#also the fact it most likely wanted to scream but the vocal is missing (in one of the death messages) is just
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starp00k · 6 days ago
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lordofmelancholy · 4 days ago
Do you remember what Singed did to Jinx
You know
the scene
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How far do you think either Jinx or Ekko or both would go to save their lil girl.
Do you think they would be smart.
Or do you think think much like Silco, desperation to save what’s most precious to them would override their judgement, their common sense
After all, as Silco once said, is there anything more as undoing as a daughter
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The entire shimmer scene but it’s with Isha and not one but two paranoid parents forced to watch because in this singed is not trusted worth a damn even worse then the show and Jinx and Ekko refused to be put to sleep at the risk of something happening. Jinx holds him at gunpoint the entire time. Ekko is barely able to keep from pulling the trigger several times as he works on Isha, makes her scream.
A few times, he almost lets her pull the trigger.
Ya know what makes it even worse
The fact that, singed always seems to be right about things Even in the show he never lies, he’s always honest, he really has no reason to lie. But in this case Jinx and Ekko can’t tell if he’s lying or not
He says things like it may not work or there’s a chance she might not make it through, but Ekko and Jinx can’t tell if he’s trying to throw them off or if he’s serious because they don’t trust him
The barrel subtly twitches more and more the longer bluenette holds it against him. Yet it's not exhaustion of holding it. Her elbow doesn't buckle from it's hooked position, her shoulders remain steady. A practiced hand holds the piece.
Nay, the gun shakes because the woman is being unraveled more and more by his off-handed remarks, his stretching of the truth. Ekko tries to get him to focus, to shut up. Yet Reveck sees also the growing temptation in the man's eye as well. One that matches the woman's earlier fire of wanting to shut him up permentantly.
Maybe he likes it Maybe despite what he tells himself, Reveck does have a god-complex After all it feels nice almost
A weak man, an ordinary man, and he has two of the most notorious people known in the zone bent on his whim solely because they’re not so much different than him deep down.
He has no reason to lie. Lying gets no where Isha is young. Young bounce back surprisingly. But isha is also one foot in the grave and one on the floor missing the wet floor sign
He’s not lying when he says she might not make it but whether or not they believe him is another thing
Maybe he does have all this. Maybe he is truthful, maybe he's stretching it in a way for some neferious purpose. Maybe he simply wants them to suffer, wants to enjoy the power he holds over the zone's notorious duo over what he could potentially do unto their little one.
But he also could be curious, could note oddities in this young child, this potential… speciman in how her body reacts to the chemical, to the mutation.
A weak man, an ordinary man he might be. Maybe one with a more sadistic side than he couldve potentially imagined, maybe even with that God-complex. But he was also a dangerously curious man, an inhumanely explorer in sciencentic fields. And Isha could potentially be a fascinating and remarkable subject to explore, it would be a shame to simply allow her to leave.
After all? "The mutation must survive."
But what if it doesn’t survive Or at least doesn’t look like it does at first.
The fear the terror, even in agony Isha still looks towards her parents Wonders why they haven’t moved why they haven’t stopped this
oh god make it STOP
But she can’t speak She never could
Jinx is reminded of when they stitched her up before hand. Before they made it back to the compound. She remembers Isha's agony. Remembers how gut-wrenching it was to watch her face scrunch up…her teeth grit to the point of chipping… vocalizing only in low hushes or mute whimpers and cries because she cant talk.
But this is different. This is worse This is terrible
The entire time looks no different then when singed does it to Jinx in the show
The coughing the choking the agony.
Her tears her blood,
the bile she pukes out
all a sickly purplish hue
And sometime in the middle of it all however, perhaps Jinx wasn’t thinking. Perhaps maybe she was. Perhaps maybe it as a long buried instinct that she noted even Ekko was fighting against.
The need to be close The need to be nearer than she was.
All it takes is a second Just one Before she drops the gun Before she rushes forward.
And maybe even Reveck is shocked about it but he’s too focused on his work to not even realize the gun isn’t even on him anymore.
So he just continues to work
Jinx is by Isha and in no less than a few minutes, Jinx is coated down the side in mucus spit tears and bile as she sits with her. Holds her. All things that leave a purple sheen on her clothes and exposed skin. All things that even not so far into the procedure don’t even smell right now anymore.
Isha’s nails draw blood on Jinx’s arms as she squirms and thrashes
Red like rubies against skin White like snow
And no amount of talking calms the child
no amount of pleading and pledging that this will fix everything and everything will be ok in the end convince the child to well through the agony.
Jinx can only look at Ekko, a question to late in the situation to ask
Did we make a mistake
Ekko doesn’t know
And then. . .something happens.
There’s a stutter; an odd choking sound that somehow manages to make itself known in the Cacophony of misery sounding throughout the space between the chaos.
One that makes them stop One that makes them look Because it’s one that chills all who knows it down to the bone
Jinx is familiar with it Ekko is familiar with it
Even Singed is well versed in the sound.
Stutter Choke Gasp Wheeze
Stutter Choke Gasp Wheeze
Stutter Choke Gasp Wheeze
Stutter Choke Gasp Wheeze
Wheeze. Choke. Gasp
. . .Jinx remembers. . .back before…when they tried to help Isha the first time. . .them being done.
Of Isha being still, silent, still breathing (thank god) but dead silent. . . having finally cried herself out moments before they were actually done.
But this is. . .different
She hears Ekko’s voice somewhere above the water
There’s a tremor in his voice. Like he noticed something she didn’t
And it says a lot because Jinx is the one holding her. The one coated in her
So what is she not noticing
But Isha’s quiet. . .Isha’s still. . .like she was before
But Isha’s. . .not. . .breathing this time
A tragedy. The parents no doubt think, no doubt agonize over. A tragic loss, a soul tearing, heart breaking calamity in their world.
For the scientist?
A pity.
The subject seems to have expired. Variables in her genealogy that he would have loved to have studied in much further, vivid depth is lost now. A curiosity left unanswered before he could truly explore it.
Reveck watching the scene with a sense of morbid detachment Less like a doctor who lost a patient, a young one at that, but more so a man who just lost his morning paper to a misplaced wind gust and dirty gray puddle.
He watches. Observes. Watches them beg, plead, cry, demand the limp, half-lidded child to just wake up.
Pet names, nicknames, shakes, begs, plea’s
And he feels a twinge somewhere in his heart because despite the attachment he understands He knows what this is like.
He watches and observes and he remembers his own grief at loosing his daughter. But there’s a difference.
Science is about trial and error He ran a trial and produced an error But errors are learning experiences.
This child is a hopeless cause. No matter how much the parents try to resus her, it’s over now. His daughter’s not. With every loss comes a chance to learn. A chance to make better.
But he can’t learn here. Not so close to the barrel of a gun held within the hands of grieving parents.
you can leave now, go go while their distracted.
He turns
He runs
He gets down the hallway
Something hits the wall next to him Paint chips and tiled wall hit him in the cheek
He turns For just a moment
See’s Ekko holding a smoking gun in his head with Jinx grieving behind him.
But Reveck smiles. Smiles as he stares down the barrel
“I never lied.
I told you the risks”
_ _ _ @wofworld
ping/pain for you c:
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artist-issues · 19 days ago
When it comes to using media to preach the gospel, how do you think a Christian should handle creating their own media? We have great examples! Lewis was more direct with narnia, while LOTR was indirect but still riddled with biblical imagery. Where should christians stand when it comes to creating their own stories and including the biblical narrative? I have my own world build and I tend to swing more Lewis when it comes to biblical allegory- but I know that’s not everyone’s cup of tea!
I think this falls under “according to your personal conviction.”
I’m inclined to say, “Lewis did it right and Tolkien did it wrong,” because look at the legacy. Only people who are willfully media-illiterate, to the most obtuse degree, read Chronicles of Narnia and come away with anything but the Christian Gospel. It’s inseparable from that. And bravo, C.S. Lewis, for that. But look at Lord of The Rings. It is not remembered in the eye of the culture for having any connection to God, or religion. It’s remembered for being a great—possibly “the greatest,”—fantasy story.
Narnia gets Christian folk songs written about it, gets used as excerpts in sermons, is a lifelong staple in Christian family homes, gets a movie that has a fully-Christian-artist-produced-album attached to it, gets angry atheists to write answering-hate-fantasy series about it because they hate Christianity and Narnia can’t be separated from the Gospel.
Lord of the Rings gets Dungeons & Dragons and an original spin-off about women empowerment and identifying with your race.
Now let’s compare that with the model of how a Christian is supposed to be a Christian.
”Therefore do not fear them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known. 27 What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim upon the housetops.” Matthew 10:26-27
16 “Now no one after lighting a lamp covers it with a container or puts it under a bed, but he puts it on a lampstand, so that those who come in may see the light. 17 For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light.18 So beware how you listen, for whoever has, to him more shall be given; and whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has shall be taken away from him.” Luke 8:16-18
Which I don’t fully understand, but my loose grasp of it is: the teller has a responsibility to be clear and to SAY IT, especially about The Most Important Message Ever. But also, the listener has a responsibility in how they listen.
So like. People could get Gospel-imagery and therefore be led to the clear Gospel from Lord of the Rings. They could. AND if they read those books and aren’t careful about “how they listen,” they’ll come up with a different meaning or they’ll miss the Gospel imagery inside that could’ve done them good. And missing what could’ve done them good is, to that extent, their fault.
But. I think you could argue that also, to some extent, Tolkien’s fault. To some—not all—extent. Because Tolkien was nice and vocal about how he didn’t want this story to be treated as an allegory or for anyone to get a message out of it. And as a Christian, that is a terrible thing for him to say.
But he also said, ”I am a Christian and of course what I write will be from that essential viewpoint” As if the Christianity in his fiction was inherent because of his worldview. And also said, contrariwise, that Lord of the Rings was “a fundamentally religious and Catholic work.”
Besides, much of the rest of his life was lived as a big loud screaming lighthouse for what he thought was the Gospel—(we can talk about the fact that he was Catholic somewhere else)—even if it wasn’t loud-and-screaming in his fantasy epic.
Now factor in the fact that Tolkien was a philologist and an expert on Old English literature, particularly fictional works. This is important because it means that when he read a story, he read it in a completely different and deeper language than the rest of us understand. He got the meaning of Beowulf in a way that none of us ever will, and he probably understood the way it was intended to be understood better than anyone else.
It’s like he spoke a language that the rest of us can only catch a few words of. And then he wrote his book in that language. In that language, his book is probably intensely stupidly clear about God. But we don’t speak it. So is that his fault? That’s the question.
Because the main, big question is, “Should you be unmistakably clear about the Gospel or just sprinkle it in intuitively, accidentally, because you’re a Christian so it’ll leak in there somewhere?”
Or, like my favorite songwriter Tyler Joseph says, “which theory works/ yelling on the street corner or cleverly masking your words?”
I think the answer is “yes, be intentional and be clear, don’t do it ‘by accident.’”
But the thing is, for fallible humans divided and confused by the Fall…there’s a limit to how clear we can be, even with people we’re being perfectly plain with. There’s no such thing as “unmistakable,” because nobody is perfect at communicating, and even when they’re very good at it, everybody’s ability to understand is clouded. It’s like they have vision that is impeded by smudges of ‘prejudice’ and ‘biased personal experience’ and ‘propensity to only hear what they want to hear.’ We don’t speak the same language.
So I guess my final answer would be, “Be as clear as you know how to be, and be intentional, to make your whole life say the Gospel.”
When people interview or ask you about your story, tell them in no uncertain terms that it’s about the Gospel. If they don’t get it, explain it to them. Spell it out. Then do better on your story next time so they don’t have to ask you—or assume that it’s a “them” problem and “this kind of person needs me to explain it, even if there’s no lack of clarity in my work.”
Meanwhile, live your whole life as an example of the Gospel in the way you work hard and treat others. Open your MOUTH and tell your testimony of how Christ saved you to people, in person, whenever you get the chance.
