#also that would be really funny cause I know for a fact scarlett gets annoyed that she can’t intimidate him without turning him on lul
cinderwrought · 9 months
i just sit there and think about the fact that Jack got topped by his captain and she tried intimidating him only to find out he has a knife kink / is a masochist 🫠
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avengerscompound · 5 years
in an AU where the avengers and their actors coexist, how would it be for them to meet their counterpart? what would happen?
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Steve Rogers didn’t really love the fact they were making movies about him.  He wasn’t too fussed if he met Chris, though he has nothing against him.  Steve would definitely like seeing Chris’ tweet but would also hope he became more actively involved in the causes he speaks about.
Bucky Barnes would be nervous to meet Sebastian because Seb seems quite sweet and he’d worry that Sebastian would judge him.  When he saw how strongly Seb speaks up for him though, he’d quite like him.  Though just because of who Bucky is, I doubt they’d maintain a relationship.  When they did meet it would be a long conversation about space.
Tony Stark and Robert Downey Jr would become fast friends.  Their wives would hang out.  Their children would play together.
Sam Wilson was not as excited meeting Anthony as Anthony would be to meet Sam.  But they’d get along just fine.  
James Rhodes and Don Cheadle would definitely have a mutual respect.  The might not hang out after meeting, but they’d definitely follow each other on Twitter and send birthday greetings.
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Bruce Banner and Mark would just adore each other.  They’d get super passionate about science and the environment.  They’d definitely keep in contact with each other.
Natasha Romanoff wouldn’t particularly care to meet Scarlett and there meeting would be a very base ‘Hello, nice to meet you’.  They would not keep in contact.
Thor as with everything would be excited to meet Chris.  They’d have a lot of fun together though I doubt it would be a friendship they maintained.
Clint Barton would be much more excited about meeting Jeremy than the other way around.  Clint’s very into action movies.  He will wonder how come they cast someone so much shorter than he is though.
Wanda Maximoff won’t have really thought anything about meeting Elizabeth.  She’s not really into celebrity culture.  However, everyone says that Elizabeth is like the group mom, and Wanda would definitely connect with someone like that.
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Pietro Maximoff wouldn’t really care too much.  He’d be so annoyed they misrepresented his speed in the MCU that he wouldn’t really want much to do with it.
Vision would like Paul fine and would find him both charming and funny, but his interest in meeting the guy who plays him on screen is pretty low.  He has other things he’s worried about.
Scott Lang would adore Paul Rudd.  They probably secretly bought a magic store together but don’t tell anyone.
Peter Parker and Tom would get on like a house on fire.  They definitely follow each other on instagram and hang out when they can.
T’Challa would barely have time to meet Chadwick and given that he’s not really part of the western world wouldn’t know a lot about him.  He’d like him fine though but his life wouldn’t lead to them being friends.
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Loki would have had zero interest in meeting Tom, but given how highly Tom speaks about them, they’d soften to him.
Carol Danvers wouldn’t have had a clue who Brie was before she met her, but man would she love her.  I think there would be a huge mutual love there.
Hope Van Dyne has probably met much more famous people than Evangeline, so it wouldn’t be excitement to meet her per se, but she would like to meet her.  I think they’d get on pretty well and while they wouldn’t exactly go out of their way to meet up, when they crossed paths they’d be very excited about it.
Stephen Strange would only really bother meeting Benedict because someone made him.  Wouldn’t have strong feelings about him either way. Would probably appreciate his work ethic.
Maria Hill would for sure have watched How I Met Your Mother and loved Cobie in it.  She’d love her in real life too, I’m sure and would definitely make the most out of the meeting.
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Phil Coulson and Clark are both big fanboys and would fanboy out meeting each other.
Nick Fury probably pushed to have Sam cast as him just so he could meet him.
Peggy Carter would adore Hayley.  I’m sure Hayley would be adopted as an honorary Carter,
Brunnhilde would have had zero interest in meeting Tessa.  She doesn’t really care about celebrity.  However, on meeting her they’d get on so well people would speculate they were dating.  Neither would either confirm or deny it though.
Wade Wilson definitely cast Ryan and then stalked him and probably is living in his attic right now.
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fisheoctrashdump · 4 years
Scarlette and 2, 3, 4, 14, 15, 16, and 20 with Avery, Arvid, and Kaya
Scarlette's cooking is very basic. She can boil pasta, make pancakes, and roast vegetables. It's all pretty simple, but at least it's edible lol she tends to use too much butter and sauces when she cooks, but other than that, it's fine.
