#also sonia with black lipstick?
amnesiamilk · 1 year
Botw/Totk Headcannons!
Riju is obsessed with sand seals because before her mother died she watched her mom sew the sand seal stuffed animals found in her room
Prince Sidon and Lady Yona are married for political reasons , they’re besties but they do not see eachother as romantic partners . Lady Yona is asexual and lesbian and has feelings for her guard. (The black Zora, i forgot her name sorry) .
Link brought The Light Dragon/Zelda silent princess flowers every day and often times braided them into her mane
Rauru and Sonia adopted Zelda , not legally , but she’s basically their daughter .
Bularia isn’t just Rijus guard but also acts as her mother . She cooks her breakfast every morning and sang her to sleep in botw, when she was younger.
Link and Zelda shared that one bed in their home . Infact this isn’t even a headcannon , it’s straight up canon .
Link uses sign language
Tulin and link are practically siblings , Teba doesn’t mind the chaos but doesn’t quite appreciate the explosives .
After Botw, the champions felt that they had served their purpose in the afterlife and therefore took away the ability that they gave to link as they passed to hylia’s lands .which is why link does not have the abilities in totk . Sometimes the champions visit him in his dreams though .
link is very cuddly and fluffy with Zelda and allthough it’s strange to zelda, she appreciates it nonetheless
Sidon and Riju are very good friends . Siblings almost . Riju tries to do sidon’s make up every now and then.
Speaking of makeup , gerudo make-up is made from hydromelons being ground into fine powder . This is used for eyeshadows and blushes . The iconic blue lipstick is made from chu-chu jelly .
The longer a hylians ear is, the more Royal blood they have .
Zelda keeps a portrait of all the champions and sages in her house .
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catgrump · 4 years
Hiiii!!!! Would you be able to maybe write 👉👈 "tell me about yourself" for Sonia and Gundham? Maybe something that happens while the killing game is happening?
(Looks at my pile of requests)
(Sees Sondham)
Yeah fine lol
Y’all keep asking for my favorite ships while I’m anxiously waiting to release my new prompt list lmao stop that /hj
So uh this is actually College AU SORRY I had a much stronger idea for that
Ibuki is also here as Gundham’s sister cuz Gundham & Ibuki siblings make me go brrrrr
“You truly believe these photographs truly encompass my being?” Gundham asked, furrowing his brow at his phone’s screen
“Absotutely posalutely!” His sister Ibuki declared, clinging her chipped nail polish hands onto his shoulders, “Especially the one of you with the Devas; people are gonna go NUTS over that.”
“Hm,” Gundham pondered Ibuki’s choice in photos, but he has no experience with this sort of thing, so he trusts her judgement, “Now I am required to write a biography?”
“Yeah! Tell people about yourself so you can attract people who’d like you,” Ibuki explained, peering over his shoulder
“Do you have any suggestions?” He asked, his thumbs frozen in place, hovering above the screen
“Maybe like... hmmm,” Ibuki hummed as she thought, but then realized something, “Well hold on. Ibuki doesn’t know what you’re looking for here, my guy.”
“What I’m looking for?” Gundham needed clarification
“Well in Ibuki’s experience, bios for people who just want to hook up are REALLY different than bios of people who are looking for something more.”
“Ah, I see. I believe I would prefer a more substantial relationship.”
“Okay, so you should say in the bio you’re looking for that kind of commitment,” Ibuki chirped
Gundham started typing:
I seek a mortal brave enough to attempt to become my dark consort
“Oooh fun!” Ibuki encouraged him
“Do I need to declare any more?”
“Yeah yeah tell people what kind of stuff you like!”
He typed some more:
My Four Dark Devas of Destruction (featured in the third photograph) shall determine whether or not you are a worthy partner. Our courtship will not continue if they judge you unfavorably. This is not personal.
“Uh huh uh huh uh huh,” Ibuki enthusiastically nodded her head in approval
“I should specify that I have no preference for gender, I presume?”
“Yeah definitely!”
“If there’s nothing else you can think of, I think this is a good place to start,” Ibuki clapped her hands together in excitement
“Now comes the fun part,” Ibuki leaned on her brother, resting her head on his shoulder as they got comfortable on his couch, “Swiping! Sometimes Ibuki just lays in bed for HOURS swiping for no reason.”
“Left is for those I do not wish to court, correct?”
“Yeah yeah and right is for people you’re interested in!”
Gundham and Ibuki spent a couple minutes reading profiles and swiping left on countless people who were obviously not good enough for Gundham— at least, that’s how Ibuki put it.
And then... they found her.
“Wait wait wait stop!!” Gundham’s eyes widened as his thumb froze over the phone, ceasing the swiping auto-pilot as Ibuki got his attention, “Look at HER!”
On screen was a photo of a beautiful blonde girl with piercing blue eyes, a dark plum lipstick adorning her pale face, backdropped by a wall of preserved flowers and sheer black curtains
Her profile read:
Sonia, 21
(She/Her, Bi) Come perform sacrifices under the full moon with me
Just kidding ... unless...
Gundham scrolled through the rest of her photos. She’s too good to be true. There’s a photo of her looking up from a book in a coffee shop with an adorable smile. There’s a selfie where a rose quartz pendant shines between her collarbones. She has high quality photos of her posing with friends in a field of wheat. She’s gorgeous.
“Gundham, if you don’t swipe right I don’t know who you are anymore,” Ibuki told him
So he did just that.
And his heart quickened its beat when the screen suddenly changed.
It’s a match!
“Oh my gawd, Gundham YES you gotta send her a message!” Ibuki giddily encouraged him
“What would I tell her?”
“That she’s really pretty and you want to get to know her or something!”
His phone vibrated in his palm. She messaged first.
“You are the most interesting person I have seen on tinder... probably ever! Tell me about yourself!”
“Good gods; what do I say?”
“Dude literally just talk about yourself.”
“You do not understand how difficult that is, Ibuki.”
“Okay, then ask her what she wants to know,” Ibuki suggested
“I thank you for your kind words. What do you wish to know?”
“Tell me about your Four Dark Devas of Destruction 🖤 They seem like perfect companions”
“Okay; she’s passing Ibuki’s tests so far,” Ibuki muttered, not even trying to hide that she was reading over his shoulder
“Yes, my Devas are simply bound to the bodies of what foolish mortals call ‘hamsters’, as their true forms can not be contained on this plane. They are loyal minions, and you are correct, worthy companions.”
And then he quickly added
“You appear to be as intelligent as you are beautiful. I admire it.”
Gundham felt his face heat up and his sister smacked his shoulder and gasped. “Look at you! Smooth as ice!”
“I am simply making an observation,” he attempted to defend himself
His phone vibrated again, and he quickly checked to see Sonia’s newest message
“Aw thank you 🖤 I know we have not been communicating for very long, but I sense the same about you. I can feel it in my guts!”
“Oh, she’s divine,” he whispered, clutching his hand to his mouth in awe
“Gundham, you’ve had tinder for less than a day and Ibuki thinks you’ve met the girl of your dreams. It’s like a tinder speedrun!” Ibuki laughed and then gasped, “Give her your number! Do it do it do it do it do it!”
And then his phone vibrated once more.
“I do not normally move this quickly to communicate off tinder, but I receive messages faster this way, and I must learn more about you: the fascinating and handsome man with his own minions 🖤”
She gave him her phone number.
If you enjoy my writing, you can leave me a tip on Ko-Fi if you’re able! 💛 Fics will always be free; this is just an additional way to support me.
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empressl6 · 3 years
Sonia's daughter(tw: transphobia/homophobic teacher, and a falling Chandelier)
Name: Buttercup
Age: 16
Sexuality: trans male to female.
Gender/sex: sex is male(aka she have a male body/A dick) and her Gender is female(she identifies as female)
Looks: Long blonde hair with black highlights, a dark lime off the shoulder dress that fades to a dark green at the bottom, black heels, black pearl earrings, black eyeshadow, eyeliner, and lipstick. Also black gloves and grey blue eyes
Personality: She is though and strict, but kind and nice. She does have a bad habit of being hard on herself. She is a wonderful leader.
Coming out: The frist time she came out was when she was 7. She told her teacher that she thinks she was trans but didn't know what LGBTQ+ community was. Her teacher was transphobia can offered to "fix it" but grabbed a wipe. Before anything else can happen a Chandelier fell on the teacher and she saw the message "you are valid" on the whiteboard. But the fact that her teacher was going to harm her still effected her making her stay in the closet for 3 more years before coming out to her mother who accepted her. The whole kingdom accepted and the ones who don't just stay silent because they know the royal family won't let them get away with being transphobia or homophobic. She did tell her mother about the teacher and the teacher was caught trying to "fix" another student for being a lesbian. She still don't know why The Chandelier fell tho(Gundam hates homophobics)
Likes: Fighting, order, peace, creepy stuff, magic, technology
Dislikes: Homophobics/Transphobics, chaos, suffering, murder, and insanity.
School: Goes to School with Tetsuko ever since 7th grade.
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shslfanficreader · 3 years
I want to read that soo much cuz... To be honest I definitely see Sonia into pegging and Gundham is "Okay if you want" and turned he really loves to be pegged
Don't mind me I just see him as a bottom leaning switch
And I'm wondered about Hades! Sonia's look
I definitely need to write it at some point.
And that's my exact thought on it too 😅 Gundham would be up for almost anything Sonia wanted to try, and he would love pegging.
I personally headcanon Gundham as being a verse switch, so unless he really feels like something in particular he'd be more than happy to go along with whatever his partner wants.
Ooohh Hades! Sonia would wear extravagant and decadent dresses made for a princess, of in this case, a goddess. She would keep things classy but still either cute or sexy depending on the occasion, and she'd probably stick to darker colours. Black, grey, deep greens, reds, purples, blues, and Jewell tones with white to make sure everything is balanced correctly. She would also probably wear gold or silver jewellery, possibly including a crown or tiara. Her jewellery could be interesting too, being in the shapes of skulls or made from bone. She could wear a vial of blood around her neck. Why? I don't know. She could also wear darker makeup and possibly a deep red or black lipstick.
