#also remember it's about swag not about which pair is your favourite
thirddoctor · 1 year
Unfortunately there's no room for an Other option, so if you really like Seven & Macqueen or Ten & Jacobi, etc., you're gonna have to say it in the replies.
Anyway your vote must be based on their COMBINED swag. That could mean how well their styles complement each other, the option with two hottest incarnations, whatever, but you have to take into account both parties.
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ravenforce · 4 years
Stark Legacy V
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Carol Danvers x Wanda Maximoff x Maria Hill x Reader but Carol Danvers x Reader centric for this chapter.
Summary: Carol takes her motto to heart: higher, further, faster.
Word Count: 3515
A/N: I am so sorry for being on hiatus for the past few months but I’m back. I hope I did Carol justice on this one. Let me know what you guys think, please. xx
Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4  | 6
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You arrived bright early the day after you signed up to be the newest agent at SHIELD. You were just entering the command center when you bumped into your immediate supervisor, Deputy Director Hill. 
“Agent Stark-” The millisecond that it took her to glance at the watch behind you told you she wasn’t expecting you to be early again but Maria remembered she promised to stop having preconceived notions towards you based on her knowledge of your brother alone. She smiled genuinely. “Good morning.” 
“Good morning -” You hesitated. Maria motioned for you to follow her. 
“Agent Hill is fine.” Maria rounded a more secluded corner, you fell in-step with her. She eyed you sideways. “Maria when no one else is around.” 
You cocked your head to the side in silent question. Maria shrugged. “Can’t have other agents thinking I have favourites.” 
“You have favourites?” You asked teasingly. Maria stopped in front of a huge glass door with one side open to reveal the gym. 
“I do not.” You looked at her with bright eyes, and she knew you didn’t believe her. She rolled her eyes at you playfully. “I do however want to be your friend.” 
That stopped you from teasing her further and staring at her intently for a minute. “I would love that,” you said sincerely before walking deeper inside the gym. Maria watched you talk to some of Agent Colson’s team for a few minutes, making sure no one will give a weird treatment. 
“I think you might actually have a favourite.” 
Maria didn’t even flinch when she heard Carol’s voice behind her. “Oh shut up, I -” Carol cut her off by wrapping her arms around her waist and giving her a soft kiss on the cheeks. 
“You don’t have to explain your crush to me Mar,” Carol said while leaning her chin on Maria’s shoulder, watching you now too. “Besides if you explain, you’ll be late for your meeting with Nick.” 
Shit. She almost forgot. She immediately untangled herself from Carol’s arms and gave the blonde and quick kiss on the lips. “Keep her company will you?” 
“But I’m busy -” Carol tried to reason.
Maria who’s almost at the corner stopped to look at her girlfriend sternly. “You wouldn’t be here loitering around if you are.” Then she’s gone.
Being asleep for a long time, made you rusty when it comes to social interactions but not any less perceptive. You can feel everyone staring at you since you walked inside the gym, you can feel that people are wary of you. You guess, the word does travel fast. Thankfully some of the agents from Agent Colson’s team saw you and waved you over.
“Hey! We heard you’re officially on board,” Agent Simmons, you remembered, said cheerfully.
“Welcome to the fam,” Leo greeted sincerely. You smiled softly, “thank you.”
“Are you here to train?” Agent May asked.
“Yes but no one wants to train with an inhuman.” You hide the awkwardness with a smile, subconsciously waiting for someone to flinch.
“Ugh,” Agent Grant moaned. “Would totally want to spar with you-”
“Me too but we’re about to go on duty,” Leo interjected.
“Next time,” you said with a smile. You like this team, they’re all nice and genuinely warm. Colson’s team was just about to exit the gym when Carol walks in.
“I’ll spar with you.” Everyone stopped and stared as the blonde continued to walk towards you with the confidence and swag only an Avenger can muster. “Unless you’re scared.”
You let out a full belly laugh, cutting Carol off. Instead of being offended, she was enthralled by how realistic it sounded. She wanted to hear it again. More importantly, out of the blue, she wants to be at the least one of the reason for you to laugh again.
“You’re on, Captain,” you said hopping on the mat with her.
Carol looked you up and down unabashed. Had you been fully human, you would have blushed with the way she checks you out openly. You cleared your throat to gain her attention. “Rules?” you asked with a confident smirk to hide your nerves.
“No weapons of any kind.”
“That’s it?” you asked while wrapping a bandage around your knuckles. You didn’t really have to but it gives you some sense of normalcy.
Carol shrugged. “Too many rules take the fun out of everything,” she said cheerfully.
You chuckled, making Carol cock her eyebrow at you. “I guess that makes you the fun one, huh?”
Carol made a lightning-fast move to cover your mouth. “Don’t let them hear you say that,” she whispered while pretending to look around for her girlfriends.
You rolled your eyes playfully before, in an equally fast move, you threw Carol down the mat. Carol gaped at you from the floor for a minute before breaking into a grin. You offered her a hand but instead of getting up, she pulled you down with her and rolled around until she pinned you in the mat. You groaned and it took a little longer than usual to shrug Carol off of you.
“Not bad, Stark. Where’d you learn how to fight?” Carol asked smiling while you two circle each other.
“Tony insisted that I take lessons before I started school.” You blocked a heavy punch to the side of your face. “He said I’m not allowed to use my inventions on other kids, so I’d have to learn how to protect myself another way.”
“Smart,” Carol commented unnecessarily since everyone knew Tony’s beyond smart; he was a genius.
You kept attacking each other with unrestrained force, rendering the rest of the agents who were doing their morning routines to stop working out completely. You caught a glimpse of the little audience gathering at the edge of the mat from your peripheral, distracting your momentarily. Carol used the opportunity to land a heavy blow on your left cheek.
An audible crack can be heard from the stillness of the room, followed by a collective gasp.
“Oh my God, Y/N,” Carol worried. “I’m so sorry. I got carried away.”
Carol chewed at her bottom lip when you wouldn’t lift your head and meet her eyes. Then you started giggling. “Y/N?” She asked softly.
Carol’s forehead crinkled adorably in confusion. You silently thank the universe for being inhuman because had you been otherwise, you surely would have been vomiting blood by now. You’re also thankful that Tony used only the best materials available in the world for you shell because had any of it been subpar, you’re sure that your cheeks or even your whole skull would have cracked.
Then you looked up at Carol with a smile. “Again,” you said while going on a fighting stance.
You used Carol’s hesitation to launch an attack. Carol struggled at first, overwhelmed by her momentary worry and the sudden increase in your speed and strength. Carol smiled realizing that she just found someone she can spar without holding back. Before she can retaliate though, Maria’s voice cut through the room.
“Enough you two,” she said calmly. You and Carol immediately dropped your fighting stance to regard Agent Hill. You just noticed then that Carol’s heaving, you bite the inside of your cheeks to keep yourself from smiling. “Agent Stark, clean up and meet me at the command centre after lunch.”
