#also prev thanks for the support yesterday :))
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masquerading-man · 1 year ago
I love all of you, Pocket Friends!! 💕
I think a fundamental part of online friendships that people ‘outside’ fail to understand is how comforting it is to have friends right there in your pocket who will keep you company in good times and bad, listen to your rants, let you vent, be supportive whilst offering outsider perspective…
Need to be alone but need support too? Pocket friends.
Something awful just happened and there’s nobody around for you to tell? Pocket friends.
Need to let your feelings out but don’t want people to see you ugly-cry? Pocket friends.
Keep being amazing, pocket friends. You couldn’t possibly imagine how important you are.
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roosterr · 2 years ago
white flag ✹ ch 1
note: tysm for all the support on the first part! it made me so happy to see that people were enjoying it!! also sorry if you're not british bc i'm british-ing the reader in this story lol.
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pairing: ghost x gn!reader
wc: 3.2k
no use of y/n reader's callsign is 'stingray'
summary: you decide to walk to work with ghost instead of driving yourself. what could possibly go wrong.
warnings: ghost is a bit mean again, reader is going through it, some angst, a lil bit of fluff at the end
【prev】 || 【next】
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you didn't sleep well these days. your dreams are more often than not consumed with your newfound fear of fire – something you'd be taking to the grave, rather than give ghost something new to grill you about. the memories of waking up to your house filled with smoke haunted you, ever present in the back of your mind, even as you slept. it was all you could think about. distracting yourself with work had been effective so far, so that was how you'd continue until it either went away or became a bigger problem.
in the week since the fire, you'd yet to actually see ghost in the morning before you both went to work. it was like you were living with an actual ghost. you would never see him, but every now and then you'd hear a noise from upstairs and be reminded that he exists. honestly, it was kind of a relief – he obviously didn't want to see you any more often than necessary, and as much as his avoidance hurt you, you're not sure you could handle being berated before you've had your morning coffee.
he stayed out of the living room, for which you're thankful. you're overly aware of how unhappy he is having someone who is essentially a stranger occupying his home, and you're glad he's allowed you some modicum of privacy.
today, however, you'd woken up early by some grace of the gods and decided that, instead of going back to sleep for an extra forty-five minutes, you'd get an early start to the day.
that of course meant that you encountered your ever elusive lieutenant in the kitchen, as you sit at the incredibly small table drinking your mug of incredibly sweet coffee. you'd just finished off a bowl of cereal when he appeared in the corner of your vision, and you jump slightly when you notice him.
"...morning." you utter, somehow surprised to see him standing in the doorway as if this wasn't his house in the first place. unsurprisingly, ghost doesn't respond, he simply puts the kettle on and starts making himself a cup of tea, all without looking at you once. you can't help but sigh at how he blatantly ignores you, but it's not out of character for him, so you resign yourself to sipping your coffee in silence.
you watch as he shuffles around the kitchen, his large frame making the space look even more tiny, if that was even possible. somewhere in the back of your mind you wonder if he sleeps in his balaclava, since it didn't look like he'd even washed his face since you saw him yesterday.
when he suddenly turns and meets your eyes, you freeze and quickly look down. of course he knew you were staring at him, why wouldn't he? he always seemed to be acutely aware of every mistake you make, much to your chagrin. heat rises to your cheeks and you subtly clear your throat from the embarrassment of being caught. you can't see what expression he's making, but you'd be willing to bet he was giving you that patented death glare.
"do you walk to base? every morning?" you ask, if only to break the painfully awkward silence between you. a moment passes of you looking at him expectantly as he finishes making his tea.
"yeah." his mumble is barely audible, and you have to strain to hear it despite sitting less than two metres away from him.
"but it's, like, a half hour walk," you muse, tilting your head at him. it made sense, you supposed, you already knew he didn't have a car, and it would explain why he always left so early.
"twenty-five if you're quick about it." he mutters, turning away from you to face the window. you see him lift his mask over his nose and bring his cup up to his lips. there's another beat of silence between you as you stare holes into the back of his head.
"do you, uh… want a lift?" you ask, hesitancy lacing your voice. he's still facing away from you as he downs the rest of his tea, setting the cup down in the sink. 
"okay…" your voice trails off, quieter than before. it doesn't matter that you expected it, his blunt dismissiveness never fails to make your stomach sink. as you finish off your own drink, an idea lights up your eyes. you stand up, bringing your cup and bowl and placing them in the sink, before turning to ghost. "then i'll walk with you." you give him a warm smile, taking note of how he quickly pulls his mask back down as you look at him and the way his eyes widen the slightest amount at your words.
"no–" he begins, shaking his head, but you're already set on the idea.
"just let me grab my jacket," you give him another small smile, and without another word, you disappear into the living room – your very makeshift bedroom – to search for where you discarded your jacket when you got home the night before.
when you come back out to the entryway, hiking your jacket over your shoulders, the first thing you notice is ghost's boots are no longer by the door. you poke your head into the kitchen, and find the spot in front of the sink where he was standing distinctly empty.
the bastard left without you.
with a whispered string of curses, you pull on your own boots as quickly as you can manage, and race out the door after him. you get a few paces down the path before you remember you have to lock the door behind you, practically sprinting back to it and securing it at record speed. in less than a minute, you're running down the road after ghost's retreating form, swearing under your breath the whole way.
when you finally catch up to him, he doesn't even spare you a glance as you try and catch your breath beside him.
"damn you walk fast…" you huff, straightening your jacket and looking up at ghost. he gives you a look out of the corner of his eye, but still doesn't say anything. "well, you're not shaking me that easily, l.t."
"anyone ever told you you're a pain in the arse?" he grumbles, shoving his hands in his pockets.
you mirror his movement, raising a brow at him. "yeah, you do – all the time actually." 
his gaze darts to you for a split second, almost unnoticeable, and then he's back to looking straight ahead like you're not there. there's nothing you want more in that moment than to know what he's thinking, but you'll just have to make do with his blank expression.
"so, uh…" you clear your throat, drawing a blank on anything you could talk to him about. "so, what's your favourite colour?" you cringe as soon as the words pass your lips, but it's too late to stop yourself now. "you strike me as a forest green kinda guy."
"god, shut up sting." he sighs, glancing briefly at you with a frown you can see through the balaclava. you frown back, throwing your hands out in exasperation.
"so you really wanna just walk in silence all the way to work?" you ask, jogging slightly to catch up with him as he takes a corner you weren't expecting.
"didn't wanna walk with you in the first place." he says, his shoulders hunched with tension. "you're more than welcome to drive yourself."
"i'm just trying to be friendly."
"well… save your breath." he mutters. you think you hear a hint of sadness lacing his tone, but you can't be sure.
"then i won't bother on the way back, how about that?" you reply, hoping that your voice doesn't betray the disappointment you feel.
he doesn't say another word for the rest of the time it takes the two of you to walk to base. you're left essentially talking to yourself, while he gives you the silent treatment. it's disappointing, but not at all surprising – a feeling you've become familiar with around him.
you point out a woman walking her dog that you thought was cute, but he only hums and continues staring ahead. you comment on a fox in the road, but he pretends not to have heard you. any attempt you make to get him to engage again, he shoots you down every time. it's almost enough to make you give up, but you really do want him to like you, if only because you live together and not because of your admiration for him.
when you finally arrive at base, you don't bother trying to keep pace with him anymore. the commute, which in reality was only about thirty minutes, felt more like hours thanks to ghost's avoidance. you watch with a defeated expression as he disappears around the corner ahead of you and decide to go to the rec room, in the hopes that your more friendly teammates will be there.
"sting! there you are!" soap's voice from your left draws your attention as you walk through the door, and you give him and gaz a smile as you make your way over to where they're sitting. "was worried you got lost or somethin'."
"did you walk with ghost?" gaz asks. you nod, flopping down onto the sofa next to him with a quiet groan.
"yeah, but he basically just ignored me the whole way." you sigh, your disappointment evident in your voice. they both nod in understanding, having expected as much from your icy lieutenant.
"surprised he didn't shove you into a bush and leave you there." gaz chuckles, patting your shoulder as you rub a hand over your eyes.
"honestly? me too."
soap jumps up from his seat next to gaz and comes to sit on your other side. "how's it been, living with him?" he asks, his voice teasing. you groan again, and squeeze your eye shut.
"it's great," you grumble, resping your elbows on your knees and hiding your face on your hands, "now i get told i'm annoying at home and at work."
before either of them can respond, price's voice interrupts from the doorway "come on, you lot get a move on, we've got work to do." he commands, and with a quiet 'yes sir' the three of you get up and follow after him.
the rest of the day went by in a blur, in part thanks to the unfulfilling sleep you'd been having lately; the sofa-bed left a lot to be desired, paired with the adjustment period your body needed whenever you sleep somewhere new.
thankfully you didn't need to do anything too taxing today; paperwork, training, and due to an unfortunate bet, you were stuck doing inventory for the next month. it was your own fault, really, you should've known better than to make a bet with soap.
by the end of the day, you're practically dead on your feet and more than ready to get home and collapse into your horribly uncomfortable bed. you're on your way out when you remember, you don't have your car, because you walked here. so you have to walk back. with ghost.
as you drag your feet through the winding corridors, your eyes drift to the window to see that it's now raining – and quite heavily, at that. as luck would have it, you actually keep a spare umbrella on top of your locker for situations exactly like this. rolling your eyes to yourself, you turn around on your heel and make your way quickly back towards the locker room. the sun was already setting, and you still had to find ghost, preferably before it got too dark.
well, you didn't have to find him, but since you'd walked here together, you wanted to walk back with him too – no matter how grumpy he was. even if you walked in complete silence, you'd still enjoy the company.
you push the locker room door open with your shoulder, beelining for your locker along the back wall. you reach a hand up and feel around for your umbrella on top, cringing at the feeling of dust all over your hand. when you don't find it, you frown. you could've sworn you left it up there. you step up onto one of the benches nearby to get a better look, but it's still nowhere to be found.
someone stole your fucking umbrella.
you let out an irritated groan. did the higher powers have something against you? why has everything been going wrong for you lately? you have to take a second, standing on the bench in the empty locker room, to compose yourself before you burst into tears from the frustration of it all.
more than anything you just wanted to go home; but your home was gone, and now you live in a house with a man who probably couldn't care less whether you made it back or not, and to top it all off you had to walk back in the pouring rain with him with no umbrella.
now, as you make your way back to ghost's office, you're marching through the corridors with frustrated desperation; you needed to go to sleep and not wake up until you need to go to work again on monday. you're not even sure you could face going to the pub with the others this weekend, something you usually enjoy no matter how much you're aching.
you arrive outside his office, but the light is off and the door's locked when you try it. you get a sinking feeling in your chest as you think back to this morning. maybe he was just waiting by the exit?
as quickly as you can manage, you head to the front of the building, where you'd come in that morning, but when you round the corner, there's no one there. you sniffle, trying to bottle your frustration for when you're alone, and decide to try one last option before calling it a day.
you lean around the door into the rec room, spotting a group of a few privates you don't know the names of sitting around a table, playing some card game.
"have you guys seen lieutenant ghost?" you ask them, your exhaustion clearly showing on your face by the way they look between themselves before responding.
"uhm, yeah, i think i saw him leaving about an hour ago?" one of them answers.
"oh." you mutter, blinking dumbly as you process his words. "right, thanks."
the bastard left without you.
it takes you a great deal of restraint not to scream.
the journey back in the dark, by yourself, is painful, to put it lightly. you get splashed by passing cars exactly twice, and you're practically soaked to the bone within the first ten minutes of walking.
the lights are on when you finally round the corner and have the house in your sights. you almost slip on the small patch of grass outside, but manage to save yourself that embarrassment and stay upright.
you wrench the door open, stepping inside and dripping on the entryway floor as you slam it behind you. you wipe your hand over your face, flicking the excess rain onto the floor as well before sharply tugging your boots off and dropping them next to ghost's.
you move to stand in the doorway to the kitchen, glowering at your lieutenant who stands in his usual spot by the window with a nice warm cup of tea in his hand.
well, good for him.
"dickhead." you hiss, taking note of how he seems to be perfectly content and, most importantly, dry. he sets his cup down on the counter next to him and turns his body to face you, expression consistently unreadable with the mask covering him.
"...figured you'd left already." he mutters, his eyes flickering to your soaking wet clothes and then back up to your face, not quite meeting your seething gaze.
"no you didn't." you spit, wiping your eyes sharply as more water drips into them. "you just didn't wanna deal with me. well, you got your peace and quiet, i hope you're happy."
"thought you had an umbrella?" his voice is quieter still, and you think you see his eyebrows pull upwards with what could've been concern, but you brush the thought off.
"i did, before somebody fucking nicked it."
you appear back in the kitchen doorway, throwing your hands out to your side with a wobbly frown. "you win, alright? i'll–" you can't help the way your voice cracks, "i'll stop trying to be friends with you. i'll leave you alone. you win."
and with that, you storm into the living room, slamming the door behind you before he can get another word in – before the dam breaks and you can no longer stop the tears from falling. your knees give out and you sink to the floor where you stand, leaning your back against the door and burying your tear-stained face in your hands.
you just want to go home, but this isn't home and you're afraid it never will be. it hurts, a lot, that no matter how hard you try, you never make any progress with him, and even though you said you'd give up trying, deep down you knew it was a lie. more than anything, you just wanted him to like you; it didn't even matter of he never cared about you the same way you cared for him, you were just so tired of being hated.
it takes you the better part of ten minutes to gain control of your breathing again, and another five to gather the strength to stand. you muster just enough energy to tug your soaked clothes off and change into your pyjamas before collapsing into the sofa-bed and burying yourself in the blankets.
you must've drifted to sleep at some point, because the sound of the door opening startles you awake. with a tired frown decorating your face, you sit up and turn around. to your utter surprise, you see ghost standing half in the doorway, illuminated from behind by the hall light, holding something out that you can't quite see in the darkness.
for a moment all you can do is sit in silence, staring and waiting for him to say something.
"...what's that?" you finally ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
"hot chocolate." he replies in a similar tone, taking a small step forward. you blink and open your mouth to say something, but no words come to mind. so instead you take the cup from him, and let it warm your hands as you take a sip.
"how'd you know i like hot chocolate?" he's about to leave when you ask, his body already poised to disappear. he turns his head back to look at you, never quite meeting your eyes.
"belarus, last year." he mutters, "you ordered it. in the caff."
you're not quite sure what to say, so you settle on a confused, "...thanks?"
"if you get a cold, it'll be your head, sergeant." he tells you, the slightest trace of something teasing in his voice, before stepping out of your sight.
"copy that." you mumble after him, a faint smile pulling at your lips as the door clicks shut again.
maybe he would warm up to you after all.
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taglist: @sofasoap , @siilvan , @i-love-ghost , @projectdreamwalker , @rafaelcallinybbay , @shuttlelauncher81 , @achelois-is-here , @adamsloverboy , @thatchickwiththecamera , @chickensandwich69 , @batmanunicorns523 , @tiny-kasper , @dezibou , @pampeop , @cumbermovels , @goth-boi-atlas , @berryjuicyy
if your name is crossed out, i can't tag you for whatever reason, sorry!
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povlnfour · 1 year ago
series masterlist | prev part
lando norris x f!horse rider!reader
authors note: for the purpose of this i need you to imagine lando flew straight back to monaco the monday after vegas and didn’t need to fly to abu dhabi till thursday night… thank u
lando.jpg just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚
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liked by oscarpiastri, daniel.jpg3 and 105,411 others
lando.jpg early birthday celebrations🇧🇷
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user5 them going to brazil early just to hang out is so :(
user1 day 3 of the y/n drought and i just cried over a photo of her by a pool
user4 okay but who’s the third wheel….
user10 definitely y/n
landonorris it’s me they’ve rallied against me
carlossainz55 just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚
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liked by 508,199 people
carlossainz55 gracias são paulo, now onto the race☀️
👤 tagged yourusername
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user7 oh so lando wasn’t kidding about him being a third wheel😭
user2 can’t wait for people to start rumours about them now xo
user5 carlando holiday with added y/n,,,, my dream🥹
user4 i know y/n’s phone is full of such cute carlando photos this break couldn’t have come at a worse time
y/nupdates just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚
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liked by landonorris and 15,406 others
y/nupdates y/n at the paddock with lily today for the quali of the brazil grand prix!! someone said lando gave her the stitch plushie when they arrived and she’s not let it go🥹
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user1 she looks sO HAPPY
user14 lando getting to see her every day and still stalking her fanpages is so adorable to me
user4 he’s just like all of us fr
user8 i’m so sad she can’t be with him on his birthday :( you know she’d give us the cutest lan content
mclaren just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚
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liked by landonorris, fernando_alo and 291,222 others
mclaren not much to see here. just lando norris things👀🧡
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user14 cause he had his good luck charm there😌
mclaren 👀 we’re going to miss her
user5 future wdc coming
texts with lando ੈ✩‧₊˚
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birthday texts with lando ੈ✩‧₊˚
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landonorris just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚
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liked by alex_albon and 346,441 others
landonorris thanks for all the birthday wishes🤙🏻 had lots of fun with cake, golf and very fitting gifts which my girlfriend enjoyed🕶️
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user2 THE GLASSES😭😭😭
user4 IN TEARS
user5 more carlando and y/nlando content😭😭😭😭 we are THRIVING this week
user12 you’re so cute🥹
alex_albon tell y/n she’s so welcome for the laughs
landonorris she also loved the cardboard cutout of you
y/nupdates just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚
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liked by landonorris and 17,208 others
y/nupdates best of luck to both @/yourusername and @/landonorris who compete today in respective competitions🩷 neither had a particularly positive saturday so we’re hoping they can bounce back stronger than ever!
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user7 good luck guys🥹
user8 masterclasses incoming
user13 y/n looked so nervous yesterday i hope she’s okay
user1 i think she had watched the quali before her own qualifying because her interview she said she had been distracted all morning😭
landonorris 🧡
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texts with lando ੈ✩‧₊˚
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y/nupdates just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚
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liked by landonorris, lilymhe and 22,376 others
y/nupdates SHE’S ONLY GONE AND DONE IT😭 in her final competition before the winter rest, @/yourusername surprised everyone after a rough saturday and took gold with TWO ALL CLEARS🥹🩷 so proud of our girl!!! now she gets to enjoy her rest
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user1 devastated over lando but SO HAPPY FOR Y/N
landonorris that’s my girl🧡
landonorris just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚
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liked by yourusername, alex_albon and 304,551 others
landonorris not how we wanted it to go but thank you for all your messages of support🧡 maybe not the best day for me but it certainly was for my girl, proud as hell
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carlossainz55 glad you’re okay mate❤️
user5 glad you’re okay lando :( so proud of you no matter what <3
user1 him including y/n on the post🥹 they’re so in love
yourusername you’ll be back🧡
landonorris my superstar
texts with charles and lily ੈ✩‧₊˚
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yourusername just posted stories ੈ✩‧₊˚
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lilymhe just posted stories ੈ✩‧₊˚
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landonorris just posted stories ੈ✩‧₊˚
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yourusername just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚
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liked by landonorris, lilymhe and 331,608 others
yourusername happy belated birthday my love @/landonorris. no one deserves to be celebrated more than you, and i hope i get to do this for a long time in the future. biggest thanks to my co conspirators @/charles_leclerc and @/lilymhe for making this happen. the rumours and the drama were all worth it
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landonorris just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc and 491,267 others
landonorris and with that, the 2023 season comes to a close. it’s been a busy one, not the most perfect end race wise, but one i will always remember because of you — my true prize🧡 so excited to see what you can do going forward. paris 2024 is going to be yours
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a/n: ANDDDD that’s it :’) semi anti climactic i know but i just enjoyed writing this and wanted it to have a simple soppy ending so
considering doing a mini epilogue to show their lives as it carries on? lmk if that’s something you’d like to see eek
back to one shots i go eeeek
- giselle xx
taglist: @idkiwantchocolatee @vellicora @alessioayla @bborra @crimeshowjunkie @minkyungseokie @paolexsstuff @celestialpato @champagnelovers101 @loxbbg @hobiismyhopeu @tsukishitm-a @moonypixel @champagneproblems17 @ironmaiden1313 @lqvesoph @sunflower-golden-vol6 @six-call @skatingiswalkingincursive @peqch-pie @m0cha-bunny @woozarts @he6rtshaker @iluvvmeeee @goldenalbon @izzy-marvel @lucyysthings @lichterfee
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capricornwriter5 · 2 years ago
OUR SEESAW - Chapter 17
Pairing: Min Yoongi x female OC
Genre: idol au, Suga X female OC, smut, fluff, angst, college romance, friends to lovers, exes to lovers, happy ending. ⚠️Warning: mentions of mental health affections, drugs, explicit sex
Words: 3k
➳ Prev. Chapter
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Chapter 17 - Yet to Come
During the first seven days, Emmy and Yoongi received a lot of medical support, as those would be the most critical days. Although the girl suffered from nausea, headaches, sweating, and shivering caused by the drugs, she turned out to be extraordinarily strong against the craving to consume. Every time she felt that she wanted to quit because of how ill she felt, she thought about the type of life she wanted to achieve and moved on.
The few times Yoongi saw her seriously doubting, he would take her to the piano and help her think only about the music.
He also helped her with two other symptoms that, without Yoongi, would have cost her a lot: poor appetite and insomnia. Yet, when Yoongi's help truly became vital was after the detox. It was thanks to him that depression didn't sink its claws into Emmy, and it was also thanks to Yoongi that anxiety lost its grip. The boy never left her alone, never allowing there to be a moment during the day when Emmy could break down. They both knew that it would be a long process and that in the future there would be more difficult days than others, but at least those first few days, Yoongi carried that weight like no other person would have done.
Perhaps because of the same dedication and kindness that Yoongi put into it, Emmy made an effort to stay as calm as possible and not make Yoongi have to live a nightmare next to her. Of course, there were times when Emmy cried and even argued with him, but things never got out of hand.
In addition to having been consuming different drugs for so long, the girl's body did not take the detoxification so well and she needed almost the entire month of medication. Therefore, she fell far behind in her classes and the truth was that she had no motivation to resume her courses.
Yoongi, on the other hand, hadn't enrolled in that many classes; besides, they were very simple for him being the musical genius that he was, so he had no problem. Additionally to the situation with Emmy, Yoongi also had his mother's, and he needed to keep an eye on it. Added to that, his bosses on his radio weren't the most understanding people, not even taking into account that Yoongi was using his vacation, he wasn't asking them for any favors. This did not matter to them, and they ended up firing him. Fortunately, his job at the restaurant was not in danger, and he was able to continue composing music for some groups.
He tried to hide what had happened on the radio from Emmy so as not to worry her more, but the truth was that he was terrible at lying or hiding things, so Emmy found out the same day. Contrary to what she would have done at any other time in her life, Emmy didn't say anything to him, instead she quickly thought about how to help him.
They were preparing breakfast together when Emmy took advantage of her boyfriend being distracted, she told him that they would have visitors at night.
“Did you invite Hobi and Woosung?”
"No, I want you to meet someone." With that answer, Yoongi turned around waiting for more details. "It's a surprise, but you'll like it, I promise."
“Freckles, are you sure you want to have guests? You could barely sleep yesterday because of the dizziness."
"Baby, calm down." She responded by laughing and leaning in to kiss his forehead. "I feel okay, and I really want you to meet this man."
“Hmm… should I be worried? I've never seen you so excited for another man.” Yoongi's claim, accompanied by his crossed arms and his whiny tone made Emmy laugh.
"The only man you should worry about is Jin, he texts me ALL day to ask about you."
"Aren't you going to tell me who he is? Does he cook better than me? Is he more handsome than me?" The girl chose to ignore him and continue making breakfast, but when Yoongi activated his jealous mode, there was no way to make him stop. "Emmy!"
"I'm sorry, baby, I can't hear you."
"Are you seriously going to turn on the music while I'm talking?" He asked more than offended to see that the girl was already turning on the speakers. “Can you at least tell me if he's funnier than me? Okay, don't tell me anything, I'm going to go buy some carrots for breakfast."
“Are you going out wearing your pajamas? You're not even wearing a shirt and look at your hair!"
Looking at the shirt he was going to wear, Emmy couldn't help but hide a mischievous laugh. She wasn't going to tell him anything, but her boyfriend noticed her wicked smile and insisted that she tell him what was so funny.
“Do you remember that a few days ago I tried to do laundry? Well... that t-shirt was on my first failed attempt. I mixed it with my colored shirts and well… look at its back.”
"You gotta be kidding me... Freckles!" He exclaimed looking in the mirror and noticing a huge pink spot on the back of the t-shirt. “We studied for a whole week how to wash clothes, I even left you post-its next to the washing machine on how to do it. You don't listen to me because you think it's funny, right?"
"I don't listen to you because I prefer to see you, you're very cute."
"I'm leaving," He said, looking exactly like a bitter cat. "And I'm not just going to buy carrots, I'm going to bring more Post-its."
Of course, it was all a lie, Yoongi hated leaving her alone and if he had to do the shopping, they usually went together. They looked extremely adorable not only because they were always holding hands, but also because Yoongi didn't take his eyes off her, making sure she felt well and that she didn't need anything. He hadn't even made it to the door before he had already turned grumbling back to continue with breakfast.
