#also sorry this is super duper late
miyamoratsumuu · 1 month
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post may or may not be cringe, but we're rolling with it 🤙🏼
I dreaded having to do this (again) all year long, but guess who's going on a semi-hiatus!!!! hint: me ☝🏻 (I'll call it semi bc I'll prob be lurking around here and there still, lmao)
most of you may know, but I've been super busy with school lately given that I'm graduating this year, sooo I'm predicting it rn I won't be able to write anything for a while 😞
it's not that I don't have free time at all, it's just that everything that's been on my mind lately is shoolschoolschool, and I almost never think of anything else 😭 + I can't find it in myself to have the mental capacity to balance everything I have going on here and aiming to be at the podium once graduation comes around
though I will be posting chapter 6 of push & pull this week, AND maybe a teaser for score his heart?? but idk, we'll see! if I do end up posting both of those, I think that'll be it for a while
I'm so sorry to be letting anyone down, especially those who have been enjoying my ongoing series so far</3 I promise that once I make the time to write in between school and my social life outside of tumblr, I'll be back to writing/posting better than ever!!
I'll just take this opportunity to thank everyone for supporting me and my works this past summer vacation!! I truly believe I wouldn't have been able to survive the summer heat without you all 🤕
thank you all so so much, I hope you understand!! as I mentioned, I'll still be lurking around the app and answering asks/messages if necessary!! I LOVE YOU ALL SOOO MUCH, I'LL BE BACK BETTER THAN EVER, I PROMISE!!<33
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sceebybeeby · 4 months
idk what the text should've been but take this
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thank you youtube for the background
(separate images under read more)
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cozymochi · 2 months
I’ve always wondered, how did you somehow MASTER the twst style? I see like 50 artists somehow turn into Yana toboso herself AND ITS INCREDIBLE??
I’m not a master at all, but I’m not even kidding when I say I spent some 2 years offline JUST dedicating myself to figuring that out. Or at least try having a basic foundation because I have a toxic habit about studying the art of a thing I like to draw on model (or mostly do so) just. because. Anyone following me for years would know this isn’t news 😭💃
I was into twst for a good while before I even started posting about it 😩 though, there’s still work out there that’s jank. (and if anyone even looks at someone like Tia, you can visibly see a shift anyway where i finally learned to do something- that- given what i am is kinda pathetically late- art twitter tutorial shills/police would kill me)
And even then, I lack something all mad scientists have: ASSISTANTS. 👹 god knows twst looks the way it does thanks to multiple hands touching every image instead of one person (me) handling every stage.
And even then based on tags, people just love pointing out, “oh y’know it’s not QUITE there u can TELL up close it’s fake” like… thanks i guess? I get the sentiment in theory, but I mostly take that as confirmation as still not being good enough. Not to “deceive” really, but for personal reasons. I see it enough to the point that it’s just really really emphasizing how much I’m definitely not accomplishing, even if it’s supposed to be a positive comparison. Something about the phrasing. Though, mind, this is just how my brain is interpreting it. It’s legit 100% just how my brain interprets those comments, I doubt the people are being as cynical as I think.
Now that I think about it, you know how people implicitly think fanfic is inherently lesser than “REAL writing” in published books? That’s how those responses are reading. Fanart is inherently lesser than what’s actually backed or officially shilled out; “so let’s point out what makes this NOT legit.” Probably not the intended route these people are going for, but, there’s something almost smug about it. Like folk relishing in that some code has been cracked even though……. there was no puzzle to begin with.
Actually pointing out what sets it apart in that alleged “positive” light is something I’ve yet to see. While I have seen a few teases that I have a “style” that’s enough of a ring, I don’t know what it is the others are seeing. I’m the one that has to stare at it through all stages. Not like I can tell what I’m doing different beyond [opens my fun list]
still can’t draw hands, colors bleeding constantly, overshooting lighting, undershooting value, incorrect line pen, inconsistent line weight, disengaging posing, FLAT FLAT FLAT, details nonexistent, myriad of subtle things I’m still not doing—
but that’s just me, watch me draw in a stream with a mic and you’d never hear the end of it
TL;DR: I disciplined myself for 2ish years behind closed doors because of a toxic habit for a skill that won’t be utilized.
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i just woke up 20 minutes ago
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The thing about Bran's intended importance (supposedly kingship of all no less) is it falls flat as far as this due to the lack of hinting of... what that even is supposed to "do" in the grand scheme of things? The show's version of some totalitarian regime with 24/7 surveillance from the magical King is fucked up, and it's hard to understand what else would make Bran special otherwise.
The only people interested in the idea (and only as surface level) are big Stark only Stans who just see it as "Starks get everything because" and that's as deep as it gets.
The idea of who would have leadership to rebuild the world is too much built on stanning as a whole. The only ones with an actual leg to stand on are fans of Daenerys simply because her entire arc is trying at different things to restructure an oppressive elite based governing only to at this point end up with the realisation that their class simply cannot exist in a society without seeking to opress so they have to go. That's also what we see in Westeros, so both monarchy AND lordship power must be evaporated. So there's that.
But Martin isn't even angling for that as far as it seems (which would mean even Targaryens and Daenerys relinquishing power by the end and all, even if it would be the system she is currently trying to develop to be applied), but angles for a 'King'. One whose power is magic, which makes one think it is what would make him King, hence angling for the show end which is frightening as a form of government. And in the 'political' sense he's a nice kid who means well for others, but that's it. It's just the whole having a nice lord now and then without guarantee for the next.
So while it might be little page time and some unfairness for Bran, outside of people just stanning "Stark supremacy" in vague terms, it's hard to think of why and in what direction people would 'root' for Bran in the specific intended importance of role he's apparently meant to have.
Whew, you sent a big one. So I’ll try to break it up and answer in parts.
The thing about Bran's intended importance (supposedly kingship of all no less) is it falls flat as far as this due to the lack of hinting of.
I disagree. I think GRRM has been hinting at Bran being a return to the past - more specifically, a greenseer king. And even before that, Bran’s royal status has been front and center the whole time. It’s just ignored.
We as a fandom get so caught up with the magic part of Bran’s storyline (though we can’t be blamed really!) but forget that Bran’s book chapters often place his magical arc right along his identity and status as a lost prince. I’m gonna make a bit of a generalization here and say that the majority of Bran’s chapters since Robb’s ascension mention his status as the current heir to the Northern crown. He is the Prince of Winterfell. But not only that, he is the prince of the woods and the hills and the greens (we see this language being used for Bran once he begins his greenseer training). This princehood is actually extended to Bran’s direwolf, Summer. Bran’s princehood extending to Summer is quite poignant too, since the direwolf is directly named to be an opposition to winter, and Bran’s mythological parallels rule as summer kings.
Bran’s magical arc doesn’t remove him from his royal heritage. It only reinforces it. Again, think of how he becomes a prince of the natural world in an almost literal sense. And also the motifs used for his royal status: e.g., when Jojen and Meera Reed swear fealty to him, as their royal prince, through ice and fire (in addition to other natural elements).
The show took the route of placing Bran squarely in the magical arc, forgetting that first and foremost, he is an exiled prince. After Robb died, Bran became an exiled king. The main point here is that Bran is royal! He always has been, always will be. Heck, his very name literally means “Prince”.
And there’s other things about Bran’s storyline that aren’t very clear with the show’s depiction; I’m mentioning it here since people’s aversion to king Bran is mainly the show’s fault. Bran is a retelling of various Arthurian myths. You might have seen various meta on his similarities with the Fisher King, for example. I’ve written before about how Bran is also very similar to T.H White’s Wart from The Sword in the Stone (sorry, can’t find the meta link). Because the show removed the royal elements from Bran’s story, viewers weren’t able to catch that he is intended to follow the King Arthur trajectory, albeit with various twists.
When I first joined the fandom, the consensus among Bran fans was that he would be King in the North (a big theory at that time was that Westeros would split back into its pre-Targaryen markups). The idea was that there are way too many hints about Bran’s princehood, especially in relation to the North, so the only endgame that made sense was for him to rule it. And Bran does have a mini ruling arc in Winterfell in ACOK, which was good ammo for this theory.
So Bran’s relation to kingship has always been there. For years in fact; I joined this fandom over a decade ago. It’s just that no one expected his kingship would extend to all of Westeros. And I think that will be GRRM’s task, tying in why Bran will take not just the North, but the south as well. However, I have the inkling that Bran the Builder’s legend ties into this (and we know that he had a legacy all over Westeros).
what that even is supposed to "do" in the grand scheme of things?
