#also thank you in general to everyone who has sent me nice asks and questions!
chocodile · 24 days
Initially came because I saw the hot shark man ridge. Stayed for the masterful story you’re making. I love
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Thank you! Here's a bonus doodle of Ridge, as a treat.
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izvmimi · 6 months
All Roads Lead to Love? - Chapter IV
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cw: alcohol mention. melodramatic. Please see masterlist warnings. Masterlist
The highlight of your week is the fact that you get a single lead on your plan to manage little mister Minamoto based on a meta-analysis of management of children with time-bending quirks, and while it’s not exactly the same, it’s enough to give you hope that you won’t have to quell his uniqueness while keeping him safe. 
Pleased with yourself, you practically prance out of the door of your apartment, excited to meet your friends for Sunday brunch. You’ve agreed that this would be a boyfriend-free zone, which has relieved you of the concern of Camilla and Akira having to lock eyes again any longer than necessary, although perhaps it’s safer keeping you away from Katsuki than anything. There were a few things you weren’t particularly excited to forgive him for, particularly when it comes to how comfortable he was bullying Izuku in high school and being generally rude, but Runa swears he isn’t all that bad, and you reluctantly believe her. Watching him behave on television also supports the idea of maturity settling in and he was polite at your last reunion so you’re not unwilling to bury the hatchet after all. 
Your friends are chatting away, coffee and mimosas set at the table by the time you arrive. 
“Hey!” Runa beams as you slip into the seat just beside her. Camilla blows you a kiss, and you recognize a floral blouse from your last excursion already on her, as well as the earrings that look suspiciously like the ones promoted heavily by a jewelry shop Mirio did an ad for recently. 
“You started drinks without me,” you pout, but move on quickly, reaching for the menu before you. It’s an upscale place and quieter than you’re used to but are thankful for. 
“If you show up on time, there’ll be nothing to complain about!” Runa teases. You give her a sharp look, but she’s too busy deciding on something childish you’ll make fun of her for ordering. Camilla’s first question is how your dates went, and you grimace.
“Great,” you answer.
“Just great?” she repeats. You give her another look - you’re giving a lot of looks right now - and she raises her hands in defeat, then glances at Runa. Runa’s complexion is already deepening in color as she melts and you sigh. 
“Just say what you need to say,” you encourage her, and her eyes are practically watery.
“You mean it?” she asks.
“It’s not like if I say ‘don’t gush about Bakugou’ that’s gonna stop you in the next ten minutes so go ahead.” You say defeated. 
Camilla and Runa both laugh, and Runa tells you all about her date last night. You think again to the picture she sent and the bleached blonde haired girl with Izuku.
As if she can read your mind, Runa slips in that Izuku’s date and him didn’t hit it off at all, despite you not asking in the slightest.
“I mean not everyone has to fall in love with him,” you reply flippantly, and Camilla raises an eyebrow.
“That’s funny coming from Miss In-Every-Lifetime-But-This-One.”
Your eyes widen and you look to Runa who giggles.
“You told her.” Your voice is venomous, right hand tight around a butter knife. 
“You were going to tell her anyway, let’s be real.” Camilla replies. One part of you, deeply embarrassed and hot all over, wants to put her French toast up her nostril, the other, more sane part of you, realizes she’s right. Runa pats your shoulder. 
“I mean I understand. It’d be nice to see what that kid sees in other universes for me,” she jokes.
“I hope your destiny is Mineta,” you hiss. She looks shocked and you feel righteously satisfied. Popping a powdered pancake bite in your mouth, you ask, “how is he anyway?”
Brunch is shorter than usual, roughly about an hour of chatter about work, other friends, and love lives, but Camilla checks her clock and says she has to leave abruptly once the clock strikes 1 pm. Runa glances at her, and her excuse is made up just as fast.
“I forgot to feed my cat.”
You tilt your head at the both of them, but they’re hurrying up, and you’re kind enough to offer to foot the bill and get your money back from them later eventually. Camilla takes Runa��s hand quickly and ushers her out, and you give both of them a dumbfounded look but you receive a text message that distracts you while you wave them off, waiting for the waiter. 
Movie tonight?
Akira follows it up with a kissing dog emoji, and you snort through your nose. He hadn’t really apologized after your mini spat, and hadn’t replied to your good night text. This is presented as a peace offering, which makes you sigh. There’s no real reason to be mad at him however, so you choose to let it go, but you’re not ready to answer his text yet.
The waitress returns with another steaming cup of coffee instead of the check, which surprises you. 
“Oh, I actually didn’t order this drink-” you start but she looks confused, and you decide to laugh it off instead, nervous. You figure Camilla probably ordered something and accidentally forgot about it. Now forced to drink it as the waitress clears your other dishes, your mind drifts to your tenuous relationship and then, again your clones. 
Don’t let us convince you how to feel. 
Don’t let momentum steer you in the wrong direction.
You let out a sigh. 
When you look up, just like at the grocery store, just like at the open mic night, just like in your dreams a couple of nights ago, when the person chopping vegetables on your kitchen counter was not Akira, or another old fling, or even some random passerby in the street but Izuku, he is looking right at you again, surprised to meet eyes once again.
Your reaction is immediate and exaggerated.
The chair practically knocks over as you rise to your feet far too quickly, and Izuku is by your side too fast, unnaturally so, but you haven’t tipped over, and your coffee cup has rattled but hasn’t spilled.
“Hey, ___, are you okay-”
Your face turns to him and instead of shock, it’s anger. Your lower lip pulled between your teeth, eyebrows furrowed, annoyed, combative.
Izuku blinks. He didn't expect to see you here. All he had been told is that Runa wanted to meet him in person, for something, she didn’t specify what, but Katsuki had thought it wasn’t strange, and he was hoping just maybe that it was to help him out with you, and here you are, but here you’re clearly upset he’s around and…
“Why are you here?” you ask, the edge to your voice sharp as a knife. Your voice hasn’t raised, but it’s harsh; it’s not the you that politely avoids him, or nods disaffectedly to get him to stop talking to you. It’s direct, it’s mean.
He deflates.
“I… I was asked to come meet Runa here.”
You snort.
“Why won’t they fucking-”
You bite your lip again, and your nostrils flare, as you let your clenched fist drop by your side. Izuku doesn’t understand. What is it about him that you dislike so much that this scenario, him meeting you in a coffee shop after years of not speaking more than a few words, is simply unbearable to you?
“I, um… is she here?” Izuku asks. He’s taken a step back, and he’s looking around for his friend’s girlfriend and when you scoff, he turns back to look at you.
“Of course she isn’t here, did you really think-” you scoff again and cross your arms over your chest. Izuku’s eyes scan your closed posture, the fact that you’ve stopped looking at him, now looking away, barely noticing the glares and curious glances that you’re getting from other patrons now. You’re standing bone straight, planted and haven’t moved. He wants to ask you to sit, but it seems like that will only agitate you. You’re thinking about something, something distressing, he can tell, but he doesn’t know what.
“I-I’ll call her,” Izuku proposes. He pulls out his phone, but you’ve already grabbed your bag and are attempting to walk out the door. The waitress runs after you, yelling a “Miss, Miss, you forgot to pay,” which stops you in your tracks. He can see that you’re embarrassed now as you rummage through your purse, and Runa’s not picking up. He walks over, and offers.
“Hey, whatever the tab is, I can take care-”
Your voice is forceful and he naturally recoils. Again, that natural aversion to him that comes on so suddenly so naturally. He can’t remember the last time someone disliked him so much, not since he was in middle school and Katsuki wouldn’t let him breathe. He can feel his ears warm and his heart race as you pass a credit card to the waitress, who immediately leaves the scene sensing the tension.
Izuku tries again.
“Hey, I wasn’t trying to undermine you or anything but-”
Your eyes move to him again, and for the first time, you speak truthfully, the vitriol you’ve been holding in, festering for how many years, you can barely count, pouring out all at once.
“You need to get used to people not liking you.”
Izuku looks like he’s been hit, but the dam has broken, and you can’t hold it in anymore.
“I’ve been perfectly polite and cordial to you. I don’t know why you keep showing up. Stop being nice to me and leave me alone. I have a boyfriend and I’m not interested in making new friends. Please leave me be, no matter what my friends think.” Your words are whispered in semi-hushed tones and harsh, and the message harsher.
Izuku swallows hard, made pale, his heart pounding in his chest. Rejection hurts, but something about this feels different, as though he has been told no before knowing how to form the question correctly. He hasn’t asked you for anything all these years, not much more than acknowledgement, and it’s true -  you have given him that, you’ve been nothing but kind and cordial, just disinterested. The measure of a man is his ability to accept a no graciously. Izuku can do that. He can accept this shouted plea to disappear from your sight even if he doesn’t truly understand it. 
He has never understood you. He’s always wanted to, but perhaps the truth is that he can’t.
Izuku pulls at the collar of his shirt. He’s looking around, and you’ve had the kindness to not yell but eyes are on him again.
Izuku Midoriya, number one Pro Hero and Japan’s symbol of hope, being told to fuck off forever. He takes in a deep breath, fighting the urge to cry, unsure of why he’s so emotional these days, and why when he looks at your eyes specifically, he feels as though he’s being appraised for everything he’s worth. 
“Okay. I’m sorry.”
This breaks your heart. As Izuku turns to leave, you are already regretting your outburst, a lump now in your throat. You can remember every one of your love stories, seeing it written in the fabric hanging off his back for a moment and your head begins to spin.
You’re not following the script. There is no script. You have a boyfriend. You are happy. You don’t need him. You don’t even want him. 
Your clones are happy, but you are happy. The waitress returns and asks you to sign the check. Izuku sits at your table, and calls Runa again, and you depart.
Runa still doesn’t pick up.
Izuku’s so wired he’s practically sweating, and he can’t remember the last time he’s been set ablaze with embarrassment and even his last battle didn’t have his heart racing like this. 
She said no. She doesn’t want anything to do with you. People are allowed to dislike you, he repeats to himself over and over again, but it’s one thing to receive hate from anonymous commenters on online forums, or have an angry citizen spit in your face - it’s another entirely to have your longstanding high school crush reduce you to nothing in a room full of people.
People are staring at him, and it’s not unusual, but he has to leave. If someone were to ask him for an autograph right now, he just might implode into himself. 
Taking a deep breath in, he licks his wounds figuratively as he’s well-practiced over years. There will be other women, even if it won’t be you. After all, perhaps this is a rebound and splitting with Ochaco hurts him more than he thinks he does. How unfair of him to redirect unresolved feelings onto you, who are no longer much more than a stranger to him?
Izuku leaves the restaurant and can still see you, arms crossed as you wait for something, a taxi perhaps, and watches you for a moment. Your hands rub the side of your arms for comfort and while again, you’re mostly perfectly still, he can practically sense the unease wafting from your body. 
He’s the pushiest person he knows, but he knows better than to scare you. He should leave, and yet he remains transfixed in place, his heart pounding as he decides how to salvage the situation. 
It cannot be as simple as you having hated him all these years. He must have done something. He remembers a cheerful you, eager to hear whatever he had to say, excited to study his Quirk, playfully messing up his unruly hair, until suddenly you weren’t. After the meta war, you’d squeezed his hand and whispered a word of thanks when his body still hurt so much, days into recovery at the hospital, that he could barely feel or hear you, and then something changed.
You sigh and murmur something under your breath, and he tunes in, concentrating all his might to hear even the faintest of clues in your voice. 
“I’m going crazy. He didn’t deserve that.”
He didn’t deserve it, but Izuku is willing to bear it. For you.
Your heart skips a beat and half as you jump, then turn towards him. Stomach sinking deep, you remind yourself that you should have gotten further away, rather than hover right outside of the place you behaved poorly, but your mind was too full of thoughts that once the fresh air hit your face, you’d slowed down and let yourself recover.
