#also so well realised as a character and so <333333
samsuncasmoon · 3 months
we are in a jack kline renaissance!!!!! (im rewatching s13)
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lawboyao3 · 1 year
I’m loving your series “Acne, Death, and Other Teen Calamities” so much so that I came here to tell you how much I’m enjoying it so far. Your writing is so eloquent and descriptive, and I really appreciate how in-depth you go when analyzing and writing about Josuke and Okuyasu’s individual behaviors and struggles. I relate a lot to the way you’ve written them and I think it’s fascinating how accurately you’ve been able to portray aspects of trauma, dissociation, and self-destruction (unfortunately I myself a victim to all of the above, but it’s neither here nor there.) Anyways, you provide fantastic representation to these issues and I’m so happy to finally have a piece of media that I can relate to so well; a piece of media that truly encompasses how complex the process of coming to terms with trauma is. I’ve been where Josuke and Okuyasu have been and all I wanna do is give both of them a big ol’ hug.
Please take your time when writing this story and don’t burn yourself out. You’re doing wonderful, thank you for investing so much of your time into this. I’m excited for the next chapter but again, take as much time as you need.
(Also this might be an issue of my reading comprehension, and not at all an issue with your writing but if it’s not too much to ask I think myself and others would appreciate a chapter summary and a brief description of what happened throughout each chapter just to be sure we’re following this wonderful story accurately :) )
aw thank u so much this is so kind <333333 i’m really glad you’ve been enjoying it so much. i worry abt writing the characters well so im really glad u think theyre good. thank u so much for reading and supporting me, ill do my best with the rest of the story
with the chapter summary, u mean posting one on here right? i can try do that. ill put it below the cut in case it’s long
ch1- okuyasu and josuke are both sent to the counselor. for okuyasu it’s bc he attacked his teacher after she picked on him for doing badly in class. for josuke it’s just some very petty things, seeming like his teacher has a grudge against him. in okuyasu’s meeting, youko thinks he’s just a typical delinquent but then realises she’s misjudging him. in josuke’s meeting, some issues such as his grandpa’s death and his family relations are touched on, but youko ends up thinking he’s totally fine. there’s also a flashback showing that josuke has feelings for okuyasu that he doesn’t want to acknowledge.
ch2- the school is evacuated due to an explosion. okuyasu and josuke are found to be missing. this is the day shigechi is killed. they searched for him and then left the school to report to jotaro. when they return, a teacher accuses them of being behind the explosion. youko steps in and stops the boys from getting in trouble. shigechi is reported missing and the boys are having trouble coping with it. youko has another meeting with okuyasu, where she offers to help him improve his grades. she asks about his home life and becomes worried about what he tells her. okuyasu is given tests to do at home to check his knowledge levels.
ch3- josuke meets with youko. he was reported for not paying attention in class. a flashback shows that he’s struggling due to trauma, and he started dissociating in class. he doesn’t tell youko anything. youko asks a little about his family, and then realises she’s heard of him before in negative gossip that spread about him and his mother. she wonders if she would still think of him the same if she’d recognised him from the start. youko’s questions get under josuke’s skin and his act slips, but she doesnt question him on it bc she doesnt think he’s a liar. in the next scene okuyasu goes home and tries to complete his tests, and becomes very anxious. youko marks his tests the next day, and another teacher discourages her from helping okuyasu because he needs too much support. youko goes over okuyasu’s test results with him, and nearly leaves him to just study on his own, but decides to try and help him even if the other teachers won’t help too.
ch4- starts directly after the end of the sheer heart attack arc. as everyone heads home from aya’s salon, josuke struggles to cope with what he’s just experienced and starts dissociating. when he gets home he has a breakdown, there is some discussion of his guilt and sense of responsibility to protect everyone. okuyasu goes home and is feeling badly too, but pushes it aside to look after his father. even tho he’s kind to his dad, he’s still scared of him. josuke visits okuyasu in the middle of the night, seeking comfort, and they fall asleep together. okuyasu has a nightmare/childhood memory about his dad, and wakes up to josuke comforting him. he misreads the atmosphere and kisses josuke, and josuke panics, says they should forget it ever happened, and leaves. the next morning, tomoko helps josuke do his hair and tries to ask if he’s ok, but he doesn’t confide in her. then him, koichi and okuyasu head to school together, and when they pass aya’s salon, they’re all deeply upset. josuke tries to push down his feelings.
ch5- youko finds okuyasu, who is skipping class and seems upset. she talks with him, and tries to ask him about his family, but okuyasu is worried about her reporting his living situation and refuses to talk to her. youko realises that something must be very wrong, but she can’t help. the next scene is actually set before the first one. another teacher talks to youko, concerned about how much she’s defending josuke. he tells her about how violent josuke was in middle school, and how he avoided getting in trouble by lying. youko gets angry at him and rejects what he’s saying. meanwhile josuke is skipping class due to bad mental health. koichi and okuyasu have been searching for him, worried something bad has happened, and koichi finds him. josuke acts fine as usual. after school, he goes to meet with youko. she feels that he’s acting off and starts to doubt him. when she confronts him, he gets angry but manages to keep it down until he leaves the meeting. he starts losing his shit in front of okuyasu, but okuyasu calms him down. later, youko tries to contact okuyasu’s household to find info about his living situation, but she can’t find anything. as she’s heading home, she worries that she won’t be able to help the boys anymore. then she gets shot with the stand arrow and passes out
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artinandwritin · 2 years
I wanna hear everything about your Of Thrones and Heirs project (if you feel like talking about it ofc) because it sounds AWESOME, dude
And historically I have just loved your characters and stories lol
ly bestie <333333
Omg y e s ofc I wanna talk about it! Glad you wanna hear more about it cuz holy shit it's like opening a can of worms.
Of Thrones and Heirs (or OTAH, if we wanna get short lmao) is the book I've been working on since I turned 13 - which means this silly story has been in my head for 6 whole years. Holy shit. Seeing as it's been with me for so long, it has developed immensely over the last years and has seen many alterations.
It started as a very self-indulgent fanfiction, written for a school project by me and four of my friends at the time. We used our own names (at the time I still most frequently used the name my parents gave me, Manon, instead of the nickname given to me by one of my best friends, Mona. Funfact, that same friend also helped write the first version of OTAH!), used plotlines that aligned most with our own fantasies, and inserted already existing stories into it.
Hey, what can I say. We were preteens and as I've said before, teens are just idiots in nature /j. For the information, I'm technically still a teen. Turning 19 on November 8th.
Now I'd like to inform you a bit on the storyline of this first iteration of OTAH, written between October and December of 2016, the time before I actually knew how to write a well-developed story. Hold onto your seat, darling, this is gonna be one heck of a ride. Oh, and I'll totally provide excerpts, translated word by word from Dutch. Just because I can.
The Destiny of Five (2016);
We open up on a small prelude by a 13-year-old Manon. She tells her readers about world, a strange one, one no-one has ever seen before. However, she has been there, has seen its dragons, its elves, the creatures one can only dream about. She informs us that she and the friends she has visited this world with have decided to write their findings and their story down, and closes with expressing her wish that this book inspires the readers and makes them realise how even their own world can consist of magic.
After this, we get a list of characters we meet in the book. After starting on Manon and her friends (for their own privacy, I will change their names. Mainly cuz I have had a severe falling out and have some lingering traumas over one of them and would like to not be reminded of that lmao), Sander, Norneth, Fioré, and Laventher (these names will also return in future iterations, funfact!).
