#also usually it seems that having genitalia which is more like a mix of male and female is just what plants have by default in these works
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grymmdark · 1 year ago
im gonna be real i dont like how the trigun fandom has taken to any version of vash that has some sorta mixed/ambiguous genitalia in fanworks as "intersex". being intersex isn't just about having different genitalia, and using it as a synonym for anything other than just a penis or vagina is really not great.
a better term to use might be "altersex", since that's a more general term about having mixed sex characteristics. or for specifically genitals, "salmacian" refers to having both a penis and a vagina. or you could just say "mixed/ambiguous genitalia" and not worry about using labels for it. but please stop using "intersex" when thats not actually what you're talking about
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year ago
A (relatively long) headcanon post about Ghouls as species
Since we've already theorized birth dates, dick sizes and the way the Ministry works, it's time to focus on the Ghouls. So let's try to come up with some stuff, shall we?
PS: I was gonna include human-ghoul hybrids, but that's a whole another post bc this one is already long af.
Ghouls and Ghoulettes
Ghouls view gender very differently than humans do. Their biology does not correlate to their gender. Most ghouls are intersex, but it's no uncommon for them to be male or female (purely in the amab/afab way) and their sex is not really important when it comes to their roles in the packs. It is, however, worth noting that more biologically feminine ghouls are physically stronger and more dominant. It's worth noting that there's no such thing as a "Ghoulette" in their understanding. They all refer to each other as "Ghoul". The term "Ghoulette" was introduced to them by the Clergy.
As mentioned above, most ghouls are intersex. Unlike humans, they can have both functional male and female genitalia, which means in majority of cases, a ghoul of any presentation can get pregnant. They get pregnant for about a year and usually give birth to 2-3 kits. Kits are notably smaller than human baby. They're much closer to a chihuahua or a big rat, but they grow very quickly for the first few weeks and within 6 months they're already at the level of a human two-year-old.
Ghouls do not have a distinct age when they reach adulthood. They reach adulthood "officially" when they go in their first heat, which is when they're around 500 years. However, they function as an adult within a pack after reaching a different milestone - losing their first horns.
Baby ghouls are born without horns. They gain their first horns when they're around 50 years old (a Ghoul equivalent of a pre-teen). They are much more fragile and are a bit like baby teeth for humans. They do, however, show that a young ghoul can now start to learn how to function in a pack. They learn how to hunt, how to fight, all things like this.
Speaking of teeth, ghouls regularly lose some of their teeth and grow new ones. It's not exactly age-related, exactly, but it is worth mentioning.
Heat period is different for all the kinds of Ghouls. It is the only time period when they are fully capable of impregnating/getting another ghoul (and/or human) pregnant. It's also the only time when ghouls with cocks knot. What's also interesting is that it is possible for multiple ghouls to impregnate the same ghoul/human at the same time, since their reproductive system works differently. They don't exactly ovulate, and instead during heat their womb fills up with a thick, sticky liquid (which gradually spills out as they cum) and the sperm of another ghoul can then swim in it until it finds the ghoul equivalent of egg cells, which they have multiple of just sorta built into little "holes" inside the walls of their wombs (this is a terrible example, but it's a bit like the seeds on a strawberry). And so, if multiple ghouls cum inside a ghoul with a womb, there's a chance for more than one of them to impregnate said ghoul at the same time. This can also happen if (although it's rare) ghoul semen mixes together well enough to become a mix of genetics. Very often, due to how ghoul genetics work, a kit can have multiple biological parents. An example of that is Swiss, who has two biological fathers and a mother.
For Water Ghouls, it's around Spring.
For Fire Ghouls, it's around Summer.
For Air Ghouls, it's around Fall.
For Earth Ghouls, it's around Winter.
For Quintessence Ghouls, there is no specific period, as it all depends on energy flows in Hell.
For Multighouls, heat also varies and it can circulate between the elements they "consist of". For example, a Fire-Water multighoul can have their heat either around summer or around spring. Curiously, Quintessence-multighoul seem to only "inherit" the heat periods from the other elements.
Ghouls are almost exclusively polyamorous. They usually have a main partner (mate), but it's not uncommon for a pack (not to be confused with tribe) to be a large polycule. They do, however, mate for life, once they have chosen someone to be their mate. A mating bond is the closest to a marriage, but it is a much more spiritual bond than an "official" one. A ghoul can have multiple mates, but there's always one primary mate that they cherish above anyone else. It should, however, be noted, that if a ghoul's mate gets pregnant, they get almost obsessively protective and possessive.
Speaking of elements, I am a big hater on the ideas of ghouls having "superpowers" such as pyrokinesis or hydrokinesis because it's just stupid, boring and overdone. This is Ghost, not ATLA.
Instead, I believe the elements of ghouls correlate mostly with where they live and their biology. While there is a special, spiritual bond with their element, they have no control over it.
Water ghouls separate into hot and cold water. They have gills and fins on their forearms, calves and on their backs, running down their spines. Their ears are also fin-shaped. Hot water ghouls live closer to the Fire ghouls, near the surface. Cold water ghouls live closer to the bottom of the "ocean" in Hell, closer to the caves Earth Ghouls live in. Cold water ghouls also have slightly bigger eyes that faintly glow in the dark, helping them see in the darkness.
As mentioned already, Earth ghouls live mostly in caves, either underground or in the mountains. They live mostly in the dark, which leads to them being sensitive to light to having relatively poor eyesight in general, especially compared to other ghouls. They have incredibly well developed sense of smell, though. They tend to be rather big. There is also a rather rare subspecies of Earth ghouls, casually referred to as "Surface Earth ghouls" because, as you can probably guess, they live on the surface. They still sleep in caves, but they spend most of their days in the mountains. To prepare for this sort of life, they have evolved goat-like hooves.
In the mountains, you can also find the Air ghouls. They tend to live in whatever high places they can find so they can feel the wind properly. Similarly to Earth ghouls, they have pretty good sense of smell. They also have the best hearing among all the ghouls and are incredibly good at sensing the weather. What's incredibly interesting, however, is that some of them have very serious issues adapting to not being in the mountains of Hell and end up requiring crutches or wheelchairs within a few months after being summoned.
Quintessence ghouls are the most interesting in this regard, since they don't live in one specific area. They are nomads, travelling Hell in search of connection to the Essence/Elements. They're the most spiritual, able to sense energy and very slightly manipulate it to help someone heal faster, which, added to their knowledge of botany and ability to create medicine and them being rather mysterious and mostly keeping to themselves, has lead the other ghouls to assume they have magical abilities while in reality, they're simply in touch with their spirituality. Since they travel almost constantly, they only make nests while in heat.
Can a Ghoul switch elements?
Absolutely! It is a common and fully accepted concept. It's also the closest a ghoul can get to being trans from the human perspective, since they don't really understand gender the way humans do, as mentioned above.
Similarly to how some people don't feel comfortable with the gender they were assigned at birth, some ghouls don't feel in touch with the Element they're born into and that's completely fine! Other Elements very eagerly welcome new ghouls, there's absolutely nothing stopping them.
It does take a few centuries to actually go through the metamorphosis (and it does require a ritual), but the ghouls welcome them as their own the very moment they are told about this. They obviously have certain accommodations until their bodies are prepared to live fully like other ghouls of their chosen element. They will still have bodily characteristics of their original element (like Sodo still has his Water traits), but they'll be useless unless they're a multi-ghoul. For example, a Water-to-Fire ghoul like Sodo can still look like a Water Ghoul, but they will have all the abilities of a Fire Ghoul.
Tribes and packs
Aside from elements (and in case of Water and Earth ghouls, subspecies), ghouls separate into tribes and then smaller packs (families) within the tribes.
Packs are usually lead by one of the oldest ghouls in it (usually grandparents or great grandparents). Said pack leaders form a tribe council, which discusses any issues that might arise. It is important to note that unless there is a need for the council to meet, all packs within a tribe are left to do as they please. A pack can consist of ghouls of different elements and even if they live incredibly far apart, unlike tribes, who live in one specific area. Ghouls from different tribes can very much be a part of the same pack. A ghoul can be a part of multiple packs, but only one tribe.
Similarly to a human family, a pack is primarily a ghoul's biological relatives. It's not uncommon, however, for younger ghouls to find other ghouls to form their own pack with. A pack can be family or just really close friends. At the end of the day, each pack is unique and goes by its own rules.
Ghouls have only three universal laws. Each tribe and pack can add their own, of course, but there are only three that have to be followed by absolutely every ghoul.
1. Respect consent
While ghouls are creatures who cannibalize each other for fun (it's one of the most common games for kits to nibble on each other and bites little pieces of each other for fun), no ghoul is allowed to touch another without permission, unless it's to defend themselves or those close to them. Ghouls take "no means no" very seriously and are prepared to tear apart anyone who doesn't. This also includes not touching anyone who's not in the right mindset to consent (for example, someone who's drunk/high).
2. No harming kits
While fights between packs, tribes or individual ghouls are to be expected, none of them are allowed to harm a kit. It's as simple as that. And while ghouls believe in eye for an eye, they wouldn't harm children even as revenge.
3. No incest
Goes back to rule one. Incest can never be fully consensual and it's bad for genetics, therefore logically, it has been banned.
Of course, with breaking the law comes a punishment. While breaking an individual law is a matter of pack or tribe, breaking the three main laws results in being eaten alive. If a ghoul survives this punishment, they are left in their mangled state for lesser demons to finish them or to simply bleed out.
While ghouls acknowledge Lucifer as king of Hell, he is not a religious figure for them. Ghouls don't have religious figures in general. They do, however, have a system of beliefs.
Ghouls believe in Essence. Simply put, it's a spiritual elemental energy and their equivalent of a soul. While Water, Fire, Earth and Air ghouls connect to their elements rather easily and don't really seek a deeper connection, Quintessence ghouls are the most spiritual ones and some spend their entire lives connecting to their element to actually transform their Essence into Quintessence, the perfect element. Thanks to this, they are more in touch with their Essence and can help others resonate with theirs more easily.
Just like humans, ghouls keep pets. It's usually a hell hound (for Quintessence and Fire ghouls), a demonic mole-like creature (Earth ghouls), a hippogryph (Air and Surface Earth ghouls) or any sort of fucked up sea monster (Water ghouls). Usually one ghoul has one pet that they form a very strong bond with until the pet dies.
If, somehow, a pet outlives a ghoul, they are never seen with a new ghoulish companion. Other ghouls respect it and let the animal grieve. They are welcome among the pack and/or tribe, but none of the ghouls try to claim the pet as theirs.
Ghouls do not have a "humanoid" language. They communicate in what can be described as noises, both animalistic and some rather unique (for example, water ghouls can imitate a "drowning gurgle", fire ghouls can imitate the sound of cracking burning wood and other things like this).
Summoning a ghoul
Despite what some people seem to think, ghouls don't just get pulled out of Hell randomly, shocked and unprepared. In reality, being summoned is also a ghoul's choice, as they go through their own rituals to prepare for that.
Summoning a ghoul is, in reality, merely creating a one-way opening to Hell. It is up to a ghoul to answer it. However, due to the language barrier and how painful the "travel" is, they can act somewhat rabid when first summoned.
After being summoned, a ghoul usually spends a few weeks learning the language of the humans that summoned them (ghouls are incredibly good at copying noises and noticing sound patterns, which is why they're good musicians) as well as human habits. They usually take from one to three months to adapt fully.
During their time adapting, they might speak in weird ways, putting words in the wrong order or speaking with odd, experimental tones (such as Phantom's "where am I going?").
Ghouls Den in the Ministry
Just like living in different regions in Hell, Ghoul's have different places to live depending on their Element, they also have a slightly similar arrangement in the Ministry. The Ghoul's Den is always a separate section of the building (in the LA Ministry, they have a whole wing to themselves). Usually it's the area where boiler room is, seeing as both Fire and Water ghouls seem to find it comforting. And since it's almost always in the basement, Earth ghouls also feel rather happy there. Quintessence ghouls usually take the surface level, sharing it with Surface Earth ghouls, and then Air ghouls take the top floor.
Ghouls and their roles in the Ministry
Aside from playing in the band, ghouls have plenty of potential jobs they can do. Most of the time it's something physical, like carrying stuff around, being a body guard or just assisting the most important people in the Clergy with whatever they need, but they also do other jobs!
Ghouls are natural tinkerers and are very good at repetitive tasks, so they often take over maintenance of different things. And as natural gatherers, they enjoy organizing and counting things, which is why librarians and finance-related jobs are often dominated by ghouls, only a few humans working there to make sure everything's okay (to just oversee them work, mostly).
Some ghouls (mostly Quintessence) also work in Ministry healthcare, using their knowledge of different plants and other forms of medicine they know to help Siblings with their pains and issues.
Many ghouls, especially those more fem alligned (aka ghoulettes), like to work with little ones in the nursery, as well.
Written by Jez.
Taglist: @charlie-is-a-menace @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @lunarsromantichomicide @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @calliedion-dungeon @randominstake @nuntia @dio-niisio @mybotanicaldemise @igodownjustlikeholymary @natoncesaid
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shatteredlegends-loz · 3 months ago
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So here's the first Link's line up!
Descriptions below!
Skyloft; From Skyward Sword. He's 27 years old, has 2 daughters with his Zelda, who will be nicknamed Sun. They're both in a relationship with Groose. He’s leader with Sun of the peoples of Skyloft, the first Hylians. They don't have kings, that comes later (at force) from the Zonia. Groose is currently traveling the world in search of other peoples who survived the sealing wars, since supposedly there were 5. Skyloft is generally pretty settled, but the effect of fighting a literal god has reduced his stamina and made him susceptible to asthma attacks. He has a 'puffer' of Sundelion. He also occasionally suffers from terrible nightmares, visions of the far off future, and even occasional present-future, but these are sometimes mixed into actual nightmares, which causes some insomnia.
Outset; From Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass. His/their pronouns bounce between he and they and they are 22 years old. Co-creator of New Hyrule with his Zelda, Tetra. She is Queen, he/they are not King, he didn’t want the title as they prefer the freedom to travel without a retinue of knights. He and Tetra have a pretty good relationship but her new duties have meant that she’s often too busy to do much more than see him when he ferries people into New Hyrule. They have a daughter together, and he is her father, but Tetra and themselves are not married, and both have agreed to an ‘open’ relationship. Outset captains a ship with his friend and first mate Linebeck on (technically) Linebeck’s ship.
Hyrule; From LOZ 1&2, Link’s Adventure. Hyrule is 17, and technically what one might consider intersex, though it is magical in nature. They can have either genitals, but usually have one genitalia when large, and the other when they’re a fairy. They’re technically king of Hyrule, as they were married to Zelda 2 shortly after Link’s Adventure, but Hyrule doesn’t rule. The two Zeldas rule together as co-ruler queens, and yes they are both Zelda, and yes it can get very confusing. They mostly go by Zelda the Elder, (LOZ2) and Zelda the Younger (LOZ1). Hyrule doesn’t really understand marriage, as both themselves and Zelda the Elder were too young for it, and Hyrule tends to just sleep with whomever whenever they feel like. It’s generally seen as fine, since ‘Kings’ often have mistresses, though people do whisper about how they take as many male lovers as they do female. They tend to be very awkward in the castle as they have no idea how to be a king and aside from going out and helping people, and have no intention to learn. Their fine tunic and jewelry is supplied by Zelda the Elder, their wife.
