#also sowwy i keep forgetting to post things here...hoping to get better!
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dweeborea · 3 months ago
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Starting a BEEHG project where I'm going to try and draw small busts of ALL of my active OCs! (Of which I have over 100 of, btw :3)
Starting with the main characters of "It's Always You"! (Title needs a rework, but it'll do for now-)
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spnreactionblogging · 4 years ago
SPOILERS BELOW / tw suicide sort of
ah the title really does sum this up. I am filled with such dread going in. I know cas gets sent to super hell, I know the destiel shippers are declaring it canon (but then, when haven't they), and I've heard from a reliable source that the show officially as of just now is queerbaiting for real by making it vague and easy to ignore it instead of actually confirming anything. plus nobody seems to give a fuck about jack, as usual, and sam didn't get to say goodbye? god how can this get better???? I hope buckleming got to fucking murder castiel! that would really improve this for me!!! the cherry on the shit sundae for real so okay here goes. ugh. I have this angel's envy bourbon at 1PM, oops. I feel like I will need it for this one more than the others I also am ensconced in my castiel trenchcoat + "be super good" shirt, and cas, crowley, and sam the q-pals are joining me. dean is banished to remain in the tote bag they live in. god I want to scream. this fucking synopsis "With the plan in full motion, Sam, Dean, Castiel and Jack fight for the good for the common goal." oh the plan to use Jack as a suicide bomb???? great idea. lol I hate this. whose "common good"????????? ah but yes dean runs a dictatorship right. no wonder chuck butts heads with him dean looks so fucking smug in the amazon prime video app, hovering over the episode where cas will die horribly. fuck. there is nothing that can emotionally prepare me for this episode the show is going to end with sam and dean because it started with sam and dean and chuck/the IRL writers are bitter about it I guess??? delete fucking everything god, very fucking cute of dean to be like WE GOTTA DO SOMETHING!!! you fucking piece of shit you forcememed this to go as quickly as possible because you want Jack fucking dead, don't pretend you care god. fuck. jack apologizing for dying, to the empty. I hate everything so much ah, so that's why the opening title screen has been that. gross. horrible. a jack singularity is that it? really? jack's dead? just like that. okay. awful. oh he's MAYBE dead. reassuring. I see that briana buckmaster and jim beaver will be joining us my cat is sitting in front of the TV trying to prevent me from watching this, trying to save me from myself oh and felicia day oh this one's written by robert berens, I mostly trust him I think sam should've photocopied the book first oh hey RSJ directed this one I'm glad to have rachel miner back in any capacity that's... alpha/omega on the side there? makes sense I hope it's a fake book god I love sam sitting on the like. what is that, weird equipment panels? more confirmation sam is queer, you heard it here what leverage does dean even think he has cool jack's just getting tortured now "the boy is still useful" at least billie isn't pretending to care about him. oh she left the book thank fuck cas goes to him right away, please hug this child alcohol is not gonna help you guys sleep oh here's dean's half-assed apology. "sorry not sorry that I just couldn't stop, I couldn't help it, I just wanted to get what I wanted, and now that I didn't get what I wanted, sowwy uwu I guess" "you've snapped me out of worse" yeah don't minimize this, sam oh yeah michael exists. I notice dean refers to him as michael and not including adam. way to go I notice that sam does not drink right away "to somehow" those eggs look great "no guns at the table" is a solid rule not only for how miserable that is, but because everything surrounding firearms is a carcinogen and doesn't need to be near food please love yourself charlie please eat good eggs am I supposed to know stevie, was she part of the alternate universe, I still like never watched most of 10-13 oh we're gonna kill MULTIPLE queer characters in this episode, awesome. we gonna kill charlie AGAIN??????? we brought her back just to kill her off, AGAIN? LIKE KEVIN? and bobby I guess?? can I just say how much I hate the concept of a "final boss fight" like why is it always ending in a fight, why is violence always the answer, and why do we feel like one final violent action will solve all the problems huh charlie's shirt looks like a tycho album cover okay so I didn't forget stevie, she was brand new? maybe? I love cas and jack :( feels strange because this all sucks there's no such thing as destiny, jack don't fucking die for sam and dean and 'the world' damn right, cas, he doesn't need "absolution" well that's true for you, cas, you care because he's him. dean just wants to use him cas and jack are good. charlie this was so not your fault. as usual this is the