#also the book din is reading to the kids was definitely sent to them by uncle paz
beskarfrog · 1 year
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our honeymoon, our honeymoon
just really obsessed with the idea of luke having the worst day ever (aside from all of his interaction with vader lol)
luke hates his coruscant apartment, he hates the city in general, he's had to separate the jedi order from the new republic for various reasons (add in a fight with leia for extra angst) and he's being vilified by the same people who used to prop him up as the poster boy for the new republic
luke is beyond exhausted and then he's coming back home to his weird little family and just crying bc he's so relieved to see them
not pictured: all the kids jumping on luke the minute they realize he's home
also very obsessed with honeymoon by lana del rey rn, its got dinluke vibes in my brain, so i will probably do a few more arts of them based on the lyrics
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cheekysos · 4 years
The Maori Protector | Calum Hood | Bodyguard!AU x Plus Size Reader
Author’s Note:  Please be kind this is the first time I’ve written in like two years. Also I’m not writing this series to exclude any body type, shape, or size because everyone’s bodies should be accepted and celebrated. So I am very sorry if this in any way excludes anyone, that is not my intention. If there’s anything you’d like to read please leave a request in my asks and I will try my best to do it justice. Depending on the response I plan to make multiple parts of this.
Summary: Y/N is a famous plus sized actress and Calum is her bodyguard.
Warnings: Swearing, breaking and entering, and some light sexual comments
  From a young age you were always bigger, bigger than the girls your age and most of the time even the boys. It made your childhood rather difficult and usually pretty emotional. In spite all of those hardships the only thing that brought you solace was acting. It gave you courage and confidence, even if it was only temporary. Which brings you to now, you had stuck with acting, getting a few parts here and there, usually the stereotypical funny fat friend but then you got your big break.
  You couldn’t believe that you were finally cast as the lead; a part that had nothing to do with your size and given the timing of the world it just worked out and people loved it. Your schedule was filling up and you were more popular than ever. But with all that good brings a lot of bad as well, which is why your manager had insisted on hiring you a personal body guard and wasn't taking no for an answer.
“I don’t know Carl, I still don’t see why I need a body guard.” You poked, aimlessly scrolling through your phone while Jane continued to curl your hair. You were about to make your first late night television appearance and were trying to keep your mind on something other than your nerves.
“We’ve been over this. People are starting to show up to places you’ll be at and paparazzi these days have no boundaries. It’s for your own good.” He sighed, the two of you have had this conversation multiple times already. “I interviewed like 20 dudes for this, I promise he’s the best of the best. Just please play nice.” He teased before walking out the door. It’s not like you were a mean person or anything just guarded more than anything and rightfully so. You can’t look like you do and work in show business without having some trust issues.
   Jane finished up your hair with some hairspray, “you’re all set. Go get changed you’re on in ten love.”                                           
   “Thanks. Looks great, like always!” You beamed looking at yourself in mirror before walking into the green room bathroom. You squeezed yourself into your beige spanx tucking and adjusting your lumps and bumps. The dress you and your stylist decided on was a deep red ruched midi length dress with off the shoulder 3/4 length sleeves. It hugged your body in all the right ways and still managed to leave something to the imagination. You paired the dress with black strapped heels and a small gold necklace. You stepped out of the bathroom, your back zipper still open, “Jane can you zip me up?”
As you lifted your gaze your eyes landed a large figure standing between Jane and Carl. His tall frame and broad shoulders were covered in a crisp black suit. You were way too caught up in how incredibly good looking he was to remember the fact that your backside was still exposed. You probably wouldn’t have noticed Jane zipping you up if it wasn’t for her cold hands.                                         
“Y/N, this is Calum Hood. He’s your new head of security,” Carl said. You could feel your cheeks flush as you made eye contact with him. His massive hand reached out to shake yours, you obliged taking note of the ink adorning his hand. Your mind started to wander, thinking of other parts of his body that might be cover in tattoos.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Miss Y/L/N,” his accent catching you off guard yet again.          
 “Please just Y/N,” you said softly. He nodded in acknowledgment.                          “We can go over specifics later,” Carl interrupted. “Y/N it’s time to go.” He ushered you past Calum.
   Despite your best efforts to focus on the interview you couldn’t help but think about the gorgeous brooding man waiting backstage to protect you.
   It had been over a month since Calum started working for you and let’s just say it’s been a challenge. Every day you spent with him made it harder and harder to stay professional, you wanted nothing more than to jump his bones, but Calum was most of all a professional. He kept your conversations always about you and work. You tried so hard to get something from him; a lingering glance, a morsel of personal information, even a smile but have yet to be successful. Which is why you were trying so hard to stay professional, he clearly wasn’t interested and you respected that and a small part of you wasn’t surprised. Just because you were a successful actress doesn’t mean weren’t insecure and today was just one of those days.                                                  
    If your mind was going to choose a day to be in a funk at least it chose one where you can stay at home cuddled on the couch with a glass of wine and a pint of ice cream while watching an unhealthy amount of rom-coms. You got up from the couch to fill your glass when you heard something like pounding. You weren’t exactly a paranoid person but living alone in a fairly decent sized home and the three glasses of wine didn’t exactly help.  You paused your movie, listening just to be sure. You heard the pounding again this time louder, making you jump. Your fuzzy sock clad feet slid across the hardwood floor and grabbed your phone . The pounding started again, this time by the windows in your dinning room. You scurried into the bathroom and locked the door. You weren’t even really thinking when your fingers started to scroll through your phone book and landed on Calum’s name.             
   Four rings and he answered. “Hello?” His voice was soft and made you forget about your current situation for just a second.
  “Y/N? Is everything okay?” He questioned.    
  “Y-ya-yes it’s me.” you stuttered. “I - uh didn’t know who to call. I’m home alone and someone’s pounding....I don’t know if it’s a joke or if....”           
“Where are you?” He cut you off. His voice was different now stern and concerned.                  
 “In the bathroom. I locked the door.” your hands started to shaking.                         “Good. Stay there until I get there.” You heard his car start. “Did you call the police?”
    How could you not have thought of that first, he’s going to think you’re crazy, you thought to yourself. “No I...I wasn’t sure who to call”
 “It’s fine I’ll call them right no...” he was still talking when this time you cut him off.
  “Please don’t hang up.” Tears started pooling in the corners of your eyes. Your brother always teased you for being so over dramatic.
  “Okay... then I need you to text Carl tell him what’s going on and that I’m on my way to you and you need him to call the police. Can you do that for me.” His voice was steady and calming. You did as you were told almost immediately. Calum kept quiet on the other end until you told him the message was sent.
“Good. I’m almost there, few more minutes. I’ll probably make it there before the police. When I get there I’m going to...”
CRASH. They shattered a window.
You couldn’t help letting a scream escape before you covered your mouth, tears flowing down your checks now.
“Y/N! What happened?!” He yelled.
“They broke a window I think.” You quietly sobbed. Your hand covering your mouth and phone as an attempt to be as quiet as possible.
“Fuck!” You heard the sound of what you assumed to be Calum beeping the horn. “It’s okay turn the light off in the bathroom and stay quiet. I promise I’m almost there.”
 The rest happened so quickly. Before you knew it Calum was at your house smashing the remaining bits of glass and jumping through the window. He ran towards the bathroom calling out your name. You unlocked the bathroom door and wrapped yourself around his toned torso, silently sobbing into his chest. 
  He held you until the police arrived. He led you to the front door, his massive hand laid across the small of your back. He unlocked the front door and conversed with two officers while an EMT took you aside to check on you. You were fine of course just shaken up, they wrapped a blanket around you and gave you a glass of water to calm down. Another officer took your statement but you didn’t have much to tell.
You sat on your couch watching Calum intently. You couldn’t hear anything they were saying but that didn’t stop you from watching his plump pink lips move. You just realized Calum was in street clothes - black athletic joggers, a plain white tee, and Nike’s. Fuck he’s so hot and shit his hand was bleeding. You also noticed you were right...he did have more tattoos and they were glorious. By this time the Police officers picked up something put it in an evidence bag and handed it to Calum. His face dropped as he looked at it. What was it? Was he sad or angry? Calum and the officer approached you.
“Miss Y/L/N I’m Officer Callaghan. It looks like the only person to enter your home was Mr. Hood. Someone did however throw this through your window. He held out the object. It was a brick with ‘kill urself fat cow’ written on it in chalk. You didn’t everything you could to fight back the tears.