In conclusion: dark aesthetic sonia dark aesthetic sonia dark aestHETIC SON-
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sjbattleangel · 4 years
My Immortal. The sonic parody
Chapter 1
AN: Special fangz (get it, coz Im goffik) 2 my gf (ew not in that way) Mabel, bloodytearz666 4 helpin me wif da story and spelling. U rok! Bill ur da luv of my deprzzing life u rok 2! MCR ROX!
Hi my name is Sally Acorn and I am a squirrel-chipmunk hybrid (AN: if u don’t know what that is get da hell out of here!). I’m related to King Acorn (so I’m a princess FYI) I have an awesome mini computer called Nicole.(She’s like a mobile but way cooler) I’m also a witch, and I go to a magic school called Mobius Academy on Planet Mobius where I’m in the seventh year (I’m seventeen). I’m a goth (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly black. For example today I was wearing a black corset with matching lace around it and a black leather miniskirt, pink fishnets and black combat boots. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow. I was walking outside Mobius Academy. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of preps stared at me. I zapped them with Nicole's small electric bolts.
“Hey Sally!” shouted a voice. I looked up. It was….Shadow the hedgehog!
“What’s up Shadow?” I asked.
“Nothing.” he said shyly.
But then, I heard my friends call me and I had to go away.
AN: IS it good? PLZ tell me fangz!
Chapter 2
AN: Fangz 2 bloodytearz666 4 helpin me wif da chapta! BTW preps stop flaming ma story ok!
The next day I woke up in my bedroom. It was snowing and raining again. I got out of bed and took of my giant MCR t-shirt which I used for pajamas. Instead, I put on a black leather dress, a pentagram necklace, combat boots and black fishnets on. I put on four pairs of earrings in my pierced ears, and put my hair in a kind of messy bun.
My friend, Sonia (AN: Mabel dis is u!) woke up then and grinned at me. She flipped her long waist-length raven black hair with pink streaks and opened her forest-green eyes. She put on her Marilyn Manson t-shirt with a black mini, fishnets and pointy high-heeled boots. We put on our makeup (black lipstick white foundation and black eyeliner.)
“OMG, I saw you talking to Shadow the hedgehog yesterday!” she said excitedly.
“Yeah? So?” I said, blushing.
“Do you like Shadow?” she asked as we went out of the common room and into the Great Hall.
“No I so freaking don’t!” I shouted.
“Yeah right!” she exclaimed. Just then, Shadow walked up to me.
“Hi.” he said.
“Hi.” I replied flirtily.
“Guess what.” he said.
“What?” I asked.
“Well, Good Charlotte are having a concert in Mobotropolis.” he told me.
“Oh. My. God!” I screamed. I love GC. They are my favorite band, besides MCR. 
“Well…. do you want to go with me?” he asked.
I gasped. 
Chapter 3
AN: STOP FLAMMING DA STORY PREPZ OK! odderwize fangs 2 da goffik ppl 4 da good reveiws! FANGS AGEN MABEL! oh yeah, BTW I don’t own dis or da lyrics 4 Good Chralotte.
On the night of the concert I put on my black lace-up boots with high heels. Underneath them were ripped red fishnets. Then I put on a black leather minidress with all this corset stuff on the back and front. I put on matching fishnet on my arms. I straightened my hair and made it look all spiky. I painted my nails black and put on TONS of black eyeliner. Then I put on some black lipstick so I was ready to go to the concert.
I went outside. Shadow was waiting there in front of his flying car. He was wearing a Simple Plan t-shirt (they would play at the show too), baggy black skater pants, black nail polish and a little eyeliner (AN: A lot fo kewl boiz wer it ok!).
“Hi Shadow!” I said in a depressed voice.
“Hi Sally.” he said back. We walked into his flying black Mercedes-Benz (the license plate said 0WDAEDG3) and flew to the place with the concert. On the way we listened excitedly to Good Charlotte and Marilyn Manson. When we got there, we both hopped out of the car. We went to the mosh pit at the front of the stage and jumped up and down as we listened to Good Charlotte.
“You come in cold, you're covered in blood They're all so happy you've arrived The doctor cuts your cord, hands you to your mom She sets you free into this life.” sang Joel (I don’t own da lyrics 2 dat song).
“Joel is so hot.” I said to Shadow, pointing to him as he sung, filling the club with his amazing voice.
Suddenly Shadow looked sad.
“What’s wrong?” I asked as we moshed to the music. Then I caught on.
“Hey, it’s ok I don’t like him better than YOU!” I said.
“Really?” asked Shadow sensitively and he put his arm around me all protective.
“Really.” I said. “Besides I don’t even know Joel and he’s going out with Mindy stinking LaTour! Ugh! I hate that preppy slut.” I said disgustedly, thinking of her ugly orange,blonde face.
The night went on really well, and I had a great time. So did Shadow. After the concert, we drank some beer and asked Benji and Joel for their autographs and photos with them. We got GC concert tees. Shadow and I crawled back into the Mercedes-Benz, but Shadow didn’t go back into Mobius Academy, instead he drove the car into……………………… The Great Forest! 
Chapter 4
AN: I sed stup flaming ok Sally’s name is SELLY nut mary su OK! SHADOW IS SOO IN LUV wif her dat he is acting defrent! dey nu eechodder b4 ok!
“Shadow!” I shouted. “What do you think you're doing?”
Shadow didn’t answer but he stopped the flying car and he walked out of it. I walked out of it too, curiously.
“What the hell?” I asked angrily.
“Sally?” he asked.
“What?” I snapped.
Shadow leaned in extra-close and I looked into his gothic red eyes (he was wearing color contacts) which revealed so much depressing sorrow and evilness and then suddenly I didn’t feel mad anymore.
He pulled out a wooden puzzle box shape sorter! We sat down and started to play with one another. I put my shapes on to his side, he put his shapes into mine. 
“Oh! Oh! Oh! ” I sighed. I was beginning to get a feeling in my belly. Too much beer. I was going to put my last shapes into Shadow’s box, I would win and then….
It was…………………………………………………….Robotnik!  
Thank you for reading this Sonic the Hedgehog themed parody of the worst fanfiction ever ‘My Immortal’. (also known “The Room of fanfiction” for very accurate reasons.) As a Sonic and Harry Potter fan (yes, I know. I’m a complete dork) who couldn’t stop laughing at My Immortal’s awfulness, this was a blast to write. Depending on how I’m feeling, I might write some more. After all, I’m just doing this for plain, simple, silly fun.
Peace out
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effulgcnts-blog · 5 years
Tumblr media
*** some of this might change after plotting 
“How has your family changed since your mother came into office?” A question asked many times to Addison and Theodore after Rosa Saint-Clare came into office, and though Addison is know to always have been elusive and shrewd towards the press her answer here wasn’t just dismissive. “It’s as if nothing’s changed at all.” She would say because her mother was after all a politician long before she ran for the highest office in the country. Because President Saint-Clare was under the lens right from the start when she took on the role of county commissioner at the age of 20, and her family came long after that even.
Addison never got along with her mother, always daddies little girl having her father wrapped around her fingers from the start. As a little girl she had quite the flair for dramatics a trait that doesn’t present itself so plainly anymore however there somewhere nonetheless. She grew up seeing her mother prioritizing her platform over all else and back then she couldn’t really appreciate just how prolific the work she was doing was, she simply wanted her mother’s attention and affection. Something she never got, and become something she took on the habit of demanding.
Time after time she could be seen doing exactly what her mother didn’t want. The final nail in the coffin of any salvage of their relationship was when her father cheated and her mother instead of standing up for herself, simply swallowed the pill and decided to move on as if nothing had happened all for her image. Not only had she lost all respect for the father she cherished, but also her every anguish with her mother was validated. And those she separated herself from them entirely.
The one family member who never let her down, of course being her twin. Theo is the only person in the world Addison trusts, and loves without condition. Because her love for everyone else certainly has conditions. There isn’t anything Adde wouldn’t do for her brother, there is a chance she might once consider letting go of a slight against her, but never against Theo. She is fiercely protective of him, as well as unconditionally loyal. If there is one person who can convince her to do something, to change her mind on something it’s him, and so often for this reason he’s made the mediator between her and their mother.
At the age of 11, Addison was scouted and offered a role in a major movie franchise, think something to the effect of Harry Potter or the Twilight Saga in it’s hay day. She pursued it in vain of a challenge at first, though did end up loving the unconventionality and excitement of working in showbiz more than anything else. Even at that age she had that renegade desire to always be doing more, different and better always. Discontent with the mundane.
However she didn’t pursue acting in front of a camera any further than that instead opting for theater for a few years, though at this point she’d definitely cemented herself as a public figure, at times relishing in the attention, but also often loathing it. 
No one can accuse Addison of not being smart, though it was rather hard for her to have a normal high school experience while working on film sets and traveling around for shoots. Then lost in the pursuit of working as a more serious stage actress. Her creative pursuits seeming to always stir her away from a formal education, thus she succumbed to what life seemed to telling her and decided not to attend college for the time at least. That’s not say she didn’t get the proper college experience visiting her brother at Yale, outside of the lecture halls that is. If the affair her father had and how her mother handled it the final straw for Addison, her decision to not go to college was definitely it for her mother.
Theater was wholly fulfilling for the young woman in more ways than one as it brought her closer to her true calling. Fashion design. Always having been very interested in her look and costumes even while working in movies (though with far less consideration), she began to work more closely with the costume designers outside of the stage. Soon she was exploring more than just the art of assembling outfits, and simple seam work in. Putting together vision boards, drawing up rough sketches anything to further visualize and express her artist vision and the desire to see the garments she envisioned to come to actuality.
