#also rewatching episode 5 is like. i'm literally bisexual
leavingkamino · 2 years
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PHEE GENOA in THE BAD BATCH | S02EP05 "Entombed"
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dontbelasagnax · 10 months
What is a character that you did not expect you would like but ended up being obsessed with?
Hi thank you for the question! You have no idea what can of worms you just opened haha! My answer is Obi-Wan but wait- let me explain!
I first watched the Star Wars movies with my family when I was 5 or 6 in the order that they were released. So originals then prequels. Over the years, we watched 2003 Clone Wars, the TCW movie, and then we would catch some episodes of TCW from time to time when we were somewhere that had cable TV and was playing the show on Cartoon Network.
My little child brain did not see any nuance whatsoever because I was a child and therefore all my favorite characters were characters I thought were cool or the epitome of #girlpower (I'm a lesbian. I was obsessing over them in a lesbian way. I did not know this. Go women.) To me, Obi-Wan was just a white man. He was nice but he was also bland and boring. I didn't really touch his action figure when I would play with the Star Wars ones my brothers and I shared.
Last year I decided to watch Star Wars in chronological order of events rather than release date. And I really wanted to sit down and actually watch TCW because I'd only seen odd episodes here and there as a kid. In my rewatch, I was struck by Obi-Wan's kind heart, undying belief in the Jedi Order and the light side of the Force, sass and wit mingling with posh Brit attitude, the way he just slays nonstop (even in flavors of drowned wet cat and pathetic meow meow), and his overwhelming vibes of bisexuality. I was quite taken by him. He went from being just some white guy to being My Special White Guy.
[If you are curious and would like to see my list of childhood faves, it's under the cut.]
Vader - He's intimidating and I had his lightsaber. (Came in a three pack of Vader, Luke, and Obi-Wan. My mom went ham for things that came in three's or multiples of three because I'm a triplet and it's convenient)
C-3P0 - He literally went to the school of cuntology. (Special honor goes to his husband R2. Inseparable comedy and fuck-shit-up duo.)
Leia - She's a badass and I'm a lesbian. Slave Leia outfit did something to my developing brain.
Padmé - She's competent and I'm a lesbian. Also I would regularly check out the Star Wars visual dictionaries from the library or just look at them while I was there (I would go every Wednesday) and stare her costumes for way too long. Genuinely, I was (and still am) obsessed with every single costume they gave her.
Ahsoka - Jedi who's a girl and also a kid like me???!? Instant fave.
Ventress - Oaughhhgg drop dead gorgeous woman with two beautiful red lightsabers and the way she fights????? Guards, take me away
Aurra Sing - Genuinely think this one was because I'm a lesbian. I recall checking out a novel where she was the mc along with a comic that featured her from the library and the only thing from them I remember is looking at the pictures of her and thinking she's so pretty.
Mace Windu - Special honors go to him because his lightsaber color is the best. When I dove into Star Wars fandom spaces for the first time last year, I could not fathom why I kept seeing people say stuff about "Windu hate". I was under the impression the only thing to critique was they didn't let Samuel L Jackson say motherfucker even once. I stand by this.
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bibliophileiz · 2 years
Ranking Keira Knightley movies I've seen
Found this ranking I made of Keira Knightley movies in one of my old notebooks and had to share with the world this new year's eve (worth noting that some of them like Imitation Game and Anna Karenina weren't originally on the list, so I added them tonight)
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace - Keira Knightley is not in it enough. when she is, she's indistinguishable from Natalie Portman. 1/10
Princess of Thieves - baby Keira Knightley chops off all her hair and makes me bisexual. is a cutie with a reasonable amount of chemistry with the charming love interest. wins over grouchy dad by saving england and being good at archery. 8/10
King Arthur - Keira's acting is great but i don't think the writers knew what to do with her. i do love her costumes though. 5/10
Never Let Me Go - i barely remember anything about this movie. book was probably better. -1/10
Atonement - OMG!!! the PASSION. the YEARNING. this is the first tragic WWII romance i ever experienced and it DELIVERS. mostly though it's the green dress. the one she's wearing when she has sex with the faun from the narnia movies. that green dress belongs in Titanic or something illustrious. i don't think this movie's appreciated enough. i think it's time for a rewatch. 12/10
The Nutcracker and the Four Realms - little known (no one but my mom and i ever saw it) but holy SHIT is the world missing out. Keira puts on this high-pitched voice as the EVIL SUGAR PLUM FAIRY in a giant tuto. she is by far the best thing about the movie which unfortunately is lackluster in every way. 6/10 and all 6 are for her
