#also used a grid this time for the panels! i think it helps them look cleaner :p
renthedevil · 2 months
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thought of an ‘in-universe’ explanation as to how joel got help with his banners lol
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revretch · 18 days
Getting myself jazzed up to start on storyboards for episode ten by looking at storyboard animatics by other people, and it's amazing how much it can vary between studios.
Every time, I'm amazed by just how...barebones the storyboards for the ambitiously animated 80's-90's Disney films were. Not only in terms of how loosely the actions were telegraphed, but also in the stylization. Check out this side by side of "Under the Sea." That doesn't even look like Ariel! Not that this is a bad thing--you can tell this setup was in place to really let their famous animators get creative.
Compare that to these boards on My Neighbor Totoro. Miyazaki is also a manga artist, and it shows, here! Compare this to his manga, and there isn't much of a difference. Every panel is fantastically detailed, though not painstakingly so. This feels less like a storyboard, and more like a very thorough comic panel sequence.
Looking at a very different kind of animation, Spongebob is a board-first show. There is no script stage! Going board-first helps keep the pacing of the visual gags tight. Compared to Disney's wishy-washy board timing, the tempo set for the animation is very consistent and obvious.
...And then we have Don Bluth. Just. LOOK at the boards on this deleted sequence from The Land Before Time. The timing, and the level of artistic detail...it's beyond insane. It's interspersed with surviving screenshots, really showing off just how ridiculously detailed these boards were! Even the backgrounds are laid out, complete with grids, to give the animators and backgrounds an idea of the space they were working in! Absolutely incredible.
Each of these methods caters to the animators in a different way, and it's really interesting to think about how!
Next to them, my method is...uh...well.
In my defense, I'd previously been boarding only for myself, since I've been the only animator and using royalty-free music. Now that I've got a composer, and I'll be probably be getting some animation help on this episode, I need to work extra hard to keep things kiiind of clear. Oh boy. Wish me luck! I need to stop procrastinating....
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Kinda oddly embarrassed to send this but oh my god your art is so pleasing to look at for some reason
I think it's just the soft shapes you use and how amazingly 3D everything tends to look?? Like the angles and proportions are just so perfect that I find it easy to imagine most of what you draw as a 3D model or something
And like I don't think I could nail it like you (maybe with time!!) But I am definitely taking inspiration from it because it DOES get me thinking about how you use shapes and angles and wonder if I could practice that because oh my god I wish I could absorb your art
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Do you have methods or techniques to make it look so 3D? if you know what I mean? I tend to use grids to try and map out the shapes in a vaguely 3D plane, so I was wondering if you had tips kinda like that to share with the class? or if you're just winging it and it's a lot of practice?
Thank you so much!!! It really means a lot to me when others take inspiration from my art, it reminds me of all the artists I used to look up to and emulate when I was first starting out on MSPaint with a broken trackpad for a pen, you don’t have to be embarrassed! You’ll definitely be able to harness 3D space and create fantastic work, you’re already well on your way! Having passion and a desire to learn will take you far :)
My biggest focus whenever I draw is to make the characters feel real, as though you could reach out and enter the space they’re in to sit next to them on the couch. I’m so glad that I’m able to pull it off! Thanks for the rose, I’ll be sure to cherish it :)
As for my methods and techniques…
Drawing on a 3D grid plane is definitely something I do! Its perfect for comic panels or storyboards, to set the scene and ground characters or props to their environment.
I did a lot of classical study, that is life drawing and still life drawing, but simply using reference for buildings and anatomy also helps a lot and is a lot easier to find. I’d also sketch my hands, plastic animals, and my surroundings, as well as people watch for inspiration for character mannerisms or fashion. It’s useful to know a little bit about the inner workings of anatomy, as there are places were bone makes a person inflexible, while places with more muscle or fat are affected by things like gravity or pressure that change their shape. Drawing a flour sac to act out different emotions is a great way to practice weight and character acting!
Having studied animation, I did a lot of turnarounds to get characters consistent and able to be rotated in 3D space. It can be pretty tedious for some people, but it really does help solidify the characters’ shapes and design, and serves as great reference to look back on if you need it! If you don’t want to do something so stiff as a turnaround, simply drawing expressions and poses from dynamic angles helps too. I’ve found that breaking a character down into basic shapes that are easy to draw in a 3D plane also can help my anatomy and foreshortening be more accurate.
Most importantly, find something that brings you joy to draw! Every “traditional” method of study can be applied to things you like, so don’t feel the need to burn out thinking you can only draw the Mona Lisa or whatever. I’ve done anatomy studies on the Rise turtles to figure out their skeletal structure, and friends of mine have painted some mind blowing concept art inspired by Sonic and D&D!
I hope this helps some? Best of luck, and have fun! :D
Below are a couple of examples of some of my studies:
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musings-of-a-rose · 6 months
Falling Slowly - Chapter 9
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Pairing: Tommy Miller x f!reader
Word Count: 3500+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: So I thought this may be the last chapter. It's not. Because I'm me.
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**Reader is not described
Main Masterlist
Falling Slowly Masterlist
Tommy Miller Masterlist
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Raiders. I’m honestly surprised it’s taken this long for someone to find us. But I thought, or assumed we’d be mostly ok, hidden as well as we are. Joel and Tommy are always extra careful whenever they have to venture out further than our property to scavenge, making sure they aren’t followed. But they’ve only seen people once and that was years ago.
Sarah and Jax move quickly into the hall closet where Joel and Tommy had made a secret hiding place behind a back panel. Tommy hands me a shotgun and squeezes my hand, trying to reassure me that it will all be ok. But I don’t see how it will be. 
The cabin is silent, but getting louder is the unmistakable sound of a truck, no, trucks. Joel and Tommy exchange a look, moving to stand by the front door but well hidden behind the shutters. Rose and I wait in the hallway, staring at each other as we listen as hard as we can. The trucks park and we can hear muffled voices getting out of them. Joel peeks through the slot on his side and whispers to Tommy, but I’m close enough to just hear it. 
“It’s Mr. Jones.”
Mr. Jones? The man who sold us this cabin? We should be ok then, right? I chance a glance around the wall and watch as Joel’s posture changes, his face hardening even though his back is to us. 
“He’s with the Raiders.”
Why is Mr. Jones with raiders? Was he captured? Why would he come here, to a cabin he’d sold us long before the outbreak? 
“What’s the move?” Tommy looks at his brother, waiting to see his reply. Joel stands another moment, watching the men get out of the truck outside. 
“Just follow my lead and stay quiet. If it goes south, take the kids and the girls and get out.”
“I won’t leave you-”
“Tommy.” It wasn’t a suggestion, but a firm warning, and by his silence, I know Tommy complied. 
Joel takes a deep breath and unlocks the door, carrying his shotgun loose in his hands, pointed down, but still ready to go if needed.
“Hey, Mr. Jones. It’s Joel. Joel Miller.” 
There’s silence for a moment before he replies. I have to strain to hear him properly. “Holy shit! Joel? It’s really you?”
“Huh! Wow, never would’ve guessed. Everyone make it out ok?”
Joel pauses for a moment, like he’s thinking how to best reply. “We survived the outbreak.”
A chuckle. “Well that’s amazing news!” There’s a slight lull in the conversation, a heavily weighted pause.
“Can I help you all with something?” Joel asks.
“Ah. Well see, I’d forgotten about this cabin, having sold it to you so long ago. Well, it feels like a long time ago. So much has happened…..anyway, I remembered we were setting it up to be off grid and I hoped you all had continued that, maybe have some supplies? I didn’t think you’d actually be here.”
“What supplies do you need?”
“All of them.”
There’s a more weighted pause before Joel replies. “Yeah, I can’t help you with that.”
“Well now, I think you can.”
This isn’t like Mr. Jones. Not the sweet man and his sweet wife who just loved the Miller brothers. Mrs. Jones especially adored Tommy, as she often told him he reminded her so much of a brother she had lost when she was younger. I can hear Tommy grip his gun harder and I glance at Rose, both of us locking eyes in the understanding that we may have to book it down the escape route rather quickly if things escalate. 
“I’m sorry, Mr. Jones. I would be happy to trade with you, but I can’t just-”
“You know, the only reason you’re still alive is because my wife loved you guys so much. Tommy especially. He reminded her so much of her brother Gabriel. She wouldn’t have wanted anything bad to happen to you.”
“Is she ok?”
Another pause. “She…didn’t make it past outbreak day.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. She was a good woman.”
“She was. But, now you see my predicament. I don’t want to hurt you out of respect for my wife. And I’m assuming you have a lot of resources, considering I’m fairly positive your brother and your kids and wives are all hiding here too.”
“So what do you propose?”
“There’s no need for bloodshed here. There are many of us and a few of you. Still, I wouldn’t want to upset my wife.”
“Alright then. You and your men can just go and we’ll forget it happened.”
“Ah, well. I do have responsibilities to my men too. They also have families and needs…how about this: we leave you all here with your supplies, but you and Tommy have to come work for us. Only when we need you. We could use your construction expertise but also your, apparently steady trigger fingers.”
A long pause. “Can I have a moment?”
“Absolutely. We’ll be here, in good faith.”
“In good faith.”
Joel’s heavy boots tap against the floor as he moves back inside, gently closing the door almost shut behind him, his peripheral trained on the men he can see through the crack. Joel calls to use and Rose and I join our men in front of the door. 
“Well?” Joel asks, looking at all of us.
