#also people putting dnis on stuff they shouldn’t really have a say in is so stupid
d0vegum · 2 years
Lol I remember when I was like on twitter 24/7 and I saw people be like “ugh I hate twitter” and it annoyed me but now I see the light that shit was a sinkhole
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babyhatesreality · 2 years
The Sinner and the Saint Ch 3
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Pairing: (eventual) Mob!Boss Bucky x f!reader
Warnings: NSFW, f!reader, language, fake names (for now), Truth or Dare, LOTS of innuendos and dirty thoughts, everybody has secrets, reader says unkind things about herself, reader is an exotic dancer, reader is extremely flexible dancer :D, reader uses several dance styles, Bucky (aka Nick) is a little shit, touch of angst, touch of fluff, slow burn relationship. There will be many, many more warnings for future chapters including mafia and all the stuff that comes with that, kinks, and smut. 
Previous- Chapter 2
Chapter 3
“Who goes first?” you asked boldly, smiling at him.
“Well,” Nick said, running his gloved finger along his chin as he thought. “I SHOULD say ladies first. It’s be the proper thing to do. Gentlemanly and all that.” He tossed the rest of the bourbon into his mouth, then set the glass down definitively. There was a dangerous sparkle in his eye. “Well, I’m always a gentleman, but I’m definitely not proper,” he said with an evil grin. “So. Truth or dare?”
Your own lips twisting as you tried not to show how much that glint in his eye was turning you on, you merely tilted your head like you were thinking. “Um...truth,” you said, pretending like it had been a thoughtful decision. 
“Do you like working here?”
“Honestly, I love it. Most of the girls are fantastic, and Ms. Romanoff’s one of the best bosses I’ve ever had.” You paused to take another sip of champagne. “Then of course, I get to meet charming men like yourself as well,” you said overtly flirtatiously, in an attempt to...well, you weren’t sure. This guy paid for your company in the freaking VIP Champagne Room, which WAS NOT cheap- shouldn’t you be giving him compliments and making him feel like an alpha male or something like that? Your inexperience was making you both mad and terrified. 
Nick gave a carefully constructed and corporate smile at your words. One that was acknowledging your flattery but also said he didn’t truly accept it. Your guts twisted again. That made you panicked and disappointed that you had failed. Not just at your job, but...him. You’d failed him. And that really bothered you.  Disappointing him was...not an option.
 Before you could put your filter in place, the words came tumbling out again. “Sorry if that was inappropriate,” you said, your face turning Hooker Lipstick red. “I...I mean, you’re really nice and I just...I don’t think you’re getting your money’s worth with me just running my mouth and being so dumb and I don’t want you to waste your time-”
You snapped your mouth shut- FINALLY- as Nick’s jaw dropped, his shocked blue eyes piercing you down to your soul. Finally, he collected himself. “No, I...no that’s not what I was thinking at all,” he stammered. “You thought that...” he choked to a halt, looking flabbergasted. A teeny tiny part of you rejoiced that you weren’t the only one on the back foot now, but THAT made you feel more guilty. Shit, if you could afford a Therapist they’d have a field day with this emotional rollercoaster you were on. “I...I don’t want you to think that you’re not worth the money. But...not in a cheap way, like not that you’re cheap, but not like...oh fuck not like I’m buying you or....I mean...shit. Goddammit,” he finally grumbled, standing up and storming over to the bar and pouring himself another bourbon quickly. He took a huge slug of it before pausing, taking a deep breath, and turning back to you. 
“Sorry. I’m not used to having to explain myself,” he said gruffly, but seemingly more in control now. He exhaled and relaxed a bit, then smiled. “What I meant to say is that I am enjoying my time with you. I’m especially enjoying your forthright honesty. Not many people give me that. You don’t have to worry about me not having a great time. This is one of the best conversations I’ve had in a very, very long time, and I want it to continue.”
It was your turn to exhale, your eyes wide as they could go. How the FUCK were you supposed to respond to such a masterful answer? All you could think to blurt out was, “Can I have a bourbon too? Or whatever it is that just made you so eloquent while you were freaking out? Cause I clearly fucking need it.”
Nick suddenly tilted his head back, laughing loudly at that, which made you laugh too. After you both wiped your eyes and settled down a bit, he pointed to the glass in your hand. “You stick with champagne, missy, you’re still working.”
You sighed playfully. “Yes, sir,” you responded deliberately. He froze again for a heartbeat before making his way back to the couch. 
Damn, that was still very interesting.
After he sat down, he turned you to again. “And don’t call yourself dumb again. I don’t like it. Got it?” he said, with that air of authority mixed with...something... you couldn’t name it. 
Shocked that he cared about that, you took a beat before responding. “Okay,” you said, feeling your entire body soften for a moment, before tensing right back up again. 
His secretive smile returned. “Your turn,” he said in his arrogant tone.
“Truth or Dare?” you asked after trying to clear your throat delicately.
Wanna fu- “What do you do for a living?”
Nick tilted his head, staring right into your eyes, for three solid seconds. Just as you were about to get nervous that you’d once again put your foot in your mouth, he smiled- softly. It was a good look on him. 
“I’m the CEO of a business that handles a lot of high-end imports and exports,” he said, the words falling so seamlessly off his tongue that you knew he’d said them a million times before. “We dabble in all sorts of fields,” he continued in the same breath, his eyes never leaving yours. 
“Wow,” you said breathlessly, realizing that money clearly was not an issue for this man, but having enough tact and filter thank god to not bring it up. “That sounds really cool. So you manage how and where product comes from, pricing, all that kind of stuff?”
Nick smiled mysteriously again. “Tsk, tsk,” he said, before pointing a finger at you. “That’s a second question.” You blushed again, making his grin widen. “Truth or Dare?”
“How long have you lived in New York City?”
“Nearly three months. Truth or Dare?”
“So you manage how and where product comes from, pricing, all that kind of stuff?” you asked sweetly. That caused Nick to snort a laugh into his drink. 
“Yes, that’s the basics of how it all works,” he said, chuckling. Your gaze fell on his leather gloves as he brushed away the moisture in his eyes, and you instantly knew your next question. But it was his turn. “Truth or Dare?”
“What’s your favorite color?”
“Depends on the day and how I’m feeling.”
“That’s not an answer.”
“But it’s the truth.”
“Clever girl.”
“Truth or Dare?”
“Why are you wearing gloves?”
“Poor circulation. Truth or Dare?”
"Why did you move to New York?”
“You already asked me that.”
“But you didn’t answer. You freaked out thinking you sounded like a hillbilly, remember?”
Turning red again, you tossed your hair back in an effort to recapture your strong persona out of your embarrassment. “I came here to be a professional dancer.”
Nick nodded in understanding. It wasn’t the first time he’d met a wanna-be performer. New York City was full of them. “So what form of dance is your speciality?” he asked, curious. 
You internally steeled yourself, and put on your own seductive grin. “That’s a second question, sir,” you said, pursing your lips in mock disapproval. Nick tried to hide his smile by pushing his tongue against the inside of his bottom lip, but it didn’t work. He shook his head, grinning. 
“Mea Culpa,” he said pompously, before fixing his deep blue eyes on you again and gesturing for you to continue. Thrilled that you had won that tiny little battle and filled with an inappropriate amount of ego over it, you perked up a bit and asked. 
“Truth or Dare?”
“What’s YOUR favorite color?”
“Black. Truth or Dare?”
“What form of dance is your speciality?” he asked, cocking his eyebrows at turning the tables back on you. You giggled- you had a feeling it was coming. Brushing a stray strand of hair out of your eyes, you tilted your head as you thought about it. 
“I don’t really have a speciality. I studied as many styles as I could. Basically any time a new class was offered even remotely near me, I took it. Or studied it online. And I couldn’t get enough, you know?” you said, your eyes beginning to gleam. “Like every new class I took just added gas to the tank, and I needed to know more. There’s always going to be a new style to learn, a new technique to try. And I want...I NEED to know it. I...I just want to dance,” you said quietly, your mind flicking through every recital, every show, every class where you’d felt that secret, magical spark, that insatiable drive. “There’s a lot that’s inside me,” you mused, as if you’d forgotten Nick was even there, so lost in your worship of the art form. “And the only way I know how...well, the best way I know how to get it out...is to dance and let it flow through my body...I have to get it out, otherwise, the terrible beauty of the world inside me would crush me.”
The precious confession hung in the still air and you were loathe to shatter the poignant silence. You felt like you should have felt shame for sharing so much, but you just...didn’t. You wondered why. Nick gently reached over and laid his gloved hand on top of yours. 
“Thank you,” he said so softly you almost missed it. “I...thank you.” He managed to look both stunned and in awe, all at the same time. 
As if the oxygen entered the room again, you inhaled deeply and turned to him. You wanted to apologize for oversharing, but the look in his eyes made you realize that he didn’t want an apology- he honestly treasured your deep response. Swallowing hard, you took a sip of champagne, nearly finishing your second glass. “So...truth?” you asked, recovering your sweet smile. 
His smile widened, and he nodded. “Truth,” he acknowledged, toying with his glass.
“What’s your real name?”
His eyes slid to yours. You could see a million calculations going through his mind, and you saw the moment he decided. “Dare,” he said instead, cocking his eyebrow at you in that damn challenging way again. 
Your mouth opening in a delighted surprise, you scrambled to think of something ‘cool’ to dare him with. Your eyes landed on the mini bar in the room. “I dare you to take a shot of tequila...” you began. His smirk and eye roll before you even finished your sentence peaked your competitiveness. “...without the salt and the lime.” His eyes suddenly stretched wide, surprised, before narrowing playfully at you. 
“Well, let it be known that you fight dirty,” he grumbled with a grin, before heading over to the bar, looking at the contents carefully, plucking out a bottle from behind the counter, pouring himself a shot and downing it in one. You saw the faintest hint of a grimace cross his face before he shut it down with him impassive look, that turned arrogantly smug as he looked at your shocked expression. Tequila was NASTY- how the hell had he done that?!
“So. Truth?” he asked, completely smoothly. All you could do was blink at him. He sauntered back over to you, that power just dripping off him so viscerally that you could feel it in your bones. “What’s YOUR real name?”
And suddenly you knew. This was his game, and had been his game all along. He had trapped you into taking a Dare, knowing there was no way you were going to reveal your name unless he revealed his. Taking your last sip of bravery juice, you stood right up, willing your limbs to stop trembling in your nervousness. 
“Dare,” you said simply, forcing your eyes to meet his and not waver. He jutted his chin forward in his moment of triumph. 
“Dance for me,” he said simply. 
Something inside of you cracked at those words. You had spilled inner secrets and thoughts to this stranger, things you had never vocalized before, and in return, all he wanted was for you to take your clothes off for him. The sting of disappointment and...almost...betrayal? hit your heart. But that was ridiculous. He had never asked you to share- you had done it of your own free will. This was all your own fault. You’d forgotten your place. You were just another stripper in a big city to him. That fucking hurt. And it must have showed on your face. 
Nick held up his hand. “Stop thinking whatever it is you’re thinking,” he commanded after he watched the emotion flicker over your face. “Not like that. Dance for me how YOU want to. Your way,” he said softly. “I want to see that world that you’re so passionate about.” 
You absolutely froze, completely obliterated by the about-face that was happening in your brain. He WANTED, actually WANTED to see you dance your way? “Are you sure?” you asked breathlessly. “You don’t want me to...?” You couldn’t finish, hating yourself the moment the words crossed your lips. He had given you a golden opportunity and you were still so unsure of yourself, still so damn insecure, that you were offering to take your clothes off. 
He shook his head, once. “No. I want you to dance your way. Pick whatever music moves you, and just...dance. I want to see.” He swallowed hard. “Please.” He gently forced the word out, as if he was unused to saying it like this.
“Okay,” you whispered back. A look of relief flickered through his eyes before he swallowed hard and sat back down on the couch. 
“Take your time,” he said smoothly. “Whenever you’re ready.” Was that a touch of...nervousness you heard in his voice? He gestured to the wall behind the bar. You turned to look, and found a very expensive looking sound system installed in the wall. Taking a deep breath yourself, you walked over to it with a confidence you didn’t feel. Your mind raced- what song? And more to the point- what was really going on here?
Was he just being nice? Was he really expecting you to strip despite what he said? For fucks’ sake you were working in a strip club that he apparently came to all the time. He really didn’t mean what he said. Or...was it possible? Was he serious? 
Then it hit you. You might not get this chance ever again. 
Carpe Diem.
You quickly turned the system on, and found it surprisingly user friendly. You typed in one of the songs from one of your favorite musicals- a musical that made you go nearly feral from the dancing the first time you saw it. You unbuckled the straps of the Fuck Me heels, then playfully tossed them out onto the floor. You watched Nick carefully when you did that. His eyes never left you. He didn’t care about the clothes you were discarding, even if they were only shoes. He was watching you. Now or never. Truth AND Dare.
You hit play and stepped to the center of the room.
*Nature Boy from Moulin Rouge the Musical*
The evocative notes from the lone guitar filled the room. You closed your eyes and surrendered to the music, letting the notes and the feeling flow through you, gently stepping back and forth and side to side as the mental image of the guitarist’s strong hands gently plucking the strings called to you. 
There was a boy, a very strange enchanted boy, 
they say he wandered very far, very far, over land and sea
You gave the tiniest plié before going up onto demi-relevé as the hypnotic words came. You’d start with the most classical dance- ballet. You moved as if you were mystical, imagining that you had been visited by the enchanted boy and had been touched by his spirit and adventures. You let your arms flirt with the magic in the air as your legs moved you across the room.
A little shy, and sad of eye, but very wise was he
You used moves similar to a Japanese Nihon Buyo style that you’d observed on the word ‘shy’, ‘sad’, and ‘wise’. The rich Japanese culture of dance had a way with expressing strong emotions that was incomparable to anyone else. 
And then one day, one magic day he passed my way
As you continued to move lithely, caught in the emotions of the ethereal melody, you let your eyes drift to Nick on the words ‘he passed my way’. He was watching you with wide eyes, like a child seeing Wonderland for the first time.
And while we spoke of many things, fools and kings, 
this he said to me
You changed it up, going into a more modern Twyla Tharp style, subtly indicating that upon meeting him, everything else changed too. You moved as the music told you to, rejoicing in the talking, the fools, the kings, and every other word sung. 
The greatest thing you’ll ever learn 
You used wide sweeping movements on these words, trying to give gravity to the deep profound thing you were about to learn. 
Is just to love, and be loved in return.