“It was most likely stupid kids, just a prank.” The officer explained.
“That’s not a prank that’s a threat.” Calum snapped. It was anger. He was definitely angry and honestly it was kind of a good look on him.
“Of course.” Officer Callaghan responded. “While Mr. hood gets his hand looked at I’ll have someone board up your window so you’re homes secure until you can get someone to come fix it. Do you have somewhere you can stay tonight?” Callaghan asked.
Maybe Jane? Carl was out of town and you really didn’t want to bother any of your friends. Maybe just a hotel.
“My hand is fine and I’ll take her wherever she wants to go,” Calum spoke.
You didn’t mean to zone out again but you did. Thank god Calum was there and dealt with everything for you. Your mind kept wandering back to the brick. Could someone really hate you that much just because you looked the way you did?
“I spoke with Carl, the window is boarded up and everyone’s gone. Just tell me what you need.” Calum sat next to you in the couch. His cut hand rested on his lap, covered in a paper towel.
“You really should have let someone look at that.” You said faintly.
“I’ve survived much worse.” He joked.
And that’s when you finally saw it. A quick subtle smile and shit he only got more attractive. You ignored the blood rushing to your cheeks, shrugging off the blanket wrapped around your shoulders before you stood up.
“Come with me.” You led Calum into the bathroom, just now realizing how ridiculous you probably looked - fuzzy socks, a massive hoodie, cotton shorts and hair messily twisted into a bun on the top of your head. At least you shaved your legs.
You got the first aid kit out of the cabinet, Calum leaned against the sink and offered you his hand. You carefully removed the paper towel to find multiple cuts in between his knuckles, his beautiful brown skin stained with dry blood.
“You really should have had this looked at by professionals. I think you might need stitches,” you meticulously started to disinfect the area, completely aware of Calum’s big brown eyes watching you.
“I-uh I’m really sorry this happened to you tonight and what they said I.... It’s not..” he sighed. “They’re cowards, scum honestly.” He winced slightly when you started cleaning the largest cut.
“People are entitles to their opinions. And like you said earlier I’ve survived much worse.” You joked, hoping Calum couldn’t pick up on hurt in your voice. But he did.
“I understand if you don’t want to talk about it but don’t try to justify their behavior or anyone else who’s mistreated you.” His voice was steady and calming again.
Dammit. Why was he like this, so perfect. It was becoming increasingly difficult to stay professional. Your body and heart ached for him. What were you supposed to say to that? You didn’t know so you changed the subject.
“Thank you for everything. I’m sorry I dragged you into all this.” You finished applying antibiotic ointment on his wounds before covering them with gauze and securing it with an ace bandage.
“It’s my job to keep you safe,” he cleared his throat. “Thanks for cleaning me up.”
So professional. Why couldn’t he just accept payment in the form of sexual favors.
You offered a half smile and nodded in acknowledgement as you cleaned up.
“Where do you want me to take you?” He questioned.
“I don’t know I’ll probably just stay here, like the police said it was just a prank.” You shrugged and turned on your heel to walk out of the bathroom.
Calum’s hand reached out for yours, turning you back to him. “You’re not staying here. It’s not safe and this wasn’t a prank, you could’ve gotten hurt.”
Your headstrong gene wanted to argue with him but his eyes looked worried and his voice was so sincere. Not to mention the fact that your hand was still intertwined with him and you were practically putty right now. His hand was soft, with the exception of a few callouses on his fingers.  
  “Ok..I can go to...a uh hotel,” you didn’t want to go to a hotel and you most certainly didn’t want to be alone but you lied.
Calum’s hand slipped away from yours, “if that’s where you’ll feel safe.” He replied.
“I won’t feel safe there. But the only place I think I’ll feel safe right now is with you.” Who knows what possessed you to blurt out the truth all of a sudden but you instantly regretted it. “I know you’ve already done way too much and I’ll make sure Carl compensates you for all your trouble but if you’ll just indulge me a little longer...You could stay in my guest room or I’ll pay for a room for you.” You tried to navigate yourself through this shit storm you’ve created so you could still stay with Calum but also be professional.
“Don’t be ridiculous, spending time with you is compensation enough.” He reassured. “And it’s no Ritz Carlton or anything but you’re more than welcome to stay at my place.”
Screw being professional.
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ficsilike-reblogged · 4 years
Sunshine City: One
A/N: Thank you to everyone who liked the prologue. You’re all very, very kind. I hope you continue to like this story. SO! Fun fact, my computer glitched and deleted this chapter and the next chapter for Blood in the Rivers AND the next chapter for my Din fic over on Ao3. Yeah. It was a good time. 
Pairing: (Eventual) Agent Whiskey x F!Reader (No Y/N)
Word Count: 3.4k
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New York glittered when the sun hit it just right. Light bounced from one skyscraper to the next and made the mess of glass and metal and stone shine like a puddle of diamonds. Of course, that was only true if you were sixty stories up.
It had been three years since she’d joined Statesmen. Three years of being shot at by cartoon-like henchmen and nearly poisoned by a man who definitely twirled his mustache. It had been a wild ride. She’d swapped her usual glock for suitcases that fired missiles, her usual pant suit for a pair of jeans and a blazer, and her name for a stupid code word. Their given names didn’t exist anymore, really. She wasn’t even sure she’d answer to it if she heard it on the street.
She was Capri Sun—the sugar filled silver pouch juice that American kids slurped up like it was crack on a hot summer day. And she would only admit on threat of death that she enjoyed the juice drink, too. A sinking feeling had her thinking Champagne knew about her proclivity for the childhood juice. The code-name in and of itself denoted her status as a field agent and her lack of presence at the “high table” where everyone had taken their monikers from alcohol. The paperwork of being higher-ranking put her off ever trying to achieve it. But yes, Capri-Sun. Most called her ‘Cap’ for short.  
But some…
She turned away from her window to face Agent Whiskey, her boss and general terror of her existence. “Yes, boss.” It wasn’t even surprising that he’d let himself in to her office. That had stopped being a shock about two months into her new employment. 
He sauntered up to her, hips cocked to the side as he stopped. His ridiculous Stetson was still on his head and he looked out her window, too. “Still enjoying the view?”
“It never gets old.” She stepped away from the window and his side and settled into her high-backed chair behind her desk. “What do you need?” He chuckled and dragged his fingers across her desk as he made his way toward one of the chairs on the other side. His legs were spread and she absolutely did not look below the belt of his too-tight jeans. Nope. Absolutely not. “I sent in my report for that Milan job. Did you have questions?”
His large hand scrubbed at his jaw before he leaned forward. “You’ve been with Statesmen for three years, Sunny.”
“Yes, I can read a calendar.”
His smile grew. “Then you know what today is.”
“And?” He tilted his head to the side, dark eyes sparkling.
“And I’m leaving the office in 42 minutes.”
His smile fell the slightest bit. “Three years is a long time for a Statesmen, Sunny. Let me and the rest of the crew take you out for a few drinks to celebrate.”
She looked at him, watching his smile fade just a bit more with each passing second, before answering. “No.”  
“Well, why not? You never come out with us.”
“I don’t drink, boss. You should know that with how many times I’ve told everyone in this building.” She leaned back in her chair, gut twisting. “But thank you for the offer.”
His smile was still present as he slapped his knees before rising to his feet. “You know, one day, I’m going to get you to have some fun with the rest of us.”
“Okay, boss,” she said to his retreating back, tone bordering on placating. 
“I mean it!” He shouted over his shoulder. “You need to let loose, Sunny!” Whiskey stopped and turned just on the other side of her doorway. “And I’d love to see it happen.” He then walked away, tight jeans and all. 
It was only when she heard the elevator doors close did she let out her breath, long and slow. 
Agent Whiskey was the terror of her life, that was true. He was gorgeous and kind and flirty—and a good boss to boot. But he also fucked anything with tits and had no qualms about it. More than once, she’d caught him with his tongue down some mark’s throat when she was supposed to be keeping an eye out for any henchmen—or nosey husbands. He obviously knew what he was doing. The dazed, hungry look that his conquests always sported after spending an ounce of time with him was one hell of an indicator. 
It would be a lie to say that she hadn’t thought about how it would feel for him to kiss her, to hold her, to fuck her. But she’d seen firsthand what workplace romances, especially in a field as volatile as international espionage, could reap. 