He couldn't even imagine how his life would change with that night's visit.
Finally, night came, at 7 o'clock someone knocked on the door and it was Emmy who opened it. Yoongi nearly fell off the couch when he saw who came in. He was an old man with a friendly smile that made him seem younger than he was. He was a well-known producer, his tremendous talent led him to work for renowned artists and even win several awards for his work. Yoongi knew that his girlfriend knew famous people, but not even in his wildest dream would he have expected to see him there.
That night, Emmy could not stop staring at his musician. He looked so excited talking to the producer that he looked like a little kid.
“I was a bit surprised that Emmy invited me to come today, not because of the invitation, but because she was especially insistent that if I came, I'd meet an exceptional musician.” Commented the producer.
"Oh! Well, I…”
"Come on Yoongs, don't be shy, you are very good," Emmy said making him laugh shyly.
“If you don't mind sharing your music with a stranger, you could send me some of what you've created. I recently ran out of an assistant and I need one. Also, if you are recommended by Emmy, I'm sure you'll do your job well.”
"Are you serious?" Yoongi asked.
"You couldn't have asked him at a better time, Yoongi just quit, I think he has some free time." Emmy winked at her boyfriend, letting him speechless, he had no idea she already knew about that.
"I'd love to! But right now… ”Yoongi immediately looked at her, not even with a proposal like that he would leave her alone; yet, his girlfriend did not let him speak; instead, she got closer and gave a peck on his cheek.
"It's a great opportunity. Don't doubt it."
Seeing the hesitation on Yoongi's face, the producer continued talking.
“I was living in Japan, in fact, I came to visit these days. I still need to go back and finish getting some things ready before I move back to Korea. Take some time to think about this, and if you decide to accept, we can start as soon as I'm here. In the meantime, you can send me a few things to know a little more about your style.” Yoongi couldn't believe that was happening and feeling the greatest of illusions, he accepted the offer.
With dinner almost over, Yoongi noticed how his girlfriend massaged her temple a couple of times and put aside the glasses she wore when she was at home. After that time living together, plus the one they had already known each other, Yoongi knew many of her gestures and that was a typical one of hers when the headache attacked her, especially during the last month.
Fortunately, the producer left and as soon as the couple was alone, Yoongi and Emmy were able to rest in the living room. After so much time together, they both already had their favorite place in those huge armchairs, and they used them so much that they already had their figures marked. Yoongi would always lean back on the arm of the chair with Emmy nestled snugly on his chest.
"How do you feel, dear?"
“It's just a tiny headache, it doesn't matter. What's very important is that you'll have a new job and in something that you are passionate about! You'll be one step closer to your dream.” Yoongi smiled for only a few moments because delicately, he made Emmy lie down in such a way that he could see her eyes.
"Again you did something for me that I've no way to thank you, freckles."
“Yoongs, you have nothing to thank me for. Besides, I didn't do much, I just introduced you to a friend.”
“I promise you that I won't miss this opportunity and I'll make you proud of me.”
"I already am." The answer came accompanied by a kiss on Yoongi's lips. But to the musician's surprise, he felt how his girlfriend pull a lock of his hair hard enough so that it did not go unnoticed. “That was for hiding from me that you'd been fired.”
"I can take it, I think I deserve it." Said Yoongi trying to assume a serious and honorable behavior, but he only managed to make her girlfriend laugh
“You have to promise me that when you are a famous producer, you'll always leave me a place where I can sit and watch you work for hours.”
“A place where I can also take breaks and nap with you? Sounds like an excellent idea. But what about you? What will happen to me when you become the best pianist of all?"
“Yoongs, you know that…”
“Don't tell me you're going to forget about me.”
Yoongi was about to make all the drama, but Emmy shut him up with a promise. “I promise you two things. The first is that you'll always have a seat in all my presentations, and the second is that I'll always leave a space next to me so that you can sit down and play with me whenever you want.”
“So no collaborations with other artists, I mean… no one else can sit in my place.” Yoongi said making Emmy laugh even more.
“There'll be collaborations! Now, someone taking your place... never. But since you're so jealous today, I think I'll put a condition on that space next to me. If you use it, you must kiss me."
"In front of the audience?" He asked widening his eyes. "I always knew you were a flasher…” He said crossing his arms and shaking his head negatively. "Okay, I accept it. But if you want to use that place that I will also save for you, from time to time you have to get up and hug me."
"Oh my god! Nobody would believe how spoiled you are! I love you!" Yoongi could barely breathe among so many kisses and hugs. "Of course I will, Yoongs, and I'll hug you even tighter if there's a girl near you."
The next day everything went normally. Yoongi and Emmy had shared hours together until the girl decided to play the piano while her boyfriend practiced on the guitar. At times they were both distracted because as much as they loved music and their instruments, when they realized who they had next to them they couldn't help but smile lovely at each other. Most of the time Emmy would go up to the musician and steal a kiss, eliciting adorable shy giggles from Yoongi.
However, with dinner almost ready, Yoongi put her guitar aside, and approaching quietly, he hugged his girlfriend from behind. Leaning forward a bit, Yoongi intertwined his fingers with Emmy's over the piano keys, and before the girl could say anything, he spoke in his raspy voice.
"Come with me, let's take a bath."
Without wasting a second, Emmy got up and went upstairs with Yoongi. She hadn't realized when he had filled the tub, much less did she know when he lit the candles, or when he brought up tangerines for both of them.
As soon as they entered the tub, Yoongi received his girlfriend in his arms, who snuggled up at the same time that she closed her eyes and felt Yoongi's hands spreading the foam over her thighs, abdomen, arms, and legs.
For a few moments, the musician did nothing more than caress the body of his girl.
Emmy had not been on her best days, either because of the medications or because of the anxiety of being in a period of total abstinence, her body sometimes suffered it. Yoongi knew better than anyone when she wasn't feeling well, when she was struggling to hold her own, and when she felt a little better.
For that same reason, during that month they had not had sex, and the girl's physical activity had considerably dropped. However, she was beginning to feel better and Yoongi was already seeing some changes.
“Yoongs, I miss making love to you. I'm sorry, I know it's very boring having to take care of me all day."
“Taking care of you is everything but boring. Actually, I love taking care of you, I want to do it forever." He responded wholeheartedly. “Besides, I'm not going anywhere, and I won't let you either. We have all the time to have sex. For now, let's focus on you being okay."
"Well... I felt pretty good today." She responded by turning a little to look at him and raising her eyebrows.
"That's great, my love."
"Don't look at me like that, you're not going to convince me."
"But Yoongs! Don't you miss me?"
"Freckles, are you serious?" He asked her with an indignant tone, and even more so when he saw that Emmy nodded in agreement. "Precious, I've been drooling over you since I met you, if you didn't see me as a total pervert, I could tell you everything I thought every night after our lessons."
"Well... If you insist that nothing happens today, you could tell me."
After a deep sigh that in the end sounded more like a moan, Yoongi closed his eyes for a moment and remembered those first piano lessons with Emmy at his house. As soon as he opened her eyes, Emmy noticed a leer and sinful smile.
"Yoongi, tell me! What did you think after our classes?"
“You have a curious way of looking at the sheet music. Even though they are close to you, you always lean forward and fold your arms together while reading. Such a spectacular sight.” He said biting his lip and getting dangerously close to his girlfriend until they both brushed against each other's lips. “I thought about how fucking your tits and coming all over them would feel. I thought about it many times, luckily I already know how it feels."
"How wrong I was when I thought you were a professional teacher who only thought of teaching me!"
"Oh! Very wrong, Emmy." He whispered, biting his lower lip, “I did think about teaching you, but about how to ride my cock all night. Yet, it turned out that you knew exactly how to do it, even better than I expected. Also, in the end, you certainly knew how to trap my cock inside your mouth. Because yes... I thought so too, every time you bit or licked your lips in front of me I thought so. And I knew you were doing it intentionally, you also wanted me to make you scream my name." Seducing her better than anyone, Yoongi caressed his girl's thigh and grinned as he felt her skin crawl under his touch.
“Do you know what else I thought every time you left my house?” He asked this time spreading kisses around Emmy's neck until he finally caught the girl's earlobe with his teeth. “How wet you had to come home every time you were alone with me. You touched yourself thinking of me, right?" He asked without moving away from her ear, and when he sensed her nodding, he smiled even more. “Hmm, how many nights without being able to sleep thinking about the sound of your fingers going in and out of your body thinking about me. But, precious, I assure you that was not what I thought about the most. Not even all the times I made a mess in my bed thinking about fucking you from behind and looking at your ass while I did it, or how much I wanted to see you on your knees can be compared to how hard I got thinking about eating you until I saw you shaking from so many orgasms. There was nothing I craved more than to use my tongue on you, to be able to taste you."
Yoongi chuckled as he took his girlfriend's chin to look at him and was able to see what he had done to her. Emmy couldn't even speak.
"What's up, dear? You asked me to tell you and believe me, I was a gentleman." He said without losing his smile before kissing her cheek.
"You always get what you want, right?" Again, the boy closed his eyes and moaned deeply. However, this time he took the girl's hand and placed it on his crotch, letting her feel how hard he had got just from having that conversation.
"Yoongi, you can't just tell me all this and pretend nothing happens."
"Not until the doctor says you're okay, precious."
"But I'm fine!"
"You're aroused, that doesn't mean you're fully recovered." He said laughing.
"You're such a teaser, I hate you!"
"I love you freckles." He responded by stealing a kiss on her lips.
“Yoongi, I felt your boner! Are you telling me that you can just ignore it?"
"Oh no... there's no way I'm going to ignore it, believe me." He winked at her and leaned back in the tub, bringing his girlfriend with him.
"You said you'd do anything for me."
"I will" he replied without any doubt.
“I want to hear and see you when you touch yourself. Do it here, by my side."
Opening his eyes again, Yoongi raised his eyebrow and showed her one of those smirks that would kill anyone, especially since he sensually licked his lips.
“As you wish, my love, just come closer, I want to feel you.”
The guttural sounds that came out of the musician's mouth every time he stroked his cock in his hands were so addictive that she felt that her head and her whole body were going to explode from the need to hear more. Yoongi was being more vocal and expressive than usual that night. The handsome musician not only moaned in her ear, but he grinned at her every time he looked at her, he wanted to make it very clear that only she could provoke him that much. After a while, unable to resist anymore, Yoongi brought her closer, placing his hand behind his girlfriend's neck, and as soon as he began to kiss her, he looked for Emmy's hand under the water so that she could feel when he came, caused by the kiss.
Shaken, dying from the heat, but more than satisfied, the musician opened his eyes again and smiled at his girl, who was still in shock at how sensual it had been to have Yoongi touching himself next to her.
"I'm going to make it up to you. As soon as the doctor tells you you're fully recovered, ohh… freckles..." He said licking her neck. "I'll do to you everything I didn't dare to say today."
➳ Next Chapter: soon
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marauderundercover · 3 years ago
This Side of Normal Ch. 6
Jason walks into the hospital room, heart breaking at the sight. Adrien, a huge bandage covering what was left of his arm and part of his shoulder. And next to him… This wasn’t supposed to happen. He was supposed to be there to make sure the kids didn’t get hurt. Instead, Ladybug- no, Marinette, he reminded himself. She had told him her name through sobs as he held her on the roof after they gave their statements to the police. Marinette blamed herself. He could see it in everything she did, the way she responded to people, her body language around Adrien and Jason. He knew she blamed herself. But she shouldn’t. She wasn’t the one who had been trained to fight villains like that. Villains willing to kill kids to get ahead. But Jason was trained. He was supposed to be prepared and know what to do. But now, Adrien would have to relearn how to do everything with just one arm. Sure, he could get a prosthetic, but that wouldn’t be for several weeks. And even if he chooses to get a prosthetic, he’d have to relearn everything. Again. And it was all because Jason couldn’t save him. He couldn’t save anyone. Jason turns to leave, not ready to talk to the boy who lost an arm because Jason wasn’t fast enough.
“Jay?” A soft voice from the bed calls, making Jason freeze. Whirling around, he rushes over to the bed, immediately looking the boy over to see if he’s okay. 
“Hey kiddo, how ya feeling? Are you- I’m so sorry.” Jason rambles, falling onto the spare chair next to Adrien’s bed. A chair that should’ve held a parent. If Gabriel wasn’t a piece of shit supervillain who cut off his own son’s arm and kept his wife’s corpse in a hidden basement. Yeah, that investigation must’ve sucked. 
“It’s weird.” He says, and Jason frowns at the tears filling the boy’s eyes. “My arm hurts, Jay. Really bad. But every time I try to hold it, or move it to a position that doesn’t hurt- it’s not there.” 
“Oh kid.” Jason clamps his mouth shut, determined to not let the kid hear his voice cracks, determined not to let the kid see him cry. What did he have to cry about? He’s the one that wasn’t good enough to protect these kids. Jason leans forward and gently wraps his arms around Adrien, letting the boy sob into his shoulder. Holding onto a sobbing Adrien, Jason’s able to see Marinette wake up and instantly leap into a fighting position. When she notices him, she relaxes slightly, until she sees the crying boy. Then her face morphs into pain and she backs up away from the bed, wrapping her arms around herself. 
“Mari?” Adrien says, pulling away from Jason and sniffling. 
“I’m so sorry Adrien. It’s, it’s all my fault.” She says, still keeping her distance. Jason sighs and stands, moving across the room in two large strides and wrapping her into a hug. She stiffens for a moment before basically collapsing in his arms. Jason just holds her and lets her cry, just as he let her on the roof two nights ago. After years of not being able to feel anything other than happy, Jason would support these kids and encourage them to feel. Even if it hurt. They deserved to feel. 
Sitting and talking to Adrien about anything and everything after school had become a daily occurrence for Marinette. Jason walking her from school to the hospital had also become a daily occurrence. So walking by herself was weird. Doable, because she was Ladybug and could walk across Paris alone, but still weird. Especially since Jason was so insistent on her being more careful now that Hawkmoth- Gabriel- was behind bars. Jay was convinced that that meant that the regular, run of the mill bad guys would come back out of the woodwork now that they didn’t have to deal with possible akumas. Regardless, that hadn’t happened yet and she could easily walk by herself. It was still weird though. Walking into the hospital, Marinette frowns at Jason who was pacing and rapidly arguing with someone on the phone in English. Quickly reminding herself that, no he wouldn’t be akumatized, and yes, he was allowed to have negative feelings, she moves so that she’s in his line of sight. Making eye contact with him, she raises an eyebrow as a silent question. He frowns, but doesn’t do anything else except nod towards Adrien’s room. Rolling her eyes in annoyance at his avoidance, Marinette lets herself into Adrien’s room, smiling softly at her friend. The first two days after the battle, she could barely look at him. She blamed herself completely and didn’t feel like she was worthy of being his friend anymore. Now, almost a week after the battle, she still blamed herself. But it was easier to look at him, easier to talk to him.  
“Hey kitty.” She says, walking over and sitting in the chair on the left side of his bed. 
“Hey bug. Jay still on the phone?” He asks, and that’s when she notices the tell-tale signs of worry on his face. 
“Yeah...how long has he been on the phone?” She asks, frowning at his wince. 
“Well, he tried to ignore the person the first three times they called. And then he finally answered, said ‘leave me alone’ and hung up. And then they called again, and that’s when the yelling and arguing started and he left the room. That was…” He trails off, looking towards the clock on the wall. “Almost two hours ago.” “Two hours? On the phone? You don’t think he’s in trouble, do you? I mean, I know he has a life back where he lives, and I’m sure his boss is probably getting frustrated with him. But-” Marinette stops herself, not wanting to say something selfish. She knew that Jason had a life outside of Paris. But he was the only grown up to care that Ladybug and Chat Noir were just kids, that they needed help. He was the one to make sure they weren’t spending too much time being heroes and not enough time sleeping and doing homework. He was their big brother, and she wasn’t ready to say bye yet. Even if they could still call him. It wasn’t the same.
Jason Todd was livid, and for the millionth time that week, thankful that Gabriel Agreste was rotting in a prison cell instead of manipulating people who were having a bad day. Cause this was not a good day. 
“B, I’m not sure what you want from me.” He finally huffs out, glancing towards Adrien’s shut door. 
“I just want to know why you haven’t returned. Dick informed me of the flooding your first day, and how things seemed to magically fix themselves. You told us that everything was taken care of, and then you stopped answering any questions about the situation. Seeing as there is apparently no immediate danger to anyone there, I think it’s time you returned home. You have responsibilities here, Jason. Your family is here.” Bruce says simply, and Jason has to bite his tongue from arguing. How was he supposed to tell Bruce about these kids who needed support that they weren’t getting anywhere else. That there were two young superheroes in Paris who needed someone to understand what they were going through, since they couldn’t (or wouldn’t) tell anyone else? Bruce would have adoption papers written up in minutes, and taking the two from their city didn’t seem right. Plus he would never let Bruce adopt them, the kids had enough emotional baggage to deal with without being a Wayne. 
“I just haven’t, Bruce. I’m a grown man. I-” “You have responsibilities, Jason. I let you take this vacation because I could see you needed it. But now we need you. I- your brothers miss you.” Bruce says, and Jason rolls his eyes at the man’s inability to be emotional. He would’ve done great in Hawkmoth’s Paris. 
“Okay, I’ll start looking for a ticket. I should be home in two or three weeks-”
“I’ve already ordered a ticket for you. Your flight leaves Paris at noon tomorrow. See you then.” Bruce says, hanging up before Jason has the chance to argue more. Not that he had the energy after going back and forth between arguing with Dick and Bruce for two goddamned hours. Resisting the urge to throw his phone against the wall, Jason takes a couple deep breaths to ground himself. No need to upset Mari and Adrien and if he goes in there pissed off, they’re gonna get upset. Shaking his head to try and clear it, Jason throws open Adrien’s door, grinning at the two, sitting side by side on Adrien’s bed. 
“Pixie Pop, you’re gonna piss off the nurse if she sees you up there again.” He says, walking over to his usual chair. 
“You’re upset.” She says, instead of arguing and reminding him that she can take anything the nurses can dish out (they’d had the exact conversation yesterday….and the day before.) Jason blinks, acting confused. 
“Don’t even try and act like you’re not Jay. Mari’s scary good at reading people.” Adrien says with a frown. Jason huffs and rolls his eyes. 
“Yeah, okay, I’m pissed.” He admits, slumping back in his chair and crossing his arms. Marinette turns to Adrien and whispers something to him, Adrien nodding before she turns back to look at him. 
“You’re gonna need our phone numbers.” She says, and Jason frowns in actual confusion this time. 
“Gonna need a little more than that, Pix.” He says. 
“Well, we knew that you’re not from here. And that eventually you’d have to go back. I mean, I’m sure your boss wasn’t planning on you taking a vacation quite this long. But-” Marinette pauses and lets out a shaky breath. “But neither of us want to lose you. You care about both sides of us, and you’re the only one. You’re our big brother, Jay, but we both know that you have another life somewhere else. And I’m sure those people miss you too. I mean, you’re kinda cool or whatever.” Marinette teases, but he can tell behind the smirk that she’s close to tears. Jason sighs and stands, bringing both of them into a big hug. 
“I don’t wanna leave, ya know.” He mumbles, frowning when he feels his shirt getting wet from tears. 
“I know. But you have to. And that’s okay. It’s not goodbye forever.” Marinette says, her voice breaking as she holds onto him tighter. 
“Expect a lot of calls and face times. Especially once I get my arm. I have so many jokes to make, you’re gonna be sick of it.” Adrien says, and despite the joke, Jason can tell the boy is crying too. Jason squeezes a little tighter, accepting the fact that he’d be leaving. And that he wasn’t sure when he’d see the two again.
Tag list (open): @toodaloo-kangaroo @laurcad123 @kittenmywaythrulife @lost-in-the-world-of-maribat 
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scarletmirrors · 3 years ago
[A3! Translation] Specialty of Pâtissiers [Chapter 9]
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Kumon: We somehow made it with the outfits!
Izumi: Yeah, thank you again for making these in such a short time, Yuki-kun.
Yuki: It wasn’t impossible, but since everyone was helping it sped up the process a lot.
Juza: Not sure if I was really helpful, but…
Yuki: Well you carried a lot of stuff and did other supporting roles.
Host: Thank you for waiting!
Itaru: Ah, the event’s about to start.
Host: Thank you all for attending the Veludo Way Sweets contest!
Host: From showing us a multitude of wonderful sweets and creative ways to get our attention, it is almost time for the contest to close.
Host: Thank you to all the people who voted on SNS, as well.
Host: This event is being streamed live today, for those watching, please enjoy yourselves.
Host: Now without further delay, let us begin the announcement of the results!
Kumon: Woah, it really is fast! I’m getting nervous, Onii-chan!
Juza: Yeah…
Host: First, the special SNS prize, the SNS award goes to…
Host: Team Journey!
Kumon: Woah!!? We won!
Itaru: Kitakore.
Tenma: It really was that etude.
Izumi: Amazing! Good work, everyone!
Host: The appeal as actors was very popular
Host: Many comments mention that the story was interesting, and you were able to incorporate sweets into it too.
Host: Also, as announced yesterday, the members of Team Journey are actors from the Mankai Company!
Host: They have also been kind of enough to come and act here at our event even though it was on short notice.
Host: Please look forward to that!
Juza: So the grand prix winner was Aoki-san after all.
Itaru: It was the decisive lead after all.
Tenma: Seems like competition was tough, but I understand this result.
Guy: Thanks to everyone, we were able to obtain the SNS Special Award, and be noticed by many people.
Guy: Thank you all.
Yuki: Well, it was fun for us all too.
Kumon: Yeah! I’m glad we could all be of help, and it was a ton of fun!
Tenma: Yeah, now we just have to do what only we can do.
Itaru: That’s right.
Izumi: Well then, good luck everyone!
Komugi (Yuki): Alright, all done.
Amada (Juza): I’m finished here too.
Mitsuno (Guy): …Yes, both are well done.
Mitsuno (Guy): I will be putting both of your works at the storefront.
Kuriya (Kumon): Ooh, amazing! At last
Kuriya (Kumon): You guys’ sweets look so good, I’m getting excited!
Komugi (Yuki): The part-timer’s making too much noise, but is this really alright, master?
Mitsuno (Guy): Of course, this is something worthy of display…are you perhaps not confident?
Komugi (Yuki): Of course not, please put it up!
Amada (Juza): Mine too
Komugi (Yuki): I’m not gonna lose to you.
Kanta (Juza): I’m not intending on fighting you about this.
Komugi (Yuki): Hmph, that carefreeness is something I’ve never liked about you.
Kuriya (Kumon) : Aw, c’mon, you guys…
Kuriya (Kumon) : You have the same master and similar backgrounds, you should at least try to get along better…
Mitsuno (Guy) : They’ve always been like that, with a little more progress, I’m sure one day…
*The stage names’ kanji all contain things related to sweets, Komugi(ko) = flour, Amada = sweet field, Mitsuno = honey field, Kuriya = chestnut valley
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1plus1kiyoomi · 4 years ago
Chapter 21: Kia, I Am Your Father
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[masterlist] [kia’s slambook]
6 months have passed and having 2 kids both under the age of 4 is not as challenging as you expected to be. The main reason is because both of of your daughters are the easiest to handle. Mina barely cries unlike other babies, and she sleeps well through the night. But because she is still a baby, she needs a lot of watching and attention, way too much for Kia’s liking.
Kia likes being an older sister. She holds Mina’s feeding bottle when it’s time for eating. She knows when it’s time for Mina to nap. She watches over her little sister when you’re showering or cooking. She’s doing an excellent job as a big sister.
You and Kiyoomi thought Kia just loves Mina, the reason why she’s very doting towards her.  But Kia does all that to get approval and praise from you and Kiyoomi. Kia hates that she’s not getting as much attention as before. She hates that it’s always about Mina and just sometimes Kia.
“It’s because of you!” Kia screams all of a sudden while you are cooking at the kitchen and Kiyoomi is showering. You both trust Kia that much. You run to your daughters and see Mina on the foamed floor of the living room instead of her bassinet.
“Kia, what’s wrong?” You try to ask her calmly, picking Mina up from the ground. She doesn’t answer you, but storms off to the nursery. You follow her, Mina still in your arms. “Kia!”
“It’s because of Mina! You and papa don’t love me anymore!” She cries, grabbing a baby bottle from one of Mina’s drawers. Kia throws it to the ground, shocking you.
“Kia, don’t do that!” You scold her. She rummages through the drawers and throws Mina’s clothes and diapers out. You try to stop her but then she throws a teether at you, hitting you on your forehead. Worse, it bounced to Mina. The baby cries.
“Sakusa Kia!” Kiyoomi shouts from the doorway. He witnessed everything.
“I hate you! I hate you!” Kia continues to throw things at you and you turn to protect Mina.
Kiyoomi quickly goes to Kia and grabs her by her arm. He sits her down on her bed, her cries worsening. “Say sorry to your mama!” Kiyoomi demands, but Kia firmly shakes her head. “Do it. Now.”