You stopped moving after the words ‘just to love’, simply looking to the heavens in expectation, letting the next words speak for themselves. They were more powerful than any move you could have made just then. On the last moment of the word ‘return’, you looked down and ever-so-slowly brought you right leg up in passé, your arms in fifth ballet position. Except you didn’t stop- you slowly extended your leg up, until your right foot was pointed at the ceiling, and you casually turned your face to the light to look at it. And then you didn’t move; you held perfectly still. It was the move that was making you famous at the club; it was singularly yours. It had taken you years to perfect it. 
Finally getting to use it YOUR way brought tears to your eyes. 
The greatest thing (the greatest thing) you’ll ever learn (you’ll ever learn)
Is just to love and be loved in return
You held your position until ‘thing’, then let the energy flow through your body once again. Holding a position like that for that long took immense and precise concentration, so you let your muscles loose and let them take you where the music whispered to go as a thank you. On the last word you gracefully stopped, picked up your heels, and gently slung them over your shoulder, turning and slowly walking away as the violin cried out its lonely descant. On the last guitar arpeggio, you stopped and turned your head, locking eyes with your audience of one. The music ended, and you quietly turned back around, anxious and exhilarated. You both stared at each other as if you found the secrets of the stars in the other’s eyes. 
Golden silence. 
Suddenly Nick stood and walked straight over to you. Without breaking eye contact, he slowly pulled the glove off his right hand. His eyes bored into you almost in desperation. When you didn’t break eye contact at all, he gasped quietly, then reached towards your face. 
“Please,” was all he said. You nodded, unable to break the stare. He reverently drew one finger along your cheek, along your jaw until his fingers hovered right over your lips. You had never wanted to be kissed so badly in your life. You silently begged him with every fiber of your being. And he leaned in for a fraction of a second. 
Suddenly, he stepped back and let his hand drop to yours. He picked it up and pressed the back of your fingers to his lips, holding it there a long time as he squeezed his eyes shut. Finally, he stood back up, looking you right in the eyes. “Thank you, Miss Angel,” he said, almost in a worshipful tone. Then without another word, he turned and walked out of the room. 
He was breathing hard as he shut the door behind him. He looked to his right and nodded at Fury, who gave him a respectful single nod back. He looked to his left and met the blue eyes of the muscular, well dressed blonde man guarding the other side of the door. He turned to his right with purpose and began moving at his typical fast pace. He heard Steve’s footsteps follow him, like always.
Knowing his way around the club all too well, he walked straight into Natasha’s office. As he barged through the door, Natasha looked up, startled, her hand flying under her desk. He knew she was gripping her concealed gun in her shock, but she relaxed the moment she realized it was him. He didn’t give a rat’s ass about startling her- he wanted something and wanted it now.
“Book her with me for the week,” he said firmly, cutting right to the chase. “Every night. And I want the exact schedule of when she dances for that whole time, too.”
Natasha’s jaw hit the top of her desk. “What? Are you serious?” she asked bluntly. His eyes suddenly blazed metal-melting blue in their fury at the idea of having to wait even longer for what he wanted.
“Did I stutter?” he snarled at her. “Do it. Now. You have two minutes.” Eyes stretched open in shock, Natasha ripped her gaze from his to her computer and began typing as fast as her fingers could fly. 
He turned and looked at Steve, who was wearing his typical stoic look. “She has no idea,” he breathed out, still half caught in his moment of wonder. “She doesn’t know who I am. She doesn’t have a clue.”
Steve’s usually impassive face betrayed a rare moment of incredulity. “You’re kidding,” the muscular man in the impeccable black suit said, looking back at his boss- and best friend- in shock, unable to comprehend the idea. His boss shook his head, that daring grin spreading across his face again. He was about to expound on the thought, but Natasha walked up to him, thrusting a piece of paper into his ungloved hand. 
“Here you go, Mr. Barnes,” she said with corporate formality. “She’s all yours.”
Chapter 4
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rosetheocto · 10 months
🐙 Super Cool Intro Post 🐙
Hello!! You can call me Rose! I’m a self taught artist! (that barely posts art lol)
Dunno where exactly on the Aro/Ace spectrum I’m at, but it’s definitely somewhere!
I have Autism, ADHD, OCD, and probably some other kinds of anxiety disorders with a bit of other mental health issues mixed in!
She/Her, I’m a minor!
Feel free to send me asks about anything!! I’m more than happy to have an excuse to yell about my interests, headcanons, and AUs!
‼️ Please immediately tell me when I do something wrong!! I promise I have good intentions, but I’m also not the smartest person out there! I tend to be very unaware and forgetful at times, so I may realize right away when I say/do something stupid/offensive!! ‼️
Interests, DNI’s, and Some Other Things under the cut :]
Some Stuff I Like!! :0
Failboat (more specifically, Failboat’s Miitopia series, commonly shortened to “Failtopia”)
ChipDoesThis (I’m actually a moderator on his livestreams!)
Eeveelution Squad
Among Us + Among Us Logic (I don’t support GT/Newscape nowadays, but AUL always has a special place in my heart)
Spooky Month
The Henry Stickmin Collection
My Little Pony (both FIM/G4 and ANG/G5)
Pokémon (but almost exclusively Gen 6/Kalos, love those lil dudes)
That’s far from all of them, but those are some of the main ones rn! (i have a ton of interests)
Obligatory DNI List
Basic criteria (homophobic, transphobic, aphobic, ableist, racist, MAP, pretty much just “don’t talk to me if you suck”)
Supporting genocide of any kind (it should be obvious what this is about, I shouldn’t need to say it. if you agree with what they’re doing then get off my blog)
Support ships with pedophilia, incest, and other things of that nature. (i just simply don’t like that kind of content, and i do think can affect reality.)
NSFW accounts (i am a minor, self explanatory)
NFT supporters + Most AI Art/Writing/Voice Acting supporters (really depends on context for me, but a lot of the time it just takes away from actual creators)
Treating real people like fictional characters (giving real people “headcanons”, shipping real people, etc. especially when they have said in the past that they are uncomfortable with it)
Some Other Things
I use tone indicators! And I’d appreciate it if people use them with me! (If that for some reason is something you don’t like then uh, idk do what you want lol)
I’m a multishipper!! (I love shipping. I love shipping sm. Especially Failtopia ships, for some reason)
I occasionally reblog FNF and Steven Universe stuff! (I know how some people feel about those fandoms, so I’m still putting it out there!)
I am very critical of media I like! (I promise I genuinely love the stuff I criticize most of the time, but being a hater can be fun lmaoo)
The Tags!!
Rose’s Super Epic and Cool Art (art tag)
Ask the Octo (ask tag)
(Last edited September 9th, 2024)
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salora-rainriver · 8 months
P-pinned post? I have an actual bio but its a bit old and i worry no ones seeing those anymore thanks to tumblr changes so whatever wheee
Name: Gaby, Salora, Sal. I like goofy nicknames
Gender n Pronouns: Butch (thats my gender), she/her or fae/faer (the latter’s a pretty common neopronoun so theres references for it online owo)
Age: I’m 27 as of the last edit of this post.
Academic Qualifications: BA in anthropology. Pursuing masters in Education. Went to art school.
(It’s *my* pinned post, and *I* get to decide what’s important info to put on it!)
Diagnoses: hey kids don’t post ur full medical history online. That being said I am The Autistic and have Some Traumas and take medication.
Interests: art, culture, history, religion, linguistics, science (mostly biology, geology, and meteorology), politics and social issues (for survival/empathy reasons), videogames, tabletop games, worldbuilding, speculative biology, cute monsters, animals, dinosaurs, dragons, fighting people on the internet.
Okay what fandoms tho: you’ll have to figure that out for yourself uwu (i cant be arsed to have a regularly updating list of fictional medias)
Okay FINE what videogames: mostly sandboxes, open worlds, survival games, stuff like that. I also like to play as nonhuman things. Bcs im a furry.
WAIT UR A FURRY?: ya so my primary sona is a leopard gecko (black pearl morph). Secondary sona is an ottigator (otter/alligator). Might obtain a tertiary sona which would be a generic dromaeosaur with red, brown, black, and white feathers. We will see.
Are u a kinnie?: kind of, but the kin is a deity oc so like, is that a kin or a selfinsert?
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Oops! This page is empty! Looks like this user doesn’t really believe in DNIs as a useful tool for curating your personal social media experience.
If YOU have a DNI and are worrying about whether this user is a pro-shipper, an anti-shipper, a biden-defender, a zionist, a transphobe, an exclusionist, an inclusionist, a tankie, or whatever else tends to get into a DNI:
She is not.
This user’s approaching 30 and finds most of the contentious tumblr discourses annoying. And not in the “ace discourse is so annoying [proceeds to clearly take a side in said discourse]” manner, either.
If you see her reblogging from users who took strong stances in those discourses, understand she’s not agreeing with their stance. She might actually find it disappointing, but doesn’t wanna say anything bcs they seem like a decent person otherwise n she doesn’t really know them so she shouldn’t start shit, bcs it probably wouldn’t be a productive use of her time.
Free Palestine, though. Thats a solid stance I am willing to take and fully believe in.
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honeyypotato · 1 year
alrighty then well this is more of a funny headcanon request for the aot girls but hell why not. Male or gender neutral reader (whatever you comfortable with) getting self conscious that they have a small penis and often say so to degrade themselves but the first time they actually do try to give the s/o a bj they are actually super huge (idk I think it’s funny
Ok I’m ngl this idea is so funny to me too, I’m so glad you sent it in jkahdlskf thank you
I’m so sorry it took me so so long to get this out, I was bonked over the head with life stuff. I hope you like it, if you’re still hanging around tumblr ❤
Characters: Mikasa, Sasha, Annie, Hange, Pieck
Minors DNI pls and thank u this is nsfw stuff :)
I feel like Mikasa would be the kind of person who’s really body-positive and always tries to shut down your self-deprecating jokes, always talking you up and generally just being really sweet
She’d always swat at you for anything you say that’s bad about yourself, even if others were laughing along with you
Would get really flustered when she finally takes your pants off
“O-oh, you really shouldn’t joke about things that aren’t true…”
After her first time seeing you, she’ll get a little flushed at your jokes because they just remind her of your actual size, but this would only fuel you to continue making them for a different reason
Sasha would absolutely take you seriously at first and be really supportive your first time in the bedroom, she’s the kind of person where these kinds of jokes go right over her head
Like the first 3-5 times you made a joke about your size she’d nudge you and hiss “you can’t say that to people, gosh.”
She might actually get a little jealous too, thinking you’re going around telling people what’s in your pants when it’s supposed to be something only you and her know
But once you get into the bedroom, she takes one look at you and goes down on you immediately, without hesitation. U don't even get two words out before her mouth is on u
After she knows you’re joking, she actually likes it, because it’s your little secret how big you actually are…and you’re all hers
Annie would absolutely go along with whatever you said about yourself and it would kinda become a running joke between you two
But this is her own way of making you feel better about yourself
If she notices you actually get put off by her jokes she’ll sit you down and let you know that she doesn’t care, that’s not why she’s with you
“So what if you’ve got a small dick? You’re still hot as hell. Own that shit.”
She’d go silent for a minute or so after taking your pants off, she’d be at a loss for words I think
She might also punch you tho (lovingly), and then tell you not to make stupid jokes that aren’t true
Hange would absolutely try to be professional about it, adjusting their glasses and clearing their throat…but then muttering some snide remark under their breath
Later on they corner you in their lab, asking to test out a theory or two
“You know, I think we should actually put what you say to the test. Every hypothesis needs a solution.”
But after they do test their “theory”, they announce it every time you make the joke
“Oh, come on, you know that’s not true, we tested it already!” 
(They want everyone to know that they know your dick size, no matter how embarrassing it is for you)
I think Pieck would have one of two reactions depending on her mood: the same reaction to your jokes as she would with any of Porco’s, an eye roll that turns into a half-hidden smile
OR she would flirt with you without batting an eye
“This is the fourth time you’ve brought this up today, I think we should see if you’re telling the truth.”
she secretly finds them funny too, but doesn’t want to lose her composure 
Even after she sees you for the first time, she’ll play along with your jokes and turn them into foreplay
She’d also use it against you in the bedroom, taunting you despite the fact that you’re so big she’s struggling to speak
"Oh, this? I can fit it in my mouth, easy."/“Is that as deep as you can go? Oh, come on, I’m not THAT tight…”
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horrortalez · 2 months
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— hii I go by horror or fang im just a goofy guy posting random stuff ,, best viewed in light/dark mode <3
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.☆˚ ABOUT ME .ᐟ
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— ask me to be moots or friends please I genuinely don’t mind and love meeting new people yr all so silly.
— my current pronouns are he / him but I also enjoy when it / its and neos are used on me ,, but If referring to me as male makes it easier for you feel free
— a lot of my main interests are undertale aus, pokemon, call of duty, and spiderman / deadpool so expect a lot of art and yaps on those topics.
— my main programs for drawing is ibispaintx and clip studio paint ,, the stylus I use is the MEKO universal stylus and my phone is the iPhone 14 Plus.
— Im really into any kind of horror stuff movies, games, art etc !! Im more of a horror gameplay watcher but I have played some scary games.
— Im a playstation user (PS5/PS4) please play red dead online with me im so lonely and cool I love funny horse game ,, im a huge gamer and like playing shooter games especially call of duty and fortnite sniffles..
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.☆˚ MY TAGZ .ᐟ
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— #horrorzscribbles ++ my artsy
— #horrorzbarks ++ rambles and opinions
— #horrorzanswers ++ ask me stuff grrr
— #horrorzwhines ++ vents and corny shit
— #horrorzpuppylove — zim and killz drools..
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— I have adhd, bpd, and a speech disorder!! I tend to have major mood swings and bad anger issues this shouldn’t affect interactions unless their negative.
— I ramble a LOT and sometimes my words don’t make sense If you need me to translate I will I also have 3 typing quirks one where I change my ‘s’ into ‘z’ the second one when I space out and add an extra ‘,,’ and lastly sometimes I’ll add an “*” at the beginning of my sentences.
— Im a non human Its not a delusion or anything I just prefer skeleton terms and such.
— tonetags are highly encouraged as I struggle with social cues and such!! plz tell me if your uncomfortable with my behavior I get excited easily and can’t tell at all If Im making you weirded out or smth.
— a lot of my content is suggestive and I make a lot of nsfw jokes I won’t publicly or if we’re first meeting ,, so please let me know ahead of time if it grosses you out even putting it in your rentry/carrd/etc is a major help as I always read those first.
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— a big no no is genuine sexual flirts and intents with me this has happened before. (ex: saying you wanna suck me or fuck me erps also count as sexual intent)
— I hate when people make fun of my fandoms or personality If we’re close I won’t care but If I don’t know you and you judge me Im gonna tweak out.
