#also this was too much serious drawing so i left a little easter egg in there let's see how many people notice lmao
cozylittleartblog · 2 months
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Columbo and the Knight (1984)
put me in the universe where Columbo ran through the 1980s and had a crossover episode with Knight Rider. I think they deserved it, and I am not just saying that because they're my two favorite Old Shows. @telebeast wrote a little fanfic blurb about it and I HAD to visualize it into a comic (which is also the longest comic I have finished thus far at five pages...), so writing credit goes to them.
Autism W!
#columbo#knight rider#art#michael knight#kitt#comic#highlight reel#crossover#telebeast#there are two small easter eggs here. can you find them. they were somehow not Entirely lost when i resized these for the public#this is what i mean when i say I Draw And It's Everyone Else's Problem. look at my INCREDIBLY niche crossover comic boy#if the knight rider fandom has like 12 people in it. how many of y'all have seen columbo#this comic is for like 4 people and me and phoenix are already two of them#niche is my specialty lets be real. weird niche obscure shit and ships nobody's paid attention to yet#not to suggest this is ship art. columbo has his wife and michael has his car lmfao#stylizing real people is EXTREMELY hard btw sorry for when they get off model. its partly a 'better imperfect than never finished' situatio#cant tell you how much i redrew some of these panels. weeps#this took me 2 weeks but i think i thumbnailed it all in may and the ideas been rollin around in my head since march#is anybody good at editing. please edit michael and columbo into an image together like its a screenshot. NOT generated. edited.#it would be so cool#ive drawn columbo a lot but i haven't drawn a lot of michaels. i was learning things about his outfit AS I WAS DOING THE DAMN#COLORS ON THIS. all the lines done. it was too late to change anything. i did all the lines and colored page by page#i realized my mistakes on like page 3. 1 and 2 were already done. it was Too Late.#imagine it though. them working a case together. switching between the more serious tone of columbo vs the goofier#action antics of michael and kitt. columbo being so impressed by Modern Technology. there's more i could say but phoenix may write#more of this crossover and i don't want to spoil it :'3#there's opportunity here though i swear. there's gold to be dug.#i like how kitt gets shading but columbo's junker peugeot doesn't. kitt looked wrong without any. columbo's car is matte and dirty#i also applied effects to this to make it look a little film-grainy and VHS like. some CRT TV vibes#the only question left is. did they put knight rider into columbo; or columbo into knight rider 🤔
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deep-space-lines · 2 months
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in case anyone was wondering where I disappeared to for the past few days, i've been going insane again. fun fact staring at stained glass windows for hours on end will not turn you catholic (source: i stared at so many stained glass windows to make this bc i really wanted to go for a realistic church window sort of vibe)
tumblr is a coward and won't let me upload the full size images so you can look at them and zoom in to your heart's content (please look at them. please) [1] [2]
Prints of this are available on my Society6 (both versions cuz I'm indecisive) (it may take a little while for them to actually appear on the site)
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Timelapse under the cut!
my favorite part of this is when I'm trying to get the pose down and I keep flipping the canvas and it looks like they're doing a silly little dance :)
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twdmusicboxmystery · 3 years
10x22: Here’s Negan - Details
All right. Here are a LOT of details. 
***As always, spoilers abound below for 10x22. Don’t read until you’ve watched!***
We start with Maggie and Hershel walking around Alexandria early in the morning. She calls him “a little rat” affectionately, which I’m side eying. Because of Carol’s rat last episode and because we already established parallels between Hershel and Beth from ep 17 in that he went missing and Maggie and Daryl searched for him.
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Then they sing “you are my sunshine” together, which is the same song Carl sang Negan. Because the sun is a Beth symbol, we’ve always seen her in that song. I also wonder if it foreshadows Maggie losing Hershel in some way. I don’t mean him dying, but rather being kidnapped. A lot of us have thought about one or some of the kids being taken at some point, and their parents having to search for them.  
Carol looks out a broken window (Broken Glass Theory) and sees the exchange. So, she leaves Alexandria and takes Negan with her.
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Actually, the next thing we see is a dead rabbit she pulls from a snare. The rabbit is SUPER interesting. I answered an Ask HERE about the moon rabbit, and I really love this explanation of the symbol. It makes perfect sense for Beth because the moon rabbit sacrificed itself, which is exactly what Father Gabriel said cryptically in 5x16. “How you sacrificed one of your own….”
Plus the Moon rabbit is resurrected and combines the moon symbol and the rabbit symbol.
So what does it mean in this context? 
Well, I still don’t want to go into too much detail, though I will soon. (I promise.) But if rabbit = Beth, I think this is yet another example of symbolism that points to Negan and Beth having a big arc together later. (And Carol will probably be thrown into the mix.)
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That evening, Negan drinks by the fire. What he’s drinking is clearly moonshine. It’s from one of those big glass moonshine bottles. I don’t know where he got it. I looked a second time at the stuff they left for him, and it might be in there, but if so, it isn’t visible. It would certainly be interesting if Daryl left him moonshine, but I don’t see any super-obvious hint at that. If it’s already there in the cabin, well, that’s Leah’s cabin, so….
This is where he sees his old self from the trailer. Some of the dialogue jumps out at me as things Daryl might say about himself. Evil Negan says to his good self, “You are nothing without her.” That sort of thing.
The next day he goes back to the tree with the stained-glass windows where Rick cut his throat. One of the plate glass windows has a hole in it and the other one is lying on the ground. 
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My go-to explanation of course is that the one with the hole represents the bullet hole in Beth’s head. (We actually said this of the stained-glass window in Father Gabriel’s church that Sasha shoots a hole in in 5x16 as well.) And I always see someone falling down as a serious injury. So, when Beth belly-flopped in the elevator shaft with Noah, that was a foreshadow of her getting shot. So I’m kind of seeing the window lying flat on the ground in the same way.
Of course, Negan digs up Lucille, and then it goes into the flashbacks.
It starts of course with him being a prisoner of the biker gang. We do think this gang is a parallel of the Claimers from S4. Remember that I said, overall, Negan = Daryl, right? So, this guy (Craven) even kind of looks like Joe Claimer. They dress in a similar fashion, are rough-and-tumble kind of dudes. But also, Negan runs into them after he loses Lucille. He doesn’t realize she’s died at that point, but she has. Just like Daryl ran into the Claimers after being separated from Beth in Alone.
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And we immediately see a blue cooler with IV bags inside. They’re Lucille’s chemo treatments. So blue cooler/Frosty Cola symbolism. Plus this can parallel to 6x06 when Daryl accidentally took off with Tina’s medicine when he met Dwight. Basically, these are both pointing to the same thing: a future arc involving Daryl and Beth. There are also 22s on the IV bags. So, 22 theory.
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I will say that the format of this episode is a lot like 10x18 because so much of it is flashback. They even use the same font to show the time jumps. The main difference is that with Daryl, they started 5 years ago and then jumped forward, toward the present. Here, they actually move backward first and then forward again.
So it’s like a swinging pendulum. They go back 12 years to where he’s a prisoner of the bikers. Then it goes back 6 weeks to when he’s with Lucille in their home , and then it jumps back again to before the apocalypse when she first found out she had cancer, which was right about the time the turn happened. And then it moves forward to the two of them together in the house, and then back to him with the bikers.
Okay, so, “12 Years Ago” he’s telling his story to the bikers.
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Then it actually says “Two or Three Days Ago” and it’s odd to me that they don’t specify which one it is. Negan says he found the mobile medical clinic 2 or 3 days ago, but there’s got to be a reason they don’t just go with one or the other. Anyway, this is when he found an RV with supplies. He tries to hold the doctor up and Laura (Savior) comes up behind him with a bat and hits him.
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We also get a bit of a hallucination theme. When Negan looks at the RV and the dummy guards on the roof, his sight sort of warps in and out like he can’t tell for sure. When he wakes up, he’s also hooked to an IV. (Parallel to Beth at Grady.) The doctor says he was dehydrated, malnourished, and exhausted. So maybe, in addition to all the mental break stuff we’ve already said about Daryl in 10x18, we should add these to the list.
“Six Weeks Earlier” and it shows him and Lucille. The first thing we see is that she tells him he’ll have to kill the walker but he doesn’t want to. He just turns off the generator, hoping it will go.
So, she makes him read Pride and Prejudice to her. The Pride and Prejudice thing is really interesting. He only reads a line or two, but anyone familiar with the story will be able to pick out the scene. Basically, in the story, a man asks Lizzie to marry him and she rejects him. He doesn’t love her or anything. He’s just looking for a “suitable” wife, and she can’t stand him. After she rejects him, her best friend marries him instead. And this friend doesn’t care that it’s not a love match. She just wants to be settled in life.
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So the scene Negan reads part of is where the friend, Charlotte, is coming to tell Lizzie that she’s marrying him instead. This is the part Negan reads:
"I see what you are feeling," replied Charlotte. "You must be surprised, very much surprised--so lately as Mr. Collins was wishing to marry you. But when you have had time to think it over…”
Here’s the thing. No way they’re putting dialogue from such a well-known book like this into the show without reason. And I know they said on TTD that it’s supposed to be an Easter Egg for Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Fair enough, but it’s not enough of an explanation for me. In the past, there have been things Nicotero has labelled as homages to various horror films, and I’m sure that’s true, but they’re also clearly Beth symbolism.
So, you could say that Pride and Prejudice and Zombies applies to Negan and Lucille. It’s a true love story, but zombies are thrown in. That works. But why this particular passage? It’s about NOT marrying for love, or the passing of a man’s offer of marriage from one woman to another. None of that applies to Negan and Lucille. It would have made more sense to have him read a different passage between Lizzie and Darcy, you know?
So, what does this mean? We’re not entirely sure, yet. For me, I tend to think it foreshadows a future arc (I’m sure you’re shocked) and I’ll get more into that in the next few days.
@wdway​ suggested perhaps we could apply it to the Leah situation. Daryl is in love with one woman, but hallucinating a relationship with another. I think that works, too. For now, let’s just keep it in mind, shall we? ;D
Dialogue parallels include Lucille saying, “we’ll have to kill it,” which parallels Beth saying the same thing about the walker at the moonshine shack.
And of course then we get that all important scene with the green wig, “serious” mention, IV stand and bag, and walker in the eye.
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We see Negan going out to look for more gas for the generator, siphoning it out of cars.
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We also see them having fun together. Obviously them playing darts is a callback to Still. The part where they play darts is actually just like half a second in the show, which just goes to show that they did the promo shot because they wanted us to see the symbols in the scene. I want to draw everyone’s attention to the fact that the British flag is printed on the darts. This is part of the template I’ll talk about in a day or two as well. For now, I just want you to notice it. It’s important.
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When they do the candlelight dinner (*coughs alone*) they eat DOG food. Sirius reference. She suddenly says “happy anniversary” and pulls out a present for him. He says, “You know what day it is?” and she says, “no, I just wanted you to have this.” So I think the idea is that it’s not really their anniversary. She just said that as an excuse to give him a present. It reminded me a little of the “New Years Eve” theme we saw around the Claimers. Not exactly the same, but a similar vibe. It’s not REALLY New Year’s Eve. They’re just saying it as an excuse to do something else (in that case, kill Rick). Here, it’s not really their anniversary, but Lucille is saying that as an excuse to give him the jacket.
When Negan says she doesn’t owe him anything Lucille says, “I stuck with you because I could always see the man you are right now, even when you weren’t.” So again, kind of a Beth theme of seeing the best in him even when he doesn’t see it in himself. That’s a huge theme throughout this episode.
There’s more refrigerator/cooler symbolism when the fridge defrosts, ruining the last of Lucille’s treatments.
Then it jumps back to before the apocalypse. There were some symbols here as well. The main ones I noticed were specifically around Lucille. After her diagnosis, she gets in the car and hears the broadcast about the virus victims eating human flesh. Kind of a callback to hearing the Terminus broadcast in 4a.
Then she gets mad and says, just play some g**d*** music. (Music reference.) When the car pulls out, you have to check out this license plate!
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XVD-1144. The 1-1 you should recognize from @frangipanilove’s 1-1 posts. The 44 references the comic book issue where Andrea was shot in the head, and survived. And of course there’s the X. So then @wdway had the ingenious idea to ask what roman numerals X and D stood for. X=5 and D=500. So we basically have “X, 550, 1-1, 44.” Yeah, series number 55 was Slabtown. Beth was on the 5th floor. And all the rooms around them in the hallway at Grady were in the 550s. If that’s not proof that Lucille is a Beth proxy, I don’t know what is.
