#also this is unedited so gimme a break
dufrau · 2 years
Taking a page from @eskawrites book, in honor of gay bitch day or whatever and also because the tags are as dead as almost everybody in the world in this TLOU AU, I offer you a tiny little excerpt of what is (hopefully) coming soon.
Nancy wrapped herself in a towel, thick and soft, not ready to reckon with her body. She had always been small, and she was still small, but time had been at work all over her. She wasn't the prim little thing on the billboards anymore. She'd grown. Hard and soft in all the wrong places, she was sure her mother would agree, from doing all the necessary work of staying alive, and from eating when she was hungry until she wasn't hungry anymore. She was so fucking hungry all the time.
She remembered being lovely, and resenting it. Hating the way people looked at her, the way they saw her. She wondered now what it would feel like, if it were even possible anymore, for anybody to ever look at her like that again. She pulled the towel tighter around herself.
The hardwood was cool under Nancy's bare feet as she stepped out into her bedroom, dust and pollen sticking where her toes were still damp, and she tried to remember the last time she'd swept the floor in here. 
It was an absurd thought to be having. She should be thinking about how clean her sheets were, or the tell-tale dip of loneliness on her side of the mattress next to where Robin was sitting, back upright against the pillows and the headboard, sheets and blanket pooling below her breasts.
"Oh," Nancy said. The freckles on Robin 's face continued down her neck to her shoulders and down her arms, lean and long. Down her chest in a scooping V. She had a puckered red scar sneaking out from under one armpit, up and over her collarbone and partway around her throat, hidden away until now by the collars of her shirts.
Nancy was suddenly self-conscious, hyperaware of the stratification of farmer's tan up and down her arms, darkest on her hands, lighter again at her elbow, halfway up her biceps, and finally again where the straps of her summer tanktops crossed back over her shoulders. She thought of the ugly scar winding around her right ankle, pale with years, much older than Robin's, but the otherwise the same. She shivered.
Robin was looking at her all kinds of ways, and she felt absurdly underdressed despite the signs that even Nancy's uncultivated social skills could read, like the neon at Margaritaville flashing No Shoes No Shirt No Problem.
She thought about palm trees and bikinis and said "I haven't shaved," and Robin laughed, softly, and ran a hand back through her hair, and Nancy felt ridiculous, blushing at that glimpse of armpit hair when her boobs were already right there to blush over.
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parragone · 8 months
I recently did this wip names game too, so I'm not doing it again so soon But gimme the tea on "r610nights2024" and the very eloquently named "document1 (2)" please xD
oh NO I didn't realize ;A; but now I get to go hunting for a post which is always delightful actually
onto the WIPs!
This one is actually in reference to something I outlined in 2023 but didn't have the time to draft and finish, but I thought it'd be fun to do an Extraction AU what was sort of a mix of shippy and leaning into the existential somewhat eldritch horror. The idea is that they figure out a way to access the Chimera 'neural system' for direct communication, and the ten nights that are detailed each focus on one of ten pairs aboard the Pioneer. How each pair is bracing for what might come when they actually manage to bridge the gap of understanding. For all pairs, there's the question of wha tthe Praetorians really are, and - for one pair in particular - the very personal risk that comes with the experiment.
The pairs highlighted are AshMira, KapGlaz, Thermcher, DocMonty, VigilEcho, SmokeMaestro, CavTwitch, FinkaYing, BanditJaeger, and [ definitely unsurprisingly ] FuseMute. A lot of the focus is on the trauma suffered by REACT operators and how that's handled in their personal lives, along with the heavy question of "when does an operator give up too much", but there's also some theoretical xenobiology going on and some haphazardly tossed together sci-fi fun.
document1 [2]
Oh good god I'm scared, let's see -
oh well this isn't nearly as bad as I thought it was.
dusts it off
It looks like this particular WIP was an exploration of Team Rainbow operators in romantic relationships being interviewed by Harry for the sake of 'team solidarity'. A way for him to assess whether or not it would interfere with their field work while also getting a glimpse into their more domestic lives and who they are independently. I should get back to this, actually - I think it's something I'd enjoy writing now that I have a clearer grasp of how I write our beloved operators.
I seem to have planned a lot for it, but the only drafted part appears to be KapGlaz, so in exchange for my wordy summaries, have a [very unedited] snippet under the cut!
Mornings were Timur’s favorite. Maxim had gotten up nearly an hour before him as he always did on their days off, and the hunter had taken Annika for her daily morning run. By the time Timur would get out of bed, Maxim would have already made breakfast, most importantly, begun making coffee. Which, of course, was the stage the sniper had reached; the break of dawn had banished any chance of staying in bed with sunlight that streamed through the window, so he had reluctantly climbed out of bed.  He paused long enough to steal one of Maxim’s coats from the chair in the corner of the room and tug it on over his undershirt. Timur claimed that his sentimental nature was limited to memories and a near-perfect visual memory, but the smell that clung to the collar of each coat his lover wore on a regular was one he could never get enough of. It was somewhere between fresh rain and well-loved leather, and Maxim continued to deny such a thing followed him. As expected, his partner was halfway through the morning coffee ritual, with Annika curled up at his feet; she was a lovely Brittany hound, though her age meant she did not get to hunt with Maxim as much as she once did. Maxim himself had stripped himself of the sweat-stained tank top he always wore for a morning run and, much to Timur’s delight, was shirtless and on full display; his tattoos suited him, dark ink against pale skin, thin and elegant lettering mixed into delicate line work, though Glaz wished he could replace the tattoos left behind from Maxim's undercover stint. He wore black sweatpants to keep whatever modesty they pretended to have in their own home, and the sniper could see that the man wore the Rainbow-issued watch on his left wrist, just as Timur did. Timur leaned down to pet the old hound's head and give her an affectionate rub of the ears before he stood and placed a hand on his partner’s shoulder, which only made the hunter hum quietly as he turned to look at the sniper. Bright eyes caught the light, the softness in them undeniable and as smitten as the day they had met. Maxim pressed a kiss to Timur’s cheek that was admittedly more smile than anything else before he pressed a proper kiss to his partner’s lips.