— please don’t add me on any of my socials unless you wanna be friends or its serious ,, people tend to just frq me and not answer my dms you will get blocked.
— mentions of HORRORTALE undyne and alphys they make me sick to my stomach and its just yuck.
— Im not to big on this but doubles Im not gonna block you if your also a horror sans Its more of just you claiming to be the best horror sans!! I have genuinely met people who told me their a ‘better’ version of me.
— tw for gross fandoms and topics beware /srs !! proship umbrella, dark media enjoyers, tcc, gore enjoyers, undiagnosed disorders with no research, blaming yr disorders (esp undiagnosed) on yr actions, alfreds playhouse, okegom, killing stalking, and other shitty fandoms like that do not interact with me at all, weird anime fans. anything here dni or mention eugh.
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☆ LAST EDIT : 8/2/24 ˖⋆࿐໋
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18 notes · View notes
rfxiii · 9 months
(Just realized I’ve recently had a really big influx of new followers, and that I haven’t ever officially made a list of rules/stuff I’ll write for when people send in requests. So, to avoid anyone being disappointed or anything about a request being denied or anything, I’ve put together a short list of stuff I will and won’t write about)
Writing Request Rules:
General Rules:
My ask box is always open! So, feel free to send stuff in whenever you have an idea. That being said, life does happen, so I am occasionally pretty slow getting to requests. So, if you sent something in and I haven’t written it yet, feel free to re-send if you’re unsure I got it, or you can DM me to ask about it and I promise I’ll get to it!
I’ll write for any GTAV character you can think of, no matter how minor or how little screen time they get.
I’m in my 20’s and do write smut and some potentially triggering material. So, while I’d prefer minors DNI at all, I can’t control what you do. So, at least give me the courtesy to stay away from anything tagged with smut or any other triggering content, and Do Not request any smut unless you are over 18.
Firstly, Things I Will Not Write About:
Absolutely no underaged shipping! Everyone in game is basically 20’s or older. So, I will not write anything where the reader is under 18. The only exception would be, like, (character and a reader that’s their child). But obviously nothing containing smut!
I’m all for kink of most any kind. But I will not write anything containing scat. (Piss kink is ok to an extent and is at my discretion to write)
No age play/age regression, even if both characters are 18+. It just makes me uncomfortable.
Nothing at all containing animals in a kink/smut setting (I shouldn’t even have to say this. But you never know)
No incest!
I’m not comfortable writing anything pertaining to sexual assault. I will write non-descriptive domestic violence, or vaguely reference SA in a past setting, like, (character helping reader cope with past abuse). But I won’t go into deep detail.
Absolutely no racism, homophobia, ableism, etc. will be tolerated.
Things I’ll Write About:
I’ll write for any GTAV character, no matter how minor.
I’ll write Character x Character, Character x Reader, Character X OC (just give me a rundown on your character and their personality), also, just canon characters on their own.
Anything kink related unless stated in the above of things I won’t write.
If requesting multiple characters, the request will probably be written in headcanon style unless stated that you’d like a short scenario for each character instead.
When requesting Character x Reader, the readers gender will remain neutral unless you explicitly state otherwise, ie (Trevor x fem!reader)
When requesting smut, the reader will default to feminine anatomy unless requested otherwise, ie (Michael x male!reader)
Basically anything that isn’t mentioned in the “Will Not Write” I’ll write about. But if you’re unsure, feel free to send an ask or DM with any questions. My anon asks are also always on if you don’t feel comfortable asking if I’ll write something off anon.
You can never be too descriptive! Feel free to ask specifically for what you want, ie (Franklin x black, bi, hyperfem, short, female!reader or Wade x hispanic, male, tall, chubby!reader). What I write is specifically for you, so never feel like you have to limit the amount of description you want for your ask!
I’ll also do match ups! Send me in a description of yourself (short or detailed- whichever you prefer) and I’ll match you with a character I think you’d mesh well with.
I’ll make moodboards and playlists for Character x Character, Character x Reader, or Character x OC
My asks or DMs are always open for questions or just to discuss anything you’d like! Feel free to talk to me ✌️
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royalsweetteaa · 2 years
Just like animals
Pairing: soft!dark!Bryce Langley x reader
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GIF does not belong to me!
WARNING - The following fic contains: Explicit smut/CNC kink, dub-con, breeding kink, chase kink, breeding kink, pain kink, unprotected sex, primal sex, sex in the woods, discussion of rape/murder/death/dark themes, talk of AFAB female assault/sexism/disadvangages, childhood friends trope, spoiler of character, degradation.
Summary: You spend your summer vacation with your childhood friend, Bryce Langley, and learn about his new obsession of questioning morals which otherwise really shouldn’t be questioned. How will he respond when you put him to the test?
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Another summer season, another month spending your vacation at the Osbourne mansion household. It became a tradition after Bryce first invited you during your early years of your childhood, and now he didn’t even have to call an invite because it was expected of you to come.
He was 2 years older than you, yet he admittedly liked your company a lot. He was also very protective of you, not wanting to share his drugs with you even if you begged to try some. He didn’t want to risk getting you addicted and surrounding yourself in a drug use environment, much like him. It was hypocritical, but he didn’t care.
He wanted to keep you safe, he had once shared.
You were walking around the woods while catching up. You have been walking for hours and it was getting dark, with only the moonlight to shine up the place. You didn’t go too deep in the forest as you didn’t want to dirty your new red summer dress which you wore for the day, so you were being careful of which path you were walking.
As you were on your way back, Bryce was telling you about something he had learned through documentaries, specifically those about the ishkanani indians he had borrowed from Finn, his new neighbor.
You were grossed out to learn of how the tribe lived and how different their morals were, but you weren’t surprised as you had heard some tribes were very ancient in their thinking, - almost having the same mindset of cavemen.
“What do you find so interesting about those documentaries anyway? I didn’t peg you as a guy interested in that kind of stuff.” You pointed out.
“I wasn’t. But you know me. I always find new things to peak my interest.” He said with a grin. “Their thinking intrigues me greatly. It makes me think of how we might have developed backwards when I learn how they work as people.”
You rolled your eyes, finding his claim to be ridiculous after everything he had told about this particular tribe. “I wouldn’t say not murdering and raping out of spite is moving backwards, Bryce.”
“Well, I would say that’s debatable.” He stated casually.
“Excuse me? Debating if murder or rape is immoral isn’t even a question. It goes against people’s rights to live and the right over your own body. In what circumstance do you think that’s acceptable?” You asked, absolutely bewildered.
“Well for one, it’s nature. Animals do it all the time.” He argued.
You huffed. What a convincing argument, you thought sarcastically. “Yeah, but we’re not animals, are we? We have something called morals. Animals don’t even have the brains to wrap around such a concept. Some animals eat their own kids because they can, - or they need to for survival or whatever.”
“But we were animals at one point, no? We eat, we hunt, we fuck, we reproduce. Why is it that we draw the line for the two other? I’m not saying it’s acceptable, but…it’s still a primal urge.”
You looked at him with furrowed eyebrows of concern and decided to walk past his agonizingly slow pace. You wanted to get back to the mansion.
“You’re making me feel very uncomfortable, Bryce. Why do you always feel the need to bring up weird discussions, only this time it’s wether or not rape or murder is exceptional? It’s like for each year I spend my summer here, you disturb me with your train of thought. I don’t feel safe with you anymore.”
“Oh Y/N, come on. Look, I’m sorry.” He said with little sincerity. “I didn’t mean to make you feel like that. I’m just fascinated by it! Questioning morals isn’t illegal last time I checked.” He said sarcastically in a humored manner.
You ignored him as you continued walking the long path back out of the forest and to the mansion.
Though anyone should be feeling threatened by this kind of thought process, you weren’t afraid of Bryce. You were only disappointed and felt a sense of betrayal.
How could someone think like this? Where was this all coming from?
Then again, you weren’t too surprised. The closest you could recall to Bryce being somewhat of a psycho was when he at 6 years old admitted to you who was 4 that he had captured and killed a bird by continuously knocking it down with a stone.
It was inevitable for him to have some psychopathic traits when he at such a young age lacked empathy for killing an animal. Still, you stuck around of being his friend because…
Well, you were still figuring that part out. He was otherwise funny, charming, and his flirting made you feel things you haven’t felt for any other guy before. Did all that make up for his questionable mindset?
You weren’t sure.
“I mean think about it; In some tribes, they follow instincts that hasn’t been developed since many thousand years ago. They are a perfect example of how before we even had the concept of a society, we had a hunger to follow. An urge that we all deep down have in us but have learned to suppress because we grew too soft, - we’re scared to put people in their places by letting that natural hunger loose.” Bryce continued with his ramble, not noticing your distraught state as he followed you.
“Bryce, I don’t want to listen to this, -!”
“You can’t tell me you’ve never had intrusive thoughts. It’s not something we get from out of nowhere, it’s so obvious they’re from our instincts, - Instincts to assert dominance, or gain respect -!”
“Bryce!” You cut him off with frustration and turned around to see his face of awe. “You’re a grown man who since birth developed strengthened muscles, - muscles of which I have to train for to get because of my biology. You have the power to kill me with your bare hands. I don’t, unless you’re in a weakened state. Do you know how unfair and horrific it would be for me, a biological female, to be living in a society which lets biological men commit such things? We have no upper hand. We never have. Do you really think that’s fair? Would you be okay if a man sexually assaulted me because he had by your own words, ‘natural urges to follow’?”
Bryce was stunned, but not too much as he clearly was finding himself being rather ignorant for not taking it to account.
“You’re right. I apologize, I never meant to say you or any women deserves that-!”
“It’s not much about what I said either. Rape is rape and murder is murder, - and it is wrong regardless of gender, but I don’t see how you thought discussing this with me was any good idea. It’s threatening. I already have to be cautious while walking in empty streets alone. Don’t make me feel unsafe with you around too when we are in the woods, late at night.” You said without looking at him anymore.
“I didn’t…- I didn’t think of that. I’m so sorry, okay?” You weren’t halting your steps and Bryce decided to jog up to you when you were a distance ahead and have you stop so he could talk with honesty. “Y/N, listen. — I would literally fucking kill anyone who did that to you if that happened, Y/N. I swear to god I would. I would kill myself before I ever thought of doing these things to you. You need to believe me when I say that, Y/N.”
You didn’t really know what to say as you took in his words, so Bryce continued. “I’m sorry I even, -…I don’t know why, I’ve just been so absorbed with those documentaries Finn showed me. It got me thinking about stuff…” he said.
He was self aware of his stumbling of words but he couldn’t find the right ways of explaining it.
Bryce was aware he was different. He clearly had a mindset that no one seemed to understand nor have the patience to learn about. The amount of strange looks he would get when telling a statement made him feel annoyed, - sometimes even superior.
He considers himself to be an intellectual, one to think out of the box, - but he knew he went too far with this one. He knew he had once again been too absorbed for his own good.
You sighed, and looked down at your feet. Bryce remained silent while awaiting for your reply, hoping you would say something.
While rising your head up to look at him again, you said, “I know you too well to know you aren’t convinced you’re wrong unless it’s tested. -
- So let’s test it.”
Bryce’s eyebrows furrowed but he let you take his hands in yours and guide them around your neck.“Tighten your grip around my neck, Bryce.” You ordered. His eyes widened, not sure of where this was going. He only squeezed lightly, but it was enough to hold his hands there. His breath turned shallow, and you could see fire behind his eyes, though you couldn’t read him properly.
“Now listen to your ‘primal thoughts’, - whatever you call them. What are they telling you right now?”
Bryce gulped and his low breathing became uneven. He was at loss of words, not sure of where you wanted this to head at.
“Do you want to kill me?” You asked sternly, straight to the point.
You let go of his hands and let Bryce have his grip on your neck remain. You were calm internally, but your body didn’t align to that composure. You were shivering, both from the late night cold and the current crucial moment that would determine Bryce’s sanity. You both shared a dead serious look as you awaited for Bryce’s next move.
He stared at you up and down, from your eyes to where he held you. It made him realize how small your neck was as he held you there with his huge hands. He really had much power than he realized he had, and he felt guilty. Guilty that if he squeezed tighter and held your body up with your feet off the ground, you wouldn’t be able to do anything other than accept your fate to die, - unless you were a black belt in karate or something. Maybe then you would have a chance to get off his grip, but that would still require years of training, —
— The point was; You were right. It was unfair. He could for once admit he was a fool for thinking the world would be better if it was allowed, - If acting like savages would strengthen humanity and himself.
He let go, fixed up your collar of your dress where he had gripped at and stroked both of your shoulders carefully, with a cheeky smile growing on his face.
“No…I don’t want to kill you. Like I said, I would never do that to you,….only thing I’ve learned from this is I would most definitely kill for you, bambi.”
Your eyebrow narrowed, “Is that so?” You asked slyly. You couldn’t tell if he was serious or not, but that was just who Bryce was. He was a man with a dissimilar mind, -a mind no one could understand but you were learning and wanted to learn more.
Because as it turned out, you loved him no matter how unhinged or deranged he was. You had taken it upon yourself to be his guardian, one to guide him. You had done a fairly good job so far. Why stop here?
You smiled, and placed both of your hands on his cheeks, moving him down to your level. You placed a kiss on his cheek, to which made him wrap his arms around you appreciatively. You continued to kiss his other cheek and lastly his nose before you pulled your face away to study his face. Your eyes fell down to his broad chest, stroking him there a few times to feel him a little.
He caught onto your interest in his body, and he chuckled, “My urges are telling me something else right now though.”
“And what’s that, Bryce?” You asked innocently.
His cheeky look turned darker, and your breath hitched in your throat as you witnessed Bryce’s mind turning wicked before you.
“…I want to fuck you. I want to fuck you real bad.”
Your mouth was left open out of surprise and with an added new-coming arousal. You decided to palm his crotch while biting your lip, his groan of surprise was like music to your ears.
“You do, huh? You wanna stick your cock and go deep inside of me?” You asked seductively.
“Fuck yes, I do.” Bryce replied through a husky whisper. As he was going to grope your ass, you removed yourself from him, leaving him hard.
“That’s too bad, Bryce. Because I don’t want to.” You said, and took a few steps back. “But, I won’t have a choice if you follow your urges either way, will I?” You asked with a teasing wink.
Bryce was left confused as you ran off and took a narrow right to a side path which lead deeper into the forest.
Where were you going? He questioned first. Then, as he processed your words, it clicked.
You were playing a game. A very dangerous game.
His face darkened, and he licked his lips while he saw the last of your shadow scouring through the dark woods. “Oh, you don’t know what you have gotten yourself into, bambi.” He said, more to himself as he began to walk.
His walking quickly turned into jogging, - to straight up sprinting. Before he knew it, he was running down the narrow path, dodging overgrown branches as he scanned for the bright red colour of your dress in the dark forest.
