#also random shuichi just being pretty and handsome
lonisaiou · 2 months
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late night dooodles (they literally make no sense)
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em-neko · 3 years
how i think mc would’ve met + fallen in love with the bidders if she hadn’t been put up for auction.
oh and i added a song to go along with each scenario, enjoy!
a/n: the auctions don’t exist in this universe, so the bidders don’t know each other (assuming soryu, eisuke and luke didn’t stay in contact after high school). however, shuichi and hikaru are friends.
when mc worked at the tres spade, they’d often run into each other
she’d always catch his eye, but he wasn’t sure why
she was just like any other maid, after all
but to him, she seemed different somehow
one day, his curiosity got the best of him and he promoted her to the penthouse
at first, she was really shy and wouldn’t even look him in the eye
he’d try chatting her up (in his own way)
but she wouldn’t open up (understandably)
so one day, he asked her to make him coffee
their first conversation was about how eisuke liked his coffee
somehow, he managed to make her laugh
and slowly, she began warming up to him
since then, whenever she’d go up to the penthouse to clean, they’d end up just talking the entire time
mc got in trouble for it (and by trouble i mean, erika and tweedledee and tweedledum bullied her about it) but eisuke always defended her
if eisuke was too busy in his office to talk to her, he’d leave her a small present on the coffee table for her to find
things like jewelry, clothes, beauty products and sweets
in exchange, mc left notes and doodles for eisuke to find
once she even left a short comic that she’d written and illustrated for him to read
he saved them all
soon, their relationship turned flirty
eisuke would tease her constantly
sometimes, he’d jokingly pin mc down on the couch
or he’d give her little surprise kisses while she’d be cleaning
mc would always blush and get super flustered
in typical eisuke fashion, he’d play it off as a joke
but it was obvious he really liked her
soon, eisuke offered her to move into the penthouse
he blamed it on boredom and pulled them “it’s for work” card, but mc saw right through it
and she agreed
i genuinely don’t think they would’ve ever met if it weren’t for the auctions
however, i could see them potentially meeting in a bookstore
it was that cliche, looking over the shelf, eyes meeting type of thing
soryu didn’t pay any mind to her at first, but he’d remember her face
he found himself thinking about her a lot
she was scared of him at first, but she found him really attractive
so they’d both go to the bookstore every few days, hoping they run into one another
they wouldn’t speak to each other though
but that doesn’t mean the staff of the bookstore didn’t take notice of their occasional glances
they were kinda suspicious because mc and soryu would always be in the store at the same time
so one day, after closing, the staff reorganized the shelves so that the romance section (mc’s favorite section) would be right besides the crime novel section (soryu’s favorite section)
hoping they’d talk to each other
and it worked!
when mc and soryu returned to the bookstore the next day, they realized that things had been move around
and found themselves shoulder to shoulder
mc eventually gathered up the courage to ask him what he was reading
and he offered to buy her a book he liked
in exchange, she bought him a book she liked
every few days, they’d purchase books for each other, and talk about the last books
mc began to leave notes in soryu’s books
and he left notes in hers too
notes turned to letters
and soon, a phone number was left on the bottom of one of the letters
they met at a museum
ota was there to look for inspiration
while mc was just wardering around on her lunch break
ota caught mc’s eye immediately, he’s the angelic artist after all
but she didn’t want to bother him, nor did she have the courage to talk to him in the first place
so she just pretended like she didn’t see him
when the paparazzi and ota’s fangirls catch wind that he’s at the museum, they all swarmed the place
ota frantically tried to find a place for hide
and luckily for him, mc found a way to sneak into the security guard’s office
she ushered him in and told him to hide under the desk
while waiting for the chaos to cool down, they joked around and laughed together
ota told mc she looked like his old dog and called her koro as a joke
she rolled her eyes, before bursting out laughing
he started treating her like a dog (asking her to sit, give paw, jump etc.) and she played along
they both laughed together hysterically at the end
when the chaos cooled down, ota left his hiding spot
but, not before asking her if he can “take her on a walk sometime”
she’d bark happily
i made mc a whiling participant to ota’s shenanigans because a big reason why i didn’t like ota’s main story was because i felt so bad for mc
they met after baba had stolen a painting at an gallery, owned by a child predator
ayame was chasing him down the street
with no where to go, baba ran into a random building
(that happened to be mc’s apartment complexe)
he entered a random apartment on the second floor
(which also happened to be mc’s apartment)
and hid inside her bathtub
when mc got home and found him inside her bathtub, she freaked out (obviously)
she yelled at him and beat him with a broomstick
somehow baba managed to talk her out of calling the cops by explaining the situation to her
after she calmed down, they drank some tea together and chit chatted
mostly about their jobs
baba teased her a lot about being a maid, while she simply blushed, too shy to tease back
but she couldn’t hide the fact that she found good looking
minutes turned to hours
and the next morning, mc woke up in her own bed
turns out, baba had carried her to her bedroom after she’d fallen asleep while they were talking
and sat at the foot of her bed until the crack of dawn
just to make sure she didn’t have any nightmares after the scare he gave her
to thank her for “the unforgettable night” she gave him, he left her a note with his phone number on it
and at the bottom, it was written to call him if she ever needed help
and he’d be there
mc didn’t think she’d ever use it, after all she wasn’t stupid, she knew a womanizer when she saw one
but when she got invited to a party a few days later, she realized that she needed a date
and who better was to call than the flirty thief she’d just met?