The point is to put God’s glory on display. You want to do that with every aspect of your life and every facet of your capabilities. So you can do it with symbolism in a story, but you better also do it with how you answer interview questions or write an author-synopsis of who you are as a person on the back cover, and you better also do it with how you treat someone in traffic, and you better also do it with how you open your mouth and tell your co-worker what you believe about God.
As long as your heart is to put God’s glory on display—over being successful, over building your talent and skill, over being popular, over having an audience—I think you’ll be doing the right thing. But how you do it is open to a little bit of interpretation, because different levels of communication hit different levels of understanding. So be super symbolic and imagery-vague, or be very one-to-one and allegorical—but with everything you do, do it to point to God in no uncertain terms and with your whole heart.
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glitterguts13 · 9 months ago
Which genshin make character do you think makes the most sounds I.e screaming, begging, sobbing, groaning, panting etc… during birth?
My personal bets would be on Aether. He just seems like he would just be such a wreck when he goes into labour, panting and groaning with each push, begging the doctor there to pull the baby out.
He probably starts sobbing quietly when he gets told he can’t push, but he's quite submissive and listens to the doctor.
Bonus points in that he’s also super shy during labour because the doctor likes him bare, a bunch of people are holding back his legs staring at him as he pushes. His noises seem even louder because the room is so quiet besides him. 🥺
Poor baby has some of the most painful births.
How about I do you one better and give you an in-depth review of all the male characters and how loud I think they'd giving birth? Is this entirely too long and unnecessary? Yes, but who the fuck cares. Hopefully, I didn't miss anyone. Also just a reminder since we don't have canon ages, everyone here is assumed to be 18+
Mondstadt Albedo
5/10 Starts off very calm and collected. He's focused on his goal, and he's done plenty of research on the matter at hand. So confident in fact, he only asks for assistance from Sucrose, and feels it completely pointless to reach out for help from any midwife or doctor. About halfway through, he starts to get more vocal, with low moans and heavy pants. It certainly is more intense than he expected. But the time he's he's on his knees pushing, he's full-on cursing and pleading for it to be over. Never gets to the point of screaming, but he's certainly not quiet.
It doesn't take much to get Bennett to start moaning and groaning in pain. Sure, he's got shit luck, but his pain tolerance is awfully low. He seeks out help from the local doctor and is chastised several times for being too loud and frightening other patients. Gets on his hands and knees to push, screaming the whole way through, no matter how much the nurses tell him to quiet down.
Quiet. So quiet it's almost concerning. The baby is nearly crowning before you so much as hear a whimper from him, and even then he's deep breathing his way through it. Occasional soft moans, but only when he thinks no one can hear him. The doctors are rather impressed with him. Kaeya
Stubborn fool, refuses any and all medical assistance. Handles the first part of labor with only a few groans and annoyed huffs. Gets more vocal as it goes, pacing around and rocking his hips to help the baby move lower. Never full-on screams while pushing, but there is a lot of yelling and swearing and threatening. Mika
Handles the first half of labor and most of the middle pretty well. Pacing around his room, chatting with the nurses. However, once he starts to transition it's a whole other situation. He's on his knees, screaming bloody murder begging for someone to make it stop. The nurses have to haul him back into bed and pin his legs down to keep him from kicking the doctor in the face. Razor
Razor just returns to the woods when he feels his labor starting. Doctors make him nervous, and he doesn't want a midwife either. Might not be the most sanitary thing, but the woods are where he's most comfortable and this is where he wants to have his baby. Lots of low groans and growls sound more feral than painful. Only starts to shout a little as the head begins to crown, but even then it isn't all that much.
Shockingly not as bad as you'd think. Honestly, I feel like Venti has had a lot of kids over the years, and maybe it's just because he's been through so much, he's pretty chill through the first half. Once the contractions start ramping up, he's huffing and puffing, moaning and groaning. Lets out a few screams while pushing, but always seems to have rather quick births. Never seeks out medical attention.
Very calm at first. He's delivered many children in his time as a doctor, so he's not at all unprepared. He sips on tea and slowly breathes his way through each wave of pain, closing his eyes and bracing himself. Once he starts to push he gets more vocal, shouting and crying, exhausted and weak. He doesn't have the physical strength to push the baby out quickly, so he's struggling for a good long time.
He gets pretty loud halfway through, mostly moaning. He can't sit still, constantly getting up and down, squatting and kneeling. Everything is just so uncomfortable. The midwives help him, but when it comes time to push they have to keep reminding him to stop screaming, it's only wasting his strength.
Has no pain tolerance for this. He's already crying as soon as labor starts and doesn't stop the whole way. The doctors have to strap his legs up for his own safety as he keeps tossing and turning while trying to push, desperately shutting his legs to keep the head from popping free while he screams for them to just pull it out.
Jesus Christ he barely makes so much as a whimper. No one even knows he's in labor till he's reaching between his legs and lifting a crying baby into his arms. Catches everyone off guard, all they heard were a few soft pants and deep breaths.
Starts off very collected and together. His family hires a well-known midwife to tend to him, but like Gaming, he has no pain tolerance. He's screaming and moaning from start to finish. His legs had to be held back because he refused to push, the pain was just too intense.
Like Xiao, you aren't going to have a clue until he's literally pushing his baby out into his hands. A few low moans maybe, and some deep breathing, but Zhongli is literally a stone wall while in labor.
Arataki Itto
Not loud in a screaming way, but his moaning is astoundingly loud. Long, low, and drawn out, he's moaning through each contraction like it's a lifeline. Chatters away between contractions but as soon as the pain hits, his head is down and he's moaning away. A few yells and cries as the baby is born, but never a real scream. Gives birth alone, the doctors and midwives don't want to deliver the child of an Oni.
Gives birth with the aid of Kokomi. She's helped deliver babies for others in the army before and was thrilled when Gorou shyly asked her for help bringing his pups into the world. Gorou is very shy about making too much noise and stifles it through most of his labor. However, when it comes time to push, he's a wreck. Shrieking and shouting, trembling all over with tears running down his face. Doesn't help he's got at least three pups in his belly waiting to be born.
Mostly quiet, but he does start to pant and moan near the end. If he wasn't around the doctor of The Crux he would most likely be louder, but he feels too embarrassed to be making a scene. A few cries as the baby is born, but it isn't much.
Kamisato Ayato
Stoic through most of the birth, mainly because it's expected of him. As head of the family, he can't go making a scene with a bunch of screaming and crying, so he's forced to keep it all inside. Slow, even breathing, and a couple of deep, throat moans while actively pushing.
Very typical birth honestly. Seeks the help of a doctor in Inazuma and follows instructions nicely. Deep breathing, low moans, and a few panicked screams as the baby starts to crown.
Like Heizou, he's very typical. Follows the instructions of the midwife the Kamisato family hired to tend to him. Paces a lot, and tries to keep cleaning even while in labor. Starts begging for it to stop while in the transition phase, and gets louder from there on out. The midwife gets onto him multiple times for being too dramatic.
A lot like Xiao and Zhongli, he's extremely quiet. He's a little more vocal at the end while pushing. Mostly grunting his way through each push, and gasping for air as he finishes. Not much else though, the doctor and nurses tending to him are very impressed by how well he handled it.
The moron gives birth out in the middle of the desert because he refused to be fussed over. Tighnari has to go out and find him but fails to drag him home before Cyno is moaning about the baby coming out right this second- A few loud shouts and the baby is born, very quickly.
From the second his labor starts, everyone knows. He's moaning, groaning, crying, screaming, panting, gagging all of the sounds you can imagine. Swears he hears a nurse mumble something about taping his mouth shut at some point. The whole hospital is trying to get him to calm down, he's not even halfway through, but Kaveh just cries harder. Has to be held down while pushing because he kept flailing about, screaming bloody murder the whole way.
Very calm about the whole thing. Like Baizhu, he's delivered babies before. Mostly on accident because no one else was around to help, but still, he knew what to expect. Has his pups at home, very good about steady breathing and not wasting energy on being noisy. Only starts to get loud at the end, because like Gorou, his kind have litters and one baby is hard enough to get out, let alone three.
Dead silent through most of it aside from some labored breathing and quiet moans. Does scream some at the end though, while the baby is crowning. He gives birth at home with his siblings, they wouldn't allow anyone near him anyway.
Much more vocal than Freminet but not overly loud. A lot more huffing and puffing, waddles around their home the whole time until he can't stand any longer. Definitely starts screaming towards the end and while pushing, his pain tolerance isn't as high as his siblings.
Will not allow anyone near him while he labors. He's shut off from the world, held up in his house. Shuffles about, but mainly rests in his bathtub, the water keeping him calm. Slow, even breaths, a few moans here and there. Cries some while pushing, but never gets much louder than a shout.
Pretty much the same as Neuvillette, but gets more vocal towards the end. A lot of moaning, very loud and guttural. Let's the medical staff at the prison take care of him, and because of his rank, no one makes any comments on how loud he's being.
No ones anything about what this man does in private, and honestly, it's probably better that way. In all seriousness though, he's very quiet, scarily so. It's like he doesn't even feel the pain at all.
1/10 Not so much as a whimper. Dead silent through the whole thing.
Starts off very collected and slowly breaks down into a panicked mess. He doesn't handle pain well, and by the time he's pushing, it's all screams and swears.
1/10 Again, no sound. Doesn't face him beyond an occasional flinch.
Handles it very well, with lots of slow breathing and pacing. He's been there for the birth of his siblings, so he's fully prepared for what's to come. Gets a little loud while pushing, but never more than a few deep moans.
Won't let anyone near him. Most of the moaning and screams are coming from panic over pain, a lot of flashbacks to what Dottore has done to him over the decades. He'll never admit just how much it hurts, but he's very vocal regardless.
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bucketspammer4life · 1 year ago
the boxers on karaoke night
this was so fun to do, what song are they singing? Sonic underground theme or education connection jingle. im not taking any questions (or you can be boring and ignore it, choose something else i guess)
Glass Joe
- screaming his soul out, yes bestie go at it
- his voice cracks more than the floorboards when youre trying to be silent in the middle of the night
- Really off-beat but doing his best
- definitely gonna suffer the next day
Von Kaiser
- Really tone deaf, cant handle the fact that he sounds like a broken blender
- shed some tears while singing, really feeling it
- Just screaming the lyrics, having his fun but kind of embarrased
Disco Kid
- singing his soul out, his choir boy phase is paying off
- dancing while singing, hes out here giving us a free concert
- accidentally threw his microphone while singing
King Hippo
- helping vocals, he doesnt understand the lyrics but is just providing some back up vocals
- also dancing
- bit the microphone, claims it tastes like rotten lemons
Piston Hondo
- sounds more like hes chanting more than singing, hondo its karaoke night summon demons night is next friday
- busting it down with the most monotone expression ever
- also another backup vocalist
Bear Hugger
- Just screaming the lyrics, so loud that he gave himself hearing damage
- Just waving his arms around, really feeling the emotions (behind the notoriously emotional education connection jingle and sonic underground theme)
- him and Hippo are just screaming together, this is the pinnacle of friendship
Great Tiger
- no singing, hes just the main dancer with his clones
- you can only get some basic lipsyncing from him if youre lucky, hes too busy flaunting his dancing
- killing it but kinda struggling, pls take a breather tiger youre gonna pass out
Don Flamenco
- another back up vocalist, going too fast for his own good
- attempted to spin while singing, fell to the floor
- cant sing while dancing, his brain just stops working if he tries to do those both at the same time
Aran Ryan
- Really off-beat & screeching, not even singing hes just saying the words
- chucked the microphone at von kaiser's head at least 3 times, thankfully missing due to him being too busy screaming
- jumping around like a maniac (as usual)
Soda Popinski
- actually happy, trying his best to keep up and enjoying it
- doesnt know how to dance properly so he just does a little jumping
- convinced bull to sing along with him
Bald Bull
- singing very quietly, pretty shy about it since he has a bit of a strained voice
- keeps getting called out for not singing
- Just really awkward, holding the microphone like hes strangling it
Super Macho Man
- only sings along the chorus, he only wants to sing songs related to him & for him
- no dancing but singing it like hes on the verge of tears
- Really dramatic voice but no extra movements, trying to look cool & mysterious when he just looks like hes going to tell his mom that he frew up
Mr Sandman
- Really monotone singing, unironically enjoying it but doesnt really like his voice
- stops singing halfway through to dance
- trying to resist the urge to smack aran with the microphone in his hand (failed)
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human-psyche · 2 years ago
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" everybody has light around them. he has shadows... "
characters: yeonjun x reader
genre: dark, romance, angst, gangs, hitman!yeonjun, yandere!yeonjun, violence, mature content
about: choi yeonjun is txt's sniper. he's cold, emotionless and wicked, but most importantly, he's known to never miss. y/n, an unlucky witness, becomes his first ever mistake on his latest mission so he resorts to keeping her hostage and hiding this secret. y/n is soon caught in a toxic dance of attraction with the male who stands between her and freedom...