“How many men are there?” Rose asks. “I’m a pretty good shot.”
Joel shakes his head. “There’s at least 10. And they mentioned families so I think if they didn’t return, more would come.”
“We could just leave? Throw a few things in some backpacks and head out the tunnel with the kids?”
“And go where, Daisy?” Joel’s dark eyes meet mine. “There’s nowhere around for miles and these raiders are bound to go looking around. Not to mention the damn infected. We can’t give this place up.”
I know he’s right, but still. It had to be said.
“I don’t like this, Joel.” Rose takes his hand and squeezes it. “I don’t want you gone for God knows how long.” 
Joel lifts her hand to his lips and kisses the back of it. “I know. But we have to do this to take care of you. All of you. Tommy?” Joel looks at his brother, but I don’t have to look to know what his response will be. Tommy will do anything to protect Jax and I, no matter what.
“Yeah. We gotta protect ours.”
Joel nods at Tommy. “It’s settled.”
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It was almost 2 weeks before they came back, just one vehicle, Joel and Tommy gathering up their backpacks, nerves visible in their features. Joel went around back to grab another tool bag and Rose and Sarah followed him. Jax was still asleep upstairs and Tommy had already said goodbye to his sleeping son. He slides his arm through the other strap and I adjust his flannel shirt, picking at it in an attempt to do something other than cry. 
“Hey.” Tommy lifts my chin with his finger and gently presses his lips to mine before pulling back to look at me. “I’ll come back. I promise.”
“Please be careful, Tommy. I love you so much, I can’t…I can’t lose you. Not again, I-”
“Hey, darlin’. I love you too. I don’t plan on going anywhere.”
He pulls me to him and I nuzzle into his chest, inhaling his scent, letting it permeate my brain as it tries to memorize everything about him. But then Joel walks back inside, handing Tommy another tool bag before moving to the front door. 
“Be safe.”
“You too.”
Rose, Sarah, and I stand together in the doorway, watching Joel and Tommy get into the truck, not knowing when they’ll come back.
Or if.
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The first few times they went, they helped the raiders build some additions to their compound, fortifying their defenses and just general maintenance and repair. I had asked Tommy if no one there knew how to do any of this, as it seemed pretty odd that in a compound of the size they discussed, that no one knew how to do something as simple as switch out a doorknob.
“Yeah, normally that would be odd. Except, they’re all rich people.”
I look up at him from where I had been snuggling against his chest. “What?”
He nods. “Yeah. Before the outbreak, all of these people had money. I’m talking loaded. Lots of them telling stories about it. So they’re not used to doing things for themselves.”
“So the rich people are raiders?”
He shrugs. “Guess maybe they couldn’t cope with doing without. So they just started taking.”
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About 6 months in, the raiders come to collect Joel and Tommy, this time for an actual raid. They promised they’d be careful, looking out for people and clickers. But I don’t like it. It was bad enough them going to help the raiders build their home. But this?
They don’t return for nearly 2 weeks. 
Before, they were gone at most 4 days. Byt the end of the 2 weeks, Rose and I were ready to go charging the base and probably would have if it wasn’t for Sarah and Jax. 
They returned in the middle of the night, the kids fast asleep. Rose and I were still awake, having a hard time sleeping without them here. But the sound of a truck was unmistakeable in the quiet and we carefully headed downstairs, peeking out the slot in the shutters that Joel had looked out before, making sure it was really them. Joel and Tommy hopped out of the truck, slinging their bags over one shoulder without so much as a glance behind them. But my initial wave of relief at the sight of them quickly was replaced by concern as Tommy gets closer and I can see the hunch in his shoulders, his eyes on the ground. Something had happened. Something bad. Rose opens the door and Joel steps inside, Tommy following behind him as Rose closes the door. They drop their packs and kick off their boots, stowing them in the little baskets we had placed by the door.
“Tommy?” I reach for his hand but he snatches it back, not quite meeting my eye.
“I need to shower.”
I was stunned. He had been on some dirty construction sites, even building for the raiders, and not once has he never kissed me when he came home. Out the corner of my eye, I see a similar conversation happening between Joel and Rose, Joel following Tommy upstairs. 
“What the fuck happened?” Rose whispers to me, her eyes on the stairs where Joel had just been.
“I don’t know, but it doesn’t seem good.”
I pop my head in the kid’s room, checking that they’re still asleep. I should stop calling it the kids room as Sarah is nearly 20 now. But they’re both so attached at the hip, I forget that she’s so much older than him. 
I close our door behind me, hearing the shower click off as I kick off my house shoes. I sit on the bed, quietly waiting for him. Tommy emerges from the bathroom, towel slung low around his hips, his hair wet and curly, sticking to his neck and forehead. He turns to the dresser and grabs a pair of boxers and puts them on, tossing the wet towel in the basket. He sits next to me on the bed, still not looking at me. It’s almost as if he’s..ashamed?
I cup my hand to his cheek and lift his face to mine and immediately have to choke back tears at the look of defeat in his eyes. “Hey. I love you.”
He smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “I love you too.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
He shakes his head. “I don’t want to give details. But fuck, Daisy, I…we had to do some shady shit and I don’t…But it’s to keep you safe so I will, but-”
“Hey, hey,. It’s ok. We can just leave. We have the truck and we have more time now so we can load it up and-”
He shakes his head. “Joel’s right though. They’ll come looking for us. Especially now.”
“What do you mean especially now?”
Tommy looks down, picking at his fingers. “We were good at our job. Joel more than me, but they liked how good of a shot I am.”
“Tommy. Look at me.” It takes him several moments but he does, his eyes watering. “I love you. I love you no matter what, ok?” He nods but like he doesn't believe me. I place my hands on either side of his face and pull him to me, pressing my lips to his. 
And to my surprise, he melts into me, one hand coming up to tangle in my hair, the other gripping my hip as he deepens the kiss. He turns his body, pressing me down into the bed as he lays on me, kissing down my neck, goosebumps erupting down my arms. I know this isn’t a healthy way to cope but it seems to be what he needs and honestly, I need him. I need to hold him, know he’s here with me, solidly here. He pushes his hips against mine, my back arching as he nips at my neck, his hips rocking faster and faster, chasing his high. His hands are everywhere, sliding over my skin, gripping me, touching me, his lips drawing paths across my body. My fingers tangle in his curls, my legs wrapping around him, urging him deeper, faster until finally lights erupt behind my eyes, my whole body tingling as I moan his name, hearing my own echoed back at me as his hips sputter against mine. He presses his forehead to mine and takes a few breaths before he pulls out, allowing me time to use the bathroom first. When he’s done, he slides into bed and pulls me to his chest, wrapping his large arms around me, my back pressed into his broad chest, his nose in my hair. 
“I’m here if you want to talk, but I’m also here if this is what you need. Whatever you want, I’m here, Tommy.”
“I know. I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
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Every time they leave, I swear a part of them doesn't come back. Joel seems more aggressive. Not to us, but just...angrier. Tommy's shoulder's slump, his smile often not reaching his eyes, staring blankly out at the trees as he relives whatever horrors he's had to do.
It's when the last bit of life in his eyes snuffs out that I decide I need to do something.
I'd always told him he could talk to me and sometimes he did. I know he hasn't told me everything they've had to do, and I don't expect him to. I've asked him to leave before, but he always said Joel never would. That he couldn't leave his brother. But after 5 years, it finally took that last little bit of him I had left. I couldn't continue on like this. We couldn't continue on like this.
I come back into the cabin, washing my hands in the kitchen sink, before I head back outside, walking down through the trees to the dock, knowing I'd find Tommy sitting at the edge of it, glass of water clutched in his hand as he stares blankly out at the water, a million miles away.
"Hey, handsome." I sit next to him, gently placing my hand on his thigh and giving it a light squeeze. He blinks rapidly a few times, coming back to present before looking at me, smiling slightly.
"Hey, beautiful."
I place my hand on his cheek, rubbing my thumb over the bit of stubble that had grown in the last few days. "Are you here with me?"
His dark eyes meet mine and he blinks. "I am."
"Come with me?"
He cocks his head slightly to the side as I stand up, offering my hand out to him. He takes it, the warmth from his large hand seeping into mine as I lead him off the deck and back into the woods, down a path he'd taken me years ago. Albeit I was blindfolded, but I'm not bothering with a blindfold this time.
It had taken me a few days to figure it out, setting up the tent and blankets just like he'd done for our anniversary not too long after...well, after. I thought for sure he'd know where we're going but if he does, he says nothing, his fingers still laced with mine as we walk around trees and over roots. When the clearing appears and he sees the tent, he stops walking. I look back at him and am met with a blank stare.
"What..what are we doing here?"
"I thought it might be nice to get away for at least a night."
His jaw clenches. "Shit, did I miss our anniversary?"
At least he remembered why we had been here before. "No. I just...come sit with me?" I take his one hand in both of mine, pulling him slightly towards the blanket I had spread out. He pauses for a moment but then acquiesces, kicking off his boots and stretching out his long legs on the blanket. I kick off my own boots and sit next to him, hesitating before taking his hand again, feeling him lace his fingers through mine.
"I love you, Tommy."
"I love you too, sweetheart."
I told myself I wouldn't cry, that I'd be strong. But when I looked at him, his eyes staring at mine, and I couldn't see that light, I lost it. Giant drops fell from my eyes, splashing against our entwined hands.
"Hey, hey Daisy. What's wrong?" He drops my hand to place it on my cheek, cradling my face with both hands.