Also, she doesn't eat meat so she never actually taught herself how to cook it.
Her sleeping schedule is all over the place. Sometimes she can fall asleep at 7pm and sleep until noon the next day, and then other times she can't get herself to fall asleep no matter what she tries. She tends to wander the house on those nights she can't fall asleep. She will eventually find a comfortable spot in the kitchen or outside someone's door and just vibe there in the dark until she either passes out or the sun starts to rise.
Scarlette has her license, but not a car. Currently, she and Clara are sharing a car. Scarlette is insistent on getting her first car herself, even though she hasn't been able to find a job yet.
She's a very careful driver. It still makes her nervous to drive sometimes, and she mostly won't drive unless she has to. When she does have to drive, it's usually because Kaya wants to go somewhere. Clara is super cool about letting Scarlette take her car, mostly because she doesn't have anywhere else to be most of the time.
Scarlette dances….. really weird. I imagine she dances in a very Roy Purdy kinda way lol She dances because it's fun, not because she's good at it. (Also keep imagining Scarlette and Johnny dancing similarly for funsies)
She's not all that good at singing. She sometimes sings stupid little songs that she makes up on the spot to be funny, but she's aware that she doesn't have any talent when she sings. Sometimes if a song really reaches her and she wants to sing along to it, she turns it up a little louder and sings softly along to it.
Like with her sadness, Scarlette buries her anger. She doesn't get angry about much. The few major times she's been angry was like, during the situation with Amber, seeing bad things happening to her family (like when Arvid was in the hospital or when Clara and Venus were breaking up with Erika and Cass), or during the last few months of being friends with Rowen before he died.
Something else that causes her a lot of stress and anger is Kaya's relationship with Livia.
She believes her anger is something that should be concealed, and she works hard to make it unnoticeable to everyone around her. I feel like, when she finally hits her breaking point, it will be rather scary to her friends and family. She won't blow up or anything, but it's a silent rage that makes her just look darker, maybe even evil? (I'm basing this on someone I know, so idk how to explain it but I'm picturing it in my mind anyway lol)
Relationship with ___
Avery -
With Avery, I've been imagining Scarlette kinda knowing Avery before Arvid does. They were never close or anything, just in the same class together in first or second grade. I don't imagine they talked much if at all, but it is something she likes to tease Arvid about lol
They'll get to know each other better later on, probably after gen2 events.
Their friendship starts up kinda suddenly. Avery starts trying to talk to Scarlette sometimes when he's around Arvid, but she avoids him at first. Arvid brushes it off as Scarlette just being weird and tells Avery not to take it personally, and after a few more attempts, Avery gives up so he doesn't make her feel uncomfortable.
Then like, overnight, Scarlette decides to talk to Avery first and they have their first real conversation and they both feel pretty good about it. Avery can see that Scarlette is kinda weird and eccentric, but he finds it intriguing. They both don't have too much in common, but they start experiencing new things together.
Scarlette being friends with Avery makes her very nervous at first. She's very worried about him, his mental health, and what he thinks of her, but she doesn't let any of this show. She eventually learns to separate her feelings about Avery from her feelings about Rowen, and it becomes much easier for her to manage their friendship.
To the outsider's perspective, these two are polar opposites. Scarlette is always so full of energy with so much to say, while Avery is very quiet and seems to be very serious. He finds Scarlette to be super funny and enjoys trying to match her energy when they hang out, doing silly and embarrassing stuff with her, without a second thought. She enjoys pulling Avery out of his comfort zone, and seeing him have fun with her.
Arvid -
Scarlette cares about Arvid a lot. She wants to see him happy, and tries to be a fun older sister to him -
But most of the time, Scarlette just feels distant from Arvid. She understands the fact that she is purposely doing things to annoy Arvid, but she consistently feels like her presence is unwanted by him no matter what she does. She is often very hurt by Arvid's words and actions, because she wishes to build a solid relationship with him even though he pushes her away. She continues to make the effort to communicate and spend time with him regardless, and never addresses how Arvid makes her feel.
Kaya -
Her relationship with Kaya really sucks at the moment. Scarlette feels helpless watching Kaya make poor decisions, all while struggling with keeping the balance of maintaining a fake relationship, while also realizing she has real feelings for her. She doesn't feel like Kaya would reciprocate, or even care if Scarlette told her how she felt. She sees Kaya as kind of selfish, but she feels bad for thinking that way about her best friend. She also has an incredible amount of jealousy and hatred for Livia, but she's forced to pretend that she likes her if she wants to stay a part of Kaya's life.