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World - this movie should not be allowed to be so darn cute when it's about the literal apocalypse but it is and Keira is cute in it. she gets to go on a roadtrip with Steve Carrell in hopes of seeing her parents again before a giant meteor hits the earth and kills everyone. has a surprisingly touching ending. 8/10
Begin Again - i like anything where Keira sings. she's also a good role model for mark ruffalo's daughter in this. not my favorite John Carnye movie (that would be Sing Street which came out three years later) but definitely watchable. 7/10
Love Actually - why didn't they let Keira do anything in this movie? -2/10
Imitation Game - more tragic WWII stuff, though not as gutting as Atonement. Keira gets a turn playing the normal (albeit v. smart) person playing opposite Benedict Cumberbatch being weird. she does just as good a job as Martin Freeman while being way hotter. (also helps that the movie is better written than Sherlock.) her story isn't the tragic part and i'm not going to make jokes about Alan Turing who deserved much better than he got. 7/10
Anna Karenina - despite plalying the character whose name is the title, Keira was not in this enough. costumes were good but movie was approximately 1000 years long. still haven't forgiven my college boyfriend for making me watch it. -5/10
Pride & Prejudice - not my favorite Austen adaptation but you can't say Keira's not having the time of her life. she's a little giggly -- Elizabeth is more dry -- but she's definitely pretty and does a good job with the material given. Rosamund Pike may be the only person as good as her. 6/10
Bend It Like Beckham - the movie that launched a thousand lesbians. Keira gets put on the map as a tiny cute blond tomboyish lesbian soccer (ahem, *football*) player. she's a treat. 10/10
Pirates of the Caribbean - THE Keira Knightley movies. the dresses? check. the sword fighting? check. Pirate King with men falling at her feet? check, check, and check. best thing about the triology. got to kiss three dudes (sao feng doesn't count), gives a rousing third act speech, and gets to be the character who got the "keeps removing weapons from more and more illogical places on her person" trope. plus she sings! (a little.) disney did not deserve her and neither did any man in those movies. (orlando came closest though) 10 million/10
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 10 months
In "Born This Way" which ones of your Glee ocs wear the white t-shirts and what it's written on them? 💚 (I'm NOT rewatching that episode right now, nooo)
There are more ocs who don't have them yet but these are the ones that I know for sure (+ an edit about it)
Abbie (bisexual): Abbie tries very hard to be out and proud but being outed was a terrible experience for her and she really wasn’t planning on coming out as long as she lived in Lima. She had still been coming to terms with herself when she got outed and it’s left her at a point where she still just doesn’t know how to be comfortable in her own skin, no matter how much she pretends to be
Betty (pretty face): this one seems contradictory to the theme but Betty’s biggest insecurity is that she’s nothing more than a pretty face. Her parents expected her to be seen and not heard, and there was always a lot of pressure from her mother in particular to look perfect at all times (especially before they moved, when Quinn was Lucy Caboose, Betty had to be “the pretty one”) and she’s afraid that people only see her as pretty face and nothing more, but she’s also afraid that that’s actually all that there really is to her
Cece (nothing special): Cece used to think she was special, until she joined Glee. But after being shoved into Rachel’s shadow for so long, Cece is starting to feel like she’s just another small-town girl with big dreams and like she’s not actually anything special
Christie (wallflower): Christie loves Kurt more than anything in the world, but when your brother is the most out, loud, flamboyant person in the entire town, it’s very hard to step out of that shadow, and Christie really struggles to
Colton (used goods): Colton tries so hard not to be ashamed. He tries so so hard to embrace who he is and to not let McKinley being McKinley make him hate himself. There’s only one thing that he really hates about himself, only one thing that could ever go on his shirt, but he can’t do it. He tries to make it, he really does, but he ends up having a panic attack and can’t do it. Artie makes it for him instead, gives it to him, and tells him that he doesn’t have to wear it if he doesn’t want to, he’s got a blank shirt for him if that’s what he needs, but that he also doesn’t need to feel ashamed for anything and that he’s the only person in the glee club who sees himself that way
Daphne (professional disaster): Daphne is a whole ass mess and has been for a long time, but a whole lot of that is the result of a lot of people in her life realizing that as long as they keep her making headlines, they keep making money, so all of these people who were supposed to be looking out for her best interest and for her career turned her into tabloid fodder and threw her to the wolves, and when it finally blew up, they hung her out to dry, and she still struggles with the ramifications of that (battling the addiction that they started, not being able to trust that anyone genuinely has her best interest at heart, etc
