#also updated my mains by no means does this need to be reciprocated LOL
iedolon · 2 months
i said i was editing my chara page and ended up making a whole new carrd oops anyways here it is sdkhfsjkfhJKFSDHJFK
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labellerose-acheron · 6 years
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Characters: Belle Rose Acheron, Onyango “Simba” Lyons, Toulouse Henri Bonfamille, Bambino Daryl Basurto, Maui, Attina Morgan Triton, Hercules Odysseus Persaud, Akela of the Seeonee Wolf Pack, Annette “Lady” Margaret Grant, Phoebus de Chateaupers, and Artemis Delphos.
Note: Instead of doing the actual questionnaire I am using this as more of a plot jumping off point. So, below you can find different thread ideas, relationships, and stories I want for my characters. Hopefully, this will make plotting a little easier for everyone! I also will update as I go throughout the year and reblog it every now and then. :) 
Here for all your baby needs!
She’s going to be on bedrest, so really for the next few months only friends. :(
BUT if you have a hankering for some Belle time, now you can trap her because she’s at home and will be dying for company. Do her dishes or something for her, so that she can really stress.
Also, magical law kinds of problems or any kind of law problems because they are fun for Belle’s (and my) brain, lol.
Always good for making friends--if you need friends, Simba is your man.
Seriously, he needs more friends, lots of his friends have left.
Loves babies and dogs, always good talking points.
Great at business and on the Board -- so hit him up for that kind of stuff.
Also, I am working on an ADHD plot for him so if you want him to like idk misplace your paperwork or something, I’d totally be down.
Wedding shenanigans! IDK what this means exactly but he is getting married in less than a year (!!), so let’s do fun wedding things.
Lou is going to go through a bit of a change after the New Year, so I will add more then but rn…
I am looking for some more friends maybe?
Definitely some more enemies. Lou hasn’t been a True Dick in a while.
Maybe someone to find out he has BPD and start spreading that shit around? That could be fun.
I would love to do more school stuff with him too, so if you have classes in the science building or have someone at the hospital because he shadows there!
Cat stuck in a tree? Building on fire? Maui is your guy.
So, I’ve had this plot I’ve been wanting to work on with him for a while where he saves a bunch of people and becomes like a “town hero”, so I need a few people who a) want to be saved from something minor to mildly traumatic (we can up the ante later to life/death but gotta start somewhere) and b) will tell people about it. That’s the important part.
THEN, I want someone to steal his hook. Taking petitions.
Those are my main goals for Maui right now, thank you.
Tina is working off her community service hours that she got from, y’know, being convicted of battery. So, if your character also does community service (of any kind, but the grosser the better!) let me know, because I have been having her hop around.
Eventually, I do want her to get a job at PrideU in the research lab and maybe assistant teaching (marine biology), so if you have a character who would maybe want to be a part of that, lemme know bruh.
I also want her to start acting out a little bit, her life is falling apart so--drugs, alcohol, sex with random strangers? Down. Hit her up. She’s here for a good time, not a long time. Is this breaking her parole? You bet.
He’s strong! So, he breaks things! But can also help out.
Needs friends. Like. Please give him friends.
Works at the school in the Magic History department which includes like Mundus-Magick relations and stuff, so I know some of you fuckers have him as your TA.
Be his friend, please.
Wolf boiii
He’s always really hard to plot with. I need to figure out what my plot is for him because right now it’s just be a grumpy boi.
Hangs out in the woods. Likes fairies. Hates Vaaghs and 90% of all other woodland creatures besides the Prince.
Can make a great ally. If you are a powerful Magick, hit him up to join the AMGMA. (Akela’s Morally Grey Magical Alliance.) So far the members are like: Eva, the Prince sorta, Goliath...is that it? Lol. See, we need more members for shenanigans. RIP the dragon.
Can make a great enemy. Though, watch yourself, he will turn you into a werewolf if you fux with his family. Exhibit A: Merida. I am not opposed to turning people, however, so if you want your bae to be a wolf--get @ me.
My news honey! Let her interview you about something!
If you’ve got some juicy gossip, hit her up. 
If you’re more anti-Magick, or unsure, also hit her up, because she thinks everyone in this town is crazy and needs some like-minded friends. I am carrying the weight of anti-Magick sentiment on MINE OWN SHOULDERS.
Seriously, though, Lady really needs some friends. I promise she’s a great friend. She’s a Slytherin so you know it’s true.
REALLY want her to date!! Even if they just go on a date and it doesn’t continue.
REALLY want her to get a crush on a bad boy, even if it isn’t reciprocated. Or maybe he uses her. IDK but I want it.
Also, someone awaken her gay again. It has been slumbering.
Cop things! Have him arrest you!
Also, he’s starting to get a little paranoid and unhinged, so feel free to catch him in that act.
Is being haunted, so that’s fun.
If you have shit to talk about Hades, please, let him know.
My new darling, I love her so much. I know she’s a prickly person, but she really is so sweet and caring, okay?? I promise.
Has designated herself protector of the forest, so if you fuck with it, she will fuck with you. But, also is a curious bean and wants to know about people.
Works in Town Hall, so you can accost her unwillingly there if you want, think that she’s part of like some event committee that’d be hilarious.
Has a giant wolf. That’s fun.
Also is a medium, so if you want ghostly things, please hit me up.
Eventually, I DO want her to take someone’s magic, if only temporary, so please hit me up if that is something you want. Maybe your character wants their magic gone. Or they want someone ELSE’S magic gone as revenge. (Obvi with the consent of the other party, lol.)
Seriously, I love my bb so much there are so many cool things she can do and be part of.
