itstransformingtime · 1 month
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Jake and Mark were once the epitome of modern fitness social media influencers. With chiseled abs, lean muscles, and dedication to their health, they lived their lives in the gym, and had gained a large social media following. Jake, prided himself on his sculpted physique, while Mark, was known for his perfectly toned body that garnered thousands of likes with every post. They spent hours discussing protein shakes, workout routines, and the next big fitness trend. Their father, Harold, loved them dearly, but he often felt disconnected from their world. He longed for a simpler time when hard work was valued over appearance.
Their father Harold had always been a bit disappointed in them, he had wanted them to take over the family business and join him in the building trade. He tried his best to convince them, to offer them money, but both of them were to obsessed that they would lose their gains.
So, he decided that he would need some outside help to persuade them and ordered the Chronivac. A device that could alter reality and give him sons he would be proud off. He loaded the device up on his computer and put a simple command in. "Make my sons builders in my company"
As the device hummed to life, reality around them began to warp.
For Jake and Mark, the change started subtly at first, a tingling sensation spreading through their bodies. They both felt an odd warmth in their muscles, a pleasant but unfamiliar heaviness settling in. It was as if their muscles were softening, expanding, and reshaping all at once.
Their lean, athletic frames began to swell, slowly losing the hard definition they had worked so hard to achieve. Their washboard abs softened, gradually rounding out into solid bellies. The skin on their stomachs stretched as they grew, no longer clinging tightly to muscle but rather the fat that was now growing. Their shirts tightening uncomfortably around their growing stomachs.
Jake, who had always prided himself on his slim waist and sharp lines, watched in stunned fascination as his narrow torso thickened. His broad shoulders remained, but now they led down to a body built for strength and endurance rather than aesthetics. His arms grew more powerful but lost their ripped appearance, becoming thick and strong with the kind of muscle that came from years of hard work, not isolated gym sessions. His chest puffed out into a solid, rounded shape that pressed against his shirt.
Mark's transformation mirrored his brother's. His influencer physique shifted into something more natural, more grounded. His once-toned thighs thickened, his legs growing sturdy and powerful, built for carrying heavy loads instead of performing perfect squats. His biceps, though still muscular, became bulkier, his forearms thicker and dusted with a hint of hair, giving him the look of someone who had spent years lifting bricks rather than dumbbells. His belly grew too, growing large than his brothers.
Their faces changed too, subtly at first. Their jawlines softened just a bit, the angles of their cheeks rounding slightly.
As they continued to transform they pressed their growing bellies together.
Their clothes no longer fit the way they used to, they were now tight on their body. But that did not last long as their tight gym shorts and workout tops were replaced with sweatpants and, the fabric stretching comfortably over their new physiques. They looked at each other, both a little bewildered, but also smiling, feeling an odd sense of rightness as if they had finally become who they were always meant to be.
As their bodies continued to shift, so did their memories. The grueling workouts, the strict diets, the endless pursuit of physical perfection—they all faded, replaced by memories of growing up in and wanting to be like their dad. They remembered working alongside their dad on construction sites, learning the value of hard work and the satisfaction of a job well done. Their bond as brothers deepened, no longer based on shared gym sessions but on shared experiences, building together, and enjoying hearty meals after a long day.
When the transformation was complete, Jake and Mark stood before each other, not as the fitness fanatics they once were, but as sturdy, slightly overweight builders with round bellies and strong, capable hands. Their physiques were no longer built aesthetics but for a days hard work.
They were no longer worried about calorie counts or perfect form. Instead, in this new reality, they just ate anything and everything they could get their hands on.
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itstransformingtime · 1 month
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You will start seeing this a lot more on flights from Turkey now. Once the place to go from incredibly cheap hair transplants it has not become the number one spot for the new masculinization surgery that has been pioneered there.
They promise that even the skinniest of men will leave as muscle beasts and the results so far do not disappoint. The procedure cost thousands of dollars, but that did not stop the hundreds of men who have made the journey so far, all returning as huge manly beasts.