You nodded before thanking Carol for her time and hopping off the mat. “Spar again, soon?” Carol asked hopefully before you can exit the room. You just smiled at her and nodded. The rest of the morning stragglers went on their way to the showers to clean up as well, leaving Carol and Maria alone.
When everyone was out, Maria threw a towel to her blonde girlfriend’s face. “Just how long were you two at it?”
Carol grinned before sitting down. “Around after you left,” she answered before chugging down a bottle of water.
“Four hours?” Maria nearly yelled in her surprise.
“I guess.”
Maria stared at her girlfriend for a while. None of the Avengers ever trained with Carol that long, not even Natasha. Her surprise turns into a warm smile as she watches Carol smiling softly to herself.
“Oh Mar, she’s amazing!” Carol can’t stop herself from gushing about your strength, your fighting techniques, and your elegance. “Dare I say, she’s as elegant and deadly as Natasha.”
Maria smiled, wondering what Nat would feel if she heard Carol say that. She listened intently and patiently as Carol talk her head off about you all the way to her office where they’re supposed to eat lunch together.
“What?” Carol asked after she sat across Maria’s massive table. Maria opened multiple food containers in front of them.
She looked up at Carol. “I’m not giving her up to The Avengers,” Maria declared confidently.
Carol’s smile was wicked. “Not yet,” she challenged.
“We’ll see about that.”
Ever since the first time you two sparred, Carol always finds an excuse to go to the HQ to train with you. You really don’t mind, spending time with Carol, albeit just in the mat, is surely always fun. Captain Marvel is fun. She’s a perfect combination of chill yet intense when need be. She’s also ridiculously flirty, which you chuck as just within her nature and not because she’s actually attracted to you. 
But most especially, the reason why you absolutely love spending time with Carol was that she doesn’t treat you any differently. Some of the agents at work are either too polite because you’re a Stark or too aloof because you’re inhuman. You appreciate her and Maria for making you feel a certain degree of normalcy, and more importantly, they make you feel like you belong. So when Carol showed up at the Stark Tower on your day off, you welcomed her with a bright smile. 
“Hello Captain, what do I owe the pleasure?” You voice heavy with teasing. Carol tried not to think too much about the way you said the word pleasure but by the growing smirk on your face, she knew she wasn’t doing a very good job at hiding how that simple word made her hot all over.
She cleared her throat before speaking up. “I bumped into Happy at HQ and he told me that today’s your day off,” she trailed off a little when you closed the hood of your car and stood beside it, revealing your choice of outfit for the day. You watched her take in your simple grey shirt, denim mini skirt, and black boots. You cleared your throat, and you chuckled when she visibly shook her head to clear her thoughts. “I was just wondering if you want to do something fun today?” 
You wiped the grease from your hand using a dry towel before walking up to the blonde. You stopped a foot away, making Carol sweat unnecessarily. “I would but you have to be honest with me first,” you whispered, holding her beautiful hazel eyes. 
“Did you really bump into Happy or were you looking for me today?” 
“Shit. Happy snitched on me, didn’t he?” Carol groaned, making you laugh. Carol crossed her arm and pouted. 
“Do I need to change for where we’re going?” You asked walking pass the blonde to go inside your suite. Carol turned just in time to have a perfect view of your ass in denim mini skirt. You laughed again, having perfectly timed your walk. 
“Yes, change to your Phantom suit.” 
That made you pause and turn back to her. Carol shrugged with a huge smile on her face, not giving you any clue at all to where she’s taking you. 
You gaped at Carol when you landed on her idea of fun. You took your suit’s helmet to have a better, unobstructed view of your surroundings.
“No fucking way,” you said in pure excitement while moving in circles to take in everything.
“It’s not much now since it’s been abandoned for a long time but -”
Carol didn’t get to finish her sentence before you cut her off by jumping at her and giving her a tight hug. Carol wished to whatever higher entity there is out there for you not to hear or feel how hard her heart was beating in her chest at the way you feel against her arms.
“Are you kidding me?” You still didn’t extricate yourself from her. “You brought me to a freaking space station.”
Carol chuckled. “Abandoned space station,” she corrected with a smile.
This time you untangled your arms from around her, much to Carol’s disappointment. “Semantics,” you said before walking ahead. Carol watched you look at everything with childlike wonder. “I never thought I’d ever been able to step in one.”
“Oh don’t be modest, given your intelligence and credentials, you totally could,” she countered earnestly.
“Maybe but I like working at SHIELD.”
“Why?” Carol asked. Not because doesn’t think you’re fit for the job but because she’s genuinely curious. You can be anywhere in the world, yet you chose to stay and sign a contract with SHIELD.
You run your fingers across the decaying console on the main deck before looking ahead, into the stars before turning back towards Carol, with your ass and hands resting on the edge of the table. “I can protect the people I love better with SHIELD than all alone.”
“The people you love?” Carol stepped closer to you.
“Pepper, Morgan, Happy…” you paused to watch Carol inch closer to you some more. “…and my friends: you, Nat, Maria.”
“Are we friends, Y/N?”
You tried to hide it but you visibly gulped at her proximity. “Aren’t we?” you asked, lips curling into a soft smirk.
For the past few months, this has been your dynamics with Carol: playful banter and harmless flirting. You’re used to it by now but the longer it goes on, the harder it is to ignore your growing attraction to the blonde. Which would be totally fine, if she’s single but you have to remind yourself every day that she’s not.
Carol had to step back too to ground herself. She’s moving too fast, she knows it. She knew she had other people to consider too. Apart from Maria who’s obviously on the same boat as her, she hasn’t really talked to Nat and Wanda about her attraction towards you. She knew Maria hasn’t mentioned anything yet either because it’s too early.
“We are,” she whispered.
“Good, I’d really like that.”
Before Carol can say anything, her stomach grumbled loudly. She turned beet red while you started laughing. Just like that the tense atmosphere’s gone. You took her hand and led her back to the ship. “Thank you for taking me here, Carol but I think it’s time to go home.”
Carol’s relishing the feeling of your hand in hers when her stomach protested again. She joined in when you started laughing again. “I don’t need to be told twice,” she grumbled playfully before pulling you to a run.
Carol walked into the command centre after her appointed meeting with Nick to see if Maria wants to grab lunch together. She faltered on her step when she saw the worried face Maria was sporting.
“Hey-” Carol greeted cautiously. Maria turned back and gave her a quick smile.
“Hey. Meeting’s over already?”
Carol ignored the question and stood next to her girlfriend. “What’s wrong?”
Maria’s eyebrows crinkled together further. “Nothing,” she whispered before turning to the monitors in front of her. Carol was just about to ask where you are since you’ve been working closely with Maria since you started a couple of months ago when Carol saw your name on the board.
Suddenly, she understood why Maria look worried. “Why is Y/N out with Agent Colson’s team?” Carol tried to hide the concern in her voice but Maria knew better.
Maria sat in her swivel chair. “They’re down one person for today’s recon mission. Nick decided she’s ready for fieldwork,” Maria sighed.
Carol took a deep breath. She knows that you can very much handle yourself out there but it doesn’t mean they can’t be worried.
