#also this is just one opinion but I’m just going to randomly start posting other unpopular opinions I have. anon you have inspired me
ongreenergrasses · 8 days
I want all your unpopular opinions haha have fun
I think Finnick and Johanna do act very sexually forward, to a degree that it can make people very uncomfortable, and it seems like the fandom agrees on that but the why of it really gets lost. Trafficking survivors and survivors of sexual abuse sometimes do act extremely provocatively, especially when they want something or are in a situation where they feel unsafe, but also they’ll do that to get a reaction or redirect a difficult conversation. it’s a trauma response. it’s a defense mechanism and a way they’ve learned to navigate the world. it’s not some deep intrinsic part of their personalities and we see that both Finnick and Johanna will not and do not act like that if they don’t feel the need to. so seeing fics (in particular modern aus) where their experience of being trafficked is erased but they still act extremely seductive really rubs me the wrong way. it’s at that point such a deep misinterpretation of their characters that i won’t engage with it. if what you’re taking away from everything is that Finnick’s a womanizer and Johanna’s stripping in the elevator is meant to be sexy, i honestly don’t want to see whatever else you have to say.
🔥 asks
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somewhere-in-the-rain · 2 months
Empyrean Modern AU headcanons
Most of these came to me randomly at 1am, so naturally I’m going to bring you all down with me by posting them here <3
Violet and Xaden’s apartment (yes of course they live together, no of course they don’t have a house they’re in their twenties) is constantly messy, with books and clothes and other crap they’ve accumulated. But it’s the kind of messy that’s comforting, not gross, cluttered in a way that feels familiar and loved. This is partly because Xaden’s trust issues won’t allow anyone else to clean.
Breaking Bad is their show. They love to watch it together before going to sleep.
Dain spends too much time on Twitter (I have never once called that app X and I am not about to start now). He has been cancelled multiple times for his political views and his opinions on Taylor Swift.
Rhiannon tried going vegan once, made it thirteen days, and then threw up because she wanted cheese so badly.
Ridoc has been to see the Eras Tour three times.
Garrick’s favourite TV show is Friends. It’s Imogen’s too, but she would never admit it.
Xaden once got so drunk he died his hair blonde. Liam is still teasing him about it.
Jesinia is AO3 famous. She had Wattpad as a kid and would read “sold to One Direction” fan fictions.
She is also a massive Bridgerton fan and convinced Violet to read the books. Violet hated them, but read all eight anyway, “just to make sure”.
When Bodhi and Garrick were at university together, they started ironically watching Pitch Perfect every couple of months as a joke. They’re obsessed with it. Garrick once bailed on a job interview in order to make it in time to watch it.
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oakdll · 4 months
things i desperately want for persona 6
- Femc
I know this is not an unpopular opinion, but I don’t even need a full femc route. It would be nice, but I think it would probably take up too much budget. All I want is a girl model of the protagonist that you can choose and some pronoun changes. It would be so easy to do, I’m begging for this
- Let people be gay
If they are doing a femc route like that, there will probably be romance options for male social links, so just keep that for the boy protagonist route. You literally don’t have to change anything except maybe a few voice lines, but you could also have the VA’s only use gender neutral pronouns. Just let you date every social link (as long as they aren’t like your dad or teacher or something) regardless of their gender.
- Keep the rewind feature from Reload
This is self explanatory, it’s maybe the single best quality of life feature in any Persona game, I NEED it for P6.
- Keep the palace system for the dungeons
The order of Persona games was me playing P5R, then P4G, then P3R. Going from P5’s palaces to the mediocre dungeons in P4 was super jarring. Tartarus in P3R is definitely an improvement, and I might even like it more than Mementos, but palaces are by far the best addition to the Persona series ever. Having unique levels for each arc was a stroke of genius, and if they don’t carry it over to P6 it will almost certainly be underwhelming compared to P5. I do like the randomly generated dungeons, but I think they work best as accompaniment to palaces. Something like Mementos would be great for P6 in accompaniment to Palaces.
- Have a better spawning method for The Reaper
I like to farm The Reaper a lot, and especially in P4, it was TORTURE. Having to open 21 chests and then requiring the 22nd to randomly spawn an enemy just to fight The Reaper was awful. Even the time based ones in P5 and P3 are not perfect. Literally just anything but the tedium of P4. Requiring RNG was awful, you could spend 20 minutes opening chests just to not get an enemy chest on the 22nd and have to restart.
- Have a post game
Sometimes I want to play Persona but I don’t want to have to start a 100 hour new playthrough. Persona genuinely has a great combat system, and I would love to be able to explore Mementos or rematch bosses after beating the game. Maybe bring back the Thieves Den (or something similar) but allow you to re-enter palaces and Mementos after getting the true ending. Something like being able to rematch bosses in the Mushroom Kingdom from Super Mario Odyssey. Maybe also bring the album thing on the couch in Persona 4 back. If you don’t remember, if you went to sit on your reading couch, you could view all of your maxed social links and replay each rank. You could even go to the social links you didn’t romance and see what their romance path was like, or vice versa. It was super cool!
- Keep confidant perks
Having the ranks of non-party member social links grant perks is one of my favorite additions to P5. It can really help incentivize you to prioritize them and go for all max social links. I think the main flaw with Persona 5 was that Atlus underestimates how powerful the perks would be. That’s why the game was so easy, not because of the gameplay, but because Atlus couldn’t balance some players having unlocked broken confidant perks and others having not. It would be difficult, but they need to be able to balance the perks more. Definitely keep them, but don’t let people just blitz through palaces if they have Ryuji’s confidant at rank 7.
- Bring over a rebalanced version of Ryuji’s instakill
Speaking of Ryuji’s rank 7 confidant ability, I want it to come back. It is by far the most broken ability in P5, but it also made grinding SO much more bearable. That said, it needs a rebalance. Make it so it doesn’t work in palaces, only P6’s version of mementos. Make it much harder to get than rank 7, maybe a late game social link’s rank 10 ability. It would still be a broken ability, but it is an ingenious solution to fixing tedious late game grinding. More games should have versions of this ability.
- Keep the completionist difficulty of P5R
I think Persona 5 Royal has the best balance in terms of how difficult it should be to max out all of your social links on a first playthrough. I got all achievements on my first playthrough, but not 100% on social links. I was rank 5 in Strength and rank 9 in Lovers. It was very close, but it had just the right amount of generosity. I think if someone tries hard, they should be able to 100% it on a first playthrough.
- Make it so hanging out with Velvet Room attendants doesn’t take up time
Unless it’s a social link like Marie, I think having it take up time just prevents people from actually doing it. With how valuable time is in Persona, wasting time slots on hanging out with a non-social link character isn’t super viable. In P5R, I almost never hung out with The Twins because it took up a time slot when it didn’t need to. In P3R, I always hang out with Elizabeth because you don’t need to take up a precious time slot to do it. Please keep this!!
- Keep the story based character progression
In P5, most of the character progression happens through confidants. Obviously confidants should have character progression, but it also means that without doing those confidants, the characters are super stagnant. In P3R, almost all of the characters develop over the course of the game without requiring you to do their social link. Junpei develops a bond with Chidori, Yukari has personal drama with Mitsuru, etc. In P5, the only time this happened was Morgana leaving the Phantom Thieves, which is by far the worst part of the game. If they can write the story to be more similar to P3, I think it would be an improvement.
- Battle mechanics
I think Theurgy (or something similar) should be brought over to Persona 6. Theurgy in Reload was very unbalanced, being able to charge Theurgy's before big battles and end it in 1 turn was way too broken. I think Theurgy's should only be able to be charged and used in the span of one battle. You wouldn't be able to pre-charge your Theurgy and Armageddon all the bosses away, as all of your charge would go away after finishing a battle. This way it can only really be used if the battle goes on for a while, making it feel more like an ultimate attack and less like a win condition.
I also want Baton Passes and Technicals to be brought over as well. It can have different names and slightly different functions, but I think they are great mechanics, they just need some balance. Baton Passes and Technicals are also super broken in P5R, especially with merciless difficulty making them do 1.5x damage. Baton Passes were absolutely overpowered. I think this might be a pretty severe nerf, but I think the best solution might be limiting Baton Passes to only work once in a row. Having Baton Pass chains where you hit a weakness, Baton Pass to an ally to hit another weakness, and keep chaining it to shred every battle was unreasonable.
- Have a good challenge difficulty
Persona games (Mostly P5R and P3R) are far too easy. I actually like having the option to make them easy, safe difficulty is a genuinely good addition to the game, however merciless leaves a lot to be desired. I think P4G's option to freely change difficulty settings was pretty perfect, but even then I think having an even more challenging difficulty would be nice for veterans. Give the option to have a TRUELY merciless difficulty, something like Terraria's for the worthy seed, or CHIMPS difficulty in Bloons TD6. I always view those modes as some of the best challenge difficulties in gaming history. They have a perfect amount of challenge for veterans, and having something of similar difficulty in P6 would be amazing. I’m thinking like super boss level difficulty for every boss fight, obviously scaled to the player level though. I want to have to prepare in advance instead of just grinding slightly and shredding every boss.
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Fragments - episodes 19-22 author notes
You can find similar breakdown posts on older episodes in my pinned!
Obligatory ShB spoiler warning.
First off, the two panels that took a silly amount of time just because I wanted to reflect Vivi’s impressions on the city.
