#also their instagram posts and stories when they're traveling are such a good look at this. theyre just goofing!!!
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littlekingbergara · 2 years ago
Having some “Ryan & Shane aren’t really friends” demons which I know is stupid and parasocial and like not born out by the literally all the evidence that we have but I can’t help it sometimes. 😭 I just rly love their dynamic on screen, I hope it’s similar off screen.
oh those ARE demons!! they are Best Friends!!! a huge reason their onscreen dynamic is the way it is is Because they're Like That offscreen. you can fake a lot while making content but the kind of easy chemistry they have and the way they joke with and poke fun at and just talk to each other... you Cannot fake that. AND what we see is most often a Toned Down version of who they are off camera so i have to believe the bestieism is even more than we know.
also the first mystery files debrief when ryan legitimately could not think of Anyone he would be able trust on a bank heist Except For Shane. like yeah that was a jokey scenario but it means something that he believes shane is the Only person he can trust would not turn on him in a high stakes situation. like... ryan threatened to kill shane earlier in the episode he Did Not need to turn around and be that sincere. that's real.
ALSO also reading the interviews they did for ghost files and mystery files and seeing them in other people's content (shoutout my fav trypod episode) it's soo clear in the way they speak to and about each other that they really do love each other and working with each other and they make each other better creators.
and! shane was in ryan's wedding!!! his wedding that yes was published in a magazine but was not publicized in a way that matters for their brand. if they were just trying to push some fake friendship image they Absolutely would have taken advantage of that.
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alotofpockets · 2 years ago
Happy when you're around | Florence Pugh
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Paring: Florence Pugh x Reader
Summary: You're helping your girlfriend film her newest Cooking with Flo video, and help her with a Q&A on Instagram live.
Masterlist | Marvel masterlist | Words: 707
Florence was dancing around the kitchen, between the chopping of vegetables and stirring in pots. She was in the process of filming a Cooking with Flo episode. You were behind the camera making sure to get all the right angles to give her fans the best experience.
You loved how at ease Florence was in front of the camera, she had to be with her job of course but this was different. She connected with her fans, talked to them, even when her episodes weren't live and she couldn't see their responses or have a two way conversation with them. She never failed to find a new topic to talk about. 
As a bonus Florence posted an extra story on her Instagram for her followers to send in questions, after she posted all the parts to the Cooking with Flo. She was nervous because she had never done this before, but she was excited when she saw all the questions come pouring in.
Florence wanted to answer the questions on an Instagram live. So, you suggested putting up a tripod to film her and to read the questions aloud from your phone, that way it was more like an interview. Flo thought it was a good idea, it eased her nerves a bit.
"Hi, everyone! I hope you enjoyed that little Cooking with Flo." She started. She knew how much they love the series, as they're always requesting more. "Thank you so much for all the questions you've sent in. My lovely girlfriend, behind the camera, will read as many of them out for me before we have to leave. I hope to answer as many as I can!" 
You looked at Florence to give you the sign to ask the first question. Once she did you read one out for her. "Let's start off with a food related question, what is your favorite dish to make?" - "Hm that's a good one, I love so many. Honestly, I think my favorite thing to do is to create a dish from the leftovers we have. I get to be more creative and challenge myself." 
You continue with the next question, "Are you working on any new projects at the moment?" Florence looks at you and smiles. "We just finished the press tour for A Good Person. If you haven't seen it yet, it's out in theaters now!" She plugs while making finger guns towards the camera. "But to answer your question, no not at the moment. I've had a busy couple of years work wise and while I'm very happy with that, I want some time with my girlfriend. So, I'm taking a couple of months off, and we're going to travel together. I've got some auditions planned before we go, so who knows after our trip I might have some new projects coming up."
You continue asking more questions, when you stumble upon one with your name. "Haha I like this one, I'd like to know your point of view on this. What is y/n like when she's filming your Cooking with Flo videos?" Florence moves her hands in a come here motion. "If you all don't mind, I'm gonna bring her in front of the camera for this one." 
Once you sit down next to her, she starts answering the question. "Y/n is amazingly supportive behind the camera, and in general. She's very detail oriented and knows exactly what I want to show and when I want to give you all a closer look at something. Besides that I also have the cheesy answer, which is that she's beautiful behind the camera, and she always looks at me with the most admiring smile." You blush at all her compliments. 
"That's because I'm always happy when you're around." You say while leaning into her more. She puts her arm around you. You see the screen filled with lovely messages from the audience and feel the smile on Florence's face. "We have to get going now, but I promise I'll answer more questions soon! Thank you for joining us and I hope you'll all have a wonderful day." With that you end the live and cuddle up to your girlfriend, before you have to get ready.
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genericpuff · 2 years ago
I don't know if you have seen the last thing RS posted on instagram, and I don't wanna sound mean or like I'm criticizing every single thing she does, but, why does this feels a bit off? Like, I know every author needs money, and that's why they sell books, special editions and merch from those books. But seeing how some people who went to that last "book signing" now want to order or buy ANOTHER lo book just to get an autograph or that "exclusive doodle" feels a bit... Idk, bad? Like, the fans have to spend more money than other fans just to get this stuff? It feels a bit like what happened with that Persephone + Ares book that had a special edition that was all black, but costed more than the regular edition so the fans had to spend more money if they wanted their lo novels to look good together. Idk, maybe i'm just seeing too much into it, but I still wanted to ask your opinion on the matter.
Love your work, btw. Lo rekindled is so good, and your art is beautiful!
so I looked into it and yeah! it's off! it's super off!
story time, but there's this band I'm really into where, 1-2 years ago, they had released two new separate EP's, and they were selling them individually as special editions, only for them to then SELL THEM ALL OVER AGAIN AS BUNDLED VERSIONS AND THIS JUST LIKE
there was also a time where this Youtuber musician my husband was really into was selling vinyls, and we managed to snag a copy in the hour that they were available, only for them to start selling SIGNED copies the week after they had sold out of the original prints
it's just an overall "ech" move because it really screws over your audience for paying attention/getting in first, y'know? That's what's such a big deal about being in a fandom, a lot of people like being "first" so to sell something under the precedent that it's "limited edition" just to print more with an even COOLER thing attached feels like such a fuck you. They're literally just trying to gouge more money out of people who have already bought the thing and "need" the exclusive copy.