He pulls me to his chest, wrapping his arms around me and I finally feel safe, secure, like he's fully here with me in this moment. It takes me a few minutes to calm down, but he's patient with me, always so patient, just holding me and letting me sort myself.
"We have to leave, Tommy."
He doesn't move, still for a long moment and so I sit up, drying my tears on the back of my hand.
"Daisy, we can't. I told you, Joel won't-"
"Every time you guys leave, a part of you doesn't come back. I know you're having to do terrible shit, more terrible than the crap you've told me about. And I've supported you as best I can, but Tommy, I feel like you're finally slipping away from me and I can't pull you to me, and I can't lose you, I just can't. Not again. I won't survive it."
"Oh darlin'. I'm right here."
I look up at him. "But that's just it. You're not. Even when you're here, you're not. This last trip. Something took the last bit of light from your eyes and I-" a sob ripples up from my throat and Tommy immediately pulls me to him again.
"You said you're protecting us. But who's going to protect us when you're gone, Tommy? Even if you're alive, you can still be gone. Please. We have to go."
A drop of water hits my cheek, but it's not my tears. I turn my head up and see tears freely flowing down Tommy's cheeks. This time it's my turn to hold him, press him to my chest as he cries. It's several long minutes before the sobs stop, the tears finally drying. My fingers are still tangled in his curls, gently patting him and lightly scratching his head. He sits up, wiping his eyes on his arm.
"I'm so sorry, Daisy. I thought I could handle it."
"Hey. You're so fucking strong. Most people would've cracked by now."
He smiles weakly. "I would have, if it weren't for Joel." His face falls. "He'll never leave, Daisy. He's convinced this is the safest option."
"Tommy, we can't continue on like this forever."
He nods. "You're right. I gotta take care of my family and that's what I'm gonna do."
"What if Joel won't come?"
"He won't. I'll make the offer to Rose and Sarah, but I'm sure they'll stay. But we'll still go."
"You sound like you have a plan?"
He's quiet again, his eyes going far away for several moments before looking back at me.
"Actually, I do. I've heard about this freedom fighting group called the Fireflies."
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majorproblems77 · 7 months
A bonus links update means it's time for more comic analysis with me! :D
Welcome back? Does that work? Sure does. We had a bonus links update yesterday which means it's time for me to ramble about another comic that I enjoy! :D
If you've not looked at the comic do go and check it out! It's really well made!
Oh, and so it has been said, all comic panels and art belong's to @bonus-links and the artist @ezdotjpg.
Now, grab some popcorn and a drink! And let's get started
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Ahh yes, links private island. I love the details on it, the little chairs the hut with the little post box.
And Linebecks ship! It's nice to see it!
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Yes, it is! If you dont know the Wind Waker map, if you think about it as a grid it works out diagonally by one square. you can just about see the island from the other one.
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I love the fact the fairy is sitting in his hair I'm actually gonna scream it's so cute!
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This is the face of a man who is fearing for his life, but can't say so.
Save himmmm
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Help me im obsessed with these two.
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I love the fact that his ears moveeeeee. Little puppy wolf man he looks so upsettttt. Give him a hug okay
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This made me cackle, this man is a bundle of nerves, (As I assume he's not really seen much Sea and now he's on a boat in the middle of the ocean)
So you know, who needs to face my fears when I can ask the wolf man if it's fun to be a wolf
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I love Wake's design, the bandana, the tattoos just all of it. wonderful amazing stunning yes
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So before I move on I wanna mention these red strings. Having gone back through the comic they seem to appear when something to do with the Curse shows up. Either Loft is talking about/feeling guilty about.
Or one of the heroes appears.
Do we know if Loft can see these strings or are they just for us? Cause if he can see them himself then this must be so damn stressful for him. It's not a, oh this guy came to help, it oh this guy is this time's hero.
I could build a separate post about the red strings as I've got a list of when they all appear and might do that rather than hide it in here.
Let me know if you'd be interested in reading that, if I get enough interest I'll build a post about the strings.
Moving on
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Rip ship of red lions :(
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Wake is out here already gathering information, Something tells me that Wake is gonna have one of the brain cells in this group. Even if he does pirate vibes it around from time to time.
Linebeck also looks very done with the shenanigans already
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Not him asking where they've come from because he's already spotted the master sword. He's not looking at Loft here, He's looking past loft.
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His eyes! He's spotted the master sword, Hes spotted the master sword. This panel makes me so unbelievably excited.
Please excuse me for one moment
okay I'm good
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And instead of beating around the bush he just straight up asks which I can appreciate. Loft looks so nervous in this panel too. We know that Loft has seen the master sword sink under the waves so I can only assume that he's getting nervous about that.
Maybe he thinks Wake sunk the master sword himself? Rather than stabbing it into Ganon's head.
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Bundle of nerves loft my beloved.
Thinking about it more it could also be because Loft knows that this is another hero. Again back to the strings thing...
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God i love this man he is wonderful. Also saying it as it is. I love it
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Yay optimism! They needed some of that in this group.
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Lofttttttt. Poor baby.
Which nightmare are you referring to buddy cause there's several all happening at once, to be honest.
There is a storm on the horizion and they are on a boat
He's meeting heroes who all came after him, who exist due to the demise curse.
He's probably worried about this lot because what happens if they find out the extent of the reasons they are all here/went on their quests in the first place.
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It's nice to see the optimism again. Wake you my friend are going to be the optimistic friend of this little team they are building.
I love it
I enjoyed this update, it was fun to read! and it gives me something to think about along the lines of the red string.
Thanks for hanging out with me!
Bye for now! :D
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nicolewoo · 2 months
Super Earth Part 13 Heavy Winds
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Pairing: Reader X Roman Reigns
Synopsis: Reader is a space pilot. Dr. Reigns is a scientist. They fell in love heading to TOI-1452 B
Part 13: Heavy Winds
I woke when the computer chirpped.
“Good morning colonists.” It was Becky. “Sorry to wake you all so early.” I looked to see it was 4 am. “Unfortunately, we have an all hands on deck situation. A category 7 hurricane is due to arrive in 36 hours. We have to move the colony. Please report to your hurricane protocol stations in the next hour.”
Roman groaned at the thought. Moving the entire colony was a huge endeavor, and as Becky had said, everyone was needed. I was secretly excited. Scared and excited. We’d all had to train for our hurricane stations. I was stationed with engineering for the start of the day and at the helm for the move. Roman had to secure his greenhouse then help build the protective walls.
Moving the entire colony was an engineering marvel, and one I didn’t think I’d get to see. Although there was danger, I was excited to see the whole process. We got ready quickly and headed to our stations. Roman was certainly more concerned than me, and he made me stop to kiss me and tell me he loved me before we parted.
As I suspected, all of the Explorers engineers were already in the Engineering/Maintenance building hard at work. Tilly b-lined her way to me. “Captain, Should I get on the com and remind our crew and passengers where they’re supposed to be?”
My brain was still not awake yet. “Um… No… we… uh… we trained plenty of times. Maybe just send out a message that if they need reminding to contact you?”
“Oh, that’s better. You ok?” She examined my face.
“I…. neeeeed… coooffffeeeee.” I teased.
“Aye Cap. Whatcha need?” I turned to see Joe Coffey behind me; which made all three of us laugh.
“I need the caffeinated kind, not the engineer kind.” I laughed. A few seconds later Trick Williams brought me a cup of coffee. “Thank you.”
“Y/N” Seth said as he entered the room. “Glad you’re here.” An alarm sounded on a computer station, drawing Seth’s attention away from me.
Orange ran to the station, reading the display, “Fuck! Grid 10 is down.”
“Ten?” Seth asked. He hit a button on the panel in front of him. “Finn? Add grid 10 to the list.”
“Gotcha!” the Irishman said curtly.
Seth focused on me again. “Are you POSITIVE you want to go out into this weather? It’s nasty out there. Wouldn’t you rather go on a normal run… after the hurricane?”
I was itching to get off the colony and see the ocean closer. It was never 100% safe, even in perfect weather. Now, with a hurricane on the way, the ocean churned violently, massive waves splashing over the 20 foot protective wall around and soaking the colony every few minutes. I knew going out today was dangerous. Probably the most dangerous thing I’d ever done, but it was a once in a lifetime chance to see under the colony. It was also a job that HAD to be done, and I never made my crew do anything I wouldn’t do.  
Under the colony were an array of thousands of propellers. On a normal day, there was no resistance to these propellers, allowing the ocean to turn them all the time. 60% of the colony’s electricity came from them. When a storm like this came through though, they functioned as a ship’s propellers. Ideally, this switch could be done from a control panel, but the process had not been perfected, and inevitably some propellers had to be switched by hand…. Under the colony.
“It needs to be done.” I answered.
Seth looked at me as if trying to find my fear. “Our people can do it You don’t have to. We have enough people.”
Tilly answered before I could. “She’s not going to change her mind. Cap’s a daredevil.”
“She gets off on shit like this.” Cassidy added.
“I do not!” I protested. “But I’m not going to put someone else in danger if I can do the job myself.”
Seth turned on the coms “Dexter, Cap’s coming with you.”
“Understood” came the answer. Dexter Loomis was a very quiet man who never talked unless he had to. “We’re leaving in 15 minutes.”
“Thanks” Seth answered. “She’ll be down soon.” I nodded my thanks to Seth. “WEAR THE TEATHER!” Seth yelled out as I exited.