Plus, notice the type of car: mustang. We’ve talked about this before, but horse symbolism, and the type of car is always important.
Another thing @wdway​ with her eagle eyes picked up. Lucille is scrolling back and forth between Negan and Janine’s numbers, right? Notice the date:
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November 12. Recognize that:
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Yeah, not kidding. It’s a reference to the headstone in Alone. 👀
Back in the future again, Lucille asks Negan to stay with her. You don’t realize this the first time watching it, but clearly she’s ready to die, and just wants him to be with her, but he’s bound and determined to save her, an goes anyway.
A couple of things to point out. Negan looking for meds parallels to Daryl looking for meds at the veterinary college in 4a. Also, on TTD they pointed out that Negan is constantly putting Lucille in a position to be alone. Before the apocalypse, he left her alone to fool around with another woman, who was her best friend. He made her go to the doctor alone. (Lucille alone at the hospital could = Beth at Grady.) We see him constantly leaving her here to get supplies. And he leaves for like 6 six weeks to track the mobile clinic.
I think that’s mostly an anti-parallel to Daryl. Daryl never left Beth intentionally. But I also think it could be a future theme, not in the sense that Daryl will leave her, but I’ve always thought he would feel super guilty because they left her behind and now she’s been “alone” for 8 years. And again, not physically alone as we know she’ll be part of other groups and such, but without him and her family.
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Back with the medical people again, Laura gives Negan her bat, the one she first beaned him with, since he doesn’t have any other weapons.
All they said about Laura on TTD was that they wanted to use her—someone the audience would recognize—but also someone who had a relatively minor role. So they talked about how they could have brought Austin Amelio on and had Dwight give it to him, but because Dwight is a bigger character, and because his onscreen relationship with Negan was much bigger, it would have made it a Negan/Dwight moment and they wanted to keep this episode focused solely on Negan and Lucille. So they used Laura.
And sure, that’s fine. But they could have used any Savior they wanted. And why did they even WANT a familiar face? Why the return of the Savior with the blond hair, you know? I’m just saying. ;D
Of course Negan tells the biker gang where the medical RV is and then goes back to Lucille, but she’s already dead. This really was a very tragic episode.
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We obviously have a suicide theme here, and the fact that Negan never actually shoots or stabs Lucille in the head, both of which parallel Beth. 
On TTD, YNB even pointed out that she’s wearing the same clothes as she was the day he left, which means she committed suicide the day he left. Most of the 6 weeks he’s been out looking for medical supplies, she was already dead. Super tragic, no?
We also see keys, matches, the blue cooler again, and Negan wrapping the barbed wire around his bat. 
So, a couple of preliminary thoughts here. The 6 weeks was bugging me because they said it 2 or 3 times, really emphasizing it. I’m kind of wanting to equate it to 6 seasons. Because if Beth doesn’t show until S11 (and clearly now she can’t, unless she shows in Fear or something, but I’m not holding my breath for that) then it will be 6 seasons since Beth left the show.
And again, it’s more anti-parallel than parallel. For 6 weeks, Negan thought Lucille was alive, but she was dead the entire time. For 6 seasons, Daryl thought Beth was dead, when really she’s been alive the whole time.
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And, of course, Negan burns the house down, much like Beth and Daryl did in Still.
But here’s the other thing @wdway noticed. Check out the similarities here:
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Similar colors and structures, and both seem to be on fire at some point. And I don’t think the cabin in 5x09 was pointing toward Negan and Lucille. Rather, I think the symbolism in both instances point toward something we haven’t seen, yet. But the parallels and repeated symbolism are there.
When Negan leaves, he gets on his bike with Lucille (the bat) and drives away from the burning house. And interestingly, we see him smack his mailbox with it and knock it off it’s post. 
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Couple of things here:
The name “Smith” is written on the mailbox, so apparently that was their last name. And they mentioned it on TTD. Smith is such an everyman sort of name. It might be one of the most common surnames on the planet, so there’s definitely some interesting symbolism there having to do with Negan.
But I’m side-eyeing the actual mailbox, as part of the Communication Theme. And, on a very basic level, I’m thinking that the mailbox was intact when Lucille was still alive. He destroyed it after he lost her. So maybe it represents something along those lines, or even represents the person they lost. So mailbox = Beth.
The scene that keeps flashing in my head is from 6x03 when Daryl is riding around on his bike, searching for Rick, and he’s passing all these mailboxes in the background. 
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Then in 10x21, we see him walking toward the military walker on the train tracks (*coughs CRM, *coughs Rick*) and he passes the blond, Beth walker, but doesn’t actually look at her or see her. Do you kind of see the similar theme there?
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Negan brutally killing the biker gang can parallel Rick doing the same to Joe Claimer in 4x16.
Negan tells Craven a story about how he lost his job. He got in a bar fight. It was their favorite because it had a JUKE BOX. And they loved the juke box because it played their favorite song (You are So Beautiful to Me.) He even talks about “seeing red” and how he now realizes he can do anything he wants (read: kill anyone he wants) so we kind of see his evolution into S6 Negan here.
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And honestly, they leave a lot of loose threads here. We never learn what happens to Franklin (he’s still alive at this point) and obviously Laura stays with Negan long term, but they really could do more flashbacks about how he started gathering people and found the Sanctuary.
So then we come back to the present where he’s just dug Lucille up under the stained glass window tree. In the first scene at the beginning, we see a walker making its way toward him. Yes, it’s a blond, female walker, and I’m pretty sure she’s wearing Daryl’s shirt from when he was at the Sanctuary. Here at the end, Negan has been lost in his own thoughts so long, the walker comes up behind him and he turns around and kills it with Lucille. 
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When he does, the bat splits down the middle. Yet another symbol of Lucille’s death.
He goes back to the cabin and sits in front of the fire and talks to Lucille (both the bat and his actual wife). He says, “I’m sorry I left you…I made myself not feel anything…I miss you.” See how we could apply that to Daryl?
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He also says, “I’m going to do your fighting for you,” which I take to mean he’ll honor her memory better, now, rather than go back to the old, evil Negan he was. Which was really just years of him avoiding his feelings about her death. (Kind of like Daryl has with Beth, hence the Leah situation.)
Then he covers the bat in a white cloth (clearly meant to be a shroud) and puts the bat in the fireplace, burning it. On TTD, they do say this is meant to be the funeral she never got. 👀
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Oh, and at the end of the “in memoriam” on TTD, it actually says, “Negan is burning down his past.”
So, at the very end, he actually goes back to Alexandria. Maggie, Carol, and Daryl are near the entrance and he asks where the “A” team is going. Carol warns Negan that if he lives at Alexandria, Maggie will kill him at some point. I actually really liked this ending. It was a good way to kick us into S11.
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That’s the end of the episode. So, I’ll say this again and it will be a good segue into my next post about what I think Beth’s arc will be in S11, and how she’ll appear. I’ll post it either tomorrow or Thursday.
Without getting too much into the weeds, I think Negan and Beth will have some major, future interaction. And I really think the symbolism here backs it up, for various reasons. The symbolism itself wouldn’t prove anything, as we’ve seen this stuff repeated with lots of different characters and especially true love couples, which Negan and Lucille clearly were, despite his cheating.
But on TTD, Hilarie Burton talked about how strong Lucille was. She said she liked the character because so often when cancer victims or victims of other prolonged diseases are portrayed on film, they’re seen as angelic, ethereal beings. And while that’s fine if that’s truly who they are, you don’t lose your personality just because you become sick. So she liked it that Lucille was a little rough around the edges. She says that even before the apocalypse, Negan was just fussy enough that he would need a strong woman to rein him in, and he would also be attracted to exactly this kind of strong woman. 
Strong woman = Beth.
So, I’ll just leave it there.
Anyone find any symbols I missed?
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hailhydra920 · 3 years
Operation Easter Bunny
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Pairing: Bucky x reader
Summary: Just Easter fluff
Warnings: None
           “Doll, I don’t want to do this.” Bucky pouted as you stuck a pair of bunny ears on his head.
           “I’m sorry, Buck, but Steve is sick. You look adorable, though.” You said kissing his cheek.
           “I’m not supposed to look adorable. Besides, what kind of knucklehead volunteers to be the Easter Bunny?”
           You smoothed out your skirt and smiled at him. “Buck, it’s for the foster kids. And I am 100% sure that they are going to love you. Little kids tend to like people who give them things. Also, it raises money for those kids in foster homes.”
           Bucky crossed his pink fuzzy sleeved arms and stared at you. “Fine.”
           “One more thing…”
           “What?” He asked cocking an eyebrow.
           “Can I draw a bunny nose on you?”
           Bucky’s face turned serious, and he frowned. “Absolutely not.”
           “I’m dying in this thing, doll.” Bucky panted as he pulled the collar of the suit away from him, hoping to get air flow. “I’d rather be back in cyro.”
           You slapped Bucky across the chest playfully. “Do not say that! I can’t live without you.”
           He pulled you into his warm body and smiled. “Aw, thanks, doll. I can’t live without you either.”
           “Look at all the happy children. You did that. And the stomachache that’s going to follow, you caused that.” You said as you both looked at the energetic kids. “By the way, we’re painting eggs in 10 minutes. I expect you to wow me.”
           “I’d lower your expectations, sweetheart. All I can do with eggs is accidently explode them in my hands.
           “That’s not true. You can be very gentle. You also don’t need to paint one all by yourself, you can just help some of the kids.”
           Soon, everyone was in a big room where paints and various glitter tubes were scattered across the tables. Each kid had been partnered up with an adult. Bucky had been paired with a little girl named Jupiter. She had curly brown pigtails with pale pink ribbons sprouting from the sides. Her chocolate brown eyes met Bucky’s and she smiled.
           “I’m the luckiest girl. I got the Easter Bunny as my partner!” She squealed cheerfully.
           She tugged Bucky into a chair and took a seat by him. Wiggling with excitement she waited for Bucky to grab an egg from the carton.
           “Well,” Bucky said drumming his fingers on the table. “What kind of egg are we making?”
           “A princess one!”
           Bucky chuckled as he carefully picked up and egg and set it in one of the stands. “I’m assuming that means glitter?”
           “Oh yeah!” She giggled. “Lots.”
           You watched as Bucky and Jupiter interacted. A sweet smile never left his face, and it warmed your heart seeing Bucky so happy. You turned your attention back to the little boy you were helping. You felt bad hat these kids couldn’t be with their parents for one reason or another. You were glad that Bucky had brought so much joy to a little girl’s face.
           A sudden POP echoed through the room, and everyone turned toward the source of the noise. Bucky had pink glitter all over his face and hair. You looked to his hand and saw an exploded glitter tube. Jupiter laughed and gently wiped some glitter off his hair.
           “You’re a pretty princess!” She giggled.
           Bucky couldn’t hold back a laugh, and everyone began to get back to their own eggs. Bucky grabbed some napkins and began wiping the crazy amount of glitter off his face. They worked on their egg a bit longer and he smiled at their creation.
           “I’ve never seen a more beautiful thing in the world.” Bucky said before shooting a wink toward you.
           You smiled and shook your head. He was such an adorable dork.
           “I have.” Jupiter said as she stared at the egg.
           “And what would that be?” Bucky asked sweetly as he tilted his head.
           “You!” She giggled. “Even though I know you’re not the real easter bunny, I think you’re still cool. You have pretty blue eyes.” She put her little hands on each of his cheeks and stared into his eyes. “And nice hair.”
           “Thanks.” He said with a grin. “You’re not too bad yourself, kiddo.”
           “Can we do something like this again sometime?”
           “I’m sure I can arrange something.”
           You and Bucky were sitting peacefully on the couch. His head was in your lap and you gently ran your fingers through his hair. A soft purr-like sound emitted from Bucky and you smiled. He was so soft and sweet, you couldn’t really imagine him being anything else. He was exhausted from hanging out with the kids and Tony’s easter party.
           “Thank you, baby.” Bucky mumbled.
           “For what?” You said as you gently massaged his scalp.
           “For everything and convincing me to be the Easter bunny for those kids today. I had fun. Even if I did have to squeeze into a bunny costume and get glitter exploded in my face.”
           You hummed and kissed his forehead. “I love you, James Barnes.”
           He closed his eyes and let out a content sigh. “I love you too. You’re my easter miracle baby.”
           “And you’re mine.”
Perm Tags: @sleep-i-ness​​​ @thefridgeismybestie
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partnersatfazbear · 4 years
Analysis of The Real Jake (SPOILERS)
I can't decide whether to make this post a stream-of-consciousness style or group it into evidence for x... but since it's easier, I'll just write my thoughts as I go. Although a lot of this is factual ties to, say, FNAF 4, things like relating Margie to Henry are just my own headcanon and you can do with that what you will AKA don't take this all too seriously, but have fun with it. There’s also specific notes about Michael Afton, for those that just want to know what was said regarding him (presumably).