She also knew of Whiskey’s tragedy. Ginger Ale had softly whispered it when she had seen the moon-eyes Sunny had made at her boss when he wasn’t looking.
“I just don’t want you to get hurt, Cap.”
And that had been it, really. 
She could keep him at a distance and still do her job. She could be a professional. She’d been trained to suppress her emotions to manipulate others and complete missions. This would be the same. She was here to help save the world from the shadows—not fuck her boss. The feelings would fade, right? 
Well, it had been two and a half years since she’d noticed how his eyes sparkle and she still hadn’t fully recovered.
Her overall-prickly disposition hadn’t changed. That was just who she was. And she wasn’t sure if she would be able to change it even if she wanted to—she just hated how Whiskey seemed to see it as a challenge. She also hated that Whiskey continually rejected Ginger Ale as a possible member of the “high table” of the agency. She was strong, capable, and smart as hell. Ginger deserved to be sitting at the table as much as any other stupid-Stetson-wearing man.
She turned in her chair and looked out over the city again. Watched it sparkle. Yes. It was a beautiful view.
The door to her apartment squeaked when she opened it and the happy tap-tap-tap of paws against her wood flooring had a smile pushing at her lips. Her corgi, Bela, trotted into view. When he spotted her, he bounded over to her and stood on his hind legs and pressed his front paws against her jeans in welcome. She scooped him up into her arms and pressed a kiss to his one remaining ear, a sign of his puppyhood as a stray. “Hi, baby,” she murmured into his fur. She carried him into the kitchen and set him on the counter and he promptly sat down and waited for what he knew was coming. She pulled his bowl from the cabinet and his bag of food, too. The kibbles rang out as they hit the ceramic and his little stump of a tail wagged happily as she pushed the bowl in front of him. He ate as she put a bowl of veggie fried rice into the microwave for a few minutes. When it was finished, she hopped up on the counter and ate next to Bela.
“Long day?” She asked through bites of food.
Bela snorted at her before returning to his dinner.
“Yeah, me too.”
A knock at her door made her frown for the umpteenth time that day and she slid off the counter and set her fork in the sink before tossing the empty paper bowl into the trash on the way to the door. She peered through the peephole before swinging the door open.
“Pushing your luck today, boss.” She stepped back and let him in. “You know I’m a stickler for my weekends.” Especially when she’d just come back from a week-long stint in a different country.
He walked in and looked around just as he’d done every other time he’d invited himself over. “There’s a dog on your counter, Sunny.”
“He likes to feel tall when he’s eating.” She pushed the door closed and crossed her arms over her chest. “What do you need?”
“Champ called.”
Y/N groaned. “I just got back.”
“Well, that’s the beauty of it: your bags are already packed.” He smiled. “And I’m coming with you.”
She resisted the urge to sigh. “Where to now, boss?”
His smile widened. “Vegas.”
Las Vegas did not glitter like New York did. It was a buzz of neon lights in an array of harsh colors. And it smelled like stale beer cooked into the asphalt.
They landed a little before ten that night and the city was still very-much alive. She’d lost count of how many people she’d shoved out of her way on the walk from the hotel’s parking lot to the front entrance and she’d batted away more people handing out flyers for hookers than she wanted to admit.
She hated this city.
Homegrown terrorism was the New York office’s specialty and the group they were tracking had their fingers in lots of pots; drug trafficking, assassinations, kidnappings, and plots to use nuclear waste to create dirty bombs. They’d already tested one bomb off the coast of South Carolina. It had been a dud, thankfully, but still did enough for Statesmen to take notice. The goal of the terrorist group was to create a new world order with women firmly at the bottom.
The mission was supposed to be fairly simple—simple for a Statesmen, anyway. They needed to stop the group from obtaining any of the nuclear waste the US government had stored outside the city limits. There had been a tip that a sale was going to happen the next night between the terrorists and the suppliers and the goal, overall, was to get both groups off the streets. By any means necessary.
She and Whiskey were booked into a hotel suite across the street from where the targets were staying and had settled in for a bit of surveillance. The gadgets Statesmen had created were so much better than she could have ever dreamed of using in the CIA. Even something as benign as binoculars had been developed into something she had only seen in sci-fi movies—and she would never cease to be amazed by it—quietly, of course.
“Well, they look the type,” she muttered as she looked at the targets through the binoculars—three white guys with stained white t-shirts. One of them even had “Cool story, girl. Go make me a sandwich” written across his chest. She handed Whiskey the binoculars with a shake of her head.
He looked through them and chuckled. “Oh yeah.” He set the binoculars down and turned to her. “Is that what the kids call a ‘neckbeard’?”
She choked on her spit and earned a thump on the back from her boss. “Um, yes. Those are neckbeards.” She cleared her throat. “Are you trying to learn new slang?”
“World’s changing, Sunny. I should at least try to keep up.”
The familiar compulsion to smile pulled at her lips but she snuffed it out, as she always did with Whiskey. She wanted to smile with him, laugh with him. Wanted to talk with him about what he’d seen out in the field and through the years at Statesmen. But she was sure it would only lead to more conflicted feelings about the man. So, she bottled it away.
Whiskey yawned.
“I’ll take the first shift. Get some sleep.” She pulled the binoculars out of his grip.
“That wouldn’t be very gentlemanly of me, Sunny.”
“Good thing you don’t have to be a gentleman with me—” She quickly froze, hearing how those words sounded. “I mean. You’re my boss. J-just go get some sleep, boss.” He chuckled as he looked at her, the familiar low sound making her stomach twist and the familiar butterflies rage.
“You sure?” He asked and rose from his seat near the window. The artificial light bleeding into their room bathed him in blue, making him look like some old-time movie star. His smile was soft but she could see the tiredness ringing his eyes. It was the one thing he’d never been able to hide.
“Yeah. Our intel said they shouldn’t be trying to make the purchase until tomorrow anyway. Just don’t snore and I won’t have to kill you.”
“Fine, Sunny. You win this round. Wake me three hours.” He smiled again as she nodded and his fingers curled around her shoulder and squeezed in thanks before he walked toward the separate bedroom their suite provided and closed the door behind him.
She looked at the door for a moment and then turned and raised the binoculars again.
A few minutes trickled by and she could hear him snoring through the door. She almost smiled.
Hours ticked by. The targets were getting blown and doing blow. Classy. Her watch beeped as it reached 3AM and she mulled over just letting Whiskey sleep for the night. She slept on the plane but knew he didn’t—he never did on commercial flights. But she knew she needed to get at least a few hours of sleep if she wanted to be productive tomorrow so she tip-toed over to the bedroom and opened the door. A sliver of light creeped through the room to show Whiskey sprawled across the bed in just a t-shirt and boxers. The rest of his clothing was neatly folded on the bedside table. His face was scrunched into scowl and he turned one way and then the other as the sheets were gripped tight in his fists.
“No…” He muttered through clenched teeth. “No!”
Nightmares were not anything new for her or any other professional in their field. The horrors of their job are bound to leave a mark no matter how well a mission is done and lives are saved. Maybe it would be kinder to wake him…
Slowly, she reached out and grasped his wrist and shook it a bit.
He didn’t move.  
She shook him a bit more but then gave up and grimaced, thinking of what she should try next. A traitorous memory of her mother waking her up by gently brushing the backs of her fingers against her cheek came to mind and her own-tired brain thought she might as well try it. She sat on the edge of the bed and brushed her fingers against his cheek with a quiet, “Whiskey.”
The speed in which his eyes opened and he sat up and wrapped his hands around her throat as he pinned her to the mattress would have been impressive she didn’t feel her air being cut off in the perfect stranglehold. The mint from his toothpaste and the last traces of his expensive cologne brushed against her nose. His eyes were hard but unfocused as he stared at her. And she would blame the shiver that racked her spine on fear and not on the tight coiling in her belly. Maybe this job had actually messed her brain up. But being strangled wasn’t exactly a new sensation and the man strangling her was still her boss.
“Whiskey.” The name was pushed out against his grip, rasping in her throat. She raised her hands and gently held his face. It was a common technique to give the other person a grounding sensation, to continue to wake them up as their mind waffled between their nightmare and reality. “It’s just me, boss.” His tired eyes focused and he immediately dropped his hold, sitting upright with his knees still bracketing her thighs. Her hands dropped from his face, the scruff of his unshaved face catching against her palms.
