#also the amphy could have been pink
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bumblingbunny · 2 years ago
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You are challenged by Gym Leader Jin!
Along with her gym leader duties, Jin also models, acts, streams video game and is a total influencer. Her name is the one on everyone’s lips! She’s also well known for her scandals, constantly going out with different romantic partner- although she recently has been seen sticking close to a certain vampire...
for @samssims‘s Pokemon Picks monthly theme
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dreyblr · 6 years ago
26 things I’ve done I thought I wasn’t capable of doing
Long post alert. After reading Taylor’s article, I thought about my own life and how far I’ve come. She’s the one who inspired me to write this, so, thank you for your endless talent @taylorswift. You’re a gift.
1. Being myself
It has taken me a lot of time to figure out who I am and what I love. I’ve always tried to “fit in”, imitating people to fit in a group. But copying people didn’t make me feel happy. It made me feel even more awkward. I realized I was happy when being myself: getting excited over everything and nothing, giving myself quiet times, wearing pink.... just being myself. I was afraid of being myself but I’m so happy I’ve decided to stop pretending to be someone I’m not.
2. Travelling by myself
I was 16 the first time I travelled without grown-ups, but I was with one of my best friends and we went to London. I thought I wouldn’t make it, I was so stressed, but it was amazing. A few years later, when being 19, I decided to travel to Paris for an internship of 5 weeks, all by myself. I was scared to death. But I did it.
3. Trusting myself
When traveling alone, I had to accept the fact that I had to trust myself. You can rely on yourself only. Trusting myself was a big step for me, as I’ve always lacked of self-confidence.
4. Kayaking by night
Two words that would have made me run away years ago. I don’t like the dark, especially in the nature. I’m scared to death, because I can’t see what’s happening and I’m always afraid that something’s hiding somewhere and waiting for me. I love water, but not too much. I drowned twice, and both times someone had to pulled me out of the water as I already drank water. I wouldn’t be here today without those people. So going in deep water is a big challenge for me. Now imagine going kayaking in the nature at night... I thought I wouldn’t make it. This was a bioluminescent tour, and it was so worth it. Magic happens after surpassing your fears.
5. Going abroad for a year
I’ve always been independent, but a year, 12 months, is so long! I told myself I would maybe go home in the span of a year, but I wasn’t able to. But I managed to stay abroad for a full year and I’m kinda proud of myself!
6. Making three kids love me
When it comes to me, I often think everyone secretly hates me. I can’t prevent myself from thinking that people think that I’m boring, or too quiet, or not fun. And kids are so energetic. But they also have so much love to give. And my host kids really love me, their love is so important to me.
7. Having friends
As I just said, I often think people don’t like me. I thought I wouldn’t be able to make friends here in the USA. Life proved me wrong: I’ve met incredible people, as well au pairs as swifties. Just be yourself and interesting people will come in your way.
8. Getting a masters degree
I love studying. But this level is so much work and dedication. I couldn’t see the end of it, even though it was so interesting and I was thriving. I loved it with my whole heart but I was so scared to fail and not being good enough. But I passed and I even was the second best of the promo.
9. Thinking and dreaming in English
Being fluent in English has always been a dream of mine. Of course I still make mistakes, but I’ve always wondered how it was like to instinctively think in English and not in French. I reached this level while being in the USA, and I remember waking up from an English dream with a big smile on my face. I now regularly think and dream in English.
10. Being accepted in a new family
Joining a host family and living with them for a year is scary. They are strangers, and I had to fit in the family they’ve build years ago. I thought I wouldn’t find my place, but I did, and the kids consider me as their sister. I really found a second family here in the USA.
11. Parasailing
I love adrenaline and sensational activities, but because of water, I’ve been scared of parasailing. What if the boat stops working? What it the parachute is dysfunctional? What if the rope breaks? What if I land in the water? So many what ifs. I learned that the adrenaline was way more stronger than all of those questions, and booked a reservation for parasailing. It was worth it.
12. Making my dream come true
For as long as I can remember, I’ve dreamed about living in the USA. I don’t know why, it’s like it has always been calling me. But the USA? That place was on the other side of the world!! This has been a dream for so long. Something that would stay a dream forever. But a girl named Taylor taught me that dreams are made to follow them. I studied the question and found an amazing way to follow my dream, all while taking care of kids. I was afraid I was not a lucky person to have my dream come true, but if you never give up, you’ll eventually realize your dream.
13. Crying in front of other people
As I’m a shy person, I don’t like to show how I feel. I am very emotional and empathic, so tears can come up easily. But I’ve always managed to hide my tears from others, because crying is so intimate in my opinion. But I’ve learned that sometimes, sharing your sorrow with someone is okay. Crying is okay. Letting go your emotions is okay.