No matter how much Y/n pleaded, Yeonjun simply would not be moved at all. He'd watch her struggle with a curiousity that's both cruel and somehow distant, though underneath, he also has a strange fascination for the way she refuses to give up on her freedom, nevermind that she's now far away from even going out to a store to shop for her own clothes: reduced to wearing those he'd bought of his own liking, or lack of it, and thrown at her to change. Heck, she can't even pull the curtains without it having a negative effect on her existence with him.
During one of those times when she's gathering up all her hatred to confront him again directly, eventhough she knows deep down that it's nowhere near efficient, the male enters the bedroom, quickly subduing her before she can scream out loud. He holds her wrists so tightly that she winces in pain.
"Let me go!" she yells at him, injecting every ounce of power and courage she has into her demand which is a whole lot daring given her position as a victim.
Seeing her energy, something stirs inside Yeonjun; he has never taken a liking to a target before, sure, they're interesting, but none of them has ever made him feel...this. He needs to push it away to focus on his job. He may have thought he's immune to feeling anything, but the truth is he doesn't want to admit.
"You should be less vocal." he says.
Y/n narrows her eyes at him in defiance, provoked by the fact that he doesn't even take her argument seriously.
"And you should have the decency to be more human." she retorts back like an acrid insult, making her honest opinion of him known despite the fear that lingers in every interaction she has with him.
Yeonjun growls in irritation. He steps closer to her still form, towering over her smaller frame. "You don't know a thing about me," he hisses.
"I know more than you think. You make me sick."
The two lock eyes, a dialogue of anger and hate driving the exchange between them like a chain reaction, her attitude to his ill treatment adding fuel to the fire.
Yeonjun is the first to move: he lunges forward. The girl attempts to fight back but her strength's no match for him, she tries to keep herself unaffected though she fails, sobbing through her teeth at the sting produced because he pulls her closer. She can feel his breath on her face…her anger bleeding through her response to him which is to scream again at the hitman, this time akin to a defense mechanism to try and restore some space.
He can feel the sadness emanating off of her. He wishes he can turn off his feelings but for once, he can't. His cold demeanor is the only thing he allows himself to feel but despite all this, he finds her captivating.
"Would you shut up already?" he sneers. "You're wasting your breath."
"No!" Y/n shouts back. "I won't shut up! You can't do this to me! Let me go!"
The hitman cocks an eyebrow, intrigued by the passionate manner in which she's fighting against him. That numbing emotion that he's not sure how to interpret quickly leaves him as he remembers his mission and her screams return to the forefront of his mind. "It won't make a difference." he brings her back to reality. "You don't have a choice. You're my hostage now and you'll stay here with me untill I can find a way to use you."
As he tilts her chin up with one finger and looks at her with a cruel smirk on his lips, Y/n wants to rip away from his grasp and run for her life, but her body is paralyzed by fear. Instead, she just stares at him, unable to comprehend the situation she currently finds herself in, her heart pounding in her chest.
"Your defiance is attractive, but you're not going anywhere, Y/n."
His matter-of-factly voice is as cold as ice, sending shivers down the her spine.
Without warning, he leans in to plant a single kiss on her.
It feels like a brand, Y/n recoils in shock.
"Now you're quiet."
Avoiding his gaze, she swallows her protest, her gaze filled with stubborn tears that she refuses to shed in front of him.
The corners of his lips quirk up. "You look like you have something to say."
She scrambles for words, calming her ragged breaths before speaking. "I will never forgive you for treating me like this." she grits out, the venom evident in her verbalized disapproval of what their criminal - hostage relationship seems to have turned to, as if it wasn't enough how he dealt with her before, right from the beginning.
"Oh? And why's that?"
She lets out a scream of pure frustration. While backing away from him and getting off the ironically king sized, very comfortable, very spacious bed that his luxury apartment can afford, she has no intention to give in to his game. "You can't win, Choi Yeonjun. I'll never stop fighting." she swears, her determined voice betrayed only by how it shakes with the will to get over this.
He's silent as he watches her, curiousity resurfacing. She's a challenge for him, someone he finds interesting.
Her movements are steady as she curls down next to the big balcony windows and stares him down, her fingers clenching in the fabric of her shirt. Distance, that's what she needs from him right now, especially after how close they were earlier. It messes with her…she can't, she shouldn't even think about it. "I'm going to escape one day. You can't keep me here forever." Y/n whispers, trying to convince him一 or rather convince herself.
"It looks like you have a lot to learn, Y/n."
Yeonjun simply shrugs. A clear response.
He has no plans to let her go.
. . .
a/n: part one will be posted soon. share / reblog if you like and do follow me for more similar content!
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daggerzine · 5 months ago
Verböten- Verböten (Inside Outside)
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What do Split Single, Verbow, and Verböten all have in common? Why Jason Narducy, of course! I’ve been a fan of his music since Verbow, and now it’s a sort of a backtrack to Verböten. Imagine a bunch of ten to fourteen-year-olds from Evanston putting together a punk band many years ago, 1982, in fact. Then fast forward to 2020 when a play was created about this band. (I bought tickets to see the Verböten play, but then this thing called COVID took over.) The good news is Jason didn’t give up. (They will reunite and debut these songs at Riot Fest this fall!) The band features: Tracey Bradford (Dave Grohl’s cousin, who actually saw them perform and was inspired) on vocals; Chris Kean on bass, gang vocals; Jason Narducy on vocals, guitars, bass (tracks 5, 10), percussion. With original drummer Zack Kantor not interested in reuniting again, John Carroll played drums, gang vocals. (According to Narducy, “The fact that he (Zack) teaches at the Evanston middle school both Chris and Zack attended while they were in Verböten made it even more special.”) The album also features: Vijay Tellis-Nayak on synthesizer and Katie Klocke on violin. Oh, and it’s produced by Jason Narducy. He also wrote all of the songs except “Kicking Away” and “Machine” he co-wrote with Chris Kean. The album kicks off with “No More Indecision.” Is a two-minute power punk frenzy. The lyrics say it all, “Come ooooooooon! No more indecision. We gotta push back. The stall, the stall, the stall. Right now. No more indecision.” Love Tracey’s screaming vocals on this one. Next up, “Bodily Autonomy” slows things down, ever so slightly, but the sonic edge is still there with Jason’s soaring vocals. Here’s the video:
“Kicking Away” is another short blast of sound featuring beautifully blended boy/girl vocals filled with killer beats and sonic guitar solos. Next is “Machine,” which begins with a tribal (heart) beat that leads into guitars that sound like (hospital) alarms. The lyrics describe a life support scene clearly, “Hours drag and blend, but there’s hope. Messages flood in. Everyone misses you. Lights flash in silence. Can you hear us call?” Track 5, “Lost In My Skin,” takes off and never eases up. Frantic beats and searing guitars highlight this quick punk rocker. Next, “Dark Things,” seems like a slow one, but the bass goes wild here. Once the chorus kicks in, the band is up for grabs. Creepy lyrics also add to this one, “I know dark things about you I wish I could forget. I know things about you you don’t regret.” “Better Life” is a bouncy track highlighted by Tracey’s angelic vocals that spiral the song out of control at the end. “Full Disruption” is a short, but hyper power punker with an emphasis on power. The doomsday lyrics spell it out, “Toxic air, poisoned water, bullet holes, new virus. Cure alls, they cure nothing, sand in the gears to drag progress. FULL DISRUPTION.” “Radiate” is another short punk rocker that will please any X fan. It features a spastic drumbeat with scorching guitars and boy/girl vocals. “Spray paint designs entwined, The twisted gridlock grind, Nothing simple, nothing clean, Overtime and unforeseen. I’m so scared but I can’t let you know. This modern world is spinning out of control.“ Track 10, “Human Division,” is the poppiest song on the album, which isn’t a bad thing. It’s a beautiful power popper that could easily fit on a current Jason Narducy release. “Human division profits over morals. Inhuman friction the chaos blinds us all. Hold love in human division. Stay with us through human division.” “Scam Culture” returns to the punk rock sound they’ve been blasting through most of the album. “Now listen up. Now listen close. Now listen up before you collect I just need one thing.” Album closer, “Conviction of Youth,” leaves the listener wanting more. It’s an upbeat anthem for all the young punkers in the world! “Raising trouble, Was no trouble, Conviction of youth, Carried us, We refused to be left out.” According to Jason, “This is the punk rock record we always wanted to make. That's what we wanted to do as kids—we just weren't able to do it. This is how I imagined this band would have grown if we had stayed a band.” And now with all of the years of experience under his belt, it's the right time to do it. ERIC EGGLESON
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minshookie · 4 years ago
Late night hookup
| Yoongi |
Warning! || 18+ smutty smut smut, fuckboy!yoongi, unprotected sex, oral fem receiving, cum eating, fem masturbation, rough sex, vocal Yoongi 🤤
[ jin • Yoongi • Hoseok • Joon • Jimin • Taehyung • Jungkook ]
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You’d opened his contact for the 14th time in the past hour, down bad was an understatement for you at the moment.
It’s the fact that you knew he was in town, it’s also the fact that he chose to ignore you that made you upset, yet you yearned for his harsh touch.
Text first maybe? You put your phone to rest, your independence wouldn’t dare let you give into the temptation, if he wanted you he’d be here. And you’d ignore him until he made up his mind.
One thing that wouldn’t be ignored though, is the ache settling in your core, rolling onto your back bringing your thighs together to apply pressure to no avail. He’s never there when he’s needed.
Separating, you let your fingertips massage over the dampened fabric finding the lazy ovals you were accomplishing pleasurable. Just before you could indulge your phone chimed.
“You awake?”
You could scream in happiness! Your late horny wishes have been heard.
“Yeah, welcome back in town, how are you!”
“Excited to see me? You’re horny huh?”
Once an ass always an ass, he’d beat around the bush until all the leaves fell off before he’d give a straight answer.
“Yeah, get over here.”
“Get some help y/n,I’d think that you’d find someone new already.”
“Are you coming to fuck me, or can i continue to finger myself...you interrupted me.”
“Impatient little thing you are, sure continue, but open the door when I get there.”
Tossing the phone to the corner of your bed you rolled off changing shirts to look sightly presentable.
Skipping like and lovesick schoolgirl you cleaned the living room like he’d even notice the scatter of classwork and pillows if you’d left it. Setting drinks up on the table you anticipated your 2 AM date.
His knock undeniable, you pranced to the door pulling it open letting in the dusk breeze, “hey, you look different.” you looked his stature up and down, “and you look tired.” He quips pulling you into him his chilled hand wrapped around you neck. Kissing you, his taste never changed liquor and mint, he explored you like he’s been hungry for you. “Still don’t know how to kiss? Fucking virgin.” He bullied walking into your apartment removing his heavy shoes.