Calling up a few designers that had previously dressed her for carpets and events she was able to talk one into allowing her to apprentice for them to really learn the proper ins and outs of the industry, that was four years ago. Not someone with a lot of patience and more than enough confidence and recklessness to take risks she slowly started to work towards creating her own fashion line, putting all the money she had accumulated from continuing royalty from movies to good use. The first year was tough, she had a huge advantage to anyone else just starting out but her work just wasn’t connecting and she herself wasn’t seasoned to failure. There was a period there when she began to spiral more than usual. It didn’t help that this was around the same time as her mother taking office and her being launched back into the media spotlight in a whole new way.
But after a period of darkness she was able to find a whole new drive and channel that same emotion into her work, something sparked and before long she was doing all the right things. fashion week nyc, paris, milan, high profile faces wearing her designs, major brand deals, and then the launch of her flagship store in the span of two short but endlessly productive years. 
alternating between a platinum blonde pixie cut and dreads
warm brown eyes, often bloodshot, hidden behind aviators
loose, often semi sheer clothing over satin and lace undergarments. 
multiple studs and hoops in her ears, sometimes a small ring in her septum.
small diamond always in her left tragus
at least three dainty rings on her fingers
Addison is a media darling, her mother and Sonia would say for all the wrong reasons. Her give no fucks attitude having always contributed greatly to the press concocting all sorts of stories about her with the young woman providing plenty of inspiration. “Addison Saint-Clare a ticking time bomb at state dinner.” “First daughter on the verge of meltdown after a run in with the authorities.” “Newlywed miserable already.” “A closer look at the Saint-Clare sex swing, amazon driver reveals all” “Addison Saint-Clare pregnant & alone” “72 Hours with Addison Saint-Clare and a Macedonian Graffiti Crew Member” the list goes on, and gets even more outlandish. 
Far to many to count, in more ways than one. There’s never a time when her name isn’t connected with someone, and it’s rarely without reason as she tends to go through partners quite liberally. She has always been completely transparent and unapologetic about her promiscuity, she doesn’t give a fuck about much in life least of all what anyone has to say about her sexuality, and how she chooses to express it. Given her lack of faith in commitment she never likes to let things stick, finding reasons to end things when there might be none. Because leaving is always better than to be left. It happened once and she’s not going to ever let it happen again.
As the first daughter, obviously her indiscretions haven’t been the most palatable to the conservative masses, and this is has been one of many places where she’s bargained with her mother to reel it back, not without getting something in return for it. However her Vegas wedding last November was a PR nightmare, even more so when the marriage lasted all of five minutes. Two and a half months, to be exact. The divorce proceedings having gone on longer than the actual relationship itself at this point. 
Past flings
Close Friends
The one who left first
I’ll add more to a separate post or something later!
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bthump · 6 years
Ganishka's final battle with Neo Griffith showed Neo Griffith can revert to his Femto form at will, which also implies Femto has now the same personality as Neo Griffith. So imagine Neo Griffith interacting with Charlotte, Sonia, Mule and The Pope while he's in his Femto form. Drinking tea and eating cake. Buck wild tbh.
lmao now there’s an image. Imagine him having to fix his goth lipstick after eating cake.
Idk if that’s necessarily implied though, depending on what exactly was going on during that scene with Ganishka.
Actually this has been bugging me a bit since browsing through the guidebook, so I’m just going to say something rn since you gave me an opening. Basically I used to think of that scene with Femto during the Ganishka confrontation as NGriff’s true astral plane form that only Ganishka could see, because they’re on a similar… level or w/e. Then I read this fan-translated interview:
But, when Golden Age ended, Griffith’s character became too prominent and I wanted him to fight with Guts in his usual form. Storytelling-wise, if he was in his normal, unchanged form, and then changed into his powered-up form, the opposition would be easier to understand. Also, setting-wise, as Femto, the dimension on which he operates becomes more distant.
and I started assuming it was more of a power up he could turn on and off like the Berserk armour. Which would suggest that NGriff is less Femto in disguise and more a default version of Griffith which can become Femto the same way Guts can become the Beast of Darkness. Which I think is kind of silly bc I hate the idea of NGriff final forming it during a fight lol, but on the other hand I really like the potential parallel to the Berserk armour.
But then the official guidebook translation of the interview came out and that paragraph became:
Back during the original dark Guts days, I intended to make Femto his enemy thereafter. But by the time I finished the Golden Age arc, Griffith’s character stood out too much, and I wanted him to fight Guts in that form. And in terms of the narrative, him being in the same form as before but powered up would make the course of their confrontation easier to convey. And in terms of setting, if he were Femto, he’d be acting in a different dimension. 
So I could’ve been right the first time and idk anything anymore.
But I do have a really hard time thinking NGriff and Femto are the exact same except for appearance and corporeality, mostly because Femto was a hilariously petty asshole and NGriff is just serene and boring. And as funny as the idea of Femto having tea with the pope is, I can’t really believe it any more than I could believe Guts in Beast of Darkness mode having tea with the warlocks in Elfhelm.
Granted that could just be a relic of the superior Black Swordsman arc lol, maybe Miura regrets making Femto fun back then and I’m still supposed to think NGriff is just like, Femto in disguise. But if that’s the case idt Miura’s doing a great job depicting it. Or maybe Femto is still his ~true~ astral plane appearance but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s his current… personality/evil level/whatever lol.
I mean we have to assume something changed when he incarnated back on earth because that was the whole point of visiting Guts right? If nothing changed - or was supposed to change - then why did NGriff think he had to test himself?
Idk ty for the fun ask and sorry for rambling about barely-related things in response lol.
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My Own Sides
I decided to make my own sides! I have manic depression, so I also personified my mental disorder. If that’s triggering, then please don’t read. Thank you!
They are in order from most powerful to least powerful.
Deirdre (Day-druh)
Deirdre is anxiety. She is the most powerful side. She’s bordering on paranoia, and she also is in control of my deep fears and negative feelings. She’s really shy when there are people around. She’s not as shy around the other sides, but she’s still quiet around them. She’s very emo and angsty, even though she tries to be a team player and lie off a bit. She likes to indulge in troubling behavior. She enjoys watching scary movies and haunted houses. She always wears all black clothes. She enjoys black jeans, over-sized black sweaters, black eyeliner, black makeup, and a silver septum ring.
The meaning for the name Deirdre is unknown, however, Deirdre is the name of a tragic character in an Irish legend who died from a broken heart.
Lola (Low-luh)
Lola is depression. She isn’t necessarily sadness like Deirdre, but more like melancholy or numbness. She refuses to talk about her emotions because it makes her uncomfortable (and because she doesn’t fully understand them, but she’ll never admit that.) She doesn’t really care about being a team member, but since she’s quiet she doesn’t cause that many problems. She’s not very loud or has reasons for her ideas or opinions, I still listen to her because she’s comforting and being around her is calming (even though that’s unhealthy.) She likes to wear grey, beige, and white. She likes sweatpants, tee shirts, and hoodies.
The name Lola comes from the name Dolores. The preppy and happy sounding name means “sorrows”.
Trixie (Trick-see)
Trixie is mania. She is euphoric, giddy, irritable, and sometimes angry. She likes to talk a lot, and I mean a lot. She has a lot of ideas, is hard-working, and doesn’t like when people get in her way. She is extremely friendly (unless she is angry) and clingy. She tries to listen to everyone’s ideas but she has so many ideas to share and doesn’t want to forget them. She likes to wear dresses and skirts. She loves bright colors and always has her hair up. She loves intense makeup with bright eyeshadow and glittery lip gloss. She loves brightly colored septum rings.
The name Trixie is a name that has a bit of attitude to it, and means “bringing joy”.
Alice (Al-iss)
Alice is morality. She is noble, righteous, always kind, loving, and understanding. She makes sure everyone is heard and never judges others. She goes out of her way to be nice to others. She likes affection but doesn’t force affection onto anyone. She likes to wear skirts, sweaters, flower crowns, and bright pink lipstick. She likes to wear holo septum rings.
The name Alice means “being of nobility”.
Melody (Mel-eh-dee)
Melody is creativity. She is brave, confident, idealistic, and loud. She wants to be heard by everyone, and can’t handle being told that her ideas aren’t possible or realistic. She desperately wants to be included and stand out at the same time. She loves the color red because it’s bold and eye-catching. She loves gold jewelry, necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, and septum rings. She likes shorts, skinny jeans, tank tops, crop tops, and a jacket when it gets cold.
The name Melody means music; song.
Sonia (Song-ya)
Sonia is logic. She is smart, determined, and eager to learn. She loves science, math, and reading. She likes to watch documentaries and analysis. She doesn’t like watching conspiracy theories because they’re so illogical. She likes to wear button-ups, black slacks, and plain black shoes. Sonia is not a fan or septum rings.
The name Sonia means wisdom.
Lilith (Lill-eh-th)
Lilith is deceit. She is manipulative, secretive, and lies often. She’s scared of being hurt and sees empathy as a burden. She doesn’t care about others ideas or opinions, she’s only interested in her own. She’s obsessed with self-preservation. She has nightmares about being hurt- emotionally and physically. She likes to wear long black cardigans that go down to her ankles, dark plan tank tops, and black skinny jeans. She wears lots of neutral makeup and likes silver septum rings.
The name Lilith means night monster; storm goddess.
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weareigloo2 · 4 years
The Top 15 Influencer Marketers Must Know in Dubai
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Marketing is seen as a core part of every business, with each requiring a marketing strategy in order to best their competitors. Nonetheless, the strategies are as wide and varied as the number of businesses employing such methods. The wiser the business is in coming up with its marketing mix and implementing it, all are important factors that’ll determine how well the business performs in present business conditions. Social Media in Dubai has created a cheap and easy way to reach marketing platform for most businesses. Nevertheless, when all is said and done, nothing beats a marketing strategy and delivers results on investments like using people, well-known people – to increase your awareness and presence in the industry.