14. Meeting online friends
I was so anxious to meet you guys!!! I was excited but I thought you wouldn’t like me haha!! I’m so happy I did it because I found awesome friends.
15. Acknowledging that I’m introverted and calm
Society makes you feel wrong when you are introverted and calm, because society thinks you’re not interesting enough and thinks you don’t like to be with people. Truth is only extroverted society thinks that way. Because extroverted people can speak up their ideas easier than introverted people. I’ve always tried to be more extroverted but it has always failed. I didn’t want to accept the fact that I was introverted. But I accepted it, and I’ve never felt better. This is who I am, and if people I meet can’t stand it, fine, they can’t be my friends. I want friends that know who I am, not friends that think they know who I am.
16. Singing with other people
A huge challenge for introverted people like me!! The fact is I LOVE singing my heart out, even if I sing wrong. People who know me would be surprised if they saw the private concerts I give in my room... anyway singing is fun, so why not sharing a good moment with friends?
17. Not caring about my appearance
There was a time when I couldn’t go out of my house without foundation, mascara and contacts. Even on a Sunday morning to get bread at the bakery. Now I can spend a whole week with no make-up and glasses, and my life didn’t go worse.
18. Finding a place abroad
Finding another home was a hard thought for me. How? It’s a new culture, new places, new habits. But I found my place in DC, and this city will forever be my second home.
19. Cutting of toxic people
Accepting the fact that some of your friends are toxic is hard, but cutting of relationships is harder. I thought only other people could do it. But I decided to stop having my mental health down because of toxic people and this was one the saddest but best decisions I’ve ever made.
20. Accepting my interests
For a long time, I’ve thought that people wouldn’t like me if I told them I liked Taylor Swift’s music, if I told them I loved love stories, if I told them I loved drawing... but what’s the point of wanting friends who don’t know the real you? These are my interests. If people can’t understand it, they’re not worth my time.
21. Talking in front of a full amphi
My personality made me nervous about that. I went to a finale with my work team in grad school, and we had to defend our project in front of a packed amphi of teachers, researchers, CEOs and students. I had to talk into a mic and I had to know my topic by heart. That was such an intense time of my life and I thought I would make my team fail, we didn’t win the first place but we weren’t last either. I made it!
22. Going to NYC and Broadway all by myself
NYC is my absolute favorite city after Paris. As it’s not far from DC, I wanted to go there all by myself to take pictures and to go to Broadway to see Anastasia. I had been there twice before. I love traveling, but NYC is impressive. I kept thinking something would go wrong but everything went perfectly fine and I had the time of my life.
23. Saying no
This was one of my biggest deals. I’ve always been too nice, for fear of people not liking me. I’ve always said yes to everything, even if I couldn’t do it, I would find a way to make my yes possible. But I understood that some people were trying to take advantage of me and that I had to say no for my own sake. I do it more often now.
24. Teaching ice skating to my host kids
If you’ve ever ice-skated, you know what I’m talking about! Kids are often impatient, and when it comes to ice-skating, the first times are a real challenge. I somehow managed to teach them ice-skating and they are so proud about it (so do I!).
25. Wearing shorts without worrying about people’s look
The look people have on me has always been so important for me. I have a family condition that makes our legs not pretty, I can try all the diets I want and do as much sport as I want to, they will never look the way I want to. I decided to shake it off and wear shorts anyway, and even posting pictures of me in shorts!
26. Loving myself
This must have been the hardest one. I’ve always found things to not like about me, whether it was physically or mentally. It took me so much time to love myself, because I was scared of it. But I learned how to do so, and I’ve been thriving ever since. Loving yourself is the most beautiful gift you can ever do to yourself.