Next to that, we get a little introduction on the side characters, and this is where we get a bit weird. We "meet" Hiccup and Astrid (because little Mona and her bestie were the biggest fans of HTTYD even at that age), and Saturno and Spica (the main characters of a fantasy serie by Geronimo Stilton little me was obsessed with). With that information, we start the story.
Closing in on the group of five friends we've met in the introductions, we see them walking out of their Dutch class of the day. They have been assigned to go to the library and pick a book that interests them (even tho that isn't clearly stated lmao) and are not happy about that. Well. Sander isn't. Little Mona and Fioré are. After some shenanigans, they reach the library, however, Little Mona halts them right in their step. She has a strange feeling, like something is going to happen.
"And suddenly little Mona yells: 'Stop! We have to stop!'
And everyone stopped.
'What is it this time!' Sander sounds outraged.
Little Mona gulps and her eyes seem fearful. 'I don't know, but we have to leave! Something is going to...'
Suddenly, a car drives at us in full speed. He can't stop. He scoops Sander.
A few minutes later, an ambulance arrives, who takes Sander to the hospital.
'Let's go to the library. Sander didn't want to go anyways,' Little Mona says.
'So let's do that!' Fioré steps on her bike. The others quickly follow."
The epitome of storytelling, I know. After that marvelous display of friendship, the rest of the group arrives at the library. There, Little Mona and Fioré see a strange library worker walk out of a hidden room. They decide to enter that hidden room - as if that isn't just a storage room and the library worker is just doing their work - and find a strange, shining book. And cuz they have no impulse control, they steal the book and go to the hospital Sander is at, to visit him or something. Fun times.
However, when Sander opens this strange book, the five children get sucked into it. Classic. When they open their eyes, they find themselves in a case of glass, their bodies starting to fade. Oh shit, goes through their minds, but it's already too late.
Suddenly, Fioré and Little Mona are in an all too familiar place; Berk. Dragons everywhere, they meet Astrid (cuz she's an icon) and are brought to the village. Fioré runs off to do whatever the fuck - Little Mona brings her back and they get to take a good look at themselves; Fioré looks exactly like a dragon rider, and Little Mona suddenly looks like a little elf. Very strange. However, a problem rises; the rest of their friends aren't with them.
Let's turn our gaze to Laventhel, who has ended up on the very Dutch island Vlieland. Yes. This is a real island located in the north of the Netherlands - that's how Dutch we were in this book.
Meanwhile, Norneth is in a city of fire, where she meets a crazy old man, dubbing him the crazy old man. Deep sigh. He is a firewizard and they argue for a very long time.
Fioré and Little Mona talk to HiccStrid and meet Saturno and Spica, two knights from a special knight island. How fun! They're making friends. Damn, this was self indulgent and I love it. Take me back pls.
A lot of filler follows; Laventhel meets an old man as well and learns that they're in the year 2070 (which, okay, very accurate with the lore I suppose? I guess that's what happens when you write a book with five people lmao), and that Vlieland is slowly sinking into the sea. Laventhel is gonna save the island!
Meanwhile, Fioré and Little Mona remember the book that took them to this new world, and decide to not open it until they have found their friends. They get dragons of their own to go and find them, a Night Fury named Arya for Little Mona and a Stormcutter named Cloud for Fioré. Fioré can suddenly talk to animals and Little Mona is an airbender, which is fun. They leave to find their friends with HiccStrid and the two knights.
Laventhel realises she's a waterbender and finds a horse. Sander has some hijinks and loses his memory. He immediately decides to become the evil overlord of an army of evil people he hypnotises to do his bidding, as you do. He becomes a firebender and a teleporter out of sheer rage. Apparently he can also steal powers, but it never comes up again.
Fioré, Little Mona and Sander run into each other and have an epic battle. The girls try to tell Sander he is their friend, but he can't remember. They part ways again, and Sander is gonna try and take over the world. Way to go, 13-year-old.
Laventhel fights a watersnake and realises she needs her friends to save Vlieland. As she does that, Fioré, Little Mona, and Norneth reunite for some reason. Apparently, Little Mona is psychic or something, cuz she can see the future. They inform Norneth of Sander's evilness and the next day, they run into Laventhel, who has left Vlieland to search for her friends. This, they do. Vlieland is saved! Good way to end that plot.
However, things are twarted as Sander and his evil army hypnotise Norneth and make her evil too. Little Mona sees this happen, but gets caught and falls into an intense confrontation with Sander. As they fight, Little Mona gets drained of her strength, but Fioré and Laventhel save the day just in time. They lock the two evil kids up - Little Mona gets a bit manipulated by Sander as he pretends to know her again and he summons his army. Another fight happens, and it doesn't end well this time. Sander manages to hypnotise everyone, but suddenly remembers his past with his friends. He is back to being himself for a moment, which is great, but doesn't last long. At night, he turns evil again and he and Norneth kidnap therest of the group, minus Laventhel, who manipulates the two to let her go back to Vlieland. In secret, she raises an army against her friends.
Little Mona and Sander fight a lot again, the tension is real as apparently they are each other's equal in match. Eventually, the war starts as Laventhel brings her armies to Sander's kingdom. And epic battle ensues and guess how the two evil friends gets turned good again? Well, um...
"Fioré and Cloud fly up to Little Mona and Sander, who are fighting. 'Hey, Little Mona. A question: if someone is evil and gets a stone thrown against her head and her cape turns white, is she good again?' Fioré asks.
She answers Fioré without looking up. 'Yes, indeed. Why?'
Fioré yell: 'Norneth turned good!'"
Yes, they solve the conflict by throwing a stone against Sander and Norneth's heads. The war is over, and friends go back home again.
This first iteration is… something. Yeah, it sure is something. What it is, I am not sure, to be honest, but it was my first work of fiction and I’m glad I did it. Otherwise, I probably wouldn’t have been the person I am today, which I’m pretty proud of.
After this, I wrote two sequels in the span of a few months, this time on my own and not for a school project. My friends didn’t work with me on those, it was just ya girl. However, about a year after that, I decided to redo everything from those first books and turn it into something completely new. It would no longer be a self-insert story, instead being about a new group of people who were basically me and my friends, but with different names. I don’t have the whole plot for this, cuz this version actually never got finished and got changed so often I couldn’t keep track, but I’ll try my best to recreate it in a satisfying way.
Myths (2017-2020);
Fifteen years ago, a young queen, Daphne Liber, dethroned in a senseless war against a family named the Farunturs and having lost her entire family, made a deal with the Gods to save her newborn daughter. She died because of this, but the daughter and heir to this kingdom, the Kingdom of Erujishan, is saved.
In the present, we get an introduction to Miraya Liber and Sander, two middle school kids, best friends for life. They go through life as one normally would, growing up happily. However, one incident throws their entire lives into disarray; two girls, Fioré and Norneth, show up to kidnap Mira and bring her back to the Kingdom of Erujishan to take back her throne. Mira is like, hell no, I have no idea what you’re talking about, cuz she has gained some spunk in the last few iterations, and she and Sander flee from them. Fioré and Norneth go crazy when they hear Sander’s last name; Faruntur.