“Come out, little red riding hood.” He called out, almost singing it with a tune. “The big bad wolf just wants to talk.”
He heard a light giggle in the area, and he knew you you were close. Very close.
“You’re so fucked once I find you…” Bryce said out of amusement.
He didn’t continue the path as he knew he would have caught up to you by now. You were hiding here.
Bryce has never been so aroused in his life. He knew for a long time you were perfect for him. But this? The chase, the awaiting climax of finally catching you was turning him feral, - he hopes you are prepared for his wrath.
“You better come out now and tell me to stop because when I find you, I’m going to hold you down and abuse your cunt with my fat dick, you hear me?” He shouted as he walked through the crowded trees and bushes.
He heard a strained squeal from you straight ahead, which was when he saw the red fabric of your dress sticking out behind a tree.
Game over.
You held your breath as you heard the rustling noises of leaves getting crunched was approaching closer. The adrenaline rush made your ears be filled with the sound of your heart beat so loud.
It went quiet for a few moments, and you thought you had maybe gotten away with being caught.
You were proven wrong when you looked to the side, and saw Bryce was standing right above you. He let out the breath he had held and pounced on you before you could make a move.
“Gotcha..” he muttered as he held you down with his body on top of yours, your stomach meeting the ground as his legs trapped down yours.
“No Bryce, please don’t fuck me! I don’t wanna!” You whined playfully. You tried to wrestle him off, with little efforts.
It was obvious you were playing an act as he could see your smile through the darkness.
“Fucking whore. Pretending like I’m forcing myself on you. I bet you’re getting off from this, aren’t you?” He said, while tearing off your stockings. “I sure do.”
He hoisted your dress up and carelessly dragged down your underwear down, satisfied when he saw glistening wetness on your cunt. He wet his lips with the use of his tongue and shoved a finger inside of your pussy, trying to gather as much of your juice on his fingers as possible.
You mewled and whimpered from the lack of gentleness, but you didn’t mind. If anything, you were growing lustful from his manhandling.
Maybe it was fucked up to be enjoying this, but you couldn’t help yourself. You trusted him. He knew you did, and he trusted you in return, which you believed mattered the most for this to work. You wanted him to take you the way he wanted to.
“You’re dripping, bambi…you’re a bigger slut than I thought you are. I always thought you were a prude, but it’s true what they say, isn’t it? The ones who deny liking sex are usually the kinkiest.”
You moaned in response, your vocabulary leaving your mind as you took in the feeling of Bryce’s intrusive, thick fingers working inside of you.
“I don’t think I need to prep you more, baby. You’re wet enough as it is, and you like it rough anyway, don’t you?” He asked, not expecting an answer as he removed his fingers off your cunt and sucked off your juices with his mouth.
His other hand was still forcing your back to remain on the ground as he unzipped and took out his cock from his pants and boxers. You peeked by turning your head behind slightly to see him, - his cock being fully erect and throbbing with precum forming in pearls on his tip.
He held around your stomach and got your ass to rise up so he could finally insert himself on his waist level.
“Aaah fuuuck,” Bryce groaned while he forced himself without warning inside your throbbing heat. “What a tight fuckhole…so delicious.”
You cried out, feeling the painful invasion but you couldn’t help but thrive with it. He was so big, bigger than you have ever let inside of you. You were a virgin all over again with his size.
He didn’t wait a second to plunge his cock inside of you, already going at a fast pace as he breathed heavily from the sensation. It was almost desperate, - imitating a feral animal finally catching its mate to fulfill the purpose of breeding before the mate pulled an escape attempt.
“You’re my breeding bitch now, bambi. Going to fill up that pussy with my cum and watch it leak out of you.” He stated through occasionally nibbling on your ear.
Dizziness took over you as Bryce just took what he wanted of your body. You were overwhelmed with pleasure and need of a release.
“Oh, my goodness-!” You choked out a moan as you felt Bryce’s one hand work on your clit.
“Oh my goodness, indeed.” Bryce taunted, while continuing his abuse on your clit with harsh strokes of his index finger. “You should be thankful I put extra effort in pleasuring you. I’m only doing it because you’re special to me…”
The built up pressure of his cock pounding inside of you and his hand working on your clit was making you close to your climax, and you could tell he was getting close too by his grunts.
“Do you feel me in your tummy, bambi? You feel how fuckin’ deep I am inside of you?”
Your arms were giving up on holding up your upper body, and your chin soon met the fresh grass to rest your head on as Bryce did the work for the both of you. “Fuuuck yess, I feel you, Bryce! Oooh, please don’t stop!”
A few more harsh thrusts, and you both were getting washed over with a wave of your climaxes.
“M’going to fucking cum. Aaaah, take my fucking load,…shit!” Bryce moaned through a gasp as he released deep inside of you.
“M’cumming too, Bryce! Ooohh, fuck!” You moaned, feeling his cum warm your body and drip out with your release combined. You tightened around him, and it made him feel everything. He wanted to feel it for a few more moments.
“Stay still. Keep me nice and warm for a little more. I want to savor this feeling…”
You hummed, appreciating the warmth of Bryce’s body on top of you in contrast to the ground your stomach laid on.
He soon after pulled out and removed his weight off you, his tip leaking with your combined juices while making you turn around so he can see what he has longed to view.
He saw with each breath you let out, more cum leaked out of your sore pussy. “That’s a pretty sight there.” Bryce rasped, the image hypnotizing him.
After you were brought back to reality. “Shit, my new dress is all dirty…” you complained while standing up with the help of Bryce, brushing off as much as you could get off.
“That’s what happens when we fuck on literal dirt, bambi. I’ll bring a blanket from now on, knowing this is how a walk in the woods can get us.” He said with a chuckle, putting his cock back in the briefs of his boxers and zipped up his pants.
After putting your panties on and removed your ruined stocking, you walked back to the main path silently and carried on your way to the mansion with your hands folded together.
“What’s on your mind?” He asked out of curiosity.
You giggled and looked anywhere but at Bryce out of shyness. “I just can’t believe we did that.”
He frowned, not sure of what you were insinuating. “Do you regret it?”
You shook your head, dismissing his assuming question. “No. Not at all. You should be very thankful I’m on birth control though. You will have to use a condom if there will be a next time.”
He scoffed, “A condom? Now that’s just cruel. Thought we would keep it primal and continue fucking raw.” He said while flickering his lighter. You hadn’t picked up on him getting a cigar out of his pocket, but you digressed. “And what do you mean by ‘if’? You sealed your fate of being wrapped around my finger the moment I caught you behind that tree, bambi. You’re mine to keep, cuddle and fuck.”
You rolled your eyes at his crude way of saying ‘you’re mine’. “Is it too much of you to ask if I could be your girlfriend?”
He laughed as he lit up his cigar and breathed in the toxic and addicting smoke. Once he breathed it out of his nose, he held out an arm to wrap around you close, which made you pay attention to his face as he grinned at you.
“Okay, let me ask you out properly in my way; would you do the honors of being the chief’s mate of the Osbourne tribe?”
You laughed with a nod, slipping in a response of, “Sure.”
“Then let’s settle it with our very own ritual…” he held the cigar between your space and instructed the following, “Breathe it in when I breathe it out, okay?”
He inhaled the smoke once he placed the cigar between his lips, and leaned in to kiss you with an open mouth and he breathed out the smoke into your mouth.
You reluctantly breathed it in with shut eyes as the smoke was stronger than you were prepared for, but you had enough self control to take it.
Once he detached his lips from yours, you breathed it out and had to ruin the moment by letting out a few coughs. Your throat was dry, and though you were embarrassed of how less smooth the moment carried out, Bryce’s lighthearted laughter only made it humorous.
“There you go,…you did well. Welcome to my tribe, bambi.”
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Note from author: For the people who haven’t watched ‘fierce people’, — Wait till you realize this isn’t really a ‘dark version’ of Bryce but just him. 💀
Hearts & Reblogs are very appreciated! <3
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blogrl111 · 3 years
i have my asks off cuz someone was spamming, but twitter folks who are moving here, if you have genuine questions, you can dm me (you have to follow though because i have the only followers dm on cuz i was scared of getting spam there too) or just ask stuff under the post. but general etiquette is:
it's not necessary for you to do an intro post, most people don't care. but you can do a pinned post, so the people who care can go and check that out. you can also put your dni and the tags that you use to organize your blog in there!
don't do call out post here. we follow the strict rule that if we see somebody we dislike we just block those people, and report them if they are doing something nasty. call out posts just don't work and it bring unnecessary attention to someone who is probably SEARCHING for that attention, you may do one if it's somebody who it's like, dangerous, but generally abstain from doing that. drama bring nothing but p a i n and bad reputation.
if you go and search through old stuff from a cc, find something "problematic" they did and post it here, we will mock you. stop doing that. it makes you look like you are trying to give them bad fame on purpose. if you dislike a cc block their name and tag, and move on. nobody cares about what a cc said in 2015, you wanna help minorities? great! reblog educational posts, donation websites, petitions, etc!
don't go around trying to fight people for a personal opinion, if somebody it's saying something that you disagree with, you can respectfully say and argument why don't you agree with that, aggressivity will not make you look cool, it will make you look like a dick who doesn't know how to defend their point. or just block them really use the goddamn button.
don't tag mcyt stuff with minecraft or mineblr because it interferes with the people that are only into the game and not the youtubers, use mcyt! somebody pointed out that you shouldn't use the philza minecraft tag because since it has minecraft in it, it would also appear on the minecraft tag, so use only philza instead!
tag your critical posts with [name] critical, c![name] critical so people who don't wanna see that can avoid it! you can use [name] neg too!
don't hijack the tags of other fandoms, please.
don't main tag your critical posts.
reblogs are much more helpful than likes, by a lot, so if you really like a post, you should reblog it! (specially if it is a fanart, creative writing, etc).
feel free to add to this!
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Call it even
Fuckboy!Bucky x f!reader (they’re both avengers) chapter 2
Summary: Bucky and reader used to be friends with benefits until she left for a 6 month-mission with the X-men. Bucky copes by meeting random women, but none of them were her. Until she came back.
Warning: bad writing, some angst, a little tiny allusion to smut so ANYONE UNDER 18 DNI you will be immediately blocked, Bucky being an asshole, reader being an asshole, two idiots madly in love but the other doesn’t realize it.
Word count: 918 words written on my phone so beware of typos. Other chapters will be longer btw this is an exposition fest
notes: this is my first fic in at least 5 years and my first time writing anything remotely close to smut, so it probably sucks but feel free to judge me pls, the characters will call the reader “babygirl”. Also flashbacks will be in bold italics.
Inspo: tis the damn season by Taylor Swift, common friends with benefits tropes, readers powers based on some of Sage from the x-men.
“Mr. Maximoff and Ms. y/l/n are in the elevator coming to this floor” F.R.I.D.A.Y. announced to the common living area where all the avengers were located currently. Steve noticed how Bucky winced at the sound of her name, stood up and left before she could see him.
“Pietro, Babygirl!! you’re here” Wanda exclaims as she jumps to hug her brother and her best friend. Everyone comes to greet the two mutants who endured a 6 month-long mission with the X-men.
Natasha noticed y/n’s eyes wandering around trying to find Bucky but failing. Wanda didn’t need to read her mind to know what she was thinking of. Babygirl agreed to go on a mission with the x-men.
The reason? She was catching feelings for Bucky which is the one thing she agreed wouldn’t happened when they started being friends with benefits, so she decided to go to this mission to avoid those feelings. She didn’t even tell him she was going to leave, only Nat, Wanda and Tony knew.
After chatting with everyone Pietro left with Steve and Tony to debrief them on the mission and some other plans they had with the x-men. You talked to Wanda and Nat about the mission as you approached your room to unpack your stuff.
Having just finished folding some shirts, Natasha sat at your couch and said “you know, Barnes closed himself off when you left. He barely talks to any of us.”
“Oh really? A little birdie told me that he has been really enjoying himself” you answered sarcastically. Pietro had told you a month into the mission that, as he put it “Your friend with the robot arm has become involved with a friend of mine, they said he is sleeping in a new bed each night if you know what I mean” Which stung a little more than you would like to admit. The fact that someone that’s on the mission with you knows, means that it’s more than a few people and he’s probably over you.
“He’s not over you babygirl, if you ask me it’s more like he can’t get over you” Wanda tells you, reading your mind.
“Funny way of showing it, if you love someone the best course of action is to have sex with everyone else” you responded irritated.
“If I could Ms. y/l/n and I’m sorry to intrude, you did leave without telling him anything” Vision interfered, he had entered the room through the wall. Disregarding the fact that he invaded your space and scolding him, you let the three of them convince you to talk to him, you were great friends before and you shouldn’t let that get ruined.
You made your way to Bucky’s room. Like second nature you opened his lock and entered like you used to before, only this time Bucky didn’t answer like he used to. You came into his room tiptoeing so he didn’t hear you, his attention was solely on the book he was reading while lying on his bed. You straddled and took his book from his hands “hey handsome, how’s the reading going?” Bucky smirks, moving his hands to your hips and says “it was pretty good until some pretty girl came and interrupted me” you gasp “oh no, she must be so bad. What are you gonna do about it?” Your ass cheek gets a slap. “how about I teach her a lesson” Bucky says closing the space between your lips.
No, this time he looked at you in shock “how did you get here?” Here raised his eyebrows “I opened your lock, you know I have photographic memory Bucky, and even if I didn’t I only left six months I would’ve probably remembered it” he huffed as you said that.
“Oh right, so then why did you forget to tell me you were going?” You feel him getting tense. Your abilities let you recognize and feel how others are doing emotionally and also physically.
“So you care about me not being here? From what I heard you’ve been doing just fine without me.” You tell him defiantly.
“Well I guess we’re even aren’t we Doll? We both had our fun. If you don’t think what you did was bad then what’s wrong about me hanging around. It’s not Violetas’ fault you don’t care about your friend.” He said smugly, was he enjoying this? Were you enjoying this?
“Listen, if I wanted to know who you’re fucking I would’ve asked. Thank you very much.” you rolled your eyes at his gloating.
“What’s that Babygirl? Are you jealous?” He approached you, you see where this is going. To be honest you don’t mind it, but after Vision spoke with you you felt you had to apologize. Maybe just not right now.
“Jealous of what Sarge?” You’re playing with fire calling him that name. “You and I both know that no one has ever made you feel as good as I have” you step towards him, placing your hands on his broad shoulders.
Bucky grabs your ass and he smacks its right cheek, “oh yeah? How about you show me?” You can tell he’s still mad, and that he’s going to show you how much he missed you.
