#also thank you vicky for the incredible plot i have done nothing with rip
pichitinha · 4 years
Hello sunshine! Please tell me about “forget potion” 👀
oh absolutely!
so a while back my best friend @vickytokio​ sent me a text in a frantic saying they had a very weird dream, explained it in very good details, and said they needed a fic with it, any couple
at the time i couldn't picture it but i've started to try to shape it for covinsky. basically it's like regular world and all but there's a potion that you can take when you break up/divorce etc to forget the person (at various levels, forgetting them completely, forgetting just the romantic part, etc). vicky gave a very specific plot which is what they dreamt had happened with them and their husband, and i'm not sure that's what i'm going with, but the whole idea has been floating on my mind since
won't say more bc it's very drafty yet and also i don't wanna spoil it, but that's the general concept
ask me about a draft!
read my posted fics
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