All efforts of the two teens are stopped when the intruders get to them and suddenly, they are teleported out of this world, into an entirely new one, separated and alone. Mira, disoriented and terrified, meets the surviving Libers, Dawn, her husband, her grandfather, etc. Fioré turns out to be her cousin, a girl who can talk to animals, and Norneth is a family friend with fire magic. Mira is determined to find Sander again so they can go home, but that can’t happen. The girl’s grandfather explained that the world Mira and Sander grew up in was the afterlife and that she has been in a life-saving coma for the last fifteen years, having been brought back to save the kingdom.
Which, okay, fine, but I don’t think it would be very safe to let a fifteen-year-old save a kingdom. Heck, I’m almost 19 and I don’t even know how to drive. And also, this opens up a lot of weird plotholes I’d love to explore some other time (like, um, how tf did they put Fioré and Norneth in a coma? Wut? If the exchange to putting someone in a magic coma like that is taking the life of another, who in the world died to get Fioré and Norneth into the afterlife? That’s a story that should be explored).
Mira learns she has air magic and that the Libers want to use her to get the throne back from the Farunturs, which is always fun. However, Mira now has shifted her goal to finding Sander and getting away with him, away from this war she has fallen into. She and Fioré, together with Fioré’s dragon, Kumo, sneak away to the city of Shin’yu, where they meet Arbre and Joyeux, two siblings, the children of the leaders of the city. They also meet two elves, Selene and Atlas, a couple. Now with a team, Mira’s hope to find Sander grows bigger.
However, Sander got brainwashed by the Farunturs. Turns out, he, as a child, after the Farunturs learned of Daphne Liber’s sacrifice to save her daughter, got send to the afterlife as well as a way to keep him safe of all harm. Now, they washed him clean of all his memories to make him the perfect heir – throwing away he has an older sister and cousin who are both much better rulers than him, smh.
Sander and his sister, Mavis, get send into the world for… reasons, together with a traitor of the Libers. Turns out, Norneth is just a traitor! Yes, this has a real life reason. The person she was based off of, who I thought was a friend, and I had a huge falling out during this time. They kinda stabbed me in the back and the trauma ran deep after that, so I decided to make their character an absolute bitch instead of doing the more logical thing, which was write Norneth out of the story. But, I guess Little Mona needed this to mentally survive and not get more fucked up.
They meet Mira and the gang in Shin’yu, and a fight ensues. Norneth kills Kumo and Selene (not that we really cared about them as we had only known them for like. A chapter.) and Sander turns out to be able to control fire. He and Mira got into a shouting match and Sander yelled at her to stop calling him Sander. His name was Arashi now. After this, he ran off, leaving Mira alone in the ash and dust.
Arbre, with his village now destroyed, blamed Mira for the cost he had paid, as Atlas grieved his girlfriend. Fioré just cried over Kumo’s corpse – and Mira realized the pain Erujishan was in because of the Farunturs. She would get to Sander in another way, but saving this kingdom seemed more important at the moment.
The gang returned to the Libers’ hide-out, where plans got hatched to rage a war against the Farunturs. However, as Mira begged her family to let her help, she got pushed away, being told her admiration of that Faruntur boy would be their undoing. As she was send off, she walked into her grandfather, Riyu. He expressed his desire for a shared rule between the Libers and Farunturs, and Mira agreed. After they had parted ways, however, Mira got kidnapped by the Farunturs.
When waking up in a cell, Mira was greeted by Mavis and Sander. While Mavis mocked her, Sander had a strange kind of concern in his eyes, leaving Mira wondering about his thoughts. She met the Farunturs’ leader, the grandfather Jinsei. However, as they left, Sander expressed his concern outloud and the two kids bonded over their shared history, even if Sander couldn’t remember any of it. The boy, his social abilities being wacky, kissed the heir of the Libers through the prison bars, and the next morning, he helped her escape. They rode to the Libers’ newly established front by horse, where Sander got threatened and was forced to ride back home. The kids kissed again. I guess I really shipped them.
Mira was brought to her family and met a strange girl in a dark coat. Her name was Yami and she was a necromancer – she had raised an army of the dead in Mira’s absence, consisting of old Libers and their warriors. Thus, Mira reunited with the parents she had lost. Soon, the world got ready for yet another war, but this time between equals. Shit, I can’t imagine how fed up the normal people must be with the Libers and Farunturs. Like, oh damn, there they go again, guess I’d better pack up my farm again to let them wage their war. Pff I need a story about that.
Mira and Sander pretended to fight as the large battle around them started, the two fronts yelling and screaming at each other. Atlas killed Norneth in revenge, Arbre’s sister Joy got killed as well. Mira’s father tried to kill Sander in an act of rage, but the girl threw herself in front of his sword.
Half a year later, Mira woke up again. She had fallen into a coma again – oops? – and the war had passed. Sander had gotten his memory back, and the two reunited tearfully. The ghosts had returned to the afterlife and life was slowly getting back to normal again. For some reason, Mavis had been crowned to be queen? I don’t know man.
Anyways, the kiddos kissed again. Nothing could keep them apart anymore.
And that was this iterations. This is getting pretty long but I love infodumping about this story and I have literally never been able to do that to this extent lmao. Most of my friends got superannoyed when I did lmao. This version… well, it’s something. At this point, most original plotpoints were thrown out of the window and the kids were completely their own characters. This version has seen me through a lot of up and downs and it was always something I could return to, even when I had nothing.
And oh, I sure had nothing at times through this. As many of you can second me on, being a teen is brutal. Friendships ended, I got a boyfriend who was way too romantic from day one and ended things way too quickly, I created other stories and my homelife worsened severely cuz my father isn’t the best person. I believe that around the end of this era, I also created Siri and Niv, who were also a huge source of comfort for me at the time.
In March of 2021, I started reworking some things for this story and changed its name to Of Thrones and Heirs. Many characters got removed and changed, plus the story got a total rewrite. And damn, that was a lot to figure out, but this version got finished. In a repeat of history, I finished OTAH for a school project, in nine whole months.
So, thus, the story of Of Thrones and Heirs, my personal favorite iteration of this project and the definite summary of this tale.
Of Thrones and Heirs (2021):
On a cold day in the middle of winter, Mireya Liber, former heir to the throne of Cadence, tried to infiltrate the palace. Eleven years ago, when she was merely seven years old, her family had been dethroned and slaughtered in what seemed like a senseless beg for power from the Farunturs and the normal folk. Ever since then, she had been trained and taught to take back her throne from those wicked Farunturs and let her family rule once again.
A manipulator, a trickster, a mind of her own; things that help Mira get past the gates, despite her family’s demands. They don’t think her ready for such a serious task like taking back the kingdom. However, to her, this would be the day. She would take back Cadence for the Libers. But, things don’t go as planned as she fell into the hands of the prince of the kingdom, Lysander Faruntur. A young man with a kind smile and gentle hands, he had never seen the outside world in all its glory. His sister, Mavis, would soon be crowned queen; he was itching for it to happen.
Lysander thinks Mira is just a peasant girl, here to help around, and quickly takes a liking to her, believing her name to be Amire. He takes her around the castle, talking and talking, as Mira shudders in rage at the thought of even walking next to a Faruntur. However, maybe this can work to her advantage. Maybe she can use the prince to get close to the princess.