“She’ll be fine.” Carol and Maria looked behind them. They’ve been so engrossed in worrying about you, they didn’t even hear Happy approached.
“Need I remind you that she’s a Stark?” Happy asked smiling. Carol chewed on her bottom lip. “Besides, she trained with only the best around here.”
That made Carol and Maria relax a little. “She will be fine,” they both murmured to themselves before their phones simultaneously lit up with a message from Natasha, asking them to meet them in town for a quick lunch.
Carol was having a quick trip off-world to check on a nearby planet when she received a message from Nick. She left a sizeable crater on the lawn of the HQ when she landed, almost knocked down a wall, and almost took off the door from its hinges in hurry to get to you. Carol’s heartache when she saw you on a hospital gown, lying side by side with a sleeping Maria.
“Hey,” you whispered as not to wake up the agent beside you.
“Hi,” Carol greeted back. She wanted to move towards you but her knees felt like lead as the adrenaline leaves her body. “You’re safe -”
You smiled sheepishly. “I’m so -”
Carol cut your apology off by nearly tackling you and Maria out of the bed. “Settle down, Carol. She’s alright. She’s home now,” Maria grumbled, cuddling next to you further; face buried in your neck.
Carol looked at her sleeping girlfriend “I think the repair stressed the living daylight out of Maria,” you whispered, squished between the two women.
“You think?” Carol hopped on the bed, squishing herself on your other side. “She’s been worried since you left for the mission.”
“I’m sorry. It was an ambush,” you started to explain but Carol started snoring softly with one arm and leg swung over your body cut your explanation off.
You were smiling to yourself when Natasha entered the room with a quietness that only the Black Widow can do. Your eyes met, Natasha looked a little conflicted. “Shouldn’t you be the one sleeping?” she asked teasingly.
You shrugged with a smile. You patted your lap. “You look like you can use a nap too,” you said softly.
Carol and Maria opened their eyes momentarily to look at their redhead girlfriend, and together they patted your lap before resuming their previous sleep position.
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kpopreviewcafe · 5 years
BIGBANG 'MADE' Album Review
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BIGBANG is the ultimate Kpop group and MADE was their crowning glory. VIP or not, this album is a MUST listen for anyone who’s even remotely interested in Korean music. What more can I say? Let’s get into the review.
There are no words that accurately sum up how tragically beautiful the first song on the album, called Loser, is - you just have to listen for yourself. The lyrics are introspective & self-deprecating, yet the angelic vocal flourishes and catchy raps make this song somewhat hopeful. This song was made for Taeyang’s voice to shine especially - his vocalisations in the ending chorus are to die for. This is really one of BIGBANG’s finest songs, reminiscent of their older hits like Lies and Haru Haru which propelled them to stardom. I could listen to this song forever.
Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world, I was always alone It’s been a long time since I’ve forgotten about love
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Bae Bae is one of the craziest, sexiest & weirdest songs I have ever heard. It is extremely catchy and addictive, with a funky beat that is strange and dream-like. This song will have you jumping out of bed and rocking out even when you’re too tired to move. The vocalists belt out amazing tunes whilst the rappers give the verses their all. The best part of the song is definitely T.O.P’s rap, which is honestly one of his BEST verses of all time. Bingu Tabi is BACK and he’s weirder than ever! (Check the live performance for the full experience). Also, this whole song is just one large ongoing innuendo tbh.
Pretty eyes like a deer, you’re my princess… My body wraps around yours so perfectly, You’re forever 25 to me
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Bang Bang Bang is the title track to end ALL title tracks. It is the ultimate party song, one that is good enough to compete with Fantastic Baby for the most iconic BIGBANG song. I generally dislike the use of the word “epic” to describe things that aren’t literally epics, but to be honest, this song deserves it. I mean, it was so good that it was even played in North Korea as an example of the pinnacle of South Korean pop culture. BBB has a legendary beat, an iconic dance and a stunning music video to match. Each member had their time to shine, both vocally and visually. Music video highlights include: a T.O.P skit featuring an altercation between a sexy cowboy and an astronaut (him playing both roles, of course), Daesung’s iconic hair-covering-his-eyes look and G-DRAGON on a leash. What more could you ask for?
B.I.G Yea we bang like this, everyone together! Like you’ve been shot, BANG! BANG! BANG!
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BIGBANG like to party, and We Like 2 Party with them too. This song is laid-back and fun - the perfect song to jam out to. The strong rhythm and catchy chorus just gets you moving. This is exactly the type of song to blast out on some nice speakers and just kick back with a beer. Take it easy, and enjoy some quality music while you do!
Let’s play with fire for the first time in a while... Being sober is against the rules WE LIKE 2 PARTY till the sun rises above our heads
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If You is very different from anything BIGBANG has made before. The instrumental consists mainly of a simple acoustic guitar. VIPs get the pleasure of hearing BIGBANG’s voices in what almost feels like a cappella. G-DRAGON’s voice in the chorus is emotional, unmistakable and so crazily unique - he really is one of a kind. However, the person who truly owned this song was Daesung, who’s voice came powering through in the second verse, and was definitely the highlight of the song. This is a wonderful ballad - both sincere and warm.
If it’s not too late, can’t we get back together?… I should’ve treated you better when I had you
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Next we have the cool and swag-filled Zutter from BIGBANG’s resident playboy rap duo GD&TOP. I’m honestly so glad this iconic pair came back with another song, because their subunit album from way back in 2010 was just so phenomenal. This song is sexy and arrogant, just like a good hip-hop song should be. Both rappers had unique and enjoyable verses, but I have to say that T.O.P came out on top (ha. ha. ha.). He switched up his flow in almost every line, and you can tell that each word was so carefully placed. T.O.P even referenced his legendary character from his movie Tazza The Hidden Card. (Whether you’re a VIP or not, PLEASE watch this movie - you won’t regret it). The intro and outro section of this song originally appeared on G-DRAGON’s Niliria… even HE thought that it was so good that we needed to hear it again!
Tonight we’re getting freaky freaky yea Baby give me some, give me give me some yea
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Let’s Not Fall In Love starts off with T.O.P’s rarely showcased and unexpectedly beautiful singing voice. This song takes you on an emotional journey, and the music video allows you choose a BIGBANG member to fall for. Let’s Not Fall In Love perfectly showcases the members’ impressive vocal abilities and emotive rapping skills. In my opinion, the bridge and ending chorus are the best parts of the song, due to the heartwarming acoustic guitar and the wonderful harmony between T.O.P’s deep singing voice and Taeyang’s vocalisations a few octaves higher.  
Let’s not fall in love, we don’t know each other very well yet Actually, I’m a little scared
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I don’t really know why Sober struck such a deep chord in me, but from the moment I first heard it, I knew I would never hear another song with such a unique colour. It’s probably my favourite song on the album. BIGBANG really outdid themselves with this track - they reached a level of craziness, pathos and talent that I didn’t even know they had… and they’re BIGBANG! Sober is the perfect rock ballad, with a twist. The lyrics are heartbreaking and painfully relatable. Party away the pain with BIGBANG, that’s what they’re here for.