These have over the years been given a term – influencers! Influencers in Dubai are making a living the easy way – all they have to do is stay relevant in their market niche and say a thing or two on their social handles about your product and puff! You are good to go. Nevertheless, you still need the right influencers for your particular brand who will not fail to impress. In that bid, we set out to compile a list of the most ‘must-know-of’ influencers in Dubai that you should have known of yesterday.
Huda Kattan
Her success story began even before 2013; but after her strategy of uploading beauty tutorials on YouTube and consecutively launching Huda Beauty with her sisters Alya and Mona, her story would only begin to climb the ladders which many celebrities only dream of. The 34-year old American is now boasting of a massive follow up of 27 million followers on Instagram and is quite the spitting image to attach your product with.
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Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed popularly known as Fazza has hit both the business world as the Crown Prince of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and also as a popular poet. The guy has been involved in massive business deals and even been elected in bodies and councils governing the people of Dubai. With such popularity and love from the populace, it is no wonder the guy can walk shoulder high with a following of more than 2 million on Facebook and an even larger fan base of 6.5 million on Instagram. When thinking of social media influencers in Dubai, such figures are not to be left out of the equation.
Hanadi Diab
The Lebanese blogger living in Germany can claim to have a follow up of 471,000 fans on Instagram. With her popularity, she was able to open her beauty line with a range of liquid lipsticks and lashes that have successfully sold in more than 300 drug stores in Germany. Get a taste of her sassy vibe on her blog as you make your product known.
Nilo Haq
Nilo’s story started out after launching the popular Saudi Beauty Blog in the year 2012. Some of her most-recognized works include a salon in Toronto, Canada, & partnering works with huge brands such as Toni & Guy and MAC Cosmetics. These have all played a major role in forming the hundreds of thousands of followers on Instagram and provide a valid source of marketing for other brands. Join the Nilo train today.
Joelle Mardinian
Some people think beauty is totally objective until they find themselves bewitched and entranced with a face, a voice and a body which will have you following every laid out command. When it comes to beauty, glamour and glance, Joelle knows all about it and hasn’t been afraid to use that woman power in driving sales for various businesses. With millions of followers on Instagram, the icon is not only making it in the Arab world but has amassed popularity worldwide. The 40-year old Lebanese went on to found Maison De Joelle in 2008; the leading beauty salon in the Middle East promises to give you a lavish experience like no other.Digital marketing agencies in dubai
Hayla Al Ghazal
At only 21, Hayla has come out to breach the social media based in Dubai with a subscriber base of 3.8 million YouTubers on her YouTube lifestyle channel. She also founded Hayla Couture, a successful bridal and evening gown boutique store. She is most famous among the youth populace and idolized as the ideal youth entrepreneur with beauty to accompany that.
Elias El-indari
When it comes to blogging, no one does it better than Elias El-indari. The stylish blogger has influenced the Arab men on both sides; from the cheap and really outgoing looks to the very stylish and posh ones, to make a man appear like two! He has gained hundreds of thousands of followers on Instagram and is seen as a rising voice on Twitter.
Saudi Gamer
Chill out once in a while and let off some steam with the best games from Saudi Gamer. The big titles to be found here include Assassins Creed Odyssey, God of War, Call of Duty Black Ops, Kassandra and Spider-Man among many more. Stay informed on their Instagram page which is almost hitting the 2 million mark.
Samer Khouzami
Beauty has a way of appealing to more than people’s sense of sight – it goes much deeper than that. Samer Khouzami, termed as the “master of contouring” has exploited this market niche to form a makeup range that has gained approval with the Dubai market. He has been seen holding workshops and masterclasses all around the world sharing his tips on storming the beauty and fashion industry. This has not only gained him a big audience on Instagram, but it has also secured a large fan following on Facebook and loyal YouTube subscribers. When it comes to coming up with eye-catching images and complete facial makeovers, you need the hands of a master – you need Samer Khouzami, and so does your brand.
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Lojain Omran
When thinking of influencers in Dubai, you cannot fail to mention the ‘darling of the nation’ and the host of the TV show, Sabah El Kheir Ya Arab. The Social Media personality and the brand ambassador has been at it on all Social Media platforms with the biggest following reaching 6.5 million fans on Instagram. She is known to carry the voice of the people and has sparked massive debates and controversies about different topics over the years. When thinking of a brand promoter, you definitely want a voice that is heard and valued by the people – who better to do that than the top Social Media Dubai influencer with looks and guts?
Other Personalities
The above are some of the biggest names that both startups and well-established businesses can make use of to influence their outreach in the Middle East market. However, they are not the only personalities and were I to mention all of them; the list would be quite long. Some of the not-so-spoken names which also make contributions in different market forces might also be a good tool for your business. They include bloggers, journalists and upcoming artists who seek to make a difference.
Azadeh Akbari
A champion for women’s rights and also a musician, this fashion and beauty artist is found to have an engagement rate of 16.9% on Instagram – not bad huh! Her easy to use and readable blogs have impressed most Arab readers who follow her.
Goalkeeper Station
You have all come by sites offering the best sports outfit and attire. What you haven’t come across is a site dedicated to the goalkeeper only. The site offers a store for all goalkeepers’ accessories and is slowly finding loyal fans, especially on Instagram, amongst the football lovers.
Sonia & Fyza Ali
Meet the Kardashian’s of UAE! The two makeup artists have partnered together over the years in a ‘sisterhood’ manner to form a stronger bond hence a much stronger brand. It is no wonder their fan base is almost reaching 1 million on Instagram.
David Warren
Influencer marketeering is all about making it in your particular niche with an additional quality. It is that added touch that has seen David Warren make a name for himself for only dealing with jewelry, yet, his name is one of the most outspoken ones. Join him on Instagram for the latest posts and trends as concerning the jewelry world.
Dubai Design District
Influencers in Dubai can also be a community of people with common goals and needs. The Dubai Design District is a one-stop place for people to get fashion tips you might never get anywhere else, immerse in architecture and design, shop and eat the best from the Arab worlds. It is fast growing on different Social Media especially Instagram where posts are updated on a daily basis keeping the fans informed.
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Whatever or whoever you decide to use as a Social Media influencer in Dubai, you have to factor in not only the attributes of the individual or community but also the costs with each. Many agencies have come up to specialize in hooking up businesses with the ideal influencers. You, therefore, need not worry about the hassle of going about it and attaching your brand with the biggest names in the Middle East. Whatever you do, be sure to have at least one of these Social Media influencers – it is good for business.
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Feast your eyes and your shelves on October’s
SPD Recommends *Backlist*,
ten still-so-relevant titles selected by our very own Matthew Hedley!
1. Cold Genius - Aaron Kunin
Have you heard Aaron Kunin get excited about Milton yet? In love with things that are funny because he loves them, like Milton’s bible fan fiction, or Chiquita banana, or language meaning a particular thing. Is it fair to say Kunin’s quote clusters are a joke, a reflexive reassurance, a kindness that doesn’t force words down your throat, a presentation, a kindness, so that his book feels deeply kind. I appreciate the Ben Lerner blurb – “it occurs to me often to be grateful for his work.” Because I am, also, deeply grateful. Reviewers seem to delight in calling him a genius – because it’s in the title, maybe – but this book is so much more interesting than that. He’s a genius, who cares, “genius” is really a silly thing, don’t you think? It’s a brand, maybe, or something a lover says and is misunderstood and misunderstood until he figures in a Kunin poem.
2. Trances of the Blast - Mary Ruefle
This book of Ruefle poems is an odd gem. Its title is given the lie by the duration of its gaze. A stanza for the thing, a stanza for the feeling about the thing, a stanza for life after living with the thing. Remember Inception? That movie all the memes come from? This book has all the immediacy of an explosion in that movie, as time dilates wider and wider, until we’ve forgotten we were running from an explosion in the first place. What was that movie about? Or – wait, what’s this book about? It’s not exactly still, since there’s so much life ahead to get to, and it has pace, some yearning to be turned on, left on, but its movement comes from turnabout, the unwieldy and furry shift of a person looming in the midst of a poem. 
And so I have had to deal with wild intractable people all my days and have been led astray in a world of shattered moonlight and beasts and trees where no one ever curtsies anymore or has an understudy. So I have gone up to the little room in my face, I am making something out of a jar of freckles and a jar of glue 
I hated childhood. I hate adulthood. And I love being alive.
3. Monk Eats an Afro - Yolanda Wisher
This book is embodied poetry, the talked about but rarely seen kind. It’s important that the book is anachronistic in its sensitivity – Cry of Jazz came out in 1959, Monk Eats an Afro in 2014 – but Wisher loves jazz, and is good at it. The Sonia Sanchez blurb should be a giveaway of how in scene this book is to Philadelphia, to Philly jazz, to clubs where Sonia still holds court at a central table, with similar tables around, Wisher at another, someone, maybe Dawn Evans holds down a third, there aren’t that many tables but they’re mostly full, with men and women who make Philly great. Sure, I’m being overly romantic, because this is a literal memory I have, being in that room, being in my hometown, sometimes it feels like it might disappear, also – this book is romantic. Its romance poems are downright sexy, and god, when Wisher swings into a rhyme at the end of a stanza it rings out. There’s a body at risk here, recounting personal experience with a heady sense of its own cultural touchpoints. There’s something conservative about a jazz fanatic in this day and age – to go through every day hearing what the radio does while still pulling back to Monk and fam takes work, a love of the way things were – which, in context with the rest of this list, makes a deep commentary on how conservative poetry as a whole really is. Because this book feels novel and standout amidst the others of the list for how separate its references are. No other book on this list is more than one degree of separation (in terms of debt owed) from John Ashbery, and this book might be two, and that makes all the difference. It’s not that it’s “anti-academic,” because that term posits the academy as the thing, and everything else as lying in opposition. But I remember a creative writing professor ask a creative writing graduate student what she could possibly talk to a slam poet about. Monk Eats an Afro is incommunicable with that sort of thinking. Not opposition – a powerful voice, sure in her self.