Thus, she fell in a careful dance around him as her family tried to get her back into their hands. Dawn, the woman who raised her and her cousins, Fioré and Silas, send Fioré after her, angry with Mira’s sudden independency. Slowly, but surely, both Mira and Fioré, the latter having flourished after leaving the Libers and working on their own, realized what the world turned out to become in their years of hiding.
Maybe the Farunturs really made things better.
Mira wasn’t ready to admit that, but as she got closer to Lysander, the switch in her mind slowly got flipped. They discovered a world outside the palace, basked in the freedom it suddenly gave them – but Mira’s internal struggles only worsened and worsened. Should she uphold her duty, or should she choose her own path?
Fioré befriended Mavis, a nervous woman with her heart in the right place. Her leadership would be grand, her plans for the world ever so great. While Fioré was quicker to turn themselves away from the Libers than Mira, they still didn’t know how to tell the princess about their Liber-DNA, about Mira’s plans, or Dawn’s.
I won’t be going into all the details here, since it’s really a damn lot and I will probably publish this story someday after I’ve polished it, but the gist is that Mira, after a lot of ups and downs, learns to trust Lysander and rely on him. With this, she isn’t an heir anymore, and Dawn rages in her disobedience.
And after this, now the two sides are established, the real fight for the throne begins.
So that’s OTAH! The roster of characters is larger than I’ve made clear here and the details are more intertwined as well, but these are the basics. Mira, Lysander and Fioré are some of my favorite characters I have ever created and they’re more dear to me than I can ever express. I hope I’ve put some clarity on this mystery project of mine and that I have entertained you <3
Ly too bestie!! And thank you so much for letting me infodump haha <3
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mischiefandi · 4 years
My Blog in 2021 <3
Hi everyone!!
I’ll be writing again soon and I wanted to give you guys some information on what I’m gonna be doing on here from now on. There’s gonna be a few changes to how I’ll be handling my blog and my writing which is why I’m making this post so everything makes sense and you know what’s coming <3
everything is below the cut ! ( this is quite a serious post ngl :)
As you’ve probably seen on my blog these past few weeks, I’ve fallen back in love with the Harry Potter universe and I’ve decided I will be writing fanfiction about Harry, Fred Weasley, and the Marauders (Wolfstar content, Sirius Black x Reader, Remus Lupin x Reader, and some Marauders headcanons). I will still be writing for Peter Parker in the MCU fandom and I will also be writing for Drake Walker from the Choices fandom. However, I’ve decided that after I finish my series “A Shitty Love Song” (Stiles Stilinski x Reader), I will officially stop writing for Stiles.
He’s still one of my comfort characters but I don’t feel as inspired anymore and because Teen Wolf ended so long ago now, I just don’t feel the same love for it as I used to. I will definitely still reblog gif sets and shitposts about Teen Wolf!! and I will not stop talking about Stiles on my blog lmao but I won’t be writing about him anymore. I know a lot of people follow me for that, so I apologise if you feel let down or disappointed. 
I really appreciate all the love and the support you guys have been surrounding me with ever since I joined the Teen Wolf fandom, and I still love yall and will gladly discuss the show with you guys!! Thank you for understanding, I really hope you’ll still enjoy my blog and my content!
NSFW Content
Because I was a minor up until last August, I wasn’t comfortable with writing smut or NSFW content. My views on NSFW content on tumblr have changed a lot in the past few months and I have realised that I am now responsible for the content that I decide to share with readers and followers. I am 18 years old and I now feel comfortable writing smut, meaning I will be posting NSFW fics on my blog starting now. However, I would like to make some things clear:
If you are under 18 years old, I ask that you do not interact with my NSFW content. You are allowed to read my other fanfiction and you are allowed to interact with my blog and with me, however, my NSFW content is off limits. I know that this won’t necessarily make sense to everyone, and I know people will be upset, but this is a boundary I will enforce for your own protection as well as my own. I really am sorry if you feel disappointed or feel excluded, but smut is written pornography and there is a reason why the law prohibits minors from interacting with it. 
As a legal adult, I do not feel comfortable supplying minors with sexual content. All minors, including my friends/mutuals, will be blocked if they interact with my NSFW content, so I ask again: please do not interact with my NSFW content if you are under 18, regardless of where you live, where you’re from, and regardless of your past sexual experiences. I will not be making exceptions and this isn’t up for discussion. I really do not want to be rude or act pretentious, but this really is a necessity and I will be taking this seriously.
Like I said, I will now start writing smut, however I will only be writing smut about 18 year olds and above. I do not feel comfortable writing smut about minors, even if they are 16-17. I know that minors engage in sexual behaviour in real life, but like I said, I do not feel comfortable writing about it. I also will not be writing non-con content, nor will I write about incest or dubious consent content. I ask that you please respect my choice.
For the sake of transparency, I will keep tagging the sexual content on my blog as NSFW and I will add it in the warnings above my fanfiction every time. Again, I ask that you respect these boundaries if you are a minor. I also ask that the other adult creators tag my writings as NSFW if they decide to reblog them. Thank you!!
Lastly, because I am 18, I want to say that if you feel uncomfortable with me interacting with your content or talking to you, do not hesitate to tell me and I will respect your own boundaries. Friendships on tumblr are complicated because everyone can stay anonymous while maintaining relationships with each other, which can make some people very uncomfortable, especially minors. I will completely understand if you would rather I stay away from your blog.
What I Read
I love reading people’s fanfiction and I really try to be supportive of my friends and their content however I have realised that there are a few things I see that make me uncomfortable, which is why I have decided to tell you guys that I will not be reading NSFW content about real people anymore. I don’t judge creators that do write about real people, nor do I necessarily disagree with them, I just know that it doesn’t make me feel comfortable anymore so I will not be reading those kinds of fics anymore. I am really sorry if that upsets or disappoints you but I’m not going to force myself to read things that make me feel uneasy haha.
Also, I don’t think I have ever interacted with fanfiction that talks about someone’s real life trauma because it always made me feel extremely uncomfortable, and I don’t intend on starting now so please don’t tag me in content like that! I don’t want to disrespect your work or your writing, but I feel that there are certain boundaries we have to respect as “fans” and romanticising a real person’s personal trauma is just not right in my eyes (Dylan O’Brien’s accident for instance). Yes, this includes past relationships or exes (something I didn’t always respect but now I do).
Speaking of trauma, I would like to specify something. 
I will not, and will never romanticise a character on here who’s personality revolves around his/her/their trauma (yes, even if it’s fictional). It was a big issue with Arvin Russell in the Tom Holland fandom, and it will be an even bigger issue when Cherry comes out. I used to read Mitch Rapp fanfiction, something that I don’t intend on doing anymore, unless it’s soft Mitch who’s resolved his issues haha. If a character’s entire story arc and trauma has turned them into a violent and mentally ill person, it is not something that I want to romanticise or fantasize about. It can be harmful because it reinforces the idea that toxic relationships and/or violence are romantic or sexy things. They aren’t.
What to expect on my blog for the next few months
I will be writing again in two weeks and here is what I’ve got cooking:
I will finish posting A Shitty Love Song
I will be writing a series about Harry Potter and an OC (this is a big project I’m taking on so I won’t be giving more details until I’ve really worked on it)
I will be writing a Fred Weasley series (will include smut so prepare yourselves haha)
I will be writing more Peter Parker one-shots and I might have some series ideas for later down the line
I will be writing more Drake Walker one-shots
I will be finishing writing the song blurb requests I got way back in November (im sorry it’s been so long!!)