It’s hard for me to be sober, I can’t fall asleep without you… I have so many damn things to do, but I have nothing that I want to do
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In my opinion, FXXK IT was the climax song to the masterpiece that was the MADE album. This track propelled the album from outstanding to literal legend. I absolutely cannot get enough of this song, it perfectly displays BIGBANG in all their glory, from Taeyang’s angelic voice to T.O.P’s unforgettable rap. The wise words of Taeyang come to mind “ain’t no party like a BIGBANG party”. After hearing this song, you will realise that is true. This song manages to simultaneously be cool, sassy, reflective, cheeky and swag. I really don’t know how BIGBANG keep coming back with such gold.  
Haven’t felt this nervous in a while, I can’t do anything Before the night is over, I want you in my arms
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Last Dance is so unbelievably sad that honestly sometimes I have to skip it when I put on this album. Its release marked the countdown to T.O.P’s mandatory military enlistment, and was therefore the last time that BIGBANG would perform as a whole team. Even though it’s painful to listen to, I am glad this song exists, because VIPs will always have this last dance.
I will listen to this song with you... Remember this moment. Until always, just one last dance
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Girlfriend was an unexpected gift that came with the full MADE album. When this track was released, I was so overwhelmed with FXXK IT and Last Dance that I almost overlooked it! But with time, I have grown to love Girlfriend so much - it captures that cool, happy and care-free BIGBANG that I crave. I really liked the cool electric guitar, sexy raps and playful vibe.
When my heart is sad... Girl you always pick me up You know that I love you ma baby
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The MADE album has such incredible musical diversity - it’s impossible to believe that all these songs came out as part of one album. Literally every track is good enough to be another group’s best song - yet BIGBANG owns them all. They truly are the kings of Kpop. If you’ve read any of my other BIGBANG reviews, then you will know that I always say this… but I stand by it. VIP until whenever. Peace.
Kpop Review Café's Overall Ranking: 10/10 (this scale was literally created with MADE in mind as the gold standard)
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yooongi-senpai · 7 years
RULES: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. at the end choose 25 people to be tagged.
I was tagged by @mind-neo-ark , thank you ❤❤
drink: Some good tea
phone call: I can’t remember, but I don’t really receive/make phone calls very much
text message: Dad
song you listened to: Nation’s Son (Produce 101) - Never
time you cried: Yesterday because of a headache or smth like that
dated someone twice: No
been cheated on: No
kissed someone and regretted it: No
lost someone special: Yes
been depressed: Yes
been drunk and thrown up: No
made a new friend: Yes
fallen out of love: No, I don’t love anyone lol
laughed until you cried: Yes
met someone who changed you: Kind of 
found out who your true friends are: Yes
found out someone was talking about you : No
how many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: 1
do you have any pets?: Yes, a very annoying bird
do you want to change your name?: No
what time did you wake up this morning: I got up at 6 in the morning for school
what were you doing last night: Looking at Instagram 
name something you cannot wait for: I can’t wait for my Biology camp in May  
have you ever talked to a person named tom?: Yes
what’s getting on your nerves right now: Too many things 
blood type: I don’t know mine 
nickname: Jess, Jessnica 
relationship status: Single
zodiac sign: Virgo 
pronouns: She/her
favourite show: Grand Designs, and I also really liked Black Mirror but I finished all the episodes 
college: I still have 2 years until I can apply for university 
hair color: Ginger 
do you have a crush on someone: No, not anymore 
what do you like about yourself: My hair, my eyes, my brain and I also really like my fingernails?
first surgery: I haven’t had any so far
first piercing: My ears when I was 8
first sport you joined: Netball, but only for like 1 month in the 3rd grade 
first vacation: Sydney
first pair of sneakers: Stripey yellow, pink and orange converse
eating: Chicken and rice
drinking: Water
i’m about to: Watch TWICE’s Vlive from 3 days ago, because somehow I missed it 
listening to: Red Velvet - Red Flavour 
want kids: Yes
get married: Maybe
career: Psychology or biomedical science 
lips or eyes: Both
hugs or kisses: Both
shorter or taller: Taller
older or younger: Not too young or too old
romantic or spontaneous: Both
sensitive or loud: I think it’s better to be sensitive than to be loud 
hookup or relationship : Relationship, I don’t trust people i don’t know well
troublemaker or hesitant: Both
kissed a stranger: No
drank hard liquor: No
lost contacts/glasses: Almost
sex on first date: No 
broken someone’s heart: Probably 
been arrested: No
turned someone down: Yes
fallen for a friend: Yes
in yourself: I’m working on it
miracles: (where you from, you sexy thing) Kind of 
love at first sight: It depends 
I’m tagging: @jijkooks @swag-assassin-girl @yougotnojams99 @minalous @kim-sxxkjxn @aubco27 @jeontaeseok @daegugod
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taeguboi · 7 years
BTS Reaction To All Having A Crush On You [but you talk to Jin the most]
Requested: ‘Can i get a reaction to you being best friends with bts and all of them having a crush on you but you talk to jin the most because you trust him the most’ 
Here we are! If you like this, then please anticipate a series I’m beginning to write based on the Skool Luv Affair concept where they all fall for the same girl!
A slight different layout this time: members are in a different order to create a chronological story, and I split it into 2 parts for their reaction to having a crush on you and then a group chat imagine for their reaction to you talking to Jin the most.
BTS Scenario: Reaction To Having A Crush On You
Rap Monster
He is the one that introduced you to his friends after meeting him through school and when you both graduated, he didn’t want you out of his life. You met Seokjin first, followed by the sunshine line, followed by the golden maknae, and finally Min Swag.
You regularly text Namjoon on a daily basis, and there’s nothing abnormal about that. However, once Namjoon realizes he’s starting to love everything about you in more than just a friends way, he starts being a complete dork over texts, using any lame reason to message you. Expect a lot of random ‘philosophical’ questions and ‘shower thoughts’ at random intervals in the day on top of your usual exchanged pleasantries. Oh, and he’s purposely stupid, unafraid to sacrifice his intelligent persona, just to make you smile.
He likes to highlight that you’ve known each other for longer and when his other friends begin to come into the picture, he gets extra friendly towards you, claiming that he’s making sure he keeps his spot as your best friend, but really he just wants to shower you with love and hopes that your new connections with his friends don’t interfere too much with his chase for you. Seokjin in particular he feels to be a ‘threat’ because he’s noticed you speak with him just as comfortably.
So if you have already made plans with one of the other guys that evening he asks if you wanna go catch a movie together, expect him to pull that best friend card.
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The moment Seokjin’s eyes met yours when you walked in the room with Namjoon, he knew there was something special about you. He saw kindness in your eyes and the fact that you were already friends with Namjoon spoke for itself.
It was only supposed to be a brief drop in to the coffee shop but the two of you clicked instantly, chatting for hours already as though you already knew each other in a previous life or something. You felt you could open up to him and he was so flattered that he gave you his number because he wanted to continue being that friend that exchanges and listens to problems.
