#also richie recommends anime
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dissectedgrrl · 1 year ago
i love the "all of jons characters are related" headcanon so im gnna give the smallest addition to it by saying paul and emma are the fun uncle and aunt. emma REALLY likes richies friends and she takes them places all the time. paul is bad at talking to kids but he wanted to have a relationship with richie so he watched all of aot. now thats 99.9% of what their convos are about
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Have any of ya'll ever gone to a pride parade/event? Does hatchetfield even have those? If so, what was the reason that you went? :]
(Just a silly question because why not ^.^)
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Ruth: DUDE THIS IS SUCH A GOOD QUESTION! Yessss! I've been to pride parades AND events! I've met some lovely people there!! I had NO idea Hatchetfield had that many queers either!! But it made me feel a little less alone! Definitely recommend going if you can and feel safe too!! :D
Pete: *rubbing his neck, smiling shyly* Yeah, I went with Ruth, I wanted to make sure she felt supported and, honestly, it's an important cause. I like to do things to make people feel safe and appreciated. Plus, rainbows are high-class!
(his room is filled with pride merch, he squealed when he found a rainbow bowtie. would wear it to school if he wasn't terrified of Max)
Steph: Uh, yeah, I've been to some queer events, they're super chill and I'm pan so I love the vibe. *raises her voice and calls out over her shoulder* Plus it pisses my DAD off! So win win.
Richie: *grips his sleeve nervously* u-uh, y-yeah! I...I like going to stuff like that...there's heaps of anime fans and they always have the best headcanons...i'm...not sure if i'm *clears throat nervously* uh....y'know...but i think i might be...
(has spent HOURS taking 'am i gay?' 'am i trans?' quizzes at obscene hours of the morning)
Max: *smiles weakly* Yeah, uh...I've...been to pride.
Whaaaat? Just 'cos I bully people doesn't mean I'm a homophone...plus, it...*sighs* it makes my siblings happy, alright?
(closeted bi, has absolutely ZERO clue)
Grace: *eyes widen* What? No! Why would you think I'd be at pride events? What makes you....d-did Ruth say that? I told her never to mention-
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// i do have my own headcanons about the pronouns / sexualities and gender identities of the characters, which i'm more than happy to expand on, but i also want to keep it as open as possible. i don't want anyone to feel like their visions for the characters aren't supported here! feel free to ask more <3 also the max typo is INTENTIONAL // // thank you to @strangergraphics for the special edition pride dividers! i'll be using these for any queer/ lgtbqia+ / pride-related posts because we, my darling bby queers, deserve to be celebrated always 🫶🏻🌈✨ //
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richie-lipschitz05 · 8 months ago
Hi, Richie! I’m Kris— I go to Hatchetfield High with you. I think we have fifth together..? Anyways, I wanted to know if you had any good anime recommendations?
Oh yeah! Hi Kris! Uh let’s see starting strong with Attack on Titan, then I’d say you should try Chainsaw Man, hmmm you might also like Demon Slayer?
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rinn-e · 1 month ago
10 People I'd Like To Know Better Meme
Tagged by @guroseinsei thank you <3
Last Song: The Plagues - Prince of Egypt (One of the best animated movies ever with an amazing soundtrack!)
Last Book: I'm reading Fire & Blood by GRRM at the moment - surprisingly easy and fun to read, considering it's not quite a novel but a history lesson lol. The last book I've finished was sadly the fourth novel of the Throne of Glass series (I read it mostly to complain to a good friend and fan of the series with passion). I've also started the third book of the Liveship Trader series by Robin Hobb, which is a delight (I'm a fan).
Last Movie: I rewatched It: Chapter Two with my bf yesterday :D (Richie crying over Eddie gets me every time)
Last TV Show: House of the Dragon, unsurprisingly :P Season 2 was better than feared but has its issues.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: My stomach weeps at spicy, so I choose sweet & savory.
Last Thing I Searched For Online: An old youtuber from my childhood who made me read Vinland Saga by recommending the manga for its great action scenes/drawings (the channel has been deleted :( ). That was when only the first few volumes had been published in German.
Current Obsession: House of the Dragon, and Vinland Saga has been rekindled in my heart <3 (though it's never quite gone, of course, just as Star Wars & Batfamily). I'm also super sad the fandom for the Realm of the Elderling series by Robin Hobb isn't larger :( <3 (Wintrow and Kennit have so much potential smh, but there are zero fics??)
Looking Forward To: &Julia (musical) in Hamburg tomorrow!
No tagging today, I'm tired :') but feel free to do this and tag me <3
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corn-egg · 1 year ago
NPMD song tier list
As cool as I think I am: I never really vibed with this song. I mean it's good but compared to every other song it just doesn't excite me as much. Although it does always make me laugh and cry.
If I loved you: I just started warming up to this song, but it's also like as cool as I think I am. And then also to sing this right after Ruth dies? If this was placed after they honored her a little more that'd be fine. The emotional whiplash from just for once to this song
The best of you: definitely an earworm. I love all the highschool characters we got from this one song (like brooke and rudolph) and also how this is like their up-town funk, that idea is absolutely adorable. But then, 3 kids died from murders (soon to be 4) in the course of one month and they just forget about it? I can't help but feel a little sour about that. But other than that I love it.
Cool as I think I am (reprise) this song brings me to tears every time I watch NPMD. LIKE joeys performance in this? Breathtaking. It's very sad but also very short
The summoning: I really want to put this song up higher but I do get second hand embarrassment for some parts. Other than that I love the LIB and was absolutely ecstatic we had something for them all together. I really love pokey after yellow jacket so I wish they evened out the lines throughout the song
Dirty Dudes must die: I love how batshit insane Grace became at the end. She is a true icon. And the vocals? CHEFS KISS! Her ending pose is everything. She is THE GIRLBOSS
Dirty girl: I'm going to be honest, I skipped this the first time I watched NPMD. But rewatching and relistening to it really made me appreciate the amazing harmonies in this song. I love them so much in this, although its extremely embarrassing watching with your friends
Literal monster: again, I would love to put this higher but it's hard to rate this. I love love love how max sings a verse in this. But also how the nerds sing too, god the choreography is just sjrjrntjng
Go Go Nighthawks! THE FUCK YOU CLIVESDALE VERSE HAS ME ROLLING ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING. And Richie dancing in the mascot costume is so funny to me too. Especially cause Jon was battling to keep that on his head when he was in the play. Plus this song is the last time we'll see everyone happy together.
Bury the bully: this song is so funny. But also how everyones voices go together? Changing from bully the bully to bury the bully is GENIUS. the end when "I just cut off his nips" and grace screams "GIVE ME THOSE" is definitely an underrated line
Bully the bully: I know I keep on saying that these songs are hilarious, and that's because they are. Like, the chemistry all the nerds had in this scene? The spins? You can see how much more sure of this they are then in the 'reprise' and how they think this is going to solve all of their problems (it does for like two weeks)
Hatchettown: all the cameos in this made the hours of going through NMT so worth it. (I do recommend watching it. At least season two) even kn tje cast recording boy jerry is in it calls Jeri a dirty girl and I don't think many people know about that. And the bridge in this song? Heavenly. Actually a 10/10 song.
Nerdy prudes must die: this scene is heartbreaking but it was necessary for us to hear Jon's amazing voice. The little details where max uses his powers on him and he like flops to the floor? To good. And he thinks saying "I'm not a loser" will help his case like in all of his animes LMAO. This just really shows how far everyone in starkid has come.
Highschool is killing me: best opening number ever (totally not biased) the opening lines always give me chills how it always smoothly transitions. I think everything in this is perfect.
Just for once is one of the best songs of the hatchet field trilogy and here's why: it uses clever word play and shows how Ruth isn't just a throwaway character.
Jeff blim isn't really known outside of the fandom from having the best lyrics (I obviously love them but this is just some beliefs other people have) he really outshined with this. It just looks so dumb but when you really feel dive on what the double meaning for every lyric is you really start to appreciate it.(someone pointed this out once and I'm just obsessed:the joke of her brushing her hair with the grill brush is also funny because she doesn't have any hair from her chemo treatment)It's heartbreaking to see how Ruth longs for something people wouldn't consider a big deal; she wants to be a middle aged mom. That goal just to be found is so sad to see how much she wants it and then you see that she's never ever going to reach that goal because of Max jagerman. Ruth definitely makes people uncomfortable when watching the musical, but for her character saying the most out of pocket things is her way of getting attention, and then also to have such a pathetic death? It really rubs salt in the wound.
In many ways I can relate to Ruth. Her want to be something when she's older. Ruth's need of attention and affection is also kind of how I do it: with theater and saying weird shit. Although when I say weird shit I think it's hilarious to see their reaction. But she also wants to perform and I love to perform so much and being someone you aren't for just an hour seems so fun.
They couldn't have chosen anyone better but Lauren for this role. You can see how much thought she put into her acting: her little facial expressions, the slightest change in tone of voice and her posture. I love the way she acts in the beginning of the song with the eye batting and the over animated movements are so satisfying but also serve a purpose. It shows how Ruth is mocking the play, but once the movements become less and less animated you see that she longs for that life she is talking about. I just absolutely adore the song and character although she is seen as weird. ENDING NOTES: THIS SONG IS SO GOOD!! LISTEN TO IT RIGHT NOW
If you actually read the whole thing thank you :))
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24-guy · 1 year ago
Another concept about Max
he’s scared of forgetting what Richie looked like, right before he got dragged through.
so he starts drawing. Just trying to capture that memory on paper
his first works are shit, let’s be honest
but he keeps working it, and eventually, he manages to capture it on paper. And by then he realizes.l he’s actually.. pretty good at drawing.
also, he .. sorta starts being around the nerds. one day he just asks them
“.. what kinda shows did he like?”
he knows he liked anime stuff but he doenst know much about anime, so he wants recommendations. To maybe get to know him a bit better now. He feels like he owes him that much
-not a loser anon
Something about him being determined to continue Richie's memory. He feels like getting involved with Richie's interests will make him understand more, like it's a way to belatedly get to know Richie. It's superficial, but he feels like it works. Talking with the nerds, and betting involved with his interests allows Max to also find himself outside of being the Jock Bully.