winchesters' fault. tell 'em charlie!!! get 'em!!! you're not sorry, dean. "What now?" is a huge fucking mood, dean oh, greg! our old friend! greg was a real one (but not anymore) yeah eileen's screwed. this includes sam too. and dean i guess. sam is a good person who cares about people despite dean's best efforts to stop him I can't see who he's texting. are cas and jack in the back? poor eileen :( god poor sam having to basically get eileen in front of eyewitnesses who can attest that she disappeared cas and jack are in the backseat yeah I wish he'd tell her she's never gonna reply now yeah she's gone. interesting use of technology that they couldn't've done earlier in the series, to show she was typing but then stopped god that's awful. fuck. "If I let myself go then I'll lose my mind. I can't, right now." that's a huge fucking mood sam let's just postpone all that grief for later. gotta shove it down. huge fucking mood. god I'm so sorry somewhere central... the... bunker? don't split everyone up dean, fuck yes revenge is definitely the answer. killing things is the answer. "not having a choice" is obviously the answer. you fucker we get a sam and dean hug but where's the one for cas. you can like... see it in sam and jack's eyes that they are worried they're never gonna see them again. I'm horrified that cas isn't getting to say goodbye to jack nor sam. I can't handle this. I guess this scene is where they took that last group photo that misha posted back in march? RIP :( oh hey donna jack, that feeling is TheDepression oh gas-n-sip sam's sweet to try to give jack some autonomy here instead of having him just... being shuffled around like baggage. is that eileen's car then this music is intense don't burn the fucking library also wow dean with the reaper blade again is oof. wow. yikes. dean is become death, destroyer of worlds for real. jesus that is fucking horrifying to see. aren't you, dean? aren't you a bringer of death. remember when you hated doing that back in season... 4? 5? later? dean has learned nothing. sam's been trapped in a silo before hasn't he. or that panic room or something. donna is sweet. jack is good. jack deserves better. sam :( donna is very kind I like hearing jody and garth mentioned even if they're not in this episode (?) oh hey charlie sam at least knows how you feel, charlie I like this set god I've missed jim beaver is jack going around with spraypaint? I'm like oh god there's no ventilation. I guess it's a paint bucket but still the fumes are bad. better than being evaporated though I guess big man on campus. RIP stanford sam at least there's a bucket. praeses magna. "president large"? thinking about how it would be impossible to have extras for episodes 19 and 20 I like watching jack paint RIP that plant. apparently he has his powers dean walks around way too comfortably with the reaper scythe. oh but the plan has changed. did billie leave that book and nobody read it?????? dean you don't have friends, bud. yeah how did you tink you would even stand a chance, dean. this is the worst plan ever I'm so tired of seeing cas get tortured. I don't want to see billie get hurt either. is "billie" actually the empty or something "Has virtutes conliga. Eas integra. Eas firma. Nos omnes serva." = "These virtues bind. Those infected. These are strong. We keep them all." idk google translate, I feel like that may not be "infected" but more like integrity I like the effects they did on the wardings there yeah pretty much you can't stop god oh I'm real sad about that couple who vanished together :( bye charlie bye bobby. :( bye donna??? oh that like gold paint gossamer looking shit going on with billie's arm is cool god I'm glad billie smacked him in the face, dean deserves it. I just rewound it to see dean get clocked again, it's so worth it so they went back to the bunker... for what? billie can just go there. sam and jack are gonna have such a rough fucking day. all those double cheeseburgers are back for revenge on dean billie's right actually. dean always thinks the rules don't apply to him because he thinks he should be making the rules. castiel should be with jack, not with dean. fuck. can't cas still heal people the scythe on the wall is a good visual. I really like lisa berry, she does an amazing job is this the same room with the ma'lak box always happy to bleed for the winchesters. christ. fuck. even with dean's pocketknife. cas I'm so sorry. sweetheart you don't deserve this. 7B? so Jack was trapped in 5B, this is a different room but probably the same actual setpiece just rearranged do you just... have to wait her out yeah yeah dean you suck. correct, you never should've left sam and jack. wow I feel zero sympathy for dean at all. you do it to yourselllllf you do, that's what really hurts. oh baby don't summon the empty please :( I'm so glad to know that cas never told them about how he saved jack, it's none of their business yeah it would be with jack, cas. you should be with him man this is shitty. this is like a bad fanfic for real. wow these shots are like, when it cuts between them it's so obvious these were not