#also this way eivor gets to top even when she’s female
teecupangel · 2 years
...You really took "Hytham is Desmond's ancestor" and rolled with it. I can't even - I hope you realize I am going to wholly and utterly blame you for my brain now trying to churn out 1297362935 scenarios of how that can go in a story. Please expect a "Hytham and Desmond at same time, in Ravensthorpe, giving everyonefuzzy feelings but with a side of can-kill-you"
The short Eivor x Desmond/Hytham chapter where Hytham is Desmond's ancestor.
This gives me an excuse to talk about my headcanon about how Hytham is Desmond’s ancestor from the Al-Sayf side.
So, the headcanon stems from the idea that the Al-Sayf is an Assassin family with a long history in the Brotherhood (and the Hidden Ones) similar to the Auditores, and Hytham married into the family after returning from Ravensthorpe to Alamut. Then one of his descendants followed Al Mualim to Masyaf (most probably either Faheem or his father).
And Malik’s son, Tazim, married into the Ibn-La'Ahad family by marrying Sef’s youngest daughter as it’s highly plausible that Tazim is around Sef’s daughters’ age and that’s how Desmond is both the descendant of Malik and Hytham.
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mystic-writes · 3 years
I hope this is the right place haha. Could you do a female Eivor and female reader. The reader goes on a raid but it doesn’t go a planned. Maybe captured and tortured (sounds rough I know. A damsel in distress situation) then Eivor comes and rescues her. Thank you!
Thank you so much for sending in a request! This is not only my first request, but also my first kidnapping (kinda) fic! I feel like I'm officially a fanfic writer now! Also, happy pride month everyone, happy indigenous history month to all the indigenous folks out there! As a side note, my requests are still open, so feel free to send them to my askbox everyone!
CW: water torture, knifes, blood, brief mention of hot metal torture situation (none of the above are in a lot of detail!), angst, fluffy ending
Possible spoilers (very vague mention of storyline related thing)!
It had been days, maybe even a week since you had been captured during a raid that had gone rather poorly. While you were striking down soldiers with your bow from a nice, high branch at the top of a tree, you were spotted and a group of soldiers came after you. You had no choice other than to jump down from your high vantage point, and in doing so you sprained your ankle. Because you were injured and unable to really run away, the group of soldiers eventually caught up to you. Since then, you’d remained in the cell you had been placed in that night, hands and feet chained, the metal beginning to cut into your flesh. You had been questioned a few times, usually regarding what Eivor knew about the Order. You never answered any of the questions they asked you, partly because you usually didn’t know what to tell them. Eivor told you very little about her work dismantling the Order of the Ancients because she didn’t want you to get involved with it somehow, which would greatly endanger your safety. When they didn’t get the answers they so desperately wanted, they would either pour buckets of freezing cold water over your head, or slowly drag a knife along your flesh in a spot of their choosing. Though the cuts were not deep, likely in order to keep you from bleeding out, they stung when the water was poured over you, and were quite painful. Not to mention that having water repeatedly poured over you left you almost permanently wet, or at the very least damp, leading you to not be able to produce any body heat.
Though the days of torture and going with little to no food or water passed on, you knew that Eivor would find you eventually. She loved you, and had promised that no matter what happened, she would always keep you safe. Though the raid had not gone as planned and you had been captured, you knew she would keep her word; she always did. You trusted your lover, and knew she would do whatever she had to in order to get you back.
At some point, you had either passed out or fallen asleep (you weren’t sure which), and now someone was shaking you awake rather violently. You opened your eyes, hoping that it was Eivor, but instead saw one of the soldiers who had captured you. You felt tears spring to your eyes as you were hauled off to another room, dreading what was to come, and not knowing how much more you could take.
As usual, you were placed in a chair, your wrists strapped to the arms of the chair, and your ankles to the legs. You knew what to expect at this point; question after question, and you giving them no answer, then either being cut or having freezing water poured over your head. However, you noticed today that there were no buckets of water in the room today, and that there was a brazier sitting next to you. You had an idea of where this was going, and you did not like it. Though you knew it was of no use, you began struggling against your restraints.
“Now, now, darling. There won’t be any escaping happening here,” one of the soldiers says, directly in front of your face. You take the opportunity presented to you, and spit at him. This gets you a slap in the face that leaves your skin tingling and your ears ringing. But, you don’t regret spitting at him; not at all.
“Well, now that the spitting is hopefully out of the way, time for some questions. You might want to cooperate today, love. We’ve got a new toy to try out on you and I don’t think you’ll like it very much,” he says, lighting the coals in the brazier sitting next to you. He then places a long, metal poker into the fire, and you watch as the metal turns bright red.
“Now, what do you know about the Order? Who is that heathen’s next target, huh?” he asks you. When you don’t answer he goes to grab the metal poker. He holds it just above the skin on your collarbone, and says “Are you sure you don’t want to ans-,” before getting cut off by a door slamming open, and a knife slitting his throat. As the body of the soldier is pushed to the side, you see the person wielding the knife, and it’s just who you had hoped it would be. Eivor drops the knife, now covered in the blood of one of the men who had taken you, and falls to her knees, begging to unfasten your restraints. You try to speak, to tell her how thankful you are, but she hushes you, telling you to save your strength. Once your restraints have been severed, she takes off her cloak and wraps it around you before picking you up. You’re grateful for the warmth of her large cloak, and even more grateful that you’ll soon be back in Ravensthorpe.
You begin to wake up and notice that you’re snuggled up in several soft furs, being held by who you can only assume is Eivor. The last thing you can remember before you passed out is the jostling from being on top of a horse, and Eivor holding you closely, whispering to you that you were safe. You open your eyes and see Eivor looking down at you. Once she realizes that you’re awake, she pulls you even closer to her, and whispers “I’m so sorry, my love. I have failed you.”
You reach up and wipe away a tear that has slipped from one of her eyes and say, “But, you haven’t! I’m back home thanks to you.” You wrap your arms around her middle and squeeze as tight as you possibly can, so happy to be back in the arms of the person that you love the most.
“I thought you would be safe if you were further away. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed that,” she says, her voice strained.
“Eivor, I’m usually fine. There was no way for either of us to know that someone would spot me. None of what has happened is your fault, nor do I blame you. I’m just glad to be back here, with you, in your arms,” you whisper to her, leaning up to kiss her cheek. You press your head to her chest, suddenly feeling tired again.
“Y/N, I would have done anything to get you back. Your safety will always be more important to me than anything else, and I love you more than words can say. Now rest my love, you have been through a lot,” she says before placing a kiss on top of your head.
You return her affections, and feel yourself begin to drift off. You’re comforted by the warmth and the safety of being in Eivor’s arms, and allow yourself to be lulled to sleep by the beating of her heart.
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