they met on the bus
mc was on her way to meet a friend
while she was sitting on the bus, reading her book, mamoru came stumbling in
mc noted that he looked sleepy
when he came towards her, she made sure to move her back out of the way so he could sit down
mere seconds after the bus began moving again, mamoru fell asleep
on mc’s shoulder
mc didn’t want to wake him up and ask him to move because he seemed so exhausted
so she let him sleep on her
she didn’t mind too much, besides she was only getting off at the last stop
and she thought he was pretty cute, but she’d never admit that
but then, the last stop came
and mamoru was still sleeping on her shoulder
mc wondered if he’d missed his stop or if he was getting off on the last stop too
she gently nudged him, calling out to him to wake up
when he woke up, he realized he’d missed his stop and started freaking out
he blamed mc for not waking him up at his stop
mc retorted that she didn’t know which stop was his
and they walked off the bus bickering
they continued arguing on the street too
until mamoru realized how stupid he sounded and somewhat apologized
mc was understandably annoyed that this man had wasted her time and stomped away
but before she could get far enough away from him, he called out to her
he asked her if he could apologize to her with some dinner
he expected her to say no
but instead, she told him she’d only go if he took her to the best ramen place in town
and he agreed
like soryu, i can’t imagine them ever meeting if it wasn’t for mc being sold at the auctions
however, there is a possibility that they’d run into each other at the hotel
mc had just gotten transferred to the tres spade dubai
and luke had a meeting there with potential patient
while luke waited for the patient in the lobby, all of the female staff members were checking him out
of course, he is very handsome after all
mc didn’t pay too much mind, she admitted he was good looking, but this was the tres spade
handsome men came through those doors every day
so she simply walked by and continued her work
and luke and his patient eventually went to his suite
a few hours later, mc was asked to bring some refreshments to room 145
turns out, it was luke’s patient’s suite
she smiled politely at luke and his patient and placed the bottles of whiskey on the table in front of them
eyes wide like he was in a trance, he reached his fingertips towards her chest
panicked, mc was about to push his hands away and apologize, thinking he was reaching for her breast
but he wasn’t
instead, he began caressing her collarbones, while praising their beauty
mc and the patient stared at each other with big eyes, confused as to what to do
“uh.. dr foster, are you okay?”