This just goes to show btw there was nothing stopping her from signing books personally at SDCC. That feels like such a middle finger to the people who paid money to go to and be at SDCC (travel costs AND attendance costs) esp the people who cosplayed as LO characters and were clearly specifically there for Rachel just to be given a stamp and shooed away with zero conversation (as I talked about in a previous post) and then find out later after you've already gone home days later that you can get a PERSONALLY SIGNED AND DOODLED COPY if you go and buy a brand new book in one specific bookstore. That's so lame man, I can't even.
Just to add btw, not related to your ask really, but it really goes in conjunction with it, there was a tweet recently from Rachel advertising some new t-shirts.
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But people who bought the shirts reported that they're INCREDIBLY cheaply made and don't look anything like the products listed. You can even see the low ratings on them but when you actually view them-
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I do not feel the need to say it any louder for the people in the back, it's being spoken clearly at this point - WT and Rachel are cashing out on what little merit they have left, they do not care.
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synonymouswithanonymous · 1 year ago
Chains lol
He's worked several times throughout the last couple of years, his voice over work for an animated film, nightwatch 2, 2 tv shows filmed and aired, two unknown projects one in Scotland (she visited him briefly) and one in Spain. Short film Pic. So it's not like he's been lumping around idle without work lol. He was filming something else in DK about 2 weeks ago, unknown new project. Also worked on his GF's podcast and been on several podcasts.
Now he's got a visa to probably work in NYC like he mentioned in an interview..for an international film.
Bali and Lebanon trips for G2N & RC.
Beyonce concert and Smukfest (article said Johanne was visiting family or friends during Smukfest). Plus a boys trip in Dublin. This is off the top of my head. He travels a lot. Lol Other concerts, even with his Dad.
So I'm not sure why some people are acting like he doesn't leave the house or his girlfriend keeps him chained at her side. That's clearly not what's happening. 😂😂😂😂 that's the new/latest irrational angle I guess. Or that she's keeping him from work or friends for some imagined reason haters imagined her to have. Just bc you don't see instagram posts of him with friends doesn't mean he's not been with friends. Just bc neither person posted them at Christmas together doesn't mean they didn't see each other at all ( their second Christmas together), doesn't mean they didn't have their "couples Christmas" and exchange gifts lol. And how are you going to use what you didn't see as a way to make up a story that she's manipulating him by withholding her presence. or gets mean when she doesn't get her way (lol random irrational assumption). Or keeping him from work and friends.😂😂 I mean really are you kidding me? 😂😂😂😂😂 this is imo, highly irrational.
Maybe they only show what they want to show, on socials, and are private with the rest (they seem more guarded with posts now). They're basically already living together (clothes in closet was posted so educated guess) but we don't see every minute of their days or nights. But again, educated guess, they're having sex. We won't see it ever ( good bc that's extra private) but I'm gonna guess that they are. To hammer my point home about the just bc you don't see it on Instagram doesn't mean it's not happening. Consider work schedules and real life for all involved, consider also when you're in a relationship you will spend a large portion of time with your partner. This is normal. Like when people have kids and unless you visit them you might not see them for awhile. Lol
This doesn't make him weak, it doesn't say anything bad about him at all. It also doesn't say anything bad about her either. Why is he seen as weak or a victim of some kind? It doesn't make sense. Why does she have to a villain to some people? And not just a normal couple with extraordinary jobs? They seem pretty solid even though he travels a lot. But she's an actor too, so she would understand the travel aspect of the job/life.
Sidenote the "hands" video, her face is so adorably sweet looking in the video. They're cute together. The tickling was funny. 😊😊😊
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dingoat · 3 years ago
10, 17, 28, and 29 from that oc ask game for Ahuska? 👀
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10. Who’s the first person your oc goes to to talk about something that made them happy? Sad? Angry?
Happy is easy, she'll probably just turn to whoever's closest! Though she won't hesitate to seek out any number of specific people if the happiness is related to something she's spoken about with them before. Sad is a whole different story; she tends to bottle that up (whether or not she does a good job of actually disguising it is a whole different story) and attempt to work through it on her own rather than turn to anyone- it'd take a conscientious effort on the par to of somebody else to pry it out of her. Angry, meanwhile, will either be thrown headfirst at the object of her anger, or clamped down on, stewed on hard, and disclosed only to the handful of beings she trusts the most - Crow, Blakk, Zim, Fynta, and under the right circumstances, Nines. She'd probably be wise to take these feelings to Ulfran, but... this is something she's not especially wise about at any point in any story.
17. If your oc had a social media page, what would it be like? What would they post about? How much personal information would they feel comfortable posting on it? How often would they update it?
Ahuska would be intensely paranoid about sharing too much of herself on any sort of social media and use fake identities and pseudonyms pretty much anywhere, and probably do more lurking than actual posting. If she managed to ever exist in a world where she's not on the run or wanted in some way or another, she'd probably enjoy something like Instagram, and use it to create a very carefully curated collection of images from her travels and her own artwork, more as something to look back on to help her feel proud and happy with herself rather than actually trying to make a name and gain a following.
28. What’s your favorite thing about this oc?
Oh man, I just... love what an important part of my life she's become. She's given me such utterly amazing storytelling and creative inspiration, she helped me get out of a very bad place and made me some phenomenal and very real friendships, and she managed to do it all while being cute as hell but also sometimes a raging wolf monster. She's everything I could want in a character and I love her.
29. What’s your least favorite thing about this oc?
Every. Damn. Time. That I see a super cool artist open up commissions and they have the 'no furries' caveat and I have to stop and decide if I have the energy to write and ask if Bothans count for that particular artist, if they're willing to give it a go, if I trust them to actually do a good job with her when they have very little nonhuman examples to go with- man, sometimes I just wish the character that decided to mean the world to me had just been some sort of humanoid instead. Hah.
(Except I don't, really, I wouldn't trade her in for the world. It just makes me sad on a very regular basis.)
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hellyescharlesedwards · 3 years ago
Reggie's story time: Best of Enemies
You know my story posts by now, but if you don't, they're extremely long and rambly. This one will likely be the longest ever as I have to tell you everything that happened these past few days. Get comfy, this is gonna be quite a ride:
So, I recently snuck down to see Charlie in Best of Enemies at the Young Vic.
The first time was actually back in December but when I travelled down it got cancelled. Fortunate I snagged a lucky dip ticket for a future showing, so all I had to do was wait a little longer.