The procedure itself was long, first they flooded the body with testosterone, while their patented gene changing technology went to work, altering the patients very genetic profile. Turning on genes known as for masculine trait and turning off those known to be more feminine.
The side effect over the few days after the procedure was increased height, weight, muscle, body hair, loss of hair on head, increase in perceived age, penile growth, aggression and increased interest in sports, oh and a 95% chance of becoming homosexual, many straight men still had the procedure hoping they would be one of the 5% to stay straight, and on the flip side gay men had a 5% chance of becoming straight.
Here’s one of the more recent people to undergo the procedure. 21 year old Mark, had used his inheritance from his grandfather to pay for this, his parents had wanted him to use it to house, but he had other plans.
He was fed up of being a skinny, 5 foot 6 nerd, unable to put in any weight at all. Always being the brunt of every joke. He couldn’t even get himself a boyfriend.
He had spent the last several weeks in Turkey recovering from his procedure and while he was there he picked up some new clothes and got some tattoos for his now large body. He also discover that he was a member of the 5% club of gay men that became straight. The hospital gave him some shorts to celebrate.
He may have even ploughed a few women while recovered. Had to get some experience in for his new straight life, he was sure he would dominate the ladies in his home town and with the gene changes done, it would pass down to his children so he planned to have as many boys as possible, he could even start on the flight, one of the air hostesses keeps on looking him up and down.
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itstransformingtime · 1 month
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I can’t believe that this has happened again! Ever since I rejected that guy who turned out to be a wizard every time I have gone on a date with a new guy he ends up transforming into some cocky straight guy.
Just a few minutes ago I was on a lovely date with Michael, a sweet guy I matched with on a dating app. He was a student at the other university in town, a Computer Science major.
But to my horror, half way through the date the changes happened, subtle at first, he began growing taller and bulking up, as his hair softened and styled itself while his face become more angular, some stubble appearing on his face.
The shirt he was wearing was straining to contain the growing muscles and as he let out an obnoxious belch it ripped, exposing his large pecs and six pack, before reforming into a tight black T-shirt. Tattoos soon traced themselves over his new large muscles and although I could not see it, I know his cock and balls were also growing.
The transformation complete he was now Mikey a cocky Sports Science major and a member of the wrestling team. He said he matches with gay guys for a free meal to get him through colleges all him money goes on booze. He flexes arrogantly saying that he’ll pay me back with tickets to the gun show, as he shows of him large biceps, but if I buy him desert he might let me suck his cock, he said with a smirk as he grabbed his cock through his pants.
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itstransformingtime · 2 months
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When I found out that my best friend had managed to get a hold of a chronivac I ran to his house as fast as I could. Could you image the things we would be able to do now we had the power to warp reality around us. The two of us would be literally gods! I am just so happy that he decided to tell me, it would have been so easy for him to have changed himself and reality, leaving me with no knowledge at all of him as my friend. When I approached his house I quickly ran in and up the stairs, his mother was never really home being a single parent she spend most of her time working, so I didn't need to worry about knocking, I burst into his room to see him sitting at his desk. "Dad what have I told you about coming into my room without knocking" he said, quickly closing down what was on his computer screen. I had a sense of awkwardness and pride as I looked at my son. "Sorry son" I said with a laugh, "Just came to see if you were ready for our daily gym session?" I flex my large biceps, as I thought back to when I was my sons age. Fuck that was 20 years ago now that I was 38, and I looked good for it. "Of course dad, just have to finished something up and I'll be down" my son said as I left the room, closing the door behind me. I was so proud of my son, and the two of us were really close as well, we were each others best friend, so much so that I think that I am his age. I always laugh at that thought, no way some College freshman is my size, but my son is quickly catching up!