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inthepantheon · 5 years ago
The Return of the Sea, Part I
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Should I give you a little history of who I am? Would that help in the coming days when I tell my current story and how I got here? Yes? Okay. To start, I am the oldest of fifty daughters born to Nereus and Doris. I am one of the Nereids, the female embodiment of the sea. When I was a young nymph, Poseidon pursued me, and I chose to play hard to get. I knew what a catch he was, one of the Big Three, God of the Sea, the male form of, well, me. I ran and hid near Atlas, an old family friend, and it was there that Delphin found me. Poseidon didn’t even come himself, but Delphin made a good argument. I would be a goddess, Poseidon’s equal, and would rule the seas with him. I had to admit, that sounded good. No more living under my father’s shadow. The Old Man of the Sea could be fearsome.  I accepted Delphin’s offer and left with him for Atlantis, where Poseidon was pleased to see me. I also knew who he was, and how many children his brother had by mortal women, and that the trait was probably familial. I didn’t care. His presence was intoxicating, and when we met for the first time, I saw in him my future. We were happy, even with our other consorts. It was an arrangement that was beneficial for us, and I did not resent his mortal offspring. I didn’t hate or put my stepchildren through trials and hardships just because of their birth. If anything, I supported them on their journeys. Theseus was a favourite of mine. I gifted him some of my own attire, and he treated me with respect I never saw from Zeus’s children. Perhaps that is why no one knows me. I wasn’t a bitch *cough* like others were. Oh well. When we fell, when the gods faded, Poseidon and I had grown apart as lovers but had remained friends, and I retained my place as his consort. I remember nothing through my time in the seas, just floating by, not even paying attention to humanity’s prosperity. I barely remember hearing a call, Zeus’s voice, commanding everyone to return. I didn’t fall under his power, I never did. I was his cousin by birth, and his sister by choice, but I was NOT an Olympian. He held no power over me.  The sea was fickle, and I was the sea. Sometimes, even more than Poseidon. The sea was always seen as a woman, and Thalassa and I had merged into one being many, many millennia ago. I was slow to respond and quick to act. I was violent and calm, stormy and bright. I didn’t need anyone in my life who would try to temper that. When I realized that, I awoke, and it amazed me it took so long. “Okay,” I said, “now what?” I wandered the oceans, growing in strength and spewing out the garbage and filth that humanity had dumped in me.  Eventually, I was drawn to a little bar where merpeople could swim up and interact with the mortals on the other side. I realized the source of the pull when I discovered Poseidon was running it. I shifted into a mermaid, blue hair and eyes, a sleek, lithe body, and he didn’t recognize me. I knew then that I would be free.  We chatted. He flirted, and I flirted back. If by the end, he did realize who I was, he never let on. I left and made my way down the beach to a secluded cove. From what I could see, it was accessible only by boat. I smiled, this was where I would make my home, my mark. But what kind of home could I build? The thought of a bar appealed to me, but so close to Poseidon would pull his customers away, and I wasn’t that much of a bitch. Maybe a hotel? One that showcased the splendour of the ocean and showed off all her might? That I could do.  I raised the building, asking Hephaestus for help, seeking out Athena to guide with the finer touches, and locating as many of my sisters as I could find to add rooms and suites under the waves. When it was finished, I looked on, proud of my achievements, and emblazoned the front door with its name: Nymphaeum. A little nod to my origins, I hoped that people, mortals and immortals alike, would come to visit.  There was a casino, restaurants, beaches, hundreds of rooms, and a little section I left alone for private use, as per my good friend Hedone’s request. “Amphi, it looks great!” she exclaimed when I brought her in for the first time. My friend hugged me, her power of pleasure washed over me, and I smiled. “I’m glad. You and your harem are currently the only ones to use it. Maybe that will change.” She hugged me again and disappeared in a puff of pink smoke. I walked the empty halls, waiting to open properly, and I sighed. “This looks amazing, Amphitrite.” My heart stopped momentarily. I turned around and saw my consort, the God of the Seas, Poseidon. He was looking at me with respect and desire. I smiled easily at him. “Thank you, P,” I replied, walking over to him. “I wanted something of my own. I’ve seen all the other businesses that the gods have set up, and this,” I waved around me, “is mine.���  Poseidon took one of my hands and kissed it gently. “You could have come back to the bar.” I cocked my eyebrow at him. “As if I didn’t know that was you, I’d know your presence anywhere. But I understand your desire. We have been bound by the past for too long. If you will still have me as a friend and confidante,” he winked scandalously, “would you take your freedom, the separation we both feel?” I didn’t know what to say, and I looked up into his storm green eyes, eyes I had fallen in love with millennia ago. “I would fall from divinity, though, would I not?” Why was that my only worry? Poseidon laughed. “You’ve been a goddess for most of the years you’ve been alive. No, my love, you will still be you, and maybe even more without me tying you down.” There was a sharp intake of breath, and Poseidon smiled easily at me. “So, be the sea. Be wild and free, and most importantly, be untamed. Be exotic, calm, serene, and virulent. Be the goddess of the sea that you were always meant to be.” Poseidon kissed my forehead tenderly and smiled as he walked away. “By the way,” he turned and looked at me from the entry, “I love the name.” With that, he vanished into a whirlpool, my heart thudding out of my chest. I felt the snap of the invisible chain that bound us through the years, and I turned and ran off the balcony, diving into the ocean below. My power had returned, a power I never knew had been contained. I soared through the sea, flexing my muscles and watching as the mortals cowered in their ships and homes. I sunk nothing. Even after seeing all the garbage polluting my waters, I still did not hate them. But I did warn them, the seas were no longer man’s to control. I would be there, testing their worth, judging their mettle. Only the finest would ply my waters. I could be everywhere, see everything, and I would always be present.  The sea was free, and she would revel in that release. Read the full article
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