mc was beginning to get flustered at how close luke was
so she gently placed her hands on his and pushed them off of her
she apologized and told him she had to go, and to call the front desk if he needed anything else
but before she could leave, luke called out to her
he asked her if she’d come to his clinic sometimes
he wanted to get x-ray’s of her collarbones
and as weirded out as mc was, she agreed
they met while shuichi was staying at the tres spade japan on a business trip
mc had just finished cleaning the third floor
so she stepped on the elevator to make her way to the twentieth floor, where she’d end her shift
shuichi was already inside
she bowed to him, greeting him politely
he simply nodded his head
after pressing her floor button, she stepped back and stood besides shuichi
they rode in silence
until the elevator suddenly came to a harsh stop
mc began freaking out
and shuichi got frustrated
he tried mc calming down in his own way
she got pissed at him
but hey, at least she wasn’t panicking anymore
shuichi clicked the help button and they waited
and waited
after a while, while they sat on the floor, mc apologized to shuichi for the inconvenience
he assured her that it wasn’t her fault
after a brief moment of silence, she asked him why he was staying at the tres spade
and they began talking about work
soon, the conversation turned political
mc was a unsure because of how stiff shuichi was
she thought he was annoyed at her
but he wasn’t
in fact, shuichi was impressed by how educated mc was on the subject
and he loved how casually she spoke about it too
once help finally arrived, he couldn’t help but feel sad that the conversation had to come to an end
he genuinely loved talking to her
she was laid back, but intelligent, a combination he found very attractive
so he asked her she’d be his date that night to his business dinner
and she said yes
they met at work, of course
hikaru was always super friendly towards mc
he’d always help her when he had free time
sometimes he’d buy her food at the cafeteria
or bring her coffee from the local coffee shop
soon, mc began developing a little crush on him
at least, that was until he lured her to into a secluded area at the hotel and threatened her with a knife
turns out, he was going after the wrong person
his target’s wife coincidentally had the same first and last name as mc
hence why hikaru confused them
he apologized
but now that she knew who he really was, he couldn’t just let her go
so he told the manager that they were dating and he wanted mc to move in with him
unfortunately for mc, the manager said yes
and they moved in together
at first, mc was (understandably) afraid of hikaru
but soon, she warmed up to him
in fact, she actually began liking his sassy attitude better than his good guy persona
and there was no denying he was into her too
they played house together
they cooked together, cleaned together, watched shows together, built ikea furniture together
hell, they even argued about which type of cheese to buy at the grocery store
when hikaru had nightmares, they’d cuddle and mc would listen to him talk about his demons all night
hikaru was terrified she’d leave him one day
but she never did
they met at an antique store
rhion was looking for a new unique trinket to add to his collection
while mc was simply aimlessly wandering around the shop
when their eyes suddenly met
it was love at first sight
however, they were both too shy to come up to each other
so they just creeped on each other until the store closed
when it was time to go home, rhion instantly regretted not talking to her
he was upset, there was his chance to not be alone anymore, yet he blew it
he felt like a coward
but the next day, rhion got a knock at the door
and it was mc!
turns out, he had dropped his id while paying for his things at the antique store
and mc was there to return it
he told her that he’d “found his alice”
and invited her in for some tea
they talked until the early hours of the morning
she spent the night
then the week
then the month
and that’s when rhion realized, she wasn’t leaving
and he didn’t complain one bit
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tickly-tufts · 7 years
Gentle Persuasion
I have changed this title so many times.
Anyway, the first Saiouma Phantom Thief AU fic was pretty well-received, so here’s another fic in the same universe! It’s not really a direct sequel so much as another random encounter, so you could read it on its own if you want. With that said, I hope you like it!
Upon entering the interrogation room, Shuichi immediately noticed two things.
First, Kokichi looked exceptionally smug for someone who was tied to a chair. Even with his arms cuffed behind him and his ankles bound to the chair’s legs, he gave off the same confident aura as always. The detective had to admit that it was rather impressive.
Second… the thief had clearly been treated roughly. His hair was even messier than usual, his clothes were wrinkled, and one of his sleeves was torn at the shoulder. More worrying still was the bruising all around his neck, indicating he’d been strangled.
Shuichi frowned as he approached, locking the door behind him. He had come to question Kokichi regarding the whereabouts of a missing jewel. However, when faced with these unforeseen circumstances, the first thing he ended up asking was…
“Who did this to you?”
“Neeheehee… Is Detective Saihara worried about little ol’ me?”
Having long grown accustomed to being on a first-name basis with Kokichi, Shuichi was briefly taken aback at being addressed so formally. However, he quickly understood the thief’s intent.
“You don’t need to pretend we’re strangers or anything. They basically left me alone with you, and the security camera in the corner doesn’t actually work.”
The detective didn’t like the implications of the latter detail, but there was little he could do about it.
“Ah, makes sense. That guy earlier would’ve held back if it’d been recording,” Kokichi commented far too casually. “And before you ask, he looked too average for me to give you a useful description.”
Dammit. What justice was the detective serving if thugs like that were allowed on the force? The marks around the thief’s neck certainly weren’t making him feel better.
Carefully, Shuichi leaned in and brushed his fingers over the ring of bruised skin, only to pull back immediately when Kokichi flinched.