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hypaalicious · 2 years
BOOK PREORDER YOU SAY?? 👀 Gimme a few hot minutes to check my budget bc I just spent a shitton on winter thermals (bc ya girl gets cold super easily even in the desert winter) and groceries, then I’m preordering that book.
Also, I’m glad to see you’re still around and kicking it. We care about you Hypaa. Love you as always —💕
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Okay but honestly DON’T BREAK THE BUDGET FOR MY BOOK, IT’LL ALWAYS BE THERE TO ORDER! I’m honored though, really 😭
You know what was actually difficult for me, writing the book? Trying to remember that I am NOT writing erotica. I went through many revisions of sex scenes to hit that sweet spot of “spicy but not straight porn” because unfortunately publishers are tetchy about that and I wanted to debut as a fantasy author rather than erotica.
Once the book is out tho I’ll probably post the um… unedited versions of certain scenes. For science, of course. 😇
On a side note, I spent the first few years in Vegas wearing thermals under my clothes just to survive at work under the heavy AC… just for my body to do a 180 so now I’m always overheated. 🥲 Like, I have to stay under the AC right now, even though it’s December. WHAT IS GOIN AWWWWNNN
I do want to thank you and anyone else who’s been keeping up with me on here for all these years for the ungodly amount of patience y’all must have with me, cause chillllee I get on my OWN damn nerves sometimes 😭❤️
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retiredteabag · 4 years
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Pairing: Dabi x reader
Genre: (mainly) fluff
Word count: ...
Synopsis: As a member of the League people would expect your daily life to be busy and dangerous, and while it could be on occasion, that was not the case now. Most days you just enjoy your tea, and that’s okay.
The cold passed, as it were, reluctantly, but it passed, and for the first time, in a long time, you went to bed early.
You silently listened to the sound of bubbling, indicating that the water was boiling. You smelt the familiar aroma of singed hair. Your cheap, old and somewhat broken boiler let off that kind of smell, it was… worrying at first but you paid no mind to it now. You hobbled over to your cheap, old, and somewhat broken refrigerator and grabbed the almost empty 2% milk, and set it on your cheap, old and somewhat broken kitchen counter and began to wonder just where You had left the container of honey.
You poured the water into your one, and let it be said, only, plain, white, coffee mug. You don’t drink coffee -didn’t like it- not the smell, the taste, especially not that it could keep you up all night, not even if it was all creamer and sugar.
Though, you did like tea. All your teammates had become accustomed to watching you come to meetings and gatherings with a mug of the stuff. At the hideout, you had several of your favorite teabags and a half gallon of milk. You often had to ward off Compress from drinking all of your good stuff because he also had a inclination towards tea.
By now the bag had steeped long enough, but you left it in. Usually after getting your tea, You would look at your cheap, old, and somewhat broken clock, realize that its only nine, think to yourself that going to bed early wound be unproductive, Shigaraki would scold you for doing nothing with your day and you would groan. You would proceed to find something, anything to do, and occupy yourself with for the next few or so hours. Today, however, was not a usual day.
Fact: You are quite good at making tea. Perhaps it’s the one singular thing that you can’t get totally wrong, maybe that’s why you get so peeved when Dabi or Toga don’t make it for you just right, maybe that’s why you don’t even drink anyone else’s tea. Why you no longer ask them to make it for you. Because at this point in your life, it’s the only thing your allowed to be stingy about. Either way, you have discovered that when you make your tea you ought drink it quickly for fear of it getting cold. So, when you make tea, you have always made it with the intention of the temperature of the liquid to slightly burn, its rather uncomfortable, and that’s why you like it.
You know before it happens, you can hear his footsteps. Running a hand through your hair you bend forward and crack your back.
Dabi walks through the door with no knocking or greeting, “God this place is a dump, maybe try cleaning every so often.” The very first thing out of his mouth.
You roll your eyes and groan. Moment of peace totally ruined.
Ignoring his rude comment you speak, “If your going to send me back to the hideout you better think again, I’m not leaving now, it’s nearly my bedtime.”
His face breaks into a wry smile, “your bedtime?”
With no change in emotion you look up at him, “Yes, and I would most certainly not like to go down to the base to be scolded by ol’ crusty about not putting in enough effort. And for what? We’re not even doing missions now. What would I participate for? The league is practically on hiatus at this point.”
Grabbing a chair you sit, lifting your legs so that one crosses over the other, taking a long sip of your tea you inwardly groan. It’s not hot anymore.
“Well for starters doll, ol’ crusty didn’t send me, second, we’re not on hiatus, we’re just...laying low as it were.” Dabi’s squinting and in the dull light of your apartment you can see him lean back on your counter.
“Why did you come then?” You ask, just then you’ve both silently agreed to not talk about the leagues inactivity, dropping the topic completely. It’s the cool thing about being around someone for so long, you can read them so well.
“Bored.” He simply states.
“Well your wasting my time, and you’ve ruined my tea.” You look down, your hands are starting to grow cold once again, now that your drink is merely warm you have lost a significant amount interest in finishing it.
Having dealt with your pickiness before, having seen you drink your tea every day, he knows how you like it. You know he knows and yet he still can never make it right.
Dabi rolls his eyes into his skull and softly grunts as he lifts himself off your counter, he waltzes over to you and pulls the mug from your grasp. He makes direct eye contact as he tactfully dips one singular finger into your drink. You hold his gaze, not moving an inch. He ignites his finger and before he even places the drink on the counter you know it’s near boiling, the scalding liquid steams and hits your face and you almost, almost grin.
By the time you go to grab the mug and melt in the heat, Dabi is already in your living room (not like it’s far...maybe two steps? Three?) he’s grabbing things and shuffling through your stuff. You pay no mind, who cares if he goes through it? Theres nothing there anyway.
Fifteen minutes go by and you’ve finished your tea, washed the mug and places it in the sink, Dabi is sitting on the musty old couch and holds an unimpressed look on his face. You sit in the space beside him. Grabbing your blanket and curling up.
“Nothings on right now. Your place sucks y/n.”
You mumble a quiet, “mhmm” and lay down into a more comfortable position but just then he gets up.