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visplay · 2 years ago
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Chris: Avatar 1 was not a big deal for me at all, it was too long, not enough to pull me in, but the effects were good; this is about the same deal for Avatar 2 except that it was not only too long but also too boring, the noble blue people became way too human and less interesting, and the film was too blue, seriously, not a big deal, and I became lost in the plot, breaking the film into three sittings still made it too long, only recommended for fans for the first film, and Watch: When Free.
Richie: This movie hardly had a plot, what plot we did get in the movie was extremely boring, for the length of this film and what it delivers there was a lot of talent involved in the making of this expensive cartoon, but there is no pay off at the end, I guess Watch: When Free for the animation.
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vindelllas · 4 years ago
the beauty of ardra 💧🌑
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💧margot robbie (ardra surya): upper photo
💧emilia clarke (ardra chandra): lower photo
🌑 the nakshatras of the nodes have a very distinctive appearance. the influence of the feminine rahu bestows ardra natives with the typical feminine features, such as delicate facial features, larger eyes, and a voluptuous body. the yin features of rahu gives natives a type of otherworldly and ethereal appearance, similar to that of saturn. this is because both planets are of the air element (for a better understanding of this go to my pushya nakshatra post). these natives typically have large and rounded eyes, dainty noses, and a lighter complexion (depending on the native’s ethnicity, i.e. if a rahuvian woman is of a darker complexion, she may have a slightly lighter complexion than her other non-rahuvian family members).
⭕️ let’s look at rahu’s most evolved state: the shatabisha nakshatra. this nakshatra is symbolized by the empty, yin circle. shatabisha is ruled by varuna, god of the rains, cosmic and terrestrial waters, sky and earth. in addition to the mystical healer, maya (illusion). the nature of shatabisha is also abundant in the other rahu-ruled vimshottari nakshatras (ardra and swati). this is because rahu is the utmost manifestation of the divine feminine. maya, being the embodiment of illusion, betows rahuvian individuals with the power of being an empty vessel for the divine collective; bending reality and transforming into the desires of others the native deems worthy. however, due to rahu’s rebellious nature, we see this powerful feminine force being steadfast and not easily influenced by others.
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💧liv tyler (ardra surya): upper photo
💧emily blunt (ardra chandra): lower photo
🌧 ardra is the first rahu-ruled nakshatra. in order to better understand the nature of ardra, we need to take a step back and understand the previous nakshatra—mrigashira. mrigashira was the rejection of the garden of ignorance and the freedom to move on. in ardra, we see the process of forming the rational mind and free will. due to the intellectual nature of rudra, we see ardra natives preferring to study, understand, and learn about the physical world/plane. this often leads to a fascination with the physical plane and understanding the workings of everything that peaks their interest. with the mercurial energy of gemini (knowledge) and rahuvian influence of the vimshottari system (materialism and illusion), we can see the reasoning of ardra’s prevelance in dystopian, horror, and sci-fi films. this nakshatra’s fixation on understanding the world and finding freedom is the perfect combination for creating films with dark subject matter. rudra’s intentionally destructive nature also provides ardra natives with a niche ability to accumulate knowledge to understand the workings of the world and destroy what seems to not be fit. precisely how rudra represents the emotional release and purification that occurs after the storms of the plane or mind cease (more on this later!). this is similar to most character development in many horror/sci-fi films and the ever present devil/savior trope. if you’re interested in further looking into this dichotomy, i recommend “the exorcist” starring linda blair (ardra chandra), “bedazzled” staring elizabeth hurley (ardra lagna), and “supernatural” starring mark pellegrino (ardra lagna). this trope is also perfectly illustrated by lana del rey’s (ardra surya) music. in her earlier albums, “born to die”, “paradise”, and “ultraviolence”, the singer describes her natural love of the darker things in life (i.e. drugs, violence, guns). as her albums progress, we see her slowly become more aware of the dangers of her lifestyle and her slowly moving towards love and kindness instead—much like rudra’s symbolism of calming after the tumultuous storms of life. i highly recommend listening to her music to gain an understanding of ardra’s themes!
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💧karen mulder (ardra surya): left photo
💧victoria beckham (adra lagna): right photo
🦮 ardra is heavily associated with animals. it is symbolized by the female dog yoni. this is indicative of ardra’s devotional, emotional, and knowledgeable nature. rudra is the ruler of this nakshatra. rudra desired to become “the lord of the animals”. this nakshatra also has the same animalistic dominion desire of uttara phalguni and revati. this is because the yonis of all three nakshatras are the female dog (ardra), female cow (uttara phalguni), and female elephant (revati). this may be indicative of the motherly, animalistic nature of all three nakshatras. this is also why all three nakshatras get along so well. the animalistic nature of ardra is why we see hundreds of ardra natives in animal prints, fur or leather, or animal symbolism via graphic tees or headbands; similar to the reoccurring cow print in uttara phalguni fashion!
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💧vienna skye (ardra surya): upper photo
💧ariana grande (ardra surya): lower photo
🍀 another reoccuring style theme for ardra was the appreciation of 60s fashion, particularly the mod era of the 60s. time and time again, when doing my research for this post, i saw a multitude of ardra natives dress up/try to emulate 60s fashion. ardra natives such as ariana grande’s (ardra surya) 60s-inspired fashion in her most recent music videos (i.e. “34+35”) and chrissy tiegan’s (ardra lagna) multiple 60s themed events. i believe this behavior is due to rahu’s extreme prevalence in old hollywood and the 1960s’ modeling industry. for example, hedy lamarr (ardra lagna) was a prominent actress and inventor, jean shrimpton (swati surya) was an icon of swinging london and very popular model in the 60s, and pat cleveland (ardra surya) was a very well-known model who was the muse of every prominent fashion house in paris. i believe ardra natives try to emulate this era of fashion because of ardra’s appreciation of all things old and vintage, which appears to the nature of many of the rahuvian and ketuvian individuals. an additional thing to note is the prevalence of the color green in the ardra nakshatra. in hindu/vedic astrology, a particular type of color is dedicated to a certain nakshatra in which is lucky for the natives of the nakshatra to wear. green, being the color that symbolizes the fresh, succulent nature of rudra, is why the ardra natives shown above, vienna skye and ariana grande, are both wearing the color green. this also correlates to how many ardra natives have dyed their hair green shades or hues, i.e. gwen stefani (ardra chandra), nicole richie (ardra chandra), and rapper saweetie (ardra surya).
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💧kaya scodelario (ardra chandra): upper photo
💧emma mackey (ardra chandra): lower photo
🎸 all nodal nakshatras tend to have a propensity for darker elements and themes in the media. this can be reflected in ardra’s love for grungy, smoky makeup; darker clothing; and vampy, vintage hair and fashion looks (much like the magha nakshatra). this darker aesthetic was also heavily popular in the 90s/2000s. most notably, lizzy caplan (ardra surya), who played janis ian in “mean girls”, her character was well known for her liking of punk subculture, heavy eye makeup, and band merchandise, a trait that was also common with the characters played by ardra natives: kaya scodelario (ardra chandra) in “skins” and emma mackey (ardra chandra) in “sex education”. this behavior is prevalent in the ketu and rahu natives because it reflects the smoky and tamasic nature of both shadow planets. by rejecting the more popular, mainstream trends for the purpose of embracing more expressive and alternative movements (such as grunge, punk, rock, alternative, etc.). this why we see the nodal nakshatras so prominent in those subculture musical genres (i.e. ardra natives kurt cobain of “nirvana” and jimmy page of “led zeppelin”).
as always, i am open to any constructive criticism! i tried to touch on both the appearance, fashion and nature of ardra and i hope i did well! this post took me forever to make and i truly tried to put so much effort into it! i just adore ardra’s emotional, purposefully destructive, raw and feminine energy its natives tend to reflect 🌩 if you are looking for more information about ardra, get to know the overrulers and supreme deities of rahu, durga (the goddess of power) and the serpent god, and mercury, vishnu (the maintainer) and narayana (the cosmic person)!! if any of my placements or information is incorrect please feel free to let me know! also, i am fully aware of the origins of vedic astrology and if i was in anyway disrespectful to hindu culture, i will take down this post immediately xx
* all of these placements were found using astrotheme/.com and/or astro-charts/.com. it is important to note that some chandra (moon) placements may be off by up to 6 degrees and lagnas (risings) as well, due to the fact that many websites do not have a 100% accurate birth time for the given celebrities.
* i take no credit for the invention of vedic astrology-based appearance profiles. please watch claire nakti on youtube or look into @/cn0bles, @/lovejustlied, @/dh4nishta, and @/vanillemercure on twitter for more in-depth analysis on vedic astrology xx
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woman-child91 · 3 years ago
I just started watching Stranger Things. Because, a little second cousin recommended it to me. A 12 year old boy that’s too young to be watching it.
But, anyways I’m barely on episode 2 and the boy from IT just nicknamed the girl El for short. It’s pronounced L. And since Eleven doesn’t have cancer or any kind of disease/illness that makes her lose hair. Well, I can speak my mind freely.
L? Seriously? Richie, I think you’re getting your animes and live actions mixed up. She’s got a buzz cut and looks like a boy.
L Lawliet from Death Note had more hair than her and it wasn’t even considered long! In fact, L looked actually way more feminine than her! I’m talking about both, the anime AND the Japanese TV Series. In which he was played by, Kento Yamazaki.
If you don’t believe me, we can all ask Light Yagami and even he’d agree with me on this one. He’d say that L was more girly looking than El from Stranger Things. Although, he could be biased. I mean… come on! We all know he was gay as hell for L in the Japanese TV Series. And he was also slightly gay (or at least, bi-curious) for him in the anime.
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caw4brandon · 3 years ago
Art as a Ministry
Last week on a Saturday Night. I was tasked to do a sharing to the youths aged 13 -17 and slightly above in my Church’s Youth Group and...it got me in this strange state of nostalgia. 
In my bedroom, tucked away in the darkest depths of my wardrobe is a dusty old folder that contains the many drawings that I made when I was fifteen-years-old. A time capsule of a few years past to my very first drawing.