Before I start, please note I've had three hours of sleep in the last... 28 hours? IDK I can't math, especially not on this little sleep. So, there may be errors. I tried to make a note on things I was unsure about, too. 
Note: I wrote this before the Evan=CC theory was all but confirmed. Although I believe this theory from the logbook, I think a lot of these notes are still valid.
Read my notes under the cut:
Margie shares similar physical appearance to Henry: Pg 84 “The window fan blew a lock of her shoulder-length brown hair across her upper lip so it looked like she had a mustache.”
“Mrs. Afton” stand in is mentioned: Pg 86 “...it had been four years since his Mom had died...” (Jake is 9 in the story)
I notice when Scott mentions plaid. Pg 87 “...a green-and-blue plaid plush chair...” I mostly wanted to note this since canonically, Henry had a green plaid shirt.
“William” stand in is mentioned. Pg 89 “And you know he thinks about you [Jake] all the time?” “So, he has to concentrate on what he's doing... ...I don't want him thinking about me and end up shooting himself in the foot or something.” Pg 102 “Yeah, I did. [I spilled some chocolate ice cream] Right on my shirt!” Pg 122 “I did that today! [While playing a DDR like game, breaking a shoelace.]” (Admittedly, I only counted these because I headcanon William is much more of a bumbling fool than he appears. It comes up very often as you can see... although you could write it off as Evan just trying to relate to his kid.)
“William” stand in is mentioned. Pg 92 “...Margie was pretty sure Evan couldn't afford to replace a washer and dryer” and “...Evan, at his rank, could barely afford her” Pg 110 “Gillian's house shared stlying with Evan's, but hers was probably four times bigger.” (Again, I headcanon William and his family is on the low end of middle class, if not lower, in terms of income. Particularly, the house is cramped.)
“Mrs. Afton” stand in is mentioned. Pg 93 “First, Jake's Mom was killed.” Pg 139 “The mom's dead.” (You could infer that she died via something akin to a car crash in the context of the story, however if you reflect it to the games given the commonalities, I like to think of this as confirmation that William murdered her, given the word 'killed' is used.)
Margie records herself on her cell phone. Pg 93 (and on other pages) (Again referencing my headcanon for Henry, in which he records ideas/diaries often. At minimum, Henry is referred to as “Cassette Man” in PizzaSim so... I just thought it could make for an interesting comparison.)
Jake mentions his “friends”. Pg 99 “Patty and Davey... Vic... and the twins... Ellie and Evie... Kyle, Clay, and Garrett” (Also, he isn't mentioned until later, but there's his best friend Brandon, too. I noted these in reference to CC talking about his 'friends', either IRL or the plushies. I assume his IRL friends are the MCI victims. The number doesn't add up though. I really, really wanted to make a connection about the twins, considering Charlie and Sammy are twins, but there wasn't enough evidence to write it off as anything other than a coincidence. Also... Clay, really? We need another double name in this series? Ugh.)
What's your favorite flavor? Chocolate Pg. 102 “What flavor did you get?” “Chocolate. Duh.” (This is a stretch, but it did remind me of Help Wanted's final level in the main game, where you're asked to choose your favorite cake flavor. Although, they're discussing ice cream here.)
Maybe some insight into William's personality? Pg. 103 “You ever do that, Evan?” “What?” “Let off steam.” “Me? No. Steam is pretty much what keeps me going.” (Just more evidence that William is obsessed with his work. You could imply “steam” implies he runs like a machine, but that's stretching a bit.)
Pg. 113 -118 (Jake climbs out of his window to run off to play at the arcade with his friend. Obvious parallel to the child in Midnight Motorist, although it's daytime and no animatronics/fursuits luring him.) There is this, on Pg 121 also. Jake says, “We played all the racing games. I love racing games.”
PURPLE Pg 121 “...did you get a slushie at the arcade? I got one. I got grape. It turned my tongue purple.” “My tongue's purple, too!” “Purple power!” (Uh, do I really need to explain this? I should note that Evan is the one mentioning “grape”. I guess William likes grape flavor and purple.)
'Michael' is mentioned. Sort of a stand in for Michael Afton, but it should be noted that Michael and Evan are brothers in this universe. Pg 126, 127 “Michael...lived in Europe for a few years...” “Michael's a serious dude. He's, well, a little different. He's intense about making money...the way he is about it... can make him seem like he's not human.” “So, he's like a cyborg with bad programming?” Michael has some dialogue: “You must excersize caution. You could get chocolate on my suit, and that would be bad. Very, very bad.” (The very very bad thing is a running joke in the family, which is why this comes up. I don't have a lot to say about it, though. I think Michael [Afton] being obsessed with money seems a bit counter intuitive to how we know him, but who knows? I also want to note that Evan doesn't seem antagonistic towards Michael; in fact, he “hate[s] to ask him for favors”.)
Also, Pg 141 “His [Michael's] flat, gruff voice was unmistakable.” Michael is also the first one to hear his father is dead and informs Margie about it. “I have been notified that Evan's dead.” Pg 142 “She had only met Michael the one time, and she knew the way he processed the world was very different from what was “normal”” Michael also states to Margie: “I've got Evan's will... you're Jake's guardian and he left you the house and some savings. I'm the executor.” Margie also says: “He[Michael]'s a numbers genius, manages money for the wealthy people and has made a killing doing it.” “He's not a bad guy. He just doesn't know how to connect. He doesn't feel the way we do.” (Just more Michael characterization.)
Direct FNAF 4 easter egg references: Pg 128 “...the IV stand lurking in the corner of the room” Pg 129 “...and the line of perscription medication bottles marching across the top of the chest of drawers”
Margie is more than a nanny and possibly in love with Evan: Pg. 139 “She'd come to love Evan, too... like a brother.” Pg 140 “...she was included in the outings, movie nights, game nights, and storytelling time...” Pg 149 “...she wanted Evan to be more than just a boss, and being in his room when he was gone made her feel like a lovelorn stalker.” “Love him like a brother... She snorted. Boy, had she been lying to herself.” Pg 158 “What she was feeling called for a screaming fit or a total mental breakdown.” (Yeah, this is just me reading too much into this for Willry content, haha... But still. I am determined that Margie is a Henry stand-in.)
'I will put you back together' Pg 140 “I'm trying to bring you home whole.” (Evan is discussing “no man left behind” with his son, Jake. I think this is obvious.)
William's home office? Pg. 149 “When he was home, she'd go in and vacuum or put away laundry... ...when he was gone...coming in here felt like an invasion of privacy.” “Evan's room would be her room.” “...I'd feel like I was sleeping in your bed, she thought.” “...the room felt discretely masculine.” “The walls were covered in family photos.” “The shelves were stuffed with fiction... mysteries to classics, nonfiction... how-to books...from rebuilding a car engine to planting a garden.”
FNAF 4 reference. Pg 152 “Outside, a dog barked.” (You can hear a dog barking as ambient noise during nights when playing FNAF 4.)
Other notes:
It happens a lot, but one of the main things in the book is the doll Simon and how Jake talks to it. This is very blatantly a reference to the Golden Freddy Plush (“Psychic Friend Fredbear”). The story confirms it's Jake's father, Evan, talking through it. Although it makes the one scene in FNAF 4 a little wonky (the only scene where we see Purple Guy), I think it's pretty much confirmed that it's William talking to CC now. Obviously, we already suspected this due to Sister Location's “Secret Room”. In this story, Evan says he did it because he wanted to give Jake some hope he would live. Combined with both the IV/medicine bottle easter eggs (in the story and FNAF 4) I think it's plausible to assume that CC was taken home after the Bite of '83 for a period of time before he passed away. I will admit, also, that Evan definetly comes off as a very caring father (in comparison to how we presume William is based on what we've seen of him as a person; although I argued this before on this blog, I don't think William hates his kids. I think he's neglectful, moreso as the story goes on. I think he resents Michael for many reasons but I won't go into that here. I just don't think he's the abusive monster the fanbase interprets him to be—at least not early on.)
The cabinet reminds me a lot of the closets in the novel series. A built in shelf with a doll in it. A doll that represents a child. Considering Margie tends to this doll (see Pg. 130-135), I have to draw more parallels between her and Henry.
The fan is mentioned A LOT. I don't really know why, but I guess we can't help but think of every single FNAF office when it's brought up. Specifically, on Pg. 106, Margie mentions the fan in her room is as loud as a jet engine and the sound made her nervous. Once again, I'm reminded of PizzaSim. Seriously, screw you fan.
The heat is mentioned a lot, too. I know the story takes place in summer, but this did remind me of Pizza Sim.
Pg. 93 “Margie sat down in the faded blue webbed lawn chair that was set up, for reasons she never understood, in front of the shelves by the stairs.” (I noted this because it's specifically called out and I don't know why.)
Margie talks about why she's working for Evan: Pg. 95 “I didn't get the internship I applied for.” I like to think her and Mia (from 1280) were after the same internship. (I may be misremembering, but I'm pretty sure Mia mentioned an internship at the hospital.)
Jake is mentioned to have brown hair, green eyes. His favorite color is green. He also wears green often. I couldn't find anything really interesting about it. It would make more sense as a Puppet reference, tbh (because of the green bracelet (and eyes? I may be remembering wrong) I guess it's also worth noting that Elizabeth has green eyes.
Pg 135 “Are you afraid people will think you're murdering me?” “...I could end you so quickly you'd never make a sound.” (Just an odd conversation between Jake and Margie. Margie is joking here, obviously.) Also, Pg. 136 “I just figured your [Jake's] wires got crossed or your circuits were frying.” (Admittedly, I don't know what to make of this. Could be a reference to Robot-CC, if you believe that or MikeBot [I don't], but more likely just ironic dialogue. It could also reference Jake's future in the Stichwraith?)
Pg 139 “Sometimes, Margie wished she was like one of the robots Jake liked so much.” (Although I can't really compare this to Henry, I did write William with this mindset and thought it was worth mentioning.)
Pg 141+ So, Evan dies overseas (he's a soldier). (I think this could be hinting that William has been springlocked around the time CC passes away. Jake has been home for some time after his diagnosis so we can infer based on that and the easter eggs that CC was brought home to die in peace. At the very least, William's probably very absent during this time. Possibly brought in for questioning but not arrested. I don't know. I feel like there's something to this.)
Pg 154 “Dave's at work.” (Why? Can we not use established names? Aghhh)
Pg 155 “The ambulance arrived at 11:32.” (I don't know why this is stated so outright. I couldn't find a reason, except that a few paragraphs earlier they say it will arrive by noon. I don't know why it's so specific, but I felt like noting it anyway.)
Pg 159 “Five people. Five sets of eyes. And none of them noticed...” (Yeah. We all know how important 5 is in FNAF.)
Three medical personel are mentioned. One at the end is named Nancy [No Last Name Given], but I like to think its a reference to Man in 1280 and we're dealing with Heracles Hospital once more, although it's never said in this story. Speaking of, the only thing that really stood out to me in 1280's story was that a billionare funded the restoration of the hospital. I like to headcanon that was Henry's doing—I imagine him obscessing over overcompensating for his mistakes by giving back in every way possible, even if it isn't directly related to him.
So, this post only took two hours of my life. I hope someone gets some use out of it, be it for my intended Willry purposes or maybe those Michael fans that are curious about it. If you enjoyed this post, let me know. I'd love to write up more of these if I have the time.
I have other write-ups on this blog, too. Just search fnaf theories on my blog page!