It’s a little annoying to be honest because Dabi is so naturally warm it’s kinda nice to have him close, but as soon as he’s gone the light flicks off too, then, he’s back and sighing deeply, he pulls you slightly on top of him and pushes his legs in your way. You kick him, obviously. And he flicks your arm. You both eventually just lay there, no words being shared.
Tomorrow is a whole new day, you and the rest of the league will most likely repeat this day’s expectancies, and yeah… tomorrow’s a looming new day but you don’t have to worry about that, not just yet at least. For now, you can just enjoy the fleeting comfort of your warm teammate. Yeah, you do that, for now.
The cold passed, as it were, reluctantly, but it passed, and for the first time, in a long time, you went to bed early…
Hey guys, sorry I was gone for a hot second, classes are a tad bit stressful lately. Dabi has been really high on my favorites list these days and I just felt like I needed to write for him, gimme your thoughts.
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eventyrstuff · 4 years
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So I started reading Manhwas after Kdramas, and I wanted to make a list as well.
I absolutely love Isekai themed Manhwas - specially historical, time travel and villainess themed. Most of them are based on a web novel but I could not find the novels per se so I read them as Manhwa at Manganelo Site
So here goes the list, I will input few at a time as I am rereading them again.
Warning: Unedited. I’m sorry if I mispell or has grammar lapses. Unabashed fangirling at times.  ALSO SPOILERS. IMMA GIVE OUT A FEW.
Inso's Law - Ongoing (Chapters: 81)
What made me read it: I found the earphone scene in Instagram and I instantly fell in love with Chunyoung. I mean I have this weakness with Black Haired characters. When I read the plot, I knew my tween heart will absolutely love this. The Main Character (Dan-I) woke up to a romance novel/parallel world where in she was friends with these very popular kids (I still can't believe they were 14 at the start). She did not want to be center of attention or to have any relations with the Female Lead and her reverse harem, but come on no one can resist those guys and their pretty faces and weird colored hair. The storyline may be a bit overused but my teenage self is very happy. 10/10
Is it visually pretty: YES. Everyone is pretty. This manhwa is also memeworthy. May not be as aesthetically pleasing as WMMAP but still 10/10
How much do I love the characters: I love Dan-I's internal monologue but hate how she sees herself as just the minor character, everyone adores her! Yeoryoung is the best friend you'll absolutely adore. Ju-In is adorbs. Chunyoung is LOVE. I love Jiho and Eunhyung too but Chunyoung is my ML. Ruda and Yeodan though *swoon* Other side characters are awesome too, but too much characters makes me forget a lot of em. Haha 10/10
Favorite part of the story: I LOVE their friendship so eveytime they show how much Dan-I is important too, all those text messages (especially Ju-In's HAHAHAHA text), Chunyoung is my fave so everytime he is in it I mean damn him and his beautiful hair, enchanting eyes and that smile *faints*, everytime Dan-I state one of every web novel laws, everytime Dan-I breaks the fourth wall and say how bullshit the story is hahahaha
Am I going to reread it again: Yes will do again and again
How do I describe thee: This was my first Manhwa! I'm a sucker for high school setting kind of stories. I really like it, makes me nostalgic of times I spent reading stories back in high school. I admit I was one of those teenagers who fell for the trope of being normal then every guy suddenly likes you *reverse harem for the win* but seriously this manhwa is one of my personal fave for being close to my tween heart. I really thought Dan-I was on a parallel world rather than a web novel as she did not got isekai'd to another person, she's still herself and it's still her family - it was like fanfiction of her own life. I like all characters eventhough, yes it's bullshit to have those kinds of friends (come on! A chaebol, a model in one group of friends in a normal highschool?) It's typical, it' cliche I know but their friendship is really #goals. When I first read this I was really cheering on Chunyoung to be ML, but when I read spoilers that Jiho will be the ML I thought whaaaat I shipped Jiho with Yeoryeoung. Then when I reread it I did saw how subtle his love was and it's really cute. I was really focused on Chunyoung since he has a lot of screen time showing off his affections but Jiho did too on the littlest of things you will see. Well, I'll wait for his time to shine. I just hope Dan-I finally notice them. And I want to know how she will be explaining to them her situation and how everything will be resolved - will she be going back to reality? *that's gonna suck* Also can I have Yeodan instead? Thanks. 10/10
Who Made Me A Princess - Ongoing (Chapters: 81)
What made me read it: I keep seeing screenshots of Athy's various expressions on the comments in manhwas so I searched for it. The plot is interesting, and as mentioned I absolutely love Isekai theme. But this is not romance (mostly), the story focuses on the dynamics of a father and daughter relationship. The main character was reborn as a character on a novel she was reading, Athanasia - the princess who was executed by her father. Knowing what will happen to her when she turns 18, she plans on saving herself. She changes the course of the story in order to survive. 10/10
Is it visually pretty: YES. JESUS CHRIST HAVE YOU SEEN DADDY CLAUDE. INSANE VISUALS. I mean the way the artist drew everything is pleasing to my eye. BUT ALL CHARACTERS ARE HOT. 100/10
How much do I love the characters: ONE MUST PROTECT ATHY FOREVER. Daddy Claude breaks my heart. LILY AND FELIX ARE THE CAPTAINS OF MY SHIP. Lucas is love. Can't help falling in love with Ijekiel/Ezekiel. I adore Jennette. DIANA AND LP'S ATHANASIA ARE DEAD BUT THEY DESERVE BETTER. Anastacius you evil motherfucker, I like you too. 100/10
Favorite part of the story: Every Athy expression. Tea time with Daddy Claude and Felix. When Lily is overprotective. Athy's debutante ball. All the boat scenes are gold. Everytime Claude shows how much he adores Athy even when he's supposed to hate her. When he picks her up and when he shows emotions. When Claude and Felix bickers. When Lucas teases Athy. Best boi Ijekiel/Ezekiel when he shows how much he likes Athy. Adorable Jennette and how she yearns for family.
Am I going to reread it again: Yes and No. Probably up to Chapter 45, I don't think my heart can take after that. Maybe when the manhwa is finished.