Seokjin’s crush comes quite soon, finding himself smile at the very first text messages that go between you. He wants to meet you separately, without Namjoon, but he gets worried that he’d be coming on too strong. However, he decides to let time take its course and checks in on you regularly to gain your trust and also an insight on your feelings, whether there is potential for something more than friendship there.
He does at first have his guard up, constantly worried that something he has said comes on too strong or weird, but then becomes less shy of complimenting you and inviting you out just because.
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Love at first sight. But he plays it cool. After some school reunion thing you attend with Namjoon, your old school chums propose you come out for the night with them. As with any typical night out really, the school mates introduce you to their other friends, then some of the school mates who you arrived with disappear, so you end up talking to the new friends and then meeting their friends, and so it goes on...
By the middle of the night, the group now consists of still you and Namjoon, but now with Hoseok, one of your friend’s friends, plus Jimin and Taehyung who are Hoseok’s friends. The drinks are coming in quick and fast and it seems to be having a different effect on everyone, splitting the group slightly. Namjoon and Jimin want to just relax and chill in a booth at the back of the club, but yourself, Hoseok and Taehyung just wanna be out there dancing at the front. So you all agree to return to each other in a while.
Unsure whether he can call it a crush so soon, Hoseok just simply makes sure to do things that are memorable to have him going through your mind, see what happens... “Hey guys, how about we sneak in another round without them, on me?” Though he pays for Taehyung’s drink too, he’s still paid for yours so hopefully that gives you the impression that he’s a nice guy. But also like Jin, he also doesn’t want to seem too forward so he passes on asking for a number.
However, somewhere down the line, when you even become a part of his friendship group, he figures this crush will just eat him up if he doesn’t at least know how you feel, so he decides he’s going to arrange to meet, just the two of you and speak up.
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Taehyung loves making new friends, so that night out at the club was just another opportunity to socialize more, not seeing you as a potential romantic interest at first. Everyone he meets is first and fore-mostly his friend, and only time and talking can tell whether that person becomes a bigger part of his life or not.
It’s thanks to Taehyung that the 5 of you begin to meet more regularly, with you bringing Jin into this little group also. A group of 6 works out great, especially for Taehyung when it comes to paired activities such as gaming at the arcade or getting sets at the movies. Since Jin is still a little new to the group, he tends to pair off with either you or Namjoon, so when it’s Namjoon that Jin pairs up with, Taehyung is ecstatic on the inside because he’s usually your second option with Hoseok keeping it cool and laid back in the background and Jimin being too shy to say he wants to sit next to you on the bus or play 1 v 1 on that racing game while you wait for the movie to begin...
But that’s how Taehyung knows he might like you as more than a friend, because of how happy he gets when you pick him for something or he gets to sit next to you.
Taehyung feels comfortable enough around you to just grab hold of your hand like “Y/n goes with me!” and doesn’t allow his crush on you to hold him back from skinship with you (there was even that one time you dropped round with his favourite smoothie and kissed you on the cheek, holding your face like “mwah! you’re the best y/n!”)
It’s unhealthy to keep feelings concealed, so when he realizes his crush, (and this happens in a similar way to Namjoon’s crush emerging; from his own reactions to your messages,) he has to tell his friend and ask for advice. You make his heart flutter, and he wants to do his best to get it right.
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When Taehyung tells Jimin his feelings for you, Jimin feels his heart sink. As if he wasn’t worried enough already that he isn’t good enough for you, his amazing best friend has to catch feelings for you too... If he were to confess directly, there is a huge fear of rejection, so he wants to keep quiet about it... but Taehyung knows better from the reaction on Jimin’s face when he tells him about his feelings for you.
Taehyung, being the awesome friend that he is though, as a result of his conversation with Jimin, decides to also keep quiet also. Though this should be a relief, there still comes that idea in Jimin’s mind that you could just fall for Taehyung, or even Hoseok or Namjoon... he focuses too much on the good qualities in his friends, rather than focusing upon and appreciating his own good points.
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Jungkook is one of those friends that you can’t quite remember how and when you met, but he’s there sometimes when you meet up with some of the younger guys, and he happens to work at the same place as Namjoon. As his birthday draws closer, he suggests a bunch of you should go out for a meal on his birthday, but it’s just an excuse to definitely see you again because you make his heart flutter.
To him, at first, you were also just someone who happened to be there when he met up with some of his friends, and sure, he couldn’t deny that he thought you were pretty and that did make him shy around you, but he just acknowledges that he’s always been this way around a pretty girl [any girl]. But he knows deep down it’s a little more complicated, hence him making the most out of his birthday and suggesting you all celebrate together.
No one actually suspects Jungkook’s crush for you because his sunshine friends who have known him longer just think it’s typical Jungkook being a little shy around a girl, regardless of who she is. But as the group get tighter and as Jungkook feels more comfortable to make jokes and banter about different things... it becomes a bit more obvious.
“Hey, guys, wouldn’t it be funny to see which one of us y/n would date?”
“Jeongguk... you don’t perhaps like y/n do you?... Like, like like...?...”
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As the last one to meet you, it’s very casual since everyone else is around, with a simple ‘hey’ and a wave as yourself, Namjoon and Seokjin arrive at his house one day. Yoongi needed help with some music he’s working on and Namjoon had double booked, so Yoongi simply left an invite open for yourself and Seokjin too.
You and Seokjin keep occupied with the TV (which you aren’t really watching because the conversation is strong as ever,) as Namjoon and Yoongi get to work at the back of the room, and it gets quite late so Yoongi offers to order food in and you get talking, and that leads to inviting Yoongi to Jungkook’s birthday do.
The day before the celebrations, Yoongi is just chilling at home trying to write, trying to think of source of inspiration, and he just finds himself thinking about you... “Wait, do I... perhaps like this girl?” The crush is somewhat sudden and following this, his actions are subconsciously focused on you so you think he’s a cool mysterious guy.
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BTS Chat Imagine: Reaction To You Talking To Jin The Most
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Jimin always suspected your soft spot for Jin, so it was no surprise to him when he read your message that you trust him more. He wonders what it would have been like for him, if only he was less shy around you the first few times you met, could he have been the one you gained the most trust in?
He wishes he had more fight in him about this, but his lack of confidence hinders him from wanting to keep trying, though you didn’t actually answer the dating question... Also, his suspicions that it might be more than he and Tae who have a crush on you are confirmed when Jeongguk and Hoseok act a certain way in both this chat and a conversation from earlier, so by continuing this chase for you, is he being a bad friend to more than one of his friends?
Either way, he becomes more and more certain that it’s Seokjin you would most likely date, despite you not answering Taehyung’s dating question.
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Hoseok didn’t exactly want to continue talking in the group chat after seeing all this talk about your trust in Seokjin and how you seem to even trust him more than Namjoon. He needed some time to mull this over before meeting up with you tomorrow, because he had now only just gathered the courage to start to do something more about his crush on you.