Once on the ground, I took a deep breath. I had 15 minutes. It would barely be enough time, but I was going. I ran full speed to the greenhouse.
Roman barely had time to turn around and see me before I wrapped him in a hug. “I wish you’d reconsider doing this.” He said as he kissed my forehead.
“I can’t. You know why.” We’d had the conversation shortly after arriving at the colony. Roman had repeatedly asked me to send someone else if the colony needed to be moved. He’d begged me not to go this morning too, but he knew by now he wouldn’t change my mind.
“I know. That’s why I’m going with you.” I opened my mouth to protest, but his face stopped me. Roman didn’t put his foot down often, but when he did, there was no talking him out of it. Just as there was no talking me out of anything I set my mind to. I simply didn’t have time to have this argument again. and It wouldn’t do any good.
I sighed resigned to his decision. I kissed him gently and looked in his eyes before sprinting to the boat dock, Roman at my heels the whole time.
“We don’t need both of you.” Seth’s voice yelled over the sound of the roaring ocean.
I started to answer when Roman interjected. “I’m not leaving her side.” It was a command that Seth accepted immediately. I guess he knew what it was like to want to protect your partner.
“Let’s tether you together then.” Orange walked up to us with two harnesses, and we put them on.
“Boat’s full!” Dexter’s voice called over the storm. “Two people need to go to boat 3.” Two colonists raised their hands and Dexter nodded for them to go.
I barely had time to think as we boarded the boat and Orange tethered Roman and I together then tethered us to the boat, which was also tethered to the colony.
“Boat 2, ready.” Dexter shouted and the call was repeated by the crew still on the colony.
Boat 2 tethered
Boat 2 tether check
Boat 2 prepare for launch
Boat 2 check
Before I could even think we were in the water. Massive waves rocked the boat, and Roman held my hand.
I thought the smell of the ocean was bad in the shower. Now it was overwhelming, and I gagged. A high pitched laugh caught my attention, and I looked up to see Finn Balor laughing. I might have been mad if he hadn’t handed me two oxygen masks that hooked up to our harnesses. I nodded my thanks and handed one to Roman. He attached mine, and I attached his.
“Better?” Finn yelled, and I gave him a grateful thumbs up. I could still smell the ocean, but the oxygen watered down the smell.
Boat 2 ready to approach
Boat 2 hold
We could barely hear the announcement made to the colony. Brace yourselves for the colony to be raised.
Before my very eyes, the entire colony started rising. Normally it sat a few feet off the top of the ocean, but the storm swell had caused the ocean to rise up. We couldn’t see underneath until the colony had been hoisted.
The huge metal columns under the colony creaked as they were forced to work, but slowly the entire colony lifted.
Finally, I got to see the propellers which hung under the colony. They weren’t very large, but there were thousands under the colony. 10,463 to be exact, each divided into grids.
40 foot long metal poles poked out from the underside of the colony; each with a propeller that was normally submerged in the water. They dripped now, the fowl smell of the ocean more prominent as they did. I tapped my mask and gave Finn a thumbs up as a thanks. By now, everyone in the boat had an oxygen mask on.
Finn, Damon, Dominick and McDonagh were rowing frantically trying to maneuver the boat under the colony despite the waves and wind. Roman and I were looking for paddles to help, but before we could find any, we were under the colony. It was a truly impressive feat given the conditions. Now that we were amid the propellers, our crew grabbed the metal columns and began to pull the boat to our destination; which was much faster than trying to row a boat through this weather.
Boat 2 is under the colony
Boat 2 proceed to grid 10
Roman and I grabbed columns and helped heave the boat to our destination.
Boat 2 proceeding to grid 10
Under the colony, so close to the ocean, with water dripping off the undersides of the colony…… the smell was putrid. I caught Roman gagging once. “Let’s just get it done” I said to calm him.
I was hoping under the colony would be calmer, but even surrounded by the tall columns, being under the colony was treacherous. The wind whipped harder down here, creating a giant wind tunnel. The boat was slammed against columns on all sides, making the risk of getting thrown into the ocean even worse.  It seemed like I got pushed into one of the metal columns every few seconds. I was going to be bruised for sure.
Boat 2 approaching grid 10
Great job boat 2. Turning settings to manual now
“Let’s get it done quickly everyone.” Finn yelled out, but I wasn’t sure the people on the other side of our boat could hear him over the sound of the storm and the violent water. It didn’t matter though. Everyone was already starting to work.
Finn removed his oxygen mask long enough to tell Roman his only job was to keep the people around us from falling in the water. His determined look and steady gaze said as much as his nod. I had dreaded bringing him on this trip, but now that we were here, feeling his hand on my harness was reassuring. He would keep me safe.
Grid 10 held 567 turbines. Each had the be manually changed to propel the colony. We stood in a big line, each of us handling a row of propellers before we stopped to pulled the boat to the next turbine.
Despite Roman’s steady hands, I slammed into a column hard, my head bouncing as it hit. Roman panicked and almost let go of the others. Hearing the bang of skull on metal, Finn turned to see what had happened. He reached behind my head, pressing his fingers into my hair. When he removed his hand, I saw red on his fingers. He didn’t panic. Instead, he motioned to the others in the boat who all sat down and tried to hold the boat steady while Finn grabbed a first aid kit. He spread a salve roughly over a large bandage and applied it to my skull, using the gas mask to keep it in place. Finn looked at me now, holding up a tentative thumbs up to ask if I was ok. I nodded yes and reached to move the boat to our next destination. Everyone stood and joined in; Roman’s hand on everyone’s tethers to keep them safe.
I heard the bang of metal on metal and turned to see another boat working on a grid to our stern. I couldn’t recognize everyone, but I did notice Dexter and Trick in the boat. He noticed our boat and pointed to my head with one hand while he helped pull the boat with his second hand. I nodded that I was ok.  
90 minutes later, we were done, cheering at our success even though we still needed to get back to the colony before we could be considered safe. I had been thrown into more columns than I wanted to admit, and now that the work was done, the pain started seeping into my bones. Roman by my side had been a game changer. He never took his hand off me unless someone else needed saving. He’d saved Finn from falling in twice.
“Great job everyone.” Finn called out and motioned toward the other boat. A few minutes and one bruised arm later, we arrived at Boat 3. Loomis pointed to a corner of the grid and we started there. It was just a few minutes later that we were done. We pulled our way out from under the colony, and the colonists tied the boats together for more stability.
Loomis took off his mask and pointed at me. “Sit down. We don’t need you to paddle.” Even if I had been needed, I wasn’t sure I could paddle. My head must be hurt more than I thought, because I was getting dizzy and nauseous. I took his advice and sat. Roman handed me the tethers and took an oar someone offered him.
By the time we were back on the colony, I couldn’t stand. Finn helped Roman carry me off the boat. Dr. Thorpe was waiting for me. “Cap, What am I going to do with you?” He inspected my head. “Yup. Almost the exact same place as your last concussion.” He finished and pointed Roman to the medical building.
Seeing me being carried to the medical building was enough to stop everyone from their hurricane preparations. I saw everyone talking. “Oh shit.” I said under my breath.
“Nothing to worry about! She’s got a concussion. She’ll be fine.” Thorpe yelled out, then looked at me. “That should stop them from gossiping.”
“Captain!” Dr. Keith Lee said as we entered. “What happened?”
Roman laid me down on a table. “She got thrown against a column.”
“Probably another concussion.” Dr. Thorpe said. “It’s not her first. Not even the first on this trip.”
Dr. Lee nodded curtly. “Let’s get you into the scanner and see what we can do.”
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sabrinatvband · 1 month
Notes on Comic Art #3: Dynamicism [again]
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I've recently been devouring Tim Eldred's writings. Eldred is not a very famous artist, but you're almost certainly familiar with his work. He's been a storyboard artist and / or director on Extreme Ghostbusters, Avengers EMH, Teen Titans (2003), and every Spider-Man show beginning with TNAS, as well as many, many other shows.
But before primarily becoming a board artist, Eldred worked in the comics industry. He did a lot of work on anime/manga-inspired comics, and was a staff artist at Malibu Comics for a few years.
One of the many odd-jobs he did in his career was create art for a few of those Christopher Hart "how to draw X" books you've probably seen. Don't worry, Eldred has credibility; he thinks the books are shit and he only accepted the work to make ends meet. But he thinks an example of good comicbook storytelling that he did for one of Hart's books mostly holds up, if you ignore the writing Hart added around his examples.
I recommend you read Eldred's post about this first, and then come back around here to read my own commentary.
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An entire book drawn like this first example would eventually start to feel like those comics laid out by Jim Shooter. Shooter's comics are a many notches above this, but the effect of having few dynamics would basically be the same.
Eldred says he constantly saw direct downshots in pages from beginners during portfolio reviews. I don't think Eldred is lying, but the weird thing is that I can't recall ever seeing a direct downshot in a comic. I guess it's because none of those beginners ever got published. Either way, I do agree that it's an awkward, mechanical angle. There might be an occasion where it's the correct choice, but I can't imagine when that might be.
Anyways, Eldred was trying to make a point by having these pages use six panel grids; he's implying they're boring. I think Hamm's rebuttal to this POV is the best one I've ever read:
Varying the size and shape of panels or their points-of-view doesn't "add drama," it adds visual interest. And narrative is more important than visual interest. Some of the most gripping comics have mostly same-sized panels: Watchmen, V, Toth's work, much of Los Bros Hernandez, not to mention most comic strips.