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Episodes 18, 19, 20 open up with Vivi being concerned with the most pressing matters:
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Can’t fight if you ain’t pretty (or got just 1-2 outfits to be pretty in, that won’t do either)
I still really like the panel above, especially their pose. Episodes 19-22 show how they gradually get rid of physical boundaries. They didn’t even touch back when they first met (episode 15).
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Vivi’s casual about physical affection with friends, just one of his core things.
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Of course Vivi would trust and choose the company of a pixie, a supernatural being, over a (presumably) human who only reinforces Vivi’s worst opinions on humanity at that point in time, concealing himself and swimming in secrets. Get rekt nerd.
At least Vivi isn’t openly hostile, just.. Dismissive? I saw some other WoLs who outright hate Exarch for abducting the Scions and almost getting themselves, the WoL, killed at Ghimlyt Dark. Vivi, however, just wants to be left alone.
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Tfw the love of your life is being stolen by your dear friend. Or vice versa? Or both at the same time? Anyway, Vivi and Feo Ul form a new cool kids' club and Exarch isn't invited.
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Can't relax in your favorite secluded spot for a godsdamned moment without some pesky dragoon randomly popping out of nowhere.
While I hc Exarch being able to sense living presence around the Tower, imagine doing that 24/7 for every person. I like to think that he learned to filter it out, turn off/on at will. And while he's in a public place, with his glamour up, he doesn't need to upkeep the "radar", he's just chilling and is possibly lost in thoughts, and that's why Vivi startles him.
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This scene bears more symbolic meaning than plot importance. And, uh, some foreshadowing? Forelighting? x'D While Vivi doesn’t fall (heh) for his savior, he’ll reflect upon this at a later time.
Vivi’s normally careful and stately. Yes he’s an elf but he do be carryin’ himself like a cat. There’s a lot of control and assertion behind his trademark nonchalant posture. So, NORMALLY, this wouldn’t happen. Maybe he got distracted by the shiny? And where’s Feo Ul?
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Exarch, however, the man that chokes on air unprompted, in a moment like this acts before he could think. As some people correctly noted, the old man’s QUICK. The “screentime” stretches out as Vivi’s life almost begins flashing before his eyes, while for Exarch it's gotta be a mere second or two.
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I’m extra proud of the colorwork here. As if blood’s gone from Vivi’s face, as if his entire body went cold, but life slowly returns to him, starting with that hand. You bet this’s brimming with subtext.
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Exarch uses his left hand over the right, for better friction and probably because he doesn’t like the attention to his right hand.
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I like that this panel’s caused confusion, it worked as intended :9 An all too vague dark joke that almost cost Vivi his life. In his head it went like “yeah anyone can fly once, when they’re about to go splat”, but he wasn’t only preoccupied with the jumps, but also didn’t KNOW yet that he HAS TO speak with a fae like almost with a child, or a lawyer. Simplest terms. No ambiguity. EVER. They’ll misinterpret you unwittingly, or on purpose.
And so they did. Or didn’t? Feo Ul’s spent a long time offscreen, but whether they chose not to help, or even gave Vivi a little push, will forever stay a mystery because why not.
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Lesson learned.. On both sides.. Hopefully. Also, fret not, Exarch WILL say fuck one day, one day~
Vivi's lucky. Incredibly so. He's aware of it, doesn't see it as anything special, like you don't see anything special in being able to read this. Perhaps jumping up an unknown structure while being accompanied by an exceedingly curious and mischievous creature is risky even for his kind, but Vivi's so used to getting away with so many things that he doesn't stop to consider it for the tiniest moment.
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The first genuine exchange of smiles.
Silver lining: now they have better chances at getting along and returning to that world-saving duty.
Update from January 2024: I came back here to tell you something that took me so long to realize about episode 20′s description:
And all he saw was the Light, and then he knew that Death wore white in this world.
I randomly popped off with this prose, which on itself is a cool thing, but now I realize the extra meanings it could take on. Thinking about 5.x and Elidibus has me feeling unwell in the best way. THAT VIVI ALSO WEARS WHITE HERE IS UH. A coincidence. But it also kinda works as the Warrior of Darkness becomes somewhat of a local Reaper in the First, and then, well, then we have that Light corruption arc :3c
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Vivi's calm and tender enough for a pixie to trust him with their wings.
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Feo Ul ate and drank several times their size, and all that hero talk.. Ugh. Time for a nap.
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Drawing this made me yawn at least 3 times. You’re not immune either.
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He’s activating his scanners :>
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Vivi's definition of nice is "not nagging, begging or preaching, and using bare facts and logic to convince the hero to do the hero thing".
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Literally the next page if you’re reading in order :’> Riiiiiiiiight. That hero thing.
We don’t question whether Vivi invited his loveliest branch, or if they invited themselves. The fact is, they’re there and Vivi’s totally cool with it.
Exarch must be watching. And probably foaming at mouth as Feo Ul keeps leading in the race for Vivi’s heart. They don’t only earn the hero’s trust, but get in his bed and, gasp, brush his hair.
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Vivi's getting comfy in his role somewhere between a disney princess and Feo Ul’s pet.
A writing-related tangent incoming, but, since you’re here, I assume you’re already somewhat interested in this kinda stuff.
So, there’s the script, the plain text that waits to get illustrated. The screenplay, if you will. I don’t just sit down and draw enough random things to fill a few pages, I approach this as an actual cohesive serialized story.
I changed a good half of this episode when I began storyboarding it. In the initial script from some months ago, Vivi said "I slept so well". Something about this didn't sit right with me. It’s the most basic mistake of telling instead of showing. I asked myself, would he, a person who takes good sleep and dreams for granted, say that out loud? Nah. I removed that bit, and drew him stretching deliciously. He also asked Feo Ul if they guarded his dreams, they smiled vaguely but warmly just like in the finalized version, but then Vivi simply muttered "I could get used to this" and gave them headpats. I decided to elevate this scene by adding this tiny rollercoaster, which brought Feo Ul's greyness to the forefront, and thickly hinted that Vivi doesn't only sleep well, but has nice dreams that he probably starts cherishing after this.
To be fair, this isn’t super important for the main plot, I just wanted to highlight the difference between Vivi and Exarch, the latter being in a hate-hate relationship with sleep. Vivi’s affinity with dreams is a door I like to keep open for the possible future story (talking post-EW events).
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Now you know this’s the face they make before going apeshit.
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Imagine if this prank didn't exist and instead Vivi simply said "I slept so well, this's so important to me". I’m proud of the writing muscle I’m growing on the fly ;w;
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Ardbert's chance to act and feel normal, thwarted in the next few seconds.
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I'm so glad that people are picking up on this!! “Hey man” is Vivi’s way of providing whatever comfort he could. An illusion of normalcy. He’s emotionally intelligent when it matters.
..But he should’ve also considered that Feo Ul can and will ruin the vibe :’>
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Another screenwriting thing: this episode lacks an establishing shot, i.e. the obligatory zoomed out view on everyone in the room, but I think this’s a rare case of “less is more”. Along with the light vs shadow, it reinforces the feeling of separation. Vivi and Feo Ul are shown together, interacting, doing cute stuff, while Ardbert’s alone. Sorry not sorry for the hurty :’>
This’s all I’ve got for now. Thanks for reading and paying so much attention! People start to notice and analyze the things I’m weaving in, and it’s the best kinda interaction I as a creator could wish for.
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whinlatter · 1 year
Cho Chang for the random character ask: 4, 9, 12, 27, 43
cho! this was actually so fun to think about. cho is an underrated character and a boss bitch and i for one have relished the opportunity to think more deeply about her, so cheers for that anon! (i'm merging the other ask i got about cho with this one for a bumper cho post)
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1. Canon I outright reject
i do not tend to outright reject canon because i am a boring yawn canon compliant girlie but i will say i find it weird to think that cho would be randomly checking/carrying her DA coin on the night that harry just happens to arrive back at hogwarts in DH. it’s not even for plot it’s just for the ensemble vibes. pointless cameo sorry! the whole point of failed high school romances is to never resolve them and just memory block them out for all eternity until you bump into them in the veg section at the big supermarket when you go home for christmas and make awkward small talk then see them again at the checkouts and want to die
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
part of the reason cho was so (understandably) distraught after cedric's death was because of a dynamic in their relationship of cho revering/idolising cedric that only deepened after his death as he became somewhat canonised in popular memory. when they got together, cedric was a seventh year and cho was a fifth year. often when you're 15/16 you definitely look at 17-18 year olds like they're the coolest people on the planet and you're lucky to be in their orbit basking in their great worldly wise glory (lol). and while i’m not doing up age-gap-is-problematic-discourse i am saying that if you're in the last year of school and your mate starts going out with someone two years below who is doing their GCSEs or whatever you do a) obviously take the piss out of them but more importantly b) tend to see a pretty big gap in maturity and life experience that often adds a weird power differential in the relationship. that's not to say that cho didn't really miss cedric's company, but also that the grief was made worse by the fact that she likely saw him as a saint-like figure she was in awe of, a view that only received mass endorsement after dumbledore's eulogy of cedric, so she's not even really able to mourn a real person, but just the idea of someone purely heroic and good who she will never be able to replicate again
4. Favorite line
“He asked me out, you know,” she said in a quiet voice. “A couple of weeks ago. Roger. I turned him down, though.”