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oneweekoneband · 4 years
I’m slightly nauseous already with knowing I’m going to say this, but what does “self-awareness”  even mean? In modern parlance, as a descriptive phrase, as a comment on art? I’m asking in earnest, like, I’ve been Googling lately, which for me is basically on par with doctoral study in terms of academic rigor. The self is king, anyway, tyrant, so where is the line of distinction between material that intentionally is nodding at some truth about the artist’s life and what’s just, like, all the rest of the regular navel-gazing bullshit. I mean, I’m all self, I am guilty here. I can’t get it out of my poems or even make it more quiet. This is the tenth time I’ve invoked “I” in the space of six sentences. Processing art has always necessitated a certain amount of grappling with the creator, but the busywork of it lately grows more and more tedious. Joy drains out of my body parsing marks left behind not just in stylistic tendencies and themes, but in literal, intentional tags like graffiti on a water tower. This feels an age old and moth-holed complaint, dull, and I am no historian, or really a serious thinker of any kind. I’ve now complained at some length about self-referential art, but didn’t I love how Martin Scorsese nodded to the famous Goodfellas Copacabana tracking shot with the opening frames of last year’s The Irishman? Didn’t I find that terribly fun and sort of sweet? So there’s distinctions. I’m only saying I don’t know with certainty what they even are. I’m unreliable, and someone smarter than me has likely already solved my quandary about why self-knowledge often transforms into overly precious self-reflexivity in such a way that the knowledge is diminished and obscured, leaving only cutesy Easter eggs behind. Postmodernism has birthed a moralizing culture where art exists to be termed either “self-aware Good” or “self-aware Bad”.  Self-referentiality in media is so commonplace, so much the standard, that what was once credited as metatextual inventiveness often feels lazy now. In 1996, Scream was revitalizing a genre. Today, two thirds of all horror movies spend half their running time making sure that you know that they know they’re a horror movie, which is fine, I guess, except sometimes you just wanna watch someone get butchered with an axe in peace. 
This is all to say that in 2020 Taylor Swift looked long and hard upon her image in the reflecting pool of her heart and has written yet another song about Gone Girl.
“mirrorball” is a very good piece of Gone Girl —feels insane to tell anyone reading a post on a blog what Gone Girl is but, you know, the extremely popular 2012 novel about a woman who pretends to have been murdered and frames her husband for it, and subsequently the 2014 film adaption where you kinda see Ben Affleck’s dick for a second—fanfiction. It would be a fine song, a good song, really, even if it weren’t that, if it were just something normal and not unhinged written by a chill person who behaves in a regular way, but we need to acknowledge the facts for what they are. When Taylor Swift watched Rosamund Pike toss her freshly self-bobbed hair out of her face and hiss, “You think you’d be happy with some nice Midwestern girl? No way, baby. I’m it!” her brain lit up like a Christmas tree, and she’s never been the same. If you Google “taylor swift gone girl” there waiting for you will be a medium sized lake’s worth of articles speculating about how Gone Girl influenced and is referenced in past Swift singles “Blank Space” and “Look What You Made Me Do”. This is not new behavior, and if anything it’s getting a bit troubling to think that it’s been this long since Taylor’s read another book. Still, while the prior offerings were a fair attempt at this particular feat of depravity, “mirrorball” has brought Taylor’s Amy Elliott Dunne deification to stunning new heights. And most importantly, Taylor has done a service to every person alive with more than six brain cells and a Internet connection by putting an end to the “Cool Girl” discourse once and for all. By the power invested in “mirrorball”, it is hereby decreed that the Cool Girl speech from Gone Girl is neither feminist or antifeminist, not ironic nor aspirational. No. It’s something much better than all that. It’s a threat. I ! Can ! Change ! Everything ! About ! Me ! To ! Fit ! In !
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Gone Girl (2012) by Gillian Flynn
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“mirrorball” (2020) by Taylor Swift
When the twinkly musical stylings of Jack Antonoff, a man I distinctly distrust, but for no one specific reason, whirl to life at the beginning of this song I feel instantly entranced, blurry-brained and pleasure-pickled like an infant beneath a light-up crib mobile or, I guess, myself in the old times, the outside times, three tequila sodas deep under the disco lights at The Short Stop. Under a mirrorball in my head. I know very little about music, as a craft, and I really don’t care to know more. I’m happy in a world of pure, dumb sensation. I’m not even sure what kind of instruments are making these jangly little sounds. I just like it. I am vibing. We may not ever be able to behave badly in a club again, but I can sway to my stupid Taylor Swift-and-the-brother-of-the-lady-who-makes-like-those-sweatshirts-with-little-sayings-or-like-vulvas-which-famous-white-women-wear-on-instagram-you-know-what-I-mean song, pressing up onto my tiptoes on the linoleum tile of our kitchen floor and can feel for a second or two something approaching bliss. “mirrorball” is a lush sound bath that I like a lot and then also it’s about being all things to all people, chameleoning at a second’s notice, doing Oscar worthy work on every Zoom call, performing the you who is good, performing the you who is funny, performing the you who draws a liter of your own blood and throws it around the kitchen then cleans it up badly all to get your husband sent to jail for sleeping with a college student... Too much talk about making and unmaking of the self is way too, like, 2012 Tumblr for me now, and I start hearing the word “praxis” ring threateningly in my head, but I’m not yet so evolved that I don’t feel a pull. Musings on the disorganized self—on how we are new all the time, and not just because of all the fresh skin coming up under the dead, personhood in the end so frighteningly flexible—are always going to compel me, I’m afraid, but that goes double for musings on the disorganized self which posit that Taylor Swift still thinks Amy Dunne made some points.
Because on “mirrorball” Taylor is for once not hamfistedly addressing some “hater”, in the quiet and the lack of embarrassing martyrdom it actually offers an interesting answer to the complaint that Taylor is insufficiently self-aware. This criticism emerges often in tandem with claiming to have discovered some crack in the chassis of Swift’s public self, revealing the sweetness to be insincere. My instinct is to dismiss this more or less out of hand as just a mutation of the school of thought that presumes all work by women must be autobiography. And, regardless, it is made altogether laughable by the fact that anyone actually paying attention has known since at least Speak Now, a delightful record populated by the most appalling, horrible characters imaginable, and all of them written by a twenty year old Taylor Swift, that this woman is a pure weirdo. To accuse Taylor Swift of lacking in self-awareness is a reductive misunderstanding, I think, of artifice. Being a fake bitch takes work. Which is to say, if we agree that her public self is a calculated performance—eliding the fact that all public selves are a performance to avoid getting too in the weeds yadda yadda— why, then, should it be presumed that performance is rooted in ignorance? Would it not make more sense that, in fact, someone able to contort themselves so ably into various shapes for public consumption would have a certain understanding of the basic materials they’re working with and concealing? Taylor Swift, in a decade and a half of fame, has presented herself from inside a number of distinct packages. The gangly teenager draped in long curls like climbing wisteria who wrote lyrics down her arms in glitter paint gave way to red lipstick, a Diet Coke campaign, and bad dancing at awards shows. There was the period where she was surrounded constantly by a gaggle of models, then suddenly wasn’t anymore, and that rough interlude with the bleached hair. The whole Polaroid thing. Last year she boldly revealed she’s a democrat. Now it’s the end of the world and she’s got frizzy bangs and flannels and muted little piano songs. Perhaps this endless shape-shifting contradicts or undermines, for some, the pose of tender authenticity which has remained static through each phase, but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t been doing it all on purpose the entire time. I’ve never been a natural, all I do is try, try, try...
In the Disney+ documentary—which, in order to watch, I had to grudgingly give the vile mouse seven dollars, because the login information that I’d begged off of my little sister didn’t work and I was too embarrassed to bring it up a second time—Taylor referred to “mirrorball” as the first time on the album where she explicitly addressed the pandemic, referring to the lyrics that start, “And they called off the circus, Burned the disco down,” and end with “I’m still on that tightrope, I’m still trying everything to get you laughing at me,” which actually did made me laugh, feeling sort of warmly foolish and a little fond, because it never would have occurred to me that she was trying to be literal there. I suppose we really do all contain multitudes. Hate that.
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sunlitroom · 5 years
Thoughts on ‘The Beginning’
So - as with The Trial of Jim Gordon, I'm going to regard this episode as an extra, and do some meta as opposed to a full recap.   My rationale is pretty much the same: this is an optional easter egg, and one that can easily be regarded as outside canon if desired.  
Also - I found the deeper message, like that in The Trial of Jim Gordon, was so unpalatable it strained the show’s broader ideas and themes.  So I’ve decided it’s not part of canon, for me.
Thoughts after the cut.  Same disclaimer as with The Trial of Jim Gordon.  I love the show.  I tweeted like a maniac as episodes were airing, and got booted from Twitter.  I want another network to pick it up.
However, my idea of meta is the old fandom one, which is critical analysis.  If that’s not your thing, fine - but that’s what I’ll be doing here.
So, first things first.
I understand the rationale behind the time-jump, to an extent.  The two extra episodes were just that - extra.  One was spent on The Trial of Jim Gordon, which I have already been salty about in another post.  This one was a sort of nod to the fans - offering Batman as a sort of reward.  I’ve always been more interested in the story Gotham actually set out to tell, though, the story before Batman.  The story of the city and its inhabitants.  As such, I was always going to be less taken with an episode which was fundamentally mostly interested in giving us Batman. 
But there were a couple of other issues that confused me.  Gotham has always presented its own vision of the city, the characters.  It’s shown it can be creative with canon, as well as adding its own ideas.  Not only, for example, is their take on Oswald unique, but Fish Mooney – so pivotal in his development – only exists within Gotham’s universe.  We got the Executioner and Cyrus Gold – yes, but we also got Nathaniel Barnes and Butch Gilzean, who had character and stories and lives all of their own.
I like that it thumbed its nose at Jim’s moustache.  But go all the way with it.  Yes, we know Batman’s coming.  But if you want to continue to focus on Jim, and his wrestling with the notion of heroism – then just do that.  Have the courage of your convictions.  You can draw inspiration from the 60s series if you want, but you’re not shackled to it: Oswald doesn’t have to don a top hat and become 60s Penguin if you don’t want him to.  The city doesn’t have to morph aesthetically into something we saw in the movies.  You’ve told your own story. See it through.
That aside - the details.
The flash-forward was also a difficult ask because the story has been unnaturally cut short.  Characters who were still wrestling with huge issues didn’t really get to address them in a truncated season and - as such - it’s sort of hard to accept where we find them now.  
For example
We’ve seen Jim deal with several demons over the years.  He has major issues with authority.  His relationship with his father looms large.  He wants to be a hero, but gets on better with the villains.  He compartmentalises like crazy.  He’s emotionally dishonest with others and himself.  He enjoys playing dangerous games.  He can’t resist a pissing match. 
Am I to honestly believe that Jim has been entirely clean and pure in the interim?  Why?  Because the city was saved after near destruction?  That’s happened before – he didn’t change.  If anything, he’s more likely to have reverted to old habits once the crisis was over.  Is he reformed because he’s a father now?  Didn’t stop him killing Theo Galavan while Lee was pregnant.  
Jim’s development was still very much in progress.  As such, he feels unsatisfying here and - given what we know about him - you can’t help but feel he’s probably been up to his old tricks, but we’re just getting to see the sanitised surface of his life.
Lee likewise generally suffered quite a bit from the truncated season, and is  good example of how the flash-forward doesn’t serve characters well.
In season 4, we saw her explore a darker side to her personality that the show has strongly and consistently hinted at since way back in season one, explicitly – when she says that Jerome’s confession of matricide thrilled her, and implicitly, when we wondered why the hell she was working in Arkham.  We also saw her enjoy power in season 4.  We saw her deeply committed to improving the lot of the residents in the Narrows, even if her way of going about it was short-sighted. We saw her shoot Sofia Falcone point-blank in the head in cold blood.  We saw her, although many hated it, form an intense romantic relationship with Ed, where she seemed to find a fulfilment and recognition that she never found with Jim or Mario.
However, in season 5, the show clearly needed her to quickly step into the role of Mrs Jim and stepmother to Barbara.  This meant becoming the angel at the hearth again, so it essentially erased those experiences, all that new characterisation.  
As such, like Jim, she feels flat here – like we’re only getting to see a facade.  She’s back in her old post of intermittently saying supportive things to Jim, and apparently quietly looking forward to him quitting his job.  When she's bizarrely given the task of defusing the bomb, as Lucius the tech specialist stands by the side - it really only underlined that stripping her of all that history and characterisation meant that she doesn't really have a real role of her own in the wider workings of the city.
Now to the heart of my problem with this episode.
We’re told, without any explanation, that Oswald was sent to Blackgate shortly after reunification, and Ed to Arkham.  
Now, to be honest, I find this fairly implausible.  In all the rebuilding efforts, I doubt the authorities would have the will or energy to go back and rake over who committed what crime when the city had been abandoned by the government. And even if they did, both their actions – willingly manning the barricades (Oswald sustaining an injury when doing so), would have likely gone some way to mitigating everything else.  
You could argue that it's for some nameless crime they committed later - but the show could easily have indicated that by throwing in a line about some heist or scheme they tried to pull off that ended up with them being put away.
Mayor James - ‘Oswald Cobblepot is getting released tomorrow’
Harvey - ‘Should have got 20 years for that stunt he pulled after reunification - not 10.  So should Nygma.’