You can also throw in Steve Ditko, Jack Kirby, and many other gold / silver age artists. The Dark Knight Returns is built using a sixteen panel grid.
There are many other things that can be said about this "worst" example, but my final comment is that the first, fourth, and sixth panels of the first page, and the first panel of the second page, are all completely fine. I'd even argue that there's nothing really wrong with the third panel of the second page. The big problem with most of these panels is that they lazily flatten objects that could've had depth, mostly cars, and I don't really see that problem in the ones I mentioned [aside from 1-4, but that's appropriate].
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Here's what Eldred calls the "intermediate" example. Something we start to see here is figures breaking out of panels. Once again, Jesse Hamm has something to say:
Panel borders are a symbol that helps the story move swiftly and clearly. Like punctuation. Each time you break them, letting figures or objects jut out of them, you slightly erode their effectiveness. You can break them occasionally to good effect…but broken often, they lose power, and it looks gimmicky. Be judicious!
I think all of the panel breaks across these two pages are not only completely superflous, but they're also actively detrimental to the artwork. Especially the one in the second panel, which makes the left side of that panel feel more tangent-y than it would otherwise.
I have a lot of problems with the following quote from Eldred:
The big panel in the center is what I later learned to call a “three-quarter downshot.” I learned the term once I made the jump into TV animation and found out that (like the direct downshot) it was a common default angle for storyboards. Everyone used it without understanding what a cliche it was. You almost never see it live-action filmmaking, for example. Once it was beaten out of us, we all learned how to find better alternatives. But until you get that training, you just think of it as a helpful way to convey geography.
Once again, I don't doubt that some people in the storyboarding world think that the "three-quarter downshot" is bad. But it's perfectly fine for comics. There are two reasons you don't often see this kind of shot in live action filmmaking:
-It requires either a crane or a cameraman moving onto a building. One of those things is expensive, and both of them eat up a lot of time, which is always in short supply in filmmaking.
-Because live action filmmaking is live action, our eyes are always being bombarded with a lot of information. It takes too much time for a viewer to spot the relevant figure in a three-quarter downshot composition, and so it's mostly useless in live action.
In comics, budget is not a problem, and time works differently so a reader can have a second to discover where the relevant figure is standing. There are some comics, like RoboCop vs The Terminator, that would've been served quite well by a few three-quarter downshots, because they don't do enough to convey geography.
It's worth mentioning that the first example uses 12 panels to convey what the second example conveys in 9. I haven't said it outright yet, but aside from the panel breaking stuff, I do think the second example is better than the first.
Anyways, here's the "advanced" example:
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Whenever I see a book dominated by compositions like this, I always make the same mental note: I'm not reading this. The actual mental note is more of a This artist lacks discernment and this is visually incoherent, but the end result is that I'm still not going to read it. My eyes immediately glaze over; it's too much work to parse the tilted panels and constant panel breaks. Everything is cranked up to 11 and I have no time for any of it.
Canted angles work just fine when the composition is canted while the panel borders are normal; that's easy to understand. But I don't enjoy this Gene Colan-type stuff. This is why I've never read Spawn, or a lot of newer manga.
While I was reading Eldred's post, I kept expecting him to say something to the effect of "You should mix and match stuff from these different levels, because the loud 'advanced' example is not always appropriate", but he never says that. Maybe he just didn't think it needed to be said?
What are the lessons here? Sometimes good artists give bad advice, and sometimes people can try so hard to be cutting-edge and smart that they get in their own way.
Let's look at one last thing, a similar demonstration from How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way. There are a lot of things that can be said about how much of the advice in How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way is destructive, but let's just ignore that larger discussion for now.
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Obviously the left page is the boring, non-Marvel page, and the right page is the Marvel page. Notice how much more dynamic the Marvel page is without changing the panel grid, or breaking any borders. Dynamics, in many cases, really does come down to using high or low angles and creative blocking / composition. And, once again, there are instances where some of the panels on the left page might be more desirable than compositions on the Marvel one; context is key.
Varying the size and shape of panels or their points-of-view doesn't "add drama," it adds visual interest. And narrative is more important than visual interest.
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kimberlyannharts · 1 month
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Dark Specter has begun to infect Ranger Academy, and Sage and Tula tapped into the age-old Red/Green shipping to save the day! Unfortunately Ranger Academy is full of fucking narcs and expelled Tula for being cool and wanting justice for her dead sister or whatever. In general the Headmaster might be cool with children dying? Yeah, Sage, I think we gotta take your polycule and go.
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= "what are you?" "an idiot sandwich" but like, in a gay best friends way
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= they are so dear to me
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= "his friend" girl I think your dad is gay
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= I know the whole plot with the Green campus and the question of "hey, is being Green bad?" is a big source of contention in the fandom, and I've brought up similar criticisms, but the whole thing kind of makes more sense if you look at it outside of the context of the PR universe and more in terms of it being some kind of LGBTQA+ allegory. Like it was kind of hinted at before, and I don't know if it's still 100% intentional considering this book is full of legit LGBTQA representation that isn't treated like a big deal in-universe, but panels like this feel especially blatant with that kind of message
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= a lot of children swearing in this issue
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= this is sooooooooo cute but also my old post about how her Ranger team is going to end up being her friends with her dad filling the Red spot is going to come true isn't it
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= so some more answers! The infected friend was Zilan. We don't have a legit design for him yet (he's either covered up or just shown with no detail) but he IS confirmed to have hair, so probably not an Eltarian despite the Z-name. Thank god, I was getting Eltarian War flashbacks
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= the last time someone I cared about tried to handle things alone, he broke the multiverse with an Egg and caused three women to get wiped from existence and went on to wear combat boots over his Ranger boots. wait, wrong comic
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= you know I don't mind stuff like "oh my Grid" and "thank the Grid" because it's pretty cute and makes sense in-universe the same way that stuff like "StarClan help me" and "trust the Force" does but idk. It always just throws me because of how secular the school is for them to suddenly use phrasing that implies religious framing. Mathis Has Become Catholic
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= If you wonder why I keep complaining about the overuse of romance in Darkest Hour, stuff like this is why. We don't know if Mathis and Tula is romantic - but what's important is that you can really feel how powerful their bond is that they could be believably romantic if the comic chooses to go that route. Darkest Hour seemed to rely on just the fact that they have a romance to do the heavy lifting for actually proving how close they are
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= heyyyy the debut of Theo and Maev's Ranger forms (yeah the Ranger Academy suits are just recolors, but shush, it's still cool) and Ranger weapons! Maev's pretty much got Power Daggers like MMPR Yellow but Theo has a spear that shoots fire, so a W for Black Rangers here
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= Lindy if you're coming on this adventure we are going to get you a Ranger suit by god
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goldenkamuyhunting · 2 years
Hi, I hope this is okay to ask / I’m not sure if your taking any questions now or if this was answered, but what do you think Sugimoto was doing between the time he burned his house down and left the village, to the time he was recruited ? I know he’s been described as a vagrant, but I still wonder..
If he was concerned with being carrying a virus and making other people sick, it leads me to believe for a good while maybe he was on his own off the grid—But also he ends up in Tokyo eventually so…I guess I don’t know what that blank space between could have looked like?
Asking is always okay, although nowadays I’ve not much to say about GK.
The volume version actually gives us 4 extra panels dealing with how Sugimoto spent those two years in chap 275 (he left his village in 1899 and came back in 1901).
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The panels show that Sugimoto moved from Kanagawa to Kyoto, implying he begged for money to survive.
There he ate the sparrow Yakitori he mentioned in chap 228 with a kind person who apparently gifted him with the coat Sugimoto wears when he shows up back in his village, just to see Umeko has just married.
He took 2 years to come back because he assumed if by 2 years he would show no syntoms, it would mean he didn’t got ill) and chap 175 has him also saying he avoided places that were densely populated.
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We can speculate people wouldn’t get close to a beggar beyond what was recuired for them to toss a coin in his direction.
It’s unclear why he allows that man to get close to him, maybe by then the 2 years were almost gone by with him being always fine so he assumed it was safe enough to let him get close.
As you can see, always from chap 275, it’s only after he came back to his village he decided to go to Tokyo (sure he wasn’t infected since he’s been fine for 2 years).
Tokyo isn’t that far from Kanagawa (Kanagawa is currently a Yokohama district)...
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...so it’s possible it didn’t take him much to reach it (we also know when he arrived in Tokyo it was still 1901, the year in which he came back to his village).
Along the way he might have continued begging or maybe Toraji did him at least the kindness of lending him some money.
We know he was starved when he got there because he was willing to eat from Kikuta’s bowl while being restrained by the officer candidates and, afterward, he depended on Kikuta economically, so I’ll say he didn’t manage to collect much money during the trip and, ultimately, decided to join the army to escape being poor and starved DESPITE BEING INFORMED A WAR WAS ABOUT TO START AND THEREFORE THAT HE RISKED BEING SENT ON THE FRONT LINES.
Likely he spent the remaining 3 years before the Russo-Japanese war (1904) being first trained as a soldier and then being in the Army at a stand-by.
So Sugimoto’s 2 years before joining the army were probably pretty bad as he spent them begging for money and keeping at distance.
The image in which he was begging shows him with a dog near, but since the dog doesn’t follow him to his village and dogs are meant to live more than 2 years, either it was a random dog or something happened to it during the travel.
So either he had a dog for a short while and then lost it, or he was always alone.