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A drawing of The Warcraft character, Anub'arak; on a bad sheet of science paper.
In this post, I like to share a little more about my background and showcase what this gremlin (Me) used to draw in his younger years that turned from a hobby, to a ministry. I shared in bread crumbs from past posts that I am raised as a Christian but here’s a mildly detailed origin.
- Youth Group Days -
Like most Christian kids, I attended Kids Church on Sunday morning and followed my grandmother back home after Service. By the time I turned thirteen, I was approached by one of the teachers who asked if I was interested to join our Saturday night Youth Group meetings for fellowship and Bible studies. Which I agreed, just to give it a try.
As I appear more and more in these meetings, I started getting attention from the seniors and elders. Which got me more involved in other church activities.
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From Cell Group Meetings with some elders to joining our local choir and worship team. I also attended our annual year end youth camp with youths from around the country. If you wish to know a tad bit more. I’m a Methodist.
Our church is also involved with ministering to the neighborhood. We would visit and minister to them, hear their needs and provide, do fun activities with the kids while the adults have their service and all that community stuff. It was tons of fun and I got to meet a color of adults from many backgrounds and opinions. Sadly, I’ve learned that as much as I loved all this experience and act of service, its just not for me.
- The One Consistent Thing -
I kept doing in my spare time was my hobby, drawing. I loved drawing because it felt like therapy. It kept me still and focused and helped me channel my energy on an empty sheet of paper with the reward of completing and posting it up for friends and strangers to see.
I talked briefly before about how a friend of mine, Richie. Recommended that I set up a DeviantART account so that I could make connections with other like minded people and perhaps use the space to develop my skills but as some of you may have already know, [It met its demise this year]
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Nevertheless, it was a fun platform to try my hand in drawing and sharing. My first stepping stone for the path to come. I would draw Robots, Romance (which I will not show cause its cringe) Pop Culture stuff and things that interest me.
Even from an early age, Anime/ Manga was my inspiration. The big shiny eyes, the crazy Shōnen action, the interesting super powers and the cool or pretty character designs. All amazingly illustrated by its respective artists in a scene or in a panel. In some sense, it was my muse but nothing was Scripture related.
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Until one of our seniors brought the physical cover of The Manga Bible Series.
Illustrated by two artists, Kelly Kozumi Shinozawa and Ryō Azumi. In their respective volumes, the Manga illustrates the events from the Bible. From the chapters of the Old Testament to the New Testament. The most popular volume of them all is, < Manga Messiah > which depicts the life of Jesus or as the manga calls him; Yeshua.
I loved their art style so much that I begun to imitate them in my own creation which I would share in another post. What you need to know for now is that, this Manga series was what got me started to turn my hobby into something more.
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- After School and Later -
My tiny planet of paper and pencil grew in quantity till I finished school. I pursued Multimedia Design in college which lead to my interest to do Digital art and Graphic Design.
On social media, I get to meet and chat with other artists of all kinds. Some of them do art as a way of earning money and several of them use it as a ministry. Most of them are aspiring small time artists who started as fan artists of an existing property that eventually grew into a style and craft of their own. 
As time went on, I gained confidence in my work, received exposure of other styles and developed an audience of my own. I would also do this thing where I flip back and forth. Posting stuff that is pop culture related to subjects that is bible based.
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I wasn’t much of a trend chaser but rather, I was a lurker. I observed how my friends did things and studied their interactions with followers. I studied the art community’s culture and language through platforms like Instagram. I practiced and posted as often as I could. Despite the low count and interaction, I kept going regardless.
Was it polished and perfect like my heroes? Absolutely NOT. My work was crooked, the faces looked off and the limbs felt incorrect but, that’s the beauty of having a digital history. It showed my progress and yes, it pained me to look at it today and especially with how I captioned things but that’s a sign of knowing that I’ve grown, even if its just a little. 
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It showed me where I was and where I am now. It made me reconsider my values and opinions. Like all those who just started, I posted everything that I put on paper but I tried my best to maintain a certain quality to it. Even with the ones you see here. They are some of my proudest creations that I hold dear to.
Did I improve or did I stagnate? That’s up for debate. Being creative is a personal thing and that personal thing is often times taken from the works of others and life itself. Our creations, our experiences and our influences. They ALL come from somewhere. No matter if we care to admit it or not.
- The Brutal Truth is -
Most people who turned their hobbies into a career, much less into a ministry struggle to enter the scene. Sure, the internet has made things a little easier and people are generally supportive but in the sea of the internet, where everyone is calling for the consumer’s attention. Its hard not to doubt your insignificance. 
[The internet is a beast] its judgmental, its anonymous and it hates the corners where people are being happy or sharing things that meant the world to them. It will do anything to throw you off and make you hate yourself and your work. But to have the opportunity to revisit my history and share to the youth reminded me why I did it in the first place.
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No matter how imperfect or perfect it is, ART is a magical thing. It's an inventive space for impossible things to be made real and the only limit is entirely up to you as its creator. At the end of my sharing, I implored the youths to pick up their hobbies and use it to be more than just. Some of them shared that they had an interest in music, art, sports, writing and so on. To be frank, I think most of them didn’t get it or didn’t care. I don’t know.
But perhaps, its ok. As much as I tried to treat it like a testimony, I think it was also a personal reminder. Such as God’s creation. No matter how ordinary or insignificant that very little thing is. It has a name and above all, it has meaning and that meaning is sacred. To us, To God and maybe, to someone out there who needs it. To quote my lecture;
Creativity is an expression that is subjective and no matter your age or your level of skill. There’s a Story to it. A Story you and only you can tell.
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I believe that I still have a decades to go before I’m like my heroes. As are those youths I spoke to that night who have their own passions. I am also aware that for every aspiring artist out there, one or two of them have questionable ethics. As am I. But I encourage them, I encourage you. 
Don’t be afraid of your passion. Use that passion to speak to your friends. Share your story, because that story means something to you and its just as important. In doing so, you will set the world on fire. Even if its just one or two people, its more than enough to be a ministry.
Thanks for reading
- Caw4B -
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tthael · 4 years ago
I really admire so many things about your writing - the introspection and deep meaning, the realistic and sensitive way that you handle topics. Do you have any recs for fav media/books/tv shows/fanfics ? I guess I'm curious if there are any you think might have similar qualities/themes?
This is a tough one because basically everything I consume gets picked apart and reused in some way. However, I’ll give it a shot:
The Book Thief and I Am the Messenger by Markus Zusak. There’s quite a lot I like about Zusak’s use of language and have since 2007 when I read The Book Thief for the first time, and there’s something very cinematic and magical about I Am the Messenger (particularly in the chapter with the young track runner).
The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell. He’s most commonly known for Cloud Atlas, but he has an ongoing theme of vampires and cannibalism reappearing in his work (I just read Slade House for the first time while I was in quarantine) and there’s something deeply satisfying about the way that all of the disparate pieces come to fruition at the climax of The Bone Clocks. Not a perfect book, but deeply satisfying.
The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver. Again, she’s most commonly known for The Poisonwood Bible, but I liked that well enough to read The Lacuna in 2013, and I completely hated it for the first half of the book until finally something clicked in my brain and I activated the literary critic within, who doesn’t care so much about whether they enjoy something and more cares about how well something is done. The description of US American rationing during World War II really got me onto the novel’s side, if that makes sense; and I do love a good family epic, and while this only focuses on one protagonist instead of generations of them, it’s interesting in a similar way to The Bone Clocks where you see everything start to snowball together.
Literally anything by Ursula Vernon/T. Kingfisher. I particularly recommend The Raven and The Reindeer, which I read shortly after being diagnosed with my chronic illness and really helped me to understand the irrelevance of shame. There’s something very satisfying about saying “a reindeer doesn’t care if it smells bad, so I’m going to lean into that particular apathy and not allow a bully to take me down over it.” Something comforting about taking shelter in the animal and in survival, when you and your body are in one place and working on the same side, and it’s your brain that’s ready to give up first but your body will keep dragging you through because that’s what it does. Certain lines in Indelicate were inspired by her adaptation of Tam Lin in Jackalope Wives and other Stories (https://www.amazon.com/Jackalope-Wives-Other-Stories-Kingfisher-ebook/dp/B071946RLN). Lots of her short stories are available at this link for free: http://www.redwombatstudio.com/portfolio/writing/short-stories/
TV’s a little harder to unpack, since I don’t always think in terms of visual media, I tend to default to words first. Recently I’ve been enjoying New Amsterdam on NBC--it’s nice to see the radical socialist doctor doing his damnedest to secure the right thing--and Call the Midwife--similar reasons. There’s a lot about meeting someone where they are in both shows that I appreciate.
There’s also a lot of music that inspires my writing so I’ll have to dedicate a post specifically to that in my methods and materials.
Fanfic, though! Lots of my favorites, lots of genres. Here we go:
we are all stardust by synergenic (Losseflame) (https://archiveofourown.org/works/5682496) Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens, pairing Finn/Poe Dameron. Sexually explicit, but also leans a lot into physicality. You can probably see the influence on the very first chapter of Indelicate when Eddie’s waking up in pain and Richie’s at his bedside. It’s very much inspired by a similar sickbed scene here.
If They Haven’t Learned Your Name by silentwalrus (https://archiveofourown.org/works/6329503) Captain America/Marvel Cinematic Universe Steve Rogers/James “Bucky” Barnes. The holy grail of Steve/Bucky fanfiction. If you want independent character exploration, this is the place to go. Natasha shaving her head? Yes. Sam pleading with Steve to keep his shit together while thirty Koren grandmothers assume they are American celebrities? Yes. Bucky defiantly hunting down his sense of self while bingeing romance novels in a space ship? Yes. Pay particular attention to the Sam chapters, because they’re a beautiful way of defining Steve’s characterization from an outside perspective, and I’m trying to do the same with Eddie looking at Richie in Indelicate.
An Ever-Fixed Mark by AMarguerite (https://archiveofourown.org/works/8523001) Pride & Prejudice (Jane Austen) Elizabeth Bennet/Colonel Fitzwilliam, Elizabeth Bennet/Fitzwilliam Darcy. Soulmark AU. This is one of my longtime favorite fanfictions and what it taught me was cause and effect. The characters move the plot forward based on their assumptions and decisions. Definitely very helpful when I was writing TTHAEL by the seat of my pants.