in this house we stan 👏 petty 👏 queens 👏
“What about your parents?” asked Harry. “Well, they’ve forbidden me to get on the wrong side of Umbridge too,” said Cho, drawing herself up proudly. “But if they think I’m not going to fight You-Know-Who after what happened to Cedric —”
actually huge props for cho for joining a resistance fight club with no parental support for anti-ministry action. because in canon you have the weasleys whose parents are so politically involved, and whose sense of political right and wrong is (bar percy) so instinctual because it's how they were raised, it can be easy to overlook how significant it is when other characters who don't come from that family background/political lineage get involved in risky acts of open rebellion. like yes her defence of marietta is misguided, but cho is a boss bitch who lets her grief be fuel for a good fightback and i for one applaud it
8. Unpopular opinion about them
ok this is going to sound like me doing up pure ginny defender but for all ginny gets slated for having many a jealous moment (including with cho in DH) i do think it is Interesting that people overlook how insanely jealous cho is of hermione lol. i do like that element of cho's character - or rather, think it lets her be well-rounded and interesting, giving an insight into how the trio are perceived by other members of the student body, but also allows cho have this messy petty teenage side to her (people often tend to write her in fic as this very worldly mature grieving widow figure, instead of like, a girl going thru it and wildly acting out emotionally and developing a whole host of insecure abandonment issues that are mostly to do with her grief). but i love how she like sees red and goes full how many girls are you meeting after me!!! alexa play bust your windows!!! i am going to storm out and YOU are going to pay for these coffees!!! so yeah, my unpopular opinion is cho is petty and messy and obviously harry fucks up more but she does kind of act up and you know what, that's fine! she's still worthy of the world! (you know all i do is ride on my let girls giggle and be messy crusade)
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
i stan the temper tantrum cho has when she loses the quidditch final. go girl have your strop! she’s just like me fr
12. Crack headcanon
cho's gang of girlies wore potter stinks badges in the dormitory after that horrendous date to cheer her up. and she was like yeah you know what! he does!
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like?
ohhh man i am going to have to pass on this because i literally cannot name any smells. she's too prestige and gorgeous to not smell lovely though!
28. How they feel about insert character of your choice from the same fandom
i am kind of obsessed with a cho vs ginny bitter rivalry that doesn't actually have all that much to do with harry lol. cho is two school years older than ginny (given ginny is an end-of-august birthday baby, cho fully could be three years older than her, given hermione is two calendar years older than ginny and is only in the year above). so ginny is a little pipsqueak irrelevance to cho, whereas i expect cho lives in ginny's head rent-free while she's still in the throes of her deep unrequited crush on harry. then ginny goes out with michael, cho's teammate, and is in the DA, so probably is around a lot more, maybe they're semi-friendly, all going fine - until ginny pops up for the quiddich final in ootp and publicly demolishes cho on the quidditch pitch. can you imagine being a (almost or actual) seventeen year old getting the snitch snatched from under your nose by gryffindor's fourteen year old second-rate substitute seeker (especially after a year of playing badly?) i'd be fuming. no wonder cho cries and chucks her broom on the ground. so then ginny chucks michael for being a 'sore loser' (i think this must have also been a bit connected to cho, if all ravenclaw are having a great big public sulk lol), and then michael immediately gets with cho (canon implies that evening lmao). even if ginny didn't care about michael all that much, there is something pretty galling about your ex moving on to your sporting rival an hour after you break up lmao, and something very messy from cho to try and get back at the girl who just beat you by immediately hooking up with her ex lol. you can just imagine michael and cho bitterly slagging off ginny in between snogs at that post-match commiseration party. and then the following year, when ginny beats cho again, in a match cho 100% viewed as a re-match and a chance to finally best the person who humiliated her... i'm just saying, those two hate each other (at least as teenagers) and it doesn't even really involve harry lol. and i for one love it!
43. 3 favorite foods and 3 they despise
i am also bad at questions like these i'm so sorry 🫣 literally have no world/character-building capabilities to imagine people's favourite anythings. i do like the idea of cho being thoroughly unimpressed by the quality of the hogwarts cooking though! do i back a fleet of house elves living out their days in a castle in the scottish highlands to know their way around any kind of asian cuisine? no i do not. cho would have every right to fume
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ninyard · 24 days
thanks for answering my previous ask‼️‼️ it’s okay if you can only write tips for your pov, i asked you YOUR process not someone else’s cus i like whatever it is you do to write, if that makes sense? i also don’t mean to shit on the way other people do things tho sjsjdnddjdj. you weren’t rude at all and i do see where you’re coming from‼️ i guess if i need to ask more specifically, how do you plot out ur socmed posts? i think that’s what i struggle with when it comes to writing my own? like i can find funny haha tweets or tumblr post for my/my friends charas to say but i wanna be able to write funny original stuff too? if that makes sense? 🫶🏽
I get that!!! This got long and it’s really messy so,, sorry if it doesn’t make sense~~
When it comes to making posts I personally don’t like to use already existing tweets. sometimes I can find inspiration in em but I’ve never intentionally looked up tweets to use for my socmed stuff. To each their own but it’s not for me! I don’t think they’re really socmed aus so much as like… incorrectaftgquotes type things? And I don’t really find much inspiration from it tbh. I might have one or two somewhere that are loosely based on a tweet I seen but I try my best to avoid that n make most of them as original as possible.
I guess know what kind of thing you’re going to make, in a way. My Exy fans au is essentially every big event in canon from an in-universe fans perspective. So that one’s easy to plot because it already exists and it’s just about coming up with the posts. Sometimes the fox tweets will just randomly branch off into their own things (like the Kevin-outing-Jeremy au) or sometimes they’re just their own standalone au series’ (like the andreil outing au).
I don’t really make long multiple-post “plotted” socmed stuff in the same way someone like Jas did with the Trojans au, but that’s just my personal preference. it takes a lot of work and it’s a lot like a fic in some ways!! It’s like writing a fic except it’s all dialogue and the dialogue has to be under 260 characters. And SOMETIMES there’s pictures. But they’re kind of just the same thing when it comes to plotted stuff. So maybe just do what you’d do if you were writing a fic!
In terms of coming up with funny things I guess it’s just like… don’t force it. If you’re finding something isn’t working, then don’t force it to work. I have all these ideas and scrapped tweets that just didn’t quite work for the post I had bc sometimes ya gotta accept something isn’t quite right. If you don’t want to just copy tweets and use those then try to find somewhere to start - for me that’s the hardest part of the ~random~ fox tweets and why it’s 1000000x easier to make a post that has purpose (like the party, or the q&a, or X au). I think finding pictures is a pretty good place to start, but I swear I’ve spent more time staring at a wall just trying to get into the zone of making tweets than time I’ve spent actually making them.
And I suppose it’s important to check like,,, are you (in the general sense) making them because you want to and have a funny idea, or is it because other people are/fomo/you see how many notes some of em get? Neither answer is wrong! But it’s easier to be funny, in my opinion, when I’m making them because i just randomly thought of a funny idea, versus making them because I feel obligated to or forcing things that aren’t funny because I “have” to post. Does that make sense? I always like to see when peoples’ socmed aus have some sort of story or reason, like the psu intern, or the foxes kids, or the Trojans au, or the au where Seth is still alive and tweeting like the menace that he would be. They’re always more interesting to me than posts that are just reposted tweets with Neil Josten slapped on em. But again that’s my personal preference!!!! Do whatever you want!!!!
Do you care if it’s ooc or not? Is it something that could happen in canon, or canon adjacent, or is it just an au where canon compliance doesn’t really matter at all? For me I try to make them as in-character as possible (with the exception of the fact that I don’t believe Neil, Andrew or Jean would tweet at all irl). I know it doesn’t bother some people if they’re ooc because they’re just for fun and that’s fine too. But them being “in-character” for me takes up a lot of space when it comes to coming up with the “plot” of the posts, if that makes sense!! (There’s always leeway when it comes to this tho - they’re never going to be 100% book accurate)
For me I almost have the characters as their own characters in my posts - which sounds crazy but bear with me. Like Kevin always typing with proper punctuation, and Dan always typing in lowercase. Neil doesn’t use text speak or shortened things like ‘bc’ or ‘lol’ whereas Nicky and Allison do. Nicky uses a lot of punctuation marks, Andrew uses proper grammar but doesn’t always use periods at the end of his posts, and he’s more likely to just post a picture than type out words sometimes. Does that make sense? Figure out how your characters are going to somehow have an individual voice through tweets. And it’s little things that probably don’t make a huge difference to most people but I care about those kind of little things way too much!!
TLDR; Why are you making them? Find where to start, don’t force it, and how in-character do you want them to be? Come up with your characters “voice” - how do they type/tweet? Just have fun!!! And don’t care about what other people are gonna think!!!!