“No! I hate her! I hate you, too!” Kia responds, throwing a pillow at him. His patience running thin, Kiyoomi slams his hand on the bedside table, a loud smacking sound echoing through the whole room. Kia’s cries are exchanged with shivering.
“Is it good to throw things at other people?” Kiyoomi scolds her, his hand hitting the wooden surface once again. “Answer me!” Kia doesn’t answer him so he smacks the table one more time, her shaking getting more intense.
“Kiyoomi, that’s enough. I think she understands now,” you tell him, a hand on his arm.
“No! She clearly doesn’t understand! She won’t throw things like this if she understands! She’s being an unreasonable brat right now!” Kiyoomi shouts. You knead the muscle on his arm, trying to calm him down.
“Omi, Kia’s trembling,” you whisper to him and he takes a look at Kia carefully. She is trembling. He wants to apologize for scaring her, but he won’t. Not after she threw that tantrum. “I’ll go talk to her. Take Mina and prepare the dinner.”
“Fine,” Kiyoomi complies, taking Mina from your arms. “She doesn’t leave this room until she cleans up the mess she made.” He doesn’t spare another glance at Kia as he leaves the room with Mina. Hearing the door shut close, Kia starts wailing. You wrap your arms around her, taking her into your arms.
“Kia, baby, tell me what’s wrong.” She still doesn’t answer. “Is it because you think mama and papa don’t love you anymore because of the new baby?” She nods, her sobs not quietening down. “I’m sorry if we made you feel that way. Mama and papa love you so much. Next time, if you’re upset, you tell us instead of getting angry and throwing things.”
“I’m sorry, mama,” Kia apologizes, wrapping her arms around your neck and burying her face on your shoulder.
“It’s okay baby. Just promise not to do that again.” You hear Kia mutter a quiet ‘yes’ so you kiss the side of her head. “Let’s go out and apologize to Mina and your papa, okay?”
“No! I hate Mina and Kyo! Kyo hates Kia, too,” Kia refuses.
Despite Kia’s protests, you carry her out to the kitchen. You sit her down at her highchair but she doesn’t look at her father who is in front of her. Kiyoomi glares at her, so you sigh. Kia quickly eats her food then leaves the table to go back to her room. You give a look of disappointment to Kiyoomi but he just shrugs.
“She’s really mad at you,” you start. “She called you Kyo.” His heart breaks into a million pieces from what you said.
“It’ll pass. She’ll be fine tomorrow.” He tries to convince himself. He cleans the table, memories flashing back in his mind. You notice the sudden change mood on your face so you get an idea.
“Omi, what do you think about letting Atsumu take care of Mina for a few hours next Sunday? I mean his wife is pregnant, right? They might need some practice,” you tell him, but he doesn’t seem like he’s listening. You continue to speak, “Then we can take Kia out for a little date just to spend more time with her. She thinks we don’t love her anymore.”
“I’ll talk to her after I wash the dishes. Go take Mina to sleep,” Kiyoomi responds. You stand up from your seat and wrap you arms around him from behind.
“Stop overthinking, baby.” You tip toe to kiss him on the cheek then leave to bring Mina to bed.
After doing the dishes, Kiyoomi goes to Kia’s room. He leans on the doorway frame, watching Kia arrange the bottles and diapers she threw a while ago. He knocks on the door, startling Kia. She turns and sees him going to her so she dashes to her bed.
Kiyoomi sighs before sitting on the edge of her bed. “Kia,” he calls her as she covers her face with her blanket. “Do you wanna sleep beside mama and papa?”
No response.
“Do you wanna watch Transformers with me?”
Again, no response.
“Do you want to go to Mu-chan’s?” Kia lowers her blanket, then examines at Kiyoomi’s face. She shakes her head then goes back under the blanket. “Okay, then. Good night.”
Kiyoomi heads back to your room and you’re already asleep. He checks on Mina’s crib then sees that she’s still awake. She reaches her arms out to him and he chuckles. “You’re like your sister, too, huh?” He picks Mina up from the crib and he goes to the living room with her.
He sits down on the couch, and sits Mina on his lap, his legs bent up to support the baby’s back. “You know, your sister is mad at me,” Kiyoomi tells Mina. “She thinks we don’t love her because you’re around. But it’s not your fault, sweetie. It’s also not your sister’s fault. I mean, I do think I don’t spend much time with her.”
Mina lets out a random cry, and he acts as if he understands her. Kiyoomi sighs, “I did. I talked to Kia, but she doesn’t want to talk to. What should I do?”
“Kya!” Mina giggles, hearing her sister’s name, but Kiyoomi registers it as another babble.
“Mina, I didn’t understand that. I’m sorry.” Kiyoomi admits. Mina babbles but with more force this time. “Are you angry at me also?” She stops squirming and looks at Kiyoomi nonchalantly. “You are?”
They continue to ‘talk’ until Kiyoomi falls asleep on the couch with Mina on his chest. The sun rises, waking Mina up. Instead of crying, she just stays there on his chest. A door opens so she looks at that direction.
“Mina...” Kia says as she sees her little sister awake. She stares at her in a daze, then remembers hitting Mina the day before. “Tell mama and Kyo I went out, okay? I will come back.”
Kia runs to her room then grabs a backpack. She puts her little panda bank in it then goes to the front door. She puts her shoes on and manages to unlock the door with her little hands. She slowly closes the door, afraid that she’ll wake her father up.
Kia walks down the cemented slope, looking around from time to time. She hums a song as she excitedly walks to her destination. She sees a flight of stairs, so she takes a deep breath in before taking one step down.
That cycle repeats until she’s finally done with the steps. She continues to walk for a few more minutes until she finally sees her destined location. The flower field.
Kia squeals then runs around the field first before she goes to the flower stall. “Good morning, grandma!” She greets the owner.
“Hello, Kia. Where’s your father?” The owner asks her, looking around for any signs of her father. “Did you go here on your own?”
“He’s sleeping,” Kia answers, worrying the owner. “Can I buy flowers for my baby sister? I hurt her yesterday so I will buy flowers for her so she’ll forgive me.”
“Ah, yes, of course!” The owner smiles at her. “Do you want to help me make it?”
“Yes!” Kia cheers then runs to her behind the counter of the stall.
The owner picks her phone up and calls a certain someone. “Hey. Your friend’s child is here. I think she went here on her own with her parents knowing. Can you come pick her up? Okay, thank you.”
The two of them continue to make the bouquet, the lady doing it slower than usual to kill some time. She’s afraid that if they finish, Kia will dash out and return home on her own.
“Kia...” A familiar voice calls her, exciting her. She jumps off the chair she’s standing on and runs to the owner of the voice.
“Shin-chan!” The said man picks her up, her giving him a kiss on the cheek in the process.
“Let me get you home,” Kita tells her. She nods at his statement.
“Mina’s flowers and I have to pay!” She takes out the little bank in her bag then gives it to the store owner. “I got that money from helping mama at home!”
“If you give this to me then you will not have money anymore,” the owner says to her and Kia saddens a bit.
“It’s okay! Mina will be happy!” She smiles at the shopkeeper. The lady pretends to take out something from her bank then gives it back to her as ‘change.’ “Thank you, grandma! I’ll see you soon!”
Kia and Kita goes to his parked truck and when he opens the door, a white small dog is sitting on the front seat, wagging its tail excitedly. Kia’s eyes widen in happiness.
“A puppy!” Kia squeals, Kita settling her on the seat. He puts the seatbelt on her before he puts on his. “What’s his name?”
“Rice,” Kita responds. The dog barks, so Kia lets out a small ‘woof.’ The said dog licks her face, making her giggle. “Rice, sit. Stop moving.”
He finally starts the engine of his car and heads to your house with Kia’s directions. “Why did you leave home?”
“I bought gift for my little sister!” She shows off the flower.
“Next time, don’t leave the house without your parents. What if you got lost? You’ll never see your papa again,” Kita scolds her, eyes on the road.
“It’s okay. Kyo hates me,” Kia responds, a hint of sadness in her voice. Kita places a hand on her head, petting her.
“Don’t say that. Your papa loves you so much.”
They arrive in front of your house, so Kita carries Kia to the front door. He knocks on the door, hoping they’re at the right house.
Inside the house, Mina hears the knocks. She hits Kiyoomi on the face, waking him up. “Kya! Kya!”
“Huh?” Kiyoomi is still in a daze. He hears the knocks, so he places Mina back in the bassinet and he dashes out to the front door. Who could be knocking at his door so early in the morning? He checks the monitor and sees Kita and Kia?
Kiyoomi opens the door quickly, confused as hell. “Good morning, Sakusa-san.” Kita bows to him so he bows as well. Kia squirms off Kita and enters the house quickly to look for Mina. “Kia went out to the flower fields on her own today.”
“She did?” Kiyoomi’s sleepiness has vanished upon his words.
“Yes. And I think she might be a little upset with you,” Kita tells him.
“Ah, yes, she is. Can I know what she told you?” Sakusa awkwardly asks.
“She said you don’t love her,” Kita answers nonchalantly.
“Is that so?” Sakusa frowns. “Thank you so much for bringing her home. Thank you.” He bows multiple of times as Kita heads to his car.
Kiyoomi returns inside and sees Kia presenting the flowers to Mina. “I’m sorry for hurting you yesterday, Mina. Neechan promises not to do it again.” She plants a kiss on her forehead and the baby giggles.
“Kia,” Kiyoomi calls out and she nervously faces him. He squats down to be on the same level as her. His heart is still aching from the reason why Kia is acting like this towards him. He can’t get mad at her. “Don’t leave the house without me or your mama, okay?” She nods. “Give me a kiss.” Kia ignores him and heads to her room instead.
You get out of your room, just woken up. You see the flowers on the floor and ask Kiyoomi where it’s from. He explains to you and you get worried. “We should change the door knob.”
Kia comes out of her room with papers and a box of crayon. She sets it on the coffee table of the living room and starts scribling.
You and Kiyoomi are on the couch, just watching her. Mina is wide awake, watching her sister draw. Kia shows her a drawing. “Look, Mina! It’s me, you, and mama!”
“How about me?” Kiyoomi pouts.
“Here.” Kia points at a dot in another piece of paper. You chuckle, Kia’s response is just way too funny.
“But Kia, I am your father. I should be on the same paper,” he whines.
“No, Kyo isn’t my papa.” Kia continues to draw. Kiyoomi huffs then an idea pops in his mind. He stands up from the couch and heads to his room. A minute later, he comes back out with his training duffel bag.
“You are so petty,” you tell him and he just shrugs. Kia is his daughter and he knows how to push her button. If she’s still not crying after him this, then, maybe he isn’t her father after all.
You take out your phone and start recording. “I’m going to practice now,” Kiyoomi says loudly. Kia continues to draw, but the grip on the crayon is much tighter.
“Have fun,” you tell him, going along with him. He goes to you and kisses you all over your face. Kia eyes you, her head hung low. She mentally counts the kisses Kiyoomi is giving you.
‘That’s a lot of tomorrow.’ Kia thinks, her scribbles getting uneasy. She sees Kiyoomi go to Mina who is settled beside her. He kisses Mina a lot of times as well. ‘That’s already more than ten tomorrows!’
Kia waits for Kiyoomi to kiss her, but he just passes by her. You record the pain in Kia’s eyes as she looks up to his figure in disbelief. Kia storms off the room and goes to yours. She comes back with a face mask on hand.
“Have fun,” Kia deadpans at Kiyoomi, handing him the face mask. He looks defeated. You stiffle in your laughter, not wanting to rub salt on deep open wound.
“I will,” Kiyoomi scoffs. He won’t lose to this battle of pride against his daughter. He turns his heels to head to the front door, his footsteps loud and painfully slow in Kia’s ears.
Kiyoomi finally turns the knob of the door and Kia starts wailing. She runs to the entryway and wraps her arms around his knee.
“Don’t leave,” Kia cries. Kiyoomi picks her up, a successful smile plastered on his face. “Papa, please don’t leave!”
“Papa?” Kiyoomi cocks an eyebrow at her. “I thought I’m not your papa.”
“You’re my papa. You’re Kia’s papa,” Kia says in between sobs. She tightly hugs him, her face buried in her shoulder, leaving a wet patch on his shirt.
“Then do you love me?” Kiyoomi asks her.
“Yes. I love papa so much!” Kia claims, then cups his cheeks. She plants a kiss on his forehead, then he smiles at her.
“I love you so much more.” He nuzzles his nose against hers, her cries turning into giggles.
Kiyoomi finally sighs in relief, his worries leaving his body. He doesn’t want history to repeat itself. He wants Kia to feel loved by him because he promised her. He doesn’t want Kia to slip off his fingers even if he’s holding her tightly already. He doesn’t care if his daughters are full of snot and germs, he wants to hold them as much as he can because he knows that one day he won’t be able to do that.
He silently chuckles. He can’t believe he used to hate children. He just can’t see that self of his anymore. He thinks that if you never returned and he didn’t meet Kia, his life would be a void. He can’t think of anything that he’ll be doing now if he doesn’t have you and his daughters.
Sakusa Kiyoomi finally admits it. He loves children, especially his children.
As you watch the two of them, you feel something curl in your stomach. You quickly get off the couch and run to your bathroom. You throw up in the toilet, holding your hair away from your face. The familiar feeling hitting you like a truck.
“No fucking way,” you curse under your breath. You get up from the floor and wash your face, gargling before you get out with a tight feeling on your chest.
You see the three or them cuddling on the couch, as the Transformer movie plays. Kia under Kiyoomi’s arm while Mina is lying on his chest. You smile at the sight, but then you remember your problem.
“Omi,” you call him but he doesn’t respond, since his eyes are glued to the screen as well. “Sakusa Kiyoomi.” His head literally whips to your direction as he hears his full name come out of your mouth.
“Yes, angel?” He tries to act calm, wondering why you’re sounding so serious. You keep quiet.
You remember leaving him because he didn’t want kids. You remember how he hated Kia so much but then got wrapped around her little finger. You don’t feel great joy seeing him and your two daughters cuddling so comfortably on the couch. You’re thankful that they’re getting along and Kiyoomi came along halfway and embraced parenthood.
But you don’t know how he’ll react to your announcement seeing how happy and contented he is now with his two daughters at the moment. You’re not sure if he’ll want to have an addition this early.
“Baby, are you okay?” Kiyoomi snaps you out of your thoughts.
“Ah, yes, sorry.” You settle between his legs, your head on his stomach, just below Mina’s small feet.
“What were you going to tell me?” Kiyoomi reminds you.
“I forgot,” you giggle, hiding your nervousness.
“Are you sure?” Kiyoomi asks and you nod. He doesn’t push the topic. He places a on your head, massaging your scalp. “I suddenly thought of something.”
“What is it?” You sit up, and you see a look of discomfort on his face.
“Atsumu’s wife is pregnant with sons, right? Which means that his children will be on the same age group as our Mina. What if his sons fall in love with our Mina and then she will be stuck in a love triangle with them! Then she will eventually choose one of them and she will become a Miya! Which means I will be haunted by Atsumu forever!”
You giggle at his rambles, wondering where it came from. “I don’t think you should be worrying about Mina. I think it’s our other child who’ll be in a love triangle with Atsumu’s sons.”
“Huh?” Kiyoomi sits up, his full attention on you. “What are you trying to say? Don’t beat around the bush.”
“I think I’m pregnant again.”
Kiyoomi has finally gotten the son he asked for and he’s with Atsumu’s sons future love interest.
They’re named Sakusa Kin and Sakusa Mira
ha ha ha jokes on you all, this is not the last chapter
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cursesive · 3 years ago
Fate/stay night: Heaven's Queen [1 Wish]
Rating: Teen and up audiences Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, major character death, rape/non-con Fandom: Fate/stay night, Fate/Grand Order Summary: In which one Sakura Matou summons a certain Babylonian goddess of love and war for the Fifth Holy Grail War. It goes about as well as expected.
Also available on: AO3
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Even if this dream didn’t last and Sakura woke up tomorrow morning with nothing, she would revel in it before surfacing to the real world again. She was used to savouring fleeting dreams. That was her life.
But she took her sister’s hand…
Because Rin finally saw her.
They walked together, holding hands and talking about nothing in particular, as if they did this every day. Sakura’s body felt exhausted as this was more energy than she had ever spent in anything in a long while. When she leaned into her sister for support, the woman pulled her in close and tight to her own warm and solid body. As they approached the Matou house, the Servant pulled up her hood.
The house was empty. Neither Servant nor Master were confronted at the door. The silence was not new but Sakura had assumed she would be grilled for this turn of events. She stood waiting, unused to no commands of her.
Gentle hands rested on her shoulders and she looked at her sister’s face through her hood as the older woman gently ushered her towards her bedroom. Her clothes were gone again, as easily as they appeared once the door was closed and locked for good measure. Sakura clutched at nothing, missing the weight of the fabric. They made this all so real.
Rider rummaged in her closet and pulled out a clean nightgown. Sakura grabbed it from her and quickly tossed it on, hiding the sight of her naked body. She started towards the bed where Rider was pulling the covers aside. The Servant gestured and Sakura crawled into the soft surface after a moment’s hesitation. Her eyes closed without a fight, not that she ever did.
The ringing persisted, even when she reached out to silence her clock. After the next ring, Sakura’s eyes opened up. The sound was coming from outside. She slipped into the hall to hear the house phone still going. There was no answering machine; if she didn’t pick up, no one would.
“Matou residence.” Sakura answered.
“This is the Fuyuki Municipal Hospital calling. May I speak to Matou Zouken?”
“He is currently unavailable; may I please take a message?” As long as they were in his household, the old man would know everything anyway. There were no secrets kept here.
“It is a matter regarding his guardianship of Matou Shinji; we tried calling yesterday but there was no answer. May I ask whom I’m speaking to?”
“Matou Sakura, Shinji’s younger sister.”
“Ah. Matou-san, your brother will have to stay another night for the treatment of his arm. Please have Matou Zouken contact us at his convenience for the examination details. Depending on how your brother is, he may be able to return home tomorrow or the day after. Thank you for your time Matou-san.” The nurse hung up and the phone droned on until Sakura replaced the receiver.
“How unfortunate.” Zouken emerged from the shadows. “Even so, the command spells can’t be physically carved into his body anyway, so I suppose the loss of an arm, even temporarily, won’t affect that. You should be well-rested for the process now that you’ve slept a whole day. We can start when Shinji returns.”
A whole day? The nurse did mention a call from the day before. Now she felt the fatigue of the last few hours but not as bad as when she had returned home yesterday morning. There were mornings much worse than this and she would take this over that hollowed pain any day.
“I’ve decided to participate in the 5th Holy Grail War as a Master.” The girl stammered out, eyes lowered. Even knowing her sister was with her didn’t make her that brave. “Without nii-san, it would have been me anyway. So I’ll take his place since it’s my fault my Servant injured him from participating.”
“Have you now?” He bent forward, more with his neck than his body, at an odd angle, like a snake to examine her, eyeing her chest and then to her face: Sakura’s face was already blank.
The old man smiled, somewhat pleased or perhaps just amused. “What brought on this change?”
“I did.” As Zouken extended his hand to grip the girl’s chin, Rider appeared in front of her blocking his reach, the hoodie hiding her face again. “Because we will win this war.”
“Every Master and Servant believes that,” Zouken snorted, the smile never leaving his face. “What makes you different?”
He withdrew his hand, rejoining it to the other on top of his cane when the Servant stepped more into his personal space.
"None were an avatar of war.” The goddess answered haughtily.
Zouken considered her answer for a moment before nodding. “Very good then. Represent us well, Sakura.”
He disappeared back into the house and its shadows. Sakura let out the breath she’d been holding. It worked. Rider’s words that she coached her on their way back home had worked. She took the opportunity to go get dressed in her school uniform and coat for the half day of classes.
Rider was waiting for her outside the gate. Parked neatly outside the manor was a shiny, red, and modern scooter. It was then Sakura snapped out of the reverie to notice Rider had added a pair of shorts that barely extended past her hoodie’s hem but were compensated by a pair of thigh highs.
Rider handed her a helmet out of nowhere.
“What is this?” Sakura asked, accepting the helmet.
“I’m a Rider-class Servant after all but rather than what I usually ride, this would be more cute.” Her sister grinned, pulling on a pair of designer sunglasses. “Don’t want you to be late to Emiya-kun’s place.”
Sakura gracefully tucked her legs to one side of the scooter, her hands rested primly on her lap till her sister pulled her arms forward to wrap around her waist as they zipped down the residential streets in Fuyuki.
“_had to disappear like that,” the goddess started conversationally, “I know there’s a saying the walls have ears but hiding in that house is beneath a goddess!”
“Can ojiisama see you like…”
“In all this magnificence? No, not unless I let him but he might be able to hear something if we’re inside the house long enough and we don’t want him meddling in our part of the war. There’s enough spying as it is by the rabble.”
Despite it being winter, the ride was surprisingly warm like a summer’s day. It was nice. The corners of Sakura’s mouth quirked up into a brief smile at the simple pleasure of it all. She was going somewhere with her sister, even if it was just a ride.
She had daydreamed of going anywhere with her sister before. Normally it was just her. In her entire life, she never walked with Shinji alone to school, only on the way back if he desired something, whether it was her pain or submission.
Now she walked with Senpai after breakfast. That was when she realized, in sleeping a whole day, she had missed time with him. She didn’t make him breakfast yesterday! Hopefully he wasn’t inconvenienced…
When they arrived at the Emiya residence, Rider gave her a quick hug. “I’ll be around even if you can’t see me. Good luck with your ♡senpai♡”
Just the tone the Servant used was enough to cause the girl to blush. “No, no; it’s not like that_”
With her sunglasses tilted down, Rider gave Sakura a cheeky wink.
And then, she was gone, the scooter tearing at breakneck speed.
“Not like what Sakura?”
She turned to find her senpai staring at her curiously from the house’s entrance. Shirou’s head slightly tilted. He was wearing his apron and smelled of eggs and cooking oil. In the background she could hear Taiga-sensei asking about breakfast.
Sakura gave a nervous laugh. “Nothing. Nothing at all. I was thinking out loud. Oh, excuse me.” She bowed, remembering her manners. “Good morning Senpai.”
She would have walked across broken glass for that smile. “Good morning Sakura.”
Besides the Emiya household, there was nowhere else to go. Shirou was working this afternoon till late night and Taiga-sensei had some papers to mark. Even though she had a key to the residence, she would be all alone. It wasn’t like anyone else ever looked to invite her out, not even Shinji. She turned the corner around the school gate to hear a sharp whistle.
She looked across the street to see Rider on her scooter, motioning the girl towards her. Her sister’s face beamed as she held out the helmet again. “Put this on: ♪we have some stuff to do♪”
“For the war?”
“We’ll get to that.” Rider dismissed with her hand. ”We have more important things to concern ourselves with!”
Sakura couldn’t figure out what would be considered so important to be found inside a kissaten that was tucked into a back alley. If Rider didn’t lead her here, she would have never known this place existed, even with all her solitary walks before she met Shirou.
The interior was very European in design with a large arched window that provided most of the light. A lovely shade of blue graced the walls, accented with tasteful watercolour paintings in dark wood frames. Comfy velvet gray chairs were at every circular table with marble-like tops.
Rider had found time while Sakura was in school to change outfits. Compared to her bright pink hoodie, her current outfit was more subtle and seasonally appropriate (of sorts). She was still wearing the ritzy looking sunglasses she had on this morning but her hoodie was replaced with a decorated, dark blue denim jacket. Despite the winter, she continued to bare her legs under a navy suede skirt and a sleek red camisole with lace edging the neckline, complete with strappy red high heels. A little purse of round, black fuzz rested behind her hip on the chair. Her nails flashed a pretty aquamarine.
Sakura let the older woman order for her after being unable to decide on anything on the menu. A server was with them right away and brought out the array of pastries and their drinks promptly. When she took a sip of her pink latte, it was perfect.
She looked up to see Rider grinning at her, clearly pleased with herself. “Do you like it?”
“Yes.” It shouldn’t have surprised her given Rider’s claims of the future but she could see herself ordering the drink again.
“Good, good.”
Rider proceeded with small talk, asking her about her day and what she was learning in her classes. Her companion continued to engage her despite her short answers as she wasn’t used to conversing with someone who wasn’t Shirou or Taiga. Instead of feeling self-conscious, Sakura began to chat with ease.
The Servant cleared her throat after a good chuckle of a silly observation Sakura shared of a classmate. “Now we should get down to business. To start, while this war is going on, it would be safer to refer to me by my class Rider in order to hide my identity.”
The girl nodded obediently.
“That said, it would not be too amiss to call me nee-san either.”
Sakura almost spat out her drink. “Nee…nee-san?”
“Remember we’re sisters! Call me nee-san!” Her sister decided “Except for when you’re in the Matou house but our mind to mind communication should still be safe.”
Was that you today? In my head with the explanations?
When you didn’t understand but didn’t want to bother the class? Mmhmm. Rider rested her cheek in one palm, with a wide smile. Pretty handy huh? You’re never truly alone with me.