“Jesus, Sun. I’m so sorry.” He lumbered off her as she sat up and curled into himself, pressing the heel of his palm against his brow. “Fuck.” He turned toward her and brushed her hair away from her neck with shaking fingers. His hands were warm and the pads of his fingers trailed against her neck and the simple touches stole the breath from her lungs for the second time that night. All of her training, all of her careful interactions, and planning to keep him at arm’s length evaporated as he traced touched her so gently. Whiskey’s touch was soft and deliberate, almost reverent as he brushed against her pulse point, feeling it steadily beat. And that seemed to not be enough for him because his touch slipped away before he gently grasped at the back of her neck and dragged her close, pressing his forehead against hers.
She had dreamed of holding him close like this, close and soft and unburdened by the woes of the world. But there was still a dull throbbing around her neck. And she knew the terrors that plagued his resting mind—they were the same as hers. An ache that settled in her bones when she realized that this was too close. Too close to the pipedream she’d concocted like a lovesick teenager. Too close to something she would never have. But she couldn’t pull out of his hold. “I caught you off guard during a mission. My fault.”
He nudged his nose against hers and her entire chest seemed to clench. His eyes closed and an unsteady breath brushed against her lips. Whiskey held her there for a little while and she felt his heartrate start to slow. And that was when she pulled back.
His dark eyes were unreadable and he turned to throw his legs over the edge of the bed. It was almost ridiculous how cold she felt when he stood. “It’s okay, boss. Really.”
He huffed as he pulled on his jeans. “It’s not fine. It’s… It just isn’t okay.”
While it was impressive to see him wiggle into his tight jeans and she definitely filed the image away for later, she couldn’t help but notice how his shoulders remained slumped. The usually vivacious Whiskey was refusing to meet her eye.
“I’ll wake you up around seven.”
Before she could stop herself, she reached out and wrapped her fingers around his wrist. “Whiskey. Look at me.”
It took him a moment, but he did.
“I’m fine. Everything is okay.”
He pulled out of her grasp only to grab her hand and press a kiss against her palm.
“You’re too good to me, Sunny.” He squeezed her hand again before letting it drop. “Get some sleep.” He left the room without a glance back and the door clicked softly in its frame.
“Fuck,” she whispered to herself. “Fuck.” She pulled off her shoes and jeans and angrily settled into the bed he’d just vacated. Why had she gone and tried to comfort him? He was her boss. Just her boss. She repeated it over and over again to try to tell herself that it was true.
But the pillow smelled like him.
The buy was supposed to happen at a club inside The Mirage. She’d slipped into a slinky dress and heels and stashed her gun and small knife on her thighs with Statesmen-issued garters and fixed her hair and makeup to blend in with the crowd she knew would be filling the dance floor. She looked good, she knew she did. And that was the reason behind the slight spring in her step as she exited the bathroom. Whiskey had pulled on yet-another pair of dark wash jeans and a dark blue button-down that stretched across his chest in an almost obscene sort of way and she had to actively fight to not swallow hard.
“You look like a glass of water on a summer day, Sunny.”
“That’s probably the most coherent metaphor you’ve ever come up with, boss. I actually understood that one.”
He smiled and grabbed for his Stetson before she slapped his hand.
“We’re in Vegas. No Stetson.”
He sighed dramatically but didn’t move for it again. “Fine, fine.”
She grabbed the binoculars off the table and looked out toward the targets’ room across the street to make sure they hadn’t left just yet. What she saw made her pause. She lowered the binoculars and turned toward her boss.
“What is it?” All traces of his smile faded from his face and he took the binoculars from her loosening grasp.
She watched him look through the binoculars and frown before he turned to her. His mouth opened and closed without a sound coming out. So, she said it: “They’re turning blue.”
A/N: So, please let me know what you think! 
Beautiful people who asked to be tagged: @spookyold-saintjm​ @honestlystop​ @paryl​ @fioccodineveautunnale​
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pikemoreno · 4 years
1/ We all know the only right answers here are Din and Marcus. Din because of what I've said before: you two share a sense of humor, he'd find your protectiveness endearing and would stand behind you being intimidating so that people will take you seriously, he'd be kind of annoyed at your trusting and eternally optimistic nature but secretly find it endearing, hyper-organized is a useful trait to have when you're traveling with a bounty hunter and one he shares and appreciates ~ 🍪
2/ you're also good with people, and it's useful to have someone who isn't a scary Mandalorian warrior to talk to people and get information. You're also capable of reading people like a book and if you're going to be in a relationship with that man, you're gonna need to have that skill. Lastly, the child whisperer part. Need I say more? || And then there's Marcus! You're both cinnamon rolls, too good for this world, too pure. He's also a nerd, and you two would probably have very ~ 🍪
3/ interesting conversations about history, art, space, films... You two would be an adorable nerd couple (but, like, sophisticated nerds, okay?). He'll also love you for being kind an good to others and OH MY GOD. I'VE JUST REALIZED THERE'S ANOTHER PEDRO CHARACTER THAT FITS YOU EVEN BETTER THAN MARCUS (not better than Din, though). HOW COULD I NOT SEE IT BEFORE? CATFISH MORALES IS THE MAN FOR YOU. Listen to me! ~ 🍪
4/ He's like super sweet but he's been through a lot and needs all of the hugs (this trait he shares with Marcus, please hug both of them), and you would be the best person to give said hugs. After all the shit he has seen he needs someone in his life who still loves people and finds the good in them, and you're that person. He's been in the military, which means he's not only used to hyper organization, but he'll appreciate you being that way. ~ 🍪
5/ He's not a nerd the way Marcus is, but I'll bet money that he'd love to just sit on a couch and cuddle while you talk his ear off about your passions and interests. He finds it relaxing. He also has a little kid (even if said baby was mentioned like once in the whole movie) and baby whisperer talents are useful once more! Now, I don't know what kind of people you like or what kind of person you need in your life right now, but I do know that these three Men would be lucky as ~ 🍪
6/6 hell to have you and need someone like you in their lives STAT (especially Din, my OTP here is Bridin.... And I just read that out loud and we should probably change the ship name 😅 DinBri? Brilorian? Mandabri? Come on, you guys would rock together. I mean, I totally regret having sent that first ask before writing the other because now I can't add to what I said but like, BABY YODA, SPACE, MEETING NEW PEOPLE ON EVERY PLANET!! Don't tell me that doesn't sound appealing?) ~ 🍪
COOKIE MONSTER ANON! What the heck!! This made my whole w e e k. This is beautiful. I love all three of these men so much, all for different reasons. I will take any and all of them. Some of my favorite bits from this:
“would stand behind you being intimidating so that people will take you seriously“: this is hilarious and EXACTLY what would happen. I would think that I’m suddenly super tough looking and Din would be so supportive while trying not to laugh. jhgfjh. I love him and I love you being in my askbox about it. I fully accept. He makes me happy.
Your sudden realization of Catfish made me laugh. I love him and I definitely feel that he is totally, realistically the kind of person I would end up with. I will give him all of the love and hugs that he deserves and we can go on sunrise hikes and it’ll be amazing. 
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petri808 · 6 years
The Wishing Well
Whew, I made it lol.  This is my story for the awesome @nalufever for the Nalu server’s secret Valentine’s Exchange.  LoL we had each other!  Omg, I hope you like it, I was trying to come up with a story around the idea we once talked about.  It ended up being a fluffy short story lol.  Okie here we go.
“Miss Lucy!” the little girl waves her hand excitedly from across the room.  “Miss, Miss, Miss!”
“Yes, Wendy?” the teacher’s aide walks up to the table and kneels, “are you finished with your drawing?” Nodding her head with a small blush upon her cheeks, the child holds her drawing up for Lucy to see.  “That’s wonderful Wendy!  Is that your cat?  But why is it blue?”
Wendy smiles wide, “name’s Happy!  Don’ know why he blue tho but it’s cute!”
“Yes,” Lucy chuckles, eyes brimming with delight, “he’s very cute!”  
Content with the response, Wendy goes back to doodling a new cartoon while the teachers aid floats around the room checking on other students.  Lucy loved this part time job even though it wasn’t quite in the field she was studying for, the credit still counted, the pay was decent, and not to mention the students were adorable most of the time.  Of course, there were a few that could be a handful, but nothing the bubbly 22 yr old blonde couldn’t handle and besides, the teacher Mirajane was also a blessing to work with.