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doll-elvis · 1 year
✰ New interview with Reeca Smith about her time with Elvis
- I was googling some things about Elvis (as one does) and I randomly came across this interview that was just posted yesterday featuring Reeca Smith Gossan who was briefly involved with Elvis from September 1974-January 1975
it’s only about 40 minutes long but worth the listen in my opinion !! Reeca seems really sweet and is very adamant about defending Elvis and his intentions with her. However if you don’t have the time to listen I did list some of the most important/interesting keynotes below ⬇️
- According to Reeca, the U.S release of the Amazon documentary was delayed not because of Currie Grant’s involvement, but because of the passing of Lisa Marie. This didn’t make much sense to me in regards to the timeline so I’m wondering if the makers of the documentary used that reason as the company line as opposed to saying they didn’t want any legal trouble with Currie/Priscilla. She did say it will be coming out “hopefully soon”, and if I had to guess, I think it will come out either before the release of the upcoming Priscilla movie or after (probably to cash in on the hype)
- Reeca also said that she is involved in an upcoming project with 60 Minutes (Australia’s version, not the U.S) about Elvis, however she gave no other info than the fact that she was being interviewed for it. So I’m not sure if this 60 minutes special will be just about Elvis’ women, or about Elvis all together
- She also talked about how it was Jerry Schilling and Joe Esposito who urged her to initially share her story as they wanted the world to know that Elvis had good intentions with her, despite how their age difference looked on paper
- And for now I’m giving kudos to Reeca because she said she has declined several opportunities to share her story about Elvis over the years as many were going in a direction she didn’t like. For example, she declined an offer to be involved on a project that was named “Elvis: the Cradle Robber”
- Another little random factoid is that while she was working in California, she actually met and became acquainted with Austin Butler’s mother (what a small world 😭)
- As for her relationship with Elvis, she says she first met him in September of 1974, and met up with him throughout that whole month. Then she met up with him again throughout November of 1974. And then lastly in January of 1975
- Their first initial meeting started with a shopping spree where Reeca left with over 2700 dollars worth of clothes, including a rhinestone-denim-suede floor length coat that she still has to this day
- After the shopping spree they went back to Graceland and one of the Memphis Mafia guys brought her down to the TV room where Elvis soon came down to talk with her
- She said they had a very very long talk and that was Elvis was extremely inquisitive, asked tons of questions, and basically wanted to know all about her
- Reeca also talks about how Elvis’ biggest source of happiness was giving other people happiness, and that he almost managed to do so just by getting information from casual conversations
- For example when Elvis was asking Reeca what her favorite animal was, she didn’t know it was because he was planning on buying whatever she said. She loved cats, so Elvis wanted to buy her a white persian cat. Dave Hebler, one of the guys, was assigned with the task of finding a white persian cat but came up short 💀 He settled on a little dog and showed up with the dog at Reeca’s doorstep, courtesy of Elvis
- Another example is that when Elvis and her were talking about his cars, she casually mentioned that she loved Trans Am. Just a few hours later after telling Elvis this, Reeca was asked to close her eyes, and was then escorted to the front of Graceland by Elvis where a brand new Trans Am was waiting for her 👀 Elvis made a pact with her and her parents that the car would only sit in their drive-way until Reeca was old enough to get her license
** Also Elvis was very open and honest with her parents, and personally called them everytime he wanted Reeca to come over. She said he would even let them know what exactly they would be doing, and who exactly was in the house
However Reeca did say there was a few occasions where he wanted Reeca to fly with him on tour but that idea was promptly shut down by her parents
- And when asked about if Elvis was able to go anywhere without bodyguards she talked about how Elvis and her would take off alone and go driving up and down on Elvis Presley Boulevard, without letting any of the Memphis Mafia know where they were going … which of course made them mad as they worried about Elvis’ safety but Reeca said Elvis was never worried
- As I mentioned Reeca was 14 at the time and so she was naturally very curious to know why Elvis wanted to spend time with her, and Elvis’ answer to that was that she reminded him of his childhood and of a simpler time where people didn’t expect so much out of him
** Elvis was very content just to have her company as neither one of them put any pressure on each-other and Reeca said he particularly loved reading the Bible to her, and spending hours just talking
- He was also extremely protective of Reeca and made it known to her and the guys that she was never to have any of the medication/pills the group took, after she had inquired about them from seeing them in his bedroom
- And according to her, it does seem like Elvis intended on having a future with her as they talked about they could be together more when she was older, and how Elvis was going to help her accomplish her dream of becoming a model as he had the connections to do so
- But the relationship/friendship ended up being short lived as Reeca saw that Elvis was going on a downward spiral. Whenever her mom said that Elvis was on the phone and wanting to talk to her, she declined the invitation. She was very young and she talked about how she felt scared and very helpless as there was nothing she could do to stop him
- The very last time she saw him in person was in January of 1975. He made the trip to her house alone, driving his yellow Pantera, and asked her to come out and talk to him at his window. She said she nearly didn’t recognize him as it was clear that his physical and mental health was declining
- After she stopped seeing Elvis, Reeca says that’s when she started hanging out with Ricky and David Stanley more on their own. They were terrible influences on her and were actually responsible for getting 15-year-old Reeca on some hardcore drugs
- Reeca also said that if Elvis had ever found out about what Ricky and David were doing, he would have either kicked them out or killed them (deserved tbh 🤧)
- She gives Elvis credit for being the one to inspire her to turn her life around. Soon after Elvis’ passing she was involved a very bad car accident as she was driving while high, and that became the turning point. Reeca even said if it wasn’t for what Elvis showed her, she would be dead right now
- Reeca was really impacted by Elvis’ passing as he was the first person close to her to pass away, she really struggled with coming to terms with the fact that she would never see him again. And according to her, on the day of Elvis’ funeral, Joe Esposito brought her in for a private viewing of Elvis in his casket which gave her the closure she needed as it became very real that he was actually gone
- When asked about why Elvis felt lonely and could sometimes be unhappy, Reeca said it always felt like Elvis was reaching for something. She also believes that in the later years when his health deteriorated and struggled to make it through concerts, he felt like he wasn’t make anybody happy anymore and that’s what killed him inside
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leannan-sithe · 5 months
I’m wondering where I can learn about like, godspouse courtship processes, marriage rituals, what might be required of each sides in a marriage/relationship, etcetera. Details like that. I get its individual to each Deity or spirit/entity and each relationship, but like, I’m trying to find specific examples.
To be clear, I get that this is a very personal thing, I don’t blame the sources I’ve found for not going in depth. I’m not currently trying to get into a relationship with a Deity or other entity, and I don’t think I’m receiving interest. I just keep getting fixated on this. For some reason I keep ending up down rabbit holes searching, wanting concrete examples, as if I do have a relationship to figure out, even though I don’t. Sorry, if that’s weird. I was just wondering if you had resources that could help.
Yeah! I understand the drive to learn more. If you ever find yourself wanting to engage with the practice with a specific entity, send me a DM and we'll chat.
(You can also DM me to talk in general, I don't mind that, and I don't post callout posts unless it's like the person who dated the ghosts of serial killers and was super racist. Community-level threats get @'d, not randoms with opinions I don't agree with.)
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but there aren't godspouse courting processes or specific rituals, nor are there requirements. I can give specific examples (and I will) but there's not... anything set in stone. Sorry.
I'm going to fictionalize and slightly dramatize some stories of people I know, with changed names and details.
You worshipped Cernunnos for years, getting into the practice because they reminded you of your childhood fascination with the woods and wilderness and learning about how to build shelters and traps and stuff. It started when you were 17 and were a "baby pagan," just learning about how worship and spirituality might look to you. You grew up in a Christian household, so you just don't know what to think or do. You make a habit of talking at Cernunnos over time, then when you get into spirit work, you start to get communication back (in signs, divination, dreams, etc). You joke and laugh and do things with Cernunnos, having fun with your godly buddy. One day, you're chatting with a friend who brings up godspousing, talking about specific things like dating or flirting. You make a joke about how "if that's godspousing, then you've been godspousing for at least a year." Your friend internet-looks at you blankly. Oh, shit. You've been doing godspousing for at least a year. The next divination you do is effectively a smug look from Cernunnos and a request for a "real date". Have you been dense enough to not notice they were FLIRTING flirting with you?
You're a Hellenic polytheist and you have a broad group of deities you work with in various capacities. You're fond of Hera and Aphrodite in particular, but you leave out offerings and whatnot when you want to appreciate the other deities. Or ask for their help in matters. You've been doing this for 10 years, it seems like. Since you were a preteen, and now you're an adult. You've been seeing a lot of things lately, the same sort of symbols. Lets say it's a specific fruit or color. That symbol has been popping up everywhere. What's going on? You mull on it for a few months until someone gifts you one of those fruits out of nowhere. Confused, befuddled, you leave the fruit on your altar for Hera to have. Over the next week you get these feelings that something is wrong, and you ask a friend to do divination for you -- your cards aren't doing shit for answers. The friend says there's a goddess that wants your attention. What? The friend also says that Hera is annoyed at you. You spend the next week pulling cards, looking into mirrors, analyzing your dreams before realizing she didn't like something on the altar. The fruit, maybe? The mystery goddess comes to mind randomly. You look the fruit up and-- of course it's Persephone, why wouldn't it be Persephone. You spend the next two years adding her to your roster of godly friends, until she starts dropping signs in your lap like mad. Daily, even. It takes another 6 months to figure out that she wants to *date* you. What. Why. How. You're wracked with worry about hubris and guilt, before you finally give in and join a godspousing group at your friend's recommendation. It takes you another 3 months to actually ask Persephone on a date. You do dates, shift her to central in your worship schedule, and.... just in case, you double check with Hades via divination that it's cool. (It is. He gives his blessing.) After a year of dating her, you start getting ring imagery everywhere. Repeatedly. She's proposing. You panic for another few months before writing out marriage oaths -- no one in the GSing community ever gives their vows/oaths verbiage in full as examples to others, it's a personal, sometimes sacred thing that we're all a little embarrassed about, you just gotta wing it -- and while you're practicing, Persephone pops in your mind and says "I do". Wait, no, that was. That wasn't the real one. She sends you mental images of putting rings on fingers. You spend a few weeks discussing it with her (and panicking) because you don't quite understand if it was legitimate or not, and it hurts your feelings a little that she just did it while you were practicing, but you come to the decision that you actually do like the idea of being formally married to her. So you decide it's the for real one.
