#also tempted to pull out my old ace sky hcs yet again
wayfayrr · 1 month
Take as long as you need on my request Moss <333 I’m more than happy to wait however long <3
But on another note, I’ve suddenly been reminded that in the self aware aus, the boys heard *everything*. Which then reminds me, the amount of shit I’ve said during their adventures- specifically Sky and Twilight’s.
1. The shit talking I have said about enemies, some more than others (looking at you Ghirahim, Demise, Ganon, and Zant). I shit talked them whenever I saw them, especially Ghirahim honestly, bro’s hair looks greasy enough to be used to fry food, and he looks like a wet paper towel.
2. The shit I said about the Links omggg. Again, this is mainly about Sky and Twilight (honestly mainly Sky cause you’re so right, he has the sweetest sounds) because the *t h i n g s* I would do to them after they pull some cool ass shit would not, in fact, be family friendly. Ofc, I talked about how pretty they are so many times- the amount of times I moved the camera at an angel so I could see their face and gush about how gorgeous they are is,, a lot. Called them perfect so many times too: slicing grass? Perfect <3 Fighting a bokoblin? Perfect <33 Tossing a bomb? Perfect <333 honestly was using any excuse to call the boys perfect, I love them so much. AND OM THE OTHER HAND THAT REMINDS ME OF HOW OFTEN I SAID I LOVED THEM LMAOO
But I digress. Anyway, you know those thirst comments on tiktok? The type like ‘until the shape is embedded in my throat’? I pray for self aware Sky, I said unhinged shit like that all the time for him- even more so than Twilight- whenever he did anything cool. Sometimes said it when he didn’t even do anything cool; used the claw shot to get high up? Charging up for the sky slice (can’t remember the name)? Aiming Fi in the direction needed to go? Said unhinged shit then too.
~🍀 anon
yep :3c they've heard everything, every single bit of praise you've given them, every curse when you mess up - anything you said to any friends while playing? all of it.
1- I think they'd be ecstatic to hear you slandering their enemies, there would be a weird dissonance if you were fond of the villains. Not because they're jealous no, never, how could you assume that. they are and they are impossibly bad at hiding it, their hatred of seeing you praise someone else in their game might be your first clue that something is wrong with your game They also just get a good laugh at how creative some of your insults can get <3333 it's not like they hear any genuine ones often!!!!
2- it's almost impossible to play a zelda game without fawning over how cute link is (I myself have so so many screenshots of him and just can't go more than five minutes without complimenting him) and I think they'd love it!! though it makes them a bit upset that they're still trapped and can't return any of the compliments without scaring you into resetting or deleting the game :( they've got to work up the confidence that you won't abandon him before he does anything (or simply the desperation to) despite how much you've told them you love them, they've still got enough common sense to know that this isn't normal
rfgbhsbghgfbfsgb he's just going to be a blushy mess when he can finally go against the games precoded animations and has his own free movement but he's just so pretty and as flustered as he drinks up each and every one of them. [I can absolutely see him playing up a more 'pathetic' demeanor in order to milk more from you between giving you plenty back ofc] I have so many screenshots of his game ong it's an issue
peep and I were also joking about how when you put in the boss key sky's just standing there watching you struggle with the puzzle (and for dowsing he can feel you cake full control of his head to look out of his eyes and it's where he feels the closest to you <33)
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