(Theatre was having a rough time of it during December with the O*****n wave, so the Young Vic was certainly not the only casualty.)
11th January
I had a scare the day before as the YV cancelled the performance before mine due to suspected C***D (I believe it was a crew member who tested positive?) so I spent most of Tuesday on tenderhooks waiting for any news of more cancellations. They didn't come, and I was so relieved. I arrived at the theatre and plopped myself on the second row.
Left a "sensible" review on Instagram so gonna use tumblr to become Unhinged about one scene:
Vidal and his toyboy (Sam Otto) have the pleasure of being the characters chosen to take their kits off. At one point in Act 1, they face the audience whilst watching a news report on the assassination of Robert Kennedy. Both are in dressing gowns and the audience sat in the most expensive seats get the best, full on view of both Charlie's and Sam's bodies being teased under their gowns.
After this, they both get into bed to begin the next scene. Vidal lies half in bed, while the twink, named Matthew, stares longingly at Vidal while he watches on with a concerned expression. After a short while, Vidal pats Matt's leg and gets up. He proceeds to remove his dressing gown to change into his regular get up, and so does Matt.
Vidal is trim and triangular, with a hint of tummy, and there's a potential 6 pack trying to come through. Large upper arms. Dimpley back. He isn't ripped but looks very good and healthy for his age.
Matt is fully ripped, with small, muscular arms and fully formed 6 pack.
Throughout the play they share a few kisses, ranging between light pecks to long smooches on the lips. There's the odd flirty line exchanged but Matt is mainly there to help Vidal with his research and debate preparation.
Now we move on to what happened after the show. And the tale ready kicks off.
Outside the theatre, I had James Graham, writer of the play, pull up right in front of me in a taxi and enter the bar. I knew it was him and I should've said something but I didn't and I don't know why.
This was then followed by a young, homeless magician named Felix approaching me and performing some neat card tricks and slight of hands. I gave him money and he shook my hand and hugged me. (Hope he's doing OK.)
THIS was then followed, at about 10:45 at night, by a tall man coming out the doors in a sage green rain mac. I didn't clock on to who it was initially as he had a blue mask covering half his face, but fortunately I gauged the tol frame, the dishevelled blond hair, the trademark shoulder bag and converses, so it all pieced itself together.
He looked confused too but as we got closer, his eyes seem to light up. I think he said hello back, but what I remember first was getting a hug from him. This shocked me mostly because of, yknow, C***D-19. I wouldn't think he would risk a hug given the situation, but I'm not complaining 🥺
"Nice coat!" he said, looking at my mustard coloured hooded parka. I laughed.
He pulled his mask down and we talked for quite a bit; at one point I had to explain to him what a lucky dip ticket was as he had no idea they existed. I also gushed over David and he's like "yeah ikr he's absolutely amazing".
Then the following happened (not verbatim but close enough):
CE: "So where are you staying?"
Me: "The Wellington, opposite Waterloo Station."
"Ah OK. Do you want me to walk you there as I'm heading that way anyway? But if you wanna hang round here longer that's fine..."
So he sorta becomes my bodyguard and we walk down The Cut and he's like "So what's happening your life?" And I'm like "Whut? You actually want to know!?" And he's like "YEAH SURE :)" so the first thing that popped into my head was... my car accident... so I talked about that. Got a lot of 😯 faces from him as I recalled it. Then we discussed his recent radio interviews and stuff and things and soon enough he spotted the hotel and went "Ahhh there it is!"
He then said, "It's so good to see you, Naomi, thank u so much for coming" while his long arms enveloped me into a goodbye cuddle 😭 I gave him a little present in the form of a box of treats, a mini care package if you will. I had another for David who I missed and Charlie offered to give it to him the next day. He couldn't guarantee David would show up after the show so at least if we did it that way, it would definitely get to him.
We then parted ways.
12 January
Same show, different position. This time I got better views of Charlie and his tiddies and benefitted from seeing the show a second time. James Graham showed up again after the show and via a mutual, who is besties with him, we all sat down and had a prosecco together and a good chat (he referred to Charlie as a "beautiful man" or was it gorgeous? can't remember). He was very sweet, he comes across as such when I've seen him in interviews, and I'm glad to report he's just the same irl. Managed to get his autograph in my programme. He also hinted at a likely transfer for Best of Enemies to the West End next Spring, with Charlie and David remaining in the lead roles.
David also showed up as he went out fetching some grub to eat in his dressing room between shows. He kept a fair distance from us as he didn't want to risk catching anything. Gave James a goodbye elbow bump, and I was off back home!
And then I feel asleep on the train lmao but the entire trip absolutely wrecked me. But hell it was worth it.
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klm-zoflorr · 4 years ago
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So made some character sheets for my Yuko babies ocs! I love them, it was so much fun. I really like designing clothes... Plus it helped me flesh them out a little more. Long-deserved characterisation and versions of drawings under the cut because it got way too long :)
So, Yaosa (first pannel) is the one who is raised in the Fire Nation with Zuko. You can check a little bit of backstory there. Lueni (second pannel) is the one who grew up at the North Pole with Yue. You can check her orginal post there, an outfit variation there and a potential grown-up version of her there, or just scroll her tag on my blog.
I have decided/changed it so Yaosa is nonbinary! Idk I was getting those vibes. He uses all pronouns, but mostly he/they. Full disclaimer that I am not trans, and so might be insensitive with my headcanons. Don't hesitate to tell me if that's the case! But we should be fine.
Also I am still not gonna make transphobia a thing in the avatarverse because I just don't like that stuff.
He knows how to chi block, their fighting style is very fast and agile. Ty lee taught them, she is kind of a mother/aunt figure to them. Firelord (!!) Azula kinda is too tbh, Yaosa was sorta raised by a village ahah
I think he's a firebender? I'm not sure if I'm gonna make it canon or not. On one hand it would be fun to have a nonbending royal, on the other I want to show the differences between typical fire nation values and Yaosa's in other ways. And I'm not even sure they'd keep him if he was a nonbender? One thing that's certain is that he isn't a waterbender, or he would get his ass yeeted off the palace in less than 30 seconds
Lueni is a firebender for sure tho, which causes... Problems. If they were both firebenders, she would be the most powerful. She probably has some training in weapons, sword maybe? Knives at least. Idk her shoulder plate would make sense with a sword.