Blame the show runners for this. They do not at all understand Bran’s importance to the narrative. And I don’t think a majority of readers understand it either. I mentioned Bran the Builder above. Well, he’s a legend that crops up sometime around the Long Night. Now we have a new war with the Others coming up, and little Bran Stark is Bran the Builder come again. Plus Bran has parallels with the last hero, who is credited with ending the Long Night. We still have two books to see how things shake out but given that Bran is following the trajectory of perhaps two of the most important legends from the War for the Dawn - one who ended it and one who rebuilt Westeros after - it’s easy to tell why he is important “in the grand scheme of things”. But we still need TWOW and ADOS to see how it all plays out. Remember, we only have a published 5 books, and Act II is barely finished!
The show's version of some totalitarian regime with 24/7 surveillance from the magical King is fucked up, and it's hard to understand what else would make Bran special otherwise.
I 100% agree that Show Bran’s ascension comes with some very problematic undertones, in addition to being totally stupid. But again, blame the showrunners for not understanding greenseeing and Bran’s relation to it. Greenseeing is, as I understand it, nature magic. It’s not just that Bran gains the ability to see through ravens and trees, but he can speak to nature as well. He can even shape it (ref Hammer of the Waters). This is going to be really important when Westeros is decimated in the War for the Dawn, and needs to be rebuilt. That’s why Bran being the prince of the “woods and the hills” and being the reincarnation (so to speak) of Bran the Builder is so important. He can rebuild Westeros. This is a very unique skill set that literally no one else has because once Bloodraven croaks, Bran inherits the mantle of the Last Greenseer.
The only people interested in the idea (and only as surface level) are big Stark only Stans who just see it as "Starks get everything because" and that's as deep as it gets.
I’ll join you in being annoyed with that particular brand of Stark fan (we all know who they are). But I just want to remind you that so many of us Bran stans (in fact the vast majority of us) do not fall within that group. Bran stans who advocate for Bran’s kingship do so because we have noted his Arthurian parallels, in addition to noting his arc as a prince in hiding/exile. None of us book fans even remotely believe in him being an all seeing autocrat, nor do we want him to be. It’s a certain type of Stark fan (again, we know who they are), who likes the idea of King Bran because they also believe in an independent North. I think an independent North (with a separate six kingdoms) as endgame is a rather ridiculous idea, and I haven’t got around to detailing why in my blog. But as far as I’m concerned if Bran is to be king, he will be king of everything.
The idea of who would have leadership to rebuild the world is too much built on stanning as a whole.
Super agree! I think the POV structure exacerbates this issue. So a majority of “who will be king”, “who deserves to be king” is solely dependent on who the reader likes best (i.e., who has the biggest fandom) and not who is most narratively suited for the role. Ironically, Bran is hurt but this because he has a pretty small fandom; by far the smallest out of the Stark POVs. So he does not benefit much from solo stanning. Again, the typical Bran stan does not believe in Starkception. If readers chose to theorize the endgame king based on who is most narratively/thematically suited for the role, wouldn’t the boy whose animal familiar is named to be the opposite of winter and likened to a prince of nature be among the most popular options?
The only ones with an actual leg to stand on are fans of Daenerys simply because her entire arc is trying at different things to restructure an oppressive elite based governing only to at this point end up with the realisation that their class simply cannot exist in a society without seeking to opress so they have to go.
Agree with Dany, but I think you’re also forgetting about a young lord commander whose entire rulership arc was about being a revolutionary in a rotten and backward system…
P.S: Jon stans can be really annoying too (I would know, I am one), but they’re not wrong when they say that he actually is the one character with the most foreshadowing for “endgame king”; he is literally King Arthur through and through, so 🤷🏽‍♀️
That's also what we see in Westeros, so both monarchy AND lordship power must be evaporated. So there's that.
It’ll be interesting to see how Martin’s critiques on feudal structures plays into the endgame leaders. Especially when we begin to factor in the thematic relevance of stories like Brienne’s and Arya’s among the smallfolk, as well as the upcoming war with the Others and how the feudal structure might do more harm than good.
I tend to have a more optimistic outlook tbh. Winter means death, and I think that will also ring true for a lot of the problematic elements in Westeros’ political and social structure. And let’s not forget that we have a bunch of civil upheavals coming up with Aegon and Daenerys both invading Westeros. I think a lot of these petty lords will die either in battle or during the long winter that’s sure to follow, so what’s left when all is said and done is having our heroes (Bran and Dany and Jon etc.) pick up the pieces. I tend to believe that a massive shake up is in the works such that while it might have been impossible for a crippled boy to rise to kingship in the AGOT era, it just might be the one remedy in ADOS.
But Martin isn't even angling for that as far as it seems (which would mean even Targaryens and Daenerys relinquishing power by the end and all, even if it would be the system she is currently trying to develop to be applied), but angles for a 'King'. One whose power is magic, which makes one think it is what would make him King, hence angling for the show end which is frightening as a form of government. And in the 'political' sense he's a nice kid who means well for others, but that's it.
This is another thing that I blame the show for: people thinking Bran can only be an all seeing tyrant. I’ve already touched on this above but again, Bran’s greenseeing magic is so much more. It’s about nature…healing….Summer! I’ve been meaning to write at length about why the resetting of the seasons will fall to Bran, and why that means healing for Westeros as a whole, but I’ll abbreviate my thoughts for now.
Let’s once again consider Bran as a Fisher King, whose very life is tied to the healing of the land. Now, I think Martin is going for a rather “fairy tale” or fantastical resolution to ASOIAF; an ending closer to Tolkien and Arthurian myth. Bran’s magic, as healing magic, is then meant to be a positive. He sets the world back to rights, as a Fisher King would. He quite literally drives the darkness (winter) away, and GRRM has stated multiple times that the Others are the true threat.
In my write up about Bran’s similarities to Wart, I mentioned that Bran’s ascension could end up being similar to Aragorn’s in LOTR (and we know that Tolkien has heavily influenced Martin). Aragorn became king not because of his swordsmanship or his politics or even his royal claim, but because he had hands of healing. And people said that there was a king who returned to them because he healed them. Healing and kingship is really not a novel thing, and they’re tied to medieval understanding of rulership. So it’s not hard to see why Bran’s magical ability to bring back summer, so to speak, can be taken as a positive of him being a rightful king.
It's just the whole having a nice lord now and then without guarantee for the next.
I get what you mean, but tbh this would be a problem with Jon, Dany, etc. Monarchy and inheritance are unpredictable. We can only hope that the king/lord trains his heir well so that prosperity follows with the exchange of power.
So while it might be little page time and some unfairness for Bran, outside of people just stanning "Stark supremacy" in vague terms, it's hard to think of why and in what direction people would 'root' for Bran in the specific intended importance of role he's apparently meant to have.
Hopefully it’s been quite clear in my reply why Bran as king is so thematically rich. He’s connected to summer, has greenseeing magic which is connected to nature and potentially the healing of nature, and he is already royal. Him being a “nice kid” is just the cherry on top.
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So I was literally just telling my friends about how excited I was for this newsletter that I assumed was going to drop tomorrow morning, and when I got home an hour later and refreshed my email I saw the newsletter and I got to hyped. OMG. the world is wonderful
#personal#utdr newsletter#I have so much to say about it.... i am sorry to my followers who do not care... I am so sorry#this is when I emerge and go crazy about everything. Like the royal guards comic#and the fact that gigi ships soriel and was the one that created the toriel slippers and now they are real. wear them on your feet. now#and the papyrus valentine letter gif with the dog.#Fangamer if you're reading this please send toby fox and gigi and chess and temmie free slippers#also the way toby said “I'm including chess in this one now. Chess come here” implying that they are all just in the same room was so funny#and somehow also heartwarming? like they're all just togetheri n person???/ I need more friends omg#yes I will be a bit unhinged about minor details. The year of the bunny and the year of the dragon....#I got so excited about it all that I didn't even finish reading it just yet. I got to ice skate and had to come here to scream into the voi#Thank you gigi. your game looks very cool! I'm going to listen to the soundtrack soon as well. It is super duper cool amazing actually that#they said they wanted to learn to make music in the interview and then right after it is the soundtrack that they made. Amazing#inspiring. showstopping. Also the thing that they yelled “YEAAAH” about. what are our theories. my instant guess was a ship related thing#like maybe noelle and susie confirmed? but idk#and gigi's concept art for chapter 3???? tv time#okay that's it for now and I will add more late when keep reading and going insane teehee. I still haven't even read all of the valentine'#cards yet.
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cherrylight · 9 months
hi!!!!!! i went to barnes & noble ! :]
and GUESS WHATTTTT!!!!!!! i got tmm vol 1 & 2 combined manga :]
it makes me so happy yippee ! ! ALSOOOOOOOO my hitori figurine came in too !!!! todays been a great day :D
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slerixx · 14 days
packs a punch ! — wbk
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synopsis. windbre boys reaction to you getting a high score in the boxer punching machine ! featuring. umemiya, kaji, sakura, suo, endo, takiishi content. f!reader, shy!reader, fluff, sfw, established relationship, surprised windbre boys, cute moments, some are ooc, slightly suggestive on suo's part
note. she's back lol this was in my drafts for weeks bc i got suuper busy (still am) with uni T T i'm super duper late but happy 100+ followers ! please enjoy this very short treat from me ໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১ this is also my first time writing for endo and takiishi !! i'm so sorry in advance if they are too ooc (,,>﹏<,,) wc. 2.1k+
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𓍢ִ໋  umemiya hajime
umemiya stretched his arms, ready to show off for you, his girlfriend.