the same camera lmao fuck. how many takes was this god i hate dean. he has not done this for love. dean is a spiteful person. "you're the most caring man on earth" literally kill me. I want to die. jesus fuck. i want to be dead this is awful this sucks this actually really hurts. this sucks so much. dean you squandered this angel's life. now jack has no father. i hate you dean winchester. i hate you. you don't deserve cas loving you jack knows, jack can feel it. I hate hate hate hate hate hate that jack is left alone with the winchesters. i hate this. jesus fuck i hate this so much i hate this jack sweetheart I'm so sorry dean you fucking ass please pick up the fucking phone. please answer sam. i hate you god dean i hate you fuck dean you are the worst. fuck my life. fuck all this. fuck this show. i'm so angry castiel deserves so much better than this. fuck i'm so mad. why wasn't his moment of happiness knowing that JACK WASN'T GOING TO DIE. i hate this. I'm so upset. fucking shit-ass writing. and it's still not fucking canon you morons at least uh they don't have to have extras for the last two episodes? did they add that footage after? is that what got changed up? everyone's gone huh. god just. dump the show right into the trash. bye. also for fuck's sake nobody gives a fuck about jack like I didn't even know he survived. nobody cares. "sam didn't get to say goodbye" FUCKING JACK DIDN'T GET TO SAY GOODBYE fuck this so much. fuck, is dean just chuck's OC? made in his image and furious that his mini-me isn't acting the way he wants? is that why he gets exonerated at every turn? "all the evil shit you did is fine dean you're the MOST LOVING AND THE BESTEST EVER!!!" fuuuuuck
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heave-hyung · 5 years ago
Could you do something where jimin is a little he gets a bellyache and either jungkook or hobi takes care of him/one of them is his daddy and ends up puking all over the place? Thank you so much
A/N: So I don’t know how good this is and I don’t know if I’ll really write much littlespace, but I wanted to post this anyway. I guess if this is a hit I can take little requests, I just can’t promise that I’ll write them all? Though of course I’ll do my best! 
Jimin is the type to overestimate himself. He thinks he can hide things and handle things on his own on the daily. If he’s injured or ill, he doesn’t want to feel like a burden, so he tries his best not to mention it and to hide his pain, not that he ever succeeds. He’s super obvious, and he always has been.
When he’s little, however, everything changes. He doesn’t make any move to hide it. Which is exactly how he ended up in Hoseok’s lap, currently sitting and whining about having a bad bellyache. 
“Poor puppy,” Hoseok coos, running his hand through Jimin’s hair. “What’s got my baby’s tummy so upset?” 
Jimin shrugs. “Dunno…” His tone is subdued--downright sad, even. They’ve been sitting on the couch for a while. Jimin hasn’t mentioned that he feels nauseous yet, and he also hasn’t allowed himself the relief of...blowing off any steam, either. Even as a little, he’s super embarrassed about burping and farting, and that’s never changed, though he has gotten the tiniest bit better at it. 
Jimin buries his face in Hoseok’s shoulder, whining pitifully. Hoseok hums in sympathy, snaking the hand on his back around his waist to start rubbing light, gentle circles into the taut flesh there. The little freezes, stiffening up.
“Am I hurting you, baby boy?” Hoseok asks, pausing.
Jimin stays quiet, knowing that if he lets his hyung keep doing that, he’ll end up doing something embarrassing. Still, it does feel nice...so he shakes his head. “N-No.” 
Hoseok nods in acknowledgement to his response before resuming his soft ministrations. Jimin shifts a bit, trying to keep some control on his body, but when Hoseok runs a hand down his spine and pats his back gently out of caregiver instinct, he ends up releasing a loud belch he couldn’t hold back.
“S-Sorry!” Jimin quickly apologizes, muffled by Hoseok’s shoulder. 
The older boy chuckles softly. “Silly Jiminie...you don’t have to be embarrassed.” Hoseok stays quiet for a moment before making a realization. “Do you have to…” He presses into Jimin’s lower stomach, which immediately encourages a bubbling outburst of gas from his other end and makes him whine basfully. 
“Excuse me…” He mumbles, shame heavy in his voice.
“Baby, I don’t mind...I just want you to feel better, sweet boy,” Hoseok does his best to comfort him. He knows just how temperamental his baby’s tummy can get, and just how gassy he can get when his stomach is upset. Hoseok doesn’t like to see his baby boy all shameful (or, worse, guilty.) But he also doesn’t like seeing him in so much pain, and he knows that getting him to let it out might alleviate some of his issue, so he reluctantly starts to press harder. 
Jimin loses all control from that, a much louder and longer fart escaping him, followed quickly by a much deeper belch and a whine. He leans heavier on Hoseok, hiding his face even more, if that’s even possible as another muffled belch rolls up his throat. 