It’s hard to say what else happened to him, the guy he met to Kyoto seems really nice with him so maybe he spent some nice time in his care but it’s hard to guess more than this.
Still I hope it helps!
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ajcgames · 5 months
Of Science and Technology
I've managed to get the placeholder screens in for both the research and science screens now. These will both be important for managing your ongoing factory performance, but also for unlocking important new technologies to further your factory-building career!
Two new screens ready for the application of scientific achievements!
Take the content of these two new screens with a pinch of salt. For now, it's enough that the player can access them seamlessly from the main game toolbar. I'll be updating them both to populate their respective content programatically (since it doesn't make sense to lay out boxes and tech trees by hand moving forward!).
The science screen is accessed by clicking on the science readout on the toolbar. From here, you'll be able to spend your science points unlocking new blueprints in the tech tree. Although the current design shown in the video is just a grid of panels - the final version will have a similar vertically-scrolling list of panels, but they'll be organised into their respective tree structures, with panels on the right requiring panels on the left to be unlocked first.
The research screen is split into three distinct research areas: efficiency, processing and data management.
The efficiency upgrades can speed up the base running time of certain machines in your factory.
Processing upgrades allow might allow you to do things like allow certain resources to gain extra value in the analyzer, or improve the generation rate of certain (rarer) raw materials.
Data management upgrades will likely improve the way you collect science, reduce overall costs of upgrades, and improve the efficiency / yield of collectors and their generation rates.
On to the next chapter
I'm very pleased with how this all looks so far. I'm likely to start thinking now about how to create a kind of end-to-end gameplay segment to finalise the vertical slice.
This will probably entail me building out the very basic parts of the tech tree so that you can unlock at least one or two new technologies using generated science points, and then building that into something like a 'campaign' level. This will be basic, likely just requiring the fulfilment of a handful of basic objectives. But crucially it will be a full, playable level of the game.
I should point out that I absolutely intend for the game to have its not-on-rails mode where you have the freedom to build, upgrade and research without strict objective constraints. But the 'campaign' mode of this will help me to add structure and concrete upgrade & research paths to the game so that I don't just end up making a bunch of cool looking machines that don't really have any grand function, strategically speaking.
Anyway, that's probably all for now. Thanks for swinging by, and hopefully I'll see you again in the next one! 👋
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tdgsolar · 10 months
Cost of 120 Watt Solar Panels | 120 Watt Solar Panel Price
120 Watt Solar Panel Price  - Solar panels are becoming increasingly popular as many people look for ways to reduce their carbon footprint and save on energy costs. If you’re thinking about making the switch to solar, you’re probably wondering what the 120 watt solar panel price is. This article will provide you with all the information you need to know about 120-watt solar panels, including their cost and what you can power with them.
What is the 120-watt solar panels?
120-watt solar panels are solar panels that produce 120 watts of electricity when exposed to sunlight. They are typically used as part of a photovoltaic (PV) system to generate electricity for homes, businesses, or other applications. They are available in a variety of sizes and shapes and can be used for both off-grid and grid-tied systems.
Reasons for Investing in 120 Watt Solar Panels
Increased Energy Efficiency - Installing a 120-watt solar panel system can help to increase the efficiency of your energy production, as the system is designed to absorb more energy from the sun than a standard 60-watt panel.
Cost Savings - Investing in a 120-watt solar panel system can save you money in the long run as you will not have to pay for electricity from the grid.
Environmental Benefits - Solar energy does not produce any harmful emissions or pollutants, making it an environmentally friendly way of producing energy.
Increased Power Output - 120-watt solar panels can generate more electricity than traditional 60-watt panels, allowing you to generate more energy for your home or business.
Long-Term Investment - Investing in a 120-watt solar panel system is an investment that will pay off for years to come, as the system will remain operational for a long time with minimal maintenance.
Cost of 120 Watt Solar Panels | 120 Watt Solar Panel Price
For top performance and high efficiency with an unimaginable feel, you should consider monocrystalline 120-watt solar panels that don’t cost much. For extra versatile and adaptable arrangements that combine style and lighting schemes, think about polycrystalline or thin-film cells.
The cost of 120-watt solar panel can range from around $5000 to $10000. The cost will depend on the type of panel you choose, as well as the wattage rating and size. Monocrystalline solar panels are generally more expensive than polycrystalline or thin-film panels, but they are also more efficient and have a longer life span. 
Where Can You Buy The Best Quality Solar Panels? 
At TDG SOLAR, you can find the best quality and reliable panels that meet the sudden increase in demand for photovoltaic, monocrystalline silicon, or polycrystalline silicon cells, designed to convey reliable strength and prevailing performance. To make it easier to find the perfect panel, you can use multiple channels to narrow your choices. From best match to the number of requests or price, you can track down the best 120 Watt Solar Panels on TDG SOLAR. 
Frequently Asked Questions 
Q - How many volts does a 120-watt solar panel produce? 
Most 120W solar panels have an ostensible rating of 12 volts, although this can draw in 18 volts over the course of a single charge. We can sort amps by separating watts from volts. A 120-watt solar panel at 18 volts produces 6.6 amps per hour under normal conditions. 
Q - Can You Connect the Solar Panel Directly to the Battery?
Yes, you can connect the solar panel directly to the battery. However, it is recommended that you use a solar charge controller in order to make sure the battery is charged efficiently. This will also help to protect the battery from overcharging or any other damage that might be caused by the solar panel. 
Q - Can I connect the solar panel directly to the battery? 
Yes, the solar panel can be directly connected to the battery. However, for an efficient and safe connection, a Solar Charge Controller is an essential need to charge your solar panel battery. 
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nelsondesign · 1 year
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What's Your Ceiling Style?
We spend so much of our time focusing on the walls, the flooring, the very expensive (but wildly charming) crown molding all to improve and personalize our home. Far too often, the ceiling is left simple. Now, there is nothing wrong with simplicity. But choosing an alternative to the conventional ceiling is an amazing way to redefine your home! Opting for a specific ceiling type can emphasize your open floor plan or add depth to a Master Suite. I've gathered a list of unique ceiling alternatives to highlight your wide range of options when building your home:
Vaulted Ceilings
When looking through floor plans, a vaulted ceiling is a wildly popular choice. Vaulted ceilings immediately increase the feeling of space in your home. Many times, you will also find beams and trusses used to expand the openness. Vaulted ceilings with beam accents happen to both elegant and rustic. I like to think vaulted ceilings are the quintessential “simple and stunning" for any home.
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Rustic house plan styles and
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Vaulted ceilings and Cathedral ceilings are commonly lumped together. How do you know what kind of open ceiling will work for your house plan? As always, talk to your builder! Communication is important every step of the building process. However, a fairly easy way for us non-builders to recognize a Cathedral ceiling is the tippy-top of the roof point! If the two sides of the roof are equal and the two sides meet directly in the middle with your ceiling following this direct shape (think about your ceiling following the entire triangle of your roof height), you are probably working with a Cathedral style ceiling! Because of the extremely high ceiling, you will see tall, expansive windows. All the better to absorb that natural lighting!
Coffered Ceilings
Coffered ceilings are gorgeous. Just throwing my personal opinion out there, but these are my favorite style of ceiling. There is an exceptional elegance to a room with a coffered ceiling. Realistically, I probably won't put them in every room. Throw a stunning coffered ceiling in a large study or a formal dining room, though? My heart.
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To refresh your memory, a coffered ceiling is a grid-like pattern of beams, usually in squares or rectangles, that create a look of sunken panels.
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Boxed Ceilings
Boxed ceilings are sometimes referred to as tray ceilings or recessed ceilings. Typically, boxed ceilings are rectangular or square in shape, though you can find angled boxed ceilings. A bold twist on traditional flat ceilings, a boxed ceiling has a deep cutout recess extending upwards to the roof, usually around 6" deep.
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If you want an upgrade from the traditional ceiling, a boxed ceiling is a great way to enhance while keeping a clean profile. Customize your boxed ceiling inset with a darker paint color to give the illusion of a much deeper cutout. I've seen unique colors painted on the inside shelf as an accent! A boxed ceiling gives you twice as many options to stylize. Consider an elaborate molding or strip lighting to frame the cutout!
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Don't limit your home build to a traditional ceiling if you yearn for something with substance! These are just a few examples of alternate ceiling types to help you find your right fit. Ask your builder about ceiling styles they've done in the past!
If you haven’t found a builder yet, we have a Find-a-Builder tool right here on our website. These are builders from around the country that we have vetted just for you! They are skilled in their professions and do a great job.
Nelson Design Group has over 1,800 house plans for you to choose from. If you’re unsure about finding what you need, give us a call at (870) 931-5777. Our representatives are always happy to help.
Check out our Building Your Dream Home blog series. This series walks you through step by step on how to build a house and is updated regularly.
Building Your Dream Home: Concept and Design
Building Your Dream Home: Loans and Permits
Building Your Dream Home: Site Prep and Grading
Building Your Dream Home: Foundations and Underground Utilities
Building Your Dream Home: Framing
Building Your Dream Home: Roofing
Building Your Dream Home: Rough-In
Building Your Dream Home: Exterior Doors
Building Your Dream Home: Choosing Windows
Building Your Dream Home: Choosing Siding
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void-botanist · 1 year
13, 17, 18, 27 for the weird writers ask
From this ask game.
These took a while to think about and write answers to.