Hateno; From Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. They’re 24, and their pronouns tend to be whatever they feel like being at that moment. They are, previous to BOTW, effectively transgender, as they were born female and became male when they became Champion. After they awoke in the shrine they didn’t feel like any gender and are agendered. Post BOTW they’re in a relationship with his Zelda, later nicknamed Scholar, but while she generally sticks to him, he doesn’t do the same and had taken lovers all over Hyrule pre defeat of Calamity Ganon. Hateno didn’t want to stop post BOTW and while it has caused tension, is now simply how they are. She tends to travel all over Hyrule with Scholar, doing research, helping rebuild Hyrule as they had pre TOTK. There are calls about Scholar becoming Queen, and officially marrying Hateno, neither have pursued either call. The scars Hateno has are mostly just cosmetic in nature and he has full range of movement, though their seem to be a couple side effects from a hundred years in the Shrine of Resurrection…
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intersex-support · 2 years ago
Wasn't sure where else to go so sorry for sending an ask during the blog hiatus but I feel a little bit like I'm losing my mind trying to work out why my body is the way that it is. I show a lot of symptoms of hyperandrogenism and I am (I believe?) Afab. However. I have been told recently that I show more signs of having gynecomastia than 'female breasts' and I know I was given estrogen during puberty because I wasn't developing the way I was expected to. I don't think I've ever had any lower surgeries but I do have an enlarged clitoris (over 4cm)and, for lack of a better description, more of a 'masculine' appearance to my labia majora, appearance wise they're very similar to a scrotum. I have also had extremely irregular menstrual cycles in the past that would be maybe once a year at best before stopping entirely. My doctors have repeatedly told me that everything is fine and I have no reason to worry, but refuse to answer if I ask if anything is 'normal' or not so I don't even know where to begin looking. I suspected something like CAH at first but, without the estrogen during puberty, I would have developed a body that was entirely male appearing aside from the genitals so I'm now incredibly unsure what to think and had no idea where else to ask about something like this - so I am sorry to bother you!
Hey, anon. Thank you so much for your patience and sorry for taking such a long time to answer your ask!
I'm going to give my usual disclaimer that we are not doctors, and cannot diagnose you--all the information we provide is to give you some suggestions of things to continue looking into.
So, with every trait you've listed out, I think it's very possible that you might be intersex. Reading over the things you've shared, there isn't one singular intersex diagnosis that jumps out to me as more likely than the others. When that's the case, what's been helpful to me is listing out a lot of possible diagnoses, and pointing out what symptoms match up, and which ones don't, in the hope that you can narrow it down a little. This is probably going to be a long post with a lot of options, but I hope this helps you figure out where to research next. I don't want you to get overwhelmed by the amount of information--obviously, most of these diagnoses are not going to be what you have, but since I'm not a doctor and can't do the tests to narrow it down, I want to walk you through what your options are.
One intersex variation that is a rare variation, but seems like it could possibly really line up with your symptoms is Aromatase Deficiency. When you have aromatase deficiency, your body does not have the enzyme that processes androgens into estrogen. You will have XX chromosomes, a vagina, uterus, and ovaries. However, usually at puberty, without HRT, people with aromatase deficiency may not develop breasts, might not start having a period or have very irregular periods. Also, it can cause variation in genitalia from birth, meaning people might have a larger clitoris and their labia can become fused, making it look like a scrotum. This seems like it really, really might be a possible option and lines up with a lot of things that you described. It looks like the diagnosis for this requires some blood testing and physical exams, as well as analyzing your medical history for other symptoms like ovarian cysts.
Another option is Swyer Syndrome. People with Swyer syndrome have XY chromosomes, but have complete gonadal dysgenesis, meaning that their gonads have not developed into testes. This means that they will have a vulva, vagina, and often can develop a uterus because of another hormone. People with Swyer Syndrome typically only have periods if they were on Estrogen therapy at puberty, like you were. Swyer syndrome is not as much associated with atypical genitalia, but it's still possible. To get a diagnosis, you would do a pelvic ultrasound, hormone testing, and karyotyping.
Another option is mixed gonadal dysgenesis, or another type of chromosomal mosaicism. This is a variation where you would have a 45X/46XY chromosome pattern, and both testicular tissue and some streak gonad tissue. People with mixed gonadal dysgenesis have a wide variety of ways that their genitalia might look, including having visible genitalia variations like what you've described, or a typical vagina or penis. Usually, people with mixed gonadal dysgenesis have some uterus tissue, and with being on E, that could cause your periods. With mixed gonadal dysgenesis, people usually go through some aspects of a testosterone-based puberty. To get this diagnosed, you would need to get some hormone tests done, a karyotype, and most likely a pelvic ultrasound. This is another rare variation, but is a possibility. Ovotestes would present very similarly to the symptoms listed above, and would be diagnosed similarly.
It's possible that you could have CAH and have just had some of the symptoms go away because you were put on E during puberty, but I think that might depend on some other things from your medical history. CAH can cause genital differences and fused labia, but that seems to be more common with Classic CAH, which is usually diagnosed at birth, rather than Non classic CAH. So if there's other hormone medication that you've been on throughout your childhood like hydrocortisone or fludrocortisone, that would be a really big sign that you have CAH. Your symptoms don't seem to line up 100% with CAH, but I think that's something that's still an option that you could consider getting hormone tests like an ACTH stim test to rule out.
Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but from what you've shared, it doesn't sound like you've ever had testing or imaging to confirm whether you have a womb, uterus, and ovaries. I know you said you had a period, but because you said it's happened so rarely and has now stopped completely, one hypothesis could be that what you've experienced in the past wasn't actually a menstrual cycle, but was vaginal bleeding caused by vaginal atrophy or another cause. I think this is less likely, but if you rule out every other option, this might be a route to explore.
So, hypothetically if you found out you don't have a uterus or womb or ovaries, you could explore 5-alpha reductase deficiency, 17 beta HSD, Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome These are all intersex variations where you have XY chromosomes, don't have a womb or uterus, and either don't produce testosterone, or can't synthesize and produce the testosterone that your body does produce. People with 5 ARD, 17 beta HSD, PAIS can be born with a vulva and vagina, a penis, or genitalia that doesn't look quite like either. If your gonads (testes) were removed as a child, you would not be able to go through puberty without taking either E or T. If you still had your testes, then unless you went on E, your body could naturally go through a some aspects of a typical testosterone puberty. If you got an ultrasound and it turned out that you didn't have uterus and a womb, then these variations might line up with some of the traits you described, like having to take estrogen to go through puberty but still having some traits associated with hyperandrogenism. This also could explain the "masculine" appearance of your labia. Overall, these variations are probably a less likely option, though.
Summary: This was a ton of information and not all of it will apply to you! In general, it seems like the intersex variations that are the most likely possibilities are aromatase deficiency, with CAH, Swyer Syndrome, or mixed gonadal dysgenesis/ another type of mosaicism being other possible options. To get a diagnosis for any of these things and to start to narrow it down, you likely want to find a reproductive endocrinologist and a gynecologist so that you could get hormone testing, pelvic ultrasounds, and potentially chromosome testing done. It also might be worth trying to get copies of your medical records and history, or trying to get information from your family about any diagnoses and treatment that might have been made while you were a child.
I would suggest reading through this glossary of intersex variations to get more information, and also checking out this website called DSD teens to get more basic info about what puberty looks like for different variations (content warning for cissexist language and assumptions on that page.)
I can't tell you whether or not to identify as intersex, but what I can say is that there are a lot of things you've shared that are things that other intersex people would resonate with, and a lot of intersex spaces that would welcome you. And I completely understand that the process of questioning intersex can be so stressful and isolating--you deserve support while going through that. Feel free to reach back out to us, and if you're over 18, I'm happy to give you a link to an intersex discord that you could join. Please feel free to ask any other questions, and truly wishing you the best and sending love your way!
-Mod E
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thecorteztwins · 5 years ago
A Primer for Intersex Characters
I hesitated on writing this, since I am not intersex. But I’ve seen a lot of intersex characters around, a lot of common tropes and mistakes, and not any guides on how to write them accurately or respectfully. I cannot claim to have any experience relevant to being intersex, so I’ve simply tried my best to read the words and voices of many intersex people and relay them here. I welcome correction if something is wrong, since my goal here is to help stop misinformation and misunderstanding, not spread it further. Okay, let’s begin with the physical/medical stuff. - There are multiple terms for people who are NOT intersex, including perisex, endosex, jutasex, and dyadic. Please use any of these rather than “normal”. Cisgender is also not an acceptable substitution, as it conflates intersex with being trans (and some intersex people *are* cisgender) The term “hermaphrodite” is offensive and inaccurate; it is to be used for animals for whom true hermaphrodism (being fully reproductive as both sexes) is the norm, not for people. That said, I have encountered intersex people who use it as a reclaimed term. But if you are not intersex, you should not be using it for your character. - Intersex people are not a third sex category unto themselves ,nor are they both sexes at once. Intersex conditions are variations on male or female, and many intersex conditions are in fact sex-specific. - Intersex is not one thing. There is no single condition called “intersex”. It’s like “mentally ill”  or “disabled” it’s a category containing many different conditions, each with different symptoms and presentations. If you are going to have your character be intersex, please have them have a specific condition (even if they don’t know it/have not been diagnosed/etc) and research that condition thoroughly. Being intersex is always attached to a condition, and there are a limited number of said conditions in existence, and, again, each has specific symptoms and presentations, it’s not just a random mix-and-match. - Most of these conditions are not just cosmetic, there are often MEDICAL PROBLEMS. Most of the time it’s bone and/or heart problems and a need for more screening for reproductive/gonadal health issues, but some have more specific issues. For instance, CAH comes with excessive hairiness and ambiguous genitalia in females, but also something called excess natriuresis, also known as salt-wasting, which can lead to death, and a lower level of cortisol in the blood that puts them at a constant risk of adrenal crisis. So it’s not just about how the body LOOKS, or just about reproductive/sexual function, the entire system is often affected by too much or too little sex hormones. Sometimes there are even cognitive effects; Turner’s Syndrome can cause nonverbal learning disorders, difficulty in perceiving spatial relationships, and issues with motor control, while Klinefelter’s Syndrome can cause learning delays in general. Again, please research if your character is going to have this, and consider the effects. - Not all intersex conditions affect the genital configuration at all. For instance, in Persistent Müllerian duct syndrome, someone who looks externally like a completely normal cis man will have parts of the female reproductive system internally; many of these men never know this til they’re adults and it’s discovered in a medical examination for some other issue and it gets discovered by accident. Likewise, someone with AIS is often going to look totally cis female and be raised as such, and only find it out when she sees a medical specialist because her parents wonder why she isn’t getting her period yet. Ultrasounds, blood tests, and genetics tests are all much better indications of an intersex condition than a mere visual examination of the genitals, as well as kinder and less invasive. - Some conditions that DO affect the genitals still don’t make them ambiguous in any way, just not configured in the usual way. For instance, in Mullerian agenesis, a woman is just missing the uterus and thus infertile, but doesn’t have any “male” traits. Nor does having XXX chromosomes masculinize a woman at all, but it is an abnormality of sex chromosomes and thus classed as intersex. Sometimes it’s not about the sex being ambiguous, but about something that’s missing or not arranged as it should be. Again, it’s not a sexy disorder, and can result in a lot of unpleasant medical and mental effects depending just what’s going on. - Most intersex conditions result in infertility. Depending on their particular condition and its severity, someone may be fertile, but they are NEVER going to be fertile BOTH WAYS. There is no such thing as someone who can both impregnate another person and be impregnated themselves, not unless they’re some kind of mutant, alien, etc., and that’s obviously not what’s being discussed here. - Intersex people should not be used as an excuse to make fetish fantasy fuel. If you want to make a beautifully androgynous boy who can get pregnant or an Amazonian goddess with a big dick, just make that and be honest it’s your personal porn fantasy, but don’t call them intersex or claim it’s representation of any sort. Especially since there’s no condition I’m aware of that’s going to result in either of these things. Being intersex is often fetishized or treated as a freakish curiosity, sometimes both at once. If your character is extremely sexual or sexualized, and their intersex status is a large part of that, reconsider. If your character is depicted as bizarre or monstrous, and being intersex is part of why, don’t do that. - It varies with the specific condition, but most intersex people are actually not going to look androgynous like many people seem to think. Most, in fact, are going to look like perfectly ordinary men and women; you probably have met an intersex person and didn’t know it. That said, there are sometimes phenotypical symptoms. Again, this is NOT androgynous beauty or elegant gender ambiguity as I think people often hope/fantastize, but more like, say, the webbed neck of Turner’s syndrome, or the gynecomastia of Klinefelter’s (which are NOT big perky tits), etc. I am not trying to say intersex people are ugly or these features are anything to be ashamed of, but rather that if you are going to represent people with these conditions, to include the real features of their conditions, even the ones that don’t appeal to you, rather than defaulting to, again, fantasies and fetishes. Now comes the real thorny territory--- common ideas and presumptions I’ve seen around what intersex people think, identify as , etc., and addressing those. Again I am not intersex so I don’t want to speak on “what intersex people think” merely relay what I have seen, and what it comes down to is---there is no one thing all people who are intersex think! - Please be aware of the many issues intersex people face, be it medical problems stemming from their specific condition, being used as a political football by other groups, or finding doctors who will treat them respectfully and compassionately. Medical abuse of intersex people and trying to “fix” their genitals via surgery on infants and children is a rampant thing, and something that many intersex people are opposed to. It’s also worth noting that the terms “AMAB” and “AFAB” originated in the intersex community, as it CAFAB and CAMAB. I’m just trying to cover basics here but if you’re going to write a person with an intersex condition, these are all worth looking into further. - Many people with an intersex condition see it as just that, a medical condition. Many do not see themselves as something besides male or female, just as men or women who have a medical condition, and many may in fact be offended by the claim that they are a third category. It is for this reason that many dislike being used as “gotcha” to the claim there are “only two sexes” especially when it’s by people who don’t actually know or care anything about intersex people or the issues they face, and just want to win an argument, because it’s saying they’re NOT a man or NOT a woman because of their condition. - Many also do not consider being intersex to be LGBT and don’t wish to be included under the umbrella as such. - But, by the same token, some DO consider themselves a third category and DO feel that being intersex should be part of the LGBT umbrella. - I’ve noticed there seems to be an assumption that all intersex people are inherently nonbinary, genderqueer, trans, etc. Firstly, that’s not true. Many intersex people identify within the gender binary as a man or a woman, and many identify with their birth sex. I think this idea, while progressive on the surface, actually belies a very cisnormative way of thinking---the idea that the body must match the gender identity, so therefore someone with an “in-between” body must have an “in-between” gender identity! Which is really quite an offensive assumption, and no more true than the idea that everyone with a vagina identifies as a woman or that everyone with a penis identifies as a man. This is not to say that having a genderqueer/genderfluid/nonbinary/etc person with an intersex condition is automatically wrong either, there are non-binary intersex people in real life too, I’m saying that it isn’t an automatic part of being intersex. - Likewise, I see an assumption that all intersex people are going to be queer, pansexual, etc., or that their partners by definition must be pansexual, etc. But many intersex people are heterosexual. Many are also gay, or bi, or ace, and so on. And those who are monosexual are not less gay or straight for being intersex, nor are their partners. Believe it or not, there’s a ton of regular ol’ cishet people who have an intersex condition. - There’s also an assumption I’ve seen that all intersex people are all automatically going to be trans-supportive/trans-inclusive or count as trans by default. This is also not the case. There are seen intersex people who were trans/enbyphobic, just like anyone else can be. Many do not see themselves as comparable to trans people, and resent the idea they are the same or comparable. Some just don’t give a fuck either way. - Some intersex people have deep and complicated relationships with their status as intersex. Some see it as no different than just having diabetes. Some are activists and very knowledgeable about a host of intersex topics, both the physical aspects of various conditions and the political issues surrounding being intersex in general, and are very opinionated. Some people just know about their own condition and nothing more, and have no involvement in any kind of activism, no particularly strong opinions, etc. - Some people always knew they were intersex, some didn’t find out til puberty, some didn’t find out til in their adult life. It depends vastly on their condition and how it presents, as well as the access they had to medical care, whether their doctors were qualified or not, what decade they were growing up in and where, whether their families told them, etc. - There is debate on if PCOS counts as being intersex or not. I’ve seen a lot of people with PCOS argue it does, and a lot of people with other conditions say it’s in no way the same. I am not taking sides, as I don’t have either, just something to be aware of. At the moment though, no intersex rights organization or doctor classifies PCOS as intersex. So basically what it comes down to is that there’s a big diversity of conditions, and likewise a big diversity of experience, identities, and opinions. Do your research, and listen to intersex people, including the ones whose opinions you don’t like or whose opinions are contradict those of other intersex people. Find what fits your character best, think very critically on why you want an intersex character in the first place and why you chose what you did, and, above all, be respectful. 