“Can you stop being an ass Yoongi.” He threw himself in the couch watching you primarily as you closed the door, gong to the kitchen before his statement stoped you. “I don’t care about the tea party you set up in there, get over here.”
Legs spread his hand rested inside of his black sweats. Obliging you went to him, only here for one thing, and he was ready to get it as quick as he could, “wanna lay on the couch for me?” The pounding in your chest persistent, knowing fully what’s to come. Letting your back hit the couch, he threw your decretive pillows. “Miss me?” He freed you from your panties, letting his limber fingers massage you collecting your slickness. “C’mon speak up.” “Yeah I did, you miss me?” You breathed out in impatience. “Like hell.”
“You play with this while imagining me when I’m away?” Sensually he stroked your bundle of never earning a physical reaction. “Honestly?” “Mm yeah tell me.” Vulgarly he spit on your mound before continuing to toy with you. “I think about your little friends more than I imagine you.” You lied for his reaction, thoughts of Yoongi swam in your head more than you’d like to admit.
“Liar.” He entered you with his index and pointer, whimpering to show your appreciation. Moving back and forth rotating his wrist ever so slightly. “Tell me this though.” He changed his tactics now rapidly stroking the most sensitive area inside of you. “This still make you cum cutie?” He jokes obviously watching you buck at his skilled fingers movement. Staying in place he gave you the treat of massaging the area into your first orgasm of the night. Your stomach clenched and you griped around him unintentionally. “Mmhhm fucking hate you.” Insulting him was a regular during orgasm and he enjoyed it. He continues forcing more pleasure on you as you cum.
A cocky grin plasters his features, “I guess it does.” He leaned coming face to face with your core, still pulsating. “Sensitive little thing still, I would’ve thought you’d grow from that.” He latched onto your clit causing you to prop yourself on your elbow in surprise. “Yoongi fucking wait.” You pushed his head to no result he licked and sucked on your clit with no mercy. “Ah fuck please Yoongi.” He looked up his dark eyes commanding you as he let go. “Done for the night?” You shook your head no, “just a little sen-” “nothing new.” He went back down, lapping at your sopping entrance with hunger and lust, grunts erupted from him.
With better leverage he enters you with his tongue prodding you like you’ve missed oh so bad. It seems like he left and came back better than he’s ever been at this. It was muffled but you understood his dirty comments. “Fucking cum in my mouth, you’re gonna taste it bitch.” Moving back to your clit he flicked quickly replacing his fingers, rubbing your tender sweet spot. Eyebrows furrowed in focus he closed his fiery eyes. “Shit! Shit! Ahhh shit!” Squirming inches from succumbing to your second orgasm. You griped his styled hair pulling him deeper onto your cunt. He latched sucking you, your stomach tightening.
Finishing messily onto his digits and lips. “Fuck Min, who gave you lessons in Korea?” You heaved legs wide needy for more. Ignoring your comment he connected his lips with yours not giving you time to breath. purposely kissing you sloppily making sure he spread your nectar along your tongue and lips. “Sweet?” You nodded, bucking, begging for him subtlety.
“What next baby, ask for it,what do you want?” He took off the sweats fully commando underneath, he stroked himself collecting his precum and bringing it to your mouth. “I know you’re filthy. Eat it.” You suck his fingers, and he visibly holds back a groan. “Fuck me, that’s what I want.” You answer seductively.
You got up from the couch, grabbing his shirt bringing him to your bedroom, “bigger bed?” “Yeah, you like it?” You crawled on top, putting your ass in the air cheekily. “It’s your turn to buy the pill.” He laughed at your random outburst, “shut the fuck up already.” He got behind you aligning and plunging into you a groan of enjoyment coming from him. “Always so fucking tight.”
Gaining a grip he bottoms you out earning a squeal. “Nice a full? Ready to fuck?” You could hear his impatience, you nodded in response. “Damn it y/n speak baby.” He griped your ass harshly. “Just do it already!”he pulled out completely hooking you with his arm rolling you onto your back pulling your shirt off with your assistance.
“I have been thinking of you in this position ever since we landed.” Pushing your legs up, “hold them with your arms...please.” Obliging to his lustful wishes, on your back legs bound by your arms, everything vulnerable on display for him.
Getting comfortable he entered you, bottoming you out throwing his head back. “Tighter than before, you’ll fucking kill me.” He fucked into you sensually keeping a grip on the back of your thighs, “feel good? Wanna- oh shit.” Tightening around him he fucked into you harshly, the lewd smacking sound something that was very missed.
Resting his forearm next to your head, dominantly he gripped a handful of your hair, letting his head fall at you ear shamelessly moaning into it. “Mm so good y/n, you’re too good.” Picking up speed making your breath trap itself in your throat. “Tell me-mm tell me.”unable to respond to his commands you whimpered in a sorry excuse for response.
By the change in tone you could tell he’s close to finishing off, while in the chase for his high, he pulled your hair harsher. Placing his other hand on your sensitive clit. “Fuck!” Pulling back up he removed his hand from your locks placing them on the back of your thighs his pace giving a little slack.
His eyes closed thumb massaging you assisting you to orgasm. “You better fucking cum.” He gritted.
He continued his rough thrust until he hit his peak “oh fuck me!” Whining he spilled inside of you as you tightened around his member once again lost in his gift of euphoria.
He pulled out of you sweat dripping over his features his seed warmly gushed from you. He removed his shirt the heat getting the best of him.
His member already half mast. He got up stretching before striding to the bathroom. “ don’t move.” You could care less what he just said, your senses still draped in pleasure. Though certain thoughts threatened to pull your lustful high. “Your legs or arms cramping?” He came back cleaning you up, using a colder cloth you cool your sweaty limbs. “Left leg.” He pulled you from the folded position massaging your leg and thigh.
“Too rough?” “Not enough.” He laughed under his breath, “noted.” He let go of your limb standing from the bed, leaving the room.
Though not exclusive your heart still aches for him slightly. “I’m leaving.” He came back with his sweats and shoes on, grabbing his shirt. “Oh, I pulled out some of my best alcohol and you leave?”
He smiled kissing your drenched forehead, why did he love torturing you. “Yeah, I got a busy day tomorrow.” He sighed pulling his shirt over himself. Groaning you rolled over out of the bed, pulling on a large shirt, “I’ll walk you to your car.” Obliging you followed him out.
Walking side to side, in silence until you both left the building standing in front of his pricey sports car. “You know you never gave me that ride.” He grasped your waist lifting you onto the hood, darkness shields you both.
“Mm tomorrow If I’m not tired, we’ll go get something...ice cream?”
“Stop acting like my boyfriend Min.”
“That’s what you want though, right?”
Sighing you felt uncomfortable when pressed with the truth.
“Well I’m sorry y/n but I can’t be, acting is the best you’ll get.”
“I know...so, who’s your best fuck back home?”
“Haha, some real pretty girl that you don’t need to ask about....but don’t worry, I cum and think of you.”
He laughs at your visible discomfort.
“You’re literally disgusting.”
Any and All feedback is greatly appreciated! !
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fayrobertsuk · 2 years ago
Nicked from a friend on Facebook, though most of my acting is not on stage, and most of my stage performing is not drama. See here for a blank version if you’d like a template of your very own. If you’d like more details about any of these, feel free to ask!
Have you ever... 1. Played a murderer - yup. Twice, technically... 2. Played an animal - technically... maybe...? 3. Played as a male character - yup, several times (girls’ school + progressive casting directors for audio) 3.5 Addendum: Played as a nonbinary character - yup, several times 4. Played as a female character - yup, several times 5. Undressed on stage - not from memory! 6. Had a stage kiss - nope. 7. Played a ghost - nope 8. Been a stage manager - not for drama; I’d like to, though. 9. Been on tech crew - technically, yes... at school, from memory. 10. Wore fake eye glasses - nope. 11. Wore contact lenses - not even irl. 12. Been in a staged fight - yes, a couple of times, but audio only. 13. Missed a cue - haha, yes, a couple of times. 14. Touched someone else’s prop - don’t think so... 15. Scolded someone for touching your props - you know, I’m not sure I’ve ever HAD props! 16. Been in a musical - does school panto count? 17. Been in a Shakespeare production - yes, on Zoom, a couple of times. And as a musician/ sound effects person. 18. Forgotten a line on stage - probably! 19. Forgotten a prop on stage - see above 20. Had a wardrobe malfunction on stage - my Seventh Kid (the one who hid successfully) hood came down while we were escaping from the wolf... 21. Ate real food on stage - no. 22. Choked on real food during a show - blimey! No. 23. Drank real alcohol on stage during a performance - no. 24. Been injured during a show - does voice count? Because I’m fairly sure I bruised my vocal cords screaming and snarling one time. 25. Tore up the set by accident - no. 26. Broken a prop on stage during a show - don’t think so! 27. Had a nosebleed on stage - oddly, no! (In case you don’t know: I’m prone to nosebleeds, so this seems like a minor miracle! I have during at least one cast remote recording, though, come to think of it...) 28. Played a character of a different race - no! 29. Been paid for a performance - yes! Quite a few times now! 30. Played a musical instrument for a show - yes, but not on stage; as part of the small pit band in a few shows. 31. Sang a solo in a show - yes, but not in a drama. 32. Made noise backstage during a show - yes. Oops. Also for sound effects. 33. Cut your hair on stage during a show - no... 34. Dated a cast mate or tech - I’m trying to remember timings, but I think it’s a no. 35. Played a child - not once I’d stopped being one... 36. Smoked in a show - no! 37. Played a lawyer - nope. 38. Killed another character on stage - on air, yes. 39. Died on stage - on air, yes. 40. Played a supernatural being - yes; in fact that’s bordering on a theme... 41. Choreographed a show - haha, no-one wants that! 42. Directed a show - not aught beyond a school Eisteddfod entry of a scene from Wind in the Willows. I’d like to, though. 43. Designed a set - yes, but not for drama... 44. Helped build a set - yes. 45. Ushered/house managed a show - quite a few times! 46. Operated a spotlight for a show - see 41. 47. Helped make costumes for a show - see 41. 48. Designed sound for a show - yes, as a balcony musician/ sound effects person, which was a lot more than we’d bargained for originally! 49. Designed lights for a show - barely, but again not for drama. 50. Been tech and actor in the same show - as a solo artist, yes, but not for drama, technically.
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boldlyvoid · 4 years ago
ain't it fun? | Part five
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Summary: reader just needs an NA meeting before they have a meltdown, they end up with the best friend they could ever make.
Warnings: pregnancy, chronic illness, spencer's career chance - he's a high school teacher now, they have a 1-year-old, smut at the end but not graphic.
word count: 2.8k
a/n: I imagine this is in season 10, so they've been together at least 7 years-ish now, I just jumped well into the future because I wanted to! also, Cordelia's nickname is Edie and pronounced Ee-dee !!
P1 P2 P3 P4
Spencer sighs, “are you going to like any of my suggestions?”
“When you give me a baby name that isn’t from some weird old male book character, then yes, I’ll take them into consideration,” she replies, hand on her stomach as she lays back against the pillows.
She was huge, 9 months pregnant and so, so close to the finish line. She was swollen and in pain and exhausted. Going off every single medication and recreational drugs to make a life was a commitment and a half, she was doing well but she was so ready to be done. To do a few more months of breastfeeding and then go back on her medications.
Spencer was terrific. He was googling and asking Penelope to research things, he had called doctors he knows and friends and did everything in his power to find a way to ease her pain even before they got pregnant. He’s taken the last 3 months off of work and he doesn’t know when he’ll go back. He has just been so, so incredible the whole time.
Naming a child was hard. You had to not only think about all the nicknames and what their initials spell, but you also had to think about how they’ll like it; if it’ll fit their personality and spirit. And most of all, is it going to get them bullied? There are some terrible kid names. Like Richard… how do you name a newborn Richard?
“I want something meaningful with a nice nickname and works with our names and her siblings,” she whispered towards him. “They need to all work together.”
