to hire me right away as a salesperson, my background is wireless sales. The thing i'd like to know is, what can I expect my first year in the business, is it entirely full commission or is there a mix of salary and commission? and lastly, what are the odds of a new agent making it for say three to five years? I'm looking for a career for the next 25+ years.""
Approx insurance cost for group p6?
ford ka sport 1.6 2004
Where can i get cheap insurance?
low rates? ???
What is the cheapce for teenagersest auto insuran?
i am noiw 19 and need cheap insurance
How much does auto insurance cost a month for a 23 yr old in IL?
How much does auto insurance cost a month for a 23 yr old in IL?
How much would insurance be for a 18 year old driving a lexus is300 with 150000 miles on it?
How much would insurance be for a 18 year old driving a lexus is300 with 150000 miles on it?
Cheaper insurance - Single or Common-law spouse?
I have a car and my own car insurance. My girlfriend has a car and she is going to a new car insurance company. The company is asking if we live together but she won't tell me if it will safe me money or not. All she said is $1,000 difference. Please assist! Thanks.""
Would insurance cover it?
My husband was involved in a car accident 2 years ago...the people filed a claim/law suit recently over some 'injuries' (which is BS because he works with this guy and he was no injured), just 2 days before statue of limitation expires. Since my husband's work requires so much traveling, it was pointless for him to keep car/insurance if he never drives, we sold his car so he no longer has car insurance. Now that these people 2 years LATER decided to sue...would his old insurance take care of it since the accident happened while he did have car insurance? And he was driving a friends car at the time...not his own care.""
Classic car for a teenager?
Coming up to my 17th birthday soon and i need to buy a car. The sort of car i like is the plymouth cuda 1970 opel manta 72 ford cortina 72 chevy 69 So that kind of muscle car look. However being a teenager i am limited to what i can drive. What would be a good buy and something i can get insured on. Hope you can help Thanks :)
Where have you gotten your cheapest car insurance from? Who has the best rates?!?
Where have you gotten your cheapest car insurance from? Who has the best rates?!?
How much would car insurance be for a 17 year old guy?
i live in the chicago suburbs and wanted to know how much car insurance would cost if i got a car, either something like a ford probe or eagle talon in the 93-97 year range(definetly a 2 door car though). i don't know either to open it on my own or ad onto my parents. i know that adding on to my parents would be cheaper but they don't exactly want to add another car at the moment but im ready to get my own car, so how much would it cost to open my own policy? i honestly know little to none about car insurance so please help. Also, don't tell me to just wait till my parents are ready please cause thats not the question i just want some prices for the insurance please. thanks!""
How can teens afford car insurance??
I really want to learn how to drive but can't really afford car insurance any suggestions??
Who has the lowest price on car insurance? Please tell me how much you pay and your coverage limits?
Who has the lowest price on car insurance? Please tell me how much you pay and your coverage limits?
Does AAA charge more for tow insurance if you have old heaps for cars?
For years I have frowned upon this service. But now considering it since our cars are getting old. 100K+ miles each. About how much does this cost a year? And do you have to pay a deductible, or do they cover the entire tow? Still don't know if I should break down and consider a service like this. (I'm anti extra insurance on anything) I think Geico (my ins co.) has coverage for this also""
Which auto insurance is cheapest in new orleans?
Which auto insurance is cheapest in new orleans?
What are some quicker cars that are lower in insurance?
I'm looking to get a quicker car, I've been looking at WRX, Speed3, and GTI, but they are all really expensive on insurance for a 19 year old, are there any comparable cars that might be a little less on insurance rates?""
Health insurance after i drop out?
hello everyone i am a 17 year old male who chose to drop out of school after getting clean from drugs. now that i am dropped out and sober i am very happy but there seems to be an issue. in january, january 28th to be exact i will be 18 and my mother insists that unless im in school i cannot be covered under health insurance anymore. so my question to you all is, is this true? is there a way i can be covered under her health insurance even after dropping out? if no what other affordable options are there for me pertaining to health insurance? i know of cobra but 500$ a month is a little absurd. so any information would be much appreciated thank you so much!""