She wasn’t sure how she quite felt about that but it wasn’t as if she had any secrets from her sister anyway. It was both freeing and confining.
“Don’t worry; it’s not like I can read your mind.”
“That isn’t exactly reassuring nee-san.” But Sakura was smiling as she said that. Both shared another giggle.
“There are more ground rules.” Rider folded her arms. “We have to stick to the timeline in order to win, in order to keep our advantage.
“While I have many skills, Clairvoyance is sadly not one of them.” The Servant muttered something unflattering before continuing. “I do know how this Holy Grail War plays out but if the events of it change too much, then it will no longer resemble what I remember so we will lose our advantage: we could lose this war.”
“I know how important it is for you to win so we can’t lose that advantage. I’m asking you to trust my judgment on what events we can prepare for and ones that we will have to let them run their course.”
Sakura nodded her understanding.
“This is the hardest part.” The older woman’s face fell at the earnestness of the younger. One hand dragged down her face. “Oh geez! I don’t even want to ask this part. For now you’re going to have to remain in the Matou household. I’m asking you to hold on for one more week. I will make sure those wretches don’t touch you again in there. This is one of those things we sort of have to let it run its course. Once all the participants are in, we can move you to Emiya-kun’s place.”
“...Senpai’s?” The girl squeaked. Her face turning as pink as her drink before deepening to a warmer red. “But…but why?”
“For starters you have a key so the issue of access isn’t an issue. Besides,” Rider’s mouth took on a sly grin, “I don’t think he personally would have any objections to you staying overnight. Or more.”
It took Sakura a couple tries to coherently talk again. “What are you saying nee-san?”
“That ♡your crush♡ isn’t only one way. Soon both streets will meet.”
“Senpai …likes me? Senpai likes me.”
“Senpai likes you back.”
Sakura’s drink was cool by the time she was able to take another sip of it. Her mind reeling from this revelation more than anything else Rider had revealed to her thus far.
Her sister’s eyes softened. “That’s what we stand to lose if we tamper too much with the timeline. I understand you have lost so much: I will have you win.”
“Even against the present you?”
“She, I, can stand to lose because we can win whenever we want. However you,” the goddess pointed at her, “deserve this win.”
“I doubt that. No matter how hard I’ve tried.” She bit her lip. “You probably don’t have that problem.”
“No. I get it. I can understand the desire to win from nothing.” The Servant wore no crown on her head but was playing with a necklace, from which a gold crown in the exact design of her usual regalia.
“But you’re a goddess. You’re Rin!” Sakura objected.
Rider sighed. “That doesn’t mean I haven’t lost on the way to winning. That’s why I’m here. To win and you’ll be there with me.”
The Matous were many things but Sakura never went hungry unless by choice. She had started to bring out her wallet when it came time to pay but Rider intercepted her with fresh new bills.
“How the…” Sakura began to ask.
“Don’t worry about it.” The Servant waved it off. She got off her seat and extended her hand to help Sakura out of hers. “I will not burden you again.”
It was getting late. The sky was already dark and cloudy with falling snow. Sakura was bundled up in her coat but her sister continued walking in a different season. No one turned to pay any notice.
“Nee-san?” Sakura whispered, adjusting to the honorific.
“What about us? Us now? Today.”
The Servant considered the girl walking by her side. “Having fun?”
“Because that doesn’t do anything to the war.” Sakura fidgeted her grip on her school bag. “You said there are things we can’t change no matter how small. So…wouldn’t us not doing war stuff like this be…” Her memory wasn’t always the best but she remembered this from a class long ago. “It’s not like that effect with insects?”
Her sister smiled warmly as she offered her hand. Sakura grabbed it without hesitation. “Ah. Butterfly effect! It could but I doubt it would for this war. Believe me, I ran through everything today in Goddess Time every possibility of every little action and its reaction. I have a plan!” Her face blazed with a smile. “☆You and me against the world; we’re going to have so much fun together☆”
That was one afternoon. On another was to a shopping arcade, where her sister encouraged her to buy the dress she was trying on.
“Ta-da!” Rider flourished with manicured hands and amethyst nails. Today she was wearing a fancier outfit than before. She was wearing a black sheath dress with thin white vertical stripes. A thick black belt adorned with a geometric gold clasp cinched her waist. A white fur bolero wrapped neatly around her shoulders and she had layered on gold chains on her wrist and neck.
They were in front of one of the main strips of popular boutiques in the Shinto area of Fuyuki.
“What are we here for?”
“For shopping, of course. You deserve something pretty to go on a date with Shirou in.”
The girl blushed, stammering. The very idea, its concept, stuck in a loop in her head. “Date?! But…I…”
“It’s going to come soon too. So no time like the present to get ready.”
Sakura wasn’t able to get another word in as the Servant gently pulled her along by the hand. Not that Sakura would ever let go, not now. Rider enthusiastically piled a selection of dresses in Sakura’s arms before nudging her to the fitting rooms.
Each time the room’s curtain pulled aside, the outfit on display was met with an array of positive compliments: of how amazing she looked. Her sister applauded and gestured encouragingly from her seat in the hallway while her familiar curled up next to her hip, almost hidden from view by the chair and its master’s dark hair. The little black fuzz that Sakura had assumed was her sister's purse was actually her magical assistant. After all, mages had familiars of their choosing.
“What do you think?”
“I…I don’t know.” The girl mumbled. She could not match her sister’s enthusiasm for this whole venture.
Rider pursed her lips. “You must have liked one of them.”
“I guess,” Sakura sorted through the pile, “this one? It’s pretty?”
“Let’s see it again!” Her sister ushered her back into the fitting room.
When Sakura came out, she was wearing a demure, light ivory dress with short puffed sleeves. Down the front of the Peter Pan collar were two black cloth-covered buttons line up one after the other. A black grosgrain ribbon cinched underneath the bust. The skirt was loose and floated to her calves.
Her cheeks flushed as she modelled in front of the Servant, turning slowly on the spot. Rider nodded approvingly, humming to herself.
A saleswoman, dressed in the store’s trademark lolita style, respectfully approached Rider’s seat.
“How does your sister find it?”
“She’ll take it!” Before Sakura could protest, her sister had paid for the dress, which she now wore out of the store. The sales tag was snipped and her original outfit neatly folded by the saleswoman. It was deposited into a shopping bag bearing the store label that dangled from her arm as both Master and Servant strolled down the strip.
“I can see it all now.” Rider nodded to herself. “You’re going to wait for him at the park as the cherry blossoms bloom and you go in together. ♡How romantic♡”
Sakura tried not to tug at the dress. Physical comfort wasn’t the issue but she wasn’t used to wearing something like this in public. She had thought to sneak away from her sister long enough to change back but her continued efforts were thwarted. “Are you sure about this?”
“Of course! I’m the goddess of love as well as war.” Rider winked. “I can’t wait for him to be stunned by the sight of you!”
The next morning Sakura awoke to the white dress in her closet, just as she had left it the night before. Her hands brushed the soft skirt. Did she dream of it because she bought it? The girl’s cheeks flushed; she had been sitting next to Shirou wearing this but under a cardigan. A cardigan she knew she already owned.
She didn’t have glorious dreams like others of being a hero or beloved by all; she didn’t need them. Simple dreams were enough to sustain her. It was a nice dream: her and Rin cooking together at the Emiya residence. She was addressing her sister as nee-san for the first time. She felt elated; Rin felt elated. Sakura hugged the dress closer. Maybe wishes did come true…
Although they had conversations here and there about the Holy Grail War, Sakura found they were more likely to talk of everything but the war. So she hungrily looked for answers about their future.
“Can you tell me anything about us later?” She wanted to know.
“You’re my second and in charge of Fuyuki whenever I had to butt heads with the Mage’s Association in London.” Rider counted off her fingers. “We share the Tohsaka manor together. This,” she waved her hand, “is us normally.”
As usual in public, Rider’s face was obscured. She had reassured Sakura that most people would be “nudged” to ignore her face unless she allowed it. Not that many could see her face past her sunglasses and pink hoodie.
Sakura had volunteered to get groceries for Shirou. He had gotten a last minute call to cover for someone at work. This errand turned into a slight detour when her sister pulled her to get melon sodas and the arcade hall. Rider disappeared back into the arcade, claiming to have forgotten something while she waited by herself at the entrance.
She stood there, thinking of what else she could possibly ask her sister that she might get an answer. There were two men on the opposite corner to her having a smoke. Occasionally they would point in her direction but otherwise kept to themselves.
Until they didn’t.
They were still leering at her with their approach. She took a step back. They advanced. She had seen the look on their faces before, whenever her brother wanted something, when the old man sentenced her to the worm pit for a night. Both men were between her and the arcade entrance so she couldn’t even take shelter inside.
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing outside by yourself?”
“I think she’s waiting for her boyfriend. He’s not being very nice, going inside to play leaving you alone out here. That’s no way to treat a lady.”
“Come with us: we know how to treat you right.”
Sakura continued backing away, silent. Why was she fighting? There was no point. Her mouth remained shut. Talking back always made this worse but that didn’t mean she had to see this. She closed her eyes, pushing deep into herself, to survive.
And there she was: determined, strong, beautiful, her superhero.
The man who had been reaching for the girl was down at her feet, clutching his groin and crying in pain.
“Just what,” Rider stepped between them, “are you doing with my sister?”
His associate had taken one look at the attacker and knew true fear in that one moment. He bolted away as fast as his human legs could carry him. The fallen man started crawling away before he could get up. He too ran away without a look back.
She remained frozen even as Rider held her ferociously. Her sister gently brushed her hair. “There, there. Sorry I’m late.”
“No,” Sakura sniffed. “It’s all my fault. I…I…I’m not you. I’m not brave or wonderful. I’m used to being alone and this,” she motioned “happening to me.”
“No!” The girl shrank back. Rider paused, sighed, and softened her voice. “No, you’re not me. No one is but that was not your fault. They made a decision and they are paying for it. You have fought this long and I will acknowledge that even if you don’t.”
“I won’t ever be you though.” Sakura whispered. “Even after this war.”
“You don’t need to be. You are wonderful as you are.” Her sister tugged at her hand. “Come in. I found it.”
They stood in front of the prize exchange counter in the arcade where a homely man waited with a pile of tickets in front of him. “Did you decide which prize you wanted?”
“Hmm…that one!” Rider pointed at a periwinkle plushie with a pink ribbon on its tail. The man behind the desk retrieved the item and handed it to her, who in turn handed it to Sakura. “This is for you.”
Sakura examined the stuffed animal’s morose face. “I guess…”
“Hey now.” Her sister’s face was inches in front of her. “You just need the right friends, like this little guy. Yeah he’s gloomy but his friends still include him. You’ll find friends like that too! You won’t always be alone. I promise.”
Even though she mostly understood what the Servant had said, her mind locked on that Rin finally came for her.
These past few days didn’t feel like a war. It felt like a dream. She could almost believe it if she didn’t have to go to the Matou residence every night.
Shinji had given them a wide berth. Upon his return from the hospital, he would lock himself in his room. Occasionally she would pass him in the school hallways but if he even caught sight of her, he would immediately turn around and head in a different direction no matter how out of the way.
Every morning, her sister escorted her to the Emiya household. On days she didn’t have archery club practice or Shirou was at this part-time job (which was having a steady stream of shifts available due to sick employees recently), Rider would take her on a new-to-her-adventure of ordinary things she’d seen her classmates do or talk about.
She found herself getting lost in being wanted, being included, by a sister, fighting for her. Sakura felt giddy waiting for the painfully slow school clocks to move so she could see what new surprise her sister had in store for her that day.
With a flick of her wrist, Rider brandished a pair of tickets before Sakura’s face. The girl took them into her hands. “Movie tickets?”
She recognized the printed title from hearing classmates talk over her.
“We’re going to a movie. It’s no Roman Holiday; I definitely identify with that movie in this form.” Rider’s face broadened into a wide grin. “But this movie will be just as fun! I know it because of my excellent tastes.”
“We’re going to a movie?” Sakura repeated slowly.
Her sister was quite proud of herself. “Yes, yes, and we don’t want to be late!”
Sakura was getting an inkling of why her Servant manifested in the Rider class, with the speeds she was always driving at. She knew she was safe but she still held her sister closer. As luck would have it, someone pulled out of a spot when they arrived. Her sister paid for the concessions and the two of them bundled up to their seats.
While she was no stranger to the concept of movies, she never had the chance to enjoy them aside from the handful of times she was invited by a well-meaning classmate. Fictional stories with happy endings had no place in her life and the sad ones were disappointing because what would those blessed protagonists know of pain.
Rider had chosen an animated movie about an ordinary girl and an extraordinary wizard who fell in love with him. But then she too turned out to be special, to the one person who saw her clearly and entrusted his demon-fused heart to her. How lucky she was.
Perhaps it was because of her sister beside her Sakura could enjoy the happy ending. They giggled over how ridiculous people actually thought magic was when everything shown in the movie was ordinary magecraft. She remembered that much at least from her brief time with the Tohsakas.
They linked arms as they left the theatre into the evening air. Rider’s back straightened a couple blocks down.
We’re being followed.
Cú Chulainn shifted restlessly, back and forth from heels to toes, again and again. From his perch, a corner of a high-rise roof, there was a good vantage point of everything but most importantly of this newest pair he had been tracking.
There were rules to the Holy Grail Wars, most of them repeated from the Mage’s Association; namely that the mundane remain ignorant of magecraft. The Servant arguably was not breaking the covenant. She conversed openly with her Master as they walked side by side.
Her face obscured by the hoodie she wore over very short shorts but modestly preserved by the black tights covering her shapely legs down to high heeled boots made of snakeskin; a bootie on one foot stopped at her ankle while the other boot hugged her leg to just above her knee.
Cú Chulainn had been dead for centuries but he was alive again with eyes to appreciate beauty as the Servant walked on, emphasizing the elegant gait of her backside. A crown-like pattern of waves was woven into the tights around both thighs, surprisingly symmetrical given the rest of her outfit.
Above the waist, her clothing was far more demure by shape but flashy in design. An oversized black and white hoodie zipped to her collarbone with gold accents around the biceps and the print of a crown on top of the hood. A logo of sorts decorated the right breast. One hand kept petting the soft black purse in her arms. Another gold crown hung from a long chain around her neck that swung gently as she moved.
Both women turned the corner and he followed.
If he had been a lesser fighter, he would have been hit by the Servant who was waiting around the turn. He jumped back and called in the weapon of his class, a blood red spear.
The Master took a step back from them, her eyes fearful and unsure. Her Servant stepped forward, didn’t turn her head but gave a nod to her charge. Then she focused her attention on Lancer, her legs taking a solid stance. She smirked from beneath her hood, one hand forward motioning him towards her, to taunt him.
Cú Chulainn grinned, the start of the best feeling in the world in him: a fight to begin. He leapt into the air, his spear an extension of his body. The woman waited till the last second to dodge the spear’s original target but hooked it into her elbow, trapping it so her fist could meet his jaw and then his belly. He pushed down with the spear to free it and the woman danced back away from him. He came at her again and this time she completely evaded his attack.
No matter how much she darted, her hood stubbornly stayed in place yet didn’t hinder her peripheral vision when he tried to attack from her sides and even from behind. Lancer could only surmise her reactions by her mouth and her posture. As curious as he was of her face, to get close enough to pry off her hood would leave him at a disadvantage.
Protection from Arrows only protected from projectiles but this woman was throwing her fists. Even more interesting was her speed.
He narrowly dodged a left hook that almost kissed his cheek. “I guess you’re not a Caster then.”
She was not an Assassin only because he had duelled with that Servant days earlier. Between her fighting style and the fact he couldn’t read anything off her, that class would have been his guess. With Saber, Archer, and Rider unaccounted for, he wouldn’t know her class till she brought out a weapon or a mount. Though something about her fighting style was oddly familiar.
“Not much of a talker are you?”
He got a toothy grin in return.
Now to see how powerful she really was as the spear started glowing. The spear went flying but not by his will as it landed behind them. She had tackled him with more than what he had assumed her maximum speed was during this whole skirmish, not even leaving him time to utter the spear’s name and his Noble Phantasm.
Cú Chulainn hit the ground on his front. Her knee dug straight into his back. Stronger than she looked but all Servants were. Whoever she was, she was strong enough to restrain his arms behind him; him, a son of the god of light in a distant land. She leaned in close to his ear and he smelled salty seas and sunny breezes.
She had her tricks but so did he.
Normally he would have no problem with this position but alas he had unfun orders. He Disengage from her grip.
“Servant Rider. That you can tell your Master,” her voice of thousands. “Those were your orders: fight with everyone, then withdraw.”
She giggled. “You’ve done your job, hound. Now leave us be.”
Both Servant and Master vanished.
The spearman considered his gathered intel as he headed back to the church by the false priest’s command. Could he have gotten Assassin’s class wrong? That Servant fought with a sword and could have been a Saber but he introduced himself as Assassin and this woman stated she was Rider. There was no point for Servants to lie about their class so he would have to take her word for it though it did certainly account for her speed. Whatever invisible mount she might have, her speed was not her Noble Phantasm.
The Master had not been leaking more mana; if not for being a Servant, he would have missed the girl entirely. It would have been expected of a participant of the 5th Holy Grail War, which meant either the Servant had other means of obtaining mana, was resting an extraordinary amount to preserve what mana they had, or the Master was not being overtaxed. It was also not unheard of a Servant receiving mana from one mage while in partnership with another.
The Servant was also holding back, not calling in weapons or mounts. Her fighting style wasn’t unique enough to identify as a Noble Phantasm. She was not to be underestimated, partly because for all she was hiding but also for how she slipped past his spear and laid physical blows on him. A most interesting opponent for later and hopefully by then that priest would let him have a real fight. She would give it to him.
“That was another Servant?” Sakura shakily asked even though she knew what the answer would be. The pair had settled into another kissaten after the skirmish. A pot of tea steamed in front of them with a plate of flakey, chocolate croissants.
Her vacant eyes pointed forward, recalling images from another night sleeping of another life: of a behemoth with a glowing red eye against a blonde woman. The behemoth roared: it shouldn’t have been able to move that fast for its size but it was the brute offspring of lightning and thunder. His opponent was beautiful and lithe with eyes like green glass. It was David versus Goliath but this David was losing.
If those were Servants with inhuman speed and vigor, Sakura wasn’t sure she was ready to watch her sister’s body do the same, even after seeing her in actual combat.
“Yes.” Her sister's hands were holding her shaking ones.
“How did you know what his orders were?”
“The future. This is why we can’t meddle too much,” her sister reminded. “So far nothing has changed because you summoned a Rider like you did in the war I remember.”
"That wasn't Rider wasn't you though." Sakura inferred. "Otherwise you wouldn't have told me this much."
Even her sister had to crack a small smile at her sharpness. “She was a Rider who wanted the best for you so I guess you still got a nee-san regardless." She sighed. "I cannot tell you everything. You will make it to the future and you will be happy. I’m here to make sure it happens. With my power, even a fraction, we will win this war.”
“Was that the wish on the Grail? My happiness in the future?”
"We didn't need it. We made our own wishes come true."
There was nothing to remark on her archery skills. Sakura was neither terrible nor a prodigy. She followed instructions because it was the only thing she was ever taught to do. She was certainly not like Shirou. While Mitsuzuri corrected her arm placement, she sighed in disappointment.
When she entered high school this year, Sakura had already decided on the Archery Club, even before Mitsuzuri enthusiastically set her sights on her. After Shirou had injured himself, she still joined because an after class activity was required and Sakura didn’t care. There never was a second option she considered. At least the archery club had one other familiar face in the form of her brother, the vice-captain, even if he did ignore her most of the time.
Stance. Breathe. Notch. Breathe. Aim. Breathe. Fire.
It was a perfect shot, dead center, like Senpai had advised when she asked yesterday for tips on archery. Rider's words bolstered the courage to ask talk to him more than just existing in the same room as him.
“Even Tohsaka’s impressed.” Someone muttered.
Sakura turned around. There was Rin but not. The hair and school uniform were correct…if you could ignore the ruby eyes of the goddess, her radiant glow, and the subtle outline of the crown on top of her head when you allowed your vision to unfocus. She clapped her hands with a proud smile that had more than one admirer swoon over her but her beaming red eyes were only on Sakura.
As expected of my sister: an awesome shot!
How her heart fluttered: she wanted the giddy feeling to last. Her cheeks warmed as she took her seat and another member took their turn to shoot. When Sakura turned again, her face fell back into disappointment. Rider had vanished from the observation area with no one the wiser. After practice cleanup, she went in search of her. She was about to call her sister telepathically when she saw the distinguishable pair of twintails held by black ribbons.
“Nee-san!” She called out only to realize her mistake when a pair of aquamarine eyes turned to her bewilderingly.
“My apologies,” Sakura skidded to a halt and bowed, more to hide her shameful flush. Her eyes slammed shut. “Tohsaka-senpai. I thought you were someone else.”
“Of course.” Rin politely nodded, her composure renewed. “Have a good evening.”
As Sakura watched Rin’s retreating back, the words bubbled in her throat, to say more than polite greetings and farewells. She wanted to let them out now, especially with what was to come for them. But…
Rider’s instructions were clear: they couldn’t meddle much or she couldn’t predict the timeline and then they might lose. Sakura would lose.
So the young woman held herself back, just like always.
A night where even the moonlight is obscured. It was a clash of titans: the red Servant versus the blue one with a deadly spear, two meters long. Back and forth they parried blows, giving no quarter to the other. A human would have fallen by now but these were not humans. These were Heroic Spirits of old and she was outclassed to be anything more than a spectator.
A pair of swords shine and are broken from the red Servant’s hands. They are matched swords, mirror images of each other. They reappear again and again without fail to take a blow from the red spear. Archer, the red Servant, tries gaining space between him and his opponent but the blue Lancer constantly closes the gap.
Lancer bears his teeth in a beastly grin, red spear pulled back, ready to strike. He had been striking all night but this was different.
Her arm couldn’t get a clear shot to help her partner.
“Who’s there!!” That voice. She knew that voice.
Lancer turns and disappears. She and Archer are speaking and now she’s running with all the Reinforcement she has.
Archer gets there first.
A student is lying on the cold hallway floor and Archer is standing still. He is staring blankly at the student.
Its scent hits her nose. The blood on the floor makes it clear it’s the smell of death. There’s too much red. The red Servant. The red blood. The red hair...
Archer goes after Lancer on her orders and she’s left alone with the student lying on the floor.
She can’t look straight at the boy in front of her but she must.
This is my fault.
This is my fault.
This is my fault.
“If his heart was hit, there’s no way of saving him.” She tries to reason calmly.
She flips the body over.
“No. No. Why did it have to be you?” She cried.
“Why are you here?”
“Why did you have to pick this hour on this day to be here?”
She was dreaming.
She was sobbing.
She didn’t get here in time.
She let Lancer get away.
Her hands were covered in blood from turning the boy over. Sakura knew the boy’s face. She would recognize the girl’s voice anywhere. She was Rin and the boy was Shirou.
The weight of her heavy breaths was what startled her out of her sleep, followed by a coughing fit as her body tried to compensate. The worms started crawling but Sakura willed herself to calm down. As long as she was passive, her grandfather and Shinji would go through their motions and let her be.
Sakura cleaned and dressed a full hour before the usual time she would head to the Emiya residence. If she kept laying down a second longer, who knew what would happen. She quietly ghosted through the entrance of the Matou household. No one stopped her; no one ever did.
Why would they when running away was pointless?
It was a longer walk before she reached the park where she last played with Rin. This was the second time she’d been here in ten years. It felt appropriate to see her sister’s face, to really see her face here. “Rider.”
“I’m here.”
The voice came from behind.
There Ishtar was perched on a bench, her head thrown back in careless ease. Her arms stretched out behind, bracing her up. One eye slit open before opening both, fully taking in Sakura’s stormy expression.
Sakura cut off Ishtar before she could begin. “Why didn’t you tell me Senpai would die?”
The goddess’ eyes widened and yet her head tilted in confusion. “Senpai?”
“You know who I mean. Why did you lie to me?” Sakura’s body shuddered, between rage and the all too familiar feeling of helplessness. “Why would you encourage me knowing he dies?”
Her Servant had the gall to smile. Sakura was familiar with this smile. She saw it on her sister’s face, surrounded by friends, surrounded by everything. “He doesn’t die! You end up together after this war.”
“So are my dreams of your memories a lie?”
“My memories?” Ishtar seemed to pause at that. “You shouldn’t be able to see a divine beings’ memories.”
“As Rin. It’s not the first one I’ve had. You summoned Archer, a man in red. You were at the school.”
“Oh right; I guess I did.” The goddess considered this new tidbit. She closed her eyes, humming lightly. Her meditative state did little to calm the storm in front of her.
Sakura balled her hands up. Never had she wanted to strike someone, not since she was a child. “You’re not listening to me. You never have!”
“I know and I’m sorry for not being there before and-“
“You’re still not listening. Was this some game to you? Watch me get my hopes up only for him to die.” Sakura stopped. “That’s why you knew we could stay in his house without problems in a week’s time…”
Ishtar’s eyes widened, her hands flailing for what would help. “No, no. He lived. I made sure of that, even then!”