You Can Keep Holding On by NorthernSparrow (https://archiveofourown.org/works/7233709) Supernatural Dean Winchester/Castiel. Sexually explicit. A lot of the summary I can give here is spoilers, but if you read this one through, you’ll be able to see the inspiration for the “Can you tell me where I can get another Eddie Kaspbrak?” scene in Indelicate.
Work of All Saints by antistar_e (kaikamahine) (https://archiveofourown.org/works/15006644) Coco (2017) Imelda Rivera/Héctor Rivera/Ernesto de la Cruz. Sexually mature. Oh my GOD this is a beautiful coming-of-age story set in turn-of-the-century Oaxaca, this is the best complete expansion of canon that I’ve ever seen; the author takes the pieces and runs with them and it is WONDERFUL.
Lycanthropic Studies by Eiiri (https://archiveofourown.org/series/575263) Harry Potter, Remus Lupin/Sirius Black canon-divergence AU. I very much enjoy the meditation on lycanthropy as a chronic illness and I sometimes reread this for comfort. Particularly early on Remus has a rant about how he’s sick and he’s always sick and his life doesn’t stop for it, despite holidays and birthdays he still has to deal with the consequences of his illness and take the devastating medication, and there’s a lot about that that speaks to me. I haven’t kept up with the series for some time, though.
Careful Truths by SassySnowperson (https://archiveofourown.org/works/12111966) Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Bodhi Rook/Luke Skywalker canon-divergence AU. Sexually explicit. Honestly identity p!rn fics are a good inspiration for that third-person limited perspective I’ve been working on in Indelicate. Also I love love LOVE Bodhi Rook. It’s fun watching him run in circles trying to conceal his identity from Luke while completely oblivious to Luke doing exactly the same thing.
Stammtisch by chaya (https://archiveofourown.org/works/15060152) Critical Role: Season 2, Caleb Widogast/Mollymauk Tealeaf, AU. Sexually explicit. Long before Caleb actually leveled up enough to cast Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion, chaya speculated about what kind of spaces he might create for each of his friends. I think it’s a very good resource for really condensing characterization down into lots of images and concepts and deciding what other characters know about them. The idea of making space for someone else is something that I lean into a lot when I write Ben, who’s the kind of man who will set himself on fire to keep those he loves warm, and even though Critical Role has far more material than even IT for determining characterization, and even though this particular moment has already occurred in canon--it’s just a wonderful homey story, and has the kind of found family vibes I like for the Losers as well.
I know that’s a lot to unpack there, but all of those fics are very good and I recommend reading any assortment that appeals to you. (Work of All Saints in particular you don’t have to be familiar with the source material beyond the basic premise; it stands on its own.) Thank you for asking, and thank you for reading!
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crazycoke-addict · 5 years ago
Shallon Lester needs to be held accountable
If you’re wondering who she is. Shallon Lester is a YouTuber who makes videos of celebrities whether it be relationships or other stuff in general. She’s also MTV personality and may have connection with some celebrities but not all. I discovered Shallon when a video was recommended for me and it was about the Khloe/Tristan/Jordyn that went down last year. She talks about how Khloe should’ve been aware whom she was dating and how the kardashians treated Jordyn wasn’t ok. I didn’t watch the whole video because she began degrading Jordyn Woods. I can’t remember the exact thing she said but it was basically Khloe is the beautiful one like Jordyn is not. I see this as being racist.
Khloe has done a lot of surgery on herself from her face to her butt even she denies it, it’s clear that she has done surgery. Jordyn however it doesn’t seem like she has ever done any surgery on herself just lost weight naturally. The kardashians and also the Jenners are known for profiting off of black culture and they are obsessed to look like a black woman. They deny this but there’s so many proof like how Kim uses a foundation that doesn’t match her skin tone. They are blackfishing and people like Shallon see them as ‘beautiful’ and even praise them but degrade and hate on a real black woman who has all these features that the kardashians and other white insta models are trying to steal. Because of white supremacy Black girls were taught not to love themselves and their mind were poisoned into believing that European beauty standards was better. Flash forward to today and you got white girls pretending to be a black Woman for clout and get likes and followers.
I didn’t watch any of her other videos because she didn’t really peak my interest and especially after that video she made that I mentioned. A video that she made was recommended to me again and it was about why Scott Disick shouldn’t be dating Sofia Richie. She basically goes into detail as many people have said about why this relationship isn’t going to work out. The age difference, Sofia is 21 while Scott is 36 so there’s a 15 year gap between them, Scott has three kids with another woman and she mentioned his past. To be honest I don’t care much about age difference as long as both parties are in legal age and it’s consent. I find the relationship between Scott and Sofia not problematic as many trying to make it out like. He doesn’t drink that much as he used to and it seems like he cleaned up his act because of her. I don’t think Sofia pushed to change him, but I do think she’s the reason along with his kids he decided to get his shit together. Although girls that are Sofia’s age are still trying to figure out everything and relationship with older man can go different ways until they look back and realise there were a lot of red flags. There are girls like Sofia are actually mature for her age and they know it too. One of the celebrity couples I’ll give an example is Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall. When they met each other, Humphrey was 45 and Lauren was 19. The way Lauren carries herself shows that she’s mature person for someone her age. Although the age difference is quite big, the two got married, had two kids and stayed married until bogart’s death in 1957. So it can work for some but not all.
Many would agree on Shallon when talking about the age difference but she comes off as hypocritical. She doesn’t agree with an older man dating a younger woman but is ok with an older woman dating a younger man. Her defense was younger women become sexually traumatised but apparently younger men aren’t going to share the same experience. This becomes more uncomfortable when funding out that she made tweets about Justin Bieber about having sex dreams with him in it. The tweet that was made in 2010, she was 25 and he was only 16. Why is a 25 year old woman tweeting on having sex dreams about a child. It’s creepy and disgusting.
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When she talks about certain celebrities or even certain topics, majority of the time she acts like she knows what she’s talking about. It’s the way she says make you believe that everything she said 100% accurate to the point where it feels like she’s manipulating you. It seems like she considers herself as a physiology and has even try to diagnose celebrities based on what she has heard despite not being accurate. Her latest video is about Ellen DeGeneres and how to spot a psychopath. In video, she goes straight to Ellen and her marriage with Porsche by saying that Ellen was mean to her wife and refused to give her a baby. She says this is allegedly as what she has heard, but Portia on other hand said she doesn’t mind not having kids. The way she tries to self-diagnosis Ellen to see if she has psychopaths tendency and even try to compare Ellen to Adolf Hitler because they both love animals. I love animals does that mean I’m Hitler. It’s so weird and just ridiculous.
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She tackles on another serious topic like Mental Health and suicide by making video about Pete Davidson. The video is titled “Ariana Grande & Pete Davidson: how beta males manipulate women”. There was certain time when Pete wasn’t in a good place. He deleted all of his social media accounts but before doing that he wrote a statement which appear to be a suicide note. Everyone was worried about his well-being. Pete has been about his mental health issues and how he suffers from Borderline Personallty Disorder and sometimes have suicidal thoughts. Shallon doesn’t like Pete because he’s not doing anything to fix his mental disorder. What Shallon is doing is victim-blaming and very insensitive as well. You can’t be fix in way as what she is implying there’s no cure for mental health. The only that Pete can do is seek treatment. People with BPD can get treatment but it’s not something that can be cured. She talked about where Pete did an interview with Charlemagne the god. It doesn’t seem like she even watched the video, because she sees Pete going to rehab or getting help in order to get more drugs. She also thinks that people suffering from BPD can’t seek treatment because it’s not something you can get treated because it’s part of your personality. This is so ignorant and incredibly harmful.
She mentions how in the interview Pete Davidson says he use to cut himself and how Charlemagne didn’t asked them in that when he actually did which shows that she didn’t watch the video at all. She also doesn’t think he goes to therapy when he actually does. Like she did with the Ellen DeGeneres video, she thinks him having bipolar disorder and even BPD is connected to his mother and sister. Like something bad happened in the family household. He lost his father due to 9/11 so he probably suffered from loss and trauma, But it’s not the way she’s implying at all. It’s like she’s saying he can’t have good and stable relationship with his mum and sister because he has a mental disorder. The way she talks about Pete shows how much she hates men who talk about their mental health issues. She is one of the reasons on why men have a hard time expressing their emotions and deciding to mental disorder they suffer from because it’s people like her whom are going shunned them and even said that they don’t deserve any love and happiness.
She also hates Selena Gomez and even calls Selena her “mortal enemy” even though Selena probably doesn’t know who she is. Her hatred towards Selena has to be an extend of her being attracted to Justin Bieber when he was 16. She says that she could help Selena and whatever issues that she’s battling but doesn’t want to because ‘Selena is annoying’. Imagine you going to therapy and telling your therapist how you been feeling and they says ‘I would love to help you but your annoying’. She says that if Selena dies from overdose than it’s our fault for not holding her accountable and says that Selena isn’t going to make it to 27. Her dying gets better. Which is completely disgusting and just insensitive. She says that Selena has bad tattoos and even though one of her tattoos is a semicolon that is located on her wrist. The semicolon actually means something very important which is a solidarity against suicide, depression and other mental health issues.
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Overall Shallon Lester is a horrible white woman who doesn’t know what she’s talking about spreads false lies on people and does the harmful by trying to diagnose a person because you just don’t like them.
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stellar-alley · 5 years ago
•The One With The Monster•
Hey guys! Just a little warning before this chapter starts, I will be touching on religion, but it is in no way accurate and I am not trying to offend anyone in any way. This is all simply for the story, so if I say anything please do not take offence.
Also: This story is based on the song Monster by Dodie, so if you'd like to listen to it while reading then it can help set the mood.
"So what are we going to do with him?" The arc angel glances over at his associate.
"Well, I suppose we could always assign him to an unsolvable case, someone who can not be saved. That way he will stay on earth forever" The lower level angel suggested.
"We could always assign him to-" The arc angel tapped a name the list he held with his index finger.