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itstransformingtime · 2 months
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"Fuck" I said as I looked at the Chronivac app on my phone for a way to undo what I had just done. I was back from college for the summer and my parents were out of town, I had wanted to make myself old enough to pick up some beers for me and my friends, we were all 19 or 20, but the local stores all know we were under 21 so wouldn't serve us. I was using the Chronivac app to make myself a bit older, but instead of 25, I had typed 52. I was older than my own father now! I tried to reverse the change but an error message came up stating that due to server overload I could only make one change be 24 hours. "Fuck" I said, looking down at my phone, I was stuck as a 52 year old for the next 24 hours. I guess it could have been worse, I looked in pretty good shape of a 52 year old. I admired my body for a few moments, " Not too bad I guess, and its only for a day" I shrugged. I held my phone out and snapped a selfie, sending it to our group chat. 'Stuck like this for 24 hours 'cos the apps down, haha" I typed, It wasn't long before I got replies: "Fuck dude!" "You look old AF" "Look like coach man" "Dude, you look older than my dad" It was when I received a private message from Christian. He had always been the quiet one in our group of friends. "Hey, just putting this out there and giving it a shot, you look hot as fuck, if your down for it I would be DTF... Daddy" Fuck, something about being called Daddy just completely turned me on as my dick began getting hard. I reached down with one hand and fished it out of my underwear, holding in in one hand as I took a dick pic, sending it over to Christian. "Best get over here soon boy ;)" I send. It was not even a half a minute later I got a reply, "On my way Sir!" Maybe this 24 hours would not be so bad.
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itstransformingtime · 2 months
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I was a bit upset when I opened the package and saw these gladiator costumes rather than the superhero costumers I was expecting for myself and my two best friends, Henry and James. I knew that we should not have trusted Henry with ordering what were were going to wear. There was no way that any of us would wear these to comic-con like we planned. The three of us were as skinny and nerdy as they came, we would be mocked and looked absolutely ridiculous wearing these costumers, they left very little to the eye and he didn't have much he wanted to show off. Henry just laughed when I showed them to him and told us that it would all work out, and that we would change our mind after we tried them on. Urging us to give it a go, "its just the three of us, no one has to know" he said, throwing a costumer at each of us. He was not one to give in easily, so I had learnt over our years of friendship to just give in on things like this and with a sigh I began to strip out of my clothes, doing so quickly to save my modesty, not that the costumes did much to make it any better. The briefs were lose on me and I struggled to get my cape on and keep in held up while I put the arm gauntlets on. It was not log after I picked up the spear that I felt a shock go through my entire body. I let out a gasp of pain as I felt my entire body tingle. Looking down at myself I watched as my muscles began to inflate. My skinny legs pluming up and inflating with muscles, soon making sure my briefs no longer struggled to stay up. My chest pushed forward, blocking my view of looking down at my body as they did so. I reached up and gave them a squeeze, moaning as I did so. Fuck this was actually happening. My hands roamed down and I could feel my new abs forming, I could feel the grooves between then as I ran my hand up and down. My arms were next, biceps growing to what I could only dream of just moments ago. The gauntlet on my arm became tight as my forearms joined in the action and increased in size. "This is awwweeesommme" I said, moaning in pleasure again as I felt a growing sensation in my crouch. I quickly reached down and grabbed by dick through the fabric of the briefs and felt my dick swell larger, and not just from getting hard. It was growing much bigger, by balls growing alongside, with the weight becoming more noticeable. The tingling travelled up to my face, and I could feel my facial features rearrange themself, it wasn't painful, infact it felt good. I ran over to the mirror and watched as my jaw became more define and my nose less prominant on my face. I looked fucking hot! My hair even began to style itself. I turned back to my friends, suddenly remembering I was with them and it seemed like their transformation has gone just as good as mine did, the two of them looked like studs. "This is amazing" said James as he ran his hands over his new body and flexed his biceps. "Told you" Henry said with a confident wink, "I knew what I was doing when I ordered theres, we are going with the cosplay competition now" he grinned. "Forget the cosplay competition" I said turning back to the mirror, "lets hit the town and pick up some chicks!" I said. "or Dudes" James added, "doubt there would be many people who don't want to sleep with us" he grinned as he high fived us. I just knew whatever we ended up doing we would have a good night.