You woke up in the middle of the night in his bed, realizing you probably fucked up running back into his arms without telling him anything about how you felt. You have a feeling this is not going to end well.
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thatfanficstuff · 3 years
Summer Wedding - Stucky
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Grouping - Stucky x Reader
Warnings: 18+. Minors DNI. smut including unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), public teasing, oral sex (m receiving), spit roasting, minor knife play and other stuff I'm sure I forgot.
A/N: This is the first fic I'm posting for my summer celebration and it was actually written for boxofbonesfic's Hot Girl Summer Challenge. Not as um...descriptive as I'd intended on making it but I like it. Enjoy.
Word count: 3544
The wedding was beautiful, even you had to admit that. It was a relatively simple affair as these things went, though you were certain your uncle had spent several thousands on the flowers that seemed to dot every surface of the grounds of his estate. At least he’d kept your cousin from having a large church wedding this time. There was only so many times that was acceptable anyway, right?
A sigh slid from your lips and you sipped at your drink. You never should have come to this wedding. You weren’t in the mood for it. No, you should have made up an excuse about being sick and stayed home. The only reason you hadn’t was the fact you had no desire to listen to your mother bitch at you for the next six months for missing a family event. Just the thought had you rolling your eyes.
You’d actually been looking forward to the wedding until last week. That’s when you discovered your boyfriends were going on a mission and would not be back in time to accompany you. Not only did you hate going to weddings alone, but you’d already gone through the ordeal of explaining to your aunt why you need a plus two instead of a plus one. And she certainly hadn’t kept that information to herself. Half the damn day had been spent answering questions about your relationship from nosy family members.
Speaking of…Your cousin Natalie sat down in one of the empty chairs that flanked you. She smirked and sipped at her champagne. “So, where are your dates, Y/N?”
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes again. Too much more of that and you’d have a raging migraine. Instead, you kept your gaze on the dance floor and took another sip of your drink. “They had to work.”
“I just find it interesting that you all but beg mother for an extra seat and here they both are. Empty.” She eyed you, waiting for a reaction you had no intention of giving her. “I mean, why lie? It’s kind of pathetic.”
You finally turned your head to her. “Shouldn’t you be doing something wedding-ish? You are the maid of honor, aren’t you? Oh, that’s right, you aren’t in the wedding party, are you?” You sucked a breath through your teeth in mock sympathy. “Sorry.”
There was certain to be a reason why Natalie wasn’t part of her only sisters third wedding, but you didn’t care beyond the fact it was sure to be a sore spot. Frankly, Natalie had always been a bitch, even when you were children. Though, unlucky in the marriage department, her sister Sally had always been your preferred cousin. Maybe Sally had finally gotten tired of dealing with her sister’s shit.
Natalie narrowed her eyes and leaned toward you. “I don’t believe you could get one man to put up with you, let alone two. No one does. We actually had a pool going over whether either of them would show up. And if they did, whether they’d leave with you since you’d probably paid them to be here. I mean, most people just make up one boyfriend. Two really takes the cake. You never could stand not being the center of attention.”
The irony wasn’t lost you that most of your family had no idea you worked with the Avengers. Nor had you mentioned the names of those two boyfriends of yours. Real attention seeker you were. You chanced a glance at your phone to check the time. You had at least another hour before you could leave without a lecture from your mother. You also had zero messages from your boys. Hopefully, that meant they were taking care of business and would be home soon.
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” your cousin started whisper yelling from beside you as she froze in her chair. Her eyes were wide and slightly crazed.
Your brow furrowed. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Even as you waited for an answer, your trained ear picked up murmurs beginning amongst the other guests.
When you went to look over your shoulder, Natalie gripped your hand. “Don’t turn around,” she said through clenched teeth. When you went to do it anyway, she snapped again. “Don’t. They’ll see you staring.”
“Who?” Your tone was clipped as irritation crawled through you.
“Steve Rogers and James Barnes just walked in,” she hissed, her gaze locked on them. So apparently she was allowed to stare but you weren’t. By this point, everyone else would be staring as well. The boys were used to it.
You snatched your hand away from your cousin and spun in your seat. As soon as you saw them, a smile covered your face. They had been so certain they wouldn’t be back in time. You knew they’d pushed themselves to be here for you. You ran your gaze over them, taking in the rare sight of them in suits. Even though you’d helped them pick them out, you still licked your lips at the sight.
Steve wore a beautiful bright blue suit that you knew brought out his eyes even though they were currently hidden behind sunglasses. Buck’s suit looked light blue but it was actually a thin blue pin stripe. Both of them looked incredible as always, but you always got a little thrill seeing them dressed up. Of course, that feeling was mutual.
They hadn’t seen you yet, but they were scanning the crowd as they moved across the vast grounds of your uncle’s estate. When your uncle moved to greet them, you stood as well.
Natalie grabbed at your arm. “What are you doing? You’re going to embarrass me.”
Yeah, she didn’t need any help with that. You shook her off and started toward your men. Both of them immediately locked onto your presence and wide smiles greeted you. Your uncle got to them before you could. Steve shifted his attention to speak with him, but Buck’s attention was 100% on you. His gaze trailed over you from head to toe and his eyes darkened.
“We’re extremely honored that you’re here. How did you hear about the wedding?” you heard your uncle ask. He was one of the politer members of your family.
“They’re with me, Uncle Frank,” you said as soon as you were close enough to be heard without raising your voice. “Sorry they’re late. They were working.”
Frank turned to you, his mouth slightly agape and his brows lifted. “These are the dates Margie wouldn’t stop going on about?” Margie was his wife and the aunt you had to beg for the extra seat.
You hummed in agreement.
“Well, I certainly hope so or this is going to turn awkward in a moment,” Bucky said with a lopsided grin. He opened his arms in invitation and you stepped into them. “Missed you, doll.”
You nuzzled against his chest briefly, careful not to transfer your makeup to his shirt. “I missed you, too. So much. I’m glad you’re home.”
There was a tug on your arm and you were pulled into Steve’s embrace. He pressed a kiss to your temple. “Hey, baby.”
“Hey, soldier.” You turned to look at your uncle who was still staring in stunned silence. “Steve, Bucky, this is my Uncle Frank. Father of the bride.”
Both of your boys shook his hand and thanked him for allowing them to come. He hurried back to his table, undoubtedly to announce this strange turn of events. You fell into step with your boyfriends, taking their hands in yours while you walked in the middle. You led them over to your table to find Natalie still in Bucky’s seat.
“Natalie,” you said to get her attention. When she continued to gape at the two men you said her name again.
She smiled at you as if you were her favorite person in the world certain there was an introduction in her future. “Yes, cousin?”
“You’re in his seat.”
She blinked at you for a second before her face twisted in anger. She scrambled from the chair and stormed back to her table with a toss of her head. Steve and Buck chuckled as they took their seats on either side of you. They slid their chairs as close to you as they could get. “Are you two hungry? We already had dinner but I could find you something.”
Bucky squeezed your thigh. “We ate. Don’t worry about us, sweetheart.”
“I’m glad you two made it,” your mother’s voice caught your attention and you turned to find her standing next to Steve. He stood to greet her and you leaned against Bucky, knowing he wouldn’t care to do the same. “If I had to listen to one more person say she made you up I was going to scream,” she admitted as she hugged Steve. That earned another low chuckle from Bucky.
“Mrs. Y/L/N, it’s good to see you again,” Steve said, managing to sound sincere. Not that he disliked your mother, but they’d just returned from a mission. All they wanted to do was stay home for a couple of days and destress. But they’d come here for you and they would be on their best behavior.
“We won’t be staying long, mom. They just got home,” you informed her and braced yourself for an argument.
Instead, she nodded. “Of course, sweetheart. Just make sure to introduce them to Sally before you leave.”
You groaned. “Can’t I just do it at her next wedding?”
“Y/N!” she snapped but you caught the twitch at the corner of her lips.
Bucky snorted a laugh beside you while Steve shot you a chastising look. You smiled. “I will, momma.”
She left and Bucky turned to speak in your ear as Steve sat back down. “We don’t have to leave, baby girl.” The nickname shot a thrill up your spine. “I love weddings. The food. The dancing. The clothes. Like this little number you have on. I really love this dress, doll.” You wore a white sundress with tiny blue flowers on it to match their suits that fell a few inches above your knees. It was the first time either of them had seen it.
Steve’s arm settled across the back of your chair and his fingers played with your hair. “Yeah, that dress is something special. It might be a bit too short, though,” he said without glancing at you. Instead, he seemed to be keeping an eye on the crowd around you.
“It’s not too short.” You loved the dress and thought it was perfect.
“Yeah, Stevie. If anything, it’s not short enough.” Bucky’s fingers dragged your dress up your thigh, bunching it up in his hand as he went.
“What are you doing, Barnes?” you hissed.
“I told you I missed you, doll. I want to show you how much.”
You placed a hand on his, stopping his movement. “You can’t be serious.”
“Of course, we are. We talked about it all the way home,” Steve answered. He lowered his mouth to speak in your ear. “Talked about how we wanted to please you in front of everyone. With everyone watching because you know their eyes are glued to our table trying to figure out how we managed to land a beautiful gal like you.”
You snorted a laugh that cut off in a gasp as Bucky pulled your dress further up your thigh. “I don’t think that’s what they’re thinking, Steve.”
Bucky kissed the patch of skin behind your ear. “How come he gets Steve and I got Barnes?”
“He’s not the one actively trying to feel me up at my cousin’s wedding.” Your eyes slipped closed as his fingers brushed your inner thigh. Sweat beaded your skin and you wondered if you could blame it on the heat even though it was ten degrees cooler than it had been earlier.
“But it was all his idea,” Buck whispered.
Your eyes flew open to shoot a glare at the blond’s head. “Steven Grant Rogers, What would your mother say?”
Buck laughed, drawing the attention of some of the few people that weren’t already staring. “She’d probably say, ‘good going, Stevie’. She would have loved you.”
“Would—” All ability to finish your sentence or to have a rational thought fled from you when he pushed your panties aside and ran his fingers through your folds. Fuck.
“She’s already soaking wet for us, Steve. Such a good girl,” Bucky cooed.
Steve’s hand fisted on the back of your chair as he glanced around again. “I was wrong. I don’t have the patience for this. I need to be buried in her.” He slid his sunglasses off and put them in the inside pocket of his jacket. He turned to face you, blue eyes burning into you. “You have exactly two minutes to find us someplace private or we’re going to finger fuck you right here until you scream. Your choice, princess.”
In less than a minute, you’d sent a text on your phone and jumped to your feet. Taking their hands in yours, you dragged them toward the house. You pulled them through the large home until you reached a familiar door on the main level. Opening it, you shoved the super soldiers inside. You locked the door behind you and turned to find them already loosening their ties.
“We don’t have time for that,” you argued with a wave of your hands. “I told Uncle Frank we were borrowing his office for an important phone call. We have twenty minutes tops.”
Bucky groaned. “I wanted to take my time with you. I missed you,” he nearly whined.
The corner of your mouth kicked up. “We can take all the time you want later, baby. Right now, just fuck me.” That had him groaning again, an entirely different sound this time.
Steve, however, wasn’t wasting any time. He grabbed a cushion from the couch and tossed it on the floor. “All fours, princess.” He was already undoing his belt by the time you dropped to your knees. He moved behind you and pushed your dress up to give himself a clear view of your ass. He ran his hand over it before giving you a light swat. The mild sting was still enough to have you shifting.
“These have got to go,” he said tugging on the side of your panties. “Buck?”
You glanced up to see Bucky grin as he pulled out a knife and handed it to Steve. He traced your spine with the back of the blade causing you to hiss and arch your back. The sensation only doubled when he moved from cloth to bare skin. The cold steel on your flesh sent tremors through you but you weren’t scared. Far from it. “I think she likes that, Stevie,” Bucky said, a teasing lilt in his voice. “We’ll have to remember that.”
Steve merely hummed before slicing through both sides of your panties and pulling them off as he handed the knife back to his friend. His hand immediately cupped you and his fingers dipped into your soaking wet folds. “Christ, Y/N. I hope you’re ready for me, baby.”
The head of his cock nudged your entrance as if asking for permission but that only lasted a moment. A second later, Steve surged forward filling you with his length. You moaned at the familiar sensation and clawed at the carpet. He paused, giving you time to adjust then he was thrusting into you in long, slow strokes. “Don’t tease,” you ordered.
Steve laughed and increased his speed. When you groaned, Bucky was there rubbing the tip of his cock across your lips. You opened your mouth and sucked at him greedily, needing to taste him while Steve railed you from behind. Only when you had both of them inside of you did you feel complete. Whole. Whatever the fuck was wrong with you, you hoped there was no cure. You would gladly die like this.
The feeling of both of them moving in and out had a perfectly sinful, wanton moan coming from you. The vibration ran along the length of Bucky’s cock and he grunted. His fingers tightened their hold in your hair and his speed increased. Steve mirrored his pace and it didn’t take long for the office to fill with lurid grunts and the sweaty, sweet smell of sex.
Soon, you were so lost in sensation you became little more than a vessel for them to use as you climbed to your peak. Their rhythm stuttered and you knew they were close. You clenched your walls around Steve and were rewarded with a hiss and his grip on your hips tightening. At the same time, you sucked harder on Bucky and ran your tongue along the underside of his cock. “Fuck,” he bit out. “I’m close. Cum, baby girl. Come on.”
Steve’s fingers found your clit. Two seconds later you were screaming around the cock in your mouth as your cunt clutched greedily at the one in your pussy. Fuck. Bucky came next, his load shooting into your mouth and down your throat. As you swallowed his offering, Steve filled you with his cum. You felt it leak around him and drip to the floor.
They pulled out of you at the same time and you collapsed to your side. “Holy shit,” you said between pants causing your boys to laugh.
“Holy shit’s right. Damn,” Bucky agreed. Your eyes followed his movements as he tucked himself back into his pants and put himself to rights. Before you could turn to Steve, you felt fabric between your legs cleaning you up.
A glance showed him wiping away his cum with the remnants of your panties. He gave you a wicked grin. “Can’t have you leaking all over your cousin’s wedding, now can we?”
Your face heated as you thought about all the times they’d made you walk around with their cum leaking out of you. Apparently, that wasn’t appropriate for a wedding but was fine everywhere else. Steve stood and pulled his pants up before doing up his belt. He held out a hand to you. “Let’s get you fixed up, sweetheart.”
They’d barely done anything and looked like they had when you walked into the room. You, on the other hand, probably looked like you’d gone a couple of rounds with a rabid raccoon. Stupid men. Steve made sure your dress was laying correctly so everything was covered while Bucky did the same thing behind you. They both fiddled with your hair for a moment before declaring you gorgeous.