Scarlette feels that between Kaya's obsession with Livia and her preference for her new friends, she's being neglected not just in their fake relationship, but also in their friendship. Despite all this, Scarlette wants to see Kaya do better for herself, and still cares deeply for the person she knows Kaya can be.
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lillydoodlebeans · 5 years
Headcanon #4
“A Rebellious s/o? Please? Boys and girls.”
I’m sorry these are pretty short.
He gets very stressed out. Don’t get me wrong, he loves you, but he doesn’t want you getting hurt. He’s also worried you will ruin his plan for you two to be together forever.
Sometimes he has to scold you because, again, he doesn’t want you getting hurt. Sometimes he enjoys it if he’s in a playful mode.
He loves it so much. He really likes when you are sarcastic or a smart-alek. He’ll even play along, causing Lawrence to get very annoyed. It’s like that meme “You’re hot when you’re angry. But not when it’s at me.”
He hates it when you’re being a rebellious child towards him but he will totally play along if it’s literally anyone else.
He gets flustered and embarrassed a lot. He’s never used to the fact that you are very rebellious so every day is a surprise. Sometimes he’ll end up yelling at you by accident, but that’s only because he really cares about you.
It’s really depends on his mood. He will sometimes play along and be as rebellious as you, but if he’s not in the mood he’s either irritated or just watched you with a slight smile.
He has mixed feelings. He loves you because you bring so much excitement into his life. You help him do things he would have never done and just overall, be a more outgoing person.
At the same time, he gets scared for your safety. Just like all the other boys he really just wants you to be safe. But again, you’ve brought out so much in him he didn’t even know he had.
He doesn’t admit it but he likes it more than he lets on. He finds it kind of hot but he would never tell you that. Yes, he wants everyone to be safe but he does like a little bit of danger in his life.
He does get worried though. Especially when you are out on patrols he has to keep an eye on you to make sure you are safe. He doesn’t mind when you are a smart-alek really. He doesn’t love or hate it.
Just like Ethan, he finds it hot, but like Zion, he doesn’t enjoy it when it’s directed at him. He doesn’t play along depending on his mood, he’s always in the mood to be a rebellious child. You two have so much fun.
Sometimes you pull pranks on the other guys and they get really angry. He always snickers at your remarks as well.
She finds it hilarious. She is always on your side and says that she’s you’re sidekick in crime. She literally supports every single one of your sassy remarks.
She doesn’t really join in, but once in a great while she does. She’s usually just a supporter. She gets very worried. It’s funny because she’ll switch from supporting to worried in less than two seconds.
She doesn’t express her feelings but she’s usually slightly amused. She’s like a mom with a child that’s on a sugar high. She watches you and monitors you all the time.
She loves you but he’s stressed out a lot. Like I said about her being a mom, she’s always scolding you and watching you to make sure you’re okay.
She blushes just at the fact she has a lover. You’re very rebellious and she tries to tell you to be careful but she can never say it loud enough. She loves you so much and giggles when you do something funny.
She also finds it hot. But she’s also very scared about you being safe. She tries to keep it to herself but it’s hard for her to. She clings onto you a lot.
She also tends to agree with you on everything and is always being rebellious with you. She hangs it with you more than Zion and Jay.
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marvelsuperfangirl · 7 years
First Time ( Sean Cassidy x Reader)
Request: “Hi I was wondering if I could get a Sean Cassidy imagine were your Scott and Alex summers sister and you have the same powers as Scarlett witch and your dating Sean and you take your relationship to another level first time smut were it’s sweet and cute. Please and thank you so much” by @fleurhermione
A/N:  Thank you so much for the request, It really inspired me. And sorry again for the time you had to wait so long for me to post it. I hope you’ll like it; I had a lot of trouble with the smut, since it’s my first and I don’t have any experience to use. I still find it horrible when I re-read it. I feel like I could have done so much better but I didn’t find any way to make it better, I’m sorry again so….here it goes. Also I’m sorry if there are vocabulary mistakes, english isn’t my native language. Enjoy :) Warning : Smut
Words: 4186
A book in your hands, comfortably settled on the couch and wrapped in your favorite pair of arms. You were sitting between Sean’s legs, back against his chest as his warmth transfered to you through your shirt. One of his hands was on yours, which was already holding your book, and the other caressing your forearm from time to time. He also occasionally pressed a kiss to your head or the back of your neck, which you answered to with a giggle.
This moment was perfect. A good book, a quiet atmosphere and your boyfriend, nothing could ruin this moment.
