#also stretchy and noisy being friends is everything to me
fitzfunnymoments · 11 months
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Noisy introduces Stretchy to Babymetal and he instantly becomes a fan. That is all <3
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debiteful · 4 years
Would it be possible to request this?: It's winter, and a naga haven't been able to find shelter in time. A friend of their's, either an anthro!pelican or merperson, came to them and offered them a warm place to stay. The naga couldn't help but chuckle a bit, because how where they supposed to carry something as big and long as a naga? However their friend did end up surprising them. (Contains: Safe vore, same size (possibly larger prey), willing.)
Contains: Safe vore, soft vore, larger willing naga prey, anthro pelican pred, large bulging belly, mild discomfort, protection vore
Normally Nick didn't spend much time where other people were. They were noisy, smelly, and distrustful of nagas like him. However, this winter had been unkind to him so far. The first big snow had come before he expected it and it had collapsed a large part of the roof of his home out in the wilderness. Between the icy shell around everything and the bitter winds, he hadn't been able to find materials to repair it. He had been essentially homeless for a couple days now. His scales were dull and he was shivering constantly; being half warmblooded just wasn't enough with this weather!
He was thankful that his food stash had escaped most of the damage. Being hungry on top of all this would've been awful. However those supplies wouldn't last forever.
Today he was looking forward to a supply drop-off from his favorite mailman, Samoset. The stout pelican wasn't one to chatter on meaninglessly, and was fairly tolerable compared to most people. He always had something good to say and was very serious about his duties. Nick liked to think that they were friends, though the state of their relationship had never been spoken about.
The shivering naga waited all day for his friend to arrive, but he never came. At first he thought the delivery bird might just be running late; it wouldn't be the first time. However, as the day wore on, and there was still no sign of him, Nick began to get frustrated.
As the sun was setting, he decided he had had enough. Sammy just wasn't coming it seemed. Beyond that, the clouds were low and dark, sure signs of a snow storm coming. He didn't want to spend all night in the miserable weather. The Naga slithered out, shivering all the while, intent on getting to town.
Meanwhile, Samoset was having one heck of a day. The intern didn't show up to the mail room so he was left to sort it all out himself, and run deliveries. He got so caught up in the flurry of work that he nearly forgot about his special delivery. By the time he did remember, the sun was low on the horizon. He left the post office in a flustered flurry of feathers, the sled with the building materials for dear Nick trailing along behind.
The narrow forest trail was blanketed in snow, and by the looks of it more was on the way. Sam was thankful for his tall boots and that the wide sled glided on top of the thick snow. He trudged along dutifully, even as the first snow flakes started to fall.
The world became a cool, dark blue as twilight came and the sun went. He was only about half way to his destination, but something up ahead blocked his path. The long, dark form lay along the trail; what an odd way for a tree to fall. Samoset wasn't going to let a little hurdle like that stand in his way, especially when he had come so far.
As he approached, he made out limbs- hair and scales?! He threw the sled's tether back onto his cargo and hurried forward. He fell to his knees near the fallen naga's head. Sure enough, it was Nick, his whole body trembling.
He looked up at Sam with eyelids hanging low. He yawned as best he could despite chattering teeth, "Samoset? Finally."
The pelican chuckled, his empty pouch wobbling as he shook his head wryly; only Nick would be on death's icy doorstep and still gruff as ever. Sam brushed the snow off his friend, "Come on, I gotta get you somewhere safe and warm."
Nick giggled, the sound carrying on far too long and vibrating with his jaw. It was the first time Sam had heard him laugh at all! 
"What is it?" The concerned bird pressed.
"H-how issss a little g-guy like you gonn-na to c-carry a long, heavy fella like me any-where? I'm like- pure muscle and that ain't light-t-t." It took the words much too long to get out given how badly his teeth were chattering. His whole body spammed with each shiver now, leaving him twisted and quivering on the path. 
"Its okay," Sam assured him, "I got you now. Hauling around parcels all day has left me strong," he added with a grin. 
He knew what needed to happen next, but he was reluctant. It could completely alienate Nick. Even as a naga, Sam knew he didn't take live prey often. On top of that, they never were allowed back out.
He shuffled to the end of his friend's tail and picked it up in both hands. Then, he pushed it into his mouth, sending the tip right to the back to be swallowed. Hand over hand he pulls the scaley tail into his maw. With each gulp he picked up speed, the excess sagging into his mouth pouch and making it bulge. Cool scales clacked against his short beak as he devoured his friend.
All the while Nick hardly reacted. The warmth of the postmans body felt like he was being consumed by fire. His whole body burned with light pinpoints as his frozen nerves thawed. Sam could feel the tip of the serpents tail waving inside his gut, but the upper body was still except for the frequent involuntary shivers.
With expert precision Sam tucked Nick's hands into his mouth. The naga wiggled his fingers as they warmed, "Th-th-thanks".
That was the last word Samoset expected, and it brought a warm glow to his cheeks. He smiled and gulped down the last of his naga pal, his head sliding along the bottom of the stretchy mouth pouch.
Once his endangered friend was down, Sam was able to focus on just how full he was. Chill air nipped at his exposed belly through the fluffy layer of feathers that covered his body. His uniform had popped right open, leaving his stretched gut full of Nick sagging out freely. He could see rounded shapes of his friend coiled up into a bundle im his stomach. The tension ached a little, but it was well worth it. 
With work strengthened limbs he supported his massive belly, hands cradling its bulk while legs straightened and carried him back down the trail. When he got to the sled, he let his lumpy load rest upon the building supplies. The sled sank, but not completely. With a pleased grin, Sam pushed off and began the cold walk back into the town.
The streets were devoid of people thankfully. It wouldn't do to have the local postmaster become the talk of the town for eating someone. He pressed on merrily towards his home along the dark roads.
As he warmed up, Nick became more active inside him. Long coils shifted around to expose new areas to the warm, soft flesh that enveloped him. He also squirmed to get comfortable, much preferring the softness of Sam's belly or stomach walls to the firm base of building supplies that the stomach rested on.
When Samoset arrive home he crawled right into bed. He lay on his side with his giant belly cushioned on the mattress beside him. He was unsure how long Nick would need to recover. Hopefully the night was long enough, plus perhaps some warm drinks in the morning. And of course they would need to bring extra when they went to complete the roof repair. Thinking about it, he figured he should really just book the whole day off. Such thoughts filled Samoset's mind as he drifted off to sleep. Nick had already fallen asleep before reaching the house, so comforted and warm was he.
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