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itstransformingtime · 2 years
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I was always jealous of the other guys on my rugby team. They always seemed to be able to put on muscle with ease, where as I had struggled to put in a pound of muscle. I had worked hard for the muscles I had, but some of the other guys didn’t work out as much as I did and were still bigger, I had put it down to my shitty genetics.
After a tough workout session I found myself in the locker room, and snapped a selfie in the mirror. I looked so small, “I wish I was bigger” I said out loud with a sigh.
I found myself frozen in place, not able to move a muscle. Watching myself in the mirror I saw myself getting bigger, muscles growing larger than I could only dream of. Big pecs, huge arms and massive thighs full of muscle. I couldn’t believe my wish had been granted! My excitement soon turned to horror as while my muscles remained large, fat began to develop all over my body.
A large gut began to expand, while body hair began to grown all over my now much larger body. I watched as my body began to age, I no longer looks like an 18 year old rugby player, my hairline receded, hair falling out leaving only a short buzz, and a beard grew in on my face. I looks older than my dad now.
The final change was a tingling in my pants, as I felt my cock get heavier, it was growing in length and girth until I had a monster between my legs.
I was soon able to move again and I ran my hands over my new body, I wanted to bigger but now like this. Although, as I looked at myself in the mirror and felt my muscles I was starting to like it.
I was wondering how I would explain things to other, when some new memories entered my head. I was still 18, despite what I look like, I just had some hormonal issue and started puberty early. I was now the captain of the rugby team, now being the largest on the team. I was apparently much closer to the team now, my new memories telling me I had fucked most of the team.
This may have not been what I was expecting, but I couldn’t help but think that my wish had been answered in an unexpected way for the better. I looked at my phone and saw a notification from one of the team begging for my cock. I snapped a selfie of myself in my underwear and sent it to him. “On my way, This will keep you going till I get there” I messaged as a quickly got dressed and left.
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itstransformingtime · 2 years
Something Strange
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Marc looked around as he sat up on the sun lounger, he had been taking in the sun and topping up his tan, but there was something strange going on at this beach that he could not put his finger on it. He had visited this beach with his friend Christian, the two of them had come on vacation together, but he was no where to be seen. The beach was mostly full of other men, although there were a few women here and there. Some of the men were absolute bears, something that Marc could not stand, he liked his men smooth like him. But Christian loved them, it was the reason he had chosen this destination. He said it "Had a way of changing you" whatever that means.
Anyone one who saw Marc would say that he was a stereotypical twink. He did not have an ounce of fat on him, and he was was completely hairless, from a mixture of not even be able to grow chest hair, to shaving his legs and public hair. It only took a few minutes of him laying there when he fell a sleep, and that was when the changes started. They were slow at first, his muscles growing slightly, a dusting of hair all over his body, before they sped up and accelerated. Within seconds his muscles were quickly growing in size, arms exploding in size and shoulders widening. All the while his growing thighs stretched out his shorts. At the same time hair grew all over his body and a thick beard started growing on his face. His muscles had stopped growing, reaching a size that most men could only dream off, before a layer of fat started to envelop them. I thick muscle gut grew, erasing the existence of the tight abs that he had for a few moments. While his pecs grew larger as a result. The small bulge in his shorts started to grow aswell until he was sporting a rather impressive package, you would think he was stuffing his shorts, but if you were to remove them, it would all be real. The final change was his age, throughout all of these changes he still looked like the youthful 18 year old twink that he was, but he was quickly racing through his twenties and thirties, before stopping in his mind fourties. He groaned slightly as he woke up from his nap. He felt like he had been asleep for years. Looking around he took in all the other bears that surrounded him, not really surprised. This was the most wellknow vacation spots for Bears and boys looking of a daddy. So it was no wonder that everyone on this beach was gay. He couldn't wait to go back to his boy Christian tonight and pound his ass, he loved it when he called him Daddy.