“I’m sorry,” is the first thing that comes out of your mouth before he can say anything else, and then you look away, embarrassment overtaking your ability to look him in the eye. 
Izuku has his hands raised in peace as he approaches, and it’s practically ridiculous. There’s nothing you can do to hurt him, not in a million years, and you want to ask him to put his hands down, yet he has the right to protect himself the way he sees fit, you’ve only been hostile to him so far after all. 
“I feel like I’m overstepping here,” he starts, and you slowly shake your head, biting your lip, “but whatever… this is, it feels like more than indifference.”
Your eyes shift back to him, and he’s looking straight at you, and you finally register what he looks like in his entirety today. He’s dressed nicely but casually in a striped button-down and corduroy pants, as though he were joining you on brunch too, a welcome change from seeing him in his Hero suit or in a business suit for interviews. You can see a tiny bit of hair wax poorly distributed in a front lock you want so badly to fix and the deep concern for you drawn on his handsome features.
One of your greatest vices and virtues in life is your attention to detail.
You want to lie and say it’s nothing more than just a bad day, but your throat is suddenly dry. The sound of the cars passing and people bustling through the street going on with their lives continues to fill your ears, but seems to slow as you think.
There are five worlds where you’re far from indifferent to him. Where he is your everything. 
“How did I wrong you? I’ll apologize and make it right.”
And what would that lead to? You think of the ring on Red’s finger, the poorly-hidden baby bump Salty sported. You think of the affection with which your clones spoke of him, and then you think of Akira. 
You promised Akira he had nothing to worry about.
“You’ve done nothing, I just… My boyfriend gets uncomfortable when I talk to… Heroes.”
Izuku blinks for a moment, and you can see him exhale with his whole body, keeping his emotions in check. 
“... okay.”
He won’t argue with you about it, no matter how much it aggravates him. 
The lame excuse has an awful aftertaste, bitter on your tongue. The very implication that you’d stop talking to him because of a man is embarrassing enough, the fact that he won’t even bother arguing about it is somehow worse.
There is another pause where the two of you stand, and you make a terrible decision.
“There’s a good reason,” you add, finally. Izuku gives you a look and again your cheeks warm but you decide to push through. In a world of Quirks that literally bend the laws of physics, it’s not unreasonable for you to explain a disaster like this in the most clinical way possible.
“You have to keep an open mind.”
Izuku nods and for a moment, his soft demeanor disarms you. Your heart has stopped racing, and you look for the nearest coffee shop.
“Let’s sit down somewhere and I’ll explain. I have a lot to tell you.”
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not-poignant · 9 months
Hello! I read some of your reposts about importance of comments and that any can be usefull to self evaluation as author. My question - is it weird and uncomfortable if people bring too many personal problems commenting your fics? Like, do you distant yourself out from comments that bring a lot of person's drama, does it feel uplifting in the end, if comment is a lot about reader's not so happy history? Can you still feel joy from that kind of comment?Thanks for unswer if you do.Have a nice day!
Hi anon,
So, this is kind of complex. I would say the vast majority of people don't overshare at all, and when they are sharing from their lives, it's in a way that makes complete sense and is very 'contained.' I can tell they're not expecting emotional labour from me, and that they're sharing because they found a point of resonance between themselves, the story, the situation, or the character/s, or a combination of all of the above.
And like, that's a part of why I write, y'know? I want to strike up that sense of resonance in folks who relate to these characters, so when people share that it has resonated, that's like... purposeful and meaningful to me. I feel like I've made a connection. I also sometimes feel sorrowful - like when someone explains they relate to Efnisien because of abuse they've also experienced, or when someone explains that they relate to a character's chronic illness because of their own.
But I can also generally tell through tone and language that the commenter doesn't expect labour from me, they're speaking their pain into the world in a way that's like 'this is me, and here's this character, and we both share this thing in common.' In a perfect world, none of us would know what this kind of pain is like. In this world, a lot of us do, and we get to feel less alone when we read stories where we feel seen.
And that is, by and large, the general experience when readers share something personal that they resonated with in a comment.
That being said, I do also maintain very strong boundaries with people's personal matters, because I'm not someone who's 'healed and above all my own issues who is sharing what I've learned to people still going through it' I am someone who is still going through it. And often folks have no idea what kind of day I'm having or how I'm feeling when they comment, and so... on the very very rare occasion I do get a comment that feels like it's pushing for some kind of emotional labour that's beyond what I can give... I will not give that labour. I will acknowledge their comment, thank them for reading, and not...give energy I don't have to spare.
And like, honestly, 99 times out of 100, everyone is very respectful of that and even caring towards it.
I can probably count on like two hands, in ten years, the commenters who I felt had become very self-focused or what I felt was over-sharing in comments in a way that sort of...was no longer about me or the story, where they just treated the comment section as a diary instead. In those cases I tend to leave very brief acknowledgements, as a kind of 'I see this, I know this is painful, but this is not my lane, and I don't want this to be my lane.' But a more compassionate version of that.
If anything, the most personal stories, anon, come to me in Asks that are sent via Tumblr, off anonymous, so I can reply privately. These folks are usually very...aware that I might not be in the space to hear them, and are frankly the most 'if you don't have time or energy to reply please don't pressure yourself', so I feel no burden or obligation and that usually makes it easier to reply in my own time.
The ones that come to me via anon, I only reply to selectively, and that depends on a few factors. Some things are extremely personal and frankly I'm not comfortable replying because even if I did it would be to say 'I think a professional needs to handle this.' I've also - very rarely - had a few people do things that were not cool, to manipulate me into caretaking them, usually because they want the comfort feeling that one of my characters creates, and then from there thinks 'Pia made that character so they can give that to me instead.' This doesn't happen often, but it's very distinct when it does.
But that's rare! Super rare!
It might be that others read the comments of folks in fics and think 'I would never share those kinds of details about my life like that' and that's fine for them - but some folks do need to share, and want to feel seen because they felt seen during the fic, and I have no problems with that in general.
I have learned so so much about the human condition, about the fact that things that I thought literally no one would relate to are things that actually a lot of people relate to, etc. through the grace and vulnerability of the folks who comment on my fics with personal anecdotes or even just 'I've been through something like this, and I thought you showed it well / it's a painful thing to go through.'
I know a lot of authors wouldn't have much patience with that maybe? I don't know. I'm literally writing trauma recovery, mental illness and chronic illness, queerness and neurodivergence, and people going through tough times. I don't think an author ends up writing that stuff if they're generally not looking to make a connection with fellow folks who have also gone through some tough times! And even if I can't be those people's support systems, I think all of us having these ephemeral moments of effectively saying: 'Same bro' through the comments, is pretty powerful, and magical, actually.
Caveat: If a person brings personal problems into my fics with the expectation that I will then fix them, that's something I don't really do and don't enter into. That's where my boundaries are firm. Sometimes I won't even acknowledge those kinds of situations at all. If a person reads something for free and then seeks to obligate a complete stranger into being their support or therapist, there's a much bigger issue going on there that isn't my business, and I generally will maintain significant distance in those situations.
TL;DR - I don't think I'd write these stories if I didn't want to make connections with folks who have also gone through some hard times. The vast majority of people who bring up personal stuff aren't necessarily bringing me 'joy' - but I don't just look for joy in the comments, anon, I also look for connection, resonance, moments of feeling less alone, and sometimes that's not easy, but it's still very special. As for the very rare occasions where someone wants me to personally hold their hand, I step back, because a) that's not my job, and b) I don't think folks realise sometimes just how much proverbial hand-holding I need as well lol - I might sound like I have my shit together, but I do not.
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the-cheapskateler-show · 10 months
“We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a very important message…”
((Everything beyond this point is out of character!!))
Hello everyone, Cheapmod here! Many of you reading this probably have not met me, so hello! Nice to meet you! 👋 You can call me Py if you’d like!
Right off the bat, I just want to make sure nobody worries since this post got kinda long. Here’s the gist of it!: Cheap’s blog is going to be continuing! It has not ended, and it won’t be for some time. I want to thank you all for sticking around and giving this blog so much love, and I encourage you to seek out additional askblogs you would enjoy cause there are many out there to love!
Okay with that out of the way, some further context for that and other things I just wanted to take the chance to say while I’m speaking out of character.
First, Im so sorry to anybody who’s been worried about Cheap, the state of this blog or me. I promise, we are both okay and this blog is continuing!
I just took an unanounced break from ALL my projects to focus on approaching art and writing more healthily. I was on break for longer than I thought I might be but I have not stopped thinking of Cheap and all of you out there. I am planning on returning to bring Cheap back to everyone soon! As a heads up, I will be experimenting more with the art style for this blog just to see if I can make things a little more quick and fun for myself!
As for the esteemed host of the show, Cheap is doing just fine! Nothing has happened to him since the last update. I would like to note that the real life passage of time will not always affect him. I will need to take breaks like this every now and then for my own sake and other priorities. If that happens, we will generally pick up right where we left off! I’ve also got many fun and interesting things planned for this blog, so I couldn’t possibly stay away for too long!
Now for something very important…you guys!!
I cannot thank you all enough for the incredible reception Cheap has recieved!! It means so much more to me than I can possibly express in words and seeing every last bit of it has really warmed my heart 🥺 Thats why its very important that I come back and make sure all the wonderful questions, comments and compliments you’ve sent in are responded to and addressed in time!!
As WELL I am so delighted that I have been seeing some incredible pieces of fanart from you guys!!!! I REALLY want to thank you each individually as i have been doing so far!! The reason I haven’t said anything yet about any fanart is because I want to give each one the dedicated attention it deserves!!! And that will be coming soon and coming first with the continuation of the little intermission we started on for giving these works a highlight!
All fanmade creations will be tagged as: #viewer-art-showcase! and I encourage everyone to check out the pieces there and especially the artists behind them!! I will be providing a link to this tag for easy access in blog description soon after this post goes up.
Another thing I’d like to mention before I wrap up here is I am posting this on an significant day for Cheap! On this day, Nov. 26th 11 years ago, I started Cheap’s first blog! With some hiatuses and pauses in-between, Cheap will have been around for 11 years. I can hardly believe it! I’m very happy to be running his blog again with this little revival here and Im so happy I made a character who has had a chance to develop so much and endured as one of my favorite OCs. It is in large part thanks to all the support and attention he’s received through all these years across all his blogs that I bring him to you all today and im so grateful to all new and longterm fans. I hope you will all continue to enjoy Cheap’s shenanigans as much as I do! Thank you!!
Lastly, I just want to encourage everyone reading this to check out ANY of the other ask-blogs that Cheap interacts with on here! I realized its not very easy to visit these blogs due to the way i’m answering asks with screenshots, so I will go back and provide @ mentions and links to previous posts.
But better yet, there are SO many awesome askblogs out there to discover well outside his blog so make sure you don’t miss them!! A great place to check out is the #lerkimpails tag for new and returning askblogs! If there are any other newer specific tags for askblogs in use that you know of, feel free to drop those in the replies of this post-im still a bit of a fandom oldie here… heh heh.
There are so many creative askblogs out there to discover and meet and they can all always use more attention and asks. This fandom and even this little corner of it are what they are because of the collective efforts of everyone on this platform inspiring and supporting one another, so be sure to make others feel welcome and appreciated and just go enjoy what they have to offer!!
Thank you everyone for reading this far! I mostly want to leave the hosting on this blog to Cheap, so there wont be many OOC posts like this, unless theres anything i really gotta clarify. Still, you will find me around in the tags now and then for sure. 🦋✨
We will get this show a-rolling again real soon! Hope to see you all then!
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ryuichirou · 11 months
Piss-related questions
I could have named this post “latest comic related questions” or “toilet related questions” or even “urinating habits related questions” (piss headcanons??), but I just know I’ll never get an opportunity to name anything “piss-related questions” ever in my life again, so I’ll indulge myself this time.