At least that’s what you thought, until your lovely brothers decided to show up in the living room. They were talking rather loudly  and it was a violent contrast to the previous silence. You looked up from your book to the new comers  before focusing back on the words.
-“ I’m telling you, there’s no way you can beat me!” Alex said to his brother, completely ignoring Sean and you.
-“ I’d like to see that” Scott answered, sitting down on the floor in front of the TV.
Alex grabbed two controllers from the TV console and weny back to his brother, handing him one before sitting next to him. You really tried to ignore them and keep your attention to the book but as soon as the game was on, it became worse.
-“ Take that!” Scott screamed as he furiously pushed the buttons onf his controller .
-“ Guys!” you called for them. But they didn’t react , they probably didn’t even hear you.
Sean took his hands off you and completely wrapped his arms tightly around you.
-“ Ignore them sweetheart.” he whispered in your ear before kissing the shell of your ear.
Your cheeks heated up and a shiver of pleasure ran down your spine. You would have melt right away if your brothers didn’t start screaming again, then after the screams, they started to push each others around, trying to deconcentrate the other.
-“ Stop pushing me, that’s cheating!” Alex said at his brother, pushing him back.
With a sigh you let your book fall on your lap and raised your hand. You  moved your fingers and a red energy emitted from them. The same energy appeared around the controllers and they flew out of the boys hands.
-“ Hey!” Alex shouted, getting up to his feet and jumping up, trying to reach the flying object . The controller flew even higher and sometimes went a bit closer to Alex, obly to go back higher, like it was teasing; and you clearly were.
Your older brother stopped jumping and threw you a death glare.
-“ Would you stop this?!” he asked
You only smiled and shrugged.
The next thing you know, Alex’s controller end up falling on his head as he let out a small yelp of surprise.
Behind you, Sean was trying to prevent himself from laughing; but failed and exploded in laughter, making you sake in rythm with his laughing fit.
Scott joined him, laughing at his brother. But Alex remained focused on you, who had a smirk playing on your lips.
-“ What the hell is you problem?” he asked trying to remain calm but was on the verge of failing.
-“ You” you pointed to him “ And you” and pointed to Scott.  " Are my problem.“
They both raised their eyebrow, wondering what you were meaning by that.
-” You disturbed our cozy time with your wild animals-like screams" you accused them pointing your index finger at them.
Sean chuckled  at your statement, earning himself the anger of Alex.
-“ You think this is funny, Cassidy?” he spat at the red haired boy.
-“ Hey! Don’t take it out on him! You’re the one to blame, here!” you defended your boyfriend.
Alex rolled his eyes.
Now that your romantic moment has been interrupted you were in a rather playful mood. You grabbed one of the cushion that was on the couch and threw it at Alex’s head.
His hair was now ruffled and he was throwing you another death glare; but this one was totally less scary because of his mouth, trying to form a smile against his will.
-“ Karma is executing his revenge.” Scott laughed behind Alex.
Then a cushion crashed right in his face earning him a not so manly scream.
-“ That is karma!” Sean exclaimed
Your brothers were both looking at you and your boyfriend with similar playful smirk.
-“ You’re both so dead” Alex said and started walking toward the two of you.
Sean straighten up and pushed you forward, helping you getting up. When the two of you were on your feet you hurried out of the room to escape your brothers, laughing all along.
You turned around to see if your brothers were behind you and of course, they were running after the two of you laughing as well.
Sean grabbed your hand and hold it tightly as he led you through the corridors. You both turned a corner and Sean opened the first door that came in view and pushed you inside as he followed and closed the door behind himself. When the door was closed, the only thing you could see was dark and the only thing you could hear was both of your heavy breathing. Sean’s hand was still in yours and you held it tighter when you heard light tapping noises.
-“ What is that?”
-“ Don’t worry, I’m just searching the light switch” he answered
Next thing you know a clicking noise is heard and you’re blinded by the light. You had to cover your eyes with your free hand, giving yourself time to adjust. Then you looked around you, only to discover that you were in the janitor closet, surrounded with cleaning products and brooms.
You turned back to look at your boyfriend and opened your mouth to talk but he quickly shush you by putting his index finger in front of his mouth, gesturing for you to be quiet. And he was right because not even a second later, a shadow appeared in the gap under the door, which was followed by voices.
-“ Where did they go, they were right there and they disappeared!"y ou recognised Scott’s voice
You were staring at Sean and praying that they wouldn’t find you there. They might be your brothers and wouldn’t hurt you but they were extremely annoying and if they found you they wouldn’t leave you alone soon enough.
