#also shoutout to this blogs subspecies
ask-eeveemansion · 7 years
I was wondering, would it be ok to ask for some advice on drawing and sketching Eevees/Eevee evolutions? I really love your art style and you are able to draw all of your Eevees perfectly! Especially those pesky legs (main reason for asking you) Thanks! :)
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Im not 100% sure how to cover the vast topic of drawing eevees in one ask but I guess ill start with legs and poses since that seems to be what youre most interested in. If youd like more information on specific things feel free to ask. I dont mind.Im putting this under a cut because it is very long
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Lets start with like. The ultra basics. That you probably know already.Its easiest to draw by using sketches and skeletons/stick figures to help guide you.I personally prefer doing rough lazy skeleton sketches to start with and get the general flow of the pose down. That was i dont get halfway through and go “woops this eevee has a broken tail” or something like that.Once you have your skeleton down you can move onto a rough sketch that blobs out the form of the eevee or whatever else youre trying to draw.But if youre especially worried about getting your lines wrong even after making this sketch fear not.
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This is where the third sketch comes in.You can use this 3rd sketch to refine the blob shape of your eevee and experiment with hair types and other such details like hair.That aside please turn your attention to the diagram im about to get nitpicky;;
So i reccomend doing a + or T shape on the face to guide the expression of your character. it helps to motion where the eevee is looking. I tend to use the crosshairs (the centre of the plus or the part where the T lines meet) as a guide for where the nose is. And put the eyes in the upper 2 sections.+ is for facing forward or 25% looks. while T helps for side on.ALSO a bonus. eevees ruf is kinda like a peach shape that covers the neck and chest. use the cleft of the heart to put fluff to show where the floof hits the neck.
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And here we are. The infamous LEG.This diagram is a little too simplified because i was rushing (gj SK youve already messed up) the front legs are also bent a bit. But the main reason i was doing this one was to show that usually the legs can be separated into 3 circles.The upper leg, the lower leg, and the foot.Lets go into this in a liiitle more detail.
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Eevee are Digitigrade. which is a term that refers to animals like dogs, foxes, cats and even horses that walk on their toes! not their whole foot like us.Kind of like if you were wearing extra high heels all the time….
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So since eevees walk on their toes lets figure out where the toes are.Using this literal skeleton of a cats foot. wow.as you can see the ties consist of the first couple of joints on the foot. (which includes the claw)which in english. Means the little beans that we all love.the “heel” or foot of the cat/eevee is the big long part at the back that connects to the wrist.This is why cats appear to have small feet. because thats actually just their toes.
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FEET BEANS aside here we have the skeleton and form of the legs.The front legs skeleton consists of a sort of arched bone attatched to the shoulder plate and the elbow, and then the “forearm” which connects to the paw.It appears more or less straight under all the muscle and fur. But its a lot bendier at the core.The hind leg on the other hand… is basically a triangle on stilts.the upper leg bone connects to the hip as normal. but when standing is basically in an eternal crouching position.The leg CAN straighten a bit as seen in cats when they do this
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However unlike us with our flat feet. eevee, cats, and dogs alike dont have the ability to stand like this for long.
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Enough bootleg anatomy lessons SK. back to drawing with you.So taking all of that. you can quite easily make a skeleton sketch that helps you make a pose that doesnt have broken legs and tails! as seen with these two examples.Speaking of which. The tail is connected to the spine! so wherever the spine ends is where the tail starts!,Hopefully all this rambling helps at least a little and if you need clarification on anything or want to know more feel free to HMU.
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