“What are some of your favourites?” He asks, moving in closer and finding a way to cuddle in with her and her pregnancy pillow who has all but replaced him lately.
“I like earthy names, like Lennox, Juniper, Aspen, Elowen,” her voice is really soft, she bites her lip at the end as she thinks them over again. “And old things like Cordelia and Winnifred.”
“Which one sounds the best with Reid?”
“I like Cordelia Reid the most, and then we can call her Edie and I was thinking you can pick her middle name?” She’s been thinking about it for a while, but too afraid to know his opinions.
“Cordelia means core in Latin, which makes sense cause she already has my heart,” Spencer teased, he has made it very clear that their little girl is going to be spoiled, loved and a daddy's girl.
He took all his fears of being a bad dad and threw them out the window. He knew that just being there was all he wanted from his dad, and so that’s what he was going to do. He left the BAU for the time being, he was doing the odd lecture at the academy and answering calls for cases. They couldn’t just stop using his brain, there were some things too pressing to not ask the walking computer, but other than that, he was done.
He was looking into other jobs for when he finally decides to go back, he was unsure how long of a paternity leave he wanted. He was really content with just staying home all the time now, but he did miss going out and being useful during the days. The job he was most interested in, however, was a high school teacher.
A prep school in DC is looking into adding an Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology course to their curriculum, and they wanted Spencer. They thought he would be perfect for the seniors, he is fun and young and attentive, he can control a room and keep them entertained, and he’s probably the best teacher a kid could get.
It was going to make him a good dad too.
“I think Jade is a nice middle name,” he adds after thinking it over for a few minutes.
“Cordelia Jade Reid,” she says the full name for the first time and it just feels right, like they already know her.
She was very calm for a newborn baby.
She liked to just look around and blink, she licked her lips a lot and she was constantly breaking out of her swaddle. She was always happy to have cuddles with her dad and she pooped every night at exactly at 3 am, without fail. She didn’t cry a lot, but when she did it was still wonderful to hear.
They were so in love with her, she was absolutely perfect for them. She fit right into their sleeping schedule and their life, she ate like a pro, she slept most of the night and she was growing way too fast for their liking.
One day they’re crying over the fact they made a life in a tiny little hospital room, and the next thing they know she’s about to turn 1.
She’s sitting in bed with Y/N, she’s sitting in her lap with two handfuls of hair and a story to tell. She’s been babbling so much lately, she hears them talking all the time and she wants to join so badly. They indulge her, asking her to continue her thoughts and gasping at her gossip.
“No way, and what did you do next?!” She asked the little one sat in her lap.
Edie babbled on once more, smacking her tongue on the roof of her mouth as she pushed air past her vocal cords, humming and making the funniest sounds. She went on and on, she was so enthusiastic, like her father, as she waved her arms around to make her point.
“That is so fascinating, you are so cool, little Edie,” Y/N hyped her up, smiling at her as she leaned in close and pressed their noses together.
Cordelia laughed and it finally made Spencer giggle too, he had been watching from the doorway as his ‘wife’ and daughter talked in bed. They were best friends already, always talking and snuggling, learning or reading together. She was always happy when she was with one of them, she was needy and snuggly and very co-dependent but they didn’t mind, they preferred all the attention from her.
“Look who’s home,” Y/N whispered and Cordelia shot a glance towards the door, she smiled and screamed as she saw him.
“Hi Edie!” He waves at her with a smile, he takes his bag off and places it by the dresser followed by his blazer.
He gets into the bed and she instinctively reaches for a hug. He wraps her up and she snuggles right into his neck, with a fistful of his shirt, she just holds him there. She didn’t understand why he wasn’t home all day anymore, she missed him for lunch and at nap time but she loved the new routine of a snuggle when she woke up and he got home.
Spencer leans back against the pillows beside Y/N, turning his head to capture a kiss from her lips. They always just spend a quick second kissing when he gets home, even if it’s just a peck or a full-on passionate make-out, he always kisses her when he comes home. He smiles at the end of the kiss, pulling her into a hug too.
“I love Fridays,” he whispers, “Edie do you know what Fridays mean?”
She pulls away and sits up, she loves to listen to him. “Friday is the last day of the school week, which means I get to spend 2 whole days with my favourite people now.”
Edie smiled, almost like she understood what he meant, and then she was talking again, it was completely incomprehensible but they imagined she was telling him about her day.
“You forgot the part where we went to the park,” Y/N added.
Cordelia looked at her with wide eyes, “dada,” was the only word she said before babbling on again and they both stopped.
“Did she just?” Spencer was shocked and frozen still after asking.
Y/N sat up and looked right into Cordelia’s eyes, “who is that?” She pointed at Spencer.
“Dada!” She said it again and they were suddenly all squealing, even Cordelia was suddenly excited as she kept screaming dada over and over again.
“Can you say, mom? Or mama? Mummy?” Spencer tried his hardest to find an easy way for her to say it.
“Mumm,” she pushed her lips together to hum her M sound and Spencer was floored, he bounced her up and down a small amount as they cheered.
“Smartest girl in the world!” Spencer cheered her on before pulling her into another hug.
Y/N was crying softly, little tiny dreams that she didn’t even know she had were coming true every single day with them. She knew she wanted to be a mom when she was growing up, all those dreams died when her illness got worse and they all warned her that having kids would put her at risk of being moneyless and that working wasn’t an option to even support them. Let alone the threat of them taking them away just because of her autism or depression possibly being considered ‘too bad’ to care for them.
Spencer took all those fears and he kicked them out. Every day she got to experience the most precious gifts the world had to offer, her daughter was perfect and her husband was incredible. Together they were a perfect little family that ran on trust, love, and communication. Always talking, always hugging, always there for each other.
They crawl into bed much later than they expected to. Cordelia didn’t want to go to bed, she was trying her hardest to keep staying awake to spend time with them but eventually, sleep won. They finally placed her in her crib with her white noise and her complete darkness and closed her door for the next few hours of peace.
They both let out a deep sigh before rolling to face one another. “How was your day?” He asks, like always.
“Good,” she smiles, “I think having a kid and getting on her schedule was the best thing I’ve ever done actually, cause I’m sleeping on time, I’m eating when she does and I’m outside a lot more. She’s given me this purpose and it’s rewarding on my body.”
Spencer moves in so he can kiss her nose, “I love hearing that.”
“How was your class today?” She asks back, loving his little stories about all the 17 and 18-year-olds that were fascinated by him. As well as the kids who thought it was cool to try and pick on him before getting the shit verbally kicked out of them in front of the whole class.
It was interesting seeing him in a form of authority, he never really took charge at the BAU, she’s never seen him yell at his friends and he’s never really yelled at her either. He’s been incredibly calm, so to see him verbally tear someone apart by acknowledging their biggest flaws to make sense of why they feel the need to bully, it was pretty intense.
“They were a lot better today, they enjoyed the lesson and the kids that were giving me trouble skipped, I guess he really didn’t appreciate me calling him out that bad on Tuesday,” Spencer smirked, rolling his eyes like he cared.
“I still can’t believe that he thought it was okay to call you names in front of other students, where is the respect these days?”
“Well,” he’s about to do what he always does. He can never be truly mad at someone because he knows why everyone does what they do and that they can’t help it. “In his file, it says his parents are newly divorced, we get a list of all the kids information on the attendance like allergies and things, but also small info like life changes in case they act out.”
“Doesn’t mean he can call you the f slur,” she whispers, “all because you wore a purple shirt?”
“If I met his father I’d probably get an answer for that,” he adds, “if he’s afraid to show his emotions around his son, it’s probably why his son thinks colours are gay.”
It makes her laugh, “you look hot in purple too so I don’t see the problem?”
“Do I?” He teases, getting in even closer and pressing their bodies together.
She rolls her eyes before wrapping her arms around him and leaning forward for a quick kiss, “I think you look sexy all the time.”
He kisses her as a thank you, “I think the same about you.”
“Even when I haven’t showered in 2 days because she cries if she can’t see me and she cries if she gets wet?” Y/N laughed, annoyed but in love with their little monster at the same time.
“Always,” he reminds her. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” she kisses him again after.
There are probably a million more things to share from the day, but they spend their time kissing instead. It’s been too long since they’ve just rolled around in the sheets making out like they did in the beginning. Before they ever had sex, before they had kids and a house and a love as strong as they do now.
A part of them missed the early days when everything was new and exciting, but she also loved the fact that they knew each other so well that they didn’t have to communicate anymore. They ran like 1 unit, always completing the other person's thoughts, needs and wants. They were so unbelievably happy.
She wants him badly and he wants her just as much, and he’s about to take her when she pulls back. “Nope, as much as I love her I can’t get pregnant again for at least another year.”
It makes him laugh as he pulls away and rolls over to look through his nightstand for a condom, “it wouldn’t be that bad?”
“You carry it then, seahorse it up,” she teased. “I like being back on my medicine, I need some time to be okay before I go through all that again.”
Once he’s all situated in the latex and back between her legs, he hovers over her, so close that their lips are touching ever so slightly. “I am fine if it’s just the three of us forever.”
“I’m not,” she smiles, “there will be 4 of us one day, just not today.”
With that, she’s pulling him into another kiss as he pushing inside. It’s a feeling she’s accustomed to but will never be used to, it’s a stretch that shouldn’t be as intoxicating as it is. She holds him closer as she plays with his tongue in her mouth.
He was so good at everything he did, especially the sex. He knew every single part of her body now and exactly how to push all her buttons the right way. She could live in the moment of his pumping in and out of her while his thumb circled her clit and his other hand groaned her breasts. Eventually, he kissed down her throat and she was a mess of breathy moans and low gasps.
Writing in the sheets, her legs wrap around him as she tried to pull him in even closer. It was impossible to get closer but he was still too far away, she wanted to absorb him and live in him forever. He was her safe place and she never wanted to be anywhere else.
As her orgasm bubbled, so did his. The both of them gasping and panting, she whined as she breached the edge and gripped his back, “Spence!”
“That’s it, sweetheart,” he whispered before fucking into her harder and faster, pushing her through it as he reached his own.
His movements on her clit never stopped and suddenly one felt like two and she wasn’t sure when the rush was going to stop and she didn’t care when it did. It was powerful, soothing and euphoric. A high she could live in for a while and return to it without problem as long as she had him.
He came with a small moan, trying to keep quiet as he muffled it into her neck, stilling his hips on his last thrust and dropping onto her more. Her hands were all over his back as she pressed kisses to his forehead, coming down but not wanting the love to stop there.
The love was never going to stop there for them. Their love was never-ending, and somehow as she held him there in her arms and felt his breath on his neck, she turned to see the baby monitor with their peaceful child sound asleep down the hall, she loved him even more now somehow.
Loving Spencer Reid was like falling down a bottomless pit. She never knew when she was going to reach the end, but she was content with falling.
smut taglist: @g0lden-cth @doctorspenceryeet @samuel-de-champagne-problems @reiding-recs @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria@reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @jswessie187 @k-k0129 @calm-and-doctor @blanchardsbk
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boricuacherry-blog · 2 years ago
Erlandson is tall and affable with dyed-blonde hair that hangs in his eyes and a loose, almost nasal Los Angeles-native drawl. One of seven children in a close-knit Catholic family, he actually hails from San Pedro, California, the recently reanointed punk-rock mecca a half-hour south of L.A. Erlandson's boyhood paper route included the home of Black Flag guitarist Greg Ginn, but Erlandson missed out on his hometown scene at the time, preoccupied as he was with good old 70s rock.
Now 32, a fact he gives away freely but sheepishly, Erlandson was a late bloomer. He attended college at Loyola Marymount, where his father was a dean, and also held down an accounting job at Capitol Records. Then he caught the punk-rock bug. "I started late," Erlandson says. "I didn't really experiment with anything bad for you until I was 27."