Storytime was probably Lucy’s favorite part of the day.  Books had always been her sanctum even from a young age and to impart that same love into these children was like paying it forward for the new generation.  They would gather round her with their snacks, the eager little faces and once a week she even delighted them with original little stories she would create just for them.  Filled with characters like Princesses and Dragons, of mythical elves and other magical creatures, even using their names mixed in to make it come alive for the awestruck youngsters.
Lucy smiles from her desk, this school year was shaping up to be a great one.
Across town at Magnolia University, a young man hurries out of class.  Checking his phone, he’s got 30 minutes to get to the primary school and pick up his sister, but traffic is often a pain at this hour.  His sister-in-law Mavis usually picked Wendy up but today she had an appointment leaving Natsu to rush.  It’s been a struggle for the 24-year-old, being thrust into the role of guardian at the age of 20, to drop out of college and take time off to raise a 2-year-old.  Not that it mattered, there was no way he was going to allow Wendy to be sent to a foster home after their parents died.  It wasn’t her fault tragedy struck and left her an orphan, so he was going to lavish that little girl with all the love and affection their parents would have given her.
He thrums his fingers on the steering wheel, as the car slowly crawled its way towards the front of the school.  The line of parents patiently waiting to pick up kids was pretty typical, however annoying it may be, but a requirement for the students in kindergarten and first grades for release at the end of the day.  Teachers and security waited with the children, handing them off as each car pulled up.  Natsu smiles when he finally sees the tell-tale blue hair of Wendy bouncing as she waves to him.
“How was your day at school Wendy?” popping the question as the first grader buckled herself in to her booster.  
With a click and a bubbly response, “lots’a fun!  We drew and Ms. Lucy read us a story!  Ms. Lucy always has awesomest stories to tell!  Yuck, then Mrs. Dreyar gave us reading to do.”  
Natsu chuckles, side-eying through the rearview, “What’s with the pouty face?  I thought you like reading?”
“Not for homework.  I wanna read for fun!”
That only makes him laugh harder, “tell ya what, how about we get some ice cream at the mall, then I’ll read with you, sound better?”
Wendy’s face lights up, “Yay!  Ice Cream!”
“Kozmic Cones it is!”
On the opposite side of the mall nestled near the food court, Faeries Café was a popular little hangout.  Good food that even a college kid could afford drew them in at all hours of the day. Lucy was no exception and today was her weekly meet up with her best friend Levy McGarden for coffee.  It had become a routine ever since they’d finished their undergraduate programs and moved on to graduate work, she in the field of English Lit while Levy focused on Ancient Linguistics.  Between classes and working jobs they rarely had much time anymore to hang out.  
“How are things going with Gajeel,” the blonde stirred at the slowly warming coffee, “did you guys pick a date for the wedding yet?”
“He said not until after I graduate, which is only one more semester, so I agreed.”
Lucy leans onto her propped hand with a light smile, “You’re so lucky you found someone already Lev, I’m really happy for you two.”
“Aww, Lu you’ll find someone,” the bluenette reaches over the table and grabs her friend’s free hand, squeezing it before retracting back into her seat, “and I bet it’ll happen when you least expect it to.”
But the blonde just sighs, “Doubt it, I’m so busy I don’t have time to meet anyone unless they are under the age of 7,” chuckling lightly, “and no one in my college classes are very interesting to me.”
“You haven’t dated anyone since him that I can recall.”  Levy taps her chin, “maybe it’s not that you can’t but won’t look at anyone else.”
“What are you my psychiatrist now?!”  teasing at her friend.  “I’m fine, really, not like I don’t have enough on my plate to deal with, right? And as for my ex,” Lucy shrugs her shoulders, “we lost touch in college…”
The girls spend about an hour chatting and catching up, planning that upcoming weekend when another friend will be dropping by town.  Cana Alberona was never one to stay still for very long but luckily her job in fashion fit her personality well, jet setting around to photograph models and actors for Sorcerer’s Magazine.  She was so different in personality from the other two girls and yet the trio were inseparable in high school.  It wasn’t really their thing, but for Cana, hitting a bar or club was definitely going to be on the agenda.
Which was fine, she guessed, nothing wrong with hanging out with a couple of girlfriends at a bar.  Hopefully no one bothers us….  Ugh, but some guy always does!  As she walked away from the café, Lucy hangs her head wondering if her love life would always be a struggle.  She was sick and tired of even trying to meet guys when it usually turned out they only wanted her, sighing, for my assets….  It wasn’t her fault she was born with these curves, even thought about getting a reduction one day just so she didn’t have to deal with them anymore.  
There had only been one serious relationship in her life and while the guy definitely loved her body, Lucy knew it wasn’t the reason he’d asked her out in the first place.  Back then surrounded by so many friends, she’d never cared much about having boyfriends or being in relationships but funny how things change and now 5 years later, it was kind of lonely.  
She sees the wishing well a few feet away, absent mindedly pulling out a coin as she walked towards it. It was such a silly thing to make a wish and throw away a perfectly good quarter but well, flicking the shiny metal into the water, what could it hurt, right?  To have someone like him back in her life again, maybe the false smiles she wore would finally be real.
“Ms. LUCY!!!”
“Wendy?”  The young blonde turns around to the voice of her student, semi-surprised though this was a mall and all, just in time to have the little girl hugging to her legs.  “Wendy, what a nice surprise to see you here!” Lucy hugs the girl back, “but who are you with sweetie?”
The little girl, with eyes practically shining, bounces on her feet pointing behind her, “my brother gots me ice cream.”
“Your broth…” As she follows Wendy finger, Lucy cannot believe what she’s seeing.  “N-Natsu!” a light gasp as her hands fly up to her mouth and moisture clouds her vision.  “Oh my god! I-Is it really you?”  
Sporting the trade mark goofy grin that she knew better than most plastered on his face, “Yeah it’s me, heya Lucy,” scratching his head, “Didn’t realize you were the teacher she always talks about.  How ya been?”
Tears trickle down her cheeks and before she can stop them, her feet carry her towards him, hands flying into fists.  In that moment Lucy’s surroundings fade away and all she can see is Natsu, standing there in the flesh.  No Wendy, no shoppers, just him.  “Why!?” She beats at his chest, “no calls, no texts, no goodbye!  Four years! Y-you just left me hanging how could you Natsu!”  
“Luce…” he had no idea what he could say to the sobbing woman in his arms to slow her tears, grabbing her hands to stop their fury but keeping them held tightly to his chest. She was right, everything she said was the truth.  Natsu was an asshole for not making the effort to contact her as soon as he could, and he knew that.  So, he did the only thing he could and held her quietly, whispering soft apologizes and hoping it would be enough to soothe the pain he never knew she had held onto.        
Eventually Lucy slumps against him, liquid still flowing but her sobs withering into lighter exhalations. “I’m sorry,” her voice strained and muffled, “I didn’t mean to break down like that.”
“No,” Natsu pulls her head against his shoulder, cradling the back of her head, “don’t be sorry, I should have reached out to you too it’s just that…”
“I know about your parents….  I ran into Gray a couple years ago and he told me that’s what happened.”  Lucy pushes away just enough to look up at the taller man. “Natsu I would have been there for you if you’d have let me, you didn’t have to do it all alone.”
“I know Luce…. We…”
A meek voice breaks through the din, “I-Is Ms. Lucy okay?”
“Oh my!” Lucy pushes away and drops to her knees beside the little girl, followed quickly by the elder brother.  Still wiping away the streaks of salty liquid, Lucy takes the child’s hand, “I’m so sorry you had to see that Wendy.  I’m okay really, I am I promise.  We,” glancing to Natsu who nods, “we went to high school together and haven’t seen each other in a long time.”
The poor child’s face is still sullen and full of worry.  “Are you, are you mad at my brother Ms. Lucy?  Did my brother hurt you?”
Natsu put his hand on Lucy’s shoulder, cutting off her response.  Turning to his little sister, “I did, a long time ago when you were still very young, I made Lucy very, very sad.”
“But he didn’t mean to sweetie,” Lucy chimes in trying to comfort the child, “your brother was going through a lot of things and it just happened.”
“So, you really aren’t mad at my brother?”
“No, I’m not,” the woman smiles.  “I rather like your brother a lot.”  Lucy feels the warmth tingling in her cheeks but does her best not to show it.  “He’s, you know like how we learned about the bad guys and the good guys in class?”  The child nods.  “Your brother is one of the good guys.”