4. Stories in the Worst Way - Gary Lutz
This book makes me want to write better. Lutz’ style should be ponderous -- the whole text appears at a glance almost as marginalia, like liner notes on liner notes, but nothing is frantic. Somehow it feels calm, even, impossibly, focused. Which can be a little frustrating -- the game of the title STORIES IN THE WORST WAY always cycling through my mind as I am shocked by the talent.  Because they are really well written and make you jealous and more than a little productive. Lutz makes me write. Because he really can write, and his overcrowded margin of a text feels absolutely effortless and easy for him, which is also impossible, and also untrue, and it’s – god, it’s frustrating! But if I didn’t have this book around, what other book could I use to make myself write. I admit, I throw this book around a lot. It’s a really nice weight and size to be thrown, and then picked up, mumble a bit, read the same story again, somehow write four pages, go for a walk, turn around mid-walk, come home and read the same story, write some more. It’s a book I love and picked from thousands of titles here at SPD -- and if you can’t handle being jealous and productive, I just don’t even know you.
5. Videogames for Humans: Twine Authors in Conversation - edited by merritt kopas
This book of playthroughs, essays, contexts, games and game-ified writing is unique and complex. Twine as a digital platform stands alongside all my other distant dreams of choice mediums for preventing academia and the state from incorporating language and work into their narrative. But, unfortunately, the space remains uncurated in meaningful ways to further that vision, which, as Wikipedia will tell you (by omission or deletion mill), perpetuates the same power structures as the world outside. So: CRY$TAL WARRIOR KE$HA (made pre-$ removal) is on the sample page today (looking absolutely amazing), while the most recent review is some undergraduate freshboy’s takedown of its writing structure. Which is to say that the academy is always uncomfortably present in the history and training of creators, players, readers – and even in the essays in VIDEOGAMES FOR HUMANS. The tension in the book’s movement back and forth between Kesha and undergraduate with a grudge is what makes the book so incredibly worthwhile. Beyond just a book for digital language nerds like myself, this collection feels so important for asking questions of how to create positive art spaces. Teenaged entertainment proposes an answer, negated in the misogyny of Lil Yachty, reconstituted in the queer narratives of Twine, complicated in the reactionary nature of write-ups… How will any of us make art in a time where to be an instrument of the state is such a bald-faced violence? But magic and a joy in loving self-sabotage shows a glimmer of hope: 
“There’s this assumption that if you stray from The Scientific Method into actually caring about things like lying on the floor of your room in the middle of the afternoon with black canvas hung over the curtains to keep the sun out with a single candle burning, wearing lipstick—even though you pretty much don’t wear lipstick any other time in your life—sort of meditating and sort of tripping off sensory deprivation and sort of falling asleep, that you had better take that weird stuff just as seriously and humorously as scientists are supposed to take science. Like basically magic can’t be weird or fun or fucked up or stupid on purpose. Which is wrong!”
6. Event Factory - Renee Gladman
Event Factory – There’s a setpiece of science fiction where worldbuilding, forced to include some cultural background for the book, treats us to speculative songs and poetry that are, let’s be honest, always awful. The cantina songs, the God-Whispers of Han Qing-Jao, the water songs of the Fremen – let’s be real, these are painful moments. Even Delany – sorry. But then you have Gladman, a luminary poet, writing her Ravicka novels, and suddenly, writing becomes speculative in parsing and content. There’s all the textured concentration and phrasing her talent begets, combined with a character-driven, engaging and difficult science fiction novel. So that our transportation occurs on every level – not escapism, because the density of idea and descriptor doesn’t admit such an easy movement – as we are other before it. It’s a deeply disturbing book, to be sure. The disassociative trip of finding things already happening to yourself makes the book a Ketamine nightmare in its darkest, half-sexual, half-prone. That’s a warning, I suppose, or as much of a warning as I can give for a book I’d like you to read. It’s a book of recollections, and it often recalls the worst. Go read it.
7. In the Time of the Blue Ball - Manuela Draeger, translated by Brian Evenson
This is the only book on this list I didn’t know beforehand, but god DAMN. It reminds me of Kathryn Davis, but with a different set of idiosyncrasies. Or Monica Furlong’s deeply strange cousin. Or it’s not really like another person, but an outstanding talent all to itself that speaks in an unusual voice, with a style and focus all her own. Still, it’s hard not to try to put it in context, because I hadn’t heard of Draeger previously. Shelley Jackson wrote the back cover blurb, and if you’re not down with Shelley Jackson, there’s nothing I can say to convince you to read this.
“I’m warning you, Potemkine,” said the tiger. “Now, here we are together in too small of a space. It’d be better if you didn’t wiggle in front of me. In the darkness, I could imagine that you were running.”
“I don’t look like a wharf rat,” I said.
“When someone starts running in front of me, it’s too late for distinctions between species,” said Gershwin.
Half-accessible, half-mystic fantasy that flirts with various reading levels, IN THE TIME OF THE BLUE BALL is a gorgeous book of fiction. With thanks to Brian Evenson for a stellar translation.
8. This Lamentable City - Polina Barskova, translated by Ilya Kaminsky
He lies naked on something white, She laughs above She covers him With her pearl, her body her Star, her body her snow, her body On top of the word “strange,” On top of the word “fright.”
Barskova wanders the city and chronicles, and edits, and edits, and edits what she sees. This book is beautifully refined, calm, sure.
“In our village where small animals live slowly And humans jump on them.”
I’d like to do this little feature with only quotes, quotes and gasps afterward. The above a reaction to finding the scattered remains of snails in the lane. I hope it snows where you read this, in the evening.
9. The Feel Trio - Fred Moten
Fred Moten. Glory, Fred Moten. One of the most talented writers of a generation who makes the balance of phrasing and legibility feel effortless. Not that every line is beach-read-legible, but that his word clusters are drop-dead gorgeous, and always feel intentioned and deserved. Throughout his published works, Moten remains a cheat-sheet for debut writers – “how do I get away with putting this really fabulous but loud phrase in my writing” – but THE FEEL TRIO is a monstrosity of confidence, even for him.
           “this a service on the surface for frank wilderness and carl flippant.            my absolute beauty studies feelings in an open afterlife. I hold him            and I’ve lost and I feel it in my hands and the sharp distance of his            little bother, explosive flower of I’m not ready and don’t want to.”
10. That They Were at the Beach - Leslie Scalapino
My favorite book of poetry has somehow never been on a previous SPD Recommends Backlist. The narrator of the book fascinates me – defensive in language, insecure in relative positions, honest in gaze – in her movements between mechanism and pathos. The formalization of language, centered around the em dash – pretending to be a device of clarity – reminds me of coding languages, its Turing-complete, it’s a half step from language, but in this case not towards clarity but something else, something that masquerades as clarity but is poetry. Which isn’t an opposite of clarity, but it’s not the same thing either. I find it impossible not to copy this book’s phrasing for months after I reread it, so I’m trying to be good here. It’s the book that made me love poetry.
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cocoaswatches · 7 years
FSOB: Drugstore Highlighters (PT. 1)
Okay. Picture this. 
You are getting ready to go somewhere and proceed to beat. that. face. BUT, in the process something goes awry. 
You realize you are out of foundation. 
Your lipstick melted from the last time it was in your purse. 
You just dropped your favorite highlighter. 
You run out to your local CVS/Rite Aid/Duane Reade/<insert the closest drugstore here>, to try and replace your product...only to be confronted with a slight problem. 
As you walk down the makeup aisles, it becomes increasingly clear that there is somewhat of a trend happening....
It's almost impossible to find what you need because there are barely any products for skintones with a bit of melanin!
Now obviously there are those of us who shop for drugstore makeup regularly (myself included.) But depending on where you live, it can be difficult to find certain products in the drugstore because it appears as though products complimenting darker complexions are noticeably absent. 
Soo...I decided to start the F.S.O.B. series - I will go into local drugstores, combatting the "f.ifty s.hades o.f b.eige" and look for particular products that I think will compliment brown complexions. 
The first product to kick off the series are: highlighters. we are going to start with powder versions for part 1. See below for all of the products I discovered and of course swatched! You might want to take a trip to your local drugstore soon. (For the purposed of this series, I am including places like Walmart, Ulta, and local beauty supply stores as places to get "drugstore" products)
The Powders
Ruby Kisses Bronze Glow Powder
Before I started this series, I already purchased this Ruby Kisses Bronze Powder and just HAD to include it. It is super pigmented and only costs about 4 bucks. You can probably find Ruby Kisses at your local beauty supply store. (that's where I found mine)
Melanin Friendly? - YAS | Price: approx $4 | Where to buy: local beauty supply store
Makeup Revolution Shimmer Bricks & Baked Bronzer
Melanin Friendly? - YAS | Price: $7 each | Where to buy: Ulta
Melanin Friendly? - YAS | Price: $6 | Where to buy: ulta
sonia kashuk chic Luminosity Bronzer
Melanin Friendly? - YAS | Price: $12.99 | Where to buy: Target
Wet n Wild Megaglo Illuminating Palette
Melanin Friendly? - maybe. A pink highlighter definitely won't compliment everyone, but you might be able to get away with using some of the shades in the palette without mixing them toegether | Price: $4.99 | Where to buy: Walmart, Walgreens
Black Radiance Baked Bronzers
Melanin Friendly? - mhm, yas!! | Price: $5.49 | Where to buy: Now this one is tricky. Unfortunately, brands like black radiance are only available in places where various drugstore retailers deem them best. Cue the eye roll. I bought these at Walmart, but you might also be able to find these at a Target, Walgreens, or Duane Reade. If not you can purchase these highlighters online.