“He died in the Holy Grail War. I saw it in your memories.” Sakura stepped closer. “He died in the school.”
“No he didn’t.” Ishtar protested.
“You were too late; a Servant got him.” Her eyes narrowed. “It was Lancer: you let him get away the other day, even though you knew this would happen!”
“I told you. We can’t change the timeline too much or else everything changes. A couple insignificant things here and there we can tweak.”
“Senpai is not insignificant.” The Servant reached out to hold her but Sakura stepped back. She rubbed her hands, one over one another again and again. “You were too late. We won’t be this time.”
Her left hand extended in the Servant’s direction. “This is my first command spell. Please Rider. Please protect Senpai until the end, no matter what happens in the future.”
The rune vanished, one petal of the design as Ishtar felt mana flowing into her, binding everything down to her spiritual core.
“Sakura, stop. That won’t work.” Ishtar continued to protest albeit in a flustered state as her body fought the command.
The young woman didn’t waver; she couldn’t because she had to do this one thing. “This is my second command spell.” Please work. "Rider Ishtar, please protect Emiya Shirou as if he were your Master until the Holy Grail War is over.”
Another petal faded and even Ishtar had to catch her breath from the mana distorting her primary objective.
Sakura’s face was of a serene sadness. “Please understand Ishtar, he’s everything. If he were gone, there would be no point.”
Ishtar sighed in frustration. “You are the point.”
“No, he is. He needs to make it out of this war alive. I’ll be satisfied if he does.”
Disclaimer: I do not own Fate/stay night, Fate/Grand Order, or any of the related properties from Type-Moon and other IP holders.
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You didn't think this war was going to be that easy did you? Originally 0 Hour and 1 Wish were the same chapter called Week 0 but that ended up 30 pages and counting so I cut them up, added more scenes, and moved around a couple events here and there. Again I am aware Howl's Moving Castle wasn’t released till the fall of 2004. It was either that or Lord of the Rings. Both would have fit as I wasn’t familiar with any other movie that would have been released in Japan around the same time that fit with the story.
10 notes · View notes
iamsho · 4 years ago
part 28 - highlight
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The ball that was spiked by Hinata was supposed to be the last point for the Black Jackals to win the match, but it was later blocked by Kageyama, and there was no way it could be saved. Everything went fast although Hinata, the player who’s known for his speed, agility, and skills, saved it with his foot and it went back to the setter perfectly. The audience are on the edge watching the whole match, cheers from both teams went louder, supporting each of them like their life depended on the outcome of the game.
Hinata didn’t hesitated to run on the other side of the court to try and spike the ball again, blockers are already on the spot and ready to block him, sadly, Hinata played them and used himself as a decoy. Ball was set to Bokuto and he hit it with too much force that Ushijima didn’t got a chance to save the ball.
The match ended with Black Jackals as the winner with a score of 3-1, all players were exhausted and at the same time felt happy with the outcome. As they were stretching, you and your group went up to the side of the court to congratulate the team, mostly Bokuto. Your group prepared banners and shirts printed with a “Bokuto, OUR greatest ace”, to cheer him while playing. You were amazed by how good and interesting the matches were, and both teams have their own style of plays.
You admit that you did went to the gym to cheer your friend, but you couldn’t leave your eyes from wandering at their #15, Mr. Sakusa Kiyoomi. You saw his plays, the service aces, receives that he pulled off nicely, you saw why he’s considered as one of the greatest players in Japan. You wanted to talk to him, congratulate him, and just go back to normal like how the two of you were months ago. Even though you’re expecting something more with him, it seems impossible. Not wanting him to feel uncomfortable, you stayed and kept your distance from him.
Sakusa was reaching for the small black box that Atsumu gave him yesterday, saying that it’s the perfect ring for the Goddess Y/n. He didn’t check it, because he knew if he saw it and was not contented with the ring, he’ll return it and buy another one. And the thing is, it was already late and he still has a match tomorrow that time.
Seeing you busy conversing with his teammate, he took the chance to approach and surprise you, since he knew if you look at him, he’ll hesitate and won’t do it.
“Y/n?” you let out a sharp breath and looked at the owner of the voice and saw them kneeling in front of you holding a box. You widen your eyes as cameras are now focused to the two of you.
“You are the most annoying person that I’ve ever meet, well you and Kuroo. But you, you annoyed me the most. The time that you hoarded those masks, but only used five frustrates me. Also, the alcohol. and when I got my revenge, you accused me of being immature when in fact you were the one who sent me a Chicken Kuroo meme when I first dmed you. ” Laughter can be heard from the background which made him stop from his speech and sighed; he can feel thousands of eyes staring at him, and ears listening.
Atsumu was a mess, he wanted to stop the proposal, he didn’t expect his friend to listen to his advice. He didn’t think that Sakusa has the balls to actually do it after after the match. But what concerns him the most is the idea of Sakusa being humiliated because of him. He never ran so fast than Hinata just to snatch Sakusa from the scene, and hide him, but Hinata and Bokuto tackled him.
“And when we had our first conversation, I can’t stop thinking about how beautiful and mesmerizing you are just like how the three doofuses there describe you. You have always been the woman of my heart ever before this beautiful and disaster relationship with you. I have always seen you in my dreams several times even before I met you; you are the only one I have loved so much. You make everything beautiful when you are around, every moment I spent with you is like I’m in paradise on earth, I want to live closer to your heart for the rest of our life, I want you to be my wife and the lovely mother of our smart, beautiful, and funny children to be, and maybe a sporty person just like their daddy, my love, will you marry me?”
Sakusa then opened the box and revealed the ring.
The awws transitioned to haha’s, and Sakusa is already sweating twice because of the idea of rejection, he looked at you and saw you staring at the ring with a blank face. He's about to accept your silence and stand-up but you immediately took the ring and placed it on your fourth finger on the left hand and pulled Sakusa.
“Omi, I am this close on crying because of your speech, I like the ring, it’s unique and SWEET but what the fuck is this ring?” the boy was confused by your question, so he then looked at your hand and went pale. It was a ring pop. He proposed to you in front of the world with a RING POP. He looked at Atsumu and was ready to charge at him, however, you stopped him and kissed his cheek.
“Look guys, I’m officially engaged with SAKUSA KIYOOMI” you proudly showed them your ring and hugged Sakusa, the boy was still embarrassed and flustered with what happened. He hid his face on your neck and asked you on a date. Which was Atsumu’s second step.
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After 3 years
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an: i guess this is the end of the series😗, i didn't want to make the story longer and seem like it was rushed. but here is the end of the series. i do hope you enjoyed reading it and i wanna thank you all for supporting it
taglist: @heavenini @elianetsantana @weebshit-swag @imtheseventhchicken @toaster-stick @birdiewolf @euphorihan @kathasblog @ssuna @sirachano0dles @kellesvt @lcsbianist @mellowknightcolorfarm @tintina365 @unhappyraspberry @cowward @d0llpie @mindofess @just-snog-already @yespurplevoid @sakusas-number1-stan @tchalameme @that-chick212 @hai-q-haikyuu @yamayoomi   @goldthread-galdyherud @moonlightkawa @skiyoomii @paintedstarres @mint-mai @m--a-r-y @byun-nies @semi-orangeapple @6sakusa @ggukiefrappe @bigchaosenergy @louire @dwcljh @akkaso @ptv-hades @doublekrecs @babytsum @trifliz @reina-de-tay @finding-serenity
229 notes · View notes
honeymoonjin · 5 years ago
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ot7 x reader || ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 12k || ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: smut - rated 18+
Sick of unsatisfying hookups, boring relationships or the company of your own hand? Apply today for the chance to be on bangasm.com’s very first reality show! Seven attractive young gentlemen will be vying for your choice of who is best in bed. All from different backgrounds, these men claim they’ll be able to rock your world, so don’t hesitate! Apply now!
Congratulations! You’ve been accepted as the Lady in the first season of The Gentlemen.
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ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: good god where to begin, loss of virginity : ) for real, big dick joon, cowgirl, unprotected sex, special appearance from namjoon’s sensitive neck o.o, premature ejaculation sorry bud, creampie, dom!joon still tho, sub!reader, sexting, dom!hoseok/master!hoseok, sub!jungkook, sub!reader agAIN, bondage and shibari, master/slave dynamics (sorry i have to spoil the prompt but want to properly TW this stuff, but the word slave is only used once out-of-scene), filmed sex, exhibitionism, voyeurism, hoseok wearing the tear dior fit you are WELCOME, fingering, orgasm control/denial, oral (m receiving), anal (m receiving), a position i am told is called a lucky pierre/french sandwich, threesome in case you couldn’t guess, aftercare, guided masturbation, phone sex, pet-names, discipline/punishment
banner designer @jamaisjoons​ | thank you my darling SFHS babies ! i love you
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“Are you ready to make your decision?”
No. Of course the answer is no, but there’s no delaying it anymore. “Is it nine already?”
Sejin sighs, shuffling to the side of the table to indicate you’re to sit beside him. When you do, facing the boys on the couch, your heart gives another sickening lurch. Sejin squeezes your shoulder kindly. “Just a game, sweetheart,” he assures quietly, before raising his voice into the authorial tone he used for announcements. “Thank you for all being here on time, any on topic questions before we begin?”
Nobody answers, not even Jin. There’s a tense atmosphere, and you feel caught right in the centre of it.
“Okay, then,” he says softly, sensing the sullen atmosphere. “I’d like to give each of the Gentlemen a chance to explain why Y/n should keep them in the show. Let’s go around the room. Yoongi?”
To Sejin’s left, perched on the end of the three-person couch, is the doctor himself, legs crossed and face relaxed. “Um, Y/n should keep me in becau-”
“Say it to her,” Sejin guides, shuffling back to move out of the way.
Reflexively, Yoongi glances up at you, and the calm warmth of his eyes reassures you. “Y/n, I’d ask you to keep me in because we’ve had a good time together so far, but there’s so much that we have yet to explore. Beyond that, I’d like to think I’m a good fit for the house, and I’ll continue to assist Jin-hyung in cooking many meals.” Once he’s done, he sends you a small smile, eyes glinting playfully.
The younger boy sitting next to him is not as cheerful. Bottom lip red from gnawing, Jungkook tucks his feet up on the couch, resting his chin on his knees. His eyes meet yours after Sejin signals for him to begin. “I really hope you don’t vote me out because I like it here a lot. You’re so cool, and the hyungs are so cool, and I feel really happy here. I know we haven’t spent a whole lot of quality time yet, but I want to, if I stick around long enough.”
You bite down harshly on your tongue, sending him a strained smile. Fuck, this sucks. Beside Jungkook is Hoseok, who props his elbow on the arm of the couch, posture casual but face stricken.
“Y/n,” Hoseok begins, voice tentative and uncharacteristically subdued, “you’re a very intelligent girl and you have a lot of potential in being a sub. I’d appreciate the opportunity to stay in and show you and the audience how enjoyable BDSM can be. We’re all very lucky men to be on the show with you.”
On the couch beside, Namjoon is the next one around. He pauses, eyes dancing about the room as he thinks. “I think it probably doesn’t make much sense to keep me in the game,” he allows. “I’m not experienced like the others and so it’s a little hard to defend on that front, but I think me staying allows you the advantage of being my first and best experience. I feel like with just a bit more time, I’ll really grow into my element, and I feel safe doing it with you. So I really hope I stay.”
Squished beside him is Jin, who sends you a big grin, even if it doesn’t fully reach his eyes. “This is so shitty,” he says with a laugh, “it’s harder than I was prepared for before I came, and I think that’s due partly to the warm environment that we’re developing with each other, but also because you, Y/n, are a very genuine and lively person. Of course this is a game about sex, but I don’t think any one of us could say that’s the only factor here. As for me, I ask that you keep me in at least a week more because I can promise not only a good time, but also an ear if you need one, and advice should you ever want it.” He pauses to glance around the room. “That goes for all of you,” Jin adds, “I cannot believe that I don’t hate any of you, I don’t know how the producers found such great people.”
His words ease a bit of the tension, and the rest of you let out laughs of relief, your heart easing slightly.
Next, it’s down on the floor for Taehyung, who seems to prefer sitting cross-legged on the carpet to any other spot in the room. “I really wanna stay here,” he pleads with his eyes locked on yours, so earnest, “you’re so fantastic, and Jungkookie and the hyungs are all so fantastic, and I don’t wanna go home so soon. And also I think in terms of sex and stuff, I bring a lot to the table.” Taehyung avoids Sejin’s gaze, fiddling with the hem of his shirt innocently even as he stares up through his eyelashes at the rest of you cheekily. “I think we saw that yesterday. Though in the future, hopefully it’ll cost me less.” He sends a withering glare at Yoongi and Jin. “You assholes.”
You let out a chuckle, Jin huffing in response and Yoongi just shrugging with a shameless grin. Finally, it’s Jimin’s turn, and your chest pangs as you remember the last time you were together. The way he squeezed your hand gently before getting out of the car last night, the way he walked you to your bedroom door, wishing you sweet dreams. The way you saw an entirely different man to the one he’s been advertising.
His eyes on you are imploring even as his back is straight and legs crossed. “I value the time I spend with you. This is, after all, a game about sex so I’ll defend myself by saying you can rest assured I’m skilled enough to please you well, but if you allow me to stay,” he drops eye contact, fiddling with his rings even as he fights to remain poised, “I do hope it’s not the sex alone that keeps me here.” Like a switch is flicked, his momentary vulnerability vanishes, and he glances up and sends you a smile, warm and at-ease, having said his piece.
“And Y/n,” Sejin guides from beside you, his kind eyes on you, “anything to say to the guys?”
Your heart stutters in your chest. It’s been a week? Why is this so hard? “I- First of all, this decision has been insanely hard. You’re all amazing, not just in bed but as people, and I hope that whoever has to leave will still stay in touch. It feels really cruel that I have to say goodbye to someone so soon. The reality is, none of you did bad, and there’s nobody I don’t like; nobody that doesn’t belong here. I’ve made my decision, but- I don’t know. I’m not happy with it, but I don’t think I’d be happy with any decision. In the end, I guess I just went for the least painful option.” You take a deep breath, eyes lifting to look at Hoseok, who sends you a sad smile. You open your mouth-
“Wait!” Sejin interrupts loudly. Everyone turns to look at him in unison, eyes wide. “There-” He breaks off with a sigh, glancing at the camera closest to him before looking back down at the group. “Listen; this will be edited out, but ratings have been doing far better than we’d ever anticipated. We already hired a third editor to keep up with demand and get more episodes out than was on the schedule, and there’s talk we may even start getting sponsorships because the support has been creating headlines, at least on Twitter. The higher-ups at Bangasm, well… they want to make an exception.”
You furrow your brows. “What do you mean?”
“You’ll see,” Sejin answers. “Act surprised.” The eight of you stare at him with varying degrees of bewilderment as he puffs his chest and carries his voice louder, switching back into producer mode. “Wait!” he repeats in the same tone as earlier. “The production team hasn’t been completely honest with you. This isn’t just a basic game with prompts each week like we told you. There will be a special advantage, a wildcard if you wish, that changes things up. They could affect the prompts, or how the game proceeds for that week. We call them Bangasm Bombs. And while we didn’t tell you, our production team has drawn the Bangasm Bomb for Week One.”
Sejin pauses to look at you all meaningfully. Jimin picks up the hint. “So; what’s the ‘Bangasm Bomb’ for this week?” he asks for you, gesturing quote marks with his fingers. 
Your mind is starting to whir, possibilities beginning to percolate in your mind, but you aren’t prepared for what Sejin says next.
“Nobody goes home this week.” 
Your mouth drops open, eyes darting around the room to see the open disbelief on the guys’ faces. “So I- I don’t have to send anyone home today?”
“No,” Sejin answers warmly, and you feel your shoulders sag in relief, a breath rushing out you didn’t know you were holding. Sejin winces, clearing his throat lightly. “That’s… the other thing.”
“Other thing?” Yoongi asks incredulously. “There’s more?”
“With the success of the show comes other benefits. For example; the CEO and treasurer of Bangasm have agreed to double our funding if we can keep the views up. No, Seokjin,” Sejin quips the second the eldest contestant raises his hand. Jin puts his hand down, lips pursed in a pout. “We’re changing the rules a bit. Before, we said if Y/n eliminated you, you’d pack your bags and leave. Now; you stay.”
Sejin can’t get another word out over the clamour that arises, everyone shocked and excited and confused all at once. He waves his hand for silence, and only after a minute or so everyone calms down. 
“So, there’s just no eliminating?” Jungkook asks with a comically quizzical look on his face.
“Please just let me explain,” Sejin requests, sighing. “Yes, there will still be eliminations. But if you get eliminated, you stay in the house.”
“So it’s a free pass,” Jungkook surmises.
“Not quite. No longer will you not be competing in the game, but you won’t be able to have sex with or sexually touch Y/n in any way. If you do, then you’ll be sent out of the house for good.”
“No sex with Y/n?” Taehyung asks meaningfully. “So… otherwise…?”
Sejin sighs, a tired laugh falling from his lips. “Just no sex with Y/n,” he confirms. “If you touch Y/n sexually, you go home. If Y/n touches you, of course we can’t send her home, so we’ve devised a punishment.” 
At the word punishment your head darts up to stare at the producer, but Hoseok beats you to the punch. “She’s gonna come join us in the bunkroom?”
“That’s for failing prompts, Hobi-hyung,” Namjoon points out, “Y/n doesn’t have any prompts.”
“Correct,” Sejin confirms. “If Y/n touches an eliminated member in a sexual manner, then that member gets to choose what she wears for the next 24 hours.”
You frown. “That doesn’t sound so…” you trail off when you glance up, only to be met with seven hungry sets of eyes. You can just about see the cogs turning in their brains as they stare at your body. “Ah.”
“Yes. So stick to the rules, and you get, as Jungkook so elegantly put, a free pass minus Y/n. Got it?”
The eight of you stay silent, still shell-shocked from the two revelations. This changed things. Now, when you voted someone off, they would get to stay, but they would get to stay. You can see both the positive and negative possibilities there, and it’s no surprise that a reality show would have such a sneaky plot twist.
So you’d have all seven fucking you for one more week, and then all seven every week in the future, only with your sexual prospects dropping as you went. It does ensure that you’ll begin voting for them purely based on sexual performance; considering their personalities in the house wasn’t an issue if you’d have those anyway. 
As you glance around the room, you can’t help but wonder if your vote would’ve been different had you known that he’d get to stay. And you wonder if you’ll end up picking the same person in a week’s time, after a new set of prompts. The thought makes you sit up, turning to Sejin again.
“Will the boys draw their new prompts, then?” you ask. “Do I get to know the theme again?”
“Ah, of course-” Sejin breaks off to sit up, retrieving a stack of slightly crumpled papers from his back pocket. “This week’s theme is dynamics and roleplay. Come pick a card.”
Like last week, you pay close attention to the reactions of each of the seven. Namjoon blinks wide at his, but doesn’t seem as put off as last week, and his eyes go distant when he sits back down, like he’s already picturing it. Jimin takes two, one for him at one for Taehyung, and the two compare, Taehyung laughing at Jimin’s and Jimin smirking at Taehyung’s, brushing his clean-shaven cheek with the back of his knuckles and murmuring something in his ear. 
When Jin gets his, he bites his tongue and shakes his head with a light laugh, and Yoongi’s mouth drops open upon reading his card, eyes darkening with lust. Jungkook winces at first, but thinks on it a moment longer and grins eagerly, taking a second glance and scrunching his nose cutely at it. Hoseok takes his last, calmly reading it with a pleased smirk, sliding it into his front pocket and taking a seat.
Your breath leaves you in a slow stream. You’re back to the not-knowing. Dynamics and roleplay. It could really be anything, you supposed. Naughty schoolgirl, pizza delivery guy. You didn’t watch a lot of porn but you vaguely knew some of the tropes, and it’ll be a rather interesting week indeed.
“That’s not all, of course,” Sejin adds, and you feel like your brain could implode with the information dump that this morning has been. “Would you like to hear the Bangasm Bomb for Week 2?”
“We find out now?” Hoseok questions. “Not at the end?”
“Well, in order to fulfil it you need to know now,” the producer explains. “This week, Y/n may not sleep in her own bed, and she may not sleep in the same bed twice.”
You blink, not expecting it to be directed at you. “I what?” Your mind catches up with the rule, and you let out a light laugh. “So, I’ll have to share with the other guys?”
"Let's not forget the type of show we're on," Yoongi points out, leveling an impressed stare at the producer. "Well-played."
"Thank you," Sejin replies shortly. "Now, that'll be all. Just a reminder, if your scene isn't filmed, it doesn't count, and it's okay if Y/n guesses the prompt, but if you tell her directly then your prompt is void. Seokjin; we ordered you a set of chef's knives that should be here later today. Please stop spamming the company's inquiries email."
He's out of the room before Jin can even react, open-mouthed but smug like the cat that got the cream.
The eight of you sit in silence for a moment or two, still reeling. It's Hoseok in the end that recovers first.
"So we all stay," he muses. "Even if we get voted off, we stay. Why is that both a blessing and a curse?"
"This is reality TV," Jimin points out calmly, "and it's porn on top of it. Tension and drama skyrockets ratings. Well; I'm going to make some coffees if anyone wants one."
Most of the group move back into the kitchen, rifling through cabinets like zombies to make their breakfasts, but Namjoon approaches you hesitantly, biting on his lip.
"Y/n, can I talk to you? Privately?"
You stand up off the coffee table, though still you're lifting your chin to meet his gaze. "Sure," you reply easily, "privately or privately privately?"
"Um," he hesitates, glancing towards the entrance foyer, where across the hall lies the unfilmed rec room. "Just privately is fine for now."
Everyone else distracted with the prospect of food and hot coffee, it's easy enough to just sit on the stairs, side-by-side and thighs touching. Like this, you become aware of how much bigger he is than you. Namjoon's legs sprawl out down to the bottom of the stairs, socked feet slipping slightly on the glossy stone floor, whereas yours are tucked on the step below you. He glances down at you with a nervous disposition, but his eyes are surprisingly steady.
"Hoseok-hyung and I slept in the bunk bed room last night, as you probably know," he explains. "Him and I talked a lot. About a bunch of things, but he helped me realise something. And after I got the prompt today, I was sure."
Your eyes widen as they watch him carefully. The roots of his purple are starting to grow out in a soft brunette that makes him look even younger, his face round yet gently sculpted, chin pressed out in solemnity. "Sure of what?" you question quietly.
Namjoon takes a slow breath, rubbing his palms over his knees. "I think it's better if I don't lose my virginity while doing some cheesy role-play for a porn show, you know? I know I chose to come here knowing what I was walking into, but... Hoseok suggested maybe we could use the rec room for some privacy and then I could just fill my prompt later in the week. Of course, the producers will probably get annoyed at me not losing my virginity on camera, but they never said I had to, and I think I want it to be something just for me, you know? Something that's just you and me, outside of the show. I understand if you don't want to do that, but if you're happy to, I think I'm ready now."
You take a few moments to fully process his words, the gravity of them. "You sure you're ready? If you are, I'm happy to do that, Joonie. I want it to be good for you. You deserve that."
He smiles at that, broadly, but with his head ducked down. "That means a lot," he admits, "but yeah. I'm ready. If you want to...?" He trails off, tipping his head in the direction of the private rec room.
You sit up straight. "Oh! You mean- now now? Yes, I can do that, wow, okay-"
"If that's alright?" he asks hastily, face pinched with worry, but you just stand up, holding out a hand to him. He takes it, letting you lead him to the door.
From the few times you've needed to use this room, it's been pretty empty. It's small; most likely originally intended as extra storage or a home office, and the producers had put a visibly second-hand couch on one wall, a skinny coffee table and a lamp in there.
Generally, it's a glorified staffroom of sorts, a time-out that's more valuable for its lack of cameras than anything actually inside. Today, though, you freeze in the hallway at the sight that greets you.
With the table pushed to one side, boasting two bottles of water, a box of tissues, a bottle of self-heating lube and a small bluetooth speaker, the rest of the room has been converted into a massive bed.
The floor is covered with blankets, sheets and duvets, thick enough to be like a bedroll, with pillows stacked on the edges. They cover most of the floor, roughly the size of a queen size bed. On top of the impressive set-up are a colourful variety of packaged condoms, arranged in a tasteful love-heart.
Namjoon groans at the display, pinching his brow. "Hoseok said he'd set up for me and make it a little more comfortable, I'm sorry."
"It's cute," you say with a laugh, "are you wanting to use condoms?"
Namjoon swallows. "Uh, you- what would you prefer?"
You shrug, collecting them up and flicking through the buffet of options. You chuckle as the majority are L and XL. Unsurprising. "I mean, we don't need one. So if you want to feel everything fully, I say go bare."
"G-go bare, please," he coughs out awkwardly, shutting and locking the door behind him, double-checking the handle. "Can we put some music on? It's really quiet in here."
"Of course." You busy yourself with the music, smiling at the fact that he must have appreciated it last time. By the time you select a nice playlist on your phone and pick a decent volume, Namjoon's surprised you by hastily stripping down to his underwear, shyly rubbing at his knees.
