#also there’s a seal on each page 🦭
beartitled · 2 months
Artbook 👏 with bears👏time👏
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Translating old art projects I did ✨
There are 2 more projects with these characters I’ve done in the past 👀
Lemme know if you’d like to see more projects with the sillies in the future
Colouring for Griz’s house + first colour tests for most of the characters was done by @aoiaku
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Huge thanks to @insomniphic for proofreading the English translation and pointing out my mistakes to me ❤️
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+ bonus mock up 🐻���❄️
buy now at your local bear shops/silly💥
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sleepingdeath-light · 6 months
relationship hcs ; poly affogato cookie & clotted cream cookie
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requested by ; 🦭 anon (17/08/23)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | epic cookies | super epic cookies
character(s) ; affogato cookie, clotted cream cookie
outline ; “Seal anon here:
Part of me can't resist an idea based off this ask
Imagine being in a poly with these two...they are both charismatic and can be sweet when they want to be~
Can't decide if I want a drabble or whole hcs of a clotted cream x female reader x affogato...
So surprise me lol!
Also I guess I send in wholesome requests because my mind kinda naturally just avoids sex or is neutral to it. Or idk why but always preferred wholesome stuff over sex stuff...still don't understand myself a little lmao!”
note ; struggled a lot with trying to conceptualise what this relationship would look like, so apologies for any shaky characterisation here haha ^^
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
it goes almost without saying that once you enter into this relationship, and all of you have established your boundaries regarding one another, you’re going to end up completely and utterly spoiled rotten — of course the boys will also shower each other with gifts, but it’s a sort of competition between the two of them when it comes to who can lavish you with the most thoughtful, expensive, and high quality gifts so you tend to take the brunt of that particular expression of love
affogato cookie tends to focus primarily on the material when it comes to his gifts for you and your other boyfriend: expensive lounge robes, styles of clothing unique to his kingdom made in only the finest of materials, the finest jewellery that money can buy, and boxes upon boxes of handpicked hair and skincare products that he swears will make you both look even more enchanting than usual
clotted cream cookie, meanwhile, focuses mainly on experiences when he picks something up for you or affogato cookie: paying for you all when you’re out on dates, leveraging his status and wealth in order to skip forward on the waitlists of the republic’s finest establishments, taking you both out on surprise trips to various locations within and beyond the republic’s borders, and ensuring you’re both able to accompany him on his work trips just so you each get to experiences the wonders of the world alongside him
both of these men will write you little love letters and reminders for you to find in their absence but they place and word them very differently — for example, affogato cookie is much more likely to leave his notes out in plain sight (e.g. on the bedside table or on his pillow for you to find when you wake up) and he always uses darker coloured envelops with more intricate wax seals to keep them closed, whereas clotted cream cookie hides most of his love letters in the places that you’re most likely to find them (e.g. between the pages of your favourite book, or in one of the pockets of that jacket or bag you never leave the house without) and he always uses lighter coloured paper with no envelope with your name scrawled across one side in intricate cursive
affogato cookie is much quicker to resort to flattery and sweet talk during arguments, especially if he’s trying to get you to side with him after a disagreement with clotted cream cookie, and he’s much more spiteful and petty afterwards if you don’t take his side — these grudges never last particularly long, mind you, and are usually just for show as a way to get you (and clotted cream cookie) to grovel for forgiveness and/or admit that he was right… even when he really wasn’t
clotted cream cookie, on the other hand, is much more levelheaded during arguments and disagrees with bringing in an uninvolved third party to resolve an issue or take sides — that being said he does usually end up playing the mediator and peace maker when affogato cookie’s ego or temper becomes a bit too much for you to handle, and his experience as an authority figure makes him much better suited at finding middle ground or some sort of compromise (as opposed to affogato cookie’s insistence of his way or nothing, which is perfect for leading a cult but… less than ideal for being in a relationship)
whenever you and/or clotted cream cookie visit dark cacao kingdom, affogato cookie takes every possible step he can to ensure you’re both safe and well tended to throughout your stay — this can mean anything from skipping off from his official duties to welcome you himself and walk you back to his home, to having his followers fetch you a variety of flashy gifts, to ensuring at least one or two members of his cult are near you at all times to keep you safe, to actually taking official time off of his work as an adviser to spend some time with you both and show you around his favourite parts of the kingdom, and everything in between!