A sigh was heard on the other side of the door.
-” They will come out at one time, we’ll get them then.“ another voice which belonged to Alex said.
Then the shadow moved and disappeared from your sight in a concert of footsteps.  You waited for the silence to come back before even daring to make any noise.
When the stress and adrenaline started to cool down both of you let out a long breath.
Sean and you were now staring fondly in each other’s eyes with similar smiles on both of your faces.
-” You know since we’re stuck here for god knows how long we might as well put this time to good use" he said, biting his lower lip.
You took a step closer to him and let go of his hand, to wrap your arms around his neck.
-“ Yeah?” you asked
His hands found their way to your waist and brought you even closer to him.
-“ Yeah” he whispered
He was so close that he breath was caressing your face and your noses almost touching. It was enough for you; you closed the small gap between the two of you. Lips started moving against each other’s , Sean’s hands gripping your hips tightly and yours tangled in his curly hair.
Sean took a step forward, making back up, your lips still glued together. As you both walked or backed to the wall behind you, your leg came in contact with something and next thing we know a sudden noise interrupt the silence of the closet, startling the two of you.
You both parted from each other, shocked written on your features. You were breathing heavily because of the lack of air caused by your make out session and the fear you just experienced wasn’t making it any better.
You look around you, searching for the source of the noise, and you eyes fell on the broom, laying on the floor beside your feet.
-“ Maybe we should get out of here” you said, looking back at your boyfriend.
-“ Good idea” he agreed, still trying to regain a normal breathe
Sean walked to the door and slowly opened it, picking his head outside to check if your brothers were really gone. After being sure that it was safe to come out, Sean’s  head reappeared inside the room.
-“ Let’s go” he said , opening the door wider for the two of you to pass.
He stepped out of the closet first and you followed closely behind him. When you were out, Sean grabbed your hand again, flahing you a smile and started walking away, tugging you with him. The two of you quietly walked in the direction of Sean’s bedroom, still being careful about the fact that you brothers could be out there.
When you finally arrived at Sean’s room, he quickly opened the door and tugged you inside before closing it and lean on it.
-“ Are you that scared of my brothers?” you asked in a teasing tone.
He tilted his head and raised his eyebrows
-“ Well, Alex can shoot burst of energy and Scoot can shoot laser beams. So yeah…I’m pretty scared”
You giggled before walking to his bed and throw yourself on it, landing on your back.
-“ It’s definitely not funny” he said joining you.
He took a sit beside you.
-“ They wouldn’t hurt you, you were Alex’s friend a long time before meeting me. And I wouldn’t let them do anything to you.”
He leaned over you, placing his arms around your waist.
-“ That’s so cute of you to be protective of your boyfriend” he cooed, leaning even more and tilting his head on the side to press a lingering kiss on your cheek.
When he pulled away, you didn’t have time to register what happened next because in a quick movement he was on you.
Your back was pressed to the mattress as Sean was above you, supporting himself on his elbow which were on each side of your head. The two of you were so close that both of your breaths became one, your noses brushing against each others. Sean tilted his head to the side and his lips were on yours . The kiss was as ligt as a feather and so short, almost like he was teasing you.
Not even a second after he pulled away, you lifted your head off the bed to meet his lips again, this time for more than a chaste kiss.
One of your hands moved from his side to his ginger curls, caressing his back and neck in the process, making goosebumps erupt on his pale skin. The kiss intensified and you felt Sean’s grind his crotch on you, in need of some release.
This was new for you, sure Sean and you already made out before, but this was a path that you never explored and even if you were a bit scared of what would happen next, you knew that you wanted this. You wanted him.
At his action you tugged on his hairn resulting in him letting out a small whimper. He then pulled his lips apart from yours and your eyes met his, the love both of you felt for the other was the only think that could be read in your eyes. Sean left his current position to sit up and pull his shirt off, revealing his pale chest, covered in freckles, the freckles you loved so much.
He bent back down and grabbed the hem of your shirt to pull it off too. Yo uwere left in your bra, feelign a bit self conscious, it was the first time he was seeing you without a top on. You felt yourself blushing,feeling his blue eyes fixed on your upper body. At the sight of your reddened cheeks, he put his mouth at your ear.
-“ You’re so beautiful” he whispered, pressing a kiss to the shell of your ear before slowly going down.
He kissed a trail down from your ear, passing by your jaw, neck, your upper chest, taking his sweet time before attacking your boobs.