It didn't take the trouble to do that - so I'm left assuming they were sent away on the basis of crimes committed during the split.
However, this poses us with some problems both in terms of the plot, and more deeply in terms of narrative repercussions.  Because if we are going to start to get persnickety about charging people with crimes they’ve committed, and then having them face actual consequences – well, we saw Barbara shoot loads of randoms in season 5.  Going back not too far, Lee shot Sofia Falcone in the head.  Going back further still, Jim murdered Ogden Barker and Theo Galavan, and was indirectly responsible for several deaths by inviting Sofia Falcone to town.
So – then – if we’ve decided that actually charging people and sending them to prison is now the done thing, why are we so selective with who’s punished? Gotham is a show with a million shades of grey.  It gives its villains humanising back stories and motivations – but it ultimately still wants to punish a select few like it’s a black and white universe.  You can’t do that when your good guys are equally tainted. Not unless you want to give off an unfortunate stench of hypocrisy, anyway.  
Oswald flat-out asks Jim on the pier.  I could have escaped this city.  I chose to stand shoulder to shoulder with you and defend it.  Why was I punished?
It’s telling that Jim never actually furnishes Oswald with any good answer to his question on the pier.  Because - over the years - the show itself has never quite figured out how to answer this one.   He can’t answer.  What could he possibly say?
Why then, do some get away scot-free, while others are punished?  Why, as Ed observes, do some get to make choices - while others never get the chance?
Jim and Lee are ‘heroes’ (arguably wandering into designated hero territory, at points).  They're never going to face consequences for anything.  Jim going on a self-pitying drinking binge doesn’t count - not compared to a ten-year stint in Blackgate or Arkham.  Lee never expressed any remorse for Sofia.
As for Barbara, well Barbara is brought back into the heroic fold, too.  
First and foremost, she’s offered moral redemption by bearing Jim’s child.  Becoming a mother meant all previous sins were forgiven.  
When we meet her here, we see now that she’s wealthy and powerful – playing a serious role in the city.  It’s empowering in a way – but it’s also a means of re-affirming the established order and putting her back in her box.  Remember that Barbara is from one of Gotham's elite families - and she's finally behaving like someone from an elite and wealthy family would do.  To make her position clear - she’s explicitly placed in the same category as Bruce here in terms of her wealth and control of the city.  I’m assuming that pregnancy also made magically clean whatever money she used to buy up the city when it was on its knees.  She didn’t seem to have access to her parents’ cash before now - so she must have used her ill-gotten gains.  
(I would argue that strategically buying up parts of the city post-reunification is screamingly Oswald, but like other chunks of his characterisation and storyline, it got sent Barbara’s way in season 5 in a bid to flesh out her character)
Last up, she’s not demanding a romantic relationship with Jim anymore, but they’re now forever safely tied in that context due to their daughter - there’s no mention of Tabitha, or casual mention of a new partner.   Troublesome, restless Barbara, poor little rich girl – demanding of Jim’s time and attention, namelessly unhappy, and with a murky ‘past’ is now ‘fixed’ and neutralised.
Thinking about those brought into the fold necessarily asks you to think about those who were excluded.
Oswald might have roots in an elite family, like Barbara, but - crucially - he’s also one part poor immigrant (as well as all his many other markers of 'otherness').   He can’t escape this - we got his jangling east European music as soon as we saw him in this episode, and we were reminded of Gertrud when he said he would lay flowers on her grave as his first act after his release.  
Ed’s background is unknown, but we can safely hazard a guess that there’s no moneyed upper-class upbringing there.  He was also willing to step up when it counted, and was even used by those in power for their own ends during the break – but none of that counts for anything, apparently, and he finds himself in Arkham.  You could argue that Ed is unwell, and needs to be in a hospital – but Arkham is not shown as a hospital in any meaningful sense in the show.  It’s an oubliette, where you send those you just can’t be bothered dealing with.  It doesn’t look any better here than we’ve seen it before.  Why hasn’t anyone tried to improve it? Again, they don’t have to succeed - if you’re determined to stick to canon, but why not suggest that Jim or Lee or Lucius has at least tried to have conditions improved or an official review launched into treatment of inmates?  It would go a long way to nodding to the long and complex histories these characters have.  However things ended – Lee and Ed had a pretty intense relationship.  They cared about each other.  She can sleep at nights knowing he’s in Arkham?  
Jeremiah might have been clever enough to win himself a scholarship and a way out of the circus – but it’s not enough to enable him to escape his past – either explicitly, when he was hunted down by his resentful brother, or implicitly – when he winds up in a similar situation to the other outsiders.  Yes, Jeremiah might have been manipulating the situation – but he was still sent to Arkham and left vulnerable to casual abuse.  Whether it’s intended or not, Jeremiah’s accusation of abandonment can be read more deeply.  Bruce left town - but, just like Oswald and Ed, the city in general abandoned him.
Selina’s an example who, I would argue, reinforces that this moral order of the universe.  She's always been depicted more ambiguously - capable of villainous acts, but tied to the heroes through her bond with Bruce.  This is reflected in what we learn about her here.  Like Jeremiah, she's been punished by Bruce's abandonment, but her grey heroic status means that she doesn't lose her freedom, despite living a life of crime.
So what picture are we painted of the city?
Aubrey James is back in charge - corrupt as Oswald ever was as mayor, but less competent.  The city’s remains were picked clean by Barbara - it’s now seemingly largely owned and controlled by two scions of the city’s elite. The commissioner’s got more than one murder to his name.  His wife has one attempted murder to hers - giving her the benefit of the doubt and assuming that Sofia’s still in her coma.  Arkham’s still a hellhole.
What does all that say?  Like I said before, you can argue that this was the inevitable endpoint – but you’ve changed the story already, so that doesn’t wash.
What you’re left with is the outsiders comprehensively punished.  You can sacrifice your chance at escape and an easy life in favour of standing shoulder to shoulder to defend the city, you can be unwell, you can be a victim – doesn’t count.  No matter what you do – you’ll always be an outsider anyway.  You can’t win for losing.  Some are chosen, some aren’t. And if you’re not, tough luck.  
So in this universe, why the hell not don a showy suit and your best hat and commit yourself to villainy?  Go for it, I say.
(Yes - I’m aware this is more analysis than it warranted, and it really just wanted to say ‘look Oswald has a monocle and Batman’s here now!’ - but I felt the need for venting meta)
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terulakimban · 5 years
Hey I just bumped into you on systlin’s post but I have to ask how you ended up doing both engineering and classics! — a mathmo regretting his choices
I vaguely remember the post in question, but it’s been a while, so I am going to answer this in waaaaaay too much detail ‘cause I don’t remember exactly what I said. There will be a tl;dr at the end.Classics is a lifelong obsession for me. The first thing I ever read on my own was a book of Roman mythology; additional mythology books were my introduction to the concepts of both an expanded universe and easter eggs, and I read everything I could get my hands on. I read quickly, and I’m lucky enough to have grown up with access to an unsettlingly large number of books. I have OCD. Not in a “wooo, I’m so obsessive” way; in a “formal diagnosis from a licensed professional” way. Greek and Roman mythology were some of my earliest fixations: I made it my goal to learn All The Things about them. And then I learned that the stories were written in other languages. English is my second language. I am very aware of how much nuance gets lost in translation, and I was aware that not everything had been translated, so I decided I was going to learn Greek and Latin. At that point, I was roughly nine. The opportunity didn’t come up until middle school -one of the teachers ran an intro to Classical Greek club, so I signed right up. There was one public high school in my county that offered four years of Latin. Conveniently, they had a magnet program -for STEM. I liked math, and I liked making things, so my parents let me apply. I got in. That summer, I was also able to go to summer camp to study Classical Greek in a more formal setting, and to my relief, I liked it. Wasn’t good at it; languages aren’t my strong suit -but I got through it okay, and I learned a lot. In high school, the teachers found out about the JCL, and most of the serious Latin students got involved in competitive Latin. Made some of my best friends through that. And the Latin was a nice change of pace from the STEM stuff -not that I disliked it, but... I imagine it’s like what working out different muscle groups is for more athletically-inclined people. It was different-challenging, and I needed that. On the engineering side... I like making stuff. I like puzzles, and figuring stuff out. I like being able to build a thing and hold it up and go “I did this.” I’m a visual learner/thinking and a tactile person -and I can approximate perspective drawings roughly to scale quickly and well. My mom’s a teacher; every toy I had access to growing up was educational. Money was tight when I was little, so mom focused on lego and blocks and other reusable sorts of toys. IDIC was a good premise. Due to family necessity, I had to entertain myself a lot; that’s why I was taught to read early -it was to give mom a break from being functionally a single parent of a toddler and caretaker to two very ill parents of her own. Building kept me occupied, calm, safe, and out of the way -and a bag full of lego could 1) be easily brought to the hospital when we needed to take one or both of my grandparents (neither was well enough to be left alone with me) 2) do less damage (duplo sized, not miniature) 3) be easily disinfected upon leaving the hospital. Because the parts were interchangeable and identical, I didn’t wind up attaching to them (see: OCD) the way I did stuffed animals, which made it much easier to swap out pieces as they needed cleaning. As for why I want engineering and not classics as a career... there is a sense of finality and achievement and accomplishment for me when I finish a design. More whenever I improve it. Even more when I see it in meatspace, and especially when I see it working. There are actual termination points. Classics doesn’t give me that. There is always a sense of More To Do. It’s like a puzzlebook that can’t run out of puzzles; I can finish any given puzzle in it, but I can never finish the book itself. That’s very enjoyable for me as a hobby, but for my own sanity, I need to be able to say “it is done; new thing now.” I like discussions of nuance in translation with friends, but I am not linguistically-minded enough to make a career of them; they go too far over my head too easily, and I can, in most circumstances, be satisfied with good-but-not-excellent translations.tl;dr: I am naturally inclined towards engineering, but both were encouraged as things for me to pursue from the time I was a small child, and I am too stubborn to give up one thing I enjoy for another I also enjoy. For the sake of my own mental health, though, I would not be able to make a career out of classics.
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messedupessy · 6 years
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My legs are dangling off the edge                                                                      The bottom of the bottle is my only friend                                                               I think I'll slit my wrists again and I'm gone, gone, gone                                    My legs are dangling off the edge                                                                          A stomach full of pills didn't work again                                                                I'll put a bullet in my head and I'm gone, gone, gone
 Gone too far and ya I'm gone again                                                                    It's gone on too long, tell you how it ends                                                            I'm sitting on the edge with my two best friends                                                Ones a bottle of pills, ones a bottle of gin                                                            I'm twenty stories up, ya I'm up at the top                                                             I'll polish off this bottle, now it's pushing me off                                                  Asphalt to me has never looked so soft                                                                
Bullet by Hollywood Undead
IT IS FUCKING DONE  (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Ahhh holy shit this has taken like forever been working on this for literally 5 days straight and it is finally done and this whole pic is @me-and-my-gaster‘s fucking fault as she sent me a link to this song saying how it fit my trash boy and I went and listened to it and this is what immediately appeared in my head and I just had to draw it because this whole song is him in a nutshell like how it is about something really serious but with such a happy tune and fuck so proud of this 
So god damn proud of this especially happy with how Rus turned out, from how he looks to his clothes to his colours like all of them are so good, his pose ended up so damn good, most of the background looks kind of bad but like i rarely ever draw backgrounds so it’s understandable, I first wanted to make the building a brick one but failed which is why it isn’t really as detailed as it could had been, think I succeeded pretty well with the perspective tho, really happy with his sweater like srs look at it, his shoes was hell but they ended up good i have srs never coloured them before so had to come up with the colours for them while making this and yeah like them, most of the lights and shadows turned out good as well there are some parts which are iffy but mostly they good, @insanelyadd helped me with the liquid in the bottle he is holding which is why it looks so good srs thank you again for the help, I am so not good at liquid shit which you guys can see on the other parts, like so bad, but i tried, really happy with the smoke from all the dog treats and cigarettes he been smoking, the building with the smiley was supposed to be covered in alcohol as he were supposed to have been smashing bottles against it for fun but I gave up and just made a shitty smiley on it instead, also LOOK AT THE LEFT UPPER CORNER OF THE LITTLE BUILDING FOR A EASTER EGG, because i could pfft, I decided he threw the bottles on the other side instead, really like how the blood on his left hand turned out like srs, and the sky with the stars didn’t turn out shabby at all, srs so god damn happy this is finally done and i love it so much even though i also feel like i could had done allot of shit better but hey i be learning tho xD
Also he threw first his gloves and then his vest of the building because he found it funny as he be drunk and really frikking high, don’t worry tho he does not jump he just really likes to play with the idea allot 
I was going to write down some headcanons under the cut here but for some reason my brain is not functioning atm and I just rly want to post this so instead get a speech bubble less version of the pic aye
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Because look at that fucking sky yo
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The 2nd Summer Mock installation test (Long ways change):
For this mock you can already see an immediate difference in the first curve of the spiral, this time it’s more off centre, longer, and rectangular at a horizontal angle to make up for the left side heaviness, it’s still titled again due to the taping of the pieces and how they have rested on their left, but other than that the only real issue with this spiral is that it’s the right shape, it’s just too tight to fit everything on as black background is missing, and bare in mind, there’s atleast 99 pieces on this wall all crammed into one space. I’ll show you what’s left on the side as I completed this spiral (as photographed whence I got home). 