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy? I have a hard time with any kind of romantic relationship that is not A) already established or B) friends to lovers or C) both. I just don't understand how to make it go from 1. meet cute/first date to 2. real deepening relationship. Which was one of the downfalls of early iterations of Zel and Anni's relationship and also to some extent Triad (but Triad had other problems too). It probably stems from my weird brain plus just not having much personal experience with dating as opposed to, well, friends to lovers.
On the flipside, friends who have been friends forever - or act like it? Easy. Their dynamic flows and so does my writing.
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
Oh boy. I have a habit of fitting those things into the text as much as possible and then deciding whether to cut them later. They often pull my story in a slightly different direction and honestly make it more fun. Because TFA is about androids and also differences between different places a lot of the transport and technology minutiae does show up. But here's some stuff that most likely will not (or is kind of meta):
Anni's current design is actually a merge of two characters. An Annie who was a Julian's niece and an android's co-builder existed in old drafts, and in Triad I briefly threw in a librarian character, Tavitta, who had an impeccable sense of light, blue, bow-laden fashion. She wasn't very good in Triad but I couldn't get that concept out of my head so I applied it to new Anni.
Monster trucks exist in this world because I think they're too fun not to and I'm not sure Dez realizes this until post-TFA when Syndy becomes obsessed with them.
I have a reference map that I crafted from my old childhood maps for this world plus some climate and weather research. It has a grid (which is basically latitude and longitude except not skewed for the curvature of the planet so…inaccurate) that I use to estimate distances for travel, time zone notation, and general climate zones (frigid, temperate, subtropical, tropical). It helps me keep my climates consistent and also showed me where Elbas Island has to go to not be in a hurricane zone.
I have so far done a bad job of integrating Dez's relationships with Mizzat and Imjen into the story. I've unironically considered moving his citizenship adventure to one of their locations, but unless I fully transplant Elbas Island (which disrupts everything about it that relies on remoteness) I don't think that makes sense. Unless one of the nAkkanswl have decided to be Good Actually and just hand out android citizenship which would be fun but also a very different story than what I have currently.
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage.
The nawwen looked out the elevator door as they waited for it to close, but before she could raise a hand to signal them to hold the door, their eyes met hers and went huge. Then they leaned into a different button in the panel. She thought the door would close in her face as she crossed the last few feet to the elevator, but they were still holding the button and the door was still open when she got there. “Thank you,” she said, with the tiniest question in her voice. She was glad to be in the elevator, but she wasn’t really sure what had just happened there. The nawwen let go of the button and the doors started to close. “Of course,” they said in an accent that reminded her of her grandparents’. They still looked a little spooked by her presence, like she’d caught them at something. She gave them a smile and checked her node. If she’d gotten this wrong, she might never find Syndy. But the connection was almost at max strength, and it didn’t budge as they rose past the second floor, then the third. “Excuse me,” the nawwen said from the other side of the trunk. She looked up, slipping her node hand back in her coat pocket. “Are you Anni, by chance?” She blinked. “Uh…why do you ask?” “Because if you are Anni—Anni Chalbis—then you’ve just saved me an email.” The relief on their face said ‘email’ was an understatement of their narrowly avoided trials. “I’m Hoven, he-him, though I believe you know me as ‘the bookish friend’.” Her eyes widened as the pieces came together. “So you’re looking after Syndy?” Hoven nodded, then glanced to the floor number on the elevator’s screen. “We can talk in my room.”
This is from like the fifth major version of Anni meeting Hoven I've written, and it's one of the best. Not only is it just more interesting to have this accidental meeting, but Anni is actually directly involved in the whole setup instead of having someone else tell her what's happening or telling Hoven to reach out to her. She would have met Hoven anyway because he was coming to see her. But why schedule over email when you can get a weird connection request and then go on a hunt for a missing android?
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why? The most stressful in terms of "character is having a Bad Time" is Sid from Tales of Tobar Si (which I've been thinking about again recently. It's becoming interstellar sci-fi?). He's going through the early stages of realizing his parents are abusive and figuring out what to do about it and how to stay away from them. But the most stressful in terms of "why won't you let me write you" is harder to pin down. Zalen and Aza have both been difficult because I've had them as characters forever and I've been recycling them into new better characters that look basically the same. I've been slowly breaking my habit of second-guessing myself about all of Anni's POV scenes, especially about whether she reads too much like Dez. I think it also got easier to write her after I sort of let Hoven be the anxious one instead of her (they were both gonna be the anxious one. Not sure why I thought that would work).
Thank you for letting me ramble lol. I hope you enjoyed :)
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shawllarlife · 2 years
How to live off the grid?
For some people, living off-grid simply means being disconnected from the utilities. For others, off-grid living means living a completely self-sufficient life where you can meet all your needs - including electricity, food, and medicine - but using modern technology to help you do so.
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For others, going off-grid means living a primitive lifestyle without any modern technology. Shawllar's portable solar panels use the most advanced MWT technology available, with a conversion efficiency of up to 23.8%, to provide you with energy in time for your off-grid lifestyle. Compatible with the most commercially available power sources, you don't have to worry about matching them and you can enjoy off-grid living with peace of mind.
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In this article, we look at the costs of living off-grid and what you need to get started.
1 What does it take to live off-grid? Unless you are living a completely primitive lifestyle, the cost of going off-grid may be higher than you think. The main initial costs include land, house and outbuildings, electrical system, digging a well, septic tank, and equipment. If you do most of the work yourself, a rustic off-grid home on cheap land may initially cost as little as US$10,000 to US$20,000. However, most people will end up spending at least $100,000 on their off-grid properties and homes.
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If you want to be able to live self-sufficiently or profitably on your own land, you will need higher quality land, larger areas, and more complex systems, so expect to spend at least $200,000. Note: These prices come from many off-grid forums where people have discussed how much their projects have cost. Costs vary greatly depending on location, the technology used, etc.
Recurring costs of off-grid living Even when everything is set up and running, there are still many costs associated with living off-grid. Some of the recurring costs you may have to pay include property tax septic tank pumping every 1-3 years Equipment replacement parts Decreased efficiency of solar equipment Vehicle fuel propane wood for heating Insurance (property and health) Equipment/machinery rental Generally, these costs are cheaper or comparable to what you would pay if you were connected to the grid. However, they can often come as a surprise. For example, you may be surprised to find out how much more petrol your vehicle uses, given that you live in a remote location and often need to transport supplies. This is why it is vital to have a source of income when living off-grid.
What do I need to live off-grid?
Land Land is the most basic need for off-grid living. Unfortunately, finding suitable land is often not easy. If you want to live off the land - for example by having a garden or raising livestock - you need to find land that is large enough, water-rich and fertile to support these activities.
Shelter Most people probably think of a rustic cabin in the woods when they think of off-grid living, but there are many options for off-grid housing. Unfortunately, some of these options are not always legal. For example, most counties do not allow people to live in tents, yurts or caravans for more than a few weeks of the year (yes, even on your own land!) .
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Water The average American household uses over 300 gallons of water per day. Because this water comes from the tap, most people don't think much about it. However, when you have to supply all your water while living off-grid, it can be quite a challenge. If you have limited water on your land (which is the case in most western states), you will have to take drastic measures to reduce the amount of water you use. This may make it impossible for you to grow certain crops or raise livestock.
Power supply Although it is possible to live off the grid without any power supply, this is not convenient. You have to do things like fetch water by hand from a well rather than using an electric pump. I can think of a dozen other chores that would be a better use of my time! Also, remember that it gets dark very quickly in winter. If you don't have power for lighting, you will have to stop working when the sun goes down. You can, of course, use candles for lighting, but unless you keep bees, you will have to buy wax. Wouldn't it be easier to use renewable energy? Solar, wind, and hydropower are the main sources of off-grid electricity. Even with these systems, living off-grid still means learning to conserve. You probably don't use your air conditioner as often in the summer, nor do you use high-energy appliances such as hair dryers. This is a major lifestyle change, but one that many people will eventually enjoy as they simplify their lives.
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Shawllar 100W Sport Portable Solar Panel
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ATTRACTIVE APPEARANCE: Contrasting color design, embellished with fluorescence wild zebra pattern, increasing the original natural tone and vitality. Waterproof durable oxford fabric, the hidden zipper and storage pockets, makes the outdoor sports smart and cool ADVANCED SILICON CELLS TECHNOLOGY: The advanced MWT technology and engineering level grade A+ monocrystalline silicon photoelectric cells provides higher conversion efficiency of 23.8%, and has the advantage of no welding, no grid line and ZERO-LEAD content. Producing more power generation with the same size solar panels as well as more environmental protection EXCELLENT MATERIAL: With 8-layer high grade material laminated case, the heat dissipation of solar panel is enhanced by 40%. Great performance even in low-light environments, can adapt to the extreme environment of  -4°f to +158°f. Our portable solar panel has FCC, CE and ROHS certification, and 24-month warranty, which is safer and more durable
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COMPATIBLE & VERSATILE: Shawllar portable solar panel charger equipped with 1USB-C port (5V 3A/9V 2A/12V 1.5A) and 1QC3.0 fast charging port (5V/3A, 9V/2A, 12V/1.5A), can charge for multiple small devices at the same time, including smart phones, tablets, laptop, digital cameras etc. The foldable solar charger also has 1*DC 8mm output with 3-in-1 connector (DC 7909 to XT60, 5521, 8020), compatible with most solar generators LIGHT & PORTABLE: Folded Dimension: 21.6x14.8x1 inch; Unfolded Dimension: 50x21.6x0.1 inch ; Weight: 6.2lbs. Thinner and lighter, ideal for RV trip, off-grid camping and unexpected power outage
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talenlee · 2 years
January's Game Project: Adventure Town!