He didn’t force anything and just gently kissed the part that wasn’t covered by the cups and went between then to continue his trail. But before this he passed his hand behind your back and unclaps your bra, taking it off of you. Feeling more exposed than even you instantly put your arms over your breast.
-“ Don’t hide sweetheart, you are beautiful.” he said, looking up at you through his lashes.
After kissing an imaginary line on your stomach to the hem of your jeans, his hands grabbe your hips and looked up at you. Your eyes were already on him, following the smallest move he was making .
-“ May I?” he asked you, his hand goign from your hip to your jean’s button.
You gulped and nodded your head.
He popped the button open and slid down the zipper, taking a sneak peak of your panties. Then he grabbed the hem and tugged on it, making the piece of fabric slide down your thighs and to your feet.  He took care to remove your shoes, throwing them across the room before getting back to his business.  When he completely pulled your pants off of you, he tossed it on the floor and left the bed to get up. He took his own jeans off, taking off his socks while he was at it
When both of you were left in your underwear, Sean climbed back on the bed and on you, regaining his previous position.and replacing his lips on yours. With a hand on his back and the other on the back of his neck to make sure that he wouldn’t pull away, you got lost in the kiss.  One of his hand travelled down to your thigh that lifted a bit under his touch. His fingers gently caressed your skin and went to your inner thigh, going closer and closer to your womanhood.
Suddenly, the hand that was on his back quickly grabbed his, stopping him in his track.
Sean pulled away from your lips, and plunged his blue eyes into yours, his worry showing into them.
-“ What’s wrong?”
You were trying to look somewhere else, too shy and afraid of what he would do. Your cheeks were red again and you had trouble to form the following sentence.
-“ It’s…my first time” you let out.
When you looked back at him to check his reaction, he was smiling fondly at you with a small smile .
-“ It’s okay, love, we can stop if you want”  he said, his thumb stroking your cheek.
-“ No, I…I’m good”
Sean kissed you gently and continued to stroke  your cheek with his thumb .
-“ I’ll be as gentle as ever. If I hurt you just tell me.”
You nodded and Sean bring his ips back to yours again, while you let go of his hand.
The hand in question rested on your inner thigh and then continued its trip to your center, making your womanhood throb in anticipation as a wave of warmth spreaded through your body.
Sean’s fingers slipped under the waistband of your panties and were coming closer and closer to your clitoris. And the closer he was getting, the more your breath hitched in your throat.
Then this was it. His fingertips came in contact with your clitoris and you tensed up at the feeling. His finger rubbed lightly at your bundle of nerves, muscles still tensed and you tightened your hold on Sean. Your breath became heavy and sometimes has trouble to leave your throat, changing into  whimpers. Sean’s head was in the crook of your neck, kissing the skin of your jaw, neck and even thorat when you would give him access everytime your head would tilt back.
When he saw that you were receiptive he lowered his finger to your entrance, which was wet. He rubbed his finger against it as you started to let out moans. You were dripping wet and Sean thought that it was the time.
He kissed a trail up to your ear before whispering:
-“ I’m gonna slowly put a finger in, tell me if it hurts”
Sean pressed his fingertip on your entrance and forced it to go inside, waiting an instant for any reaction from you and continued when you said nothing. He let is finger slide in and when he got the first knuckle  in, you let out a gasp.
He sat up and looked at you.
-“ Did I hurt you?”
-“ No, it’s just a weird feeling, it’s okay.” you said
Sean continued, stopping everytime you gasped, to make sure you were alright and let your moans become music to his ears.
His fingers were going in and out of you at a slow pace, earning him that you started to buck your hips against his digit.
When your moans increased and became louder, Sean stopped his movements and slowly pulled  his finger out of you.
You let out a deep sigh and turned your head toward him, waiting for what he would do next. He sat up and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips before crawling on the bed at the same level as your private parts. He grabbed the hem of your panties and slid them down your legs , just like he did with your jeans. You were now completely exposed and felt yourself blushing again which didn’t go unnotied by Sean.
-“ I love it when you blush, even if you don’t have a reason to. You’re perfect to me.” he said
You blushed even more at his comment.
Now he was focusing on his own underwear. He got off the bed for the second time and tugged his bowers down, revealing what was uderneath.
Your first time also comes with seeing a dick for the first time. It was fully erected and touching his stomach, the tip was slightly red and you couldn’t tear you eyes from it even if you knew it was highly impolite.
He turned around, and opened the drawer of his bedside table and took a condom out and waved it in your direction.