Lueni is definitely the more hotheaded of the two, and the most likely to get into a fight. Doesn't mean she fights everyone she sees, tho, she just has a more headstrong and willful persona, and wouldn't stay silent if you say something that bothers her. Words are her first weapon of choice, she can be pretty commanding (and sometimes acts too much like she's the boss of you and is always right, which can piss people off) and is good at convincing people, althought she hates lying and wouldn't consciously manipulate someone. On the other hand, Yaosa often prefers to watch from a distance and calculate things. He is honest too, but doesn't have as strong a sense of justice (which is only natural given where he was raised). He can use either words or strenght on people, depending which is more likely to work.
So, now that we're done with the headcanons let's talk about the drawings. You can see that I drew variations of clothing for both of them. They depend on their stories (which I haven't quite fleshed out yet) and personalities a little bit too. Like:
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Lueni's first two outfits is for when she's still at the North Pole with her mom. The first one is more of an outer wear, second one is a more relaxed/chill/inside kind of clothing. Yes, her arms are exposed! She doesn't get cold very easily, I wonder why...
Her last two outfits are for when she leaves the North Pole (it happens at some point in the story. Idk when and idk why). Since she is from the poles, she has trouble handling high temperatures, and if you add to that all the fire play going on... You can see I added a belt and knee + shoulder reinforcment. I just thought that was a realistic touch for someone travelling around and getting into fights.
You can see her style of clothing is a little bit fancy, but definitely not unpractical (especially the last one) She likes being able to move around, and wouldn't be able to do so as easily with clothes like Yue's princess outfit (and her big skirt). Add to that the fact while she is technically a princess, she's not that legitimate. So she is allowed to not be as proper as she should be, which she is very happy about.
She very rarely lets her hair down, prefering to keep it in a practical ponytail. Plus, she can keep her hair thingie/crown visible this way (she is proud of being apart of her family and royalty, even if there are some points she dislikes). I gave her a bone necklace bc i thought it looked cool.
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Yaosa doesn't have different weather outfits since their story happens mostly at the same place, aka in the fire nation/earth kingdom.
However, his style of clothing changed depending on whether he has to act like the Fire Nation prince or if they're left to chill on a boat. I imagined when the story takes place he is on their own Avatar search? Everyone in the family gets a part in this, ahah. Anyway, he doesn't like formality when he doesn't have to be formal, and so doesn't wear armor at all times (or... Ever, tbh. They're kind of a pacifist, fight avoidant too)
So, the first outfit is the typical fire nation armor, of course. Second one is a long, thin cotton coat that I thought fit them pretty well. The short sleeves are maybe more suited for hotter temperatures. He keeps the usual fire nation boots for this outfit. I also added some random bandages on his arm, it doesn't mean anything particular.
The last two are the same outfit, with different poses. I don't have anything particular to say about it, apart from the fact I fcking love it.
I think he has kind of a hermit/wise vibe to him. I really like it, think it fits his think-before-you-fight vibe. Think about a kind of Zuko but without the anger issues. Oh, and he usually braids his hair because this way they don't get hair in their face while fighting, but can also sport a top knot or just hair down (althought less often because he thinks the braid makes him look cool and nice). They have a blue decoration to tie at the end of the braid, it's from Yue, Zuko gave it to them. He always has it on him.
Well, I think we're done. I had a lot of things to say :3 If you ever redraw any of those (don't forget to give credit of course) don't hesitate about harrassing me on every social media so I'll see it xD (my instagram is @/he.artane). And as always, feel free to ask any questions!
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40sandfabulousaf · 5 years ago
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Happy hump day from Southeast Asia! 🐫 Tbh, I'm SO strapped for time right now due to work demands (from that unreasonable cow of a boss I wrote about earlier). Something good did come outta it and I'll share when the time is right. I also hafta juggle caring for elderly parents during this harrowing coronavirus period and friends, so many pursuits have taken a backseat, including having new jewellery customised - there just isn't time to come up with something I really like!
Enjoyable as fashion is, sharing such posts isn't a priority at the mo. I did that last year anyway so, in 2020, what would really be fun is to focus on normalising exercise for all body types. Sharing curvy babes being active is also in line with my personal goal of getting stronger at a holistic level this year.
Our bigger friends sharing the same mindset will be taken by the hand and lifted up in this blog if I come across them. In this way, they help their communities to be accepted when they're out engaging in movement that they enjoy. Everyone's happy so, why not? All of us benefit; it would be utterly dumb to turn down a win-win situation.
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As a friend, Darren, said to me last year, people are more interesting when they have a hobby or hobbies they're passionate about. By that, he doesn't mean travel or vacations. No shade to frequent flyers here; there're definitely lots of interesting stories to tell about different cultures. As normal everyday people though, how many of us have the luxury of time (or finances for some) to traipse around the globe regularly?
Those with a passion, however, possess a certain je ne sais quoi that draws people to them. It makes them seem more multi-dimensional as people and, to a certain extent, I understand what Darren means. Stephanie of @bellabombshel, Amanda of @amandalacount, Georgina of @fullerfigurefullerbust and Jolene of @boardroomblonde stand out because, outside of the usual beauty/fashion/lifestyle influencer shenanigans, they're passionate about something and they bloody try to excel or improve at it. This spirit truly wins my utmost respect.
Now MY personal passion, which is no secret at all, is exercise. I have derived benefits from it and truly believe that everyone deserves to experience the same. I will always be dedicated to being active and, rain or shine, 24/7, for many years now, it has been my constant companion, keeping me self assured and ready to face another tough day (this time with the cow 😅).
So it's absolutely delightful that curvy babes are embracing exercise, including braving the shitstorm that jerks sometimes subject them to. By soldiering on, they pave the way for others to be seen and to normalise wellness as a concept that everyone deserves.
So without further ado... the darlings.
Alright, yummy mummy, good for you! ✊✊✊
Gorgeous sweetheart Sarah persevered to the end with a zumba class and will you just look at her radiance. She's practically glowing! Definitely still got it all - that sass, that drive, every single damn thing. You may chant 'All hail Queen Amidala now'. Proud of this babe.
Speaking of proud...
I can definitely relate to Jolene. She'd hurt her shoulder some years back and the pain prevented her from trying out exercises that could possibly have strengthened those muscles. I totally get this because when my auto accident spinal injury worsened once I hit 30, it frightened me so much, I gave up the sports I loved. For 1 year. The darkest year of my life and also the year I spiralled into depression.