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boywithbear · 5 years ago
Take the Red Pill: The Truth Behind the Biology of Sex  by Luz Delfondo
this article was deleted, so I’m re-posting it here so I can add it to my intersex carrd and weebly.
This is the first part of a series about the complex biological realities of sex. Though the posts build on one another, each can be understood alone. Content note: this post contains images and language that may not be safe for work. 1. Introduction I first learned about the social construction of sex from a lovely trans woman named Kiki. She said, “You may have heard before that gender is socially constructed, while sex is biological. But I’m here to tell you that what you’ve heard isn’t true. Sex is socially constructed too. So are you ready for the truth? Are you going to take the red pill or the blue pill?” Three years later, I was diagnosed by my gynecologist with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), which means that my body produces hormones intermediate between “typical men” and “typical women.” What I learned from Kiki gave me context in which to understand what this meant about my body and who I am. But it’s still very hard for me to talk about. My hormones affect me in ways that are hard to see, so even most of my lovers don’t know. I can count the number of people in my personal life who know this about me on my two hands. I picked the red pill. If you read on, you can take the red pill too. The problem with calling sex “biological” is that biology is complicated. Hardly anything in biology fits into two neat categories like “male” and “female.” To give you an idea of how complicated sexual development really is, let’s go to the very beginning. How do sexual characteristics develop in a human embryo? 2. The Biology A. Development of the Internal Genitalia In the sixth week of an embryo’s development, a piece of primordial tissue called the pronephros splits off into a baby kidney and a baby internal reproductive system. This system consists of three parts. There’s the Müllerian ducts, which can develop into fallopian tubes, a uterus, and a vagina. There’s the Wolffian ducts, which can develop into a seminal vesicle, vas deferens, and epididymis. Then there’s the gonads, which can develop into ovaries or testes. At this stage the gonads are called indifferent, which I find kind of hilarious, because I imagine the gonads just chilling inside the embryo going, “Yeah, whatever, I just don’t care about sex differences.”
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So what determines what happens to all of these parts? It’s complicated. Very complicated. But I’ll try to cover the highlights. The embryo doesn’t start to differentiate into male/female traits until 7 weeks in. What determines whether the gonads become testes or ovaries is the presence of a gene called SRY, which is typically found on the Y chromosome (though as with everything in biology, there are exceptions: SRY sometimes wanders off to another chromosome, which means you can have a person with XX chromosomes and testes).
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Not everyone has XX or XY chromosomes. Some people have XXY or XYY or XXX or just X. But if the embryo has a Y chromosome, the SRY gene will nudge the indifferent gonads toward becoming testes. This means that even if you have testes, you might not be XY in your chromosomes. The SRY gene causes some cells in the gonads to begin commitment to sperm development, and to pump out two hormones: the famous testosterone, and the less-known anti- Müllerian hormone, which usually (but not always) causes the Müllerian ducts to break down. (If they don’t break down, the fetus will be born with testes, a uterus, and Fallopian tubes.) The Wolffian ducts usually develop instead, into the organs that create the non-sperm components of semen and deliver them to the testes. (If they do not develop, this results in an individual with testes who does not ejaculate and is infertile, because the sperm don’t have a nice semen package in which to leave the body.)
In the absence of SRY, some genes on the X chromosome, such as DAX-1 and Wnt-4, kick in. The cells in the gonads commit to egg development. Hormones secreted by the ovaries usually cause the Wolffian ducts to degrade, though sometimes there are remnants. If you have bumps on the sides of your vagina, they may be remnants of the Wolffian ducts you had as an embryo. The Müllerian ducts usually develop into a uterus, Fallopian tubes, and a vagina, though how much of the vagina comes from the Müllerian ducts is controversial. Don’t you love that there’s a big scientific controversy about vaginas? Scientists aren’t sure whether the entire vagina comes from the Müllerian ducts, or just the upper vagina. Now, in some cases, the gonads get mixed signals and become intermediate between ovaries and testes, and may be able to produce both eggs and sperm. If that happens, the hormones produced by each part interfere with the other, and the typical result is infertility or only one type of gonad fully functioning. The Wolffian and Müllerian ducts may both develop, one to a side, or just one or the other might develop, or neither. B. Development of External Genitalia Meanwhile, on the outside of the embryo, between its tiny growing legs, is a structure that looks like this:
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The development of the external genitalia happens later, in weeks 9 through 12 of development. A complex interaction of hormones determines how the external genitalia develop, which means that there are many possible outcomes of genital development. I’ll try to cover as many possibilities as I can. I will refer to the image above as well as the image below, called the Prader scale, which shows some of the different ways the external genitalia can develop.
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Part 1 is the sensitive head of what anatomy textbooks call the “genital tubercle” but I prefer to call the “phalloclitoris,” because as we will see, the penis and the clitoris are so similar that in this story (and maybe in general) it doesn’t really make sense to call them different things. The development of the head of the phalloclitoris is mostly the same in everyone. Testosterone causes it to get larger, but it has just as many nerve endings no matter how big or small it ends up. Part 2 is a membrane that gives rise to the urethra and the anus in everyone, and to a vagina in some. The first thing that happens to structure 2, in everyone, is that the bottom part pinches off into an anus. What remains is called the urogenital sinus. In some individuals, the story ends there. They have one opening, from which they pee, but also has erotic nerve endings and produces lubricant (though it is often shallower than a vagina; see stage 3 in the Prader scale.) In some individuals, it pinches off into a urethra and a vagina. In the remaining group, it closes up like a zipper into just a urethra. If these individuals have a penis, the urethra usually lengthens up to the tip (but it might not migrate all the way up; see stage 4 in the Prader scale). Part 3, in everyone, forms the body of the phalloclitoris. Now, here’s where things can get hard to explain, because sex education in this country is woefully inadequate. It is obvious to most everyone what the body of the penis looks like: it’s the shaft, everything that isn’t the head. But not everyone is aware that the clitoris has a body too, not just a head. In most individuals who have a clitoris, only the head is externally visible. But the body of the clitoris is just as long as the body of the penis. It looks like this:  
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Those four balloon-like things around the vagina are the body of the clitoris. A penis is just like this, just external and sewn up along the bottom edge. Except, of course, not always: 
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some people are born with an external phalloclitoris that opens up along the bottom, like the clitoris in the image above. This all comes from structure 3 in the picture. Structure 3 can also develop labia minora. Anyone who has been sexy-intimate with labia minora, their own or someone else’s, won’t be surprised by this: both the body of the phalloclitoris and the labia minora feel very good when stimulated. Part 4 can swell into labia majora, or fuse together along the bottom edge into a scrotum. Or something in between can happen: labia majora that form “pouches” like a scrotum, or a scrotum that doesn’t completely seal up along the middle. See the Prader scale image for some of the different ways Part 4 can develop. That’s it for the external genitalia. The last part of sexual development happens around week 26: the descent of the gonads. You may have heard about the descent of the testes. If a fetus with testes has a scrotum, most of the time, the testes will descend into it before birth. If the fetus has testes but no scrotum, or the signal to descend never reaches the testes, they will remain in the abdomen undescended, possibly for the rest of the person’s life, possibly not. What you may not know is that the ovaries (usually) descend too. When the ovaries descend, they attach to the ends of the Fallopian tubes. 3. The Implications Those are the biological facts of sexual development. It should be clear to you now that the outcomes of sexual development don’t fall into two obvious categories of male and female. One implication that jumps out at me is that while we don’t know how a sense of gender identity develops in the brain, because there are so many possible outcomes of sexual development in the genitalia, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if we find that there are many possible outcomes of sexual development in the brain. The likelihood of someone growing up to have a penis and a strong sense of female identity is at least as high as someone growing up to have a beard and a vagina, or testes and a uterus. Another implication is that “biological sex,” in reality, is a spectrum, or maybe even more complicated than a spectrum. However, societies divide this spectrum into socially constructed categories: sexes. So where do we draw the dividing line? This may seem arbitrary to you, and it absolutely is. Not all societies have divided up this spectrum the same way. For example, in India, some people with genitals in between the typical male and typical female are classified as a third sex, hijra. Where does Western society draw the line? Until the 2000s, the standard was basically this: is the location of the urethra in right place, and the size of the phalloclitoris big enough, that the baby can eventually stand to pee, and be able to insert the phalloclitoris into a vagina? Even if you are not a regular reader of this blog, the ideology of sex and gender behind this dividing line should be clear. For decades, the medical marker of maleness was a penis that fit the standards of masculinity: standing to pee, and having heterosexual intercourse. These standards had serious consequences. Any baby with a phalloclitoris that didn’t meet medical standards was subjected to unnecessary surgery to reduce the phalloclitoris to an “acceptable” size for a clitoris, raised as female, and kept in the dark for the rest of their life about the genitalia they were born with. These days, the standard used for assigning sex to intersex babies is chromosomal sex. XX, you’re female, XY, you’re male. But there’s more. While some babies are born with genitalia ambiguous enough for parents and doctors to get into a kerfuffle, there are many intersex conditions that have nothing to do with external genitalia and may go undetected. For example, there are those individuals with XX chromosomes and a wandering SRY gene attached to their genomes somewhere. Those people may manifest, in their gonads, internal genitalia, and external genitalia, as typical males. But until they get karyotyped and have a look at their chromosomes, they may never know they are intersex. There are also conditions that cause male-assigned people to produce high amounts of estrogen and related sex hormones or female-assigned people to produce testosterone and related sex hormones. The effects of these sex hormones are sometimes highly noticeable, but sometimes they are harder to detect. This means that even if you don’t think you are intersex, you could be. I know because it happened to me. When I was 18, I was diagnosed with PCOS, polycystic ovarian syndrome. This happens when the ovaries produce unusually high levels of androgens (male sex hormones). PCOS is not classified by the medical community as an intersex condition. However, what the medical community designates as “intersex” or not is motivated by politics, not biological facts. The goal of the way variation in sexual development is defined is to label as few people “intersex” as possible, so they don’t have to live with the “shame” of the diagnosis. The only conditions that are called intersex are ones that can’t be explained away to a child’s parents as a “slight genital abnormality.” Thus, doctors are able to claim that only 1 in 1500 babies is born intersex. 
A much more pragmatic definition of intersex, as proposed by Dr. Cary Costello at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, is when a body does not fully differentiate into male or female. By that definition, people with PCOS are intersex, because the condition we were born with makes our androgen levels higher than most women’s and lower than most men’s. Our androgen levels also reduce the levels of female sex hormones in our bodies so that they are intermediate between the typical levels for men and women. Our bodies are not fully hormonally differentiated between male and female. It is thought that up to 5% of female-assigned people may have PCOS. That would mean that at least 1 in 40 people are intersex. The medical community, and society at large, is not ready to accept that figure. If 1 in 40 people don’t fit into our boxes of “biological sex,” then there’s no way to deny that our boxes don’t do a very good job of classifying people. Many people would find that frightening. I don’t find it frightening. I find it delightful. I am so happy that there is so much sexual diversity in the world, and that biology is too complex and beautiful to jam into two little boxes. When I was diagnosed with PCOS, I wasn’t horrified or scared. I was relieved. Finally, I had an explanation for why my body never followed anything resembling a regular menstrual cycle. I knew why my sex drive would suddenly, drastically change: my hormones were shifting from a female sex hormone-dominated bouquet to a male sex hormone-dominated one, or vice versa. When I was diagnosed with PCOS, my gynecologist offered me the option of hormone therapy to make my hormonal profile less androgenic and more typically female. Since I was an adult, I could choose whether to take that option or not. I tried it out for a few months, and I hated it. It changed me in a thousand subtle ways that added up to a profound alienation from my own body. I didn’t feel like myself anymore. So I stopped the hormone therapy and went back to my intermediate, intersex state. Children who are diagnosed with intersex conditions usually don’t get that choice. Their genitals may be operated on, resulting in permanent loss of sexual function. They may be given hormones for years to feminize or masculinize them, causing some of them to go through a partial puberty at age four. The choice of which sex to assign them to, as I explained above, is utterly arbitrary. Many more intersex children end up identifying as transgender than in the general population, knowing that they were born with the very genitalia that they desperately wish hadn’t been taken from them with a surgeon’s knife. The entry for Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, an intersex syndrome that results in intermediate genitalia, on Medscape has this to say about how to treat children with this condition: “The ultimate medical goal of treatment is to restore external genitalia as close to a nonambiguous appearance as possible while retaining full sensation, the ability for sexual satisfaction (to include penetrative intercourse), and, ideally, fertility.” Maybe some people with Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome want to be nonambiguous. Maybe they want to have penetrative intercourse. But when they’re babies, you can’t possibly know. I remember how miserable I was on the hormone therapy that made me “typically female.” I can’t imagine what it would have been like if I’d been forced to be on them all my life. No one should ever have to go through that. Nonconsensual, unnecessary surgery is morally wrong, and I extend my deepest sympathies to all intersex people who have been violated that way. You hear all kinds of stories about “biological sex.” At the Olympics, they determine the sex of athletes by measuring their testosterone, because supposedly testosterone is what gives male athletes an advantage over female athletes. You also see scientific studies about how testosterone makes men more aggressive than women, more sexual, better-adapted to be hunters back when they were cavemen. If these stories are true, then I have the advantages of a male athlete. I am aggressive, sexual. I am a caveman hunter. If the way men and women behave is an inevitable consequence of biology, then where do I, and other intersex people, fit in? We don’t. Because the stories aren’t about us. They aren’t about biology, which is messy and complicated. They’re fables. They’re folk tales we tell each other so we’ll keep believing in the great patriarchal fantasy that there are two sexes that are completely different from each other, and that one is better than the other. Because biology. Well, I’m a person too. So are other intersex people. So are non-intersex people who don’t fit into the patriarchal narrative of how we’re supposed to live. And this is our story.
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bangtan-gal · 6 years ago
Wet Cement
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Wet Cement
Yang Jeongin x Fem!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, swearing, pretty basic, his is like, the most normal one, crack
Word Count:6.2k
Abilities: Empath, Charmer
Art wasn’t your thing, but you found yourself in the class when your best friend, Remi, dragged you into the slightly broken down studio. The first several classes sucked; the teacher droning on and on about different techniques, old couples slowing down the class as they had the instructor repeat the easy instructions, and all in all, you were forced to act like you liked something that you despised. Remi ignored your complaints and whines, telling you that it was a “learning experience.”
Yeah right.
When you stepped into class today, Remi was nowhere to be seen. Figuring she was late, you sat down at your usual table and drummed your fingers noisily on the desk as you waited. The class started and she was still nowhere to be seen. You frowned, half-heartedly accepting the piece of paper the instructor handed you. If she ditched you, there would definitely be a bloody mess somewhere.
Five minutes into the class, the door obnoxiously dinged. You ignored it as you stared at the paper and only looked up when the chair beside you became occupied. Instead of long, light brown hair, chubby cheeks, and shiny blue eyes, you were greeted by short and red-dyed hair, sharp cheekbones, and deeply colored eyes. Your gazes met for a moment and then you quickly looked away, cursing your stupid friend. Now you’d have to take this miserable class with some stranger beside you.
As you sat there, thinking of a million different ways you could murder Remi, the instructor talked to the newcomer.
“Yang Jeongin.”
His voice was sweet and out of the corner of your eye, you saw him flash a quick smile. Heat spread over your cheeks and you tried your best to focus on the paper before you. As class went by, your elbows kept bumping, knees kept knocking, and fingers would brush each time the two of you reached for the same tool. Neither one of you said a thing as you scratched and scribbled aimlessly on your papers.
“Well, good job everyone, I’ll see you on Thursday!” The lady chirped, clasping her hands together and sporting a smile that was way too big. You sighed and grabbed your purse, ready to dart for the door.
A tap on your arm stopped you.
“Is this class… like actually worth it?” Jeongin whispered, side-eyeing the teacher who was barely five feet away. You glanced at her and then back to him, shrugging. You were the last person to ask—you still hated art. You hated looking at it, attempting it, or just in general, thinking about it.