You stand stock-still for a moment, just taking in the gorgeous sight of his body, all understated muscle and bold lines and planes. He must do some form of exercise, because his chest is thick, as are his thighs, and his lower stomach is soft but lean. He's gorgeous, and between your legs you feel your excitement grow.
Hustling to strip your clothes off as a gentle guitar strumming fills the air, you feel the cool cotton of the duvet under your knees as you straddle Namjoon, the man sucking in a breath as your clothed pussy presses flush against his hardness.
"Give me a kiss," you ask softly, a suggestion to let him take control, and a sigh of relief leaves his lungs as he cups your face in his hands, tugging your lips onto his greedily.
The ferocity with which he kisses you takes your breath away. It's powerful, greedy and demanding like he's waited an eon to kiss you again. While he was surprisingly skilful the first time, now it feels like he's come into his own.
You make a noise of surprise in the back of your throat as you feel his tongue slipping between your lips, licking up into your mouth like he's trying to devour you. You're drunk on it, mind feeling hazy, but you manage to pull away for a moment, gasping out a, "how the hell did you get this good?"
Grunting, Namjoon's eyes flutter open and one of his hands slips back to cup the nape of your neck securely, preventing you from backing up further. "Hoseok gave me some tips," he admits. "Now get back here."
You let yourself be pulled in again and eaten alive, muffled groans and sighs of bliss slipping out between swipes of tongue and flashes of teeth, nipping at your bottom lip until it's swollen and aching in the best way.
Without realising, you've begin to grind your hips against him, needing friction, and he pants into your mouth at the feeling. The pleasure makes him sloppy, and you groan as his lips leave yours, veering down to kiss along your jawline, tugging on your earlobe before sucking blossoms of colour down your throat. You tip your head back, arching into his mouth and rocking your hips against him, the friction addictive.
"Gonna fuck you now," you hear him groan against your collarbone, lips on your skin that's slick from his spit. Even in your heightened state of arousal you can sense the slight question in his voice, like he's checking you're still okay with it.
More than okay, you glance down to see the point that joins you, your panties so wet that the grey of his boxers is marred by a dark spot, wet and clinging to the stiff outline of his cock. You curse lowly at the sight of it. "Fuck, please, I need you, Joonie."
He lets out a strangled sigh, hands trembling slightly as he pushes down the waistband of his boxers so that it rests below his balls, cock bobbing up to rest at his stomach. He swallows hard, eyes closed and back resting against the base of the couch. The sheets beneath you have heated up with your body temperature, arousal radiating off the two of you in waves. 
When you first reach out to touch him, you keep your eyes on his face, on his reaction. The initial contact makes his brow twitch, eyes clenching shut. So thick your fingers don’t touch around him when you grasp his base, he’s definitely the biggest you’ve seen in the house; a touch of irony that the least experienced member had the biggest genetic advantage. His bottom lip finds his way tucked between his teeth, thighs tensing beneath you. 
“Joonie,” you mumble in a mock pout, “are you gonna fuck me now or so I have to do all the work myself?”
His eyes fly open, gaze landing on your widened eyes of innocence, before darting down to where you’re gently stroking him, fingertips catching on the sensitive ridge beneath his head. “Hobi-hyung said you should ride me so you can get used to it.”
You chuckle, tapping your thumb over his weeping slit, making him hiss. “Let’s stop thinking about what Hobi said and start worrying about what you want. Do you want me to ride you? Feel how tight I am for you?”
He curses, brows knitting as he nods shakily, and you can’t hold yourself back any longer. With a low curl of thrill in your stomach, you sit up so you can quickly slip off your panties, before straddling him again. He feels heavy when you brush his length through your sodden folds, readying him for you, and the thought makes you groan lowly. 
“Wanted you so bad,” you confess over the music in the background, now a simple drum beat that gives you rhythm as you grind your hips over him, letting his blunt head catch at your entrance. “Fuck.” His fingers are digging into your hips just with the feeling of your pussy clenching over his tip, and you lower yourself painfully slowly, adjusting to the way he stretches you to your limit, dragging inch by inch against your walls. 
“H-oh god, it is, it’s so tight,” he comments with a hitch in his voice, and again you feel the muscles of his thighs twitch, like he’s fighting the urge to bury himself in you. Though the thought of it is hot, you’re merciful that he’s giving you time to grow accustomed to the sheer girth of his dick inside you. 
“Does it feel good, Joonie?” you ask, the question panted as he takes your breath away, grinning at the quick stuttered nods he gives in reply, fingers flexing on the flesh of your hips and ass. By the time you’re sitting flush against his lap, you can barely breathe, a shaky hand pressing onto your stomach almost expecting to feel him bulging out of you from the inside. He’s not just the biggest on the show, but the biggest you’ve ever had, and you feel like you could cum just from rolling your hips against him. 
“You feel so amazing, Y/n,” he praises, arms wrapping around your waist, pulling you in close so that he can press his lips to yours. You whine as he shifts in you, feeling shakier than ever, but appreciate the chance to adjust to him, tongue chasing his and fingers slipping into his hair as you kiss. 
You’re content to stay like that for as long as he continues to move his mouth against you, mouth watering at the feeling of cockwarming him and joining your bodies so intimately, but the excitement of new sensation gets to him, and after a while he begins to shift, holding your hips down and grinding his hips.
Your jaw drops open, hands flying out to grip at his shoulders at the feeling. He’s so deep you can barely comprehend it, can barely think with his cock filling you so completely, and find yourself pleading quietly, an unintelligible babble of more, please more, need more. He shifts his posture as you sit on his length, uncrossing his legs and instead bracing them in front of him. 
“Want me to fuck you like this?” he asks, nipping at your throat, and you shiver at the husky gravel of his tone. What happened to the shy virgin? 
“Please, Joonie,” you gasp, clenching around him, “need you to move.”
His first thrust takes your breath away, punching the air out of your lungs. When he moves inside you it feels monumental, like a core piece of you shifting, and your eyes water with the delicious burn. You whine when he pauses for a moment, hands slipping down to knead at your ass. Namjoon’s eyes are like molten dark chocolate as they focus on you, rich and intense, and when your head tips down to kiss him again it’s so needy your teeth clash, the keening whimper in your throat sign enough that you want more. 
It’s only once he begins to fuck you in earnest, bouncing you on his cock, that you see how truly affected he is. Strands of lilac cling to his temples as he sweats, chest heaving and hands trembling even as his fingers dig in hungrily. His lips are slick with spit, but he makes no move to wipe them clean, just biting onto his bottom lip and sucking, hips snapping up with bruising momentum. 
You can’t catch your breath, but still you chase his lips like oxygen, needing to be as close as possible. His panting keeps you anchored as you moan shamelessly, toes curling and back arching. Your high approaches quickly enough that it shocks you, but there’s no escaping the pleasure that rushes through you with every snap of his hips. 
You lose contact with his mouth, cheek resting limply on his shoulder as he speeds up his pace, the muscles in your legs failing you, twitching uncontrollably. 
“No, no, no, fuck,” Namjoon chants lowly, and you feel a hand bury in your hair, holding you to the crook of his neck, “I’m sorry, I’m not gonna last.”
You moan at that, feeling him stiffen impossibly more inside you with every thrust. “Wan’ you to cum,” you promise in his ear, barely more than a gasped breath, “wanna cum with you.” To end the statement, you nuzzle your nose against his throat and nip at his pulse point. To your surprise, he shudders violently, suddenly going stock still.
Your eyes widen as hot ropes of cum fill you, Namjoon clutching you to him helplessly, groaning nonsense as his orgasm hits him out of nowhere. Your own high recedes, but you barely notice it as you sit up tiredly and clench around him, watching the pleasure flicker across his face as he rides the high. 
“Fuck,” he breathes, eyes cast towards the ceiling and chest still heaving, “I’m so sorry, I… sensitive neck.”
You grin, running your hands up to gently brush over it, feeling him pulse inside you, spurting the final drops of cum from his spent cock. “Don’t apologise,” you assure, leaning in quickly to nibble at his lips and give him a lazy, indulgent kiss. “That was really fucking hot.”
He laughs, cheeks pinkening slightly, and you feel your heart warm at the return of the shy Namjoon you’d gotten used to. So he’s a lot more dominant and confident in the heat of the moment, you muse as he catches his breath, good to know.
When you find your strength again, slowly sitting up off him, you wince at the rush of cum leaving you, and the uncomfortable feeling of emptiness. That’s only exacerbated by the fact that you haven’t cum yet, but it’s his first time and you don’t want him to feel bad. Collapsing on the sheets beside him, you rest your head on his shoulder, breath still coming in shallow pants. “Good?”
“Good god, Y/n,” he exclaims earnestly, “I think I might be a sex addict now.” 
A surprised peal of laughter leaves your lungs, and you shove him playfully before crawling over to the coffee table, cracking open a bottle of water and cleaning yourself up with the available tissues. “Hoseok really did think this through, huh?” you muse, chucking him the box once you’re done.
Namjoon clears up the cum on his cock and thighs, grimacing at the way some of it has stained his boxers, but he sends you a guilty look. “I’m sorry.”
You frown, reaching for your clothes. “What do you mean?”
“You didn’t-”
Whatever Namjoon is about to say is cut off by a sudden thud that gives you both a fright, followed by three polite albeit enthusiastic knocks. You stare in bewilderment at the door, before hastily dressing yourself.
“Is everything alright?” Namjoon calls out, putting his underwear back on properly and hopping into his pants. “Has something happened?”
“I should hope so, young grasshopper!” an enthusiastic voice chirps from the other side of the door, muffled but unmistakably Hoseok. “You’ve popped your cherry, Kim Namjoon!”
The academic winces, reaching out to unlock the door once he’s made sure the two of you are dressed. “Hoseok, what are you doing? Wha-?” He breaks off once he opens the door, and you rush around behind him to see what gave him pause. 
In the foyer are Hoseok, Taehyung and Jin, all in matching paper birthday hats, the strings of thin elastic digging into their chins. Hoseok’s holding two more in his hands, and he thrusts them towards you as Taehyung wiggles the weighty bottle of champagne in his grasp. Behind them, Jin calmly holds a kitchen knife.
“What’s going on?” you ask in bewilderment, stepping out into the foyer and wincing at the ache between your legs with each step. “Why the fuck are you holding a knife?”
Jin, his bright blue party hat on at a jaunty angle, stares down at his hands blankly before gasping, tucking it behind his back. “Sometimes I forget I’m still holding it.”
“That’s extremely alarming,” Namjoon says with a frown. “I still don’t understand why you’re all gathered outside the door.”
“It’s time for the party, hyung,” Taehyung explains, “to celebrate you finally getting your dick wet.”
Your cheeks go flaming red as you glance at Namjoon, the poor man spluttering and eyes wide like he didn’t know what to do. “If there’s champagne, I’m there,” you announce calmly. “Come on, Joonie, let’s go celebrate.”
Namjoon visibly relaxes when you aren’t offended, flicking you a warm smile. “Is everyone wearing a hat?” he questions incredulously, taking the thin cone card. 
“Mo-mostly everyone,” Hoseok answers suspiciously. 
“It’s just you guys, isn’t it?”
“Well, if you both wore one, we’d have the majority.”
You grin, patting Hoseok on the shoulder as you walk past him into the foyer. “Let’s just go,” you call out to the guys behind you, “there better be food.”
As expected, the three that greeted you were the only ones wearing party hats. At the dining table, which has been laden with aromatic dishes, steaming rice and empty champagne flutes, the other three await. Jimin’s is resting beside his plate and chopsticks, untouched. Beside him, Yoongi has his upside down, using it as a bowl for the rice snacks he’s munching happily on. The youngest man in the house hasn’t even noticed you’ve arrived, using it like a very inefficient telescope, one eye scrunched shut and the other focused on the pinhole at the top of the cone. Sitting at the head of the table, he aims it at Jimin, mouth hanging open as he tries to see through the tiny gap.
Giving up, he waves the wide end around the room, desperate to catch a glimpse of something. Once the cone lands on the five of you, he gasps, chucking down the party hat. “You’re back! I didn’t start eating the cake, like you said!” 
Jin frowns. “That sounds awfully suspicious.” Knife still in hand, he makes his way to the kitchen island, where you catch a glimpse of a beautifully iced cake with writing on the top that you’re too far away to read. 
Jungkook shifts restlessly in his seat, staring worriedly at Jin. “The- um, the birds attacked it.” If you look closely, you think you can see the slightest hint of vanilla icing in the crook of his mouth. 
Jin stares at the cake desolately. “The birds?” he deadpans.
“Seagulls, you know,” Jungkook tries to pass off casually, the pink of his tongue dashing out to lick the sugar off his lips. “Absolute vultures.”
Hoseok tsks in disappointment. “Was it seagulls or was it vultures?”
Jungkook stays silent an inexplicably long amount of time, glancing slowly between Hoseok and Jin. His eyes are wide like he’s trying to work out the lie in his head “...It was me.” 
Jin’s fingers are pressed to his temple as he sighs. “Right.” Setting down the knife, he picks up the cake and brings it to the table, placing it in the middle of the table. The rest of you all take a seat, filling in the spaces around the table. Taehyung slips in beside Jimin, Hoseok at the end of the table opposite Jungkook, and finally Jin, Namjoon, and you take the last of the seats. 
The cake is beautiful, neat and fluffy buttercream all over with swooping cursive written in a thin black stream. Unfortunately, a very delicate but obvious slice has been taken out so you have to focus to work out what the writing says. Once you do, you let out a reluctant chuckle, watching Namjoon blush once more, tucking his hands into the sleeves of his shirt shyly.
“‘Here lies Namjoon’s virginity,’” you recite, “‘1994-2020.’ Who came up with that?”
“That’s not impor-” Jin begins, but Taehyung swiftly cuts him off.
“I did!” he declares proudly. “Everyone agreed mine was funnier than Jin-hyung’s.”
“Obviously not everyone,” Jin replies bitterly, dishing himself up some of the rice closest to him. “Dig in, everyone, Yoongi and I worked hard on this. And congratulations Namjoon,” he adds, though he sends Namjoon a genuine smile, eyes twinkling. 
After everyone says their congratulations, the food is dug into and the cork of the bottle is popped, conversation flowing like the champagne. 
Over time, Namjoon seems to get used to the chatter about sex, perhaps not feeling so left out of the loop, and his face is more open and relaxed than ever, a dimple poking out when he smiles. You occasionally reach out to shove him playfully or squeeze his arm as the chatter continues, and he no longer freezes or stiffens up. It warms your heart that he feels a little more comfortable amongst you.
You’re happy to tuck into your meal, having worked up an appetite for lunch, but it’s barely more than a second after finishing your first helping that your phone buzzes. 
You slip it out casually, frowning when you see it’s a notification that you’ve been added to a group-chat. 
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After that, you smother a scoff and slip your phone back into your pocket, hoping if your cheeks are red they can safely be attributed to the alcohol.
Glancing up, you see Jungkook stand up suddenly, eyes wide with barely-contained excitement as he picks up his bowl, chopsticks and champagne flute, scurrying over to dump them in the sink before disappearing upstairs. Yoongi stares at his empty seat in confusion, but shrugs and takes another mouthful of cake. You eat yours quickly enough that your stomach flips, or perhaps that’s just the anticipation.
After you’re done it takes you a few moments to build up the courage to look across to Hoseok, feeling his gaze hot on your skin. When you do, your eyes lock immediately, but he just continues to stare, lips pressed in a narrow line. 
Your heart leaps for a moment, wondering what that hard gaze means for you later on. Silently, as Taehyung continues to explain something to him with a mouth half-full of food, Hoseok lifts his eyebrow once, gaze darting to the roof. The message is clear. Go upstairs.
Biting your lip, you let Namjoon know you’re heading up, waving off his concern until he’s pulled back into a thread of conversation. You try to ignore the uncertain adrenaline rush that makes your hands tremble and your core throb all the way upstairs, until you’re knocking on Jungkook’s door.
The two of you share a look once he opens the door, one of anticipation and desire, and you let out a breathy chuckle. 
“What the fuck have we gotten ourselves into?” you ask rhetorically, stepping in and collapsing onto the bed. 
“I’ll take it if it means getting a good fuck,” he states matter-of-factly, sitting himself beside you and tucking his legs up. “Besides; I’ve wanted to see Hobi-hyung in action for a while.” 
Sitting up, you think back to that day in the confessional booth, where he had so easily made you fall apart without even taking a single item of clothing off. You wondered if he’d deprive you of his body tonight as well. 
“I think he’s angry at me,” you admit, “before I left, he looked… intense.” 
“Why would he be angry at you?” Jungkook asks with a frown, his hand slipping under the baggy fabric of his black tee, rubbing at his shoulder like he’s aching to take the item off. 
You go to shrug, but then your mind flicks back to this morning. “The elimination,” you realise, dread rising in your stomach just as much as your arousal is. “I think he knows I was going to eliminate him.” 
Jungkook’s eyes widen, round enough to be saucers. “Wait, really? Why him?”
You find the words dry up in your throat. “I- God, I don’t know. How am I meant to choose anyone when you’re all amazing? Maybe his had the least impact on me, I suppose.” You eye the door to the walkway warily. “I guess he’s determined to change that now.” 
Instead of replying, you’re taken aback when Jungkook throws his arms around you in a tight hug, his long hair brushing at your neck and shoulder as he tucks his chin into the hollow of your collarbone. Hesitantly, you bring your own arms up to hug him back, feeling your tension melt in the warm embrace.
“It must be so hard,” he murmurs, “I don’t think Hobi-hyung is really mad, you know? He probably just feels like he wasn’t good enough for you and wants to prove himself.” 
This thought just sends another spike of guilt through you, but you have no time to dwell on it before the door is clicking open, making you and Jungkook instinctively jump apart. 
Hoseok stands there, as intimidating as last time in all-black. Though he’s wearing just socks instead of the heavy duty boots he was in that day, there’s no denying the power he holds in the clothes he wears like armour. Leather pants so snug they’re like a second skin and a black long-sleeved shirt, tight but breathable cotton with a harness of thin leather straps providing some structure. His raven hair is swept back, but just a single stray lock hangs low over his brow, drawing your eyes back to his. “Starting without me?” he questions lightly, though his face is devoid of humour.
You swallow hard. “No… Master,” you add, seeing the expectant look on his face. Once he steps further into the room, you notice the black bag that was previously hidden behind his back. The duffel bag from last time. You suck in a breath and clench your thighs before you can even think to stop yourself, and Hoseok’s positively gleam at the sound. 
“Both of you have been very naughty today,” he explains, dumping the bag on the bed beside Jungkook, beginning to casually pull a heap of bright red nylon rope out. “Little Jungkookie ate the cake that Jin-hyung worked so hard on, even when he was specifically asked not to. And Y/n… Y/n knows exactly what she did.” Your eyes widen when Hoseok sets the multiple lengths of rope to one side in a neat folded coil and reaches back into the bag to produce a pair of wide, heavy-duty shears.
“Woah, hyung,” Jungkook exclaims in alarm, “I can apologise for the cake, I-”
“Settle, Jungkook, it’s okay,” Hoseok explains softly. “I told you we’re gonna be tying you up, yeah? This is so that we can cut the ropes quickly in case you want out. They aren’t part of the scene.”
You feel a thrill run through your veins at the gentle click of metal resting on the nightstand once Hoseok sets the scissors down. He hadn’t needed them for when your arms were tied. It meant that whatever you were going to do tonight would be more intense. The thought of everyone else downstairs having a good time and hanging out while you and Jungkook were up here getting bound by Hoseok… it somehow feels even more illicit and dirty. 
“Let’s do Jungkookie first, hm?” the dom proposes. “I’ve been wanting to see what you’d look like all prettied up for me. Choose red just for you.” 
Jungkook positively preens at the compliment, hands tucking into his lap and chest puffing out. “I’m excited, Master!”
Hoseok gestures for Jungkook to remove his clothes with a flat expression. “Don’t be,” he retorts calmly, “this isn’t a reward, it’s discipline. We’re going to learn a lesson about behaving.”
The camboy trembles, hastily shucking off his baggy shirt and pushing his sweatpants down, naked except for a pair of white socks. Your breath is taken away by how easily he bares himself to the cameras and to the two of you, eyes eager and nervous as Hoseok picks up one of the longer lengths of rope.
“I want you to kneel, Jungkookie,” Hoseok instructs, “kneel on the bed for me, arms at your sides.” 
Jungkook obeys, breath hitching as Hoseok approaches, passing the coil over his palm. You watch with baited breath as a bright red strand of rope is run around his narrow waist. As the professional dom begins looping, knotting and wrapping the rope around Jungkook’s torso, the boy’s eyes grow lidded, cock twitching as it rests back against his lower abdomen. 
It takes a while, but time is as smooth as velvet in the soft silence of the room, just gentle breaths and the whir of nylon rope sliding so beautifully along Jungkook’s skin. 
By the time Hoseok is done, Jungkook’s eyes barely open, so content with the feeling of being patiently wrapped up, and he hums lightly as Hoseok rechecks the tightness of each loop, slipping two fingers between rope and skin in several places. 
Rather than bondage or restraint, this looks like art. An elaborate harness of red contrasts beautifully against the pale golden flesh below, hardness of his chest and abs softened by the vaguely fishnet pattern, loops that interlock and curve across his body gracefully, the most careful and precise lattice of scarlet ropes.
“Pretty, isn’t he?” Hoseok questions, and a finger comes down to run through the glossy precum that has been smeared onto Jungkook’s lower stomach. The boy hisses, arching his hips up in search of contact, but all it takes is a sharp swat at the head of his cock and Jungkook is whining, thighs flexing with the force of keeping still. “Patience, my little prince,” Hoseok tuts, patting Jungkook’s cheek with a hand still wet with the camboy’s own precum, “we’re gonna teach you how to be patient today.”
Jungkook groans low in his throat, lips parting at the term of endearment, and Hoseok grins at it, tiger-like. 
“Oh, do you like that, hm? Wanna be my special prince today?” Hoseok runs his fingers through Jungkook’s long hair, the camboy sucking in a sharp breath when they snag on some knots. Jungkook nods, eyes round and glittering as he looks up at his Master. Hoseok pouts, tapping him once on the end of his button nose. “It’s a shame you weren’t behaving today, then wasn’t it? Maybe if you’re good for me tonight, you can earn it.”
Jungkook’s brows lift pleadingly, looking so small under Hoseok’s harsh stare. “I’ll be good, though, Master.”
“Mm, I’m sure you will,” Hoseok confirms, swiping a thumb over Jungkook’s nipple to make him shiver, before he fixes an iron gaze onto you.
You swallow, slipping out of your clothes as quickly as you can once he gives the same gesture as before, crossing your legs and arms to try and preserve some dignity. Hoseok just tuts, picking up two of the remaining sections of nylon rope, only one still left waiting on the bed. 
“Hands at your sides, kneeling,” he instructs sharply, and you feel the way your walls clench at the authority in his voice as you hustle to get into position. 
The harness he puts you in is different to Jungkook’s, accentuating your breasts with bands both above and below them, leaving your stomach free but doubling the rope over so that every loop that wraps around you is twice as thick. The final tie is slipped up between your breasts, around the back of your neck and tucking back down to hold it all together, and your breath shallows at the secure feeling of the rope. 
It’s peaceful; the warm stripes of friction as he pulls strands through loops, the gentle flicking of the ends against your skin until he folds them away, the way it embraces your chest so snugly, but not too tight. It’s only once he’s done checking the rope like he did with Jungkook that he picks up the second, shorter length of nylon, and by then you already feel the sleepy yet electric haze of subspace seeping throughout your body.
“Hands,” he instructs, and you hold them out for him, watching with heightened arousal as he binds them, the rope wrapping around and between your wrists until they’re locked together. Last time your hands were bound behind your back but like this, you can watch him as he works.
It’s quick - a testament to his expertise - but you spend every moment with your eyes locked onto him. The eyes, gleaming with control and satisfaction, the pink tip of his tongue poking out just slightly as he focuses. His thin fingers, looping and wrapping and knotting with such skill. 
His last move, eyes darting up and smirking once he catches you watching him, is to connect the thick cuff-like ropes to the top of your harness, pinning them up to your chest, folded hands resting at the base of your throat. You instinctively tug once he’s done, only to feel the rope around your back tighten and dig in, but no distance made. The feeling of being at his mercy only adds to the slick gathering between your thighs. 
Once he steps back, eying the two of you up, your breath catches in your throat. Both you and Jungkook are fully naked, somehow feeling even more vulnerable in the rope, and Hoseok stands across from the bed in all his black leather glory, eyes raking over you like he’s assessing his work. 
“Are you gonna touch us, Master?” Jungkook questions in a small voice, fingers clutching at his own thighs, cock flushed and needy between them. 
“Not you yet, Jungkookie. Gotta warm Y/n up first.” Your eyes widen - for what? - but Hoseok is moving closer run a hand down Jungkook’s back, fingers jumping over the strands of rope. “Do you wanna help me, baby?”
Jungkook nods, blushing when Hoseok pinches lightly at his cheek. 