Delilah (self destructive): Delilah got kicked out of her fancy arts boarding school with a full ride because she keyed a teacher’s car… she doesn’t mean to ruin things but like Puck, she tends to struggle with self control when she doesn’t have someone to keep her on track, and screws herself over a lot in the process Demi (viral mess): hers is kind of a given, the lowest moment of her life was literally filmed and went viral and she can’t go anywhere without people seeing her and bringing up that video
Jeremy (unwanted): Jeremy’s parents always sucked, his mom was absentee when he was a baby and his dad wasn’t even in the picture until he was five, his uncle basically raised him from age 5 onwards, and some of his most vivid memories are of Jesse playing music for him as loud as he could to try to drown out chad & Johanna’s fights and chad accusing Jeremy of not even being his, but also only a few weeks before born this way (in biota, also the week of his fifteenth birthday), his parents officially signed custody over to his uncle josh without even telling him
Joy (mistake): Mr Schue didn’t mean it in the way that it came out, and he definitely didn’t mean for Joy to hear it, but he did call her the biggest mistake of his life and she did hear it
Kendall (lost cause): Kendall isn’t the most book smart (but she is very people smart and smarter than people realize) but most people see her being sweet and bubbly and optimistic and take it to mean that she’s stupid and naive, and she’s lost track of how many people (especially teachers) have called her a lost cause
Mac (insignificant): Mac knows that he and the band were initially only recruited to glee to be their band (and they didn’t even want to be a part of glee, they only joined because it was a way to play music while at school), but even now that they’ve been actual glee members for almost a year and even though he literally led one of their regional songs the year before and helped write all of their original songs for s2 regionals, he still feels like the rest of the club doesn’t really see him and like if he stopped showing up, no one would even notice until they needed him for a song
Marilyn (pity project): Despite having now been friends with the unholy trinity for over a year, Marilyn still remembers that they only became friends with her because she was useful to them and that they only helped with her makeover and making her popular so that they wouldn’t be seen with a loser, and on bad days she still gets very in her own head about how that’s still the only reason they’re friends with her
Roxie (second rate): Roxie has spent her entire high school career feeling like she’s always second to either Quinn or Rachel. Rachel gets more solos in glee, Quinn beat her for head cheerio, her boyfriend cheated on her with Quinn, etc, and she feels like people only choose her when the others aren’t an option
Sadie (rexie): Sadie has struggled with anorexia since middle school
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rot10fruits · 2 years
please dont be an asshole or a hater on my blog especially racists and anti-lgbtq, please fuck off
[also under 16 tread lightly / mostly dni cuz i talk about wild shit sometimes. plus my fave shows are rated tv-14]
this is my "stuff" blog. just everything i like that i also want to keep aside from my other more focused blogs.
i'm 18. i use she/her pronouns. i am bisexual. i have a masc nb partner of 5 years who is the light of my life. i am mixed white and ojibwe/odawa. i live in the very top of the pnw and love that fresh air. i am autistic and suffer from agoraphobia.
please follow me if u don't meet any of the prior criteria and are into this stuff :
american dad, king of the hill, futurama, bobs burgers, rick and morty, family guy, the simpsons, south park, dan vs., aqua teen hunger force, smiling friends, xavier renegade angel, my name is earl, trailer park boys, it's always sunny in philadelphia, seinfeld
[i do not partake in discourse about any media, my favorite shows can regularly make fun of marginalized groups or concepts and while i understand how harmful it can be and that it will make people uncomfortable - i am also part of some of those marginalized groups and i can still find the humor and/or ignorance within it. i see no reason to police the things that other people watch on tv]
[i take adult animation very seriously, i am deeply attached to american dad (and king of the hill/ family guy but to lesser degrees) and have been since childhood. it is my main special interest. i rewatch episodes literally every day of my life and have for about 4 years. i am in the process of writing my own fan episodes. my favorite characters are haley and roger, but i love the whole smith family.]
my little pony g4, adventure time, amazing world of gumball, craig of the creek, total drama, teen titans and teen titans go, chowder, regular show, victorious, icarly, the garfield show, most pokémon shows
aggretsuko, panty and stocking, mob psycho 100, one punch man, dr. stone. (i was a major anime and manga fan in 2014-2016 - blue exorcist, soul eater, the devil is a part timer, free!, ouran high school host club, food wars, sword art online, fruits basket, tokyo mew mew just to name a few). i have recently gotten into the precure series, with my favorites being tropical rouge, delicious party, and kirakira a la mode.