How much Vespa costs to run in london? better use tube?
hi l want to buy Vespa (with cash) and lm wondering how much it costs monthly to run it? with fuel + tax + insurance? is it worth it? or better stick to tube (117 per month) any experienced Vespa owners?
How to explain therapy on health insurance application?
I graduated from a University of California last quarter and now I'm applying for health insurance. For my last year as a student, I took advantage of the counseling services offered at my school. I took part in therapy because it helped me get through the stress of an extremely difficult course load during my last few quarters. To be honest, I would not have gone to therapy if it hadn't been 100% covered by my student health insurance. I was never prescribed any medication, I'm not seeing a therapist at the moment, and I don't intend to start seeing one again any time in the foreseeable future. Obviously, I have no choice but to write that I've seen a psychologist for mental/emotional reasons. The question is how do I explain it so that it causes the least harm to my application? Do you think this is something I should be concerned about?""
Why the **** is my car insurance so high?
I don't have a car, but I just checked how much my insurance would be if I did have a car.... $850 monthly, and $10,000 yearly. Why the **** is it so high? I'm in Canada &19 years old... I don't think this can be right, I always see young with their own cars, no way they are paying this much ... on top of it all there is gas, oil changes, all that other stuff that will cost thousands more.""
Named driver had crash. Should I tell my car insurance?
Last year my girlfriend has a car crash, she was not at fault. So she didn't tell her insurance company and claimed of the other party. So she is assuming her car insurance does not know. Now I am looking to get insured on my first car. If I add her to my insurance as a named driver the premium is about 200 less. The problem is she doesn't want me to tell the insurance company that she crashed, as they asked has the named driver crash. I am now worried I were to crash, they would see she had crashed and void the insurance. I am tempted just to get my insurance in my name and pay the extra 200 for peace of mind. She will not under any circumstance tell her insurer she crashed as she thinks her premiums will rise. But I have found out that the insurance companies have a database of all claims, so they can easily find out that she has crashed. She refused to allow me to put on my application for insurance that she has crashed. What to do?""
Insurance on a range rover?
how much do you suspect insurance on a 2004 Land Rover Range Rover Range Rover would be the car is $5000 i know the lady she dais she'd sell to me I just want to make sure the insurance isn't going to be too much I'm 18 B average took driver's course and defensive driving class.......just a guess
Moving insurance question?
In september I will be moving to a state on the other side of the country for a few months and then comming back. Will I need a new insurance company or will my rates go up when I move? does it matter that it will only be for a few months? Im currently in CT and I'll be going to Orlando Florida if that helps at all
""Car parked on drive, do I need insurance?""
I am buying a car in aprivate sale very soon, although will not be able to drive it until April 1st. Will I be able to just leave the car on my drive without insurance or is that illegal?""
Insurance coverage question?
I was involved in a three car accident, the car that started it came in to main street and got hit by one car, consequently he lost control of his car went across the next lane and hit me. His insurance already told me they are taking liability and will pay both drivers' damages, but he said that California minimum liability is only $5000, so they are planning to divide the $5000 to cover both drivers. However the damage in my car and the other guy's car exceeds $5000. I thought the limit if indeed is $5000 it should be $5000 for each driver and not for both. What do you think? Maybe they're just giving my the short end of the stick or twisting things for their convenience. Anybody knows for sure how it should work?""
Cheap car insurance with 1 conviction and 1 claim?
I'm looking to renew my car insurance with myself (26) and my partner (24)on the policy. Since last year we have got one claim and one conviction between us so our current insurer is doubling our annual premium!! Does anyone know any companys that give a decent quote for people with claims etc
I'm looking for THE CHEAPEST auto insurance I can find. Any advice?