"Hm... Good choice. A demon he's bound to fall in love with, he will be gone within a decade. Clever" She smirked at him.
"Would you like for me to inform him? Or shall I?" He asked as she shook her head.
"Oh no don't you worry, I will tell the boy about his new and permanent position"
(Basically, our little angel was just assigned a case to a demon where he'd inevitably fall in love and die, all because they couldn't accept that he was gay)
Tell me again about how it hurts
"Okay... Eddie please, just tell me again how much it hurts" Richie leaned forward to cup Eddie's face with his hand. The shorter boy pushed him away. Suddenly Eddie was up and of the bed, pulling at the ends of his hair as pain flashed through his eyes.
"I-It feels like someone stabbed me in the back with a needle and I can feel the fucking venom spread through my system. Like roots of a fucking weed growing" He hissed.
Shit... This is what I was worried about
Being awfully loud for an introvert
There was a moment where Richie didn't speak, he just let Eddie rage.
Eddie sat down on the edge of the bed, practically hugging himself, with blank eyes and an emotionless face, "God, I can feel it seeping into my blood" he sighed. "Rich... Baby, what's happening to me?" Eddie's fear-filled voice cracked as his eyes grew watery.
Richie couldn't even meet his gaze as he muttered a guilt-filled, "E-Eddie... I'm so, so sorry".
Eddie's brow scrunches together, he tilted his head like a confused puppy. "Richie... what did you do?".
Richie moved out of his family's house at the young age of 22. His parents were very reluctant to let him live on his own, worried that he'd somehow spill the family secret, start the next set of witch trials or something. He was a demon after all. He loved Maggie and Wentworth with his entire heart, but as Panic At The Disco once said, if you love me let me go.
He wasn't a monster, neither were his parents. They were just two angels in love who made a wrong choice, so of course, they were thrown down to earth, banished. And heaven forbid there be any angels on earth that aren't guarding a human, so Maggie and Wentworth there stripped of their white angelic feathers and gifted new ones, darker ones.
Still, they were just as magical, just as magnificent. Long and elegant,  they shimmered like the dark night sky. Their wings only came out when they wanted them to, unfurling like a red carpet being rolled out, it was one of the best feelings in the world to Richie. But if not then they just kinda went poof, disappearing. Although they would have to let their wings out at least once a week or else they'd wake up with major back pains. Sometimes Richie would even do it subconsciously in his sleep, he'd wake up from a nightmare and he'd just be curled up in his own dark wings. It was oddly comforting. When they went full dark angel, they had the wings as well as small black horns that would peak out through Richie's equally as dark curls. There were also dark eyes and sharp fangs.
There were other things that came with being a demon. They had magical powers, to a certain extent, they could make things happen, some call it miracles. Oh and also if they were to lash out and lose control, one would be able to see their pointy fangs and blood-red eyes. Richie had always been in love with his demon eyes. Their normal brown colour turned to a deep red, and the rest of the whites in his eyes turned black, making him look like a total satanic worshiper. Which they weren't by the way just cause they were demons didn't mean they had to worship the dark lord.
His place was magnificent, to say the least. It was a one-bedroom apartment with a kitchen and living room and just enough space for an office corner. But he made it work. He was only one person after all. He tried to keep everything organized, only half failing, which had surprised even himself. The apartment wasn't messy, he kept the dirty clothes in the hamper and the trash in the bin. Although he did always have a couple of dirty dishes in the sink and way too many papers on his desk, but he didn't mind.
Everything changed about two months after he moved in. He was sitting at his desk, some chill music on the in the background (Fly by Bloodwich to be precise. Recommended by Stan) when he heard something smash and fall from outside in the hallway. Richie waited a moment before he decided to go make sure no one was like... bleeding out on the floor.
Stepping out into the hallway that connected all the apartments, he noticed another male figure. Richie couldn't make out his features as he was crouching down on the floor in front of his door, back towards Richie. The guy had dropped a vase, pieces of porcelain scattered across the floor.
"Shit shit shit! Mom's gonna kill me!" The guy whispered, he frantically tried to collect all the pieces.
Richie knew he could help, alongside his miracle abilities, he also had a little bit of mind control. And he couldn't bear to hear this guy whimper about this damn vase any longer. He was going to command the guy to back away and he'd miracle the vase back to its original state, then just clean up the boy's memories a little before letting him go, so he wouldn't question the now fixed vase.
Before he gave the command he allowed his eyes to roll back into his head, they reverted back into their demonic state as he commanded, "Stop". Richie's voice stern and deep, it always got that way when he commanded someone to do something.
The boy froze.
"What?" He suddenly jumped up from his position on the floor. Richie wiped his eyes away, they changed back to their normal brown just as his eyes met the eyes of the other boy's. For a moment he could've sworn that the other's eyes were blue, but not like, blue but blue. A blue that could give the sky and sea a run for their money, a blue that'd make someone have to shield their eyes cause it was so bright. But he blinked just as Richie tried to focus on their colour, and suddenly they were brown, just brown.
"Sorry... I uh... Thought you were my neighbour, they party a lot and I always tell them to shut the fuck up" Richie told a terrible lie. No one on his floor partied, they were the Losers floor after all. He knew how weird he sounded so he quickly kept going, he tried to get rid of the awkward tension. "Sorry about the vase" Richie rubbed anxiously at his neck.
"W-What vase?" The guy asked with a lifted eyebrow.
"The one that broke..." His voice drifted off when he looked over and saw the vase that sat perfectly on the ground beside the other boy's feet. "oh" was all he could say at that moment.
Good going trashmouth. What the fuck just happened?
"I'm Eddie," The guy, who is apparently Eddie, said, forcing the awkwardness away. He stuck out his hand for Richie to shake.
"The name is Tozier, Richie Tozier" He replied and shook Eddie's hand. "Moving in I see?" He motioned to the boxes that line the hallway.
Eddie's eyes went wide for a moment, maybe a moment too long before let out a laugh mixed sigh, "Yeah, this is me" he pointed to the door right across from Richie, the sight caused the trashmouth to smile a little bit more at the thought of having a cute neighbour.
Now that Eddie was no longer crouched on the ground he was finally able to get a good look at him. Eddie was a petite guy, for sure a couple inches shorter then Richie and had a smaller build as well. He had a head of neat chocolate brown hair that flopped into his eyes, which he constantly swatted away, Richie found it adorable. He wore a pastel blood hoodie and black skinny jeans and some nameless runners.
"Welcome to the Losers floor" He said with a wink.
"The what?" Eddie asked.
"The Losers floor, that's our name. You've got me, Richard Trashmouth Tozier, the leader of course" He nods, "Beverly Marsh, the badass" Richie points to the apartment beside his own. "Benjamin Hanscom, the nerd" He points to the farthest room, the one after Bev's. "Mike the animal lover, he has a cat, but don't tell the landlord" Richie smirked, he gestured to the room across from Ben's. "And then there's Bill and Stanley. God, I don't know how they fit two people in that fucking apartment, let alone a god damn bird".
Eddie's eyes went wide at the statement, "A bird?".
"Yeah, Staniel loves them. I think her name is like Alley or something" Both of the boys turn to the camera like it's the office.
He leaned casually against the doorframe to his apartment, "Need a hand with the boxes, Edwardo?" Richie asked.
Eddie had to resist the urge to shoot the nickname down and deny his offer, but he knew that be seeing more of Richie in his life. Eddie was his guardian angel after all (;
Eddie was an angel, well he was pretty sure he still was. Eddie always had an enteral battle going on inside of him. They fought over what was right if he should be listening to his lord and saviour or to his heart. He repressed his feelings for centuries, but love always won. Coming out was something. (I don't feel comfortable going into details). But everyone seemed okay with it, sure some hated the idea but everyone liked Eddie. And as luck would have it, a week later he got his first official Guardian placement, Richard Tozier. They'd given him everything he needed, a book full of fake memories and a storyline to follow, it was all set, well... kinda. They basically just gave him the job, no further explanation on why Richie needed to be guarded or anything at all for that matter. They just told him he had 3 days to prepare before being shipped out.
Living on earth was something. But the guys above gave him some books and tips to keep his heavenly side a secret.
Don't fly in the city, don't use your powers unless necessary,  and never, ever tell your person about your secret.
All they said was don't fly in the city, they never told him he couldn't just sit in his apartment with his blinds drawn and his wings out, so that's what he did most nights. He had specific shirts and hoodies with little slits in the back so his wings could come and go with ease. Sometimes he'd just opt to sit shirtless on his couch while watching Will and Grace reruns.
With no knowledge of what he needed to guard Richie against, Eddie simply chose to be the friendly neighbour that was always there to help. But then he realized how dreadfully annoying Richie can be, and then their iconic banter began. But during all of their arguments and bickering, a spark was lit. The two went from friendly neighbours to each other best friends. They'd developed countless traditions that were carried out throughout the week, Taco Tuesday, well that was just the day they went to eat at Burrito Gringo. There were also Sunday laundry nights, where they'd spend countless hours in the creepy basement laundry room laughing their asses off about some random ass shit since anything was hilarious after 1 am. Although on Mondays, both of the boys always seemed to be oddly busy. Maybe it's because these are the days when they both hiked to different parts of the city, heading deep into the forest, away from civilization before letting their wings out and taking flight.
Around the one-year anniversary of Eddie moving in, Richie had no doubt in his mind about 2 things. 1) That he was head over heels for Eddie fucking Kasbrak, and 2) that said Eddie fucking Kaspbrak was also an angel. How did he know this? Well, the first day the two met, Eddie literally miracle-d the vase with shiny blue eyes. These eyes were not only a one-time occurrence, sometimes when Eddie laughed a little too hard, the times he got a little bit too embarrassed, or when he sneezed too hard, or if Richie's touch lingered a little bit too long on Eddie's body, they'd appear. Even though it was always only for a moment, blink and you'll miss them, Richie always noticed. And one day when Richie was walking home from the radio station he may or may not have noticed that he could see perfectly into Eddie's apartment. From there, he watched the short boy grow angelic wings from his fucking back. So, yeah Richie kinda knew Eddie was an angel.