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itstransformingtime · 2 years
School Bully
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See the guy on the left? He's my boyfriend Jack. Just look at him flex his muscles, of course they aren't as big as mine, thats me holding him on the right. To everyone that meets us, we are the perfect couple. Of course, it is only me that knows the truth. The truth that just yesterday Jack was not my boyfriend and I was not the muscle beast I am right now. I was a scrawny college freshman and Jack was my former High School bully that just so happened to be at the same college as me, continuing his torment there. Even worse he was my room mate! That was until I discovered the Chronivac in the Science departments store rooms. I had heard rumours on Reddit and other websites about the existence of the Chronivac, but I had always thought it was one of them CopyPasta stories. I had seen muscular jocks on TikTok claim that they had gained the muscles overnight using it. But nobody actually believed it was real.
Sneaking it back to my dorm was easy and I quickly set it up on my computer. Luckily Jack was at wrestling practice and would probibly be there for a few more hours. It gave me plenty of time to craft my perfect new body. Looking at my naked avatar on the screen I winced at how scrawny and weak I looked, that would soon change as I went to work increasing the size of my muscles, giving myself a dashing of body hair and a five o'clock shadow. I looked further into the options and increased the amount of testosterone in my body, pumping my muscles up even more and giving myself a more manly face. It also increased the size of my penis, as my avatar now had a larger cock and balls between two powerful thighs. I adjust this more, giving myself a bigger and thicker package and finally increased my height to over 6 and a half feet. Looking over my avatar I was happy with the results. I clicked the "alter reality button to fit" and clicked submit. It took a few moments to process and I soon felt a wave come over me, it was actually happening. I could feel my muscles slowly inflating, it felts strange but oddly turned me on, feeling every muscle in your body grown and expand would do that do anyone. I wanted to take my clothes off and watch in detail as my muscles grew, but I could see my clothes were already tight and I knew that was something that I did not want to miss. I managed to unbuckle my increasingly tight pants and take out my my growing cock, holding it in my hand I could could feel it growing thicker and heavier with every passing second, I began to stroke it pleasure running through my body. I looked at my arms, now enormous compared to what they were moments before and flexed them. That was all it took for the seems in my sleeves to rip and I reached but and ripped them off exposing my new larger biceps. Reaching up I played with my still growing chest, it was weird looking down and not being able to see past them. I gave my nipples a squeeze through my shirt and moaned, they were so sensitive. I couldn't take it anymore and tore the remaining part of my shirt off of me, exposing my chest as hair began to poke its way through. At the same time I could feel my beard starting to grow in and stubble make itself known on my face. It was at the moment I could feel my now huge balls clench and with a deep groan I came, shooting huge amounts of cum over myself. "Fuck" I moaned, my hands shot up to my throat as I heard my new deep, sexy voice. I sounded amazing. I took a few more moments to explore my new body and what I had done to myself, still not believing it was real before cleaning myself up and turning my attention back to the chronivac. With is I could make Jack pay for making my life hell for all of High School. I could turn him into a weak greek like I was a few minutes a go, but where was the fun in that? No, I made him my boyfriend, with partial awareness. I had had a crush on him since junior high and this was my opportunity to get what I wanted. I made it so he would be full aware of that he was now gay and my boyfriend. But be unable to control any of his actions. Imagine Jake the womaniser, being stuck in a body he can't contol and forced to suck my huge cock. Fuck the though just turned me on. That evening after he came back from practice you best believe I made use of his mouth and hole, breeding him for hours. Man the stamina of my new body is beyond. Turns out he had a muscle worship fetish and enjoys it when I hold him and we both flex. It was not an opportunity I was going to turn down. I think I am going to enjoy this, and if I get bored, I can always make another change.
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itstransformingtime · 3 years
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My boyfriend and I were at the gym, like we were every Sunday. We usually focused on cardio. Weight training and gaining muscle was not something that really interested me, which was something that my boyfriend found quite annoying as muscles were something that really turned him on. The two of us had met in freshman year of college and we were now seniors about to graduate.
“Are you going to actually exercise?” I said as I continued running on the treadmill. Looking over at my boyfriend he was still on his phone, he seemed to be distracted my something on it. 
“Have you ever considered growing a beard?” he asked, looking up from his phone.