How do I describe thee: I AM EMOTIONALLY EXHAUSTED. When I first read this I stopped at Chapter 38,  I read another Manhwa and actually forgot about it but decided to reread again after. I thought this will be a funny, heartwarming story of how a daughter earns her father's love. OH BOY GET READY FOR FEELINGS. I love Athy so much, she just wanted to survive the story, but she was loved, she was finally happy. Claude was like fuck feelings but can't help but adore Athy. I love their relationship so much. It physically pained me after Claude loses his memory - BRING BACK THE FUNNY CHAPTERS. I cannot read that scene in Claude's birthday ever again without bawling. I like Jennette, I really do, but I hate how everytime Claude has headaches (especially when with Athy) he calls for Jennette. It hurts me the way it hurts Athy like I was the one being betrayed. I hate how what's happened to LP Athanasia might still happen ro present Athanasia and it will def break me. I hate Anastacius for being an evil bastard that he is but I hope his growing love for Jennette will be his redemption. This was the first time I did not care for the romance or love triangles (Lucas and Ezekiel/Ijekiel are still precious bbys). Still 1000/10 will recommend even if it's not yet finished. I just want everyone to have a happy ending. Also for my LilyxFelix ship to sail. Thanks. If you have spoilers, gimme.
The Reason Why Raeliana Ended Up At The Duke's Mansion - Ongoing (Chapters: 133)
What made me read it: It was on one of the recommended list and it caught my eye due to the title like pfft how very specific. It's Isekai so I know I'll love it. The Main Character got pushed (literally) into a novel wherein she got the role of Raeliana - a minor character whose death is the catalyst for the story to start. And of course our MC will not follow through the storyline and make her own destiny and survive. She ended up asking for the duke's (Noah, my love) help and became his fiancee, thus starting a butterfly effect for this manhwa's awesome story and twists. 100/10
Is it visually pretty: Definitely, everyone is absolutely pretty and the art is great. Not as insane as WMMAP but I got a lot of meme material. 10/10
How much do I love the characters: Raeliana is def one of top female lead for me, she's bad ass and not as dense as others. Noah, my love, is perfect. Even his brother that I could not remember his name because it's hard to spell. Naomi though is hilarious. Raeliana's family especially her mother. JUSTIN. GRANDPAAAA. SIR ADAM - NUFF SAID. No to Beabitch though but that says something for being villain. 100/10
Favorite part of the story: Chapter 130 hehehehe. Everytime Raeliana is BAMF who saves herself, everytime Noah flirts with her, Sir Adam and his aloofness and chibi self, the emperor's 40% playing pranks, Naomi and the emperor's bickering - which by the way ship it, when Noah confessed, when Raeliana confessed my heart could not take it, ALL THE TWISTS
Am I going to reread it again: YESSSS 100%
How do I describe thee: One of the God-Tier level Manhwa, I read because of Isekai I stayed because of the twist of that Isekai which is freaking mindblowing. Raeliana sets the standard for Female Leads, damn girl needs no man to save her shit. I LOVE HER. I LOVE THIS MANHWA SO MUCH. Noah is just perfect for her like it was really *winks* destined for them to be together. I JUST LOVE EVERYTHING. I love everyone, except that bitch. Also this was a first for me to have the MC admitting they were isekai'd to a novel and realizing her feelings and his feelings and accepting it and I just asdfghjkldfdfse 10000/10 READ THIS AND FALL IN LOVE WITH SIR ADAM WITH ME.
Living As The Tyrant's Older Sister - Ongoing (Chapters: 73)
What made me read it: The meme (you know the one - K.O), if you haven't noticed yet I am a collector of Isekai Manhwa. But this one def made me laugh at all chapters. We have your Main Character being thrown into a web novel (a novel her sister wrote btw) where she play as the Emperor's older sister - Alicia. She knows how the story goes (same old same old where she will eventually die) because she was her sister's consultant regarding the storyline and now regretting how she suggested to change the male lead. As always she devised a plan to stay as a minor character and survive but ended up sleeping with the main lead - Ares. 10/10
Is it visually pretty: Not a masterpiece but definitely meme material, all the screenshots I have stored are all memes from this manhwa 8/10
How much do I love the characters: Alicia is hilarious badmouthing bamf, very pretty very memeworthy. Ares could work on his personality a bit more but when they are together they're comical. Her brother is a typical tsundere and a fanboy. Lancelot is your typical nice guy. THAT BUTLER THOUGH BEST WINGMAN. 9/10
Favorite part of the story: Every meme hahahaha just read it this manhwa is the embodiment of a meme
Am I going to reread it again: Yes whenever I need a laugh ahhahaha
How do I describe thee: I AM WHEEZING. This truly is a comedic manhwa. You can't take it seriously because of the way it was drawn. If you really want a laugh this one's perfect. At times it is cringy when it exag a bit of their reactions but still 100% you will laugh. Not perfect but story is good, I like how it's still given a thought. But read it for the memes you won't regret it. 9/10
Survive as the Hero's Wife - Ongoing (Chapters: 79)
What made me read it: It's on the recommended list and someone mentioned that the art is *immaculate* and it is. IT REALLY IS. Well here comes another Isekai manhwa where the MC is pulled inside a novel where her character will be killed. But this time she was a minor villain character and the Male Lead's wife! 10/10 who are we kidding, I love em all.
Is it visually pretty: this manhwa is a work of art, it is *chefs kiss* visual explosion. Everyone is insanely hot, even the villains. The background, the characters - their hair and wardrobe is truly 1000000/10
How much do I love the characters: I really did fell in love with Canaria and Cesar. Best soft couple. Their luscious hair though so pretty. Noah best boi. Best team of suspicious knights - Miller, Raya, Jax and Ethan are loves. Best friend Ricardo. Even best butler Oscar. 100/10
Favorite part of the story: The visual explosion. Chos. When Canaria is being supportive waifu and Cesar is being an innocent best boy, they are just very soft and loving and I love their scenes so much, that popularity vote in the consort's palace ahhahaha, Jax and his misunderstanding, Ethan everytime he eats (all the time), Cesar's blushing face, everytime we are introduced to a new character because we know they are going to be gorgeous as hell.