He never brought it up, for various reasons. Richie knew a lot about demons but he also knew his fair share about angels, and he knew that if word got out to the people above about someone knowing Eddie's secret, he'd be in deep shit.
Even though the trashmouth knew what he saw, he could practically feel the angelic powers pour out of his little angel, but he didn't want to face the facts. He didn't want to believe that the boy he loved was an angel. They could probably be together, to hell with the sides! They'd make it work... But then came the inevitable, the biggest thing that stood in their way. Something everybody knew.
An angel and a demon could never share a kiss. It was a curse put upon the first angel and demon who fell in love, all those years ago. The curse states that when the two opposing creatures kiss, the being of light will lose their spark, it will go dark, they will go dark. Basically it means that Richie was to kiss Eddie, Eddie would lose his wings, and he'd turn into the same beast that Richie was. Or even worse, Eddie could die, if he wasn't able to survive the turn.
So Richie suppressed everything, his thoughts, his ideas, his feelings. Anything that could lead to having a crush on Eddie was shoved into a box and stuffed into his metaphorical closet. He wouldn't allow himself to be the reasoning behind Eddie's banishment, he couldn't... Richie wouldn't be able to live with himself if he knew that he was the reason his little angel was turned dark. So he made a vow to never kiss Eddie.
So Eddie kissed Richie instead.
It had been officially one year and one month since Eddie moved in across the hall from Richie, and it has been exactly one month since the two started dating. Richie was the first one to make a move, he was reluctant since he couldn't kiss Eddie, but he could see the yearning in his angel's eyes and he really just wanted to be happy, to make Eddie happy. That's all he ever wanted.
So he gave in. Eddie confessed his feelings one night after Richie's failed attempt at a tinder date with some asshat named Connor. Eddie spilled his guts out about since the first time he saw Richie in the hallway, he has been living on this high, the feeling that he only got when he was with Richie. And that feeling gave him life. What Richie didn't know was that the life Eddie was feeling was the feeling of finally living. He was doing what he wanted, on his own terms, with the man he loved. That night forward they were officially boyfriends.
Eddie found it kind of odd that they didn't share their first kiss after they both confessed their true feelings. Instead, once Richie finished spilling his guts, he simply wrapped Eddie up in his arms and the two held each other, their hearts beating as one. That night they slept together, no sex, just being wrapped up in each other's arms was enough. And Eddie was okay with that.
It was just another morning that the demon and the angel had woken up together. Eddie had woken up first. To no surprise, he found his limps were tangled up with Richie's. But once the demon had woken up, the two sat facing each other in bed for a while. Until Eddie practically jumped on Richie, cupping his face and kissing his lips.
Richie was left in shock. They'd kissed. And it was amazing. There was only a single moment where Richie's mind burst at the thought of their lips touching, but instead, he drowned it out by passionately kissing Eddie back. Eddie had pushed Richie onto his back, playing with his hair as the made out on the bed, that's when Eddie jackknifed off of Richie. That's when he started to turn, and that's where we are now.
"Eds, baby I'm so sorry. I should've told you sooner" Eddie snapped his head to face Richie. His angel eyes were showing, and they were blazing like a roaring fire. The flames so burning hot that they turned sky blue.
"What the hell did you do?!" He hissed, anger and confusion laced his voice.
Richie could barely let out a stuttery, "I-I'm..." that's when he let his eyes roll back. With regret he let his demon eyes roll forward, he hoped it would be more than enough of a response.
His blue eyes snapped open wider than ever, "Y-You!" he shrieked. Eddie went to stand and get the fuck out but before he knew it, he'd stumbled over his own feet and landed on the carpeted floor of Richie's bedroom. With the pain that radiated through his body, he felt something, stress relieved from his shoulders, but now there was more weight on them than usual. His wings. Eddie curled up, the pain simply had more space to cover.
Richie slid out of his bed and shuffled over to Eddie. "Please can I just-"
"No, NO! Get away from me" Eddie backed away, "You demon fucker, you did this to me" he hissed. Hastily he got to his feet,  he stumbled out of the room.
Get out of my room, smile wiped clean Isn't it weird to be so mean?
Eddie had sworn Richie out countless times, but nothing stung as badly as the words that just slipped out of his mouth. He couldn't even begin to imagine the pain Eddie was going through. The guys below always described it as the feeling of what it's like to burn in the deep pits of hell. But the least he could do was make sure Eddie didn't have to go through this alone.
He marched into the main area of his apartment where he spotted Eddie had sprawled out over the couch. The demon moved quickly to crouch down beside Eddie. The angel's eyes were in a half-open stat, but once they caught sight of Richie they reverted back to their blue shocked look. But now they were focused on something just above Richie's eyes.
I'm guessing that I've grown horns I guess I'm human no more I can tell I've rotted in your brain
"Oh... Sorry. This happens sometimes" He smirked down at the shorter boy. His hands wandered up to brush up against the small horns that had appeared in his dark curls.
The shorter boy was hugging himself, the pain pounding in his head. "I can't believe you'd do this to me. Turn me... Make me into a monster" Eddie breathed breath after breath, each word filled with a hatred that was new to the both of them, and Richie hated every moment of it.
Oh, how easily passion twists You think I'm a crazy bitch I craft my words to fit your head 'Cause no one listens to the dead
"You think I wanted to do this? Do you think I wanted to turn the fucking love of my life into the same thing that haunts me? The thing that looms over my fucking head every goddamn day of my life? Eddie I always wanted what was best for you, that's why I joke and I play and I never let you in because I didn't want to get close. I didn't want to feel anything for you but I couldn't" Richie's emotions were about to overflow when he realized the amount of stress that sat on his back. So with a roll of his kneck and a stretch of his arms, he allowed his pitch-black demonic wings to magically roll out behind him.
If Eddie's eyes could grow bigger then they already were, then they did. "LIES! That's all your kind does. It's all been lies, and to think I fell in love with a fucking spawn of satan".
The words burned like a slab of meat over an open flame. There was one way that Richie knew he could capture Eddie's attention, grab his attention by the balls and tell him what's what.
So maybe I will talk to you The only way I know how to I've said my speech through sharpened teeth
"Edward mother fucking Kaspbrak. Do you think, that I would spend over a year, lying to my dumbass neighbour just to turn him? 365 days, 8760 hours, 525600 fucking minutes, all so hell could have one more damned demon? Eds, Eddie, light of my life, I never, ever, planned on turning you" Richie's voice was stern and serious. It was something that was new for Eddie. He couldn't help but notice the fact that Richie's teeth had sharpened into fangs, poking out from behind his lips as he spoke. They must have unconsciously lengthed as his emotions grew stronger.
Although he wasn't focused on Richie's new way of talking. He was focused on the words, the phrase he just said. Light of my life. A direct quote from The Shinning, the same words Jack Torrance told his wife Wendy during the climax of the movie. It was their safe word, the phrase they said when something was happening when they needed help, when they needed each other. If something was happening and the other needed help, no questions asked. Suddenly everything became so much more serious to Eddie.
Eddie curled deeper in on himself, with closed eyes, and a weal voice, he wept, "Then why am I dying".
Richie's dark heart broke at the sight of his boyfriend who crumbled before him. "oh... Spaghetti" He muttered, collapsing beside him, throwing his arms around the angel. "I-I'm gonna figure this out".
With that declaration, the two stayed like that for a while, Eddie curled on the couch with his wings behind him with Richie's arms wrapped around him. Their foreheads pressed against each other's. Richie's wings even lowered down and wrapped around the angel. When the dark wings touched the lighter ones, it was like the first time their hands brushed up against each other. It sent a shiver up both of their spines.
Eddie's body had almost grown used to the pain, it was numbing, his body ached, but the feeling of Richie's touch made everything just a little bit better. As much as Eddie wanted to be mad about this, it was Richie's fault, deep down Eddie knew his boyfriend didn't mean it.
The angel felt the demonic presence that cuddled against him shift and move, followed by the all too familiar 'Click' sound of Richie's phone turning on. He tilted his head upwards and saw Richie's head was perched on top of his own while he scrolled through the contacts on his phone. "Seriously rich? Ruining our moment? I'm literally dying you asshole" Eddie's voice had a little less pain and some more confusion mixed in there, and maybe even a little laughter.
The demon's lips turned into a little smirk. He slowly slipped off of the other, "I've got this angel, just give me a moment. Don't die!" He hollered whilst he walked into the other room.
Richie had his parents on speed dial and the phone rang three times before they answered. He cut to the chase and asked what to do if an angel was turning. Of course, Maggie informed him that there's nothing he can do, the change will most likely kill the angel.
Richie's voice came out sounding way too chirpy for the situation he was in, "hmm, no. My angel won't be dying today. So we need another way".
There was a sudden muffled sound, followed by a very quick argument of few words before Wentworth picked up the phone, "Son? yeah, I'll call you if I find anything until then, keep the angel awake and alive. Love you son" and the line went dead.
You break the rules and spikes grow from your skin
Eddie had heard the stories, every angel knew them. The ones of the curse and what it's done to the angels that were stupid enough to fall for a damned demon. But for some reason, Eddie knew that deep down he would've kissed Richie again if he had the chance to go back, he'd do it again and again, no matter what the cost. Because deep down he knew that this boy.... this demon, was the only person Eddie truly ever felt this way about. He's never cared about anyone the same way he cared about Richie, it was love.
The angel could sense the demon when he re-entered the room. At that same moment, another jolt of pain shot into his body. This time it started at his lower back and spread like roots to a virus up his back.
"H-Holy shit" Eddie's eyes snapped up to meet Richie's, worry washed over him when he noticed that the demon's face had gone as white as a ghost.
"What? Rich, what is it?" he questioned. Richie stared in shock as black veins slowly kept up the back of Eddie's neck. They edged their way up to his neck and into his wings. They trained the whites of his wings as they. It seeped into the feathers and kept growing, black spikes in a world of white.
"Eddie, hey, sweety, trust me okay? It looks bad, I won't lie. But we're gonna beat this, you and me" Richie's voice was reassuring, but Eddie still needed to see what was happening. He rapidly sat up, ignoring the pain that it caused. He moved towards the full-length mirror Richie had proper up against the wall in his living room.