He caught you staring and chuckled before coming back on the bed, placing himself at your entrance. He ripped the wrapper of the condom with his teeth and throw it somewhere. Then he placed the condom at the tip of his cock and rolled it on.
Your legs were on each side of Sean’s hips, pressed against him to maintain him in place. He was situated between your open legs, on his knees, ass resting on his heels. His eyes were fixing yours, trying to make this moment unique for you and the most appreciable as it can be. He smiled at you and put his hands on your knees, letting them slowly fall on your thighs. You let out a shaky breath and a small smile appeared on your lips . Sean caressed your thighs gently, his eyes never leaving yours.
-“ Are you ready?” he asked almost in a whisper.
You inhale deeply and nodded your head yes. He used his hold o nyour thighs to bring you closer to him. One of his hand left your thigh and went to his erectd manhood. He too it in his hand and guided it to your entrance. As the tip of his cock brushed against your labia, you felt a shiver run through your whole body, followed by a wave of warmth and you let out a breathy moan. Sean took this as an approval and slowly pushed his hips forward, letting the head of his cock in you.
You let out a similar gasp as when Sean pushed his finger in, earlier.
-“ You okay?” he asked stopping himself.
-“ Ye…yeah, go on.”
Sean continued to push it in until his dick was completely in and his lower stomach was against yours. He stopped his movements to look at you and see your reddened face and that you were breathing even faster than before. It hurts, it wasn’t unbearable but it wasn’t pleasant either. You knew that your first time wouldn’t be perfect and that you would obviously hurt but you never thought that it would be that much.
-“ If it hurts, I can stop, love” he said.
You nodded “ no” and Sean started to retreat his hips back, his cock rubbing your inside in the process. The action still hurted but this time less than the first penetration.
He then pushed forward again, still at a slow rythm. The pain was fainting and letting place to the same sensation you felt when he used his finger on you: pleasure.
Sean bent over and put himself on top of you, placing his face back in the crook of your neck, his hands gripping your hips . You wrapped your arms around him and kissed his shoulder to encourage him to carry on.
And he did. Thrusting his hips into you, producing a light slapping noise when his skin collided with yours. He was, now, going at a steady pace and his thrust faster and deeper.
Yo uquickly became a moaning mess, trying to grip Sean’s back with your hand and nails. You were losing yourself in the pleasure and satisfaction that you were experiencing.
Your lower stomach contracted itself as the pleasure became more intense as Sean thrusted into you. The feeling of tightness and pent up pleasure threatened to explode and let go at any minute.
-“ I…” you tried to say but a moan stopped your from doing so.
-“ I know, Sweetheart.”
With a few more thrust you felt the knot in your stomach loosen all at once and in a long moan mixed with a scream, the feeling was gone. Sean was stil lthrusting into you at a slower pace and with a slighlty more brutal one, he completely fell on top of you.
The two of you stayed like this for a minute or two before Sean left your embrace to take the condom off of him and throw it in his bin.
After this, he let himself fall beside you. Both of you took some time to regain your breathing. You closed your eyes, embracing your tiredness.
-“ Are you okay?” Sean asked
You slowly opened your eyes and turned your head toward him and smiled tiredly at him.
-“ Yeah” you breathed out
Sean mirrored your smile and rolled on his side , passing one of his arms under you and he wrap the other around your middle, to bring you closer to him.
A blush crept onto your cheeks when your breast brushed againsthis chest and you put your arm over it to hide yourself while his arms were tightly wrapped around you.
You refused to look at him in the eyes but removed the arm that was hiding your boobs and put it around him. He moved a hand to your head and brought it against his chest so you could use him as a pillow. Sean put his cheek on the top of your head so he could also use you as his own pillow. But the position was quickly comprised because you moved your head up and he was forced to moved too.
You tilted your head up and pressed a kiss to his jaw. He closed his eyes again and hummed in content before looking down at you. His blue eyes piercing into yours making your cheeks redden for the umpteenth time today. After what happened you were still unsure of what to do and you were also wondering if it has been pleasant for him.
Sean opened his eyes and took your chin between his fingers, tilting your head back up so your mouths were at the same level. His nose brushed against yours and you closed your eyes, relaxing in his soft touch. He rubbed his nose with yours, earning a giggle from you. When the cute noise reached his ear  he tilted his head to the side and placed his lips at a mere inch from yours.
-“ I love you”
You smiled and bit your lip.
-“ I love you too” you said and finally closed the ridiculous gap between the two of you.
The kiss selling the promise of a passionate love that didn’t have any intention to fade away.