Hoseok leans over to you, carding his fingers into your hair and curling them in so that he can hold you steady. Like this, kneeling on the bed, you have to tilt your head back to meet his gaze, but he just tuts, holding you face-forward to Jungkook. “You wanna give her a kiss, Kookie?”
You swallow, fingers interlocking together as you look over to the camboy. He looks so needy, blissed out and pretty in his red rope, cock untouched and weeping. Your lips part automatically, tongue darting out to wet your lips and you don’t miss the way Jungkook’s eyes are drawn to it, lids now as he nods. 
With your hands pinned to your chest and kneeling, you don’t feel able to meet him halfway so you just wait as Jungkook crawls to you, glancing up at Hoseok for permission before burying your hands in your hair alongside the dom’s. With barely a second to suck in a breath, Jungkook ducks his head, his lips descending onto yours with sweet, unrestrained need. 
Unable to touch him back, you let your eyes slip shut with the soft presses of his mouth, taking everything he gives you. Everything about Jungkook in this moment is soft; his lips, his thumbs brushing across your cheekbones, even the subtle scent of vanilla as his hair tickles your face - but the stiff grip in your hair is anything but, reminding you where exactly you are and the hand you’re under.
Your breath hitches as two things happen at once; Jungkook’s tongue presses into your mouth, deepening the kiss, and behind you Hoseok shifts, getting up on the bed behind you. Though you can’t see him, you become even more aware of his commanding presence, through the simple gesture of a fingertip, tracing beside lines of rope with a touch so light you shiver.
“You both look so pretty for me,” Hoseok murmurs warmly, his voice closer than you’d expected him to be, sounding like it’s right beside your air. Jungkook doubles his efforts in response, and your core is alight with excitement when you instinctively go to touch him, only to be reminded of the restraint you’re in. 
Jungkook kisses without abandon, not hurried but deep and purposeful. Though you still tremble under Hoseok’s teasing touch, your mind is so enraptured by Jungkook’s tongue in your mouth and teeth on your lips that you lose track of it. 
The camboy doesn’t dare venture his hands further than your face, cupping it so tenderly as he delves into you, so your eyes fly open with shock when two fingers are suddenly slipping through your folds, running over your clit for a single delicious moment of pleasure. You moan in shock and pull away to look down.
Between your kneeling legs is the slender but calloused hand of your Master himself, wrapped around your front and slipping inside you without question like you’re his. His to explore, his to ruin. You pant at the intrusion of two fingers, clenching around him, but his only response is to tug suddenly at your hair, pulling your gaze back up again.
Nipping sharply at the bridge of your ear, Hoseok scolds you. “I didn’t tell you to stop,” he growls harshly, “did I?”
“Sorry, Master,” you reply without thinking, barely a moment before you let out a muffled squeak from Jungkook joining you together again, wasting no time to obey. 
Hoseok doesn’t stop his motions between your legs; on the contrary, he continues without pause, fingers moving inside you with a steady urgency. 
For a while, your brows furrow, hips rocking below him. He keeps missing your g-spot, fingers too straight to press against it on each thrust, and he moves to three fingers without touching your clit at all, hand held foward off of you to avoid friction. You moan brokenly into Jungkook’s mouth as you realise Hoseok’s doing it intentionally, stretching you out almost clinically, without regard or want for your pleasure. You go weak at the thought, sinking forward into Jungkook’s embrace, but soon enough the fingers are removed from you completely. Empty and unsatisfied just like earlier, you huff and begin to kiss the camboy more frantically, desperate for some pleasure to replace it. 
But Hoseok clearly isn’t having it. “Stop,” he commands shortly, “hands off.”
Jungkook sits back quickly, making sure you won’t slump over before he presses his hands to his thighs again, cock twitching at the continued neglect. Blinking, he licks his swollen lips and glances behind you to Hoseok in confusion. “Master?”
Your mouth goes dry when you hear the unmistakable sound of a zip being lowered. Hoseok’s hand leaves your hair suddenly, and you feel unmoored between the two men, just you and your hands tucked under your chin. “You tasted her pretty little pussy in Week One, didn’t you, Jungkookie? Would you like her to return the favour?”
Eyes wide, you drop your gaze down to Jungkook’s aching dick, as it twitches and leaks another thin trail of precum, the boy groaning. “Please, Master.” His fingers flex, holding back from touching it. “‘Hurts,” he whines.
You bite your lip, mouth watering. He’s not as big as Namjoon, but you know how fully he filled you just yesterday, and to have him in your mouth… “Please,” you croak out, fingers wiggling in the air as you’re unable to lower yourself to him. 
“Good girl,” Hoseok praises, hands strong on your shoulders as he helps you down, elbows propping yourself up awkwardly in the space that Jungkook’s shuffled back from. “Gotta warm Kookie up too, don’t we? Open up, princess.”
Like this, you’re able to keep upright, but barely, craning your neck to look up at Jungkook. His cock is in front of you, and this close you can see just how flushed it is, the tip almost perfect. Hoping your pleading gaze can communicate your desperation, you open your mouth, letting your tongue rest just over your bottom lip.
Jungkook’s brows furrow in wanton need as he glances towards Hoseok. “Can I touch her, Master? Help her?”
“Of course,” Hoseok’s voice allows from behind you, palms running over the flesh of your ass, “but my little prince better not cum.”
Jungkook visibly shivers at the nickname, hips jerking uselessly. “Y-yes, Master,” he allows, before tipping your chin up so gently, gripping himself to guide his length into your waiting mouth. 
You moan the moment your lips wrap around his tip, the tang of his precum bursting on your tongue as you flick it over the slit, making Jungkook thrust up again, enough that his cock reaches the back of your mouth. You’re barely able to avoid gagging, but you inhale harshly through your nose, blinking up at him as he brushes your hair back with a shaky apology. 
Knowing he can’t orgasm, Jungkook seems happy enough to lazily roll his hips, just enjoying the wet warmth around him as you follow his rhythm, enjoying the slight ache of your jaw around his girth. Hoseok gives you only a few moments to reach this equilibrium before you feel his cock lining up against you. 
Eyes widening, you’re given no time to prepare as he slides inside you, slowly but without pause, making your back arch with the intrusion.
You moan, muffled, as Hoseok pulls out and begins to pick up a steady pace, once again sliding right past your g-spot, not fast enough to make your toes curl and not deep enough to make your eyes roll. There’s no denying he’s doing it on purpose, and the thought that he might not let you cum at all has you whining desperately around Jungkook’s cock, loud enough that Hoseok hears.
To your disappointment, he tsks and pulls out, tugging at your hair to pull you off Jungkook. “What the fuck?” you complain bitterly, sucking off the drool that’s accumulated in the corners of your mouth. Equally deprived, Jungkook makes a noise of confusion, but before he can speak up, a commanding voice calls out to you.
“That’s it, on your back,” Hoseok orders, making you jump as he smacks the flesh of your ass. “If you’re gonna be ungrateful you won’t get anything at all.”
You pout, craning your neck to look back at him. “Hobi,” you whine, hoping to appeal to that soft inner that got you what you wanted the last time you were scening with him, but it doesn’t work. 
Impatient, his hands find your hips, flipping you around unceremoniously. Your breath is punched out of you as you’re suddenly landing on your back, and you whimper as he hooks a finger in your harness over the top of your breast, using it to tug you higher up the bed so that him and Jungkook are on either side of your waist. 
“You’ve been far better behaved,” Hoseok directs at Jungkook casually, reaching into the duffle bag to pull out a square foil packet, “so you’ll get my cock instead.”
Jungkook bites his lip harshly, shuffling on his knees as Hoseok rolls a condom on. “Thank you, Master,” he replies politely, eyes lidded and needy. 
“What a good boy,” Hoseok coos, reaching over to brush a fond hand over Jungkook’s cheek. “Do you wanna fuck Y/n too, my little prince?” You let out a low groan at the prospect, at the way Hoseok speaks for you like you’re a toy of his. The thought is more erotic than you’d expect, and your legs part unconsciously.
Jungkook whimpers at the sight, dark hair curling at his temples with perspiration. “Please, Master.”
“Go on, then, baby.” Hoseok gestures for him to straddle you, and you whimper as Jungkook’s form blocks the light from the ceiling, framing him in a silhouette of dark hair. 
Your legs part further as he settles between them, cock brushing between your folds lightly until he puts a hand down to line himself up. With one arm bracing himself, Jungkook slowly drives his cock deep inside you, small rocking motions to get you accustomed to him as he bottoms out. The two of you groan in unison, the feeling of being full again like bliss.
Before Jungkook can set a pace, you hear Hoseok’s voice again behind him. “There’s only one thing,” the dom adds in an apologetic tone, “Y/n hasn’t earned an orgasm yet, not like my sweet prince has. If you want to fuck her, Jungkookie, she better not cum.”
You let out a frustrated moan, heel kicking into the mattress. “Fuck,” you whine, hips already rocking against Jungkook’s length inside of you, “are you serious?”
Calmly, Hoseok clicks open a bottle of what must be lube, and you feel Jungkook go lax above you, holding his weight off of your torso but dropping his head onto the bed beside yours, groaning lowly. “Of course I’m serious,” he explains simply as he preps Jungkook with his fingers, “I’m doing you a favour, Y/n. This way you won’t make the same mistake twice.”
You sob, feeling Jungkook twitch inside you from the pleasure he’s receiving from Hoseok. As the dom finally deems Jungkook ready and lines himself up, you realise why Hoseok was so popular at his job. Handling two subs, let alone one who was getting punished and one who was now getting rewarded, was a tough balance, and yet he does it with such cool and professional ease. 
Jungkook curses, rocking his hips with stuttered gasps, and you feel the impact of Hoseok’s hips through Jungkook’s body as he thrusts the first time, the camboy hurriedly throwing his other arm up on the other side of your head to prop himself up with more stability. You can feel the rhythm as he gets fucked, and the way his chest heaves, breaths panting over your bare shoulder. 
With your hands tied to your chest and lain on your back, you quickly realise there is nothing you can do to chase any pleasure for yourself, and you let out another low sob. You won’t be making the same mistake twice indeed, you muse as Jungkook barely shifts inside you. He feels so good, but it’s just not enough for you to get anywhere close to your own high. The lesson has most certainly been learned; if you want pleasure, you play by Hoseok’s rules.
“Please, Master,” you pipe up desperately, looking past Jungkook’s shoulder to the dom’s face, calm even as his hips rock with the graceful fluidity of a dancer, every stroke making Jungkook cry out. “I’ll do anything, Master, I’m sorry for being bad, just please let me come!”
A grin spreads across his face, satisfied, even as he grunts from exertion, Jungkook trembling above you as he’s brought mercilessly to the edge. “It’s too late for that,” Hoseok pants out with a chuckle, “it’s already time for my little prince to cum.”
Jungkook moans, a high-pitched keen at the pet-name, and the sound is so sinful you can’t help but clench, making him stiffen impossibly inside you. 
It only takes a thrust or two more, and a gruff command to cum before Jungkook does just that, spilling inside you with a drawn-out whine, thanking his Master with every breath he can suck into his lungs. 
He manages to keep his weight off of you as he rides his high, Hoseok fucking him into oversensitivity before he pulls out, leaving briefly to discard the condom. Jungkook pulls out of you with a wince, but a satisfied one, and rolls over onto his back, running his fingers under the lines of rope lazily as he catches his breath.
Once Hoseok returns, he begins untying you first, and as your wrists are loosened from your chest and promptly released, the cool air on your skin feels like defeat. Your eyes slip shut, a pout no doubt on your lips as you give him nothing but dead weight, forcing the professional to manhandle your torso as he undoes the rope bit by bit. 
You open your eyes once he’s done, frowning at him as he releases the rope from Jungkook’s body. Without looking, Hoseok chastises you. “Don’t look at me like that,” he scolds, “I’m sure next time you’ll be behaved like our Jungkookie here.” The boy in question preens softly at the compliment, blinking up at Hoseok as the dom brushes his hair out of his eyes.
The sight warms your heart, and you can’t deny that Hoseok has the right to discipline you, no doubt feeling self-conscious about his place on the show. And the feeling of him playing you so skilfully is something that will stick with you for a good while. You press your thighs together, sighing out at the slick still between them.
After finishing with Jungkook, speaking quietly with him in praise or reassurance, he comes back around to you, rubbing at the few red marks on your chest and wrists that have appeared from your movements. His eyes search your face, and you’re surprised to see the absolute calm in them, clearly switched out of the Master persona and just into a dominant but caring one. “Not hurt?” 
You shake your head after taking the time to really think it through, wiggling your fingers and toes.
“Not angry?” 
Again, you take a moment to consider, but shake your head.
Hoseok smiles down at you, warm as he squeezes your hands fondly. “Good. Now I know you can’t sleep in your own bed, so Jungkookie has kindly offered for you to stay here with him. Take care of each other, okay? I’m just down the hall.”
By the time Hoseok zips up his pants - you note that even after all that, you hadn’t seen him properly naked - and gathers his bag, Jungkook’s managed to slip his legs under the blankets, snoring away peacefully with the aftermath of a good orgasm.
After the dom leaves, you get under the covers yourself, watching the relaxing cycle of Jungkook’s chest rising and falling, the way his eyes flutter lightly in his sleep, but it doesn’t lull you to unconsciousness.
Instead, the unsatisfied throb between your legs just grows more ferocious than ever. If you could just get yourself off…
Your hand trails down, slipping between your legs naturally, but the first swipe of your index finger against your clit gives you pause. Hoseok had pretty clearly stated that you weren’t to masturbate without permission unless you were in a scene with another contestant and, well… 
You grimace as Jungkook snuffles in his sleep, wriggling around to get more comfortable. You can’t exactly wake him up.
Which leaves you with only one option.
Fuck it. As quietly as you can, you slip out of bed, stumbling over to your pile of clothes. After retrieving your phone - still somehow tucked neatly into your pants pocket - you hop back into bed and seek out the one contact who can alleviate your need. Hoseok himself.
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You answer the call with shaking fingers, those not still buried inside you. When Hoseok’s voice comes through, it’s thankfully quiet and low, but the words still make you keen.
“Princess couldn’t wait until the morning, hm?” Hoseok chuckles quietly at your whine of response. “That’s okay. Let Master help you.”
You sigh out, sitting the phone so that it lies on the pillow beside you. “Please, Master,” you whisper, “can I touch my clit?”
“Fuck,” he curses under his breath, “such a polite girl now. Baby took her lesson well. You can touch it, princess. Get yourself close for me.”
When you change the angle of the fingers thrusting inside you to make room to rub at your clit, you could cry from the satisfaction, biting your lip to muffle the moan that’s pulled from your lungs. 
Glancing quickly beside you to ensure Jungkook’s asleep, the sight of him sleeping so peacefully as you get off right beside him has you clenching down, and your back arches off the bed. 
Your high is close, and the faster you strum your clit frantically, the more you pant, desperate to keep quiet. Your mouth drops open as you suddenly feel the orgasm approaching, and you turn to the phone on the pillow, getting close enough that he can hear your whisper. “I’m go-gonna cum, Hoseokie, fuck,” you choke out before quickly pressing your lips together, preventing further noise.
His voice is low velvet on the phone, a calm command. “Cum for Master now, princess.”
You feel your orgasm hit you like a tsunami, crashing so violently that you curl over your hands, shivering and convulsing as pleasure rocks every inch of your body. As it floods you entirely, you feel hot tears stream down your face, ones you didn’t even know you were shedding. Your thighs shake and your chest heaves and you don’t stop your fingers until there’s no more pleasure left to be milked from you. 
When you finally cum down from your high, panting, you fumble clumsily for the phone. “Tha-thank you, Master.”
Perhaps it’s the post-orgasm delirium, but you swear you hear the smile in his voice when he murmurs, “you’re most welcome, princess. Now get some rest. You’ve earned it.”
After hanging up, you lock your phone and chuck it down onto the carpet beside the bed carelessly, the wetness between your thighs no longer uncomfortable, now just a satisfying reminder of the pleasure he finally allowed you. Taking one last look at the tranquil face of Jungkook as he slept, you let yourself join him in a blissful unconsciousness.
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No elimination this week ! What a doozy, huh? If you were curious, here are the results of the vote!
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It was taken after exactly 48 hours of the poll being open, and required a sign-in with email to prevent spamming so that it was as fair as possible!
In the future, we’ll use this format for both Fan Favourite and Elimination voting. I’ll tell you the top three for audience fan-favourites in the following chapter, and for elimination you’ll find out Y/n’s final decision in the following chapter, plus this graph at the end for the complete results.
Thanks for all your support !
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mmilkbreadd · 4 years ago
Chapter sixteen: “Girl Crush”
Masterpost - Prev - Next
Warning(s): none
(These links might not work so I recommend you looking in the post linked on my profile for new updates)
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Waking up the morning before the semi-finals started, Emiko had already woken up and changed into her uniform and was staring at her phone while eating a chocolate shaped volleyball ball. You looked from where she was grabbing the sweets and you saw several of them on a tray; next to it was a sign that said: “Good Luck: from Tendou.” It seemed that yesterday's cake had not satisfied the desire for sugar. 
Although it was eight in the morning, you got out of bed and had one of the round chocolates. 
They tasted delicious. 
After eating several chocolates (even if it was early in the morning), you decided to send a message through the group chat to thank Satori.
At the Tokyo gym with Fukurodani, Bokuto seemed very anxious; looking at his phone every five seconds hoping for something... Or also taking courage to do something. 
Akaashi was watching him closely, trying to figure out the cause of his nerves. He had never seen him that way. Of course, he had seen him nervous, but never like this. Konoha, who was also looking at him, was already losing patience.
“Nothing is going to happen if you just look at the phone, Bokuto.” He said taking the electronic object from his hands. His mouth fell open in surprise. “Oh, I understand now.”
Akaashi walked over to where Konoha and Bokuto were, and looked at the content on the phone screen: it was the conversation Koutarou had with you. That's when Keiji realized what Bokuto expected.
“She's not going to write to you first, Bokuto-san,” he said, taking the phone out of Konoha's hands and handing it to him. “You know she's not going to do it, so you must write to her.”
Bokuto began to shake his head quickly. He got up from the seat where he was sitting and paced back and forth, staring at the screen and also at the entrance of the gym.
“What’s with him?” asked Washio coming from the bathroom. “Is he in love or something?”
His laughter hid the gasp that came from the lips of Bokuto, who kept pacing back and forth, and now he had started to shake his head again. Akaashi just stared at Washio, trying not to murder him, and Konoha kept his mouth open. 
At that moment, Shiratorizawa's team entered the gym. And at the bottom of the line of players, there were you accompanied by Tsukasa, Tendou, and Ushijima. Bokuto's eyes lit up when he saw your face; which was serious and concentrated for the game that would be played in just half an hour. When you noticed his gaze (and several from others too), you looked where it came from, and you watched Bokuto hide his face the second you smiled at him. Even if his attitude had seemed strange to you, you kept walking towards the court.
Akaashi punched his friend on the shoulder.
“Won't you greet her?” he asked, crossing his arms. “That way you won't be able to achieve anything, but... What do you really want to achieve?”
After thinking for a few seconds, Bokuto shrugged.
“I don't know, it's very complicated,” he said, throwing himself to the ground and clutching his head. “This has never happened to me, you know?”
Akaashi motioned for Washio and Konoha to leave and sat down next to Bokuto. 
“What are you feeling? Can you at least describe that?”
“It's strange, everything is. I want to scream every time I see y/n. I want to jump and hug her too.” he said with a small smile. “Since the last Nationals I expected to meet her somewhere, I was hoping that her team would come and play some time against the Nekoma girls so I could go see her. Of course, that never happened. So when I saw her watching our match, I felt like it was the best day of my life.”
Every word the captain said was even more surprising to Akaashi. He knew that Bokuto might have a little crush on you (and he also knew Emiko's plan), but he didn't think his feelings were going to be that big. Koutarou's only great love was Volleyball... At least that's what he thought until a few seconds ago.
“And now what?” he asked when his friend stopped talking. 
“That's what I wonder. Maybe it's not the right thing to do, you know… ask her out?” Bokuto said red as a tomato. 
Keiji let out a little laugh and jumped up. Then he offered him a hand to help him up.
“I think you can do it, you know... Ask her out” he said, mocking his friend. “Why don't you do it now? She is coming this way.”
Bokuto's face turned pale as he turned around and looked at you and Emiko walking towards them. 
Your uniform fit perfectly. You were neither too tall nor too short, but if you were compared to Emiko, you looked like a goblin; she was as tall as Akaashi. Bokuto didn't care about those things though. You were obviously beautiful, but what he really liked about you was that you worked hard at everything you did: be it a match, or a strawberry cake that you made just to please your friends. He knew that you were losing your passion for playing, but just as he realized that you were still trying like never before. Other than all that, you didn't treat him like he was a fool (as many did). From the first moment you met him, you treated him with respect, not like he was a weird person who yelled a lot. Not like he was an idiot.
If in the last tournament Bokuto had been interested in you just by seeing you from a distance, now not only had his interest grown, but he also wanted to know you better than anyone. Be part of your life.
“Do you want to go out with me?!” Bokuto yelled the moment your feet stopped in front of him.
The seriousness on your face disappeared. Now it was red in embarrassment.
And Emiko just screamed in response.
Heeey!! As I said last chapter I’ve been working on my next smau but I do not have a Love Interest yet. Sooo please complete this form below where you can chose whoever you’d like:
Mmilkbreadd’s new smau
Taglist: @nataliahaslosthershit @softesyoongi @allofycurlove @iwaizumi27athletictrainer @quiche-inoya @lukeyaccount @melodiamore @bokutowo @Aideen00 @amgoldena @moonlightaangel @indecisivehusky
(Sorry for the re-upload but my phone crashed and deleted some paragraphs)
Thanks for the support!
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Thanks for reading🥰
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binniewon · 4 years ago
Midnight Roses 15 (end) (repost)
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Pairing: DarkAngel!BTS/ Female!Reader
Warning: Character Death, mention of death and hospital’s
A/N: Yes this story is mine I am just reposting because my links weren’t working!  Hi loves, I am crying....I want to thank everyone who has supported this story and I want you all to know I will be making an epilogue for this story so.....grab some tissues and enjoy
You slowly opened your eyes but closed them immediately when you were met with a blinding light “Y/N?” at the sound of someone calling your name you attempted to open them again and this time you were successful as the light was gone. The sound of beeping soon filled you ears and you then realized that you weren’t at the Kingdom but were in a hospital “How are you feeling Miss Y/N” you turned to the voice and saw that a nurse was talking to you.
You became panicked when the events that happened before you passed out came flooding through your brain the beeping sound became more frequent and the nurse started to notice your distress “Okay Miss Y/N what’s wrong” she asked concerned “W-where are they” she seemed to be confused for a second before realization flashed on her face and then sympathy.
“The will be hard to here but the person that brought you here did sadly pass away her name was F/N and she did bring seven other men with her they are in another room and are in a coma they have been for months now just like you” you were confused F/N brought you back but why and why did she pass away but the biggest question on your mind was how the hell were your boys still alive you watched someone stab them in the neck how would they survive that.
At the news you tried to get out of the bed to find them but the nurse held you down “Ma’am you aren’t physically ready to be doing any activities even walking so please stay here” you tried to fight her off but in the end you were too weak so you gave up and laid there with tears rolling down your face F/N was dead and on top of that your boys weren’t actually dead even when you though they were this was all too much for you.
You had to stay in your hospital room for another week before they would allow you to go anywhere so as soon as you got the chance you went to go find your soulmates. The lady at the front wouldn’t give you any information since they were the biggest boy group in the world but it seemed like you found them on your own and when you did you wish you would have stayed in your room.
You would never in a million years call them anything but beautiful but as they laid in the hospital bed with all signs of life drained out of them you felt like you were looking at completely different people. They didn’t look like your soulmates at all and that scared you what if they didn’t make it you don’t even know how they made it the first time you were sure that they were dead in fact you felt like your soul had been ripped out when you saw them laying there and it didn’t feel any different now you saw them right in front of you but they felt so far away.
The feeling of someone behind you made you turn around and you were met with a doctor standing there and looking at you “Are you related to the patients in anyway” you quickly nodded your head “I am their sou- girlfriend I am their girlfriend” the doctor looked confused for a second but still let you into their room, you hesitantly walked over to Yoongi since he was the closest when you grabbed his hand you immediately dropped it “A nurse has to come in everyday to make sure they still get circulation so their hands and body are kind of cold” the doctor said as he witnessed you reaction.
You walked to each of the boys and tried your hardest to hold their hands for as long as your heart would let you, it didn’t seem like you were actually holding your soulmates hands you were so used to their warm ones but you needed this you needed to know that they were here and it wasn’t just your sick mind playing tricks on you. “They are currently on oxygen and since you are their only family you will soon be given the decision if you want to pull the plug” the doctor said sadly as he walked out of the room but not before patting your shoulder as a way of comfort, there was no way in hell you were going to make that decision there was no way that you could.
4 months later
They discharged you out of the hospital but you still came every day to see them for the first month you didn’t leave their side too hopeful that they would wake up if you just sat that but your boss from the bakery that you were at before called you and asked if you would like to come back to work you figured it would be a good distraction so you accepted.