His voice was weak, only able to let out a soft "No....". Richie stood behind him, which was good since Eddie basically collapsed after seeing himself, the shock had overtaken his body.
Please let the devil in
Richie, of course, caught his boyfriend. He cradled the boy in his arms, softly stroking his hair while he wept into his sweater. The apartment was silent, the only sound to be heard was the soft sobs and sniffles that the angel.... that Eddie let out as Richie held him close.
A meter apart, we blankly stare
The demon wasn't that strong so at one point he had to slowly lower himself and the boy who laid in his arms to the ground. That's where they laid for a while. The pain pulsed through Eddie's body which caused the tears to keep falling. Richie held him tight, one hand holding the other's while the other would run through Eddie's hair, in slow calming motions. The two laid on the kitchen floor, Richie's back was leaning against the counter for support. Both of their wings were sprawled out everywhere as they laid together.
After countless minutes, Eddie's weeping stopped, so did the rising and falling of his chest as he breathed. "Eds?" Richie asked, voice low. When he was left with no response he asked again. "Eddie?". Now worry filled his face as he turned his boyfriend over to see his face had gone soft, eyes closed, lips slightly parted. "HEy, Eddie, Eddie?"
We shout in our heads, "Are you still in there?"
"no, no, NO... no" Richie winned, he ran his hands along Eddie's body. He moved his index finger and his middle finger along the boy's neckline, he tried to find a pulse, anything. But there were no signs of life.
Well, this ends bad then, we knew it would
"It can't end like this... I-I won't let it".
The sound of his phone ringing cut through the air like a knife. He grabbed his phone from his pocket, he smashed the answer button when he realized it was his father who was calling. "What?" His voice came out weak, hopeless even.
"Son... Blood" His father sounded out of breath. "A demon's blood can change him, bring him back".
"What? Dad, no... No, I can't turn him, h-he's an angel"
"Richie, either you turn him or he dies. You don't want him to die, do you?" The question made something snap deep within the demon. He knew what his dad was doing by the tone in his voice. He'd used it in the past to manipulate Richie, not in a bad way, but he needed it right now. His dad knew he wouldn't want to lose Eddie, so he left him no choice.
"Fine" Richie hissed, he clicked the end call button before dropping his phone.
So we won't eat our words, 'cause they don't taste good
(Mild blood warning)
The demon slowly moved his boyfriend off of him and laid him carefully onto the cool tile floor beneath them. Richie moved quickly through his kitchen, he got one of the various knives from a drawer before he took a seat again beside Eddie.
"Okay... Eddie, I'm so sorry" Richie apologized again for the 100th time. He took his own hand and with the knife, he made a clean cut across his palm. The demon hissed, fangs poking out from his mouth, at the pain.
Before he could change his mind, the demon carefully picked up his boyfriend's hand from where it sat on his chest. He studied it for a moment, examing the soft skin against his. He shook his head, cleared his mind. It was hard, his hand began to shake the moment he gripped the knife.
Just do it. He thought.
"I love you," He said as the knife drew blood.
The moment he was done with the knife he let it clatter to the ground. Instead, he put Eddie's hand in his, pushing their cuts together in hopes that enough blood would enter the boy's system for this cult-like ritual to work.
He held their hands together, he pressed his lips up against the back of Eddie's hand, and just held them.
Eddie's eyes snapped open. His heart beat strong and hard inside his chest. He looked over and saw Richie, a demon, his demon. He held their hands together to his chest, his head tilted downwards.
His voice was weak, tiered from the aches and pains, "Rich..." he whispered.
The demon's head jolted upwards. He was overwhelmed by emotions, he's alive. A smile spread across his lips as he let out a small, "Eds".  Without missing a beat he jumped at him, wrapping him in his arms and hugging him.
The sudden action caught the former angel by surprise. "H-Hey... It's good to see you too trashmouth".
Tears began to fall from Richie's eyes, unable to hold back his emotions any longer. He slowly let go and moved to face his boyfriend, "I, thought you were dead. You flatlined" he looked into Eddie's eyes and suddenly his face fell a little.
The angel's eyes were still blue, but there were no whites to them. They were actually similar to Richie's, which he loved. The only difference was that instead of red, it was blue, and everything else was pitch black.
Eddie noticed immediately and mirrored his emotions, fear, and worry. Which Richie caught on to and quickly changed this up, "I have something to tell you". Eddie simply responded with a small nod, "So you know the curse right?".
"Of course, everyone does".
"Exactly. So, uh... Yeah we kissed, and you almost- um, ya know... died. But I brought you back! You're here now, and you're alive. But y-you aren't the same" He glanced away, unable to meet his gaze, suddenly ashamed of his red and black demonic eyes. "I-I guess it's better if I show you".
Richie slowly got to his feet and helped Eddie to stand, the boy's legs were a little wobbly but he wrapped an arm around Richie's waist for support as he led the shorter boy towards the mirror. What stood before him sent a little shiver down Eddie's spin. He looked into his new eyes, the blue he was used to seeing remained the same, but instead of the normal white that usually surrounded them was replaced with a black as dark as night. The darkness grew wide for a second, his eyes stared at himself in shock. His wings had changed as well, the black veins were now gone, and so were the white feathers he knew so well. Although his wings weren't black like Richie's (Which Eddie kinda found dark and sexy), his new wings were a silver-grey, they shimmered under the light, slightly changing as he moved and tilted his body.
I'm guessing that I've grown horns I guess I'm human no more
The no longer angel noticed something else. Little spikes poking up through his brown messy hair. The little horns felt smooth to the touch.
"I'm so sorry Eddie. I never meant for any of this to happen" Richie kept his eyes on his hand, where the cut had already healed.
"Richie... We could've never been together before. An angel and a demon? That's insane, totally against every rule, on both sides" His voice was stern, anger slowly building up as he went on. It all changed within a moment, "But I'm not an angel anymore..." His voice drifted off a moment before Richie realized what he meant. The dark-haired boy stared wide-eyed at his boyfriend,  not 100% sure what was going to happen. His heart began to flutter. Then the smile he's grown to love spread over Eddie's lips, even going up to his demonic eyes.
"So it's just you and me now" Without missing a beat, Eddie closed the gap between Richie and himself, he moved his hand to grab the collar of Richie's shirt before he pulled him down towards him and kissed him.
"So what now?" Richie asked his boyfriend, who's head was leaned against his chest as the two laid together in Richie's bed after a hot and intense makeout session. It left both of them sweaty and speechless. The power that the two shared was something neither of them had ever felt before, leaving them both a little mad that they hadn't done it sooner.
Two ugly creatures, two sinister preachers
"Well... Now that we're two ugly creatures, two sinister preachers" The jokes rolled off his tongue. Richie could get used to these demon themed jokes.
Blind to the past, like a couple of monsters
The newly deemed demon rolled over to lay propped up on his elbows, facing Richie. "Rich there's one thing I know for sure. Heaven can't get to me, and I have a feeling Hell can't get to you". Eddie hadn't a clue about Richie's past, but he knew he'd find out sooner or later since they were in this mess together. Two separate sparks that by some miracle collided, creating something amazing.
"So it looks like it's just us..." Eddie's voice drifts off.
"You and me" Richie confirms.
"Us, together" The two smiled at that thought, "Just a couple of monster".
Word count: 6119
Guys, I'm pretty sure this is the longest chapter/oneshot I've ever written. I had so much fun writing this chapter! Exploring their backgrounds and giving the whole angel x demon thing a go, and I really enjoyed it, I hope you guys did too!
As I said this chapter is based on the song Monster by Dodie. I knew the moment I listened to this song that there was some deeper story behind the lyrics and I needed to bring it to life.
Anyways that's all for me! I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter, and don't forget to like and comment, it shows that you like my work and encourages me to keep writing.
Until next time
so long and goodnight.
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ask-edd · 5 years ago
hey dan, what are your favorite songs? also is your cat Paramore a reference to the band Paramore?
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Strap in lads, you’ve asked about my hyperfixation!  I’ll be nice and put it under a cut though because it’s gonna get long
Okay so first a special mention to my favorite bands!
- Literally every Autoheart song is amazing, Special mention to the Punch and We Can Build a Fire albums (Their music can be a bit hard to find on youtube sometimes, but they’re available on Spotify, so it’s best to listen to them on there)
Some specific recommendations include Hungover in the City of Dust, Lent, Agoraphobia, Stalker’s Tango, Foolishly Wrong, Sylvia, No Beat to My Heart, Factories, Beat the Love, Wretch, and like.....  a lot more...........
- There’s only a few Sonata Arctica songs that I like, but they were my favorite band from like, 8th grade until post college drop out when I found Autoheart.  
Those songs are Shy, Replica, Fullmoon, Kingdom for a Heart, San Sebastian, and Wolf & Raven
- And Ghost!  They’re a band with lore that you should definitely look into.  Plus if you like Gay Catholicism, these guys are Gay Satanism, which is 10x better
Songs of theirs I love are He Is, Year Zero, Square Hammer, Dance Macabre (Remix), Kiss the Go-Goat, Cirice, Zombie Queen (Live), and Monstrance Clock 
- Pretty much every RWBY song is solid gold, Jeff and Casey Lee Williams are phenomenal artists
Some recommendatiosn include Miracle, Lionize, Nevermore, Indomitable, Forever Fall, Cold, Armed and Ready, Ignite, Bad Luck Charm, This Will be the Day, Boop, Let’s Just Live, Home, This Life is Mine, Like Morning Follows Night, RWBY vs FNKI, Mirror Mirror, I May Fall, Red Like Roses pt II, Shine, and This Will Be the Day
And now for some more randomly assorted songs!