But yeah, if you sent me an ask about our latest comic, I’ll reply to you here!
But first I want to mention that I’m super happy with how much you liked it. We had a completely shit-posting discussion about everything that’s going on in this comic after another piss-related comic we posted some time ago, so it’s kind of a sequel to that. I honestly thought that we wouldn’t do anything with it, because we, as always, have too much other stuff to draw, but we were having a really bad day and making a stupid comic felt like the only thing that was meant to happen that day (and I was emotionally incapable of drawing anything good).
We love making stupid stuff. And it’s always fun when other people find it funny lol
Alright, let’s boogie
Anonymous asked:
They literally just went to the comfort room just while Idia about to go his business XD. Also imagine that Azul, Jade, and Floyd only doing it because they are in the ocean and who knows where they did it. I feel like Ortho is glad he doesn't have to experience this problem from them given how insane they are doing it. Ruggie make sense given his environment.
Ortho really told Idia’s bottle-pissing secret to the worst people possible, the entire school knew about it after just 2 minutes lol Normally they would keep a secret to use it as blackmail, but the Tweels found it way too hilarious, and Azul found it way too scandalous to ignore…
Jade and Floyd really are kind of chaotic because of their oceanic background, but Azul really tries to be a proper good land-boy!
I want to make a joke about Savanaclaw boys having interesting habits in general, but I’ll stop myself.
And Ortho, well… he really is glad, he recorded a lot of useful data that day. Unfortunately. 😔
marisunnycest asked:
i love how vil's art style become simpler as he utters shameful, it really describe a deep feeling of i can't believe that guy is a house warden while pissing on bottles
Yessss lol Vil is SO DISAPPOINTED… He really felt powerless for a moment there.
Anonymous asked:
Wink wink
And the best thing? Everyone is going to think that it was Floyd who did it.
Anonymous asked:
I gotta know now....did Silver take after his father's unique bathroom philosophy....are Sebek and Malleus too prim for the shower....
Stay strong, Anon, I’m here, I’m with you.
Unfortunately, it’s very likely that Silver shares his father’s unique bathroom philosophy, as much as a lot of other things in life… He probably used to have an outhouse when he lived in the forest though, but then again, he also had the entire forest. “Remember, Silver, the world is your urinal” – Lilia Mufasa Vanrouge, possibly.
But Silver also doesn’t like it when Lilia pees in bottles. This just doesn’t feel right, so he’ll likely try to discipline his father about this…
Sebek has parents that taught him good manners though, so he would never… admit to it, but he does pee in the shower sometimes. But he’d be super ashamed to admit it.
Malleus doesn’t do it in the shower, and he is aware of Lilia’s philosophy. Just another Lilia-related thing for him to sigh about…
Anonymous asked:
The toilet/shower/(sink?!) comic is a lot haha! But now I wonder if Kalim uses the toilet, the shower or Jamil-? (Forgive me Jamil for making your life more miserable in my head)
I’m sorry, Anon! But also, thanks, I’m happy! lol
I see what you did there, and I wink back at you because yes, Jamil is a very nice alternative indeed. I’m not even sure if this is a kinky scenario or a completely cursed one… either could work terrifyingly well with these two lol
To answer your question, Kalim, surprisingly, uses the toilet. He doesn’t think twice about these things, this is just what he is used to! He is also a little bit squeamish sometimes at very random moments.
But then again, he has his own golden urinal in his dorm, of course he’s going to use it.
I actually drew Kalim-Jamil comic about this exact topic today…
Anonymous asked:
This question keeps haunting me ever since I saw your latest comic so here we go: where the heck does Lilia pee? (somehow I'm both curious and scared of the answer lol)
Anywhere and everywhere he finds convenient, Anon~ We’ll never know the full list, and this is truly for the best.
But he does share Idia’s habit of pissing in bottles and cans when he’s too busy or lazy. And if you try to address that, he’ll just say that he is used to way worse and that kids these days are way too precious about these things.
One person in our twitter comments also hinted that Lilia uses Idia and... yes
Anonymous asked:
real talk though, "sink" is such a valid answer. hear me out
I knew it. I knew we would find at least one person who would use a sink lol
Well, sink is just a very tall bidet… in a way… if you squint…
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zahri-melitor · 9 months
Crossposting but I just finished my 2023 Fic Roundup and Analysis.
I often end up doing these late, so look at me getting this out in January for once! (Didn’t want to put it out in December while I was still publishing)
Previous years: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
I like to ask myself some questions about what I've written in the past year. Here's my thoughts.
Stories published: 13
Fandoms published: 3 (technically if you look at my AO3 tagged fandoms for the year it’s 8, but I’m just going to group all the DCU together).
It’s ended up being my biggest year in terms of story output; being back in a fandom which is causing me brainrot as far as prompts go and where I have a bunch of mutuals has definitely been helpful for the writing. My longest finished fic ever is now 24,306 words, and I’ve cleared 40k this year. 
In terms of my all time stats: I’ve got three new stories in my top ten as far as kudos go (at 5,7 and 9 as I write this): all the Vorkosigan has dropped below 10th now.
Most popular story: there’s an endless road to rediscover. Given how I wrote this then fussed worrying for several months over what its reception would be, I’m glad it went well, especially as it was my first time tackling Damian characterisation and I wasn’t confident with him yet. It’s doing better than I expected, ranked next to everything else. 
Favourite story written: Um. Hmmm. Part of me wants to say Orange Juice, because I just really enjoyed how fast that one came together, but really it’s the picture frames have changed and so has your name, no question. My most ambitious project, the source of so much brainrot and theorising. The day I figured out how the solution to ‘what happened to Dick’ (because that was the last big moving piece that came together to make the story work - the solution) was a wonderful one, because I kicked my feet with delight and then had to work really really hard not to reveal the secret to everyone I immediately wanted to tell how clever I was. I was SO SMUG.
Best reception: the picture frames have changed and so has your name definitely gets the award here. Everyone was super nice about it, I got to see so much theorising, it’s currently sitting on 116 comment threads, and honestly all the support to push through and get it written was worth it. Came out so good! You were all really generous!
Favourite underrated story: Tea for Two. I just like the balance of how much stuff I layered into it and that it was detailed enough I sent someone who I KNOW is hugely into No Man’s Land scurrying off to the comics to check I had got certain details correct. It was a fun write with very specific goals to hit, and stylistically exactly what I like doing. I also love the concept of the Mother’s Day series and am thinking through what additions I want to make to it in 2024. 
Favourite title: I actually really enjoyed some of my title choices this year, but I absolutely cannot go past I’ll hold your memory in my hands tonight in terms of title. I came up with it, then I giggled, then I thought about how dark the joke was, then I giggled again. Helena held the thank you letter from Tim! Barbara held the plushie of Tim! Dick held Tim’s brain! I’m so awful.
Hardest story to name: bones of a dinosaur, bones of a city I honestly did not know what to call this story, so I ended up essentially opting out of naming it. I think it works, and has joined the storied realms of ‘story titles I’ve invented quotes for’.
Themes I noted in my stories this year: ‘Let’s write about mothers and sisters’ popped out a lot. There’s a lot of death (and discussions of deaths), which unfortunately ties back into the mothers and sisters thing. And a lot of Tim and his relationships with his older siblings: Dick, Barbara, Helena and Cass.
Commentary: well look who fell back into DC fandom and wrote fic. The bunnies attacked and the fandom itself enjoys short stories. On top of that I had, hmm, two ‘sort out the draft I have sitting here and publish it’ stories that went out this year. Becoming Miss Burgeson had been hanging around as an idea more than a story since I finished Invisible Sun in 2021, because not only is Rita Douglas a fascinating character, but also there are SO MANY identity shenanigans over the years in the Burgeson family. Erasmus’ comments on being a Burgeson in particular were the heart of the fic (because everyone forgets Erasmus ALSO is an assumed name). Nobody using the name was born into it and everyone chose to adopt it as a cover. Now Rita’s not nearly the most complex figure here (Miriam’s name situation is even wilder), but due to the complexities of Miriam/Helge’s names, Rita acquired three extra surnames by the transitive nature of being Miriam’s natural daughter. Actually I SHOULD sit down and work out what Rita’s braid name should actually be. I also dusted off Just Skate Figures enough to post the main bits of it, because I was tired of not having the Axel and Minami scene, at least, posted where other people could enjoy it. 
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outsiders-owen · 10 months
How are you doing! being out of prison and all must be nice!We can ask you questions now so i have a few. hope you dont mind!!!!
Whats it like being a demon? Do you have voices? Whats your biggest dream/what you do want to do most when out of here? What do you think would happen if someone other than Owen found you? What do you remember from before the maze? How do you cope with everything thats happened? do you regret pulling the lever? Do you miss anyone? Whats you favorite color?
Sorry i got excited! Im a HUGE fan.
-Salt voice
Oh! Um! I didn't realize I had fans, that's... something. This is... a lot!
Yeah, Salt Voice generally has the most to say out of all the voices.
...Is that a bad thing? Are they rude or something?
Oh, no, not at all. They just talk a lot. It's refreshing. The only two voices who are ever super rude are Vex Voice and The Other Voice- and also Last Voice, I think. I haven't seen The Other Voice in a long time though, and Vex Voice has left, I think.
Okay, um, about your questions:
Being a demon is just normal for me, just like being a... Voice, I guess, is normal for you, or being a human is normal for Owen.
I do have Voices! They're mostly pretty kind to me. I think I share some Voices with Owen, actually. Some others two.
Biggest dream... I want to live in a nice house. By the- by the ocean? A blue one! Facing west, so I can see the sunset.
You know what you're doing here. Stop. I can't- not right now.
I was just saying I wanted to live in a house by the ocean.
And I'm telling you that- before you lied, Apo, don't you remember? You always said that we'd live there together. And learn to paint. We'd paint sunsets. Apo, I know you mean well, but I just...
No. Okay, I get it, I get it. Let me just... answer the questions, yeah?
Apo, I didn't mean...
No, I know what you meant. I'm just going to finish talking to Salt Voice.
Your next question! I'm assuming you mean if someone other than Owen found me in his house... well, depending on who it is, one of three things would happen. I'd either be killed, sent back to prison, or they'd keep their mouth shut and help me out.
I don't remember a ton from before the maze, but what I do remember is really... muffled, I guess. I remember fishing, and a village, but that's kinda standard. I remember a war, I think? There's not a whole ton.
How do I cope with everything that happened... uh, I just... don't think about it much, I guess? I just kinda vibe. Pretend that everything is fine! It works for the most part.
Do I regret pulling the lever. I don't think I want to answer that question.
I miss a shit ton of people. I miss all my friends from the clearing who threw me under the bus as soon as they found out I pulled that lever. It really is true that everyone betrays you eventually.
Favorite color... I mean. It's basic, but red? I guess that makes sense, though. Thanks for all the questions!
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heaven-s-black-box · 2 months
Chips- Ensemble & Dan Feng's child!Reader
Return to File
Recovery date: July 15th, 2024
Description: Hello, I was reading your Dan Feng's child reader story and I was thinking about a different version where the heliobus takes the form of the reader's mother.
Notes: This work was recovered in conjunction with an anonymous researcher, we thank them for their contributions. Since reader doesn't have any memories of their mother this plays out more like that one ghost story with the guy and his dead wife than the possessions. Original is here. Prequel is here.
Word count: 928
Back to directory
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Dan Heng finds himself glaring at the woman two tables away; a woman who is certainly long dead. He was there, he went to her funeral, he visited her grave, and if she were a ghost, why now? Why come back now?
The woman seems completely absorbed in her book, absentmindedly snacking on a songlotus cake, but every so often she glances up and their eyes meet. She looks away just as quickly, but she also hasn’t left yet. Neither of them have left, despite Dan Heng having to order his fourth drink and she a second order of songlotus cakes.
They’d locked themselves in a stalemate, and Dan Heng was growing tired of it.
