#also the Scorpion snakes
morethanwonderful · 2 years
Which MXTX Character do You Most Want to Study Like a Little Bug?
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(Bonus match theme: For the love of god don't ask them about their hobbies)
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juniaships · 2 years
I like that Cleo and Nefera had bugs and reptiles for pets because usually when i see *ancient* egyptian characters they typically have a cat motif so not only does it subvert that but also the two most high class characters has creatures considered gross scary and lowly.
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lilliemadoka · 4 months
finally made a list of cookie run pairings im Normal about. mostly rarepairs, all sapphic. 'erm actually this isn't-' these are all yuri to me. anything can be sapphic when you're a lesbian with too much time on your hands.
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fun fact when i was tagging this my nose started bleeding all down my chin for no fucking reason. insane.
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roman-roy-apologist · 5 months
i love you animal symbolism
#like obviously i’m the dog motif guy but literally any animal symbolism is sooooo#like mq animal symbolism >>>#sharks and mice and wolves and butterflies#what that says about you — not just what you get but what you wanted to get#i’m a shark and i’m going to take you down. he smells blood in the water he’s gonna kill my pig and there’s nothing i can do#because i’m soft i’m a kid again im a mouse and im loyal and humble and a real team player! and that’s what will be my downfall#but it’s also what’s going to save me#why would a mouse choose foam over a delicious cookie? i don’t know. why would he? why would i?#i just got a little upset when you said i wasn’t a lion. you’re nothing without me#lions hunt in packs they’re sthe leaders. but i’m telling you that you dont get a pack you dont get someone to lean on and you will always#be alone.#then succession animal symbolism is like: youre a scorpion and i’m a snake and we are going to die at each others hands#it’s already written. we know the ending#im a dog and i’m mean and sharp and vicious#i’m a dog and i’m loyal and trusting#i’m a dog and i need to be kicked and i beg you to kick me because it’s all i know#you come for me with love?#lock me in a cage and feed me dog food (or chocolate cake but who knows) and i’ll never eat again#send me away until everyone knows their place#beat me with a slipper in gstaad for ordering lobster because it’s rude to order the most expensive thing on the menu when you’re not payin#because dogs don’t get a sliver platter they get a bowl of dog food in a cold wire cage#they get the scraps and they thank you for it#so you come for me with love?#you come in here guns ablazing to find they’ve turned to fucking sausages and you come for me with love?#jeez that’s a lot of tags#mythic quest#mq#succession#succession hbo
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carrionsong · 3 months
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little thing sneaked its way into our house... it was soooo so small, like an earthworm would be longer than this lil dude :] my dad caught it in a towel but apparently it wriggled out into either my room or the garage so. i hope baby is living it up and eating all the harvestmen spiders and ants it wants
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pagesofkenna · 3 months
fun etymology facts inspired by me trying to explain to my mom that i was saying 'wyrm' not 'worm': the word 'wyrm' as in dragon predates the term 'worm' as in earthworm (worms are named after dragons), which traces even further back to a proto-indo-european root that probably meant something like 'gross little creepy crawlies'
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awkwardsonicphotos · 2 years
꩜ ꩜ ꩜ you are goinf to infodump to me about hedgehogs (i am hypnotizing you) ꩜ ꩜ ꩜
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Given the chance I will not shut up about hedgehogs when asked about them. Everyone who knows me knows I adore hedgehogs and always give me hedgehog stuff as presents or tell me they saw some cute hedgehog décor at a store. I love to educate people on these cute little friends. It was so bad my brother in law one day walked into my old apartment, looked around at my hedgehog collection and sighed saying, "Wow, you really do like hedgehogs."
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I had a dream you did a series of drawings of the keeper crew that were really cool and Then made them Lego sets i could buy at target
so sorry I cannot be as cool as dream me, if only I had the power to make kotlc lego sets commercially available at target </3
I can draw though! I can do drawings of them! That part of the dream is realizable, though of course I've got no clue what the specifics of your dream were and would just have to hope I could do something as cool as what your brain cooked up in the middle of the night.
I've been thinking about practicing faces...maybe I could do a series a portraits Roisin style...
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hellcifrogs · 1 year
Also, they woulf stop their training to look at a frog that entered the court, they make Lee take a pic with the frog because they look similar
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zoebelladona · 9 months
i think i'm gonna have to rewatch these last two episodes to come to terms with them and the themes of the show because so far my reaction has been
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cheesarbles · 1 year
Dumps this art here
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tiredflowercrown · 1 year
I miss our chickens
I didn't interact with them at all but when we had them I didn't have to deal with the spiders or crickets
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temmiemew · 1 year
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look at my friends snake
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mystichistoria · 3 months
I keep forgetting that reading comprehension and literacy rates in general have been at a piss poor level for a while now so expecting people to be able to know which parts of the Bible are meant to be read literally, which are obviously parables, fables, visionary, or like beefed up based-on-a-true-story history is almost expecting too much. Added to the gaping language barrier that very few seem to want to fucking cross, it's become a daily fucking battle just to be.
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bisexual-ashe · 8 months
ashe strikes me as a reptile person
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ne0ncowb0y · 10 months
hyenas are the transest of animals. And so are snakes.
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