That brings a delighted smile back to Wendy’s face.  “I think so too!  He takes really good care of me after mommy and daddy died.”  
“I’m sure he does,” Lucy smiles back.
“Wendy, honey,” Natsu steps in handing out some change to the girl, “would you like to go make some wishes while I finish talking to Ms. Lucy?”  The child looks to her teacher, then back to her brother nodding, taking the change and skipping off to the wishing well.  “What’s the odds that she’d end up in your class?” turning to the girl still crouched, Natsu helps Lucy to her feet, “or running into each other at the mall’s wishing well?”
Lucy shakes her head rather than respond.  Magnolia wasn’t a large city, it was bound to happen sooner or later so there was no point in making it out to be anything more than mere coincidence.  “I-I sh-should probably go so you can get back to Wendy.” Lucy turns away.  “I must look like a mess right now…”  
“You are still just as beautiful as the last time I saw you.”
The blonde stiffens. His words…. His tone… sends an electric shock through her frame.  Tingling along her skin when his hand comes to rest on her shoulder and the heat radiating from his body infringing upon her space.  
“I’m such an idiot for letting you go once.  You must be settled down by now with someone….”
She shakes her head, refusing to turn around, and answering in a soft tone, “there hasn’t really been anyone since you.  No one’s ever treated me…. the way you used to treated me…”
One hand on her shoulder turns into two around her waist.  “I don’t expect you to forgive me Luce, but if it’s any consolation, I still love you, maybe even more now, knowing how much Wendy adores you too.”  Lucy squeezes her eyes shut, willing back the tears again. “Would you give me a second chance?”
“Please say Yes!”  The young man and woman’s heads whip around to see a beaming Wendy practically bouncing.  “Please say yes Ms. Lucy!”
Natsu let go of Lucy’s waist, turning her to face him.  “Well, Ms. Lucy?”  A large grin growing on his face with the thought of buying his sister that new dress she’s been fawning over.  “You wouldn’t want to make your student sad, would you?”
“Gah, you really haven’t changed,” she punches his arm, playfully with a smirk.  “Lucky you,” grabbing his shirt, “I still love that goofier side,” and pulling him down for a kiss….  
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fortheloveofcrue · 5 years
Pen Pals
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Part 1 
Summary: Y/N and Nikki have known Each other forever but haven’t seen each other since they where 12 years old. But that’s all gonna change.
Word Count: 1,049
Warnings: None yet
Note: I should probably do a disclaimer for bad grammar, spelling mistakes. Don’t @ me I’m Dyslexic and im just having fun!
You have known Nikki since before he was Nikki. You meet Nikki when he lived in El Paso with his grandparents. You two became instant friends because you knew what it was like to be the new kid. Your dad was in the military and you had to move around a lot too. Even though you both knew you would be separated at some point you made a packed to keep in touch. So when the time came for him to leave to go live with his mom you told him to write you and one day you would meet again. Well today is that day. Nikki had invited you to come out to LA to spend some time together since it had been almost 11 years since you last saw each other. It took a full 3 letters of him convincing you to come down. He was telling you about how he was in this band called London and said you could crash if you found your own way. After a month you finally caved and called to Nikki saying you would book you flight the next day.
“Hello?” Nikki said confused as he picked up the phone. Not many people have his number and even less of them actually call.
“Hey you it’s Y/N I can’t take the harassment any longer” you laugh “I’m gonna book a flight to LA tomorrow when are you free for me to come stay?” You ask hopping he says sooner then later.
“Oh hey Y/N, Um I’m Not doing much ever except work and band rehearsal. Come whenever you have time off work.”
“I have 2 weeks off next month for my Birthday how about I come down then and we can celebrate like real Rock Stars!” You say still laughing.
“Yeah sound good! But I gotta go I have a gig tonight I’ll write to you soon okay?”
“Okay! Break a Leg Mr. Rock Star!”
“Bye Y/N” “Bye Nikki”
You hang up the phone and lay back in bed. You are actually going to do it you are flying across the country to see a guy you meet in elementary school. Nikki wasn’t a stranger by any means you have been pen pals and have been writing to each other constantly for 10 years. But this is going to be different you have both adults now and you have both changed a lot since you saw each other last. You have shared some photos with each other now and again but still the last colour photo Nikki sent was a Polaroid from almost 3 years ago before he got into a band. You have one of Londons flyers Nikki sent you in your desk but Black and white photos don’t really show you the person he is.  
The longer you lay in bed the more you feel wary about going to LA. You aren’t a big city girl at all but you promised your best friend that you would come visit and you never break you promises.
A few days later.
Just like every morning you go out to the mailbox and check to see if you have any mail. Today you did a few bills the news paper and a new letter from Nikki. Open immediately to see how his gig went.
Y/N Well the show was shit. I just got off stage and London is no more the asshole singer punched me in the face during the show and well I lost my temper and you can probably guess what happened. So unfortunately you won’t be able to come see me play. Unless I can put together another band in the next few weeks. I’m sitting in a dinner while I’m writing to you because I’m to jacked to head home quite yet. But yeah I just needed to get this out while it’s fresh I’m probably gonna drink a bit tonight and I don’t want to leave out any or the pressing details for you. Okay it’s a few hours later now and I met this kid drummer at the dinner. Guess everything is coming up Nikki. His name is Tommy and he’s only 18 years old but I have a good feeling about this kid. What am I doing calling him a kid I’m only 5years older then him. Oh Well. I’m also looking for a new guitarist too. Tommy like the one add in the paper I sent you a copy of it with the letter. I mean if I’m gonna do this the right way we might as well go big or go home. I’m also writing some new stuff for the new band so when we are auditioning people I can get what our vibe will be. Tell me what you think of this so far. Plug me in I’m alive tonight Out on the streets again Turn me on I’m hot to stop Something you’ll never forget Take my fist Break down walls I’m on the top tonight No no You better turn me loose You better set me free ‘Cause I’m hot young running free A little bit better than I use to be Well that’s all I have for you right now. Can’t wait for you to come visit! Let me know if you booked you flight yet and what time your plane lands in LA so I can meet you at the airport! Nikki
You smile sitting at the dinning room table. You loved hearing about all of the weird things Nikki gets himself in to because you know you where to chicken to ever be as outrages as him. Looking in the envelope you find the ad placed in The Recycler that read: “Loud, rude and aggressive guitar player available”
That’s all you had to read before you knew that he was definitely Nikkis type. You also knew that these guys will be at the house when you go and visit knowing Nikki he will probably have them living with him if they need to he’s just that kinda guy. It was time for you to get ready for work the new job you haven’t told Nikki about. So you put the letter in your desk and headed off to the radio station.
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thewritenerd · 4 years
Victor and Adam: NaNoWriMo Day 11
Adam just nodded. Chelsea got busy shuffling the cards before placing them face down on the floor. Nate soon came back with his own drink and a tray of snacks. ‘Okay I’ve got chocolate buttons, salt and vinegar crisps and pretzels.’ He set the tray down next to the cards and sat down so they were all sat in a circle. ‘Right it says youngest goes first so when’s everyone’s birthday?’ Chelsea looked around. Adam shook his head. ‘Doesn’t matter. I’m definitely the youngest.’ ‘How old are you actually?’ Nate asked. ‘I mean chronologically.’ ‘I’m two.’ Adam replied. ‘My birthday was in January.’ ‘What!’ Chelsea cried. ‘You mean we missed it.’ Adam shrugged. ‘It was on the 1st before I’d met either of you.’ ‘Well next year we are definitely doing something to celebrate.’ Adam smiled at ver. It was nice to think they could still be friends in a year. It seemed like such a long time to Adam. Then again a year was nearly half his life. The game Chelsea had picked turned out to be a very silly one. Chelsea did well at the more physical challenges. When Adam asked how it did that it explained it did gymnastics and ballet and swing dancing. Nate was also quite physical but did much better at the quick-thinking challenges. Adam wasn’t really good at any of them but he still enjoyed how silly the games was. When they’d finished they decided to put on the tv for a bit. Nate found a music channel that was doing a Top 50 Female Artists of the 60s special so they let that play in the background. Nate pulled his notebook out of his shirt pocket and started writing numbers down. 
