#also this is 100% not how a candlewick graph is meant to be used but it gets the point across
to-be-a-dreamer · 10 months
I Am Afraid For This Man
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That being said, I do actually have faith because other than the enderman kill in Double Life, he always lost his last life because another player killed him (EDIT: I was wrong, see end for note*) and I doubt anyone is going to be actively trying to kill him next session.
Here's a chart showing how many of each life color were still alive the session before Jimmy permadied compared to how many there are as of Secret Life Session 4:
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I can't see anyone hunting him down when TWELVE greens are still left. By this time in every other season, there were 8, 9, 2, and 0 greens, respectively. This season is shaping up to be the longest of the life series yet but I'm guessing it'll be about 7 or 8 sessions.
Even ignoring the fact that the only other Red on the server is Jimmy's ally it would be actually genuinely cruel to intentionally take someone out of the series this early. No one would ever do that, no matter how funny it would be to ensure Jimmy gets out first.
In conclusion: I think the only way Jimmy gets out next session is via the environment and I have faith that he's got at least two more episodes left in him, knock on wood. (I use numbers to fuel my delusions)
*EDIT: Actually I forgot he permadied in Limited Life from simply walking off Bread Bridge of his own free will, my delusions will now fueled be by prayer and prayer alone
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