"i got this!" he said confidently with a grin as he crack his knuckles.
he took a step back, his dominant arm stretching back before he punched the machine with a solid thud. the score at the top revealed a very high number — which is literally not that surprising knowing your boyfriend is the leader of furin.
"not bad, huh?" he grinned, looking back at you excitedly to check for your reaction.
"as expected of you, ume!" you complimented your boyfriend. he blushed and you smiled before stepping up to the machine with a hesitant glance toward him. "i’d like to give it a try tho…" you murmured softly.
he blinked at you in surprise. he absolutely did not expect you to step up since he have never seen you engage in this kind of games before. he's worried you might hurt your delicate hands.
but as he looks at you, who sports a determined look on your pretty face, he couldn't help but chuckle while nodding, "don't hurt yourself okay, my love?"
you nodded at his reminder before taking a deep breath, eyes narrowing at the punching bag. umemiya assumed you’d be gentle and cautious, but suddenly, without warning, you wound up and threw a fierce punch. the machine roared to life, and the score skyrocketed past his already impressive number.
umemiya’s jaw dropped.
"whoa, whoa!" he exclaimed, eyes wide. "where’d that come from?!"
you rubbed your knuckles, grinning shyly. "i’ve been working out a bit…"
umemiya laughed in disbelief, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. "guess i shouldn’t underestimate you, huh? that was incredible!" his eyes sparkled with admiration as he looked down at you, still trying to process what just happened.
you blushed, feeling a mix of embarrassment and pride. "i didn’t think it would come out that strong…"
umemiya shook his head, still grinning. "well, you definitely showed me. i thought i had this all wrapped up, but you’ve raised the bar!"
you smiled shyly, feeling your cheeks warm under his praise. "i just wanted to give it my best."
he pulled you a little closer, his expression softening as he looked into your eyes. "and you did more than that," he said, his voice full of genuine admiration. "i’m so proud of you."
you felt a rush of happiness at his words, appreciating the support and encouragement he always gives to you. "thanks, ume."
he chuckled and gave you a playful nudge. "next time, i’ll have to work even harder to keep up with you. maybe we should make this a regular thing. you know, to keep me on my toes."
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𓍢ִ໋  kaji ren
kaji sucked on his lollipop, giving the machine a bored glance after his punch registered a decent score. he turned to look at you.
"don’t worry about it," he said coolly. "you don’t have to try hard. it’s just for fun."
you nodded shyly before taking a deep breath. kaji wasn’t prepared for what happened next. you stepped up to the machine with surprising intensity and delivered a powerful swing of your arm that sent the machine shaking.
the score soared, and kaji’s eyes widened in shock. even the lollipop almost slipped out of his mouth.
"you… really went for it," he said, blinking. his usual calm facade cracked as he stared at the score. "where did that come from?"
you scratch your reddened cheek before looking down. "i just thought i should give it my best…"
kaji still have a shock look on his face, his lollipop plopping down on the ground.
he turn towards you, "guess i’m the one who should be careful around you," he shook his head. he reach inside his hoodie's pocket to get another lollipop before handing it over to you with a proud smirk.
"here's a lollipop, you might wanna use it to cool down after that punch."
you chuckled softly, taking the lollipop from him with a shy smile. "thanks," you murmured as you unwrapped it. kaji watch as you popped the candy into your mouth, still trying to process what just happened.
he shoved his hands into his pockets, leaning back against the machine with a slight smirk. "you really caught me off guard," he admitted, his tone casual but with a glint of admiration in his eyes. "i didn't think you had that kind of strength in you."
you shrugged, still feeling a little shy under his gaze. "i didn't either, honestly. i guess… i just wanted to surprise you."
kaji chuckled, shaking his head. "well, you did more than surprise me." he glanced back at the machine, then back at you. "next time, i'll make sure i'm ready for whatever you throw my way."
you smiled at him, feeling a sense of pride welling up inside you. despite his usual cool and reserved demeanor, it was clear kaji was genuinely impressed, and that made your heart flutter.
kaji puts his own new lollipop into his mouth as he started walking ahead. "come on," he called back to you, his voice carrying a hint of warmth. "let's see if you can impress me again at the next game."
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𓍢ִ໋  sakura haruka
sakura fumbled with the machine’s settings. when he heard the starting sound, he took a deep breath. he jumped up and down to get ready before landing a hard, strong punch on the machine. the screen on top revealed his impressive score.
turning to you, he scratched his cheek before smirking. "it’s not that hard," he says. "just give it a little tap."
you gave him a shy nod, but your eyes glinted with determination as you looked at his score on the screen. suddenly, you launched a powerful punch at the machine. it was far from the ‘little tap’ sakura expected, and the machine’s score shot up a few points higher than his.
"w-what the?!" sakura stammered, his eyes widening. he blushed at the thought of how cool and hot that was. but when he realized what you just did, he immediately turned to you. "you really hit that thing hard!"
you turned to him, embarrassed. "i-i didn’t mean to hit it that hard!"
"what do you mean you didn't mean to?!" sakura exclaimed, still staring at the score with disbelief. he couldn't wrap his head around what just happened. "you— you completely obliterated my score!"
you bit your lip, "i just thought i'd give it my all," you said quietly, avoiding eye contact with him.
he turned to the machine again, narrowing his eyes at the score as if it had personally offended him. "i swear, i'm supposed to be the tough one here…" he grumbled under his breath, trying to maintain his usual confident façade. but it was clear that your punch had completely thrown him off his own game.
after a moment, sakura turned back to you with a pout, crossing his arms. "you're not gonna tell anyone about this, ya' got that?" he asked, his voice full of playful desperation. "i have a reputation to uphold, ya'know."
you giggled softly, shaking your head. "i promise, i won't tell anyone."
"good," sakura said, visibly relaxing. he still couldn't hide his amusement, though, as he watched you shyly rub your knuckles.
"but next time, i’m gonna beat your score for sure. so don’t get too comfortable, okay?"
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𓍢ִ໋ suo hayato
suo stood beside the machine, watching you with his usual calm expression. he had just delivered a smooth punch and gotten a decent score, and now it was your turn. he smiled gently at you. "take your time. just do what you can, pretty." he said encouragingly.
you stepped up, giving him a shy glance before suddenly narrowing your eyes at the punching bag. you closed your eyes and took a deep breath before opening them once again. with surprising power, you threw a fierce punch that made the machine rattle. the score climbed higher than suo's, causing him to widen his eye.
"woah," he said, his voice smooth as always, but there was a hint of surprise in his tone. "i didn’t expect you to hit it that hard."
you blushed, looking up at him. "i was trying to give my best shot."
suo chuckled, taking your hand gently. "you certainly did," he said softly, brushing his thumb over your slightly red knuckles. "i guess i should have known you had that kind of strength all along."
then suo leaned down and whispered playfully, "next time, maybe we’ll spar instead."
you looked up at him, a bit taken aback by his suggestion but intrigued. "spar?" you echoed, your eyes widening slightly.
suo straightened, a teasing smile playing on his lips. "yes, spar. you’ve shown me you’ve got some impressive power, so why not put it to the test? of course, i’ll go easy on you… maybe."
you laughed softly, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness at the thought. "i’ll have to hold you to that."
suo’s smile widened as he continued to hold your hand, his gaze soft and reassuring. "i’m looking forward to it," he said. "but for now, how about we celebrate your impressive score? i think a treat is in order."
you nodded, feeling a warm flutter at his words. "that sounds nice."
suo gently released your hand and offered his arm to you, his usual calm demeanor blending seamlessly with a touch of charm. "shall we?" he asked, gesturing towards the exit.
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𓍢ִ໋  endo yamato
endo hyped you up, bouncing on his feet. "come on, you can do it!" he cheered, completely unaware of what was about to happen. he expected a light tap from you since you are his cute and very shy girlfriend. i know he's asking too much from you but he really just wanted to see you try it.
you then unleashed a powerful punch that sent the machine shaking, which made endo freeze mid-cheer. the score skyrocketed past his, and his eyes went wide with shock.