But it’s only a minor setback he figures before he goes to sleep that night; after all, you never actually directly answered that dating question, so it’s not like it’s completely off the cards... Perhaps there is no need to become so jealous about you friendship with Seokjin.
“Well, I’m definitely not gonna get her if I give up; I have to do this still”
In quite a contrast to J-Hope, Suga was still trying to play it cool after all this time, still not intending to be that obvious about having a thing for you. On the surface, it may seem like he’s just out to embarrass Jeongguk, but since hearing about Jeongguk’s crush on you earlier, Yoongi decided he might bring it up in front of you[ish -- since you weren’t online at the time], hopefully eliminating the possibility that you might date Jeongguk. 
See, rather than confessing himself, or trying to find out if you like him as more than a friend, he first tries to cast out the idea that you might be into one of the others. Jeongguk, he guesses, was an easy first target because of his shyness. Although he’d never admit it out loud, he does see all the good qualities in his friends and somewhere in the back of his mind, he is making comparisons between them and himself. So not only is Seokjin a threat to his crush on you, but the other boys equally are a threat.
But if he can take out certain possibilities, it makes the lead up to any confession, should it ever take place, much easier on the mind. But he knows that the trickiest elimination of all the possibilities will be the idea that you could have romantic feelings for Seokjin.
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Taehyung can sometimes get much more jealous than he will let on, always maintaining his sunshine kid appearance. This chat is the most openly jealous he gets, and it’s caused by your closeness with Seokjin.
He wishes he could be your closest friend like Seokjin seems to be. Heck, he’d even take Namjoon’s place... But he’s sort of optimistic about the crush because he could just see it this way; yours and Seokjin’s friendship just so happens to be a boy/girl pairing... That doesn’t actually mean you would definitely have romantic feelings about the guy; many friends are the opposite gender and nothing like that ever happens.
Now, if only there wasn’t the possibility that some of the others might also have a crush on you... He’d confess to you in a flash had he not figured out Jimin’s crush on you also. He’s in a real pickle, especially since you never answered his question... He just had to ask because maybe if he knew which of them you’d rather date, it might just give him some sort of clue on what to do about this crush.
“If I tell her, I might hurt my friend, but if I don’t tell her, it’s gonna hurt me”
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Rap Monster
It hurts him a little, but he’s just never going to let down that wall he’s built himself. He supposes he will always be that best friend in love that never gets the girl... Even if you don’t have romantic feelings for Seokjin, he thinks it might only be a matter of time, especially since this friend of his has gained so much of your trust and seems to have a great significance in your life.
The one thing he is sure of though is that he will always be there for you, no matter how much something you do might hurt him inside.
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Although he’s getting quite flustered and embarrassed in the group chat, he secretly hopes you will call him out on this supposed crush, too shy to ever say anything himself.
He doesn’t mind as much as the others than you talk to Seokjin the most, but it does briefly make him wonder if age could be a strong factor in this, if you were to answer the dating question; Seokjin-hyung is a sophisticated adult who can be open about his thoughts, whereas Jeongguk, he keeps it all bottled in and barely knows how to act around a girl he has a crush on.
Not entirely dissimilar to a teenager, he imagines this is just going to be some sort of unrequited love that never actually rises to the surface.
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He loves the fact that you find his bad jokes hilarious, proud that sentences he forms in the spur of the moment have such a lasting effect on you.
He never quite realized that you speak to him more in comparison to the others, and he gets quite giddy at the idea once the other boys bring this up in the chat. He ceases to worry that his actions could be seen as coming on too strong, finally realizing the possibility that there could be something more than friendship here.
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I could have cried when the tab shut off in the middle of writing... Fortunately I copied some over but it shut before I could move the newest version of the post ugh.
I would have split this into 2 posts, but I’d have no idea how to put it in my masterlist whilst showing the 2 are linked... plus this is scheduled, so it might not have been apparent that the two posts were linked.
Later: Text Imagine -- Jungkook + Sunshine Line
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everydayispurple · 7 years
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Hip-hop royalty and a fashion darling: why A$AP Rocky is music's most exciting star.
Seven o’clock on a Tuesday morning, and I am standing behind Selfridges on the corner of Duke Street and Edwards Mews.
In front of me, sitting in a shopping trolley that has just been shoved into the middle of the road by one of his crew, laughing his head off as a black cab is forced to come to an abrupt stop, is A$AP Rocky. In front of him is Juergen Teller, snapping away, also grinning at the scene that is developing. At the behest of his subject, Teller will soon also be in a shopping trolley, as will a member of the ES fashion team, joining the orchestrator of this chaos in a three-cart race from one side of the street to the other.
‘That’s lit!’ said orchestrator beams, more than once.
Rewind about half an hour and we are in a meeting room above Selfridges. Rocky, having turned up just before 7am pushing one of those three shopping trolleys (he requested five last night), clasping a hot drink, answers my cursory ‘How’s it going?’ with a sheepish grin and a withered, ‘I’m tired, man’. He has, it transpires, been up for a long time — 48 hours or so — and has come straight from the studio. Later, I will ask the artist responsible for the best single of 2015, ‘LSD’, whether he still likes to take lots of LSD.
Oh trust me: I love it,’ he says. ‘Yeah. I just dropped yesterday!’
At one point, I am informed that Rocky may instead want to talk in New York in a couple of days. Which — although all of this was his idea — seems understandable. But it turns out all that is needed to rouse this superstar is half an hour of shopping-trolley drag racing, followed by a nice, big, pre-interview blunt.
Back in the meeting room, we sit. To my left, A$AP Ferg — the second-most famous member of the A$AP Mob collective, who was recording with him last night — pops open a packet of M&S cookies and listens in quietly. In front of me, Rocky, 28 — aka Pretty Flacko, or if you’re Liam Gallagher, WhatsApp Ricky — soon proves himself, despite the self-inflicted circumstances, to be charming, funny and articulate. He is not, he says, in town to party. Today is just how he rolls. When I ask him what he’s been up to while in London, he replies: ‘I’ve been in the studio, just that, nothing else. Don’t even leave. It’s in my room, so...’ When I ask him what he’ll be doing for the rest of his time here (two days or so), he says ‘recording my album, staying in my room. Writing video treatments, coming up with campaign plans and marketing plans for my companies, my entities.’
The latest of these ‘entities’, the ostensible reason we are here this morning, is a collaboration with — you guessed it — Selfridges. But not, as you might by now be expecting, a normal one because Rocky doesn’t really like or do normal. So rather than just sticking a logo on some clothes and then sticking those clothes on a rail somewhere up in the men’s department, Rocky and his umbrella company, AWGE (it rhymes with ‘org’), will instead be opening a New York-style bodega within the confines of one of the world’s most famous department stores. It has been in the works for a while. ‘Four years ago, Michèle Lamy organised a lunch on a barge for Frieze art fair for about 40 people,’ buying and merchandising director Sebastian Manes later tells me. ‘A$AP was there, and so was I, and were very casually chatting over lunch and a glass of wine, and he said he’d love to do something together. The whole thing’s been very organic, and the bodega was completely his idea.’