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Nicknamed ‘the 21′ at this point, these are all the bright background pieces alongside my own self portrait, whether on not again I’ll consider adding these pieces to the spiral is a short test away from being figured out, only issue is that I had to leave the spiral in its current state to work on something else and so now all the works are pinned to the wall ready to be readjusted the next time I’m in the space, and yet once I accordion the spiral a little and widen it’s tight inner spiral I could theoretically stick these pieces in as corners of the spiral and as little hints of brightness in the cosmic swirl that I am attempting to exhibit. However, the white doesn’t blend as well into the background as well as the black background pieces do and so it might break the illusion too much I don’t know and won’t know I tell I experiment further. Again though, the only issue is how compressed and titled the current spiral is, it’s surprisingly hard to make a 10ft squared spiral, so making it even longer should take some of that angular compression out, thusly keeping that strong spiral structure far more visible at a distance, just like the original mock which seems to be the reoccurring standard as usual. The only thing I am yet to consider and maybe this is due to my dominant hand’s doing, the spiral is currently right running as in it trails firstly from the right and is always going to be close off on that side, I personally see this as a natural decision as my right hand when making this mosaic controls the placement of each piece and so it’s my speculation that it is right running because I also draw spiral in the same pattern as all my sketches show. 
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As these sketches showcase, and from all these previous designs elaborate, I naturally do them running right instead of left and so it must be a natural function of the way I draw and design spheres and spirals that my hand would make such a decision without me consciously considering it, and these sketches are clearly doodles and hardly mathematic or drawn with serious tools so they must represent a common biased in me that means I lead from the right. This small note won’t be changed in the final exhibition as I like the naturalist symbolism and it’s history in my sketches, it shows that this not entirely by design and in turn represents my work as being beyond my plans for it, sure even though its a simple note it looks like quite a cool piece of trivia that one could guess when viewing the installation but most won’t be able to see the sketches that prove such a funny little mind trick. In conclusion of this installation though, It needs to have all the black background pieces on it to atleast feature 100 works so that my self-portrait can be featured as a neat Easter egg and reference to myself in the work, something even Rembrandt would do in his paintings and collections so I quite like that as a classic idea, and also to stretch the gaps between the work out further, while maintaining the height of the space as of course I can’t take the installation any higher as that would be impossible to pin down for each of the top pieces, I just need to make the most of the space essentially, to prove I deserve a big plot for the final lot. Another conclusive note, I added a piece of trash paper to my installation just to get the idea of where the caption sign and business card box would be as you can tell by the taped paper with the postits on in one picture, this will most likely not change again in the final show as it’s at the average eye level and just shows you how large scale the work is so it’s a good test for my current mocks, especially along my black wall edits too as they have made measuring the gapes a much easier process. 
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calebswitching · 5 years
Easter eggs - Eric/Caleb
Easter eggs scene - Eric’s eggs
eggs: football field, leash, cage
Monday, April 15
Caleb met Eric after classes on Monday, the last day to fulfill one of the Easter Egg scenes.  He was honestly exhausted at this point, he’d done so many scenes over the previous week, and it had been emotionally intense for other reasons as well.  But Caleb really liked Eric, and he wanted to help.  And he knew Eric would be gentle with him.  Well, for a given value of gentle.  They both knew Caleb liked pain.  But Eric was emotionally gentle with him.  Eric always told him he was a good boy.  Caleb wanted to please him.  After classes were over, Caleb went out to the football field, where Eric had instructed him to meet, and waited for the Dominant to arrive as well.
Eric knew how busy Caleb’s week had been; he knew first hand that it had been intense and that it had had a heavy emotional impact at times. He felt good about their play the day before; he’d pushed him and Maverick hard and both submissives had responded beautifully and neither had been afraid to speak up when they needed something more. He took that as a personal victory. He’d been so busy with other things during the week that he’d intended to leave his egg scene however sometime on Sunday evening, it had occurred to him to ask Caleb. He’d asked him specifically trusting in his own ability to take care of him and also in the hopes that a simple scene would serve as a reminder and reinforcement that he was a good boy and a submissive to be proud of. He met him at the bleachers, immediately leaning in to kiss the corner of his mouth. ‘Hello beautiful.’ He greeted warmly. ‘How’s your ass feeling today?’ He teased.
Caleb looked up at smiled at the sight of the Dominant.  The kiss was a surprise, but a nice one.  “Hello, Sir,” he said, standing up and moving closer, obviously happy to see him.  “It’s sore, Sir.  But in a good way.  Not super painful, just sore.  I like a sore ass.  Makes me think of our scene every time I sit down, and anyway, it feels nice.”  He looked down and shyly added, “I kept shifting in my chair to make it hurt during classes.”
Caleb’s admission immediately brought a smile to his lips. ‘Is that so?’ he asked, reaching out to squeeze his waist before sliding his hand around to grope his ass. ‘We make a right pair then don’t we? Because I take a great deal of pleasure in giving you a sore ass.’ he winked. ‘I wasn’t planning on giving you a spanking before walking you out to the fifty yard line but since you’re so fond of it, I think I’ll do exactly that.’ he nodded. ‘You’re here for my pleasure though and I don’t want you to get too excited so before we go any further, I want you to take your pants and your underwear down so I can cage your cock.’ he informed him. ‘I picked a cage specifically with your penchant for pain in mind actually.’ he confessed.
Caleb flushed red and looked down, but he was smiling at Eric’s teasing and the way he grabbed Caleb’s sore bottom.  He looked up at the mention of another spanking, hopeful.  Since he was already sore, it wouldn’t take much of a spanking to make his ass nice and red and warm and aching.  He nodded quickly when Eric continued, and pushed his pants and underwear down to his ankles.  When he straightened up, he realized that there were people on the track, watching, and Caleb blushed even more furiously.  
‘You’re here with me Caleb; nothing else matters.’ He remarked, watching him take notice of the people running on the track. He wasn’t sure how comfortable Caleb was with exhibitionism although he recognised it wasn’t a limit because he agreed to be here in the first place. He spoke to remind him that he was safe; he was there as his submissive and that was a responsibility he took seriously. ‘Such a good boy.’ he hummed. ‘Turn around and let me see the marks I’ve already left.’ he requested. When Caleb turned, he ran his fingers lightly over the light brusing and the raised welts that were a product of the cane. ‘Beautiful.’ he remarked simply before touching his waist to guide him in turning around. ‘This is a Kali’s Teeth cock cage.’ he explained, showing him the toy. ‘There’s teeth on the inside that will apply some pressure if you do start to get aroused.’ he explained. ‘It’s not unbearable, it’s not overly painful; but it is a little sore and definitely uncomfortable.’ he clarified. ‘Are you happy for me to use this today or would you feel more comfortable with something else?’
Caleb looked down, away from the other students, and nodded, grateful for the reminder.  “Yes, Sir.”  He smiled a little at the praise, which always felt nice, and turned around to let Eric see his bottom, even leaning forward to give him a better view.  He flushed with pride at Eric’s reaction.  It made him feel so special, carrying Sir Eric’s marks.  He shuffled around again, pants still pooled around his ankles, and looked at the cage that Eric had brought.  He was a little nervous, unsure how much it would hurt, but he was sure he could take it.  And he wanted so badly to please Sir Eric.  “Yes, Sir,” he said, nodding.  “I can use this one, please.”
‘I was so hoping you’d say that.’ he admitted, closing his fingers around Caleb’s length and giving a gentle tug to draw him in even closer. ‘I think you’ll enjoy it beautiful.’ he told him, making it clear he’d chosen it to be something he enjoyed. With practiced ease, he secured the ring around his length and then instructed him to position himself over his lap. Caleb’s weight was comfortable across his thighs and he took another opportunity to squeeze his already bruised ass. ‘Any time you feel like you need a spanking; any time you want it to hurt when you sit Caleb, I want you to come tell me. You look so incredible.’ he praised, bringing his hand back and landing it with a firm smack. He allowed heavy smacks to rain down; starting off lightly and gradually building to the more heavy thwacks they both preferred.
The cock cage wasn’t exactly comfortable, but it wasn’t really uncomfortable either.  He could tell it wouldn’t feel good if he started to get hard, but with his dick soft, it just kind of sat there, and didn’t bother him too much.  As he arranged himself over Eric’s lap, though, he ended up with his cock trapped against the Dom’s thigh, which made the cage push into his dick more.  That was definitely uncomfortable.  Not quite painful, though.  He wasn’t going to complain.  “Thank you, Sir,” he murmured at the praise.  Dave had said the same thing to him, recently.  That he should ask whenever he wanted a sore ass.  It was weird, that both of them would offer like that to him.  Caleb wasn’t sure he’d ever ask, because he didn’t want to bother them, but it felt nice that they’d offer.  As the spanking started, Caleb groaned softly.  He’d been through quite the week, culminating in a serious spanking from Sir Eric, and his ass was already quite sore.  It didn’t take much for him to start squirming in Eric’s lap as his ass started throbbing again.
He was careful. He knew first hand a little of the abuse Caleb’s ass had taken during the week and he didn’t want to make him so uncomfortable or sore that he couldn’t continue to function normally. ‘Fucking gorgeous.’ he praised, rubbing his hands lightly over the now bright red skin. ‘After today though, I want you taking a good break from this sort of play; several days at least. You need to make sure to give yourself time to recover.’ he remarked, giving a final light tap. ‘Up you get sweet boy. You can pull your pants back up.’ he explained, recognising the beginnings of the chill that came as the afternoon became early evening. ‘There’s no football practice and I think we ought to make use of the empty field.’ he teased. ‘I’m gonna walk you out there and you’re gonna put that pretty mouth of yours to good use.’ he winked.
Caleb groaned as Eric rubbed his raw, sensitive skin.  It felt so good, just the perfect amount of pain, making him start to slip into subspace.  It was so peaceful there.  “Yes, Sir,” he answered, knowing that Eric was probably right.  He needed to let his skin heal every so often.  He didn’t want to think about that now, though, while his ass was aching so perfectly.  He stood up, and groaned again when the movement made the cock cage dig into his dick, which had started to harden during the spanking.  He grimaced, but it faded after a second, and he pulled his pants up.  “Yes, Sir,” he murmured again, and sent Eric a smile.  There were several spectators now, people who had clearly watched the spanking, and Caleb flushed as he saw one of them with their phone out.  He wasn’t going to complain, though.  There wasn’t anything wrong with serving Sir Eric like this.  There was no reason to be embarrassed.
‘Say the word and I’ll have them put their phone away. We’re asking to be watched being out in public but it’s not okay to record this in anyway if you’re not comfortable with it.’ he hummed, speaking in a voice that was just met for the Switch. ‘I’m goi’ng to put a play collar around your neck and use a leash to walk you; I don’t expect you to crawl.’ he explained. He wouldn’t have asked that of anyone without knee pads and additional support; especially not outside. ‘Lift your head beautiful.’ he instructed before he put the thick, black collar around his neck. He wished he’d planned this far enough in advance that he could have bought a collar specifically for Caleb in future scenes like this; but without knowing if he’d enjoy it as much as Maverick had, he figured it was possibly for the best. He clipped the leash in place and gave a gentle tug. ‘Keep the leash loose. If it becomes strained, you’ll earn a swat to your cock.’ he informed him. Making his expectations and consequences clear was something he was consciously making an effort to improve on. ‘Follow me.’
Caleb shook his head, though he moved closer to Eric, feeling a little like he wanted the Dom to hide him.  “No, it’s okay, Sir.  I know I’m not doing anything wrong.  I don’t mind if they post it somewhere or something, people will just see me serving you.”  He sent Eric a small smile before ducking his head to let Eric put the collar on him.  He’d been coming to really enjoy having a leash in the past week, as this was the third time it had been used on him.  He liked the way it tugged on his collar when the Dom redirected him or pulled him closer.  “Yes, Sir,” he said with a nod, and followed Eric closely.  