"holy—!" he exclaimed, rushing over to the machine to check if your score was real. "did you just do that?!" he looked back at you with a huge grin. "you were incredible!"
you blushed, shyly ducking your head down as you rub your arms. "i don't think it was that incredible..."
endo laughed loudly, walking over to you and pulling you into a bear hug. "are you kidding? that was awesome!" he grinned down at you, his excitement contagious. a blush started forming on his cheeks as he continued to gush. "i had no idea you were hiding that kind of strength! you totally blew my score!"
you giggled softly, still feeling a bit bashful under his enthusiastic praise. "i didn't mean to make such a big deal out of it."
endo shook his head vigorously, still holding you close. "no way! you made it a big deal in the best way possible!" he pulled back slightly, his grin widening. "seriously, we’ve got to put this on our list of best moments. next time we come here, we’re taking on every machine in sight!"
you laughed, enjoying his infectious energy. "alright, let’s see how that goes."
endo’s eyes sparkled with mischief as he held out his hand for you. "deal! and hey, if anyone tries to challenge us, they better be ready. with you on my team, we’re unstoppable!"
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𓍢ִ໋  takiishi chika
takiishi stood there with his usual bored expression, arms crossed as he watched you step up in front of the machine. "just hit it," he mumbled.
he didn’t expect much; you were always so shy and reserved. but he honestly didn't think that you would ask him to try the boxer punching machine.
but he was wrong.
with a sudden burst of energy, you punched the machine with everything you had. the score skyrocketed, leaving the two of you standing there in stunned silence. you didn't utter a single word and neither did your stoic boyfriend. after a while, you saw his arms slowly uncross as he stares at the machine.
"hmph," he muttered, still trying to process what just happened. his eyes shifted to you, and for once, there was a flicker of surprise in his otherwise calm and intense gaze. "didn’t think you had that in you."
your eyes widened at the sudden compliment. you looked down while playing with your fingers, feeling a bit self-conscious. "did i surprise you?"
takiishi's gaze softened just a fraction, though his expression remained cool. "just don't go using that strength against me."
he turned back to the machine, his usual indifference masking a hint of respect. "next time, i’ll have to bring my a-game."
you smiled, feeling a bit more at ease with takiishi’s rare acknowledgment of your effort.
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reblogs are deeply appreciated !
© slerrix 2024. all rights reserved. please do not copy, modify, or repost any work as your own.
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hanafubukki · 4 months
Ok, I just can't get out of my head, big brother Silver and Malleus. Maybe MC and Lilia having their own child and it's a baby girl. She'd be the most beloved little girl in the Valley. I can imagine this is Silver's first time meeting a baby that young and he'd be so soft uwu. Like, he'd be her perfect prince and he'd be more than happy to live up to her image. He takes his role as being her big brother as seriously as his role as Malleus' knight. Malleus, meanwhile. I mean, the child is the product of his favorite human and his father figure. Say no more. Man would basically ignore a royal counsel meeting if it means going to one of her tea parties. Super duper important meeting... Yeah, that's a tomorrow problem. Man has a tea party to go and a messily writter invite in glitter ink is basically on top of his paperwork so he won't forget it. Ok, sorry for the rant. It's just nothing makes me softer than Lilia being a dad again and getting another member in his beloved family. Thank you.
Hello Anonie 🌺🌷💚
First of all Anonie, *grabs you by the shoulders* never be sorry about sending me these! I love love love fluff, especially domestic fluff! And adding on babies?! Ahsjsjjdd Anonie???? I’m the one who suffers from baby fever constantly ansjsjjdjfd believe me, I adore it. (My first fic was a lilia x reader who had a child together ahhhh💞💞💞). This is some of my faves to see in fics 💚💚🌺🌺
One of my fave ideas is a little girl being born into the Diasomnia family. I can see it change their dynamics but also not change it. Certain aspects will remain the same: teaching self defense/training, escaping Lilia’s food (unless she’s the rare one that likes it, to the detriment of everyone else haha), the pranks, etc.
But also, she’ll have these four overprotective figures in her life. Can you imagine when she dates? The sheer panic??
Malleus will eventually have to take a spouse, Silver might too, and now Lilia’s little girl? Papa is going to have a meltdown. Everyone is getting married and leaving him! (Ironic lmfaoo) But, relax, she was just born Lilia! She’s still a toddler! MC out here looking at this ex-general turned drama papa and enjoying the chaos in a fondly exasperated way.
Sebek, Sebek honey, you are so lucky not to deal with this 🤣🤣 that’s a Baul problem 😂😂
As we seen with Silver and the kids durning the bunny event, Silver is trying his best to be the best brother and Prince Charming figure to his little sister. He just…has trouble at times 🤣 But she knows her big brother Silver well just like she knows big brother Malleus, in her eyes, no one is as charming as them.
He’s going to take her and his animal friends to the meadows nearby. They’ll make flower crowns and talk about what’s for dinner as they forage for ingredients. I can see Silver teaching her to dance as Malleus taught him and Lilia.
She’ll sit on his shoulders and pick from apple trees. He’ll teach her how to pick berries. He’ll teach her about animal tracksand hunting. Of course, for now, she’s too young. But no one is too young to learn survival skills right? ✨✨
She can even train with him and he’ll carry her back when she’s tired. All tucked into him, safe in his arms.
As for Malleus? What meeting? His only meeting is this tea party that he’s been invited to. Don’t you see this messy yet glitter filled invite? How dare you try and stop him? Jkjk but at the same time I’m not. 😆
Big Brother Malleus is not going to miss out. He was late once, stupid councilmen, and the sad look he saw then had him almost burning the castle down. Lolol jkjk …maybe.
I can see Malleus getting busy with work at times, maybe so busy he late to dinner. Next thing he knows, there’s a tiny person peeking over his paperwork, giving him a look that can rival Lilia’s cute pout. (It’s even better than his in fact, no one tell Lilia but I doubt he’d mind. He’ll gladly give that mantle to his baby girl)
His baby sister asks him when he’s coming for dinner and it’s late, won’t he take a break? The way this Fae King folds? It would astound the masses. 💞
On the days where Malleus says he can’t join, oh my dear king, this baby girl is as stubbornness as her papa and brothers. She will pout and sit there, threatening not to eat until her big brother does. How can you deny that?
You know that phase that all little girls go through? The one where they want to marry the ones they really love? Watch these three just try their best to get her to choose them. 😂🤣
The winner is MC, of course, no one can beat Mama 💞💞 laughing at the thought of the three depressed in the dark corner.
Ahhh this was so cute! Thank you for sending this in Anonie 💞💞💚💚
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noisynaia · 9 months
Written for the lovely @pedrostories Secret Santa event 2023
My dear giftee is @katiexpunk, hope you like it! 💕
pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader 
word count: 3.2k 
summury: You moved into your new house six months ago, and you love your new home. It is spacious and has a lovely little garden, and it also just so happens to include the hottest single dad with the sweetest little girl you’ve ever met as your new neighbors. Over the months you have gotten to know them more and more. Little Sarah has fallen head over heels for your labradoodle Sofie and often comes over to play with her in your garden, and as you have gotten to know him more and more, you have fallen head over heels for her father, Joel.
note: Pre/no outbreak. Next door neighbors. Fluff. Baking. This is the first fic i've written in seven months, so sorry for being super duper rusty. English isn't my native language. This was supposed to be something completely different, but my laptop broke, (the 'screen part' literally just fell off?!) so I didn't have near as much time for this as I would have preferred, so sorry if this seemed rushed (it sadly was). But nonetheless, happy holidays ya'll! I'm so happy to be back, and aiming to write much more again in the new year ♥︎
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Joel stands in the kitchen, staring hopelessly at the empty sugar canister while cursing under his breath, feeling the dull pressure behind his eyes and nasal cavity which usually indicates an incoming tension headache. He had been sure that it was full, but no, it’s as empty as his hope for successfully making these damn muffins. The curse words escape his lips like a symphony of frustration, echoing off the empty walls of the kitchen. Joel can feel the frustration sinking into his bones. 
He had promised Sarah that he would bake muffins for her school function, despite not being a very good nor patient baker. But he would do anything to make his little girl happy. He had thought that they could bake them together, that it would be a fun father-daughter activity, but work and chores and Sarah’s soccer practice and honestly just life in general had gotten in the way of those plans. 
So now he stands here, the night before Sarah needs the muffins, without one of the most essential ingredients. It’s late, way past Sarah’s bedtime, who is sleeping soundly in her room.  Joel would  have to wake her up and take her with him if he’s going out to buy more sugar. But he really doesn’t want to wake her, she needs her sleep, but there is also no way in hell he’s leaving her alone while he runs to the store even if she’s just sleeping. 
As he stands here contemplating his options, you appear in his mind. You do that frighteningly often these days, and deep down he knows exactly why, but he has to suppress it. He is too busy, and too grown, to go around getting crushes on pretty women with cute dogs who move into houses next door to him, and who is always so sweet and funny, and who is so sweet and nice to his daughter, and…. No. He has to stop this. He shouldn’t think about you like this. 
He is mature enough to admit to himself that he is attracted to you, very attracted to you, but admitting to the feelings he has caught is a whole other can of worms, which he is not going to even attempt to look into. He is a single dad to a six year old, focused on taking care of his daughter and providing for her needs.