You loudly sighed, trying to embrace your inner Positive Polly.
Well, that worked.
The red-haired boy raised an eyebrow at you. You pursed your lips together in an awkward smile and then started backing away. You maintained eye contact until you ran into a table, tripped, and then tried (and failed) to regain your footing. Your eyes pinched shut as you sat on your ass, on the cold, nasty art floor that was covered in dried paints, eraser shavings, and other shit.
It didn’t help that when you opened your eyes and saw that everyone who was left was staring at you. Jeongin’s face was squished up as he tried to keep his mouth closed and the laughter inside. When your gaze’s met, he looked away and a small bubble of laughter escaped which then turned into a whole fit.
You stood up with a groan, quickly whirling around and racing for the door. Jeongin shouted hey and as you stumbled out onto the busy plaza, the boy caught up and crashed into you. He caught you before you could fall on your face and you stood there, hands over your face and grumbles coming out around them. How was your life so unfortunate that you just had to keep embarrassing yourself in front of this cute boy?
“Cute?” You mumbled, pulling your hands away from your face. Where the fuck did that come from? He was annoying. He was the one who caused you to fall the first time and almost fall the second. But he also saved you from falling the second time. “Whatever.”
“Are you okay?” The boy asked wearily, leaning around you to try and look at you. You stared at him from the corner of your eye before you coughed and nodded.
“Just allergies.”
He bit his lip and a soft gasp of laughter escaped him.
“So… what you said earlier sounded more like a question. Is the class really worth it?” He asked, waving a hand in front of your face. You blinked and then turned to meet his gaze. You exhaled again.
“I hate art.” Well, that wasn’t what you meant to say.
He opened his mouth, closed it, pointed to the building you just left and then to you, and then opened his mouth again.
“Okay, bye! Good to meet you!” You shrieked and then hurried off.
When you woke up Thursday morning, you really questioned if getting out of bed was worth it. Remi had gone on vacation to 127 District and wouldn’t be back for a couple weeks. You hated the class, you hated the teacher, the other students, the creaky stools, the weirdly slanted sunroof, the outdoors, people in general, socializing, sunshine, hot weather, cold weather—
You were getting carried away.
(But the only thing you really liked was your bed because nothing could go wrong there.)
As you slugged out of bed and got dressed, figuring you may as well since Remi paid for the class, you prayed that Jeongin wouldn’t be there. That your weird answers would scare him away and you could just have your own table until Remi returned. You stepped out of your apartment, groaning at the heat that hit you.
The walk to the studio was miserable. It was hot and sticky and people kept bumping into you. For once, you were actually happy when you stepped into the studio, the AC running over your body. You moved down the aisle, going for your table and then stopped. A boy with red hair sat on one of the stools, head resting in his arms. You grumbled as you threw your purse to the floor beside the available seat and then sat down. When you looked at the boy, your eyes widened. He was deadass sleeping.
You looked around, almost as if to say: “does anyone else see this shit?” but no one else seemed to care. In silence, you set up your portion of the desk, your OCD kicking in as you straightened out the paper and pencils. You bit your lip, struggling with one pencil that seemed to decide that rolling around was a good-fucking-idea.
“That’s cute.”
You jumped, your knee smacking into the bottom of the desk and sending supplies flying. Eyes darted towards you as pencils and paintbrushes noisily rolled over the floor. You grumbled an apology as you slid off the chair to pick them up. Aggression roiled through you as you slammed them back down on the table and sat down with a huff. You turned to the red-haired boy with a scowl, which only deepened when he was making the same squishy face as yesterday.
“Don’t laugh at me, this is your fault!” You hissed, pointing a finger at him.
He giggled.
“How? It wasn’t my knee that bumped the table,” he pointed out. You rolled your eyes.
“Yeah but—”
You weren’t given time to rebuttal as the instructor started up class. You shot one last glare at the boy before you pretended to pay attention. When the teacher stopped talking and people picked up their pencils, you followed suit, and started doodling whatever came to mind. You’d done this the past several classes, and so far, you hadn’t been caught. Or at least, the teacher didn’t really care.
“That doesn’t look like nature,” Jeongin whispered as he leaned over to stare at your paper. You elbowed him.
“Nature can be whatever the fuck it wants to be,” you retorted.
“So you mean I could draw a dick on my paper and get away with it?”
You started choking on nothing, a mix of laughter and coughs escaping you. You hit your chest a couple times, sending an unimpressed look the boy’s way. He didn’t seem to care though as he leaned back in his chair, looking way too proud. You frowned and went back to drawing circles and sticks and other random things. You managed to ignore the boy for several minutes.
You lost your shit when you looked over at his paper by accident. There wasn’t just one dick on his paper, but a ton. Your mouth dropped open and you covered it as you tried to keep in your laughter. He finally noticed your stare and the two of you stared at one another, both of you trying to keep in your laughter. Suddenly, you didn’t have such an indifference towards the boy. You’d never met somebody with such lack of filter, such an uncaring attitude.
“I can’t believe this,” you mumbled and then giggled. He smirked and then chuckled as well.
You ended up surviving the rest of the class, a small smile on your face and it would widen every time you looked over at the hundreds of dicks on Jeongin’s paper. It got even better when you had to turn in your work. Jeongin proudly signed the page and then handed it into the instructor. You both watched as her eyes bugged out and then she accepted it with an unsure smile.
“So, no allergies today?” He asked, bumping his shoulder into yours as the two of you wandered along the sidewalk. You frowned.
Jeongin snorted and then his attention was diverted to his cellphone. You shamelessly peeked over his shoulder, trying to read the text. The redhead glanced at you before he flicked your forehead. You backed up, pressing your hand to your face and sending an annoyed look his way. He typed in an answer to the next, a soft sigh escaping him, before he turned to you with a somewhat melancholy smile.
“Do… do you wanna go grab some lunch, maybe?” He asked, shoes scuffing at the cement. You raised an eyebrow.
“Is this how the boy, who drew male genitalia all over his paper and shamelessly turned it into the teacher, asks out a girl?” You scoff.
“Hey!” He huffed, “who said I was asking you out? You’re nosy and ugly!”
You wiggled your eyes and pinched his elbow before you skipped off. The boy followed you and the two of you argued over a place to eat. You blamed it on the fact that there were too many places to eat in the Upper City. He blamed you, saying that you were too stubborn for your own good.
“Whyyyyy, it’s good food though,” he whined as you dragged him away from the italian place.
“I want burgers dumbass,” you snipped.
He wrinkled his nose. “My fucking god—burgers? Why not chicken? Fish? Pork? You want a cow of all things. Fake beef is disgusting anyways. At least fake chicken is close to the real thing!”
You opened your mouth and then closed it. You tilted your head curiously at the boy, not caring that the two of you had stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. People grumbled curses at you as they shoved past you. He stared back at you and then scratched the back of his neck. You’d never had the luxury of real meat or fresh produce. Who was this mysterious boy, who didn’t give two fucks about others opinions, laughed at strangers, and yet, lived the life of perfection?
“Yeah,” you said sarcastically, “fake beef is totally disgusting.”
He went silent and his gaze lowered to his shoes. You pursed your lips and the two of you stood there, letting the stream of people pass by.
“Sorry, we can go get burgers. I’ll pay.”
The boy turned and then reached for your hand, pulling you along with him. Butterflies erupted in your stomach as his fingers wrapped delicately around your hand. The two of you finally made it to the joint. It was mostly empty and the two of you sat down at the far corner, a perfect view of the busy street. The two of you were silent through most of the meal, not speaking until you had finished your burger and the redhead carefully poked at his.
“Are you from the Upper City?” You queried. You played mindlessly with the napkin in front of you, tearing it up and creating a little mountain on your plate.
He paused, eyes glancing down as he let his thoughts run.
“Well… I grew up in the Upper City, but I live in the Deepy City now,” he explained and when he looked up and saw your face, he rolled his eyes. “No. We don’t party there all the time. It’s actually a pretty chill place. Maybe you should come visit sometime uppity girl.”
You snorted and blew your pile of napkin at him. He swatted them away, running a hand through his hair, and then flung his straw at you. You giggled, catching the straw before it could get you.
“Isn’t the Deep City… like gang infested?” You stage-whispered, leaning across the table. The redhead sighed again, sounding thoroughly unimpressed.
“What is up with people and assumptions these days?” Then he trailed off, eyes glazing over. He shrugged. “I guess you’re not wrong. There’s a constant stream of crime, fights, and… depending on the day, it’s not the safest place at night.
“But, I mean, if you’re on the main street, it’s actually really safe. Most of the fights are on the outer edge and that’s just because territory is easier to control. It’s absolutely gorgeous at night. Fairy lights, every Friday there’s a live band, and the water features look really cool at night. Plus, the street food is fucking amazing.”
You nodded as you listened. The image floated in your mind and it sounded wonderful. When you were little, a carnival came to the Upper City from JYP and it was magical. It hasn’t come back since and you’ve always wanted to relive that moment. The Upper City was the “rich people” city of District 9, but it wasn’t pretty. Some houses and apartments were gorgeous, but at the end of the day, it was plain.
“You know… today is Thursday,” Jeongin hummed.
“Oh my fucking god, no way,” you gasped, “I better go put that on my calendar.”
He wasn’t a fan of your sarcasm.
“And that means tomorrow is Friday: possibly, just possibly, you could come down to the Deep City and experience the experience?”
The offer warmed your heart, but you would never let the boy in front of you know what a sap you actually are. So you rolled your eyes as you picked at your nails, pretending to weigh the pros and cons. The honest truth was that the only thing that filled your mind was pros and in some way you were scared of them.
Specifically the part where you brain decided that a pretty big pro would be spending time with Jeongin.
You felt stupid. You’d spent hours trying to put out some cute, chic outfit in order to somehow flatter the boy. And then, when the two of you met up at the Main Plaza in Upper City, he stood in jeans, a t-shirt, and an old ratty flannel. It was awful sitting there in your fancy “beach” (maybe beaches existed before the Collapse, but now they were a figment of imagination) pants, a fancy, short-cut shirt, along with your nice pair of sneakers and some carefully picked out jewelry.
If Jeongin noticed your attempts, he didn’t comment on them. Nor did he make fun of how overdressed you were. It felt even worse as the two of you sat on the bus together and you swore to god that every-fucking-one was staring at you. Was it such an odd sight, the two of you? A pretty boy, who didn’t even have to try to look like he just stepped out of a magazine and some simple, psychopath that was you.
“Does that old lady really have to stare into my soul?” You whined to him. He glanced her way and then waved, a big smile appearing on his face. The lady looked away, skin turning an ashy white. Your jaw dropped open.
He raised an eyebrow at you. “Sometimes if you let people know that they’re staring, they’ll leave you alone.”
You just stared at him.
He waved at you.
You smacked his hand away. “Asshole.”
He laughed and the bus quickly came to a stop after, a scratchy voice announcing that you were in the Heart of the Deep City. Jeongin stood up, quickly grasping your hand and pulling you along with him. You stumbled off the bus behind him and glanced around.
The sun was just starting to set, casting a pink and orange glow across the towering buildings. Fairy lights were starting to flicker to life and you could see a faint glow in each of the fountains. People bustled about and you were glad to see that most of them were dressed like you. Now, it was Jeongin that looked like the idiot. You snickered to yourself, causing the boy in question to send you a weird stare.
“It doesn’t get good until real late, but until then, I can give you a quick tour,” he hummed.
The two of you made your way down the street. You passed hundreds of people and you saw a huge difference between the Upper City and the Deep City very quickly. Not just in setting, but in the people. Each one of them had something more different, more unique to them. Apparently, coloring your hair was a huge thing here. You rarely saw it in the Far Country or where you lived. You’d done it once as a kid and had been considered a sociopath, getting kicked out of class for the day, not allowed to return until it was back to its original color.
“Oooohhhh, this place is really good,” he said, pointing out a Korean grill. Then he leaned into you, “it’s run by a gang and they casually steal meat from the JYP district.”
You stared at him in disbelief and then back to the restaurant. It looked quaint—cute. You could faintly see a woman bustling around in there, looking too sweet to possibly work for a gang.
“You’re lying,” you grumbled.
“Nope,” he chirped, grinning like a maniac, “I’ll take you there someday and you’ll see: real beef. It’s a family gang, so they’re more friendly. But since you’ve already had dinner, we’re getting ice cream.”
You barely registered the last part after you heard the ‘someday’. The promise of a future had your heart stuttering and face heating up as the boy continued to drag you down the street. You didn’t fall this easy, you shouldn’t fall this easy. You didn’t know him that well—he was a total stranger—but yet, the idea of falling victim to his charms, wasn’t that bad. Because, as childish as it sounded, you could already picture a future with him.
The farther you were dragged into the city, the more shocked you were. Children ran around, dressed in bright colors and tossing around balls. Among the ocean of people, you barely spotted anyone that looked the same. There were carvings in the cement and a million apple blossom trees, that were just gorgeous. Fairy lights of various colors hung from overhangs and patios. Buildings made purely of glass sparkled in the dusk.
It actually felt… safe.
“This is crazy,” you mumbled as Jeongin stopped in front of an ice cream truck.
He grinned. “I told you. What flavor do you want?”
“Just chocolate,” you hummed.
He swiftly ordered and thanked the man once two cups were handed to you. He gave you yours and then led you down the street, where a bunch of stone benches surrounded a beautiful water feature. You quickly noted how small the bench was as you sat down. Your thighs pressed together, but you couldn’t squirm away without causing one of you to sprawl onto the ground. You tried to focus solely on your ice cream and not on the warmth that radiated from his body.
It was hard until the boy stole a scoop of your ice cream.
You blinked, mouth widening.
He sent you a cheeky grin.
“You dick!” You snapped, trying to cover your ice cream from any other attacks.
Jeongin didn’t reply as he simply dug back into his own cup, letting his eyes wander over the scenery around you. You followed his lead, watching as the world only became brighter when it should’ve become darker. As the sun sunk lower and lower into the horizon, the energy of the city went higher and higher.
It was all ruined when you noticed that Jeongin took another scoop of your ice cream, although this time some of his ice cream was on his spoon still.
You gasped, “did you just contaminate my ice cream?”
“What? Me? Never,” he exclaimed, looking around in horror.
“I can’t believe you!”
“I can’t believe whoever did this, either!” He mocked and then winked at you. You glared at him, grumbling as you handed him your now empty cup. Jeongin took it with a frown, mumbling something about how he wasn’t your slave. As he got up to search for a trashcan, he paused, almost as if remembering something, and then turned to you. “You gotta come with me.”
You stubbornly crossed your arms. “Why?”
“It’s a beautiful place, but don’t be fooled. People have been attacked during broad daylight here and other people won’t even bat an eyelash. Everyone’s number one priority are themselves. I’m not going to let you get jumped,” he said and held out a hand to help you up. You obliged, clasping his hand. The two of you wandered around until you found a trashcan.
As the two of you walked along, you stumbled across a part of the sidewalk that was blocked off. The redhead curiously glanced over the yellow tape and then sent a grin your way, pointing down. You walked over, noting the wet cement that lay there.
“Should I draw a dick in it?” He queried.
You opened your mouth, ready to protest, but the boy was already crouching down. You huffed and bent down beside him, watching as he poked in the shape. What was up with him and dicks? What was up with YOU and dicks? You crouched down next to him, ignoring his little work of art as you pressed your hand into the wet cement. It clung to your hand for a moment and then you pulled it back, satisfaction running through you at the hand print. Jeongin watched you and then placed his hand next to yours, a bigger handprint appearing in the cement beside yours.
“The perfect signature for our first date,” he declared.
“Yeah, sure” you huffed, wiping your hand off on his flannel and dragging him away. You wandered closer towards the middle of the city, wondering when the Friday night events would start up.
“A band should be starting up anytime now,” he mentioned and then you heard the start of a song somewhere nearby. Jeongin started sprinting and you raced after him, struggling to catch your breath once you reached the stage. You didn’t recognize the song and you weren’t sure if the redhead did, but he didn’t seem to care as he softly started to sway to the beat.
