#also this is less like universally obvious slash relatable slash whatever but im being serious when i say cutting milk out could harm me
hugepolecat3298 · 2 years
prefacing this by saying i know there are some sane ones that do it just as a personal choice and dont put down others etc etc etc but the way online vegans talk about animal products is genuinely so concerning. ive seen them call normal ass meat ‘rotting/decomposing flesh’ and milk ‘mucusy secretions’ and the obvious intention is trying to gross normal people out of consuming them but like ??? What ??? i liked milk before, i knew what it was and where it came from before, why would you describing a secretion as a secretion (where the hell did they ever get ‘mucusy’ from anyway have they ever even drank it) somehow deter me from drinking it or consuming other products that use it
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