Within the band, he's known as the Archivist, the guy who keeps track of all the live tapes and jam sessions. On a musical level, he's the guy who really gives the songs their crackle. He played most of the guitars on Live Through This, while Love concentrated on lyrics and vocals.
Like Love, Erlandson is a Buddhist, though after she introduced him to the religion he became the most devout practitioner.
What kept them together was a love of god-awful clattering. "We were one big, screaming mess," Erlandson says. "I was just like 'Ok, this is cool, this is noise.' I was always into the No Wave thing, but it never caught on in L.A. I was like, 'Wow, I finally found someone who's into doing this stuff.'" With Pretty on the Inside, Love's vividly scabrous lyrical tone - part self-immolation, part outwardly directed paroxysm - was well established, and beneath the cruddy goth-punk caterwauling there were hints of New Wave sense and songcraft sensibility. Erlandson and Love were a couple and lived together, before he dated Drew Barrymore. He says Billy Corgan kept getting in between their relationship. "There's that cartoon side of her that is intimidating, but deep down inside there is a sweet little kitten," he claims. He would go on to date Kristen Pfaff, who became their bassist and would tragically die in 1994.
"I love him so much," says Drew Barrymore, who is dating Erlandson. "And I have a family now from Eric, too. He has such a huge, amazing family. Seven kids. I never thought I'd have a sense of family until I had my own kids. I want two: a boy and a girl. My daughter will be named Ruby Daffodil."
-Rolling Stone article, 1995
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gayseyjones · 3 years ago
Top 5 vocaloids by character and then top 5 by voice
kissing you on the mouth for this ask
5. meiko I'm obsessed w "awful drunk aunt who tries her best but she's just a walking disaster of a woman" like that pic someone drew of her comforting rin by wiping tears out of her eyes but accidentally burning her face bc she was cutting spicy peppers. also this gif
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4. kaito. that's my sopping wet cat. I think he's the most pathetic excuse of a man youve ever met but like meiko he also tries his best he's mikus well meaning older brother hes the victim of 90% of the kagamine's pranks he screams like a girl etc and I want him carnally.
3. VFLOWERRRRRRR they're a nby lesbian so deeply in my heart I know this for a fact they're autistic they kind of suck at singing but it's okay I love them. I can't stand the meme squad interpretation of their character (I can't stand meme squad in general get that devil shit out of my face) I don't think they're unnecessarily rude or hate everyone or anything like that I think they can be a little mean but it's usually moreso just being 1. blunt 2. sick of everyone's shit (usually kaito) they love their friends very much even if they can't show it the best and they're dating yukari godbless ♥️
2. I hc miku una & yukari as siblings and specifically for una I think she's like. awful. bc she's the youngest and 9 years old she's a total bastard to miku however it's mostly bc she really does look up to her and aspires to be like her but also she steals mikus hair dye for herself and makes a mess of her makeup and uses her speakers to blast her awful pop music and regularly tackles miku just completely full body slams her
1. the queen herself miku oh my god. she's literally that post like "I'm god's favorite princess I'm the virgin mary I'll never die" I think she's actually insane. her middle child complex was so strong she ended up becoming the number one idol in the whole world and I'm proud of her ♥️ despite this she is still very insecure and unsure of herself and regularly clings onto rin sobbing "MY 9 YEAR OLD SISTER CAN SING BETTER THAN ME" (see: cillia's una cover of shake it) she's also so disabled. good lird
okay vocals wise
5. len :) he's on the easier side to tune and I really love his voice, it has decent range though he definitely works best in lower tones and his appends are all very nice. he's my best friend and when it comes to specific producers dasu tunes him incredibly
4. vflower BUT. Only in vocametal. they have such a strong powerful kind of messy voice and yet it's used for like. trashy pop and lighthearted songs like utsup is the only one that understands their voice. especially metal screaming GOD DAMNNNNN IT SOUNDS SO GOOD ON THEM
3. miss miku herself once again her voice is very very dynamic and though she's on the harder side to tune, once you get the hang of it it sounds incredible. her range is great like the difference between like. toa's tuning and rishiep's tuning for example is incredible. no one does it like my girl
2. GUMIIIII GOOD LIRD giga & kira especially tune her so fucking well it helps that she has an insane amount of voice banks and appends but genuinely her voice has so much weight to it and it can literally be used for ANYTHING without drawbacks it's incredible. I haven't used her myself but I've heard she's easy to tune so that's a bonus
1. una. holy shit. she only has 2 voicebanks (not including voiceroid) but jesus FUCKING christ her voice is insane. AND SHES SURPRISINGLY EASY TO TUNE?? genuinely if anyone is ever considering using vocaloid I can't recommend una enough she's so easy to tune if you're a beginner and her range is INCREDIBLE. where would we be without her
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midnightsconspiracy · 4 years ago
Stages of Grief
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Stages of Grief - @midnightsconspiracy
Summary: You’re there when Justin passes, and so you have to watch your husband go through the five stages as he grieves his son
Warnings: Death
Word Count: 1393
Requested: No
A/N: I’ve had this idea for ages but only finally got around to it!! :)
Loss is a funny thing really. Especially when the person is so young and healthy, that nobody could possibly prepare for their deaths. And that was what had happened in the case of Justin Voight. A man who had turned his life around entirely, a child and wife at home waiting for him and no longer in any sort of risky business, or so he said. But his actions had ultimately led to his death, leaving his usually emotionless father to grieve accordingly. It was not as if he was alone in this process though, as you remained by his side, watching as he went through the five stages of grief.
In the beginning, it was as though everything was normal, both of you going about your daily lives as usual. And that extended to your evenings as well, cuddled up on the sofa, watching the same programme you did each night. The only irregularity was his watchful eyes, ones that remained glued on his phone, scrambling to move every time it would light up. It made you sympathised with him greatly, knowing that the last remaining piece of Camille had been ripped from him so suddenly. But some part of his mind had convinced him this was a mistake, and although he'd requested his son's life support to be turned off and been there to witness also, that somehow it wasn't true. That the notifications from his phone were going to be from the hospital, informing him how Justin had made this miraculous turnaround and in fact not dead at all. This was just his way of coping was what you told yourself, knowing this allowed him to gradually come to grips with this huge loss. It was like the world around him had stopped, immune to the messages he was receiving from his loved ones, Justin was alive and he would come through the front door any moment now. And although a Hank without emotions was nothing uncommon for you, experiencing it most days, there was a part of you that just wanted to shake him, tell him Justin was gone and never coming back. But you couldn't bring yourself to do that, knowing you would have to allow him to process this properly, at his own pace, and not yours. Denial.
Once the realisation that his son was really gone, the old Hank, the one before you knew him, began showing. His unremorseful, overbearing anger welling up, expelling from every part of his being. And it wasn't as if it was just towards the man who had done this, or Justin himself for being involved in dangerous things. Anyone who crossed him the wrong way seemed to become a victim, and with you being in such close proximity, living together and all, received the brunt of it. What you had learned being with Hank for a number of years though, was that in reality it wasn't because he was actually angry, but instead masking whatever other emotions he had, and in this case it was sadness. That thought allowed you to be less mad at him, this was a part of the process after all. Once he'd taken out the man who had pulled the trigger though, things seemed to calm a little, the main object of his rage having been taken out. However, it didn't fully stop there, his fury now mainly focusing on his dead son, shouting up to the heavens that it wouldn't have happened if he hadn't involved himself in such illegal activities or listened to the advice his father had given him. That didn't mean it didn't extend to others though, spending countless minutes of your life watching him unnecessarily discipline people at work and destroy any photos of Justin that were littered around the house. So you just picked up the pieces, wanting to be a supportive wife for him. Anger.
Although Hank had never believed in a higher power, these newfound emotions bought him as close as he'd even been. Asking whoever could hear him to take away the grief that he felt in that very moment, wanting to be free of the pain he held. He just wanted some control back in his life, feeling as though any stability that he'd once possessed had been thrown out the window. That belief extending to yourself as well, and as much as you tried to support him, it was inevitable. The bubble he'd isolated himself inside, refusing to pop and let you in. At night you'd awake to him on the edge of the bed, whispering to himself, mulling over all the things he could have done better. What if he'd just called Justin to see if he was ok? Or if only he'd showed him a better example of being a good person! And as much as you tried, his mind was already set, the 'what ifs' and 'if onlys' plaguing his mind. His thoughts so self-deprecating, that the blame solely rested on himself. That mindset not only hurt him mentally but also yourself, knowing nothing about it was his fault, he couldn't have done anything that would have stopped it from happening. Although you tried to tell him otherwise, it was set in stone for him, making you feel equally bad about yourself. As if you were a failure, that you could even do the simple task of helping your husband grieve. Bargaining.
Then the emotions came, deep routed sadness, that took over his whole being. The once vocal and loving man you knew, became a shell of himself, spending much of his time alone, only with his thoughts. It was as though you were living by yourself again, eating at separate times, never facing each other in bed or sleeping in separate ones entirely. And although you were sad from your son-in-law's death, this only intensified what you felt, as if you had lost two people you held dearly. You just told yourself this was natural though, you had expected this when you were first been informed of Justin's death. But these were raw, unfiltered emotions that broke your heart, watching as he went through it all by himself. Eventually, after numerous tries of getting through, he allowed you in, finally feeling as though you were useful. And despite your feelings, you continued to support him, holding him at night as he sobbed into your chest, crying to you whilst asking 'what am I without him?' Maybe in the long run it wouldn't be good repressing your own emotions, but your nature screamed at you to help him first, that you had promised during your wedding vows to always put him ahead of yourself. And at least he was expressing himself, just glad he wouldn't bottle this up, only to explode another day. Depression.
Finally, after some time, he reached the last stage, and although not completely feeling as though the weight had been taken off his chest, a part of him felt as though he would be ok. He now knew Justin was gone for good and no amount of pleading would bring him back, it was something he would just have to admit. His life felt as though it was going back to normal, and although there was still a part of him missing, he would continue to thrive not just for himself but for his son and late wife. He could now focus on other things as well, helping Olive and his grandson have a happy, healthy life, just the way he would want them to be. And you, you finally had your husband back. Although things weren't completely as they were before, you could accept that, just knowing the man you loved was no longer hurting and feeling the pain he did before. Every once in a while he would slip though, the emotions resurfacing as before, and so you just nursed him through it, loving him as best as you could. Putting up the broken photos, he allowed himself to look back on all the good memories noting 'how he was grateful for all the time that he had been granted with his son.' And for the first time, he realised that Justin wouldn't want him to dwell on this, instead create new memories with the people he still had on the earth with him. Acceptance.
Taglist: @mileika @redpoodlern @chazubagi @scarletsoldierrr@cindydoll2 @anotherfan07 @one-sweet-gubler @yosoynicolexo @prettypsychoinpink
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drummergirl231-2 · 4 years ago
So the DT crew keeps being awesome about amputee representation in so many ways that I just don’t pick up on at first.
We know the DuckTales 2017 crew worked closely with the Amputee Coalition to design Della as a character in terms of look, movement, attitude, struggles, and advantages. There are some cartoony suspension of disbelief kinda things, like how she just happened to find a rocket part that fit her residual limb perfectly so she could use it as a prosthesis, but otherwise, they’ve really striven for realism with her - in some cases, in ways those of us with four limbs don’t even realize at first. 
That being said, let’s talk about this moment from “Escape from the Impossibin!” 
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The moment Della’s prosthesis made contact with a saw blade, she let out a yell that, at first, sounded as though she were in pain, before she began to laugh. 
I thought maybe the suddenness of finding a saw blade just sort of startled her, and she laughed with relief coming off the adrenaline and made the declaration that it was “so cool,��� because it is super cool that she can use her prosthesis to her advantage like this.
That initial scream still seemed weird to me, though. Startled screams are usually a quick vocal burst and not drawn out. Why did she scream like that instead of just going, “Whoa!” if she were only taken by surprise? Sure, it could’ve been a yell like “AHHHH THIS IS AWESOME!” but even so, something sounded odd to me. She really did seem like she felt pain, as though the saw blade actually hurt for a second.