“No” I said, reaching up and rubbing my smooth face, “I don’t even think I could grown one ever if I wanted” I said as I continued running. 
“Huh” my boyfriend said, looking back as his phone as he began typing away. I shook my head and continued running, as a tingling sensation spread over my face. I reached up to scratch where my face was tingling and ran my fingers through my beard. I think that I must have inherited some good genes, because i’ve been able to grow a beard since sophomore year of high school.
I looked over at my boyfriend, still sat on his phone typing away before looking at me with a large smile on his face. “You should switch to weights” he said, “I bet you could pile on the muscles”.
I shrugged my shoulders as the same tingling feeling I felt in my face spread over my whole body. I slowed down on my treadmill before stepping off of it, that was my cardio warmup done, it was now time for the good stuff, the free weights. 
I walked over to the weights in front of the large wall mirror and picked up one of the heaviest set. I was difficult as my arms were quite small, I could barely lift but they say go big or go home. I looked at myself in the mirror, my loose gym t-shirt hung off me as I started a few reps. Each rep felt amazing as the tingling increased and I watched myself in the mirror as I continued the reps, each rep becoming easier, almost as if the weights were becoming lighter.
I placed the weights back and looked at myself in the mirror, my large frame barely fit in the t-shirt that I was wearing, it was almost skin tight on me. My large pecs could clearly be seen through it and I popped my pecs a few time with a grin on my face that could just be seen through my beard.
I looked back over at my boyfriend who was walking towards me typing on his phone. I reached up and pulled the sleeves of my t-shirt up, it was difficult considering my large shoulders but I managed. I looked back at the mirror, man I looked good in a tank top. 
I saw my boyfriend stand next to me in the mirror, he looked so much smaller stood next to me and my large frame. He seemed to be looking over me in the mirror, so I flexed my muscles and gave him a cocky wink as I reached down at grab my crotch, I wasn’t the biggest down there but I knew how to use it. 
A look of realisation came over my boyfriends face as he pulled his phone back out and began typing. The tingling started again, this time in my crotch. I reached down at grabbed my large package. The outline of it clearly visible in my tight gym shorts and grinned as I reached down and pulled my boyfriend close and walked towards the locker room for some fun.
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itstransformingtime · 3 years
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I first discovered that I had the power to transform others while I was at college. I must admit that at first I went a bit bad, making changes to nearly everyone that I saw. My college quickly became full of large muscular gay men and let me tell you that the rest of my time at college was interesting to say the least. That was a few years ago however, now I am a lot more selective of the people that I transform. 
When I spotted a father and son at the beach, I knew immediately that I would transform them. The son was a skinny as a rake, while the daddy was morbidly obese. The two of them were at the completely different ends of the spectrum. 
I though for a second of what I could do to them before being my transformation. I began by transferring some of the dads weight over to the son. Watching as the son plumped up, fat beginning to cover his body, all the while the dads fat shrinking, stopping the transfer when the dad only weighed a few pounds more than his son. 
The two of them immediately noticed the changes and looked down in shock at their bodies. The dad ran his hands over his smaller, although still large belly. While the son jiggled his new fat with a large smile on his face, he seemed to like being fatter.  
I could have stopped that transformation there, but that wasn’t really my style. I began to turn the fat on their bodies into muscle and again watches as their bodies tightened, large muscles appearing as the fat melted and turned into hard muscle. I paid particular attention to their pecs, forcing them to grow even bigger. 
The two men couldn’t believe what was happening to them as their bodies transformed again, the dad flexed his expanding biceps while the son played with his growing pecs.
I looked over my handiwork with a smile. Where there had once been a small skinny 18 year old there was now a large muscular man, with big juicy pecs. Next to his was his formerly morbidly obese father, who was now even larger than his son with thick thighs and even juicier pecs.
The final two changes I made was one that I gave to everyone that I changed. Firstly I made each of their penises twice as large, the dad must have been packing some serious equipment to begin with, because he was now spotting a large package in his speedos.
The final change I made was to make them both gay and have a high sex drive. I smiled as I looked over the changes before I approached them knowing that they would both take me up on my offer for a hook up right there and then, and because of my powers, no one on the beach would even care.