But in this moment, as he stands in the kitchen with an empty sugar canister mocking him, he feels a tug in his heart, a desperate need for help. He reluctantly gives in to the idea that perhaps you might have some sugar to spare… 
It would be nice to see you, but he also really doesn’t want to disturb you, and something about knocking at your door this late at night gives him a funny feeling in his stomach. 
Joel shakes his head, trying to clear his thoughts as he focuses on the task at hand. He glances at the clock on the wall, realizing that time is slipping away. With a sigh, he reluctantly decides that he has no choice but to go next door and ask you for some sugar.
As he walks across the lawn and up to your front door, Joel can feel his heart racing. Why does he feel so nervous about such a simple request? He hesitates for a moment, contemplating whether he should knock or just turn around and forget about the whole thing. But the thought of disappointing Sarah and ruining her school event pushes him forward.  He takes a deep breath and knocks on the door, attempting to calm his racing thoughts.
Shortly after, the door swings open, and there you are, standing with a warm smile on your face. Your eyes light up as you see Joel, and Sofie, your adorable dog happily greets him as well. Joel can’t help but feel his heartbeat quicken even more at the sight of you.
“Hi,“ you smile at him. “What brings you here at this hour?” you ask curiously.
Joel awkwardly shifts his weight from one foot to the other, his nerves getting the best of him. “I hate to bother you, but I’m in a bit of a jam. I promised Sarah I would bake muffins for a thing at her school tomorrow, but I ran out of sugar. Do you, by any chance, have some to spare?" 
Your smile widens, and you tilt your head slightly. “Of course, I’d be happy to help you out. Come on in, I’ll grab it for you.”
Joel breathes a sigh of relief as you invite him inside. He steps into your warm and inviting home, noticing the pleasant aroma from what he guess must be a scented candle or something of the sort. It feels comforting and familiar, contrasting with the chaos and frustration that he left behind in his own kitchen.
He follows you into your kitchen, taking in the sight of the cozy space. The countertops are clutter-free, and a few potted herbs sit on the windowsill, basking in the moonlight. It’s a stark contrast to his own kitchen, which is always a whirlwind of activity and unfinished tasks.
As you retrieve the sugar from your well-stocked pantry, Joel can’t help but admire the ease with which you move around the kitchen. Your familiarity with the tools and ingredients is evident, invoking a sense of calm in him. He wonders how you manage to maintain such a serene environment amidst the chaos of daily life.
Unable to contain his curiosity any longer, Joel finally musters the courage to ask, “How do you do it? How do you manage to keep everything so neat?”
You pause for a moment, a kind smile on your face as you hand Joel the sugar. “Well, for starters, I don’t have a kid," you chuckle, “and I guess it’s just about priorities, and since I work from home, I find that having a clean and organized space helps me stay focused and reduces unnecessary stress.”
Joel nods at your answer. He can’t help but admire how put-together you seem, both in your home and in your life. It’s something he strives for but often falls short of, with the chaos that comes with being a single parent. 
“You’re doing really well by the way,” you smile at him, interrupting his thoughts, as if you can sense his doubts. “Sarah is really lucky to have you.” Joel’s cheeks flush at your compliment, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over him. He never believed he was doing enough for Sarah, constantly doubting himself as a parent. But your words validate his efforts and provide a much-needed boost of confidence. “Thank you,” he says softly, a mixture of appreciation and relief lacing his voice. “I always worry that I’m not doing enough, that…” he pauses. 
Your expression is filled with understanding. “I can’t talk from experience, but I know that parenting is never easy. But trust me, Joel, Sarah knows how much you love her and how much you’re doing for her. And I think you are doing a wonderful job,” Joel’s eyes meet yours, and he sees genuine sincerity reflected in them. It’s as if a weight has been lifted off his shoulders, the burden of his self-imposed expectations slowly dissipating. You speak with such warmth and wisdom, Joel’s heart swells with gratitude for your presence in his life. He never imagined that a simple request for sugar would lead to such a meaningful conversation. 
“Thank you,” Joel says, his voice filled with genuine gratitude. “That means more to me than you’ll ever know.”
 You smile warmly at him, reaching out to gently squeeze his arm. “Joel, you’re a great dad. Don’t ever doubt yourself.” As Joel thanks you once again, he can’t help but feel a warmth spreading throughout his heart. It’s a feeling he hasn’t experienced in a long time, and it fills him with a sense of hope and possibility. Before he leaves, Joel can’t help but ask, “Would you wanna come over for dinner sometime? I am a much better cook than baker and Sarah has begged me to have you and Sofie over and visit.” 
You smile and nod, your eyes sparkling with excitement. “I would love that, Joel.” 
Joel feels a surge of warmth, at your smile. Thanking you again he turns to leave, sugar in hand, he musters up the courage to say one last thing. “I’m happy that it was you who moved in next to us.  It’s been nice getting to know you and having you around.”
You smile warmly, your eyes twinkling, and an almost bashful expression on your face which catches Joel a little off guard. “Likewise, Joel. I’m always here if you need anything, whether it’s sugar or just someone to talk to.” you add the last part with a teasing smile, but the sincerity in your words are clear. 
“I really appreciate that,” Joel says, his voice filled with sincerity. 
“And just so you know…” you give him a bashful smile.“That includes help with baking muffins.”  
Joel feels how his stomach does a flip as he understands what you’re saying. “Would you like to help me bake some muffins?”  
“I’d love to,” you say happily, your smile growing and Joel can’t help but feel a sense of excitement through his body. “I’ll be over at yours in ten, how’d that sound?” you ask. 
Joel’s heart leaps at the thought of spending more time with you. “Sounds good to me.” 
“Cool, see you in ten then.” You grin at him. Joel smiles back at you, feeling a sense of anticipation building within him. 
As Joel heads back to his house, sugar in hand  he can’t help but smile, he had been so tired and frustrated only a little while ago, but now he suddenly feels fully recharged. 
Ten minutes… You have ten minutes to make yourself look somewhat decent, in a casual, ‘I’m just going over to my extremely attractive dilf neighbor whom I have a big fat stupid crush on’ way. No pressure at all. 
As you race to your bathroom to check yourself over in the mirror, you take a deep breath to calm your racing heart. You touch up your makeup, adding a touch of lip gloss and swipe on a new coat of mascara, you brush your teeth, and spritz on a little perfume. After making sure you look presentable, you opt for a comfortable yet cute outfit, realizing that you don’t want to come off as too overdone. 
Satisfied with your appearance, you grab a small container of homemade blueberry jam from your fridge. It may not be muffins, but it’s a sweet treat that you can bring to share. With jam in hand, you head out the door, your heart fluttering with anticipation.
As you approach Joel’s house, you can’t help but appreciate the calmness of the night. The moon shines brightly above, casting a soft glow on the neighborhood. You hear the faint sound of crickets chirping, and the warm breeze carries the scent of blooming flowers. Everything feels serene and magical, heightening your excitement.
You reach Joel’s doorstep and take a moment to collect yourself. You remind yourself to be casual and relaxed, even though your heart is pounding in your chest. With a steadying breath, you knock on the door.
Joel opens it with a warm smile, and you instantly feel at ease. His eyes light up as they land on you, and you can't help but blush under his gaze. “Hi,” he greets you softly. “I'm so glad you could make it.”
You return his smile, extending the container of blueberry jam towards him. “I brought some homemade jam. I thought it would be nice with the muffins and I remember Sarah telling me she loves blueberries.”
Joel's eyes widen in pleasant surprise, and his smile widens. “That is so thoughtful of you. Thank you, darlin’.”
‘Darlin’...’ Your heart flutters at the endearment as you step inside his house, the word falling so naturally from his lips. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, mingling with the scent of warmth and comfort. It’s a homey and cozy feeling that instantly puts you at ease.
As you enter the kitchen, you notice the ingredients for the muffins laid out, ready to be used. There’s a twinkle of anticipation in Joel’s eyes as he gestures towards them. “Do you want to get started?”
You nod eagerly, not wanting to waste any more time. “Definitely. Let’s make these muffins amazing.”
For the next few hours, you and Joel work side by side, measuring ingredients, mixing, and chatting as you go. The conversation flows effortlessly between you, ranging from lighthearted jokes to more personal stories, and the atmosphere somehow turns more and more flirty, making excited butterflies flutter in your stomach. With each moment, you can feel the connection between you deepening, like ingredients coming together to create a perfect blend.
As the muffins bake in the oven, filling the kitchen with their delicious scent, the two of you take a well-deserved break. Joel pours two cups of coffee, and you find yourselves sitting at his kitchen table, sipping the warm brew in comfortable silence.