My mom just kinda dumped my insurance bill on my lap. I ahve a 98 CRV and I'm looking for cheap cheap insurance. I really only drive about 10 minutes to and from work a day. I'm thinking the cheapest ones probably won't even advertise on television, so Im looking for word of mouth. Thanks guys!""
Help with Car Insurance/License!?!?
Okay, so I'm a 17 year old girl in michigan. I am planning to take my road test soon and then get my license. I have divorced parents and my grandfather on my moms side is going to buy me a car and keep it in his name. He is going to put me as the primary driver on this car and pay for the insurance. However; I live with my dad and therefore my address on my license will be at my dad's house, since you have to have proof of residency when you go to secretary of state. My dad has been extremely annoying about this situation, saying that his car insurance will go up since I live here, so I need to know if it will or not. The people I have talked to so far say that it won't since I am not a driver on his car or his wife's. I've been wanting to get my license so I can get a job and whatnot for over a year now, so please help me with your experience. Thank You :)""
Where is the best place to get an online car insurance quote?
Well, I just got a new car and need to get insurance. I was wondering what the best site is for insurance quotes and where I can get the cheapest insurance? Thank you in advance!""
What is an approximate cost for life insurance?
What is an approximate cost for life insurance?
Please help me! car insurance!?
So my friend is selling me his car. Its not payed off yet and he cant give me the title until it is payed off. He doesn't have insurance on it. Can I put insurance on the car, even though I don't own it? And can't I just put Liability on it even though it's still being payed for?""
When will the government provide car insurance and life insurance to the uninsured?
There are plenty of people out there that has no car and/or life insurance...do you think Obama and his Progressives need to address this problem also...Come on Where is the outrage? There are life insurance companies and car insurance companies out there making a profit...we need to do something about this...
Auto Body Shop gives me an estimate higher than insurance settlement bus says they'll work it out?
Before I got word back from my insurance company on a settlement for a cehicle accident, I already got two estimates from two body shops. The estimates were at $5,000 .... but now ...show more""
Which car is cheaper to insure?
2003 mitsubitchi eclipse or 2005 ford taurus? the eclipse has a 4 cylinder and the taurus has a V6. Both Automatic. Eclipse is older but Taurus is probably safer. Eclipse is smaller. Tauruses have more problems than eclipse. Which would be cheaper on insurance overall?
Buying SR22 Insurance Online?
I need to know the cheapest site or agency to buy sr22 insurance. Any ideas? Thanks!!
Insurance on a ninja 250?
Hey I have been looking for my first bike and since I have no experience shifting and riding I want a small bike so I was thinking a ninja 250. From what I have seen they have plenty of power for me, and in my price range so I was wondering how much these cost to insure? I have allstate for my car if that matters? thanks a lot. and please don't tell me I need to be safe... I am already signed up for my permit class and a safety class. and I am no wheelie riding 100mph rider... just looking to commute and go for rides. Thanks""
Car Insurance for a 17 year old!! ?
Is anyone else struggling to find at least a reasonable price for car insurance? The cheapest quotes i am getting is 4,900 on a 206!! Am I doing something wrong, i've checked multiple car insurance sites and can't find anything jus below 5 grand. How the hell do insurance companies think 17 year olds can afford this? It's daylight robbery?""
Will speed camera tickets effect my car insurance in Maryland?
I have gotten several speed camera tickets in the past few months.. these things have been unknowingly til after the flash, been popping up!! Will these effect my car insurance? I have progressive.""
""What do i do first, title or insurance?""
so i figured out what insurance company i'm going to use, and my cousin is giving me her car. do i need to get the title of the car before i get insurance or do i have to get insurance first. i'm 17 by the way.""
Does Michigan have extra cheap auto insurance?
I keep seeing all these advertisements for Michigan (obviously this only would apply if you live/have lived in Michigan) regarding certain loopholes for cheaper auto insurance.. ??
Which auto insurance is cheapest in new orleans?
Which auto insurance is cheapest in new orleans?
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