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itstransformingtime · 3 years
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This was not something that I was expecting when I promised the group of nerds 1lbs of muscle for every shot that they made until they missed, not expecting them to make a single shot. Turns out they were all really good at basketball, not something that you would have expected if you had seen them before.
But a deal was a deal, and with each shot I added 1lbs of muscle onto each of them, and so far that hadn’t missed a shot. With their growing muscles and increasing cockiness, it didn’t take long for them to take off their t-shirts, I of course helped them along by changing their pants into shorts.
I just wonder how many more shots they can make, because at this rate we will be having a group of bodybuilders playing basketball in no time. Although the though of that does turn me on so I might just do that anyway. This town could do with more muscular men and with my powers, I am just the man to do it.
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itstransformingtime · 3 years
I'm a 28 year old skinny, British guy with a Masters Degree. While I loved my time at university I can't help but think what my life would be like if I hadn't had gone to university and took up a manual job instead. Not sure how many spins I will need, maybe 4?
Warping Reality: file 01
I understand your thinking. But I believe using the spinning app is too much of a risk when it comes to such a specific wish. I would prefer to use my own powers, just to be safe!
So, a scholar. You have to be really smart for a master degree, so I think that we should take some of that intelligence! If you were smart, you would not have to do a manual job to begin with! I believe your IQ is between 115 and 120.... let’s make that 75! So now you are not dumb, but I am pretty sure you won’t be able to understand a normal lecture.
Now, most people start with their manual job at 16, maybe 17. So if the math is correct, you have been doing this work for 11 years now. This means you can not be so skinny. You have worked in open air for so long, you have decently gained some muscle. And since you are quite dull, I assume you don’t read books as a hobby. No, I think you would prefer working out! Feel the blood pump through your body! The testosterone!
I think we have ourself a new you! You were never the smartest kid in class. You bullied some children because you were insecure about yourself. You were, and still are, the definition of toxic masculinity. Everyone who has a degree is some weak nerd in your eyes. You are the Alpha. You are the king!
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itstransformingtime · 4 years
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I would like you all to meet the newest member of our construction team, Tucker. You might want to give him a wide berth, those pits really do stink quite a bit, I did make them that way after all. Just an hour ago Tucker here was rich, preppy lawyer in the law firm just over the road, shame he had to come over and insult me and my intelligence, just because we were making a bit too much noise. 
You should have seen the look on his face when I started to transform him into one of us. I froze him him place so he couldn’t move and started by transforming his clothes, you can’t work on a building site in an expensive suit and tie now can you?
The sleeves of his suit jacket turned to dust and blew away in the breeze, leaving him in just a waistcoat and shirt. I knew the shirt had to go as well, so that blew away in the breeze. While the waistcoat turned a bright orange, with sliver stripes racing down on either side, until it became a high-vis jacket. His suit pants disappeared leaving him standing there in just his underwear, aloug not for long as a messy and dirty pair of work pants soon appears on him. It looked funny seeing him just standing in the middle of the street in just a high-vis, not that any passersby were paying any attention, not that they could even see us at the moment. His skinny arms and pointed shoulders were on display for all to see and they would be next to change.
His muscles slowly began inflating, growing bigger by the second, he would be using them everyday now for manual labor, not more cushy desk job. His chest pushed out as two meaty pecs made their appearance. His now much bigger arms lifted up revealing almost hairless armpits, but like the rest of him, that would soon change.
Hair began growing wildly and soon a large bush under his arms was on display for all to see. The smell of BO wafted over to me and I held my nose, they guy stinks.
The hair under his arms quickly spread out and cross his chest, covering his new pecs and raced down covering his six pack. I shook my head and soon the six pack disappeared as a small bear belly developed hiding them in a lay of fat, much better.
His clean shaven face was next, a new beard quickly growing where there previously wasn’t any hair. His facial features reaprranging themselves and becoming sharper. His expensive looking haircut began to change, shrinking back I to his head until it was a buzzcut, got to keep hair short on the sites after all.
