#also sorry if this sucks hfuodhdfh
tokuteasings · 2 years
Secret Relationship: Hades Ultimate God, Sleipnir
Whoever requested this, honestly thank you~! This is suuuuch a breath of fresh air and I don’t blame you for like Sleipy. I loove the Magiranger aesthetic and I approooove~!
Warnings: It’s been like 80 years since I watched Magiranger and honestly, I don’t remember much but I’m going to do my best!! There may be a bit of OOC here and there but listen, imma fuckING TRY!!!
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Truth be told, it’s going to be difficult having a relationship with Sleipy. Even more so since the two of you are on opposite factions - especially if you’re an ally to the Magirangers. They will be supportive of this relationship you are having, but will not hesitate to fucking fight Sleipnir if anything goes wrong. Sleipnir on the other hand, the knight that he is, will honestly vow to never harm a single hair upon your head. He does not trust the Magirangers and he, too, will not hesitate to bash them if they harm you. You know he means well but...he needs to chill the fuck out. But seeing as you two are constantly keeping this on the down low...it’s not going to be pretty. By that, I mean there are days when you cannot see him. 
It’s...lonely, beyond so. Especially for Sleipnir who never really had these sorts of emotions before. It’s this uneasy swirl within his head, he was raised to battle humans, to eradicate them from the face of the earth. But meeting you has changed him, strangely so. He isn’t sure if this is good or bad or not. His chest clenches in this uncomfy fashion whenever he thinks about you. It’s like a sword digging deeper and deeper into this cavity that shouldn’t really exist within his chest. It’s a strange flower blooming in the middle of a concrete jungle, something that shouldn’t survive but it fucking persists. It’s confusing, because he has a duty to uphold and yet he wants to abandon it for your sake...it’s two pulls and he doesn’t know where to go. 
Whenever you two can, you meet under the guise of night and it’s your courage that guides you. Sleipnir wants to meet in places where he knows humans will not find you two - sometimes it’s a forest or the park in the dead of night or he finds a way to sneak into your home with the best of his abilities (I mean he is huge) so be ready to like...travel and get the most fucking whack ass sleep schedule. Though, it’s worth it when you’re by his side. 
Sleipnir is still very much new to this sort of relationship idea. So it’ll take some coaxing and patience is very much key here. He’s a warmonger but stoic at the same time. He needs battle plans to take into each and every battle he goes through...and this? This sort of emotion erases every single thought from his head. He’s falling and he cannot stop. He has no plan and has to let his heart dictate for him. It’s scary...but if you catch him, that’s enough for him to be happy. 
During these clandestine meetings, Sleipnir is the type of individual to enjoy simply being by your side. He has come to enjoy human literature and you two tend to read together under a flurry of fairy lights. Unsurprisingly, he likes reading about military history or The Art of War by Sun Tzu. It’s a wonderful feeling when you are cuddling next to him and he’s radiating this frigidness but...it’s not to be felt under his cloth blanket you brought along to this date. It’s calm, it’s quiet, you two are in your own little world and that’s all that matters. 
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