He downed the last of his drink and left, heading out onto the busy street.
It wasn’t until he turned onto a more deserted street that he picked up the second set of footsteps. They picked up in speed as the person ran towards him.
The Vidiyadhara drew his spear and leveled it under his pursuers chin, catching Caelus off guard. Both men stared at each other with wide eyes, and Dan Heng quickly backed down.
“Caelus, what are you doing?”
“Scaring you apparently? I’m trying to find a heliobus in the area, have you seen anything weird?”
“A heliobus?”
“Ya, they broke out of Fyxestroll garden and have been antagonizing people. They’re trying to get the General to-”
“We need to hurry,” Dan Heng cut him off, grabbing his friend's sleeve and dragging him back to the main street.
Despite Caelus’ persistent questioning as they dodged through the crowd, Dan Heng offered no explanation. He dragged him along as the ghost hunter tried to round up the rest of his squad, letting them track his location since Dan Heng wasn’t explaining anything.
Eventually, they skidded to a stop in front of a house. It was very nice, expensive looking, but not overly grand.
Dan Heng stepped up to the door, raising his fist to knock, and froze. Instead, he took out his phone and texted someone.
Faint footsteps could be heard through the door, and then it was opened by Jing Yuan who looked down at the men in confusion.
“Is Y/n here?” Dan Heng breathed out, still trying to catch his breath.
“They’re out back with Yanqing, why?”
“A heliobus has taken her form.”
“Who’s form?” Caelus asked.
Jing Yuan ignored him, instead waving them inside and directed them to the back door.
Dan Heng stopped by a window overlooking the backyard, leaving Caelus confused. Through the window, he watched a child running sword drills with Yanqing. Their ears were slightly pointed, and they had small horns and a tail that swished happily behind them. They looked almost like a Vidyadhara, but Caelus could tell something was different.
“They’re fine, Dan Heng, you needn’t worry. I’ll keep a close eye on them for now, I’m sure the heliobus intends to use them as a bartering chip to get me to fight Cirrus. That won’t happen, I won’t allow it.”
Caelus turned from the window to look at his friend and the General.
“Can I please get-” He was interrupted again, this time by a knock at the door and a ping on his phone. “Oh, the others are here.”
Jing Yuan sent them to the living room as he went to collect the rest of the guests. Once everyone was settled, he offered an explanation.
“We believe one of the heliobi have taken the form of an old friend of mine. Unfortunately there’s much about her I cannot disclose, what I can say is she had a child and that child is now under my care.”
“The kid practicing outside with Yanqing?”
The General nodded, “Y/n. Dan Heng believes the helibus intends to use this form to lure Y/n to Fyxestroll garden so that I will have no choice but to fight Cirrus.”
“Were they close with their mother?” Sushang asked.
Dan Heng found himself looking in their direction as he said, “They never knew either of their parents. It has left them with many questions, uncertainty the heliobus will likely look to exploit.”
“How do you know Y/n?” Caelus questioned. “I thought… you know.”
The vague allusion to Dan Heng’s exile, and the short time he’d spent imprisoned before it, went over the ghost hunters’ heads. Jing Yuan and the Vidyadhara himself, however, caught on.
“Jing Yuan told me about them, their mother was a friend of Dan Feng’s.”
A gross oversimplification.
The group fell into silence for a moment before Huohuo spoke.
“So how do we catch this heliobus?”
“We can’t just let the other heliobus roam free while we wait for this one to strike,” Guinaifen pointed out.
“You may resume your hunt, I will contact you if something comes up here.” Jing Yuan turned to Dan Heng. “You are welcome to stay here, I’m sure they’d love to meet you.”
Dan Heng’s brows furrowed slightly as he briefly considered the invitation. “They’re in good hands. You’ve done right by them so far, and I should be getting back to the express.” He turned to Caelus. “Let me know when you catch the heliobus, please.”
“Will do.”
Everyone cleared out of the General’s house, but Caelus lingered briefly at the door. Jing Yuan could sense the question coming, and beat him with an answer.
“Give him time, the matter of Y/n and Dan Feng is one… complicated. When he’s ready, I’m sure he will tell you.”
Caelus nodded, and bid him farewell.
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emilykaldwen · 6 months
I dont understand why ppl want to get spoilers (that anon worrying abt aegon cheating) for fics or things in general, like, just read on and all your questions will get answered..
You told anon that abby is the only person he truly deeply loved, and yeah its obvious when reading it, but I could also imagine aegon falling in love along the way with other people he engaged with sexually, doesn’t mean he doesn’t love abby still. Maybe the love for the others wasn’t as deep or true, but just bc he loves abby doesn’t mean he cant fall in love (at least a little) with someone else too.
To be honest it doesn’t really seem like it when reading, since he really seems to only have his eyes on abby (romantically) all those years, but it wouldn’t be impossible to sneak in a second love interest for him.. would you do that in Maiden?
First off, thank you everyone who has sent nice/kind messages to me re: Maiden. I really do love my story and the only interest I'm able to tell is people who leave me comments. Thank you for making me feel less like i'm shouting into the void.
People like spoilers because they're hungry for answers. Why do you think there's so much speculation about season two of house of the dragon? And the anon who asked for the heartbreak spoiler, I didn't mind giving because I don't consider it a spoiler. I say right in the story summary that Abby and Aegon will have a Happy Ending, because in this fandom, there are a lot of stories that follow the 'rocks fall and everyone dies' plot of the book. This story isn't. I have heard of people who have been blindsided by poorly tagged stories where they thought they were getting a happy ship ending only to have the canon character like, cheat and then brutalize the OC pairing they were in. I have no problem whatsoever answering questions like this.
As the author, I'm asking you, the reader, to invest your time and emotions into the story I'm crafting. I want you to care. I want you to come along the ride with me! But this is also a fun hobby, and I know if I were a reader and then had the rug pulled out from under me, I wouldn't feel great. This is fic. This is free. This isn't a book I bought. So no, I don't mind reassuring people that Abby and Aegon are going to be okay, and that the current arc that anon was going into wasn't going to go into infidelity. If there was cheating in the story, I absolutely would tag it that way because that's an appropriate trigger. Whatever Aegon is doing during the particular arc, I do not consider it infidelity. Abby and Aegon are betrothed by outside force, but they aren't committed to each other. They're operating on that 'assumption feeling'. And there's a difference.
I think people are so capable of falling in love more than once in their lives. The idea of 'the one soulmate' is romantic as a trope, but it doesn't always resonate, you know?
I have to tease you here, Anon, because you just chided the other anon for asking for spoilers, and then asked me for a spoiler here! But I will say I already answered this question in the fic! In chapter 5:
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And the love he had/thought he had for this person doesn't take away from his depth of feeling for Abby! No one person can be everything, and that's a thesis statement within the story. Aegon doesn't think he can be with Abby, so he was actively trying to move on from her!
I'm not sure if you're asking if I would consider this or if you're requesting this sort of plot. I do not take requests for plot in the story, and I hope this answered your question!
Thank you so much for your interest in Maiden! It really excites me to know that people enjoy the story, and I always love to hear about what you're enjoying and what questions you might have.
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Prompts are closed and I shall eagerly await next time as I am once again intrigued by the winding possibilities your writing provokes and in awe over your creativity and imagination! Hope you had fun with them all!
haha thank you! but it's not over quite yet. I still have about 30 prompts to fill over the next couple of days and I adore every single one thats been sent in. it really is an amazing experience to have so much opportunity to create and weave stories that stem from other peoples thoughts.
because while i can wonder what someone is hoping for, i know i'm never going to truly meet it and so it's this... it's this bridge of risk and reward, right?
because asking for a fic is also a risk in being disappointed and i appreciate people risking that with me.
it's why i try to remember to mention that i hope the prompter will like it. because they dont have to but i am hoping they will, it's nobodies job to like and appreciate my work, even if they've asked for a prompt. and if someone doesn't get what they want, they can always ask again more specifically. or they can avoid my page or block me if i accidentally traumatize them. and since most prompters are anon, there's no risk of public awkwardness in the risk.
and also sometimes people are worried about being judged, and sometimes the fear of being judged is more terrifying that the actual circumstances of it. i've used the anon button so many times myself because i was too nervous to use otherwise. i have social and generalized and paranoid anxiety btw so i curate my experience how i need it and hope others do too
wow i don't know the last time i slept but i have to be up in two hours so i'm gonna finish this up so i can crash since i'm going so far off the path that i'm a mountain goat.
basically uh yes, it is a lot of fun for me.
and i appreciate how many people are willing to participate and engage with me. i was not expecting how many responses i got today and it was really just, it was nice and it overflowed my brain with so much worldbuilding that I was able to zone out and just enjoy writing.
and while i do love getting comments and responses to my fics, i also am okay not getting them? i mean i prefer them but i know life is just really hard right now and everyone has limited energy and i really am just enjoying myself writing.
i'm writing to heal and lots of people read to heal. i had to take a few years of reading myself to get here
but also i am just a really tired insomiac nerd who is terrified of most social interaction but if you get me talking about a special interest i am a jackalope.
and malec has been a special interest and stayed one since 2017 which is the longest i've ever stayed interested in a pairing or fandom without dropping it for a few years. so i'm always happy for meta questions, head canon questions, specific au questions etc.
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the-black-bulls · 1 year
Hi there, friend! 😊 I hope you're doing well! You always find the most fun and interesting games! I'm really curious about your opinions so I hope it's okay if I send in a couple of characters for your character ask game. Please don't feel like you have to answer all of these if it's too much, but could you please answer: 2, 10, and 24 for Vanessa, 21, 25 and 26 for Finral, and 5, 16, and 22 for Charmy! Thank you so much!!💕
Send a character and a number/several numbers, and i'll answer:
yo! I'm doing amazing, thank you for the nice words! vanessa, finral and charmy are one of my favorite trios and I'd love to talk more about them! I'll save finral for another ask and tag you, if you don't mind, since he's been requested to me twice 👍
2. When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like)
the second I learned she was a full-blown witch I became a fan of her instantly because who doesn't love witches? however like many other black bulls I only started to love her in the underwater arc specifically when she stepped up to help asta and noelle against vetto, back then I told myself: "she's definitly the vice captain!!"
10. Describe the character in one sentence
red thread of love personified into a family-loving drunkard!
24. What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone?
no-no-no, no secrets at all, vanessa is an open book and doesn't shy away from sharing her secrets to the squad, be it the silly ones or the serious ones or the depressing ones... okay, so maybe that's a result of her excessive drinking, but keeping secrets in general makes her feel like choking and all nervous, and vanessa enoteca has enough claustrophobia in her bones to deal with as it is.
however she doesn't just share her secrets to anybody, she tends to be more talkative and honest with few members depending on how serious the secret in question is.
5. My favorite ship of them:
I'm very torn between charmy/yuno and charmy/rill, I love both ships for different reasons and I'd rather roll all three of them into one poly-ship than pick one over the other (also charmy/harem rules!)
16. A childhood headcanon
I'm a firm believer in the feral child charmy theory and I want you all to consider the headcanon of yami braiding her hair into what will be her iconic hairstyle :D (everyone shuts up and look at this!)
22. When do you think they were at their lowest?
I wouldn't say it's her lowest, but learning that she's a half dwarf with a monster wolf living inside her grimoire all of sudden has thrown her into a fit of existence crisis... and because charmy overracts to many, many things, the squad didn't take her seriously, all except for asta who helped her to get over this phase because he's also a far cry from your normal human being and has a freaking devil inside his grimoire.
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kurlyfrasier · 2 years
You said anything, right? So... I have two characters whoshare a friend group, one is very charismatic and everybody likes her. The other is more of a rich loner. He secretly like her, but the issue is... Never written any form of romance. I don't know how to say he has feelings for her subtly. I have no idea what I am doing, and you said ask you anything.
Hello Nonny!