shopkins, squishmallows, tokidoki, rainbow high dolls , num noms (r.i.p) and other random cute toys and plush
casual to gourmet cooking / gastronomy (big fan of sweets of all kinds)
vampires (i am also a sanguinarian vampire and focus more on that at my blog @sanguinep0wer), gothic literature, gothic fashion genres, gothic horror, kawaii culture, visual kei
the sims 4, world of warcraft, tf2, minecraft, stardew valley, am overwatch 1 veteran, indie horror games. used to be into comic books but only DC (teen titans were my fave)
goth music aka darkwave, post punk, gothic/doom metal. also into numetal, experimental, and spooky sounding electro pop. (aural vampire, the cure, tiamat, to/die/for, cradle of filth, sisters of mercy , insane clown posse, aphex twin etc) some breakcore, and mid to late 2000's rap/pop music, sometimes nightcore'd. (akon, eminem, britney spears, rihanna, etc). i also used to be really really into vocaloid, i am still but much less so. my music taste is kinda all over the place honestly but i like what i like
i am interested in spirituality, specifically law of attraction and manifestation. i also am kinda starting to get back into ritual "witchcraft" worship of Dionysus but im trying to get as close to original/proper sources as possible before officially starting
i am also super into art specifically abstract and surrealism / dreamlike paintings, i use both dark harsh colors and softer pastel colors depending on what i'm trying to convey. i am planning a large project for april or may this year
[if i use improper terminology when talking about my interests pls be kind i am incredibly socially awkward and really don't get the chance to interact with fellow interest community members so i may not be up to date on everything. i am always looking for more friends! thank u for reading this far :) ]
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measuringbliss · 2 years
Thanks @dance2xrevolution <3
I always love to see you around.
favorite time of year: Halloween actually! It's fun to see the decoration and stuff, watch tons of horror movies, dress up, etc. I also love summer nights (when not trying to sleep), and when it's very sunny but there's also wind so the sky is beautiful but the wind helps tame the heat.
comfort food: fajitas, fried chicken, risotto, curry, soup... if I love it, it's comforting!
favorite dessert: concorde chocolate cake, île flottante, chocolate mousse
things you collect: at one point I was collecting the Umineko manga collection because I was in my Umineko era, but there were 21 omnibusses at 25-30 euros the omnibus if you were lucky. eventually decided it was much more handy (and cheaper) to have them digitally instead.
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See the issue?
If you're curious, my physical collection comprises of the first two Episodes, Legend of the Golden Witch and Turn of the Golden Witch. Then digitally (through Kobo), I've got the third Episode (Banquet, vol. 5&6), Vol. 10 (first vol. of Episode 5, End), the sixth Episode (Dawn, vol. 13-15) and the eight and final Episode (Twilight, vol. 19-21). My reasoning was that I wanted to go chronological, but I was already not fond of Banquet (though with distance I can appreciate its chaotic approach), then I think Alliance mostly sucks. End is great but I never re-read it, Dawn is great too, Requiem (Episode 7) was perfect when I read it in VN but I never felt the need to read the manga, and Twilight is a good Episode and most importantly, the manga version actually adds stuff for the better!
So I've got 13/21 volumes.
I also collected a few Spider-Man comic books. I'm not a big collector in general but I *would* have an entire room dedicated to Virtue's Last Reward if I could and wanted to.
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Hi baby
favorite drinks: Cherry Coke, Milk + Strawberry Syrup
favorite musician/band: CAPSULE (Japanese electro) is regularly something I come back to, but nowadays I'm much less fixated on specific bands. I had a Jamiroquai phase but I was so into it that nowadays I pretty much can't stand it.
Now if we're talking *composers*, I'd say Masafumi Takada and Shinji Hosoe are mainstays.
last song listened to: Owner of a Lonely Heart by Yes
last movie watched: A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge! Very gay, enjoyed it much more than the first one.
last series watched: I recently finished She-Hulk, absolutely loved it. I'm also rewatching Glee.
Also this wasn't asked but video games are an important component of my life so I very recently finished Metroid Dread and loved its challenge. Also going through Picross S, it's great but literally lead me to stay up all night hahaha
currently watching: DS9 (less than a season per year lmao), Merli: Sapere Aude (love triangles, bisexual protagonist, philosophy...), Spider-Man 1994 (almost finished with S1 and very impressed), Brideshead Revisited (I think I stalled it).
current obsession: Glee, in a way. Bears. Buffy still? Kind of. I mean I just bought a magazine about it.
dream place to visit: Nothing! I'm pretty content with where I went. I think I realized that no place will ever be as charming as you could dream of. I'm very happy with where I am right now, where I was last year, and I don't feel the place to go anywhere specific.
places you wanna go back to: Austria, where I was last year. I miss my city very dearly. I also enjoy the south of France in small doses. I'd like to go back to Saint Emilion because it's very charming.
something you want: nothing again! I feel pretty content in an achievable category of things. I don't think I let myself want anything I can't have.
but also I really want Adderall (or Ritalin, whatever).
project working on: Another fantranslation (ugh), the Glee Rewatch project (link on my pinned masterpost!), maybe a fanfic, maybe video essays... mostly I just finished an exhausting week so I'm. sleeping. or trying to.