I really want to do a whole jealousy plot man. IDC which one I am--the person who someone is jealous of or the person who is jealous. (Don’t really want to be the object of the jealousy though, personally.) It doesn’t even need to be like a love triangle. Maybe it’s just a couple but someone else gets a crush. IDK just a fun thing I haven’t really been able to do.
More big plots! I love being included in them. Don’t even need to be a big part, but if you’re trying to put a plot together and like … one little thing isn’t working. HMU. I’m your girl.
Death. Y’all know I’m always down.
Exes! I wanna play characters who date and break up, c’mon. Everyone is always so quick to just shack up. I want people who don’t work out, for whatever reason. Or break up and get together like way later.
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thegfiles · 8 years
Web Series: Carmilla
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The lesbian vampire web series inspired by the novella of the same name!
The synopsis from IMDb is as follows:
Small town girl Laura Hollis has just finally moved out to go to Silas University. When her missing roommate is replaced without explanation, Laura vows to find out what is happening on campus while she deals with her new roomy... a vampire.
So, right off the bat I want to say immediately that anyone who loved the book Carmilla and is hoping for a web series that is just like it or at least fairly close to it, is going to be very disappointed. Don’t go into it thinking that’s what you’re going to find. You aren’t. You will be disappointed. I realize I’m repeating myself, but it bears repeating. You will be disappointed if you start to watch this web series thinking it’s going to be like the book.
Now, on to what it’s actually about. This web series is probably best taken as live-action fanfiction (good fanfiction, though), bringing the characters into modern times and a modern setting and with modern situations.
What does that mean? It means that this doesn’t take place in the Victorian era. It means that it takes place now, in the 2000s. Laura is reimagined as Laura Hollis (played by Elise Bauman), a college girl, adorably nerdy. We’re introduced to her when she decides to use a college assignment as a video or vlog diary of her quest to find out what happened to her fun-loving, if irresponsible, party girl roommate after she goes missing and nobody seems to notice or care but her.
Not only does her roommate go missing in such mysterious and suspicious circumstances, but she is suddenly given a new roommate to replace her old one.
Enter Carmilla Karnstein (played by Natasha Negovanlis), the new roommate whom Laura doesn’t get along with right from the start. I will admit, Carmilla doesn’t make it easy for her and seems to be totally uninterested in the missing roommate and completely unsupportive of Laura’s attempts to find her. Things progress from there, with wacky mistakes and misunderstandings and even an impromptu puppet show. I know how that sounds, but trust me, it’s hilariously rude.
Laura and Carmilla are not the only characters mentioned in the book who get upgrades. While there are definitely new characters who get added to the mix that were never in the book, Madame Perrodon is reimagined as Lola Perry (played by Annie Briggs), often referred to only as Perry, and Mademoiselle De Lafontaine is reimagined simply as S. LaFontaine (played by Kaitlyn Alexander) who is nonbinary and prefers to be called simply LaFontaine. And anyone familiar with the book knows that Carmilla herself had a caretaker, a woman who seemed to help her gain access to homes where she could choose a victim. Not much is really known or explained about the woman in the book, although she refers to Carmilla as her daughter. Whether that’s true or not is anyone’s guess, but probably not. However, in the web series she is reimagined as the fearsome and mysterious dean of Silas University. In the first season you don’t see her, although her presence is certainly unavoidable, and in the seasons after that she is played by Annie Briggs.
While the first season involves mostly women, there are some male characters, although it’s also skimpy on people of color. The first season is my favorite season, but seasons 2 and 3 are also great and in those seasons there is also no shortage of Carmilla and Laura shown kissing and a very much obviously implied sex life together. A reciprocated relationship with genuine feelings on both parts, and PDA were things we didn’t really get in the book and it’s nice to see them in this updated version.
Also in seasons 2 and 3 there are a lot more characters who are people of color. Quite unfortunately, however, most of them are bad guys or exist in the grey areas skirting the bad guy category.
In addition to lesbians and nonbinary characters, we also have male characters who aren’t afraid of the idea of menstruation or the things used to deal with that, and we have man-woman relationships that are simply friendships and both are fine with that.
While I won’t say that there weren’t problems or that they couldn’t do better, this series did make a clear attempt to be inclusive of characters of color, gender identities and romantic and sexual orientations that don’t often get a lot of attention or are usually used as eye candy for the male gaze or as though the characters are broken in some way and need to be fixed. This series did not do that to them and I appreciated that.
I really did love this series a lot and I absolutely recommend it. It is funny, quirky, inclusive in many ways, and thoroughly engrossing. But if you go into it expecting it to be something that it is not you will be disappointed by and that feeling may very well ruin the series for you. Don’t do that, because this is a great series. Take it by itself, as its own thing, inspired by but not based upon the book of the same name.
As far as I can tell, the series is finished (and that ending? Will knock your socks off). It has 3 main seasons, as well as a bonus Season Zero that seems to take place between seasons 2 and 3. It also has quite a few interesting extras bonus content that are fun and hilarious to watch. In addition to all of this, they are currently working on a movie for the series.
The episodes are super short and I don’t think any of them truly break 20 minutes long.
The series can be watched for free on YouTube, at the KindaTV channel and appears to be sponsored, at least in part, by Kotex. Which is hilarious, when you think about it because periods...lesbian vampires...get it? Lol.
For anyone interested in the book (either instead or just before watching the series), please read my review of that here.
You DO NOT need to have read the book first in order to understand or enjoy the series. They really are that different from each other, the difference is as stark as night and day. I am not kidding. I can’t stress that enough.
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