Am I going to reread it again: MOST DEF ITS VERY PLEASING TO THE EYE
How do I describe thee: BEAUTIFUL. GORGEOUS. ENCHANTING. Boy, the visual is absolute masterpiece, Canaria's hair alone (love all her hairstyles) and her clothes, I want all of em. Cesar is the embodiment of a perfect male lead - soft boi. Best boi. Pretty boi. I love how he loves Canaria and how they truly support each other since being married at freaking 12 years old. This type of love please.  1000/10 Also, I am a lot curious about that Oscar,I think he is related to the emperor and the lady ghost in Noah's story - a lovechild? *gasps*. Also-Also if you will be reading this at Manganelo, translation at Chapter 76+ is a bit off but still grateful for the translators for what they give
Up next: It’s villain themed time (The villainess lives twice, beware of the villainess the villainess reverses the hour etc)
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ajokeformur-ray · 4 years
I’ve been working everyday with almost 0 breaks and I just need Joker to give me some tough love but I cant stop because it feels like I need to keep working on school work and it’s so UGGHH. Sorry for ranting I just don’t have anyone to talk about this
I felt your panic reading this omllll~ okay buckle up buttercup, I got’cha! 💚 please remember to drink plenty, eat enough, sleep enough and take breaks when you can. Speaking from experience but if you even think about taking a break, then you need one. A good rule is 8x8x8 = 8 hour work, 8 hour sleep, 8 hour play. 💜
Unedited, wrote this in like 30 mins.
Reader is an adult and of university age in this piece. It’s not referenced but because it’s a student!reader, I felt the need to clarify.
Word count: 1, 132.
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“Y/N, what are you doing?”
Joker’s soft raspy voice, so unlike the persona the city had given him, almost, almost, broke through the concentration zone which you were in. 
You were frantically working, surrounded by textbooks, papers, thick sheaths of paper which you hurriedly flicked through. You were sat in a semi-circle surrounded by all the things which you had done this day and all the things which you had yet to do. Oh, but twenty four hours wasn’t enough time. You were pretty sure that you had a highlighter digging into your coccyx, too, but you couldn’t move it. If you moved it, your concentration would break, and if your concentration broke, then - 
Joker was stood in the doorway of the living room, watching you with his arms crossed over his chest, the crimson material of his blazer bunched up under his touch. You had been at this for hours now. You hadn’t stopped even to go to the bathroom and though you huffed and ran your hands across your face in physical and mental exhaustion, you. didn’t. stop.
“Y/N,” Joker’s voice, harsher now, almost did break through your concentration. Oh, but you were being cruel to yourself now, treating yourself the way the education system was. You were a machine, a robot, a nameless and faceless cog in the ill oiled machine known as Society, and you had to keep working. You had to. You didn’t know what else to do, who else to be - your breath caught in your throat but you barely gave yourself a chance to catch up. Your hand sped up, your wrist cramping, you leaned forward to check a textbook, open at the required page, and the highlighter which had been digging into your coccyx was now driven deeper into your back, causing physical discomfort beyond the burning in your bladder, the heavy tugging of sleep at your conscious mind.. “I said - what are you doing?”
You tore your sore eyes from your work  long enough to give Joker a desperate look. “I’m studying, honey.”
Joker scoffed. He pushed away from the doorway as you went back to work. Enough was enough. You weren’t working now, you were over working. Joker knew well what that could and would do to someone. He had never had anyone to tell him to stop, to slow down, to take a break, but that didn’t mean that he was going to allow you to subject yourself to the same grinding treatment. 
“Well, stop, Y/N!” Joker reached you, camped out on floor between the coffee table and the old television that Penny had won on a radio show once, and he bent down to take the pen from you. He had the grace to allow you to finish the sentence you were on and then he wiggled his fingers in a ‘gimme’ motion. You gave him the pen, the fingers on your other hand inching for another pen, but Joker chuckled. The sound was dark, without humour. “No, no - stop. Can’t you see what you’re doing to yourself?”
You sighed. Joker was right. You were exhausted. You lifted your hips up off the floor just enough for you to grab that highlighter and you wrenched it out from underneath you. Joker giggled; the sound lighter this time, relieved and pleased was he to have gotten through to you even the tiniest amount. Joker chucked the pen aside and grabbed both of your hands in his, his fingers filling up the spaces between your own as he hauled you up. His hands slid easily out of yours and trailed up your arms, up, up, curving across the slope of your shoulders, fingers splayed to touch as much of you as he could all at the same time, and he came to cup your face in his hands.
“That’s enough, Y/N. You haven’t eaten, had anything to drink, you’ve barely slept. I’m not asking you to take a break - “ You looked up at Joker, you met his eyes with your own, your brows furrowed in confusion. Once he saw that he had your undivided attention, a needy clown was he, Joker smiled just a little; his lips quirking up almost imperceptibly at the corners, “I’m telling you. No more. Not tonight.”
“But I haven’t - “ You wanted to stop, you did, but there was still so much to do.
Joker sighed, his thumbs rubbing gently across the surface of your cheeks as he sought to calm you down, to centre and to ground you, but also to keep himself calm. He was so angry at the way you were treating yourself but he knew that you needed some tough love and he only channelled that into everything that he was currently doing for you. “But you haven’t what, Y/N? The only thing I haven’t seen you do today is take care of yourself. That’s much more important than this. You’re more than the work you’re doing and you need to stop, now. That’s enough, Y/N. Please.” Now, Joker was a big supporter of your academic endeavours; as a tenth grade drop out it was so important to him that you had a better future than he ever would, but he drew the line at this. You, exhausted beyond measure but pushing yourself to do more.
Joker’s words sunk into your ears and caressed your brain gently and you realised that he was right. He always was, so well did he know you and so emotionally intelligent was he. He only ever wanted what was best for you. You sighed and Joker smiled in patience and in understanding, nothing but love in those green oceans you held so dear. Despite the words in your mind telling you to sit back down, to keep going, Joker’s final plea was what won you over and you nodded your head, passing a hand over your eyes as your exhaustion, mental and physical, finally allowed itself to be felt after being ignored for so long.
