#also someone tried to make a fuss about their trans coworker usong the male reatroom.becuase rhey thought he used the female ones
i-amtransexual · 2 years
i hate when i talk to someone (queer cis people who i thought could at least shut up and nod along) about how much i wished I could have gone through the right puberty the first time, and i mention how i want everything, including the stuff liker a lower voice and a flat chest but also the growing pains and the awful acne, and then they tell me " LOL no you don't want that stuff it's awful." like no fuck off and die, please. i want the good bits. i want the bad bits. fucking hell i just want literally any of it at all.
when my mtf friends tell me they want periods do i say "nah you dont want that they suck so much!" NO, becuase i get that for them, its an integral part of being in their body and having it feel like their own, that they desperately, and as much as it sucks, will never get.
I will never get the growing pains that all my cousins and my friends got. I will never get to be taught how to shave by my father or my uncle or any older male in my life, becuase by the time i get to that point i'll be an adult who will have to teach himself. I will never be able to forget the awful memories of realising my chest was getting bigger, of the nights i spent sobbing over it and how scared and miserable i was. i rember the fear of waiting for my period, and the relief that i didnt have to stress anymore, but mostly the complete and utter disappointment when it turned out, yes, i do have to have one of those.
so cis people, when trans people trust you enough to talk to you about gender dysphoria and the grief they're going through, shut up, be kind and dont ever fucking think you know their own wants for their bodies better than they do themselves.
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