#also refusing to add romanian trap because ew wtf is that shit
loserboyfriendrjl · 27 days
because @plecotusauritus said i should share nonetheless, here’s what music i think the marauders (and lily, since i can’t imagine much for what i think the rest of the valkyries would like) would like if they were romanian:
james potter: connect-r, vama and smiley. especially the songs that have summer vibes, such as vara nu dorm (link - during summer, i don’t sleep would be the translation), perfect fără tine (link - perfect without you) and în lipsa ta (link), but also l.a (this is an older band, link) he sings along to them.
sirius black: carla’s dreams, a billion times. they’re one of my favourite romanian bands — great lyricism and beautiful beats. i feel like he’d particularly like to blood (până la sânge) and antiexemple (antiexemplu), but i suggest generally checking out their music. also, cargo, especially witches’ day=ziua vrăjitoarelor (mother=mamă has a special place in his heart) and bucovina, such as tell me, wind=spune tu, vânt.
remus lupin: the motans and that’s all i have to say. the motans scream remus to me in a way nothing else does; the lyricism is immaculate and the music is beautiful. some exemples are poem, before we had been born (înainte să ne fim născut) and incidentally (întâmplător)
peter pettigrew: anything bosquito (he says they’re underground; they’re really not, especially among the younger generation) and robin and the backstabbers (same with them)
lily evans: irina rimes, because of the lyricism; she has the best lyrics a female romanian singer ever had. examplea are what happened to us (ce s-a întâmplat cu noi), you don’t know how to be a man (nu știi tu să fii bărbat), and dreams (visele), but like with carla’s dreams and the motans, i suggest checking out everything by them. i also think she likes this song (more beautiful) and this (happiness has your face/looks like you)
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