Next to change was his mentality, atleast outwardly anyway, I want him to know what he previously was and why he was changed, but not be able to control his new urges. His college education disappeared from his head, a labourer like him didn’t need a fancy law degree, I didn’t want him to be completely dumb, so I let him keep his high school diploma, but his grades were now much lower.
A quick look through his memories showed me that he was gay and engaged to his partner of ten year. I toyed with the idea of turning him straight but went against it, instead I got rid of his partner and made him a bit of a slut. He love life now consisted almost exclusively of hookups, he even had a few regular hookups who paid to sick their faces into his hairy pits and give him a tounge bath.
I checked him over inspecting my work like any good builder does. Ah yeah, on final thing, a little reward for not fighting the changes as much as his last recruit. A prominent bulge became visible in between his legs as I gave him a dick that would help with his regular hookups and make any othe man envious.
He was now perfect for the team, I’m sure they would welcome him with open arms, they know exactly what he’s gone through after all, they’ve all been through it themselves. My construction team has former doctors and business men, even the biggest guy on our team used to be a skinny woman who threatened to call the police because we were “making to much noise”.
I always instill a good message into my team, treat other with respect or expect consequences. Shame some people have to join my team to learn that.
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itstransformingtime · 4 years
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When Adam wished to be the strongest guy in the school, he was hoping to get bigger than Mason, his bully and the star of the school football team. But the next day he woke up in a completely different bed, his arms wrapped around a woman.
Sliding out of the bed he awkwardly made his way to the bathroom and closed the door behind him. Turning on the light he looked in the mirror and was shocked to see the coach of the football team looking back at him.
He spent the next few minutes touching and poking himself, running his hands through the beard that adorned his face and feeling up his now much larger muscles. He smirked when he pulled the waistband of his sweatpants and was greeted by a huge surprise, he’d never seen one this big in all his life, and he had watched a lot of porn. 
That was a month ago and it didn’t seem like he would be going back to his old body anytime soon. Speaking of his old body, it approached him the first day he went into school, it was weird seeing his old body in front of him. Adam thought that coach would be unhappy to be in a scrawny geeky body, but he was happy, apparently he was unhappy with his old life, explaining that he was secretly gay, but never had the courage to come out, but now had the perfect opportunity. Seems like things worked out for the both of them and they both got their wish granted.
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itstransformingtime · 4 years
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I can’t believe this photo was taken a year ago, I felt so awkward back then, not that I didn’t have a good reason to be. My parents were fed up of me and my older brother, Liam, constantly arguing, so they swapped our bodies. I’m still not sure how they even managed to do it, but they couldn’t have research it that much because they admitted a few weeks after that they had no idea how to swap us back.
Back then I felt so uncomfortable with my new body, it was such a difference from my slender female body. I took to showering in my underwear so I didn’t have to look at the huge monster between my legs.
But that was a year ago, a lot has changed since then. Now, I can’t keep my hands off my cock, I’m constantly jacking off and I can’t think of a time when I’m not horny. I goto the gym everyday as well now, got to get this body bigger so I can keep on attracting the ladies, they can’t seem to keep their hands off of me, and with my knowledge of actually being a girl I’m using it to my advantage. I’ve got quite a few knotches on my bed post.
My brother, or I guess I should say sister now, must be just as comfortable in my former body. She’s now pregnant, the father’s her former best friend Kyle. I always thought there was something going on between them, I’m glad they seem to be having a good time and I can’t wait to be an uncle.
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itstransformingtime · 4 years
Honestly, one of the hardest things I find when writing stories/captions is coming up with names for the characters! I need some help, please suggest some names to me! Could be your real name, your fathers, brothers, bullies, anyone’s! The link is comeply anonymous, so don’t worry.
I know I could just use a random name generator, but feel like this will be a bit more interesting. Maybe add in a suggestion of the type of transformation you want (muscle growth/muscle theft, age progression etc) and I’ll come up with how the character actually get transformed.
On that note: A few new stories coming soon!
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