“That’s it, baby,” Hoseok encourages. “Just let it all out…” 
The little really doesn’t have much of a choice, belch after belch, fart after fart escaping him in rapid succession. He moans and whines, though Hoseok can’t tell his it’s out of embarrassment or pain or both. 
“Daddy,” Jimin suddenly whines. “I don’ feel good…” 
“I know, puppy, I know,” Hoseok says, not entirely understanding exactly what Jimin means. Well, until Jimin jerks with another belch and Hoseok feels something wet and warm on his back. He freezes up for a moment, the realization of what just happened not fully setting in--probably because he doesn’t want it to. As much as he loves Jimin, he can’t say he loves getting puked on, even if everything about his baby is adorable to him.
Hoseok is brought back to reality by Jimin suddenly starting to sob and hiccup. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry, please d-don’t be mad, I’m sorry! Diminie is sorryy,” he repeats, words gradually becoming more slurred and childlike as he gets himself all worked up. 
“Oh, no, no, sweet boy, don’t cry...shh, it’s alright, okay? You’re feeling icky, you can’t help it. You didn’t choose for this to happen,” Hoseok comforts, totally forgetting about his extreme dislike for vomit. “Come, let’s get to the bathroom.” Hoseok picks his little up, quickly making his way to the bathroom with Jimin in his arms, who’s still mumbling apologies and sniffling into his shoulder. 
Hoseok sets him down in front of the toilet, taking off his soiled shirt so as not to get himself all uncomfortable and lose track of his baby who needs him right now. He rubs Jimin’s back with one hand, pulling his bangs back with the other as he lurches towards the toilet with a much sicker belch, followed by a full-blown heave. 
“It’s okay, you’re okay,” Hoseok whispers sweet nothings, trying to make this as painless as possible. “Let it all up...get it out, baby, you’re okay.” 
Jimin hiccups and chokes, sobbing between heaves and losing the ability to breathe as he retches again and again, bringing up copious waves of sick one after the other, and Hoseok wonders how he has all of that in him despite a breakfast of dino nuggets and apple juice. The caregiver places gentle kisses on Jimin’s neck and jawline when he takes his head out of the bowl every so often, carding fingers through his hair while keeping his long, light brown bangs out of his face so he doesn’t get sick in them. He glances down at the soiled water for a minute, seeing just how fogged and almost opaque it is from the sheer amount of sick his little is bringing up, and he feels his heart break, realizing just how much he must be hurting. He tries his best to figure out why he’s so sick, but he can’t think straight enough to actually come back with a valid answer; all that’s on his mind is how much he wants Jimin to feel better. 
Eventually, Jimin is burping up small mouthfuls of sick that turn into more bile than half-digested food, before he’s finally diminished to hollow belches and dry heaves that are only made all the more painful and dramatic by the sobs that still wrack his frame. It’s not at all helped by the embarrassment he still feels from the gas escaping his other end that he can’t control at all and is only made louder by his spot on the cold bathroom floor. “I’m sorry, daddy, I’m sorry,” he still mumbles. “Diminie didn’t mean it, I didn’t mean it, promise! I’m sorry,” he sobs. 
“Jiminie, it’s alright! I swear it’s okay, daddy isn’t mad,” Hoseok coos. “Daddy isn’t mad at all...my poor baby boy, I’m sorry you feel so sick…shhh, baby, shh, don’t cry.” 
Jimin jerks forward again with a few quieter, pitiful belches and quiet gags before he finally calms down, sniffling as he leans into Hoseok. The older boy takes his little’s shirt off too, hoping the skin to skin contact will do something to help him before pulling him close to his chest. 
The little slumps against him, whimpering sadly. “Don’ feel good, daddy…” 
“I know you don’t, I’m sorry…”
“Dinos don’ taste good to throw up.”
Hoseok nods, before suddenly, realization hits him. “Jiminie, did you read the numbers on the box like daddy told you to while I poured apple juice in your sippy?” 
Jimin nods. “Yeah! They were...three...three...two zero one five…”
Hoseok facepalms. “Shit, that’s why they were in the back of the freezer…”
“You curs-ed!”
Hoseok thinks over what he just said before laughing. “Sorry, baby! Didn’t mean too.”
“S’okay…” Jimin yawns. “I’m tired.” 
“I bet you are,” the older man agrees. “Do you want to go lay in bed?”
“I still feel icky tho…” Jimin mumbles defeatedly, sighing. 
“Okay, baby, we can stay here,” Hoseok says, starting to rock the smaller boy gently. “We can stay here as long as you need.”
The next time he looked down, his little was fast asleep in his arms. 
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