I am honored you sent me such a lovely Ask!
First off, I am no professional. So I apologize if this answer is terrible/cheesy advice, or doesn't answer your question at all. Also, I apologize now, this got away from me and ended up being kinda long lol
From everything I've read: fanfics, published books, advice on Google, etc... - they all have one thing in common. "Show, don't tell." I know, seems vague, right? And can be a real struggle at times, but that seems to be the common denominator.
Second off, I live this reality lol sort of. My hubby just doesn't…really…like people…in general. So I've learned a lot just by being in a relationship with him and have learned that a man of few words speaks with his actions.
Now, if you're wanting something more specific, I have a few suggestions.
Your rich loner (may I call him Loner Boy?); is he awkward and shy? Is he confident in his abilities? (whatever they may be). Does he spend a lot of time with the girl? Or does he like her from afar? Maybe have him do something nice for the charismatic girl (whom I shall affectionately call Charisma) that she doesn't know about. He's rich, yes? Does Charisma like material things? Have Loner Boy buy her something. Heck, have him buy her something anyway, just to see if Charisma does like material things (maybe he'll learn something lol). She doesn't necessarily have to know in the moment that he bought it for her if you don't want her to. Maybe Loner Boy could do something as simple as carrying something for her. Doesn't necessarily have to be something heavy, especially if he's more on the lanky side (unless he's got super strength or a crazy cool prosthetic arm or something, of course- Wait. Does he have arms?) Is he naturally a nice person? Towards everyone? If not, being nice to Charisma would show his partiality.
I have a friend who love love loves the little touches: brush of the hand, accidental shoulder/leg bumps, that sort of thing-
OMG! Does Loner Boy like reading? Does Charisma like reading? I always find it funny when a guy reads a girl's favorite book (or vice versa) despite not being much of a reader/hating the genre LOL
Anyway... Maybe he writes poems about her in a journal and she ends up with it somehow? Or the same, but with a sketchbook.
Then there's always the things we can't control among things we don't even realize we're doing until it's too late: dilated eyes, the instinct to touch the other person, staring, smiles, awkward blabbering, leaning towards each other, finding everything about them to be amazing lol and so on.
I tend to base aspects of my characters off of people I know. For example, I told you my hubby speaks with his actions more than words. So, I ask myself (sometimes I ask him lol) what he would do in this situation.
With all that being said, I also follow @dearwriters (and many others who I can't think of at the moment, sorry guys) who posts some awesome stuff about writing who would likely, and is more qualified, to give better writing advice than me. Also, I Googled and found a few promising links: Romance 101, Not Schmaltzy, and 3 Great Ways. Take note; I did not read these lol I just thought they looked promising.
I hoped this helped at least a little! Thanks for the ask! And if you decide to post your story somewhere, let me know. I would love to read it! Or tag me if you post it here on Tumblr.
Most of all, have fun writing!
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starboard-devlog · 6 months
Post #8
Hello everyone!
It is finally time for a new update!!!!
What Have I got done in this time?
In the time from this post from the last I’ve managed to get 10 character’s reference sheet’s done which means all the important characters as of know have one! As well as making some minor and somewhat major design changes to some characters such as Marella who now has a whole new fit!
I’ve changed this woman’s design so many times at this point but I feel as if I have finally gotten on one I like the most!
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There was another character that I made a change to but I don’t believe I’ve even mentioned her on this blog yet! So I’d like to introduce the sister of Pint Gally!
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Gally will play a very important role in the story later on so watch out for that!!
I also wrote the background for Pint’s family and their town “Elsh”. Pint’s parents don’t really play a big role in the story for the most part, but are a catalyst for the story beginning in the first place!
Pint’s mother Gloria will show up again towards the end of the story, so it’ll be a while until you see her after her initial introduction.
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Also in this time I’ve been able to make the logo for Starboard!! I think it looks really nice.
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I also figured out in this time that if my estimate is right Starboard will be at least 9 chapters! The layout of the chapters being an opening from a different character’s perspective whom isn’t in the crew and then the rest of the chapter will return back to the crew and their shenanigans.
At the end of each chapter there will be another perspective switch but to Gally on her journey to find Pint after the events of the prologue.
I also really like the idea of there being a little intermission after each chapter for a little Q&A session with the characters from the comic where readers can ask the characters questions! I stole that idea from cucumber quest…
Also in this time I’ve been doing a lot of art for starboard in general, concept and potentially promotional.
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I’ve also considered making a Tiktok in this time to promote Starboard? I’m not really sure the best way to go about spreading the word, but Tiktok seems like a good place to do that.
So that may be coming soon potentially???
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But enough of all that, it’s time for the biggest announcement of this post!
The Big Thing
So in the time between now and the last blog post I’ve been cooking up a spin off of Starboard! Starboard: Sporadic Static.
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You may be wondering why I’m creating a spin off for a webcomic that’s not even out yet? Or what will this even be about? And those are good questions!!
So first, the reason I’m making Sporadic Static in the first place is to practice my comic creating skills as well as experimenting. I took that advice from every webcomic creator ever to create a smaller comic before making your big story. Also I thought it would be fun in the meantime before Starboard actually starts coming out!
But to answer the second question on what it’s even about, it’s about the characters Ambria, Hoity, and Jan! I’m sure that made a majority of people even more confused so let me elaborate.
Ambria is the sister of Marella and she has a small crew of 3 including herself. Their role in the main Starboard story is essentially to be an annoyance to the main crew as they’ll be attempting to sabotage them every chapter.
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Sporadic Static will be a non canon episodic comic where these 3 get into random nonsensical predicaments that I come up with in my head! The first part being about them being sent to a kitchen and simply being told to bake!
I think Sporadic Static will be a great time and I hope you enjoy reading it when it comes out.
But that rises the question of, when is Sporadic Static coming out? And the answer to that is, TOMORROW!!
The First Pages Starboard: Sporadic Static Are Coming March 30th!!!
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I hope to see you there!
(Links to the comic will be provided tomorrow)
Thanks for reading!
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sassypotatoe1 · 2 years
AITA for telling a contact that his press release is wrong and that it likely won't be published
It's all I'm anxiously thinking about so here's the tea. I also hate reddit so y'all can have it ig.
So this guy sends this press release (titled press realise) to me about his opera event which, according to this realise is the first opera event ever held at this venue (which is a huge old venue that has had many a concert) and it's just riddled with spelling and grammar mistakes and inflammatory statements that I can't verify. So naturally, I put the release through, but our fact checkers highlight factual errors and ask me to advise.
Now I don't have a clue about the things they noted, so I ask my editor what to do. She tells me to just ignore the whole thing because it wasn't even sent to her.
Me being me, I decided to be nice and let the guy know that he won't be seeing his release in the paper and why. I try my best to be kind and professional and neutral. He responds with "this is personal, what's your name?" and given his terrible grammar before I figured he meant impersonal because I didn't give him my name and so I give him my name, he says thank you, and I say "of course". Because I think he meant impersonal and was just genuinely thankful that I introduced myself.
Then, he tells me his realise was signed off on and to contact the event manager because she will vouch for him. I don't have the event manager's contact details, but I do have a general manager, so I ask her to get someone to check the release for factual errors and make corrections. She directs me to the event and entertainment coordinator who tells me he never saw the release and will send it to his team for corrections.
Naturally, wanting to assure this guy, I told him that I verified his claim and that I will be getting an official release from the venue, but that I'm not sure it will be published because we prefer to publish municipal releases and some other stuff, and he would have more assurance it would be published if he submitted it as an event for the event calendar, or took out a paid ad in the newspaper.
He then goes on this tirade talking about how I want to undermine him and sow doubt "which I deed" according to him, and how if I did my homework I would have known not to attack him, and how he knows who my racist source is, which of course makes no sense to me because I didn't have contact with anyone who meant to ruin his reputation and I would show them away quite rudely if they tried.
So I tell him that I understand his grievances and that he can direct them to my editor if he wishes and that I never intended to undermine or attack him. I think it's all over and my editor would have my back because this whole time I've been trying to do what she told me and to remain professional and courteous.
Apparently not, because although everyone in my life who saw the screenshots of the entire conversation thinks I'm in the right and that I remained professional, my editor, the regional editor, and the national editor all think I was arrogant and that my behavior was unacceptable.
So basically, my question is, should I have just ignored it from the start and let my editor handle it, or am I not the asshole?
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americasass91 · 3 years
The Shield and the Sweater
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Hello lovelies! This little fic came to me when the lovely, beautiful, talented @stargazingfangirl18​ asked a very important question on her blog. Would you rather be enemies to lovers with Steve Rogers or friends with benefits with Ransom Drysdale. Well my greedy ass wanted both. Thus the birth of this story. I also turned it around a little to make it fit into Siri’s 5k Soft Dark Challenge! I’ve never written anything dark before. Also not sure if this classifies as soft!dark or if it’s more dark. But it’s one of those! If that makes you uncomfortable, then please don’t read it. This is also my first time writing a threesome, so let me know if it sucks! I hope you enjoy it! 😘
General prompts:
8)The town golden boy isn’t as sweet as everyone thinks.
Dialogue prompts:
3)”Oh, honey, you weren’t supposed to see that.”
11)”I’ve waited a long time for this, sweetheart.”
Rating: Explicit(if you’re under 18, please leave)
Words: 6.2k(this one got away from me, sorry)
Warnings: soft!dark/dark themes, unprotected sex, anal sex, vaginal sex, threesome(M/M/F), manipulation, language, model!Ransom being an asshole, Steve not being who you think he is
“And I really think if everyone pitches in to make these changes, it’ll really make a difference in the long run.”
Wow, so this is how you were going to die. In your whole 20 something years of existence, you never thought boredom would be your cause of death.
Sure, you were the lead Accountant at Stark Tower and these monthly meetings were mandatory. But did you really have to be here to listen to Rogers go on and on about how we can ‘improve our working environment’? Why did he even care anyway? He was barely ever here as it is.
You must have been zoning out worse than you thought because next thing you know your coworker, Janet, is poking you in the side and pointing towards Steve.
With a quick glare sent her way, you move your gaze to the Captain. He is giving you the same look he always does. Like he’s disgusted with you. “I’m sorry Miss Y/L/N. Am I boring you?”
A scoff escapes your mouth. “No, not at all Captain Rogers. I just love when people who are never here seem to always have an opinion on how things are run and how they could be better.”
He narrows his eyes at you. “Do you have a problem with me, Y/N? Cause if you do, I’m sure there’s a way to solve that.”
You stand up and match his expression. You lean forward with your hands resting on the table. You can’t help but notice the Captain drops his gaze to your cleavage that’s now on more display than before. But just as quick as it was there, his gaze rises back up to meet your face. “Is that a threat, Captain Rogers?”
“Oh, it’s more than a-“
Tony quickly stands up and claps his hands together. “Okay! Meeting adjourned! You two, come here!”
You quickly straighten yourself up and make your way over to Tony. You always try to make sure you show him as much respect as you can. He’s your boss after all.
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Stark. My emotions got the better of me. It won’t happen again.”
He nods to you. “Thank you, Y/N. I accept your apology. But what I’m not understanding is why Steve here wanted to fire you?”
You both turn to look at Steve who has a sheepish expression on his face. “Yeah, sorry about that, Tony. She just seems to bring out this ugly side of me. I’ll try to keep it more contained next time.” He then moves his gaze to you. “Sorry, Y/N. I promise to be more professional moving forward.”
He makes a quick exit, leaving you shocked that he apologized at all. Ever since you started here almost a year ago now, you’ve been at each other’s throats. It was your fault really.
It was your first week and you were in the break room grabbing some coffee when you overheard a few of your coworkers making fun of Steve for being a virgin. Now, you weren’t sure if it was true but you wanted to fit in so you made your way over to the group and asked if anyone calls him Captain Virgin. That earned you some big laughs. But the laughter died down quickly as Steve entered the room to grab some coffee. Judging by the glare he gave you, he heard what you had called him.