You're in your early twenties, you decide your life is a bit boring so you decide to get into divination, specifically tarot. One of your dumbass woowoo friends you had a crush on was into them, and you kind of liked the art. In learning about tarot, you learn about witchcraft and crystals and stuff. Okay, sure. You'll do that. In a year, you're googling plant correspondences on tumblr whenever you cook a recipe. You always make your coffee with intention. But it still doesn't feel fine? Something was missing. You get into the wiccan side of tumblr witchcraft, and start adding deities into your lineup, making altars and worshipping any one of them that strikes your fancy. It costs a bit of money but it's worth feeling like you're doing something right. Eventually that gets boring for you and you sort of move on to other things. A few years later you get back into the woowoo stuff, and start thinking about the deities again. You feel a little guilty but don't get any closure about those worship relationships. It feels awkward. You swerve back into divination, choosing to pick up runes instead. You learn about how Odin is weird and masculine and can be evil. Whatever, you just want the runes. A few months in, someone questions an offhand remark you make about Odin being bad. You get corrected, learn a bit more about him, and... he sounds cool? You've known about the concept of godspousing for a while now, but you're a little leery about the whole worship thing, especially since it didn't work out last time. You approach Odin but you're CLEAR you don't want a relationship like a godspouse. You work with him for a few months. He shows up in your dreams as a variety of characters, you start to associate him with certain tv shows and watch those to bond. You started out fearing him a bit and worshipping him in a very rigid way, designing your own prayers and protocols, but now he's just the weird dude that watches Warehouse 13 with you and calls dibs on half your nachos when you make them. (You eat them anyways.) Eventually, you have a dream in which he kisses you. Um. Okay. No. You ignore it. You don't say anything to him, you just pretend it never happened. It happens again. This time, you sit down and have a conversation. You weren't interested in dating him. He's interested in dating you. ....... Well, maybe you're interested in dating him now. After all, he's not the terrifying figure you thought he was. You set a date in 6 months upon which you'll give him an answer, and tell him you expect him to behave until then and any misbehavior means you're booting him out of your life. He does behave, but another of your gods has to kick him in the ass for toeing the line. In 6 months, you tell him that you can date, and you set a bunch of rules out. No showing me imagery of the ocean or deep water, you have a phobia. No bothering me at work. Don't send me sexual stuff unless I ask for it. He reluctantly follows through but he does have to be reminded. Eventually, you dating Odin is just. The thing that you're doing. You don't really want to label it. It gives you some amazing sex dreams and weird fantasies that you're embarrassed about, but there's a lot of people who think about Odin that way online, yeah?
I genuinely don't know what information I can give you, but again, feel free to DM. Hope these were entertaining at least.
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celestie0 · 7 months
hi, love! how are you today? are you doing well? is work treating you good?
i hope you are doing well! flowers 💐 for my favourite girlie ✨
also have you got any tips for new writers? like i’ve been tryna write this fanfic but i cannot really understand how to keep it flowing without forcing it out, and i’m hoping you can help us out. its absolutely fine if you’re busy or cannot for any reason. no pressure truly🥹
hellooo i’m doing well thank you 🥺💕 work is well i just got home, its rainy where i live so i made some hot cocoa and im just in bed now. i hope you’re feeling better i know you said you were sick <3 🌤️🌤️ some sunshine for you!
ohhh to be asked for writers tips is so flattering! i tried to think of my top few, and i have them below the read line :”) hope they help in some way and if you do end up posting your works don’t hesitate to tag me i would love to read them <3
my writing tips ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
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dialogue. this one is toughhh bc i feel like a lot can ride on dialogue. my biggest tip for dialogue would be to just write all of your dialogue for a scene completely stripped down. none of the “he says” & “she says” or action verbs inbetween, just write it all out like it was a simple text convo w quotation marks. that way the words will sound realistic because you’re only picturing a convo in your head, rather than also trying to juggle all the descriptive prose. after you’ve got the dialogue, then you can go back in to fluff things up. if it’s meant to be comedic or a fast-paced argument, i think keeping it relatively stripped down is the way to go, but if it’s something intense or suspenseful then fluffing it up may be the better choice. also, i find dialogue becomes easier the more you write for a specific character, so if it’s not flowing right away, don’t worry!! their words will find you eventually once you get to know the character better :)
on choosing conflicts. this can be harddd because sometimes you just want the story to exist in happy land haha. but just like you said so beautifully in the sweet kickoff ch8 review you gave me, characters won’t always act perfect, but i think a great way to make conflict seem realistic is for them to act in character but with flaws, rather than just randomly out of character with flaws. maybe make a list of what that character’s good qualities and how those qualities could also work against them, and use the latter to brainstorm realistic conflict that those qualities could put them in (ex: a character is self-sufficient, but that causes them to rely on ppl less when they need it -> they fail to reach out for help in timely manners and leads to mistakes/regrets)
pacing. the biggessstt most important thing in my opinion for writing i believe is nailing the pacing. especially for fanfiction where people may be more interested in specific niche scenes rather than all of the stuff built around it. when starting off a story, don’t be afraid to just jump straight into it! or jump straight into the dialogue and then build the scene gradually as it progresses, rather than [gigantic block of text in beginning of scene that reader must drag their eyes through] and then get to the dialogue (im sooo bad w this myself lmao i fluff things up too much). in a world where attention spans are decreasing (rip), a lot of the times less is more. make sure the pacing fits the scene (romantic -> longer paragraphs more focused on subtle details, comical -> short paragraphs w simple n relatable diction, etc)
creating characters. with fanfiction this can be easy since you already have fleshed out characters from shows/books to work off of, but a good way to characterize is to just include little details that give them personality! not only is it a way to allow the reader to resonate with the character, but also it gives other characters in the story an opportunity to notice those lil quirks and create bonds over them as well. i just picture my friends or family in my head, the things i love about them, and incorporate it (i know nothing about film photography but my friend is a film major n thats where i got the idea for mc in kickoff)
for tone and mood. i think to get words flowing for different scenes, it can be really useful to get into the environment of those scenes while you’re writing, such as listening to a song that fits the vibe of the scene prior to/during writing (i blasted tgif by katy perry while writing the party scenes in ch6 of kickoff lol), or if its a scene at night, write it w the lights off, or watch a youtube vid w scenery that matches. may sound silly, but it could help! if i write something angsty in a really bright sunshine environment it’s hard for me to get the words
read more. this is sort of a miscellaneous one but a good way to subconsciously get better at writing is to just read more! your brain kinda learns how to write on its own when you read. also, when i’m reading, if i see words i really like i jot them down in my notes app so i have my own lil vocabulary of words that i know i would like to use in my writing
on writing insecurities. be proud of your writing!! your first draft does NOT have to be perfect. some days the words will flow, but on some they won’t, and that’s okay. don’t get too into your head about “i wonder what readers will think of this plot point or this character action” etc, i think having faith in your own process but also in your readers will bring you a lot of peace as you write :) create what you want to create and the rest will follow!! when i first started posting kickoff i was overthinking sooo many things that ended up being received just fine by readers in the end, so just stick to your plan 🫶🏼💕
use chatgpt. looool ai can be useful in writing too! i usually only use it after i'm completed with a draft, and i just plug select paragraphs into it to see if it can come up with some better words for me to use. it's also useful to come up with logistical details for aspects of your stories for world-building etc (no clue anything ab professional collegiate soccer games i've never been to one but i used chatgpt to come up with the scenes)
woooow i wrote way more than i thought i would haha but i hope this helps!! ive never given tips before so idk if these only make sense to me 💀 but hopefully they can be applied to what you’re looking to write as well :)
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pleuvoire · 1 year
ok here are my opinions on some common patterns in conway’s game of life that i am always seeing pop up in my experiments
1. blinker
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i do not like these very much. they are distracting when i see them littered around a still life and if i have ash of some kind i want to fuck with i usually just put dots on either side to stabilize them into a tub so their movement will stop catching my eye
2. traffic light
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this is just an arrangement of blinkers so you can imagine my feelings. often a pattern will do something very pretty with fourfold symmetry but then just stabilize into one of these which is disappointing cause it’s the most boring constellation result you can get. i think traffic lights should be a less common result in this thing :/
3. honey farm
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not the most interesting but has its own aesthetic qualities, it looks like a decorative embroidery pattern, so i support it and i’m like omg hi it’s a honey farm when they show up. and the process to generate one, while modest and not as fancy as some other formations like the pi heptomino, is still really pretty and often provides a gorgeous bit of symmetry among the chaos (for an example of what it looks like go to https://playgameoflife.com/ and make a line exactly seven squares long and press start). she is like a simple homespun beauty to me
4. glider
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MY DEAR LITTLE FRIENDS. i just made a post about it but they are like animals to me. just look at it. just look at it! i’m so pleased that they are so commonly generated by random processes because they are so cute and my friends. when they pop up inside a bunch of stuff going on i am rooting for them to escape without any fatal collisions and continue to make their way into the great unknown. they are not the only spaceship (shape that moves itself across the grid indefinitely) but they are by far the simplest, most common, and above all the most endearing
5. pi heptomino
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UGH I LOVE YOU. YOUR INTRICATE SYMMETRICAL BEAUTY IS MATCHED ONLY BY HOW EASY IT IS TO RANDOMLY GENERATE YOU SO I AM OFTEN GREETED BY YOUR ICONIC FIRST FEW STAGES BEAUTIFULLY BLOSSOMING FROM WITHIN CHAOS. she’s everything she is the moment. every way she interacts with her surroundings is going to look good as well. we have no choice but to stan. there is a beautiful tragedy in the way she generates a copy of herself (you can see in the animation before it gets prematurely cut off) but that copy will eventually be destroyed by all the other stuff unless you hassle the exhaust with blocks. tragic. but lots of potential applications for spaceship building!