You narrowed your gaze at them, not buying it for a moment. The three of you quickly put the office to rights. There was nothing you could do about the smell of sex in the air but hopefully it would dissipate before your uncle needed to use it.
“Seriously, baby girl. You look fantastic,” Buck insisted when he noticed you fidgeting.
“Yeah, but you guys like it when I look freshly fucked,” you said as you opened the door. There was a mirror in the hallway you used to check your appearance. You actually didn’t look that bad, but you definitely looked a little wild. You shrugged. Honestly, you didn’t care. “All right, we’re saying hello to the bride, then we’re leaving.”
“No argument here.” Steve took your hand in his and Buck did the same thing on the other side.
When the three of you made it outside, you headed straight for the head table. “Sally, this is Steve and Bucky. Boys, this is my cousin Sally and her new husband Ben.”
“Lovely to meet you,” Steve greeted with a smile. Sally launched herself at him and wrapped him in a hug.
“I can’t believe you came to my wedding,” she squealed before letting go of him to hug Bucky. His eyes begged you to help him but you just smiled. Sally was a bit flighty but she was good people.
She hugged you last. “You should have told me, Y/N. I would have sat you closer to the front.”
“It’s okay, Sally. We have to go. Congratulations,” you said then let her go. When you did, you found that most of the family had come to get introductions or say their farewells. Nicole tried to go in for a hug, but Steve subtly made sure it was nothing more than a handshake. The fact you didn’t introduce her was enough to tell them she wasn’t the kind of person they wanted to know.
When she tried to hug Bucky, you intercepted and hugged her instead. “It was good seeing you, Nicole.”
“You have some explaining to do,” she said in a low voice as she hugged you tighter than necessary. When she released you, she continued to stand by you.
You watched Bucky and Steve say goodbye to your mother and uncle before they turned to you. You held up a finger to tell them you’d be right with them and leaned sideways to get closer to your cousin. “So, just out of curiosity, did anyone in the pool have them fucking me during the reception?”
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seesgood · 3 years
can we very gently talk about call out posts / culture really quick?  not in a judgmental way, but in like a: i just want to pose a thought and explain why i’m never going to buy into it and why i wish it would become less of a trend instead of more of one? and i’ll add the  disclaimer  here: i totally get not wanting certain people around you for various reasons, that is all your prerogative. that’s your comfort level. but in emphasizing “your blog should be a safe space” we’re kind’ve losing sight of the fact that the rpc should also be a safe space, and as much as your comfort and safety matter, so do other people’s. and not just the person who hurt you, but the third parties and other mutuals and 99.9% of people who are not at all involved in any way in whatever happened. so, anyway here goes, read it or don’t, we all have different opinions or reasons, i just want to be heard:
people are allowed to change.  think back to who you were last year. two years ago. think about the stuff you said when you were seventeen, or twenty-one, or hell whatever age you were. current-you would probably cringe at the kind of stuff past-you had to say. because you grew. you learned. you had life experiences. in hindsight you have the freedom to be like “oof yeah that was not the best version of myself right there damn i don’t want to be like that again.” the growing trend of ‘here’s a 10+ page google doc complete with out of context screenshots that sometimes date back to like 2017 or earlier’ makes this kind of change impossible. because right there, you’ve just frozen a person in time, probably not at their best, removed any and all amounts of context, and put it on the internet and let other people judge it for themselves. 
so that leads into another point that i want to just kinda present to the community at large: the act of documenting behaviors and storing them for months / years at a time, in itself creates a super unsafe environment, not just for you, your friends, the people who have hurt you --- but also for anyone else that isn’t at all involved in whatever happened. like, for example, i like to think that i’m a pretty nice person. i actively try to be a nice person. am i sometimes not having the best day? have people definitely caught me in bad moments? oh hell yeah. but am i, as someone who tries really hard to be nice and welcoming, constantly thinking through every message i send to someone knowing that a) i could have a reputation that makes them read into context that isn’t there and that could contribute to them misinterpreting words i meant in a different way, b) very aware that every post i make, ask i send, message i send can at any moment be screenshotted and posted and taken out of context and either serve as someone’s only opinion of me or pile on to someone’s existing opinion of me? yeah. so in my experience, and based on people i’ve talked to, we now have this thing where you can be surface-friends wtih a lot of people, but if you want to survive in the tumblr rpc you should really only have 2-3 people that you really trust that you can actually talk about shit with. 
and lately i’ve been seeing a resurgence of posts on my dash about like “bring back xyz in the rpc” or “the reason the rpc is like this is because of xyz” and i both agree and disagree with a lot of this, but primarily i think the reason the rpc is Off lately is because everyone and their cousin has a DNI, which is --- again --- your decision and i understand and respect that, but while you know the context of every name on that DNI, other people don’t. and to be honest: other people don’t really care and honestly maybe they shouldn’t care. --- and don’t get me wrong, your friends should care if someone has hurt you. that’s important. but joe billy bob who just wants to write their character with yours is going to read through your rules, they’re going to see “do not interact with me if you follow with or interact with these people you’ve never heard of and if you want me to tell you why just message me” (which no one is ever going to do, i’m sorry to say). and say, joe billy bob also followed that other person because they were like ‘omg this blog looks cool’ --- now joe billy bob, who just wants to write cool plots, is suddenly the middle-man in some type of drama that they do not understand, and maybe they’re able to remove themselves from the situation, but even then it’s still in the back of your mind. 
this is getting long. it’ll be longer, but let’s take a brief break for me to remind you that in some cases, it’s definitely good to give your mutuals and friends a heads up when someone has done something really, really bad. like, remember x amount of years ago when some dude was like ‘i’m gonna make up a new person and say they died by suicide as a social experiment’ or ‘hey this person actively tries to force very triggering plots about abuse / rape / incest onto people and has been doing so for years and does not seem to change their ways no matter how many people try to educate them’ that’s shit people should probably know about. and it’s also okay ( in my opinion ) for your friends to be able to message you like ‘hey i saw you’re writing with x and i just wanted to let you know i had this experience with them’ if that’s something they feel comfortable doing. and if they are comfortable with you still having the autonomy to make your own decision regarding the person. 
i’ll be honest, for a second: i’ve been part of friendships and groups that have turned really toxic for one reason or another. a handful of times. there are probably people out there that are like “yeah this chick is really fake and manipulative and etc, i was friends with her back in 2019″ which, okay. yeah. i’ve definitely done shit and said shit that was not the most representative of who i want to be and who i want to become, and you probably have to. because we are human beings and we are a product of our social groups and the community around us. and you shouldn’t be chained to a version of you that isn’t you anymore. people change. they grow. you don’t have to like them, but you should respect that sometimes people don’t mesh, and that doesn’t mean any of them are bad people, it just means the experience was bad. 
a few additional notes i would like to make but i’ve already gone on way too long:
90% of the callout posts that i’ve seen and the DNI’s that i’ve seen can, in my opinion, be classified as a friend group thing. you were friends with x, x did something, now y and z aren’t friends with x anymore. pain is a very, very real thing and people hurting you should never be minimized, but at some point i just want you to remember that not every friendship is going to end happily, but both you and the other party should be allowed to move on and grow better, healthier friendships after. rehashing Friend Group Gone Wrong instances removes that ability for not only person x, but also person y and z.
you putting out a callout says just as much ( maybe more ) about you than it does about the other person. which sucks. because i’d like to think we all have great intentions, and i’m not saying that you should swallow your pain, but it might not be the kind of thing that impacts the community at large, and maybe you should try to find a better way of working through it with a trusted friend(s)
i’m going to be very real and very blunt on this one: literally no one cares. i say that with love. i’m good friends with people who have each other on their DNI’s. establish a baseline of respect and ‘i’m not going to say anything to them about you and vice versa because there’s no need for me to do so’ and move on. but seriously. no one cares. most outside people read callout posts because they like being in the know about the drama, not because they actually care. 
person a and person b who are mentioned in the DNI / callout aren’t the only ones who are going to be affected. your friends, your mutuals, your writing partners are now all put in a weird spot where you have to pick sides on an issue you know nothing about and shouldn’t have to know anything about. you’re asking people to choose sides on an issue they cannot fully understand, and that’s not fair to them or to you. and it drives great people away. and then we all lose out on having more awesome people in the rpc.
you’re entitled to your safe space, but this is a public platform and you are also responsible for maintaining your safe space. you shouldn’t put it entirely on other people to do that for you. you can block, blacklist, make up funny names for, or spitefully erase from your many anything and anyone that you wish. but you shouldn’t make your friends do it for you.
there’s always an inherent power imbalance when any kind of drama occurs between those who have more followers / friends / connections and those who do not. and the smaller blog is always going to suffer a little bit more because they don’t have people blindly coming to their defense. 
bad moments, bad experiences, bad decisions DO NOT equal bad people. 
allow people to make up their own mind about something or someone
anywho, if you read through this whole thing i think i owe you financial compensation. but also thank you for reading / listening / considering. even if you rolled your eyes through the whole thing like “stfu lia” that’s fine. i’m just presenting an alternative thought. i’d like to once again state: i’m not judging you if you’ve made a callout/DNI or if you’re on a callout/DNI. like i literally don’t care. and frankly, in my opinion, i shouldn’t have to. because i, and you, and your friends, and your mutuals, and your non-mutuals should be allowed the space to make up their own opinion and mind on something or someone without being told that there will be consequences if they don’t agree with you. set boundaries. communicate in healthy ways. you don’t have to forgive the people who have hurt or wronged you, but you also don’t get to decide that their actions make up 100% of who they are as a person, or decide that that is the only side of that person people should get to see. 
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It was all a lie | Part 2
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Possessive Father Shawn Mendes x Male Reader x Boyfriend Tom Holland.
(couldn’t come up with a good title. also why does Tom look sick in the photo I picked?) 
Shawn is 32. You and Tom are 19. 
Warnings: Not that many. slight yandere behavior. 
Summary: your name is M/n Mendes and you are the son of Shawn Mendes. You thought he was like any other dad, but that changed when you turn 13. He began to tell you not to play with your friends and how they didn’t care about you. He began to isolate you so you could depend on him. Now you are 18, and your father’s obsession grew. But what he doesn’t know is that you have a boyfriend and his name is Tom Holland. 
M/n: Male Name
L/n: Last name
Word Count: 2256
Not a Poly-relationship by the way!
Hope you enjoy! sorry if it bad! This was rushed so there is going to be a lot of grammar mistakes!
FLASHBACK (Nine Years ago. When the reader is 10 and Shawn is 23.)
Shawn’s POV
I was walking down the path, the autumn leaves were blowing in the wind, I could hear the dogs barking, probably at a squirrel they saw, and the cheers of kids playing in the playground. 
I always wanted a kid. A perfect kid, but I could never find the right girl. I was walking pasted the playground when I noticed a young boy who looked at least 10 years old. He was playing and I could see his parents watching him. 
I, of course, stopped staring or I’ll alert his parents who were looking around. ‘I want him… I want him to be my kid. But how, I’m going to deal with his parents?’
‘I’ll play a good guy for now.’ I walked over and sat down on the bench where his parents were. They look like nice people and they were. “Hey, there young man.” I heard the lady say. “Hey,” I said waving and giving my iconic smile.
Time skip (30 minutes)
I and the kid’s parents have been talking for at least 30 minutes. They told me all about their kid, how he is smart, and how he is responsible. ‘I knew he would be perfect.’
Then I heard little footsteps coming our way and a little kid’s voice. “Mom, Dad!” the kid said while running over to us panting. “Yes, sweetie?” the mom looked over at her my-- well almost my son, her son. 
“Can we go home--.” the kid stopped mid-sentence when he noticed me. He just stared, giving me that stank eye. I mean I don’t blame him, seeing a stranger talk to your parents, and then they have to introduce you to them. But I decided to talk.
“Hey, there kid! The name is Shawn. Shawn Mendes. Nice to meet you.” I gave my hand out. He hesitantly looked at me before shaking my hand. “My name is M/n. M/n L/n.” it looked like he didn’t want to see me. 
“Ahh, yes sweetie we can go home.” the mom said while walking to her car, the dad and the kid followed. I just watched while they walked away. 
Time skip (3 months)
It’s been 3 months since the last encounter we had. It has been 3 months since I’ve been plotting. And now today is the day I get to have you as my kid. 
I was getting ready. The sun’s rays didn’t peak through my window. I had pictures of the family with x’s on the parent’s faces. My main goal was to have a perfect family, and getting that kid is step one in the process of it becoming reality. I went as far as buying a house for my family 
After putting on my black attire, I grabbed my knife and put it in my pocket. I went downstairs to see boxes with my stuff in them, and they’ll be transported to the new house. I grabbed my car keys off the counter and made my way to my car with black tinted windows. Pulled out of the driveway and took a 2-hour drive 
Time skip (2 hours)
I and mom and dad are having my F/D. My mom’s cooking is the best, sometimes. We were just talking about random things like how I’m doing in school, and you know how your parents say, “Soooo, has anyone caught your eye.” like Mom, I’m only 10… why?
Anyways, we were just eating until we heard a knock on the door. “I’ll go see who is at the door.'' Dad got up and walked to the door. I could hear his footsteps getting closer. I just stared and she stared as we were wondering who was at the door.
Just then we heard something hit the ground, it sounded like a body. Then we heard footsteps coming closer, I could hear my mother come up from the chair and grabbed me. In the kitchen was a man dressed in all black. 
My mother quickly pulled me and we went to the master bedroom. “Sweetie, I need you to stay here. Whatever happens, you don’t come out until I tell you to. Okay?” I was already crying but I nodded. She pushed me into the closet and closed the door but she kissed me on the forehead. “I love you, sweetie.” “I love you too mommy.” tears and snot were coming out. 
I looked through the little slit (is that the right word?) in the door. I could see my mother grab something out of the drawer. It looked like scissors.
Just then the door to the master bedroom busted open. “Ahhhh.” I could see mom trying to fight the man with the scissors. But it didn’t work, he stabbed her in the neck. Mother collapsed in front of the door. I could see the life in her eyes fading away. 
I held my breath trying not to attract the stranger. Then I heard the fire alarm go off. I still try to hold my breath but I hear the man’s footsteps getting closer. Then the door to the closet opened. The man grabbed me, knocking me out. 
M/n POV 
I woke, finding myself in a room that looked like my old room, but the window was boarded up with steel. I got up and went to the door trying to open it. The door was also locked from the outside. I was in complete isolation. 
After an hour or two of looking at the ceiling, the door opened. Shawn walked in. I charged at him but he quickly pulled out a taser and he shocked me with it. “You shouldn’t disobey your dad like that. going into his room where he told time and time not to go in there. But what did you do? You went in there anyways. Now, look where you are now.” Shawn said just looking at me with an unreadable expression. He then pulled something out and put it around my neck. 