January's Game Project: Adventure Town!
Adventure Town is a roll-and-write game about running a town that adventurers pass through, a type of thing that I seem to find really fascinating.
Gunna level with you: I had a lot of writing to do this month. I work on it a little bit at a time, trying to find time to make pushes to finish it, especially since it seems to me to be a really easy project to just get finished, but tell you what: I haven’t had the time in January. This is life, and part of my life in January was a combination of helping someone move, a convention, and a lot of writing for the most important project of my life.
Adventure Town suffered. But it didn’t get nothing done. Particularly, what got done was a very important thing, in my mind: I stopped trying to make perfect mechanics, and managed to instead, get some good mechanics down.
Here’s the updated player sheet, the thing you’re meant to print. There’s going to be a version of it without background graphics, and I need to redo the logo panel, because it’s made with a font I can’t identify any more. But check out down in the bottom panel, the panel that gets folded outside where everyone can see it.
Here’s a close-up on the field that’s there.
This grid represents the die rolls that you make throughout the game; every time you roll a number, you can cross it off the grid. You can also, if you use most of a line so that only one single number is left visible (like, say, two 1s or one 6) when you do roll that number, you can cross them all off, and the line bubble at the side, and get a bonus equal to the number of tiles you’ve crossed out.
Now you may be wondering why I’m so proud of this. It’s because this grid is the thing that’s been holding me back for so long. I couldn’t think of how I was going to structure this so it had both all the numbers in it, and presented an interesting puzzle without becoming too orderly and boring. Wanna know what principle makes this grid work? How I got it to work this way…?
I randomised it.
Just straight up, randomised the unicode in excel, and dumped it into a grid.
The result is a little weird and uneven. In a more full-fledged release, I will probably do a few versions of that grid, maybe even making it so the ‘secret’ panel doesn’t let you choose your heroes for your quest! But the point here is that this little rolling panel is finally made and all it took was admitting to myself that just because I had design space, didn’t mean I needed to be clever about filling it.
In addition to that, here’s the state of the rules so far, as written:
In your copy of GAME, you need the following:
A deck of cards with all but the face cards (Jack, Queen, King), Ace cards, and Joker cards removed.
A number of six-sided dice equal to two for each player.
One town sheet for the players to share
One player sheet for each player
A writing device for each player, like pens, pencils, crayons or possibly some form of arcane burin
Counters to represent coins
How To Play
GAME is a roll-and-write dice-drafting game where all the players are going to be playing as interested parties trying to build up the town and turn it into a thriving village that relies on the travelling adventurers that move through the town. To that end, all you need to start with to build a town around is an inn for them to meet in.
Take the player boards and fold them up so that players can track their numbers privately. Set the Town sheet in the middle of everyone, where players can check it regularly. Turn the Ace and Joker cards face-up, then shuffle all the cards together. Then, each player selects two of the squares on their player sheet and cross them off, indicating the money that helped start up the town. Count a number of dice equal to the number of players. This is the dice pool.
Each player looks at the secret, folded-in section of their player board, and selects the four heroes they want to be part of their quest, marking them off, and for each hero, they write a number 2 through 5.
Then, select a first leader, and start the game.
The game takes place in turns with one player leading.
First, the leader takes the dice pool and rolls all the dice.
Starting with the leader, each player takes one of the dice out of the rolled pool. Once all the dice are chosen, players can spend them on their player board.
You can cross off a single die on your grid on your board that matches the die you drafted. You get 1 coin for this. If you’ve drafted multiple dice, you can cross off one number that matches each dice.
If on your board, you have a vertical line or horizontal row where all the un-crossed numbers match, and you have a die of that number, you can cross the marker at the end of the row, and get a bonus payment of one coin for each crossed-out dice. Cross the remaining numbers in that line or row.
Once each player has spent their dice, starting with the lead player, players can invest money into improving the town.
You can build a building by paying its cost, on the tile. Initial the buildings you own.
You can pass and save your coins
Once each player has either made an investment or passed, the lead player flips the top card of the deck to see which adventurer stops by the town.
Hearts, representing Holy heroes.
Jack: The Avenger.
Queen: The Paladin.
King: The Cleric.
Diamonds, representing Mercantile heroes
Jack: The Rogue.
Queen: The Warrior.
King: The Marshall.
Clubs, representing Natural heroes
Jack: The Ranger.
Queen: The Barbarian.
King: The Druid.
Spades, representing Arcane heroes.
Jack: The Wizard.
Queen: The Spellsword.
King: The Bard.
If the top card of the deck is a face-up Ace, that player sets it face up in the discard pile and flip the top card of the deck to see what adventurer is coming instead. That ace is now active in the deck.
If the top card of the deck is a face-up joker and there are no face-up aces left in the deck, put it in the discard face-up and flip the top card of the deck instead. That joker is now active in the deck.
If you flip an active Ace, flip cards from the top of your deck until you reveal two adventurers, who come to town together and both trigger.
If you flip an active Joker, flip cards from the top of your deck until you reveal three adventurers, who come to town together and all trigger.
Each hero visits the buildings that match their suit and their rank. If a hero in your Quest visits one of the businesses you own, and you have a dice drafted that matches the number on your secret quest area, you can cross that hero off. You can only do this with one adventurer per round, and your buildings can only give one section of the quest (meaning you need at least four buildings to give your quest out in full). You can spend one coin to change the number of your dice by one up or down (once).
After the adventurers trigger, put all the adventurer cards from this turn into a discard pile. If at any time you need to do anything with the cards in the deck and it’s empty, shuffle the discard pile and use it to replace the deck.
 Do this only when the whole deck is empty – so if you need to flip three adventurers (for example) off the top of the deck, and you flip two then the deck is empty, shuffle the discard pile, make a new deck with it, and flip the top cards of it until you find that third adventurer.
With the adventurers done with the town, the lead player passes the dice pool to the next player and they’re the lead player. A new round begins.
A player wins the game when they mark off a complete Quest, at the end of the turn. It’s possible for multiple players to win the game at the same time. If this bothers you, I recommend solving it by stabbing one another.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
#Games #Making #Projects
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sambeckdraws · 4 years
drawing backgrounds
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I’ve been documenting some of my work on Verse: Book 2, especially around a new location that felt daunting at first but has ended up being really fun. I wanted to write a short post to basically be like, “Hey! Backgrounds and perspective aren’t as scary as you think; it just takes some planning!” 
Woah, also, this is uniquely my process for comics and trying to wrap my head around a scene I need to draw 100 times haha.
Throughout Book 1, the primary setting is this camp built around an old fortress. When I initially designed it, I had access to an old version of SketchUp to create a very rough 3D model. It was super helpful, and I would basically take screenshots of and then draw on top of them. Sadly SketchUp is not a viable option for me anymore, so when I started designing this new location…I foolishly chose to put off learning a tool like blender in favour of working quickly to hit deadlines.
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To tackle this setting, I started off with a good old Pinterest board of things I wanted to draw inspiration from (ruins, industrial bits, steam vents, “vernacular” homes etc.) 
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I like introducing large settings like this with a big old aerial shot. It sets it up for the reader, and it helps me get an idea of where things will go without getting lost in the details.
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The next thing I wanted to do was translate this panel into a map, and you’ll see why in a moment. This map is pretty rough. I’m not ultra concerned with the exact scale. I just need to know like, “ah, there’s a weird vent behind this dock, or a pipe runs in-between these houses.” And a cool detail is I also need to know when a scene is facing east because there’s a detail in the sky that should be visible if you look that way.
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With a map in hand and a sort of “master” panel to refer to, I’m pretty set to tackle scenes now. The process is straightforward. 
First, I generate a grid that matches the angle I had in mind based on my thumbnails and throw it down. (I use photoshop, whomp whomp, so make a grid however you want, I use this website mostly).
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Next, a draw in blocky shapes starting with the focal point in the scene.
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At this point, I refer to my map to see what’s going on in the background and what I believe should be visible. Sometimes I rotate the map, so it’s facing the direction the panel faces if that makes sense to help orient myself. There are some ruins on a hill in this one panel below, so I add them into the background. I refer to a previous panel for the arches. (Fun note, I always work in red and blue to help separate elements like the background and foreground and characters, I’d lose my mind if this was all one colour.)
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Then I go back and start adding in detail, but not too much. I still have to ink these, and I’m not going to fuss with small things that I’ll just have to draw a second time! My favourite cheats are hiding things behind large foreground elements and also hiding distant things behind trees. Nobody is looking at that. Just be loose, don’t fuss too much. 
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This is also a stylistic thing (and something I can get away with simply because my setting is “fantasy-medieval”), but I hate using straight lines. A kind of bumpy, uneven line will hide mistakes and make things look more natural. 
All the perspective after I throw down a grid is eyeballed. I won’t bother getting into that because there’s already an AMAZING set of tutorials put together by Thomas Romain that you can find here.
Drawing backgrounds is something I used to fear. But, it’s become super fun trying to imbue a scene personality while coming at it from this mindset of figuring out a puzzle. 
I honestly like answering questions, so if you got any send an ask or whatever!
(This post brought to you by me deleting my patreon since I updated it never. I hope to do some super sporadic blogs in the future.)
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