The soft glow of the overhead light casts a warm and cozy ambiance over the room. Despite the tiredness in his eyes from a long day, a smile tugs at the corners of Joel’s lips as he watches you take a sip of your coffee. There’s a comfortable silence that envelops the two of you, a sense of ease and contentment that comes from being in each other’s company.
As you set your cup down, you turn to Joel, your eyes filled with a mix of playfulness and sincerity. “You know, Joel, I have to say. These muffins wouldn’t have turned out as amazing as they did without your expert baking skills.” A teasing smirk dances on your lips.
Joel chuckles softly, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Well, I may have had a little help from a certain someone,” he says, a hint of affection lacing his voice.
You playfully nudge him with your shoulder. “Oh, so now I’m just your personal baking assistant, am I?” you retort, pretending to be slightly offended.
Joel’s smile widens, his eyes sparkling with humor. “No, no, not at all. You’re so much more than that,” he reassures you, his voice brimming with sincerity. “You’ve brought light into my life, darlin’. Ever since you moved in next door, things just feel...better.”
The warmth in Joel’s words seeps into your heart, igniting a deep stirring within you. A connection that goes beyond the simple act of baking muffins is forming between the two of you, growing stronger with each passing moment.
Before you know it, the timer for the muffins goes off, snapping both of you out of the gentle bubble you’ve created. You share a laugh, realizing that you may have gotten carried away in the moment.
Joel stands up and walks over to the oven, his movements fluid and confident. He takes a deep breath, a look of anticipation on his face. “Well, here goes nothing,” he mutters to himself as he opens the oven door and retrieves the tray of freshly baked muffins.
The delightful aroma wafts through the kitchen, filling the air with its tantalizing scent. Joel carefully sets the tray down on the counter, the muffins still warm to the touch. He reaches for a plate and begins arranging the muffins, creating a beautiful display.
You watch him with admiration, seeing the dedication and love he pours into everything he does. In that moment, you can’t help but feel an overwhelming surge of affection towards him.
As you join him by the counter, your hands instinctively reach out to brush against each other, sending a spark of electricity up your arms. Your eyes meet, and in that instant, everything else fades away. It's just the two of you, connected in a way that feels destined. 
Joel's gaze is warm as he gazes at you, and his voice is filled with sincerity as he speaks. "I just want you to know how grateful I am for your help, for everything. You've brought so much happiness into our lives."
You smile softly at him, feeling your heart swell with affection. “The feeling is mutual, Joel.”
Joel takes a step closer, his gaze unwavering and filled with a mix of vulnerability and longing. You can’t help but notice how his gaze keeps darting from your eyes to your lips, and you feel your own heartbeat quickens in response, but a sudden surge of bravery fills you as well. You can’t just be imagining this. “You can if you want, you know.” you whisper.
You can almost see how Joel’s breath catches in his throat by your words, his eyes widening slightly in surprise. He searches your face, trying to comprehend your words. “If I want...what?” he asks, his tone laced with both curiosity and hope.
A soft smile graces your lips as you reach out to gently take his hand in yours. “You can kiss me,” you say, your voice barely above a whisper. “If you want.”
“I want to, more than anything.” He brings his free hand up to gently cup your cheek, his fingers grazing your skin with tender affection.
With bated breath, the world seems to stand still as your faces draw closer together. The anticipation hangs in the air like an electric current, and as your lips finally meet, it feels like a rush of warmth cascading throughout your bodies.
The kiss is soft, tender, and filled with an underlying passion that has been building between you. It's a culmination of longing, uncertainty, and hope, all coming together in that single moment of connection.
As your lips move against each other, the outside world fades away, and all that matters is the tenderness you share. Time seems to stretch, allowing you to savor each second of this newfound intimacy.
When you finally break apart, breathing slightly heavier, Joel's eyes search yours, seeking reassurance and confirmation. "Was that okay?" he asks, his voice laced with vulnerability.
You smile warmly at him, a sparkle in your eyes. “More than okay,” you reply, your voice filled with sincerity. “It was everything I hoped it would be.”
A wave of relief washes over Joel as he pulls you into a gentle embrace, his arms enveloping you in a sense of security. Resting his chin on the top of your head, he whispers, “I'm glad, because I've been wanting to do that for a long time.”
And in that moment, as you stand in Joel's warm embrace, you realize that sometimes the sweetest moments in life come unexpectedly. As you snuggle into his embrace, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against your cheek, you can't help but be grateful for the empty sugar canister and the twist of fate that brought you together. Love has a funny way of sneaking up on people, and you can’t wait to see where this new chapter with Joel and Sarah takes you. With muffins in the oven and love blossoming in your hearts, this late-night adventure is just the beginning of a sweet, heartfelt journey together.
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rottingparts · 1 year
Cool okay! May I request some general romantic head cannons for Bay! Optimus, Ironhide and Ratchet ? Thank you so much ! :)
(SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! My internet is fucked, but only on my computer, so i'm struggling atm.)
OF COURSE!! My favorites.... I mean I totally love them all equally :) I wrote them with a Human!Reader (that's all i write but i just wanted to calrify)!
Optimus Prime:
My love... probably the most normal of them honestly
Isn't like super duper outwardly romantic when others are around. He isn't too fond of PDA. BUT he still shows affection in lowkey ways.
Like, he will gently nudge you if you seem anxious or off in general, to get your attention and when you let him know you're ok he gives you a slight nod and continues on with his conversation.
It's really no secret, because him crouching down and his giant hand descending from his side and nudging you is not very subtle.
He is way more protective over you than any other human. Will not let anything harm you. And if something does, nothing will get in his way to help/save you.
LOVES (when it's just the two of you) for you to gently hold his face in your tiny (compared to him) hands! Double points if you gently bonk your forehead against his.
If you are not feeling it, having a bad day, what have you, he will take you for a ride to calm down. his voice is so soothing! Sometimes he'll even talk to you until you fall asleep if that is what you need.
You two became an 'item' mostly because you had made offhanded comment to Cade about Optimus being attractive in a way and Cade shut that shit down immediately but Optimus heard. It was too late, Cade has to deal with this now...
Literally so sweet! Will kill for you!
Oh my... definitely the least normal (in an endearing way).
Doesn't mind/completely understand PDA honestly. Like, you wanna grab him and nuzzle his face? Please do. He will be forever grateful.
He definitely wants to show you off, he is so proud of you!! He also needs everyone to know you are taken :)
Like he will do little things to make sure the others know he is with you, like bringing you towards him when someone gets a little too close.
Wants you close to him at all times, so he knows you're safe.
If anyone threatens you in any capacity (even if its sarcasm from a close friend) his arm is around you, guarding you, while he points a gun at the one threatening you. It takes a minute to calm him down.
If you are like visibly upset/anxious/not having it, he is very vocal about pulling you out of the situation. Has zero problems taking you away in the middle of a conversation.
Will literally go into alt mode and just... drive away with you. Your friends don't like that too much.
Ironhide definitely was weird about his feelings at first. Him liking a human? No thank you. Definitely tried to push the feelings away, until getting tired and telling you how he felt.
When you lit up and said you felt the same? Oh he was over the moon!
Very protective and secretly very sweet! Will also kill for you!
My sweet cinnamon bun....
Will literally die for your hugs!! Please just wrap your arms around his neck when he bends down and hug him so tight!
Doesn't mind PDA (in a sense of like hugging and being sweet) but does get very flustered!!
Call him any pet name (honey, dear, etc.) and he will combust. If he could blush, he definitely would. Really wanna make him weak in the knees? Call him 'My love.'
Ratchet would worry about you constantly honestly. Waaay more than anyone else.
I mean, you're just a human! You're squishy and small. There is a lot to worry about!
He realized he liked you because he was so worried for you, then he grew even more worried!
He accidently confessed his feelings for you when rambling about how worried he had been for you, and when you go wide eyed he is retracting everything and ready to run away.
When you reassure him and tell him you like him too? He is even more likely to combust.
Is always wanting to check in on you, and learns very quickly what upsets you and what soothes you. he is very attentive.
So fucking sweet and will die for you!!
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stormblessed95 · 1 month
I hope you have recovered fully or are recovering well.
I only wanted to say this because I am an over thinker and someone needs to tell me to shut up. I don't have any Jikook fans in real life so these are the places I vent.
I think I am either the majority or.the minority depending on which space we are in that thinks and feels that Jikook are distant and have been for a while. I don't think like only because of the car scene. Even when they are taking photos, they aren't doing it like they used to do before. Before if one of them was taking a photo of the two, generally they would be attached at the hips and in each other's face. I didnt notice them doing that in the first two episodes but I also just saw a small clip from Sapporo and they are also taking a pic but they are but distant from each other. I know it might be some miniscule to you but these are few of the instances where I felt that their relationship was beyond friendship.
I know I am over thinking it but I don't know, I don't feel as good about it I suppose. What happened to the Jikook that would literally smooshed their faces together for a photo? What happened to Jikook that were always seen hanging out prior to the hiatus. I heard about them hanging out all the time.