‘You are far from wrong beautiful.’ he nodded in agreement. He was incredibly proud to have a submissive like Caleb walking along, collared and leashed, next to him and that pride was clear to read on his face. He led him out to the fifty yard line; front and centre for anyone around them to enjoy the show. ‘On your knees Caleb.’ he instructed firmly. He knew the people around them could be distracting, as could the discomfort the ring was no doubt causing and he wanted to do everything to ensure Caleb’s focus remained on him. ‘Take my cock out and use your mouth to get me hard.’ he directed, keeping the leash in hand as his fingers slid into his hair.
Eric looked so pleased, it made Caleb smile back at him and relax.  It really didn’t matter much who was watching, if Sir Eric was going to look at him like that.  Caleb dropped to his knees immediately when ordered and smiled up at Eric.  “Yes, Sir.  Thank you.”  He opened Eric’s pants, and gingerly pulled out his dick, then clasped his hands behind his back.   He pushed his head into Eric’s hand for just a second, nuzzling him, then wrapped his lips around the tip of Eric’s dick and sucked.
There was something so fantastic about the fact Caleb knew what he wanted before having to ask for it; he responded to him so wonderfully and it felt incredible. He let out a low groan as the wet heat of his mouth surrounded his cock, and already aroused by the spanking and the way the Switch had squirmed against him, it didn’t take him long to stiffen between his lips. ‘So fucking good.’ He praised tightening his grip on his hair. Slowly, he began to take control of what was happening. He rocked his hips forward, pushing further down Caleb’s throat and made short work of finding a greedy rhythm that spoke to just how much he enjoyed the Switch.
Caleb would have grinned up at Eric were his lips not stretched around his perfect cock.  He sucked more of Eric’s dick into his mouth, bobbing up and down and leaving the whole thing slick with spit.  When Eric’s hand tightened in his hair, Caleb groaned.  He loved the pain of a fist in his hair, and the way it controlled his movements.  He was all too happy to relax his jaw and let Eric thrust into him.  He tried to match his rhythm as much as he could, sucking every time Eric pulled out.
He increased his pace and in that moment, Caleb was a toy for him to play with. Something for him to use to get off and it was amazing to have that connection with someone; someone who was comfortable and trusted him enough to allow him to push them to that place. Sparks of pleasure electrified his body and he was only more aroused by the few by-standers they had attracted. He could hear muttered comments about how good Caleb was, how obedient and that was beyond thrilling for the Dom. For this brief amount of time, Caleb was his submissive and he was more than impressive. He held his cock at the back of throat, his stomach tightening as his orgasm crept closer. ‘Hollow your cheeks pretty thing.’ He groaned.
It was both humiliating and incredibly erotic to be used like this.  As he knelt there, hands behind his back, Sir Eric’s hand in his hair and dick shoving back into his throat, Caleb felt completely owned, like his only purpose was Sir’s pleasure.  It felt like a privilege, like he was special to be chosen and allowed to serve Sir Eric like this, where anyone could see.  He could hear some of their voices, but he didn’t process any of their words.  His world had shrunk to focus only on Eric.  Everything else was blurry and unimportant.  He groaned when Eric thrust into him particularly hard.  He sucked as hard as he could, trying with everything he had to be obedient to Sir Eric’s every desire.
His orgasm hit him hard and he scarcely had time to give Caleb any warning other than a quick muttering. The Switch’s name left his lips in a rough growl and he fucked his throat mercilessly, milking every second of pleasure he could take from him. ‘Swallow everything beautiful.’ He demanded as he pulled back. His cock left his mouth with an obscene pop that seemed to echo. ‘Such a good boy.’ He praised warmly, enthusiastically. ‘With such a pretty mouth.’ He added, letting the head of his cock just rest against his lower lip before he pulled away completely.  ‘Fix me up boy.’ He demanded next, emphasising Caleb’s place in all this.
Caleb would have swallowed without being told, he would never just spit out a Dominant’s load when it was given to him.  He swallowed repeatedly, getting everything down, until Eric was done and pulled away.  He beamed up at the Dominant, so proud of having been good and useful.  “Yes, Sir, thank you so much, Sir,” Caleb murmured before he started to very carefully lick Eric clean.  He could hear the people around them more clearly now, some of their comments, some of which were lewd, some impressed with Caleb’s performance.  He grinned to himself, and thought privately that it wouldn’t be that bad if Sir Eric wanted to let some of them come use his mouth as well.  But for now, he just cleaned all the spit off of Eric’s cock, then kissed the head one last time to show his gratitude, then tucked Eric back into his pants.
He could tell by Caleb’s tone and the look in his eyes that he was happily floating in sub space; it was such a wonderful look on him and he decided then and there that he wanted to be someone who brought Caleb into that headspace as often as possible. Partially because he didn’t trust other people with the sweet soul he’d come to care about and partially because he took satisfaction on being able to put him there. ‘That’s my boy.’ He said, loudly enough for the people around them to hear. He stroked through his hair more lightly this time and directed him back to his feet. ‘Come on beautiful. I’m not nearly done enjoying you but you’ve given enough of a show.’ He teased. ‘Walk with me; same rules as before.’
Caleb just smiled and leaned into Eric’s hand.  His boy.  That sounded so nice.  Sir Eric was such a good Dominant.  It was such a privilege to serve him.  He didn’t have to waste time hanging around with Caleb, but he did anyway, and it was a gift Caleb didn’t take for granted.  “Yes, Sir,” he murmured happily as he stood and followed Eric closely.
0 notes
evnoweb · 6 years
Who said that? Teacher’s Edition
Earlier this week, I had written a post and pulled a number of comments from this blog. It was fun to look through and grab them. I never figured that I’d write this post so I didn’t formally keep track of who said what when I copy/pasted them although I think I know. I do have someone who is only happy to correct anything I do so I went back and made sure that I got things right. Where the commenter had a website or blog listed beside them, I’ve included a link back if their comment inspires you to read their blogging.
Some folks recognized their writing and responded but there was a request for the answers. So, here goes.
Looking back at 2018, I smile at some of the wonderful comments that have appeared on this blog in response to some of my posts.
Do you see yourself in there? Do you see others?
1 I had forgotten about that commercial! Thanks for the umm… blast from the past, Doug! I was surprised that it did have a “violent” part. That part didn’t stick in my memory, but the “blue” light did! Sorry to hear of your incident! Here’s to more uneventful walks with the dog..  I had a good smile with Andrew’s comment too. I have searched youtube to confirm quotes and lines from TV shows and movies as well… just to be sure   A recent attempt was: “It’s cold enough out there to freeze your Winnebago!” Like Aviva, I have always wondered about how graphic a message needs to be to stick. I worry that it goes too far at times, especially in consideration of young children. I guess there might be individual differences in regards to what will “hit home”, but…
Sheila Stewart – sheilaspeaking.wordpress.com
2 Oh, going to have to try this one out – looks like a lot of fun! (and I will suggest it to some people I know, since I don’t have a classroom to play in right now). Thanks, as ever!
Lisa Noble – madamenoble.wordpress.com
3 Thanks for including me Doug. Still fighting that bug, but class back up to 65%! Listened to the show (twioe) last night…awesome as always. Got a chuckle over Stephen’s mention of “the Good Room” and all the banter between you, as always. Keep on keeping on!
Ramona Meharg –mymonkeysmycircussite.wordpress.com
4 Love the post. It made me think about what my role is. Probably a lot more Bluesman than thought leader I guess. But really I started to think that is just important to do what I can do and let other people think about labels. I’m just a teacher with opinions and a blog. That’s good enough for me I think.
Alfred Thompson –http://blog.acthompson.net
5 Hi Doug, and all:) Here is my addition – if I ever hear the word Wheelhouse again it will be too soon. Also I will probably get in trouble for this but I don’t like all the Like a Pirate business. For heaven’s sake. Pirates are real. They steal and murder people. I am working on another blog post, a more thoughtful consideration of the word “modern” – which really has an existing definition and has been co-opted more recently to mean “contemporary.” I know, I am so fussy:)
Anne Shillolo
6 I like Broadway http://fontsgeek.com/fonts/Broadway-Regular, but I have a weakness for art deco fonts. It’s too decorative to read though, but good for posters and titles. For reading I usually go for arial but recently have been preferring Trebuchet https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/microsoft/trebuchet/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAiKrUBRD6ARIsADS2OLn1B3-UN6EjbTMRsPmw2xTQWIwFrCXNtyTxAmFoh7p_XYxWjXX_lzYaAlJVEALw_wcBit’s nice and clean. Oddly, if I’m going for a computer styled font I use something like Courier which is a web friendly way to imitate those old fixed width fonts https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/microsoft/courier-new/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAiKrUBRD6ARIsADS2OLnfMx1LblHmfXsmRm32zv_x9kHDMf5_ySTNErPWQ_7GmrGvY-qQCsMaApnbEALw_wcB If you’ve never messed around with fonts, you’re missing something.
Tim King-plus.google.com/+TimothyKing
7 My teaching partner and I used to do ‘a theme’, back when themes were a thing in kindergarten, around EGGS at Easter time. We did different experiments with eggs each day – how many books can we stack on a raw egg before it breaks, what happens when you soak an egg in vinegar, sinking and floating eggs, spinning eggs (raw eggs wobble, hard cooked eggs spin) and so on. We read lots of books about animals that hatch from eggs. My favourite was always “Chickens aren’t the only ones” by Ruth Heller. Like you, many of our children didn’t celebrate Easter but they were seeing eggs and bunnies everywhere in stores and on TV.
Lisa Cranston – educationandinspirationblog.com
8 Thank you for capturing two days of amazing learning and connecting for us Doug. It was a pleasure to finally have some conversation time with you and I am glad Steven Hurley didn’t beam us up with his modern day transcorder. Appreciate the power that comes in building bridges in this business and you sir are a bridge builder. Looking forward to our next conversation. W
Will Gourley –escheweducationalist.wordpress.com
9 Our mornings begin with the fragrance of espresso filling the air. Milk is heated, the espresso is added to the hot milk and voilà, the magic potion is ready. When we go out, we seldom stop to buy coffee anywhere. We caddy thermos cups of our home brew. If we run out of the elixir…tea it is. When we have friends join us for a formal meal, we usually end the meal with a demitasse of espresso…except for the tea drinkers. We like it that espresso has a lower caffeine content than drip coffee: https://recipes.howstuffworks.com/question645.htm Of course, current science might draw different conclusions.
Noeline Laccetti – nlaccetti.wordpress.comx
10 … that look of betrayal on my wife’s face when I mentioned that I am trying to quit with coffee. She, up to several years ago, hated the stuff. Hated the smell, the taste, the satisfied look on my face as relaxed through my second or third cup in the morning. I guess it was my fault. Someway somehow, she now can’t start her day without it. My attempt at scaling back my caffeine consumption has put my life is in danger. I shouldn’t have mentioned it. I shouldn’t have even written this post. If my blog goes dark for a while its because I am in hiding. Tell my wife, I was wrong … oh so wrong …
Chris Cluff
11 Hi Doug, thanks for sharing your learning from the Ontario Summit. To add to this already great resource, here is a link to all of the presenter’s resources from the weekend: https://edtech.team/OntarioResources18 – Lots more goodies there!
Emily Fitzpatrick
12 I saw this presentation at SIGCSE and left with mixed feelings. The session was pitched as ML for CS teachers with little CS knowledge. The pizza app is cool but I left thinking that there was a big missing piece which was the actual under the hood ML. It looks great as a tool where the teacher is already knowledgeable but I don’t know how much serious mileage a class will get out of it beyond being a cool demo if the teacher doesn’t already know the subject.
Mike Zemansky – https://cestlaz.github.io
13 I love to sew, but hardly have the time. I go by feel when choosing fabric for any project or any “already made” clothes. I don’t care what it’s called – I only care about how it feels and how well it will wash. I do not remember the fabric you’re talking about, though I feel as if I should. My mom used to see for me, so I likely had many things made from it.
Lisa Corbett –alotalot.wordpress.comx
14 Morning Doug, this brought to mind attendance tracking of students and how if they are going to leave or walk out consequnces mean nothing. The reason you give them to stay is far more powerful. I think folks need to understand the purpose but more importantly if you leave the impression, regardless of this is it’s purpose that people’s whereabouts are what we are starting with and not the culture of a welcoming, inclusive and non intrusive learning environment, the same thing will happen as it does in a secondary school…they opt out as it is no longer about the them but the system they exist within.