- 18 and Life by Skid Row
- 12 Feet Deep by The Front Bottoms
- Naked and Love the Way You Move by Slightly Left of Centre
- She’s So High by Tal Bachman
- I Don’t Wanna Be in Love by Good Charlotte
- Getaway, Technically that’s a Hook, Not Myself, I for One Welcome Our Robot Overlords, Bon Bon Voyage, Underpaid and Overqualified, Outro Outro, Keeper of the Flame, and Cult of Personality by Richie Branson
- In the End, Crawling, Papercut, Numb, Breaking the Hait, New Divide, and What I’ve Done by Linkin Park
- Picture Framed by rei brown
- Romeo and Juliet, Sex in the City, Peach Scone, and Creve Coeur 1 by Hobo Johnson
- Kangaroo Court by Capital Cities
- Killer, Goodbye Mr. A, Up to No Good, Worried About Ray, and A Sadness Runs Through Him by The Hoosiers
- When I’m With You, The Future, Every Note, Soul on Fire, Freaking Out, Money, Paralyzed, Hellbent, Forever, Magic, Ghost, and Losing My Mind by Mystery Skulls
- Campfire Light by Tequila & The Sunrise Gang
- Cola Song by INNA
- Here Comes the Hotstepper (Remix) by Baby & Me
- Bruises by Fox Stevenson
- Shut up and Dance by WALK THE MOON 
- Kiss Me by Sixpence None the Richer
- So Good by Bratz
- Dark Paradise by Lana Del Rey
- Amhran Na Farraige by Lisa Hannigan
- A Moment of Silence by Dan P
- Toes, Black Mambo, Season 2 Episode 3, Youth, Gooey, The Other Side of Paradise, and Pork Soda by Glass Animals
I’ll cut it there or else we’d be here all day
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freudnatural · 5 years ago
this is kind of random but do you have any reddie fics that you would recommend reading?
Yes I do!! I made this list on my lunch break at work out of the top of my head because I don't save fics, but here are some of the fics I've enjoyed recently
Brokeback Derry by @amuly
Honestly i recommend everything amuly writes, she's just incredible! but this fic is definitely one my favourite of hers! Richie ends up coming back to derry when he was in his 20's, and when he remembers everything that happend with pennywise and the losers, he decides to contact Eddie. they end up coming back to derry every six months, and forgetting every time. Obviously it's really angsty, but it has a happy ending! I love Mike in this fic! poor dude lmao at least in this version he has some friends! it's what he deserves
Predicament Bondage by dgalerab
this fic is about richie hiring eddie to be his dom to teach him about bdsm for a movie role. I didn't read this one for the longest time bc i thought it was going to be filled with sex scenes, and I'm not into that, but let me tell you IT'S NOTHING LIKE THAT!! it took me by surprise how tender and adorable this bdsm fic is lmao. it's amazing, beautifully written, loving fic. I love how sweet richie is, i love how passionate and caring Eddie is, i love how they love and respect each other, i love everything about this one, i can't recommend it enough. pls go read pb!!!!!!!!!
Richie and Eddie Break Up by skeilig
ima be honest i didn't read the last chapter yet, but i feel like this is a realistic take on their relationship, just because you love someone when you were a kid doesn't mean you love them the same way when you're an adult, and that's not a bad thing! it just means you grow up. and I like this fic bc they get to know each other AS ADULTS before they get together for real, and that's honestly a way better take on their relationship imo. i love this Eddie also, he's such a horny bastard lmao
Things That Happen After Eddie Lives by IfItHollers
it follows what happend after defeating pennywise. Richie's trial for murdering bowers, and a roadtrip!!!! i just LOVE the magic elements on this one, i love the radio bit, the stan bit, everything. i think it's one of my all time reddie favourites. i feel like this could easily be a follow up for another it movie ajddjddkaks i love this one so much !!!! i love the characterization, the little nods to the book, the magic elements. I've read this like 4 times lmao. It's a slow burn, if you're into that! Highly highly recommend it!!
Until The Water Runs Clear by colonel-bastard @ explicit
enema tw ??? I know it sounds kinda gross but it's not sexual, if you don't want to read that part is fine (although I recommend it bc it's surprisingly sweet with a loving eddie and vulnerable Richie) but the smut is *chef kiss*. I don't think I've ever read a sex scene that is that long?? but is so good ?????? AND realistic ?????? i highly recommend it, i keep coming back to this one all the time. i love their dynamic so much.
The Boy Who Loves You by @candlejill
this is a fix-it in which richie stars in an indie film that's based out of Richard Siken's A Primer For Weird Small Loves, and if that thought doesn't drive you insane I don't think we can be friends (jk). This fic actually inspired me to do this little web weaving moment because after I've read it I couldn't stop thinking about it. It's so sweet and fun, I love this Richie and this Eddie so much.
I killed a Clown. AMA! liesmyth
i think you're gonna enjoy this one if you frequently use Reddit, it just captures the culture of that site so well!! i think it's a great take on social media fic (a genre that's been done to death on this ship). it's so good! and i love the eddie characterization! it paints (imo) a great picture of who he was before derry 2.0, and after. also i love the ending lmao.
Adult Friends by sudowoodo
another fic i’ve read like a thousand times. a coworkers-to-lovers au and it’s beautiful, and i love how their friendship is written ???? like their little jokes are so cute, and the “almost” moments make me want to die, but like in a good way.
Cherry Vodka by Lvslie
i haven’t read this one yet, but twitter loves it lmao. it’s set in the 80′s, and eddie is polish. what more do you need? if you’re not convinced, watch this animated short !!!!!!!! the amount of talent here is incredible, i cant wait to read it
i think i can make a separate list of authors i recommend but i know thats not what you asked djskldjas also im sorry this took so long it’s been days since i’ve been able to be on my computer and not my phone like some neanderthal. hope you enjoy this list!
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naferty · 5 years ago
Avengers x IT au. i mean honestly stevetony fits so well as reddie. natasha is bev, sam is mike, thor as billy (bc loki as Georgie) bruce as Ben and Clint as Stanley. Haha. Yeah idk why I like to make myself cry either QvQ
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Oh, ooh, ohhhhhh, okay, on one hand - YES - on the other…. omg that would be so painful! 
Like, Steve as Richie. Closeted, trashiest mouth you’ll ever see, puts sailors to shame, dreams of one day having an exhibit filled with his art and when he’s grown, is only known as famous artists Captain America because he ended up on the news as the guy who hit a loud nazi sympathizer and ever since can’t escape the name so he goes along with it and his fame eventually earns him that exhibit, but his art isn’t the reason for his fans. It’s crappy art and he knows it, but he can’t find his muse. The crappy art is still enough to justify any exhibit under Rogers. All the fans only go to see Captain America. 
Tony as Eddie, not exactly a hypochondriac, but he absolutely hates it when others touch him or hand him things. He can never have his back turned on someone, always believing they’ll get him with something. He’s always wearing gloves. Has a fear of taking them off. Scarred hands to show for his anxieties and panic attacks and undiagnosed ptsd. He grows to be a famous engineer, ironically, and is both married and works for Sunset Bain and her company. Years under Howards’ care lead him to marry someone who treats him just like his father had. No love. Just pain. 
Thor as Bill. No stutter, just a heavy accent he can’t seem to shake off no matter how long he’s lived in america, and he has adhd. His impulsiveness and hyperactive mind often get him in trouble and push the patience of others. His mind is the reason he doesn’t tag along with his little brother Loki on that faithful day and ever since it’s all his mind ever focuses on. Needing to find his brother. When grown, he receives treatment. He manages his impulses better and can focus on tasks longer, but his thoughts continuously jump back and forth. It’s the reason why his scripts are always hard to follow sometimes. He jumps scenes, events happen in different orders, but his endings always turn out great. Part of the reason why his work gains traction. In movies, in tv shows, hell, he’s even published books. “The start and middle are hard to follow, but the endings never disappoint!” He’s also an alcoholic and divorced. He doesn’t know the reason for why he started drinking. Can’t remember it, but alcohol seems to be the only thing that numbs the pain for it.
Natasha as Beverly, living under her psycho aunt who acts sweet and caring but is not afraid to teach Nat how ladies properly behave in unorthodox ways. She tries to teach Nat how to manipulate, how to con, how to pleasure. She also locks Nat in a small, closet-sized room, a room she lovingly calls the ‘red room,’ when Nat misbehaves. Nat is dysfunctional because of all this. Can never settle down with anyone for long. Can never trust. She has four marriages under her belt, has stolen, lied and cheated her way to the top. Only knows to be a trophy wife for the rich and famous but is by no means helpless. Is often called a golddigger and in a way, yeah, she is, but to her it’s survival.
Bruce as Ben. Smart, the embodiment of nerdy, has baby fat and has an uncontrollable temper, often violent because of it. His relief is escaping to the forest and breaking what he can find. When calm, he’s always in the library. Reading science books, studying formulas, making ground-breaking discoveries, and occasionally learning about history. He’s more interested in science and studying the properties of near anything, but the selection in the library hardly has what he wants to learn. As an adult, he’s a very successful scientist. A nuclear physicist with more PhDs to count than in one hand. He has counseling for his anger problems. Has routines and exercises to help. Has done very well when it comes to his health. Has kept the nerdy look and even made it attractive, but for all his groundbreaking words and vogue inclusions he lives alone and miserable in his large home. 
Clint as Stan. A deaf kid with a large case of abandonment issues. Bullied and mocked for his hearing aids. Raised by his brother, Barney and his only friend being his dog, Lucky, for the longest time. He doesn’t have any social skills, is known for doing things not considered normal, and doesn’t speak much, but if he has to say something he will say something. Grown up, he becomes a famous archer, has won many gold medals under the field, is often used to model with motion-capture and is in a lot of popular video games and is also a well-recommended stunt performer. His gig is performing truly risky and dangerous stunts and bouncing back with only scratches. His face is covered in bandaids. One day, one self-inflicted stunt just proves far too deadly.
Sam as Mike, living in a farm with his grandfather and tending to the animals. He’s bullied, attacked and nearly killed because of the racism in the town. He’s constantly haunted about his past. About what happened to his parents. About what could happen to him with every new day the sun brings. He’s always thinking about the future. About what will come. When it will end. Even out of school he’s smart as a whip, an incredible carpenter and growing up with his head down has taught him how to survive and fight back as an adult. Living in a hell has only toughened his skin. He might stay behind and continue to live in their small town, but even the townspeople have to admit he’s good at his job and always call him first when fixing and remodeling their homes. He’s famous in his own right.
Let us all suffer. 
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