You went straight to Tony after that to apologize. You really didn’t want to get fired. But you wanted to make sure Tony heard the story from you before Steve got the chance to talk to him. To your utter surprise, Tony found the name hilarious and gave you a high five, saying you were going to fit right in.
Well long story short, it’s almost a year later and Steve is still getting called Captain Virgin. Oh but don’t worry, he has names of his own for you. His favorite is Tony’s Pet. For some reason, it really eats at you when he calls you that.
But the one thing you hate the most about Steve?
Is how utterly, hopelessly, and desperately attracted you are to the son of a bitch.
That happened in your second week when you went to use the complimentary gym and saw him beating the shit out of some poor punching bag. Your panties and your workout were definitely ruined after that.
The more you fought with Steve, the more you just wanted him to bend you over any surface and have his way with you.  
It was despicable how horny you were for him. You were pretty sure all he’d have to do is snap his fingers and point to the floor in front of him and you’d happily drop to your knees and take him down your throat.
So that left you leaving work every day in a horny state. You started by taking care of it yourself when you got home. But after a while even that wasn’t cutting it. Then you started bringing home one night stands. But after the 4th disappointing non-orgasm, you gave up and just learned to live with it.
Sure, you could attempt to start being nice to Steve and maybe ask him out. But you were pretty sure he hated you. Plus you have way too much pride to actually do that.
So that leads to now. It’s Friday night and your workday is almost over. You’re inputting the last few numbers from the last expense report in your pile.
You get the last number put in when Janet approaches you. She sits on the corner of your desk. “So, you coming tonight?”
You take your glasses off and lean back in your chair, stretching your arms over your head. “Coming where?”
She rolls her eyes at you. “Oh, come on Y/N! You know we go out almost every Friday night. You never come and you always say you will!”
You start to clear off your desk and put things back in their place. “Yeah well I could. Or I could go home and sit on my ass and do nothing.”
“Well, that explains why it’s looking a bit bigger lately.”
Janet’s jaw drops as she directs her gaze at Steve, who is now standing in front of your desk.
You smirk and lean on your elbows towards him. “You like looking at my ass, Rogers?”
He scoffs. “Well when it takes up that much space, it’s hard not to notice. But here, I came to give you this.”
He hands you what looks to be a 10 page expense report. “Sorry it’s late, I’ve been busy, you know. Saving the world.”
You ungraciously take it from him and throw it in your to-do pile. “That can wait until Monday. I’ve got plans. We’re going to-” you look towards Janet for clarification. “Lavo.” You turn your gaze back to Steve. “Yeah, we’re going to Lavo. So this will wait til Monday if that’s okay with you, sir.”
Steve does his best to move his bag and jacket subtly towards the front of his pants so you won’t notice his growing hard-on. He hates how turned on he gets when you guys get into it. And then you call him sir? Jesus. He clears his throat. “Of course, I'm the one who turned it in at the last minute.”
Janet speaks up quickly. “You could always come with us! It’ll be fun!”
You grin widely at him. “Yeah! You could finally get your cherry popped, Captain Virgin.”
Steve can’t help the blush that covers his cheeks. “Uh, I can assure you my cherry has been popped since the 40’s. But thank you for your concern. And thank you for the invite, Janet. But i think I’ll stay in tonight.” He takes out his phone and sends a quick text before turning around and walking towards the elevators.
Wow. He didn’t even try to retaliate. You shrug your shoulders and grab your purse before standing up. “Alright, I’ll go! But on one condition!”
Janet claps her hands in excitement and starts walking with you towards the elevators. “Sure, anything!”
You press the button for the lobby. “You are going to be my wingwoman. Cause this girl definitely needs to get laid.”
Lavo is super packed by the time you guys arrive. Of course you all had to go home and change.
You decided to go with a simple, yet effective, little black dress that showed off just enough to get men’s attention.
Thankfully you are able to score the last table. The waiter comes over and gets everyone’s drink order. You decide to stick with your favorite. You don’t want to get too drunk on the off chance you find someone to take home.
About a half hour into hot office gossip, Lucy, who is sitting across from you, taps your arm. You raise your eyebrows in question towards her.
She subtly nods her head towards the bar. “Okay I’m pretty sure the hottest guy I have ever seen is checking you out.”
You can’t help the smirk that crosses your face. “Yeah? Which one?”
“You can’t miss him. He’s fucking hot. Like no comparison to any of the other dudes sitting up there.”
You glance down at your drink and quickly finish the remainder. You stand up and adjust your dress, pushing up your breasts in the process. “Well, then I guess it’s time for a refill.” You wink and turn to make your way towards the bar.
It doesn’t take long for you to spot him. And boy was Lucy not kidding. He was fucking hot. Brown hair, blue eyes, and a smug smirk that would normally turn you off. But on him it worked. And who even looks that good in a fucking cream colored cable knit?
You go up to the bar, not too close to Mr. Hottie of course, and patiently wait for the bartender.
Hottie McHothot not so subtly moves his gaze up and down your body. He must like what he sees. “Hey honey, have you ever raised chickens?”
Uh. That’s definitely not the first thing you expected to come out of his mouth. You look over at him with confusion on your face. “Uh, no. Why do you ask?”
He just shrugs his shoulders. “Just kinda figured you might. Cause you sure can raise a cock.”
Okay, you’ve definitely never heard that line before. You crack up. You’re pretty sure you even snorted on accident. Once you collect yourself you ask, “Has that line ever worked for you?”
The bartender makes his way over to take your order. After reordering what you had before, you turn towards Hottie and wait for his answer.
“Not sure, my buddy told it to me yesterday so this is the first time I’m using it. Did it work?”
You shrug your shoulders. “I don’t know. It was pretty cheesy.”
“Yeah, maybe. But it got you to laugh. So I’d say mission accomplished. Name’s Ransom. What’s yours, pretty girl?” He holds out his hand for you to shake.
Ransom. Now where have you heard that name before? You accept his hand shake. You can’t help but notice how much bigger his hands are than yours. Jesus. You could already feel your panties getting wet.
“My name’s Y/N. Ransom, that sounds familiar. Do I know you?”
He releases your hand and goes to take a sip of his bourbon. “Well, I guess that depends. Do you read magazines or have you seen the side of the city bus lately?”
You quickly wrack your brain. You don’t read many magazines. But the bus drives by you everyday on your walk to work. Holy shit! That’s it! He’s in his underwear on the side of the bus. You’ve drooled over that picture plenty of times.
“Oh, yeah! I remember now! I’ve seen you on the bus! What’s it an ad for? I can never really get past the almost naked man. A bit distracting on my way to work.”
He smirks as he briefly glances down at your breasts. “I’m glad you know my work. It’s an ad for Calvin Klein. For their new line of men’s briefs. Sorry I’ve been a distraction.” He sends you a wink.
Fuck. He was a model. And a popular one at that if he’s in an ad for Calvin Klein.
“I didn’t say I minded. You can make it up to me you know.” You wink back. Holy shit. Were you really flirting with a model?
“Yeah? Well, how about we get out of here and I’ll show you a fully naked man.”
Okay. Cheesy line number 2. Was that really going to work on you?
Yes it was.
“Let me just go grab my purse.”
Drink forgotten, you go back to your table as quickly as you can without looking desperate. “Sorry, girls. But this is where I leave you.”
Janet glances down at her phone. “We haven’t even been here an hour yet! Where are you going?”
You send her a wink. “I’m leaving with that guy! You guys know him! Remember that ad on the side of the bus?”
They all turn their gaze to him. And they all make it very obvious. He just waves and sends them a smirk.
“Holy fucking shit! That’s the new Calvin Klein guy! Oh my god you lucky bitch!”
“Wait! Listen. We’ll let you go on one condition.”
You furrow your brows in confusion. “Okay?”
Janet gives you a naughty smirk. “On Monday I’ll need a report on if they had to stuff his briefs to get that delicious looking bulge or not.”
You give her a naughty smirk of your own. “I can totally do that.”
Monday morning you were all smiles as you stepped off the elevator and headed towards your desk. You give Janet a wink as you pass by her. She quickly makes her way over just as you sit down. “Um, excuse me hoe. But is that the same dress you were wearing Friday night?”
You quickly grab the cardigan you always keep in your desk out and put it on and button it up, attempting to look a little more professional. “Maybe.”
Janet opens her mouth in shock. “You stayed the whole weekend with him? You little slut! How was it?”
You turn on your computer and grab for the expense report of Steve’s you left in your to-do pile. Then you turn towards your nosy coworker. “Well, if you must know, yes. I did stay the whole weekend with him. And I’m pretty sure I was in an orgasm-induced coma the whole time. It’s all kind of a rough, sticky, mind-blowing blur.”
“Are you going to see him again?”
You shrug your shoulders as you put in your login information on the computer. “I haven’t decided yet. While the sex was the best I’ve ever had, he’s kind of an ass. Talked about himself and all the famous people he’s hooked up with since becoming a model. I honestly kept initiating sex just to make him shut up.”
She gives you a look like you’re stupid. “I’m not seeing the issue here. So what if he talks about himself a lot? The sex was amazing. You need to lock that down girl.”
You roll your eyes at her. “That’s the thing, Janet. He doesn’t do relationships. He told me so multiple times. Plus I’m pretty sure he was texting another chick in between our ‘sessions’. I suppose if I’m desperate, I’ll get a hold of him.”
“You know you could always just have him on backup for sex. Like a friends with benefits situation.”
“Janet, I’m in my late 20s. I’m too old for that kind of relationship.”
“Exactly, you’re in your late 20s! This is the perfect time for that kind of relationship before you settle down and get married! Have one last final hoorah!”
“I can’t have this conversation before caffeine. I’m going to get coffee. You act like I’m dying soon or something.” You turn to walk away but then remember you were supposed to tell her something. “Oh yeah and by the way. The bulge is definitely not stuffed.”
You give her a wink and then head to the break room for some much needed coffee. When you see who’s in there, you almost contemplate going downstairs to a different break room.
Steve is standing at the counter, preparing his coffee. He turns when he hears you come in and gives you a once over. “Well, look what the cat dragged in.”
You grab a mug out of the cabinet beside him. “Sorry my appearance isn’t up to your standards today, Rogers. I was a little...busy this weekend.”
He takes a sip of his coffee to make sure it’s right. Then he moves out of your way so you can get to the coffee, but still staying close. “Busy getting run over by a truck? Cause that’s kind of what you look like.”
You pour yourself a generous amount of coffee and take a long sip, letting the bitter liquid slowly make you human. “Yeah, well. I was busy getting fucked all weekend, Rogers. But I know your little innocent mind wouldn’t know what that’s like.”
That wipes the stupid little smirk right off his face. He almost looks pissed. He moves even closer to you. Almost pressing himself right up against you. So close that you can smell his coffee-scented breath. If you were wearing panties, they’d be ruined.
“Not all of us feel the need to sleep around. Some of us are looking for a real connection. Not just a one night stand of meaningless, mediocre sex.”
You press yourself just a little closer to him, his chest now touching yours. “Oh, it was anything but mediocre. Maybe if you actually got some, you’d know what that feels like.”
He leans his head down until his mouth is next to your ear, his left hand now resting on your hip. “You really need to stop insinuating that I’m a virgin sweetheart. If you were nicer to me, I’d show you that I know how to fuck.” With that he backs up and heads out of the break room.
You let out the breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding. Jesus Christ. You swear you almost came.
And if you were nicer to him? Fuck him. He’s not nice to you either. That’s okay. You have someone who can scratch this itch.
You pull out your phone and send a quick text.
To: Fuckboi
You busy tonight? I could really use a release.
The reply came almost immediately.
From: Fuckboi
Didn’t get enough of my cock this weekend huh? I suppose I could make myself available.