“What the hell is this?!” I yelled, touching the metal that wrapped around my neck. “Why, it’s a collar. But not just any collar. This collar cuts your head right off if it detects that you have left the house!” your mouth dropped at this and you looked at him with disgust. 
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” you yelled trying to get it off but it didn’t work. “Nothing is wrong with me. I’m just preventing you from leaving me.” he smiled like nothing was wrong, and then he just walked out. ‘Tom please come save me....’
Meanwhile with Tommy.
Tom POV.
It took an hour before I arrived. I made sure that M/n dad isn’t. Lucky his car wasn’t in the driveway. 
I got out of the car, beginning to walk up the stairs. The floor creaked as I walked giving an eerie vibe. I knocked on the door but I realized it was opened. ‘Weird… why is the door unlocked?!’ 
I walked in calling out. “HEY! M/n I’m here!” my voice echoed as I called out. I expected him to come running down the stairs, but he didn’t. ‘He’s in his room?’
I walked upstairs to go to his room but I noticed his father’s office room door was opened. ‘Weird. Why is it opened? Didn’t he say, he wasn’t allowed to go in there?’ I decided to investigate like how white people do in the movies. (This is not meant to be racist! It's just a joke!) 
I opened the door to see nothing but M/n’s phone on the ground. ‘What the-?’ when I walked to the desk, I saw pictures? It looked like M/n when he was young. Then I saw pictures of two unknown people. The more I look at it, the more these people look like M/n!
I always thought it was weird how M/n looks nothing like his father. I began to put the pieces together. These people were his real parents! I immediately called 911.
“911, what’s your emergency?” the operator said on the other line. 
“Ahh, I would like to report a kidnapping. My boyfriend, he's not here!” I said panicking.
“Alright calm down. What’s your address?” 
“Uhh, the address is [insert random address]” 
“Okay sir, help is on the way. Stay on the line for me.”
“Okay.” I was calming down a little but my anxiety was still soaring through the roof. My only thought was is M/n alright? ‘Don’t worry M/n I’ll find you.’
Time Skip (5 months)
No one POV
It's been 5 months since you were kidnapped by your “father”. 5 months and Tom was urging the police to continue the search. But during those 5 months, you were planning how to escape. 
Of course, you couldn’t escape physically cause the collar would kill you instantly. But you’ve been a “good boy” so Shawn would sometimes let you out. Only on certain days though. Today was Wednesday, the day he would let you out. 
He would leave for work and you have the house to yourself. You went downstairs to see Shawn’s phone sitting on the counter. ‘He left it here?’ you smiled as now you could call Tom, but you gotta hurry before Shawn realizes that he left his phone.
You dialled Tom’s number and the phone was calling him. “Hello, this Tom. who is this?” you felt at peace as you heard his voice after 5 months of being apart. 
“Tom it's me M/n!” I yelled through the phone. “M/n is this really? Oh my god! Are you alright? Where are you?” Tom said frantically as he finally heard your voice. “I’m alright Tommy. I can send you the location. Please send help.” you hung up and sent Tom your location. It turns out that you were only 5 hours away. (Plot purpose.)
You quickly went upstairs to pretend you’ve been there. 
Time skip (5 hours and 58 minutes later)
You heard the door open downstairs. Then footsteps running up the stairs, Shawn busted into your room. “You’ve been a bad boy. Don’t act like I knew what you did,” he said looking into your eyes. 
You began to cry fearing what was going to happen but then you heard it. Police sirens. Then arrived. “This is the police! Come out with your hands up or we will use force!” you could hear him shouting. 
“Shit!” Shawn said under his breath. He went outside into the hallways and opened the window to escape. You just sat there knowing. “This is your final warning!” the door busted open with policemen coming in. They scout the whole house looking for you and Shawn.
You see a policeman come into view and he alerts the others of his finding. You smiled as you were free but the only thing that was holding you back was the collar. You see Tom walk, and he immediately hugged you crying onto your shoulder, you hugged him back. 
“After 5 months, I finally found you! Come let's get you out of here.” Tom said grabbing your arm but you told him to stop. He looked at you wondering why you weren't coming with him. “Tom, I need you to get this collar off of me. If I go out… it will kill me!” Tom went down to get officers. 
He came back to you after 10 minutes. “Don’t worry, they said they’ll get a tech guy to come and get it off,” he said smiling at you. He put his head against your head. Then he pulled you in for a kiss reassuring that it's going to be alright. 
Time skip (7 months later)
It's been 7 months since the incident. They removed the collar after a good 2 hours. You decided you couldn’t live in the US anymore because you feared that Shawn would find you. 
Tom invited you to come to live with him in Britain. You gladly accepted his offer. Your life has returned to normal. 
You were far from the man that killed your parents and kidnapped you. But one day you got a call from the police. You were relieved at what they said. “Shawn Mendes has been found and he is being trialled for his crimes. But since there is a lot of evidence of his crimes, he’ll be found guilty.” 
You told Tom the news and he was glad that man got what he deserved. Even though you were lied to about your life. You wouldn’t let that stop you from living happily. 
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ablednt · 3 years
Actually helpful advice for the kids on this hellsite
Once again tired of "don't make a carrd or tell people your triggers" posts going around literally telling kids it's Dangerous to set boundaries. So here's what I've learned in my teen years on how to stay safe in the hellscape that's the internet.
You don't have to link all your social media together but you can if you want to. Don't give out something that is more private (like discord account, Skype or zoom account, facebook, Snapchat etc.) publicly or to people who aren't familiar with yet though.
Use a nickname rather than your real name or birth name, an account and name change may unfortunately be necessary so if you want to keep a name safe or use it irl then don't attach it to public social media. This can be fun though! Go apeshit coming up with different aliases and names! Call yourself lizard if you want to!
The only thing you absolutely need to put somewhere on your account (or carrd) is that you're a minor. You don't have to give the exact age but I promise this is important because even if there's plenty of context clues that you're a minor if you don't indicate this somewhere clear and adults start treating you like shit you need to be able to point out that they're knowingly doing this to a minor. That has saved me from gross bullshit a lot. Yes, people should default to treating people who's ages they don't know as a minor to play it safe but the majority of people assume everyone is the same age as them so you need to make it clear you're not an adult.
Pronouns don't make you identifiable and anyone who acts like putting your pronouns in your bio is unsafe is probably transphobic lmao. You don't have to if you don't want to (and don't mind people not using/knowing your pronouns) but it's safe to put them there most of the time. (The only exception I can think of is if you're closeted and your parents may find your account but in that case you should probably stay closeted online to unless you feel safe/know they aren't likely to find your account.)
You don't have to list every privilege you have and you probably shouldn't but if you're white you probably should indicate this somewhere. This is to hold yourself accountable because yes even teenagers can be racist and underaged people of color also deserve to feel safe. If you're nonwhite and don't feel safe doing so you don't have to list your race or ethnicity.
If you're part of a system/plural or questioning you do NOT have to say your systems origins, if you have DID/OSDD, or list your headmates/alters. The system community has a lot of people in it (and singlets adjacent to parts of the community due to bullshit discourse groups welcoming them) who will target underaged systems to fakeclaim them or harass them etc. I suggest having everyone use aliases/nicknames on a system account and you only tell your origin to people you feel comfortable around and safe with. Your safety and privacy is more important than your trendy system carrd goals I promise!
You shouldn't really just list any disorders you have but it really does no harm to put marginalized identities you're proud of on a carrd or in your bio. You might get a shitty anon or two but I promise people aren't going to dox you if you say you're autistic on your carrd or something.
I personally wouldn't list any special interests that are particularly recognizable (popular media should be ok but more niche stuff may not be) or publicly share a kin list just because you never know if you'll want to switch up your identity online to feel safe and the more things are clearly tied to your current nickname and handle the harder it will be to do this. However if you feel safe doing so it's not the end of the world. Just be careful about it and don't feel pressured to give more info than you're comfortable giving.
You do NOT need to tell people your trauma in order to tell them your triggers. If you need something tagged with a tw you really should indicate this somewhere so people know to tag it (unless you intend to send every you're mutuals with an anon with what to tag which is also an option but may be difficult) but you shouldn't tell them your trauma or medical history to justify it. Your boundaries aren't up for debate and you have nothing to prove. You should only talk about your trauma if you feel safe doing so (and even then please don't give identifiable details like.names of people involved or specifics as that can cause serious problems.)
Boundaries & etiquette
DNIs are good! BYFs are good! Anyone who tells you that they're not good or useful is absolutely trying to disrespect your and other people's boundaries. You can and should make a DNI and list the people you don't want to interact with. (Generally it's better to say groups rather than specific people or names because it's easier to again not be recognized if you need to change accounts/aliases but you can do this if you have strong reasoning and absolutely have to to feel safe.)
DNIs (and also.trigger lists) don't have to all be bad things! You can put fandoms that make you uncomfortable, things that trigger you but aren't bad inherently, etc. on these lists. They're about helping you feel safe not having the hottest takes or being the most morally correct.
Some people you should put in your DNIs as a minor are proshippers/anti-antis and MAPs. Both of these groups have been proven time and time again to groom minors online so the earlier you get away from them the better.
Once you have your DNI please do be aggressive in reinforcing it! Block people who break your DNI, tell people who complain about your DNI to fuck off! Do not tolerate people trying to debate the boundaries You have set this is your corner of the internet to feel safe! They can go somewhere else! Being blocked by a kid on the internet is not the emotional blow abusers act like it is. You're not mean for having boundaries please internalize this and stand up for yourself!
If other people have a DNI you need to check that before following them this is for both your own safety and theirs. If you're unsure what something on someone's DNI means ask around to find out before following just in case.
Do NOT get involved in discourse! This doesn't mean you can't ever take part in or boost serious things. Discussing/calling out bigotry (racism, ableism, transphobia, etc.) isn't discourse. Sometimes callout posts for legitimately harmful people is necessary so that's not automatically bad. But I'm taking about the shit that's #discourse. Stay out of ace discourse. Stay away from syscourse. Don't debate with terfs or transmeds or shitty people. I know it seems like it'd be cathartic to win debates with shitty people, I know there's people who will try to bait you into the latest argument over which lgbt+ identities can say what slurs or whatever the fuck the pointless bad faith argument is, and I know you want to prove that your marginalized identity doesn't make you a bad person like bigots say it does. But as someone who's mental health was absolutely destroyed by discourse as a teen it's not worth it. By all means discuss issues as they arise, broaden your perspectives and horizons, etc. but don't engage knowingly in discourse it will save you so much trouble in the long run.
Try to avoid talking to adults 1x1 if you can avoid it! It's okay to dm with an adult you feel safe talking to sometimes and while it's certainly okay not to interact with adults at all if you don't feel.comfortable it's generally okay to do so. But if an adult is going out of their way to consistently talk to you in private needlessly that can be a red flag. If an adult tries to insinuate that they're the only adult around you can trust that's DEFINITELY a red flag. Basically talk to people in places you can easily involve others if needs be. If someone sends you a dm that makes you uncomfortable screenshot it in case you need to show someone etc.
Don't discuss NSFW things with adults, in spaces adults have easy access to (for example a discord server open to all ages), or even with other underaged people who haven't indicated they're comfortable with it. There's nothing inherently wrong with being aware of nsfw stuff or experiencing sexual attraction as a teenager but it's very important that you don't put yourself in situations that may be unsafe for you or others. Most good discord servers have rules against this for this exact reason. Now, to make it abundantly clear, if you did or do ever say something nsfw and an adult takes advantage of this or responds in a way that makes you uncomfortable this is NOT your fault! The responsibility falls on adults to act appropriately but it's still a good idea to keep youeself out of harms way.
That's basically it on a general level. Once again, posts telling you not to make DNIs or carrds or trigger lists (all used to set clear boundaries) are very suspect and either grossly misunderstand how these things work or are intentionally demonizing them in order to have more opportunity it excuse to do harm. Setting clear boundaries is good. Doing things that help you feel safe and respected is good. Just don't go and get involved in discourse or give out personal information or anything.
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childishfluff · 4 years
Mister Nook- Little!Tommy/CG!Awesamdude (DSMP Agere)
When Tommy gets himself into trouble while regressed, and Sam has to be stern with him for the first time ever, and the new caregiver finds out some of the ways Tommy's past caretakers have affected him.
But everything turns out fine, because Mister Nook knows just how to cheer him up and exactly what to say to help him feel better. -- This is non-sexual, sfw age regression, dni if you're nsfw/abdl/ageplay/cgl/ect. If any of the creators included in this work say *anything* about being uncomfy with fan fiction/of agere content including them, I will take this down and/or modify it appropriately. If they have already said something that I'm unaware of, please let me know.
A/N: Okay so I wanted to write something cute bc the familial dynamic here?? is so?? cute?? anyways- also, here, tommy deals with anxiety/has a sort of panic attack, sorry I'm projecting onto c!tommy and no one can stop me. It's also really fluffy near the end, but I wanted to put the appropriate warnings. Warnings: Talk of slightly abusive past-cgs (only mentioned/you can see the after effects of it), little breaking down/having a short panic attack but Sam helps him through it, attempting to hide fidgeting (idk if that needs a warning?), and Tommy thinking badly about himself.
His tear-filled eyes were casted down, staring at his own feet as he switched his weight between them, waiting to be yelled at by the adult man in front of him. He held his hands behind his back, attempting to hide the fact that he was fidgeting.
"You could've hurt yourself, Tommy," Sam spoke softly, crouching down to meet his height. "I need you to stick with me, and not climb anything, I don't know how many times I have to tell you." He sounded disappointed, but not quite mad. Tommy waited, expecting more scolding or punishment.
He had regressed while on a trip for supplies with Sam Nook (the teenager didn't need to know that it was just Sam acting for his sake), the creeper hybrid immediately offering to care for him. And Tommy, instead of being thankful for Sam's kindness, ignored every rule he set in place. No wandering off, no climbing things because 'you're just a kid and I don't want you to get hurt', he didn't listen to any of it.
Sam had been patient, too, stopping his collecting and calmly reminding the kid that he wasn't supposed to do that, before ruffling his hair or kissing his forehead and returning to his work. All of that, only for Tommy to immediately go back to the thing he wasn't supposed to do.
Tommy heart had dropped and melted into a pool of anxiety the moment Sam snapped in frustration and pulled him down from where he hung on a tree, telling him that he shouldn't try and climb when he's so small and clumsy. The moment Sam got to stern with him, Tommy was prepared for yelling and some sort of punishment.