Kelly @thebeastedu 
15 Good morning Doug! (and Jamie) I’m glad you guys keep your eyes open when you’re out for your walks. There’s no doubt that keeping an eye out for other vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians (and dogs) is a critical responsibility for motor vehicle drivers. I was pleased to read your “exit, stage left“ quote, And even happier when I saw that you had included a picture of SnagglePuss. You are smarter than the average bear.
Andrew Forgrave
16 I don’t remember exactly when Chrome came out, but I do for Gmail. I went straight to eBay and bought an invitation so I could join. It cost me $5. The invitation also included another new Google service. Do you remember what it was?
Peter Beens –beens.org
17 I noticed this too when watching cartoons with my nephews. There also seemed to be a whole lot of yelling. Okay now I’m sounding like the old guy who just wants the kids to get off his lawn. I loved the old Hanna-Barbara cartoons from the mid-60’s. Space Ghost, Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles, the original Scooby-Doo, Dastardly and Muttley in Their Flying Machines, The Herculoids, The Banana Splits Adventure Hour – that one was pretty weird, but I did teach some of my grade 6’s the theme song, Jonny Quest and the Jetsons. I kind of thought we’d be living like the Jetsons by now. At least I thought they would have finished repairing all the roads.
Colin Harris –plus.google.com/+ColinHarrisdigitalnative
18 Hey Doug, As always your posts seem so timely. Today on my way home from church I noticed a few trees in the neighbourhood who have started to show your beautiful fall colors. I couldn’t help but recall several projects that I had to complete as a child where we would go out into the neighbourhood and find several fall leaves. We then needed to place the leaves in between two pieces of wax paper and iron them . To be honest, I don’t recall what the intended learning outcome was… But what I do remember was that it was a project that my mom and I needed to do together (hot irons and safety) . Sometimes it is those unintended outcomes (special time with a parent) which are just as meaningful as the curriculum outcomes.
Sue Bruyns –susanbruyns.com
19 I have never heard of Qwant until you mentioned it. I also gave it a try and I must admit that it is a very impressive search engine. I used the Brave web browser in the past; I had no issues with it. In my case, I utilise the Google Chrome web browser, because I use certain extensions. The Brave web browser loads quickly.
Renard Moreau –renardsworld.wordpress.com
20 Hey! This is the fourth time visiting now and I personally just wanted to say I truley enjoy reading your blog site. I’ve decided to bookmark it at reddit.com with the title: %BLOGTITLE% and your Web address: %BLOGURL%. I hope this is alright with you, I’m trying to give your great blog a bit more coverage. Be back shortly.
superstar femme orange (Trick question – this is from spam caught and someone who doesn’t know how to use their software – notice the spam format of the message. I won’t share the URL that they claim to be from)
21 Do you worry about free services going away after a while? = Sometimes. I’m still wounded about the closing of Bitstrips for Schools (which I liked waaaaaay better than Pixton – sorry, Pixton). It went so fast that I couldn’t collect all the old comics I wanted to archive (so Jacob, if you are reading this, please let us grab our files for a quick, one week period, please!) What is your contingency plans in case that happens? = Wish I had one! Do you backup your online presence in case it goes away? = I print my blogs as a birthday gift to myself once a year. I did a Twournal for the first part of my tweeting, but I’d love to back up all my Tweets in a print format. Now you’ve got me paranoid Doug!
Diana Maliszewski –mondaymollymusings.blogspot.ca
Thanks to those who took time to share a comment throughout 2018. I hope that I can write on topics that will continue the efforts in 2019.
So, how many did you get right the first time?
Who said that? Teacher’s Edition published first on https://medium.com/@DigitalDLCourse
0 notes
evnoweb · 6 years
Who said that?
Looking back at 2018, I smile at some of the wonderful comments that have appeared on this blog in response to some of my posts.
Do you see yourself in there? Do you see others?
1 I had forgotten about that commercial! Thanks for the umm… blast from the past, Doug! I was surprised that it did have a “violent” part. That part didn’t stick in my memory, but the “blue” light did! Sorry to hear of your incident! Here’s to more uneventful walks with the dog..  I had a good smile with Andrew’s comment too. I have searched youtube to confirm quotes and lines from TV shows and movies as well… just to be sure   A recent attempt was: “It’s cold enough out there to freeze your Winnebago!” Like Aviva, I have always wondered about how graphic a message needs to be to stick. I worry that it goes too far at times, especially in consideration of young children. I guess there might be individual differences in regards to what will “hit home”, but…
2 Oh, going to have to try this one out – looks like a lot of fun! (and I will suggest it to some people I know, since I don’t have a classroom to play in right now). Thanks, as ever!
3 Thanks for including me Doug. Still fighting that bug, but class back up to 65%! Listened to the show (twioe) last night…awesome as always. Got a chuckle over Stephen’s mention of “the Good Room” and all the banter between you, as always. Keep on keeping on!
4 Love the post. It made me think about what my role is. Probably a lot more Bluesman than thought leader I guess. But really I started to think that is just important to do what I can do and let other people think about labels. I’m just a teacher with opinions and a blog. That’s good enough for me I think.
5 Hi Doug, and all:) Here is my addition – if I ever hear the word Wheelhouse again it will be too soon. Also I will probably get in trouble for this but I don’t like all the Like a Pirate business. For heaven’s sake. Pirates are real. They steal and murder people. I am working on another blog post, a more thoughtful consideration of the word “modern” – which really has an existing definition and has been co-opted more recently to mean “contemporary.” I know, I am so fussy:)
6 I like Broadway http://fontsgeek.com/fonts/Broadway-Regular, but I have a weakness for art deco fonts. It’s too decorative to read though, but good for posters and titles. For reading I usually go for arial but recently have been preferring Trebuchet https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/microsoft/trebuchet/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAiKrUBRD6ARIsADS2OLn1B3-UN6EjbTMRsPmw2xTQWIwFrCXNtyTxAmFoh7p_XYxWjXX_lzYaAlJVEALw_wcBit’s nice and clean. Oddly, if I’m going for a computer styled font I use something like Courier which is a web friendly way to imitate those old fixed width fonts https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/microsoft/courier-new/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAiKrUBRD6ARIsADS2OLnfMx1LblHmfXsmRm32zv_x9kHDMf5_ySTNErPWQ_7GmrGvY-qQCsMaApnbEALw_wcB If you’ve never messed around with fonts, you’re missing something.
7 My teaching partner and I used to do ‘a theme’, back when themes were a thing in kindergarten, around EGGS at Easter time. We did different experiments with eggs each day – how many books can we stack on a raw egg before it breaks, what happens when you soak an egg in vinegar, sinking and floating eggs, spinning eggs (raw eggs wobble, hard cooked eggs spin) and so on. We read lots of books about animals that hatch from eggs. My favourite was always “Chickens aren’t the only ones” by Ruth Heller. Like you, many of our children didn’t celebrate Easter but they were seeing eggs and bunnies everywhere in stores and on TV.
8 Thank you for capturing two days of amazing learning and connecting for us Doug. It was a pleasure to finally have some conversation time with you and I am glad Steven Hurley didn’t beam us up with his modern day transcorder. Appreciate the power that comes in building bridges in this business and you sir are a bridge builder. Looking forward to our next conversation. W
9 Our mornings begin with the fragrance of espresso filling the air. Milk is heated, the espresso is added to the hot milk and voilà, the magic potion is ready. When we go out, we seldom stop to buy coffee anywhere. We caddy thermos cups of our home brew. If we run out of the elixir…tea it is. When we have friends join us for a formal meal, we usually end the meal with a demitasse of espresso…except for the tea drinkers. We like it that espresso has a lower caffeine content than drip coffee: https://recipes.howstuffworks.com/question645.htm Of course, current science might draw different conclusions.
10 … that look of betrayal on my wife’s face when I mentioned that I am trying to quit with coffee. She, up to several years ago, hated the stuff. Hated the smell, the taste, the satisfied look on my face as relaxed through my second or third cup in the morning. I guess it was my fault. Someway somehow, she now can’t start her day without it. My attempt at scaling back my caffeine consumption has put my life is in danger. I shouldn’t have mentioned it. I shouldn’t have even written this post. If my blog goes dark for a while its because I am in hiding. Tell my wife, I was wrong … oh so wrong …
11 Hi Doug, thanks for sharing your learning from the Ontario Summit. To add to this already great resource, here is a link to all of the presenter’s resources from the weekend: https://edtech.team/OntarioResources18 – Lots more goodies there!
12 I saw this presentation at SIGCSE and left with mixed feelings. The session was pitched as ML for CS teachers with little CS knowledge. The pizza app is cool but I left thinking that there was a big missing piece which was the actual under the hood ML. It looks great as a tool where the teacher is already knowledgeable but I don’t know how much serious mileage a class will get out of it beyond being a cool demo if the teacher doesn’t already know the subject.
13 I love to sew, but hardly have the time. I go by feel when choosing fabric for any project or any “already made” clothes. I don’t care what it’s called – I only care about how it feels and how well it will wash. I do not remember the fabric you’re talking about, though I feel as if I should. My mom used to see for me, so I likely had many things made from it.
14 Morning Doug, this brought to mind attendance tracking of students and how if they are going to leave or walk out consequnces mean nothing. The reason you give them to stay is far more powerful. I think folks need to understand the purpose but more importantly if you leave the impression, regardless of this is it’s purpose that people’s whereabouts are what we are starting with and not the culture of a welcoming, inclusive and non intrusive learning environment, the same thing will happen as it does in a secondary school…they opt out as it is no longer about the them but the system they exist within.
15 Good morning Doug! (and Jamie) I’m glad you guys keep your eyes open when you’re out for your walks. There’s no doubt that keeping an eye out for other vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians (and dogs) is a critical responsibility for motor vehicle drivers. I was pleased to read your “exit, stage left“ quote, And even happier when I saw that you had included a picture of SnagglePuss. You are smarter than the average bear.
16 I don’t remember exactly when Chrome came out, but I do for Gmail. I went straight to eBay and bought an invitation so I could join. It cost me $5. The invitation also included another new Google service. Do you remember what it was?
17 I noticed this too when watching cartoons with my nephews. There also seemed to be a whole lot of yelling. Okay now I’m sounding like the old guy who just wants the kids to get off his lawn. I loved the old Hanna-Barbara cartoons from the mid-60’s. Space Ghost, Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles, the original Scooby-Doo, Dastardly and Muttley in Their Flying Machines, The Herculoids, The Banana Splits Adventure Hour – that one was pretty weird, but I did teach some of my grade 6’s the theme song, Jonny Quest and the Jetsons. I kind of thought we’d be living like the Jetsons by now. At least I thought they would have finished repairing all the roads.
18 Hey Doug, As always your posts seem so timely. Today on my way home from church I noticed a few trees in the neighbourhood who have started to show your beautiful fall colors. I couldn’t help but recall several projects that I had to complete as a child where we would go out into the neighbourhood and find several fall leaves. We then needed to place the leaves in between two pieces of wax paper and iron them . To be honest, I don’t recall what the intended learning outcome was… But what I do remember was that it was a project that my mom and I needed to do together (hot irons and safety) . Sometimes it is those unintended outcomes (special time with a parent) which are just as meaningful as the curriculum outcomes.
19 I have never heard of Qwant until you mentioned it. I also gave it a try and I must admit that it is a very impressive search engine. I used the Brave web browser in the past; I had no issues with it. In my case, I utilise the Google Chrome web browser, because I use certain extensions. The Brave web browser loads quickly.
20 Hey! This is the fourth time visiting now and I personally just wanted to say I truley enjoy reading your blog site. I’ve decided to bookmark it at reddit.com with the title: %BLOGTITLE% and your Web address: %BLOGURL%. I hope this is alright with you, I’m trying to give your great blog a bit more coverage. Be back shortly.
21 Do you worry about free services going away after a while? = Sometimes. I’m still wounded about the closing of Bitstrips for Schools (which I liked waaaaaay better than Pixton – sorry, Pixton). It went so fast that I couldn’t collect all the old comics I wanted to archive (so Jacob, if you are reading this, please let us grab our files for a quick, one week period, please!) What is your contingency plans in case that happens? = Wish I had one! Do you backup your online presence in case it goes away? = I print my blogs as a birthday gift to myself once a year. I did a Twournal for the first part of my tweeting, but I’d love to back up all my Tweets in a print format. Now you’ve got me paranoid Doug!
Thanks to those who took time to share a comment throughout 2018. I hope that I can write on topics that will continue the efforts in 2019.
Who said that? published first on https://medium.com/@DigitalDLCourse
0 notes