I'm tagging anyone who sees this post and wants to participate!
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highflyerwings · 3 years
Ten Characters I Fell in Love With in 2021
Tagged by @maystea! Thanks, hun!
Oof this was harder than it should have been, and I didn't know if it was supposed to just be limited to kdramas, but that's what everyone else seemed to be doing, so that's what I focused on. With the exception of the #1 spot, these are not in order of favorites. (I played around with the list too much after 1. for it to be in any kind of order.)
1. Lee Dongsik (beyond evil)
The character who brought me back into the kdrama game. He hit all of my buttons: angsty, tortured, fucked up, emotionally messy, kind, loving, loyal, handsome, bratty. He has it all. He is everything to me. What else is there to even say. I've never wanted a character to be real so badly in my life.
2. Kang Yohan (the devil judge)
I did not anticipate loving this character as much as I did. But from the very first episode I was done for. He’s complex, and fucked up. He’s clever and smart and loving and generous and scary and also bratty and everything you never thought could fit perfectly into one person, it’s all there. He surprises me every time I rewatch the show. And I’m surprised I can somehow manage to fall more in love with him every time.
3. Jung Sunah (the devil judge)
My literal wife. The light of my life. One of my all time favorite villains. She’s twisted, and complex. She scares me and she also makes me want to wrap her up and keep her safe. I would die for her.
4. Seong Gihun (squid game)
The man I've gone to bat for more than any of the other characters on this list. The good, flawed, lovable, tragic man I love so so much. Maybe my love is a reaction to how much the majority of people seem to hate him, but I really am just terribly in love with him and how good he is. He's so human, and I think that's what people forget when they analyze (and condemn) his actions. He's a humanist and I love him for that.
5. Han Jaeho (the merciless)
The last of the Merciless Evil Devil From Hell dilfs that I met. And one that hit me as hard as I expected. I knew I was going to love him, but I didn't know how much. He's the perfect combination of Mujin and Dongsik, and I was helpless to fall for that. I love his snark and his attitude. I love how intimidating he is. I love how sexy he is. I love how twisted and tragic he is. He's my bisexual king.
6. Choi Mujin (my name)
What do I even have to say about Choi Mujin. He ruined me. He's made me useless. I have nothing else to say.
7. Kang Sol A (law school)
Ha! Y’all didn’t even know I watched this show did you. But I did. And I ugly cried through the last half of it. But the one character that hooked me immediately, the one that I will never forget as long as I live, is Sol A. She’s cute, and weird, and snarky, and messy, and smart, and clever, and she made me laugh. Like…she made me laugh and I fell in love.
8. Yang Jonghoon/Yangcrates (law school)
My dude. My motherfuckin GUY. Of course I was gonna fall for the professor. If I have ONE TYPE, it’s sexy hardass professor with a heart of gold. He spent every second teaching those kids. He spent every second making sure they had the tools they needed and understood how to use them. He’s so smart and so mysterious and so scary please I hate school so so much he stresses me out. And that’s why I want to marry him.
9. Lawyer Ko Inguk (the devil judge)
I'm literally not even explaining myself here. If you know, you know.
10. Jung Taeju (my name)
I struggled between Sangwoo and Taeju for a place on the list, and in the end I had to go with my boy Taeju. I simply have too much at stake in his well-being to not make him a priority on my list of favorite characters. He's mysterious, only because we know literally nothing about him. We're lucky we know his name, to be honest. We're lucky we got as much as we did. But we got just enough to get invested. And I have, and will continue to go to bat for him for as long as I live.
Honorable mentions:
The entire Manyang gang, you expect me to choose? (beyond evil)
Yoon Donghoon (my name)
Jeon Pildo (my name)
Yooyi (deliver us from evil)
Kim Innam (deliver us from evil)
Player 062/the math teacher (squid game) -- i almost put this bitch on the main list, I cannot lie
Cho Sangwoo (squid game)
Hwang Inho (squid game)
Hong Namil (dr. brain)
Lee Kangmu (dr. brain)
Gong Soohyuk (the silent sea)
Perry Park (kill me heal me)
I will tag @hakjoos, @bobafvcks, @godotismissingx, @noxdwn, @aellanyx, and @leonnamc
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