For Rocky himself, the appeal is simple. ‘I feel like London, and so many different parts of Europe, don’t know what a New York bodega looks like inside so I wanted to bring that here,’ he says, explaining that the AWGE Bodega will be selling ‘food, clothes, toys, films: you name it’. He will, he says, be involved in every last product. ‘For sure: I have to be. Because if not, it won’t be my aesthetic, you know? I have a certain etiquette in the way I work. So for me it’s like... it’s not my way or the highway, but I’m just very adamant about what I want. And I know what I want.’ To add to the authentically New York feel of the place, he will also be doing a few shifts behind the till. ‘That’s gonna be a new thing for me,’ he says, ‘and I’m excited.’
Rocky can now add this new profession to that of muse (the first black face of Dior Homme); fashion designer (not least his well received collaboration with Guess); actor (he was brilliant in 2015’s Dope; has ‘just finished’ another film called Monster with Jennifer Hudson; and talks seriously and at length about wanting to soon do theatre); record label boss (AWGE’s first artist, Playboi Carti, has gone ‘three times platinum’); and — of course — being one of the best rappers on the planet, though he finds ‘rapper’ reductive, preferring ‘artist, renaissance man’.
He is also an unashamed ladies’ man, most recently being linked to one Kendall Jenner. I ask him if he is currently, to use a phrase of his that I like very much, ‘single as a dollar bill’, and he laughs loudly. I then mention that there have been a lot of pictures of him and Jenner in the press. ‘Yeah, I know, man,’ he smirks. ‘You know... that’s the press, what can I tell you? A$AP Rocky and ladies? That’s nothing new.’
There’s then a pause, before he asks: ‘Can I get some cookie?’
It’s not hard to see why both the ladies and, more seriously, the fashion world have fallen so hard for A$AP Rocky. And it’s not just because he is a ‘pretty motherf***er’, though that is true, and helps. What is more important is an innate sense of style that allows him to dress flamboyantly and excessively while somehow always still seeming masculine. He can effortlessly mix high-end with low-end, and doesn’t like big, visible brand names. ‘Some people assume you have to have name brands, or it has to be expensive, but it’s just gotta be your personal preference. It’s called “personal style”. As long as you got personal style, that’s what we respect, we don’t care about labels and brands. I mean, it’s good if you got a cool label, nobody going to knock that — I like that, I’m all for it — but you gotta develop a personal style first. As an individual, if it’s wearing the same pair of pants and shoes every day, then do that. Make it you, though. Own it.’
Born Rakim Mayers in Harlem, New York, to a Barbadian father and an African American mother, he got a sense of this very early on. ‘I remember I was five or six years old, and my mom dressing me for Easter,’ he says. ‘And I’m looking in the mirror just crying. And she’s like, “What’s wrong?” I just didn’t like the way she put my stuff together. So she let me just change my outfit around a little bit, put the sneakers on I wanted to wear, and I had my belt and all this other stuff tucked in. I was six years old! And from that day, I knew that I didn’t feel comfortable in certain stuff. So being that young, and being that precise and sure? It was meant to be, man.’
In second grade — at eight years old, around when he first started rapping — he would wear high waters (short-cut trousers) to school ‘because I wanted to be a mac’. By his early teens, he was wearing ‘Prada and whatnot. Fourteen, Prada, the ghetto? That don’t even mix. It was incredible.’
These years, though, were tough. At 12, his father went to jail for drug dealing (and passed away in 2012 as Rocky’s career was exploding). At 13, his older brother Ricky was shot dead in Harlem. For a time he, his mother and his sister Erika lived in shelters. He turned to selling drugs and at 16 spent two weeks in jail at Rikers Island. It was at this point that he resolved to take rapping more seriously. He joined A$AP Mob (established by his late mentor, Yams) and in 2011 released ‘Purple Swag’, which quickly blew up, introducing his laconic flow to the world. By the end of that year he had signed a $3 million (£2.2m) record deal.
The third A$AP Rocky album will be out later this year (or ‘A-S-A-P: no pun intended’). Its creator likes working in London, always has. ‘It’s just special to me for some reason. I’m just... I express myself way better when I’m in an environment that allows me to be. When I’m here, for the most part, I’m in a peaceful, creative environment and I’m testing the waters and making new music, messing around with new sounds and anything that’s innovative.’ I ask him who he has been working with, and after checking with one of his people — ‘Can I say?’ — he reveals that he has ‘been working a lot with my boy Skepta, just exchanging energy and vibes in a brotherly way’. Rocky is a huge grime fan. ‘All that stuff, all those guys, I’ve been on that stuff for some time, I think it’s cool,’ he says, going on to enthuse about everyone from Stormzy to ‘my favourite of all of them, my favourite UK rapper’, CASisDEAD.
He tells me the album ‘sounds futuristic’. When I ask if it’s as much of a stylistic leap forward as his second (the out there, psychedelic At.Long.Last.A$AP) was from his first (the radio smash-loaded Long.Live.A$AP), he looks at me and smiles. ‘I’ll let you be the judge.’
He then asks me to turn my dictaphone off, makes me promise not to write about the lyrical themes (‘leave that for the jump’) and the next thing I know I am holding A$AP Rocky’s iPhone to my ear, listening to a new A$AP Rocky song that was ‘just finished last night’, while A$AP Rocky raps along to it in front of my face. ‘This new album is just basically like all my albums: evolved,’ he says when it has come to an end. ‘They’ve been missing me, they’ve been waiting for me, they need some new music, they need some new sounds, new waves, new swag, new everything. And who’s the man you go to for that? Yours truly. So I’m back, like I never left.’
By now there are Selfridges employees floating in to work and next door another meeting room full of them, who are waiting eagerly to show him the prototypes of the products that will be going into this bodega of his. Rather than things like this being a drag, he insists it’s something he enjoys, ‘because not only am I helping them, but I’m getting the experience, seeing how corporate people work and developing a protocol and whatnot’. It will be far from the last collaboration of this kind that he does, he says.
And with that, A$AP Rocky is off to his next appointment, after which he will finally get to bed. Well, maybe...