A time out? Ten minutes of no-talking-time, no matter how emotional he was or how much comfort he needed? Maybe his stuffed animals would be taken away once they headed home, or possible his favorite toy would be banished to a cabinet he couldn't reach for a bit. Or he wouldn't be allowed to have his favorite dessert, chocolate chip cookies, for a little while. He didn't know, it was always a surprise with his past caregivers.
"M' sorry," Tommy mumbled, not looking up at him. He blinked away tears, sniffling already.
"Hey," Sam realized that he made him cry, frowning, "I'm sorry I snapped at you, Toms. I just got frustrated, no one's upset with you, or angry," he said, trying to get a glance at his face, only for Tommy to duck his head farther down. "Hey, hey, look up at me." he still spoke softly, calmly as ever, which only scared Tommy more.
It felt like he was watching a ticking bomb, and that Sam would hit a certain point and just burst, and the bomb explosion would bring the overly-harsh disciplinary behaviors he was used to.
He had broke the rules, where was the yelling?
Tommy felt fingers under his chin, gently guiding him to look up. He was a bit confused when he saw nothing but the face of a concerned friend. "Sorry, sorry, should've listened," he mumbled, backing away from Sam. "P'ease don' be mad."
"I'm not mad! Not at all," Sam didn't know how to help, or why the boy was so scared. All it took was him getting a little frustrated for Tommy to become an anxious mess, crying and begging for him not to be mad. What had his past caregivers done to make him expect anger so bad it made him cry, when he broke the rules?
He was simply a child being ordered to just follow an adult around with nothing to do while said adult worked, it wasn't fun and it should almost be expected for him to get into a little trouble, Sam knew that. That's why he was being so lenient and calm, trying to find ways to entertain Tommy as he worked, he was trying to be understanding. But apparently, past caregivers didn't think the same way.
"No, no, m' sorry," Tommy continued to fidget behind his back, still feeling the need to hide his anxious habit, not listening to Sam's attempts at reassuring him as he panicked. He finally finds an adult that cares about him, and he messes it up by being a brat (As Wilbur so kindly put it constantly back in Pogtopia)? Sam hated him, there's no way he didn't. He had messed up already and he hated himself for it.
"Come here," Sam ordered, opening his arms. "If you want to," he added, realizing that the boy might not want to hug him. He didn't know how else to comfort a crying child, though.
Tommy only stepped forward, wiping at his face and going quiet. Sam sighed, "Okay," he lowered his arms, figuring he wasn't getting anywhere with that. Plus, the creeper didn't want to make him uncomfortable. He'd just figure out another way to help him.
"What's wrong, Toms?" He wanted to figure this out, he just wanted to help him.
"When are you gonna yell at me, Mister Nook?" he tilted his head as he looked up at Sam with curious and innocent eyes, genuinely confused with the situation. Sam was still being nice to him, even though he wasn't being good. He didn't get it.
"Why would I yell at you?" Sam seemed confused, and all the more concerned.
"Cause I was bad," Tommy mumbled, dropping his hands to his sides when Sam seemed to noticed that his arms were moving.
Sam took a second to process the little's words, feeling anger bubble in his chest when he put together what that meant. He couched down a bit more, giving Tommy a serious look.
"Tommy, did your other caregivers yell when you broke the rules or got in trouble?" He questioned carefully, feeling himself get unreasonably angry as he thought about what his next interactions with Philza or Technoblade would look like. He pushed that aside, looking to Tommy. For now, he needed to focus on the regressor, and help him calm down. He had an anxious little to care for, he'd get revenge on the assholes that made him anxious at a later date.
\He watched as Tommy nodded nervously. "And yelling scares you?" he asked, sympathetic tone in his voice. Another nod, paired with Tommy looking down at his feet again, as if he was embarrassed. Sam lifted his chin again, "So, your old caregivers, they got mad at you when you misbehaved?"
He sounded shocked, like the behavior was unreasonable. Of course, it really was, but Tommy didn't quite understand that. He didn't deserve to be yelled at just because he wasn't perfectly behaved all the time. He didn't deserve to be treated this badly, especially when he was turning to his safe place.
Tommy nodded a bit, wiping a tear from under his eye, "Don' like it when people are mad at me. Makes me feel bad." he explained in his childlike voice. He was calming down a bit, listening to Sam's non-angry not-loud voice, almost ready to believe that he wasn't gonna be screamed at.
"Oh, sweet thing," Sam sighed, feeling his heart melt in his chest, "I'm never gonna get mad at you for breaking the rules, okay? I might get a little upset, or frustrated, but never mad, and I won't yell at you unless I absolutely have to, which I'm sure I won't." he explained. Tommy seemed to feel a bit better hearing that, slipping younger as he listened to Sam's calm and soft and reassuring voice.
"You sure? m' not in twouble?" Tommy fiddled with his hands behind his back again, a little sad that he did have any of his comfort items with him. All of his fidget toys and stuffed animals were tucked in a chest in his shack. He hadn't planned to regress today, so all that stuff was back at home.
"No, I don't like punishments anyway! Just try to listen better next time, okay? I'm also really sorry that I snapped at you." Sam held out his pinky, promising that Tommy was okay. Tommy took it in his own, seeming relieved when Sam didn't take back his words in any way. "We'll work on rules and rewards, and getting you to listen better, and how to deal with it when you don't without scaring you. We can talk about it when you're big."
Sam wasn't lying. He preferred the idea reinforcing positive behaviors and softly correcting negative ones, and only using simple, quick punishments that connected directly to whatever was done whenever they were really needed.
Sam ruffled his hair, glad that he wasn't crying anymore, happy he had found a way to comfort him without crossing any of his boundaries. Tommy leaned into the touch as he processed his words. "Rewards?" he seemed like an excited little puppy. Was he not rewarded for good behavior before? Did none of his previous caregivers know what positive reinforcement was?
"Yeah, if you're a good baby and follow the rules well, we can get you new toys and stuff. How does that sound?" Sam paused, thinking it over. "Actually, you can earn a reward if you stick by me and don't climb anything for the rest of the trip."
Tommy's eyes widened as he gasped, bouncing on his feet. "Really?"
"Yep!" Sam said, popping the 'p', "If you're on you're very best behavior, I'll pay Eret to make you a new stuffie, okay? It can be anything you want!" Sam spoke in an overly-excited voice, matching Tommy's 'excited toddler' energy. He'd rather a hyper little than an anxious one.
"Even even ev-" Tommy took a breath, his excitement causing him to stumble over his words, "Even a cow? Wanna a cow stuffie!"
"If that's what you want, I'll just have to ask Eret what she can do," Sam nodded, standing up straight. "C'mon kiddo, I'm gonna get the last of what we need so that we can head home."
Immediately, Tommy followed Sam, sticking by his side the rest of the trip. Not because he was scared of getting in trouble, but because he wanted his reward. He wanted to make 'Mister Nook' proud of him. That's what being a softer caregiver did, it made him want to behave.
Little did anyone know, a softer caregiver is exactly what he needed. Yelling didn't work, it only sent him into panic attacks and break downs. And Sam picked up on that quicker then any of his previous caregivers ever did.
Instead of wandering off and causing trouble, he fiddled with his hands (not behind his back, or because he was anxious, but because he was excited and hopeful) as he followed Sam around like a little helper, rambling on about whatever he wanted, temporarily forgetting about his previous tears or anxious thoughts as Sam was nothing but kind and gentle with him. Eventually they headed home, Sam offering to stay with Tommy for the night, not wanting him to be this little alone.
"Good job today, kiddo. I'll ask Eret about that cow stuffie when I see them next, yeah?" Tommy led Sam to his bedroom once the caregiver told him it was getting late and he wanted him to get to bed soon.
Tommy smiled, "I really did good?" he asked, looking up at Sam hopefully. "Be- beca-" he huffed, frustrated with himself for struggling with the word, "Cause' I tried really hard!" he eventually settled on shortening the word, a little shocked when Sam didn't try to correct him, or get annoyed because he 'wasn't speaking properly'.
"I know, sweetheart. And that's all I ask for, is that you try," Sam ruffled his hair. Just like earlier, Tommy leaned into the touch. After this, Sam lead him through the process of getting ready for bed, laying down with him when the little claimed he absolute needed to cuddle both the creeper hybrid and every single one of his stuffies.
"T'ank you, Mister Nook," Tommy mumbled, cuddling into his chest sleepily.
"For what, Toms?" Sam smiled at his use of 'Mister Nook', glad he found an endearing term he was comfortable with using. This was Sam's first time officially caring for Tommy, though he had agreed that he would when Tommy opened up about wanting to start regressing again a few weeks prior. He just didn't think it'd happen on a trip for supplies.
"Helpin' me when I was sad. Makin' me feel better," he explained his thought process the best he could in his childlike headspace, "Make me happy." He was obviously half asleep, but he was telling the truth. He meant every word he said, even if it didn't make complete sense.
Sam felt his heart warm as Tommy nuzzled his way further into Sam's chest, somehow cuddling even closer. Big Tommy would surely be embarrassed in response to this whole situation, but the new caregiver just found it adorable. "Awe, you're welcome, buddy. I'm glad I could help." he smiled softly, hold him close.
This kid just had him wrapped around his finger, huh? He came in, with his anxiety and trauma, obviously needing help, that Sam was quick to offer. And he was glad he did so, he wanted to do everything he could to help this annoying blonde kid, even if it'd be the end of him.
Tommy seemed to be getting closer and closer to falling asleep by the second, his eyes fluttering shut as he started to give up on staying awake. "Mhm, love yous Mister Nook." His voice was barely audible, mumbled out softly and quietly.
Sam was a little shocked when he processed his words, but he smiled wide, happy that the little cared about him too. He had grown to care about this kid, a lot, and in a very short amount of time. "I-i love you too, kiddo."
But Tommy was already fast asleep, safe in his caregivers arms as he dreamt of playful adventures and fun games, no worries in his mind about loud yelling or anxious tears. Because he was just a kid, and he shouldn't have to worry about those things.
And Sam wanted to do everything he could to help him live a fun and worry free life, the kind of one he'd see in his dreams. He just wanted to protect him. From overly harsh carers or anxiety, no matter what it took.
Because he was Little Tommy's 'Mister Nook'.
A/N: I hope y'all liked that! if you're reading this, then you get some exciting news! I'm doing a joint writing project (a short, multi-part dsmp agere fic) that I should be posting the first chapter of soon! It's been really cool see our writing styles and headcannons clash as we work on this, and I really hope you guys like it! I am very excited about it!
anyways, please reply/reblog with/send asks with feedback on this chapter. Can you relate to Tommy? Do you like how I portrayed Tommy and Sam's new cglre dynamic? You can say literally anything, I still appreciate it. Criticism, your favorite scene or bit, or literally heart emojis to say 'hey! I enjoyed this but I'm awkward and this is how I show my support!!!'. 
And, feel free to request something, either in this universe, a completely different one, or one of my others. The worst that can happen is that I say no/take a while to get to it! have a good day, everyone! thanks for reading! 
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gryphsdeadbones · 4 years
Half-Life and its media are rated M and the following applies:
(cw for: nsfw discussion)
1. Don’t fucking send nsfw shit to minors. What is WRONG with you. If you are an adult you don’t bring that shit up with minors. Don’t fucking go into their inbox and whine about nsfw discourse. WHY are you personally interacting with kids in that way, it’s shady as fuck??? You can discuss that stuff with other adults, don’t involve minors- even if you feel the need to correct them it’s just. Really not a good idea. 
If you really can’t avoid a discussion, keep your distance.
Minors, for your safety, only trust whoever you feel is an okay adult. Even then, don’t hesitate to cut off contact if an adult ever feels very very suspicious and unsafe. You can softblock/hardblock as needed on the internet and it’s understandable and gets the message across. 
2. Don’t fucking send nsfw shit to adults who didn’t ask. Why the fuck are you sending nsfw shit to wayne and co. This is like nsfw etiquette 101, if you DO discuss serious nsfw in a sfw space, you always make sure the others are okay with it and its tagged as such/in the appropriate space. 
The huge problem with the discourse in the first place is that some chucklefuck thought it was funny to send it to creators. 
The crew do crack nsfw jokes but like. They know each other. The twitch chat’s aware of their brand of humor. But some stranger showing up with straight up nsfw jokes/content unprompted? That’s not okay, even if outwardly they seemed fine with it.
It’s pretty much unwanted harassment- like if you were joking around with your close circle of friends at a bar and a total fucking stranger shows up and tells you nsfw jokes. Jokes that they made porn of your oc, unprompted. What the fuck.
3. Don’t fucking harass nsfw artists either, holy fucking shit. If you’re not familiar with nsfw spaces, it is not your place to tell what artists can or cant draw. Any nsfw artist with basic common sense fucking knows to:
- NOT put it in the main tags of a media
- tag warnings when needed
- mark their own account as nsfw
- block and avoid problematic shit
If you think every single nsfw artist is into gross illegal shit you are out of your mind and extremely wrong. Regardless, if you’re not into nsfw content, then it’s not for you. Simple as that- you block/avoid as needed and they will do the same- both sides win!
I’ve witnessed nsfw artists getting death threats- the characters in their art being unrelated adults and consensual. Holy fuck just leave them the goddamn fuck alone. You’d think ‘oh but they’re adults, they can handle it’ hello these guys are real people. Their feelings are more important than dumb internet discourse. If you’re concerned for your safety, the block button is free of charge. Use it.
The real, actual, mutual enemy is the people who make extremely vile abuse fetishization shit- even then, just block and don’t engage AT ALL for your own safety. It’s that easy.
Literally every Half-Life character is an adult and not related to each other (aside from the obvious).
I hate to break it to you, but HLVR:AI has a good chunk of nsfw dialogue and is taking place in an M-rated game. 
It’s legitimately concerning sometimes that there are a lot of minors who like HLVR:AI. All the characters are ADULTS and they say dumb adult shit sometimes.
It’s okay to enjoy it, I’m not saying ‘minors shouldn’t be watching this’. It’s very important to set boundaries. And it’s equally important not to go looking for content you don’t want to see. 
It is your own responsibility to curate and filter your own feed. Ao3, Twitter and Tumblr have their own filtering system: actually use it to your advantage. 
Also a note: people tend to miss dni lists and carrds, so using filters are much more helpful for you and others.
Don’t go crying into anyone’s inboxes and make them do the work for you- unless there’s, for some goddamn reason, explicit nsfw in the main tags. Even then, those are like a small number of people who are easy to block and ignore. Simple as that. Use your brain.
You can reblog this. Except for p*do/inc*st/n*ncon creators, I’d rather you don’t interact.
If you’re going to send anon asks about this, be fucking respectful and mature about it. Anon hate and harassment goes directly into the garbage and permanently blocks ip.
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