You missed F/N’s funeral you had been angry at her before but now you just blamed her for everything that had happened if she hadn’t been such a selfish jerk then your soulmates wouldn’t be in a coma and maybe you wouldn’t feel like you were in this prison that only they had the key to but they weren’t awake to give it to you so you just stayed there every day waiting for them to wake up.
“Y/N it’s your break” you snapped out of your day dream and went to clock out before you could walk out your boss pulled you over to the side “Can I please talk to you” you sighed but nodded your head anyway and went with him.
You both sat down at a booth and you waited for him to speak but he just sat there for a second like he was trying to gather his thoughts “I have never told anyone this not even my partner now knows about this but I feel like it will help with your choice about your boyfriends” you told him that was the reason why you had suddenly left and hadn’t contacted him “When I was in my senior year of high school I met this boy we first started off as friends but he eventually became my world, he was on the basketball team and he wanted to make it to the NBA that was his dream so I supported him but on the day before he found out if he got into our dream collage were he could do basketball and I can take business he got into a really bad car accident” you widened your eyes in shock but didn’t say anything “He was rushed to the hospital where he was soon put into a coma to keep him from dying before his parents got there, the doctor gave them a choice to either pull the plug or keep him on oxygen they were also told that even if he did wake up he would be paralyzed and he probably wouldn’t remember them” he stopped to take a deep breath.
“His parents kept him on oxygen for two years, for two years I had to sit there and watch the love of my life rot away and it hurt me so badly I was going to go to his parents and tell them to just pull the plug but something happened some would say it was a miracle but I think it was a curse he woke up but not only was he brain dead but he was also paralyzed from the waist down. I haven’t seen him in about a year but the last time I did see him was when he was getting a full time nurse and was moving out of his parent’s home the last words he spoke to them was that he hated them and it was more than enough for me to realize how selfish they had been” you think you knew where he was going with this but that is such a hard decision to make it brought tears to your eyes even thinking about it he saw your distress and grabbed your hand before squeezing it “Don’t let your selfishness get in the way of them moving on besides from what you have told me they are angels and you are one too I am sure you will see each other again”
You walked into their room with tears streaming down your face, you sat down in a chair and stared at them for a second you were about to give away your world, your saviors, your life but you knew that it was the best thing to do “I never thought I would have to say this so soon it seemed like it was just yesterday when I fainted at your concert but I guess not every ending can be happily ever after I hope that you get to see my Grandma and she can tell you embarrassing stories of me, I want you all to know that this is the hardest thing that I will ever have to do I love you all more than anything and if I knew that this wouldn’t hurt you then I would keep you around I hope I get to see you guys again and you can hold me and never let me go I love you….all  of you” you quickly wiped the tears from your face and let the doctors in.
“I know this isn’t easy Miss Y/N but this is for the best” you nodded your head and watched as seven nurses walked to each of your boys as you had requested you wanted them to go at the same time “Pull the plug” soon the beeping stopped and the most haunting sound flooded the quiet hospital room “Time of death 6:30 pm we are sorry for your loss” the doctor and the nurses all bowed to you and left you to say your goodbyes.
You slowly walked to each of them and lifted up their hand before kissing it and telling them you loved them by the time you got to Jin who was the last you were struggling to breathe but if you didn’t do this then you couldn’t move on “I love you J-jin rest in peace my love” you stood there for a second before starting towards the door with every step that you took you felt your soul slowly starting to piece back together you guessed it was the closure you would see them again right but what if they didn’t actually leave you.
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versadies · 3 years ago
[ Warning: Long Ask Ahead;; I apologize in advance! ]
Dear Dan, 🍰 anon has malfunctioned. The first sentence was already a lethal blow.
Anyways, I have to admit that I never really expected THAT RESPONSE. I literally went SO flustered when I read ur responses😳😭😤
I literally felt like crumbling, melting, evaporating, electro-charging, superconducting, crystallizing, burning, freezing and swirling bc of that. 😭
These past few days after being an anon of yours my heart became filled with excitement for every response of yours 😭 i thought it's because of stress, medications or maybe food but I can def confirm it's bc of excitement and if you'd like me to visualize it, just think of Gorou with star-shaped eyes and a wagging tail, awaiting for his pats and dog food 😭 but instead of those, it's your responses,,
I never knew I'd be looking forward to your responses THIS MUCH 😰🤔🤭
If you are astounded, I am more astounded. Like SO MUCH!! I have to calm my heart down because the EFFECT you have on me is so 😭💝 my goodness. My heart is literally breaking out my chest bc of how sweet you are. 😤👹
If you only know I was ranting so much about "this one nice author" which is you, to my friend yesterday 😭😭😭 At the start, I literally stated that I won't be talking a lot as an anon, but I guess things are different now huh 🤔🤭
I am very glad that you are excited abt my long messages too!! IT DEALT THE FINAL BLOW TO ME!!! 😤😭
It really matters to me to sincerely tell my friends or people I adore my genuine feelings and do my best to put it into words at least :D Just like that sentence of yours, I didn't knew I needed to hear it ! <3 It made my day x1000000 better!! 😤💘But also made my heart beat x1000000 faster !! 😭
If you couldn't get enough of it, I would also say the same for your responses 🥺
I hope you know that I reread your responses over and over again simply because IT FELT SO UNREAL for you to exist,,, since you are too sweet and nice 😭💘💗 Your responses really makes me feel so nice and fuzzy inside 🤩
About the Mona Lisa song, YES!!! My friend LOVES it! Told me it is very cute and they actually expected it to be a melancholic kind of song, but they were greeted instead of a cheerful and cute song. I'm glad to be able to share it to them thanks to you!~ 💕
&!! I always forget to tell you about me actually knowing that you could play music in the sidebar ever since the prev theme layout! However, there is something new that I've found out just recently, which is that there's a total of 3 tracks available that you could play just by clicking the fast forward button <3 I love that there is music that is available to be played to set the mood or to simply vibe while exploring or reading something in your blog! 🤩
And no bc... I am still at a loss of words for you,,,, this is me trying😔😔😔 SO TAKE THIS!!!! 💘💗💓💝💕💖💌❤️❣️ TAKE THIS LOVE BC U DESERVE IT!!!!!! 💓💖💝💕💗💘❤️❣️💌 It is too much for my heart to take, yet please keep being sweet anyways 🥰😘 Everyone loves it!!!💖
Thank you so much for warming my heart so much, Dan! 💗🔥(As well as the people who supports you!) It hasn't been a long time since I became a part of your anon team, but it was already so nice around :D
— the 🍰 anon was too stunned to speak.
AAAAA im quite flattered that you feel that way bcuz you’re really fun to talk to <33 youre a sweet person and im glad that i have an anon like you !! and dont apologize for sending a long ask because i literally LOVE them — esp since you’re rlly genuine 🥺🥺🥺 please continue as much as you like :DDDD !!! im also glad that you like the songs i chose for my desktop theme and the fact that your friend loves the mona lisa song <33
and ofc all of your hearts and wholesomeness are accepted with care, and for payment i shall send lots of hearts as well !!! tAKE IT 💗💖💗💝💓💘💌💝💟❤️‍🔥❤️🧡💚💙💜💕💞❣️💛🖤🥰
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tsukishitstain · 5 years ago
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series m.list || part three - kindred spirits???
tsukishima x reader smau
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Your phone began to play a familiar chime with your fingers ghosting over the facetime button on the luminous screen. ‘Not that hard, why am i even nervous?? I literally just talked to him in person yesterday, so why am i getting jittery all of a sudden. I was the one who suggested we facetime in the first place!!! Keep the same bold energy y/n, we can do this!!!’ tap ‘Okay there i did it, i really did it. Now we just wait for him to-‘
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“Hey y/n,” holy fuck. Was his voice always this attractive?!? And his smirk quite literally made you weak in the knees.
“Hi tsuki-san,” giggles began to flow out of your mouth involuntarily. ‘oh god i hope i don’t sound annoying-‘ Tsukishima continued the conversation before you got another chance to over analyze your actions.
“Cute pajamas.” he snickered mockingly as he observed your current attire.
“Okay but like, let’s appreciate how cute they are seriously, and they were on sale so i was able to get them for only like eight dollars!”
“Well you look like an adorable loser so that money was well spent.” He looked away from the camera so you wouldn’t be able to see the blush that was slowly creeping it’s way onto his face.
“You have an odd way of giving compliments~ sounds like what you meant to say was ‘y/n those pajamas compliment your supple glowing skin perfectly, you look absolutely stunning’”
“In your dreams. as if i would ever be that corny in real life”
“Oh wait tsuki, we should make those plans we talked about earlier before we end up talking and forget about it,” you suggested, knowing that you had a tendency to jump from topic to topic and talk endlessly. “What did you have in mind?”
“Well i don’t really have anything in mind...” he took a brief pause, before continuing his thought, “since we went to get coffee last time, should we go to a proper restaurant and eat?”
“That sounds perfect! Where should we eat at-“ you thought about it for a split second before an idea came to you, “actually surprise me!!”
“What if you don’t like the restaurant I choose, idiot? It would be better if you choose.”
“I won’t dislike the restaurant since you chose it, tsuki,” heat started to arise to your face as you continued, “and if I don’t then at least I got to experience something new. Sometimes you have to be an optimist and look at the positives that could come from a situation rather than all the things that could go wrong.”
“Okay, okay I get it, no need to go all philosophical on me. Does Monday work for you, or are you busy?”
“Monday is perfect! And I already told you that my social life is non existent so you don’t even have to ask if i’ll be busy or not.”
You two carried on with the facetime call, chatting about the minuscule details of your day. Eventually, the call time had amounted to over three hours. It had been three entire hours since the call began. ‘Time flows so quickly when i’m with you, i’m starting to notice a common theme here.’ You bring your attention back to the top left corner of the screen where Tsukishima resided on your phone. ‘He fell asleep?? How much cuter can he get at this point’ You were having a mini panic session as you screenshotted the wholesome moment at hand. “Tsuki, you’re asleep, right...?” Your question got no response, so it was safe to assume that he was unconscious. “I wanna tell you this now because i know I won’t have to courage to tell you this when you’re awake,” your thumbs twiddled as you grew anxious at the thought of the possibility that he could be awake and listening, “I think i’m serious about you...about this crush. I don’t think it’s a temporary crush. I enjoy being around you and you give me all these new and unfamiliar feelings...what i’m trying to say is that I think- no, I know that I like you. Goodnight Tsuki-san, sleep well.”
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A/N: so there might’ve been some confusion with the last part but i hope this clears things up😅what do you guys think of yumiko😳? the next chapter (part 4) might be a little boring but i promise the chapter after that (part 5) is going to be so so so good ( •̀ᴗ•́ )و ̑̑ look forward to it!! Also these chapters take me an unbelievable time to complete, i am seriously giving this series my all and you guys are my motivation so thank you (*ˊᗜˋ*)/ i’m so glad everyone is showing love and support <3 please keep in mind that this is my first smau ever so i’m trying my best to make everything flow coherently🥺if you have any questions please don’t be afraid to send me some asks!! also i finished this at 6am and didn’t proof read it soooo there are probably some mistakes
for reference, here’s a timeline to avoid any confusion:
part one occurred on Tuesday
part two (the coffee date) occurred on Thursday
part three (this chapter) occurs on Friday
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enchantechante · 4 years ago
Hey,Tae! Prev anon here who asked about my friend who was married three times etc. Thank you for answering and lol @ the gif. I wasn't trying to be mean to her or anything. I'm just saying...like I told her... She needs to do better and work on herself. Out here jumping from man to man is not what's up. And being married more than once at her age is not good + blaming the men for EVERYTHING. Not cool. She also talks down on others while doing her dirt on the low. Not cool. My dad told me if her feelings are hurt because of the truth then we don't need to be friends. My parents have known her since we were kids and they see so many things she does to the point where they're disappointed in the way she chooses to live. And all of us are disappointed with the fact that she mainly wants him to take care of her/her kid because she doesn't want to work etc. Not speaking to me is crazy but at the same time I kind of don't care at the moment. She makes others feel like crap by pointing out their truths and laughs about it. I've been showing grace and been supportive since I've known her even though she does the most insane things out of anyone I've ever met. Enough is enough. She needs to stop using people and playing victim. It's not right. Then Tae... To top it off...she text me yesterday and told me... " You look down on me because you're a virgin and always read your bible.If you grew up how I was raised then you wouldn't judge me"... Smh. She always plays the victim. I just want her to be better at least for her kid. It's not right to have a child around so many people you go with. Anything can happen.
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sincerelymarinette · 5 years ago
A Recorded Life (30/50) - Miraculous Ladybug
Words: 2671 Chapter Summary: Two days after talking to Master Fu, they give the cure a shot. At school, Marinette's friends have a small debate and come up with the perfect idea. After school, the gang hangs out, and Marinette and Adrien finally have a chance to play their favorite video game. Author's Note: Sorry for the missed upload last week! This chapter wasn't finished and I didn't want to rush it. And I'm glad I didn't, because I love how this chapter came out!
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Arm-Wrestling Match
Adrien walks around his house carefully. He can feel eyes on him at all times, and though his father and Nathalie say he's paranoid, he doesn't believe them. He thinks they're prepping to tell him the decision about school is final, and he was going to be stuck in his room until Hawkmoth is defeated.
He hoped Marinette and he could figure out a way to convince Gabriel he was fine being in school.
They got Fu's cure and used it for the first time last night. It was a little different than Fu had told them, instead of affecting the Miraculous directly, it was to make Adrien and Marinette more alert and aware of things around them. For it being only one night, Adrien didn't feel any different. But Fu had told them it would be a slight change, just enough to catch something strange, even in their sleep. Adrien wasn't so sure about it, but if it meant Marinette would be sleeping through the night, then he would believe it.
Nathalie and Gabriel have been asking more and more questions about him being Chat Noir. It's like that's all they have on their minds these days. He gets it, they're worried about him, but they're overdoing it a bit. He's been escaping the house a lot more often, and even going to school a little earlier. At least Gorilla didn't speak much; he didn't kill him with questions.
On the way to school that morning, Adrien kept thinking about all the times he's escaped this car. As they pulled up and Adrien was getting ready to get out, he leaned forward. "Hey, I'm pretty sure you knew a long time ago. Thanks for keeping my secret."
For the first time ever, Gorilla turned to Adrien and had a hint of a smile on his face. It was slight, but just enough to show emotion. What was even more shocking was when he opened his mouth. "It is my job to protect you," Gorilla said, very soft-spoken. Adrien has rarely heard him talk, but whenever he did, it was always heartfelt. Adrien's face glowed, and the biggest smile appeared.
"You're the best!" Adrien said as he got out of the car, running into the school. He was a little early, but he was okay with that. Dropping some things at his locker, he saw Alya and Nino sitting at a table, and they were also there early. When he approached the table, he noticed most of his class was surrounding it as well.
"She's probably the strongest out of all of us!" Alya said. "She could beat Kim in an arm-wrestling match."
Kim scoffed. "Yeah, right!"
"There's an eighty-nine percent chance she would win," Max backed up with facts. "Sorry, Kim."
Adrien chuckled as he walked up to his friends. "What are we talking about?"
"If Marinette is stronger than Kim," Nino filled in. "He's the only one who thinks he's stronger."
Adrien's eyes widened. "Trust me; she's stronger."
"Got any proof?" Kim crosses his arms.
Deadpanned, Adrien stared at Kim like he was crazy for asking that question. "I have personally been thrown across Paris by Marinette. Multiple times."
"He does have a point," Alix laughed, standing right next to Kim and punching his shoulder lightly. "If anyone would know, it would be Adrien."
"Ooh! I've got the best idea!" Alya jumped in her seat. "After school, we could record an arm-wrestling contest between anyone in the class that wants to take down Marinette, and post it to her channel!" Alya said. "Maybe then, haters would see that she is fit to be Ladybug, and she's not a fake."
Everyone nodded at her idea. "That's a great idea, Alya. The comments have really been getting to her, even though we all keep telling her not to look," Adrien sighed.
Kim took a deep breath, and everyone looked at him. "I have an eleven-percent chance to beat her, according to Max. But, if I am going to lose on those unlikely stats, then it'll be for a good reason," He said. "She needs some of that confidence back, especially after that weird Akuma last week."
"Glad we're all on board! All that's left is Marinette, and we can pass a sign up around the class for who would want to participate," Alya said, reaching for her bag to grab a piece of paper.
"I'll text her to bring her camera," Adrien said. "Hopefully, she's asleep. We got some help yesterday, and I don't think it helped me sleep any better, but I hope it worked for her," He confessed.
Nino patted Adrien's back. "You're also one of those people that when they go to sleep, they stay asleep."
"Not really. I've become a really light sleeper." After Adrien said that to Nino, he sent a quick text to Marinette, and she replied immediately. "Nope, she's not asleep. She's been awake for three hours. Ugh, I hope that's just because it was the first night."
"I offered to stay the night with her, but she wouldn't let me," Alya said.
Adrien nodded. "I know. She's pretty stubborn, and has been super paranoid. I don't blame her; my father and Nathalie keep prying so much that I'm doing everything I can to stay away from them."
Before the conversation about Adrien's father could get any more intense, Kim was yelling about sign-ups to arm wrestle Marinette, and it distracted everyone. Adrien definitely signed up; he would do anything to boost her confidence again. Right before the bell rang, Marinette was running up to her friends with her camera bag and backpack. "What's Kim yelling about?" She asked, and even though she was sprinting, she was barely out of breath.
"We came up with an idea..." Alya said as they started to walk to class.
The class was sat in the courtyard for the competition. "I still don't know if this is a good idea," Marinette told everyone.
"Of course, it is!" Nino said. "You get a video out of it, and you get to beat Kim's ass."
Almost all of the class had signed up to arm wrestle Marinette. Even if they didn't believe they could beat her, they wanted to aid in helping her self confidence and show the haters that she really was the best choice for Ladybug. Alya set up the camera, and Nino was monitoring the sound. Since it was such an impromptu video, it wasn't going to be perfect, but they were going to help as much as they could. Though Marinette didn't slow posts on her fashion channel, (except for that one week...), her second channel had lost out on a lot of videos.
Maybe after this video, it would get rid of some of the haters, and it would encourage her to post more fun videos again.
They started going down the list to go against Marinette. Rose giggled the whole time, Alix gave a good shot but knew she would lose, and Ivan had a good laugh at how quick he was taken down. Surprisingly, Chloé even showed up to support Ladybug, but there was no way she would go against her.
Nino was taken down much quicker than expected, and Alya held up a good fight. Finally, it was Kim's turn. He cracked his knuckles before he sat down, and had a smirk on his face. "Max said you had an eighty-nine percent chance of winning. That means I just have to be within that eleven percent to beat you," Kim said as they locked hands.
"Is this really that important to you?" Marinette chuckled.
"It's not too late to back out!" Nino shouted from behind the camera.
"Three," Kim started.
"Two..." Alya continued. "One... go!"
At first, it looked like Kim was going to overpower Marinette, but it also looked like Marinette wasn't using her full force. "Ha, are you going to go down that easy?" Kim laughed loudly as he saw how close Marinette's hand was to the table.
"Oh, really?" She raised an eyebrow at Kim. Within a flash of a second, Marinette pushed as hard as she could, and Kim's hand hit the table. Marinette stood up with both hands up to celebrate. "Sorry, Kim. I don't do well with competitions. Ask anyone I've ever played video games with."
"It's true," Max and Adrien agreed at the same time.
Marinette stood up to take her victory and end her video, but before she could sign off, Alya jumped in front of the camera. "We have one last contestant! You know him, you love him, Adrien Agreste!" Alya called, making her friends laugh as Adrien sat down at the table.
"Are you sure?" Marinette giggled. They had arm-wrestled before. Every so often, they would get bored after a patrol, and stick around and talk. Chat Noir was always confident he could beat her, but never could.
"I must redeem myself, Mi'Ladybug," Adrien smiled.
Marinette shook her head and sat back down. "You know, if you didn't say anything, then people would not have known about the multiple times I've already beat you," She told him. "But too late." With that, she smirked and put her arm on the table, interlocking hands with Adrien.
"See, but they don't know if you're telling the truth. It could be a cover," Adrien shrugged.
"When have I ever lied about arm-wrestling?" Marinette said, and all their friends stared at them as their banter continued. Alya just looked at them, thinking that they really were made for each other.
"Whatever, let me just count down!" Alya finally interrupted. She counted down from three, and their hands had barely moved. It was clear that they both were trying, as hard as they could, but their strengths matched.
Their friends all cheered for one of them, and it was split about halfway for fairness. "Come on, Adrien, you know how this will end!" Marinette said through gritted teeth. "I'm not even using my full strength yet."
"Well, why not? Holding back?" Adrien asked, sounding just like Marinette.
"Fine, you don't want to give in?" She pushed on, and Adrien shook his head. "Okay, then," She said, and with a little more concentration, Adrien's hand was slowly making it's way closer to the table. Once it was only about two inches from the table, Adrien gave in.
He sighed. "You won. Legally," Adrien admitted, and Marinette's hand shot up in real victory. This time, Adrien walked up to the camera. "There you have it, folks, the superior superhero is Marinette! But we all knew that anyway," Adrien shrugged, and Marinette realized what he was doing and pushed him out of frame.
"Now, we're done!" She laughed. "That was a lot of fun, thanks to everyone for setting it up!" She called out to her friends. "And thank you guys for watching! I'll have everyone tagged below so you can follow all of my fantastic friends. I hope to get back to regularly uploading onto my second channel, but you know I've been busy. I really do love silly videos like this, so be on the lookout for more!" Marinette said with a big smile on her face. "See you in the next video!" She said, and with that, Alya shut off the camera.
She turned to her friends who were watching her finish off the video. "Really, thank you guys for doing this. It was a lot of fun, and I'm thrilled you guys aren't mad at me, too."
"Why would we be?" Kim's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "You're still our Marinette."
Marinette walked over to Kim and hugged him. They had been really good friends for a long time, even if they don't hang out as much anymore. He still has the sappy moments, sometimes.
The day finished up, and all the students were dispersing, including Marinette. "Do you guys want to come over for some pastries? I feel like you deserve it," She offered Alya, Nino, and Adrien.
Unanimously, they agreed.
Alya and Nino were packing up their items in the bakery. Time had flown by, and they needed to get home for dinner. "You let me know if you need me to come over. I don't care what time it is; I will be over here within minutes. I want you to get the rest you need, Marinette," Alya told her.
"I'll be okay. I have the cure now, remember?"
"It's only a cure if it actually works, girl," She said. "And you said you didn't sleep well last night."
Marinette shrugged. "Probably just because it was the first night. I'll be fine. If not, I'll call you."
"Yeah, right," Alya winked. "Okay, we'll see you guys tomorrow."
"Bye, dudes," Nino waved as the two of them walked out of the bakery.
Marinette turned to Adrien, who seemed to be tuned out of the conversation. "When do you have to get home?" She asked.
Adrien shook his head, bringing himself back to reality. "Oh, I don't know. As late as possible? I'm trying to avoid the house as much as possible," He admitted.
"What? Why?"
He shrugged, taking a minute to figure out what he was going to say. "My father and Nathalie keep prying more and more, even when I ask them to stop. They know I'm not comfortable talking about it in detail, but they just keep asking. They keep trying to see my ring and asking me to take it off, and I'm afraid if I do that, they won't give it back and take Chat Noir away from me," Adrien word barfed. His thoughts had been circling in his mind all day, with no one to talk to it about. Once Marinette offered, he let it all out. He coughed once he realized what he said. "Sorry."
"Don't apologize," Marinette said, "It makes sense, I wouldn't want to risk it either. Especially with them thinking about pulling you out of school and keeping you contained. Maybe the next step is taking the ring from you, so you aren't endangering yourself. That isn't a good idea, but who knows what parents think is right," She chuckled, trying to bring some light to the situation. "I know! Want to go play some video games?"
Adrien sighed with a smile. "I always do."
The two grabbed their things and rushed to behind the bakery counter to run up the stairs and into the apartment. They threw their bags at the end of the couch, and while Adrien sat on the couch, Marinette turned the TV on and put the game on.
"You should record this," Adrien said, and Marinette replied with a confused look. "You did say you wanted to get back to uploading on your second channel. Why not record us playing our favorite game?"
"You want to have video proof of me kicking your butt, twice between two videos?" Marinette asked, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.
Adrien shook his head. "No, this is my revenge. I'm going to win."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night," She said. While the video game was loading, she pulled out her camera from her bag and started the video. "Hi again! I'm Marinette," She said. "And Adrien's here again, too. He decided he wants to record me kicking his butt again, but I'm not against it. We're playing our favorite video game, Mecha Strike III!"
Their banter throughout the video was like earlier in the day. Joking with each other, and having snarky replies to everything. And the same victory as earlier, as well. They played a few rounds, and the sun had long gone down. But neither of them cared, they were having fun, and they didn't have any homework that needed to get done. Finally, after a few hours of playing, they turned the camera off and turned on a movie.
They didn't even get through one movie before both of them were fast asleep on the couch.
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