I will also be starting a new weekly thing on my blog. I’ll explain the details in a couple of weeks but there will be a taglist so you guys get notified when we play <3
I realise that this post is insanely long and not exactly fun to read, so if you’ve stuck around till the end, thank you so much!! Please respect the boundaries I have set for my blog and please try to understand where I’m coming from before you do anything haha. I really don’t mean to act all high and mighty or superior to anyone, I’m really not haha, but I do feel responsible for the content I share on here and this is a post I’ve been meaning to make for quite some time now. I love you guys so so so much, thank you for 1.2K followers!! I feel blessed and I am so so so excited to keep creating content for you and for myself. 2021 will be awesome <333333
tagging my mutuals and my forever tag+other posts tag:
News and Other Posts Tag
@stiles-o-dylan24 @duskholland @mersuperwholocked-lowlife @hcomet28 @decaffeinated--fangirl @teen--marvel @cheesecakes-randomshitz
Forever Tag
@stixnstripesworld @masterofbluff @drakewalker04 @superapplepie @apatheticanvas67482
@duskholland @thelittlestkitsune @apatheticanvas67482 @mrscutiefandobhaz @teen--marvel @aquariusholland @mersuperwholocked-lowlife @siriusly-harry @solstilla 
14 notes · View notes
innovativestruggles · 3 years
Oh! I want to hear about todomomo now too. :D Am I allowed to ask for two? lol.
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@mimi-cee-hq​ of course you are allowed to ask for two! You can ask for more than two if you like! And to all who requested this ship, I am so sorry for the delay in responding! I went on holiday right after posting the ship ask LOL I just didn’t realise there were so many requests!
I don’t know them enough | wtf | but why? | yeah no sorry | tolerable | they’re alright | cute | they are perfect for each other | I will go down with this ship | OTP
Explanation: These two were my first MHA ship! I loved them as individuals from the very beginning. But then I really started shipping them during the end of term test in season 2. When Momo felt insecure and hesitant, Shoto reassured her of her strengths and abilities, how he voted for her to be class president because he believed in her skills. 
Call me a crazy feminist but when a man praises a woman and puts a lot of faith in her skills and abilities...yeah, he on point 👌🏽
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I absolutely love it how Momo felt comfortable enough to confide in Shoto. She comes across as a strong character who would keep her insecurities to herself. Momo sees Shoto as a competitor and the very one person she compares herself with, so in essence there is an element of a one-sided covert rivalry with Shoto. 
However, this did not stop Momo from talking about her weakness to her rival. This aspect in itself was so incredibly profound. It’s not often you see someone talking so openly about their vulnerabilities to their competitor. The two may not be explicitly close with each other, but there is this undertone of trust they have for one another that you can only see with the non-verbal and minimal words they use towards each other.
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Shoto may be oblivious to Momo’s emotions, but when she disclosed her insecurities to him, Shoto eventually picked up those non-verbal indicators. He may not have done so initially but I really liked how fast he was able to discern her emotions later on. See below.
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Momo didn’t have to tell Shoto her feelings. He was able to deduce it based on what she disclosed to him earlier. Shoto may be a fast learner but he paid that extra special attention to Momo. The fact that he listened to her thoughts, and then reassured her and then encouraged her. He always believed in her. Omg these two <333333 
And will you just look at Momo’s face? To have her one big competitor tell her that he believed in her skills and abilities, I honestly think that was the single biggest factor that pushed her forwards. His words clearly meant the world to her.
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Shoto’s belief in her and his thank you obviously meant a lot. This scene was so incredibly heartfelt.
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Momo clearly admires Shoto and she trusts his words, his actions and his abilities. Likewise, Shoto thinks the same of Momo, but he does it in a very covert manner. 
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I really love the way Horikoshi teases their relationship. You don’t need to be an anime fan to see that there is underlying admiration going on between the two of them. Also, they sit next to each other in class...it’s like something out of a shojo manga. 
Anyways, these two have incredible chemistry and compatibility. They have always been respectful towards one another, and considering Shoto’s cold, standoffish personality (most notable in the beginning), I really like it how he has always been so soft towards Momo. Awwww yeesssssss! 
These two would have that power couple dynamic but they would compliment one another so well. Momo is sweet and caring, something Shoto never experienced because of his abusive upbringing. She would be able to give him that love and nurture he so needs. For Momo, she would benefit from Shoto’s assertiveness around skills and confidence. These two would definitely help each other grow personally and as pro-heroes too!
So whether you like this ship or not, judging from the way the author set these two up, if there are any couples to come out of this show, it would be these two and Izuocha.
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6 notes · View notes
bts-ficrecs · 6 years
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So I’ve read quite a lot of stories ever since my re-entering the fanfic community (after 3420 years) and I’ve reblogged a lot of them to remember and recommend as well. And of course, like with all things, there are some special ones that slithered their way into the crevices of my heart. These are the stories that my mind comes back to every once in a while. These are the stories that made me laugh, cry, yell, and blush - all times 3000. Yes I went there. Cry with me.
These are the stories I hold dear :“) I hope anyone who happens upon this post enjoys the stories I listed below just as much as I did (and still do).
I will update whenever I find a new favorite!! :”) Also be forewarned, there are over 40 fics under the cut 😅😂❤
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➢ Butterfingers by @seokkbuns ⠀ ✎ Summary: He had you at the very first pebble he gave you. ⠀ ▸ fluff, hybrid AU, teacher AU ⠀⸙ notes: i. swear. to. glob. this. is. the. most. ADORABLE. STORY YOU WILL EVER READ !!!!!!!111111 I am absolutely smitten and refuse to shut up about it!!! Just. GO READ IT!!!! Cute and clumsy teacher!! Who loves kids!! I just cannot deal.
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➢ Duck and Cover by @versigny ⠀✎ Summary: There were two things you never dreamed would become your biggest worries with your new job: Kim Namjoon, and that god damn camera. ⠀ ▸ fluff, idol AU ⠀⸙ notes: absolute fluff. minor angst. secret relationships~~ ooh la la
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➢ For All The Petals by @rosaetae ⠀✎ Summary: A story in which you met him in the spring, fell in love with him in the summer, but he left you in autumn and how you missed him in the winter. ⠀⠀▸ angst ⠀⸙ notes: AUHGHHAKJGRL you don't know how many tears i spilled reading this. does soft heart ache even exist???!? like. it wasn't a punch-in-your-gut kind of attack but more like a i’ll-tell-you-i-love-you-every-day-and-then-disappear-forever like of attack..... hahahaha wow now that i think about it, that hurts even more than a punch in the gut. lmao. good luck with the emotions when you read this!
➢ Intro: Her by @jamaisjoons​ ⠀✎ Summary: You enter Namjoon’s life in the most unexpected of ways, but will you be able to stay, especially when he comes with three adorable but chaotic children, even more chaotic best friends and a bitch of an ex-wife? Not to mention your own emotional baggage. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, angst, smut, ongoing series ⠀⸙ notes: I fell in love with the characters and the story line so fast. And so will you.