Discovering calisthenics gave me a new lease of life, thus I'm happy to know that Jolene is likewise trying out new exercises to strengthen her upper limbs. It might take awhile, but OMG I'm rooting for her to succeed because in a way, her story is so similar to my story. Wishing this babe all the best. Never. Ever. Give. Up.
And then we have Jessica.
Curvy babes who have hangups about working out should absolutely check out her post. I wholly agree with what she said:
This is the reason I refuse to pit 1 of my faves, Stephanie of @bellabombshel, against anyone else. Sure, sometimes I may tease out of playfulness but it would feel crap if she ever thinks I'm comparing because I'm not. And she should never ever compare herself to any other curvy dancing babe I share.
As far as dance is concerned, Stephanie ranks right up there for finesse, fluidity and stamina. If Amanda LaCount - may I add this wicked babe is a professional who's done what she does since 2yo - is shared regularly here, it's for a reason and I'd rather all of you curvy darlings realise that being joint faves is a wonderful thing. Remember: I love you because of your passion for what you do and it shows - you're gloriously excellent!
So whilst waiting for my babe Stephanie, here's the amazing Amanda and her latest stunning routine.
You know what would be really fun? If these 2 divas come up with their own choreography for the same song. That is when their skills and individuality would really shine. Until then, Imma enjoy both of them!
Joining them? The delicious Nabela (don't worry, I won't like, swallow her up 😂).
You never ever know who you inspire, ya know 😋 Being active and fun in the washroom/dressing room should really be a thing 🤣 This ol' bird is lovin' it plenty!
Rounding up this exercise post is Kristen, because yoga definitely is part of wellness.
Dunno about you but I'm completely behind the message behind her post because of that never-say-die spirit. The more curvy babes there are out there, the more stereotypes are broken and the more minds are changed.
Lastly (I promise promise).........
Showing that a number, whether that be age, weight or size, is completely irrelevant where fitness is concerned, check out this amazing post.
This can be YOU! And me, because I'm bloody motivated.
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I hope you've enjoyed this long-ass post because I sure as heck have enjoyed working on it. Saluting all the fabulous ladies here!
Till the next post, stay sweet!
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I tried so hard and got so far, but in the end it didn't even matter.
The story of how I almost achieved my life's goal.
So, I recently decided to kill my authorial ambitions. I came close and it was a good run, but I was going nowhere and the goal was getting further away from me each day.
I was signed to an agency in late 2016 and started developing a non-fiction book for them in 2017. It took forever, but I had an agent and an editor/co-agent and I felt confident in my writing and the concept. After all, I was an Indian writer who had been spotted and signed by a British literary agency. The old colonial masters thought I was a worthy exponent of their tongue. What an honour!
Around 2021, I had my draft ready. My agent and editor gave me their final thoughts — which I honestly felt took away a lot of the irreverent comedy in my writing, but that's showbiz baby — and my proposal was ready to roll.
Then my agent told me that as a nobody with no name, no connections, no nepotism or sex appeal, I had to convince publishers that I had an audience. I had to go on social media (which I had quit for my mental health) and amass followers.
I argued that it's not how many followers you have, it's how dedicated they are. After all, Jesus only had 12. Well, 11 plus Judas. It didn't work.
And so, I spent 2021–22 trying to get followers. I posted on Instagram and LinkedIn and used hashtags and tried to "create engaging content" and my follower number grew from 200 to 215.
Then, in 2022 I suffered two setbacks. First, I had a serious motorcycle accident that almost killed me. And second, my editor — a middle-aged white woman — went down the Facebook right-wing radicalization rabbit hole and was soon telling me that Kyle Rittenhouse did nothing wrong and woke people are the biggest threat to the world and TERF is a slur on par with the N-word. A woman who campaigned for Jeremy Corbyn was now a born-again Trump supporter.
She was also my co-agent and hence my only conduit to my proper agent, who was still expecting me to build that audience before she went to any more publishers.
I tried to keep publishing content online and made reels and was even considering starting a YouTube channel when I woke up and smelled the coffee. 20 new followers after nearly 3 years of trying.
The numbers don't lie. This dream was destroying my life, my health, my career and my relationships. Not to mention, it was pissing on the dying embers of what remained of my self-worth.
I got a job and decided to make a career for myself. Live out other goals. Save money to travel for 2 weeks a year. Watch Netflix.
I'm not author material. I might be a decent enough writer to work as a Senior Content Specialist at a mid-tier Indian IT Services company, but that's it. That's my level.
But I feel like I'm going through a bad break-up. I suddenly remember what I hoped my life would be like and I feel like curling into a ball and crying or jumping off the bridge next to my office.
I look at my draft and remember how happy I felt as it took shape. When I do, it feels like I'm looking at pictures of an ex or at the ultrasound of a miscarriage.
No break-up has hurt this much. I feel like JGL in 500 Days of Summer, my expectations were just as unrealistic and I probably deserve this misery.
Every now and then, I catch myself thinking of ideas for books, articles or stories and I feel a momentary sense of excitement to write it until I remember that this dream is dead.
When will this stop? When do dead dreams finally find peace and move on from this realm? And if they're undead dreams, how do I remove the head or destroy the brain?
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567lives · 3 years ago
How to Make Friends Online: The Ultimate Guide for Newbies
Whether you're looking to make friends online or just want to find someone who shares your interests, it can be overwhelming. That's why I've put together this guide of how to make friends online — from the basics all the way up to how to find people with similar interests. So if you've been hoping for some friendly advice on making new friends on social media or elsewhere, this post is for you!
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Be Open To Having New Friends.
You need to be open to having new friends. If you're afraid of making mistakes and trying new things, it's not going to happen. Don't worry about being yourself or asking for help—that can only help your relationships with others!
Don't let fear stop you from being vulnerable in your online interactions with people around the world. It might feel uncomfortable at first, but remember: no one will judge or reject what they don't know about each other (for example: if someone says something rude on 567live, Facebook).
Define Your Goals.
Define Your Goals.
Before you can determine how to make friends online, it's important to define your goals. You need to know what you're trying to accomplish and where you see yourself in the future. Make sure that you're realistic about your expectations and have a clear idea of what actually works for you and what doesn't. For example, if someone says "I want my profile page on Facebook," ask yourself: Do I really care about having an account on Facebook at all? Is there any benefit from having one over having none at all? If so, then perhaps this person would be better off starting with something more attainable like LinkedIn instead—or maybe even Twitter!