“Sorry! Did that hurt?”
“Jeez, you can’t just touch someone like that without warning!” Kokichi scoffed. “Are all detectives this rude, or is it you?”
Shuichi paused.
It would have been very easy to shrug off the thief’s answer. After all, there was nothing particularly remarkable about his words. His voice, however…
Maybe it was only the detective’s imagination, but he could have sworn he’d heard an unusual tremor when Kokichi spoke. Given how cocky and silver-tongued the thief typically was, it was a surprising thing to observe.
Was it just because he was hurt, or… ?
“Hey, earth to Shuichi! Why are you staring at me? I know I’m roguishly handsome and all, but you’re just being weird now!”
Well, he supposed it was as good a time as ever to test his theory.
Wordlessly, Shuichi reached out to touch Kokichi’s neck again, gently tracing the tender skin with his fingertips.
Almost instantly, Kokichi’s shoulders jerked up in a sharp, reflexive motion. At the same time, something akin to a squeak slipped out of his mouth.
“…Your neck is ticklish,” the detective concluded aloud.
The thief’s eyes widened, confirming his suspicions.
Feeling bold for once, Shuichi turned away to rummage around in his bag, grinning when he finally found what he was looking for.
“Hey, Kokichi, where’s the jewel from last week’s heist? You already know there’s not enough evidence to charge you, but the museum still wants it back.”
“Hmmm? How should I know? Actually, why the hell would I even tell you if I did?”
“Because if you don't… I may just have to persuade you.”
And then Shuichi pulled out a forensic brush.
The brush was black, designed for fingerprint dusting, but most importantly… it was very, very fluffy.
Kokichi paled at the sight of it.
“Nononono! This is cruel and unusual punishment! I’ll sue!” he exclaimed, looking genuinely panicked for once.
Shuichi was very tempted to smirk.
“You could just tell me where the jewel is, Kokichi. There’s no need to be difficult.”
The phantom thief scowled in response, only to lose all semblance of composure when the detective started stroking the brush against his neck. If Kokichi hadn’t been tied so securely to his chair, he surely would have toppled out of it.
His cuffs jingled loudly as he writhed in place, shaking his head frantically yet unable to avoid Shuichi’s brush. The soft bristles tickled every inch of his vulnerable neck, running up and down the sides, over his pulse, and under his chin. He giggled when the detective moved to tease his collarbones, then squirmed when the brush swept across a bit of his upper back. Mostly though, he laughed. The sound was desperate, high-pitched, and undeniably cute. 
Unfortunately for Kokichi, it also spurred Shuichi on.
“Maybe I’ll actually find some fingerprints if I keep dusting here. Then I could catch whoever left these marks.”
“Maybe not, but your blush right now is.”
After several more minutes of maddeningly gentle tickle torture, Kokichi finally gave in.
Shuichi complied, allowing Kokichi a few moments to catch his breath before raising an eyebrow.
“It's… under the floorboards… in front of the original display case,” the thief confessed tiredly.
“Wait, so you’re telling me the jewel’s been hidden in the same gallery this entire time?" 
The detective could hardly believe it. The truth was so silly, so absurd, so…
"…Just like you,” he mumbled to himself.
“Nothing. Anyway, I’ll try getting you released sooner rather than later. They’ll probably drop all of this once they find the jewel.”
“Hmmph. That’s the least you could do after tormenting me!” Kokichi summoned the biggest crocodile tears he could muster. “Y-you’re so cruel! My neck’s all b-bruised, and you didn’t even offer to kiss it better or anything!”
The detective considered the blubbering thief’s accusations. He knew Kokichi wasn't being serious, and yet…
“Don’t you have anything to sa-” Kokichi’s words died in his throat the moment Shuichi kissed his neck. 
For a few seconds, all Kokichi could focus on was Shuichi. The scent of Shuichi’s hair near his face, the softness of Shuichi’s lips against his skin, the kindness of Shuichi’s hand holding his chin.
It was over far too quickly. 
“I’ll be back as soon as possible to make sure you’re alright!” Shuichi promised. He sent the thief a reassuring smile, then rushed out the door.
Unseen by anyone else, Kokichi’s cheeks flushed even brighter than before. Rather than feeling embarrassment, though, he felt… warmth.
“You’re unbelievable…” he told the empty room.
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