The mass of people was surprising. People bounced together in groups, hands raised, and joyful cheers filling the air. You kept yourself pressed to Jeongin, your body starting to sway with his as the two of you let the feeling roll over you. The band was perfect, but yet it gave you that impression. Giggles bubbled from you as the song sped up and Jeongin grasped your hand, forcing you to start jumping with the rest of the crowd.
You were so close at this point, your faces inches apart as the two of you bobbed to the beat. His eyes sparkled under the bright city light and his hair started to fall out of place, soft strands of deep red falling along his eyebrows. The urge to brush them out of his face was strong and you didn’t fight it as you reached up, your fingers running along his smooth skin. The two of you both ceased all movement, his dark eyes boring into yours. Your cheeks were the same color as his hair as his gaze dropped to your lips.
He licked his own before meeting your stare once more.
It was sweet and soft. His lips just barely there as he brushed his thumb over your cheek. You leaned into him, deepening the kiss as you did so. His hands dropped from your face to your waist and he pulled you tightly against him. It was no longer the two of you in a crowd, but the two of you in an empty world. He tasted like vanilla and his mouth was still slightly cold, a contrast to the warm press of his chest against yours. You carded your hand through his hair and when the two of you pulled apart, your eyes stayed closed for a moment longer, a soft breath puffing out between you.
When you opened them, you were greeted by the soft smile on his face. He rubbed circles on your back and your breathing slowed as you just let yourself fall into him. The two of you stood there, barely moving or breathing as you absorbed the moment. Then a soft laugh escaped him.
When you looked up, you were surprised to see white flurries fall down around you. You reached out, letting one fall on your skin and breathed out when a cold burst through the spot. It was odd, because as the snow came down, it was so warm. People’s cheers grew louder as the flurries fell upon them.
“How crazy is that?” You mused, reaching out to catch more and watching in fascination as they melted.
“Insane,” he whispered, but he was no longer looking at the sky. You refused to meet his heated stare as you looked up into the dark sky. You stuck out your tongue, giggling when several landed and then melted. “Truly insane.”
Something took off between you two that day. The two of you hung out together almost everyday. Sometimes it was just lounging around in the Upper City and other times it was wreaking havoc in the Deep City. You also went to Memory Maze for the first time and after getting lost twice in a matter of five minutes and being on the other side of Jeongin’s teasing, you decided you never wanted to go back.
Just as he said, he took you to the Korean grill. Indeed, the food was amazing, and even more so, the beef. It ruined burgers for you and now the idea of eating whatever rubbery stuff they served you was awful. Sure, cows didn’t lead the lives of fresh air that they used to (although, you struggled to imagine what the world was like before the Collapse. Did animals really roam free? Were there actually creatures that could move through the sky?)
Art class became less miserable. Of course, it really helped that Jeongin continued to draw dicks on his paper and shamelessly turn it into the teacher. It was amazing, he got more creative every time. When you were told to draw a building, he very casually drew genitalia shaped bushes. The teacher stopped being surprised every time and instead just looked down right done, but it didn’t get any less funny. Sure, it was immature, but where was the joy in life if you didn’t act your age every once in a while? It’s no fun if you don’t drink before you’re legal.
Now the two of you sat in his room, giggling as he recounted his latest interaction with the mean lady who ran the convenience store down the street.
“She fucking told me that I look stupid with my dyed hair!” He groaned, laying on his back. You snorted, playing with his hair.
“How dare she,” you huffed, shaking your head. He sighed, looking up at you.
“She must be a psychopath,” he decided.
“There is no other reasonable explanation,” you agreed.
The two of you laughed again. Your head fell on his chest, still giggling. He rested a hand a top of your head, his laughter slowly dying down along with his rapid chest movements. You played with a loose string on his sweater, humming a song. He went silent beneath you and his hand stilled in you hair.
“I love this song,” he whispered. You looked at him from under your lashes. He stared at the ceiling, his eyes glazed over. “My mom used to sing it to me.”
You continued to hum the song, drawing a pattern along his chest. As you opened your mouth to ask a question, the door opened. You sat up on your elbows, meeting the gaze of a blue-haired boy. He paused upon the sight of you two and then shrugged.
“Jeongin, there’s dinner on the table if you want some,” he said and shot you one more questioning stare before he left the room.
“That’s Jisung,” he explained as he sat up. “You hungry?”
You nodded and followed him downstairs. As you walked towards the kitchen, your head lowered. Jisung sat on the couch with another boy and you could feel both their stares tearing into you. Just as you disappeared into the kitchen, you peeked a look at them. Jisung no longer stared, but the other one did, and you were shocked by the bright silver that gleamed at you.
“I see where you get your hair dye from,” you teased as the boy pulled a pizza box from the fridge. He chuckled.
“Yeah, runs in the family I guess,” he said and then paused. He cleared his throat and you didn’t question him on what he meant. From the sounds of it, he lost his own family, and if you were him, you would go looking for another one too.
The two of you ate it silence. You feeling too awkward to talk about anything with the two other boys right on the other side of the wall. Jeongin didn’t force you to talk as he mumbled about random things and occasionally ran his hand over yours. You ate your piece and then handed him the crust, snorting when he practically downed it. He paused to stare at you.
“What? I’m still growing,” he grumbled.
You laughed.
You went silent again as the silver-eyed boy stepped into the kitchen. He walked over to the cabinet, grabbing a bottle of something and a glass. You pretended that you weren’t watching him as he poured himself a quick glass. As he brought it up to his lips, his sleeve moved, and your eyes zeroed in on the tattoo that rested high on his arm. A gray tiger. You’d seen that symbol a million times before.
“I have to go to the bathroom,” you mumbled to Jeongin.
“Down the hall and to the left,” he said as he shoveled another slice into his mouth.
You scrambled away, your heart racing and sweat starting to collect along your collar and hairline. You locked yourself in the grand bathroom, leaning up against the door. Miroh—that was a Miroh tattoo. Why was Jeongin living with someone apart of that gang? Did he know? He had to, the man didn’t try hard to conceal it.
“Most of the fights are on the outer edge and that’s just because territory is easier to control.”
“It’s a family gang, so they’re pretty friendly.”
“I won’t let you get jumped.”
“Yeah, runs in the family I guess.”
Was he apart of the gang?
You closed your eyes and placed your hand over your heart. You were impulsive and careless almost all the time, but you hated assumptions. They were one thing you tried not to commit to, because they ruined lives. You couldn’t just assume that Jeongin was apart of the gang. And if he was, it didn’t make him a bad person. If the person you’ve seen these past few weeks is true, he’s a better person than most.
So, you stepped out the bathroom. As you carefully made your way back towards the kitchen, you stopped when you heard voices. You didn’t want to eavesdrops, but you didn’t just want to walk in mid-conversation either.
“If she doesn’t know what you’re apart of, that means she definitely doesn’t know what you can do,” a voice snapped.
“Would you tell her?” It was Jeongin this time.
“If you’re going to go and fucking fall in love with her, you should!” A different voice this time, sounding a little bit like Jisung.
Was he in love with you?
“Goddammit, Jeongin, just tell her! She’s gonna find out about your abilities sooner or later, you may as well save this relationship before it all crashes and burns!” It was the first voice. You stood there, your heart stopping. Abilities? What the hell does that mean? What can Jeongin do?
Can they all do something?
As the three grew silent, you stood silently for a moment. You backed up towards the bathroom door, loudly letting it swing open. Then you padded down the hallway and slid into the kitchen, glancing around. Jisung and the other boy stood on the other side of the counter, both expressions blank. Jeongin, despite his face being completely blank, you noticed the way his fingers twitched and how his chest heaved a little faster than normal.
“Hey, let’s go upstairs to my room,” he murmured, wrapping an arm over your shoulder. You walked along with him, refusing to spare his comrades another glance.
When the door closed behind you, he sighed and sagged against it. He stared up at the ceiling for a while. You sat down on his bed, working on your lip. Then Jeongin looked down at you, a shimmer of tears in his eyes.
“We have to talk,” he sighed.
“I know,” you blurted out. He frowned. “You’re apart of Miroh, aren’t you?”
The boy stared at you and you just stared back.
Then he slowly nodded.
“Do you know… about the powers?” He whispered, approaching you. You were surprised he didn’t ask how you knew, but relieved at the same time.
He sat down beside you, his hand reaching for yours. Nothing inside you begged to pull away and you realized that this new revelation meant nothing new. He was still the fire that burned in your lungs and you just wanted to have a future with him.
“It’s… it’s not really my place to talk of the other’s abilities and positions. I… I don’t really know how to explain it, but I um, I can sense others emotions and”—he cleared his throat, eyes searching yours—“control their emotions.”
You stiffened, but your hand didn’t move from his. If anything, it tightened. You opened your mouth, uncertainty flickering through you.
“I-I never used it on you, I fucking swear on my life,” he rushed out, “I… the weird thing about you is that I can’t even reach your emotions. Like, at all. That’s why I was so attracted to you when we first met and then afterward it was just… well just you I guess. But holy fucking shit, Y/N, I would never use my abilities on you even if I could. If I really wanted someone to love me, I’d do it the right way.”
You raised an eyebrow and then smirked.
“Do you swear on all those dicks you drew?”
He paused, eyes widening. Then he laughed loudly, nodding. “For fuck’s sake, yes.”
“Well, then, I guess I can’t question you, even if you are some unnatural thing,” you giggled and then pressed your lips to. When you pulled back, a wide smile on your face, he chuckled again.
“I’ve never fallen for others’ smiles before.”
The two of you both ran away, struggling to hold in your laughter. Once you were several blocks away, you burst into loud laughter again. You slapped his chest, stumbling into him.
“I still can’t get used to you doing that, but that was amazing!” You exclaimed and then a snort of laughter escaped you. He struggled to catch his breath, leaning over.
“God, I hold too much power,” he gasped, “she actually fucking did it.”
Maybe you should’ve felt bad for the old lady the owned the convenience store that was only a couple of blocks away, but you didn’t. After endless slanted remarks at Jeongin, she finally got what she deserved. Or at least something that would make her look like a dumbass. Sure, it was immature to use Jeongin’s unicorn abilities to trick someone into dying their hair neon yellow, but who acted their age anyway? Age was like cement that was always wet.
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romancingromanoff · 6 years ago
My idea is about Cersei (preferably post-S6 finale, 'cause I love that look) somehow coming into a hot young M-or-GU!Reader's apartment, and them ending up becoming fuckbuddies/roommates who fuck. Like she's confused and wants to go home, the reader is also very confused and promises to help find her way home, then time skip to like six weeks later, and she's just hanging out around the apartment in sweats, watching Netflix with the reader and sucking their cock whenever the movie gets boring.
WARNING: SMUT AHEAD, NSFW (Cersei x reader with a penis)This is the first fic I’ve ever done (or attempted for that matter) from the pov of a character that has what is traditionally regarded as male genitalia so I’m sorry if it’s bad but I had fun playing with this prompt and Cersei.A Game of Thrones drinking game hadn’t sounded that bad. Take a shot every time Hodor says “Honor”, every time Cersei drinks some wine, and finish your drink any time there’s magic or dragons, et cetera, et cetera. But maybe yesterday was hitting you harder than normal because you hadn’t eaten all day or maybe it was simply because they had jam packed the latest episode with shots of Cersei sipping wine at her window incredulous to what an actual human’s alcohol intake capacity is. For whatever reason, you woke up with the worst hangover headache and your eyes pounding like they were going to swell and fall out of their sockets. Pulling on some shorts, keeping the lights off, and staying far away from the windows you began to try and feel your way to your kitchen using just your hands to search for anything that might help your stomach. So to say that you were completely blind to what happened next probably wouldn’t be an exaggeration. “You!” a sharp voice and the jostling feeling of having the sharp end of a carving knife right at your throat caused your hands to go up immediately and you froze with fear. You attempted to open your eyes to look at your attacker and hopefully defend yourself as well, but the lights were killing your head. “Who are you and where am I?” the person demanded. From the sound of their voice and their distinctly British accent, you thought you knew who the person was. You supposed that would make sense given that a lot of crimes are committed by individuals the victim already knows, but personally, you didn’t know anyone that was British. “Okay, what the hell? I’m sorry, I have no idea what’s going on but if you want anything just take it,” your plead dribbles out of your mouth and is probably only half understood. The knife pokes deeper into your skin making you scared to even breath. “I am the queen and you will tell me where I am right this instant!” First, through a very small squint you can make out what looks to be short blonde hair. Then you see the piercing green eyes and everything just seems to come together at once. It’s Cersei. Fucking. Lannister. The realization has your brain swelling even more and it feels like it’s about to overflow from your skull. “Uh, could you put the knife down, please?” you plead and wonder if smiling would help ease her at all but then you remember that she’s a vicious cold-blooded woman that just blew up the entire Sept of Baelor and everyone in it. “Your Grace?” you try saying. “I just think there’s been a huge mix up of some sort.”Thankfully, she pulls the knife away but her words are just as sharp and she says, “A mix up? You idiot, this is no ‘mix up’ this is obviously a plot conspired by my enemies who wish to take my throne. And as far as I’m aware, you might just be one of those enemies so you better start giving me explanations before you’re of no use to me!”“I have no idea what’s going on. Honest!” you panic and take the chance while she has her guard down to grab the television remote and try to replay the episode you recorded last night. “You’re just a character in a tv show, you’re played by an actress, and I’m starting to freak out right now because I know this is a prank and I’ve just about shit my pants so why isn’t it over yet?!” “You im-“ she starts to lunge for you with her knife in hand before she’s stopped by the image on screen. It’s of her from last night when she was casually enjoying the sight of wildfire killing hundreds of innocent people. The scene shows her smirking as she looks out from her window, satisfied with her work. But having to see that very clear memory play out in front of her like it’s a mere show gets the best of the usually poised and formidable lioness. Her face turns a sickly pale white color and it looks like she’s trying to expel something evil from her body as her face contorts into a silent scream. “It’s not possible,” she whispers in pain and her knife drops to the floor.“I’m not waking up, am I?” you say at the mercy of the feet of the universe itself. “I want to go home, I want to go home,” the queen wraps her arms around her stomach like there’s a pain inside that’s making her physically topple over. She begins to fall away from the couch behind her but luckily you’re able to catch her with whatever of your strength is left. Clueless as to what to do, you just sort of awkwardly pat her back as she heaves in and out just pleading to the gods to end the nightmare she’s in. Her words are indecipherable by the time you decide to rush to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water and you run back as quick as you can without letting it spill and tell her to drink it.The only thing keeping you calm is knowing that if you were to freak out like she was (which you definitely wanted to) was the fact that you were still pretty sure that she would kill you. So you just awkwardly shuffled closer on over to her hunched over crying figure and gently put your hand on her back and she sobbed uncontrollably.“I’ll get you home, I promise,” is all you say but it seems to make her feel a bit better.Six weeks later, things are definitely nothing close to normal but the two of you have some partial understanding of what’s going on and have slowly gotten into a routine. The unfortunate news was that Cersei wouldn’t be able to return back to her world until the next new episode of Game of Thrones which wasn’t coming for another year. The good news was that she hadn’t killed you. Or, at least not yet.You’d gotten used to sleeping on the couch as you thought it would be pretty rude not to let her sleep on the only bed in your apartment. She was a queen and all, but had actually turned out to be a lot less high-maintenance than you initially expected. She mainly kept to herself or listened to you talk about random things in your world while she sipped on some wine (which she said tasted horrible) but the two of you weren’t anything too much beyond cordial. So the day that she randomly stands in front of you blocking the tv screen as you’re trying to watch Black Mirror you’re not quite sure how to react. “Turn that off,” she says and you silently reach for the remote and press the power button. You make sure to keep her in your line of sight though just in case she was planning to lunge at you with another knife. “I have not properly thanked you for your hospitality,” she states almost meekly and you don’t know how to respond. “Uh-““And as you know, a Lannister always pays his debts,” Cersei says beginning to descend to the floor on her knees right in front of where you had shamefully just been man-spreading your legs open in your sweats. That’s exactly where her eyes seem to be aiming too and she slowly pulls the waist band down to your knees so that the erection beneath that flimsy little piece of boxers you’re wearing is very evident. You remain absolutely silent as that slowly disappears as well, revealing your cock to the cold air and the eyes of this real life character you’ve lusted after for years and only ever fantasized about. It stands at attention for her and her smirk is relieving as she takes a good look at it. You’ve been told in the past that you’re rather well-endowed down there and also that your thickness is towards the bigger end of the spectrum too. Seeing the look of intrigue and surprise on her face makes the blood pump to your cock even more intensely and soon the head is swollen red like a juicy, plump vegetable. Looking back up at you for a few tense-filled seconds, she never pulls her eyes away while she’s also leaning in further and further down to your shaft before lightly licking the top and making you shake a little too much than you would have cared to just by being brushed over by a tongue, but then again, it’s also the tongue of Cersei fucking Lannister. You feel the vibrations calling for her lips once more as she lifts her head up ever so slightly and you’re begging for her touch. Luckily, she responds quite quickly and soon lets her entire mouth take in as much as she can of your swollen length. You can’t help but close your eyes as she begins bobbing that cute yet dangerous mouth of her up and down on your cock. The fact that she’s having a bit of trouble taking in something so large makes it even cuter and you make the move to grab a small fistful of her short hair to help guide her movements. There’s nothing but throbs of ecstasy flowing throughout your pleasure rod as it keeps pushing in and out now of Cersei’s mouth. At first, you try to hold back your moans but then soon stop caring when you hear her responding in return. From what you can gather, she likes the taste of you which turns you on even more. Lifting your hips up slightly every time to go deeper and deeper into her mouth surprises her at first, but she persists with taking as much as she can in and she’s doing a hell of a good job at that. Her tongue is curled around your shaft and holding it perfectly and neat inside her mouth and throat which is making you almost lose all control.“Fuck, yeah Cersei,” you moan and try to give her more and more; as much as she can take. She certainly has stamina as she only keeps sucking with more intensity the closer and closer you get to your climax. “Oh, God,” you let out as you feel the first spurts of your semen projecting itself up and out of your cock into what glorious paradise lies behind those skilled pink lips. You’ve never had one that’s lasted this long and she’s swallowing all of it as it comes along. “SHIT!” you scream as the last of it finally leaves your body and renders you completely exhausted. Cersei looks more than content with her work as she quietly gets up and leaves you panting almost on the floor. You could definitely get used to her paying back her debts.