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➢ Obligated by @underthejoon ⠀✎ Summary: Married by obligation, weighed down by circumstance. Except for those nights when you’re both drunk, falling into bed with one another and realizing you’re human. Occasionally this happens, occasionally you fuck. Until your life changes and you realize Namjoon, the very man you’re obligated to, might just be the very man that you crave. ⠀⠀▸ angst, smut, fluff, arranged marriage AU
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➢ Out of The Ordinary by @njhsmoon ⠀✎ Summary: One of your mage students is extremely gifted and her human father is beyond overwhelmed so you take it upon yourself to tutor her outside of school. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, mage AU, teacher AU, single parent AU ⠀⸙ notes: SOBS. I JUST. I LOVE THIS TOO MUCH. can you imagine a human Namjoon extremely overwhElmed with his magical little girl with no one to help him!! and then a magical woman teacher appears and! saves the day!! and his life!! askjfaef YO UWILL LOVE THIS I RPOMISE YOU. OK OK ALSO THERE’S A DRABBLE FOR THIS CUTE ASS FIC!!! READ IT!!!!!
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➢ Pages of Petals by @sodoyouknowbts ⠀✎ Summary: A change in the weather stirs a sweet encounter between a florist and a bookshop owner, where one begins to learn the language of flowers. ⠀⠀▸ fluff ⠀⸙ notes: soft namjoon + flowers. what more could you ask for? asaskdjflka <333333
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➢ The Take Home Test by @versigny ⠀✎ Summary: In which your mission to deliver homework to Kim Namjoon goes very, very, wrong. ⠀⠀⠀➥ 3 extra drabbles ⠀⠀▸ dirty smut, college AU ⠀⸙ notes: IT'S DIRTY. BEWARE THE ARMPITS.
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➢ Through the Phone by @imaginethisbts ⠀✎ Summary: The sexual frustration is real when Namjoon goes on a month long business trip, halfway across the world. So when the chips are down and the tides get rough, and you can’t actually get to one another… what do you do? You go to the next best thing of course - phone sex. ⠀⠀▸ smut, smidgen of fluff ⠀⸙ notes: i’ll just say one thing. and that is that i love it when random moments of fluffy romance happens after the dirty :”)
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➢ Tigerboy by @joonbird​ ⠀✎ Summary: You, a docile rabbit hybrid, have been waiting a long time to meet the mysterious tiger hybrid, Kim Namjoon. ⠀⠀▸ smut, hybrid AU
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➢ Try Me by @jjkfire​ ⠀✎ Summary: You wanted nothing more than to leave behind your old self when you graduated from high school and moved on to college to play rugby but when you see your high school classmate, resident fuckboy and captain, Kim Namjoon, at the rugby department orientation, you feel like everything might fall apart. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, rugby AU, ongoing series
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➢ By Your Side by @sodoyouknowbts ⠀✎ Summary: Jin is somewhat arrogant, overly confident and a tease. All the things you find infuriating in a man and he also happens to be your roommate. It’s a wonder how you two can live together without killing each other…but it’s not like you’re anything more than friends. Right? ⠀⠀▸ fluff, angst, smut, roommate AU, complete series ⠀⸙ notes: UM. this was so incredibly amazing and heart wrenching and frustrating to read. hahahaha. the friendship dynamic that changed over time throughout this series was incredible to read. both characters had a lot of growing up to do and grow up they did. i enjoyed every moment of it.
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➢ Edge of Tomorrow by @thedefinitionofbts​
⠀✎ Summary: No matter the amount of rain that falls, what the unrelenting darkness erases, or how many times we are reverted back to the past, I’ll definitely save you. ⠀⠀▸ angst
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➢ Ephemeral by @donewithjeon ⠀✎ Summary: As your eyes fluttered open, you were met with a familiar white ceiling and the sound of steady beeping coming from beside you. A quick scan of the surroundings confirmed your suspicions—you were in a hospital room. ⠀⠀▸ ANGST, patient AU ⠀⸙ notes: I almost never reread things much less sob each time that I do. I wish I was exaggerating lmao this fic makes me such a crybaby. It's great. I love pain <|:o)))) [insert clown meme]
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➢ Let Me Be Yours by @glassbangtan​ ⠀✎ Summary: How did people just get into relationships? Friends getting married at such young ages, inviting you to weddings left, right and centre – it definitely left room for you to feel like shit about your own love life. After getting stood up, you decide to treat yourself – and it is during this coping-shopping spree that you come across a fellow lonely person like yourself, Kim Seokjin. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff ⠀⸙ notes: This fic just... hits a different way than all the others listed here. I relate a lot to this story. That’s all I can really say. This is special to me.
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➢ Long Live The King by @remembeo​ ⠀✎ Summary: Long live the King, and may he reign forever more. ⠀⠀▸ smut, angst, fluff, fantasy AU, prince AU
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➢ Off Limits by @floralseokjin ⠀✎ Summary: You’ve been lusting after your brother’s best friend for a while now, ever since you met him at a house party, flirting it up a storm as you failed to realise who the other was. That was months ago now and things are still awkward, but you can’t ignore the sexual tension that’s simmers between the two of you…and it keeps getting worse… ⠀⠀▸ smut, angst, fluff, complete series ⠀⸙ notes: you want PAIN? you want NASTY? you want FUZZIES? this series has got it ALL i tell you!!!!! adfhklafh yeah. i . yeah. do yourself a favor and just read it.
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➢ Sehnsucht by @johobi​ ⠀✎ Summary: An embarrassing run-in with your new boss is only the start of your destructive infatuation. ⠀⠀▸ smut ⠀⸙ notes: W H E W !!!!!111 
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➢ Seven Seconds in Heaven by @jimlingss ⠀✎ Summary: In the moment of your death, Heaven drops the hammer of punishment; making him travel back in time to relive memories that can never be changed. Seven memories. Seven minutes in each. Seven seconds before they are ripped away. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff, little bit of smut ⠀⸙ notes: WOW. YEAH. TALK ABOUT GETTING A SECOND CHANCE AT LIFE. UUMMMM. I don't want to say anything else in case I spill the beans so I'll leave it at that. Read it.
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➢ The Leather Loafers by @jimlingss ⠀✎ Summary: Yes. You went to the ball. Yes. You ran into the prince. Yes. The shoe fits. BUT-! You aren’t that Cinderella bitch. THEY’VE GOT THE WRONG PERSON! ⠀⠀▸ fluff, Cinderella AU ⠀⸙ notes: yeah...there's some crack involved but c'mon. it's Jin we're talking about. minor angst. Great adventure :")) 
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  ➢ Untimely Confessions by @jjungkooked ⠀✎ Summary: Your friendly neighbor finds his way into your (very unsocial) heart. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, neighbor AU ⠀⸙ notes: CUTE NEIGHBOR AU WHat more can I say TTT0TTT
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➢ Untitled by @oh-hey-tae ⠀✎ Summary: It's been a week since you last talked, three since you saw him in person. You miss him terribly... so you call him despite your nerves. ⠀⠀▸ fluff ⠀⸙ notes: when i first read this, i was in incredible need for a soft jin fic. and this was it. this is it. an incredibly soft jin fic. giving him. ALL. THE. LOVE. HE. DESERVES.
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➢ Burn by @dreamscript ⠀✎ Summary: Love is a powerful force; You and Yoongi defy nature itself and burn down the barriers. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fantasy AU ⠀⸙ notes: don't let the short length mistake you into thinking it's not gonna hurt. because. it's. gonna. HURT .