CoverGirl Tru Blend Mineral Powders and Bronzer
Melanin Friendly? - Ok, so quick story time. I picked these up without even looking, thinking they were both "bronzers" and I was grabbing both the medium ad deep versions. Come to find out, the "deep" version was a mineral powder and the "medium" version is a mineral bronzer. The deep powder is super ashy. I am not sure what its for but it would probably be better suited for medium to light complexions. The bronzer tho is POPPIN! Such a sweet surprise. Although I can deal without the messy packaging, the powder is a beautiful bronzy shade that can be used as a gorgy highlighter for medium to dark complexions.  | Price: $7.99 | Where to buy: most major drugstores
Melanin Friendly? - maybe. It is a pretty gold shade but may read ashy on some complexions and undertones | Price: $7.99 | Where to buy: most drugstores
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coyote-teeth444 · 7 years
Cruelty-free Brand List
Brands marked with a * are 100% vegan. Brands marked with a | have a parent company that is not cruelty-free. If you know of any cruelty-free/vegan brands that are not on this list please message me so I can add them! You can also find this complete list on my page!
100% Pure
1121 Apothecary*
21 Drops*
A Girl’s Gotta Spa*
ABBA Pure Performance Hair Care|
Acure Organics
Adorn Cosmetics*
AG Hair Cosmetics
Ageless Derma
Ahimsa Naturals*
AILA Cosmetics*
Ainhoa Cosmetics
Alaska Glacial Mud Co.
Alba Botanica
Alima Pure
Ambre Blends
Anastasia Beverly Hills
Andalou Naturals
Annmarie Gianni Skin Care
Antonym Cosmetics
Apoterra Skincare
Arctic Fox*
Aster + Bay
Astonish Cleaning Products*
Au Naturale*
Aubrey Organics
Aura Cacia
Avalon Organics
Bach Flower
Baiser Beauty
Balanced Guru
Balm Balm
Bare Escentuals/Bare Minerals| (They have makeup brushes that are not cruelty-free.)
Bare Republic
Barefaced Beauty
Barry M
Bath, Body, Candle Moments
Bdellium Tools
Beaming White*
Beauty Bakerie
Beauty Blender*
Beauty by Earth
Beauty Without Cruelty*
Bedrock & Bloom*
Bella Mari*
Ben Nye Makeup
Besamé Cosmetics
BH Cosmetics
Bio Ionic
Bio Follicle*
Bite Beauty
Blackbird Cosmetics*
Black Dahlia Lacquer*
Black Moon Cosmetics*
Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab
Blu Ink Nail Lacquer*
Blue Labelle*
Bonne Belle
Borika Body*
Botanic Organic
Box Naturals*
Bright Planet
Bronze Buffer*
Burt’s Bees|
Butter Toki*
Bye Bye Parabens*
Cailyn Cosmetics
Caitlin’s Super Natural*
Cake Beauty
California Naturel
Caroline’s Dream
Caru Skincare
Cate McNabb
Cedar + Stone*
Certain Dri*|
Charlotte Tilbury
Ciaté London
Clarria Cosmetics
Cocoon Apothecary*
Color Club*
Concrete Minerals*
Conscious Skincare
COOLA Suncare
CORE Cosmetics
Cover FX
Crazy Rumors*
Crispy Brows
Cross Creek Soaps
Crystal Body Deodorant*
Cult Cosmetics*
Dahliana Naturals*
Daisy Blue Naturals
Deborah Lippmann
Deco Miami*
DefineMe Fragrance*
DEMES/Demes Natural Products*
Derma E*
Desert Essence
Dickinson Brands
Diptyque Paris
D I R T E A*
Dose of Colors
Dr. Bronner’s
Dr. Hauschka
Earth Tu Face
Earthly Body*
Earth Friendly Products (ECOS)
Earthwise Beauty
Ecco Bella
ECO Minerals*
Eco Tan
Eco Tools*
Elate Clean Cosmetics*
Eyes Lips Face (E.L.F.)* – not all skin care & brushes are vegan
Elysian Nail Lacquer*
Elizabeth Mott
Elizabeth W San Francisco
Ella + Mila
Ellis Faas
ENJOY Professional Hair Care
EO Products
Epic Blend
Epically Epic Soap
Epice International*
Epiphany Soapworks*
Every Man Jack
Everyday Minerals*
Eye of Horus Cosmetics
Face Atelier
Fairy Girl*
FAR Botanicals*
FiOR Minerals*
First Aid Beauty
Flo + Theo*
Flower Beauty
Forager Botanicals*
Forest Creek
Franklin & Whitman*
Friendly Candle*
Fusion of Color Cosmetics
Gabriel Cosmetics
Gaia Secrets
Garden Botanika
Garden of Wisdom
Geek Chic Cosmetics*
Georgie Beauty*
Gerard Cosmetics
Glam Natural*
Glamour Dolls*
GLO Turmeric Scrub*
GLOSS Moderne*
Good4You Plant Makeup
GOSH Cosmetics
Gourmet Body Treats*
Green Beaver
Green People
Green Tidings*
Green Virgin Products
Green & Gorgeous Organics*
Gwen’s Blends
Habit Cosmetics*
Hain Celestial
Handmade Heroes*
Harvey Prince*
Herban Cowboy
Hempz Couture*
Heritage Store
Herbal Choice Mari*
High Endurance Cosmetics
Honeybee Gardens
Hot Tresses*
House of Lashes
Hugo Naturals*
Hum Nutrition
Hynt Beauty
Indie Blends*
Indie Lee
Indigo Wild
Inkling Scents
Innate Organic Body*
Intelligent Nutrients
Illuminare Cosmetics*
J.R. Watkins
Jack Black
Jane Carter Solutions*
Jane Cosmetics
Jane Iredale
Jason Naturals
Jeffree Star Cosmetics*
Jersey Shore Cosmetics
Jillian Wright Skincare
Jing Ai
Johnny Concert*
Joshik Polish*
Josie Maran Cosmetics
Juice Beauty
Kaeng Raeng*
Kaia Naturals
Kani Botanicals*
Kat Von D Beauty
Kate Ryan Skincare
Kelley Quan*
Kester Black*
Kett Cosmetics
Key West Alo*
KHUS + KHUS Modern Herbal Fusion
Kimberly Parry Organics
Kirei Cosmetics*
Kiss My Face
KL Polish*
Klo Organic Beauty*
Ko & Humble*
Koh Jen Do
Kopari Beauty
KPS Essentials
La Couleur Couture (LACC)*
La Fresh Eco Beauty*
LAIA Skincare*
Laughing Devil Designs*
Lauren B. Beauty*
Lalila Beauty
Laurel Whole Plant Organics
Lauren Brooke Cosmetiques
Leahlani Skincare
Lemon West*
Lethal Cosmetics*
Lewin & Reilly
Light Mountain Natural Hair Color*
Lily Lolo
Lime Crime*
Lina Hanson*
Lip Glosserie*
Lippy Girl
Loa Skin Care*
LOOK Nail Color*
Lord & Berry
Lotus Wei
Lovetica Beauty
Loving Tan*
Lulu Blossom
LunatiCK Cosmetic Labs*
Luxie Beauty*
Mad Hippie*
Madam Glam
Made From Earth
Maison Meunier*
Makeup Geek
Manic Panic
Maple Holistics
Marc Jacobs Beauty
Maria Nila
Marie Natie
Marie Veronique
Marnie’s Body Care
May Lindstrom Skin
Malaya Organics
Me & You*
Mei Yin Naturopathics*
Melanie Mills Hollywood
Mellow Cosmetics*
Melt Cosmetics
Meow Cosmetics
Meow Meow Tweet*
Metamour Skin Care*
Michael Lorin Reed*
Michael Todd
Milk Cosmetics
Mineral Fusion
Mineral Hygienics
Modern Minerals*
Ministry of Mineral Makeup Australia (MOMMA)*
MOTD Cosmetics*
Mount Purious Raw Skincare*
Mr. Bean Body Care*
Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day|
Mullein & Sparrow
MV Organic Skincare
My Daughter Fragrances
My Konjac Sponge*
My Pretty Zombie
MyChelle Dermaceuticals
Nabla Cosmetics
Napoleon Perdis
Natural Scentzations|
Natural Glow Sunless Tanning
Nature’s Gate*
Neal’s Yard Remedies
Necromancy Cosmetica*
Nick Chavez Beverly Hills
No Miss
Nomad Cosmetics
Nonie of Beverly Hills*
North Coast Organics*
Not A Sponge*
Nourish Organic
Now Foods/Now Products
Nurture My Body
NYX Cosmetics*
Nzuri Organics
Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics (OCC)*
OFRA Cosmetics*
Ole Henriksen
One Love Organics
O.R.G. Skincare*
OSEA Malibu*
Out of Africa
Overall Beauty Minerals*
Pangea Organics
Painkiller XO
Palate Polish*
Paul Mitchell
Paula’s Choice
Pelle Beauty*
Peony Cosmetics
Perricone MD
Personna – parent company owns other brands who are not cruelty-free
Petal Fresh
Physician’s Formula
Picture Polish
Piggy Paint*
Piggy Polish*
Pirouette Professionals*
Plant Therapy
Possets Perfume*
Priti NYC*
Promise Organic
Prospector Co.
PUR Cosmetics
Purbliss Candle Co.*
Pure Botanic Vibes*
Pure Chimp*
R.L. Linden & Co
Rainbow Honey
Rare Elements
Raven’s Creek Soap Co.*
RCMA Makeup
Real Purity
Real Techniques
Red Apple Lipstick*
Rituel de Fille
RMS Beauty
Root Science*
Rosebud Company
Rosemira Organics
Rouge Bunny Rouge
Ruby White Tips
Saje Natural Wellness
Sante Natural Cosmetics
Sappo Hill Soapworks*
Saturated Colour
Schmidt’s Deodorant*
Sienna X
Sensible Organics
Seventh Generation|
Sevin Nyne*
SkinTea Ochaya Organics by Sayuri Marie*
Shear Mineral Organics
Sibu Beauty
Simple Sugars
Silk Naturals
Simplicité Skin Care*
Sir Richards*
SIRCUIT Skin/SIRCUIT Cosmeceuticals
Skin Actives Scientific
Skin Dressing*
Soapbox Soaps
Sonia Kashuk
SOPHi by Piggy Paint*
Soultice Spa*
Spectrum Collections*
Sprout Skincare
Stinkbug Naturals
Strobe Cosmetics*
Styli-Style Cosmetics
Sunday Riley
Sugar & Oats*
SUGARLOOM Cosmetics*
Sun and Earth*
Supa Herbal Greens*
S.W. Basics
Sweet Anthem Perfumes*
Tata Harper
TAY Skincare
Terre Mere Cosmetics*
The All Natural Face*
The Argan Tree
The Body Shop|
The Fanciful Fox*
The Gnarly Whale
The Heritage Store
The Organic Skin Co.