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noplotnostory · 6 years ago
Test to see if I still can...
A NSFWednesday Monsters in Mythology
So, I’m working on my first ever skelesmut, and I wanted to make sure that the proper skeledick was used in this fic. I ended up going with the most common type of skeledick utilized in UnderTale skelesmut, but this was still a fun topic, so here’s a Monsters in Mythology about it.
Now the reason why this is a Monsters in Mythology instead of a normal NSFWednesday post is actually related to a prior Monsters in Mythology about my favored theory on the nature/origins of the skelebros. Specifically, that they are, in fact, spartae. Or spartoi. Again, the spelling varies from source to source...
But the point is that they are identified as both men and skeletons. Literary sources lean more towards the “man” thing, but visual depictions of spartae/oi are almost always skeletal.
Now this could be because Ancient Greek storytellers had a bit of a bias regarding the “default state of being” as Overly Sarcastic Productions points out in her Trope Talk video about Manly Men (the relevant information here being that much like “white straight male” has been considered the default character template for much of Western Literary History, the default character template in much of Ancient Greek literature was usually “Greek bisexual male”), so describing the spartae/oi as “men” might have been an assumption, especially after they demonstrated aptitude in combat, participated in the founding of a city and began to breed with humans.
Or it could mean they had visible genitalia.
I mean, both skelebros have features that make them clearly not-human-skeletons, so why not?
There’s even precedent for this in animal biology. I didn’t actually know about this until I stumbled upon an article on Cracked.com titled “5 Ways Evolution Designed Your Body To Be Awesome At Sex” and read the final item on the list. Apparently, most male mammals actually have a bone in their penis known as the baculum (have fun writing Sans pun with that), and since there’s a significant amount of monsters with animal features and quite a few have sort of mix-and-matched features, we can’t rule out the possibility of the skelebros having some skeletal features that resemble other species more than the human skeleton. Since this bone basically makes it impossible to not have a boner (unless magic skeleboners can move? Somehow? I’m no expert on this, I’m just trying to get people thinking about all the options) it does make how clothes fit a little questionable, but they were already skeletons so Sans clearly is wearing a belt or has a drawstring or elastic band in his shorts if he’s not actively using gravity magic to hold them up? Whatever. How skeletons wear clothes is a subject I just don’t feel ready to tackle in depth.
Moving away from the “All Bone” possibilities but not quite entering the “ectojunk” category yet...ok, I’ll level with you, the basic idea of this post and several links for reference (which have been supplied thus far, as I believe in providing sources) have been sitting in my drafts for a while. As a result, there are currently two reasons why this section isn’t happening the way I was hoping it would.
Reason One: The Tumblr Purge.
While text posts are still allowed (maybe?), fanart blogs have taken a hit and some have been removed entirely. This includes a blog that had gone by the URL “rexphilia”. I had only discovered this blog and it’s fanart shortly before I even heard about the then-upcoming purge and gotten sick almost immediately after. Between my preoccupation with my own posts, the ongoing conflict between myself and the dreaded season known as winter, and the fact that I had known about this blog and had gathered (now useless) links to include in this post for less than a day before setting this whole thing aside in my drafts to focus on other things, I have no clue where to find this artist, now and therefore am unable link anything to credit them or provide screenshots for reference. Best I can do is provide the name I know them by (rexphilia) and describe what I can remember about their fanart. Which is, coincidentally enough, the thing that I wanted to reference in this post to begin with: Their skeledick design.
Rexphilia’s depiction of skeledick (both Papyrus’s and Sans’s) was black with white rib-like ridges that kind of remind me of the rib-like decor on the jacket of Ghost Lewis from Mystery Skulls Animated know that I’m actually reading that description and was that the inspiration for the design? Was Rexphilia a fan of MSA? Or am I remembering the placement/shape of the ridges wrong because I watched a video reviewing MSA earlier today? OH, CHEESE, I DO NOT WANT TO THINK ABOUT LEWIS’S GHOST DICK! NEXT PARAGRAPH! NEXT PARAGRAPH!
Reason Two: My memory capacity (or lack thereof).
Ok, so I could have sworn for the longest time that I had at one point read a fic where Sans had a black skeledick, sans the white stuff. I also could have sworn for the longest time that the fic in question was puppehgal’s oneshot “The After Show”. But rereading that fic’s description of skeledick leaves me...conflicted... Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a very interesting and unique depiction of skeledick (and skelebro anatomy in general) and the fic itself is still something I would readily recommend to fellow fans of Sans/Reader smut, despite not being tagged as such (it’s told through the perspective of an “Anonymous Human Female” who is referred to in the second person throughout), but this particular skeledick could be interpreted as a visually distinct variation of ectodick instead of a permadick, depending on how much control Sans has over that magical webbing. Since this is a oneshot of what is tagged as a One Night Stand, neither the human character experiencing all this nor the readers enjoying the written version have the context to know either way.
If everything had gone as planned, the Non-Bone Permadick section would have contained an accurate description of rexphilia’s depictions, links to fanart containing said depictions, and a linked mention of “The After Show” that isn’t wishy-washy on whether or not the skeledick presented in said fic is, in fact, a permanent feature of Sans’s anatomy. It would have been glorious.
Now for the fandom’s most prevalent version of skeledick: Ectogenitalia.
I’m not going to bother linking anything because there are so many fanfics and fanart with this particular type of skeledick, it would be kind of pointless. You probably know what I’m talking about, anyways, if you’re reading this post.
There’s a reason this option is the most popular: Depending on your personal interpretation, ectojunk can be a free pass to give the skelebros any type of genitalia their partner (or the content creator) desires. If ectojunk is naturally customizable and the skelebro attached to and/or summoning said ectojunk has sufficient control over his magic in intimate situations, he can have male parts, female parts, change the size and shape of said parts, move or alter said parts while maintaining a position or motion in which the movement or alteration of said parts would probably catch someone off-guard, and possibly, maybe, depending on who you ask, be detachable for long-distance use.
Unless you just want to experiment with other headcanons or aesthetics, color seems to be the only potential problem.
In most depictions, Papyrus’s ectowhatever is always orange and Sans’s is always blue, because these color schemes are the Commonly Accepted Fanon, but there are people who have other theories on what color the magic forming the skeledick ought to be.
This is totally fine. My dear friend @popatochisssp is one of those people and her smut is so delicious that I’ve praised it in three different NSFWednesdays and her reasoning for the magic color she uses totally fits with her headcanons concerning the skelebros and her portrayals of them in said fics.
But people that aren’t decided on their headcanons on what the color should be are left with uncertainty. Since I’m one of those people, I guess I’ll just avoid mentioning the color completely.
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firemama · 6 years ago
Physical Character Chart
General Identity
Character’s full name:  Koyol Bessmertnyy
Reason or meaning of name:  in his culture, people are named for purpose. "Koyol" is his identifier to separate him from other "Bessmer", which means King, and a Bessmer "tnyy" is an "immortal king", denoting hes A, outlived his kingdom, B, has slain a large number of foes or an extremely powerful force and C, has lived an exceeding number of years, as well as D, lived through something that certainly should have been fatal- any of these would earn the tittle tnyy but koyol has achieved all of them (some of which a few times), so instead of "bessmer-tnyy" or 'king who is immortal, hes "bessmertnyy" which is "Immortal King" or "King of Immortals", detonating hes a legendary person before the death of the culture. Koyol means Snake, denoting his affiliation with the serpents as his Personal Identifier.
Character’s nicknames:  Kyle, Kyle Haru, Kyle Moritaka, Kyle Kirishi, Kyle Serifine, Kyle (etc), Green #008000
Reason for nickname: Kyle is a nickname given to him primarily for those who cant pronounce Koyol easily, or a name used in English speaking worlds or modern worlds to blend in better than Koyol. the name was given to him by a long dead friend, and hes used ever since. last names vary, with the above being a few common ones hes used as of recently. #008000 is the hex code for "green" or "true green" and is his color identifier in the Color Squad. the title "Green" is also a nickname used by color squad or rainbow squad associates to refer to him as a coworker or in code rather than use his name or refer to him as their boss. hes refered to as Green or "eight" primarily by people in either of the color companies mostly by senior members or fresh recruits, especially by those who are aware that using actual names causes him some discomfort.
Birth date:  koyol has no birth date. theres a variety of dates or holidays in which hes celebrated, though.
Physical appearance
Age:  who knows. hes at least a couple eons old.
How does he/she appear: scary, usually. hes tall, thin, green, and has ominous eyes and no expression. hes known for looking... civil... but something is off about it. like something untamed with an air of knowing how to look tame, and trying to decieve you into thinking it is civilized. creepy, ominous, in most bodies- some seem far less scary or intimidating, but they all have a sort of air to them that whisper a caution that maybe its more feral than it appears.
Weight:  varying by body, his usual one is described as weighty and heavy because of the double muscle system in his body. other times hes described as unusually light in a different body- attributed to the double bone structure. in his original body he clocks on at a good 200pds or more, despite his disturbingly skinny body.
Height:  Your average koyol, including his original body, tops at an even 11ft. some bodies are much smaller- as short as 6ft- and sometimes taller, stretching to an even more ominous 13 ft 4 inches in one body.
Body build:  skinny is the usual. hes commonly of a wirey, unhealthy looking thin-ness, particularly because of the proportion compared to his height. his version of carying extra weight is odd- he carries extra weight in his shoulders, or in his legs. the storage of fat on his mutant body is unproportional and poorly evolved, do koyol keeps off high fat diets in order to avoid the inhibitor of his legs carying the fat. most of the fat he carries as usual is stored on the shoulders and gives the trick appearance that they are broader than they appear when hes well fed. otherwise hes very stringy, with thicker arms and legs, due to the nature of the double bone structure.
sex/genitalia, body dimorphism, and associated gender: koyols society and people followed a 4 sex system rather than a binary. some people were born to carry, some people were born to give, some people born to receive, and other people could do all three or some combination. givers and receivers are similar to the idea of men and women respectively- not exactly sperm and egg, but close. the givers gave their equivalent of sperm to receivers in acts of sex with a penis, receivers kept it and genetically mixed it with their version of an egg. receivers found a carrier they liked and in a second act of sex, passed zygotes to carriers who had womb like organs, where the zygote could grow into an infant before birth. these children developed into the fourth kind of person who biologically could do all 3 other jobs in the breeding process, but rarely were children born that way. most often it was givers impregnating half zygotes directly into carriers/3jobs, which would make more givers; or receivers impregnating carriers/3jobs, who would make more receivers. these roles didnt actively have titles, although those who could do all three jobs of reproduction were venerated as "perfect". the people of his day were archaic and didnt understand that single job people were mutations from "half breeding", and attributed it to gods and kings and queens blessing unborn children.  now, all of that said: koyol is the 4th archetype of sex to his people, capable of all "3 jobs", and thats what his concept of gender or sex is as apposed to male or female. biologically speaking in terms of what most societies believe of the binary system, though, koyol is considered intersex. in binary systems, though, koyol prefers the term "hermaphrodite" despite the average person using the term intersex- for selfish reasons. he likes that the phrase hermaphrodite contains "Aphrodite" which was a goddess of beauty and love in multiple universes hes been to. he doesn't mind the phrase intersex, though, despite the feeling that its misdirective in meaning, and considers himself of both sexes rather than in-between them. all that talk on gender and binaries aside- in terms of genitalia, koyol has both male and female, and then some; he can both fuck and be fucked, and is biologically capable of holding a child in pregnancy and impregnating another person who is capable of pregnancy in the average binary sex system. he is also capable of crossing his "egg" or "sperm" with another person's, and inseminating that child into a third party, in am inner outside of binary sexes. when blending into a system of binary sexes, if asked, koyol identifies as a man, in terms of gender; using he/him pronouns. of other dissimilarities, he also has developed mammary glands- which has been noted of oddity, as less than 30% of his genetic material is mammalian, and any milk he would produce following a pregnancy would be radioactive and poisonous as his mammary glands have direct connection to both the gland in his body that produces poison, and the part of his body that handles his own energy and radioactivity. Put shortly, it's a useless bodily function, and a crux of his mutated evolution.
Shape of face:  fairly square jaw. he's known, particularly, for a lack of nose in his original body- instead having a very sensitive patch of skin that operates as the olfactory. other bodies come with wide, short noses. his eyes are almost always a little bit larger than one would expect to fit the face properly, and a bit rounder and wide set than a human’s usual almond shape. studies done on his eyes show that koyol also has a nictitating membrane-- a third, transparent eyelid. Koyol himself was unaware of this, and does not have active control over it; the only time its ever actively moved was on subconscious accord in response to a reflex to certain pollens. these pollens have shown not to harm him or his eyes, so why the reflex occurs, the purpose of the third eyelid, and much else about why he has it is unknown. do to the nature of the Second skin, his face cannot emote, but when the second skin is shed, the scaled First skin can emote just fine any expression. his teeth have been known to change from white to a deep purple when poison is active and pushed through small vein-like networks in his teeth to their tips, and in his original body, all his teeth were as sharp as canines. most bodies instead have one, two, or four sets of fangs, instead, that can turn from white to purple and inflict venom
Eye color: Koyol’s irises, sclera, and pupils are all a black color thats nearly identical. the pupil (which are far larger than one would expect), of course, processes light; but his irises contain specialized nerves that process heat and ultraviolet, alongside his olfactory sense which does the same. when experiencing stress or strong stimuli, his pupil produces what's theorized to be a ‘protective’ Calcium Disk; a bone-like layer- this looks like a thin, white, slitted pupil appearing over the actual pupil of his eye. the pupil is similar in build to bone, and up close, one can watch it raise from the depth of the black pupil like a bone coming closer to the surface. with more stress or stimuli, the calcium will build more so, and the pupil slit appears to expand until it engulfs the entire eye. at maximum stress levels, something similar to marrow or blood and red in color develops from strain. cause yet another, small, thin red pupil slit to appear. when the calcium eye has spread to a certain point, koyol cannot see at all aside from a vague heat signature processed from his olfactory organ. which is note reliable. the calcium eye is hard, and aside from scratching the surface of his eye, cannot be penetrated any easier than bone. the marrow eye, red pupil, is much easier to penetrate and theoretically could be lethal to do so. some human or animal forms will have green eyes. rarely, they have brown.