6. line of six spark
(i can’t find a good gif so here’s a link to the wiki with an animation of it) if you’re going to go out do it in style. nothing special, a modest little thing, but it’s fun and unique to look at. i always like to see one of these appearing in my soups
7. phi spark
(same as above) it’s a lot like the line of six spark but twice as awesome because it REMINDS ME OF MY DEAR FRIEND TAKUMI :D and the distinctive ɸ shape is just so visually pleasing to suddenly see for an instant
8. r pentomino
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kinda mixed feelings. on the one hand, her absolute slay in taking over a THOUSAND generations to stabilize (this gif is only a brief snapshot) after coming from that one little shape. on the other hand, i’m too impatient to wait that long. also i resent her taking the title of most commonly occurring methuselah (pattern that originates from a small seed but lasts a long time before stabilizing) from my lovely girlfriend the pi heptomino. also she’s not symmetrical so it’s not as nice to look at :/ which also means i can’t actually recognize any of these supposed common occurrences because there aren’t distinctive patterns for me to notice. oh well. nothing personal
9. toad
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not huge on my radar compared to some of these others but the name makes it so cute, the way it looks is a lot more interesting despite its simplicity than my enemy the blinker, and it’s not as common a result so i when i get it i’m like omg it’s a toad :D also i hear they’re very useful in lots of spaceships and machines and stuff
ok that concludes my post about my thoughts on some common naturally occurring patterns from conway’s game of life that i am always seeing in my random soups. next i might do a post on some patterns that don’t occur naturally so much and that you have to manually input to see happen. if you actually read this far congratulations and thank you
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thatdesklamp · 9 months
hey! i’m the anon that once asked you about ur english a level if you even care to remember lmaoo. I JUST SAW THE REBLOGGED POST WHERE ANOTHER READER SAID THEY HATED SATORU FROM IW AND I’M???
obviously everyone’s entitled to their own opinions. i think that’s the point of reading anything tbh, form your own opinions and decide whether you like something/someone or not, bUT I LITERALLY CANNOT HELP BUT DISAGREE SO STRONGLY 😭 i’ve literally never felt this strongly about a person’s opinion on a fictional character let alone how the fictional character was written in a FANFIC 😀
and obviously, no hate to them or whatever. as i said, their opinion is theirs, i just randomly felt the need to tell you mine (ik you never asked, i’m bored and my student finance situation is pissing me off so here i am lol). i think the reason why i feel so offended (jokingly haha) about any hate towards satoru in ur fic is bcz you’ve written him identical to how satoru in the actual anime/manga is, so i felt like it was a well aimed punch to canon!satoru and as his certified wife, i can’t stand by and watch this happen 😟
he makes dumb decisions sometimes but i think that has a lot to do with the fact that hebi is quite literally his oldest friend and allowing whatever feelings he has to get in the way of that (without knowing whether she likes him or not from his pov) is risky in terms of their friendship and where that’ll take them. like in the chapter where they had their first kiss, ofc, we as readers know why she backed off and what she meant by how she couldn’t “do this anymore” (or something along those lines), but he was never aware of her NON-PLATONIC feelings towards him, so i think (i say think bcz i’m the reader and you’re the author so what you say GOES) he was just confused by what she meant.
like if i were to randomly start telling you a story of my life with no context, and you hear me say names of my friends somewhere along that story, but i never TOLD you they were my friends, you’d think “oh who’s that?” until i clarified who they are to me. quite like how he was probably confused when she was explaining how she couldn’t allow herself to indulge in something that she thought wasn’t reciprocated. he had no context and was therefore just… stupid lmao 😭 he was criticising her for leaving even tho she promised to stay bcz he just didn’t understand (not saying it’s hebi’s fault in ANY way, she is MOTHER, i will defend her till the day i die).
yeah i have a lot of other reasons why satoru is not a bad person in ur fic (he’s literally a copy of himself in canon, kudos to ur BRILLIANT writing and characterisation of him) but ik you’re probably bored and i have to go turn the house heating on bcz uk weather is no joke 😀
This is so so funny and lovely to hear—I’ve heard so much variety in opinions on Gojo in my fic, mainly through the comments, and so it’s so lovely when people genuinely take a proper big opinion on either side of the ‘debate’. I fully get why people would be anti-Gojo just because we’re so invested in Hebi’s perspective and when she’s treated poorly/feeling shit, it does reflect poorly on him. I think that’s why I found it fun to write the Satoru-pov oneshots; IW is such a case of ‘unreliable narrator’-ism in a way that’s not always immediately evident, and so taking yourself out of Hebi’s perspective and immersing yourself in someone else’s can really help to get a more well-rounded view of all the characters, I guess.
But yeah, I’m glad you think IW Gojo is similar to canon Gojo! I used to struggle so much with his characterisation with him as a kid, which was I think partly because he was a child and that’s difficult anyway, but also because IW was one of the first things I’d written in… like, actual years, and I wasn’t that good at writing at that point.
I do think a lot of Satoru’s dumb actions come from ignorance, in whatever aspect, and I think it’s up to the reader as to how much they ‘blame’ him for that. Especially in the later chapters: should he have noticed Hebi’s degredation in mental health, and should he have done something about it if he did, even if she had never reached out to him? She did, after all, never actually confide in him about anything troubling her: I made it a point to state it multiple times. That, I guess, is where people’s opinions will inevitably differ, as to assigning both blame and responsibility. The idea will come up a lot next chapter, but—perhaps it’s almost similar to the Geto/Gojo situation. Yes, Gojo noticed a change, and yes, he tried to talk to Geto about it: but did he do enough? Should he have tried harder? Would it have even made a difference? People have different opinions on their split, too, because it’s not so set in stone. I think that’s the main reason people would dislike IW Satoru.
More about ignorance: you’re right, I can’t see him knowing about Hebi’s feelings. Satoru’s so much more of an active character than Hebi, who is intentionally very passive (if only ‘intentionally’ so I can have the slowburn make some degree of sense, lmao, but hey!). If he knew, I’d have to have him confront her about it. Like, I cannot see Gojo *not* pushing for something if he ever thought there was a possibility of her reciprocating. So, in my head, it can be concluded from his lack of action pre-kiss, that he absolutely doesn’t think she likes him back, and he also absolutely doesn’t want to fuck up the friendship. Again: it’s so, so, so important to him. I try to justify it in the oneshots—I know so much of this is #miscommunication, but controversial opinion, miscommunication adds to the drama and is fun under CERTAIN SITUATIONS, it’s not always a bad thing. LOL.
But also low-key I get why people wouldn’t like him. But also I get why people would, and would be more than fucked off with Hebi. And why people would be somewhere in the middle. Idk where I stand, they’re just both my lil pooks, yk. <3
But hell yeah! I love ur Satoru defence squad. And enjoy your heating (😀) and respite from student finance—I wouldn’t wish that process on my worst enemy </3
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theflannelwizard · 11 months
Oops, I lied about sending all my questions in one, I thought of an actually specific question and not just a super general one five seconds after sending the ask:
Do you have any neurodivergent hcs for Buster and Gob(or other characters if you hc anyone else as neurodivergent)?
This is such a good question!! Okay!! It got long so I'm putting it under the cut, but TLDR: undiagnosed comorbid autistm and ADHD for both of them plus ADHD Tony Wonder :) I forced myself not to get into it with the rest of the Bluths cause this post would be a mile long but i did put cursory thoughts about them in the tags. All of this is spitballing and I'm definitely open to hearing other opinions!
Whatever is going on with Buster’s brain is the same thing that’s going on with my brain, so most likely ADHD and/or autism but DEFINITELY undiagnosed. None of the Bluths have the diagnoses they need and if someone (Tobias) tries to so much as allude to them being neurodivergent in front of George Sr. and/or Lucille it gets shut down immediately.
Anyway Buster reads more autistic than ADHD to me but it could be either or both. He has trouble reading other people’s emotions and regulating his own, he’s “strange” and “childish” in ways that are direct responses to how he was raised but also just read as neurodivergent, he’s got safe foods and takes things literally and has no clue how to read social cues and stims and gestures vaguely at all of him is just so very ND. Also the thing with ADHD-havers being randomly struck with bouts of guilt or self loathing? I think that’s him. ADHD was recently reclassified as an anxiety disorder, too, which we know full well is Buster, and it would not surprise me if his panic and anxiety attacks were brought on by sensory overload and RSD and other ADHD things at least some of the time.