The Soap Market*
Thera Wise*
Tiki Bar Soap
Trader Joe’s Brand
Tres Pure
Triumph & Disaster
Tropic Skin Care*
True Natural
TruSelf Organics
Trust Fund Beauty*
Tom’s of Maine|
Tomoe Kobo
Too Faced|
Ulta Collection
Uma Oils*
Uoga Uoga
URB Apothecary
Urban Decay|
Ursa Major
Vapour Organic Beauty
Verdant Botanicals*
VOLANTE Skincare
W.S. Badger
Wander Beauty
Well Scent*
Wellness Prioritized*
Wet n’ Wild
Whitening Lightning*
Whole Foods Brand
W3LL Beauty
Yaby Cosmetics
YASOU natural skin care
Yes to Carrots
YLLO Scrub*
Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics
ZAK Body Care/ZAK Detox Deodorant
Zaya Eco Skincare*
ZuZu Luxe
Zyderma HS*
20 notes · View notes
nutriyumaddict · 8 years
I wrote this awhile ago and then never posted it? I think someone prompted me for Ben and teen Sonia and this just kind of happened. Anyway I found it today, cleaned it up a bit, and decided to actually post it :)
Ben knocks and then pauses for an affirmative answer, telling himself that surely they can't be at that point yet, right? The point where his thirteen-year-old daughter doesn't want to talk to him or invite him into her room.
Thankfully, she responds and when he steps inside, Sonia is on her bed reading a book. Except the book is upside down, so Ben thinks it's more of a staging for his benefit.
She looks at him, all blue eyes and bright blue hair, but she doesn't say hi back. Instead, she tells him stubbornly that, "it's my hair."
"It is,” Ben agrees. ”It's your blue hair."
"I like blue."
"It's very blue," he adds, sitting next to her on the bed.
It's kind of turquoise, really, but definitely not blonde anymore and from what Sonia had shared with them when she got home for dinner, it was permanent and not temporary dye.
Yep, his barely-teen daughter had dyed her hair at a friend's house and then came home like nothing was at all different. Ben isn’t quite sure what reaction Sonia was expecting, but she had to know that there’d be one.
"Dad, I don't understand what the big--"
"Your aunt Stephanie dyed her hair white when she was sixteen and then colored the ends black."
Sonia finally puts the book down. "She did? Cool."
Ben smiles at the memory. "She did. Grandma was not amused."
His daughter snorts in agreement. "What about grandpa?"
"Well, they were divorced by then but when he saw her that weekend..." Ben trails off. When his dad saw his sister that weekend, he'd starting yelling at his mom and at Stephanie and there was a big fight and everyone ended up miserable. "He wasn't really amused either."
A month later, Ben had gotten impeached, so the hair thing kind of blew over.
"I bet." His daughter cracks the smallest of smiles.
"I'll see if I can find a picture. She also used to wear black lipstick and smoke clove cigarettes...okay, forget I mentioned any of that."
His daughter laughs briefly but then the stubborn expression falls back into place and sometimes she’s so like Leslie, that Ben can hardly believe it.
"It is my hair, dad! I should be able to do what I want to it. It’s mine! Part of my body and you both are always saying that I’m the only one in control of my body! So, how can my hair not be included in that, huh? Got you there." She pauses to take a big gulp of air at the end and Ben has to fight back a smile.
"That's a valid point. But--"
"Mom is mad. She grounded me."
"Mom is...surprised." Just like him, sometimes the first words out of Leslie's mouth are you’re grounded, which, with teen triplets has definitely become their go-to phrase around the house. But really, they do have great kids--funny, smart, kind. And independent.
"Mom probably never dyed her hair blue," Sonia complains with a roll of her eyes.
Ben shrugs. "Probably not. But also, grandma was not Governor of Indiana when your mom theoretically did not dye her hair blue."
His daughter is quiet for a second, like she's finally considering all of the fall-out from her new hair style. Honestly, Ben doesn't feel like it's a huge deal but he also understands that it isn't something that Leslie is likely to accept right away. She'll get riled up and reactionary but then she'll probably cool down.
"But I'm not really grounded, am I?"
"We'll see. I bet if you just talk to her about why you wanted blue hair, mom would understand." He watches Sonia make a face. "Come on. We're going to watch a movie. We can talk about it afterwards."
The boys are out with their friends, so it's just the three of them. He knows Leslie will probably invite their security detail in to watch the movie too, but he's also guessing they'll decline.
"What movie?" Sonia hasn't moved yet, but she hasn't picked the book back up either.
"A Christmas Story."
"Dad. It's March."
He nods and smiles and soon Sonia is smiling too.  He tugs on her sleeve. "Come on. I made popcorn."
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
How a photographer tricked the internet with a digitally generated ‘supermodel’
In the competitive world of Instagram photography, there is perhaps nothing more coveted than a celebrity regramming your photo. 
For British fashion photographer Cameron-James Wilson, that dream became a reality when Fenty Beauty re-posted his photo of “model” Shudu alongside the caption “in living color.” Problem was, the word “living” wasn’t entirely accurate.
Shudu is the world’s first “digital supermodel,” an image created using 3D image rendering software programme DAZ3D, and not, as the image suggests, a “living” human. Furthermore, the claim that this “model” was wearing Fenty Beauty’s Mattemoiselle lipstick in SAWC was untrue.
A scroll through the comments will shed some light on the criticism faced by Wilson over the past few weeks, since he revealed that Shudu was a digitally rendered image. Wilson claims it has been wrongly reported that he was “forced” to reveal she wasn’t real, arguing that it was “never a big secret”. But when Harper’s Bazaar reached out for an interview, he “knew it was time to just clarify everything.” 
🍊🍊🍊 . . 📸@cjw.photo . #fenty #fentybeauty #mattemoiselle #sawc #3dart
A post shared by Shudu Gram (@shudu.gram) on Feb 5, 2018 at 8:25am PST
Wilson has been criticized for not being “upfront” from the outset about the fact that Shudu wasn’t real. “I completely accept that criticism. I’ve changed it now, I’ve taken down certain hashtags,” he told Mashable. This lack of honesty did not, he says, stem from a desire to fool people or gain Instagram followers. “It was to prove something to myself,” he adds. “Can I create this illusion that she is real? The answer to that question was overwhelmingly answered as yes I can create that illusion.”
Wilson says it was “shocking” to him that people believed she was real. Asked if he regrets tagging Fenty Beauty in an Instagram post of Shudu with the aim of getting a re-post, he says he has “no regrets.” 
@fentybeauty #profiltrfoundation #shade490 #glossbomb #lipgloss #fentybeauty #3dart . . 📸 @cjw.photo
A post shared by Shudu Gram (@shudu.gram) on Nov 20, 2017 at 10:09am PST
“I did that for my sister so there’s absolutely no regrets,” he says. 
His sister “absolutely loves Fenty” and kept telling him that “Fenty always re-posts stuff” and that he should “do a lipstick post.” Wilson says seeing the look on his sister’s face when Fenty regrammed the photo made it all worthwhile. Not to mention the fact that the post garnered over 215K likes. 
But, a quick scan through the Instagram comments suggests that not everyone shares this delight. For example, comments say things like: “this girl ain’t real,” and “she is not even real person lol.” But, the overwhelming majority of comments are not focused on deception, rather the fact that a white photographer could be “capitalising off black bodies” through the creation of the image. 
SEE ALSO: Meet Vero: Why a billionaire’s Instagram alternative is suddenly so popular
This is problematic. Instead of hiring a black model, the photographer created one. Is it that hard to pay black women? Also shows how much dark skin is still being exoticised by the media. https://t.co/tfmcUzAdzZ
— Moza (@MozaFrique) February 28, 2018
On Twitter, critics slammed Wilson for creating an image of a black woman rather than hiring a black model. Moza Moyo, a rapper based in South Africa, told Mashable he found it “problematic” that “a white photographer would profit off blackness” with the creation of Shudu. “I wouldn’t have a problem if he’d hired an actual black model and paid her. Black models need work,” he says. 
So Shudu was created by a white man to profit off of black women without actually having to pay them??? HELLA NERVE. Technology came a long way however It’s plenty of dark skinned models who look like her but they get overlooked. Book them instead of cloning them. https://t.co/oiB7vA8l7U
— Emma Frost 3/12💎 (@Drebae_) February 28, 2018
As much as I appreciate art I detest the fact that the minute dark skin is finally glamourized by the mainstream media a white man finds a way to commericalize & capitalize off it. Black skin is not a trend. Black skin is not a toy. Black women even more not so. #Shudu #FreeShudu pic.twitter.com/pu79IGcU1s
— Sonia Pratt (@adrianette_) February 28, 2018
Not everyone is in agreement with this school of thought, however. Nigerian-Finnish journalist Minna Salami, founder of the Ms Afropolitan blog, doesn’t think that Shudu is problematic given the lack of representation of black women in the fashion industry. “The lack of representation of black women in the fashion industry is a big problem that is rooted in white supremacist beauty ideals,” says Salami. “I would argue that Shudu, insofar as she has been designed as the artist’s idea of the perfect woman, challenges the myth of there being only one type of beauty ideal.”