➢ Cobalt and Charcoal by @tayegi​ ⠀✎ Summary: In just ten minutes, he has ruined everything that you and Yoongi have worked for in the past year. It's terrifying to realize that a stranger could have such an impact on you so quickly... except he's no stranger. He's your other half. The only person who will ever own your heart. ⠀⠀▸ smut, angst, soulmate AU, feat. Jungkook
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➢ Intoxicating by @versigny ⠀✎ Summary: You go clubbing and get drunk to spite your annoying, stonecold roommate. ⠀⠀▸ angsty fluff, roommate AU ⠀⸙ notes: se xual  tens ion + drunken mistakes. that's all i gotta say.
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➢ Jilt by @taesthetes​ ⠀✎ Summary: Forever was only temporary. ⠀⠀▸ angst ⠀⸙ notes: don’t underestimate short fics. 
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➢ Koi No Yokan by @oh-hey-tae ⠀✎ Summary: The boy on the bus could work on his bedside manners. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, idol AU ⠀⸙ notes: discovering this fic was an absolute MIRACLE. i swear to glob. i'm so glad i went hunting for this fic after finding out the person i originally read it from was an imposter. and then i got to shower the true writer with loving words. and this story definitely deserves so many loving words.
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➢ Miss Dial by @versigny ⠀✎ Summary: [11:31] You: okay so i’m texting you now like I promised instead of drunktexting yoongi and telling him how badly i want his cock tonight. Arent you proud? [11:32] unknown number: this is yoongi, hi ⠀⠀▸ smut, fluff, university AU, ongoing series ⠀⸙ notes: //CCOOUGGHHSSS// THIS. This is the fic. My baby. I'm so freaking attached. This. Is the story that basically started it all for me. I had only just started dipping my toes back into the world of fanfics when I encountered this. And wow did I get pulled in so quickly. It holds title for many firsts. I have so much affection for this series and I will for sure shed a lot of tears when it ends. My forever favorite. I love you Kappy and Nat for having brought this to life.
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➢ Monochrome by @chimchimicorn ⠀✎ Summary: The world is black and white until you meet your true love. ⠀⠀▸ angst, soulmate AU ⠀⸙ notes: this is not a Tumblr fic but a story posted on ARMY Amino (ARA). No worries, you don’t need an account to read it! ⠀⸙ notes: it will hurt. 
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➢ Play With Me by @thatonegirl ⠀✎ Summary: Your world is breaking and you and Yoongi struggle to push through the pain. ⠀⠀▸ angst ⠀⸙ notes: another story found on ARA
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➢ Please Be Naked by @floralseokjin​ ⠀✎ Summary: You find it’s easy to become addicted to a distraction… ⠀⠀▸ smut, angst, fluff, complete series
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➢ Candy Hearts by @puppetwritings​ ⠀✎ Summary: He starts dropping candy hearts on your desk. ⠀⠀▸ fluff
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➢ Delicate by @bluesxde ⠀✎ Summary: After being effectively dumped by your fuck-buddy, your attention is unexpectedly drawn towards your womanizing friend and fellow dance major, Hoseok. ⠀⠀▸ smut, angst, fluff, college AU, fuckboy/fuckgirl AU, friends with benefits AU ⠀⸙ extra notes: what a ride. *wink wonk* i loved on this story so much. i have a weak spot for fwb!AUs. and y/n constantly trying to! pull! him! in! and! him! constantly! trying! to! resist! the danger. the fun. spicy~ i love this story so very much.
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➢ Fetish by @versigny ⠀✎ Summary: Hoseok is the sweetest boyfriend. Even in bed. But you want him to be more dominant. So you tell him. ⠀⠀▸ fluffy smut ⠀⸙ extra notes: the fluff is so overpowering I barely paid attention to the sex. But the sex was still great 👀
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➢ Misconceptions by @yoongihime​ ⠀✎ Summary: In which your roommate bails out on you last minute and you’re forced to share an apartment with this gorgeous a f human but, no worries, he’ll never see you that way… right? ⠀⠀▸ fluff ⠀⸙ notes: s e x u a l  t e n s i o n .
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➢ Transference by @jeonjagiya ⠀✎ Summary: During a routine visit to the local bakery, you stumble upon an intriguing business card and figure, what the hell. ⠀⠀▸ smut, angst, therapist AU, complete series ⠀⸙ extra notes: the Hoseok series that took BTS Tumblr by storm, lol. And for good reason!! The character development!! The rawness and vulnerability from both characters! The naughty goodness! Just wowowow, a great Hoseok series that definitely deserves the hype it received :')))
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➢ Written on Our Veins by @army-author ⠀✎ Summary: You and Hoseok are sick of spending the holidays soulmate-less while your friends enjoy Christmas as couples… tired of waiting for fate to make a move, you decide to take matters into your own hands. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, angst, soulmate AU, complete series ⠀⸙ extra notes: if you want a story that will give you lovely feels and then RIP IT AWAY FROM YOU only to give it back (with extra goodies), this is the story for you :") I absolutely enjoyed watching Hoseok and Y/N get themselves into what they thought would be innocent fun for the holidays only to find out that maybe... it wasn’t such a good idea... but maybe it was? :”)))))
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➢ Azure Blue by @jimlingss ⠀✎ Summary: You set off on a journey only to be joined by Jimin: the boy with elegant, azure blue wings. ⠀⠀▸ fluff
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➢ Beneath the Water by @jungshookz ⠀✎ Summary: His legs were sparkling. You looked up from his face slowly and towards his legs, your head tilting in confusion when you were met with the sight of… well, it certainly wasn’t a pair of legs. What the fuck? ⠀⠀▸ fluff, smidgen of smut, mermaid AU ⠀⸙ extra notes: I think this was my first mermaid AU?@?@?@ but oh my goossshhhhh asdfj;alje yeah. that’s all I can really say. I’m in love with mermaid Jimin. I thirst for morrre from this AU afaaa;kls don’t mind me as I spazz all over my keyboard once more :’))))
➢ Cordially, Jimin by @kpopfanfictrash​ ⠀✎ Summary: When you start work in your new office, the last thing you expect is a distraction. Especially not one as cute, witty and impossible to handle as Park Jimin. A story told through correspondence. ⠀⠀▸ fluff
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➢ Desires by @nightbts​ ⠀✎ Summary: It wasn’t your place to worry for him, you shouldn’t, it wasn’t good for you. But since the day you saw him that hurt, you couldn’t help it. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff, bad boy AU ⠀⸙ notes:
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➢ The Blue Notebooks by @inktae ⠀✎ Summary: You meet Park Jimin after a particularly rough landing. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff, time traveler AU ⠀⸙ extra notes: I didn't think a fanfic could affect me so much. Even now as I write this, without having to reread to refresh my mind, my heart thumps painfully. It feels like I only read this a few days ago. It's one of those stories that doesn't rip your entire heart out in one go but slowly tears a few slivers out and continues to do so even when you're done reading. The pain is never ending. No, no one dies. No, there isn't an ugly break up. It's one of those "what if" stories. To me, anyway. I can't reveal anything more or else I'll spill the story lol I don't know what's up with this fic. But I'm never ok when I think about this story. My rambling doesn't do this story justice. Just read it.
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➢ Away From the Sun by @inktae ⠀✎ Summary: You leave your home in search of your brother.. in search of answers.. but you end up making a slight detour. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff, soulmate AU ⠀⸙ extra notes: this was. a. journey. i kid you not. 20k story. i lived every moment of this - that's how good the story is. i felt the respect and fondness y/n felt for the eccentric taehyung. i felt the confusion of the "what next?" phase in y/n's life. i felt that hard. an amazing story beyond romance.