As for GOB, I think he’s got the same deal but he reads more ADHD than autistic. I think they both have both but it presents differently in each of them. I’m fully on board with both magic and bees being special interests for that man, and he also just moves and talks and interacts with people in a very neurodivergent way. The stuttering when he’s overwhelmed is, to me, adjacent to (if not straight up being) him going nonverbal. He definitely has RSD too, look at how devastated he is when anyone rejects him ever. And I wouldn’t be surprised if he was bipolar, getting manic when he’s really into a project and then falling into depression for weeks or months at a time.
And, just as a bonus, I think Tony Wonder has ADHD. He recognizes it in GOB and helps him with learn to function in a healthier happier way and his siblings are so confused cause GOB just magically started getting more normal?? Except it’s not magic (and it’s not an illusion lmao) it’s just coping mechanisms. Tony’s been collecting them from various therapists for like 30 years. He has no clue how anyone in this family thinks they’re neurotypical.
#i also think lucille is neurodivergent in an autistic way (started as a joke because of how she stims at gene parmesan)#and maybe NPD but i hesitate to say it cause i know ppl with NPD are so marginalized and villainized and like. lucille sucks.#oscar has comorbid audhd too that's where buster got it. george is neurotypical he's just fucked up#lindsay definitely has SOMETHING going on but i can't tell how much reads as nd and how much reads as just traumatized but also privileged#michael takes personal offense to any armchair diagnoses people give him but he's probably nd. internalized ableism moment#he thinks he's so good at social cues and then he commits season 4. and every interaction he ever has with a woman.#just cause you're dry and exasperated doesn't mean you're neurotypical!!#like he MIGHT be but idk. idk. i honestly don't think about michael too much he bores me. sorry.#george michael has adhd and i say this less because of textual evidence and more because i'm projecting and they're and adhd-ass family#maeby is actually completely neurotypical but she's so traumatized you could never tell#tobias is not a can of worms worth opening here but i do think he constantly diagnoses the rest of the family while insisting he's nt#oh and adhd steve holt#anyway if any of them are neurotypical my guesses are maeby michael lindsay and george#oh and maybe george michael#maeby gm and lindsay are some of my faves btw i'm not just saying “i don't like this guy make his brain normal”#calvin talks#arrested development#busterposting#buster bluth#gob bluth#tony wonder#arrested development headcanons#anonymous-tals#answered
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monsterhunting · 9 months
Hello! I was re-reading -i bet you think about me- yesterday, and saw your reblog about the commentary posts 👀 would v much enjoy some info on the writing process for that fic. It's my favourite modern-era version of Jonathan, that perfect mix of grumpy and sweet 🧡 also love how that fic gently played around with the mean/petty elements of both Steve and Jonathan's personalities (v underappreciated character traits of theirs in my opinion)
[i bet you think about me; from this ask meme!]
omg well firstly this is very very nice of you to say!!!!! i am very honored that is a fic you would want to reread, i had a lot of fun writing that one!
and ok so originally i thought that fic might be a long oneshot (this happens very often I fear.) once i outlined and started writing, I realized that wouldn’t be the case, but before that?l? the idea for the fic was inspired by the fact that my Alexa is synced to my Spotify, which means sometimes i’m listening to music on my phone or laptop and it randomly cuts off bc my mom started listening to the Alexa at home. (Luckily this hasn’t screwed my algorithm up too badly. although i did get an email the other month thanking me for being one of earth wind & fire’s top fans.) ((also: i realize now this is a weird jump to “hmm stonathan exes to lovers au where….” but that was indeed the jump i made.))
so for several months the fic sat in my Google docs with just a few lines of prose/dialogue here and there and a couple of notes with ideas. I think the first little bit i wrote was the beginning when steve tells robin about realizing Jonathan still has his Spotify (and by that i mean that for a while the only words in the Google docs were “you know what’s funny about this? You and Jonathan have, like, the opposite taste in music.”) and then for a while I’d randomly come up with little ideas and quickly add them to the doc. In fact, i distinctly remember driving home from a vacation with my family in the car, coming up with a bunch of ideas, and quickly writing them down when we stopped at the Starbucks drive thru. (I think that was when I threw in the what makes you beautiful karaoke flashback and also the scene post-confrontation where Nancy tells steve Jonathan is seeing someone and then has to clarify it’s a therapist lmao)
So that was the ~early stage stuff, and then i fully outlined it and started actually writing and then posting it in chapters, which is around the time I decided it would be nonlinear with flashbacks breaking up the present day sections. Also: the flashbacks were very much my favorite part to write!!!
And then from there i was mainly focused on creating, like….the vibe. I pretty much knew i wanted the fic to start out fun with a lot of Spotify shenanigans but get a bit more angsty as it went on, and i wanted that to tie in with Steve’s general attitude at the beginning being “the breakup wasn’t a big deal and we weren’t even serious” (which you kinda know from the get-go can’t be true because steve and jonathan were neighbors and friends for over a year before they even started dating) and then as the fic goes on you realize it very much was serious and steve is very much not over it. And then alongside that i was trying to walk the line of “these are two fucked up individuals who are very fucked up over each other and the reasons why they broke up make sense for them as characters and are realistic but also you should root for them to get back together regardless.” which was….hard at times lmao. i mean i feel like stonathan kinda have a toxic yaoi vibe depending on characterization / context so it wasn’t hard hard but also i did want to show they were genuinely good together and happy before they self sabotaged their relationship so that was another line i also struggled to walk.
relatedly; i’m glad you said you liked steve and jonathan’s petty/mean elements because i worried at several moments i was making them too mean! i think i was especially worried people would think jonathan was too mean, mainly because you don’t get his pov so you don’t really know what’s going on in his head. which is partly what i added in a little wrap-up of the events of the fic from his point of view when he and Steve talk toward the end. but also, tbh — and maybe this will sound bad lmao — i was thinking about it and then i was like “hang on. you’re writing M/M fanfiction. The only way someone would get mad at you because they think either of them is too mean is if one of them was a woman. So you’re fine.” And that helped lmao
Not really sure when I decided what the ending would be but i knew i wanted their reconciliation convo to start with Jonathan playing a song that had some sort of significance to steve / their relationship. And I knew i wanted them to be like “we’re gonna try again and work things out” but i wanted there to be a sense that they’d be successful without necessarily doing an epilogue??? so I just did a lil paragraph at the end that was like steve imagining them living together and giving speeches at robin and Nancy’s wedding and stuff, and that was basically a little confirmation that they’d be fine and things would work out. And then i ended with a flashback to Steve suggesting they share the Spotify account initially bc I thought that would be nice and full circle :)
Thank you so much for asking!!!
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kaes-wonderland · 2 years
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❥Warning: Haikyuu (Romantic) Rarepair
❥Finished: February 4, 2023
❥Kae’s Notes: Since TikTok might get banned, I’m going to be moving my ship and general headcanons from there to here. But today, I will be giving you some headcanons on a rarepair featuring Sarukui and Fukunaga! Please no hate, this is just for fun! See my navi for more &lt;3
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They met in high school when Fukurodani and Nekoma were at a training camp together. They at first didn’t like each other, all because they were both just way too quiet and a bit awkward, so that gave the other the wrong vibe. Although, they did start hitting it off towards the end of camp and really liked each other. Sadly, they never got each other’s numbers, and they wandered through life always thinking about the other. They were reunited at one of the comedy nights Fukunaga was apart of and they just…smiled at each other. Finally exchanging numbers, they ended up just taking a stroll around the city…getting to rekindle their high school friendship
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SHŌHEI has all sorts of bizarre nicknames for Sarukui, leaving them just baffled at the fact he just comes up with them on the spot. Little do they know, it has a notebook FILLED with random names it thinks of at 3 a.m. But the main nicknames are Ya-kui/Kui and Shō/Fuku <33
SARU is VERY clumsy, getting scrapes and bruises daily, so Fukunaga always puts those “kid’s” bandaids on the boo-boos like the ones with animals or Care Bears <333
KUI’S post-timeskip occupation says “civil servant” so I believe, with the help of Shō, they would become a culinary teacher at a high school.
I LIKE TO BELIEVE that Yamato dated Osamu during their college years (because I have a headcanon that they also went to culinary school) but they broke things off mutually after two-ish years as really the only reason they were “dating” was to not feel alone…Same with Fukunaga and Komori.
THEY HAVE THAT RELATIONSHIP where all they have to do is look at the other with a big smile and they are both rolling on the ground laughing. They have plenty of inside jokes that make them look insane in the eyes of society…but do they care? Not one bit.
NEITHER ONE OF THEM went to their school’s prom. Either cause they were too socially awkward, or they didn’t have anyone to go with, but they didn’t go. So now, that they are together, Fuku will randomly play a song while Kui is cooking and will make them stop cooking just to dance with it. Slow dancing always make them shed a few tears, but it always ends with them sneaking sweet pecks in between moves
FUKUNAGA loves affections, as physical affection is his love language, but Sarukui has a hard time adjusting to cuddles because they are more of a rambler than the huggy type. But kisses have always and will always be fair game!
I PERSONALLY LOVE PAIRS that are, or are very close in height as much as height differences! But…Yamato ALWAYS playfully banters about how much taller they are compared to it, only though they have one inch on him
FUKUNAGA is hard of hearing, and can only hear things that are really close to it.
SOOOOOOO, due to the headcanon above, the two hold hands EVERYWHERE they go. If they don’t, Fuku will wander off if he sees something cool, and Yamoto has a hell of a time finding it.