Joker cooed, a soft sound of love and of understanding, and he pulled you into his embrace, one hand on the back of your head, fingers stroking and manually untangling any snags he found, and the other wrapped around your hips. Sticky painted lips pressed kisses to your weary skin and you allowed yourself to sink into all that Joker was, all that he had ever been and all that he would ever be. If you weren’t going to take proper care of yourself, then Joker would just have to love you twice as hard, and that was all he could do. He could love you through it all, no matter what, just like you had always loved him. 
It was what you both deserved.
AF/J @impulsiveclown @notyourlittledoll @astheworlddturns @fluffedstar @jokersqueenofchaos @germansarechill @tsukiakarinobara @d-dreemurr @lynnesm @sagyunaro @sgtsavoytruffle @docsportello @ezziesworld @flowerglitterwoman @ben-solos-writing-avenger @jokers-doll @jokershyena @arthurjokersgirl @antonija89 @lilliryth @hotpacino
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itsmegroovee · 5 years
Who's The True Villain Of Khonjin House?: A shitty written theory about KH.
Khonjin House is an underrated show that started back in 2015. With the show being ended in 2018, we start on Nickville Square's next chapter called Supermental starring two thieves named Smack and Pent. But that begins the question. With so many villains in Khonjin House and a nonsensical plotline until Season 5, Who is the true villain of Khonjin House??
Now you may be asking, "But Markio! Isn't Pent the villain of Khonjin House??" Well, yes. But really it's a no. The truth is, we don't see Pent until the very last episode of Season 3. And she wasn't rly plotting anything. She was just scared about Smack taking her back to the real world. And that she'd never get to become Shelby. Hence the lines "Shelby isn't dead." So who are these multiple villains?
Well, the first is Jafar. A cutout of Jafar actually. He shows up in somewhat various episodes. Some being a mafian mission, one being a parody of Bad Boys ll and another with a unfulfilled crossover of Quincy P.I (I think that's what it's called. If not, please tell me ^^") So far, he's out of the picture.
Then we have the pipe villain. Who I will call Lord Dickwad. Not too much for him since he's in only one episode, right? Wrong. He wants Khonjin to turn against the mafia gang hes in with Spag, Gino and his dad. But he immediately gets put down by Spag slowly burning the hell out of him and scaring the Lord out of existence. So he's out of the picture as well.
The third isn't really considered a villain but he seems like one in my opinion. The infamous Bill Bargains. He's the representative of everything that's just straight up capitalism. He ruins Spagert's chance at having a cooking show, Doesn't accept any of Khonjin's commercials except Fratelli's Pizzeria and Gino admitting to killing his family. Publicly. (Which Khonjin actually killed them in front of him. So he's the culprit.) Nonetheless, he's also out of the picture.
And lastly, we come back to Jackson Pent. Or Shelby Uavou in this case. The so-called main villain of Khonjin House. Taking a look back at me watching the unedited version of Season 3 for the first time, I wasn't really expecting the last episode to be with Pent and I actually got a bit scared. I kinda did because by reading the comments on the edited ones, I didn't even know who Smack and Pent was. But I still found it weird with the edited ones. But, I don't find her scary anymore actually. Sure, she can be angry but maybe that's bc of the fandom. Pent is just a teenager who is a closeted trans and wants to be a girl. She wants to be Shelby. But things have been taken away from her. But from who?
Smack. Now you might be thinking. "BUT MARKIOOOO! SMACK JUST WANTED HER TO COME HOME!" Yes he did. But he took away the only thing important to her. Shelby. She wanted to be Shelby and Smack took that away from her. And that's what influenced her actions. And caused everyone to see her as the villain.
And that's what brings us back to the question. Who. Is. The. Actual. Villain? It's someone who's been around. Someone who knows everyone's every move. Someone who's been around Season One. Someone who makes Gino's life a living nightmare every fucking day. The main villain....is none other than...
Now before you leave thinking. "Oh fuck this shit! You hyped us up for nothing. Khonjin saved everyone from Pent, you hickory smoked Pissbrain!" Think about it. Khonjin canonically HASN'T saved anyone in the KH timeline! He's possibly killed many people, a lot of them being Gino and sometimes Spagert. He thinks he knows it all, mainly because he's a god and he's the son of the leader of a mafia gang.
On top of that! Gino's life is being fucked with by Khonjin. Gino can't catch one good break except the episode where the cat is in his restaurant. So, I hope this interested you and maybe you'll look at Khonjin House differently. Who knows? Also, this was poorly written so gimme a break please. :")
Tags bc why not: @kccrpp @docwhofans @shelby-does-a-boogie-woogie @carlsinftw
@pixel-lightart @raerod-art
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aesjae · 7 years
Boyfriend! Chen Le
#10 of Boyfriend! Series
Taeil | Johnny | Taeyong | Yuta | Kun | Doyoung | Ten | Jaehyun | WinWin | Jungwoo | Lucas | Mark | Xiao Jun | Hendery | Renjun | Jeno | Haechan | Jaemin | Yang Yang | Chen Le | Jisung
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Style/ Genre: Headcanon/ - Word Count: 1,492 Date posted: 4 Dec 2017
so finally! ! our beloved happy-go-lucky dolphin
he’s like the same age as me gosh
so this hyperactive little boy would be one of the most hyperactive boyfriends ever ( i mean- )
he would also be one of the most positive and carefree ones
for me, i would say that considering his age and personality
he wouldn’t take relationships that seriously
not saying that he would not be committed to the relationship
in fact, he would be a really loyal boyfriend even though sometimes he might be too playful to seem like it
instead, he would take relationships as a special bond between two fated best friends 
chen le being a boyfriend will be like asdfghjkl adorbs af? 
like chen le would be that clingy boyfriend yet not so clingy boyfriend 
when he feels needy and in need of love, he’ll cling onto you like some koala 
those would be the times when he will be super whiny, whining to you to give him more of your attention 
“euhhhhh (Y/N)~ you go out with your friends so often it’s like you forgot about me :-((( look at me more pleaseeeeee” 
// literally wraps both of his arms around you tightly //
“.-. chenle-ahhhh, you have your Dreamies and hyungs too!! you know i don’t meet my friends often because of school, so...”