➢ Amaranthine by @rainwards​ ⠀✎ Summary: In which the sun loved the moon so much that it died every night just to let it breathe. ⠀⠀▸ angst, reincarnation AU ⠀⸙ notes: :-)))))))))))))) don’t read if you donut wanna be SAd.
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➢ Give Me Your Hands (I Will Pick the Stars for You) by mindheist ⠀✎ Summary: I miss you like the moon misses the sun, destined to chase you until the end of time. ⠀⠀▸ angst, historical fantasy AU, feat. Jungkook ⠀⸙ notes: ur heart will heart. i can promise u that.
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➢ laser tag AU by @kpopfanfictrash ⠀✎ Summary: You go laser tagging with the boys and come face to face with Taehyung. ⠀⠀▸ s e x u a l  t e n s i o n but it's PG ⠀⸙ extra notes: I have never been so invested in a drabble I swear. The amount of times I've fantasized about this lasertag!Taehyung and Y/N's story is almost embarrassing to admit, hahaha.
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➢ Rent-A-Boyfriend by @jimlingss ⠀✎ Summary: Are YOU lonely? Need someone to cuddle at night? Do you want love? If you said ‘yes’ to any of the questions previously mentioned then we have a service for you! RENT-A-BOYFRIEND TODAY! ⠀⠀▸ F L U F F
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➢ Seoksanhwa by @gukyi​ ⠀✎ Summary: May you keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Watch your back, keep to the wall. Always be ready to attack. Do not let your guard down, for it will be the last thing you ever do. The game of love is cruel and treacherous, the obstacles high and the stakes even higher, and the royal family never did play fair.  ⠀⠀▸ fluff, angst, smut, prince AU, joseon AU ⠀⸙ notes: r u ready to cry ur fcking eyes out :-)
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➢ Song of Sunrise by Fable ⠀✎ Summary: Late at night, as dawn started painting the horizon, a night elf was running, his thin silhouette shining in the moonlight, the sound of his light steps resonating in the leaves of the silent, silent trees. That elf’s name was Tae. And Tae was heartbroken. ⠀⠀▸ fluffy angst, fantasy AU ⠀⠀▸ platonic Taehyung x Jimin ⠀⸙ extra notes: another story on ARA
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➢ All's Fair by @goldenscript ⠀✎ Summary: Sometimes people can surprise you and do absurdly kind things, even the ones you least expect… even your rival, Jeon Jungkook. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, enemies to lovers AU, baseball AU ⠀⸙ extra notes: this fic made me blush a whole lot. just a lot of wholesome fluff. :")
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➢ A Piece of the Moonlight by @jimlingss ⠀✎ Summary: For your loved ones, the people who are waiting at home, the people who have died - you will fight. And sometimes to fight means to sacrifice: who you really are and the person you really love. ⠀⠀▸ ANGST, mulan AU ⠀⸙ extra notes: this is the fic that led me to KNOW WITH STRONG CONVICTION that there are some fanfic writers who are unbelievably talented way beyond the world fanfics and deserve so so much joy and success if they decide to pursue writing as a career. This is it. This is one of them. If ((((jimlingss)))) ever decided to make this into a full fledged book with her own OCs, there's no doubt it'll be even more A M A Z I N G than it already is. I just love this story so much. It moved me to tears. And not just tears -- but legit ugly crying. Do yourself a favor and read this masterpiece.
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➢ baby!Jeon drabble series by @an-exotic-writer ⠀✎ Summary: A series of drabbles and scenarios about (Not-So-)Baby Jungkook, his 6 older brothers, and you. ⠀⠀▸ F L U F F !!!!!! ⠀⸙ extra notes: 6 GROWN MEN. 1 GROWN WOMAN. 1 LITTLE BABY. SO MUCH FLUFF. AFJALEJGAJFAE. 60k+. this is 2 years worth of writing, y’all. so much fluff. so much luv.
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➢ Blue Orchids by @inktae ⠀✎ Summary: You were eighteen years old when Jimin’s name showed up on your hand. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff, implied smut, hanahaki AU, soulmate AU
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➢ Date in a Box by @jimlingss ⠀✎ Summary: If you’re in a hurry then we’re here to help you! Everything you need in a box. Delivery less than five minutes. Upgrade and we can personalize your date even more! Guaranteed 100%! Don’t fret, we’re here. ⠀⠀▸ F L U F F !
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➢ Heat Wave by @iq-biased​ ⠀✎ Summary: The air conditioner breaks during the hottest week of summer and you have to figure out how to stay cool. ⠀⠀▸ smut, fluff, roommate AU ⠀⸙ notes: the title is accurately named bc reading this will definitely make you warm. very warm.
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➢ Five Dates by @kpopfanfictrash ⠀✎ Summary: “Ten dates,” he nods, smile tugging at his lips. “Ten dates, to decide if you want this – want me – or want me to go. Ten dates to get to know me. Ten dates,” he says, oddly soft, “to fall in love with me.” ⠀⠀▸ fluff, smut
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➢ Hiraeth by @thedefinitionofbts ⠀✎ Summary: We are always yearning for someone, even if that person may not exist in this tangible realm. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, angst, smut, college AU, soulmate AU
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➢ Human Error by @gardentulips ⠀✎ Summary: Jungkook is your latest creation, and so much more... ⠀⠀▸ fluff, angst, robot AU
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➢ Mamihlapinatapai by @tayegi ⠀✎ Summary: You reunite with an old flame. ⠀⠀▸ angst ⠀⸙ extra notes: it's not a happy story. i'm sorry. but it is a definitely good painful story. so i'm not sorry.
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➢ Orange Tulips by @kainks ⠀✎ Summary: You’d remember Jungkook with every life you lived. Only he’d never remember you, never recall how your fates were written in the stars since the beginning of time. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff, smut, soulmate AU, reincarnation AU
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➢ The Swirling Ways of Stars by @inktae ⠀✎ Summary: He feels like the thrill of the unknown and the unexplored, like that hesitant feeling of a new sensation under your fingertips. He’s like the first taste of a newly discovered flavor, one that hits your tongue and quickly spreads through your body from head to toe. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff, fantasy AU
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➢ Tea and Ice Cream by @blackcatkuroi ⠀✎ Summary: It’s the small moments that truly shine. ⠀⠀▸ platonic OT7 ⠀⠀▸ fluff ⠀⸙ extra notes: another story on ARA. Super cute story that briefly illustrates the close bond between these guys.
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Random notes: (cause I just LOVE to blab even when no one cares hahahaha) 1. Not surprising that JK has the most, lol. People just love writing him... and I'm okay with that :"))) I am surprised by the amount of Namjoon fics though, I didn't think it'd be that many! I guess I'm lowkey Namjoon biased................. no scratch that. I'm SO Namjoon biased. Lmao. 3. I realized quickly on that I'm very picky about Taehyung fics I read thus I have few Taehyung favorites :"( I need more. Also I really need to read more Hoseok and Jimin fics. Also I'm whipped for Yoongi. What can I say. He my Master 4ever. And of course I read a lot of Jin fics considering he is my UB, so I have a lot of favorites :"))) 4. Haven't read found very many OT7 fics. I would very much like to find more stories that explore their amazing brotherhood/bond!!
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