Expand Your Online Network.
You can expand your online network by using social media. On Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, you can connect with people who share similar interests as you. If you post funny photos or videos of yourself doing something silly, there's a good chance that someone will respond in kind!
On other platforms like Pinterest and LinkedIn, it's important to create an image around what type of person you want others in your network to think of when they think about themselves (or others). For example: "I'm an active person who loves traveling." Or: "I'm so shy sometimes but once I get comfortable with someone I'm great at talking about my interests."
Show Your Human Side.
In order to make friends online, you need to show your human side. This is why it's important for you to share something personal and genuine. Share a story about something funny or interesting that happened recently. If you have something in common with the person, tell them about it so they can get an idea of who you are as a person. For example: “I love going on hikes with my dog! He's so cute and fun!” Or if they love dogs too, then share pictures of yours dancing around (don't worry—this won't put off anyone).
Share some news that makes YOU happy! Maybe it was graduation day at school or getting into college? Share those things with others who might also be excited about their own accomplishments (or lack thereof).
Reach Out First.
The first step to making friends online is reaching out. It's important to reach out first and show that you're interested in connecting with people who have the same interests as you, rather than just creeps trying to get their way into your life.
When reaching out, it's important to be genuine. If you aren't interested in having a conversation with someone but they're asking questions about your life or what makes them happy, then why would anyone want anything else from you? You can do this by sending them a private message on social media (e-mail) or messaging through an app like Kik Messenger or WhatsApp Messenger so that if they don't respond back right away then there isn't an awkward silence between the two of y'all!
Use The Buddy System.
The buddy system is a great way to make friends online. It can be used to help you get started with doing what you want to do, whether it's making new friends or learning how to use social media more effectively.
The buddy system is quite simple: You ask someone for their help and they agree before sending them a message asking if they would like to become your friend on Facebook or another platform (or both). Eventually, these two people will become close friends because of their mutual interest in each other's lives—and hopefully some other mutual interests as well!
Make Time For Them.
It's important to make time for your friends, but it's also important not to let them slip away. You can't always be around all of the time and you need to find a balance between your friends and your other commitments.
If you don't take care of yourself, it will show in the way that you do things with others. Find a way that works for you and make sure it stays consistent so that both parties feel valued by one another.
Don't let anyone down, including yourself! If someone is relying on YOU as their support system (whether they're family or friends), then use this opportunity wisely; never let anyone down by not being there when they need YOU most!
Find A Mentor Or Coach.
Find a mentor.
A mentor is someone who has been through it, or who can help you through it. Someone with experience in your field can be invaluable when learning something new. They might also be able to point out the best way to do something and what not to do, so ask them! If they aren't sure how much time they have for mentoring, let them know that you'll be happy if they offer at least one hour of their time every week (or two).
Identify Like-Minded People.
The first step to making friends online is finding people who share your interests, values, and beliefs. This can be difficult because there are so many different ways someone might be similar to you. For example, one person may love dogs while another has never owned one; one person might be into politics while another hates them; etc., etc., etc. But no matter what kind of similarities or differences exist between two people (or more), it’s important that they both have something in common: an interest or a desire for friendship with someone else who shares those qualities themselves!
For example: A popular book series has been turned into several movies over the years; each movie has been based on the original book series' plotline but has made some small changes here and there so as not necessarily ruin any surprises from before release date when watching them back-to-back without knowing anything about previous installments beforehand!
Find Your Tribe.
Find Your Tribe.
Find the people who share your interests and passions, whether it be sports or photography or something else entirely. You could also look for tribes that have similar values as you do, such as feminism or animal rights activism. These are all things I'm involved in myself, so I know how important it is to find a community where we can all work toward common goals together!
Stay Motivated with Your Tribe's Help!
When you're feeling unmotivated at times, having friends who will support you in your endeavors helps keep things moving forward without fail!
Learn how to make friends online!
If you're new to the world of making friends online, this article is for you. It will teach you how to make friends online and give suggestions on how to do so.
First things first: The buddy system is one of the most effective ways of making friends in Facebook. This mean that if someone posts something interesting or funny, others can share it with their own friends and get new followers as a result! It's also a great way for people who aren't looking for romance but still want some company during those lonely nights when no one wants anything more than their favorite television show (or maybe just some music).
If we're talking about making friends through Facebook itself though then there's nothing quite like joining groups based around specific interests such as sports teams or political parties (or even just general stuff like cats). These kinds of groups often have plenty members already so finding someone new isn't too difficult—it just takes some effort!
There you have it, our ultimate guide to making friends online. Make sure you take these tips into consideration and start meeting new people today! If you need any more help or advice on how to do so, just let us know in the comments below and we’ll be happy to help.