“But the hyungs have their girlfriends/ boyfriends too!!!! they give more attention to their s/o instead of me :-( gimme more tooooo”
you: // looks at chen le’s cute pouty face, heart melts, sighs // 
but ofc, chen le would be understanding of you! 
he wouldn’t be extremely whiny and will give you personal space for you to lead your own personal life
he might be quite involved in your personal life, but would know when to give you the space and privacy when needed
depend on chen le to be your positivity influencer! !
chen le is a naturally positive and cheerful person
so having him as a boyfriend would mean LOTS of smiles and laughter
even if you are miles away from him
text messaging him or calling him themselves will make your shitty day so much better
because chen le is like a light bulb -- bright and alluring
and also that he becomes the light that guides you out of your dark times
he would be very supportive
understanding your problems and difficulties
chen le himself has been through stardom since a young age
thus he would understand what it is like to face tremendous stress in society
especially due to the expectations of other people
he would crouch down to you
gently taking your hands that were covering your face out of helplessness and defeat into his
burying your face in his shoulders
and he would stay silent 
as he knew that what you needed most was company
and emotional and mental support
hence, his physical presence would comfort you the most, and he knew that
sometimes, if you were really feeling at your wits and really frustrated
chen le may softly sing a song for you
allowing his smooth and soothing voice to heal the wounds in your heart
i mean have you heard predebut chen le’s singing like omg it’s like the absolute lullaby 
for some reason, even though chen le has a very outgoing and loud personality,
when it comes to emotional and mental stuff like these
i feel that he would adopt a more mature and quiet manner towards them
naturally, he would not only be a sensible young guy, but a sensible and respectful boyfriend as well
that’s actually really amazing considering his young age
similarly like jeno, he might treat you to your favourite food, like taking you out for ice cream dates etc.
or just pulling you out of your house silently
and allowing chen le to bring wherever he was bringing you since you were too despondent to look up
only to realise that chen le had brought you to the place of your comfort food
as long as he saw you still eating normally even during tough times, he would be glad
as he smiles warmly at you as you slowly chew on your food
he would be a really very understand s/o so he would be careful with his words whenever he sensed that you were feeling off
that would be quiet side of sweet and caring chen le for you
here comes fun chen le lmao
we definitely cannot forget that chen le is still a very playful kid
hence, both of you would be leading a relationship full of naive and pure (adolescent) love
in fact, after knowing chen le and getting into a relationship with him, 
you would have realised that your days had became happier and you seldom would have any dark ones
because whenever you were on the urge of feeling down, 
chen le would coincidentally find you and start hanging out with you
not allowing you to wallow in your own sadness
but ofc, that was a good thing
well, okay, fights.
chen le is also very adventurous
so adventurous + playful would definitely equate to some very exhausting but fun activities down with him
like water fights, laser tag, paintball, etc.
even though these activities are usually more fun being played in large groups,
playing them with chen le would still be a blast
every now and then, 
your and chen le’s neighbours would be able to witness you and chen le chasing each other around with water/ paint bombs in each of your hands, 
both of you drenched in either water or multicolour liquid 
it might have seemed like child play
but tbh
whoever witnesses the both of you having fun with each other
would envy both of you so much
because it was evident that both of you would be having so much fun and enjoying each other’s company
anybody who sees both of you would just wish to have a relationship as carefree and pure as both of yours
oh but sometimes you might be jealous ey
especially when chen le and jisung start to spend too much time together
and chen le may momentarily forget about you
suddenly, you may realise that chen le is playing frisbee, playing football, playing nintendo, watching movies, pranking the other nct members, all with jisung
and barely with you
this might upset you a bit
chen le might be quite carried away too 
especially after a whole hectic promotion
he might have been hurried to spend some rest time with his members, and his best friend
hence, he might have accidentally forgotten about his most special best friend that had been waiting for his return since the start of his promotions
observant and sensible dream leader Mark would have noticed this
and he might take a seat beside you,  and maybe just casually chat with you because you seemed quite despondent sitting all alone
after chatting with you, Mark would found out the reason behind you sulking in a corner, and might approach chen le 
for a moment chen le would be like ???? (Y/N)????? sulking??? why?? where??
but then when Mark continued talking
chen le would reflect upon the past few days when he purely focused on resting and having a break with the dream members that he totally forgot about you
he would rush up to you and be like super apologetic
giving you an adorable puppy face
“sorry (Y/N)-ahhhh i didn’t mean to forget about you :-( you know how hectic our promotions were, i guess i just got too carried away thinking about taking a break with the members... ㅠㅠ you know i still constantly have you on my mind”
you might try to tease him
“yeah... sure... constantly on your mind only to be thrown to a corner, completely isolated and forgotten like an abandoned rag doll :-(”
“ㅠㅠ don’t be like thissss forgive me your highnesssss,,,,,,”
“;;-;; okay, you are forgiven you stupid prince”
“huehue, i promise i won’t forget about you again. and btw, you are definitely more beautiful and more precious than a rag doll :-D 따랑해! ! ! (saranghae but with a lisp)” //makes a big heart with his arms above his head//
yeah i have no idea what to say for chen le HAHA
but overall, 
a relationship with chen le would definitely be so cute it would be admired by many of your peers! !
even your parents may fondly look over the both of you and be reminded by their young days together
and while they think about the young days they had spent together till the present
chen le would be thinking about the days when he would spend his future growing older by every second with you by his side
laughing, smiling and being in the company of his one and only, irreplaceable, special best friend that he loves
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itslmdee · 7 years
Leverage: Reading Parker as Asexual
This meta is a brief overview on Parker from "Leverage" and why I think she can be read as asexual. Admittedly, I didn't think about it too much until after the show was over, being more concerned that Parker's developing relationship with Hardison didn't detract from her overall screen time or characterisation. I need not have worried on that front, and I'll mention their romance again shortly. Afterwards though, I started to think that Parker can be easily read as being on the asexual spectrum.
I want first to address my one concern about reading her as asexual; Parker is not what most people would describe as "normal". Her thought processes and reactions to events are not what would be expected under most circumstances.
Sophie: Parker, you do know that normal people just don't walk off a twenty-foot fall, right? Parker: So, all those times I pushed Hardison off a building and he was all "Ahhh!", he wasn't just being funny?