AS AN ANNIVERSARY PRESENT one year, Fuku had NO idea what to get Kui for a gift so it got them a panda bear teddy and now Saru can’t sleep without it
YA-KUI helps Shōhei write his material for when he performs for his comedy nights, and they always ends up laughing so much they are crying and often bring a few friends to listen in and give opinions as well
WHEN THEY FINALLY move in together, Fuku had pet ants and Saru started to have mini panic attacks about “what if they get out? what if they eat me in my sleep?” So with a heavy heart, Fukunaga gave them to a friend so that his Lovelace wouldn’t have to worry further
THEY LIKE TO PLAY pranks on each other. Not those obnoxious YouTube couple pranks, just little jokes here and there…April Fools Day is one of their favorite “holidays”.
THEY ARE absolute sweethearts, always trying to make the other or really anyone smile…but man can they be chaotic when they want to be-
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©k_kae- 2023 — all rights reserved. please do not copy, modify, or repost my works and claim them as yours. But reblogs and likes are alway welcomed. Thank you, stay positive シ
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raayllum · 2 years
Season drop protocol:
I will be staying up to binge watch the whole season in one go and will not be liveblogging it directly, but may share a thought or two along the way / begin posting and reblogging spoilers immediately afterwards. I tag all spoilers for 1-2 weeks under “s4 spoilers” and my own posts under “tdp spoilers.” 
I do my best to avoid spoilers my tags but I also like to tag ramble, so if you want to completely avoid spoilers, it may be best to unfollow until you’ve watched the whole season. I’ll be very happy to see you then! This goes double as I’ll be changing my icon, header, blog title more than a few spoilery times, I’m sure!
If I didn’t get to your ask before the season drops, apologies & thank you for sending it in anyway! Time, energy, and interest - as well as a sometimes shoddy memory - dictates all
Answering asks is not gonna be my priority any time tomorrow, and while I love seeing people’s thoughts and reactions, please don’t liveblog / spam my inbox with them. Additionally, please don’t send me negativity about the season (this is a purposefully ‘critical’ free space) as that is 99.9% of the time never what I want to see and I’m sure that’ll be the case tomorrow as well.
Perhaps most importantly, since some of my theories randomly started getting traction the last 3-4 months in particular, if any of my theories are wrong, please don’t be smug / rude about it in my inbox - theories are always intended to be just that and it truly is more about the journey for me. What I’m going to emphasize more though, is that if for some reason any of my theories are right, please don’t be cruel or condescending to people who had issues or reservations about them. They were entitled to their opinion then and still are now. Just - be kind and respectful to each other whatever curve balls TDP throws us, yeah?
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littlelionpaw · 1 year
Thanks @xxxhellfireravenxxx for the tag! :)
(I went a bit overboard, I think....)
1. ride or die ship (your otp): Ereloy. BUT, to be perfectly honest, I didn’t really see Erend’s appeal at first. Loud and macho and horrible facial hair... uurg, not my type of man, at all. I did like him as a character, but not as a romantic option. When I played the games first I didn’t ship anyone with Aloy. I didn’t even know what shipping was until recently :D At some point I stumbled over a ship-war post/comment on reddit in which everyone was losing their minds, shoving their opinions and ships down each other’s throats and I was like… how can you be so obsessed with pixel people? (I was still so young and naïve back in March…) but it got me curious, and I stumbled across godliath's AMAZING Ereloy art and somehow landed on AO3 and a wonderful fic (The Implication of a Kiss by Emtaz. If you are an Ereloy and haven’t read it yet, or want to become one, GO READ IT, it is so lovely) and was hooked. I decided to write my first own fic, got invited to the two minutes server after publishing it and started to pay more attention to Erend while playing the games and fell in love.
2. most annoying ship: None. I’m only annoyed by people who are mean/condescending/superior idiots about other ships.
3. second favourite ship: This is hard. So many lovely characters to choose from. Personally, I always had a crush on Petra. I guess I have a thing for Oseram. I also adore the way Abadund worships Morlund.
4. favourite platonic relationship: I love how Aloy and Morlund click.
5. underrated ship: Uuuh, I know lots of people hate Avad for being so forward with Aloy… but in all honesty – he has been completely courteous and nice about it. He likes her and tells her. He doesn't even want to make her his queen or pin her down or anything… he just wants to get to know her better and accompany her on her travels. So… yeah. I kinda have a soft spot for him.
6. overrated ship: Please see answer number 2. :P
7. one thing i would change in canon: (*three major things i would change in canon:)
The way Varl’s death is handled. I really hate that he is dead, but to be honest, I do like a good major character death in any story, because knowing something like this can randomly happen keeps me on my toes. The world they live in is extremely dangerous, it’s more or less logical for one/or more of them to die. I was actually convinced Erend would die during GEMINI. The way him and Aloy looked at each other when he rode off to his own cauldron gave me chills and a sense of foreboding. Then I thought it would be Beta. OK, back to how it was handled: Other than it sucking and emphasizing the mortal danger they are in and the ruthlessness of the Zeniths it didn’t have any real impact on the story. Aloy had another grave to visit and contemplate over. Yey. I don’t know, it felt flat, empty and in consequence unnecessary.
Second major thing I don’t like in HFW is the way Erend is handled. When you play HFW right after HZD it is especially jarring. The Daunt reunion is still awesome and gives us a matured, badass, no nonsense Erend. It’s one of my favorite scenes of the entire series. But after that? He is reduced to a blundering, insensitive oaf. I can understand that he is uncomfortable inside the Base, sitting around all day studying and reading, right after he tells us what he is actually forged for (paraphrasing: no ledgers, no boring afternoon patrols, just the hammer, just the fight). So, really, him being awkward and a little too loud and too much is to be expected. But there is really no need for the others (including Aloy) to be so mean/superior/condescending about him. Everyone is like haha will Erend even understand anything? Haha can he handle that? Haha please don’t get yourself killed you fool haha. He is loud and funny and a bit crude in HZD too, but he is also VERY competent despite is constant self-doubt. He picks up the pieces after Ersa’s death, cleans up his act and when he is faced with the truth right before the final battle he swallows down his fears and INSTANTLY turns to his comrades boosting their confidence, taking away their fears, showing excellent leadership. He is passionate and eloquent and empathic (see his speech in Mother’s heart!!). There is really no reason or indication for Aloy (or the others) to put him down so much or to not expect him to be able to handle/understand things. *grumble*
Third major thing: Burning Shores. I was so bored most of the time. Glittering, beautiful, masterfully rendered exterior – mostly hot air inside. When I was fighting the Horus I thought oh wow, why place a major boss battle right at the beginning of the DLC? And I laughed out loud when the screen announced it was over, thanks for playing. Yeah. SO MUCH wasted potential. Loved Gildun though.
8. something canon did right: >>>Horizon Zero Dawn<<< It is a masterpiece. And although I’d love for Aloy to get more smooches and experience more love and friendship… I will gladly go without any of that in favor for more of the gripping, deep, excellent storytelling that is HZD.
9. a thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom: I’ve only just started to create things and feel very humble and self-conscious about it. But I’m actually pretty proud of my first ever fic Something New, because it got me into this whole world.
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): Bright eyed Morlund! My god, I want to reach inside the screen and squish him. Also: Sylens, *chef’s kiss*
11. the character i relate to the most and why: That’s hard. I guess I can relate to Erend’s constant self-doubt. And his tendency to self-medicate to make things easier. But I can also relate to Aloy’s “I can do that alone, I don’t need any help”-attitude.
12. character(-s) i hate the most and why: Tilda. What a wonderful villain. That person makes my skin crawl. She is creepy as hell and doesn’t have this touch (or more like HUGE GLOB) of megalomaniacal madness that clings to Ted or Ceo. Being so self-centered, cruel, ruthless, and cold while apparently very clear-headed makes her very hard to grasp. Expertly done by the writers. And I want to punch Lanzra. Was there ever a bigger, more hypocritical BITCH than her?
13. something i've learned from the fandom: I’ve learned SO MUCH! I’ve joined the fandom in March/April 2023, I’m still very new here. But since then I’ve started to create things for myself again! Which I haven’t done in almost 20 years. I’ve always loved drawing and writing, so much so that my parents and teachers all encouraged me to do more, to be better, to “do something with it”. Ultimately these expectations/the pressure killed my drive, because whenever I did something that was just fun the question of “what can you DO with it? Can you sell it? Will others like it? Will it bring you fame?” inevitably followed. Drawing or writing about Blorbos is SO useless (in the grand scheme of things) that it is extremely feeing. It gives me so much joy. Second thing I’ve learned: It doesn't matter how “good/perfect” anything is, as long as it gives you joy. I was so confused when I joined the two minutes server, everyone was so nice to each other. So many compliments! No criticism, no tips how to do things better… until I realized that creating for a fandom is supposed to be simply fun. For yourself mainly and for people who happen to like the same things you do. There is no point whatsoever to criticize other peoples work unless they ask you to. Very freeing. It gave me a whole new perspective! I would have considered myself a nice person before, but now I think I’m more considerate too.
Please people, be nice to each other.
14. three tags i seek out on ao3: Don’t have any preferences… I randomly read what catches my interest!
15. a song i strongly associate with my otp/favourite character: Funny story: Shiver, by Coldplay. The thing is, at first I didn’t realize it’s a song about stalking :D lol. I thought it was a song about pining… Erend watching from the sidelines, in love with Aloy, waiting/hoping for her to finally notice him. Haha, although now I know the true intention behind the song I CAN’T get it separated from Erend….
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