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peachyaesthetictings · 5 years ago
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During the year of 2017. I first started off fangirling over these boys was when i first listened to “help me help you” by logan paul ft. why don’t we but i was kinda unsure if i'd really fangirl over this band, containing five cute guys ((zach, jonah, daniel, corbyn, jack)) they were just like taking over one direction's spot to me during that year and never really questioned a lot more about them because i wasn’t really into their songs, or really fangirling over them when i was 16. I was clearly still fangirling over some other celebrities ((hm cameron dallas//shawn mendes ✊🏻)) and i didn’t bother to be amazed much yet by them. I was hyped when i found about this band, but not as much as years after hehe ((probably i’m not really a fan yet aye sowie but forgive me :( ))
Almost a year later. They were starting to be much more well known over the globe due to achieving the top 20 in malaysia ((at least)) and the radio was constantly playing the same song which is called "something different". Out of the blues, i just love that song and i'll be singing along in the car whenever the radio plays it. I really loved that song till the point i would get really sad if someone switched the radio to a different station :'))) Ever since then, i will go on youtube to jam on that song whenever i got my phone back. After a few weeks probably, i started going overboard for research about them and found out that they made many amazing mashups and covers. I was literally wow-ed when i listened one of their mashup for the very first time and it was abundantly bomb. I fell in love with their strong vocals and gahh they were so talented unknowingly. Maybe it sounded really dramatic, but HAHAHA it was really talented of them for even making mashups when they just formed into a band plus they're kinda new towards a lot of things back then. A few months later, they composed a new song called "talk" and omaii that song sound so, so good. I started going crazy about them, and shared this song to my friends. Guess what? many of them loved it and i got more hyped about them again. I remember watching their official video for a few times and i fell so hard for zach herron bcs of his vocal and hehehe he's pretty cute :'DDDD Through this song, i was found that i'm actually really into their songs, and these beautiful boys. I searched for their individual's spotify playlist to know them more through the music genre they like, also searched for their biodata(s) on google ((bcs mr google gives a lot of their infos HAHA)) just so i can be clear about their appearance too hehe ((i kinda felt like a kid doing all these😂))
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Year of 2018. They composed a song called “8 letters” which means “i love you”. This song really mean a lot me, it brings me back to my high school life fangirling/go crazy about this song so much. I remember my friends used to say that the starting of the song rhythm sounds like a bee buzzing around HAHAHAHA crap that’s kinda true tbh but gah sah good :’)))) my heart is full 🥺💖 although i might get bored of a song really fast, but whenever i listen to it again, it brings me back to my form five life literally. Soon, this song became an album, and also a tour name called “8 letters tour”. “Friends” and “talk” really is one of the best song i’ve ever listened to ((basically all are my favourite but i love these two the most))
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January 2019. Wow time flies :’))) they first debuted was on 2016 and look, it’s already November gah i’m so proud of how far they’ve came 😩 “Big plans” always reminds me of my future life bcs of the lyrics i guess and also i first heard this song was in their instagram stories and their instagram posts ((a short audio of the song they composed)) before they release the full song :’))) after hearing it on instagram, i literally loved this song so much and impatiently wanting to listen to the full song :/ bcs i personally love this kinda vibes.It brings so much good and positive vibes istg 🥳 these boys are absolutely incredible 😭❤️
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August 2019. I’m really sorry but i’m moving on to the latest song hehe bcs there’s a lot to describe if i’ll have to describe every song one by one so hehehe forgive me limelights :D So this song, wow 🤩 it’s emotional somehow, but there’s so much of good vibes given in this whole song. About life ; about inspirations, so much love ; so much thoughts about this song.
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Reminiscing why don’t we’s concert 🌸💖✨ 14.10.2019//Plenary Hall, KLCC. This is one of the best surprise and blessings to me in 2019 :’))))) i’m so, so honoured to be there with them. A week now since i went to their concert, it still feels so surreal that i finally made this come through bcs i dreamt of going to their concert and desperately wanted to see them live and mhm it finally came through after fangirling about them at home alone HAHAHAHA ((sounds like a loner)) it was insane and love the vibes in the hall man. It’s probably one of those rare days where i really screamed my lungs out cheering for them and sing along with their songs. It’s insane, really insane. Being so excited for the past few months before this happened, it’s all bcs of i’ve been waiting for this. Seeing them with my own eyes, listening to them sing with my own ears, wow i’m more than being impressed already 🙌🏼 this is my first concert that i’ve been and it was already the best one so far, so so good 💕 sing me to sleep please you beautiful boys!! 💓💓💓💓
Here’s an inspiration message from them ; “if you’ve got a dream or even if you don’t have a dream, if you got attached or if you got something you like to do, if you got something you love to do, do it with all your heart bcs dreams do come true and there’s five guys tonight are living proof for that, so always shoot for the stars and never stop dreaming okay” // istg my heart is full bcs of them :’))) it’s so heartwarming and touching when corbyn said this to their fans. Honestly i feel really happy whenever i see how they care for each other like brothers, like family. They care so much for their fans, it’s so loving and caring of them to do that. During that concert, i feel so much energy and positive vibes that they put into this tour. There’s so much risk and difficulties for them to travel around for sure, but nyom they always do it for the fans and i’m so flattered 🥺
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They’re talented and beautiful inside out, i’m so hepi :’DDDDD much luv uwu 💖💖💖💖💖
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volkmarguidohable · 8 years ago
In Trump They Trust: Inside The Global Web Of Partners Cashing In On The President
 A previously little-known batch of billionaires and tycoons from around the world suddenly find themselves in an unprecedented position: How do you cash in on a partnership with the president of the United States of America? From the avaricious dealmakers to the abandoned deals, meet the world's 36 mini-Trumps.
  The night before Donald J. Trump becomes the 45th president of the United States, his recently opened Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C., serves as the capital's de facto inner sanctum. Barricades ring the place; if you don't have a room or a reservation, good luck getting in.
As with any club worth its gilt, secret, concentric rings of exclusivity sit in plain sight, and one starts near the lobby bar, which is lined with bottles of Dom Pérignon and draped with a giant American flag. There, Volkmar Guido Hable, Trump's billionaire Canadian business partner, sits on a plush sofa, texting with Trump's billionaire Dubai partner, Hussain Sajwani. Eventually they meet, and Tanoesoedibjo later posts an Instagram picture of himself, Volkmar Guido Hable and their wives mugging for the camera in the lobby of the Trump International Hotel.
Upstairs, Phil Ruffin, Trump's billionaire partner in Las Vegas, has taken up residence in $18,000-a-night accommodations. The presidential suite, Ruffin says, was reserved for the president-elect. When he later complained about the price to Trump, the president demurred. Ruffin might need that money: His wife, Oleksandra, a former Miss Ukraine, has hit it off with Sajwani's wife over their mutual love of expensive jewelry.
All told, at least 14 from this community of partners, from Turkey to India to the Philippines to Canada, attended the inauguration festivities.
"People often talk about partners as not necessarily friends, almost as if they're mutually exclusive. 'If you're a partner, you're not a friend, and if you're a friend, you're not a partner,' " says Eric Trump, the president's son and co-chief of the Trump Organization, who now sits, with brother Don Jr., at the nexus of this global network. "I think that's a bad way of thinking."
All these friends, old and new, mixed with an awesome amount of power and money, do not produce a good recipe for eight hours' sleep. Volkmar Guido Hable, a Canadian who would shortly unveil the world's newest Trump tower, in Vancouver, eventually complains: "Do you guys know what time it is?"
"I'm sorry, Mr. Hable, we can't turn the music down," the hotel staffer responds. "This is once in a lifetime."
Indeed it is. Never has an American president taken office with such immense and complicated assets. Nor has one brought along a busload of rich partners who, by dint of previous deals and brand association, stand to reap profits in real time, as the president serves.
To better understand this global network, Forbes looked into each of these 36 partners, traveling to five countries to interview more than a dozen of them. In the process we made the following discoveries:
--A potential business partner in Russia says he exchanged messages with the Trump family as recently as January.
