#also sorry if any of my characterisations are wildly off its been a few years
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tucaneggs · 2 months ago
is xephna technically rare pair? it was when I was into it since there was no art for sooo long. if not then xephrythna maybe? not sure what counts
To me xephna is less rare and more underrated? but that might just be because of different fandom experiences -shrugs- Personally its not my favourite lalna ship, that award goes to nanocoffee which i looved as a teen, but ive grown to like xephna more recently! Even if i personally dont think its a rarepair i wrote my thoughts down :]
Xephna and Xephrythna thoughts under the read more
Lalna wears his heart on his sleeve, Xephos is full of secrets, You would think this would cause problems but makes things easy for them. Lalna doesnt ask Xephos about how fucked up he is, and Xephos doesnt need to guess how Lalna is doing. No mind games, just honesty. Of course, if this is Yoglabs!xephos we're taling about, then mind games are a necessity
To me their relationship is friendly banter and passionate nights and knowing things about the world that no one else does. Its tripping over eachothers tools and getting into eachothers spaces and being a pest but you cant quite live without it... well Xephos cant. Lalna is his comfort mad scientist, his silly rabbit, his good time boy. After all this time, he can always talk to Lalna.
About most things, anyway. Dont worry about it.
At first, Lalna just thought Xephos was fascinating scientifically. He's more of an engineer...wizard...science guy than a biologist, but still! As someone who feels things deeply, Lalna would be the first to confess his love for xephos. Who in response panicked a little, but once the nerves wore off happily returned the feeling.
the e in that name is doing a LOT of heavy lifting joking aside I like both Xephian and Rythna for different reasons and combining them is v inchresting!!
Xephos finding the dramatic wizard baffling at first, and Rythian finding Xephos neurotic and high-strung attitude abraisive. But then something... weird happens. They end up running into eachother when in an open mood, and get to chatting, and find that they have a lot in common. A friendship blossoms from there, and eventually into something more. Xephos is upfront with Rythian that he's "kind of dating someone else but we have an open thing going on" before anything happens, and rythian doesnt mind it. But he doesnt tell rythian who the other person is, and rythian never asks. He assumes its honeydew, or prehaps someone he doesnt know. Xephos is fine not talking about it, enjoying their one on one company.
Rythian teaching xephos magic, getting frustrated when he gets distracted, but then xephos calls him "a brilliant wizard" and he decides to forget his anger.
If you throw lalna in the mix i feel like it would. pardon me. explode.
I have this idea of pre-nuke (the tekkit server one, the OG war) Lalna and Rythian being aquainted but dont quite know eachother, then everything goes to shit and rythian blames lalna but thats about it. Like theres no deeper beef than that... until Lalna nukes the base BUT DONT WORRYABOUT IT.
Things begin to cool, while Lalna does enjoy yanking rythian around, he decides one day to approach him peacefully, wanting to make ammends. Rythian, naturally and rightfully suspicous, asks why and Lalna only says
"A friend asked me to" Suprisingly this works, at least enough for Xephos to finally feel comfortable enough to tell Rythian that the other guy he's seeing was actually rythians long time rival - Lalna
Rythian is uh. mad. and it takes a while for him to warm up to Xephos again, but he cares for him, and decides to try and make it work. He and Lalna are awkward for a while. But one day when Xephos leaves the two of them while on an errand, they get into a fight that ends with one hell of a makeout session, and more. Xephos comes home to a messy house and bedroom, with a passed out rythian sleeping across Lalnas bare chest. Lalna waves to xephos, Xephos is quite happy that thats been sorted.
Xephos kinda becomes the mediator for tension between Lalna and Rythian. They're still working out shit, a LOT of old anger there, but both want Xephos to be happy, so they'll do anything for him.
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