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helenpowers · 8 years
Erm...favorite light-hearted and comedic books to recommend? You should listen to the song "Candy Store" from Heathers the Musical and "Just Around the Corner" from The Addams Family (musical), 'cause I love them! Any advice on writing a romantic relationship for the first time, and how to make a friendship completely platonic with no wiggle room if possible? Top 5 pet peeves? xD
Oh my goodness, there is so much to go through here. Thank you. Also, I’m sorry that this took so long to post. The wifi stopped working on my bus for a while. 
My favorite lighthearted books to recommend are usually Rainbow Rowell books - in particular, Attachments and Fangirl are both lighthearted and funny. Magnolia by Kristi Cook is a really good one too. If you like stuff that’s fluffy, but has like no real substance then the first three books in the Selection series by Kiera Cass are quite good. 
I’m trying to listen to the songs right now, but spotify keeps cutting them off. I’m part way through Candy Store and LOVING IT. I’ve been meaning to listen to this soundtrack for a while, and this is just making me want to listen to it more. 
I will definitely listen to Just Around the Corner as well (and I’ll shoot you a cheeky message once I have so that we can talk about it ;) )
Writing romantic relationships for the first time is always going to be tough. I would highly, highly recommend reading some books with good romantic plots or subplots - familiarize yourself  with ways that it has been done successfully. Of course, this isn’t meant to be so that you can copy what has already been written, but you can learn so much just from reading those books. Personally Rainbow Rowell books have always had some of my favorite romances, so I can’t recommend her enough. 
Other tips for writing romance? Think about what you find romantic. What do other people find romantic? Use those things to your advantage. Taking your time to let the relationship grow is also a good thing. Leave lots of time for flirting and bantering. They don’t have to fall in love right away. They don’t have to become obsessed with each other (in fact, it’s probably better if they don’t, unless it is important for the plot). 
As for writing platonic relationships with leaving no wiggle room? It’s going to be basically impossible. No matter how hard you try to make it known that a relationship is completely platonic, there are always going to be people who read further into it or ship it. With that, you just have to remember that people will see whatever they see, and that’s fine. For example, in my novel Scarlett, almost everyone who has read it ships Scarlett with her friend Derek (at least a little bit) even though it is stressed over and over again that they are just friends. Like, even my editor was asking me if they were going to end up being a thing at all. It was funny, but they have great chemistry so I can understand why people see it, and why people want it to happen. Derek is precious.
However, again, I recommend looking into your own life, and how you act with your friends. I can guarantee that those interactions (or those kinds of interactions, at least) will come across just as genuine written down as they do in reality. Don’t shy away from making friends affectionate with each other just because you don’t want people to read them romantically. If they have a friendship that would be super affectionate, let them be affectionate.
Top 5 pet peeves. Are we talking just in writing/literature, or in life? I think I might do a combination of the two.
1. insta-love. Books with insta-love were great when I was like thirteen and I could completely suspend my disbelief and just gobble it up for all that it was. However, as I’ve gotten older, it’s become more and more annoying for me. I think this is a pretty common feeling now, as well (or at least it is in the booktube community).
2. I have a problem with things being super dirty. Things can be messy, I can handle messy, but when things start to get dirty, it really stresses me out. 
3. I hate when people talk down to me for any reason, but especially when it’s over something that I know I’m knowledgeable in. Sometimes it would be nice if people would sit back, take a breath, and actually listen to what is being said to them. A big part of this comes from the fact that I worked at McDonalds for three years, and let me tell you, the customers just do not respect you at all, let alone your job or what you have to say. 
4. I’ve realized lately that I am starting to get really tired of the super badass lady trope in young adult books. Not because badass ladies aren’t awesome, they are. I love myself some badass ladies. But I hate that for a girl to be badass, she has to lose her femininity. I want to see more badass ladies who kick butt while wearing dresses and makeup. You don’t have to be a dress hating, makeup hating, completely independent lady to be badass, and I think that is actually a super harmful idea to perpetuate. 
5. This is going to sound super strange and specific, but I really, really, really hate when books don’t use quotation marks to show that someone is talking. I had to read a book for one of my literature courses in University that did this, and it drove me up the wall. It’s practically impossible to tell when someone is talking or just thinking to themselves, and it’s also a lot harder to tell people apart when they are speaking. I don’t understand why this is a thing in some books. Please, please just use quotation marks.
And I think that’s everything! thank you so much for the ask. This kept me super busy for a while. Feel free to send more questions if you would like!
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