Yes they were busy and I get that. Jimin specially seems to have been super duper busy but he seems to have built a deeper relationship with the Hyung like but kep.a distance from the Maknae line so I am a bit confused I suppose. Out of all the BTS members, I always assumed Jikook were it and nothing would come in between so I am surprised to see work coming in between them?
I still feel like shiiitttt lol but I had to start work today anyway. Thanks for checking in though 💜
Listen, I'm not here to tell you what to think or tell you what your opinion should be. Think whatever you want. I'm sorry to say, but I'm not ever going to be the one to talk you into shipping Jikook. You think they aren't together, that's totally good by me! I hope you still love and support them as BTS, and I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy any part of the fandom you continue to participate in, including mine if you stick around anyway on my blog.
I'm just here to present facts and let you draw your own conclusions based off that. And sometimes share my opinions about them, but only with the caveat that no one steals MY opinion and must create their own 😉
So for the facts, babygirl (I use as a gender neutral terms), for as many selcas as Jikook took like this:
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They took JUST as many like this, which are (edging into opinion territory just a bit here) just the same as the glimpses we've gotten of selcas taken from AYS
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Close together for the selfie, but not smushed as close as they could possibly get without just going ahead and crawling inside each other. Just a normal cutesy photo
More facts! As for hanging out prior to the hiatus (where I guess now it's assumed they never saw each other not even once, which is opinion and assumption, not fact), I have a post already done about all the times Jikook were spotted hanging out outside of work (because BTS time is work).
Hint: it's less often than you think
Double hint: they were still glued at the hip, we just know they were because they say and act like they were, not because we got to see or hear about it
Triple hint: it's probably exactly the same now except we know that currently, at this moment, they choose to continue to be glued at the hip for the next 18 months at minimum
I have other posts about their dates too, but this is the one that covers the topic I mentioned above best I think
Work came between them? Is that what they said or is that what you took their words to mean based on your biases and previous assumptions?
Anywho! Thanks again for checking in on me love.
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Just a bit of unsolicited advice that you are free to disregard. I think whatever you decide about how you feel about Jikook, you should consider taking an emotional step back from them, just a smidge. Nothing that is only supposed to bring you joy, BTS or any other hobby, should get you feeling so far in your head feeling so conflicted. Good luck, sending you purple hearts! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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velsatelier · 22 days
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secret hiding place (6 pages).. my thoughts under the cut
this took way longer than i wanted…….. this is only my second time doing a comic of sorts, the longest colored one i’ve done being 2 pages….??? this comic to me is pomni being honest and almost unafraid of sharing her thoughts to ragatha, like she did in gummigoo, and maybe terrified of losing another connection again with the possibility clear in her mind that ragatha could get abstracted any moment (unaware that she already is kind of in the process…) this all happens on the tower on the lake…? so they’re high up, and can see the stars that way. in case there’s any confusion about their designs, it’s just my personal take on it and i’m also very sorry for all the inconsistencies throughout the pages. just don’t squint too hard okay . Okay…
also just wanted to link another comic really quickly about another tadc artist whose work i super duper love, and i found out i had a similar ending idea to theirs way too late into the comic process… their comic is super well written too and their other works are also really stunning and i’m really sorry if it seems like i stole their idea or anything
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pjsfvs · 8 months
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- you and marks firsts
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pairing: bf!mark x afab!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: this is super duper fluffy, you might die. its very cute
summary: you and mark just started dating. this is what he would take you to do while on a date, as well as your first kiss.
a/n: for my new favorite pookie jy (@stillgoldenpb) thank u for reading my mark breeding hc over 10 times. MWAH MWAH.. also sorry if u wanted smut, i was in a fluffy mood so i did mark fluff, but i can make a mark smut one-shot just incase.
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First Date:
For your first date with Mark, he would take you for a ride in his Audi A6, to a nice little restaurant out of town. He had discovered it when he went for a drive and knew you would like it.
It was a small place, very few people there, and all of them were nice, and complemented you on being a cute couple. There was a jukebox in the corner, that he would queue up a bunch of songs on, many he knew you liked.
When you were done eating, he “forced” you to dance with him. Meaning he took your hand and lead you to the empty dance-floor, with a wide and enticing smile.
You danced to a couple of songs, talking and gazing into each other's eyes the whole time. When the sun began to set, you leave the restaurant and drive to a nearby peak.
You sat on the edge, legs dangling over, the beach view below you paired with the sunset. You didn’t leave until the sun had disappeared. He gave you his jacket to wear during the walk back to his car, knowing it would be a lot colder now that it was dark.
By the time you got home, it was late. He jokingly asked if you were going to invite him inside. You didn’t, but he left with a quick kiss to your cheek.
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First Kiss:
Your first kiss didn’t happen on an official second date, but after you decided to meet up at the beach. He told you about his day, his training, and how much he loved singing. You told him your goals, and all the places you wanted to see.
Eventually, your conversation become more playful and joking, even more so when you found an abandoned basketball. (HE CANT PLAY FOR SHIT LMFAO)
You tossed it to each other a few times as you continued to talk and tease each other. After you caught the ball, and you teased him for having a weak throw, he began to chase you. Tackling you (softly) to the ground, you were left giggling, and he was watching you with an adoring smile.
When you locked eyes, lying in the sand, he would reach over and brush some sand off your face. Then, quicker than you were expecting, he leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. When he broke away, he apologized, saying he just felt the overwhelming urge to kiss you.
You smiled and told him it was alright, you felt it too. Pleased with this, he asked if he could kiss you again, to which you obviously said yes.
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chocotonez · 2 years
skz reaction to their s/o feeling nauseous
a/n: I think this is months late so I’m so incredibly sorry and I hope you’re not still feeling nauseous anon!!
warnings/genre: mentions of throwing up, sickness, no reason stated for feeling sick, g/n reader, lmk if anything else should be tagged!
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-so incredibly worried immediately
-if you’re outside he’ll immediately be like “need to go home?? Should we go home?”
-calls you his “poor baby” while cradling you dramatically
-“food? water? cold?? hot??? fever??? chills?!?!?”
-strokes your hair while trying to ease it in anyway he knows possible, even looks up quick ways to help you
-he’s more of a healer and fixer, so he wouldn’t just want to distract you but fix the problem entirely
-lots of kisses until you feel better!!
lee know
-immediately has you in bed with a damp towel over your forehead and fanning you while also making chicken noodle soup and giving you the best of the best treatment
-probably the type to drop “is it because you’re on your phone all the time?” and scold you even if that’s not the reason at all 😭
-he’s devoted to taking care of you but also he hates seeing you in pain, which is why he can seem like he’s scolding u or smth like that
-babies you a bit to make you laugh, pinches your cheeks but his giggles are softer and he tries to relax so he doesn’t make you feel even more sick LOL
-“I’ll always be here to take care of you”
-notices but he doesn’t want you to feel super duper scrutinized especially if it’s something you can handle yourself
-like dizzy spells and whatnot, but once it hits that your head is spinning and your vision is getting spotty he panics
-“hey let’s get you some water? do you wanna go home? wanna go lay down?” and is dropping a lot of suggestions because you know ur body best!
-but he’ll obviously swoop into take care of you if you’re alright with it, kissing your cheek and trying to comfort you and smother u with love because love is the best medicine
-brushes your hair out of your face and lets you lay on his chest, he wants to remind you that he’s here for you always
-very relaxed about it, not in the way he doesn’t care but in the way he’s confident that he can take care of you !
-he makes sure to ask what you’d like to do though, he’s not really the type to be insistent on getting you to rest but he’ll gladly carry you to bed and get you some water and an advil
-cuddles you non stop and tries to take your mind off of it by telling stories about his day, tries to get you to doze off
-respects your space a lot and understands how it can get overbearing to have someone huddling you when you feel sick
-but no matter if you want him a thousand feet away or holding onto you like a koala bear he’ll be there for you with warm soup and a damp cloth
-has a flare for dramatics
-it’s a dizzy spell and you’re nauseous, and obviously he loves you and cares for you but unless there’s a more prominent issue he’ll just take care of you as per usual but with some theatrics to make you smile
-he’s a big distractor unlike Chan, he knows you can get over a nausea episode but he wants to help you get through it through methods other than painkillers and gallon bottles of water
-“oh woe is me, the love of my life has fallen ill to some treacherous curse! fortunately their handsome prince is here to save them with true love’s kiss…” “please just give me the Tylenol”
-pokes your cheek to make sure you’re still alive if you start dozing off because it makes him nervous
-takes funny photos to commemorate the occasion (you don’t think it’s that funny)
-I think he’s much more insistent on you getting rest and taking it easy
-I think that he takes your health very seriously, as he knows personally that it’s best to take care of yourself and he just doesn’t ever want you to be hurt/in pain/uncomfortable
-he might seem a little panicky and rushed with trying to get you feel better but that’s because he really does but want to see you happy and okay again!