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kadobeclothing · 5 years
How To Wear A Hoodie In 5 Modern Ways
There was a time, along with balaclavas, swag bags and black-and-white striped tops, when a hoodie was something that would instantly mark you out as a would-be robber and all-round wrong’un.But, as much as this humble sportswear staple has the potential to send passers-by straight to the other side of the street, right now we’re urging you to take style tips from David Cameron (remember him?) and hug a hoodie.Why? Well, practicality aside, thanks to a designer overhaul the hoodie has gone from de facto uniform of angry adolescents to the item most likely to be covering the backs of well-dressed men.The only loser here is Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg, whose normcore hoodie has just gone full #menswear. Bad luck, Mark.The History Of The HoodieLong before it found itself a witness to dodgy deals in darkened alleys, the hoodie was the uniform of champions. OK, so that’s over-egging it a little, but sports apparel company Champion Products does lay claim to creating the world’s first hooded sweatshirt in the 1930s.It doesn’t take a genius to work out that — lo and behold — the hoodie was designed to keep athletes warm and dry in miserable weather. Since then it’s been adopted by hip-hop culture, skaters, snowboarders, angry young adults, stag parties, university students and (the reason we’re here) the runway.The Return Of The HoodieEven though come fashion week, many news outlets delight in ridiculing the most outrageous runway looks they can find, in truth most menswear pieces were born out of practicality. And that’s exactly what the hoodie offers: comfort, comfort and more comfort.The return of the hoodie signals that we’re now at peak athleisure. Having successfully broached upscale sportswear in its various forms, it was only a matter of time before menswear got its mitts on the near-century-old staple.Everyone from streetwear peddling upstarts (Off-White, Vetements) to more established menswear heavy hitters (Balenciaga, Versace) have begun pushing out high-end versions in their collections, meaning hoodie hysteria is set to continue for some time yet.To get in on the look early, here are five expert-approved ways to wear yours.How To Wear The HoodieAs Part Of A Layered LookAs much as we’re trumpeting the power of the hoodie, don’t think that wearing one is all about making a statement. When used as part of a layered look, the hoodie can be surprisingly unassuming.Mr Porter style director Olie Arnold says: “A cosy cashmere hoodie is a great layering piece for a day in the city, which will leave you looking sharp while keeping you warm at the same time.”To get this look right, wear a zip-up hoodie over a simple white crew-neck T-shirt, then add an overcoat or jacket, slim jeans and a pair of box-fresh trainers.As Part Of An Athleisure LookWhenever comfort and coolness go hand-in-hand, you can be sure that we’ll be enthusiastic cheerleaders. Such is the case with athleisure and, thanks to those clever menswear designers, you won’t run the risk of looking like you were too lazy to change out of your gym gear.Jaeger’s head of menswear, James Jee, says: “Gone are the days of the baggy, oversized logo-emblazed hoodie. Fabrics are softer and heavier — a sign of a better yarn quality and a lot more of it. The fit is a little sharper and clean.”To go full athleisure, team a black hoodie with black, fitted joggers and slip on a pair of minimal leather sneakers. Done.Under A Leather JacketIf you’re not sold by the high-low mix (it’s not for everyone), then it’s okay to stick to more familiar territory. A leather jacket and hoodie combination is one of those low octane pairings that work well, season after season.Reiss head of menswear design, Alex Field, says: “Hoodies have dramatically improved in terms of quality and fit. Therefore, guys are looking to invest in well-fitting, well-made casual designs that can be worn in various situations. Whether that be to the gym or as part of a stylish off-duty look.”Using a black leather jacket and black or indigo jeans as the base, experiment with hoodies in different colours beneath your outerwear and combine with a pair of leather or suede Chelsea boots to smarten up this look.With TailoringIf you’re going to wear a hoodie with a suit or blazer, you’re channelling a “look” and will instantly mark yourself out as a card-carrying member of Club Menswear. That’s no reason not to give this high-low combination a whirl, though.As Giles Farnham, head of River Island’s Style Studio, points out: “Sure, a hoodie teamed with a pair of straight-leg jeans and sneakers is a tried and tested combination that just works. But if you’re looking to sharpen up, try layering under an unstructured suit for an outfit that rips up the traditional rule book.”To nail the sports-meets-suit look, try a mid-weight grey hoodie with a charcoal grey suit and choose white lace-up sneakers in place of your normal work shoes.With Tailored TrousersFor a slightly less committed way to mix smart and casual, a hoodie worn with a pair of smart trousers is your best bet. Again, it’s an easy way to avoid that dreaded overgrown adolescent territory.Head of menswear design at ASOS, Nick Eley, says: “We’re seeing a real move towards ‘high-low’ dressing, so team your hoodie with wider-leg trousers or a longer formal coat.”Get a grip on this look by opting for a neutral colour hoodie, then add a pair of trousers and sports luxe sneakers. If you’re feeling brave, try a little pattern on the bottom half, such as pinstripes or checks.General Hoodie GuidelinesDon’t dig out your old Linkin Park hoodie. You’re not an angst-ridden teenager, and it’s not the 2000s anymore.Look for pure cotton designs for optimum quality and longevity (bonus points for brushed cotton and loopback construction).Pullover designs typically look smarter than zip-up designs.Don’t chase the latest must-have hoodie if you want to get the most wear out of it. Instead, go for a timeless, versatile design in a colour that complements your existing wardrobe.A fitted hoodie is a good way to make sure you look sharp rather than sloppy.If in doubt, leave the logo. Flecks or mottled weaves are a good way to add interest.Unless you’re on campus, university hoodies are a no-go.Personalised comedy hoodies are always a fail.Over the age of 40? A hoodie in a luxe fabric worn with tailored separates will make sure you look suitably grown up.Key BrandsHigh StreetIf you’ve got too much month at the end of your money, the high street has plenty of decent entry-level options. Topman offers reasonably priced hoodies in practically every shade under the sun, as does Swedish mega-chain H&M with its sporty L.O.G.G. range.For something more pared-back for the gym, Uniqlo should be your first port of call. Looking to make more of a statement? Head straight to online giant ASOS, where you’ll find oversized and longline options that are ideal for reverse layering.Elsewhere, the styles turned out by Spanish fast-fashion kings Zara run the gamut from simple everyday throw-overs to designer brand ‘homages’ complete with cut-out sections and on-trend prints.StreetwearBy rights, streetwear hoodies should prioritise quality (heavyweight, pure cotton is a minimum) and performance over design. Despite this, among streetwear circles, the logo is everything.Hoodies by skateboarding brand Palace are excellent (if you can get your hands on one) for those who want to appear laid-back, while higher up the chain you’ll find Tokyo-based BAPE and cult New York firm Supreme, which both offer oversized streetwear hoodies with distinctly un-streetwear price tags.Of course, if you want the best, go to the OG. Champion’s Reverse Weave line, with its classic handwritten logo, has been to hoodies what Levi’s is to denim for almost 90 years. Subsequently, the American firm has inspired many other key names in the sector, including Carhartt, Stüssy and even Vetements.PremiumHigh-end hoodies are ideal for pairing with smarter pieces and often come in fabrics such as lambswool, cashmere and premium cotton for an addictively strokable wear.Bond-favourite label Sunspel is our tip for solid loopback construction, while fellow Brit brand Derek Rose and Italian firm Brioni are worth exploring if you’re looking for timeless designs in ultra-luxe materials.With more than 200 years’ experience producing knitwear, it’s little wonder that Derbyshire-based John Smedley’s simple merino wool zip-ups are some of the best on the market. Though more surprising is Suitsupply’s 100 per cent cashmere offerings, which come in at less than £150.Having made their names in sportswear, collections from designers like John Elliot, Alexander Wang and Neil Barrett are also rarely without an elevated version of the loungewear essential. Source link
source https://www.kadobeclothing.store/how-to-wear-a-hoodie-in-5-modern-ways/
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