Anyway, a couple months go by, and I’m watching Footless Jo on YouTube, as I do, and she uploads a video called “EVERYTHING You Wondered About Phantom Limb Pain!” I mean, come on, who wouldn’t want to watch that? 
So Jo’s describing phantom pains, what they feel like, how she’s felt all the things but she’s met amputees that have never had phantom pains and she’s like “HOW?!?” and then she gets to this part at about 11:13:
“THE most bizarre thing about having phantom pain and sensation is the fact that sometimes real movements and actions can be felt. What I mean by that: if I am looking at my prosthetic foot, here, and I drop something on my toe, or someone touches my foot, I feel that. For a second. Like if I - if I visually see it, if I’m looking at my foot and something happens to it, even when it’s this plastic foot, I feel the actual sensation that I would’ve felt had my real foot been there.”
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She goes on to talk about how one time a friend gave her prosthetic foot a foot massage and she actually felt parts of it, and how sometimes she’ll step in a way that, before her amputation when she was living with a fused ankle, would really hurt, and for a second she feels that same pain again before her body catches up and goes “Oh, it’s not there anymore.”
“There’s something about our brains, and anticipating some kind of sensation where if we expect to feel something, we end up feeling that.”
This immediately shed so much light on this brief moment from “Escape from the Impossibin!” because it really did seem to me like Della was screaming as though the saw blade were actually hurting her and now I know it’s because... it probably did cause her that sort of pain for a split second.
She was looking down at her foot, anticipating it coming into contact with saw blades, and the moment it did and she saw the sparks and felt the vibration going up her metal leg and rattling her residual limb, her confuzzled nerves also fired off a “HELP WE’RE GETTING SAWN INTO” signal to her brain before her brain was like “CHILL. IT’S FINE.”
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Which of course also makes sense of her laugher (relief) and her declaration of how cool it is (because not only is she using her prosthesis to her advantage, which is super cool in and of itself, but also her brain and nerves just did a crazy/weird/fascinating/super cool thing).
It’s kinda intense to think Della likely felt like her foot, which was no longer there, was still there and getting sawn into for a second, but shoot dang, I am just so impressed with how the writers handle her being an amputee. They don’t structure whole episodes around her missing a limb, but instead slip in these little nuggets of truth that they would only know if they sat down with amputees and listened to their experiences. So good.
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snarky-badger · 3 years ago
Okay. Part one of five of my General Grievous... short stories, I suppose. Featuring my OC Kyra.
This was supposed to be a multi-chapter story. Kyra was a child when she met Grievous pre-cyborg. She was on Tattooine, in the 'care' of someone who raised animals and such. ('animals' being a loose term in the star wars universe) Later Grievous goes back, she's around 30 now - finds her. realizes that she's good with animals and 'appropriates' her as a caretaker/trainer for his pet roggwart, Gor. Shit happens. she treats him like a person not a droid/cyborg. he's an asshole, she gets mad at him. they bitch at each other a lot.
There. you're caught up. lmao.
Anyway, enjoy the slight story and definite smut. (I still can’t believe I wrote this)
Please comment on whether you want the other 4 parts.
(Also, should I put this on AO3??)
Part The First.
"Oh really? And how's that been working for you?"
A low rumbling snarl left Grievous as he spun to glare at Kyra, only mildly impressed when she didn't flinch away from him. "And what," he growled, voice harsh, "gives you the right to assume that you know anything about me?"
"I can sense you," she said softly, glancing away when his eyes narrowed at her from behind his mask. Sighing, Kyra rose a hand, one of the lightsabers that Grievous kept hidden in his cape flying into her grasp. He stiffened at the motion, clawed mechanical hands curling into fists, even as she held the saber out for him to retrieve. "I'm not a Jedi, Grievous, and I don't plan on becoming one. But, I don't want to be a Sith either...."
He snatched the lightsaber out of her open hand and activated it, growling as he angled the glowing blue blade close to her face. "I should cut you down where you stand!"
Kyra glared up at him, blue eyes boring into reptilian yellow for a long moment before she snarled at him. "Fine then," she snapped, ignoring how those golden yellow eyes widened in surprise at the ferocity in her voice. "Go ahead! All you've done since bringing me here is treat me like garbage! Worse than garbage! I thought living on Tattooine was bad, but this is worse! I thought, hoped, that some of Qymaen jai Sheelal still remained, despite what you've done to yourself, but you're not who I remember! The being who gave me that promise is dead and gone! So do us both a favor, General Grievous, and kill me already!"
He stared at her in shock, watching the tears that streamed down her face and idly wondering if she even knew she was crying. Something in him twisted at the sight of her pain, and a deep, rattling, sigh left Grievous as he deactivated the saber, his free hand rising to carefully brush the moisture from her left cheek. It surprised him to no end that Kyra shivered and turned her face into his taloned hand, trusting him not to hurt her, despite her outburst.
Slowly, fighting against everything that screamed at him to shove her away, Grievous hesitantly tugged her forward, crouching a little as he wrapped his arms around her. His cyborg form easily took her weight when she leaned into the embrace, her warm breath tickling across the sensors built into his chest armor. The warmth and pressure of her body sent a shiver through him, cybernetic sensors that were implanted in his armor activating at the stimulation. It had been so long since anyone had dared to touch him. And certainly longer since he had felt the urge to comfort anyone.
He felt her fingers curl around some of his back armor, returning the hug as best she could, fairly snuggling into his chest, her head coming to rest just above where the armor protected his gutsack, where the few remains of his flesh lay hidden. Moving carefully, Grievous used his greater height to his advantage, leaning over her a little, the movement bringing his masked head close to hers. A brief thought, and his arms split into four, servos giving a little whine as he curled three of the four appendages around her, the fourth sliding into her fire-red hair, bringing her head closer to his masked face so the olfactory sensors there could drink in her scent.
"Kyra, I.... I....." He growled, one hand clenching into a fist at her back, disgusted that he couldn't bring himself to apologize.
"It's alright," she told him softly, pressing her cheek to his armor as she sensed his roiled emotions.
Grievous sighed and leaned his head against hers, tucking her warm body closer to his, the cloak he wore about his shoulders sliding forward to curl around her as well, partially hiding her from view. "How can you sense me? Dooku constantly complains that not only do I have no Force-sensitivity, but that I'm invisible to his own senses."
"I don't know," Kyra admitted, leaning back a little to meet his bright gaze, blinking at the calm contentedness she saw there. "I've always been able to attune myself to those around me. Until you told me otherwise, I thought it was the same for everyone who could use the Force."
He shook his head slightly. "From what I've learned, you're the only one who can sense the Kaleesh in what I've become," he said, his synthetic voice losing the harsh edge it usually had, more of a whisper now. "Most think me a droid, even those with Force senses."
"I don't."
"I know. It's refreshing. And.... comforting." He gave her the slightest of squeezes, one hand settling on her right hip while two other arms kept her wrapped in a hug, his fourth hand still toying with her hair. "But how can you tap into the Force if Count Dooku didn't sense anything in you?"
A soft smile tugged at her lips. "It's one of the first things I taught myself, how to hide from others. I didn't want to be found by either the Jedi or the Sith...." She paused for a moment, dropping her gaze from his. "Are you going to tell Dooku about me?"
He jerked back, stunned at the question. "No! In fact, I don't want him anywhere near you! If he finds out that you can use the Force, he'll take you to Sidious. Worse yet, if either learns about---" His vocalizer momentarily froze as his mind caught up with what he was about to admit. He had spent so long, trying to lock his emotions away, centering himself on becoming a better warrior, a better strategist. And now, to find himself on the brink of actually admitting to having such powerful feelings towards her was.... disconcerting.
Part of him was disgusted that he was even suggesting the thought of weakening himself, of letting long ignored emotions return to the surface. But the other, the part that had been hidden away, the part that was still Kaleesh, still Qymaen, and flesh and blood, and singing at Kyra's closeness, realized that he had been a coward. Despite all his improvements, all the battles won and the trophies he collected, how could he call himself a warrior if he was afraid to accept the peace that Kyra's mere presence afforded him?
How could he ignore the part of himself that fairly screamed for some small bit of comfort, however fleeting?
Grievous knew that he had been losing himself to rages more and more often, something that he had hardly ever done before. Certainly, he had been, - and still was - an accomplished warrior. But he was also a strategist. He knew that letting anger overwhelm you during a battle was foolish. Anger clouded thoughts, made one sloppy. And a mistake during the high-stake fights he now found himself in would be very, very costly.
As he turned his attention outwards again, meeting Kyra's worried gaze, he suddenly realized that he couldn't remember the last time he had actually felt so relaxed. The anger and rage that usually boiled at the edge of his thoughts had eased, his legendary temper no longer tearing at his control. He felt.... well, not mellow, but certainly calmer than he had in a long, long time.
Giving in, Grievous hugged Kyra to himself, carefully angling his masked face close to hers. "No one can ever know of the fondness I hold for you," he told her, sensors thrumming at the shiver that went through her body. His fourth hand rose to her face, metal fingers playing across her cheek, touch receptors relaying the feeling of silk soft skin against his metallic palm. "Outside of secured locations.... I won't be able to acknowledge this, Kyra. It would put both our lives at risk, especially yours."
She frowned slightly. "They'd use me to get to you."
He nodded, relieved that she understood. "And vice versa, I imagine," he muttered, chuckling a little when she blushed. Growling lowly, Grievous pressed his masked face against the curve of her throat, sensors fairly singing as they took in the softness of her skin and the richness of her scent. "Ah, Kyra, whatever will I do with you? I find myself missing the time where I was more flesh than machine."
The admission tightened something in her abdomen, and she leaned away from his touch to meet his gaze again. "Can I try something? I promise, it won't hurt."
A grumble left him at that. "You want to use the Force on me."
She nodded, raising a hand to caress the side of his mask and smiling a little when he turned his face into her hand. "Will you trust me? It won't hurt, and if you feel the least bit uncomfortable, all you have to do is tell me to stop, and I will."
Her fingers stroked the side of his facemask, heightened sensors in the armor activating under her touch, and it was all he could do not to groan happily at the contact, very aware that her other hand was caressing the metal on his chest. At that moment, she could have asked him to defect to the Republic, and he might well have done it, just as long as she kept touching him. "Go ahead."
Kyra smothered a giggle at the contented growl in his voice, then pushed her amusement aside, focusing solely on what she was about to do. It was simple for her to tap into the Force. Instead of a mystical power, she had always thought of it as a different form of energy; an energy that only a scant few were sensitive to and which even less were able to wield.
Energy could be harnessed if done correctly, like the solar collectors on some other worlds. It could be molded to do many things, within limits. The nature of the Universe couldn't be changed. People lived and died, that was the way of things; but life could be extended to a certain degree, and disease and damage could be healed. Time was it's own master, even the Force was no match for it. Other limits were attached to the one opening themselves to the Force. It took concentration, practice and a fair amount of willpower to learn to harness such energy; and there were bound to be many failures before achieving a specific goal.
Kyra had learned things the hard way, without a guide or teacher. Trial and error had been harsh, but she liked to imagine that she was more flexible than others that used the Force. Some things that she had taught herself were simply not done by either the Sith or the Jedi, according to Grievous' information. Like what she was about to do.
It came to her so easily, like running water, invisible power flowing through her veins as she brushed her fingertips down one of Grievous' arms, triggering and enhancing every receptor and sensor that she knew was hidden in his armor.
The caress, powerful and so very warm, nearly sent him to his knees, little pulses of energy flitting across the circuits that crisscrossed his cybernetic frame. His cyber-organic brain translated the signals into throbs of pleasure, a strangled moan crackling out of his vocalizer as his eyes slid closed, hands clutching at Kyra as a shudder wracked his body. It took him almost a full minute to become coherent again, and even then, Grievous found himself struggling not to beg her to do whatever she had just done again. "W-What did you--?"