-you know those big water bottles that have little inspirational messages encouraging you to drink water?? he gets those for you while you rest up
-if it’s just a short dizzy spell he’ll immediately sit you down with a damp cloth and get you some food
-honestly he’s just the sweetest ever and very attentive to you no matter how minor or fleeting your nausea is
-“I’m gonna throw up on you” “don’t you dare”
-has fun with it LOL, but not because he doesn’t care but entirely because he wants to see you smile and distract you from your head spinning
-“heeeeyyyy i brought you some noddle soup but if you throw up I’m gonna call my mom to take care of you because that’s really gross and I don’t wanna deal with that!! xoxo love you so much!”
-but that’s entirely a joke because the second you’re seriously discomforted and hurt he’s on the verge of tears and tending to you
-he’s gonna make it fun so you don’t just…feel nasty and gross and bad, because if you’re stuck with a dizzy spell then he’s gonna make you smile somehow
-sings “you make me feel…better!” to the tune of twice’s feel special while getting you some painkillers
-takes it very seriously because he wants to be a good boyfriend for you
-I think that every time he faces a boyfriend scenario (you’re upset, nauseous, you need a ride somewhere…) he really pushes himself to be the best he can be for you
-but also it’s embarrassing if he gets all cheesy on you and he gets flustered if he has to take your temperature or if you start leaning on him because you’re still his super pretty significant other and you always make his heart beat fast
-doesnt really know how to approach on comforting you so he’ll just try to find a solution (i.e nearly calls emergency services)
-“it’s okay! everything’s a-okay!!” and he’s more worried than you are (mainly because the world is spinning and you are this close to leaning over the nearest trash can, so you don’t really have the energy to be as anxious about this as he is)
-“jeongin, babe, can we just go home?? I don’t think you need to take me to the hospital…” “but like…are you sure??”
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barracks-bunni · 30 days
Sunday Snoozes {S.G.R.}
Franchise: Call of Duty (MW II & III)
Character: Simon Riley x Reader
Genre: Fluff
A/N: Hey! So I am suuuperrr nervous to be posting this. I haven’t actually written properly in about 4 years, and I very suddenly got the urge to write this while sitting in my garden this morning. I’m very sorry if it sucks, I’m super duper rusty ): It’s just a soft little drabble, hope you guys enjoy! (: ((oh, p.s. hi, my name’s Bunni 🩷))
It’s 9:42am precisely on a late August morning. The curtains are half drawn in your shared bedroom, the warm morning sun pooling through the gaps and leaving puddles of ecru on the carpet below.
As autumn steadily approaches, the heat of summer had begun to die off and you’re back in skimpy pyjamas as opposed to the weeks of sleeping in your birthday suit. Simon was not overly-joyed the first night you slipped into bed in some teeny tiny shorts and a vest top. But, despite the cooling temperatures, the window remained open through the night to allow the fresh air in.
With it being a Sunday, the roads are a little quieter than usual. Your house is situated just a row in from the main road of the village, meaning you’d still hear the cars, lorries and other vehicles coming through at all hours. The row of trees lining the main road rustle in the warm breeze and the sound carries through to you. With the warmer weather also comes bikers and as the morning kicks into gear, there are a few revs of engines and whines of throttles as people go for morning joyrides.
The duvet around you is warm - tugged up to your shoulder with one of your legs hanging out and your ankle hanging off the edge of the bed. Behind you, a steady wall of scarred muscle and a strong arm snaked around the dip of your waist. Simon’s breathing is steady behind you. His gentle exhales hit the nape of your neck through your hair and send a shiver down your spine with every one. He is just in a pair of pyjama bottoms, chest exposed as he often gets a little too hot in the bed anyways. Sleeping alone in a tiny military bunk for years will really have you needing to reacclimatise to what should be normalities.
You are both awake; that much you are certain of. But neither had mumbled a good morning or anything of the such. It is too nice to just lay quietly listening to the rustle of the leaves and the moving traffic outside. Sometimes the road goes quiet for a little time. In those moments, it’s easier to focus on Simon behind you and his breaths.
Finally, the position gets the better of you and you have to stretch - arching your back and twisting your torso until you feel the vertebrae click and crack. The movement brings a soft little grunt, eyes fluttering shut once more for a moment. Simon says nothing, but as you settle back into the mattress, he presses a gentle kiss to your exposed shoulder. You exhale contently at the feeling. Your body practically melts into him.
“There she is.” His voice is gruff, hears from being his first words of the day. You feel the words rumble through his chest and into your back.
Maybe he hadn’t realised you were awake after all.
“Hi.” Your voice is soft and quiet, a true juxtaposition to the Lieutenant
“Hi, baby.” He presses another kiss to your shoulder before tugging you ever closer.
His chest is so warm, and you can feel the scars and burn marks that run all the way down his right-hand side. They’d never bothered you. Not really, anyway. He’d always be Simon under all the physical reminders of his hardships. When you’d first started dating, he made a habit of covering them up as much as possible. You’d been patient with him, and slowly but surely, he started wearing less and less until he was comfortable roaming the house shirtless. Win-win.
The birds are chirping, an orchestra of mostly pigeons, magpies, blackbirds and sparrows. The soundtrack of the countryside. From the gap in the curtains, you can make out the vibrant blue of the morning sky. There’s a cloud or two sometimes breezing past, but it’s almost completely aquamarine.
In the distance, the sound of church bells begin to ring out. The church is situated on the other side of the village, but it’s a small village so the bells are loud and clear.
Simon hums quietly behind you, snuggling into the crook of your neck.
Your hands move to gently grasp his forearm and you exhale softly again. Being in his arms always feels so good. Especially on lazy mornings like this.
“Someone’s tying the knot early.” Simon grunts.
“Isn’t it just for mass?” Your voice shoots back the question quietly. Simon hums at it.
He presses yet another kiss to your skin, this time on your neck where his head is buried and you shiver at the contact. He likes the response, kissing softly again.
“Be us one day,” Simon says quietly, “up an’ early.”
You feel a soft smile break onto your lips and do nothing to hide it. He’s so warm and comfortable behind you. It would be so easy to melt into him forever and ever.
The birds chirp with the bells and somewhere in the distance, a lawnmower kicks into action. You know you should probably get up, maybe make some breakfast. But you don’t want to leave Simon’s arms. And he has no intention of letting you leave either, as he pulls you ever closer.
“Yeah, piss off the whole village with the bells while we tie the knot at soon as the church opens.”
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rayshippouuchiha · 5 months
I've been having too many fandom thoughts in my mind (which is honestly not a good moment for, I have first exams next week lol) but I have been in a Bleach binge for the last two weeks, and also I've been watching the Mandela Catalogue (which, if you like analog horror, you should definitwly see it bc it is spectacular) and I have many hc for the series.
Basically, the videos include a type of supernatural beings called "Doppelgangers", which are able to imitate humans, invade their homes and kill them.
There are a couple of types of doppelgangers depending of how alike a human they are, but honestly I see them as eldritch shape-shifters.
One of the things I've noticed in a couple of videos and that I hc now is that they don't attack unless attacked first (but what they do... Well, it's pretty horrible), sooo... I mixed things and got a Plot Idea:
After the war with Aizen, Ichigo lost everything he was and everything he cared for, leaving him entirely on his own.
Everybody moved on without him, leaving him stranded in a turbulent storm he is starting to believe he can't survive without help. But nobody is left to lend him a guiding hand anymore. Without two thirds of his soul, he's slowly starting to wither; losing himself bit by bit one day, one betrayal at a time.
One night, Ichigo lay in his bed trying futilely to sleep and just managing a bare doze, house empty because his sisters are either in the Shoten or staying at a friends house and Goat-Face who-cares-where, he's all alone.
Except, when he opens his eyes, he's staring directly at a face.
His own face, in fact.
His apparent twin just stares at him, a weird grin a hair too big for his face, saying nothing.
Ichigo has heard about the doppelgangers before, of course he has, with every little town on alert because of the disturbing murders that are happening because of these monstrous creatures.
But he's just tired. He's just a human, and all strength he had left, his supposed friends and family had taken it away.
He doesn't want to fight. Not anymore.
He scoots over to the side of the bed, and mumbles something along the lines of "close the window, go to bed, wanna sleep".
The last thing he feels is the warmth of his room and breathing on the back of his neck.
Or where Ichigo is adopted by an Otherworldly shape-shifter, gives him a something to fill his void-like soul, making him a one of Them too, and when he learns how to change shape, the first form he takes becomes his default state: a shadow.
Because Ichigo has become a shell of his former being, a shadow of himself.
He finds no better irony.
(Sorry for the long ask! What do you think?)
Obviously this is super duper late but fuck i love this and i want to read it
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