She has not had a stable upbringing having been raised in the foster system, she doesn't even have another name, merely being "Parker", she is a thief by profession, and her social skills are awkward or eccentric depending on your viewpoint. Eliot often expresses his frustration with Parker as "What's wrong with you?!" (To be fair, she doesn't take offence and he does care for her; there's a familial bond between Parker, Eliot, and Hardison, in particular). The last thing asexuals need or want are characters who represent any of the stigmas or stereotypes around the orientation such as being "broken".
However, I'm not too concerned because Parker is awesome. Her team love her, she comes to love and trust them, she is clever, agile, loyal, and, ultimately takes the place of Nate as leader of the Leverage team in the finale episode. Possibly because of her own upbringing she's sensitive to the needs of children. She's well liked by fans (I've never seen hate for her, your mileage may vary):
Fan reaction to her is largely positive, often because of her nontraditional femininity and her unusual socialization. Many fans choose to read her as asexual, non-neurotypical, or a survivor of abuse to account for various aspects of her characterization on the show.
Overall, Parker is portrayed as quirky and eccentric rather than damaged. Her atyptical approach to life is often played as light-hearted, with her casual attitudes to things like falling from heights being contrasted with more usual reactions:
-PARKER: (to Eliot) Really? How’d you get over [your claustrophobia]? -ELIOT: I locked myself in a woodshed behind my house for a couple nights. After that, I was fine. -PARKER: That is so funny. I was scared of the dark and did exactly the same thing! (Flashback showing Parker as a kid being buried alive) (Sophie, Eliot and Hardison stare at her) -ELIOT: That’s not the same thing…What’s wrong with you?
All of the team, in fact, have their own baggage, and so Parker isn't held up as a broken person needing to be saved by their friends. They are a team and they support each other.
Sex is neither a large part of the show, nor is it ignored. There's a heterosexual on-off relationship between Nate and Sophia, Nate's ex-wife appears in several episodes, and Eliot has a few "girlfriend of the week" episodes. Parker doesn't have a boyfriend or girlfriend in her past, and when Hardison has an episode in which he flirts with a woman, she experiences some jealousy, the first sign that she is experiencing romantic affection.
In "The First David Job"/"The Second David Job", the team are trying to replace a famous statue with a fake. At one point, Parker kisses Hardison, pressing him against an alarmed door to cover up the real reason for the alarm. This improvised affection stuns Hardison, who has been giving her admiring glances for a while, but Parker shrugs it off the moment the kiss is over and the job is back on.
Hardison continues to develop feelings for Parker, but she seems not to notice – part of her social skills limitations – and it was debatable at this stage if she would or could develop romantic feelings for him in return.
As the series progresses, Parker becomes more emotionally aware and more in touch with her teammates. However it's only when she sees Hardison potentially romantically involved with another woman ("The Double-Blind Job") that she starts to realise her feelings for him.
I love that the episode featured Parker exploring the feeling of jealousy. Hardison flirting and working with Ashley was clearly driving Parker crazy, but she had no idea why. Further, at the end, Hardison clearly figured out that she was jealous, but warmly gave her space to come to terms with her feelings for him. - x
In fact Hardison handles things so well that the Parker/Hardison relationship, regardless of Parker's actual orientation, deserves meta of its own, as does the subtextual OT3 of Parker/Hardison/Eliot. At no point does Hardison ever demand or expect anything of Parker, letting her find her way in her own time, and ensuring their relationship is based on their wants and needs, not societal expectations.
PARKER: “you realize this isn’t going to be normal, right?” HARDISON: “you know, my nana used to say that what’s normal is whatever works for you.”
Up until "The Double Blind Job", Parker has shown no interest in dating, romance, or sex. Even when Parker and Hardison begin dating – which is really more hanging out as a couple instead of hanging out with the whole team – their focus is on a variety of activities they find pleasurable, rather than on sex. The season five opener, "The Very Big Bird Job" confirms their new relationship status:
Sophie: Yeah. We're moving to Portland. No warning. Anything else? Parker: Mm, Hardison and I are dating. Hardison: Yeah. We just got back from a 'round-the-world trip. It was different, like, it's new, and we working it out. [Flashback] (various scenes of Parker and Hardison repelling down the side of buildings)
In the episode "The First Contact Job", Hardison plans a rather more traditionally romantic evening:
(Hardison shows Parker the wording of the warrant ‘CANDLELIGHT PICNIC UNDER THE STARS) Parker: Ooh. Fire. I do like fire.
When the picnic is rained off, Parker is disappointed, but Hardison has a backup plan, an indoor picnic with electronic stars. Clearly Parker appreciates the thoughtfulness.
As such, I'd read Parker as hetero-romantic and/or demi-romantic, since she didn't develop feelings immediately. We never see her show any interest in women, though it could be argued she might be demi-romantic and bi-romantic, and we just never got the chance to explore that angle. I'd also argue, given her lack of interest around sexuality in general, she can be read on the asexual spectrum, possibly grey-asexual or demi-sexual, or asexual willing to have sex to please a partner.
It's been mentioned in previous discussions with my f-list, than Parker clearly loves the adrenaline rush she gets from her favourite hobbies, like bungee jumping. As such, orgasms could be seen as just another way to get a rush, and it's not unlikely that she's willing to masturbate and/or have sex in order to experience the pleasurable high. She certainly doesn't have any hangups about sex as bad or immoral; it just doesn't seem to interest her the way money or planning a heist does.
We never (to my knowledge, at least) get confirmation that "dating" involves sex. It's usually assumed that a romantic relationship will at some point become sexual, because our culture places a high value on sexual experiences. We can only guess, unless told otherwise, that sex does take place. However, given Hardison's deep affection and respect and overall patience, he would never demand or expect a sexual component to the relationship, and any sex that did happen would be undertaken at Parker's pace and with a great deal of attention paid to ensuring her consent.
However, once committed to a sexual relationship, I think Parker would be an enthusiastic participant. It wouldn’t beat the thrill of base jumping or breaking into a bank, but as a fun way to spend time with Hardison, who she loves deeply, she would give it her all.
(notes and references under the ‘read more’
Note: This is an unedited repost to this blog of a meta I posted to a personal blog for Asexual Awareness Week 2014 and at my Wordpress account in May 2015.
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