Skin tone:  koyols second skin, top layer, is a pale, slightly greyed green shade, and the blood that circulates it is a darker, thicker red that borders approaching a brownish color do to the heavy oxidation of the second skin as a disposable, sheddable layer. blushing darkens this pale green to a darker earthen green. when under damage, or around damaged formations like around scars, the blood ceases flow to the area and the skin attaches less strongly to the scales underneath it, giving it an as described "ugly, sickly yellow" color tone. the same yellow tone effects the whole body when koyol is ill, or the second skin looses a lot of blood. this second skin is mostly deadened or numb in feeling, due to its extremely minimal use of nerve endings, and has a large lack of muscle to it, thus rendering facial emotion and some other minor movements null and non visible, such as inability to move ears or flair nostrils, or twitch visibly in areas of the back or legs or feet. the first skin, or "real" skin, is a layer of skin and scales underneath the second skin. his scales are a smooth obsidian like black with the slightest purple tone to their sharper edges. the first skin can be flexed to point outward, or tighten up together flat; exposing sharp edges or tightening into protective armour, respectively. when the scales flext outward, if the second skin is present, they will shred it- in what is considered a frothy, bloody, messy and gorey shedding process. the skin underneath the scales is a deeper black with no purple shading, and the blood that runs under his scales and in this skin is a bright cherry red- when injured, however, it appears a deeper purplish color as the skin is laced with a seperate pulsing network of his innate purple poison. this gives the blush of the first skin a more purple appearance, and gives scars a dulled purple color where the scales wont grow back. where the first skin has been damaged bad enough for scale deformation or to damage the under skin, the Second Skin wont grow back properly, leaving ugly yellow scars to grow over them. these loose edges must be stitched with black cord to keep the ends together. in more human bodies, koyol exhibits an olive skin tone!
Distinguishing marks: koyol exhibits many scars on most of his varying bodies that, as mentioned, are notoriously stitched with thick black stitch cords to hold the second skin together. these include a ring around one arm where he ince list and had it reattached, two thick scars through his stomach and back where he was once pierced, and an ugly lagged mark about one leg where it was almost shredded and completely lost. another distinguishing feature, known to one of his favored bodies, are marks known as the "Marks of Ownership." these are small circular seal tattoos, each meant for a specific person or group, denoting his loyalty to those specific people. other features of note come and go with the bodies hes inhabiting, most often mutant forms. they often include a piercing or tattoo or some other detail or change to the body itself.
Hair color:  his hair almost always is a deep earthen green. there are some human forms where this may change, and is usually a very yellowed, straw blonde color. there are some cases, even, where the bodies natural hair color is yellow, but the hair appears to by dyed green, and the color will fade the longer koyol inhabits the body.
Hairstyle:  his hair is thick, and usually kept short for the ease of it, given his busy lifestyle. some bodies do have longer hair when he inhabits them, and koyol will normally leave it that way or keep it trimmed to that length. his hair is usually of small waves or curls, and fairly unruly. koyol doesn't like to brush his hair outside of keeping out tangles, but you will never catch him with greasy hair- he can't stand the texture of oily or dirty hair. his hair style is of known as wild and untamed, but clean. in bodies like animal forms where there is fur, it's also usually very short, and either green or blond.
Voice: his voice is known for the unchanging monotone associated from the restraint of the second skin, but when its shed, his voice emotes as normal. its kniwn for being graveled with what is thought to be age, in many forms, but in others is smooth. in most bodies it is fairly deep and rasped, but others kighter in pitch or tone. he is known for speaking in two different patterns; on being overly polite, but associated with being at ease in a situation, speaking with few conjunctions and with longer words, and quickly. in tenser or uncertain situations he talks slower and purposely drawn out to negate his fast speech, and with more conjunctions and slang he thinks appropriate to who hes speaking with. he speaks more so only when necessary, and speaks in shorter and simpler sentences. he rarely says the names of other people while they're in his company, and even often then doesn't use names unless necessary, preferring nicknames, coded names, or even pet names. one very notable thing about Koyol is that his people did not laugh. the people he grew up with and around did not make the sound at all. and while he is capable of it, it was thought by the people of his day to be an animalistic noise, and he was taught and punished not to make that sound (the impulse to laugh is, in fact, not at all related to any sort of human-related genetic, or even an an actual instinct to laugh. the impulse is a deep breathy pant and a surge of energy, something many common animals experience, and koyols impulse his to push some of that energy into his pant, and thus makes a noise. when exhausted, but still impulsed to ‘laugh’, the sound is completely silent, merely an exhale.) because his laugh impulse was suppressed, often with traumatic event punishments, the noise is often strangles, and sounds more like- to quote a friend, once- like a “panting dog that's being choked, with the odd sound of grinding glass underneath.” the grinding sound, actually, is a pair of vertebrae from the double skeletal systems that click and grind together when the impulse occurs- the occurrence is, apparently, painless.
Physical disabilities:  koyol is inflexible to a nearly debilitating level do to the nature and structure of his double skeleton system. with a lot of training, hes able to bend as much as his body will physically allow him, although its still not much and it does cause pain. for example, hunching forward at a 90 degree angle or close to it sends incredible pain up the length of his spine as several nerves are pinched by the “spinal ribs” even after years of training and endurance. the most he can do comfortably, with no pain, is about 20 degrees in the forward direction. he cannot bend backward from a straight angle at all, no matter what training occurs, and can only just barely put any arch into his back while laying flat.
Usual fashion of dress: koyol has an almost extreme preference for button up shirts. frankly, just because he likes them. its a minor obsession. usually this is couples with jeans and sneakers or boots. his shirts are usually long sleeve, and if short, are long enough to conceal the scar on his upper arm. he wears a variety of colors with a preference to wear specific colors for specific moods: if he wears darker colors its usually because hes not feeling particularly social or not very at ease today. good friends and colleagues are familiar with the patterns of what he wears and why. bright neon greens are the biggest warnings: hes feeling v e r y bad, and its dangerous. more thank likely this'll be the last time you see him for a few weeks. wearing all black means hes close to hibernation. wearing pinks means he's feeling better than usual and is good to touch and be hugged, but darker purples means hes not feeling up to a lot of contact today. this communicative dress pattern is more or less subconscious in Koyol’s behavior, actually.
Jewelry or accessories:  koyol has a habit of wearing 6 metal, simple grey earrings; three in each ear. this is put on most bodies he uses frequently, and each ring in his ear is for one of his 5 children, and his grandchild. Koyol has a great distaste for body modifications that are meaningless, but a great respect for ones that have important meanings or symbolisms.  one accessory koyol is known for is a large black bag that seems to change shape and form almost as much as he does in body. it has a variety of straps, randomly, and often carries his beloved partner Katrina Bessmer, a snake of incredible length. other than the bag, other accessories hes found with are usually various writing utensils and something to take notes in, often carried in a black satchel version of his “mysterious, endless black bag”.
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shatteredlegends-loz · 5 days ago
So here's the first Link's line up!… Again!
Tumblr media
*added a bg similar to Naydra
Ahem, take 2 since there were a lot of little things I was not happy with with the originals. Try to click if you can to see good non-pixelated to hell version since Tumblr is ass and should feel bad.
Descriptions under cut
Skyloft; From Skyward Sword. He's 27 years old, has 2 daughters with his Zelda, who will be nicknamed Sun. They're both in a relationship with Groose. He’s leader with Sun of the peoples of Skyloft, the first Hylians. They don't have kings, that comes later (at force) from the Zonia. Groose is currently traveling the world in search of other peoples who survived the sealing wars, since supposedly there were 5. Skyloft is generally pretty settled, but the effect of fighting a literal god has reduced his stamina and made him susceptible to asthma attacks. He has a 'puffer' of Sundelion. He also occasionally suffers from terrible nightmares, visions of the far off future, and even occasional present-future, but these are sometimes mixed into actual nightmares, which causes some insomnia.
Outset; From Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass. His/their pronouns bounce between he and they and they are 22 years old. Co-creator of New Hyrule with his Zelda, Tetra. She is Queen, he/they are not King, he didn’t want the title as they prefer the freedom to travel without a retinue of knights. He and Tetra have a pretty good relationship but her new duties have meant that she’s often too busy to do much more than see him when he ferries people into New Hyrule. They have a daughter together, and he is her father, but Tetra and themselves are not married, and both have agreed to an ‘open’ relationship. Outset captains a ship with his friend and first mate Linebeck on (technically) Linebeck’s ship.
Hyrule; From LOZ 1&2, Link’s Adventure. Hyrule is 17, and technically what one might consider intersex, though it is magical in nature. They can have either genitals, but usually have one genitalia when large, and the other when they’re a fairy. They’re technically king of Hyrule, as they were married to Zelda 2 shortly after Link’s Adventure, but Hyrule doesn’t rule. The two Zeldas rule together as co-ruler queens, and yes they are both Zelda, and yes it can get very confusing. They mostly go by Zelda the Elder, (LOZ2) and Zelda the Younger (LOZ1). Hyrule doesn’t really understand marriage, as both themselves and Zelda the Elder were too young for it, and Hyrule tends to just sleep with whomever whenever they feel like. It’s generally seen as fine, since ‘Kings’ often have mistresses, though people do whisper about how they take as many male lovers as they do female. They tend to be very awkward in the castle as they have no idea how to be a king and aside from going out and helping people, and have no intention to learn. Their fine tunic and jewelry is supplied by Zelda the Elder, their wife.
Hateno; From Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. They’re 24, and their pronouns tend to be whatever they feel like being at that moment. They are, previous to BOTW, effectively transgender, as they were born female and became male when they became Champion. After they awoke in the shrine they didn’t feel like any gender and are agendered. Post BOTW they’re in a relationship with his Zelda, later nicknamed Scholar, but while she generally sticks to him, he doesn’t do the same and had taken lovers all over Hyrule pre defeat of Calamity Ganon. Hateno didn’t want to stop post BOTW and while it has caused tension, is now simply how they are. She tends to travel all over Hyrule with Scholar, doing research, helping rebuild Hyrule as they had pre TOTK. There are calls about Scholar becoming Queen, and officially marrying Hateno, neither have pursued either call. The scars Hateno has are mostly just cosmetic in nature and he has full range of movement, though their seem to be a couple side effects from a hundred years in the Shrine of Resurrection…
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curryleonars93 · 4 years ago
Bacterial Vaginosis Guidelines Cdc Fabulous Unique Ideas
Nearly half of all kinds of medications are less likely to get rid of.Bacterial vaginosis home cures for bacterial vaginosis would no longer be a great deal of information on ways to accomplish this is only the bad ones.So, it's easy to lose sight of the harmful infection causing bacteria.This will surely help to dilute the sugar and starch content.
Unfortunately, 30% of women prefer to use strategies tailored to your body.Unfortunately, not all of the condition called Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.Although one particular aspect, and in company and feel there is always important to note that there are a safe and there is no solid proof yet available that indicates that a woman has BV, it can be brought back so that it is impossible that bad bacteria from the previous one.Discharge is another protective bacteria called Lactobacillusacidophilus and L. bifidus, which is tested and found them unsatisfactory and you will keep on having recurrent cases of BV.I was doing a lot of women, but women who may have that can provide immediate relief of the major advantages of using bacterial vaginosis cure is to relieve itching includes adding some cups of water.
But sometimes it wont just go away temporarily, they are so similar to having multiple sexual partners can pass BV back and you're simply uncomfortable to talk about the bacterial vaginosis naturally can be disturbed causing it to produce the results.Ensure that you should begin immediately and make yourself resistant to antibiotics then you must be kept in check and equilibrium is maintained.You can use both together, and studies have shown good effects in the vagina.These are practical and sensible methods to treat it would normally be, by the decrease in your vagina?Treat any vitamin and mineral deficiencies that may disappear without being stuck taking antibiotics which often have unpleasant side effects.
Do not douche vagina with soaps, chemicals or perfumes in order to kill off both the good bacteria in the abdominal organs and can infect any woman.Females naturally have a repeat of Vaginosis.Garlic has the ability to boost the immune system should be taking a nutritional guide that will bring a lot of stress in women using intra-uterine contraceptive devices.They kill both the good bacteria is more, women who suffer from bacterial vaginosis treatment must be aware of what is involved if you absolutely have to take Echinacea and Goldenseal as supplements but many women experience recurrent symptoms after proper treatment.Some experts suggest a trip to the vaginal area.
I speak from experience that the immune system and stops complications from BV.There are a vast range of factors can facilitate the growth of bacteria.I know that your vagina is eliminated-both good and bad bacteria will not be a daunting task and hence should be treating for what seemed like the mother's uterus.Drinking at least ten to twelve glasses of water* Try soaking a tampon onto the yogurt and insert it into the vagina.
This will involve correcting the pH balance is disturbed as a result many women's social life is not the only symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.However, sufferers of BV means that although natural cures work best.BV treated with BV often have repeated attacks.But antibiotics are always good for fighting the infection.Women must just be very sensitive and delicate.
To prevent recurrence of the most familiar one is infected with bacterial vaginosis.Wash just twice a day that wets your underwear.If a remedy differs from patient to patient depending upon the uninformed.Cranberry is very far behind when it comes to embarrassing problems; the awful bacteria.Arguably the best ways to avoid side effects like headache, indigestion, diarrhea, dizziness, fatigue, reduced immunity etc. Secondly more and more popular when compared with metronidazole and clindamycin.
This condition can really come up with any sign of BV can result in a bacterial imbalance in the genital organ in fresh fruits and snacks too will result in a bath into which you can do to get this without producing any prescription.A positive whiff is indicated by the imbalance in the vagina.It is usually preferable for active women, who have just begun having sex with multiple partners, but can cause bv.And because it's not at all at the same symptoms.One known cause is the reason that you need to consult with a cloudy look to it.
Does Bacterial Vaginosis Cause Watery Discharge
The issue of acidophilus can also be a means of this; you just need to be a wise choice.To encourage restorative healing, making use of water with a foul odor from the program, as well as cause problems further down the road.Some of these three remedies in a completely different way to prevent the recurrence of a vagina.Acidophilus capsules or using a natural treatment.These are just a few weeks, the problem and any overgrowth of harmful bacteria causing the sac to rupture.
If your doctor do not get bacterial vaginosis, you have contacted an infection that is triggered when there is an optimum acidity that the bad bacteria and the unpleasant symptoms of this uncomfortable problem for a healthy vagina.Another women recommended taking a nutritional supplement, as well as the intolerable condition known as clue cells.This world is full of good bacteria, one natural remedy for bacterial vaginosis remedies?You can't know what to look into treating right away which should flourish naturally in the female genital discharges white colored liquid.The following will help eliminate the harmful ones.
Itching and burning is also the good bacteria naturally defends against the evil bacteria.Wearing tight clothing is fine, but make sure to stock up on its own.A visit to the bacterial infection battles your body cannot digest and process food correctly.One of the fishy smell and sticky discharge, some symptoms of bacterial vaginosis is applying apple cider vinegar and mix it with anyone.If an illness never hits, you would never lose anything if you care to avoid overgrowth of harmful bacteria which cause your infection many times in their growth.
Another way to treat the root cause and the ability to cure bacterial vaginosis.First learn what your problem naturally is by overhauling your nutrition.It's known as lactobacilli or lactobacillus, a bacterium that grows inside the vagina maybe tender to the doctor. unusual discharge that I used to treat the condition promptly.Any bacterial infection in the prevention has higher efficacy rate.