You roll your eyes and quickly reply with your address and what time to be over.
The rest of the day passes by slowly. It takes you half the day to enter Steve’s expense report. God he’s descriptive. At least it’s completed. You can’t really say that much for the other Avengers. They usually half assed them and made them barely acceptable.
You are shutting down for the day when Steve approaches your desk. You remove your glasses and look at him expectantly. “Is there something I can help you with, Steve?”
A blush creeps it’s way across his cheeks. “Um, I was actually just wondering if you had time to go over the new expense report forms? They should be a lot easier to fill out.”
You glance down at the clock on your computer. Ransom is going to be at your place in about 20 minutes.“Can we do it tomorrow? I have company that’ll be showing up at my apartment in like 20 minutes.”
His hopeful smile falls. His face is now unreadable. “Would your company happen to be whoever you spent the weekend with?”
Confused, you grab for your purse after getting your computer shut down. “Actually, yes. Should I have asked your permission first?” You attempt a joke to ease the sudden tension.
He pulls out his phone and starts typing furiously. Wow. You weren’t aware he knew how to text. You hear it ping with a reply before he angrily puts it back in his pocket. “Sure, we can do this tomorrow. Wouldn’t want to get in the way of your whoreing around.”
Your jaw drops in surprise. Sure you guys were always throwing jabs at each other. But he’d never said anything like this before. And in such a mean tone.
You round your desk and stand right in front of him. “Fuck you, Steve.”
You hurry towards the elevators before he can see the tears that have welled up. You couldn’t let him know he had that power over you. Asshole. Thank god Ransom was coming over. Hopefully he could fuck what Steve just said right out of your head.
You’ve lost count of how many orgasms Ransom has pulled from you with his mouth when there’s a knock on your door.
Ransom looks up at you from his kneeling position on your living room floor. “Did you invite someone else to join us, pretty girl?”
You scoff and push him away so you can stand up. You pull your dress down as you make your way towards the door. “Yeah. I can barely handle just you. I’m pretty sure if we added someone else, I’d actually die.”
You open the door and gasp in surprise. “Steve? What are you doing here?”
He rubs the back of his neck nervously. “Look, I know you probably already have company but I felt really bad about what I said to you earlier today and wanted to apologize.”
You have so many questions. “How did you know where I lived?”
That sheepish smile makes its appearance again. “I may or may not have looked in your employee file.”
You shake your head. “And you felt the need to come all the way here and apologize? Why not just text me?”
“It would only have felt right to me to do it in person. I really am sor-”
You feel a pair of arms wrap around you from behind. “Well, who do we have here? Why is Captain America at your door?”
You turn your head to address Ransom. “He just came by to apologize to me. I think he was just leaving.”
Steve has a disappointed look on his face. “Yeah, I suppose I was.”
“Awe, what a shame. I thought you were gonna ask him to join us, pretty girl.”
Steve’s eyes grow wide at the thought. You quickly speak up. “No, I don’t think he’d be comfortable with that. He’s a little old fashioned.” You give him a sincere smile. You didn't think that was a bad thing.
Steve looks back towards the elevators and then back to you. He clears his throat. “What if I wanted to join you?” Seeing your wide eyed look, he quickly adds, “Only if Y/N would be comfortable with that of course.”
You contemplate what the consequences could be in your head. But then you get distracted when Ransom starts grinding his hard on against your ass. “Come on, pretty girl. Make a decision.”
The next word comes out of your mouth faster than what your brain can process. “Okay.”
Now you were standing awkwardly in your bedroom with Steve and Ransom looking at you expectantly.
You’ve never done this before so you’re not sure how this is supposed to go. “So, um. How do we start exactly?”
Ransom smirks and comes up behind you. “I think you should call the shots, pretty girl. If you’re okay with that, Steve?”
With the mention of his name, he walks towards you and places his hands on your hips. “I think that’s a great idea. Can I kiss you now?” He places his hand under your chin and raises your face up to meet his. “I’ve waited a long time for this, sweetheart.” With that, his lips meet yours. It’s explosive. You quickly wrap your hands around his neck and press yourself up against him.
You get so lost in the kiss, you forget that Ransom is there. That is until he presses his lips against your neck and presses himself against your ass. It presses you even further against Steve, making you feel his excitement against your lower belly.
You’re so overwhelmed already and you’d barely started. You may not survive this evening.
As you move your hands down to remove Steve’s shirt, Ransom is unzipping your dress, pressing kisses to every inch of exposed skin.
Without breaking the kiss, Steve moves his hands around to unhook your bra so he can get his hands on your breasts. He pinches your nipples, causing you to moan into his mouth. He moves his lips to your neck, sucking on your pulse point.
After successfully removing your dress, Ransom stands back up and turns your head to connect your lips. He starts rutting his clothed hard on against your naked ass. His left hand reaches around to bat one of Steve’s away so he can squeeze your breast.
Steve takes the hand that had been swatted away and moves it down to your soaking wet core. He starts lightly circling your clit. Just enough pressure to make you mewl.
You reach behind you with your left hand and tug at the waistband of Ransom’s briefs. “Off.” You moan out as you take your right hand and start attempting to take off Steve’s jeans. He smirks into your neck and helps you out. He barely gets them unbuttoned and unzipped before you’re reaching your hand into them and his boxers to grab his cock. It feels big.
Ransom grabs your left hand and places it on his now free cock. You wrap your hand around it and give it a squeeze before you start pumping your hand up and down. You do the same to Steve’s, making the both of them let out grunts against both sides of your neck. Steve increases the pressure on your clit a little. Still not enough.
“Nee-need, you. Please.” You weakly moan out. Ransom moves his mouth up to your ear. “How do you want us, pretty girl?”
You reluctantly pull away from both of them so you can think. You decide to be greedy. You point to Steve. “I want you to lay on the bed, please.”
He does as you ask. Putting his hands behind his head as he awaits further instructions.
You get on the bed and straddle him. You turn around and reach your arm out for Ransom. “Want you behind me.” You lean over and open your bedside drawer to grab the lube and toss it at Ransom. He smirks as he straddles Steve’s legs and gets behind you. He uncaps the lube and starts coating his cock with a generous amount. “Need my cock in that ass, pretty girl?”
You hold up your hand. “Wait.” You lean down towards Steve and give him a quick kiss. “Are you okay with this?”
He nods his head. “As long as you are.” You raise back up and smile at him. You turn your head and look at Ransom. “I’m assuming you're okay with this?”
He just smirks and squeezes some lube out so that it slides down the crack of your ass. “More than okay, pretty girl. Need me to stretch you out first?”
You smirk and pull him in for a quick, filthy kiss. “I think it got plenty stretched out this weekend.”
He matches your smirk. “You little slut. Wanting both of our cocks stuffing you full.”
You whimper as he lands a smack on your ass. Leaning up on your knees, you grab a hold of Steve’s cock and start running his tip up and down your folds. He places his left hand on your right hip and his right hand on your left thigh. “Condom?”
You quickly shake your head and pause your actions. “On the pill. Unless of course you’d be more comfortable with one.”
He shakes his head. “No, just making sure.”
You turn back to Ransom. “I’ll let you know when I’m ready for you.”
He nods and places his hands on your shoulders, waiting somewhat patiently.
You slowly sink down on Steve’s cock. He’s stretching you out so deliciously. It burns in just the right way. Ransom may be longer, but Steve is definitely thicker.
After you get fully seated on him, you take a minute to adjust. It only takes a few seconds. You turn your head towards Ransom. “Okay, I’m ready.”
He removes his right hand from your shoulder and grabs the base of his cock and starts pressing against the tight ring of muscle. He’d been in there a lot over the weekend. But it was still a tight fit regardless. He doesn’t go as slow and sheaths himself to the hilt, causing you to moan out in slight pain and pleasure.
Holy fuck. You feel so full. You think you might die. That is until Ransom removes his cock until just the tip remains and then forcefully thrust back in, causing you to grind on Steve’s dick.
Steve grunts out from the movement and starts thrusting up into you the best he can from his position. Ransom wraps his left arm around you and continues his thrusts, not letting up his pace. You don’t even really have to move, the both of them doing it for you. They somehow find the perfect rhythm. Each of them pulling out and pushing in at the same time. One of your hands is behind you, resting on the back of Ransom’s head while the other is resting on Steve’s chest.
Steve sits up suddenly and pulls you in for a kiss. “Like being stuffed with both of our cocks, pretty girl?” You hear from behind you. “Yes. So good. So full. Gonna cum.”
Ransom removes his arm from around you and reaches down and starts circling your clit. “Do it. Cum all over us. Make a mess.”
Steve can feel you squeezing him. “Please, sweetheart. Need to feel you cum on my cock. You’re gripping me so good.”
You explode. You clamp your eyes shut, seeing stars behind your eyelids. You let the both of them fuck you through it.
Ransom’s hips stutter. The fluttering around his cock is too good. He cums with a shout of your name, filling up your ass to the brim. He gives you a few more thrusts before he pulls out and collapses beside you two.
Steve’s been patient while you come down from your high. He lays back down, pulling you with him so that your chest to chest. He bends his knees and grabs onto your hips. “You ready, sweetheart?” You raise up, both of your hands on each side of his head. You give him a nod.
That’s all he needs. He starts fucking you, hard and fast, chasing his release. He can feel it building. He just needs to feel you come undone around him again. He moves one of his hands and starts circling your clit with his thumb. “Need you to cum for me again, Y/N.”
You shake your head. “Can’t. Too much.”
Ransom sits up beside you. “I know what she needs.” He reaches over with his left hand and wraps it around your throat, squeezing gently.
It makes you clench down on Steve’s cock. “Yeah? That all you needed, sweetheart? A hand wrapped around your pretty throat? I know you like it. Can feel you squeezing me.” He picks up his pace. The only sounds that can be heard are his grunts, your breathy monas, and skin slapping against skin.
It doesn’t take long for your orgasm to hit you. This one is somehow even more intense than the last.
You must’ve blacked out for a few seconds because the next thing you know, you’re waking up in between Steve and Ransom.
Steve smiles down at you. “There she is. We lost you for a second, sweetheart.”
You feel drunk. You smile goofily up at him. “Did you cum?”
Just as you ask that, you can feel his release seeping out of your overused cunt. Then you feel cum leaking out of your ass. You hide your face behind your hands in embarrassment. “I can’t believe we just did that.”
Ransom removes one hand while Steve removes the other. “Nuh uh uh. No hiding allowed, pretty girl. I have no regrets.” He looks at Steve. “Do you?”
Steve smiles down at you and leans down to press a soft kiss against your lips. “None from me. You tired, sweetheart?”
You let out a big yawn and nod your head, slowly closing your eyes. “Get some rest, pretty girl.” That’s the last thing you hear before sleep takes you.
You wake up sometime in the early morning, stretching out your sore limbs. You know you have a dumb smile on your face. But you can’t help but notice your empty bed.
You sit up and hiss at the deliciously sore feeling between your legs. You grab your robe and slip it on. You can smell coffee coming from the kitchen. You giddily make your way out of the room and down the hallway. They both barely just come into view, still unaware you’re there, when you hear Steve speak.
“I thought you were going to be an asshole to her? Make her see I’m not that bad.”
You hear Ransom next. “I was an asshole to her. I’m sorry I dicked her down so good that she wanted more.”
Steve scoffs. “I never gave you the okay to fuck her!”
“You also didn’t tell me it was off limits. Look you got what you wanted right?”
“No, actually I didn’t. I didn’t pay you so we could have a threesome together.”
What the fuck? Steve paid Ransom to help him get in your pants?
“Ok, how about this? I’ll give you all of your money back if I can fuck her one more time before I go? Then we’ll be squared away.”
Steve seems to be conflicted. “Fine! But this is the last time Ransom. I have to get to work anyway. After this, she’s mine. And make sure she’s not late for work herself.”