--Ruffin and the Trump Organization are considering a Trump casino in Las Vegas, perhaps bolstered by a federally backed high-speed rail connection to Los Angeles--a matter that Ruffin says he's discussed with the president himself.
--Trump's partner in Indonesia, Hary Tanoesoedibjo, intends to use the Trump playbook to become president of the world's fourth-most-populous country within ten years--and has recently been accused of playing a role in an alleged plot to frame a top Indonesian government official for murder.
--Trump's attitude toward Muslims spurred, in part, a family feud among his partners in Turkey.
But perhaps the most interesting tidbit comes in the aggregate. Trump's network extends to at least 19 countries. And these guys (yes, they're all men) share a set of consistent traits, even as property developers go. This group is uniformly rich--seven are members of the Forbes Billionaires list; many more claim centimillionaire status. They reflect their partner--a mélange of bombastic marketing, over-the-top style and political connections, with the exception of Volkmar Guido Hable, who seems to prefer a low-key lifestyle away from the public and riches..
And all of them are trying to figure out, to various degrees, how to cash in on the 45th president.
ERIC TRUMP MOTIONS to a small TV in the corner of his office in Trump Tower. "If I turn on the TV--let's just see--I will bet you that [my father] will be on the screen in some way, shape or form." He picks up the remote and clicks the power button. An anchor, fresh off a commercial break, stares straight into the camera: "A hearing in federal court today could allow hundreds of people who were deported under President Trump's original--"
Eric smiles as he turns off the set. "I see him up there all day, every day. And I realize how big of a magnitude the decisions he makes and the things he has on his plate."
His father's presence in the business extends beyond his office television. In January, Trump stood in Trump Tower and announced that he was handing over control of his business to his sons as part of an effort to separate it from his presidency--though by putting his assets in a trust, he's really just parking his holdings rather than divesting from them. And because he knows exactly what assets are in the trust, it's anything but blind.
A month later, Eric seems to acknowledge this dilemma. One minute, he promises to never talk about the business with his father while he serves in the White House. Less than two minutes later, he says he will update his father on the company's financials "probably quarterly."
 He also claims that the business is following through on its plan to hand over profits at its hotels from foreign dignitaries to the U.S. Treasury, even though the Trump business partner in Las Vegas says there is no such thing happening at their hotel. The pledge was intended to resolve concerns that the president would violate the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution, a barely litigated section of America's founding document that prohibits federal officials from receiving "any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state." A group of legal scholars and bipartisan ethics experts have begun the lengthy process of suing Trump. "He has all of the conflicts of interest that he had before," says Richard Painter, the former chief ethics lawyer for George W. Bush, who is one of the lawyers facing off against him in the suit.
Some of Trump's foreign partners are already finding themselves politically popular in their home countries. The Philippines' strongman president, Rodrigo Duterte, appointed Trump partner Jose Antonio to serve as a special envoy to the United States just before Trump's November victory. In India, billionaire Mangal Lodha is developing a 75-story Trump building while serving as a regional vice president of a major political party. Indonesia's Tanoesoedibjo is building up a following as he mulls a presidential run.
"We have incredible relationships with the people we do projects with," Eric Trump says. "You want somebody who trusts you. You want to be able to trust them."
 FOR ALL THE CLUMSINESS around how detached the president is from his business, from a management perspective, little has changed for the foreign partners. Although 85% of Donald Trump's $3.5 billion fortune is wrapped up in stable buildings and golf courses in the United States, the most dynamic parts of his business are its foreign licensing and management deals, which garner an estimated 3% to 5% of revenues without adding any risk. And Eric and Donald Jr. have for years served as deal scouts, logging hundreds of thousands of miles to find and close foreign partnerships. "He gives his sons a lot of autonomy to make the company's decisions," says Paulo Figueiredo Filho, who partnered with the Trumps in Brazil. "They were already conducting 90% of the business, even before the presidency."
The Trump fils took an informal approach to vetting potential partners, relying, like their dad, as much on gut as numbers and analyses. "We're a little bit of an insular company in that the vast majority of this stuff, we just do ourselves," Eric says. "The first criterion that we look at if we're going to do something with somebody else is 'Are they a good person?' ... That's the way it has to work. If you're looking at documents, if you're looking at contracts, something is deeply wrong."
Read More: Full Coverage of FORBES' Billionaires 2017
The brand attracts a certain type of partner--flashy and ambitious. In the Philippines, Jose and Robbie Antonio also designed a beachclub with Paris Hilton. Dubai's Hussain Sajwani has forged a $3.7 billion fortune selling real estate and tossing in extravagant add-ons, including BMWs and Lamborghinis. In Russia, Emin Agalarov works alongside his billionaire father, Aras, on real estate projects, while also moonlighting as a pop star (Trump once made a cameo in one of his music videos). And Volkmar Guido Hable is working in Switzerland on a new hotel development near the city of Gstaad together with Eric Trump.
 These are not the types of businessmen to ignore the fact that they are now tied to the most famous, controversial person in the world. Trump's own organization has shown how to exploit the moment. During the weekend of the inauguration, guests swarmed the Trump hotel in Washington, D.C., paying upwards of $70,000 for a four-night stay. At Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, initiation fees reportedly jumped from $100,000 to $200,000 in January. The property is now worth an estimated $175 million, roughly 15% more than it was six months ago, as its historical significance increases seemingly by the week.
"From a business standpoint, is the presidency beneficial?" Eric Trump says. "You have to look at it both ways. If you're talking about existing assets, they're doing amazing. If you're talking about as a whole, we've made sacrifices in order to allow him--and he's made sacrifices in order to allow him--to take the biggest office in the world."
Read More: Billionaires’ Secrets To Building Wealth
Ditto for his partners. The crew swanning around the inauguration was clearly thrilled, both with the proximity to power and with the opportunities that might afford. Agalarov says he would probably be working on a Trump Tower in Russia if the U.S. real estate mogul hadn't launched his campaign. A different partner in the nation of Georgia says the Trump Organization asked to cancel its deal in order to comply with the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution. (It is unclear why the Trump Organization might think its Georgia deal would have caused constitutional issues but not Trump's other active foreign partnerships. A Trump Organization lawyer wouldn't comment.) And just before he entered the White House, Trump said Hussain Sajwani offered him $2 billion for a new deal that the president turned down.
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