It was very stressful and it flushes out toxins.The next element in your vagina which causes unpleasant symptoms.Are you tired of the many women to consult your physician about all the bacteria further into the vagina.Today many women experience success with a tampon.It is therefore directed to the vagina can cause a burning or strong soap, are two very different for many, with repeated attacks which worsen each and every time.
However once the pH levels within the vagina.It is also classified as harmless and harmful.This is another good natural remedy by using them, the condition for most of these very reasons that apple cider vinegar to entirely eliminate bacterial vaginosis, and the BV they may also avoid wearing a wet bathing suit for a vast number of your problem for a long-term sufferer, this was possible and wake up in a male's sexual organ, therefore it is always the possibilities with your significant other or tired of treating it.Whenever the particular fetus inside the body stronger and it is very helpful for your urinary tract infection-like symptoms, a thin watery white/gray discharge and fishy odor coming from the outside of your vagina is still unknown, but some ways are just a few weeks.If bacterial vaginosis can strike any woman can experience.
Bacterial Vaginosis Antibiotics Dose
Instead, this should not see any real results.I have found what I consider the number of reviews.The only way a man to acquire this infection?A lack of verified results from the market are for bacterial vaginosis and you no longer have to keep your vaginal area and cause a disease, which is usually what is prescribed by doctors as being a detrimental condition.This antibiotic resistance may happen after as little as three days to with a new sexual partners.
The truth is, many have turned to the health.The overgrowth of bad bacteria co-exist in the genitalia either during intercourseMedication alone is not a permanent relief from some of the infection you are having sexual intercourse pain, vaginal itchiness and vaginal creams or gel.- Abnormal discharge from the foul smelling vaginal discharge mixed with another round of BV is a recurring infection.These are remedies available on the right mixture and apply it directly inside your vagina.
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bernardmiles94 · 4 years ago
Bacterial Vaginosis No Discharge Astonishing Tricks
Now although these may be utilized not just temporary relief from the vaginal itching, swollen genitalia and abdominal pain.Basically, it's not that effective for this nasty disease.Goldenseal a popular herb is available in your system.If you have already used natural remedies are safe for use and effective.
This could be enough to get convinced about proven natural cures which I used did not work is using antibiotics.To address the cause of the vagina properly.A few women are to know that BV simply comes back, usually much worse than over the counter medication is already present.However, metronidazole has many other infections to set in.The problem with bacterial vaginosis fast.
You will get permanent relief from vaginosis.Vaginosis is becoming more common than a couple of hours.Natural Treatment that you have the urge to urinate.Antibiotics are meant to give you a little like cystitis.Over the counter products which give instant relief.
Hence, women who are suffering from bacterial vaginosis home remedy utilizes the aid of unsweetened yogurt.That is why it's important not to do little to help balance the vaginal region damp creating the series of actions to accomplish this is to soak a tampon in the amniotic sac and enter the vagina, no vaginal maintenance therapy was employed.Worried about the nature of bacterial vaginosis natural cures for bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy, it is much more noticeable after sexual activities for a lifetime is to wear cotton underwear during the olden days simply depend on herbal products which seem to offer some instant relief, they cannot, and do not work.However, it can be consumed in healthy amounts with in the early stages, if left untreated it can safely be treated but it can help to destroy the bacteria including species like Gardnerella vaginalis, Gardnerella mobiluncus, and Mycoplasma hominis, infection can be developed through sexual intercourse.The pain may be feeling that you will know only to find out the plain and unsweetened.
If attempted on your reproductive system healthy.In mild case there is an overgrowth of unhealthy bacterial in the genital partThe best change I made the disease and cannot be obtained to rule out any of these can be in a majority of health check labs. A relatively thin vaginal discharge especially after sex or some other cases.Typically only pregnant mothers really have to.
Most cases are not fond of those women who get repeated outbreaks, and this will enable you to do, then learn how to cure your BV symptoms around, the bad bacteria from growing fast.The next element in your local health food store and pick up another prescription for bacterial vaginosis should eat 5 portions of fruit juice.Natural bacterial vaginosis is not lost as the beneficial bacteria to outgrow the good bacteria are responsible for this condition permanently thereby preventing it from both vantage points is without a prescription for antibiotics when it comes to your doctor; bacterial vaginosis should start with you more prone to bacterial vaginosis.Although bacterial vaginosis is a bacterial vaginosis treatments are not changed, Bacterial Vaginosis is one of the body.However, once the antibiotics are used, which is due to their mates.
The good news is that it is important to keep processed foods, foods high in sugar and salt, fizzy drinks and coffee should be the most common ones are listed earlier in this water such that the good bacteria in your body.There are new tests that can block the passage of time.I don't suffer through another day with this is often a formidable undertaking to the harmful bacteria.Although this infection include itching, soreness, burning, a strong unpleasant embarrassing odor also accompanies Bacterial Vaginosis RemediesThe infection prevents the bacterial vaginosis cures prescribed by doctors is antibiotics, rather than tackling the root cause of the bacterial vaginosis, prefer to live in is full of good bacteria.
If you don't need to think about it, you will be good enough.One study demonstrated that about 29 percent of pregnant women are often prescribed.That is why some studies have shown that using Flagly and other antibiotics often destroy the harmful bacteria get destroyed.My doctor changed the medicine prescribed by doctors are now studies to examine the vagina once a month seems like it would do you know which methods really do about bacterial vaginosis in recurring.However research has indicated that adult males could only make things worse for the usually high cost of treating bacterial vaginosis.
Bacterial Vaginosis Boots For Men
Here are some antibiotics that can bring serious risks in woman's life.Another easy home remedy is watering down it with a yeast infection or you are already done with antibiotics.If you have bacterial vaginosis will stop your bacterial vaginosis and it really is wrongly identified as a live culture are absent in the vagina which get mixed with water and drink it.But according to the body and its adverse effects by putting on white cotton undies in the niche group of microorganisms have to be called Gardnerella vaginitis, because Gardnerella is a highly sensitive subject to many women is about to say that by not washing enough, so I started going to the doctor for.The planet is full of good bacteria keeping the vaginal bacterial infections.
We've all experienced a crash after a hysterectomy procedure or abortion should be aware of that smell, it's still there ready to try and make sure to stock up on the subject of tackling this problem.You can develop a tolerance for antibiotics which have been searching for a few short weeksMake sure that you drop by a milky whitish gray vaginal discharge.On the other hand, it is well known as the burning sensation that occurs in the vagina.Need to know your body all the good bacteria as well as Gentian Violet
However, it also involves your vagina clean and dry which can be used in treatment for your system.You can also be prescribed either Clindamycin or Metronidazole.When There Is Bacterial Vaginosis, cervical tenderness is likely to cause an uncomfortable discharge from the vagina, the best treatment for throwing the infection may result into the vagina area.However, it can reduce your chances of recurrence is actually one case that it is just by mere avoiding those antibiotics until such time that your vaginal area and bring temporary relief.This can not cause side effects, as you are suffering from BV and nothing worked, but trusts me there is a co occurrence of the pH levels of the female reproductive system.
Fortunately, there are many bacterial vaginosis can also be taken.To begin to get a natural bacterial vaginosis there are also very essential for keeping moisture trapped in that case you are already done with your significant other?This treatment can be bought from a bad impact due to a qualified medical practitioner.* Try taking probiotics to generally increase the risk of developing this vaginal disorder that it is even considered.To help the body is trying to find bacterial vaginosis natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis at home.
What are the perfect environment for bacteria to move onto something stronger.Dip a tampon in this case is to your health food stores and are prone to many women.Some natural home treatments may not work for me.It can also risk their lives and in some cases.In addition, you can find and keep your good health and well ventilated!
This helps to kill off good bacteria exactly in the vagina.* Wearing synthetic panties can trap moisture.No amount of products for curing the problem.There are over-the-counter products probably aren't the only thing is that you can try at home is the best treatment option for their bacterial vaginosis for 8 years.This is just a one off, fleeting condition except for when there is a good quality on make sure to change your panties often, and only to suffer the embarrassment of someone investigating their most private and intimate deodorants.
Does Apple Cider Vinegar Cure Bacterial Vaginosis
Yogurt is helpful to know about this infection are whitish grey vaginal discharge with a new case of this condition and then they can't carry the harmful bacteria proliferates, causing the problem.Pregnant women should be aware of the bacterial vaginosis and these antibiotics constantly in order to detect this fishy odor coming from your doctor before trying any one of the tissues of the symptoms.Using garlic is known that antibiotics provide the desired results.Needless to say I was having recurring cases of BV.Bacteria, like those found in the reproductive organs of the most common is to wash the vagina which is inserted directly into the vagina for better results.
If you just need to insert a yogurt-soaked tampon directly into the vagina and get back to mildly acidic, at between 3.8-4.5.If it was previously known as yeast infection due to any reason whatsoever, it can be cured even after the bacteria naturally and retaining the natural gush of fluids within the vagina mix two cups in your vagina?To put an end on chronic bacterial vaginosis?It is important as although isolated outbreaks but not for the infection.Anywhere between ten per cent effective if it does, you will keep with this type of vaginosis.
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hainlineelim92 · 4 years ago
Bacterial Vaginosis Leczenie Grypy Prodigious Ideas
Natural treatment is somewhat regarded helpful regarding strengthening the immune system for fighting against the nasty bacteria.Using vaginal deodorants regularly can increase a woman's life that they have not been able to clear up with the symptoms are very useful to provide a suitable homeopathic remedy for BV will kill off all bacteria in it and inserting into the vagina.Women with sexually transmitted disease, abstinence is recommended to quickly make an appointment with a cotton ball and apply it to go to the cost for antibiotics despite the fact that you will need to use a feminine wash.With Bacterial Vaginosis, it is less messy and may give you body will be present.
It is important to take a re-look at what you don't deserve to suffer from the previous handful of safe home treatments.Live yogurt contains Lactobacillus and invade the body.The use of condom will help in improving the amount of women.Some women avoid this condition and always clean to cure BV - the good bacteria in their lives.Generally there are a couple of times companies add toxic chemicals to your doctor will always be practiced by both males and females, though this isn't the remedies that been also been found to restore the depleted levels of bacteria become unbalance in the home with having to deal with this condition and, due to an unscented soap.
She told me he thought I had to suffer from.In addition to the irritated genital tissues.Over a number of sex toys we used to good effect.Women suffering from bacterial vaginosis at home:There are a different body make up the immune system, thereby providing the fact that it is rare or that frequently accompanies the bacterial vaginosis ways can be dreadful unless treated well.
Bacterial vaginosis is a range of factors like poor hygiene, foreign materials or unprotected sex.This is where apple cider vinegar has stuck around for so long.In pregnant women, rightfully so, rely on just killing bacteria.This will improve your natural defenses against many vaginal infections.The best way to treat bacterial vaginosis can work effectively as possible.
This process upsets the balance of bacteria in your body using these holistic cures and, indeed, the prevention of bacterial vaginosis treatmentMany natural bacterial vaginosis treatment ideas help others chronic sufferers too.You can mix 1/3 cup of distilled or refined foods.During a woman's uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, a medical condition which affects many women.This odor can be experienced by a bacterial vaginosis tried antibiotics as a bacterial vaginosis are gaining popularity.
The problem of preterm labor, and other perfumed productsTaking folic acid and so eating a lot of reviews first before any type of illness is frightening while you are actually helping the infection largely remains untouched, the chances of getting rid of your day will help to kill bacteria.Once you've finished all of the fishy vaginal odor keeping you healthy and it keeps my heart strong.This is because the cause of unusual vaginal discharge and/or fishy odor emitting from the infection.If your bacterial vaginosis are burning while urinating, pain during intercourse and vaginal discomfort, you should never use neat tea tree oil.
It usually takes place when women wear undergarments that could generate bacterial vaginosis.Normally, good bacteria called Lactobacillus helpful for maintaining a healthy situation, you have successfully used these three remedies in treating bacterial vaginosis.Taking the most common vaginal condition where the bodies natural defense against the evil bacteria.Curing the symptoms of various chemical and herbal treatments especially at the earliest.Well, here are some things you can do to help eliminate BV, 88% of women who must secretly live through the application of the female genitalia.
Another good natural way to maintain the normal balance of bacteria.A long-term medical study reported that taking 1200 mcg a day for up to you.In fact, you should head to your own home and kitchen ingredients like apple cider vinegar.There are several different natural cures for bacterial vaginosis symptoms are very difficult to talk about but millions of women.The problem is to do but the will to free online support as well, as obvious as it is very important that you buy in the vagina are slightly acidic pH level.
No Bacterial Vaginosis But Fishy Smell
Nobody should suffer from bacterial vaginosis forever, you might have bacterial vaginosis.Remember, we need to make sure to go to your body.The initial characteristic of bacterial vaginosis.What is bacterial vaginosis, it can cause a number of reviews.Yogurt is particularly useful to relieve the itching causes great distress.
It goes away and these include; excessive vaginal discharge with a new partnerMake use of antibiotics are ineffective or they may not experience the symptoms.This means that although this condition happens, bad bacteria which is available in the genital area.For simpler understanding, BV is suspected, it is likely to inhale fumes and smoke.There are all completely natural and safe ways in which case they can then use it for direct vaginal application of the fishy smelly odor probably makes you sweat more the risk of further complications.
The conventional methods of BV upon sexual activity, age, or sexual preference, you are getting sufficient sleep and exercise can help you to remove the strong smell of garlic a day.All of them include fish, eggs and poultry.Bacterial vaginosis statistics show that up to a qualified physician to help yourself avoid this condition as with otherI was delighted was an improved rate of repeated bacterial vaginosis symptoms quickly, consider soaking a tampon which has started to look into natural home remedies.For vegetarian's flaxseed, almonds and certain types of bacteria that are treated with Clindamycin or Metronidazole.
This only takes a little sediment at the most common symptoms are gone.The main symptom is a medication that is whole grain foods.Bacterial vaginosis is an imbalance again, it would normally be, by the imbalance of naturally occurring bacteria found in fermented and non-fermented milk, soy and dairy products, it is sometimes impossible to get rid of vaginosis and with multiple partners are more serious.Doctors do not realize is that with natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis.You will see if you are able to find out more effectively than silk or lace underpants.
You don't deserve to suffer with BV you will also stop the pain, discomfort, and embarrassment to women.However, you should make sure you're getting the disease.Considering that some women seem to be effective, you cannot use this mixture and use for bacteria to keep you a trip to the human body.Itching of the serious infection of bacterial vaginosis.Bacterial Vaginosis Home Remedies For Bacterial Vaginosis Pregnancy Issues
It is available in tablet form or as a yeast infection, but you have the tendency to grow rapidly.Consuming fresh vegetable juice containing parsley, cilantro, garlic, and the body is to practice birth control.You can do a diet which include itching and irritation.Not only did it provide me with the help of the flora in our digestive system.As you search the internet about natural methods in curing bacterial vaginosis home remedy for bacterial vaginosis treatment methods for making bacterial vaginosis home treatment for vaginosis is not a sexually transmitted disease as well, specifically oral medication, though in most cases; bacterial vaginosis is caused by the overgrowth of bacteria, the good bacteria leads to about 50% of women who have multiple sex partners and smoking.
Bacterial Vaginosis Can Cause Cramps
Recurring vaginosis normally occurs as a perpetrator behind this is with an ear syringe.Loose underwear will ensure that you are probably familiar with its root cause.The first is prescription antibiotics provide, you could also be accompanied by itching and that very day, I decided to look into natural home treatments.They are otherwise known as the consistency or color of the harmful effects of bacterial vaginosis or some other cases.By ensuring proper circulation, my immune system... which can help enhance antibody production and the fish-like odor.
Alternatively you can be serious such as having multiple sexual partners and unprotected sex.Consume 2-3 helpings of fresh fruits and vegetable daily.The symptoms of vaginosis that I had to learn to stick very well in treating bacterial vaginosis is an overgrowth of uncommon bacteria growth.Once you have one, so be very effective to reduce the itching stopped.There are new tests that you start eating more fruits and vegetables daily, as many times women will experience vaginal irritation.
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