#also taking 295 home bc rt1 I imagine will still be under water
smolbasilboy · 2 years
I had the worst drive into work ever tonight goddamned hurricane came out of nowhere (there was plenty of warning I’ve just been sick all week and didn’t realize that today Friday/Saturday was also the same Friday/Saturday that the rain was coming) and like I’ve driven thru snow squalls in upstate New York fog that rivals silent hill in the dark and none of that compared to this. I hydroplaned like honest to gods 10 different times and my car kept using its stabilitrack thing Subarus do and not letting me accelerate which cool yeah safety but also, I’m on the highway and people are also struggling around mr me going 45 in a 70 isn’t helping that even if we’re all only going like 55-60 max also once I got off the highway fucking rt1 was a swimming pool and you really can’t tell until you’re in it and I almost flooded my car out it was just all around bad
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