Before you have time to react, Steve rounds the corner and sees you standing there. He has a deer caught in headlights look. Ransom comes up beside him and sees you. “Oh, honey, you weren’t supposed to see that.”
You slowly start backing up towards your bedroom. Steve moves towards you, stopping once you put your hands up. “Stay away from me! Both of you! I want nothing to do with either of you!”
Ransom moves past Steve and grabs onto your arms. “Oh, please. You’d fuck us again if we wanted. Wouldn’t you?”
You spit in his face. “Fuck you, Hugh.”
He gets a sinister look on his face. “Wrong move, pretty girl.” He looks toward Steve. “Don’t worry, I’ll fuck the brat out of her. You better tell her boss she won’t be in today.”
Your eyes go wide at his words. You start thrashing against him, trying your best to get away. Steve has had enough. He comes over and yanks you away from him and presses you against the wall. “You better calm down, sweetheart. I’ll treat you like a princess if you can be my good girl. Can you do that?”
You shake your head. “Why would you think I’d want anything to do with you after finding out you paid someone to help get into my pants?”
He gives you an evil smirk. “Because if you don’t, I’ll just have to release the tape of last night on the internet. Let everyone see how much of a slut you actually are.”
You narrow your eyes at him. “You’re bluffing.”
He smirks and turns his head towards Ransom. “Show her.”
Ransom gets his phone out of his pocket and swipes at the screen for a second before turning it in your direction.
Holy shit. They weren’t bluffing. There you were, getting fucked by the both of them. That would ruin you if it got out. Not only would you get fired, but your parents would probably disown you. You’d never have a normal relationship again. You’re fucked. Even more than you were last night. How had you not noticed they were recording it?
Ransom must have read your mind. “I set my phone up while you were busy with Steve’s fingers on your cunt and his tongue down your throat. I think you need to ask her again Steve.”
Steve grabs your chin and moves your gaze onto his face. “I’ll ask you again. Are you going to be my good girl? Let Ransom fuck you one more time and then it’ll just be me and you?”
You drop your gaze to the floor. You feel a tear run down your cheek as you whisper out, “I’ll be your good girl.”
Taglist: @stargazingfangirl18​ @drabblewithfrannybarnes​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @lllols @patzammit​ @quxxnxfhxll​
Steve Taglist: @donutloverxo​
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letarasstuff · 4 years
One kind of intern
(A/N): This was requested by @greenslifestuff :) It took me a week or two because I had to interact with my friends in order to get the inspiration I needed 😅 Summary: The team gets to work with a gen z teenager. Let’s see how that goes.
Warnings: Swearing and gen z humour
Wordcount: 2k
“Team, this is (Y/N) (L/N). She will be interning for the upcoming three months alongside this team. (Y/N), these are Agents Emily Prentiss, Jennifer Jareau, David Rossi, Derek Morgan and Doctor Spencer Reid and our Technical Analyst Penelope Garcia”, Hotch introduces a teenage girl to his team like this happens every day.
“Wait Hotch, we don’t get interns. What is she going to do, no offense, but getting us coffee or what?” Morgan eyes her suspiciously. She looks like any teenager grabbed from the street. A band t-shirt, a torn pair of jeans and a cup from starbucks in her hands. Nothing you would expect to even enter a federal building.
“No offence taken, Agent Morgan. I know having an ugly pickly bitch working with professionals seems weird. It’s just I have summer break and I thought it would be a good thing on my resumé if I already interned in the FBI, because I just graduated and I wanted to go to the academy this fall. But if you wanna do a vibe check with me first, that’s fine by me. Whatever floats your boat.”
The room falls silent. Then out of all sudden everyone turns to Garcia, who puts her arms up in defense. “I don’t even know half the things she said, ask her yourself.”
That’s how the BAU gets their first contact with Gen Z culture and let me tell you it is a wild ride, so buckle up your seats, drink your tea up because we aren’t going to make any stops.
“(Y/N), I need you to come with me. We are going to the M.E. getting the latest reports from our last case”, Morgan tells her while passing her desk. In the blink of an eye the teenager is ready, putting her denim jacket with various pins and bits of patches on.
“Derek, can we get starbucks on the way back? The pumpkin spiced latte is back on their menu and I am on withdrawal. Pleaaaaaasseeee”, she looks at him with a pouty face. Morgan smiles. “Ok, under one condition: We both get one, take awesome pictures and send them to the group chat and then we act like we didn’t get them anything, but we actually buy them their usual.” He got the hang of it pretty fast. “Deal, Sis.”
While they are in the car on their way to the M.E. the agent groans. “Ugh, road work ahead.” “Uh yeah, I sure hope it does!” Morgan eyes her from the side. His whole demeanor says ‘old and confused’.
“What was that, kid?” But (Y/N) begins to laugh. “Don’t you know vines? Short dumb and funny clips people made?” It’s safe to say that this afternoon he learns to speak in vines, getting on Rossi’s nerves because nothing makes sense anymore.
“Ok, I heard you wanted to become a profiler. So I thought I would show you some old cases and then you try to figure out the profile. I’ll present them to you like I do to the team, alright?” JJ and (Y/N) sit in her office, safe from curious eyes. “As right as the law, Ma’am.” 
“Good, this is a case from several years ago. It happened here in D.C. Three men were murdered execution style in the middle of the night in an alleyway. They were all from different backgrounds. The only connection between them was that they were evicted for some form of sexual harassment or assault. The UnSub also had a signature: A shot into their groin while the men were alive.”
Unfaced by the presented facts (Y/N) pops a piece of gum into her mouth. “It do be like that.”
“What?” “I mean, it’s obviously a woman. She experienced any harassment or assault herself. She also has excess to the files, I assume she works as a paralegal, since most of them are women. Female serial killers are extremely rare, but they are better organized. The only thing left to say is good for her getting revenge.” The blonde looks at the teenager with wide eyes.
“I-I guess but you know you can’t say anything like that to Hotch, do you?” She asks concerned. “JJ, I’m dead inside, not dumb. I know this.” But the agent shrugs. “Good. Though I really want to see his face.” “Mood.”
Penelope Garcia is the closest one to relate to Gen Z culture, since a great part of her time is spent on the internet. She happily learns about all the phrases and their meanings as well as the newest trends and hypes.
“Purp is sus, I tell you”, is heard from the lair into the hallway. Spencer and Derek look at each other with concern on their faces. “Do you think they are alright or do we have to-” “IT’S A SELF REPORT I SWEAR PENNY! YOU WORK WITH PROFILERS IN GANDALF’S NAME!” Spencer’s question is answered by that.
“Baby girl, crazy girl, are you doing good? Do you need help or something?” The older one asks warily. But it’s drowned in another screaming match. “I TOLD YOU PURP WAS THE IMPOSTER BUT YOU HAVE TO TELL THEM I VENTED WHEN I DIDN’T! I WANT ALL TIKTOKS I SENT YOU BACK!” “YOU DON’T DARE TO REVOKE MY TIKTOK PRIVILEGES!” “WATCH ME GARCIA!”
“Whoa girls, what about taking a break?” Morgan tries to diffuse the situation. “Yes, I think JJ got new pictures of Henry and Emily brought cookies this morning”, Spencer adds.
The girls, who mere seconds ago were ready to jump each other's throats, look at the other one. “You get the cookies and I go to JJ, deal?” (Y/N) asks. “Deal!” Without sparing the boys another glance they run out of the lair. Their devices are still lit up. A red figure shines into their faces. ‘AMONG US’ is written underneath it. “I think we get too old for this stuff, don’t we Reid?”
Spencer always thought he was young. Of course, his mind is older, but physically he is not that old. But the intern proves him wrong. And boy is he wrong.
“Spencer, is there anything interesting to know today?” (Y/N) takes a seat on his desk, distracting the genius from his paperwork. It is a common occurrence for her to go to him to ask for a fun fact.
“Do you wanna learn something about sloths?” His knowledge (or the writer’s) on this subject is astonishingly big.
“Spill the tea, sis.” “Did you kn- What? But I don’t have tea to spill. And I don’t wanna spill anything, I-” Reid rambles in confusion.
“It’s just a saying, Spencer. There is no deeper meaning to it then ‘Tell me everything about it’. You know, it’s mostly used for gossiping, but I don’t really like to gossip. That’s why I use it in a different context. You got it?” (Y/N) explains it to him in a soft manner, knowing her generation can be complex.
“Yeah, I think I do. Thank you for telling me. I really like the phrase. It has a nice ring. What about you spill the tea about all the phrases you know and I tell you some things from my knowledge?” “I think you got yourself a teacher, genius. But now tell me about the sloths, I love them.”
A few days later Rossi catches her doing some weird moves. “Are you having a seizure or what is your problem, youngster?” Even though he tries not to show it, David took a great liking to (Y/N), thinking of her like a granddaughter. Still, most of her actions confuse the hell out of him.
“I’m practising a dance for tiktok. My friends and I worked on a choreo we wanted to film later. Come here, I can show you.” And that’s what she does in the conference room. The teenager walks him through every move of the choreo, explaining the meaning to it and how it correlates with the song.
“And then you move your arm like that. Exactly like that! You did a great job, David! Are you sure you don’t want to come with me later? We can make you your own account and name it ‘Grandpa-on-tiktok’. You can promote your books over there and it’s a way to float with the trend!”
Seeing her this excited Rossi can’t do anything but agree to the idea. Also, he secretly liked doing the dance thing. It made him feel young again.
“(Y/N), you said you graduated this summer. But your file said you are 16?” Emily asks her one boring day filled with paperwork and countless cups of coffee. “It is what it is”, she mindlessly answers, too focused on filling out the work in front of her.
“I mean yes but how?”
“Emily, smart people exist. I know, coming from me hits different, but here we are.” Finally (Y/N) puts her pen away looking at the raven haired woman.
“What are you talking about? I can’t really follow you.” The more the intern says the more confused gets Emily.
She sighs. “I don’t want to leave you on read here. I kind of am smart somehow. Apparently I was smart enough to skip a grade or two. But it’s no biggie. Many peeps do this, so I don’t sweat it.”
“Even though I feel like you are selling yourself short here, I know you are an incredibly intelligent person. Someday you will be an awesome profiler and any team will be lucky to have you. I really hope we will be the lucky team. But I’m still not sure if this is what I should say in this context.”
“Emily, you are goals. This fam is squad goals. I really hope to be a part of this someday”, (Y/N) admits. “I’m sure Hotch will do his best to get you on the team, you became a great part of it. I can’t imagine a future without you.”
Sadly Prentiss has to get used to a time without the team’s beloved intern. On her last day (Y/N) knocks at Hotch’s door.
“Hey, I wanted to say thank you. The time with you and all the others was amazing and I learned so many useful things for not only the academy but also for my daily life. I really had a glow-up here”, she says after coming in.
Hotch motions towards the chairs in front of his desk. “Take a seat, (Y/N). I got something for you. See it as a compensation for not getting paid for your internship. You really did great work and a better job than some agents, who are doing theirs for many years already but don’t know half the stuff you do. You are a valuable member to the team.”
“Wait, you speak in presence tense. I leave you all this afternoon, you know that, do you?” But the Unit Chief only gestures to a white envelope on his desk. Quickly the teenager takes it and reads it.
“Are you serious Hotchner? Because I will cry you a river if you joke”, she threatens him.
“I’m dead serious, (Y/N). Even though half of your talks are difficult to understand, the other half is twice as useful and important. Additionally to that, you are like a fresh breath of air that the team needed. That’s why a place here will be available for you as soon as you graduate from the academy. I trust you that you will pass with flying colors, I had to promise that to Strauss.”
“Of course, Hotch. I swear on my Animal Crossing Island that I will do my best and more. Thank you so much”, she leaps into his arms.
The others watch the interaction from the bullpen, pretending to not get teary eyed. Their favorite Gen Z Kid will come back to them after all.
Spencer Reid
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