"I can manipulate energy to a certain degree," she told him, smiling as she lightly trailed her fingers up and down his upper left arm, causing him to shiver and tighten his hold on her. "I'm just.... sending little surges through your receptors."
Another small wave jolted up his arm, echoing through every circuit and wire in his entire body until he was fairly shaking, the wicked talons on his feet sinking into the dermaplated floor. Urges that he had thought lost rose to the surface, his two lower hands dropping to her waist to pull her pelvis against his as his hips arched towards hers uselessly.
While the action still pulled a rather delightfully breathless gasp from Kyra, he couldn't help but growl in annoyance at his metal body, his mind instantly running through the lewd thought of having some sort of attachment fashioned. The mental images did nothing to stop his newly awakened lust, his voice coming out in a near purr as he picked her up in his lower arms and carried her towards her quarters, upper hands already tugging at her clothes. "You realize that I intend to finish what you've started?"
Kyra met his smouldering gaze and leaned up to place a kiss on his cheek, a little thrum of energy accompanying the gesture. "I wouldn't have started it otherwise."
Growling, he carried her through the automatic door to her room, stepping through and pausing only long enough to balance on one foot while using a metal toe to type in the lock command, insuring their privacy. "You're mine now," Grievous told her, partially burying his face in her hair as he stalked towards her bed.
His final upgrade into his cybernetic body had eliminated the need for sleep, and thus, the need for a bed. But now he found a small part of his Kaleesh mind wishing he could have brought her to his own quarters to claim her there, various memories of his past where he had taken his wives to bed for a night of rather impassioned sex.
The memories only fueled him, a low rumbling growl leaving him as he set her on her bed and crawled above her, eyes drinking in the sight of her before careful talons cut her clothes away. Every bare inch of flesh he uncovered looked like heaven, the hands of his upper arms caressing newly exposed skin while the lower continued to rip the material off of her body. Though it all, Kyra never stopped touching him, fingertips gliding across his arms, throat and chest, pulses and surges of pleasure only intensifying his need to have her laid bare before him.
"I haven't been with anyone since I began upgrading myself," he warned her as he threw the scraps of her clothes over his shoulder, sending his cloak after them seconds later before turning his burning gaze onto her once again, lower hands already mapping her body. "You must tell me if I hurt you. I can't claim you in the normal fashion, but I can still give you pleasure."
Kyra shook her head a little and rose herself on an elbow to bring their faces closer together, one hand stroking the side of his masked face and shivering in anticipation at the lust in his bright gaze. "You won't hurt me," she murmured, sliding her hand down his throat and across his chest until she took his right upper hand in hers, rising it to her lips and pressing a kiss to his metal palm. "I trust you."
That one small gesture sent a stab of arousal through him, his body wracked by a shudder when she playfully suckled on one taloned finger, touch receptors detailing how warm and soft and wet her mouth was. Groaning, he descended on her, all four hands caressing her body as he struggled to map out every inch of her, sensors drinking in every gasp and moan that escaped her, every arch of her back and roll of her hips. He explored every bit of her, easily bracing himself above her as he slid one hand into her hair, the second lightly tracing the curve of her throat while the third closed over one breast, his fourth hand dropping to her inner thighs, teasing her with gentle strokes.
And to his growing delight, Kyra was far from passive. She matched every touch, every stroke. Sometimes it would only be a warm throb that washed through him, leaving him craving more, while others were roiling waves of pleasure that threatened to completely overwhelm him, his breath leaving him in very audible moans and growls. She would drag her fingernails across his armor, the sensation making him arch his back and close his eyes, only to gasp seconds later when she dared to tickle at sensitive joints, the contrast both refreshing and oddly arousing.
Both of his upper hands shifted to knead and massage her breasts, talons ever so careful against the soft skin. His left lower hand settled on her hip, holding her still as his right cupped her, one finger sliding into her wetness. Her hips instantly rolled into his hand, a needy little mewl leaving Kyra as she clutched at him, her blue eyes darkening to a rich sapphire.
Growling, he shifted above her, dropping his face to the crook of her neck to drink in her scent, shivering when she rose a hand to stroke the back of his head, tiny little eddy's of Force energy dancing across his duradium skull. He wrapped his upper arms around her torso, tugging her slightly upright as he rubbed his face against her skin and purring when she placed a warm kiss to the side of his head.
"Touch me," Grievous whispered against her throat, mind whirling as she arched in his arms, her breasts rubbing against his armored chest. All the while, she constantly brushed her fingertips across any bit of him she could reach, the light caresses no where near what he really wanted. "Touch me. Really touch me. No one touches me.... I'm not a droid.... I still remember what it felt like...."
The pained tone of his voice brought tears to her eyes, and Kyra immediately wrapped her arms around him, pulling him as close to her as she could, even daring to rub her left leg against his metal calf. A sort of desperate keen left him, his body giving a shudder as he clung to her, his four hands rubbing over every single inch of her back and shoulders, the lower two dropping to her thighs to further lift her towards him.
Muttering Kaleesh endearments, Grievous rubbed the side of his head against hers, sensors along the front of his body singing happily at the sensation of her pressed tightly against him. The heat of her body warmed his armor, her hands clutching and stroking at every bit of him that she could reach, her caresses stronger now in response to his plea.
He returned the favor, leaning back to gaze down at her as he mapped out every inch of her face and throat with fingertips and palms, his two lower hands sliding down to her chest while his uppers trailed across her shoulders. A pleased growl left him as he cupped her breasts, teasing her by flicking her nipples for a second before kneading the silk soft flesh, watching as her eyes fluttered closed, a pink blush spreading across her face. The sight spurred him onwards, a frustrated curse leaving him as he nuzzled his mask against her left breast, wanting nothing more than to taste and suckle.
A particularly intense pulse of energy nearly sent him over the brink, his breath coming in rough pants as he shook his head and caught her wrists in his upper hands, pinning them above her head. "Not yet," he growled, drinking in the sight of her gasping under him in a mix of delight and lust as he rubbed his lower hands down her abdomen, purring in approval of the hungry look in her eyes.
Her hips arched towards him as he brushed the fingers of his right lower hand against her thigh, his gaze locking with hers as he slowly slid one finger into her, a low groan leaving him as receptors relayed how hot and wet she was. Hissing, Grievous transferred her hands into one of his, dropping his now free upper left hand to massage one of her breasts as he slid the second and then the third finger into her warmth, growling when she gasped and rolled her hips.
Shivering, he closed his eyes, centering his mind on how tight and wet and hot she felt, and lewdness be damned, he was definitely going to look into getting certain 'enhancements' for his cyborg form, because feeling her through his fingers just wasn't enough.
Bright yellow eyes snapped open to stare down at her, wanting to memorize the sight of her arching and trembling under him as he moved his fingers inside her, his lower left arm carefully repositioning one of her legs to give him better access to her. He brought her to the brink twice, stopping each time and waiting until her body had reluctantly calmed before stroking her again, slowly pumping his fingers in and out of her. All the while, he reverently brushed his upper left hand across her skin, caressing every bit of her that he could easily reach.
Shivering, and greatly aroused, Grievous nuzzled his face against her chest, moaning when she gasped his name and arched towards him, one of her hands twisting in his grip so she could brush her fingertips against his wrist. Little shocks traveled along his upper right arm, leaving trails of warmth and pleasure in their wake. He growled at the sensation, repaying her by stroking her inner walls and delighting in the full body tremor the touch caused.
"Now," he growled to her, releasing her hands and closing his eyes when she immediately reached for him. A ragged purr left his vocalizer as he shifted his lower right hand, gently pressing his fingers deeper into her, quickening his movements, pushing her to climax. "Now. Want to feel...."
Gasping for breath, Kyra splayed one hand on his chest, the other grasping his shoulder as he stroked something deep within her that pushed her ever closer to the edge, her back arching as she cried out. Unlike the other times, he didn't let her pleasure wane, his hands continuing to caress her, even as he moved his fingers in and out of her, his lower left arm wrapping around her waist to keep her close.
Struggling to stay in control for just a moment longer, she moved her hand from his shoulder to stroke the side of his masked face, coaxing him to rise his head from her neck so she could meet his reptilian gaze. His golden eyes were filled with all the emotions and words that he couldn't give voice to, and she held his gaze for a heartbeat before leaning up to place a kiss just below his right eye.
The tender gesture pulled a full-body tremble and a desperate growl from him. "Kyra!"
Something inside her snapped, and she cried out as her climax ripped through her, her hands scrambling to hold onto Grievous as he jerked above her, a helpless howl of pleasure leaving him as the energy unleashed by her orgasm crashed into him. His arms locked around her, body trembling as every wave of her climax echoed into him, her awareness of him sharpening for one brief moment before all coherent thought left her, and all that was left was pleasure.
End Part 1
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punchitime · 2 years ago
Random small facts about my OCS that will probably never be brought up again (unless someone asks about them) -
Sterling has tics, they're not from tourettes but Ster does have them. They're not sure what they're from but it doesn't happen often enough to really get in the way of something. They're mostly just physical and are small, small enough for Sterling to be able to play them off as stretching, just shivering, or trying to crack their neck. The vocal (which there isn't many of) ones are harder to cover up.
Main ways to "summon" the tics is to talk about tics, Ster thinking about them, or seeing someone else tic. Sterling is just so used to hiding them so by habit they do.
Atlas on the other hand stims a lot, far more often than Sterling anyways. He doesn't bother to hide them (only time he really does is in a boxing match) and does them normally. Most are with his hands/arms
(In the punch out universe, i did not make this irl) Absolutely Ster and Atlas made a TikTok and/or YouTube channel just about daily things for them or just them trying challenges/games for fun. If it's an online game Finn has "guest starred" on more than one occasion
Atlas both wants a tattoo but is silently terrified of needles. And has Thalassophobia (fear of the ocean/deep, open water) and refuses to go out to open water on any kind of small boat
Sterling is actually scared of heights (like high high up heights. If someone picks them up and they're fine even if it's Soda they'll be ok, I mean like "I can probably be VERY injured if I fall" kind of level of height) but they've been acting so "fearless" their whole life for people around them that they just don't let it show much. But… the fear is clear to see if you watch their eyes and breathing specifically.
Finn has Taphophobia (fear of being buried alive), she isn't sure why she has it but she's terrified of the thought.
Atlas falls in love very easily, though will on rare occasions do something about it and at least try to shoot his shot
Finn doesn't as easily but she has had crushes here and there, hit or miss if she does anything about it. Usually keeps quiet about them just in case Aran hears about it (you can't tell me he wouldn't poke some fun at that)
Sterling rarely falls and has FAR less than both Finn and Atlas, but when they do they fall HARD. They're also a silent/"secret" hopeless romantic, though keeps that all to themself
Sterling associates people they know with different songs. Why? They don't know, it's just something they've been doing since they were a kid. Only thing is that they have to know them very well before mentally deciding "their song"
Sterling is a contortionist, and so is their mother (who taught her how to do so). Sometimes Sterling forgets that fact and kinda bends unnaturally to see who called for them.
Most common being someone yelling for Sterling while behind them and they just casually bend completely backwards… usually scares tf out of people by accident (and Ster usually has to reassure them that they're fine and it's normal for them).
All of the trio has so many out of complete context videos of (tbh mainly Sterling) each other doing stupid shit
Absolutely some are videos of Sterling in the boxing ring singing and just someone's scream in the background echoing, making Sterling stop for a few seconds before laughing and stopping the video.
Speaking of which… Atlas and Finn absolutely know the "ghost in the boxing ring" rumor is Sterling, but stays quiet about it because they know Sterling just wants to see how long until someone else realizes it's just Sterling and not an actual ghost.
Sterling actually helps Atlas train by being a appointment. Truth is... is that they sometimes do win the training rounds. Surprise surprise the cameraman DOES know how to box.
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