‘What is that?’ Adam asked. Nate looked up. ‘What? Oh I’m writing down the Fibonacci sequence. I’ve been doing it since I was twelve. Gotten through quite a few notebooks already.’ ‘Weirdo!’ Chelsea teased. ‘Says the one with a room full of dead things.’ Nate scoffed. Chelsea stuck ver tongue out at Nate. ‘I’m sorry but why do you have Dead Things in your room?’ Adam asked trying not to look at ver with disgust. Chelsea just laughed. ‘I like to do taxidermy. It’s where you take a dead animal and stuff it so it looks like it did when it was alive.’ ‘Well except for those creepy glass eyes.’ Nate added. ‘Yeah like Mr Welter.’ Chelsea laughed pulling ver eyelids open and bugging it’s eyes almost out of ver sockets. This made Adam laugh louder than he meant to and it took him longer than it should to stop. ‘Wow I don’t think I’ve ever heard you laugh before.’ Nate said. ‘You laugh like my grandad.’ Chelsea added. ‘Well when he was alive at least.’ Adam shook his head trying to catch his breath. ‘Just give me a minuet.’ He gasped.
The three of them ended up loosing track of time and didn’t realise how long they’d been sat there when Nate’s mums came home with his little siblings. ‘Oh hello there.’ One of them said. She was the one with a shaved head, she also wore so much jewellery Adam wondered how she could move. ‘Are you two staying for dinner then?’ the second one asked as she helped Liam take his coat off. She still wore here hair in dreads but instead of hanging down like the photo they were now piled on top of her head. ‘We lost track of time.’ Adam explained feeling a little embarrassed. ‘Well would you like to stay?’ asked the first. ‘We always make too much anyway.’ ‘You mean you always make too much.’ Her wife teased. ‘I’ll stay.’ Chelsea said grinning. ‘I’ll have to check, but I think it should be okay.’ Adam replied. ‘Wonderful. Oh and can call me Yonah,’ said the lady with the dreads. ‘And I’m Jeong-Hui.’ Said her wife. ‘I’m Adam.’ Adam said. Jeong-Hui left to start preparing dinner while Yonah started pulling out colouring books and pens for the younger ones. Liam and Marie got started straight away but Ararat just sat there staring at Adam. ‘What’s wrong with your skin?’ he asked. Adam frowned. ‘There’s nothing wrong with it.’ ‘It’s all different colours.’ Ararat argued. ‘It’s from different places.’ Ararat seemed satisfied with that answer. ‘Why are you so big?’ Marie asked. ‘I was just made this way.’ ‘Now you two I love your curiosity but let’s not make our guest uncomfortable.’ Yonah gently scolded. ‘Okay mum.’ They both replied. Liam just stayed focused on his colouring. He didn’t look up until he’d finished colouring in the dragon. Adam watched as he reached out to tap Marie before holding out his hand palm up and rubbed two fingers on his wrist. ‘I’m using it.’ Marie said. ‘Marie. Use your hands.’ Yonah reminded her. Marie looked thoughtful before holding out her hands in fists with her thumbs pointing towards each other. She then moved one arm out before lowering it. ‘That’s good. Liam’s deaf so we use sign language to communicate.’ She explained to Adam. ‘Like Nate?’ ‘Kind of.’ Nate replied. ‘But I can hear with hearing aids. Though not as well as someone who doesn’t wear them. But Liam can’t hear anything even with hearing aids. Well except for very low-pitched sounds.’ ‘We started learning sign language after we’d adopted Nate.’ Yonah explained. ‘So when we went to see about adopting Marie and someone mentioned his condition we decided to make him part of our family too.’ She reached out and stroked the back of his head. ‘Originally we’d never planned on taking in a baby. Toddlers were the youngest we were ready to take on. But I’m glad we didn’t write that in stone.’ She then turned to Adam. ‘So Adam tell me a bit about yourself. Nate says you’re very good at science.’ Adam nodded. ‘Yeah. And I like maths.’ She looked over to Nate who was now sitting in the armchair. ‘Well it’s good to see he’s found a friend that shares that interest.’ Nate rolled his eyes but was grinning as he did so. Yonah raised an eyebrow but said nothing. ‘So what else do you like. Outside of school.’ Adam thought for a moment. ‘I like frogs. And I like watching videos. I’ve started reading poetry. Oh and I like inventing.’ ‘What do you invent?’ Chelsea asked. ‘Mainly things to help around the house. I like taking apart old things like clocks and making them into something new.’ ‘Well that sounds wonderful. Maybe you could invent me a way to get this lot out of bed on a school day.’ ‘Or maybe something to get you into bed when you get stuck into a project.’ Jeong-Hui teased from the doorway. ‘Dinner’s ready,’ she added. Yonah sent Nate upstairs to fetch Sascha as Marie and showed Chelsea and Adam to the dinning room, even though Chelsea had been round Nate’s for dinner many times. ‘It’s Caldillo de congrio.’ Jeong-Hui said as she began to place dishes of food on the table. ‘We like to keep the kids connected to their cultures and heritage. And food is one way to do that so the meals you get here tend to be very different to what you probably eat at home.’ ‘And where is this from?’ Adam asked. ‘Chile.’ Nate replied. ‘I’m half Chilian half Iraqi.’ ‘I’m Armenian.’ Ararat announced. ‘Marie’s black and Puerto Rican, and a little white. Sascha’s grandma was German and Liam’s Mongolian.’ ‘That’s right. Jeong-Hui praised. What about mum and me?’ Ararat looked thoughtful. ‘Grandma Moon was from Jamaica. And Grandpa Moon was from Korea. And Grandma and Grandpa Medina are black.’ ‘Grandpa Medina’s also Jewish.’ Marie pipped up. ‘Well well done both of you for remembering all that.’ Jeong-Hui praised. The rest of the dinner conversation was pretty much taken over by Marie and Ararat who wanted to tell everyone about their party. Both thought they could do a better job at telling stories than the other which lead to a lot of one talking over the other. It was louder than he was used to but Adam found he didn’t mind. In fact he liked it. It was nice to not feel like he had to fill the silence with awkward small talk that half the time wouldn’t get a response. After the meal, which he later learnt was Conger eel soup, Chelsea announced ve couldn’t stay as ver foster parents didn’t like ver staying out after dark even if ve was just round a friends. Yonah insisted ve take home some Brazo de reina to share with the other foster kids before ve left. After ve was gone Adam admitted he’d better message Igor to come pick him up but it may take him a few minuets to get there.’ ‘Well you’ll have a slice and some tea with us while you wait though?’ Seong-Hui asked. Adam said he would. In fact Igor didn’t take as long as Adam had thought he would. He ended up having a cup of tea himself, he turned down the Brazo de reina as he wasn’t one for sweet things. The little ones had been sent upstairs to get ready for bed, with Yonah keeping an eye on them so they didn’t get themselves worked up. ‘So is Igor really your name?’ Sascha asked. Igor nodded. ‘It’s my middle name. My first name’s Ignatius.’ ‘What’s your last name? Irvin?’ ‘Actually it’s Ivers.’ ‘You’re kidding. Ignatius Igor Ivers? So why go by your middle name?’ ‘Ignatius was my father’s name.’ he took a long drink. ‘He was a bastard.’ He added. Sascha laughed. ‘Same.’ Once they’d finished their drinks Igor announced they’d better get going. ‘Thank you so much for the tea Mrs Medina. Oh and tell your wife she should be expecting a call soon. I’ve seen her work and I must say I was very impressed. Say thank you Adam.’ ‘Thank you for letting me visit.’ He said. ‘Oh any time.’ ‘Bye Adam.’ Nate called waving. ‘Bye Nate.’ Adam waved back. Once in the car he turned to Igor. ‘So why are you going to call Yonah?’ he asked as they drove away. ‘Yonah Medina runs a company that does interior decorating for private residences. I was telling her wife about how certain parts of the castle could do with a touch up and how I was thinking we should get someone professional in to do it.’
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sobdasha · 5 years
((the problem with answering these asks is that I have to save them in drafts so I can edit the formatting before posting, but reblogs in my drafts are sorted by the time I sent them to drafts and asks in my drafts are sorted by “this was originally sent to you 3 years ago, so we’ll file it 3 years back instead of making it the most recent thing you sent to drafts” ffffffff guys))
When Shad gets afancy letter that says he’s being awarded that grant he’s beenapplying for for years, they all pitch in for a little party in thefaculty lounge. Link kind of wishes they were sending Shad offproperly, at a bar, but he does the best he can by pitching in somepunch that is made of pumpkins.