The World’s First Digital Supermodel, Shudu. . . 📸 @cjw.photo . . #3dart #daz3d #blackfrodolls
A post shared by Shudu Gram (@shudu.gram) on Mar 3, 2018 at 12:08pm PST
Wilson says he understands the criticisms he’s received, but refutes the claim that he’s profiting from Shudu in any way, and he says he doesn’t feel he’s taking jobs away from anyone. “There has been a lot of misinformation put out there saying that I’m being hired, or that she’s taking jobs away from people, that’s just misinformation. I haven’t been hired, I haven’t been paid,” he says. 
He says he hopes that the creation of Shudu will encourage greater representation of black models in the fashion world, and in the 3D animation world. 
“Her skin colour is something we don’t see enough of in the media, there’s a lot of underrepresentation,” he adds. “I love to work with dark-skinned models, I won’t apologise for thinking that’s beautiful. I’m not doing it with the intent to capitalise on or take away from models.” 
Moyo says that Wilson’s response highlights that “for a long time, white people have had the privilege to take anything from blackness that benefits them.” “For centuries, dark skin has been shunned as undesirable but now that it’s getting the recognition it deserves, it’s suddenly become “cool” and “trendy,”” he says. “Dark skin and black women in general are not a trend.”
Mashable reached out to Fenty Beauty for comment but did not immediately hear back. At the time of publication, the Fenty Beauty Instagram post was still live. 
Shudu isn’t a real person, but her Instagram following, which currently stands at nearly 70K followers, now far surpasses that of many human models and influencers. 
The internet might have been deceived by Shudu’s lifelike image at the beginning, but Wilson’s efforts appear to have paid off, gaining him a great deal of  media attention. 
WATCH: Watching these kinetic sand shapes get sliced and squashed will hypnotize you
Read more: https://mashable.com/2018/03/08/shudu-digital-supermodel/
from Viral News HQ https://ift.tt/2J8xRTl via Viral News HQ
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glamodasite · 7 years
10 Of The Best Drugstore Makeup Products
Have you ever found yourself in the unfortunate situation of losing (or momentarily misplacing) your entire makeup bag (or just forgetting to bring it with you…)? And you’re in the middle of small-town America, with absolutely no Sephora in site. But there’s a drugstore! Well, here are the best beauty products to buy at your local drugstore (and online by clicking the links). And even if you haven’t recently lost your makeup bag (sigh of relief), these products should be staples in your beauty arsenal, so pick up one (or a few) today. Not quite under $10, but everything on this list will certainly save you a pretty penny in the long run.
1. Sonia Kashuk Chic Luminosity Highlighter Stick ($11) – This creamy, champagne-hued highlighter rivals any of the prestige brands. In an interview with celebrity makeup artist Quinn Murphy, he called this, “The perfect champagne shade to mimic natural dewy skin…. a makeup artist’s secret weapon; it can be used on the body, too.”
2. CoverGirl LashBlast Super Sizer Waterproof Mascara ($6) – For nights – or days – when you need a mascara that stays put but still intensifies your lashes. This is my current favorite waterproof mascara; in fact, I use it daily for my lower lashes (as they tend to get raccoon-y very quickly without a waterproof formula) as the thin plastic bristled application coats every.single.baby.lash.
3. e.l.f. Flawless Eyeshadow in Golden Goddess ($2) – e.l.f. can do no wrong when it comes to shadows, especially their quads (and their cheap as f*&$ prices). Golden Goddess is your everyday brown/ neutral pairings, but Smoky, Beautiful Browns, and Tantalizing Taupe are just as wearable. At $2 a pop, stock up and buy all four quads! And e.l.f. makes it super simple to apply, as they list what shade to use as base, lid, crease, and line… so it’s basically foolproof.
4. Revlon Matte Lipstick in Really Red ($8) – A seriously classic red lip color with a matte finish. See, you don’t need to spend double digits to get that coveted screen siren pout. If red isn’t your hue, opt for Nude or Pink, both are beautifully pigmented, wearable shades that will leave your pucker with glam appeal.
5. CoverGirl Lip Perfection Jumbo Gloss Balm in Cotton Candy Twist ($9) – If matte isn’t your thing, try these fantastic glossy lip crayons by CoverGirl. Cotton Candy Twist is a pretty perfect nude hue, while shea and mango butters will add hydration and shine.
6. Maybelline Eyestudio Brow Drama Sculpting Brow Mascara ($7) – Brows shape the face, so making sure that your hairs are perky and stay put is key. This stuff rivals Anastasia’s coveted tinted brow gel, and for a fraction of the price. It comes in five colors and works like a charm. For quick tips on the best way to shape your brows, click here.
7. Rimmel London Soft Kohl Kajal Eye Pencil ($4) – By far, my favorite black drugstore eyeliner (and you can’t beat the price, so might as well pick it up in brown, too!). The pencil is soft and malleable and allows you to apply either in the waterline or to the lash line and smudge with ease.
8. Milani Rose Powder Blush in Coral Cove ($6) – A natural finish that never streaks in beautifully, universal flattering shades (although Coral is definitely first pick as every skin tone has a hint of orange in it). Build and layer for more color.
9. CoverGirl Line Exact Liquid Liner Pen in Very Black ($7) – Create a cate-eye with this easy-to-use liquid liner. Definitely one of the best ones on the drugstore market as it applies smoothly and the black is that ideal inky black color… without any late night smudge issues to boot.
10. Physicians Formula Magic Mozaic Pressed Powder ($13) – Multiple golden hues that can be swirled around to create the perfect bronzed shade for your skin tone. You can also get creative by highlighting and contouring, depending on what colors you mix together. Physician’s Formula products are hypoallergenic, fragrance and oil-free, and non-comedogenic so they work on sensitive and acne-prone skin too.
The post 10 Of The Best Drugstore Makeup Products appeared first on Beauty Banter.
10 Of The Best Drugstore Makeup Products published first on https://hypertoolz.tumblr.com/
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theperfectorpage · 7 years
10 Of The Best Drugstore Makeup Products
Have you ever found yourself in the unfortunate situation of losing (or momentarily misplacing) your entire makeup bag (or just forgetting to bring it with you…)? And you’re in the middle of small-town America, with absolutely no Sephora in site. But there’s a drugstore! Well, here are the best beauty products to buy at your local drugstore (and online by clicking the links). And even if you haven’t recently lost your makeup bag (sigh of relief), these products should be staples in your beauty arsenal, so pick up one (or a few) today. Not quite under $10, but everything on this list will certainly save you a pretty penny in the long run.
1. Sonia Kashuk Chic Luminosity Highlighter Stick ($11) – This creamy, champagne-hued highlighter rivals any of the prestige brands. In an interview with celebrity makeup artist Quinn Murphy, he called this, “The perfect champagne shade to mimic natural dewy skin…. a makeup artist’s secret weapon; it can be used on the body, too.”
2. CoverGirl LashBlast Super Sizer Waterproof Mascara ($6) – For nights – or days – when you need a mascara that stays put but still intensifies your lashes. This is my current favorite waterproof mascara; in fact, I use it daily for my lower lashes (as they tend to get raccoon-y very quickly without a waterproof formula) as the thin plastic bristled application coats every.single.baby.lash.
3. e.l.f. Flawless Eyeshadow in Golden Goddess ($2) – e.l.f. can do no wrong when it comes to shadows, especially their quads (and their cheap as f*&$ prices). Golden Goddess is your everyday brown/ neutral pairings, but Smoky, Beautiful Browns, and Tantalizing Taupe are just as wearable. At $2 a pop, stock up and buy all four quads! And e.l.f. makes it super simple to apply, as they list what shade to use as base, lid, crease, and line… so it’s basically foolproof.
4. Revlon Matte Lipstick in Really Red ($8) – A seriously classic red lip color with a matte finish. See, you don’t need to spend double digits to get that coveted screen siren pout. If red isn’t your hue, opt for Nude or Pink, both are beautifully pigmented, wearable shades that will leave your pucker with glam appeal.
5. CoverGirl Lip Perfection Jumbo Gloss Balm in Cotton Candy Twist ($9) – If matte isn’t your thing, try these fantastic glossy lip crayons by CoverGirl. Cotton Candy Twist is a pretty perfect nude hue, while shea and mango butters will add hydration and shine.
6. Maybelline Eyestudio Brow Drama Sculpting Brow Mascara ($7) – Brows shape the face, so making sure that your hairs are perky and stay put is key. This stuff rivals Anastasia’s coveted tinted brow gel, and for a fraction of the price. It comes in five colors and works like a charm. For quick tips on the best way to shape your brows, click here.
7. Rimmel London Soft Kohl Kajal Eye Pencil ($4) – By far, my favorite black drugstore eyeliner (and you can’t beat the price, so might as well pick it up in brown, too!). The pencil is soft and malleable and allows you to apply either in the waterline or to the lash line and smudge with ease.
8. Milani Rose Powder Blush in Coral Cove ($6) – A natural finish that never streaks in beautifully, universal flattering shades (although Coral is definitely first pick as every skin tone has a hint of orange in it). Build and layer for more color.
9. CoverGirl Line Exact Liquid Liner Pen in Very Black ($7) – Create a cate-eye with this easy-to-use liquid liner. Definitely one of the best ones on the drugstore market as it applies smoothly and the black is that ideal inky black color… without any late night smudge issues to boot.
10. Physicians Formula Magic Mozaic Pressed Powder ($13) – Multiple golden hues that can be swirled around to create the perfect bronzed shade for your skin tone. You can also get creative by highlighting and contouring, depending on what colors you mix together. Physician’s Formula products are hypoallergenic, fragrance and oil-free, and non-comedogenic so they work on sensitive and acne-prone skin too.
The post 10 Of The Best Drugstore Makeup Products appeared first on Beauty Banter.
10 Of The Best Drugstore Makeup Products posted first on http://constructiondumpstersaustinpage.blogspot.com/
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