(he also gets very insistent about you both being properly dressed to handle the colder weather and will refuse to let you go out until you both put on your coats — no not your republic coats, the thicker ones he bought you for this visit… please don’t make this difficult…)
whenever you and/or affogato cookie visit the republic, well it’s safe to say that clotted cream cookie goes all out to make sure you have as relaxing and fun of an experience as possible — even if his duties don’t allow him to be by your side for the whole time… no matter how much he may want to be
of course you two are personally escorted to his family manor and, after finishing up some unavoidable paperwork, clotted cream cookie steps in and helps you unpack whilst you and affogato cookie go through all of the gifts he’s bought you — most of which is just clothing to wear during your stay or assortments of snack foods from local vendors to give you both a taste of the city during the time of year you’re visiting
both men are more than happy to show off you and their relationship with you to the public, but they approach it in different ways: affogato cookie takes on a much more calculated and intentional approach because he’s more mindful of how his reputation influences his plans to seize control of the kingdom (needing to balance his need to claim you both through clear pda due to his possessive streak with his desire to maintain a charismatic and suave image), while clotted cream cookie takes on a more traditional and chivalrous approach that reflects his upbringing (engaging in some mild pda but never shying away from introducing you both as his partners or politely turning someone down himself or on behalf of you or affogato)
affogato cookie is more naturally possessive and covetous of you both, and much more likely to subtly attack and embarrass anyone who tries to interfere with your relationship — especially if they try and flirt with either of you in his presence, at which point he will drop all pretences and ramp up his flirting and touchiness with you both in order to make the other party uncomfortable and embarrassed enough to leave (before having his followers ruin their life even further, of course)
clotted cream cookie doesn’t necessarily have a possessive streak and tends to be much better at keeping a level head, but he’s not above very sternly shooing anyone away who tries to flirt with you or affogato cookie in his presence or anyone whose attention either of you entertain — it’s actually very difficult for most others to see just how jealous he gets, but to you and affogato cookie it’s clear as day (and, honestly, quite cute)
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orderforbrian · 2 years
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an old lil comic about selkie parenting 🦭
jon is a good baba, he just gets in his head sometimes - luckily martin is there to support him 😊💞
[Start ID: A four page comic of Jon and Martin from the Magnus Archives with two unnamed babies. Jon is a Persian man with long curly hair in a ponytail and a full beard. He is wearing glasses and a simple shirt with simple pants. Martin is a mixed Polish/Korean man with wavy hair held back in a headband and a light beard. He has a beauty mark under his lip and is wearing a simple t-shirt and pants. He is also wearing a sea glass necklace. Both unnamed babies appear as baby harbor seals initially then as human babies with short curly hair. One has a beauty mark under their left eye while the other has a beauty mark under their right eye. Each seal pelt appears with grey spots and a white underbelly.
1st page: In the first panel, Jon is focused with a baby seal cradled in his lap. Off-panel, Martin says, "Okay, so - you just grab the pelt under their arm like this". In the next panel, Martin has the other baby seal cradled in his lap and is pinching his fingers until one of their flippers. He says, "Right under the armpit. Just like when you're taking off their shirts for bath time." In the next panel, he removes the seal pelt to reveal a sleeping, drooling baby. He smiles and says, "And there! Easy enough!". In the next panel, Jon rapidly pinches and pulls his hand away from the seal baby's flipper. He says, "Nothing's happening..." The seal baby appears unbothered. Martin off panel says, "You're not in the right spot, love.". In the final panel, Jon lifts up his hand in frustration, glaring at Martin. He says, "Liar. You told me armpit...". Off-panel, Martin says, "Well, I guess it's a little more specific than that...".
2nd page: In the first panel, Jon looks down with little confidence. It is presumed he is attempting to remove the baby's pelt again. Off-panel, Martin says, "No, not there. There." Jon says, "H-here??". Martin says, "To the le - stop. Stop, stop. You got it. Right. There." Jon says, "O-okay...? Not really where you said...". In the next panel, Martin laughs, "Jon, you can't - Don't be so delicate, Mr. Feather Light Touch. Really grip it". Jon lifts his hand away with concern and asks, "W-what if it hurts them?" Martin says, "I know it's weird pinching skin but it's okay, I swear!". In the next panel, Jon points at Martin in an accusatory manner and raises his voice, "What about a nursemaid's elbow?". Martin asks off-panel, "A - sorry, a what?". Jon continues, "Precisely. You haven't read the things I've read-!". Martin says, "Jon, dearest. Just try again please." with a simplified expression of him smiling but frustrated by the dialogue bubble. In the final panel, Jon appears at his wits end with wide eyes and a grimace. He says, "It's not working." Martin says, "You've got place and the grip...I dunno, you need the - the intent to take it off." Jon raises his voice again, "Intent? What do you even mean intent?".
3rd page: In the first panel, Jon cradles the baby seal to his chest and heaves out a big sigh, having officially given up. He looks down to the side in shame and says, "Face it, Martin...I can't do it because I'm not a selkie." In the next panel, Martin strokes his cheek with a tender expression and says, "Oh, love. Don't say that...". In the next panel, Martin cradles the baby to his shoulder, supporting their bottom. He smiles down at the baby and says, "I'm just happy you even want to try. Instead of leaving all the selkie stuff for me to take care of." In the next panel, he smiles at Jon with his eyes closed and says, "Why don't we take a break? Pups need to go down for the night anyways."
4th page: In the first panel, Jon looks down with sad eyes and says, "Yes, yes, you're right...Sorry for snapping. It's just...difficult for me to not be good at this. I don't have instincts like you." Martin off panel says, "That's alright, love. Let's try again tomorrow. Plus I want to cuddle." Jon says to the baby, "Right then, sweetheart, let's get you ready for night night." The dialogue bubble continues into the next panel and Jon says, "Just need to get your pelt off first though-". Jon is then holding a pelt in his hand and looking down with a surprised expression. The baby lets out a tiny yawn off panel. In the next panel, Jon and Martin are sitting cross legged from each other, Jon cradling a sleeping baby in his lap and Martin cradling the baby still by his shoulder. Jon continues to look down with a surprised expression. Martin gasps in happy surprise and says, "You did it, Jon! See, I knew you could! No selkie instincts to it-". In the final panel, Jon's eyes are obscured with tears and he has a wavering frown on his face. Martin gets a little teared up as well, still smiling and says, "Oh! A-ah, don't cry! Aww, Jon!!"
End ID.]
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