Well, mostlypumpkins, And it’s mostly not Ordona cider (which isdefinitely mostly pumpkins), and it’s after classes anyway, so it’sfine.
They are celebratingthat Shad, lucky bastard that he is, will be spending the fall termon a mostly-funded vacation right adjacent to the famous DeathMountain Goron Hot Springs, while the rest of them, like Link and hiswatered-down cider, will still be here.
Ilia said that Linkought to get out of rural Ordon and see some other bit of the world.Ilia, who went off to become a doctor but remembers to write her dadand visit regularly and how come Rusl and Uli say they haven’t seenyou in months hmm?, said that Link had better go and makesomething of himself.
So he went and gothis teaching certificate and has made himself a lot poorer, mostly.He misses Ordon, where he could find free food lying on the ground,or swimming in the streams. Here in Castleton you have to pay for itif you pick it up, or risk causing an inter-kingdom fishing rightsdispute with the Zora if you drop a line in the river. So instead ofturning up at Rusl and Uli’s house for dinner, these days he orderstakeout and listens to the delivery persons say “Oh goddessesI’m sorry!” when he absently signs thanks while collecting hisfood.
Fado, who stayed inOrdon not making anything of himself and instead making cheese, isapparently putting away heaps of money.
So Link, who needsmoney and hates enjoying sleep times, finishes his punch so his handsare free to tell Shad that he’ll take over his Old Hylian class whileShad is on sabbatical.
Link doesn’tactually know any Old Hylian. But, he reasons after the fact, howhard can it be? After all, Link already teaches HSL, so that meanshe’s a linguist like Shad, right? He’s practically an expert already.
Plus, Link is goingto have the exact same textbook to learn from as his new students,except he’s going to have a head-start and he has theeven-bigger answer key. He literally can’t go wrong.
Besides, Old Hylianis a dead language (which has been reincarnates into Modern Hylian)so it won’t hurt it too much when a bunch of teens brutally murderit. They’re already doing quite a good job on Modern Hylian and it’sstill limping along just fine.
And it’s not likeanyone speaks it anyway, aside from nerdy archaeologists andhistorians (note to self: ask Sarge about it?). So all Link reallyhas to worry about is the writing aspect.
Yeah. It’ll be easymoney.
Somehow the rumorgets around before Link gets his ass in front of the school board.Reportedly, so many students have been asking Guidance Councilor GorCoron about the Old Hylian class that they might have to divide itinto two sections.
The school boardapproves Link to take over on the spot.
Link has just enoughtime for a proper power nap at his desk between his first Old Hylianclass and his Hylian Sign Language class. But Sarge has a break atthe same time which she usually takes in the faculty lounge, to takeadvantage of the tea kettle while she grades or lesson-plans or readsbooks that have nothing to do with historical military campaigns.
The thing about“Sergeant Snowpeak” Zelda Harkinian, with her no-nonsensedress suits, and her stern librarian bun, and her sensible militaryboots, and her severe black-rimmed (actually fake, she admitted toLink, the lenses are plastic but, well, the frames looked the partand she’s always admired the image of a woman in uniform) spectacles,and her baton that’s ideal for pointing to the blackboard or rappingon a desk, and her old-fashioned bathroom and hall passes…the thingis, she’s quick to make a joke. She has a very small laugh, so youhave to watch for it. She’s thoughtful, she thinks about thingsbehind that serious face, and she’ll come up to you with a deadpanand witty response to a joke you made a week ago.
Zelda takes off herboots sometimes in the faculty lounge; there was a big run in thefoot of her nylons once, and she laughed about her toe poking out.She washes the dishes left in the faculty sink, but she hums whileshe does it because she likes things tidy. She walks just a littleheavier than she needs to, so her boots will ring out in EastCastleton Prep’s halls.
(She has it on goodauthority that the sound of her boot heels approaching can send moresensitive students into tizzies of anxiety. So her first term, on theday of final exams, Miss Harkinian thoughtfully removed her bootsbefore striding to the classroom. The sight of her suddenlymaterializing in the doorway, test papers in hand, somehow didnothing to calm her students’ nerves.)
She can hold herliquor, but she can’t carry a tune. She never learned to cook forone, because that would be a waste of good leftovers. She thinks thatHylian Military History is a crucial subject that teaches teenagersabout strategy and critical reasoning and logical thought, aboutpracticality and consequences, about wilderness survival skills, andwill help them become somewhat-sensible young adults.
Sarge worked withathletics teacher Ashei one year to host an archery tournament forthe Feast of Din, and she shot an apple off Link’s head withouttelling him first that this was why she’d ushered him up to thepodium.
The thing is, inshort, Link has a huge crush on Zelda Harkinian. He likes her.He is, in fact, completely smitten, although he hasn’t realized he’squite so far gone despite the fact that he regularly tells the catsat Impaz’ shelter What Sarge Did Today complete with little sighs.
So it’s a bit of ashame she doesn’t feel quite the same way.
Link did ask Zeldaonce if she’d like to “embrace diversity,” but she didn’tseem interested.
Zelda quite likesShad, don’t get her wrong. But, she admits to Telma, if only he’dgotten a grant that let him spend the whole year onsabbatical…
This is surely ablessing from the goddesses. Not that Zelda would wish undue stresson Link but, for all his enthusiasm about taking on Shad’s OldHylian, he seems to be finding the subject very hard going. And ofcourse Zelda has a bit of expertise to share–after all, the seminaltext in her field, Sword in Hand, is originally in OldHylian–so he can come to her with any small questions…
…And he does.
Almost every dayLink catches her in the faculty lounge for a few minutes ofconjugation here, or pops into her empty classroom for a bit ofdeclension there, or accompanies her on her walk home for adiscussion of the merits of this translation over that.
It’s not as thoughshe needs an excuse to get to know Link better. She already knows himquite well. But a little bit of extra time is…nice, since they’realready good enough friends that Zelda knows he’s in a committedrelationship with Old Cat Lady Lifestyle.
The cats, thedrinking, the napping all the time, the surprisingly full socialcalendar that Zelda can’t quite squeeze into…in other words, allthe hallmarks of spinster-dom.
It’s just a bit of ashame, seeing as he’s the only slightly-rumpled and generally-mussything she actually doesn’t mind looking at.
In any case, she’stried gauging his interest, and it’s just not there. Anytime shetries to feel him out with a pick-up line, he deflects with acorrection on her grammar or a compliment about how her signing iscoming along. Clearly, Link’s completely satisfied with theirrelationship exactly as it is.
So Zelda will be,too.
This is the one,Midna had said, grinning wickedly. This is absolutely stupid enoughto work on that dumbass, Midna had said, with evil glee.
All sorts ofoptimistic hope flowered in Zelda’s chest at the sight of thatparticular expression on her ex-girlfriendcurrent-long-distance-BFF’s face. This had to be good.
So Zelda caught Linkin between classes and asked him, “Am I so beautiful you’respeechless?”
Link repeated itback to her, tweaking the body language a bit to make beautifula little sassier, waited for her to sign it again, and then gave hera thumb’s up and walked off.
(Link wished hewere the one she was saying that to, but oh well. He supports herhappiness! Zelda’s his friend, after all.)
One of the girlsstays after class, all the way from Hylian Sign Language nearly up toOld Hylian round 2, getting Mr. Link to teach her, painstakingly overand over, how to ask the girl she likes if she’ll go to the Nayru’sDay Dance with her. It’s going to take 5 minutes at the start ofclass tomorrow, she informs Mr. Link, and also a lot of glitter.
In Link’s day–ohgoddesses, he’s old now–they just slipped notes or asked withoutthe performance art. Actually, Ilia usually just informed Link thatthey would be going together to share on the ticket cost. But kidsthese days seem to believe a gift is customary.
Link is old, though,so he just slips Zelda a note.
“I can’t readyour handwriting,” she tells him. “Oh! By the way, I signedup to run the concessions stand at the dance. Perhaps you’d like tojoin me?”
Heads bent overcandies and little bags of popcorn and assortments of soda, with thecash box between them, Link asks Zelda to help him brainstorm somereally evil ideas for his Old Hylian final exam. Link isn’t much intodifficult tests, as a rule, because they involve more work to grade.But he doesn’t want Shad to think he’s been slacking.
Link asks Zelda ifshe’d come over to his place for dinner one evening, you know, tokeep working on the exam. Since he needs so much help with it. And tothank her. For helping.
She says yes.
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